Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

K73a5. The baby is replaced by a kitten.


Ill-wishers of a woman in labor replace the baby with a kitten (they tell his father that his wife gave birth to a kitten). See K73, K73A motifs.

Tanga, Scrap, Kabyles, Tunisian Arabs, Basques, Spaniards, Maltese, Italians (Liguria), Ladins, French, Germans (Saxony-Anhalt, Grimms, Austria), Palestinians, India (Hindi), Bengalis, Sora, Kondas, Kalinga, Bulgarians, Albanians, Greeks, Russians (Arkhangelsk, Olonetskaya, Gorkovskaya, Tomsk), Belarusians, Avars, Megrelians, Tajiks, Uzbeks, Lithuanians, Danes, Swedes, Icelanders, Karakalpaks, Uighurs, Dungans.

Bantu-speaking Africa. Tanga [the older sister marries the merchant's agent, the youngest marries the merchant himself; promises to have children named Sea, Sun, Moon; in the absence of her husband, she gives birth three times; both mother-in-law and sister replace children by cat, pig, dog]: Nassau 1915, No. 17:48-51

West Africa. Loma [the youngest wife gives birth to a son, later than the second, the main one replaces them with a kitten, a puppy]: Schwab 1947:459-460.

North Africa. Kabila [the Sultan has two wives; when one gave birth, the other persuaded an old woman to replace babies with kittens]: Dermenghem 1945:49-55; Tunisia: Al-Aribi 2009, No. 23 [rivals replaced child with a puppy], 46 [rivals replaced the boy with a kitten, the girl with a monkey] in Korovkina MS

Southern Europe. Basques: Barandiaran 1962a, No. 2 [wife gave birth to boy and girl; mother-in-law tells son that a puppy and a kitten]: 12-16; Barbier 1931, No. 19 [wife sisters write to the king that his wife did not give birth to two boys and a girl, and a kitten, a puppy, a bear cub]: 176-182; the Spanish [courtiers said that the queen did not give birth to a boy and a girl, but a cat and a snake]: Shishlova 1971:125-141; Maltese [ the queen gives birth to twins "The Sun" and "Moon"; the king's mother informs her son that his wife gave birth to kittens]: Mifsud-Chircop 1978, No. 707 [the queen gives birth to twins "The Sun" and "Moon"; the king's mother informs her son that his wife gave birth to kittens]: 228-233 (retelling in Stumme 1904, No. 23:66-67); Italians (Liguria) [the fisherman can't catch anything; the master gives him a bag of money on the condition that he gives him his daughter; daughter He takes holy water with him and covers himself with the sign of the cross; the devil is powerless; orders the father to cut off his daughter's hands, otherwise he will take the money; the daughter agrees; the devil carries the girl, but God makes the burden heavier the devil threw her into the stream; the girl got out; settled in the grotto, where the dog began to bring her food from the royal table; the king followed, brought the handless woman to him and married her; left; Queen Mother changed letters with orders to drive her daughter-in-law away; she gave birth to a boy with a sword and a girl with a star on her forehead; the Queen Mother wrote that her daughter-in-law had given birth to a puppy and a kitten; the children were tied to the young queen's neck, she left; leaned over to the water for a drink, the old man told me to do it bolder, the children fell into the water, her mother's hands grew; she found an empty palace and settled there; the king came to the palace, the children called him father; all OK; Queen Mother burned]: Andrews 1892, No. 5:20-24; Ladins: Decurtins, Brunold-Bigler 2002, No. 63 [The Queen Mother tells her son every time that his wife gave birth to a kitten]: 169-171; Uffer 1973, No. 32 [the prince's wife gave birth to two boys; her sister changed the letter: the handless gave birth to a puppy and a kitten]: 120-127; Wildhaber, Uffer 1971, No. 52 [the king's brother said that the queen did not give birth to two boys and a girl with a gold star in her forehead, and kittens]: 177-179.

Western Europe. French: Lopyreva 1959, No. 33 [wife gives birth to son and daughter, mother-in-law writes to her son that a puppy and a kitten]: 130-134; Joisten 1991, № 27.1 []: 184-188; Germans (Saxony-Anhalt or near, author lived in Halle) [wife's sisters report that she gave birth to two puppies and a kitten]: Pröhle 1853, No. 3:10-16; Germans (Austria) [the queen gave birth to two sons and a daughter; her sisters replaced them with a puppy, a kitten , log]: Zerf 1992:167-174; Germans [=Grimm, Grimm 1987:263-266; the queen gave birth to two sons and a daughter, her sisters said puppies and a kitten]: Grimm, Grimm 2003, No. 96:324-327.

