Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

K73B. Punishing an innocent person. .11.13.-.

A woman who is falsely accused of killing her newborn child or giving birth to a puppy instead of a child, etc., is subjected to bullying and humiliating punishment or executions. See motif K73.

Tanga, Darasa, Sakho, Oromo, Arabs of Morocco, Algeria, Egypt, Kabila, Basques, Portuguese, Spanish, Italians (Tuscany and probably all of Italy), French (Dauphine), Welsh, Germans ( Austria), Iraqi Arabs, Kashmiris, Nepalis, Marathi, Bengalis, Aceh, Timor, Tetum, Sangihe Islands, Greeks (Lemnos), Albanians, Bosnians, Hungarians, Romanians, Bulgarians, Gagauz people, Russians (Gorkovskaya), Ukrainians ( Transcarpathia, Kherson), Belarusians, Crimean Tatars, Abkhazians, Abazins, Adygs, Balkarians, Ossetians, Terek Cossacks, Kumyks, Ingush, Dargins, Avars, Lezgins, Udins, Swans, Megrelians, Georgians, Armenians, Azerbaijanis, Turks, Kurds, Persians, Paryas, Uzbeks, Bukhara Arabs, Karelians, Lithuanians, Kazan Tatars, Bashkirs, Kyrgyz, Oirots (Karashar's merchants), Mongols, southern Khanty.

Bantu-speaking Africa. Tanga [settled in a barn]: Nassau 1915, No. 17:48-51; saho [dressed in leather, told to take out the garbage]: Reinisch 1889, No. 23:155-175.

Sudan-East Africa. Darasa [sewn into donkey skin with her head out]: Jensen 1936, No. 32:522-523; Oromo [husband tied his wife in a stable where she was supposed to eat manure and drink mules urine]: Reuss-Nliba , Reuss-Nliba 2016:94-95.

North Africa. Moroccan Arabs [dress in dog skin; when evil wives are punished in the same way, they are told to eat with dogs]; Algerian Arabs [chain along with dogs, feed them like dog]: Belarus 1982:52-64; Tunisia [locked in a dungeon]: Al-Arabi 2009, No. 46 in Korovkina MS; the Arabs of Egypt [the king orders to tie his wife at the entrance, smear it with tar and let everyone spit on her]: Spitta-Bey 1883, No. 11:137-151; Kabila [king orders his wife to be thrown into a windowless dungeon and fed with breadcrumbs]: Mammeri 1996, No. 4:61-81.

Southern Europe. Basques [locked in prison]: Webster 1879:176-182; Spaniards [walled up alive]: Shishlova 1971:125 -141; Italians: Calvino 1980, No. 87 (Tuscany, variants across Italy) [ walled up alive]: 315-322; Straparola 1569, favola 4:27-33 in Cox 1893, No. 200 [buried their chin and fed them to suffer longer]: 401; Italians (Campania, Capri) [imprisoned at the gate, so that everyone spits]: Zschalig 1925, No. 6:32-41.

Western Europe. The French (Dauphine) [the king puts his wife up to the neck against the wall, tells those passing by to beat her]: Joisten 1991, No. 27.1:184-188; Welsh [Puichl, King David, feasted in Narbert; galloped by lady on a white mare; the sent knight could not catch up with her; when P. himself rode after her, he easily caught up with her; it was Hrianon, whom her father wanted against his will to give for Gwaul; she wants to marry P. he agrees; comes to her feast; the young man asks, P. replies that he will not refuse him anything; he asks to give him H. and a feast, it was G.; H. says that she did not prepare a feast for him, and in a year she will cook for him and become his wife; teaches P. to come in rags in a year, ask him to fill the bag she gives with meat; it will be filled only if a noble gentleman gets into it and says , That's enough; as soon as G. got into the bag, he was tied up, the warriors beat G., he gave birth to H.; she gave birth only in her third year; at night the baby disappeared; the women caring for him decided to put X. a torn puppy, smeared her mouth with blood, accused of eating her son; P. tells her to sit by the horse riding near the gate, talking about her crime, carrying anyone she wants on her back ; Gwent Is Koide was ruled by Tyrnion Turin Vliant; when his mare gets killed, the foal disappears every time; T. guards, cuts off the foal's paw from the window; he ran out of the house, and when returned, a baby in a silk diaper was lying at the doorstep; T.'s wife was childless, began to raise the boy, called Guri Vahlt Irene, his hair was like gold; he was given a foal saved that night; T. guessed that this is the missing son of H. and P., brings him to his parents; he is given the name Pradery, which was given by H.; after P.'s death, he inherits the kingdom]: Mabinogion 2000:15-30; Germans (Austria) [king ordered chained my wife to the wall, every passer-by should have spit on her]: Cerf 1992:167-174.

