K73a6. The baby turns into a tree.
A woman's detractors kill (throw away) her wonderful children. Their remains grow into trees (flowers), which later reincarnate into people.
Tibetans (Amdo), Lepcha, Lao, Zyaray, Himachali plowmen, Ho, Birkhor, Oraons, Oriya, Bulgarians, Albanians, Romanians, Ukrainians (Transcarpathia), Abkhazians, Salars.
Tibet is the Northeast of India. Tibetans (Amdo) [the king has daughters Ngulyggun (silver princess) and Kserlyggun (golden princess), their servant Eg-Tamu-ntso; E. offered to throw buckets into the water, gold and silver buckets of princesses drowned, wooden E. swam; the maid lied as if the king told the princesses to leave; puts on their dress, they wear the maid's dress; the prince chooses K., E. threw her into the lake, took her place, sent N . herd sheep; K. leaves the lake every day, gives N. bread and meat; once she brought a piece to the palace; E. came to the lake, sang the same song, K. came out, E. cut her head with a red-hot coulter; K. did not go out again; N. gave birth to a semi-golden, semi-silver child; E. ordered him to be abandoned to sheep, horses, cows, buried under manure; told the king that N. had given birth to a puppy; a flower grew on the child's grave, he was eaten by a sheep, gave birth to a piebald lamb; he herds the herd, tells his mother to complain about him E., she will slaughter him, the bones must be hidden in the cave; a llama is born from bones, tells the story, the king ordered tear E. with horses]: Potanin 1891:144-146; lepcha [King Lyang-bar's wife has two witch maids; they invited her to swim in the sea, let two wooden dishes with flowers on the water; offered the queen do the same with her golden dish; it drowned; the queen is afraid to return to her husband, rode on horseback with the maids; they put her behind, come to the king of the country Sachak-lat; abandoned by him wrapped in silk the wand falls on the true queen; the maids scratch it to blood, the queen combs it, heals bruises; she is pregnant, and the maids only pretend to bear it; the king leaves; if the horse starts, gives birth the eldest, if the rooster screams, the younger maid, if the wife, let her play the flute; the maids replaced the queen's three sons with puppies, buried the children's box, then threw them into the river; the old fisherman replaced them caught it; they grew up, asked to make a wooden horse, rode it to the king like the witches and the queen had arrived; they came to the sea, told the horse to drink it to get a dish; the witches asked if it was wooden horse drinks; brothers: does a woman give birth to puppies; witches pretended to be sick, they will be cured by the meat of three children; brothers asked the adoptive father to send a dog, the imaginary sick ate, recovered; children went along three roads; the eldest returned, found the bones of his brother eaten by a crocodile, his sister's bones (there were three brothers before, now two and a sister} eaten by a tiger; put them in the fire, fell there himself; a pine tree grew out of the ashes, three children were born on it; the king came, the children hid in the trunk; the tree does not cut, does not burn; the mother of the children came, they opened up, told how it was; promised to leave if they they will be allowed to kill witches; the king pushed the witches into a hole with stakes, the children covered the hole with stones, poured hot coals down the witches' throats; the children flew to the country of Rum, the king and queen were happy on earth]: Stocks 1925, NO. XXXIV: 447-452.
