Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

K73b1. Mother and child in a barrel .

A woman and her newborn son (a pregnant boy) are placed in a barrel (box; rarely: in a boat) and lowered into the sea (river).

Portuguese, Italians (Veneto), Ladins, French (including Upper Brittany), Hungarians [pregnant], Bulgarians, Greeks, Russians (Tersky Bereg, Arkhangelskaya, Olonetskaya, Vologda, Pskov), Belarusians (and Russians in Smolensk Gubernia), Czechs [in a boat], Poles, Terek Cossacks, Western Sami, Karelians, Finns, Veps, Estonians, Setu, Lutsi, Latvians, Lithuanians, Mordovians, Mari, Tofalars, Northern (?) Khanty.

Southern Europe. The Portuguese [a lazy guy is sent for firewood; caught a fish; she asks her to let her go, for which all his wishes will come true; he tries: he saws himself, a woodpile of firewood brings him home; when the princess laughed at him, he wanted her to become pregnant; she gave birth to a son, the boy identifies his father from a crowd of men who come; they are imprisoned together (thrown in a barrel into the sea; expelled); they they create a palace next to the royal palace, a golden tree in the garden; the guy tells a magic table to appear; asks for wealth and beauty; invites the king to visit, mocks him; in his pocket a golden fruit falls to the king, the king is accused of stealing; a guy or princess shows that they are as innocent as a king who did not intend to steal]: Cardigos 2006, No. 675:152; Italians (Veneto) [a pregnant woman steals parsley from a witch's garden; she catches her and promises to pick up half of the child when he is 7 years old; when the deadline is over, the witch slaughtered the boy along; one half stayed with her, the other returned to her mother; Half grew up, began fishing, caught an eel; he asked him to let go, for which he sent him a full net of fish; half caught him again and let go, the eel made all his wishes come true; the princess saw the Half and began to laugh; he wanted her to conceive a child with him; when she gave birth, the witch doctor advised a year later To gather all the noble men - the boy will name his father himself; no one was found; then the poor were gathered and the boy gave the apple to the Half; after the wedding, the young, together with his son, were placed in a barrel and thrown into the sea; Half wants the barrel to be brought ashore, to have a lot of food, it would be whole, a palace will appear - all named after an eel; the former Half called kings to a feast, warning not to take silver and golden apples; two apples are missing, they ended up in the pockets of the former Half's father-in-law; he explains: just as you don't know why you got the apples, your daughter did not know why she got pregnant; all forgave each other, everything is fine; they are still alive if they don't die]: Calvino 1980, No. 34:99-102; ladins [hell promises to fulfill a woman's wish if she gives him half of what she has under with an apron; she peeled the beets and thought it was her; when she gave birth to a boy, the devil asked if she wanted to keep the top or bottom; the top is the soul, so she chose the top; hell took the bottom, boy was without legs; one day he crawled to the miller and he mocked him to bring him water with a sieve; trout got into the sieve, asked her to let her go, promised to fulfill his wishes; the half asked him to be able bring water with a sieve; the miller gave him a bag of flour, knowing that he would not be able to lift it, but the Half again asked the trout for help; when he saw the flour, his mother thought that Half had stolen it; he was offended and left; When he saw the princess, he asked for trout for the princess to become pregnant; when the baby was born and the king found out who the father was, he ordered his daughter, Half and baby to be put in a barrel, thrown into the sea; the half wished so that his legs would grow and throw the barrel on the island, knock out the bottom, order a garden and a palace to appear; the king decided to look for his daughter, came to the island, did not recognize the young; when he slept, his hand hung out of bed and the princess told her son to put his grandfather's hand in bed; the king heard and recognized his daughter, handed the throne to Half]: Uffer 1983, No. 5:12-14 (=Decurtins, Brunold-Bigler 2002, No. 53:143-145).

Western Europe. The French: Belmont 2005:11-12 [a young man nicknamed Jean Bête catches an eel, he asks him to let it go, promises to fulfill his wishes; Zhd asks for a horse, drives past the princess, wants her to become pregnant with him (var.: in response to her ridicule); she gives birth to a boy, the king summons all the men of the kingdom to identify the father; the boy hands out a rose to the railway; the king marries him daughter, but puts both with the child in a barrel, throws them into the sea; the wife asks the railway to ask for intelligence; this is what happens; the railway asks for a palace richer than the royal one; at the reception, the king recognizes his daughter and son-in-law, admits railway superiority], 14 [(Dardy 1891:69); (the beginning and end are omitted in the paraphrase); the princess gives birth to a boy; the king gathers princes and princes to identify his father by giving him a golden apple; the boy does not give no one; same with merchants, with everyone else; Bernanoueille comes last, receives an apple from the boy; the king puts his daughter, B. and the child in a barrel, throws it into the sea]; Delarue, Tenèze 1964, No. 675 ( Upper Brittany, but there are many texts from mainland France) [Jean the Fool's mother sent Jean the Fool for firewood; he saw an eel in the sand, caught it; he asked to let it into the water, for which he would sing any wishes; J. wanted him not to carry firewood, but firewood to him; they drive past the palace, J. sees the princess and wants her to be pregnant with it; the princess gave birth to a son; the fairy gave birth to a rose, let the boy give it to her father; of all the men, the boy chose J.; the king placed his daughter and child and J. in a barrel and let them go to sea; first J. asked the eel for food, then ordered them to be transferred to the palace next to the king's palace; J. became wiser; the king invited them to visit; all is well]: 584-587.