Western Asia. Palestinians [a wife gives birth to two sons and a daughter; her sisters replace them with a puppy, a kitten and a rock].

South Asia. India (translated from Hindi) [wife's sisters replace children with a puppy, kitten, wooden doll]: Zograf 1964:302-310; Bengalis: Day 1914, No. 19 [queen gives birth to a beautiful daughter and a son with the moon during forehead and stars on the palms; other wives replace puppies; sisters replace two boys and a girl with a puppy, a kitten and a wooden doll]: 236-256; Porozhnyakov 1990 [Rani sisters replace her sons with a puppy and a kitten and a daughter with a wooden doll]: 16-26; sora [older wives replace a boy with a kitten]: Elwin 1954, No. 17:482-483; kondas (kuttia) [older wife replaced the child with a younger cat from wax]: Elwin 1954, No. 33:356-357.

Taiwan - Philippines. Kalinga [a snake boy's wife gives birth to three boys; her sister replaces them with kittens]: Rybkin 1975, No. 10:38-40.

The Balkans. Bulgarians: Daskalova-Perkovska et al. 1994, № 707C [queen gives birth to wonderful children (golden braids, star on her forehead, sun and month, etc.); sisters (stepmother, servants) replace them with a puppy (puppy and kitten)], 707D [the queen gives birth to wonderful children (a girl with golden braids, silver teeth, etc.); sisters replace them with a kitten and a puppy]: 241-244, 244-245; Greeks: Hahn 1864 (2), No. 69 (Syros) [ The Queen Mother tells the midwife to replace two boys and a girl with a puppy, kitten, mouse]: 47-58; Paton 1899, No. 3 (Lemnos) [the king's mother replaces children born three times with puppies]: 499-300; Albanians [ the prince's wife gives birth to a son with a star on her forehead and a daughter with a star on her chest; her sisters replace children with kittens]: Lambertz 1952:156-159; Albanians [the king's wife gives birth to a son and a daughter with a star in her forehead and a month on her back; her sisters say cat and mouse]: Dozon 1881, No. 2:7-15.