Western Asia. The Arabs of Iraq [the king ordered his wife to be buried up to the chest at the door, let everyone who enters throw a stone at her and spit]: Stevens 2006, No. 33:157-161.

South Asia. Kashmiris [settle in the stable]: Knowles 1888:408-414; Nepalis [send to clean the stables]: Heunemann 1980, No. 7:78-84 (~Aganina, Shresthkha 1971:142-154); Marathas [forever imprisoned]: Frere 1868, No. 4:55-71; Assames [settle in a hut for a pile of manure]: Borooah 1955:1-6; Bengalis [dress in leather, tell them to chase dogs and crows at the market]; Tamils [told to feed like a dog]: Blackburn 2005, #34.

Malaysia-Indonesia. Aceh [planted in a hole]: Braginsky 1972:160-177; Timor [husband tells me to keep and feed his wife like a dog]: Correia 1973:139-142; tetum [thrown into the trash]: Araújo, Pereira Barros 1963; Rego 1968 [Chief Leki Mau was looking for a missing horse, hid behind a tree, overheard two sisters talking to the spring; the eldest says that if the tree were a man, she would weave it for him two scarves; the youngest promises to give birth to twin boys with a star on her chest and the sun on her forehead; the chief takes the youngest, then the eldest at her request; the eldest sends her husband to sell the cloth she has woven, he waxes his eyes with younger wax, throws babies into the hollow, replaces them with puppies; animals feed twins, childless spouses find, adopt; the elder António got on a Turis-Kain horse, went to get ducks, the youngest Jose stayed with the old people; stays with the woman Bui Sose Bia Reis; she tells you to open only the door towards the mountains, not towards the sea; A. opens, falls to the bottom of the sea, graze there the leader's bulls; J. comes to look for A., also falls into the sea; at the request of the sea chief, they cut down a tree, dry the sea, he gives them ducks; after taking the BSBR woman, they leave; both ducks sing like people; brothers and wife they return to the old people, she makes the house rich; they meet a real father at the bazaar (he is the leader of the South Sea); ducks sing "your mother is in the mud" (the husband put the puppies in a hole, ordered them to pour slop); wife The brothers tell the whole story; the father sees the sun and stars on his sons; the chief returns the first wife, puts the youngest in a hole in her place; BSBR creates two houses - for himself and his two husbands and for the chief and his wives]: 160-173; Sangihe Islands [buried in the ground up to the neck]: Bezimer 1904:263-266

The Balkans. Greeks: Dawkins 1916 [buried to the waist, people passing through it must spit]: 317-327; Paton 1899, No. 3 (Lemnos) [thrown into the garbage ditch]: 499-300; Albanians [placed on the stairs to Everyone spit on her]: Dozon 1881, No. 2:7-15; Bosnians [buried waist-deep in manure to make everyone spit on]: Preindlsberger-Mrazovic 1905:99-116; Hungarians [walled up to spit on]: Ortutai 1974, No. 3:92-112; Romanians [the king ordered his wife to be buried in manure, putting puppies to her nipples]: Bîrlea 1966:455-456; Bulgarians [buried waist-deep in the ground on the edge of a garbage dump, locked in chicken coop, etc.]: Daskalova-Perkovska et al. 1994, No. 707, 707C, 707D: 240, 241-244, 244-245; Gagauz people [buried waist-deep in the ground, passers-by spit on it]: Moshkov 1904, No. 42:65-67; Syrf 2013:174-181.

