Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

K74. Sister and dwarf. .11.-.17.20.-.37.42. (.43.)

Of the two or more characters, each successively stays at home or goes for a fire to cook or brings food into the house. Each time a character appears who eats food and/or defeats the one who remains or comes for fire.

Lunda (mbundu?) , Sakata, Mitsogo, Kaguru, Shauna (Hungwe), Tonga, Suthou, Mosi, Hausa, Zaghawa, Nubians, Kabilas, Basques, Catalans, Italians (Ticino, Tuscany), Portuguese, Ladins, Corsicans, French (Dauphine, Provence) Germans (Hanover, Baden-Württemberg), Syrians, Uliti, Tuvalu, Tibetans (25 Vetal stories), Bhutan, Cham, Thais, Kashmir (translated from Hindi), Punjabi, Nepali, Santals, Baiga, Ibanas, Bahau, Lampung, Sunda, Javanese, Mentawai, Toraja, Minahasa, Malays, Sangihe, Galela, Tagals, Chuan Miao, Moldovans, Romanians, Bosnians, Slovenes, Bulgarians, Albanians, Hungarians, Czechs, Russians (Murmansk, Arkhangelsk, Karelia, Olonetskaya, Novgorod, Pskov, Vologda, Moscow, Tula, Voronezh, Kursk, Oryol, Ryazan, Tambov), Ukrainians (Eastern Slovakia, Transcarpathia, Hutsulshchina), Belarusians, Crimean Tatars, Kalmyks, Stavropol Turkmens, Abkhazians, Abazins, Adygs, Balkarians, Ingush, Avars, Lezgins, Udins, Aguls, Tatas, Georgians, Azerbaijanis, Kurds, Uzbeks, Turkmens, Shugnans, Yazgulyam, Vakhans, Norwegians, Swedes, Danes, Finns, Estonians, Lutsies, Karelians, Veps, Eastern and Western Sami, Chuvash, Mari, Mordovians, Bashkirs, Kazan Tatars, Komi, Udmurts, Kazakhs, Kyrgyz, Dungans (northern Xinjiang), Siberian Tatars, Shors, Tuvans, Tofalars, Buryats, Mongols, Mansi, Northern Khanty, Nenets, Nganasans, Northern and Southern Selkups, Yakuts, Bount Evenks, Udege, Nivkhs, Bellakula, Upper Kokvil.

Bantu-speaking Africa. Lund {referred to as the Mbundu text, but Olderogge's text is the Lund text; the same attribution with reference to Olderogge in Zhukov, Kotlyar 1976} [Nzua marries, but his father immediately tells him to go on business in city; upon return, he learns from his wife that the ma-kishi robbed and killed everyone; the twins Sudika-Mbambi and Kabundu Ngulu speak from their mother's belly; when born, they build a house for their parents, materials themselves they lay down; S. goes to take revenge on the ma-kishi, tells K. to watch the planted tree (if it wilts, he is killed); on the way he meets and companions people, the first part of the name of each of whom is "Kipaland", and the second different; 1) Building a house on a rock (synonym for "doing the impossible"), 2) Carving eight clubs in a day, 3) Harvesting in Kalunga (underworld), 4) Bowing his beard towards Kalunga; the last Kiyandala-midi, who eats a thousand, rinses his mouth by a hundred; when he hears the name S., who "puts a stick on the ground, raises an antelope to the sky", runs away in fear; while the others are fighting the ma-kishi, each four K. stays at home in turn; an old woman comes, promises her granddaughter, if K. defeats her, defeats everyone; S. remains the last, kills the old woman, frees her granddaughter from the stone house; K. is jealous, they dig a hole, S. falls, they bury it; at home, the brother sees that the tree withers, waters it, it comes to life; S. finds a way in the hole, comes to an old woman, whose bottom of her body is resting, and the top is digging up the ground; S. helps her dig; she tells her to walk along a narrow road, gives her a jug of red pepper and a jug of wisdom; S. gets her daughter Kalunga-Ngombe for them, but she must be taken away from the kidnapper snake; S. cuts off 5 (or more?) the snake's heads, brings the girl; the father-in-law demands the return of the goats and pigs stolen by the crocodile, the crocodile swallows S.; the brother again sees the dried tree, finds Kalunga-Ngombe, kills the crocodile, revives S. from bones; brothers drive four Kipaland away, quarrel over women (Kabundu Ngulu wants one of S.'s two wives), separate; older brother thunder in the east, younger brother in the west]: Anpetkova-Sharova 1975: 169-177 (=Olderogge 1959:61-70; quail in Zhukov, Kotlyar 1976, No. 113:261-269); sakata [animals set up a hunting camp, bring meat there, leave the dwarf Antelope to guard; there is a thunder, a hairy man Itotongo comes, asks for a smoke; Antelope has no tobacco, I. brings it from the village, gives it a cigarette, swallows all the meat and even the huts; none of the animals can to resist him; the Turtle Chief remains; suggests I. take the fire from his ass; when I. puts his hand in there, clutches his shell, I. dies]: Colldén 1979, No. 170:339-340; mitsogo [ the animals set up a hunting camp, bring a lot of meat, leave the dwarf Antelope to guard; the Tsago-Digoo Snail comes, throws a knife at the watchman, picks up the meat; so take turns with all the animals; remains The Turtle clamps the Snail's antenna and leg with its shell, calls the animals; they killed the Snail]: Raponda-Walker 1967:324-330; Kaguru [father tells four sons not to herd cattle on the highlands; elder invites the brothers to drive the cattle there; the cattle disappear; the brothers slaughter the remaining cow, go to look for cattle, the elder stays cooking; a hairy man comes, beats the cook, eats meat; the same with two other brothers; the youngest cuts his hair off the man's body, he runs away to the bush; the brothers are frightened, they return to the village; the youngest follows the footsteps of the runaway to his village; he sees a young man, tells women flee, the youngest returns the cattle, the father gives him a wife, drives away the eldest sons]: Beidelman 1967b, No. 1:370-373; shona (hungwe) [Khamba ("leopard") goes with his wife; throws an elephant into the sky who tried her take away; meets the Strelka, the Strongman, the Lion Tamer; everyone says that he is afraid only of K.; joins him; everyone takes turns coming to the old woman in search of fire, she connects those who have come; when K. enters, the elephant he threw into the sky just falls, presses the old woman; K. frees his companions, they cook dinner]: Frobenius in Zhukov, Kotlyar 1976, No. 118:285-287; Tonga [Makoma was born from his mother's knee; leaves, meeting, turning tiny with their staff, putting in their pocket and taking with them the Tree Eater (PD), the Grass Eater (PT), the Water Drinker (PV); PD, the PT are paving the way to the land of Rain Lord Nyandebwu (" a beard made of hair as thick as an elephant's tail"); companions build a house by the lake; while M. is hunting, N. comes three times, the companions are unable to put him to eat all the meat; PV drinks the lake, M. fights with N., both sink to the bottom of the lake]: Zhukov, Kotlyar 1976, No. 119:288-290; suto [the hare in the cave is busy dressing the skin when there is a noise; the animals fall dead, a crooked stick remains; the hare runs, meets the rabbit, then the antelope, tells them about the dead animals and a crooked stick; all three come to an empty kraal; the monster Mpphotanyane comes there; the antelope and the rabbit take turns guarding, M. plays a trick on each ; when it's the hare's turn, he plays with M, a deceptive cooking game and cooks M.]: Klipple 1992:324.

West Africa. Mosi: Anpetkova-Sharova 2010 [four hunters named "Grow-Tree-Bece-My-Toothpick", "Born to Nine Women", "Duval-for-Me-Grass" and "Iron-Staff" caught meat Queues guard; every time an eagle arrives, eats everything; when J. guards, he hits the eagle with an iron staff, is swallowed, comes out from under the tail, hits again, kills the eagle; everyone takes turns following the fire the giantess ties everyone with her pubic hair; J. touches the giantess with a staff, she loses her strength, he frees his comrades]: 142-144; Frobenius 1986 [out of nine wives, only one gave birth; the boy said his name was Son of Nine Mothers; went on a journey, met and accompanied 1) Pulling trees to pick his ear, 2) Bearded sky, 3) Speedboat (step - he's 180 km away in Mankarraga); companions on queues remain to guard the prey (elephant, buffalo, antelope); each time a huge hawk carries it away; the Son of Nine Mothers knocks him out with a bow, finishes him off with a stick, a dagger]: 80-82; Sissao 2010, No. 18 [sorcerer told an infertile woman to cook porridge and not wipe a drop if she fell on her thigh; a drop fell, an abscess was swollen, a boy was born out of it, said that his name was Kegenkargen-Biga-na-Zengloanda; went wandered, met a hero like him, they began to live together; shot birds, put them in a cage, put a forest animal (unidentified) as a watchman; a huge hawk flew in and asked the watchman, whether to eat meat or man, he replied that the meat; the kite ate the birds; friends put another watchman - the same; K. himself remained guarded, replied that he was a man; the hawk swallowed him, but K. went out through the ass; the same time again; K. killed the hawk, today's birds appeared from his feathers]: 45-46; hausa [hero Aunu could divide the river by hitting it with his hand; went on a journey; met, took companions of three other strong young men; each takes turns guarding the property; an evil spirit comes out of the roots of the tree, defeats the watchman; when A. remains, the spirit cannot defeat him, both rise to sky, they are still fighting, the noise of their battle is thunder]: Olderogge 1959:229-230 (retelling Kotlyar 2009, No. 99:99); wolof [Samba hunted from the plain, came to a giant baobab, began to cook; in the baobabe lived an evil spirit; his dog came to eat what S. was cooking; he hit her; an evil spirit tied him to a baobab branch with his pubic hair; then Samba went hunting from the hills, and the same thing happened to him ; Sadinghale killed 30 elephants while hunting, carried 15 of them on their heads and tied 15 to his belt, but by the time he reached the baobab, fleas ate his belt; when the evil spirit appeared, Sadingale became fight him, overcame him in the evening, tied him to a branch with pubic hair; pulled out a baobab; saw an old woman bent down, collecting grain, put her penis in her (enfonça sa charge dans le derrière); old woman: what kind of ant is there?] : Copans, Couty 1988, No. 43:107-108.

Sudan-East Africa. Zaghawa [all animals run a common household; a Niguinigui child arrives on an antelope, asks the lion for milk; drinks, asks for more and more, Leo refuses, N. beats him, binds him to donkey pen; when the animals come back, there is no more milk; next time the Panther remains, then Cheetah, Hyena, Jackal, the same; when Daman stays, he digs many holes, puts sticks at each of them, hits N. on the nose, every time he hides in a hole, N. is killed; the animals return, Daman gives them milk; N. comes to life, empties the calebas with butter, hides inside; the animals decide to leave this place]: Tubiana, Tubiana 2004 (2), No. 22:13-15; Nubians [lying in a puddle, a woman conceived a donkey from the seed; her son Ahmed Son Donkey (ASO) beats his wife twice a day, who confirms that he is daring; the old woman advises his wife to answer that there are better daredevils; ASO leaves, meets, takes as companions Eared, Glazed, Angry, Inexhaustible (irrigates the beds with his urine); everyone answers before that that that if he met ASO, then fraternized with him; the king sprinkles poison, the Eyed takes away the poisoned pieces; the king sets fire to the house, the Inexhaustible floods; the angry almost killed everyone; the king is ready to give his daughter, the ASO only takes a receipt that they daredevils; each one cooks in turn, the giant eats everything; when it's ASO's turn, he throws him into the fire, the giant disappears into the well; the ASO goes down the rope, the beauty says that the giant's soul is in the chest, ASO breaks it; twins pick it up, share beauty and treasures, cut off the rope; ASO falls into the fifth underworld; there the crocodile closed the river, gives water in exchange for girls; ASO promises to inflict The crocodile has ritual scars on the occasion of eating him and the girl, kills; hides with an old woman, leaving a handprint on the princess's thigh; the king finds the hero, tells the eagle to take him upstairs; there is not enough meat, ASO cuts a piece off his thigh, gives it to the eagle; he puts it back; ASO forgives his brothers, returns to his wife]: Katznelson 1968:78-94; Gooji [dying, the father tells four sons to take care of their mother; the youngest is still a teenager, lives with his uncle; the elders take turns bringing food to the mother every day, leaving; Hyena comes, threatens the woman to eat her, devours what she has brought; the youngest notices that the mother is thin, hides near her mother's house, kills Hyena who has come]: Jensen 1936, No. 27:516-517

North Africa. Kabila [daughter asks her father to bring invisible pants from the market that dance themselves; he does not get it, his daughter is ill; he was advised to go to Wuarssen (devas); dev gives pants for promising to give his daughter; father: come when snow, rain, thunder and lightning are together; he came in a storm, took the girl; her three brothers went to look for her; sheep shepherd: Dev fights a ram every day, the strength is equal if you win ram, then win and deva; the ram picks up the brothers with horns, throws far; the same with the bull; the rooster refuses to fight such nonentities at all; black woman: the devil drinks a buryuk of water, eats melons floating in them; brothers can't; come to their sister; dev offers them a lot to eat, sister throws food into the basement; offers to fight, they choose sabers; dev throws the brothers into a dry well; parents go to look for sons, father seeks water, mother drinks mule urine, conceives son; they come back; M'hammed Asserdun is born, he has a mule head; incredibly strong; 99 horses are broken under him; father found him a horse born at the same time as him; the MA asks his mother for boiling water, tells him to get coal out of it, puts her hand in the boiling water; she has to tell him in which direction the brothers have gone; tells him to forge iron club (broke the first two); easily kills a ram, a bull, a rooster; drinks water, eats melons; swallows food in the deva's house; kills him, brings his sister and brothers home; MA leaves again, meets, He takes as his companions a man with giant lips; a man with ears in which he wraps; with a beard in which a herd of sheep; they find a home in the forest, take turns cooking; every time he comes Luash, eats everything; MA fights him, cuts off his head, hides him in the house under a pot of water; consistently sends satellites to take water, everyone is frightened, says he has stumbled; MA shows his head the next morning breaks up with his companions]: Frobenius 1922a, No. 6:52-66; Tunisia [after the king's death, the widow] gave birth to Mohammed; he is incredibly strong; kills the ruler's warriors; goes to wander; meets Satellites Upside Down Mountain and Fettäl Elhebäl (Rotating Ropes {? Seildreher}); they enter the castle, where the treasures take turns cooking; every time an old woman comes, ties and hits the rest; when it's M.'s turn, he cuts off the old woman's head; her head rolls away, disappears into the well; companions descend M. down; there are three kidnapped princesses; M. killed the demon kidnapper, sends the princesses upstairs, each gave him 2 nuts; lifting M., the companions cut off the rope, took for himself as a princess, and the third was presented to the Sultan; he appointed them viziers; M. split one nut, there was an assistant spirit, brought M. to the Sultan's city; M. hired a tailor; the princess demands a dress without seams and pins , otherwise they will not marry; the Sultan tells the tailor to make them, M. calls an assistant spirit, who brought dresses; the princesses realized that M. has returned; M. requires a black horse and a black outfit from the spirit; came to merrymaking, grabbed the bride, flew away with her on horseback; the next two days, the same with two other princesses - M. on a red horse, on a white horse; last time wounded in the arm with an arrow; thanks to this, found; appears to to the Sultan, wearing the Sultan's robe himself; the deceivers are executed, one princess was received by M., the second sultan, the third sultan allowed him to give to whoever M. wanted; made him a vizier]: Spiess 1893, No. 1:3-13.

Southern Europe. The Basques [the son is so strong that his father is afraid of him; goes on a journey; meets a runner, a millstone on his foot to move more slowly; a strongman, a stone on his back, this stone can crush the world; a blowing man who blows his nose rotates the mill; each one cooks in turn; an old man appears from the chimney, eats everything, the cook wins; when it is the turn for the blowing man, he blows so that the old man is pressed against the roof; friends come to the king; he will give a gold-filled bull skin if the applicant returns from the source faster than his daughter; they began to take out the lice, the hunter fell asleep, the daughter almost returned, the hunter they woke up with a shot, the blowing threw the princess away with the wind, the hunter came first; they wanted to take away the gold they had received from the first king from their friends, but the soldiers were scattered by the wind; the friends became good live]: Barandiaran 1962a, No. 28:104-108; Portuguese [the hero is powerful; he is the son of a bear from a woman kidnapped by him; he is fed by donkey milk; when leaving home, he tells him to make an iron a club; he meets and companions heroes with unusual abilities (pulling pine trees, comparing mountains, etc.); they live in a house in the forest, each cooks in turn, the monster defeats the cook and spoils food; when it's his turn, the hero defeats a monster; follows him into a hole in the ground; or someone steals apples from the royal garden; the older brothers fail, the youngest manages to see the kidnapper, he follows him into a hole in the ground; below are three kidnapped princesses; the hero defeats several monsters, uses a rusty sword instead of a new one; the brothers raise the princesses upstairs, leave the hero below; that enlists the help of the spirit whose ear he bit; or flies upstairs in a huge bird, cuts off a piece of his flesh and feeds it; the hero returns to the princesses's scheduled wedding day; they recognize him by the ring etc., or only he can raise a rusty sword; he punishes traitors and marries one of the princesses]: Cardigos 2006, No. 301:56-57; Catalans: Kustova 1987 [Roland made a club out of a barrel, broke through her rock, a spring appeared; meets and companions a man who is going to demolish a mountain (Renka Mountain) and pulling an oak (Renka Oak); they take turns cooking; hell comes out of the stove, hits and binds the cook, eats everything; R. beat him with a club, the devil ran away]: 131-136; Oriol, Pujol 2008, No. 301 [the son of a bear and a woman kidnapped by that is extremely strong, goes to wander, meets, takes in companions of the Pine Puller, the Listener, the Mountain Moving, the Blowing; they stay in the house and cook one by one; the owner hits the cook and spoils the food every time; the hero defeats the one who walks through the bloody on the way to the well; when he goes down, he meets the princess kidnapped by a giant; she advises choosing a rusty sword to fight; after killing the giant, the hero sends the princess upstairs; his companions throw him in the lower world; he returns using his severed giant ear]: 61-64; Italians (Liguria): Andrews 1895, No. 40 [husband worked in the forest, wife took lunch, got lost, found a cave at nightfall to take refuge; a bear came and married her; when Jean was eight years old, his mother returned home with him and they moved to town; he was taught to a shoemaker, then to a blacksmith, but he is too strong, everything is awkward; forged a huge iron club for himself and went on a journey; met and accompanied 1) playing with millstones, 2) rearranging mountains; they stopped in an empty castle, cooking in turn; from Someone goes down the chimney and hits the cook until he loses consciousness; Jean beat him himself; friends found a hole in the ground, only Jean decided to go down; there is a girl, Jean sends her to the surface, she gives a ring that will take you anywhere; the same with the second girl (magic tablecloth); the old man and the third girl are not happy with Jean, the girl called the servants, he killed them; at this time, Jean's companions left, picking up the girls ; Jean told the ring to move it to the ground, killed his companions, married one of the girls raised], 63 [the princess is gone; the king promises her to whoever finds her; a soldier named Copper Mustache (MU) took it make; took friends named Iron Heart and Dismember Bones; castle in the forest; old woman: they do not leave it alive; those who come cook one by one; an old woman comes, asks to let her warm up by the fire, beats who let her in; MU cuts off her fingers, pursues her; in the garden she raised the millstone and disappeared into the hole; the companions try to go down on a rope, but MU is not afraid; the princess gives him her handkerchief; the sorcerer appeared, Moo killed him in a saber duel, sent the princess upstairs; his companions are arguing about who will get her; they cut off the rope; but MU expected it and tied not himself, but a stone; MU finds that old woman, threatens to kill him if she doesn't lift him to the ground; she puts him on her back and flies to the ground; gives him boots by leaps and bounds to make it to the princess's wedding with one of her companions; Mu shows her handkerchief and marries himself on the princess]: 181-186, 309-318; Calvino 1984, No. 78 (Pisa) [the king has three daughters, the eldest has an affair with a baker; the baker persuaded the secretary to give the king a request for marriage; in response, the king imprisoned all three daughters for six months for bread and water; then allowed them to walk; the carriage was enveloped in fog, the sorcerer took the girls away; the king promises his daughter to be married to the savior; the baker goes in search, with him two friends; they come to the empty the house is cooked one by one; a golden ball appears, a dwarf with a club comes out of it, beats the cook; the cook tells his comrades that he is dead; the same with the second companion; when the baker remains, he does not kick the ball like others; the dwarf is friendly; the baker asks for firewood, cuts off the dwarf's head at an appropriate moment and throws it and his body into the well; the companions do not believe; the baker suggests lowering it down - he will bring his head; There are three kidnapped princesses below; the baker sends the remains of a dwarf upstairs, descends again, kills the sleeping kidnapper sorcerer with a sword; sends treasures and princesses upstairs; they give him chestnut and almond and a nut; suspicious of deception, the baker ties a rope to the body of the murdered sorcerer, the companions cut off the rope; the baker broke nuts, wearing clothes for the prince, the carriage and the regiment of soldiers; the baker came to the ground in a carriage, soldiers shot the impostors, the baker married the elder princess, received the throne]: 284-288; Keller 1981 (Ticino) [father sent his son to study as a blacksmith; he is so strong that he broke an anvil; forged himself iron staff, went on a journey; took as his companions a man who broke trees with a wooden staff and threw millstones into the sea; they were told about a castle from which they do not return; they come there, take turns cooking ; the owner comes, the cook hits him, but the food burns; everyone tells his comrades that he suffered from his stomach; when the blacksmith's apprentice remains, he hits the person who comes so hard that he shows the well; if you go down , you can save the three princesses below; the blacksmith's apprentice descends, frees the princess from the chains, sends her upstairs in the basket; she left a silver apple to the savior; the same with the second princess ( gives a golden apple), with the third (diamond); the blacksmith's apprentice is left below; princesses are brought to the king; weddings in a year and one day; both elders demand silver and golden apples from the groom, those only rough copies are shown; the blacksmith's apprentice went out, went to earth; the king gave him the younger princess, punished the deceivers]: 224-228; Ladins: Decurtins, Brunold-Bigler 2002, No. 68 [three the princesses begged their father to let them go for a walk and are gone; the king promises daughters to their saviors; three poor young men come to an uninhabited castle; when the elder cooks, the old man comes, the cook in horror; tells his returning comrades that he has a heart condition; the same is true of the second young man; the third threatens the old man with a sword, he leaves; the companions came in failure in the ground, lowered the third on a rope; he killed dragons with three, five, seven heads, cut out and took his tongues with him, freed three princesses; the youngest gave him a ring; he sent them upstairs; his companions kept his rope, decided to say that princesses they freed; an old man brought the youngest to the ground; he hired a baker, put the ring in the cake; the princess found him, everything was explained; the young man's companions were beheaded]: 187-193; Uffer 1973, No. 50 [ a childless miller picked up a box from the mill, containing a baby; he and his wife raised him, feeding him with donkey milk, because there was no wet nurse; he studied to be a blacksmith; leaving the master, he made a club from always found himself in an iron forge; met, won, and accompanied three giants; one pulled trees, the second set in motion many mills, and the third released fog from the bag, creating rain; four live in a hut, cooking bulls one by one; each time a long-bearded dwarf comes, beats the cook, eats everything; when the Blacksmith is left, he beat the dwarf, he ran, disappeared into the hole; each tries go down there on a rope, but shouts that it's hot; the blacksmith set off; below there is a plain and three palaces, glass, silver, gold; each has a princess; in the first, a five-headed dragon, a blacksmith killed him, carved him out tongues, sent the princess upstairs; the same in two other palaces (seven-; nine-headed dragon); picking up the blacksmith, the companions cut off the rope; he met, grabbed a bearded dwarf, made him say how get to the ground; on Mount eagles, you have to catch one, sit on him and feed him on the way; the meat is over, the Blacksmith cut off the last piece from his leg; came to the wedding of three giants with princesses, showed his tongues, killed giants, married the most beautiful (from the golden palace)]: 242-248; Corsicans: Massignon 1984, No. 7 [the king does not allow his daughter to leave the house; one day she went out into the garden, with A flower came down in the sky, she smelled it and disappeared; they are looking for it everywhere; one of the bereytors, Ghuanigula ("Jean-Nicolas"), takes two companions with him, goes in search; in the hut they cook queues; everyone comes a dwarf, hits the cook, eats everything; when G. stays, he hits a dwarf, follows him to the stone under which the hole is; G. goes down, the companions stay at the top; G. finds himself in In another world, there are many young men and women, including a princess; she says that the dwarf is wounded and sleeping, first you have to break the glass in which his soul is; G. does so, sends everyone upstairs; then sends them all heavy stone; companions think it's G., cut off the rope; G. finds an old lamp, rubs, the spirit from the lamp, who fulfills wishes, takes it to the ground; under the guise of a bastard G. remains to work in royal stable; easily calmed down his horse, which no one could approach; the king will give his daughter to someone who rides a wide ditch on horseback; G. asks three times for a metal lamp for himself and his horse armor - first bronze, then silver, then gold; the king prepares his daughter's wedding; G. tells the lamp to make sure that there is crap on the plates instead of food; invites himself to be a cook, dishes gorgeous, he appears to the guests in a bronze robe; then in silver and gold; the princess recognizes him; the king gives G. a daughter and a crown; the companions who betrayed G. were smeared with resin and burned], 100 []: 14-18, 215- 221; Italians (Liguria) [husband worked in the forest, wife took lunch, got lost, found a cave to hide at nightfall; a bear came and married her; when Jean is eight years old, his mother is with him I returned home and they moved to the city; he was taught as a shoemaker, then a blacksmith, but he is too strong, everything is awkward; he forged a huge iron club for himself and went on a journey; met, took into satellites 1) playing with millstones, 2) rearranging mountains; they stopped in an empty castle, cook one by one; someone goes down from the chimney and beats the cook until they lose consciousness; Jean himself beat; friends found a hole in the ground, only Jean decided to go down; there is a girl, Jean sends her to the surface, she gives a ring that will take her anywhere; the same with the second girl (tablecloth- magic); the old man and the third girl are not happy with Jean, the girl called the servants, he killed them; at this time Jean's companions left, taking the girls; Jean ordered the ring to move him to the ground, killed his companions, married one from raised girls]: Andrews 1895, No. 40:181-186.