The Balkans. Hungarians [the king placed his daughter in a tower to isolate her from men; one of the two wanderers lifted the stem up to the window, the smell of it made the girl pregnant; the father placed her in a barrel, threw her into the sea; the barrel was nailed to the island, the girl got out, gave birth to a son, he grew up, began swimming across the strait to the mainland, bringing apples to his mother; his mother herself baptized him in the name of his father of the sun, his godfather father of the month and his star cousins; his name is Beautiful Szérus; a hussar costume and sword fell from the tree; on a tree trunk he carried his mother across the strait; to meet the giant, S. hacked him down; brought his mother to the giant castle; the giant king met with mother S., they decided to get rid of S.; the mother pretended to be sick: we must bring the bear cub and eat his heart; the bear gave the bear cub; when she saw him, his mother said that she had already recovered; the same with the wolf cub; the lion cub; his mother suggests that S. jokingly tie his thumbs - whether she will be able to break it; she cannot; the giant agrees to perform his last desire; S. asks to put three whistles in his mouth, given by a bear, a she-wolf and a lioness; a lion grabbed a giant, a wolf a woman, a bear tore his fetters; S. cut the giant, pieces of meat into a trough, and the second water, the mother left between the troughs; left with her animals; a bride is needed; the bear advises you to ask the sun - Father S.; the lion brought them all to heaven; the sun does not know about brides, advises you to turn to month; month to the stars, or rather to the Morning Star; neither star knows, let the winds ask, they are blowing everywhere; they replied that his betrothed sleeps in the golden cradle at the bottom of hell, she is being rocked 42 traits; S. and the animals returned to earth; the count himself tried to get this girl, promised to help; S. grabbed the girl, the devils in pursuit; the lion threw the brush (forest), the handkerchief (the sea); the bear threw three pins (three mountains to heaven); the devils could not overcome them; the count took the girl; she would marry only someone who could milk three golden mares; the animals milked; she would marry someone who buys in their milk heated to boiling; the animals cooled it, S. swam, became handsome; the count also wanted to swim, the animals heated the milk, the count cooked; the girl was going to marry S., he went out into the garden, fell asleep, the count's younger brother cut off his head; the animals saw a snake, whose snake was cut in half with a scythe, carrying healing grass; the lion stepped on the snake's head, the animals took the grass, the snake hit the lion's tail, ripping off its hair, only the mane remained; first their head was attached backwards, had to be redone; at this time, the count's brother was preparing the wedding; the lion and the wolf tore him apart; the wedding; S. dug up his mother, who ate the giant's meat, took a sharp bone, put her son in bed, she pierced his heart; the animals revived him with that elixir taken from the snake, tore his mother; a son was born; when he was 7 years, 7 months, days, hours and minutes, his Three stones must be sprinkled with blood; S. did it, his three animals became princes again, the castle of the giants is their castle; S.'s son did not die, they only took blood from him; they are all alive if they did not die]: Dégh 1965, No. 8:109-126; Bulgarians [a young lazy woodcutter gets a wonderful ability from a fish: whatever he wants is fulfilled by himself; they cut down firewood themselves, come to his house; the princess laughs at him, he wants her to become pregnant with him; when the boy born grows up a little, the princess tells him to throw an apple at his father; he throws it at the lumberjack; the king tells all three to let them go to sea in a barrel; the hero tells her she should stick to the shore, creates a palace; the king visits it; the hero tells the golden bowl, the spoon, to be in the king's pocket; says that just as the king does not know why he had the bowl, the princess did not know reasons for pregnancy; the king forgives the young, they all return to his palace together]: Daskalova-Perkovska et al. 1994, No. 675:234; Greeks: Hahn 1864 (1), No. 8 (Epirus) [childless woman asks God give her at least half of the child; the half asks her mother for an ax and a mule, brings firewood from the forest; the princess saw him, called the maid, they began to laugh; the half threw the ax and rope, left; I saw a fish in the lake, caught it, and asked it to let it go - he will teach you how to make any wishes come true; "At God's first word and fish at the second word, let the mule be loaded with firewood!" The mule is loaded; a half brought him to the palace, the princess laughed again-a mule with firewood without an ax or rope; half wants the princess to be pregnant; she gave birth, and when the boy started walking, the king gathered all the men and told the boy to give an apple to his father; the apple rolled to the Half, the boy called him dad and gave the apple; the king wanted to kill his daughter, child and Half, but The courtiers advised them to put them in an iron barrel and throw them into the sea, putting figs for the child; the princess asks the Half if he answers or does something only after she gives he has a fig tree; tells the barrel to stick to the shore and open, a rain canopy appears; a palace with everything inside; the king saw the palace, sent servants to fry hazel grouse there; the doors ask each other if it is possible let those who come in, let them in; objects respond; the servants are so amazed that the hazel grouse burned down; the king sent others - the same; came by himself; Half asks for a fig again and, when he receives, creates luxurious food; the princess asks him to cast another spell: let one spoon be behind the head of the royal boot; asks all the dishes if everything is here; when she asks for spoons, one answers from the boot; king: someone put it, it's not fair; princess: you also did wrong to me; Half tells me everything; they move in with the king, Half becomes a bodyguard and gets married the most beautiful slave]: 45-53; Paton 1901, No. 18 [a poor widow gives her son an ash cake; in the forest he shares it with a wanderer; this is Christ himself, he gives the young man the gift of fulfilling his desires; on the way out of the forest the young man does not want him to carry firewood, but they do; the princess laughs when he sees him, he wants her to become pregnant; the king summons all the men so that the boy born can identify his father; the young man comes Last, the boy throws an apple at him; the king puts his daughter, child and boy in a box, throws it into the sea; the young man tells the box to dock on a deserted island in front of the king's palace, creates a palace with servants; the king comes to visit, the young man creates a bridge for his return; at the feast, the young man puts gold dishes on the king; says that just as the king did not touch her, he himself did not touch his daughter, but was with her thrown into the sea; the king admits he was wrong]: 197-200.