Central Europe. Russians (Gorkovskaya) [the master hears three sisters talking; if the master married her, then one of the same lobes (?) strained her shirt and pants, the second would cook a feast, the third would give birth to a son, white cheese, a star in her forehead, arms up to the elbow in silver; the king took the youngest, left, the sisters wrote that the wife had either given birth to a child , or a kitten, threw the boy to horses - he sat on a trotter; pigs - on a hog; then they froze it in a barrel and threw it into the river; the grandmother picked it up; the master returned, his wife was under the threshold, told everyone to spit on her; grandmother came with a boy; boy: this is my mother; everything has been revealed]: Eremina et al. 1979, No. 21:201; Ukrainians (Transcarpathia) [the tsar orders to bury his wife chest deep in the ground in the doorway; opening the doors, those passing by beat her]: Day 1981:88-98; Eastern Ukrainians (Kherson) [a man built a bridge over the ravine: maybe God will give a son for this; sent a farmhand under the bridge that those passing through the bridge would say people were coming to him; Jesus and Peter were coming; Jesus: the bridge builder would have a son Ivan, whose wishes would be fulfilled; the farmhand said that he did not hear anything, and when the mistress gave birth to a boy, he stole him; husband buried his wife waist-deep in the ground, began to feed him slop; the farmhand quit, I. grew up, the farmhand told him to ask for a stroller with four horses, and then something else; got rich; told his wife; the wife told I.; he brought the former farmhand to his father on a rope like a dog, he was buried waist-deep where I.'s mother was buried]: Yastrebov 1894, No. 8:134-135; Belarusians [at the end of the village, the woman has three daughters; the eldest wants for the royal key man, the middle for the royal coachman, the youngest for the royal son; the prince overheard, married her and gave her sisters for whoever they wanted; the prince left, the wife gave birth, the sisters bribed the midwife, she replaced the child was a puppy, lowered in a box along the river, picked him up by a fisherman; the same for the second time (kitten); on the third time, a frog instead of a daughter; the king walled up the queen in a stone pole, head outside, ordered him to feed bread with water; the fisherman and his wife are dead, the children live alone; the sister has a garden; Satan chipped in the old man: there is no singing tree in the garden; the elder brother has come to the mountain; the old man: come back and don't turn around; the boy turned around stone; same younger brother; sister wrapped her head, did not listen or look, collected live water and dug up a tree, took a bird; revived the brothers with water; at home the tree sings, the bird on the window talks; tells Call the king and queen and serve the fried puppy, kitten and frog; after learning the truth, the tsar freed his first wife, her sisters and midwife were tied to the tails of horses and let them into the field]: Romanov 1887, No. 61:295-298.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Crimean Tatars (Uskut - between Alushta and Sudak) [buried waist-deep in the ground]: Radlov 2012, No. 43; Abkhazians [locked in a stable]: Bgazhba 2002:143-145; Abazins [husband orders to sew wife in bull's shoes, leave him at a fork in the roads]: Tugov 1985, No. 67:201-205; Adygi [khan orders to place his wife in a bull's skin, tie him to the gate; bury him waist-deep in the ground at a crossroads]: Kerashev 1957:210-220 (=Maksimov, Kerashev 1953:117-130); Balkarians [Khan ordered his wife to be put on bull's skin, no one cares about her and trample on her]: Baranov 1897, No. 6:28-34; Ossetians: Britayev, Kaloev 1959 [the husband orders to sew his wife and puppies in cowhide, wipe their feet on her]: 193-204; Byazirov 1971, No. 18 [the husband orders to sew his wife and puppies into a bag, no one cares about her]: 195-200; Kumyks [shah orders to sew wife in the skin of a cow, throw him at the doorstep]; Ganiyeva 2011b, No. 53:479-488; Dargins [the Shah tells you to sew his wife in buffalo skin, throw it at the doorstep, wipe your feet on her, don't care about her]: Osmanov 1963:97-102; Avars [the tsar orders his wife to be sewn in donkey skin, chained to the city gate, do not care about her]: Bulatova 1985:59-66; Ingush [the woman was lodged with her puppies in a chicken coop]: Malsagov 1983, No. 4: 44-47; Lezgins [the tsar puts dog skin on his daughter-in-law, ties it at the door]: Ganiyeva 2011b, No. 54:491-494; Khalilov 1965, No. 86 (=Mazaev, Kasumov 1997 (2): 111-114): 265-268; Udins [tsar tells his wife to be buried waist-deep, passers-by don't care about her]: Dirr 1904:96-99; Svani [the tsar orders his wife to be tied at a fork in the roads, no one cares about her]: Nizheradze 1890, No. 1:176-187; megrels [ the king orders to bury his wife up to the throat in the church courtyard, let everyone hit her on the head with a stick]: Gachava et al. 1890:24-32; Georgians (Kakheti) [the king orders to tie his wife at the gate, no one cares about her, smear the chest with soot]: Kurdovanidze 1988 (2), No. 96:147-150 (=Chikovani 1954, No. 27:149-151; =1986:158-160); Armenians [=Nazinyan 1969:148-153; Tsarevich orders to wrap his wife in buffalo skin, put in the square; everyone who passes by must spit on her and hit her on the head with a hammer]: Nazinyan 2014:51-56; Azerbaijanis; Azerbaijanis [the king orders to keep his wife in the yard in manure, giving a piece of bread a day]: Bagriy, Zeynally 1935:171-177; Bogoyavlensky 1899, No. 11 (Borchalinsky Uyezd of Tiflis Province): 95-104; Turks [padishah orders to bury his wife to the waist, don't care about her]: Borovkov 1938:120-135; Stebleva 1986, No. 72:293-299; Kurds [the padishah orders to tie his wife with puppies at the entrance to the palace, beat them, feed them with scraps and bones]: Rudenko 1970, No. 50:147-155.