Western Europe. French: Carnoy 1885, No. 6 (Provence) []: 23-38; Joisten 1991 (Dauphine), No. 2.1 [the son of a peasant Jean is 40 years old in the cradle; the father asks for help in leading the oxen; he gets up, grabs two oxen by the horns, tugs, their heads come off; requires an iron stick weighing 10 tons; it is carried on 40 horses, he picks it up easily; goes to wander, meets, takes as companions 1) a millstone, 2) a seer a hare in the distance, 3) an easy catch up with a hare, 4) listening to grass grow, 5) able to drive away clouds if he hits them; the king suggests competing to run to the spring and back with his aunt, she has always overtaken everyone; she resorts to the spring, goes to bed; the blowing throws her far away, the runner resorts to the spring, brings water; the heroes receive gold from the king; take turns staying at home cook; a man gets out from under the stove, beats the cook; when it's Jean the Bear's turn (named for the first time), he kills the demon with his iron stick; the rich disperse], 3 [pregnant wife and husband went to the forest for firewood, the bear took the woman, closed the exit from the cave with a stone; the woman gave birth to a son when he is seven years old, he fell off the stone, he and his mother ran home; the children tease him Bear Jean (MF, Jean de L'ours), he hits them; tells his father to order blacksmiths a 10 ton iron stick, goes on a journey; meets them, takes as fellow travelers 1) an ax felting trees with one blow (Jean-Woodcutter, Railway), 2) Jean- fearless (RC); only MF can climb a huge tree, you can see an iron castle from it, they break through its wall, eat and drink; the next morning the railway remains to cook, the seven-headed cannibal (Mâgou) comes, hits the railway , the ogre's sister serves him food; the same with JB; MF blows the ogre's heads off, takes his healing ointment; the brothers find the ogre's sister, learn about the three kidnapped princesses, kills his sister; only MF can go down through the hole leading to the lower world (RC and railway tell them to pick them up, it's too hot or cold there); the old woman advises saving the princesses, they are taken upstairs when the MF is raised, the twins are cut off rope; MF broke but healed with cannibal ointment; the old woman says that the cannibal climbed the eagle; MF prepares meat, throws the eagle into its beak while it carries it; the meat is over, he cuts off his buttocks , heals herself with ointment; MF again prepares meat for the eagle, she brings it to the mountain, from where you can see the city with princesses; MF manages to take a seat at the altar instead of the railway, beats him, marries a princess]: 51-57, 58-64; Germans (Hanover) [the shepherd's wife was looking for a cow, got lost, spent the night in a cave; a bear came there; when he left, he blocked the exit with a stone; she gave birth to a boy, at 9 months he had already grown up, incredibly strong; they went down to the village, people drove the bear away; the boy was baptized by Peter - Peter Beer ("bear", PM); he forged a huge iron club for himself, went on a journey; a thrower boulders replies that he is weak compared to PB; he says he is PB, takes it as companions; another strongman ties and unties an iron stake (the same); a third uproots trees (then same); they settled in a house in the woods, take turns cooking; a long-bearded dwarf asks for food, eats everything and hits the cook; when it's PB's turn, he tied him to the bed with his beard; companions came everyone began to eat; the dwarf cut off his beard, ran, disappeared into the well; PB told him to be lowered in the basket; there was an old woman; you can see the castle through the window; the old woman: a princess kidnapped by four giants in it; PB killed them with her club; princess gave a handkerchief and a ring; through the window you can see another castle, there is the sister of the first princess, with 8 giants with her; (still the same); the window shows the castle where her younger sister is guarded by a fire-breathing seven-headed dragon; PB killed 4 giant guards, then a dragon, then 12 more giants sitting at a table in the hall; healed wounds with ointment given by the old woman; companions pulled out the princesses; for the fourth time PB put a stone in his place just in case; his companions threw a stone from above and cut off the rope; PB makes the old woman tell her how to get out; she has a dragon, but must be fed in flight; the last cut off a piece from his leg; healed the wound with an old woman's ointment; the king promises a thousand ducats to someone who will bring the rings they had when they were kidnapped for the rescued princesses; PB hired a jeweler, night he drank and ate, and in the morning gave rings as if he had made them; the princesses recognized from them that their savior was not far away; then appeared disguised as a beggar, showed his scarves; the king married him to his youngest daughter, after his death PB inherited the throne]: Colshorn, Colshorn 1854, No. 5:18-30; the Germans (Hanover) [drummer, corporal, and sergeant spent the night in the forest in a tree; the sergeant saw light in the distance; they came to the castle; the table was set there; in midnight rumble, then silence again; they stayed there to live; take turns cooking; a bearded dwarf appears, asks for food, beats the cook; when it is the sergeant's turn, he rips out part of the dwarf's beard, depriving him of his beard strength; came on a bloody trail to the hole; they were the first to lower the drummer - the rope was short; they took a longer one, the corporal climbed - the same; the sergeant, the long rope, went down, there was an old woman; sent to the eldest kidnapped the princess; she gave strong water, and the giant who came sleepy; the sergeant cut off his head, the princess gave her handkerchief with a silver star; the same for the second princess (gave him a golden apple); with the youngest seven-headed dragon; the battle is three days, the princess gives strong water to everything; the sergeant cut off all 7 heads, took his tongues, the princess gave a handkerchief with diamond stars; the companions picked up only the princesses; the sergeant descended to a world below this, where dwarfs live; they are ready to make the sergeant their king, but they cannot raise her to the ground; they advised to contact an old woman, she has a vulture bird; the sergeant feeds her in flight; on the ground he came to the wedding of two older princesses; their companions told them to call them saviors; the soldier talks about everything, shows his tongues, scarves, an apple; marries a younger princess; forgave his companions and married his elders] : Wolf 1845, No. 21:93-105; Germans (Baden-Württemberg) [Hans the Bear is terribly strong; he is hired by a peasant to carry firewood from the forest; brought all the spruce trees at once along with the oxen that died from strain; ordered to dig a garden - he made a bunch of trees with manure; decided to ask him to dig a deep well, throw a millstone on top of it; he dug a well with his fingers, climbed out from a millstone around his neck; the peasant's wife did not wanted to feed such a gluttonous man, he tore off her head; the peasant then sent him to get three of the most beautiful women; Hans met a shoemaker and tailor on the way, put it in his backpack; they settled in house in the woods; the tailor was the first to watch the fire; the witch came out of the chimney, put out the fire, beat the tailor; the same with the shoemaker; Hans hit the witch against the wall until she said where the three most beautiful women; showed a hole in the ground; the tailor and shoemaker brought Hans down; he sent the first woman upstairs, the companions fought over her; when he sent the second, they reconciled, but threw the log down and took her away women; downstairs, Hans beat the witch against the wall until she said where the way out was; with a third woman, he caught up with the kidnappers, took the first two and brought them all to the peasant, killed him, lived with three women; he was son of a giant's daughter and princely son]: Hubrich-Messow 1988, No. 41:74-76; Germans (Switzerland) [about the same]: Sutermeister 1869, No. 18:36-42.

Western Asia. Syrians [someone steals a goose from Pasha's poultry house; Pasha, his brother, elder son are guarding, falling asleep; the youngest son scratches his hand, injures a flying giant, a trail of blood leads to a well; only the youngest son did not suffocate from the stench, went down to the bottom; consistently meets three girls, the first of them orders to hit the giant with a sword on the leg, not on the neck; the young man finishes off the wounded giant, sends up girls and treasures; the third, the most beautiful, knows that the young man's brother will cut the rope, give three rings and a bird; when he falls, the young man will fall even deeper, must pull the hairs out of the tails of the three horses ( will be on the ground), tell the bird to take itself to the right place; pulls a goat bubble over its head; participates in competitions on the occasion of his older brother's wedding; calls his winged horses with the hairs, wins, ripping a turban off her uncle's head; the bride says she will marry Pasha's eldest son if he gets a golden chicken with silver chickens pecking pearls, a magic dress and a shoe; these items come out of the rings presented to the young man; they are brought by a jeweler; everything is explained; Pasha punishes his brother and eldest son]: Belov, Wilsker 1960:398-404.

Micronesia-Polynesia. Uliti [the mother has 10 cannibal sons between 1 and 10 inches in height; the remaining people fled the island; the pregnant woman did not have time to get on the boat; hid in the hollow of a lying tree and gave birth to a one-legged boy; he grew up quickly, made himself a crutch, catches fish; comes to the mother of cannibals while they are away, picks up food, brings his mother; the eldest cannibal, 1 inch tall, remains to guard; a young man He cuts off his head with his fingernail, takes his food; so every day, consistently with everyone; the youngest cannibal 10 inches tall is killed by the latter; then the young man kills their mother; sails in a boat to tell people the good news, refugees return to the island]: Lessa 1961, No. 13:57-59; Tuvalu (Vaitupu) [birds celebrate, leave someone to guard, go swimming themselves; a monster comes, threatens the watchman, everyone eats, leaves; so many times; the little tala bird is called to guard; when the birds come back, the food is intact, the monster is dead nearby; that's why all birds treat tala well]: Kennedy 1931:218-219.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Tibetans [(one of the "ghost stories"; a rich man meets Yakro Kharto in the forest with the head and tail of a bull, agrees not to kill him; YK meets and companions a born in the forest ( black), -in-grass (green), -In a glass house (transparent); everyone takes turns cooking, a woman comes, picks up food; everyone lies that enemies have attacked; when YK stays, he sends a woman to fetch water in a leaky vessel, finds a rope made of human tendons in her bag, replaces an ordinary iron hammer, replaces a chisel with wooden ones; the woman invites each other to tie; she cannot untie; he kills her with a chisel, a hammer, she falls into a crevice; at the bottom of the treasure, YK descends, companions pick up treasures, cut off the rope; YK plants a peach seed, falls asleep for several years, rises on a grown tree; forgives his companions, goes to visit her parents, sees traces of a girl on the way, from which flowers grow; follows King Gyajin; there demons - black yaks fight against the gods - white yaks; YL hurts the demon king; comes to him disguised as a doctor; does not take out his arrow, but drives him deeper, he dies; the demoness pursues him, the gods lower the chain, YK is among the stars]: Waddell 1931:294-298; Mongolian translation of Twenty-Five Vetal Tales [Without a bull, a farmer happened to his cow, she gave birth to a boy with a bull's head named White-Faced Bull (B) ; B goes on a journey, takes a person born of forest, grass, wood as a companion; each one takes turns cooking; an old woman comes, asks for permission to try, the food disappears; everyone pretends that enemies attacked; B asks the old woman to bring water with a bucket of holes; replaces her rope, tongs, hammer; she cannot tie him, pinch, beat him; he hits her with a hot hammer, she runs away; friends see her corpse on at the bottom of the abyss, there are treasures there; they lower B, raise treasures, cut off the rope; B plants apricot seeds, three trees grow, he climbs them to the ground; forgives his companions; comes to Hormud, helps defeat the chimpus; H. advises B. to tell the chimpuses that that doctor, not to treat the wounded B. king of Shimnus, but to finish it off; B. finished off the king, the chain came down from the sky, B. climbed on it, but the king's wife hit him on back with a stick, smashed into seven brother stars, they became Ursa Major]: Vladimirtsov 1958:24-30; Bhutan [son is idle; parents managed to change his character; father hung a basket on a tree with meat, sent his son to see why the crows had gathered; pretended to be happy with the unexpected find when the son brought meat; believing in himself, the young man asked him to make him a pipe of 9 tops and a sword at 18 tops, went to wander; meets, companions breaking boulders on the mountain; dammed the river with his feet; ran out of tobacco, went to look; in the middle of the forest an old woman is frying something; grabbed the breaker boulders, put under her left knee; then the river dammer under her right knee; the young man knocked over the frying pan on which the old woman was frying human nails, burned to death with a burning log, and freed his companions; then they had a lot of adventures (not described)]: Choden 1994:133-135.

Burma - Indochina. The Tyams [astrologers promise the childless king that he will have a son if he makes sacrifices at the mouth of the river, but this son will ruin the kingdom; the king makes sacrifices; the boy eats a lot, the king ruined; when his son is 15 years old, his father calls him to the forest, knocks down a tree on him; in the evening the son brings a tree to his father; tells him to forge a heavy axe, leaves, his name is Strong; meets the Wagon Pulling (without bulls) Reeds (chopping reeds on five mountains); both can't lift the Strong's axe, become his younger brothers; giants Sharp Butt, Snotty, Big Foot fish; Strong asks for fish, each of giants tell another to give, finally, Big foot gives, Sharp ass hits the ship in anger, Snotty closes the hole with snot; the portion of fish is so large that there is no firewood in the village to fry her; brothers go to the forest, they have no fire; a pulling wagon comes to the old woman, she throws it into the cauldron; the same with the Reed; the Strong makes the old woman give the plant of immortality, revives the brothers, sews it up the old woman's eyes and mouth, tells her husband to be sent in their footsteps; the giant husband defeats the Wagon Pulling and the Reed, the Strong hammers him into the ground; the old woman goes to look for her husband, urinates where he is in the ground, hears his voice, digs up; The strong throws the head of the fish into China; the emperor promises a daughter to the one who removes the smelly head; the Strong cleans up, marries the princess of the Wagon, leaves him a tree of immortality, tells you to make sure that no one enters the garden; throws his head at Siam; throwing it into the sea, gets the Princess of Siam, gives it to the Reeds; returns to the land of the Tyams; the wagon pulling the wagon allowed people into the garden, the tree of immortality flew to heaven, the Strong immediately died; the Wagon Pulling and the Reed came for him to the land of the Tyams, also died]: Landes 1887, No. 8:67-76; Thais [the son of the poor eats terribly much, his the name is Seven Pots; the father brings a tree on him, he brings a tree on his back; the father offers his son to catch a wild horse, he brings a tiger; parents say that the giant owes them money, the son goes to get them debt; takes companions: Pulling 100 carts of bricks, pulling 100 bamboo stems at once, trees rolling his head; brothers need fire to fry a huge grasshopper; they take turns coming for fire to an old woman who ties them with silk yarn; Seven Pots binds her; kills her, revives her companions with her magic rod; they kill a giant, Seven Pots marry a princess, companions get posts in the kingdom; Seven Pots takes care of parents]: Vathanaprida 1994:96-103.

South Asia. Kashmir (translated from Hindi) [the fakir lets the childless queen eat barley grains, a son Sherdil ("lion's heart") is born; he goes on a journey with a blacksmith, carpenter and grinder; they come to an enchanted city, everyone takes turns cooking; a dwarf rides up on a rat, demands food, turns into a giant, throws the cook at the tree; when it's S.'s turn, he kills the enemy leaves the grinder king of the city; in another city, S. kills a witch who appears to be a girl, puts a blacksmith king; in the third, a carpenter; each sister has a grain of barley, while the barley plant is green, with S. all in order; flowers float along the river; S. finds a tree, a basket on it, a beauty's head in it, drops of blood fall into the water, turn into flowers; finds bodies on the bed; puts her head to her body, the princess comes to life ; the genie who stole the princess decapitates her during his absence; S. asks to know where S.'s soul is; in the desert there is a tree, grass in front of the dog, bones in front of the horse; we must pass by them, remove them from the tree a cage with a starling, a bee in the starling, the genie's soul in it; to pass, you have to give the horse's grass, the bones to the dog; S. did so, killed the bee, the genie died; the princess let a box with her hair along the river, The royal son found her; sends the old woman to his wife Sh.; she found out that S.'s life was in his saber; on the advice of the old woman, the wife changed her sword, the old woman threw her into the fire, S. died; the old woman brought her to her master, the princess asked to wait six months; the barley shoots withered, the brothers found them, repaired their sword, S. came to life; the carpenter made a flying palanquin, brought the princess, threw the old woman from a height; S. returns to his homeland]: Zographer 1964:327-339 (=197:71-80); Punjabi [the fakir gives the queen barley grains to eat, she has given birth to a boy; he grows up, takes the Knife Grinder, Blacksmith, Carpenter as his companions; in a devastated The demon of the city The grinder cooks, the dwarf on his mouse demands to give him food, turns into a giant, hangs the cook on the banyan tree, eats everything; the same with others, but the prince kills the demon; people come back, the prince makes the Grinder king, leaving the barley stalk: if it dries up, the prince is in trouble; the same in another city, the old woman eats the food, the prince kills her, the Blacksmith remains king; in the third city he became king A carpenter; a prince walks alone, sees a ruby carried by a river; upstream a tree with a golden basket with a beautiful woman's head in it, drops of blood fall in rubies; he puts his head to his body, the beauty comes to life; she is a kidnapped princess, a genie decapitates her when she leaves; she provokes the genie to tell him where his soul is; she is in the form of a bumblebee in a goiter, a lark in a cage on a tree, guarded by a dog and a horse; we must shift hay from dog to horse, bones on the contrary; the prince did everything, the genie died; the princess washed her golden hair in the river, put one on a sheet, letting him go down the river; the king saw him, the old woman promised to find a woman; came beggar, persuaded the princess to find out what the prince's life was like; the prince: in my sword; the old woman first changed her sword, then put it on fire, the prince rushed to the palace, but fell decapitated; the old woman brought the princess to the king; the barley stalks dried up, the prince's friends came, the blacksmith fixed his sword, the prince came to life; the carpenter comes to the kidnapped, offers to sit in the palanquin, he flies away; the sister who sat down with the princess the king and that old woman are thrown down; everyone returns to the prince's father]: Steel, Temple 1984, No. 5:47-58; Nepali [the hermit tells the king's two wives he cannot accept alms from the childless; let the king will withstand art; the king has been fasting in the forest for 12 years, Vishnu gives him two apples, both wives ate and become pregnant; the second wife replaced her son with the first bar (chopping block), lowered him in the box along the river; the king ordered the first wife should retire to the forest; the boy was picked up by a fisherman who grew up to become a young man Chandra Mukhi; the son from his second wife is evil; the king promises to adopt whoever rides his horse on whom he can sit only a man fit for king; only World Cup succeeds; the king found out everything, expelled the midwife with his nose cut off, his first wife was returned, the second was sent to the forest; the king fell ill, he will be cured by medicine from the hands of a gold-haired Princess Sunkeshari, let the World Cup marry her; when she steps, gold falls; her father's difficult errands must be fulfilled; World Cup saved rats and snakes from the burning forest, sparrows from the birdsman's net; rats, snakes and sparrows promised to help; the World Cup meets, companions 1) a person with an arm stretched out to grab any food; 2) a person who puts one ear under him, covers the other, disperses clouds with ears; 3) the companions stopped in the house, take turns cooking; every time a dwarf comes with a huge mustache, sweeps the cook with it, eats everything; when it's the turn of the World Cup, he grabs the dwarf by the mustache, throws it at window; the rats made a move to the princess, she gave the World Cup grains of magic rice; Father S. tells 1) to sow the field, harvest tomorrow (the World Cup sows magic rice, it immediately ripens); 2) plant trees with all over the world (the long-armed reaches them, brings them); 3) divide the chaff, rice and millet (the long-eared pulls the chaff, the sparrows sort the grain); the king gives S., who cures the father of the World Cup; his evil brother poisoned him, kidnapped by S.; snakes extracted poison, World Cup came to life; the king executed his son from his second wife, handed over the throne to the World Cup]: Sakya, Griffith 1980:70-79; Santals [Gumda herds Raja goats; walking down the street, the Raja elephant every time rubs against the wall of the house G.; G. promises to take him by the trunk and throw him overseas; fulfills his promise; Raja tells him to find the bones of an elephant; G. goes, meets, takes as his companions a fishing rod from the trunk a tree, an elephant is bait; holding a banyan in his hand to protect those working in the field from the sun; two people who lifted water from the pond into the ditch with the power of singing; each says when they meet that he is not strong, but G.; they cross the sea, live in the woods, take turns cooking; every time the demon defeats the cook, hangs a stone around his neck, eats everything; when it's G.'s turn, he kills the demon with the same stone, marries his wife, takes property, becomes a raja; calls his mother to live with her; the former Raja decides to be friends with G., not to demand an elephant bone]: Campbell 1891:57-62; baiga [the potter has 12 married sons- potters and the 13th youngest single, sits at home; his brothers tell him to bring 12 carts of clay without harnessing animals; he does it; the brothers are frightened and drove him away; he meets, takes 1) baiga as companions, who plowed a tiger, 2) a lohara who bent hot iron with his bare hands, 3) ahira who forked a rope out of dust, 4) teli, who squeezed out 12 measures of oil with his hands; the potter's son (SG) says to everyone that I have never seen such a strong (dexterous), and they say that a real strongman (trickster) SG; friends hunt and take turns cooking; when it's teli's turn, Rakshasa comes in the guise of a boy, eats all the rice and beats the cook; beats ahir, lohar, baiga who came to the rescue, but SG killed him; Rakshas has 5 beautiful daughters, SG married one, and his companions could also sleep with her; but she only liked baiga; then SG gave each one a wife; Baiga and his wife stayed in that place, and Dharti Mata gave them everything they needed; the wife washed their hair, some hair sailed away, the son of the Raja Gonds picked it up; the Raja sent Malin, that introduced herself as the sister of a young woman's mother; asked what her husband's life was like; in an arrow; M. burned an arrow; Baiga rushed home, kicked his wife in the chest, left a trail; baiga died; the woman was dragged to the king of gondas, but four friends came out to meet him, killed M. and his servants, returned the woman, found a piece of an unburned arrow, Lohar revived the baiga and they all lived under the auspices of Dharti Mata]: Elwin 1939:489- 491.

Malaysia-Indonesia. Mentawai [man goes fishing; along the way he is joined by a long-tailed monkey, a gibbon, a black monkey, a brown monkey, a deer; they catch fish, leaving each one in turn cook the catch; every time the Heron comes, asks for it, the cook says he has no right to do the common good, the heron bites him, the cook runs away, the heron eats everything; the brown monkey weaves bracelets, says that they treat their nails, knees, the heron wants it for her as well, the monkey ties her up, hits her, kills her with a club; the fisherman returns home, along the way, the companions return to their villages one by one; more brown monkey tricks (see M3 motif; lures other monkeys into a trap; races against a crab that puts many crabs instead)]: Loeb 1929, No. 14:184-188; Javanese [ The canchil goes fishing, meets and companions a wild boar and an elephant; the boar is the first to guard the catch, the giant threatens him, eats all the fish; the same with the tiger, with the elephant; the kanchil weaves bundles of bark, says the giant that Suleiman will cause a flood today must become attached so as not to be carried away; the giant allows him to be tied up, hanged; wants to take all the fish for himself, the tiger is furious, chases him; the kanchil hid in a tree hollow; the tiger followed the bear to help him pull out the canchila; when he sees both, the canchil shouts to the tiger why he borrowed a polar bear and returns the black and dirty one; the bear and the tiger became fight, kill each other]: Ostrovsky 1956:34-45; toraja [seven brothers hunted wild boars; every time one of them left to dry the meat, a man appeared and took it away; the youngest he was hit with a spear, the wounded ran away; the young man's grandfather demanded that the spear be returned; they reached a deep hole; only the youngest dared to go down the vine; in the underground village he was told that the local The chief was wounded with a spear, it was stuck in his back; the young man volunteered to heal the chief, but finished him off and took his spear; on the way he picked up seven beauties who wanted to go with him to the ground; the brothers pulled them out, each received a wife]: Adriani 1898:365 in Dixon 1916:214-215; (cf. dayaki (all? groups) [father and son put meat in the basket, went hunting in the forest, forgot the basket at home; they filled a lot of game, the son stayed to cook; a demon came and said that blood would cook in a short bamboo vessel son, father in the long one; the young man hides in a tree, the demon eats all the meat; next time the father stays, shoots the demon with poisoned arrows, they do no harm, the demon eats everything again; father at home and son sees these arrows pierced into meat forgotten in the basket]: Sundermann 1912 in Schärer 1966:832-833); bahau [buffalo, ox, dog, deer, horse, barking deer (Cervulus muntjac) and plandok ( dwarf deer) went fishing, take turns guarding the catch; buffalo, horse say they are not afraid of the giant gergasi; he grabs the watchman, eats the fish; the plandok tells you to cover the fish, pretends that ties his legs with rattan, explains to the giant that the sky is about to fall - in a knitted form he will climb into the well; the giant asks him to be tied, the plandok ties him, pushes him into the well, who have returned companions finish off the giant with spears; they start eating, looking for pepper, the plandock points to the dog's red penis, the deer believe it's pepper; the dog has been chasing deer ever since]: Evans 1913:471-473; dayaki seas (ibanas): Bezemer 1904 [kanchil (dwarf deer) goes fishing with a turtle, a deer, an elephant and others; caught a lot, the elephant remains to smoke fish; the forest demon Gargasi comes, eats everything , the elephant is afraid to intervene; the same happens one by one with the rest of the fishermen; K. remains the last, puts four pillars wrapped in rattan, tells the demon that it is a remedy for back pain, binds him ; K.'s companions come, kill the demon; take the fish, leaving nothing to K. and the turtle; K. brings the toad, which gives a voice, he screams that the female Gargasi is coming, everyone runs away, the fish goes to K. and the turtle; animals are looking for K. to kill; the elephant and the boar see him next to the snake; K.: I was entrusted with guarding the Raja belt; they ask me to put it on; K.: I'll go ask the Raja; shouts from a distance that the Raja allowed; the elephant took the snake, bitten dead, the boar ran away; K. says he is guarding the gong raja to the deer and the cow; this is a hornet's nest; K. goes away again, supposedly to ask the raja, shouts, "You can," the deer hits the "gong" bitten to death; fleeing the cow, K. chewed the red leaves and lay down with his tongue out; the cow thought he was dead and left]: 131-135 (retelling the first part in Dixon 1916:189, 332, note 6) [similar versions in Sunda, Lampung, Minahasa, Galela (Halmahera), Sangihe Islands]; Gomes 1911 [Dwarf Deer and other animals go fishing; fish caught every day disappears; they guard one by one; Deer, Pig, Bear, Tiger everyone sees a giant, does not dare to prevent him from eating the catch; the Dwarf Deer ties his head, tells the giant that his head hurts from the smell of fish; the giant agrees that his head (then his legs) also hurts; the Dwarf Deer wraps his head, then the giant's legs, he cannot jump up; animals kill him]: 355-359; Ling Roth 1896 [ plandok (dwarf deer), deer and wild boar fish, every day alone stays in camp to guard the catch; a giant comes twice, eats everything; the plandok bandaged his head, pretends to suffer from headache due to the smell of fish; convinces the giant that he also has a headache; then his legs; bandaging his head and legs to pegs; a deer and a wild boar come and kill the giant]: 346-347.

Taiwan - Philippines. Tagals [monkey, dog and buffalo live in the forest, take turns cooking; bungisngis (a giant with a huge lower lip) hits a buffalo, eats everything; the same with the dog; the monkey dug a hole under the hearth, b. he fell there; but the dog and buffalo wanted to see him, he killed them, jumped out, the monkey ran away; points to the bee's nest: the king appointed her to ring the bell; leaves - supposedly to find out if it's time call; b. pulls the nest, is bitten; the monkey promises to give him the belt presented by the tsar; this is a boa constrictor, he strangled the giant]: Rybkin 1975, No. 127:280-281.

China - Korea. Chuan Miao [father decides to get rid of his lazy son Nie Ta; tells him to climb a tree, cuts him down, leaves; the son returns with a tree; asks his father to forge him an iron sword weighing 120 pounds; meets, comrades a ditch digger in a rice field, a grass carver; each one cooks in turn; a demon comes, eats rice; the NT himself remains, grabs the demon; he promises to give the vault to his daughter; gives, but tells his son a "little demon" (son?) bring a fan, waves to them, three friends find themselves on a rock, a big demon brings them back; NT asks the demon's daughter to replace the fan; next time, the demon's fan is powerless, and NT sends the demon to the rock; when people are calling him now, hearing a response from a cliff]: Graham 1954:229-230.