Central Europe. Russians (Terek Bereg) [the tsar walked, chose a bride, overheard the three sisters talking under the window; first: if I were a queen, I would weave canvases all over the world; second: made beer; at three she would bring 9 heroes to her bellies, legs knee-deep in gold, hands up to the elbow in silver, the sun in the forehead, a month in the back of her head, small stars on the braids, the dawns close by the ears; the king married the last, left; the queen gave birth to three sons, Baba Yaga stole them; the same for the second time; the third time, the mother braided one in her braids; Baba Yaga changed letters, the queen was thrown into the sea in a barrel; the barrel was washed ashore , broke; in the morning the church, houses; the walkers passing are surprised: there were swamps, white-stone chambers and viburnum bridges became; the son became a trinket fly, flew with kaliki, heard everything; they told the king about the miracle ; queen's sister: our aunt has jelly shores, a river of milk, a red spoon; a trinket fly pecked out her eye; in the morning she and her mother have a river of milk, etc.; next time: a third bull, a bathhouse on her tail, there is a lake under her tail, a church on her horns; a third woman: our aunt has 8 fellows in the open field, knee-deep legs covered in gold (etc.); a trinket fly tore off a piece of her nose, flew to her mother, she explains that these are his brothers, carried away by baba yaga; dala kalachikov; his son flew to the house in the field; there are 8 pigeons, they turn great at night; they all flew to their mother, began to live well; Kaliki talk about it to the tsar; he moved in with his children, left the kingdom for them]: Balashov 1970, No. 46:155-160; Russians (Arkhangelsk, Shenkursky District) [Ivan Tsarevich stands outside the window, eavesdropping on the conversation between three sisters, the tsar's daughters from another kingdom; the eldest says that if I. married her, she would embroider a flying carpet; the middle one would bring a bayuna cat with her; the youngest Martha: she would give birth to 9 sons - knee-deep in gold, the elbows of her hand are in silver, stars are frequent on the braids; I. marries M.; goes hunting; M. gave birth to three sons of the promised appearance; Baba Yaga threatens the messenger to eat her if she does not bring her as a midwife; hid children in the dungeon by the oak tree, replaced them with puppies; I. forgave his wife, threw the puppies into the sea; next time - the same (6 sons, but one hid); I. ordered to put his wife and last son in a barrel and throw them into the sea; the barrel was washed ashore, my son immediately grew up, broke the barrel, created a garden and a palace; fed the poor; they came to I., talked about the miracle; baba yaga: this is not a miracle, I have 8 such fellows in the forest by the oak tree; kaliki returned to M. and her son, conveyed the words of Baba Yaga; M.: to his son: these are your brothers; the young man found them, gave them a taste of cakes with his mother's milk, brought them to his mother; the Kaliki again inform Ivan; he comes to sons, recognizes them and his wife]: Afanasiev 1958 (2), No. 284:386-380; Russians (Arkhangelskaya/Olonetskaya, Kemsky U., Lapinskaya Volost, 1908, 18-year-old girl A.S. Filatova, lived as an employee in various in the villages of Pomorye, composes ditties and songs | "folk poetess" |, illiterate) [Ivan Tsarevich rides past the bathhouse, overhears the conversation of three girls (they scratch the tow, and he hoped to see, thought they were washing). One girl promises to sew gold lace if Ivan Tsarevich marries her, the other promises a golden shirt front, the third promises to give birth to "nine sons" "in three bellies" (knee-length legs in silver, arms up to the elbow in gold, the sun is in my forehead, I'm a month old in the back of my head, there are frequent stars on my temples). Ivan marries a third girl, Maria. Ivan has gone overseas, Maria gives birth to three sons, as she promised, calls her servants, and a maid girl meets Yaitsna-Babitsna on the road, who asks her to go with her. She is trading kids for dogs. Ivan Tsarevich returned, forgave his wife, "God will forgive his first guilt." The second time Maria gave birth to three children, everything happened again, and her husband forgave again. The third time Maria braided one son in a braid, sewed the other in a pillow, and left the latter (her sons lived in Yaitsna Babitsna's garden), Ivan Tsarevich did not forgive his wife, put him in a barrel and threw him into the sea, himself married Jaicna Babica's daughter. Maria took her son out of her pillow and the other one out of her braid. Sounded out loud, her sons' wishes come true: the barrel is washed ashore, it breaks, a white-stone chamber appears, the banks of the river become muslin, and a glass bridge leads across it. Their mother makes shirts for them, they go look for their brothers. They come to Ivan Tsarevich in a "ribushny dress", he tells them about his first wife, and Jaitsna-Babitsna scolds him for talking to beggars. Sons let their brothers out of the Jajcny Babicna Garden. Ivan Tsarevich went broke and goes to beg for alms to the white-stone wards, sees his children "knee-deep in silver, etc.", finds out that Yaitsna-Babitsna is shot at the gate and stays with his wife and children]: Tseitlin 1911, No. 9:3-5; Russians (Arkhangelskaya, Pechora) [when entering the house, the tsar asks three girls what they can do; one embroider with silk, the other bake and cook, and the third will give birth to two sons, one elbow deep in gold, knee-deep in silver, a month on the back of her head, stars are frequent on the pigtails, the sun is in forehead; the other is elbow deep in gold, knee-deep in silver; the king married her; left for business; sent not he was told to go to the house where the queen's sisters, but he went in; those girls changed the letter: the queen gave birth to a female and a dog; the same on the way back: to get rid of his wife and children; the boys were named Fedor and Ivan; F. s his mother in a barrel was lowered into the sea, I. was sent far away to the terrible king, with a fiery spear; the king returned, executed the messenger and married the sister who embroidered with silk; the barrel was thrown on Buyan- island; F. made a bow, shot game, made a tent out of their skins; merchants arrived, surprised; sailed to the king, F. quietly with them on the ship; new queen: this is not a miracle, there is something else: a squirrel walks on a pine tree, sings songs, tells fairy tales; F. returned to his mother, then went to get a pine tree and a squirrel; merchants talk about a squirrel; queen: the terrible king has a servant, elbow-deep in gold (etc.); mother Fedor: this is your brother; F. went to the terrible king; two are fighting over the girl and the flying carpet; F. shot: whoever brings the arrow first will get everything; flew away with the girl on a flying carpet; went to the old woman, asking for help take his brother away; I. came running to slurp the porridge; the brothers greet each other; the grandmother gave a brush, flint and flint; brothers and the girl are flying on a flying carpet, the terrible king followed; brush (forest), flint (stone wall), flint (river of fire); the terrible king was afraid, returned; now the tsar-father of the brothers came himself; took his wife and sons, F. married that girl; the new queen was shot at the gate]: Azadovsky 1934, No. 2:104-121; Russians (Arkhangelsk, Pomors) [the tsar ordered the lights in the city to be turned off; sent his son to look for his wife where the fire would not be extinguished; Ivan Tsarevich overhears the conversation of the three at the window sisters; each tells what she will do if I. marries her; one weaves a carpet with an embroidered plane on it; the other will sew a silk towel; the youngest will give birth to three sons three times, the sun is in her forehead, on the back of her head is a month, frequent small stars on the braids; Yazhenya volunteered to be a midwife; replaced the children with kittens (she took the children to the open field); puppies; again puppies; turned the children into wolves; the last the woman in labor hid it in her spit; Y. persuaded I. to throw the queen in a barrel into the sea; she was thrown onto the island, her son knocked down the bottom, created a palace; turned into a mosquito, overheard the sailors tell about the wonderful palace on island; I.: my brother has a bull, a bathhouse on his tail, a lake on his