Iran - Central Asia. Persians: Ottomans 1987:52-56 [the king has three sons with different wives; he is blind; dervish: let the sons bring a pearl leaf, and for this purpose they will defeat the divas; at the fork there is an inscription: if three go one at a time the road, they will die; let one on the right, two on the left; the younger Malek-Mohammad went on the right; came to the wonder, his sister was at home; first she turned MM into a broom, then, taking an oath from her brother, showed him MM; the diva offered to fight; MM won, put a ring in the diva's ear; the same in the second, in the third fortress; the third diva teaches how to go to the pearl tree and tear off a leaf; drink singing water; untie the ties 40 sleeping girl's trousers, except for the last couple; kiss the girl; bringing a leaf, MM took the sisters of three divas with him, found brothers who worked for sellers of soup and boiled lamb (calle pache); the brothers threw MM into the well; the youngest girl came back and pulled out the MM, they secretly returned to the palace; when the king saw the light, he ordered MM's mother to be wrapped in sheepskin, thrown on the roof of the bathhouse and give a cake to day; the owner of the pearl tree flew in with her palace and garden on a flying carpet; ordered to show who took the leaf; refuted the lies of her older brothers; MM told lions and tigers to eat it brothers, and a leopard a father; married a pearl tree owner and three diva sisters], 131-146 [the Shah placed his wife in the kennel like a dog]; Lorimer, Lorimer 1919, No. 10 (Kerman) [the prince orders to tie his wife at the crossroads to a stone pillar that passes to spit on her]: 58-62; parya [padishah told his wife to hang in a bag]: Orange 1977, No. 1:150-153; Uzbeks [padishah ordered his wife and puppies to throw in Zindan]: Afzalov et al. 1972 (2): 59-64; Bukhara Arabs: Vinnikov 1969, No. 5 [the shepherd's daughter promises the emir that if she becomes his wife, she will give birth to a child with golden and silver curls; gives birth to such a boy and a girl with a silver curl; two other wives tell an old woman to replace them with puppies; the emir orders his wife to be thrown into a resin pit; the thief is allowed to kill children, he abandons them, brings sparrow blood; God tells Ilya the Prophet to draw a line around the children, there is now summer and a garden; tells the gazelles to feed the children; that thief comes, the children give him apples, tell him to give him to the emir in exchange for a horse, falcon, dog, which he he prepared a dress for his son - which is for his daughter; the emir gives, misses children; the mother from a resin pit tells the children not to go to the palace; the emir's wives give the boy poisoned rice, he gives gazelles, she dies; the mother of the children is returned, the old woman and two wives are burned at the stake], 15 [the stepmother has three stepdaughters; the husband tells his wife to cook sweet jelly; she cooked it, and the girls ate it and filled the pot with excrement; the husband ate, and in the mosque they noticed feces on his teeth; after that, his wife tells her husband to take his daughters somewhere; he took them to collect mulberry trees, climbed a tree to shake it, told them not to look up - he did pants; quietly tears and left; the girls went and saw Jugara (sorghum genus); the youngest became a cauldron, the sisters fried the jugara; to cross the river, the youngest became a gutter; then after the sisters along it the blind man crossed; the emir saw the girls at the source; the eldest promised to weave a carpet - all the emir's people would fit on his corner; the middle one - to cook food for the emir's people from one grain; the youngest - to give birth to a child with golden hair; the emir married them, but the two sisters did not fulfill their promise; the youngest began to give birth to a boy and a girl; the sisters replaced them with puppies, gave them to the old woman, who threw them into the steppe; another old woman picked them up and raised them; the emir ordered her youngest wife to be buried waist-deep by the road, let everyone throw lumps of clay at her; the children brought up by the old woman go to school; the emir saw them, told their wives to cook, called children; they brought food, the boy gave gazelles, she died; the old teacher told the Emir that they were his children; he returned them to their mother; he burned two wives at the stake]: 47-52, 99-101.