The Balkans. Moldovans [childless old woman eats wheat grain, gives birth to a son Golden Seed (ZZ); baby stops crying when mother promises to marry him to Steppe Beauty (SK); goes to search betrothed, on the way, as a sign of heroism, eats a whole ram, a bull; wins, takes Drevolom and Kamnedava as companions; twins cook in turn, SAM-with-to-beard-with-elbow (SB) eats lunch while sitting riding a cook; ZZ defeats him, he runs away; someone cooks in the house; brothers watch for three doves turning into fairies; one marries Drevolom, the other for Kamnedava, SK for ZZ; wives are losing weight, twin brothers take turns guarding, becoming a sliver, a stone, the SB comes, hits them, demands their wings from the fairies, eats lunch; ZZ turns into a sword, pinches the SB beard in the trunk of an oak tree, he pulls out an oak tree, goes into abyss; only ZZ dares to go down, finds SK, rearranges barrels of living and dead water, SB drinks dead water, ZZ cuts off his head, sends the beauties upstairs, puts a stone in the basket for sample, the brothers cut the rope, the basket falls; the ZZ kills the snake, grateful eagles hide it from its mother so that she does not swallow it; she swallows and regurgitates three times; carries it to the ground, feeds it in flight and gives her water, cuts her last piece off from his game, the eagle puts it back; Woodcutter and Stonedav have made SK a maid, starve her son; ZZ tells her brothers to throw the club up, she falls on them, kills; their wives fly away with doves; ZZ brings his wife and son to his mother]: Botezat 1981:89-105; Romanians (Banat) [after retiring from service, soldier Petru immediately lost all his money; met in the forest shaking trees and playing with stones; they began to live in a hut, cook in turn; every time a dwarf appears riding a hare with a huge beard; eats everything, hits the cook; when P. stays, he grabs the dwarf by the beard, chases him to the crevice into which he fled; P. tells him to be lowered on a rope; cut the dwarf to pieces, but cannot get up, because the companions removed the rope: they were afraid that the dwarf would come out ; light in the distance, P. went to the ground; the house, in which a blind old woman eats hominy with milk; P. began to eat too, the old woman felt it; if a girl would be a daughter, if a boy, then a son; asked P. to herd her sheep, but not to go to the land of the dragons that stole her eyes; P. went and began to play the flutes; the dragons listened and asked them to be taught; P., playing, led them to the oak tree, split them, ordered them to stick them into the crack paws, knocked out a wedge; ordered to tell us how to restore the old woman's eyesight; dragons: there is a milk pond next to us, let her wash her eye sockets three times; P. cut off the dragons, the old woman washed her eyes, began to see; P. left old women, towards the fox: don't shoot, I'll give you a fox; then the same wolf and bear; P. came to town, there's mourning; the 12-headed dragon demands girls, the turn of the king's only daughter; the princess was left in the swamp ; P. fell asleep with the princess's head on his knees; woke up from a dripping tear; the princess took one of P.'s arrows; he hit 11 heads with arrows and the 12th with the princess's pin; cut out his tongues; cut off his tongues; the gypsy cut off P.'s head, who slept, and brought the dragon's heads to the king; a snake is crawling, grass in his mouth; a fox: why is it? snake: to grow severed heads, my son was cut off; the fox took the grass, grew his head, but P. is still dead; the wolf met a woman: what are you carrying? woman: living water; the wolf took the water, P. came to life; came to the palace, showed his tongues; the gypsies were put in a barrel of nails, lowered from the mountain; wedding; after the death of King P. reigned, his animals always reigned remained held in high esteem]: Schott, Schott 1975, No. 10:65-75; Slovenes [a young hero is unable to learn from a shoemaker, from a blacksmith, goes wandering; meets, takes as companions 1) turning pines, 2) throwing millstones; twins stop at the castle, cook in turn, the beggar takes food, beats the miller, the pine; the blacksmith beats him himself, the old man disappears into the abyss; the miller, the pine they tell them to immediately lift them back, the companions let the blacksmith down, he kills three snakes guarding gold, silver, sparkling locks, frees three girls, who give a ring, a sword, and their companions raise girls, leave the blacksmith; he makes the brownie ring the bell, the locks fail, the blacksmith goes to the ground; forgives his companions, gives them a wife, takes a third girl; the strength of the heroes disappeared, but a glorious family came from everyone]: Golenishchev-Kutuzov 1991:65-68 (=Arkhipova 1962:45-49); Bosnians [when dying, the father tells three brothers to pass off three sisters as the first to come for them; strangers take their sisters away; brothers go looking for them, find them from the giant, who tells them to make a fire before they return, they cannot, he chained them to a pole; the mother sees a grain of pepper, asks God fourth son, even if he is just as small; Pepper is born, tells to forge a huge iron club; the giant makes a fire with his flint, the giant becomes his slave; P. wins, takes giant servants with two and three heads; each one cooks in turn, the dwarf takes food; P. protected the dwarf's beard in a split beech tree; he tore off his beard, went underground; P. goes down, there are three girls with a golden loom, chickens, herd, hoop; they tell them to kill their dwarf brother with a wooden sword; servants pick up the girls, cut off the rope; P. comes to the spring, where the dragon provides water in exchange for the girls, it is the turn of the royal daughter; P. falls asleep, wakes up from the girl's tears, kills the dragon, cuts off his ears; the arap tells the king that he killed the dragon, P. shows his ears, the arapa is executed; the king advises saving from the dragon giant bird chicks; chicks tell their mother that P. did not attack them, but killed the dragon; the mother bird tells them to collect meat, bread, water, feed her on the way to the upper world; the last piece of P. cuts off from hips, the bird regurgitates it, puts it back; P. kills giants, marries and gives princesses to his brothers]: Golenishchev-Kutuzov 1991:52-63 (=Arkhipova 1962:30-42); Bulgarians [the hero is the son of a bear, a horse, 25 sat on the stove for years, etc.; wanders, companions heroes with different abilities (can drink the sea; wraps a rope out of sand; very strong); while others hunt, everyone takes turns cooking; everyone once a demonic character (a man, an old woman) comes, eats all the food; the hero kills or injures him; follows him down to the lower world; there he receives a ring from the youngest and most beautiful of the girls, who own magic items; there they kill a snake (lamia, hala), which annually devours the chicks of a large bird (usually eagles); the bird lifts the hero upstairs, feeds her meat in flight, cuts her off the last piece from his own leg; on earth, the hero fulfills the marriage conditions of three girls; punishes sister traitors; marries the youngest]: Daskalova-Perkovska et al. 1994, No. 301A: 98-99; Hungarians: Gidash 1953 [a white horse gives birth to a boy, goes on a journey; meets Koroder, Stone Crusher, Iron Flexor; everyone replies that they would like to measure their strength with the Son of the White Horse ( SBL), defeated, comraded; each takes turns cooking porridge, Bakarast (a little man with a big beard takes it away); the SBL ties him by the beard to a tree, he pulls a tree, hides in a hole; only SBL decides to go down on a rope; pours porridge on B.'s stomach, eats it, leaves him tied; kills three-, six-, twelve-headed dragons, freeing princesses of copper, silver, gold castle; companions raise princesses, leave SBO underground; SBO covers the vulture chicks from the rain with its fur coat; their mother takes him to the ground; the food taken is not enough, the SBO feeds her right hand, right leg; on the ground, she gives him wine, his arm and leg grow back; SBO kills traitors, takes girls to their father, marries his youngest]: 81-89; Ortutai 1974, No. 5 [the old woman advised a childless woman swallow legumes that she will sweep out of the house; the woman found, swallowed three grains, gave birth to sons named Evening, Night Owl, Dawn; they grew up, went to seek service; the king asks to clean a well, promises three daughters; the brothers did the job, but the king admitted that his daughters were guarded by dragons; in the forest, the brothers saw a hole, stopped, took turns cooking; each time a little man the cook knocks down, eats everything; when Dawn was left, he pinched the little man's beard with a tree; his brothers let him go for promising to show him how to go down into the hole; Dawn came down, the queen gave multiplying power ring, Dawn demolished the dragon 9 heads; hitting the table with this royal stick, turned the palace into a silver apple; the same with the other two royals (12-headed dragon, golden apple; 18-headed, diamond apple); sent the queens upstairs; tied a stone instead, the brothers cut off the rope; Dawn sees blind spouses handing food to each other; their eyes were pulled out by a 24-headed dragon; Dawn quietly took the meat; then opened; the couple ordered not to herd sheep in the dragon's domain; dawn killed the dragon, returned his eyes blinded; one woman's eye was swallowed by a cat, Dawn inserted a cat in the woman eye, she began to catch mice at night; Dawn sheltered the vulture birds from the hail of chicks; the mother bird tells me to cook meat and wine, brings Dawn to the ground, there was not enough meat, he cut off the meat from the calf; the bird: it was delicious, I would know she ate you; under the guise of a beggar, Dawn came to the king, the brothers did not recognize him; they say that whoever destroys his brother should be tied to the tail of a horse, and the queen who saved him should be tied to the tail of a horse, and the queen who saved him should marry her; the royals recognized their rings; Dawn forgave his brothers, married a younger princess]: 141-150; Albanians [throwing a stone so high that he flies down for three days goes to look for equals He meets himself, takes as his companions a team of oxen, holding a village in the palm of his hand; the twins cook one by one, the bearded dwarf eats up the cook, hides in the mountain; the one who threw the stone learns from shepherd, that the power of a dwarf is in the wild boar he herds; hired by a shepherd, kills a wild boar when another shepherd gives him cheese pie during battle]: Serkova 1989:36-42.