back, a palace on his horns; my son creates such a bull at home; next time: the lake is crystal, the shores are jelly, the spoons are silver, there is no loss; on third time: 8 sons who are clear falcons, wolves during the day, and well done at night; the mother baked koloboks with fresh milk, told her son to take them under the spruce tree; the brothers ate them, the milk on their lips, did not turn into wolves again; greeted their ninth brother, began to live with their mother; the tsar came, recognized his wife; Y. was smeared in a barrel, still swims]: Razumova, Senkina 1987:144-148; Russians (Olonetskaya: Shokshozero) [ Ivan Tsarevich hears three peasant daughters talking; one promises to weave a towel to the king, the other to bake bread, the third to bring three sons in three bellies, legs in silver, hands in gold, sun in forehead, in the back of the head is a month, stars are frequent on the braids; the old woman imposed herself as midwives, replaced three boys with puppies, threw the boys under the oak tree; the second time, three piglets; the third time, kittens, but one boy the queen hid it under a braid; I. shackled the queen in a barrel, threw her into the sea; the boy grew up by the hour; when the barrel touched the shore, the hoops burst; with his desire he created a palace and a bridge; the Kaliki visited, came to the king ; I. has a frog on his bag, hears everything; they talk about the palace and the bridge; stepmother: there is a golden-haired deer; the young man brought him to his mother; next time he turned into a fly; under the oak tree 8 fellows; the young man tells mothers bake 9 koloboks with their milk; the brothers recognized their mother's milk; kaliki talk about young people; the tsar arrived; this woman was shot at the gate]: Onchukov 2000, No. 53:209-210; Russians ( Vologodskaya) [Fedor Tsarevich has three maids; if he gets married, the first promises to bake bread, the second to sew, the third to give birth to 9 sons, each has the sun in his forehead, a star on the back of his head, a month on the back of his head, hands elbow deep in gold, knee-deep in silver; when she gave birth to the first three, the mother of the first maid was a midwife, took the children to the field, replaced them with puppies; the same for the second time; the third time F.'s wife hid one child up his sleeve; F. ordered her to be put in a barrel, let her go to sea, married the first maid; when the barrel was washed ashore, the son knocked down the bottom, put up a tent, created a well in which any food; sent Kalikov on the way to F., hid himself as a fly in their basket; after hearing the story, F. wants to look at the well with food, but his new wife advises to get pigs - golden bristles; the young man hears, he gets it himself pig; kaliki tell F. about the pig, and next to the oak there is a bayun cat; the young man, becoming a fly, overhears; F.'s wife advises better to get a goldenmare and 31 stallions (the same); for the third time, the wife tells that there are 8 tents in the field, well done in each one], the sun in his forehead, etc.; after overhearing in the form of a fly, the young man tells his mother to bake 9 koloboks with her milk; 8 leaves them well done, and bit off the ninth; well done understand that their brother was here; he brings the brothers to their mother; the Kaliki tell F. about extraordinary young men; F. goes there, the son meets them: his wife put stakes for F. to run into them; F. from 9 his sons and first wife returns to the palace; the second wife was put on the gate, cut down, and the pieces were burned]: Smirnov 1917, No. 27:158-163; Russians (Pskov) [stepmother tells her husband to leave him three daughters in the forest; they cried all night, a river formed, flowed to the king; the king ordered the girls to be brought in; one promises to dress the whole world in one rake, the other to feed the whole world with one bread, and the third to give birth Twelve sons; the king went to war, his wife gave birth to 12 sons, the letter was changed - gave birth to 12 frogs; the king ordered his wife and children to be put in a barrel, thrown into the sea; the barrel landed on the shore, the sons went out as adults, the elder became king; the tsar heard about the city where the squirrel clicks nuts, went there and recognized his wife; the elder prince killed a kite who was chasing a swan, the swan became a girl, he married her]: Ploschuk 2004, No. 34:104-105; Russians (Smolensk) [the queen gave birth to a son, and the mistress said that she "looks like all animals"; the tsar ordered his wife (together with her son) to be smeared in a barrel and lowered into the river; on the shore the boy knocked out the bottom, created a three-story house, began to live; the elders pass by, go to the king, saying that the young man has gold on his hands up to the elbow, a month in his forehead, the sun is on the back of his head, and there are frequent stars on his temples; new queen: and we have a garden, apples hang in the garden; the prince sent a flea ("flea dog") to eavesdrop, knows who is saying what; creates a garden and apples there; next time: a mare with 12 foals; then a bull 12 horns, wears 12 haystacks on each horn; then "in the garden there are hot birds, charsky poems, overseas katas"; then "the bridge should ride at least six"; this time the king tells you to harness horses and ride; a new queen tied to a carriage and opened everything]: Smirnov 1917, No. 234:124-128; Belarusians: Potanin 1891 [three sisters were picking mushrooms, it began to rain, they sat under a birch tree, the stream flowed from the rain to the tsar; the servant found girls, overheard the conversation; one promises to dress, the other to feed the army, the third to give birth to a son with a month in his forehead, dawns on the back of his head; the king married the last, left, she gave birth, sent a letter, sisters they changed (either a dog or a frog; let him go to sea in a barrel); the boy came out of the barrel, made a bridge from island to ground, led his mother along it to the king's wedding with another sister; the king takes out nuts, suggests guessing them; the boy, disguised as a violinist, tells his story; takes off his hat, under it a month, dawns; his mother's sister was torn by horses]: 147-148; Romanov 1901, No. 21 [In a certain kingdom The prince fell in love with the maid, began to marry, she promised that they would have 3 sons (one had a month in his forehead, a dawn on the back of his head, the sun in his forehead, a star on the back of his head, and the third was a daring man). The first two babies are replaced by a villain woman with ordinary children. The prince sends his wife and third son in a barrel by sea, the son deals with it and breaks the barrel. He carves twelve fellows out of his mother's flint. By order of a daredevil, they build a house out of gold and silver logs, cook a lot of food and drink, and make bridges to both banks from gold and silver boards. The sailors ask for lunch, bring the daredevil to the royal house as payment; he, wearing an invisible hat, overhears their conversation with the king. The king asks if they have seen the wreckage of a barrel on the sea, hears about the house made of gold and silver, and wants to go see it. Baba talks about a garden with golden and silver apple trees and a pine tree, where a red cat sings songs when it goes down and tells fables when it goes up. The daring man comes back and again carves twelve fellows out of the flint, who, on his orders, attach this garden to his house. He feeds the sailors again and gets to the royal house, overhears the conversation. The sailors talk about the garden. In response, the woman is about a pig with gold and silver hair that digs and falls wheat from under it - twelve fellows do not have time to shovel. He carves the fellows out of the flint again, they deliver them to the pig. The sailors next time tell the king about the pig, and the woman, in response to the garden with golden and silver apple trees, where there are two fellows - one has a month in his forehead, dawns on the back of his head, the sun in his forehead, at the back of a star's head. Well done, he orders the fellows to take the brothers to their home from the flint. The king comes, marvels at home, sees his wife and sons, cries, and his wife cries too. Daredevil: It was my grandmother who stole my brothers and I brought them here. They returned to the royal house, the woman was tied to a horse's tail as punishment, and the tsar moved to live with his