Burma - Indochina. Lao [Princess Naang Pathummaa (Lotus Lady) is hidden in the royal drum by her parents to save her from a pair of huge vultures; they cannot be killed because precious ones are hidden in their heads stones for the bodhisattva who must be born; she is found by King Pantyaa, married, named Naang Khamkoong (Golden Lady of the Drum); she gives birth to 4 twin sons; the eldest is childless the queen tells the midwife to replace them with puppies, kill them; the gardener buried the bones, 4 plumeria trees with white and gold flowers have grown; the queen tells them to be cut down, thrown into the river; the hermit sprinkled the logs with water from gorlyanka pumpkins, princes came to life; gave everyone a royal sword and a diamond club; the younger Phetsalaat is the bodyshathwa; the princes sailed by ship to their adoptive parents; began to demand a meeting with their own mother , she works in a pigsty; her sons persuaded her to return to her husband; P. resurrected grandparents killed by vultures; they gave him gems and died; the elder queen was sent to the pigsty]: Afanasyeva 2014:225-227; Zyaray: Nikulin 1970 [The leader has an evil and lazy elder wife Fa, a kind younger Fu; the leader chased a doe, she turned into a girl, he brought her home; when she gave birth, Fa she let three newborn boys in a jug into the river, replaced them with countersinks; advised her to send her doe wife to live in a pigsty; old woman Pom picked up a jug, raised the boys; Fa saw them, gave them poisons ; Pom buried the dead in the same jug outside the garden; a tree grew, three flowers on it, Fu understood everything, lit a fire, the flowers became boys; grew up, defeated the robbers, took their treasures; released their mother, left the leader's village with her]: 250-253; Dournes 1982 [the prince's youngest wife asks Heaven to send her children; Heaven sends 7 pills, she swallows them not separately, but all at once, gives birth to seven twins; the eldest is Reng, the youngest is H'Bia Rang Könyi' ("beautiful gilded"); on the advice of his elder wife, the prince lowers the pumpkin twins down the river; they are picked up by Rökai's cannibals; while HBK distracts the attention of cannibals, others make a boat in the forest under the pretext of clearing the plot; the day they are going to be eaten, the brothers sail away; cannibals throw a rope with a hook, brothers cut it off, cannibals drowning]: 158-159.
South Asia. Himachali plowmen [6 wives of a childless Raja live in a palace, 1 in an adobe shack; the fakir tells him to give each one a mango; six wives just bite and throw away their mangoes, the seventh of them picks up, eats, gives birth to 6 sons and a daughter; 6 wives tell the old woman to prevent childbirth, she throws the newborns into a hole in the potter's field, says that the seventh wife gave birth to a piece of iron; the potter picks them up , raises; 6 wives tell the old woman to lime her children; she gives them poisoned sweets, they die; the potter goes to the fakir, he cuts his finger, the potter sprinkled this blood on the newborns, they have come to life; the old woman poisoned them again; the fakir orders them and herself to be buried in graves; mangoes grew from the graves of boys, a rose for girls, a fakira a tree with fragrant flowers; only the mother of the children manages to pick fruits and flowers, others they are not given; the buried rise from the graves, 6 wives and the old woman have been executed, the seventh and her children live in the palace]: Dracott 1906:6-11; ho [brahman gave the childless raja 7 mangoes for his seven wives; before, than the youngest ate hers, the mongoose bit off a piece of him; she gave birth to a beautiful boy with a mongoose face; the other wives were jealous, buried the child, put a broom and a stone in bed; the Raja drove the youngest wife; the potter went to dig clay, found a child still alive; the boy grew up, told the potter to make a ceramic horse, which came to life; the sons of the other wives wanted the same, but they did not come to life; the wives guessed what Well, they told the sons to kill that boy; they buried him, bamboo and a flowering plant grew in this place; no one could pick a flower, only Raja succeeded; he cut down the bamboo, his son came out of it, that's it, that's it told; demanded that his mother be found; she was brought, and the other wives and sons were pushed into the well]: Bompas 1909:478-479 (the same or very similar in Sarat Chandra 1926:162-164); Birkhor [at Raja 7 rani, everyone is childless; the brahmana tells us to knock down the number of mangoes from the tree and let the wives eat; but only one mango fell; the wives divided it, and the youngest only got the peel; only she became pregnant; when she left, the Raja