Central Europe. Czechs: Karaliychev, Todorov 1969 (4) [Yanko's ninth son is the strongest; leaves home, wins, takes Vyrvidub, Lomayiron as brothers; dragons kidnap the king's three daughters, their sister brothers go search; everyone takes turns cooking; a dwarf with a huge beard knocks down the cook, eats porridge; I. hits a dwarf, he shows a hole where the dragons have disappeared; only I dare to go down; kills three-, six-, twelve-headed dragons, freeing the princesses of copper, silver, gold castles; sends them upstairs, then the stone, the twin brothers cut off the rope, the stone falls; I. kills a snake ready to eat the chicks ; they explain to their mother that he is their savior, not their enemy; the bird carries me on itself, he throws meat into her beak, pours water, cuts off the last piece from her leg; on the ground she spits it out, puts it on; I beats, but forgives his brothers, all three marry three rescued princesses]: 71-88; Lifshitz-Artemyeva 2017 (Moravia) [the peasant's son studied to be a blacksmith; asked for a desire to forge a cane; in fact this is a heavy club; I met and accompanied a miller (carried a millstone), a baker (cutting firewood); they take turns cooking in the forest; the dwarf comes, beats the cook, eats everything; the blacksmith beats the dwarf with a cane, chases, breaks through the rock with his cane, breaks the iron door; the dwarf gives his daughter to the baker and miller, and the blacksmith gives money; the blacksmith took his youngest daughter and married her himself]: 393-395; Talova 1956 [Yura is hired as a farmhand, refuses to pay: "I'll leave, I'll give you three naps"; he brought a huge tree, climbed into the well to look for the missing keys, the owner threw stones on him, and he says that sand is pouring; he was sent to a mill where the devils are; he raised a chest of money higher than hell, got the money, did not give the back of the head, went on a journey, met him, took him as companions a leather man, a shoemaker; in the castle they take turns cooking; the blacksmear scratched the leather, the shoemaker; when it's Yuri's turn, he did not give food to the blackmaz; this is the owner of the castle, he has three princesses, Yura received from them golden month, sun, star; while Yura was fighting the unclean, the companions took the princesses away; Yura put the unclean in his gun; in the city he hired a master; he was ordered to make the sun, moon, star, Yura gives them, allegedly did it himself; the princesses recognized the savior, Yura married one of them; when he shot a gun in which the bell tower collapsed; powdered the leather and shoemaker]: 9-26; Slovaks [ an old woman at the age of 90 gives birth to her son Lomidrevo (= Valibuk; Valigora), breastfeeds him until the age of 7, then, at his request, three more years; he is incredibly strong, easily pulls oaks, and goes on a journey at the age of 17; meets, wins, satellites 1) a mountain rearranging named Valivrych (Kopivrych, Scalilamay; Studnyak - digging wells), Meat iron; they contracted to threshing grain; the fee is how much they will take away; they they demolished the grain and carried them away; the rich man sent after the bull, then the boar; L. killed them, carried them with him; he chased the servants on the wagon, but L. piled oaks on the road; told M. to make him an iron club; threw it up, put his back, the club fell apart; ordered another one to be made; the king lost three daughters, the dragons dragons dragged them into a hole in the ground; three promised to return the princesses; settled in a hut in the woods, queues are cooking; a dwarf comes out of the chimney, his beard from his elbow, hits the cook, dumps hot porridge on his stomach and eats him; when L.'s turn, he pinched the dwarf's beard in the log, beat him with an iron club, until he gives up his beard, which is his strength; the dwarf disappears into the hole under the stone; the companions are jealous of L.; V., M. try to go down, but tell them to lift them back - there are frogs and snakes; L. promises to return the dwarf beard, for which he tells you to show the way to the older princess; there is a copper lock on his fortieth leg; L. stomped, he stopped shaking; the 6-headed dragon throws his iron club, L. throws it back; the dragon eats lead bread, calling for lead current, suggests driving each other into lead; they drove each other to the waist; then L. drove the dragon up to the neck, demolished their heads with a club; the princess turned the castle and all the riches into a copper apple, L. sent it to the ground; the same in a silver castle (9-headed dragon, iron bread), in gold (12-headed, steel bread); before asking himself to be picked up, L. sent a stone upstairs, companions cut off the rope; L. came to the Knochta bird nest (Knofta; a giant mythical bird), killed a snake that always ate the chicks; or protected the chicks from the rain, one drop of which is always theirs killed; the chicks told their mother about L., who did not swallow him, but promised to help; told them to stock up a hundred rams and a hundred barrels of water; flies with L. to the ground, there was not enough lamb, L. cut off a piece from his thigh; bird: if I knew that human beings were so tasty, I would eat you; but burp a piece and put it back; weddings are being prepared in town, but princesses demand the same dresses they had under the ground; L. hired to the tailor; at night he took out copper, silver, golden apples, took out their dresses; let the princesses come for them themselves; L. called the elders freaks and drove them away, gave the youngest a golden dress, married her; took out apple castles; gave two older princesses to his companions (forgiving them)]: Dobšinský 1970, No. 10:50-66; Russians (Murmansk, Arkhangelsk, Olonetskaya, Novgorod, Pskov, Vologda, Tula, Voronezh, Kursk, Oryol, Ryazan, Tambov), Ukrainians, Belarusians [Three Underground Kingdoms: Heroes Go to Search for the Lost Princess; They Cook Alternately lunch; the old man maims the strongman's brothers or companions with his fingernail, but is defeated in the fight with him; he, in the footsteps of the old man, descends underground or (less often) climbs the mountain, frees three princesses and, despite the betrayal of his brothers (companions) who did not want to pull him back, he returns upstairs (on a giant bird); comes to the wedding of the princess and imaginary savior, marries the princess]: SUS 179, № 301A, B: 106-107 (this is the most popular plot of a Russian fairy tale, 144 records); Belarusians (Mogilevskaya, zap. 1888-1891, d. Novaya Bych, Bykhov. u., from kr. Pavel Ivanova, 45 years old, illiterate) [The wife gets lost in the forest, she is carried away by a bear, after 3 years she gives birth to her son Ivashka a bear ear; after 3 years he grows up and leaves, meets Duba-Dubovik and Gora- Gorovik, three of them go; they find a house, leave Goro-Gorovik to cook dinner, go hunting themselves, Kashchei ("Koschey") appears, demands to bring him into the house, put him at the table and serve food, eats the ox, flies away, Gora-Gorovik cuts another ox, puts it to cook, comrades come, the meat is raw, Gora-Gorovka does not talk about Kashchei; the same is repeated with Dubo-Dubovik; Ivashka remains to cook dinner on the third day, Kashchei arrives, Ivashka refuses to obey his orders (does not bring him into the house or sit down at the table), drags Kashchei into the forest and pinches Kashcheev's beard in the oak crevice, his comrades return, Ivashka feeds they follow Kashchei, but he flew away; the three of them go after Kashchei, come to the forest, Dub-Dubovik clears the road, Gora-Gorovik digs up a mountain, find a huge stone and a hole under it, make cowhides belt, Ivashka goes down, agrees that in a year his comrades will be in the same place; Ivashka goes underground, finds a copper house, where the girl says that they have not seen a Russian person here, they live behind Kashchei the Immortal, the girl offers to marry, but Ivashka spends the night and goes to look for Kashchei; she reaches the silver house, there is also a girl sitting there, the story repeats; Ivashka reaches the golden house, there the girl warns Ivashka that Kashchei is stronger; Kashchei arrives, senses the Russian spirit, the girl calms him down and finds out where Kashcheev's death is hidden (there is a casket in the sea, a hare in the casket, a duck in a hare, an egg in the duck, Hit Kashchei on the forehead with that egg); Kashchei flies away, the girl tells Ivashka, he takes a gun, wants to kill a wolf and a kite (and eat it) on the way, but the animals ask for mercy and promise that they will be useful, Ivashka sees sea cancer on the shore, does not kill, but helps him sail into the sea; in gratitude, the cancer brings Ivashka a casket from the sea, Ivashka breaks the lid, the hare runs away, the wolf catches the hare and tears it, the duck flies away, a kite catches her, tears her apart, Ivashka carries an egg to wash it in the sea, but drops it, the cancer returns the egg; Ivashka comes to Kashchei, hits the forehead with an egg, Kashchei dies; Ivashka takes the girl, regrets leaving her a golden house, a girl takes an egg, rolls it around and the house gathers in an egg, Ivashka puts the egg in her pocket, the second girl collects a silver house into an egg in the same way, the third a copper house; they come to going upstairs (exactly a year has passed), comrades pick up the girl from the copper house, argue who will marry her, she assures that she is "more beautiful" than her, raise girls from silver and gold houses, decide marry them, and the first as servants, and Ivashka cut off his belt on the rise so that he breaks; Ivashka ties a stone instead of himself, his comrades cut off his belt, the stone falls back, Ivashka grieves and leaves; hides from the cloud under the oak tree, birds scream, he climbs an oak tree, covers the chicks from the rain, then gets off and hides, the bird Half-Gritsa arrives, promises to thank his chicks for saving his chicks deliver it upstairs, Ivashka must prepare 2 barrels of any meat; Ivashka collects 2 barrels of snakes, frogs, mice, ties the barrels under the wings, they fly, Ivashka throws meat from barrels, meat into the bird's mouth ends, Ivashka cuts off his caviar; the bird takes him out into this world, finds out what kind of meat was at the end, expectorates, caviar grows; Ivashka comes to town, is declared a shoemaker ("Ivanichka Drunkard"), She does not know how to sew, she lives with a Jew; a girl from the golden house promises to marry someone who sews the shoes she had in her golden house, Ivashka takes an order through a Jew, drinks for two days, on the third day, she rolls a golden house out of the egg, pulls out her skulls, the Jew takes her skulls; the girl asks for the same dress - the story repeats, the third condition is the same crown; Ivashka goes into service to to the blacksmith, pulls out a wreath in the same way; the girl comes to the blacksmith, finds out who made the wreath; they get married; Dub-Dubovik and Gora-Gorovik marry two other girls, each living in their own house]: Romanov 1901, No. 36:340-347; Russians (Terek Bereg) [the queen gave birth to a son Evryukh, a stukolnik, and the nannies said it was a calf; the tsar put her in the basement; E. broke through the wall, left her mother with the old woman, went on the road, I met, took two more with him; they came into the house, there were a lot of cattle inside, slaughtered a bull, took turns cooking meat; the old man beats the cook, hangs him by his hair from the ceiling beam; when it's E.'s turn, he beat the old man, burned him in the fire; swans flew in, became girls, began to wash in the bathhouse; the first bro tries to close the door to the bathhouse, he is thrown out; the same with the second; E. holds the door; the girl calls E. groom, she is Kashchei's daughter, will come by ship in the summer; E. waits, the old woman pierces a pin into his head, he falls asleep; so three times; E. found an old woman, burned it; found a bride; she promises to find out where her father's death is; he replies that in a broom (gilded a broom); in an egg; she handed the egg to Evryukha, who smashed it on Kashchei's forehead, he died; came home with his wife, killed the tsar and nannies]: Balashov 1970, 145:394-397; Russians (Arkhangelsk, summer coast of the White Sea, Nyonoksa) [After going fishing, three brothers walk along the blood river to the barnyard. One is left to fry the bull, the others hunt. He appears with a fingernail, a beard from an elbow (hereinafter referred to as Himself), demands to take him to the table, eats a bull, hits his brother and leaves. The brothers come back, spend the night hungry, and the next day the other brother stays to fry the bull (same). On the third, the youngest Ivan does not agree to carry Himself to the table, hangs him by the beard to the matitsa. The brothers come back, eat and throw bones at Himself's beard. They let him go and move on, and Himself goes under the rock. The brothers cut the belt out of all the bulls in the yard and lower Ivan into the hole, promise to wait for him and pick him up when he pulls the belt. Ivan enters the kingdom of copper and sees a red girl. She weaves and soldiers jump out of each cotton with stuffing (a bird in a loom) and two more, saying that this is an army against Ivan the Fool. Ivan asks her not to weave. She sends him to her sister in the silver kingdom, everything repeats itself, she to the third girl in the golden kingdom (the size of a sieve). She also agrees not to weave more soldiers, tells me how to get three girls out and defeat Himself. Ivan finds him by the sea (in a strong spirit), they are fighting, thirsty and leading Ivan to the field. There are bowls with strong and empty water, the girl swaps them in advance. Ivan drank a lot, defeated Himself - he put it in the palm of his hand, pressed down the other. He took the girls, rolled each of the three kingdoms into an egg. Brothers raise girls, but they don't want Ivan. A girl from the golden kingdom begs her betrothed (Ivan) to get her betrothed. They lower his rope, Ivan ties a stone to his belt, and his belt breaks off. The brothers wanted to marry the girls, but they refused. A girl from the golden kingdom goes to work as a cook for her ass. Ivan in the lower world is hired by a blind old man as a shepherd. The old man warns that Baba Yaga pulled out his eyes and will pull Ivan out. Ivan herds the herd in Baba Yaga's field, she sends her daughter to grab him, Ivan tears off his daughter's head and brings him home to the shop, and tells the old man that it is birch bark for bast shoes. She does the same with her second daughter. On the third day, she drives the cattle to Yaga's house, and she goes out to catch them. Ivan sits on horseback, holds her hair, chains Baba Yaga, cuts her with iron bars, and she says where the old man's eyes are. With his eyes inserted into the old man, Ivan cuts Yaga to death. The old man gives Ivan a bird to get to his world and feed the bird a bucket of meat in flight. Ivan returns to his village, finds out that girls don't want to marry his brothers until they get dresses from their kingdoms, Ivan rolls out kingdoms, takes dresses and rolls the kingdoms back. The girls understand that Ivan is near. Two marry brothers, a princess from the golden kingdom for Ivan]: Onchukov 2008, No. 86:226-229; Russians (Arkhangelskaya, Pinega, 1927, d. Inkwell) [The beautiful sister of three brothers is kidnapped by the evil Wizard while she is walking in the garden. All three go looking for her. The shepherd of a hundred rams invites them to eat his entire herd and drink 40 barrels of wine - in which case they can defeat his powerful owner, the evil wizard, but they can't even eat one roasted one. They also meet a shepherd with a herd of 150 pigs, then a shepherd with a herd of 200 bulls, and they invite the brothers to eat the whole herd to win, but they can't. The brothers come to their sister, she hides them under the stove, her owner returns, invites her brothers to the table, eats the raw pig and the rug herself, they cannot eat anything. He calls them to fraternize in the field, cuts off their heads and puts them in the basement. The mother follows the brothers, eats a pea along the way, becomes pregnant, returns home, gives birth to a son Ivan, while "they went to get his ass, he grew up to 17 years." The mother talks about his older brothers, he asks the blacksmith to forge a cane of 50, 50, 200 pounds (Each time he tries a cane - he throws it into the sky, drinks kvass at home and then catches a cane, only on the third since his palm feels the weight of his cane). Ivan goes to pick up his siblings. On the way, he eats all the sheep, piglets and bulls unroasted (he drinks all the wine and vodka), says he could eat as much more. The shepherds thank him, because if the animal remains malnourished, there are twice as many of them in the herd. Ivan comes to his sister and refuses to hide under the stove. The snake eats the rug and the pig, Ivan eats "a couple at a time", the snake brings more food. In the field, Ivan throws a cane at the snake and cuts down 6 heads, the snake tells us where Ivan's brothers are, who kills the enemy, finds brothers, splashes on them from a barrel in the basement dead, then with live blood, and they come to life. Ivan finds gold, a chain, and puts it in a bag. On the way back, the brothers tie Ivan, who has fallen asleep, to an oak tree and leave. On the third day, he wakes up and, having uprooted the oak tree, comes home, gives his mother all the gold (asks her to bring a bigger purse and then allocate the whole hut). Ivan settles in the basement, but sees that his brothers don't love him and leaves. He meets Vernydub's grandfather, crying by the oak tree - his life is in the oak tree (if you cut down an oak tree, it will die) and his grandfather, whose life in grief (if you cut it down, it will die). The three of them live on the mountain, two clear the field, one cooks. While Vernydub is cooking, a little old man comes to him, beats Vernydub and pulls the food out of the oven, Vernydub says that lunch is dead. When it's Ivan's turn, the old man asks to let him in, Ivan refuses, tries to send the old man to the soup, and he runs away. The three of them track down the old man, come to a hole covered with a stone, Ivan goes down. She meets a girl at the palace, she suggests changing her master's 2 vats with amplifying and "weakening" water. When a little old man comes back and fights with Ivan, he drinks from the vat and weakens. Ivan wins and frees two more girls, wants to marry the last, youngest and most beautiful, and give the elders to his brothers. On their belts, they lift the girls upstairs, fight over each one, do not want to bother Ivan, but at the girls' insistence, they pull them out. Brothers disperse in different directions]: Karnaukhova 1934, No. 89:179-184; Russians (Karelian Pomorie, Sumy Posad) [no children; the old man cut down a stump, became Ivan Sosnovets; the strength is incredible, eats very much a lot, his parents sent him to travel; he meets and companions a man who transfers forests from forest to forest; carries mountains; carries water from river to river; everyone replies that he is not him strong, and I.; stopped in the hut, the yard is full of bulls, they cook in turn; a man with a fingernail, a beard from his elbow beats the cook, eats everything; I. beats him himself, hangs him on the wall, he fell off, rolled to the hole; only I. agrees to go down; in the hut the girl sews like a needle, so the soldier will jump out; in the second hut there are two soldiers; in the third, three; each replies that she is accumulating strength for Ivan Sosnovets; the fourth girl says that she is a stolen princess; orders bottles of strong and weak water to be swapped; that wounded dwarf lies, is tall, I. killed him; each of the girls rolls the hut into a handkerchief; companions they pulled out the girls and I., I. gave each a girl; they opened their houses; I.'s wedding with the girl]: Razumov, Senkina 1974, No. 54:264-270; Russians (Arkhangelskaya, Leshukonsky district, p. Vozhgory, 1928) [Pop got lost, met a bear, helped arrange a den, and winters in her. Palfil Popovich (PP) was born to a bear. In spring, pop returns to the village with his son. Popadya does not immediately recognize her husband, she is happy. PP is large, eats a lot, it is difficult for parents to feed it, they send it to the forest to herd cows. PP catches a bear who wants to pick up a cow, brings him to the village and locks him in the barn. The maid comes in when the bear eats the last cow. Pop sends PP to the king for tribute, he rides a bear, meets an enchanted man. To break free from the spell, he must "bring the mountains to one place." PP helps him, they go together. It's the same with having to uproot an oak tree. The three of them and the bear come to the king, the PP demands tribute, the king pays to leave as soon as possible. PP gave one bag of gold to his ass, and left with the other four. The three of us stayed in a hut, catching bulls. Two go to town for food, Gornik stays to cook, an old man appears from under the floorboard, demands a treat, the man refuses, the old man beats him, eats everything. It's the same when Dubnik stays to cook. PP defeats the old man, reproaches his comrades for not admitting why the food was not ready. PP wants to know if there's any other ground under the floor. He cuts bulls, makes belts, and his comrades pull him down. PP enters a copper, silver and gold tower, meets three girls, reports that the old man who stole them is dead. The girls are happy and ask to take them with them. It's a pity for PP to leave the tower. Everyone throws the ring from her hand onto the roof, the tower turns into rings, they are given to PP. Satellites lift the girls, but the PP is too heavy, the companions cut off their belts, the PP falls, goes waist-deep into the ground. He is hired by a blind old man to herd cows. He shows the border of the Baba Yaga glade and forbids herding cows there. The PP complies with the ban three times, and the fourth time she drives cows to Baba Yaga's land, she is angry, he promises not to bring cattle to her anymore. The cows are full and roaring. PP takes the herd back to Baba Yaga's meadow. She says she would fight with the PP hero and hear about his strength. We agreed to hit three times. Two PP blows do not harm Baba Yaga, then PP hits the mortar, Yaga becomes a woman, he puts her in a bag and tramples her, lets the old man feel at home, who makes sure that Yaga has been killed. PP kills one of the bulls, climbs into his skin, catches a crow that has flown up, sends the other for living and dead water. After receiving water, he tests it: he tears the bird, then revives it. He offers to cure the old man's eyes, sprinkles dead and living water, he sees the light, and in gratitude promises to bring the PP to the ground. His witch daughter does this, she eats people and knows how to turn into a bird. Orders to tie an iron spear and prepare 40 barrels of meat and 40 water. There was not enough meat, PP cut off its calves. The bird says its meat is sweet and would eat it, but his father's request doesn't allow it. Spits out swallowed, PP's legs are intact again. After 10 years of absence, PP returns to his kingdom, the girl from the golden hut is waiting for him, he marries her. PP punishes his comrades: he cuts off one arm and the other's leg. He puts up a silver and gold tower, lives in them]: Nikiforov 1961, No. 109, 272-278; Russians (Vologda) [the tsar and the queen are childless, both 80; the tsar tells fishermen to throw a net for his happiness; the pike looked like gold; the king tells the nanny to bake a cake; the middle part was eaten with the queen, the one where the head was eaten by the nanny, the tail by the dog; everyone gave birth to a boy, only the dog's son has dog ears; the priest gave the names: Ivan Tsarevich, Ivan Nyankin, Birth; the brothers grew up; C. suggests considering the elder who will continue to throw the 4-pound club; he himself threw the farthest; went hunting, got lost, stopped in an empty house, next to the bridge across the river; the brothers take turns guarding; IC sees a three-headed monster driving, disappeared, did not tell the brothers; the same IN (6-headed); on the third night S. leaves a glass: if full of blood, hurry to help, and if the blood is over the edge, save yourself; the 12-headed monster prevails, S. threw his boot, the gate disappeared, the horse ran, helped kill monster; S. put 12 heads under a heavy stove; the brothers apologize for hiding and not helping; when they went, S. asks to return - forgot the gloves; fell off the stove, 12 heads under it; the brothers kept silent ; three sisters of the sorceress gathered; one promises to become an apple tree, the other a feather bed, the third a well; the brothers want to eat apples, lie on the feather bed, drink water, S. does not give; the brothers find a hut, hunt, queues are preparing; a dwarf with a long beard came, ate everything, beat the IC; the same with IN; S. beat the dwarf, pinched his beard in the stump; he uprooted the stump, left, the blood trail leads to the hole; S. orders to kill the bear, make belts out of the skin, lower it on her belts; the girl of the copper kingdom sends silver to the girl, she to the golden one; each asks her to marry; the maiden of the golden kingdom tells me to change the wells from with strong and weak water; the dwarf drank weak water, S. killed him; S. sends the girls upstairs, each turned her kingdom into a ball; when the brothers raised S., they were flattered by the girls, cut off their belt; S. fell down, found the Firebird, she took him upstairs because he defeated her villain; ITZ took the maiden of the silver kingdom, YN took the copper kingdom, and the maiden of the golden kingdom was his servant; after learning how it was, the king executed the IC, drove the IN away, made S. an heir, who married the princess of the golden kingdom]: Gura 1965, No. 20:230-233; Russians (Pskov) [the tsar lodged his daughter in the castle without entrance or exit, only one window at sea; daughter was stolen; soldier Protupey, the Warrant Officer, promised to find; the king gave two others as assistants; they came by boat to the island, there was a house, they took turns cooking; Nemal the man came, asked for food, the cook refused, N. hit the cook, ate everything; the brothers returned from hunting, decided that the cook was dead; the same with the second; when it was PP's turn, he kindly invites N. to eat; N. creates food and drinks, PP does not drink, pours under table; N. got drunk; {apparently PP killed him}; PP found the princess, she gave the ring; the companions took the princess, sailed away; PP ate the flower - the road across the sea; ate another - waves again; ate the third - the road again; PP came to the wedding, the impostor was beheaded]: Ploshchuk 2004, No. 22:89-91; Russians: Afanasiev 1958 (1), No. 140 (no recording location) [the king hides three daughters in the dungeon; when he allows him to leave, they are carried away by a whirlwind; three brothers Zorka, Vechorka and Polunochka volunteer to find the queens; they come to an empty house, cook one by one; each time a dwarf with a big beard hits the cook, eats a ram; Zorka himself He nails him by the beard with a wedge to a pole; having cut off his beard, he disappears into failure; the brothers lower Zorka, he kills three snakes, three royals roll the copper, silver, golden kingdoms into three eggs, their brothers raise them all, marry them; the king makes Zorka heir]: 299-302; Russians (Moscow) [three princesses went to the garden, the whirlwind took them away; the tsar promises one of the daughters and half the kingdom; son the peasant went in search; meets, takes Ivan Kamnelom as his companions, Ivan tear an oak tree; they cook in the hut in turn; a man comes in from his fingernail a beard from his elbow, eats everything, cuts out the cook's back belt; when Ivan the peasant son (I.) remained, he pinched his beard into the stump; he escaped, they followed the footsteps, under the hole stone; there was first cold, then fever; only I. endures, went down; I. killed the three-headed snake at copper palace, saved the princess; the middle (six-headed), gold (nine-domed) had the same; each princess turned her palace into an apple; the princess picked up, the youngest gave the golden apple to Ivan; the brothers became To pick it up, cut off the rope; I. did not break; there are three chicks in the oak nest, a snake crawls towards them, I. killed her; for this the bird carried him to the ground; the king promises the youngest daughter to the one who gets the gold rings, who she had in the lower world; I. built a palace with rings in it; her brothers were forgiven]: Vedernikova, Samodelova 1998, No. 24:61-65; Russians (Voronezh) [Three hunting brothers are chasing in the forest for golden hare, lost. The older brothers go hunting, the younger one stays to cook porridge. A giant comes into the house, asks him to feed him, his younger brother refuses, the giant hits him in the forehead with a ladle, eats porridge and leaves. The same thing happens with the middle brother. When the older brother stays at home to cook, he treats the giant, and he invites him to visit him in gratitude. The hunter does not drink his vodka when the giant hands the hunter a piece of watermelon on a knife, he realizes that they want to slaughter it. He hands out a knife to the giant himself and kills him. The hunter finds copper, silver and gold rooms in the house, in the last girl of "written beauty". He says that he killed a giant and brings her a handkerchief from the victim's pocket as proof. The girl is happy that she is free and agrees to marry him. The hunter brings her to her brothers, loses her handkerchief on the way, returns for it, but cannot find her brothers and brides in their original place. He is hired as a guard, the owner forbids him to enter the barn, but the hunter opens the door and "bastards and beasts" run free. The owner drives them back and pays the hunter, gives them a horse and a rusty sword. A hunter comes to the bride on her wedding day, shows her handkerchief, and she marries a true savior. Three years later, the wife goes to live with a rich man. She asks her new husband to buy a horse, who buys a hunter turned into a horse. The wife guesses and orders to kill the horse. The cook hears about this and warns him. The horse asks her to take his bone and bury it in the red corner. It does. An apple tree grows in this place, the wife realizes what it is and orders the tree to be cut down. The cook again warns and completes the apple tree's task: she throws a sliver from the apple tree into the bath. The hunter becomes a drake, a rich man tries to catch him and drowns. The hunter turns into a rich man, comes to his wife, talks about the drake, who warns that the bird is dead and must be killed. The hunter cuts off his wife's head with a rusty sword, throws it into the water (she was the sister of a giant, she was afraid of the hunter and wanted to kill). A hunter marries a cook]: Baryshnikova 2007, No. 88:246-250; Russians (Voronezh, until 1938, Bogucharsky District [the queen grieves that she has no children. The old man gives her a bottle to drink, promises that she will give birth to a daughter "white face, rosy like a red apple", but warns that she cannot be released until the age of 17, otherwise trouble will occur. The king builds a tower for his daughter, surrounds her with a moat and does not let go. Before reaching the required age, the princess is released into the garden, she comes to the sea and ("does not notice how") gets on the ship. In the realm of far away, the king "thinner than a straw, growing to the ceiling" puts the princess in a castle, locks her with three keys. The king promises the hand of his daughter and half his kingdom to whoever finds her. The soldier asks for a ship and assistants (royal generals) and goes to look for the king's daughter. In its third year, the ship lands on the coast of the Kingdom of Far Away. A soldier with two generals go in search of the princess, one general remains to cook porridge. In the afternoon, the king comes and asks for a treat, but the general refuses, the king pushes the general, eats all the porridge. The same thing is repeated the next day, when another general remains to cook the porridge. The soldier cooks porridge on the third day, agrees to treat the king, provided that he takes only one spoonful and takes one sip. The king scoops up an oversized spoon, chokes and dies. The soldier takes the keys to three locks (copper, silver and gold) from the king's pocket, frees the princess, she gives him her ring, and he drops it unnoticed. They come to the shore, the soldier returns to the tower behind the ring, while the generals take the princess away, saying that they saved her. The soldier sees that he has been deceived, walks into a forest hut, talks about his grief to a humpbacked old woman, and she puts him to bed. In the morning he gives a sword and a horse. The soldier raises his sword over the sea and the water parted, and on horseback he quickly arrives in his kingdom. The princess is married to a general. The horse advises the soldier to get into one ear and get out through the other, the soldier listens, does a good job, comes to the royal feast, the princess recognizes her ring on his finger and asks his parents not rush the wedding. The horse tells the soldier what to do: ask the princess to put the ring on a high pole and announce that whoever gets it will be her husband. The soldier pulls out the ring and the princess tells her who her true deliverer is. Generals are driven away, princess and soldier get married]: Tonkov 1949, No. 12:190-194; Ukrainians [(reported by A. Maksimovich, probably translated from Ukrainian to Russian); the beggar tells the childless tsar to strain seven-year-old girls, seven-year-old boys weave out a seine overnight, they catch bream in the sea; the queen ate, cook she ate the bones, the dog ate giblets, three horses drank slop; the queen, the cook, the dog gave birth to a boy (Ivan Tsarenko, Ivan Povarenko, Ivan Suchenko), horses - to a foal; three brothers saddled them, let's go on a journey; the IS arrow flew the farthest, to the kingdom of far away, he was recognized as the elder; the brothers take turns coming to Bely Polyanin, he connects the elders, IS defeats him, the BP is taken sister; everyone takes turns cooking dinner; every time a grandfather arrives in a mortar, eats up, beats the cook, takes off his skin from his back; IS hits him, clamps his beard into a stump, he goes into a hole in the ground, dragging a stump; IS on his belt follows, consistently meets three princesses, kills the three snakes who kidnapped them; before a fight with the third, 12-headed, replaces his club with his club; the princesses curtail their wealth in golden, silver, copper eggs, give IS; when brothers raise princesses upstairs; when IS, BP cuts off the rope; IS comes to his grandfather, drinks strong water, that is weak; asks not to kill him, gives him a chair and the wool of three horses; IS sets fire to the wool, the horses are, the red IS returns to earth; is hired by a jeweler, who brings the princesses to the wedding by a ring, everyone recognizes their own, given IP; IS fits into the left the horse's ear, gets out of the right well done, removes the roof from the house (this was the task), raises the PSU, throws it, he breaks to death; three brothers married the princesses]: Afanasiev 1958 (1), No. 139:292-298; Ukrainians (Transcarpathia) [Ivan worked, earned a calf, she brought a calf, I. began to suck milk himself, was nicknamed Cow Son; he goes to wander, wins, takes Razotrikamen as his companions, Debriloma; they hunt, cook one by one; a grandfather with a fingernail, a two-meter beard asks for food, puts hot meat on the cook's stomach, cuts the belt out of his back; I. pinches his grandfather's beard in beech wood; he leaves, dragging a tree; his companions lower I. into the well, he kills his grandfather, sends three captured princesses upstairs; the companions want their youngest, cut off the rope (I. suspects this, ties it instead of himself stone); I. covers three snakes on a tree from the fiery rain; the grateful Serpent agrees to take it to the ground; in flight, I. feeds him, cuts him off the last piece from his leg, the Serpent applies it back; I. is hired by a tailor, works with a magic needle, scissors, etc., received from princesses; princesses bring an order for grooms, recognize I., invite them to a wedding; I. cuts off the heads of traitors, marries a younger princess]: Verkhovyna's Tales 1970:181-188; Ukrainians (Eastern Slovakia) [a son under 16 sucks his mother's breast, becomes a hero, pulls out and drags a beech tree alone, leaves wander; meets, companions 1) Pulling oaks, 2) Month-old iron; they are given jobs, but they have so much strength that they break everything; they take turns cooking in the forest, damn it, everything eats, hits the cook; Messiiron asks the devil to help split the log, knocks out the wedge, the devil's hands are clamped; M. hits him, forcing him to say where the three kidnapped princesses are; hell runs into the hole, Vyrvibuk, Vyrvidub afraid, M. comes down, hell says princesses have 6-, 9-, 12-headed dragons; the 6-headed smells a man, the younger princess says her brother has come; they fight, M. drives the dragon into the ground cuts off their heads, cuts off their tongues; this is how he frees all the princesses, Vyrvibuk and Vyrvidub pull them out, throw them away from the fiery rain, their mother takes them to the ground; to feed her, he cuts off the meat from his leg, on the ground she puts it back; the king gives her daughters, M. shows the dragon tongues, the rings donated by the princesses, takes the eldest]: Giryak 1978:215-237; Western Ukrainians (Hutsulshchina) [the cow gave birth to a boy; the owner is going to slaughter her; the cow named the boy Belokorov (B.), tells him to run, flies with him under the clouds; tells him to uproot the sycamore; B. cannot; the cow raises B. for a year, again orders to pull out the sycamore, B. pulled out; the cow flew away, B. found a golden sword; meets, takes Lupaikamen, Krutibuk, Hitaigor as companions; they razed the mountain and built a house; they hunt and queues are prepared; every time Lictibeard comes, eats everything; B. is the last, split the sycamore, pinched L.'s beard; he uprooted the sycamore and ran away; the twins follow the trail to the hole in the ground; everyone tries to go down, is afraid; B. comes down; comes to the house, where Panna and L., he cut off L.'s head; there are three more girls; B. took them out, burned down the house with L.'s body; sends the girls to his brothers upstairs; Suspecting his companions of infidelity, B. puts stones in his place, his companions cut the rope, raising the stones to the middle; B. kills the 12 bears who attacked him; a snake crawls from the well to devour an eagle; B. killed the snake, the eagle hides it from its mother, then explains to her that B. is the savior; the eagle agrees to take B. to the ground, let him store water and meat; there was not enough meat, B. cut off a piece from the game of his leg; on the ground the eagle asks what kind of sweet piece was the last; regurgitated and raised; B. meets the boy, this is his son from that panna, she is others cook; B. tells his companions to throw a golden sword; when Krutybok and Hytaygora threw, the saber pierced the ground; when Lupaykamen cut off his head; Lupaikamen's wife became a cook]: Zinchuk 2006a, No. 104:311-325; Belarusians [Vasily Pepelyshka grew rapidly, ordered the blacksmiths a 20-pound mace, it crumbled; ordered them to make it stronger and heavier; went on a journey; meets and takes Gorynya, Dubovik, Boulder as companions; everyone says that he is not strong, but there is a VP somewhere; they live in a hut, take turns housework; four doves fly in, turn into beauties, soar in a bathhouse, one of them easily kills the hero with a roller, then the VP revives him; when he stays himself, grabs women and hits them with a wire whip until they agree to become faithful wives; their father is Tsmok ("serpent"); sends an army several times, the heroes easily destroy him; he goes by himself, fights with the VP, kills him, because he himself is immortal and cut to pieces comes to life; the mare revives the VP, he revives his companions; comes to the kingdom of Tsmok, agrees with his daughter that she will find out where his father's life is; he first she says that in a goat, a pig, a daughter begins to decorate them; then: in an egg-duck-a hare - a stupa on the mountain; VP took out and broke an egg, married that princess]: Vasilenok et al. 1958:154-162.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Kalmyks: Badmayev 1899 [a boy with bull horns is born, goes on a journey; he takes black, green, white people born to grove, grass, reeds as fellow travelers; each one stays in turn cook, the old woman asks for it, eats everything; everyone says that the riders took everything away; the cuckold sends the old woman to bring water with a bucket full of holes, replaces the rope, pliers, and hammer in her bag with unusable ones; binds, stings, hits her, she does no harm to him; all four follow the bloody trail to the gorge, at the bottom there is gold and the body of an old woman; the cuckold descends, the companions pick up treasures, leave the cuckold on at the bottom; he plants a bast, three trees grow out of it; he rises, forgives his companions; in the battle between the white army of Hormusta and the shulmus, H. helps, wounds the leader of the black with an arrow; H. advises to influence doctor, finish off Khan Shulmus; the cuckold drives the arrow deeper into the enemy's body, throws seven grains into the sky, the chains go down, he rises to heaven; gets a wife who touches him, the horns disappear; she shakes his hands, gold and food appear; the hero lives happily with his wife and father]: 87-93; Basangova 2002 [the girl is passed off as an unloved one, she agrees to run away with the shepherd; when she secretly leaves the house, she is carried away by a bear; she gives birth to a son Alvat Khar; he pushes back the stone that blocked the entrance to the cave, kills the stalker bear, comes to her parents with his mother; his grandfather brings him an iron cart staff, he goes on a journey; he wins and takes the son of the mountain (moves mountains), the son of the ear (listens), the son of water; they take turns cooking, the old woman eats everything, ties the cook with her hair; when AH remains, he ties the shulmusk with his hair behind the bush, but she goes into the hole; his brothers lower him on a rope; there the daughter of the khan of the upper land Talvat explains that the eyes and soul of the old woman in three chicks in a chest in a boar in a reed swamp; AH gets them, kills shulmuska, sends three girls upstairs; when AH's turn, the companions cut off the rope, he injured his thigh; broke the mouse's thigh, the other brought leaves, cured; he cured his own; in three poplars, a yellow snake ruins Khan Garudi's nest; AH hacked the snake, the chicks told the mother, she ordered to prepare meat and water, brings AH to the ground; the last piece he cuts it off from his leg; the bird puts it back; AH comes to the country of Khan Talvat, where his rescued daughter is given for one of the heroes; the saved one recognizes him, he drives away his companions]: 81-94; Jimbinov 1962 [a woman in India gave birth to Massang, a man with bull horns and a ox's tail; his father wants to kill him, he leaves; meets, companions Ider (black, born in a forest thicket), Gesera (green , born of grass), Addera (white, born of reeds); they hunt, take turns cooking; every time a tiny old woman comes, eats everything; each explains that a hundred horsemen have attacked; when M. remains, sends the old woman to bring water with a leaky bucket, replaces her wire rope, iron hammer and pliers in the old woman's bag with wet and wooden ones; the old woman offers to fight, M. ties her with a vein with a rope, hits with a hot hammer; the wounded old woman flies away; together with her companions she follows a bloody trail, descends into the abyss, sends treasures upstairs, they remove the rope; M. plants a piece of bast , falls asleep, three trees have grown out of bast in a few years to the edge of the abyss; M. gets upstairs, forgives his companions, meets a girl, comes with her to Khurmust, who asks for help defeat Humnus; M. injures In the eye, H.'s army runs; goes to Cave H., pretends to be a healer, does not pull out his arrow, but drives it deeper and, as Hurmust taught, throws 7 grains; Huson hit M. with an iron hammer, M. rises on chains into the air, 7 stars appear in the sky; M. comes with his wife to his father, his tail and horns have fallen off, everything is fine]: 87-92; Stavropol Turkmens [the hero takes two brothers from families; the youngest son of one, Aygyr, was in the steppe at that time; grew up with a shepherd, met a hero, killed him; wanders, takes a clever thief and runner as his companions; each takes turns cooking dinner; bearded the dwarf eats meat, beats the cook; A. cuts off his head, she rolls down to the mound; companions descend there on a rope A.; there three girls mourn the death of their father; A. promises that he will not kill them, sends them to rope up; companions cut off the rope, A. stays below; in the underground city, Azhdaha took water; A. kills him, the khan gives his daughter to A.; A. wants to go to the ground, he is advised to go to the oak tree; two eagles they say that every year Azhdaha devours chicks; A. kills the arrived ajdah; the eagle raises A. to the ground, flies for 40 days; A. forgives his companions, takes the most beautiful of the three girls]: Bagriy 1930 (2): 109-114; Adygi (Shendzhiy village) [the bear stole the boy, who returned to his parents as strongman Myshemyko Shao ("son of a bear"); went to the prince as a gatekeeper; bodyguards pinched his fingers with the gate, he tore off the gate; the prince wants to destroy him, tells 1) to bring firewood from the forest, gives a bad ax; M. pulls trees, harnesses a wild boar instead of an ox, brings him; 2) plow the field where the witch; M. harnesses her seven sons, plows; leaves the prince, meets, takes 1) connecting trees, 2) throwing up mounds; they take turns cooking, Tlimaf, riding a rooster, demands him to feed him, ties him cooks, eats everything; when M. stays, he ties T. by the mustache; T. pulled out the tree, went into the hollow; only M. agreed to follow; there one girl cries (T. will eat her today), two laugh (they will eat them) tomorrow); M. cuts off T.'s head with his own sword; M. and his sister cities kill the prince, marry three girls]: Maksimov 1937:121-130; Abkhazians: Inal-ipa et al. 1988, No. 23 [99 brothers are not recognized as brother Sasirkva is not taken on a hike; at rest, the old man offers to shoot at a tree, they cannot knock down a leaf; an old woman comes, asks her to let her warm up by the fire; pretends to be afraid of dogs, tells them to tie them with his own hair; swallows dinner, dogs, sledges; S. follows Bzou on horseback; knocks down a tree branch with an arrow; his dog is thin, he does not tie her with the old woman's hair; The thin man tears the old woman, S. makes her regurgitate brothers, cuts her head; she grows, but Gutsakya's mocker sprinkles ash on her neck; brothers recognize S.'s superiority]: 135-142; Shakryl 1975, No. 78 [Adaua son finds out that his mother is a kidnapped girl; demands that the father allow them to see their relatives; in order not to quarrel with his son, the father rushes into the abyss; the mother is horrified: the other Adaus will take revenge; then the son leaves, hires a mullah, brings a pile on his shoulders trees, drags an elephant by the ear; people ask the mullah to calculate the worker, who gives money, the adaui buys the prisoner with them; takes Adaua, who has a mill on his big toe, as companions; another who turns a trough on his thumb; cooks one by one; a bearded man arrives on a rooster, ties up the cook, eats everything; when Adaua's son remains, he pinched the dwarf's beard with a tree; however he pulled out a tree, went into the abyss; his companions brought Adaua's son down there; three girls say that the dwarf is dying; the son of Adaua sends them upstairs; the youngest warns that if the companions do not pick him up, he must jump on a white ram, which he will carry to the ground, and the black sheep will lower it even lower; the companions left the Adaua's son below; he accidentally jumped on a black ram; old woman: an elephant guards the water, once in a allows him to take a girl for a week; Adaua's son has overcome an elephant, brought him by the ear; only a kite can take him to the ground; an elephant attacks the chicks, the Adaua's son killed him, the grateful kite promises Take it upstairs, tells you to stock up on meat and water; the meat is over, the son of Adaua took the last piece out of his hand; on the ground, the kite healed the wound; the son of Adaua killed his companions, and made their wives slaves to his wife]: 353-361; Abaza [giant (Ainizh) took the girl away, a boy was born, the Son of an Ainizh (S.); after the death of his father he went on a journey; met and took grain as his companions, holding millstones on his knees, holding a tree on his finger; they take turns cooking; a long-bearded dwarf riding a rooster ties the cook with beard hair, eats everything; when S.'s turn, he split the tree, pinched the dwarf's beard; he uprooted the tree, went to the dungeon; S. went down on his belt, there is a girl, he sends her and the treasures in the basket upstairs; she warns that if his companions refuse to pick it up, let S. fall on a white ram, he will take it to the ground, and the black sheep will lower it to the seventh bottom of the earth; the satellites did not lower his belt; S. fell on a black ram; there the serpent does not provide water, S. killed him; he was shown where the eagle lives; every year, a snake kills her chicks; S. killed a snake, the chicks hid it from their mother, then showed him; she ordered to prepare meat and water, flies upstairs with S., there was not enough meat, S. cut off the last piece from his legs; the eagle put it back; S. tied traitors to the tails of horses, married a girl]: Tugov 1985, No. 27:46-51; Balkarians [three brothers live in a hut; a long-bearded dwarf pulls up to a rooster, binds his older, middle brothers, rips off his back; the swallow tells the younger Temir-Bolat that he will defeat the Long-Bearded; TB cuts off his head, his head on a rooster hides in Nora; TB goes there, Long-Bearded's daughter asks to revive her father with a look; TB orders to release prisoners, but does not revive the dwarf]: Kapiyeva 1991:105-108; Karachays or Balkarians [Temir-Bolat s two older brothers hunt and take turns cooking; a bearded dwarf riding a rooster, a saddle a frog, the reins are snakes, the whip is a lizard eats everything every time; when TB remains, he ties him to a tree; he uprooted a tree, went into a hole; the brothers lowered TB; there are three beauties downstairs, one is crying (the monster will eat it today), the other laughs (will eat it tomorrow), the third song is singing (the day after tomorrow); TB hacked down dwarf; TB released prisoners from the fortress, married a younger beauty, gave the other two to his brothers]: Aliyeva, Kholaev 1983:21-24; Ingush: Potanin 1883 [the bear makes the ploughman meet her; in on the same day, his son, who was immediately born and grew up, approaches him; his son became an abrek, taking another tree-digging and another as his friends; each one in turn remains to guard the hut; the man himself is six quarters, the beard of seven ties the guard, takes what he needs; the guards are sick; the bear son drives the bearded man into the tree like an ax; he breaks out, they follow the bloody trail to in the tower, a woman picks them up; a bearded man comes, they kill him; a bear son chained his comrades, he cannot; a woman warns that three rams will come; if he jumps on black, will fall into the third underworld, on red - into the second, on white - he will be on the ground; he falls on black; in the lower world, a woman is going to knead dough in urine; the snake Sarmyg lay down at the spring, gives out water in exchange for a girl; The bear son takes water twice, the third time S. swallows it, he cut it from the inside with a sword, went out; tells the sword that no one but him can remove it from the body of the snake; king, whose daughter was supposed to eat, tells me to turn to an eagle in a tree in the middle of the sea; chicks ask their father for a man; on the way, the Bear Son throws buffaloes and rams to the eagle, and finally cuts off the flesh from his thigh; on the ground he belches a piece back; Bear son finds comrades, marries a woman from the tower, marries his comrades]: 782-784; Malsagov 1883, No. 3 [the girl was kidnapped by a bear, she gave birth to a son Chaitong ("bear cub"), he grew up, his mother brought him to her parents; he did not go into the house, but went on a journey; met a log with his little finger; he met: it's nothing, the son of a bear does miracles C.; C. took him as a companion; the same with a man who listened to the ants talking; all three stopped in a forest hut, cooking one by one; yeshap came, ate everything, tied the cook to the bed with a hair out of his beards; when his comrades returned, the cook, who was struggling to free himself, replied that he was sick; the same with the second companion; C. tied the yeshap by his mustache to a pole; on a bloody trail, friends came to the pit; only H . decided to go down; there are three wives of yeshap in three rooms, the youngest he put his head on his knees; C. hardly won and killed yeshap; sent three women upstairs, the youngest gave him a ring, told him to touch he will take the white stallion to the ground; forbid touching black and red; the companions did not raise C., took the women away; C. went into the stable, accidentally touched the black stallion, found himself in the lowest world ; there an old woman cooks food using dirty water; a Sarmak at the spring cleans water in exchange for girls; Sarmak forgives C. twice as a guest when he collects water; leads a girl, C. killed Sarmak with a dagger; "Let the one who stabbed it pull out the dagger"; tells the rider to say that he saved the girl; but no one can pull out the dagger; C. did it easily; grateful padchah advises to kill Sarmak, who regularly devours eagle chicks; the chicks hid C. so that the returning eagle would not think that he was the one who killed the chicks; the eagle orders to cook meat, bread and water for 12 days; there was not enough meat, C. cut off a piece from her leg and arm; on the ground, the eagle put the pieces back; the girl recognized C., former friends ran away]: 33-39 (=Tankiev 1997, No. 12:257-263): 257-263; Nogais [woman rolled out the dough ( kamyr), covered it with a tablecloth, and when she took it off, the boy Kamyr-Batyr was there; he grew up, took a horse from his father, went on a journey; he meets, takes several dhows as companions, everyone says that he does not he is amazing, and K.; one pulls trees, the other throws rocks, the third drinks the sea; they put up a hut, cook one by one; a rider is an inch tall, a 40-inch beard eats everything, ties everything with his with the cook's hair; when K.'s turn, he tied the dwarf between the trees; he uprooted them, the trail led to the well, K. went down on a silk rope; there were three daughters of a dwarf, one gave K. strong water, he killed a dwarf, sent the girls upstairs, his companions threw the rope; K. came to the old man; he teaches him to sit on a white ram, but K. accidentally sat on a black one, who threw it even lower; downstairs the old man advises kill Azdag, which eats the chicks of the bird Caracus, it will carry it to the ground; K. killed Azdag, the chicks hid it; the wind rose (from the wings of the mother bird), an icy tiny (her tears) fell from the sky; a bird tells you to cook meat and water for 9 months; K. cut off the last piece from the thigh; the bird swallowed it and spit it it out healthy; K. executed treacherous companions, took the girls]: Kapaev 2012:209-218; Avars [Ali Aigurova is so strong that he harnessed dragons into the arba; takes a river swallower and a sharpshooter as companions; the swallower, then the shooter stays cooking, the dwarf ties them with hair, eats lunch; AA pinched the dwarf's beard with a plane tree; he escaped, went into the hole; the companions are afraid to go down, it's hot; AA kills the dwarf, sends his prisoner upstairs; she warns that if the rope is cut, AA must jump on a white ram that comes running to butt with black, he will take him upstairs; AA hit a black ram, fell lower; there the 9-headed dragon closed the water, gives in exchange for girls; AA kills him; khan says that only a kwankwa bird can carry to the ground; a three-headed snake crawls to its nest, AA kills it; a grateful kwankwa picks up AA, who feeds it with buffalo meat, gives it water; cuts off the latter piece from leg; kwankwa belches it, puts it back; AA kills a swallower and a shooter fighting over a girl, marries]: Saidov, Dalgat 1965:174-183; Lezgins [Zulum-Magoma eats and works like giant; his fellow villagers are afraid of him; his mother pretends to be sick, asks for lion meat; he easily completes the task, goes to fight dragons; on the way she meets trees pulling out and leveling mountains ; companions cook; the long-bearded dwarf ties the cook with his hair every time, eats everything; Z. throws him up to the sky, the dwarf falls, hides underground; companions can't go down, there it's hot; Z. descends, kills three dragons (3-, 5-, 7-headed) sleeping on the knees of three girls; companions lift the girls to the ground, leave M. below; the youngest manages to say that he must grab the leg of a white gazelle, which will take it to the upper world; M. mistakenly grabs black, he takes it to the black world; the seven-headed dragon closes the water, gives it for the girls; Z. kills him; the king advises to go to the plane tree, where a parrot's nest; Z. kills a snake that is about to eat chicks; a parrot carries it to the upper world; Z. cuts off the last piece of meat from his leg, a bird puts it back on the ground; Z. comes to the wedding , kills traitors, marries, gives two other girls for laborers]: Mazaev, Kasumov 1997 (2): 79-91 (=Khalilov 1965, No. 34:54-68); Ganiyeva 2011b, No. 2 [bear stole pachakha's daughter, son Bear Ear grew up, killed a bear, hired a pachah as an employee, dragged a hundred trees, breaking the walls of houses; Pathah sends him to Hart, allegedly for an unpaid debt; Hart tries to stuff MU into the chest, he shoves it himself brings pachaha, he tells him to take it back; the same is that Azhdaha owes the bull; pachah tells him to take it back, on the way, Azhdaha swallowed a herd of horses; pachah went to the MU by war, he destroyed his army, left wander; meets, takes the Woodbearer, the Millstone Rotator as his companions; they take turns cooking, a bearded dwarf riding a hare with his hair, eats up the cook; MU clamps his beard in the trunk a tree, he pulled out a plane tree with roots, went into a hole in the ground; MU descends, kills a dwarf, sends the kidnapped princess upstairs; she warns that his companions will throw him, we must jump on the white ram, and black will take him even deeper; MU accidentally sat on black, finds himself in a village where the nine-headed ajdaha locked the water; MU cuts off his heads, brings his ears to the pachaha of the underworld; he offers a daughter, but MU wants to go to the ground; in the forest an eagle, MU kills a three-headed snake that devours chicks, the eagle takes it upstairs; there is not enough meat, the MU cuts off the leg, the eagle puts a piece back; MU kills traitors- companions, marries a saved princess]: 50-57; Udins [the shepherd's son Rustam is very strong, playing with other children, maiming them; the old woman advises sending R. to the forest where three divas live for firewood; the king sends, R. easily kills divas, brings firewood; the king sends R. to a white diva; after a hard struggle, R. kills him too; decides to leave; meets and companions a man who holds over the plowman a tree torn out to create a shadow; a millstone tied to his feet and a grain grinding with them; drinking a river; everyone, not knowing who is in front of him, says that his abilities mean nothing, but R. is a hero ; they live in a hut, each one cooks one by one; Azhdakha comes, asks for pilaf broth, the cook asks him to wait, Azhdakha ties him with hair from his beard, eats everything; when R. stays, he He cuts his head down, she rolls into the crevice; the tree holder is the first to try to go down, but shouts that it is burning, he is pulled out; the same with the others; R. tells him not to pick him up if he screams; below R. opens 7 iron doors, sees a sleeping diva on a girl's lap; kills him; so four girls and four divas, R. kills divas and Azhdakhi's head; sends three girls upstairs; the last one the beautiful one is afraid that the companions will not raise R.; leaves him two feathers: if you hit one another, a white ram (will carry him to the ground) and a black goat (lower it even lower) will appear; the companions picked up the girl and left; R. called the animals, accidentally sat on a goat, was downstairs; asked the old woman for a drink, who said that the snake in the well only gave water in exchange for gifts, now it was the king's daughter's turn; she brings a bowl to the snake pilaf; R. was chopped by a snake, the princess put her blood-soaked hands to R.'s back; the king called everyone together, made sure that the hero was R.; she could not understand him to the ground, but said that the snake eats the bird's chicks; R. kills a snake; the chicks tell the bird that he agrees to take R. to the ground, he must ask the king for meat and water; the last piece of R. cuts off from his thigh; on the ground, the bird sees that R. is limping , puts the meat back; gives two feathers to summon it; R. forgives his companions, leaves them beauties, takes the best for himself; companions change rings; if the stone on the ring turns black, the owner is in trouble; R. comes to another country, kills a diva, takes his wife as a second wife; the local king also wanted this woman; the old woman asks to make a flying chest; asks R. to take her into service; persuades the second wife R . find out what his strength is; he says that without a ring he will weaken and die in two weeks; the old woman took the ring off the sleeping R., invited his wife to sit in the chest, the chest flew to the king; companions came water bread drank water in the well, found a ring there; R. defeated and killed the king, returned his wife]: Dirr 1921, No. 58:210-218; Agulas [three brothers live in the mill, cook in turn; bearded comes a dwarf, eats meat, asks for more; the eldest two refuse, he ties them with his hair; the younger Ahmed is polite, offers food himself, gets a wonderful sword, they must kill the seven-headed ajdaha who has closed the water, to whom the princess should be given; A. kills Azhdakha, the princess puts a mark on the savior's back; the brothers bind A., let A. go down the river in a boat, say that they killed Azhdakha; the princess objects, then they threaten with all a wonderful sword; the dwarf saves A., turns his brothers into wolves, A. gets the princess]: Ganiyeva 2011b, No. 33:320-323 (=Maysak 2014, № P1:477-478); tatas [Khan has three daughters; the black cloud took away first the youngest, then the other two; the khan promises a reward; the young man asks to make him a 40-pound club; threw him into the sky, the next day she fell, he caught her with his head; together with two companions he came to someone's house; the companions are cooking; the owner came, beat the cooks, ate two bulls; the young man remained, overcame the newcomer, tore off his head; a hole in the ground, he was lowered down on his belt; there was the kidnapped youngest daughter of the khan; his house and she turned the property into an apple, put it in her pocket, brought her sisters, picked them up and the young man; the young man married the youngest, two assistants were given money]: Miller 2013:598-601; Megrels (Eki village) [mother four daughters conceived a son by swallowing grain; named Kajandi; he ordered an unthinkably heavy club and bow and arrows from the blacksmith, went on a journey; met, took Ahmet as his companions (moved mountains) and Bosch (raised part of the land); they live in the forest, cook in turn; a priest comes, ties up the cooks, eats food; when K. stays, he hits the priest, he runs away, his companions follow him, he disappeared into a hole in the ground; companions bring K. into it; where the priest dies, he has three daughters; K. filled the priest with hot bacon; sent the girls and treasures upstairs; wanting to check the companions, put them in the basket a stone instead; they cut off the rope; K. comes to an old woman who has only dirty water; for every jug of water, you must give a man to the dragon; K. killed the dragon; he is advised to return upstairs on the eagle's back, prepare meat for the journey; there was only enough meat halfway through, the eagle returned; K. came to the people who were guarding the giants that caused the wind; K. released the giants, the hurricane began, they were caught again; K. flies an eagle, gives meat from his leg; on the ground, the eagle heals the wound by touching it with its pen; K. married the youngest of the girls, the companions apologized]: Mashurko 1894:393-399; Georgians: Mashurko 1894 [Lom-Katsi is conceived from the skin of an apple; meets and companions a catch-up hare, tied to his feet with a millstone; stealing eggs from the nest so that the pigeon does not notice; comrades live in the forest, queues cook; the giant overcomes the cook, eats lunch; LC hits him with an arrow, follows him into the crevice where the girl kidnapped by the giant; comrades pick up the girl, leave the LC below; he comes to an old woman, where Gveleshapi gives water in exchange for people; LC kills Gveleshapi, climbs to the ground on a bird's back; kills a traitor, marries a rescued girl]: 400; 1904, No. 2 (Imereti) [ an insignificant man is called to find the missing princess; the king gives him a ship, a captain, 12 sailors; on the island they come to the hut; one remains to cook, the haired dwarf asks for lunch When refused, he kills the cook; the hero remains, kills the dwarf, finds the keys on it, unlocks the locked part of the house, there is a princess, she gives him a ring; he forgets the ring, returns with 11 sailors, the captain sails away with the princess; the boat with the sailors turns over, they sink; the demon on the island takes the hero home, at the wedding of the captain and the princess, she recognizes the hero by the ring, the captain is executed, then the hero of the king's death reigns; the wife finds a lover, replaces the demon's clothes and sword with a fake, the hero is tied to the horse's tail; he brings him to the demon; the demon gives the hero the ability become a horse; the queen orders him to be killed, the maid plants the horse's tooth, an apple tree grows, the chips from the felled apple tree turn into two ducks; the duck puts on the clothes of a bathing false king, takes the form of a hero, he executes a traitor and her favorite, marries a maid]: 6-14; Azerbaijanis (Shusha) [the divas took the son and daughter of a man, he had a hero Hasan; he makes himself an iron club, comes to his sister , kills the diva, tells the witch to spell his brother turned into a donkey; on the way home, the brother kills the sleeping G.; the mother is happy, because G. was too strong; pigeons revive him; G. kills his brother; the mother reports to this king; the king sends G. to the forest to be torn to pieces by animals, he kills animals; Aga-Kerim splashes water from the river for several miles; Gul-Mamed throws stones; G. defeats them, takes them as companions; each cooks in turn, the old man ties the cook with his hair, eats everything; G. remains, tears off the old man's head, head and body roll; on the bloody trail G. goes to the well, goes down; sends three girls upstairs; the last one tells you to jump on a black ram, he will throw it on a white ram, then a white sheep up; the companions threw a rope; G. jumped on a white ram, was thrown on a black ram, then into the lower world; there the snake gives water in exchange for the sacrifice, the princess's turn; G. kills the snake; the king offers the princess, G. asks him to be taken upstairs; the king sends him to the bird Roch, her crocodile eats her children; G. kills him, Roch carries it to the ground, supplies run out, G. cuts off a piece of meat from his thigh; on the ground, the bird regurgitates it, puts it back; G. burns the bird's feather, it arrives, gives a horse; at the wedding of AK and GM G. during Killing them, passing two girls off as others, taking the youngest for himself]: Stamboliev 1896, No. 1:1-8; the Kurds [the tsar found a box, a boy in it, named Nachar Ogly (NO); the queen gave birth to her son Mirza Mehmet (MM); they are friends; BUT very strong; after he tore off one boy's ear, his mother scolded him and called him a foundling; after that, both BUT and MM left; at the night BUT walked away, saw them sitting at campfire 7 divas and killed them; met and accompanied a diva who lay down as a bridge over the river so as not to miss the BUT, whose fame he had heard a lot about; another diva who ran around with millstones on his feet villages; at rest, the divas with millstones remained to cook; the dwarf, the father of the killed divas, beat him and ate everything; the same with the diva bridge and with the MM; BUT defeated the dwarf, he disappeared into the cave; BUT filled the exit with stones; everyone tried to put him down on a rope, but right back: it's hot; BUT went down, killed three divas, freeing three girls; slept with his sword between himself and the first girl, because she was meant for her brother; the third, which is intended for him, warned that his brothers would leave him; but in a week the white and black rams would come to butt, he should jump on the white one, he would lift him to the ground; the black one would lower 7 tiers below; he jumped on the black one; asked the old woman for water; there is no water: the dragon closed all the springs, passes water off as a girl a day, the princess's turn; BUT killed the dragon; the princess noted the savior by spending on his back with a hand smeared with dragon blood; local king: the dragon devours the chicks of the bird Taire Semer; if he is killed, the grateful bird will carry him to the ground; after killing the dragon, BUT fed its meat to the chicks and fell asleep; the chicks asked the mother not to kill the man: he saved them; she asked for water and meat to be harvested; the meat ran out BUT cut off a piece of flesh from his leg; the bird grafted the piece back; BUT cut off the heads to traitors, returned to his parents along with MM and brides]: Chalatianz 1907:411-413.