family]: 199-201 (similar version in Romanov 1901, No. 18 (20): 178−188); Romanov 1901, No. 22 [Three lived sisters, went for a walk in the grove, where the queen, footman and coachman were there and heard them talking. The eldest said: if I married a footman, I would carve it out, plow it, sow it with millet, and bake a cake in one night. When he got up he would eat it. The average one promises to plant linen, soak it, dry it, sew a shirt if she marries a coachman. The youngest is to have three sons: elbow deep in gold, knee-deep in silver, forehead with a star, and back of her head for a month. The eldest and middle married the footman and the coachman and fulfilled their vow. The youngest married the Queen and became pregnant. Korolevich went on a seizure, putting grandmothers on his wife. The sisters gave their grandmothers a drink, stole the baby and threw him behind the clouds, and the prince was told that his wife gave birth to neither an animal nor a dog, but a simple stick. This is the second time. For the third time, the Queen fights back "chysakom". The sisters deceived the Queen, and he let them get rid of their sister themselves. They put her and her baby in a barrel and let her into the water. The baby grew very fast. The barrel was nailed to an island on the sea, and it "slaughtered" it from the inside. The Queen and her son go outside, the son asks her mother to bake three pies with her milk, and she does so. After picking up pies, he goes and finds a hut, puts pies on the table and hides. His brothers come, eat pies, feel their mother's milk, he goes out and the brothers are reunited with their mother and live together. Korolevich, meanwhile, married the Queen's older sister. I heard sailors' stories about an island where a city appeared, where three panics live up to the elbow in gold, knee-deep in silver, in the forehead for a star, on the back of the head for a month, and began to persuade my wife to go she doesn't want to see it. For the first time, she tells the panichi to put up an oak tree - twelve females, twelve bells and ring. In the second, to put a bison, which, when it goes uphill, plows its snout, goes down - interferes with the snout, lowers the seeds from the tail, and harrows its feet. The third time is to build a bridge from the city to the Queen's Palace. Fourth, to put stone walls, golden lanterns and wax candles (on the bridge). The brothers do all this. Korolevich and his wife get equipped and go. Korolevich meets his sons and first wife, stays with them, and orders his second wife to be tied by the legs to the tails of two horses, which only bring back legs]: 202-204; Czechs [ the queen marries a peasant woman; goes to war, leaving his wife pregnant; the king's mother takes powder from the witch, gives birth to her daughter-in-law, who gives birth to a son in bear clothing; the husband sends a letter ordering her to let her go wife and child in a boat at sea; they stick to the shore; the boy grows up, is strong, comes to the king {not his father}; he sends him with his son for three royals; the young man kills robbers, takes the keys to their treasures, brings the queens, the prince is going to marry the youngest; the elders kill her out of envy (the young man assumes that this will happen, hides, but falls asleep); the queen is accused of murder, the young man makes the sisters confess, they are executed; tells the prince to marry his young man's mother; she finds out that her ex-husband is dead, agrees to marry the prince; the son tells his mother to stab him with a knife, the bear skin falls off; he shares the treasures of the robbers, takes the kingdom of three queens]: Bogolyubova, Talova 2000:159-171; the Poles [a fool sees fish on the shore, lets it into the water, for this promises to fulfill all his wishes; he wants the cart to move on its own without horses; the princess laughs at him, he wants her to become pregnant; her son points to him as a father; the king places a daughter, a boyfriend and their child in a barrel, lets them into the sea, or drives them into the mountains; the guy tells the castle to appear; helps the king in the war]: Krzyżanowski 1962, No. 675:210-211.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Terek Cossacks (art. Naurskaya) ["In the old days, when rivers were still flowing with milk and honey, and sheep grazed with wolves, when there was quiet and smooth everywhere, and God's grace, in a certain kingdom, an old man lived in a certain state with their old woman"; the old man and the old woman live in poverty, so they decide to leave their three daughters in the forest; the old man tells them to pick berries; says he will cut firewood; ties a block of wood to the tree, which swings in the wind and makes a knock; sisters think that the father is cutting wood; after a while they go in search of him; find a block; they reach the sea on which the king and his squad are traveling; older sister: "If only I was a royal wife, I would have given birth to a hero son for the king"; middle: "If I were a royal wife, I would give birth to three daughters for him: Hope, Faith and Love"; youngest: "If I were the king's wife, I would give birth for the king three sons: elbow length in gold, knee-length in silver, month on his forehead, stars over the body"; the king marries the youngest, takes the rest of the sisters as her assistants; goes on a campaign; the queen gives birth three sons: "gold up to the elbow, silver knee-deep, a month on his forehead, stars over the body"; midwife Baba Yaga kills babies, puts three puppies instead of them; writes to the king that puppies have been born; he is angry; the queen gives birth to triplets again; BYA replaces them with puppies, tells the king; he promises to punish his wife if everything happens again; the queen gives birth to three sons, hides one of them in the folds of her dress; BYA kills the other two, puts puppies instead of them and writes to the king; he tells him to leave the puppies until his arrival; BU manages to kill one of them; when he returns, the king sees a puppy and a son who does not have a moon on her forehead, no stars on her body (the queen erased these jewelry when she hid it from the BU); according to the king's decision, the queen is put in a barrel with her son and puppy and allowed into the sea; the king marries the daughter of the BYA; the barrel swims on at sea, the prince asks permission to turn over from one side to the other; the queen does not allow it; the barrel is stranded near the island, the prince turns, the barrel crumbles; the puppy brings bones, the prince makes them a house; elders passing by say they are going to remember the queen; the prince asks to take him with them, they refuse, agree to take the puppy; tell the king about the house on the island; the king wants it to see, but the wife dissuades: "Well, this is not a big wonder; that's a wonder: in a certain kingdom, eight falcons are sitting in a certain state, singing royal and sovereign poems"; the puppy talks about this to the prince; he brings falcons; the elders going to the wake again refuse to take him with them, but take a puppy; tell the king about the house on the island and the 8 falcons; he tells him to saddle horses, but his queen holds: "Well, this is not so wonderful; this is so marvelous: in some kingdom - in some state there is a pig - a golden bristle"; the puppy talks about what the prince heard; he brings a pig golden bristles {no details}; the elders agree to take only a puppy with them; tell the king about what they saw on the island; the wife tries to dissuade him from going there: "Well, it's not so amazing; in in some kingdom, in a distant state, there is a golden horn deer, stubborn in the sky"; the king does not give in to persuasion, goes to the island; the puppy warns the prince and the queen; she tells her son that the tsar is his father, and 8 falcons are his siblings; the prince manages to bring the deer golden horns; the king recognizes the queen as his wife and the prince as his son; 8 falcons turn into princes "elbow-deep in gold, knee-deep in silver, a month on his forehead, stars over the body"; the king returns with his family to the capital; BYA and her daughter are tied to the tails of wild horses that carry their bodies through forests and mountains; "Was feast like a mountain, I was there sometimes, I drank honey, a burner: it flowed down my mustache, but it didn't get into my mouth. The fairy tales are over for you, but I'm honored with a korets"]: Vostrikov 1904, No. 2:74-80.