Central Europe. Russians (Arkhangelsk, Pomors) [the tsar ordered the lights in the city to be turned off; sent his son to look for his wife where the fire would not be extinguished; Ivan Tsarevich overhears the conversation of three sisters at the window; each says what she will do if I. marries her; one weaves a carpet with an embroidered plane on it; the other will sew a towel with silk; the youngest will give birth to three sons three times, the sun is in her forehead, a month on the back of her head, frequent small stars for braids; Yazhenya volunteered to be a midwife; replaced the children with kittens (she took the children to the open field); puppies; again puppies; turned the children into wolves; the last woman in labor hid in myself in a spit; I. persuaded I. to throw the queen in a barrel into the sea; she was thrown onto the island, her son knocked down the bottom, created a palace; turned into a mosquito, overheard the sailors tell about the wonderful palace on the island; I.: at mine the brother has a bull, a bathhouse on his tail, a lake on his back, a palace on his horns; the son creates such a bull at home; next time: the lake is crystal, the shores are jelly, the spoons are silver, there are no losses; for the third time: 8 sons that clear falcons, wolves during the day, and well done at night; the mother baked koloboks with fresh milk, told her son to take them under the spruce tree; the brothers ate, the milk on their lips, did not turn into wolves anymore; greeted the ninth brother, they began to live with their mother; the tsar came, recognized his wife; Y. was smeared in a barrel, still swims]: Razumova, Senkina 1987:144-148; Russians (Olonetskaya: Shokshozero) [Ivan Tsarevich hears conversation between three peasant daughters; one promises to weave a towel to the king, the other to bake bread, the third in three bellies to bring three sons, legs in silver, hands in gold, sun in forehead, a month on the back of the head, Stars are frequent in braids; the old woman imposed herself as midwives, replaced three boys with puppies, threw the boys under the oak tree; the second time, three piglets; the third time, kittens, but the queen hid one boy under braid; I. shackled the queen in a barrel, threw it into the sea; the boy grew up by the hour; when the barrel touched the shore, the hoops burst; with his desire he created a palace and a bridge; the Kaliki visited, came to the king; I. frog bag, hears everything; they talk about the palace and the bridge; stepmother: there is a golden deer; the young man brought him to his mother; next time he turned into a fly; under the oak tree 8 fellows; the young man tells his mother to bake 9 koloboks on their milk; brothers recognized their mother's milk; kaliki talk about young people; the tsar arrived; this woman was shot at the gate]: Onchukov 2000, No. 53:209-210; Russians (Gorkovskaya) [master hears three sisters talking; if the master married her, then one of the same lobes (?) strained her shirt and pants, the second would cook a feast, the third would give birth to a son, white cheese, a star in her forehead, arms up to the elbow in silver; the king took the youngest, left, the sisters wrote that the wife had either given birth to a child , or a kitten, threw the boy to horses - he sat on a trotter; pigs - on a hog; then they froze it in a barrel and threw it into the river; the grandmother picked it up; the master returned, his wife was under the threshold, told everyone to spit on her; grandmother came with a boy; boy: this is my mother; everything has been revealed]: Eremina et al. 1979, No. 21:201; Russians (Tomsk) [Yagishna replaces children with a kitten, puppy, son Korosta]: Potanin 1891:150-151; Belarusians [at the end of the village, the woman has three daughters; the eldest wants for the royal key man, the middle for the royal coachman, the youngest for the royal son; the prince overheard her, married her and gave her sisters for whoever they wanted; The prince left, his wife gave birth, the sisters bribed the midwife, she replaced the child with a puppy, lowered it in a box along the river, picked him up by a fisherman; the same for the second time (kitten); the third time, a frog instead of a daughter; the king walled up the queen in a stone pole, her head outside, ordered her to feed bread and water; the fisherman and his wife died, the children live alone; his sister has a garden; Satan chipped in as an old man: there is no singing tree in the garden; the elder brother went to the mountain; old man: come back and don't turn around; the guy turned around, stoned; the same younger brother; sister wrapped her head, did not listen or look, collected living water and dug up a tree, took a bird; she revived the brothers with water; at home the tree sings, the bird on the window talks; tells them to call the king and queen and serve the fried puppy, kitten and frog; having learned the truth, the king freed his first wife, her sisters and midwife tied to the tails of horses and let them into the field]: Romanov 1887, No. 61:295-298.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Avars [the king's wife gives birth to a son with pearl teeth and a gold-haired daughter; her sisters report that the queen gave birth to a puppy and a kitten]: Bulatova 1985:59-66; Megrelians [the prince's wife gave birth golden son and daughter, her sisters replaced them with a puppy and a kitten]: Gachava et al. 1890:24-32.

Iran - Central Asia. Tajiks [padishah's wife gives birth to a golden-haired son and daughter; her sisters changed children for a puppy and a kitten]: Amonov, Ulug-zade 1957:115-121; Uzbeks [the king's wife gave birth to a son with a golden pigtail, daughter with silver; her brother's wife told the king that she had given birth to a puppy and a kitten]: Afzalov et al. 1972 (2): 208-216.

Baltoscandia. Lithuanians [the queen gives birth to a son, then a daughter; the king's mother replaces her children with cats]: Lebite 1965:136-140; Lithuanians [the Queen's sisters replace her children with a puppy, a kitten, a tree]: Kerbelite 2021, No. 29:204-212; Danes [the king's wife successively gives birth to three sons; the Queen Mother replaces children with a puppy, lamb, kitten]: Grundtvig 1920:116-124; Swedes (Smaland) [the prince's wife gave birth to 12 twins; the prince's mother replaces children with puppies]: Christiansen 1959:119; Icelanders [older sisters replace babies with a younger puppy, kitten, log]: Poestion 1884, No. 23: 191-199.

Turkestan. Karakalpaks [Khan's wife gave birth to a son and daughter; they were replaced by a puppy and a kitten]: Severtsev 1971 in Tolstova 1984:214, 233; Uighurs [the youngest wife successively gave birth to a son and daughter; the eldest replaced them with a puppy and a kitten]: Kabirov 1963:227-247; Dungans [the emperor's wife gave birth to a son; courtiers replaced him with a cat]: Riftin et al. 1977, No. 26:513-514.