Iran - Central Asia. Uzbeks: Ostroumov 1906, No. 1 [Tsar Iron tells his son to hunt only in the west; he does not find game there, goes east; the bear takes him away, locks him in a cave; Ldekova's son is born with with shaggy legs; tells the traveler to inform Tsar I. that his son and grandson will soon return, trail the ground with a sword to know where to go; after 7 years, he throws away the stone that closed the entrance, leads, and then carries his father, kills a bear who has rushed in pursuit; I. is afraid of him, moves him to a distant dacha; orders him to deliver firewood from a swamp where devils and predators; D. loaded firewood on those and came on horseback tiger; I. ordered to unload all the firewood in the country; D. went on a journey; meets Tah Palvan, then Hyrs-Palvan, Chinar Palvan; one threw mountains, the other threw huge stones, the third plane trees; each went to Chimkent to compete with D.; D. called himself a student of D., easily defeated palvans, took them as companions; on the edge of the city there are 7 bab-yags in a row, in front of each cauldron with 40 ears, 40 rams in each cauldron; D. hit one, her head flew off and hit the head of the neighboring one, so all 7 heads flew off; elsewhere D. killed four bab-yags; the companions came to another place; agreed to cook one by one; the first was T.; a dwarf arrives on a goat, a 40-top beard, bells on each goat's fur; asks for fire, empties the cauldron in one sip, leaves; now D. remains, knocked the dwarf's head off his shoulders with a hot stone, she rolled, disappeared in a hole; everyone tries to go down, but immediately shouts to be pulled out; D. came down; two peri in an iron cage say that Raznun Divas reigns here, he has 70,000 divas, from Each drop of blood spilled creates another 70 thousand; the divas sleep and stay awake for 40 days; D. killed them, sent girls and treasures upstairs; picking up D., the companions let go of the rope; D. recovered, met the ploughman, asked for food; while the plowman was going to buy food, D. ordered the animals and birds to plow the field, and then obey the plowman; came to an empty city; there everyone hid underground from a snake named Mundurha-adjar ; D. killed him; in another city, two idroim-azdargs come out of the lake and devour everyone; D. to an old man: if there is blood above the water, then I am dead, and if pus killed May; D. went down into the lake and killed snakes; goes further, kills several bab-yags; the last one won; she asks D. to become her son - she had the same hero, but died; he was left with a powerful bow; D. asks how to get to the ground; old woman tells you to go to the sea, there is a plane tree with a nest of a bird Sirug; her cubs are eaten by an alpan-azhdarga; D. took the old woman's son's bow, hit the ajdarga in the heart, fed two chicks, who hid it under their wings mother; Simrug smelled a man, but the chicks told her everything; she ordered 80 lamb carcasses and 80 water vessels to be cooked; there was not enough meat, D. cut off his leg; Simrug regurgitated her on the ground and put it back; said that if she knew what delicious meat D. had, she would eat it; D. came to the house where his companions and peri killed his companions, began to live with peri; one day he heard that Bukhara Khan had attacked to Iron; came and scattered the Bukhara army, and then returned to himself]: 157-182; Afzalov et al. 1972 (1) [=1984:167-177; the king has daughters Mukhliyo, Mukhliyo, Mukhabbat and younger Iqbal; the king wants to pass them off as those who richer than him; sisters run with men's clothes on; at the fork, I. takes the road to the right with the words "If you go, you won't come back"; sisters go straight and left ("you're unlikely to come back" and "you'll come back"); sisters promise marry the one they meet; I. meets a bear; gives birth to a son with the legs and body of a bear; at the age of 14, the son pushed back the millstone that closed the cave, defeated and killed the bear; I. and his son return to his father, he arranges a holiday, gives his grandson the name Aikpalvan ("hero bear"); playing, A. injures his peers; the vizier advises I. to pretend to be sick, and A. go to the country of divas for the leaves and roots of a tree lives; A. meets a man playing with millstones; he trains to overcome A. (whom he does not recognize); A. defeats him, makes him a companion; the same applies to a man who moves mountains; they come to an old man; he explains that the land of divas can only be reached by riding a diva; twins hunt, cook in turn; a dwarf comes out of the plane tree himself with a quarter, a beard 40 quarters, ties the cook's hair, eats everything; when A.'s turn, he kills a dwarf; twin brothers find failure in the ground; everyone tries to go down, but tells him to pull him out right away; A. goes down to the end; comes to the castle, where the princess kidnapped by the diva; A. sends her upstairs in the chest; when he begins to climb himself, twins cut off the rope; the old man advises killing the dragon, which eats two Simurg chicks every year, she will thank you for this; Simurg brings him to the ground, tells you to go to the tree, the top of which rests on heaven; asks ploughmen to bring food; harnesses two divas who tried to attack, plows them; the old man explains that a tree to heaven is the tree of life; meets former brothers, they fight over the chest, believing that it contains gold; A. throws them into the abyss; brings the mother's tree, kills the viziers, finds and marries the mother's sisters, plows divas]: 434-444; 1972 (2) [three brothers in turn cook; someone eats dinner; younger Kenje batyr does not sleep, cuts off the head of the visitor, she rolls into the hole; the older brothers are afraid, K. goes down into the hole, the kidnapped princess shows the box, there is a worm, K. he presses him, his head dies; his older brothers pick up treasures, the girl, cut off the rope; the old man advises killing the dragon, which eats the chicks of the Semurg bird; she carries him to the ground, he feeds it with meat, He cuts off the last piece from his thigh; on the ground, Semurg belches, puts a piece back to his leg; K. finds brothers, they argue who will get the girl; he drives them away]: 15-19; Uzbeks [shah not gives away her three daughters, they run away from home; the eldest goes along the road You'll go and come back, the middle one is unlikely to reach, the youngest Iqbal won't come back; promises to marry The first person he meets is a bear; he gives birth to a son with a bear body; he kills a bear without knowing that it is his father; mother and son return to the Shah, the young man is called Aikpalvan ("hero bear"), he maims peers; the shah tells his daughter to pretend to be sick, sends A. to bring the roots and leaves of the tree of life to heal her mother; A. meets two strongmen, makes her brothers; each takes turns cooking food, eating it a bearded dwarf; A. kills him; his brothers lower A. into a hole; he sends upstairs the royal daughter kidnapped by the diva; when he gets up himself, his brothers cut off the rope; the old man tells A. to go to the Semurg bird; every year, the dragon eats her two chicks; A. kills the dragon when it climbs to the nest on a plane tree; Semurg brings it to the tree of life, he chains the two divas guarding him, brings a tree to them life to the tsar, on the way he pushes twin traitors into a pit; kills the tsar and his army, marries, reigns]: Sheverdin 1984:167-177 (=Konovalov, Stepanov 1986:187-197); Turkmens [the padishah has three son, each mare gives birth to a foal, foals are kidnapped; brothers walk along three roads, the youngest Karadzha is a batyr on the one you will not return from; suggests the deva to throw stones up; dev throws on his head, dies; K. comes to the three kidnapped peri, kills three devas; when he fights with the youngest, Peri pour millet under his feet, and K. mash, dev slides, falls; K. brings three peri to his brothers; they hang a diamond sword at the entrance to the yurt, K. cuts off their legs; the armless Amet, the rumor, and the blind Quick-footed Veli, also crippled by their brothers, come to him; the brothers bring themselves a young woman, she cooks pilaf; an old man from the top, a beard with two ties a young woman with beard hair, eats pilaf; a young woman tells her returning brothers that she forgot to cook; the same when the first one remains, then the second sister; K. himself ties the old man; lets go when he returns his legs, arms, eyes to the crippled; K. pretends to be an old man, comes to his wife; she says that the missing husband told her to marry him whoever pulls his bow; he comes with a horseman, kills his brothers, tells his story, returns his wife]: Stebleva 1969, No. 22:54-66; Shugnans [the bear takes the hunter, makes her husband; she A son Bear (M.) is born, 3 years later as a 20-year-old boy; he kills the Bear, comes to his house with his father; kills a royal hero who offered to move his leg off a gold bar; forced; meets, wins, companions Saxifram, Tree Uprooter, Mill Straightener with his little finger; twin brothers live in the fortress, cook in turn; every time an old woman comes, eats everything pilaf, beats the cook; everyone is silent about what happened; when it is M.'s turn, he cuts off the old woman's head, she hides in a crevice; his companions lower him on a rope after him; sends the princess and treasures upstairs; the companions leave, leaving M. below; there is a horse: whoever whips twice will take him to the upper world, some once to the lower world; M. hit once, is below; sends a peasant to buy bread, tames lions, plows lions, kills them; they killed two people every day; he is made king; he sees Simurg's chicks, one cries, he will now be eaten by a werewolf; M. kills a werewolf, Simurg takes him to upper world; he takes the saved girl, drives away his brothers, becomes king]: Grunberg, Steblin-Kamensky 1976, No. 3:74-84; Yazgulyam [Kulparai-on-Kamon went to the mountainside; there is a man the millstone turns, says he is going to K.; K.: I am his student, easily defeated the one who took the millstone as companions; the same with the mountain spinning on his little finger; they live in a hut, cook one by one; the goat comes in, ties the cook with his hair, eats everything; when K.'s turn, he cut off the goat's head, it rolled into the hole; the companions can't go down there - it's hot, K. went down; there the goat put his head on the woman's knees; K. twisted him by the beard, threw him; he came to the old woman himself, stayed there]: Edelman 1966, No. 10:203-204; the Wakhans [the cat tells the sheep that today she will be slaughtered and she will eat her fat tail; the sheep asks the cat to bring a knife, cuts off its fat tail, the cow opened the door, the sheep went to Mount Kof, gave birth to a herd of sheep and a boy May-Zman ("son of a sheep"); tells him to go to people; the Ministry of Health meets, wins, He takes Chinorboz ("playing plane trees"), Kuboza ("playing with mountains"), Khdorgboz ("playing with millstones") as companions; companions come to an empty house, where food is ready; they take turns guarding; a girl comes out of a crack in a pole, washes, paints the rest, puts a dish with food, turns into a needle, goes back; the rest stains his face with mud so that no one notices; when the MZ remains, he puts salt on the cut, grabs the girl, the companions agree that he takes her as his wife; the Ministry of Health tells his wife to watch the fire; she dropped a red bead, thought the coals were turning red and they were out; sees smoke above a bunch of stones, comes, there are Barzangi; tells you to sprinkle the road with fried lice, then the dung in the hearth will catch fire; on the trail he comes riding a goat, sticks needles into the bread, tells the girl to dance on them, she hurts legs, he drinks blood; companions take turns guarding, everyone is afraid; the Ministry of Health hits with a dagger, kills 5 Barzanga's heads, the sixth under a rock, the seventh ran away, returned with an army; the Ministry of Health burns the hairs of the mother sheep, that heals his wounds and the wounds of his companions; the Ministry of Health orders him to be lowered into the hole under the stone where the sixth head disappeared (the companions tried but failed); Barzanga's shepherd below; the Ministry of Health asks him how to count cattle (hit a tree, no matter how many leaves have fallen off, so many sheep are gone), how to cross the river (say "chuck", the waters will part), where our grandfather's soul, i.e. Barzanga (in a staff, if you break on your knee, he will die), grandmothers (in stones with which salt is crushed; hit each other, the wick will flash, blow it out), the shepherd himself (in the lice at the back of his head); the Ministry of Health suggests cleaning the shepherd's head, crushing the louse," pulls on the demand that was on the shepherd's head"; under the guise of a shepherd, he crosses the river; the grandmother asks to bring a sheep, a goat, he brings a ram, a goat; says that he has confused everything in the sun; breaks his staff, blows out the wick; sends cattle upstairs to his companions; tells them to drag themselves, but does not tie themselves; they cut off the rope; a forest has grown out of the thorn that has fallen into the leg of the Simurg bird; the Ministry of Health frees Simurg; her children think that a man wants to kill her, she explains everything; she tries to raise the Ministry of Health to the ground, there are not enough supplies, he throws meat out of her hand, but she comes back; the next day, out of her leg, they reach the land, Simurg regurges, puts pieces of meat back to the Ministry of Health; gives two feathers - turning them into an old man and a young man; under the guise of an old man, he comes to his companions, becomes young, kills them with a dagger; lives with his wife]: Grunberg, Steblin-Kamensky 1976, No. 12:153-163