Baltoscandia. Western Sami [a young hunter sees a bear-sized cat fighting a mountain troll; everyone asks for help; a young man shot and killed a cat; the troll put it in his pocket, carried it to his father's home; as a reward, he offers two boxes: gold and speckled; the troll's son tells him to take the specked one; carries the young man back to his countries; one day the young man went to buy firewood, dragging firewood; opened the box; the voice asks what he needs; he asked the ox, who dragged the sleigh with firewood and the young man; the people he met: he left for something; the same princess; the young man tells the spirit to make the princess pregnant from him; she gave birth to a son; the king called all the men, the boy did not smile at anyone; when the young man arrived, the boy immediately laughed; the king ordered the daughter and child and the young man to be put in two compartments inside the barrel and throw it into the water; the young man told the spirit to turn his part of the barrel into a room with enough food; the same with part of the princess when she promised to be the young man's wife; the barrel was thrown onto land; on the other side of the fjord royal castle; the young man orders that his house be moved here and become better than the royal one; it turns out that the king recognized his son-in-law, the wedding; but the young man went to the sea, his box disappeared somewhere and at this place A mermaid appeared; she demanded him as her husband; took him to her castle; but the young man saw his box on the table, opened it and carried himself back; the king moved in with his son-in-law, everything is fine]: Kohl-Larsen 1982:39-47; Karelians: Onegin 2010, No. 43 [roughly like Schreck 1887]: 390-396; Schreck 1887, No. 11 [in Goldberg 1953:53-71 This text is classified as Finnish, although it is clearly stated that it is from Russian Karelia; witch - Syöjätär; brief summary in Heartland 1894, No. 2:321; in the forest, the older sister promises to cook food for the king from several grains, the middle sister promises to cook food for the king from several bundles of hemp prepare clothes for him, the youngest to give birth to 9 sons in three pregnancies; the Queen heard and married the youngest; when she gave birth to the first three boys, the midwife witch replaced them with crow chicks, children she hid it in the meadow under a white stone; the next time she replaced crows with chicks, and the third time she replaced herons; but the woman in labor hid two children, gave the witch only one, which she hid under the same stone; The Queen left his wife in an iron barrel into the sea, not knowing that her two sons were with her; three years later they grew up; the barrel was thrown onto the island, the boys asked God to break it, went outside; a pike swam up, told them to take a hat and a handkerchief out of her belly; they hit them with a hat, a palace and a stone bridge appeared to their father's kingdom; a beggar came, fed him, he came back, told the Queen what he had seen; he I understood everything, brought my wife and sons back; they hit them with a hat, the palace and the bridge behind them disappeared; the young men decided to find the rest of their brothers; the mother gave them bread baked with her milk; at the top when the brothers ate, they saw a seagull; one wanted to shoot it, the other stopped him; the seagull: don't shoot, I'll be useful; so three times; by the seashore, the seagull put the young men on its back, carried it; dived three times so that they they were as afraid as she felt when they aimed at her; on the other side, the brothers took out a pike handkerchief, it began to turn around, they followed to the fir forest; at the top of the fir tree, there is a large a bird; she sent on; the brothers entered the house, there was a woman; she said that seven brothers swim in the form of swans, and at night they became human; sent them to the next house; the mistress said that the brothers had goals; we must go quietly and burn the swan clothes left in the yard; they did it; nine went home after the handkerchief; two gave the seven brothers bread with breast milk; all came back home; feast]: 85-97; Concca 1959, No. 29 (Loukh District, 1956) [the prince marries one of three sisters who promises to have nine sons; Syöjätar turns out to be a midwife, replacing nine boys three piglets and six puppies, or three boys crow, crow, magpie]: 128-133 (a brief retelling in Hako 1956:57-58); Finns {summary, but apparently like Karelians} [three sisters, the youngest promises to give birth to nine golden sons; the cannibal replaces children with animals, the wife hides one; she and her son are allowed into the sea in a barrel; on the island, the son builds a house for his mother, a bridge to his father's castle; finds brothers; cannibal punished]: Heartland 1894, No. 2:321; Veps [three sisters came to the bathhouse in the evening to scratch flax; Ivan Tsarevich overhears in the waiting room; eldest: if I. married me, then from one fibers would weave three different dresses; medium: three different breads from one dough would be speckled; the youngest: would give birth to three heroes, each with one golden hair, the other silver; I. married the youngest; she gives birth, asks to take Baba Yaga as a midwife; she meets her halfway twice, says that they have all the baba yagi; she replaced three children with three puppies, the children (threw) into the field; the second time the wife of two children She gave it to wash in the bathhouse, and hid the third under her right chest; I. put his wife in an iron barrel, threw him at Onego, married Baba Yaga's daughter; the boy in the barrel immediately grew up and as soon as the barrel was carried to the shore, broke it; the next day a house appeared; the guy hit a pebble and his brothers and father came to them]: Onegin, Zaitseva 1996, No. 12:72-74; Veps [{not everything is clear, approximate translation}; y parents three daughters; Ivan Tsarevich overheard them talking in the bathhouse; (promises to marry); one promises to give birth to 9 sons; the wife gave birth to three boys, the midwife replaced them with piglets; the same at the second birth; at the third time, the queen hid one under her breast and it was announced that she gave birth to only two piglets; she and the hidden boy were placed in a barrel and thrown into the sea; the waves were worn the barrel is three years old; then the son knocked down the bottom, they are on the shore; the mother blesses her son every time and, according to his word, a beautiful house appears, a river in which oatmeal and fresh milk flow; to the young man His 8 brothers come; they eat and drink; they say they have neither father nor mother; then father comes; feast]: Kettunen, Sibo 1935, No. 55:115-121; Estonians (Tartu; mainly in southern Estonia) [three the sisters collect