ordered Hit a gold drum if a boy is born and a silver drum if a girl is born; a boy and a girl were born; 6 wives replaced them with a broom and a head, and the midwife threw the children into a hole where the potter dug clay; the potter and his wife found them; the Raja drove the youngest wife away; the older wives saw the children and poisoned them, the potter buried them; a sycamore tree grew from the boy's grave, and the girls a pinjār tree with beautiful flowers; when the Raja servant tried to pick a flower, brother and sister exchanged remarks and the pinjār tree rose into the air; the same when the Raja himself tried to pick; the same with each of the wounds, a tree it only rises higher; then the youngest wife was found, washed, brought in a palanquin; both trees turned into a boy and a girl and sat on their mother's lap; the Raja returned them triumphantly, and dug them up for the older wives down the well, pushed into them and buried them]: Roy 1925, No. 13:468-475; Oraons [six wives are infertile, the seventh gave birth to twins, others put Gewürtzstein and a broom on her, threw the children into a hole; king rejected his wife; the potter and his wife found the children, they grew up, he sculpted a horse and a bird out of clay for a boy; children tell them to drink by the pond; the king's wives: toys cannot drink; boy: a woman cannot give birth a stone and a broom; the wives pretended to be sick, the blood of the potter's children would cure them; the king ordered the children to be killed; the potter buried them, a tree with flowers grew; the wives could not pick them off, but they fell down to the king themselves. became children; the king stayed with the children, executed the wives]: Hahn 1906, No. 28:54-55; oriya [the 7 daughters of the poor brahmana ate the cakes made by their mother; the parents decided to get rid of their daughters; father supposedly took them to his uncle; went away, taking bags of rice; the girls opened their own - there was only one husk; they climbed a tree; the king drove up, a tear fell on him; the older sisters promise to cook rice for the whole palace , bake cakes, etc.; the youngest promises to give birth to 7 sons and a daughter; the king married her; when childbirth is near, he gave a flute, ordered him to blow to summon him; she strangled to check; and when really began to give birth, the king decided that he was deceiving again, did not come; the wife gave birth to 7 sons and a daughter, the sisters replaced them with wooden dolls; the king sent her to the stable; the sisters buried the children in the garden, opened them up and swallowed them a dog, belched into a pond, raised by the Goddess of Waters; children play in shallow water with wooden horses, tell them to drink water; gardener: a wooden horse cannot drink; boys: how can a woman give birth dolls? then the Goddess of Waters turned the boys into trees, the girl into a blooming tree; the gardener wanted to pick flowers, the brothers told her sister not to give it, the tree grew to the sky; the same minister, the king himself; only brought The mother was able to pick flowers from the stable; the king returned her and her children, and the sisters were hanged]: Mohanti 1975:109-113.
The Balkans. Bulgarians [the king meets three sisters; the first promises to feed an entire army, the second to dress an army, the youngest to give birth to two boys with golden vihras; the king marries the youngest; she gives birth boys, the maid replaces them with two black puppies, takes the place of the queen; the king tells him to smear tar on his wife's head, send ducks "and tits" to herd {geese?} , she is called Patarena ("duckling"); the children are buried, two apple trees have grown in this place, they bend down so that their mother can pick apples, rise higher when the new queen wants to pick apples; she tells cut down apple trees, make a bed out of wood; at night, one brother says that his father is lying on him and the other that he is wearing a maid; she tells him to burn the bed; two sparks fall into the geraniums {apparently a well}; Patarena tells her story; two boys jump out of the well; the king asks the new wife if she wants two horses or two knives; she wants horses, she has been torn apart by horses; the king has returned her former wife] : Karaliychev, Valchev 1963:400-402; Albanians [if the prince marries her, the older sister promises to bake bread for the whole army, the middle sister promises to sew clothes for everyone, the youngest to give birth to a son with a star on forehead and daughter with a star on her chest; the prince hears this, demands confirmation; older sisters cannot fulfill their promises, the youngest fulfills; sisters replace children with kittens, the prince sent his wife to herd