Baltoscandia. Norwegians [the old woman promises the king that he will have three daughters, tells them not to let them out of the house until they are 15 years old; the queen gives birth to three daughters one by one; one spring they ask the guards let them into the garden, they are carried away by a snowstorm; the captain, lieutenant and soldier go in search; see an abandoned estate; a soldier throws meat to a bear and a lion, they let go; companions cook queues; a dwarf comes to the captain, the lieutenant, asks for a coin, hits; when the soldier remains, he splits the log, invites the dwarf to look into the crack, pinches his beard; he has to tell where are the princesses; the soldier lets him go; the companions raise the stove, under it the way to the lower world; only the soldier descends in the basket through water and fire; in the castle, the princess spins a copper thread; gives a drink to the strong water, hides; a three-headed troll comes, falls asleep, a soldier cuts off his heads; the same with a princess spinning a silver thread, a six-headed troll; a golden, nine-headed; companions raise princesses and treasures, cut off the rope; the youngest has managed to give the soldier her gold ring; the soldier opens the closet, the chicks fly out, cannot pick it up; call her eagle mother; she carries the soldier upstairs, he feeds her harvested meat; she brings it to the king's palace, throws a whistle to call it if necessary; a soldier is hired by a jeweler; the younger princess demands the golden playing board she had in the lower world; the soldier summons the bird, she brings the board, the jeweler gives the princess, admits that he did not do; the soldier marries, gets half the kingdom, the captain and lieutenant are executed]: Asbjíørsen, Moe 1960:31-48; Swedes [when the son of a peasant is 16, he takes him to the city, he sees a gun, easily raises it with one finger, carries it on his shoulder; tells him to be called Bären-Öra; at the age of 20 he takes an iron club, leaves wander; prevails in martial arts, takes companions 1) a river damming with a beard, 2) pulling a spruce tree; companions live in a forest hut, cook in turn; the troll comes twice, eats everything; when BÖ remains, he hits the troll with a club, he leaves, pulling an oak tree out of anger and dragging it with him; friends follow the trail of failure in the mountains; not far from the sea, friends take all the ropes from the locals, BÖ is lowered down on a rope; there is a castle and a torn oak tree; the princess gives BÖ a drink of strength, not a drink of weakness; a BÖ troll who clutches his sword is killed with a club, his mother kills him with a sword; the princess was kidnapped 10 years ago from Arabia; BÖ sends the princess upstairs; then puts a stone in the basket; the companions think they are lifting BÖ, cutting the rope; bringing the princess to Arabia, In a year she must marry one of her imaginary saviors; BÖ finds a whistle, a servant comes out to the sound, serves food, royal attire, fast horses; they jump to Arabia, BÖ marries a princess, companions flee]: Stier 1971, No. 1:5-11; Danes [husband told his wife to breastfeed his son Hans for 10 years; he could not tear out a tree; another 10 years could; H. is too strong to to work normally; the pastor sent him to the forest for firewood, where demons, H. threw them, brought a cart with a mountain of firewood and horses; pastor sent H. to bring paper from hell; hell suggests: who will throw the rim higher; X . pretends to throw it to God the Father, asks him not to do so, gives the paper; the pastor is forced to pay a cart of money; H. tells the blacksmith to tie an iron club for him; meets, takes the companions of a stonecutter, a woodcutter; they come to the castle, take turns cooking; every time a witch comes, hits and throws the cook into the basement, eats everything; H. takes away her magic ointment, saves her friends, the witch is gone; H. finds a hole in the ground, tells him to go there; beat the witch, sends two princesses upstairs; then puts his staff down; the companions think it's H., cut the rope so that both princesses they got it; H. killed the seven-headed troll, freed the third princess; forced the witch to carry them to earth; the princess gave him one thing as half the sun, the other as half the moon; the king demands just such things; H. hired a jeweler, pretended to forge the things themselves, came to the palace, married a younger princess, who recognized him as her deliverer]: Suritz 1991:14-19; Danes [the youngest of three brothers are a loser; hired; sends letters asking for money, then he will receive the rank; brothers come and find out that this is a lie, he is still private; he leaves, meets a sergeant and major; they live in an empty house; every time it's time to cook, the dwarf does not allow the cook to start a fire; when it's the guy's turn (i.e. a former soldier), he splits the log and asks the dwarf to stick it in the crack hand, hand pinched; makes you say where the princesses kidnapped from the royal castle are and the golden moon; companions bring the guy on a rope into the cave; he kills the husbands of all three princesses; sends princesses upstairs; sends a stone instead, the companions let go of the rope, believing that they have now got rid of the guy; he finds a piece of paper that says "Master Hans" on it; as soon as the guy says the name out loud, Hans shows up and waits for an order; takes the guy to England, where the sergeant and major are preparing to marry princesses; princesses demand that they be given the golden moon they had in the underground for the wedding kingdom; the guy hired a jeweler and at the last moment tells Hans to bring the moon from the cave; the jeweler admits that the moon was not made by him, but by a worker; he is called to the palace; married to a younger princess, and sergeant and major were screwed to death]: Holbek 1987:510-511; Latvians [the elderly couple had a hairy son, Jan Bear; he asks his father three times to forge an iron staff for him; each throws it into the sky once; takes one that is hardly bent, picked up when falling with his finger; meets, takes as companions a digging mountain (Kalnuratseis) and fishing with a rod - a mast tree; stopped in an empty castle; they cook one by one, every time the old woman beats the cook, takes food; when it's my turn, an old man comes up, MIA drove his beard into a block, hit the old woman with a staff; three nights he guards bloody river; kills a three- and six-headed man on a silver, golden horse; when fighting a 12-headed diamond horse, help is needed; the companions are sleeping, I woke them up by throwing his staff into the castle; while the water left in the vessel turned red (a sign of danger); killed a 12-headed man; rolled back the stone, tells him to lower it into the abyss; there that old man, I killed him; in silver, gold, diamond cities, three girls, sew clothes from silver, gold, diamonds; each collects her city in an egg; the companions picked up everyone; I returned behind the hat; the companions began to raise, decided that the hell let go of the rope; I fell, breaking through three worlds; in the fourth thunderstorm, he covered the eagles; the eagle promises to raise them to the ground - let MYA kill the monster and feed it with its meat in flight; at first there was not enough meat, they returned; the second time almost flew in, Mya cut the last piece of my leg out of my calf; I married a girl from diamond town, my companions married the other two, each living in their own city out of an egg]: Niedra 1952:92-103; Estonians : Järv et al. 2009, No. 6 (Viljandi) [the king went to war, ordered not to let three daughters out of the house, they asked the maid to let go, disappeared; the king promises them to be married to those who would return them; soldier, officer, general; in a house in the forest, they cook in turn; a dwarf with a long beard eats, beats the cook; when it is the soldier's turn, he hits the dwarf with a copper, silver, gold rod, makes him lift the stone, under which has a hole into the lower world; only a soldier descends, kills one-, two-, three-headed snake who guard three princesses; sends princesses upstairs, receiving her dress from each of them; puts her in place the stone, the general and the officer release the rope; the soldier finds copper, silver, gold whistles, servants and horses appear, carry the soldier to the ground; he hires a tailor, pretends to sew wedding dresses for princesses; they recognize their dresses; a soldier asks a general, an officer, how to punish someone who let another into a hole, who took another woman from another; bring him down the mountain in a barrel of nails, tie him to eight bulls; they are executed respectively; a soldier marries a younger princess, others were presented as queens], 7 (Viru-Nigula) [Shaggy Ivan (I., Karvane Iivan) asked the owner for a seven-pound iron staff; meets, companions a tailor and a shoemaker; in a house in the forest they take turns cooking, a dwarf with a beard eats everything every time; I. hits him with a club, he falls into the ground; I. goes down after him , beats many dwarfs; I. survived; I. tells him to transport him across the river; there are three strands in the house; when baptized I. looks, their gold yarn immediately breaks; the girls are the daughters of King Kungla; the eldest swaps bottles of strong and weak water that stand in the heads and feet of the Old Devil's bed; I. fights him, kills him with a club; tells the dwarf to carry himself, princess, gold back across the river; satellites they picked up the princess and gold, did not lower I.'s rope; he tells the dwarf to move him to earth; forgives his companions, marries the princess], 10 (Haljala; the informant heard from an old man from Aaspere) [the princess is gone, the soldier promises to find him, otherwise he will be hanged; the king makes him an officer, he tells the captain to sail for a whole year; goes to the island with two sailors, they take turns cooking in the cave, the old man eats everything; the officer (i.e. former soldier) cuts off his head; the princess boards the ship, the officer remembers that he forgot the princess's ring in the cave; the captain takes her away, makes her say that he is a deliverer; the officer is hired to hell, violates prohibitions; he is fired but taken home on horseback by air; the king makes him a general, the princess found out when he picked up a rusty sword; the captain was hanged, the officer received the princess]: 54- 57, 58-62, 70-72; Lutsi (1893; the informant heard a fairy tale from people who did not know Estonian) [the couple are childless, her husband died, the widow cried, her tears grew peas, the only pea in the pod; she ate it , after 9 months she gave birth; the boy is strong; mothers: if he waited to eat, he would have been even stronger; ordered a five-pound iron club from the blacksmith, threw it up, a day later she fell, he put his finger up, a club split; 10-pound - bent; 15-pound - remained intact, suitable; Pea meets, takes as satellites 1) pulling oaks; 2) rearranging mountains; they were hired by the owner for the right to carry away that they would be able; he ordered to level the mountains; they began to make ropes out of sand, throw them over the mountains, pull them off, now a flat field; one took all the flour from the owner, the other all the grain, the third of all the cows; they put them in the forest was a farm; the demoness (mustabaaba) began to go to them, eat everything; he remained guarding the trees pulling; she spat in his eyes, ate everything; the one who moved the mountains was the same; G. beat her with a club, she grew to the clouds, he kept beating, she shrunk again, he tied her to an oak tree; she pulled out an oak tree and went to the lower world; only G. dared to go down; killed the woman's five-headed son; the girl knits stockings, G. pulled the rope, both picked it up, he gave it to the oak puller, went down again; killed the 1-headed, gave the second girl to the one who moved the mountains; the third time he fights the 15-headed; drove him into the ground waist-deep, and he was up to his neck; agreed to take a break; G. drank strong water, and gave the enemy weak water, killed him; went upstairs, but G. went down for the fourth time; it's a shame for the companions that G. took the most beautiful girl for himself, threw the rope down; thunderstorm, eagles on the Christmas tree say that whoever protects them from the weather will help their mother; he covered them; chicks: don't leave until their mother arrives; eagle: I know G. when he was born, three the earth trembled for days; the eagle agrees to carry it across the Sea of Fire, but let it fill three barrels of forest bird; he spit them; there was not enough meat in flight, the eagle tells you to cut off and throw her little finger first , then the calf of the leg; then the little finger of the legs; flew; G. caught the little girl, began to twist; ordered the daw to bring living water from the island in the sea of fire; his body healed with this water; came to his wife, forgave his companions, but drove away; they began to live, they probably live now]: Annom et al. 2018:93-100; setu: Järv et al. 2009, No. 9 [the king has lost his daughter; three men went to look, cook in the forest in turn; man in the big hat eats everything every time; the youngest gave him vodka, killed him; found the princess, brought him to the sea, she forgot the ring; the youngest follows him; when he returns, he sees that the ship has sailed; the raven brings him home, the king gave him a daughter]: 65-69; Normann, Tampere 1989 [the father disappeared in the swamp; three sisters are crying, the king saw a stream of tears, went to the source, brought the sisters to him; the eldest promised to feed the army with rye grain, the middle one is to dress him with wool, the youngest is to give birth to a son with the sun on the back of his head, a month in his forehead, stars on her body; the king marries her, she gave birth to two twins with promised signs, asked the birds to pass on news to the king, the raven flew; the older sister took the children to the swamp window, where the girls' father disappeared, replaced them with puppies; the second time, a crow flew; the third time one son asked his mother to hide him under his arm, the king ordered his wife to be thrown into the sea in a barrel; the barrel was nailed to an empty island, the son knocked down the bottom; the old man gave them a willing staff, a feather to fly on; the royal nobleman visits the island three times ; each time the wife's sister says that there is a greater miracle; the young man who comes on the pen overhears, tells the staff to carry this miracle to his palace; 1) a golden pig with silver pigs; 2) an oak tree, where the cat tells stories; 3) a window in the swamp, from which there are five paths, each with a boy walking with the sun on the back of his head, a month in his forehead, stars on his body; the nobleman talks about six such boys On the island, the king goes to see for himself, brings his wife and sons; his wife's sister was left in a barrel into the sea]: 73-81; Sandra 2004 [when parents die, parents tell their son and daughter not to marry or marry; with a son the godfather of St. Mary, and her daughter has St. Nicholas; the son still takes his wife, moves his sister to the closet; the wife decides to lime her; kills piglets, tells her husband that his sister did it; the sister swears to St. Nikolai, who is innocent; the same when the wife killed sheep; cows; horses; then killed her newborn child; then the brother took her sister to the forest and cut off her hands, hung them around her neck; sister came to a wealthy house, there are apple trees, she began to eat apples; the old woman noticed asking her merchant son to guard the thief; he grabbed the girl, persuaded her mother to leave her in the house; the mother gave her son a hundred rubles to find a wife; he He spent the money, did not find a suitable bride; so three times; then his mother told him to take the handless; the son left on business, his mother wrote to him that his wife had given birth to a girl; she sent a letter through his friend, and this was just right there was a handless brother; his wife found the letter, replaced him with another, writing that his wife gave birth to a puppy; answering, the husband tells him to wait for him to return; the evil sister replaces the letter again, telling the puppy to hang it from his neck daughters-in-law and drive her out; mother-in-law hung the baby with her severed hands, which seemed alive; the woman came to the sea, asked God to pick her up, wanted to throw herself into the sea; an old man came out, she stuck her hands, she took the child in them; came to her brother, he did not recognize her; her husband was there; she began to tell her story; her brother's wife tried in vain to prevent her; she was tied to the horse's tail ( huu hanna otsa) and let her go around the world; a blue stone and a walnut bush beat her for another nine years until nothing was left of her (voolits' tõist viil perrä ütesä aastakka kooni ar lõppi)]: 226-231; Finns; Viiding 1980 [the blacksmith met a forest girl (metshaldja), married; Matti's son is immensely strong, parents of other children complain about him; to get rid of M., the father tells him 1) bring firewood from the forest, where bears and wolves (easily dispersed the animals), 2) fish from the lake, where the monster (M. beat him with a fishing rod), 3) money lent to the king (beat the tsar's soldiers, brought money); M. goes wander, meets and companions 1) a fisherman trying to catch the same water monster with a cow, 2) hitting boulders against each other (answers what awaits M. for combat; finding out who is in front of him , refuses to fight, obeys), 3) dammed the river; in the cow's pen, the companions slaughter one, leave the fisherman to cook meat; the old woman Iron Tooth binds him, eats everything; the same with the rest; M. himself she is thrown into the crevice, her companions confess what happened to them; the old woman is released, hides in the abyss, her companions bring M. down there; the kidnapped princess orders to replace the bottles with the strong and weak with water; M. defeats an old woman, she drinks weak water, dies; companions lift the princess and treasures upstairs, cut off the rope, lifting M.; the eagle on its back carries M. upstairs; M. throws companions at abyss, marries a princess]: 9-20; Concca 1991 [man ran away from court; got together with a forest maiden; when she gave birth to a son, took a boy and returned to the village; the guy is monstrously strong, better from this to get rid; his father sent him to the king to pick up the allegedly borrowed gold and silver; the king sent soldiers against M., who easily killed them with an iron staff; he had to give gold and silver; Father M. poisons the oatmeal field; M. met, took as companions an angler (fishing rod - pine, bait - cow) and a climber (turning rocks); remained to guard the field, cook in turn; an old woman with an iron tooth gets out from the crevice, beats the cook, eats everything; when M. stayed, he killed the old woman, threw the bones into the crevice; tells him to lower him down on a cowhide belt; below the girl advises to rinse with water from the trough, and in return, pour another one; the same old woman appeared, began to fight; M. drank strong water, and the old woman was weak (apparently died); the companions lifted the girl and the good to the ground, cut off the belt; in the lower kingdom every day they give the dragon a girl and a sheep, turn the princess; M. sleeps on her lap; a three-headed dragon comes out of their seas; M.: look, your house is burning; the dragon turned around, M. blew his heads off; the next the day is the same (six-headed dragon); in the third half of the kingdom laughs, the other cries; waiting for the nine-headed dragon; M.: the monster is even more terrible behind you; the dragon turned around, M. blew his heads off, the girl put M . sign with a ring on his forehead; M. abandoning the princess, wants to go back to earth; king: it's only on a griffin bird; flying with M., the griffin throws him three times and catches him; each time he says that he was afraid on the oatmeal field when M. shot at him; on the ground, the griffin forbids M. to drink from the spring; M. did not listen, an iron cat jumped out of the spring, tore out his beard; M. ran to the forge; the blacksmith heated the blank , asked the cat to open his mouth: he would throw M. there; but threw iron, the cat died; the girl rescued from the lower world promises to marry the one who pulls the bow; the Angler and the Rock cannot, M. let two out of the bow and told them to pick up arrows; they went and never returned; M. married a girl]: 26-35; Karelians: Concca 1959 [a childless man carved a doll out of an aspen, she came to life, this is Osinovich, very strong; he leaves from his parents, he meets and companions an angler (a chain is forests, a horse is bait) knocking a rock on a rock; they take turns cooking; a dwarf with a two-cubit beard comes out of the ground every time, eats everything; when O. remains, he pinched the dwarf's beard between the logs of the hut; tells him to lower him into the dwarf's hole; his daughter is there; he sends her upstairs in the cradle; the companions cut the rope; O. hid the crows from the cold heavy rain; they ask his mother not to harm him; the crow carries him to the ground, he feeds her with cow meat, it ends, cuts off the last piece from his leg; the crow has healed his leg; O. takes the bride, drives away comrades]: 23-26; Onegin 2010, No. 42 (Kalevalsky district) [the old man and the old woman have no children; the old woman asks her husband to cut down an alder chock, it would be like rocking in the cradle; the chock became a boy, he He grew up quickly, is incredibly strong; he plows so that he ruins a horse and breaks a plow; cutting down a forest, breaks an ax; leaves, meets, takes as companions someone who pulls trees and hits one rock against another; they come into the house, they cook in turn; a dwarf with a long beard eats everything, beats the cook; when it is the turn of the Alder Churka (PTS), he split the stump, pinched the dwarf's beard, began to beat; he cut off his beard, disappeared into a hole in rock; PTS went down on a rope; there is a kidnapped princess; says that the dwarf is now ill; teaches to swap bottles of living and dead water; the dwarf is dead; the princess gave PTS her ring; PTS companions she was picked up and PTS left; the dwarf's wife agreed to raise the PTS to the ground: she became a crow and carried her upstairs; OCH came to the tsar, the princess recognized the ring, the deceivers were shot]: 379-384; Schreck 1887, No. 3 (Olonets ) [the hunter met Tapio (forest owner)'s daughter Tapiotar; she ordered her to become her husband, otherwise she would kill her; Mikko's son Miehiläinen was born, took his father home; T. caught up, but her son easily threw her away; at home MM plays with children into the ball; maimed the girl three times, breaking her arm, leg, ribs with a ball; each time her father gives MM a job; 1) bring firewood (MM ordered the predatory animals to load the sleigh with fir trees, harnessed them and brought a cart; 2) two barrels of fish (MM fished water with a fishing rod from the trunk of a spruce tree, forced him to catch fish, load it, bring it; 3) return the gold allegedly lent to a foreign king; MM came on a water cart drawn by predators chases, received gold; went on a journey; met, accompanied 1) throwing rocks, 2) with the hands of the river guide; they came to an empty house, next to cows; decide to slaughter them one by one , cook one by one; a witch came, put the cook's head under the beam, ate everything; the cook freed himself, cooked the bones, said that the soup had flowed through the cracks; the same second time; on the third, MM cooks, he shoved witch under the trough; friends came to a hole in the ground; they made belts out of cow leather, lowered MM down; there is a house on the seashore, a silver-golden beauty tells her mother to be afraid; the witch came, MM her overcame and killed; the companions picked up the treasure and the beauty, cut off the belt; the bird brought MM upstairs; there his two companions are fighting, sharing the treasure and the girl; MM threw both into the hole; MM and his wife began to live in witch house]: 14-27 (=Goldman 1953:12-30); Veps (told in Russian) [priest Diy Popovich's son is too strong; brings a log on a bear from the forest, collects water tax; meets, takes in companions Dubynya, Usynya, Goryn; they cook one by one, "himself from his fingernail, beard from his elbow" hits the cook every time, eats everything; D. wants to cut off his head, but cut off only his beard, the dwarf fell into dungeon, D. orders him to be lowered on his belts after him; killed a dwarf, freed three princesses, each assembles the palace in a handkerchief; the companions raise the princesses, cut off the rope; D. covered the chicks from the cold, fed them; their mother kite takes D. to the ground, he throws her pieces of meat, the last piece of his caviar, the bird regurgitates it, puts it; two princesses have married their companions, Elena from the golden palace is waiting for D. demands the same shoes, dress; D. unfolds palaces, pulls out; Usinya was shot, Dubynya, Gorynya was demoted]: Vlasyev 1941, No. 2:15-25; Western Sami [Akubermu is the old woman's adopter; grew up and went on a journey; meets, takes as companions a dragging tree; playing with an iron stick; throwing up a mountain; they stopped by the river, cook in turn; each time they go out of the mountain a dwarf with a beard, presses the cook's knee, eats everything; when A.'s turn burns the dwarf over the fire, tears off his beard, the dwarf hides in the rock; A. and his companions broke 4 doors, took the treasures]: Kohl-Larsen 1982:28-38; western (?) Sami [the Swedish king has three daughters missing, the man volunteered to find them; on the way he meets two more consistently; each cooks in turn; the Legless Handless (BB) comes, presses down his hair the cook eats everything with a log; when the hero remains, he offers BB food himself, he promises to help; all three want to move the stone, when the hero calls, BB shifts, under the stone, the hero goes down; kidnapped the queen orders to change barrels of strong and weak water; hell comes, the hero defeats him; the same with the second royal (double-headed line), with the third (three-headed); the hero sends the queens upstairs; gets up, sees that the companions are arguing about who will take which one; when they see the hero, they cut off the rope, he is again underground; he is hired as an employee, the owner does not tell him to enter the same room; the hero comes in, There is Thunder, he tells you to take an iron chair, a flint flint, a comb; they run away, the hell pursues, the abandoned crest turns into a forest, the devil comes back for an ax; the flint is a mountain, behind a drill; the chair is a river of fire; the thunder brought the hero to where the companions were fighting, took the most beautiful queen, others are still arguing who to get who]: Klaus 1995:39-46; Eastern Sami: Lagercrantz 1961, No. 305 (Skolts) [the king has lost three daughters, two generals and a boy went in search; they live in a house, cook in turn; every time an old man comes, beats the cook, eats everything; when it's the turn guy, he promises to feed the old man if he helps him split the log, pinches his beard, makes him tell him where the princesses are; they are underground with one-, two- and three-headed dragons; a rope to go down, you will have to weave for three months; there is a sword on the wall in front of the entrance; to be strong enough to understand it, you have to turn the tap, drink strong water ("like butter"); there are playing cards, they must be turned over, will appear stairs; the guy cut off the dwarf's head; the generals are afraid to go down, the guy climbed, drank water, took a sword, opened three doors, behind which three princesses killed three dragons; the generals took the princesses upstairs, and the guy was not picked up and said that he was dead; the younger princess told her to be brought back; the guy remembered the cards, a ladder appeared, they climbed to the surface; the king married the boy to his youngest daughter, and He did not give his daughters to the generals, they took other brides]: 173-181; Yermolov 1959 [three hunting brothers take turns cooking; an old man came in, tied the youngest by his hair to the ceiling, ate everything himself; the same with the middle man; The eldest beat the old man; then came to him in his hole, said that he had come to help; the old man was happy with the worker, but told him not to unlock some doors; the guy opened the doors - there was Thunder in chains; asked him to cut the chains The young man did it, there was a thunder; the young man tells the old man that this roar from cow hooves when the cows ran; Thunder to the young man: when you finish the third chain, sit on me; the old man is chasing, the Thunder tells me to take his hair and throw it back; a rock appeared to the sky; the old man returned home, brought a drill, drilled a hole; when the young man threw his second hair, a stormy river appeared, and a fire above; the old man fell into them and disappeared] : 69-71.