flax, the passing king draws attention to them; the elder promises to dress the army with a piece of cloth, the second to feed him a crumb of bread, the third to give birth to a son with a month on the back of his head, the sun on his forehead, a star above her heart; while the husband is at war, the wife gives birth to an ordinary boy, the mother-in-law sends a letter to her son as if the daughter-in-law gave birth to a son with a wolf's head, bear paws, and a fox tail; the king orders to expel wife and her offspring; mother-in-law lowers them into the sea in a barrel; a bird brings them food, the son grows up; knocks out the bottom of the barrel at the shore; hears people that the king will remarry if the nuts from the barrel become jump out in pairs; the son goes to the king, tells his story, nuts pop up all the time; as the story progressed, a month, a sun, a star appeared on his body; the king called his wife and stayed with her]: Mälk et al. 1967, No. 104:341-343; Seto: Normann, Tampere 1989 [father disappeared in the swamp; three sisters are crying, the king saw a stream of tears, went to the source, brought the sisters to him; the eldest promised rye grain feed the army, the middle one to dress him with fur, the youngest to give birth to a son with the sun on the back of his head, a month in his forehead, stars on his body; the king marries her, she gave birth to two twins with promised signs, asked the birds to convey the message to the king, the raven flew; the older sister took the children to the swamp window, where the girls' father disappeared, replaced them with puppies; the same for the second time, a crow flew; the third time one son asked his mother to hide it under her arm, the king ordered his wife to be thrown into the sea in a barrel; the barrel was nailed to an empty island, the son knocked out the bottom; the old man gave them a willing staff, a feather to fly on; the royal the nobleman visits the island three times; each time his wife's sister says that there is a greater miracle; a young man who has arrived on a pen overhears, tells the staff to carry this miracle to his palace; 1) a golden pig with silver piglets; 2) an oak tree on which a cat tells fairy tales; 3) a window in the swamp, from which there are five paths, each with a boy walking along with the sun on the back of his head, a month in his forehead, stars on his body; a nobleman tells the story of six such boys on the island, the king goes to see for himself, brings his wife and sons; his wife's sister was thrown into the sea in a barrel]: 73-81; Sutrop 2018, No. 18 [brother's wife tyrants an orphan girl; she was left in the forest; she came to the house of four brothers, who made her a sister; her brother's wife found out, came, gave the girl poisoned clothes; the brothers came, took off their clothes, the girl came to life; the same second time; the third put a ring on the girl's finger; the brothers did not notice the ring, put the girl in the coffin and took her to the chapel; the prince went in, took off the ring, the girl came to life; the prince married her; inherited the throne; the wife gave birth when he was away; his brother's wife replaced the letter with a message that his wife had given birth to a puppy; the king ordered his wife and offspring to be put in a barrel and thrown into the sea; the boy grew up quickly; knocked out the bottom, they found themselves on island; son and tsar met, everything is fine, brother's wife was executed]: 968-970; Lutsie (Western 1933, told in Russian) [the tsar was walking playing the cantel; one day he did not return; three daughters went to look, found father dead; they began to cry, a river formed from tears; the prince cannot cross, sends servants to find out where the river is flowing from; they tell; the prince asks what each of the sisters would do if he would have taken her; the eldest: would feed the whole country with one pea; the middle one: one oatmeal - all horses; the youngest: would give birth to 12 sons; the prince married her; the sisters called her a sorceress, but the prince did not listen; the prince joined the army; the wife gave birth to 12 sons, wrote a letter; the messenger stopped in the hut, the enchantress changed the letter: she gave birth to children with pig heads, etc. (as she could compose); the prince writes in response: let them live; the enchantress changed the letter again: let 11 be killed and the one who looks like his father be left; the queen and her 12th son were lowered into the sea in a barrel; when they arrived to the island, the mother allowed the boy to knock out the bottom; on the island there is a palace, fruits and everything else; the young man went to shoot the ducks, sees a swan, she asks not to shoot at her, but to go to the shore, there is a thread, you have to pull it out behind it the ship on which his father is; with his father, his new wife, the queen's sister; the king does not recognize his son; wants to see the beauty on the island, his wife does not allow him; the next day the swan orders him to take 12 pebbles, one put in your pocket and throw 11 into the sea; 11 young boys will come out of the water; father's ship again, the young man asks what the news is; father: her 11 missing sons came to the island to the beautiful woman; the wife again did not let the king ashore; on the third day, the swan tells us to throw the hook, catch the goldfish, and his father's ship will come for it; this time the king went with his son; everything was clarified; he drove his new wife away and stayed in a palace on an island with her former and sons]: Annom et al. 2018:157-161; Latvians [three girls promise if they marry a king: the first is to dress all subjects with linen fiber, the second to feed them the whole kingdom with one grain, the third to give birth to many sons; the king marries a third; when sons are born, sisters report that little animals have been born; the queen and her last son are put in a barrel and thrown into the sea; the son grows up rapidly and, together with his mother, gets out of the barrel to the island; receives magic objects from the old man, builds a house, a bridge; sailors tell the king about the miracles on the island; son, wrapped in a fly (bird), she goes with the sailors; the sister of the queen thrown into the sea, now the queen herself, says that there are even greater miracles in other parts: a magic tree on which a cat, rising up, sings songs, and going down, he makes riddles, tells fairy tales; a magic hog that fattens himself, 11 magical sons who should be fed cakes mixed with their mother's milk; the son takes all these miracles to his island; 11 sons are disappeared brothers; after eating cakes, they recognize brother and mother; the king goes to see miracles, finds his wife and sons; sisters are punished]: Arys, Medne 1977, No. 707:312; Latvians ["By Pike's