Baltoscandia. Karelians [the poor widow has three daughters in her hut; the Turkish sultan overhears; the eldest promises to give birth to the whole city if the Sultan marries her; the middle one is to bake bread for the whole city; the youngest was to give birth to three golden children; the sultan married the youngest, sent the eldest to an obstetric school, and the secondary school to a bakery school; the wife gave birth to a son: golden arms, silver legs, a month on her temples, on the Big Dipper on her shoulders; the midwife lowered the boy in the basket along the river, said that the Sultan had given birth to a shirt; the miller picked up the baby; the same year later; the miller picked it up in his hand a girl; the sultan imprisoned his wife in a stone building with a small hole, through it to give bread and water, everyone who passes by does not care about the woman; he married a midwife himself; the children grew up; an old woman says that they lack a beating spring, a ringing birch tree and a singing bird; the older brother went in search; the old man gave a ball, he rolled to where there was music, noise; someone came up and turned the young man into stone; the same is the younger brother; the sister has gone; the old man advises her not to open her eyes before the ball stops rolling; then collect water, break off the branch, take the bird cage; the girl dipped the branch in water and sprinkled on the stones, they turned into many people, including the girl's brothers; the old man said that the brothers and sister are the Sultan's children; the brothers met the Sultan, invited them, ordered the mill bake pies with iron beads inside; the sultan could not eat; brothers: so our mother cannot be where the Sultan placed her; the woman was returned, the midwife was shot]: Onegin 2010, No. 44:400-405; Lithuanians [the king went out into town in the evening; hears the conversation between three seamstress sisters; if the royal footman took her, she would eat pies; medium: if the royal chef took it, she would eat various dishes; youngest: if the king took it, I would dress beautifully; the king passed off his older sisters as a footman and cook, married the youngest himself; the king went to war; the queen had a son, the sisters were abandoned he was swaddled into the river; the gardener saved the baby; the king ordered the dog to be released; the same next time (kitten); a daughter was born for the third time; the gardener took her; the king was told that his wife had given birth tree; he told her to be enclosed in a glass pole, passing by to spit on her and teasing her; the gardener died, the children grew up; the nun to the girl when she is alone at home: you miss a talking bird singing and playing wood, yellow water; you have to drive 12 months to the old man on the road, he will tell you what to do next; the older brother went; the old man gave a ball, you have to follow him, climb the mountain, do not turn around if they will scare; he turned around, turned into a coal pole and rolled down the mountain; middle brother is the same; sister went, did not turn around, there is a bird with a long neck on the mountain, the girl threatens to strangle her, she tells her to bring water from a spring under the mountain and revive the petrified ones with it; the girl revived many people, the last brothers; the bird ordered to break off the twig - the tree would grow out of it; to collect some yellow water - there will be a lot ; the king meets the brothers three times, asks them to talk to their sister, they forget twice, he gives them three golden bullets, they fall out of their jackets, the brothers remember; the sister tells the king to come to visit; the bird tells you to serve cucumbers, but remove the seeds from them and replace them with beads; the king is surprised; the bird in the cage: if cucumbers with beads cannot grow, then the woman cannot give birth to a dog, cat and tree; The king returns the queen and children to the palace; the older sisters were torn by horses; they started shooting cannons at the feast; they put me in a cannon, shot, I flew here]: Kerbelite 2021, No. 29:204-212.

Volga - Perm. Kazan Tatars: Zamaletdinov 2008b, No. 18 [husband puts his wife in a prison box with puppies, tells passers-by to knock on her], 24 [husband breaks his wife's arms and legs, gouges out his eyes, leaves her at the door so that everyone spits on her]: 171-181, 203-207; Yarmukhametov 1957 [padishah puts his wife in a hut, tells her to spit on her]: 95-102 (=Marchenko 1993:217-226); Bashkirs [bai breaks his wife's arm, leg, pulls out his eye, locks him in a log house with the puppy]: Barag 1989, No. 70:336-343.

Turkestan. Kyrgyz [Khan puts his wife in a bucket hung from a tree]: Ruslan Doutaliev, personal message. May 17, 2020: retelling the audio recording of the fairy tale "Zheti Echkilu Abyshka Zhana Kempir" (Old Man and an old woman with seven goats) performed by J. Alymbayeva, Department of Manuscripts and Publications of the Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz SSR, date of recording September 10, 1984, inventory No. 1a (2), recording time 31 minutes).

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. The Mongols [the husband orders to cut off his arm, leg, tie a cow to the tail, drive him out]; the Oirats (Karashar's merchants) [the husband orders to bury his wife and puppies alive].

Western Siberia. The Southern Khanty (Irtysh) [at the suggestion of their father-in-law, mothers of wonderful children broke their arms and legs, tore their nose and mouth, nailed them by the arms and legs in the church, everyone spits on her]: Patkanov 1999, No. 4:331- 346 (a brief retelling in Kim 2006:76).