geese; the children were buried alive, two bushes have grown, they scratch their aunts's face and clothes; they were cut down and burned; two sparks flew to the mountain, a castle appeared; the prince came there, all the objects were talking there, he saw his own children, understood everything; returned his wife, her sisters were chopped to pieces]: Lambertz 1952:156-159; Romanians [three sisters Anna, Stana and Leptitsa went for berries; A., if the king marries her, promised to bake her such bread that her husband would not grow old; S. - weave a shirt, her husband would not burn in fire and drown in water; L. - give birth to sons with golden curls and a star in his forehead; three young men, including a king, galloped by and everyone heard, took the girls as wives; they fulfilled their promise; but the king's stepmother replaced the children born with puppies, and buried them in the garden; the king sent L. to the kitchen, married his stepmother's daughter; on the grave Two plane trees grew up; the new queen ordered them to be cut down, beds made for her and her husband; at night the queen hears young men talking; told them to burn the beds; but two sparks turned into twin lambs; The Queen tells them to be slaughtered and thrown into the river, they turned into two fish; the fisherman caught them, wanted to take them to the palace, the fish asked them not to do so, became boys; they came to the palace, began to sing about What happened, they took off their hats, the stars under them; the king returned his wife, sent the mother's daughter to the kitchen, and the stepmother herself ran away]: Mirener 1958:128-137
Central Europe. Ukrainians (Transcarpathia) [the tsar sent his son to choose a wife; he met three girls; one promises to sew clothes from one hemp for a whole army; the other from one ear to bake bread for the whole troops; the third is to give birth to two gold-haired boys; the prince married a third; the prince left, Komorna (maid?) buried the babies in the mud, replaced them with puppies; the prince orders his wife to be buried chest deep in the ground in the doorway; opening the doors passing by her beat; married the maid's daughter; the baby grew into two sycamores (i.e. sycamore tree); the prince's wife {hereinafter referred to as the tsar; presumably, the prince reigned after the death of his father} tells them to cut them down, make beds for himself and her husband; at night she hears the brothers' conversation: it's easy for one, his father is on him, and the other is hard, he is wearing a female girl; she tells him to burn the beds; the shepherd has prepared salt for the sheep, the coals have fallen into salt; the sheep gave birth to two gold-fleece lambs; the queen orders them to slaughter, sent the maids to wash their guts, two drums {what is this?} went with the flow; the woman picked it up, they became gold-haired boys; they came to their father, began to tell a fairy tale, that is, their story; they put peas on the bed; as they told, peas bounced in the open; the mother of the young men was released, the maid and her daughter were torn apart by horses; the king, queen and their sons are still alive if they did not die]: Day 1981:88-98.
Caucasus - Asia Minor. Abkhazians [the prince's son knocks three apples off another's tree; his three daughters offer themselves to marry him; he takes the youngest, who promised to give birth to a son half golden, half silver; in the absence of the prince, the aunt cooked the newborn, poured the water into the yard, said that the wife had given birth to a puppy; the husband locked her in the stable; aspen grew in place of the broth, and the husband made her a support for the house; the rejected wife burned the chips, the coal turned into a gold coin, she put it in a chest, the coin became her son; mother and son come to the prince, he drives away evil aunts]: Bgazhba 2002:143-145.
Turkestan. Salary (Ujirem, Xunhua-Salar Autonomous County) [when the husband left home, the youngest wife gave birth to a son; the elder wife killed him and buried him in the garden; the returning husband was told that the youngest wife gave birth to a dog; an oleander flower grew in the place where the child was buried; a cow ate the flower; she became pregnant and calved; the old child appeared; he was not allowed to eat, he went to collect dung; the cow told him to tie the basket to her tail; filled it with manure - this is how she treated the boy to butter and bread; when he came home, he untied the ropes; butter and bread appeared; his elder wife beat him, he confessed where he got the bread; she drove her son; he tied the basket, but the cow did not fill it; in the evening he returned home, told his mother; she beat his youngest wife's son again]: Tenishev 1964 , NO. 12:27-28.