Command". The third son spares the fish caught in a bucket of water, and she promises to help him. "By pike's command", buckets of water come, sledges with firewood arrive. The princess gives birth to a child at the behest of her son. To find his father, the king summons all the men of the kingdom: whoever of them the boy gives the apple will be his father. The boy gives the apple to his third son. By order of the king, the son, the princess and the child are put in a barrel and thrown into the sea. The son tells the barrel to arrive at the shore, if he wishes. A golden palace appears, from which there is a bridge to the royal palace. The king forgives the punished, everyone returns home]: Aris, Medne 1977, No. 675:310; Lithuanians [the Queen and his servant have caught up with the girl; she is not walking along the road, but along the side of the road; Queen: why? girl: if God willing, he will also give on the side of the road; Queen: what will he give? girl: three daughters and a son - the sun is on his foreheads, the moon on the back of his head is in the arms of a star; the king married, went to war, the queen gave birth to wonderful children; the queen's mother wrote to her son that three knots and a dog were born ; they shackled a golden ship, turned the girls into doves, let them go to sea; the mother gouged out her eyes, put her son in a barrel, and also let them go to sea; the queen was told that Merle had his wife, and the puppies poisoned; the barrel was thrown onto the island; the boy began to walk, came across an old man stuck in the sand; he gave him a wand, told him to hit him three times and not laugh; the boy hit, the old man got out, gave him a stick: what if you ask, he will; the stick gave food; the ship came, the officer went ashore, the boy gave him food; the officer sailed away; the stick told the boy to become a dove and follow; the dove overhears how in the palace The officer says: there is a blind woman and a child on the island with the sun, moon and stars on her forehead, back of her head, arms; the king wants to see; his mother: there is a stone with two holes, one with healing water, the other debilitating; would you like to see that? the dove is flying back, the stick found him this stone; the next time the same: the estate on a cock's leg; the third time: there is a golden ship with three doves in the daytime and girls at night; the brother found sisters, The king sailed, they went to the estate, found the queen on a cock's leg; a stick carried everything to the king's palace; the witch mother drowned]: Kerbelite 2021, No. 98:201-204.

Volga - Perm. Mordva: Anikin 1909 in Aleshkin 1989 (Erzya) [the royal son overheard the conversation of the poor widow's three daughters; the eldest says that if the royal son married her, she would dress a regiment from one spindle soldier; medium: she would bake bread that she would feed two regiments in one piece; youngest: she would give birth to 12 sons, the sun was in her forehead, the moon at the back of her head, stars at the ends of the hair, iron strength, the will is stone, the heart waxy; the royal son married her; when he went to war he was looking for a midwife, met Vedyava by the river; the queen gave birth 11 times, V. each time writes that a puppy was born; for the 12th time the prince is angry, orders to shackle the queen and the child in an iron barrel, let them go to sea; V. sent 11 sons somewhere; after the death of the tsar, the Tsarevich himself reigned; the barrel at the bottom, the son asks his mother, causes a storm, throws the barrel ashore, causes heat, the barrel bursts; the son builds a house; two old men fight over an ax (he builds himself), a handkerchief (turns it into anything), batons (he hits herself); orders a baton to beat the old people, takes away the wonderful objects; the son invites fishermen to the table; then, becoming a mosquito, he sails on their ship to his father; the queen hears the fishermen's story, realizes that the former son has been saved; the king wants to go with them; the queen dissuades: this is not a miracle, there is a pig that plows its feet, harrows its tail, sows its snout; the young man caught a pig; next time: there is a mare that will give birth to a foal at every step; the same; a tree with silver bells instead of leaves; 11 fellows with the sun in his forehead (etc.); the young man goes to look for his brothers, meets a bird, which brings him to the hut, he hides, puts 12 pies on the table; the brothers recognize each other, they return to their mother, the king comes there, returns his wife, drives the liar away with a samobile baton]: 231-237; Marie [Wonderful children: the prince overhears the conversation of three girls ; marries a girl who promised to give birth to 12 heroes; the children born by her are replaced by a sorceress, the mother of one of the girls, with puppies; the prince orders his wife and newborns to be put in a barrel and thrown into the sea; the barrel sails to the island, where the son, with the help of a girl swan released by him, establishes a kingdom of miracles; the prince goes to see miracles and meets his wife and children; the perpetrators are punished]: Chetkarev in Sabitov 1989, No. 707:41.

Southern Siberia. Tofalars [=Katanov 1907:645-648, =Rassadin 1996, No. 33:75-77; the old god saw three maidens; the eldest said she would bake bread for 300 soldiers, the middle one would grow nine aspens so that everyone would bake bread the soldier will make skis, the youngest will give birth to two sons with golden breasts and one with a human breast; the old woman replaces the first two puppies, after the birth of the third, the husband orders his wife and son to be sewn in cow's clothing, throw them into the sea; they swim ashore; the mother makes her son a hat and fur coat out of grass; a man asks for a hat for himself, gives him an ax (he builds it himself), an iron stick (she hits herself) and a bag (she feeds); the stick hits soldiers sent; the mother has a sacred book, the son learns from it where his gold-breasted brothers are held captive by a giant; the boy kills the giant by sending his stick; the mother feeds her eldest sons milk, them the golden breast becomes human]: Sherkhunaev 1975:283-288.

Western Siberia. Nordic (?) Khanty [Moldanov 2003:51; the tsar's son is married, children are born in the absence of a father; three women replace the birth letter and father's answer; children and their mother are put in a barrel, thrown into the water, they swim out to shore; merchants come; the boy's first trip to the royal city in the guise of a snotty boy; he overhears women's story about the miracle axe, returns to the city, gets a miracle ax; the second trip is the same miracle cows; the third is miracle squirrels; the fourth is in their real form; they find the culprits give everyone what they deserve]: Kim 2008:75.