Volga - Perm. Komi: Doronin 2004 [a bear stole a woman, she gave birth to a son, Mikhailo, who grew up and ran away; on the way he met Goryn, then Usynya; they find an empty house, slaughter a bull, eat it, leave W. homey; old man Buinyr comes out from under the golbts as tall as an inch, a beard two inches tall, beats W., turns into an armful of hay; the next day, the same as G.; M. defeats him, he leaves, cutting off his beard; W. and G. they lower M. on his belt into the goltz; M. walks through the meadow, comes to two blind spouses, quietly eats their food; they realize that they have come baptized, complain about B. eating their bulls; B. turns into a bear, M. releases wasps at him, hits him, kills him; frees three sisters, marries one, gives the others G. and W.]: 35-39; Žikin 2006, No. 33 [the bear stole a woman, she gave birth to a son Misha, they ran away, M. killed chasing a bear; they live with the woman's former husband; then M. goes on a journey; two do not let him cross the bridge, he takes them as companions; they stay in an empty house, cook one by one; An old man comes, eats everything, beats the cook; M. hits him himself, he runs, disappears into a hole in the ground; M. goes down, there is a house with a silver roof and a girl; M. defeated the old man, found, put a ring on his finger, the old man's possessions curled up into an egg; M. came to two girls in a house under a golden roof, put on a ring, it all curled up into an egg too; putting it in his pocket, M. sent the girls upstairs; when the companions became pull M. out, they let go of the rope, M. fell down; woke up, put on a ring, called assistants, they carried him to the ground; took the girl from his companions, married her]: 177-187; Udmurts: Kralina 1960, No. 31 [the violinist goes on a journey, meets, takes a wolf, bear, heifer as his companions; they built a hut, they stay in turn to brew beer; every time an old woman comes, drinks everything, beats the brewer; the violinist plays and fights her, she dances, then gets drunk, he takes her golden galoshes and stick, hits her with a stick; lets her go when she brings him a girlfriend; everyone wants a girl for themselves, decides to give it to someone who will scare everyone; the violinist puts galoshes on a stick through the door, the animals run away in horror, the violinist marries the girl], 43 [someone steals peas from his priest; the pop guards, finds a child in the peas; Mikhailo Popov grows up unusually strong, maiming other children; the pop sent him to bring sheep out of the forest with wolves and lock him to the sheep; M. brought wolves, they ate sheep; the same is to bring bulls (brought bears); men advise sending M. to the lake, collecting the devil's rent; hell offers to race, M. sent a hare instead; throw weights; M.: throw on the cloud; hell asks not to throw; devils give money ; M. orders to pour into the hat in which he made a hole, filled a large bag; hell offers to fight, M. sends a bull instead of himself, i.e. a bear; M. harnessed a bear into the cart and the devil, brought money to the ass; M. left them to work at the mill, went on, met them, took Usinya (twists his mustache Kama), Gorynya (shakes the mountain with his little finger); they take turns cooking; a man with a nail, a beard hits his elbow cook, goes underground again; when M. stayed, he beat the peasant, pinched his beard, he cut off his beard, went down the hole; only M. decided to go down on a rope; the girl sews a paper dress, walks with M., curled their hut in an egg; the same is a girl with a woolen one; with a silk dress; that man is their grandfather, went to grow a beard; Usynya and Gorynya picked up the girls, did not pick up M.; M. wants to kill the cat; the duck; they ask do not kill; then they transport M., pretend to throw him off; M.: I didn't kill you; so three times; cat: I have no strength, I want to eat; M. cut off meat from caviar, gave it to the cat; on the ground, M. changed clothes with the old man; came to Usyna and Goryn, drove them away, began to live with three girls]: 84-87, 108-118; Potanin 1884, No. 5 [the king's three daughters were carried away by the serpent Azhdagn-kyy; the soldier drank his salary in the tavern, boasted that he would return princess; summoned to the palace; asked permission to feast duty-free for three days and two comrades; they found a hut in the forest, with a bull, stay at home in turn; old man Kuat Sultush came, as tall as a quarter, a beard of 6 flight fathoms, beat the guard; on the third day, it was the soldier's turn, he beat the COP himself, forced him to bring him to where the princesses were; he brought him to the hole; the soldier killed him, ordered his comrades to lower him he was on a chain; in the underworld, a princess in a copper house taught him to change barrels of strong and weak water; a 6-headed serpent came with thunder, rain and hail, the soldier killed him; while he was sleeping, the princess put him in a stamp on the forehead, rolled the copper house into an egg, gave it to the soldier; the same with another princess in a silver house (9-headed serpent), in gold (12-headed); two comrades raised the princesses to the ground, then cut off the chain; the soldier found the balalaika, hit it, a ram came out, the soldier climbed it; he was let into the hut; he rolled three eggs, copper, silver, gold palaces appeared; the princesses noticed, stopped the weddings, they demanded one shoe, a second handkerchief, a third dress; the soldier sent everything they needed to the princesses and the old woman; they asked to invite a tailor to the wedding; he came with a balalaika, hit her, and a man came out of it with seals on the forehead put by the princess; the tsar executed two comrades of the soldier]: 232-233; Chuvash: Chuvash tales of 1937 [spouses are childless; god Pikhambar tells the old woman to put in sauerkraut in a dream a piece of oak bark; their son Ivan appears; wins, makes copper, silver, golden eagles brothers; each takes turns cooking food in the hut; every time a bearded dwarf comes, says that the bulls eat him, eats everything, binds him up, that evening he says that he does not remember anything; I. defeats the dwarf, hangs it on a tree; a beard remains, a bloody trail stretches into the hole; Eagles lower I. on a belt in the lower world; he kills Chiga an old man, a hursukhal 'a, the father of three sisters; the eldest gives I. a strength-increasing ring; the Eagles lift the women upstairs, drop their belt; I. kills a 12-headed snake, frees fresh water and people; the snake crawls along the pine tree to the nest of the Vagrant Eagle; I. kills the snake, the Eagle agrees to raise it to the ground; in flight, I. feeds him meat, it ends, he cuts off a piece of his hips; kills sister traitors, marries the eldest sister who recognizes him, lets others go]: 67-83; Shurtakov 1984 [the old man exchanges one thing for a friend, a horse for two staff; the old woman beats him with herds, they turn into a boy called Toy-Tubal; he goes hunting, meets, takes as companions the Son of the Sun, the Son of the Month, the Son of the Bear; they take turns cooking, the old man eats everything; TT hangs him by the beard to a tree, he runs away without a beard; TT goes down to the hole for him; his three daughters tell him where the barrels of living and dead water are, TT replaces them, kills the old man; companions pick up the girls, cut off the rope; snakes do not give water from the well, TT kills it; three snakes are ready to eat three Eagle chicks, TT kills snakes; the Eagle brings TT to the ground, in flight it feeds and water the Eagle, cuts off the last piece of meat from its hips; Eagle sticks him back; TT drove his companions away, married a younger girl]: 47-56; Eisin 1993:197-207 [about like Chuvash tales; the bird's name is Amart], 207-218 [the old woman sends her husband to sell peas; he sells, buys a goat with the proceeds, exchanges it for a cow, a cow for a horse, a horse for posts, it is easy to walk with them; an old woman beats her husband with them, puts the wreckage in a bag; from which the boy Tui- Tubala ("from the staff"); grows up as a hero, goes on a journey, meets and companions men named Hwetke (Son of the Sun), Uip (Son of the Month), Udaman (Son of the Bear); they hunt, take turns cooking in hut; the old man comes, eats up the cook; when TT remains, he hangs the old man by the beard on an oak tree; he breaks down, goes down, afraid, tells them to pick them up; TT sees Chiga lying wounded by him -Khursugala; they fight, three girls tell them to replace barrels of strong and weak water; TT killed, burned CH; the companions picked up the girls, threw the rope, lifting the TT; the old woman kneads the dough drooling, the water locked the snakes ; allows TT to pick a bucket three times, gets out of the well, TT rips open his belly, swallowed people come out; it is said that an eagle could raise an oak tree to the ground; one-, three-, nine-headed crawl to the nest snakes, TT cut them; chicks explain to the big eagle (or eagle) who their savior is; the eagle picks up the TT with a supply of meat and water, the meat runs out, the TT cuts off the thigh, on the ground the eagle puts a piece back; TT drives away companions, marries ChH's youngest daughter], 282-289 [the elderly have no children; the sorcerer advises making the child out of dough; he came to life, grew up quickly, this is Chusta Batyr ("chusta" - "dough"); he went to wander, hears a voice from an oak tree, then from the special room asking for release; C. broke trees, Yuman Batyr ("oak") and Tarbatyr ("osokor") came out; all three stopped in a house, cooking one by one; an old man with an elbow with a planted beard hits the cook, eats the bull; when C. stays, he tied the old man with his beard to a tree; he cut off his beard and ran away; three companions came to another house, there lost princess; came to a hole in the dungeon; C. began to descend, the companions untied the chain; in the underworld there is a copper palace, the girl orders to change the tubs with strong and weak water, C. killed the three-headed snake; the same in silver (six-headed) and golden palaces (nine-headed serpent); C. came to the village where the serpent is not allowed to enter the water; C. killed the snake, asks people to help get out; they advise you to go to the tree, on which eagle; C. hid the eagles, covering the nest with turf, the snake that arrived did not find it; the eagle orders to prepare water and meat; the last piece of C. cut off from his leg; the eagle regurgitated it and put it back; Yu and T. are still quarreling over the girl; C. killed them and married a girl]; Chuvash [cf. Mordovians; the youngest son is Bald, they do not like him, he goes on a journey, meets, takes a bear as his companions and imp; they built a house, made a lake full of beer; someone steals him, they take turns guarding him; the old man beats an imp, a bear; Bald plays the harp, generously lets the old man drink, asks him to stick it hand in a half-split log, promises to teach him how to play, knocks out a wedge, cuts off the old man's head; three decide that someone who scares others will remain in the hut; the bear and the devil Bald are not afraid ; showed the old man's head in the window, they ran away; Bald called his brothers to help move the hut to the village; they began to respect him]: Sidorova 1979:146-148; Mordovians (Erzya) [=Anikin 1909; tailor, bear and the unclean began to live together; they brewed beer; someone drinks it at night; they take turns guarding; Viryava beats a bear, unclean; the tailor agrees to eat it, but asks for help split the tree; V. puts her hand in the crack, the tailor knocks out a wedge, hits her with an iron arshin until she promises him a daughter, money, a house and a yard with cattle; the bear and the unclean want Viryava's daughter for themselves: let him take it will not be afraid; no one is afraid of a bear or an unclean one; the tailor dresses up, hits the bucket, they think Viryava has come, run away; everything goes to the tailor]: Evseviev 1964, No. 44:309-314; marie [ childless old man and old woman made their son out of dough (nönchyk), he came to life, became Nönchyk-patyr; he is told to gather guests, N. asks husbands to come without wives; he was sent for wives, he asks them to come without wives children; sent for children, he loads the children on the cart with a pitchfork; they decide to get rid of him, send him to the far field for sheep; he brings wolves; bears instead of horses; he brings the devil girl; his father tells him to leave; N. asks the blacksmith to forge a weight, throws it under the clouds; the one with 150 pounds crashed on his head, withstood 200 pounds; N. met, took Tumo-Patyr ("oak") and Kü with him rtnö-patyr ("iron"); they take turns cooking; an old dwarf with a beard hits and eats the cook; N. hung him by the beard on a birch tree; he fell off, left; the boys reached the stone under him pit; T., K, afraid to go down, N. went down, there are three girls, they say that the father returned without a beard, went to the bathhouse; N. killed a dwarf, burned it in the stove; sent the girls upstairs; when he got up himself, the companions cut off the belt; N. fell, entering the ground to the waist; grabbed the wolf by the tail, he pulled it out; the old woman complains that the snake closed the water, gives the princess's turn for the girls; N. killed the snake; the bird Arslan-kayyk took him to the ground; there T. wants to marry a girl out of the ground; she recognized her ring given by N.; N. suggests firing arrows up; T. and K.'s arrows pierced them, N.'s arrow went into the oil; he became live with his wife]: Tudorovskaya, Eman 1945:39-49; marie [{the text is literary processed, in some places heavily distorted}; a childless old woman sculpts her son out of dough, he comes to life, becomes a Nenchyk-patyr (Bogatyr from dough); neighbors complain that he maims other children in games; he goes wandering; wins, takes Kurtne Patyr (Iron Hero), Pyunche Patyr (Pine Hero) as companions; they take turns cooking; every time a dwarf with a long beard hits and eats the cook; NP wraps his beard around a pine tree; he breaks down, goes into a hole in the ground; there are three kidnapped girls; three heroes they follow; NP throws the dwarf into the lake, he turns into a tornado; Azhdakha is going to eat eagle chicks, three heroes fight them, almost die; the chicks ask their mother for help, for the heroes tried to save them from Azhdakh; Azhdakha is killed, an eagle takes everyone to the ground]: Aktsorin 1984:23-55; Bashkirs [poor elderly spouses cut down a birch tree in the courtyard of the mosque; for this they were exiled to Siberia; they Akyal-batyr was born; he meets and companions the overturning mountains of Tau-Batyr, transplanting trees in Urman Batyr; the satellites take turns cooking, the old long-bearded dwarf defeats the cook, eats meat; A. hangs the old man by the beard himself; he breaks down, goes into a hole; only A. decides to go down; the former old man owns water in the lower world, gives it sparingly; A. cuts off his head; hits him with an arrow at the goal, gets the daughter of one khan, then the daughter of another; after defeating the hero, makes her the third wife; sends them upstairs; when he climbs himself, the companions cut off the rope; kills Azhdakha, who devoured the bird's chicks Samrug; she takes him to the ground; he feeds her sparrows and starlings, cuts off the last two pieces from his legs, the bird puts the pieces back; A. forgives his companions, gives them a wife, keeps him hero; an old mother of devas persuades his wife to find out where A. has a second heart; takes out his second heart of stone from under his arm, A. falls asleep, the devas take his wife away; T. and W. find a heart of stone in the stream , revive A.; all three go to war against the devas; A. puts a ring in the porridge that is being prepared for his kidnapped wife; frees his wife, kills devas]: Barag 1988, No. 12:81-99; Bashkirs [after the deaths of the parents of 10 brothers go to look for work, refuse to eat the old woman's unsalted soup; the youngest eleventh Karasa-batyr eats, she orders to first destroy the Yalmauz talismans, then fight; the girl says where the talisman of the 7-, 12-headed Yalmauz, K. kills him; the same in the palaces of the 9-headed; K. frees prisoners; meets brothers, gives each 10 girls, takes three for himself; at night, ajdaha filled his brothers, lets go for K.'s promise to bring Kurenmyas Khan's daughter; K. meets, takes as companions 1) a one-legged runner, 2) a tall man catching birds with his hands, 3) listening, 4) drinking a lake; Khan demands 1) to overcome the bull; 2) without splashing milk, climb a pole, ring the bell; 3) overtake the speedboat (60-year-old woman); 4) spend the night in a hot bath; together all companions perform; khan turns his daughter into a knife, pillow, writing pen, tells her to choose among 12 samovars, 12 feathers, 12 clerks; K. makes the right choice every time; the girl turns into fish, Drank drains lake, companions cook fish, imaginary fish jumps out of the cauldron; turns into wheat grains, they are fed to duck, the girl takes on her former appearance; flies away like a duck, a bird catcher grabs it; The fox offers give her to Azhdaha instead of a girl; Azhdakha believed; K. lives with four wives]: Barag 1988, No. 32:200-213; Bashkirs [30 brothers, younger Yulbat, are going to marry 30 sisters; the tsar says that he is 30 The daughters are carried away by a whirlwind; the brothers turn right where luck awaits, Yu to the left; the wolf eats his horse, tells him to ride himself instead of a horse; three deva brothers are married to those girls, 27 girls are turned into mares; Yu kills devas, frees girls, gives them to brothers he meets; the wolf eats the hearts of 60 horses, carries 30 brothers and their wives; contrary to Yu's warning, the brothers stay overnight, their surrounds the dragon with his body; lets Yu go for his promise to get him the daughter of King Birmyat; on the way, Yu takes Runner, Strelka, Slukhach, Vodoglot, Vodokhod as his companions; Tsar B. orders 1) to spend 6 days in a hot bath, 2) overtake an old woman 80 years old; 3) climb a pole with a glass of milk; Y. gets a wife; his son, who has grown up during this time, killed Azhdaha; Yu gives him daughter B.]: Barag 1988, No. 35:234-242; Tatars: Bashirov, Yarmukhametov 1956 [the tailor leaves the city, meets and companions a fiend and a bear; take turns guarding the hut; a diva comes, throws the watchman away, eats everything; when he stays tailor, he answers the diva that he is playing a song; the diva asks him to make a pipe for him; the tailor splits the tree, tells him to hold it, knocks out the wedge, the diva gets stuck; the fiend and the bear come running to torment the diva; the tailor let him go; the fiend and the bear say that the tailor would not have done it without them; he says that a hundred divas are coming, the fiend and the bear are running away; the tailor is doing his job]: 134-138 (=Yarmukhametov 1956:210-212); Zamaletdinov 2008a, No. 41 [the son of a poor woman, Turay-Batyr, goes to look for a bride; meets, takes Tanazar (throws mountains) and Kashkazar (squeezes oil out of the stones); they queues cook; Sam-s-pyad-da beard beats the cook five inches, eats everything; fights with Turai for five days, wins; mother finds her son, revives; at his request, revives his brothers; they came by bloody tracks to the well; Thuray went down; the old woman says that the padishah of the divas, who stole the royal daughters, was wounded; the old woman indicates what to take with him to avoid the guards; Turay threw hay to the bull, lamb carcass for dogs, clothes for a thin beaten man; kills a dwarf, frees three princesses; pulling out Turay, the brothers cut off the rope; the old woman tells you to go to the lake, where white and black butt goats; Thuray grabbed a white man, who carried him to the ground; Touray comes disguised as a beggar; breaks his sister's bows; pulls his own, kills traitors; marries a younger princess]: 128-138.

Turkestan. Kazakhs: Daurenbekov 1979:93-96 [Sarytai is elder, Torytai is middle, Karatay is younger brothers; take turns cooking while hunting; long-bearded dwarf eats everything from S. and T., K. ties him for his beard to the tree, he breaks it off, goes to the cave; the brothers let K. down, there are three girls; when K. fights a dwarf, they give him strong water, the dwarf weak; K. wins, sends the girls upstairs, his brothers do not let his rope down; the old man turns into a swan, takes K. to the ground; he marries his youngest girl, leaves his elders to his brothers], 204-206 [the sorcerer kidnaps, takes him to Aigul Island; her parents they ask to save his daughter; Baisere leaves his companions on the shore to cook, sails to the island; at this time, the sorcerer comes, overturns the cauldron; the next day B. remains to cook, kills the intoxicated a sorcerer; a house appears, A. is chained in it, B. frees her; while B. returns for the forgotten ring, A. kidnaps another old sorcerer; a year later B. finds her during a wedding toy, buys it]; Tursunov 1983:50-54 [the old woman's daughter was stolen by an ogre; she went to look for her on a salt horse ("sary at"), did not find it, became pregnant, her son was named Saryat; he is strong, playing maims others, he is advised to go better look for a sister; the mother admits that S. had a sister; along the way he consistently meets and companions three giants from whom the cannibal stole their mother, sister, and younger brother; they take turns cooking; the cannibal is an inch tall, a 40-inch beard eats meat, beats the cook; S. began to strangle him, but he ran away, went to the well; the giants lowered S. on the arcana; his sister orders to cut off the head of the sleeping cannibal with his sword, who hangs on the wall; S. insists that his sister be picked up first; the giants picked her up, S. left her at the bottom of the well; the sister managed to say that two cats (sheep producer), white, will be taken he will take it to the ground, the blue will descend into the underworld; S. hit the blue with his sleeve, is below; two people are chasing a cow, it is mooing (the dragon will eat it today), one person is sad (it will eat it tomorrow), the other laughs (eats the day after tomorrow); the dragon swallowed S., he came out from the other end, the sword cut the dragon, he died; Khan asks S. to help the bird Samruk, whose chicks are eaten by the dragon every year; S. killed the dragon with a sword; when the bird arrived, the wind rose, the stone hail began; the bird swallowed S., but regurgitated when it found out that he had saved the chicks; carried it to the ground, there was not enough meat, S. cut off a piece from his leg; the bird took him back; S. returned his sister, cut off the giants' heads], 93-98 [Tobyktai leaves for three months; if the wife does not give birth to a child during this time, he will take another one; she makes a figure out of the dough the boy, he comes to life, his name is Nanbergen (nan - "bread"); T. gathers all the women whose apple is taken by N., that mother; he takes it from his mother's hands; grows up as a hero; goes to the Shurkandy mountains, where Temir- batyr and Su-batyr ("iron", "water"); they called him Nan-batyr; friends take turns cooking; the old man is an inch tall, with a seven-inch beard beards, eats the cook; N. tied him by the beard to a birch tree; he uprooted it, went into a crack in the ground; N. descended on the arcana, cut down the bearded men, freed the prisoners and the girl; she was picked up first, the lasso was cut off, N. fell, the doctor cured him; he went out to land, killed T. and S., married the freed girl]; Coyaud 2012, No. 94 (Xinjiang) [Tobykbey is leaving for three months; if the wife does not have a child during this time, he will take another one; she makes a figure out of the dough the boy, he comes to life, his name is Nanbatyr (nan - "bread"); T. gathers all the women whose apple will be taken by N., that mother; he takes it from his mother's hands; grows up as a hero; finds out that Timur- batyr and Su-batyr ("iron", "water") come to them; they hunt together, cook together; a thin old man with a long gray beard breaks in, wins the cook, eats everything; when N. stays, he is pinched a dwarf's beard in a poplar; he pulled out the poplar, left; friends jumped to a hole in the ground; N. was lowered on a rope, a dozen of the same dwarfs were drinking below, N. killed them, broke the iron door, freed them hundreds of prisoners cooked by dwarfs to eat; went on, killed that first dwarf, freeing the girl; her companions pulled her out and threw the rope; N. saw how the crippled ant recovered, did the same {it is not said whether the ant ate some grass or drank water}; N. got to the ground; learned from the shepherd that T. and S. do not feed the kidnapped girl, they wanted to make her a wife; N. cut off T. and S.'s heads, brought the girl to her parents' house]: 241-247; Kyrgyz [a childless old woman kneaded the dough, asks God to turn the dough into a baby; the dough has turned into a boy Giant dough; he is strong, he leaves wander; meets and companions Toolton (strongman), Suusulpan (stops the river with his palm), Ayalpan (hitting a stone with a stone, he can kill all animals in the mountains at once); they take turns cooking; comes an old woman with an iron nose asks for coals, eats meat, beats the cook; when it's the Giant's turn, he hits her with an iron staff, the old woman disappeared into the cave, he's behind her, there are three kidnapped Khan's daughters, he kills an old woman, returns to his companions, suggests that everyone take a girl; the companions want to kill him and take all three, but the Giant Test drives them away; brings the girls to the khan, gains the throne, marries]: Ledenev 1987:113-115; Dungans (Changji, Xinjiang) [the old woman only has a horse; one day she came back - she is a boy, he is a Brother Horse; he went on a journey, broke a rock with an arrow, Brother Stone came out from there; then split the tree, Brother Elm came out; they cultivate the land, hunt; someone cooks and tidies in the house; they take turns guarding, two fall asleep; when it is Brother's Horse's turn, Three white doves arrive, become girls; he asks them to marry him and his brothers, but first become doves again; invites his brothers to choose; he takes the rest, the pigeons become girls; the cat came, stayed, mischievous; the women slapped him, for which he put out the fire and left; the women went to look for coals; the shepherd says that the fire is owned by a nine-headed monster, let them go to him; the maids took them deep into the cave; the monster has a human body and 9 heads, all but the central one, are blind; he tells them to give fire and a bag of beans; it has a hole, the beans woke up on the way back; the next day The monster followed this trail, sucked the women's blood; then the eyes on his other heads see; so many days; The horse brother notices that the wives are losing weight, they tell him everything; Brother Elm remains the first, then Brother Stone, both afraid; Brother Horse hits the monster with an arrow in the eye, he runs; The horse brother lets the shepherd go, comes to the cave under his guise, taking sheep's tongue with him; the shepherd must lick damaged monster eye; Horse brother strokes him with sheep's tongue, the monster hurts; he says his tongue is rough because he has a cold; then kills the monster, cutting off all his heads; distributes the monster's property; his the brothers want to take possession of everything themselves; they lead the Brother Horse to look at the lotuses, push him off the cliff; he fell on the lotuses, is alive, but cannot get back; healed the swan's wing, he lifted it upstairs, the flight lasted three days and three nights; he returned home a year later; he was not recognized, his wife did not recognize him, he cries; he takes his bow; the brothers say that only the Horse Brother who fell off the cliff could pull it; he shoots at a stone The stone brother disappears into the stone; shoots at the elm tree - Brother Elm returns to the tree; since then, there are stone steps at the gate and the elm trunks are cracked; Brother Horse's wife has stayed with him, and the other two women have worn their pigeon clothes and flew away; since then, people near Mount Bogotá love white pigeons]: Shujang Li, Luckert 1994:111-118.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Siberian Tatars (Yalutorov, Tyumen Oblast) [childless spouses pray to Allah to send them a son; the old man tells him to make his son out of dough, he comes to life, he is Kamyr Batyr; he grows up, grabs the hands of other boys painfully, the father tells him to go on a journey; he meets, wins, companions Temir batyr, Bakyr-batyr ("iron hero", "copper hero"); they settled in a house in the forest, cook in turn; the bearded dwarf comes, eats everything; when K. remains, he has enough, ties him by the beard to a tree; the dwarf cut off his beard, went down the hole; the twins found three beauties and jewelry stolen by the dwarf, each took a wife, a larger dwarf did not see]: Tomilov 1995:153-155; Shors [in another translation the same Chudoyakov 2002:108-110; the bear took the woman, the son Ay Tamash was born, pushed back the stone that blocked the exit from the cave, AT and his mother came to her village; AT went hunting, sees the man Kaya ("rock") Chuktezhi, who raises and lowers the rock, AT takes him as his companions; the same Sug ("water") Ortazhi (drinks and regurgitates the lake); one by one stay in the house to look after the cattle; a big man comes, eats away the side of the rest; when it's the turn of the AT, he ties him to the cedar; that cedar uprooted, left; AT caught up with him, grabbed it, tore it parts]: Arbachakova 2010, No. 8:237-243; Tuvans [the son of a woman and a bear, Iygylak-Kara, takes Uzun-Saryg Larch Uproot and Ulug-Kara Rock Urover as twin brothers; each remains in turn cook; Adygyr-Kara shulba comes with copper claws and nose, heats them, fights with the cook; younger brothers do not talk about what happened, YK wins, injures the shulbus, he goes to the cave, to the lower one peace; brothers lower YK on the arcana; below the woman says that she must give her daughter to the shulbus to be eaten; YK finishes off the wounded shulbus, marries the youngest of the sisters, takes the other two for the brothers, raises them upstairs; brothers cut off the lasso; the girls' mother advises helping the Khan-Hereti bird, which lives on the middle of three iron poplars; every year a fifteen-headed serpent crawls out of the lake, devours chicks; YK cuts off all 15 heads with an arrow; one chick cries, the second laughs, the third sings (thinks it will be eaten last); wind and rain are the whiff of wings and the tears of the mother of the chicks; she carries YK on her back in the upper world, he throws her shot ducks; ran out, threw his hat; the lasso cut his mustache, he also took his younger sister as his second wife; YK killed him on larch; with the UK and the wives of both, they came to the mother of YK ]: Samdan 1994, No. 2:227-248; Tofalars [=Katanov 1907:620-622; the calf turns into Tugulzha, a guy with a cow's nose; he takes Sarykh-Tarba and Kyok-Tarba as companions; they find a plague with three girls; take turns cooking, the old woman comes, eats everything; when it's T.'s turn, offers to tie her with a herbal arcana, hit her with a coal hammer, twist her ears with wooden mites; T. takes his lasso, iron hammer and pliers; on a bloody trail reaches the hole where the old woman died; goes down, S. and K. cut the rope; T. sleeps for three months, a birch tree grows, he climbs it, kills S. and K. with a stone, he marries three girls; they sew clothes for him from bird feathers, he comes to his parents, who accidentally cut him to death with scissors]: Rassadin 1996, No. 37:86-87; Buryats: Baldayev 1960 (in drill) : 365-371 in Ulanov 1974 [the girl was kidnapped by a bear; she gave birth to a son, returned to people; The Bear's son (Baabgayan hübüün; hereinafter SM) went to see the land; became Sabudai's sister mergen (threw up a hammer), Babudaya (threw up a tree), Habuidai batora (moved mountains) each takes turns cooking meat; a bearded old man eats meat, throws the owner in vessel; each of the three brothers is ashamed to confess shame; SM crushed the old man; he leaves his beard, goes through the crevice; SM descends to the lower world; the girl replies that the father went to the ground, returned sick; SM promises to cure him, burns him on fire; three daughters of the Hardig birds say that the father is forced to give them to the monster Arhan; SM cuts off his head; H.-the bird brings him to the ground; SM performs feats, marries Ermen Khan's daughter, gets his possession]: 39-41; Barannikova et al. 1993, No. 9 (informant unknown; Dugarov 1990:244-254) [parents want to get rid of Tyshhe Bishae, sent for a black bull; this is a bear, TB brings him, leaves him in a barn, he has picked up all the cows; they are sent to bring a cauldron supposedly given to the forest owner; TB brings the cauldron and the associated owner; lets go, leaves; meets and companions a person raising rocks, raising mountains, stepping across the sea (he is fishing with his beard); everyone first replies that he is not strong, but TB is powerful; they take turns they cook, the bearded dwarf beats the cook, eats everything; TB hits him himself, pinches his beard, he cut off his beard, left; friends come to the crevice, TB descends on a rope; there is a beauty in the copper hut, the other in silver, third in gold; TB tells the beauty from gold to find out what the life of a mangadhai is; in the horns of a ram; TB breaks the horns, presses the wasps in them, except two; the beauty changed the barrels with a strong and with weak water; TB kills mangadhai, sends women upstairs; when he gets up, his companions throw it; he falls, breaks his leg; sees the speaker break the leg of an ermine, he ate the root, recovered; TB also ate, recovered; Khan Garudi's chicks by the sea, one cries (a serpent coming out of the sea will eat it today), the other sings (eats tomorrow), the third laughs (the day after tomorrow); the serpent tells the chicks to fly into his mouth; TB kills a snake with a stone; Khan Garudi arrives, hides TB from poison; takes it to the ground; eats and drinks the prepared food in flight, cuts off the last piece of TB from his leg, the bird regurgitates a piece, puts it back; TB kills companions, lives with three wives]: 147-167; Eliasov 1973, No. 8 [(Western Decembrist N.A. Bestuzhev in the 1850s); Ubugun goes to look for a wife; meets three people consistently, each of which, without recognizing the hero, he replies that he is trying his hand at facing W. (the first tore the bark with his fingernail, the second drank the lake, the third raised the cliff); each one takes turns cooking; a gray-haired old man with a huge beard eats everything, beats the cook, everyone is silent about what happened; W. hangs the old man by the beard; he breaks down, leaving his jaw, hides into the abyss; the companions lower W. on his belt, he sees three beauties crying over his deceased father, W.'s companions pick them up, throw them off, throw them off belt; in a huge nest, one chick cries (a flying serpent will eat it today), the second sings (tomorrow), the third laughs (it will be eaten later than anyone else); W. kills a snake, the bird tells you to prepare meat, raises W. the ground; the last piece of W. cuts it off from the thigh, the bird expectorates it, puts it back; W. takes beauties, executes traitors]: 78-81; the Mongols [Khan's maid gave birth to Zhivaa in the eighth year of pregnancy -tsagaana; when the Khan's elephant went mad, J. killed him; the khan exiled him to the edge of his possessions, where he had previously sent someone who could swallow everything and the fastest runner; they met and accompanied a keen one and drinking the sea; each one cooks in turn; the cyclops comes out of the sea, eats everything; when it's J.'s turn, he beat the Cyclops; his brothers finished him off, and four fairies who supported the wounded took him in wives; wife J. - Oyun, her slipper fell into the sea, the demon found it, told the khan, the khan orders O. to steal; J.'s soul in the casket; the demon teaches O. to steal the casket, throws it into the sea, takes O.; companions helped: one saw J., the other ran to him, the third drank the sea, put the casket in J.'s finger, he came to life; under the guise of beggars, friends entered the khan, J. stabbed him, took O., the All-swallowing drank the sea again, they went dry; when they were chased, the sea came together, the pursuers drowned]: Mikhailov 1962:126-128; the Mongols (western in Urga) [parents drive away their son, who has cow horns on his head; he meets a man born from the forest, the other from the mountain; each one takes turns cooking; an old nun comes, asks for food, disappears with the food; the brothers lie that many people have come, forced everything give; the horned sends the old woman to bring water in a bucket of holes, opens her bag, replaces an iron hammer and pliers with wooden ones, a rope made of hair veins; the old woman offers to fight, does not cause horned harm with wooden tools, a horned man wounds her with an iron hammer; brothers follow a bloody trail; a horned man descends on a rope to the lower world, finds the old woman dead; gives to his brothers jewelry upstairs; they take them, throw the horned one; Hormust-Tangry gives him a bow and arrow, raises him to heaven; there white and black bulls fight; a horned man breaks a black head with an arrow; H. asks he goes down to the lower world, finish off the wounded king Shimnus; the horned man pretends to be a doctor, pushes H.'s arrow deeper; Shimnus's wife throws an iron mallet after the horned, breaking it into seven parts; H. turned them into Ursa Major]: Potanin 1893, No. 2:374-376; the Mongols [an old man's cow gave birth - the top of a man, the bottom of a bull; this is Amtsagaan, asks the old man not to kill him; meets him, takes him as companions woodworker Dalger, wooden Dalger, stone Dalger; everyone cooks in turn, the old woman comes, eats everything; A. asks her to bring water in a bucket of holes, pulls iron handcuffs and pliers out of her bag, a hammer, puts wooden shackles instead; the old woman returned without water, offers to tie each other; A. breaks wooden shackles, the old woman hardly breaks iron shackles, crawls in blood; below the cliff there is a mountain jewelry, dead old woman; brothers lower A. on a rope, pick up treasures, leave A. below; he rubs three skulls, sculpts three burkhans, asks that three trees grow overnight; through He wakes up for three years, climbs trees; spares his brothers, follows the child's trail, goes to heaven; the Heavenly Lord, in the form of a white bull, fights the demon khan Shulmas every day; overcomes him before noon, gives in the afternoon; asks A. to shoot him at a star on his forehead; A. shot, the Lord wants to make him immortal; he wants to visit his father; Vladyka promises to come to the rescue; A. pretends to be a healer, comes to heal S.; the old woman lets him through, he drives the arrow deeper into Sh.'s forehead, he dies; the old woman surrounds the house with iron bars with bolts; from heaven, the Lord lowers the chain, A. raises; the old woman throws an iron hoop, splitting A. into seven pieces, they turn into the Big Dipper]: Skorodumova 2003:18-22.

Western Siberia. Mansi (Upper Lozva) [three brothers hunt, take turns cooking; three swans fly into the smoke hole, throw off their feather clothes, turn into girls; older brother hides a bowl and a spoon, hiding under the roof; girls cook bowls and spoons, scratch their hidden stomach, steam burns it from food, they put on feathers, fly away; the same with the middle brother; the younger one does not hide the bowl and spoon, puts a box next to him, hides feather clothes in it, marries girls to himself and his brothers; when husbands go hunting, wives secretly wet their flint; older brother goes to Frozen for fire The old woman (Gefrierhase Alte); she tells me to say 7 tales, the older brother does not know, grabs the smut, the old woman catches up with him, hits him with a smut, he returns without fire; the same with the middle one; the younger one tells tales, the old woman runs away herself, he brings fire; the brothers have returned home]: Kannisto 1951, No. 5:47-51; the northern Khanty (Obdorsk, son's dialect) [three brothers live in a hut, stay in turn cook; the elder hears three swans fly in; three women come in, scoop hot meat on the cook's stomach; when the brothers come back, he replies that the pot has tipped over; same with the middle brother; younger Kemyas hid between the beams, burned his swan clothes, three women became brothers' wives; when they left, the men tell them not to play cards; they play, the seven-headed Menk-Iki comes, plays, wins, takes women; K. goes in search, consistently sleeps with three old people, each forges iron; the latter says that M. has an employee, a man-with-tail-squirrel, he has an iron club; he needs him say that you are lost, throw a club at him, take his form, bring seven sledges of firewood into M.'s house in armfuls; this is what happened; he feeds M.; he lowers the ring into a cup of water, the eldest of the women recognized him; in the morning the women ran away; K. fed M. so crazy that he went crazy; seven knives hung in the sky, K. cut them off, M.'s heads fell; his torso chases K.; those old men pierce him with iron walks; then they put it on an iron top, people throw her into the Ob; the brothers got their wives back; they were beaten, a white pebble fell from the eldest and middle, not from the youngest - she is not to blame; K. and his wife went down the Ob, the middle one - up, the eldest to the Urals]: Steinitz 2014, No. 3:219-226; the Nenets (Yamalo-Nenets District) [The Old Woman child discovers that the river has dried up, finds a giant lying across; they go together, take them as satellites a giant throwing a hill and a giant throwing up a rock; they can't all knock out the wader, they just hit the tail; RS creates a golden house; each one takes turns cooking, the old woman comes, that's it eats, beats the cook; the giants do not talk about what happened; RS defeats the old woman, she goes to the lower world; RS moves the stone, there is a hole under it, tells him to lower it on a rope; the old woman's daughters tell replace him with barrels of living and dead water; the old woman drinks dead, admits defeat, disappears; RS lifts the girls to the ground, the youngest gives him a ring, the giants cut off the rope; Seven-Winged Minley ( the mythical eagle, he was a sandpiper) first refuses (because they tried to kill him), then takes RS to the upper world; he pretends to be an orphan boy, the elderly couple come with him to the king, where giants, although marry three sisters raised from the lower world; the youngest sees her ring from the boy, recognizes the savior; the Tsar executes giants, RS marries three sisters, he is Yav-Mal]: Pushkareva, Khomich 2001, No. 2:109-141; (cf. Nenets (Gydan, Western 1979) [the mare gives birth to a boy Yuno Nyu ("son of a horse", Yoon); he meets Iba-sei Nyu ("Warm Hearts Son", IN) and Pi-sei Nyu ("Heart-Night Son", PN), they live together; three girls Habei Ne (Khanty Women) they arrive in the guise of swans, shed their swan skins, enter the house to eat; PN turns into a wooden dish, the girls put hot meat on it, it is scalded; the next day, in a scoop, boiled; Yoon turns into fur, catches girls, everyone gets a wife; Shudba Wesako ("giant old man") comes three times in the absence of her husbands, draws in air, almost killing women; only Yun hits him with a hammer, he leaves (rides bears, wolverines, mammoths); Yun comes to his daughter, who offers to look in his head, throws it into a hole; Yun sends a bird to his mother; 9 years later, the mare comes and lowers her snot, it turns into a bronze rope; the first time the rope breaks because Yun broke the prohibition to think about anything; the second, Yun rises; the mare flies to heaven, screaming that she is the Mother of Seven Heaven, and he - Son of Seven Heaven; Yun cuts to pieces of the SV, and his wife is the daughter of the SV; a seventh of their hearts fall into the ground, becoming diseases; Yun - Num, his wife is Haer (sun)]: Golovnev 1995:385-387 and 2004:277-285, paraphrases with various details); Nganasans (Awam, other informants did not know the plot, considered it a shamanic fairy tale; Western 1961) [Suruny-NGO ("Orphan Boy") goes to look for the soul of his deceased father; his mother tried to hold him for 7 days, could not; she meets the giant Bydy-Nguo (bydy - "water"), who keeps all the fish in the sea, at the request of S. lets her go into the rivers, goes with him; another giant, Babi Nguo (babi, "wild deer"), holds the deer, at S.'s request, releases them into the tundra, goes with him; the giant Moo-nguo (mou - "land") throws stones the earth trembles, S. says that people will not be able to live on the shaking ground, let people be born, the stones lie still, the earth stands still; M. goes with him; their strength runs out, they can hardly walk; S. kills with a stone iron loon, the companions failed; they come to the house; they take turns cooking; the half-skeleton old woman Kamynkuo-nguo (kamynkuo means "blood") picks up food every time, hits the cook; S. grabs her, she promises him three daughters, says that her husband (Plague) gnaws on his father's head; that she is actually Syrada-nyama ("mother of underground ice"), hides; S. tells his companions to pull a rope out of grass, pushes back the stone, and moves under it down, S. goes down; sends Syrada-yama's three daughters upstairs, when he climbs himself, his companions cut off the rope, he falls to the lower ground; the Mother Bird comes to the plague; next to him is the one who gnawed his father's head S.; agrees to send him to the ground on a bird, S. must feed her with his meat; the bird brought S. to the ground, but his eyes and spine remain; the bird regurgitates, S.'s body recovers; S. cut off three nguos in the ear, sent them away, took three girls for himself]: Simchenko 1996 (1): 39-53; northern Selkups: Golovnev 1995 [Pachka's old wife disappeared, returned with Korka Pachka's child Iya; disappeared again, her son found her in the bear's den, brought her home; went traveling, took the Sea-Closing Stump, the Felting Forest, the Quickswamp as companions; a stranger comes to the person who remains at home, scalds him with boiling water; when Iya stays, he cuts the alien with a knife; asks his companions to bring him down on a rope to the lower world; there is an old man wounded by him, I. heals him, marries his daughter; I. sends her upstairs, when he gets up by himself, the companions cut the rope, he falls to the seventh lower earth; an old man and an old woman sit there, saying that their grandson dies every time thunder thunder over the plague; I. fires an arrow, the Thunder disappears; the old people tell him to sit on the seventh of the seven cranes, he takes I. to the ground, he finds his wife; they walk around the cauldron, sink into the ground, appears at this place Mount of Spirits (Lozyl Lakka)]: 495-498; Tuchkova 2004 [(zap. G.N. Prokofiev); And (aka Iy; Icha does not replace him in this story) consistently defeats two devils, cuts off one's ears, gives the name Crazy Comrade, the second nose, gives the name Noseless Comrade; to moderate their appetite, both inserts bird stomachs; a devil from the Lower World got used to the dugout where I. and his comrades settled, his "chin scratches the floor"; I. cuts off his arm, goes down the rope after the line into the underworld, agrees to fix the line with his hand, for which the devil gives I. his daughter; comrades insidiously cut off the rope; I. the bird Jeonä takes I. to the ground; on the way he must throw her harvested pieces of duck, give water; supplies run out, I. feeds H. meat from the caviar of his leg; upon learning about this, the bird regurgitates the meat, puts it back to the leg I.]: 117, 308; southern Selkups: Pelikh 1972 [Garunya meets Tumunya and Itoshka; they build a house, take turns cooking; G., then T. is sick; I. remains, an old man with a big beard comes in, I. pours boiling water on him the cauldron, tears off his beard, the old man hides underground; the brothers twist a rope out of their beard, lower it into the hole, promise the old man to pull him out and cure him, first ask him to send them his daughter; they pick up their daughter they cut off the rope, the old man falls, breaks; all three married the girl, from them the Chumul-kup people]: 329-330; Porotova 1980 (Verkhne-Ketsky District of Tomsk Region) [5 cyprinists are fishing, one by one they remain to fry the crucian carp; each time an old man comes, eats two crucian carps; the cook replies to the brothers that he ate them himself; so with four brothers; then the old man calls them to his place; there is no food; the old man cuts off the old woman head {to cook an old woman?} ; then revives, the old woman feeds the visitors {what?} ; at home, brothers stabbed their wives, they did not come to life; brothers put the old man in a bag to throw them into the fire; old man: don't put them in the fire, I'll get rich, beat me better; brothers shove the bag into the fire; the old man went out, after a few years old comes in good clothes; brothers ask to put them in the fire, they burn]: 62-64.

Eastern Siberia. Yakuts: Sivtsev, Erofeev 1990:122-127 [(similar to Russian borrowing); an old man and an old woman live on the outskirts of a big city; the old woman finds a boy in the test, calls Testo Bogatyr; he meets a strongman, whom the king ordered to tear up stumps, equate ravines and mountains; the second, who is ordered to punish people with rods; heroes take turns cooking; an old man with a hundred inches of beard, one hundred inches tall an inch eats cooked meat at Punishment and Mountain; the dough itself ties it to a pole by the beard; he breaks down, goes into the gorge; the dough descends on a rope; the dying bearded man gives him two daughters ; twins take them upstairs; when they pick them up the Dough, the rope breaks off; The dough meets five daredevils (an archery, a runner with a sensitive sense of smell, a subtle ear, drinking the sea); they go to marry daughter of the King Worm; the runner overtakes her, falls asleep, the shooter scratches his nose with an arrow; the king tries to burn them in a cast-iron barn, the drinking sea floods him with water; they kill the Worm, Testo marries his daughter] , 154-158 [the youngest son of an old woman Haahyi-Haahyi crippled, stays at home; tells his mother three times that the Abaasa girl is coming up, she does not believe; the abaas asks everything in the house where the woman hid, what is behind the bunk beds; the abaas swallows the XX, puts on her clothes; the son tells the older brothers who have returned about what happened; they shoot, they miss, he falls into her mouth, she falls into the ground; the older brother kills the elk; the old woman asks her to feed her, asks for a bow under her head for the night, gnaws through the bowstring; in the morning she calls her dogs, these are the Bear and the Wolf, the Wolf swallows the young man; the same with the middle brother; the youngest does not give the bow, kills the old woman and her dogs; the wagtail asks for bacon, promises to revive the brothers; tells the old woman to cut the little finger, takes a drop of blood, the brothers come healthy]; Ergis 1967b, No. 92 (place of recording is not specified, link to the archive; central?) [the old man marries an Abaasa girl, the hero Morkun is born; kills his mother, comes to the hunters; everyone is on duty one by one; every time a shaman comes, beats the rest; M. defeats him, pursues him, falls into the lower world, heals with the help of a wonderful mushroom; becoming a squirrel, he searches for a sick shaman, becomes a hero, kills him; takes his wives; friends pick up women, cut off the rope; M. rises to the ground to a wonderful tree; is wounded with a self-propelled knife, healed with living water; settles his comrades in uninhabited places; M. has a son, Homurduos (Beetle); M. fights with the spirit of the wind and bad weather, H. climbs into his ear, gnaws; the daughter of the murdered Elena Pyshnotelaya pursues H., he defeats her, marries her], 93 (the place of recording is not specified, link to the archive; central?) [the old man has a son with an Abaasa wife; the mother wants to eat her son, he kills her himself; the father could not wake her up, he wanted to slaughter him, the son goes to the forest; finds three friends, they live in a forest house; the dwarf beats friends No. The old man's son defeats him, persecutes him in the lower world; the old man's son heals (kills) him, marries his daughter, goes to the ground], 94 [Shogei Syushoh marries Abaas, who gave birth to a daughter and ate her; brings herself human heads, veal to her husband; ate her husband's father; the SS asked her to open her mouth to jump there, fired an arrow, killed; lives in a spinning house; receives a comb from the old man, with its help turns into a squirrel, goes up the mountain, there is a bright house, he hides with a needle, three fellows come and become his friends; take turns staying at home; Duodaan Byøge comes out of the ground every time, beats the remainder; the SS defeats him, pursues him, descends to the lower world, kills; takes his wife, wants to get up, the rope breaks off; on the advice of a woman, turning into the spirit of Aal-Dub mas, caught ayyy- an animal with that woman's daughter rises to the ground on it; three of his comrades have already died, an abaasa girl is in the house; the SS makes her get living water, revives her comrades, throws the Abaas girl into dead water] , 96 (place of recording is not specified, link to the archive; central?) [Tiit Soloochcu, Ugut Umurt, Basyylaah Basylay join Haas Haastaachchy by road; they live in the house, live in turn; every time a little hero in a squirrel coat comes out of the underworld, beats the cook; XX threw him into the fire, he went to the lower world; XX comes down after him, where the old woman Abaasa shakes her sick son in the cradle; XX tears the old woman's jaws, throws her son into the fire, returns] 97 (no place of recording, link to the archive; central ones?) [Aldyarhai Aidaan leaves home, takes three (four) people as companions; they hunt, go home one by one; the abaas comes out of the stone, beats the guard; AA beats him, cooks dinner for his comrades; goes down to the lower world, frees three girls; their comrades pick them up, throw them AA; he promises his daughter to marry the devil, she raises him to the ground; AA kills her, one of his comrades, marries one himself out of three girls], 194 (no place of recording, link to the archive; central?) [An old man finds a child made from dough. He grew up to be a powerful hero. They're sending him somewhere else. Heroes Haya and Nakaz join the Test Hero on the way. They all live in an empty city. A little old man with a long beard appears from the lower world and fights with heroes. The hero dough pursues him, descends into the lower world, takes the old man's daughters, and keeps him alive. The hero dough's comrades pull the girls upstairs and leave him in the lower world. The hero dough joins the heroes (runner, rumor, shooter and able to drink the sea). They go to marry the daughter of the insect king. They are saved thanks to a hero who can drink any amount of water. They kill the insect king, the hero dough marries his daughter]: 179, 179, 179-180, 180, 180-181, 210; dolgans [the peasant's wife gives birth to three sons: Matinee, Party, Afternoon; they grew up quickly, The king orders to find his missing daughter; they stopped in an empty house; the Matinee stayed, prepared firewood; the dwarf came to the polarshin, a beard and a half meters, beat him; the same with Noon; the Party killed him himself, pinched his beard; the dwarf disappeared; the trail to the hole, the Party went down the rope; the girl would take a sword, cut off 9 heads of the Abaasa giant, kill the dwarf; friends pulled out the Party with the princess, he married her] : Efremov 2000, No. 15:259-271; Bount Evenks [Doloday meets Arunay (pulls larch trees), Kirekan (breaks mountains with cedar); they answer that they are not strong, but D.; he takes them as fellow travelers; each one cooks in turn; the long-bearded old man defeats the cook, takes the meat; when it is D.'s turn, he hangs the old man by the beard; he breaks off his beard, goes to the cave; K. flies there with a fly, eavesdropping on how one girl promises to make the old man hot so that the person who comes to drink water dies; the second will let the cold go, the third will spill water, she will not go to the yurt; K. does not drink, does not freeze, throws trunks at the lake trees, kills an old man, marries girls to himself and her companions]: Voskoboynikov 1958:60-62.

Amur - Sakhalin. The Udege people (or, perhaps, the Orochi - Arsenyev without specifying) [a wild boar and a wild pig gave birth to a man instead of a pig; once woke up in the house, lunch nearby; went to look for a wife; met son of the month; then the son of the sun; they are also looking for wives; there is a house in the taiga, they take turns cooking; the old woman came in, tied up the son of a boar, ate everything, spoiled everything; the same with the son of the month; when the son of the sun remained, he won to an old woman; she gave three daughters; the son of a wild boar, a son of the month and the son of the sun was born under a son]: Arsenyev 1995 (2): 165-166; nivkhs [three others come to a single person; each in turn stays at home to manage; a broken spoon from the corner offers to fight, binds, puts under the threshold, craps at the person; the owner of the house fights, breaks the spoon; follows a bloody trail, in the house an old woman with with a broken back, young in the other; she throws needles at his body, he sends them back into her; pours bird eggs (or sperm - similar words) on her, she admits defeat; marries her; him his comrades died of old age, he lives with his wife]: Pilsudski 2003, No. 1:113-114.

NW Coast. Bellacula [the husband drove his wife away to get a new one, the sons went into the forest; found the top, built a house; the elder caught salmon, the youngest dried them in the house; a woman came in the cape of an eagle covered with fluff; sucked all the fish with her mouth, left; the youngest did not say anything to the eldest; the next time he admitted that it was not him who ate it, but the woman; on the third day, the eldest hid, shot the woman in the chest, followed a blood trail and eagle fluff behind her into the sky; sprinkled eagle fluff on his head by the lake, made sure that others could not see his arrows; two girls came out of the house to get water for their sick mother; Thunderbird, crane, black and the brown bears could not cure her; the young man quietly took out his arrows, got one daughter as his wife; he returned with her, found his brother's bones, his ankle was carried away by birds; his wife revived him with live water; he remained lame; When the brothers returned to their father, forced him to return their mother, drive away his new wife; the heavenly wife told her husband not to smile at the sight of his former lovers; he went to get water, smiled, brought bloody water colors; wife disappeared]: Boas 1895, No. 9:253-256; (cf. Upper Coquill [Puma is married to Olenikha, with them his younger brother Wild Cat; returning from an unsuccessful hunt, Puma sees his wife filling the basket with excrement, puts camas tubers on top, bakes the contents; offers excrement to her husband, tubers to his brother; The cougar tells the Wild Cat that he ate someone's crap; The deer puts his hand in his ass, pulls him out pancreas, runs away to the Deer, they play with the gland like a ball; the Puma is sick, the Wild Cat must hunt by himself, he catches deer three times, but two men take the prey; The cougar is coming Check out, these people are Triton (water dog) and Black Fly, Puma makes them get their meat back; the Wild Cat finds luck, penetrates the Deer, grabs the pancreas, returns the Puma; they also get it" common heart" Deer; owning it, it is enough to call them, the deer come running themselves; the Puma and the Wild Cat kill as much as they need; left alone, the Coyote calls the Deer himself; they come running, taking the "heart" flee to the sea; skins, dried meat, bones also disappear; Coyote in his hearts wants his crap and guts to be gone too, bursts, crap and guts disappear; Puma chases deer, grabs the last one in front the way he jumps into the sea, buries his hair from his skin, and new deer grow out of his fur]: Jacobs 2007:102-130).