K74A. Only the hero defeats the demon and follows in his footsteps .11.-.
A demonic character comes and mocks one of the remaining men in the house. When the hero remains, he defeats the demon and follows his footsteps where he lives. Cf. Motive K74 (a plain and faint-looking man approaches a hero cooking dinner; everything eats, ties, beats or kills the cook. When the hero is left to cook, he overcomes the demon).
Bantu-speaking Africa. Mitsogo.
West Africa. Mosi.
Sudan-East Africa. Zaghawa.
North Africa. Tunis.
Southern Europe. Basques; Portuguese; Corsicans; Corsicans: Massignon 1984, No. 7, 100:14-18, 215-221; Catalans [the son of a bear and a woman kidnapped by that woman is extraordinarily strong, goes on a journey, meets, takes as companions the Pine Digger, the Listener, the Mountain Mover, the Blowing; they stay in the house and cook one by one; the owner hits the cook every time and spoils food; the hero defeats the one who follows the bloody trail to the well; when he goes down, he meets a princess kidnapped by a giant; she advises choosing a rusty sword to fight; after killing the giant, the hero sends the princess upstairs; satellites throw him in the lower world; he returns using the giant's ear he severed]: Oriol, Pujol 2008, No. 301:61-64; ladins [a childless miller picked up a box from the mill, there was a baby in him; he and his wife raised him, feeding him milk to a donkey, because there was no wet nurse; he studied to be a blacksmith; leaving the master, he made a club out of iron that had always been in the forge; won, took three giants as companions; one dug trees, the second set many mills in motion, the third blew fog out of the bag, creating rain; four live in a hut, cooking bulls one by one ; every time a long-bearded dwarf comes, beats the cook, eats everything; when the Blacksmith is left, he beat the dwarf, he ran, disappeared into the hole; everyone tries to go down there on a rope, but screams that it is hot; The blacksmith set off; below there is a plain and three palaces, glass, silver, gold; each has a princess; in the first there is a five-headed dragon, the blacksmith killed him, carved his tongues, sent the princess upstairs; the same in two other palaces (seven-; nine-headed dragon); picking up the blacksmith, the companions cut off the rope; he met, grabbed a bearded dwarf, made him tell him how to get to the ground; on the mountain, eagles must be caught one, sit on it and feed it on the way; the meat is over, the Blacksmith cut off the last piece from his leg; came to the wedding of three giants with princesses, showed his tongues, killed the giants, married herself beautiful (from the golden palace)]: Uffer 1973, No. 50:242-248.
Western Europe. French (Dauphine); Germans (Hanover) [the shepherd's wife was looking for a cow, got lost, spent the night in a cave; a bear came there; when leaving, he blocked the exit with a stone; she gave birth to a boy, at 9 He has grown up for months, incredibly strong; they went down to the village, people drove the bear away; the boy was baptized by Peter - Peter Beer ("bear", PM); he forged a huge iron club for himself, went on a journey ; the thrower of the boulders replies that he is weak compared to PB; he says he is PB, takes it as satellites; another strongman ties and unties an iron stake (the same); the third pulls it out Rooted trees (the same); they settled in a house in the forest, take turns cooking; a long-bearded dwarf asks for food, eats everything and hits the cook; when it's PB's turn, he tied him to the bed with his beard; Companions came, everyone was eaten; the dwarf cut off his beard, ran, disappeared into the well; PB ordered him to be lowered in the basket; there was an old woman; you can see the castle through the window; old woman: in it a princess kidnapped by four giants ; PB killed them with her club; princess gave them a handkerchief and a ring; through the window you can see another castle, there is the sister of the first princess, with 8 giants with her; (still the same); the window shows the castle where the younger sister, her guarded by a fire-breathing seven-headed dragon; PB killed 4 giant guards, then a dragon, then 12 more giants sitting at the table in the hall; healed his wounds with ointment given by the old woman; the companions pulled out princesses; for the fourth time, PB put a stone in his place just in case; companions threw a stone on top and cut off the rope; PB makes an old woman tell her how to get out; she has a dragon but in flight he must be fed; cut off the last piece from his leg; healed the wound with an old woman's ointment; the king promises a thousand ducats to someone who will bring the rings they had when they were kidnapped for the rescued princesses; PB hired a jeweler, drank and ate at night, and gave rings in the morning as if he had made them; the princesses knew from them that their savior was not far away; then appeared disguised as a beggar, showed his scarves; the king married him the youngest daughters, after his death, PB inherited the throne]: Colshorn, Colshorn 1854, No. 5:18-30; the Germans (Hanover) [drummer, corporal and sergeant spent the night in the forest in a tree; the sergeant saw light in the distance; they came to the castle; the table is set there; at midnight there is a rumble and then silence again; they stayed there to live; they cook one by one; a bearded dwarf appears, asks for food, beats the cook; when it is the sergeant's turn, he snatches the dwarf part of his beard, depriving him of strength; came on a bloody trail to the hole; the drummer was the first to lower - the rope was short; they took a longer one, the corporal climbed - the same; sergeant, a long rope, went down, there was an old woman; sent to the eldest kidnapped princess; she gave strong water, and the giant who came sleepy; the sergeant cut off his head, the princess gave her handkerchief with a silver star; the same for the second princess (gave a gold apple); from the youngest, a seven-headed dragon; the battle is three days, the princess still gives strong water; the sergeant cut off all 7 heads, took tongues, the princess gave a handkerchief with diamond stars; the companions raised only the princesses; the sergeant descended into a world below this, where dwarfs live; they are ready to make the sergeant their king, but they cannot raise her to the ground; they advised me to contact an old woman, she has a vulture bird; the sergeant feeds her in flight; on earth, he came to the wedding of two older princesses; his companions told them to call them saviors; the soldier talks about everything, shows his tongues, scarves, an apple; marries a younger princess; forgave his companions and married the elders]: Wolf 1845, No. 21:93-105.
Tibet is the Northeast of India. Ghost stories.
South Asia. Santals: Campbell 1891:57 -62; Kashmir (translated from Hindi); Punjabi: Steel, Temple 1984, No. 5:47-58.
Malaysia-Indonesia. Toraja.
China - Korea. Chuan miao.
The Balkans. Moldovans; Romanians (Banat) [after retiring from service, soldier Petru immediately lost all his money; in the forest he met a man rocking trees and playing with stones; began to live in a hut, one by one cook; every time a dwarf appears riding a hare with a huge beard; eats everything, beats the cook; when P. remains, he grabs the dwarf by the beard, chases him to the crevice into which he disappeared; P. tells lower him on a rope; cut the dwarf to pieces, but cannot get up, because the companions removed the rope: they were afraid that the dwarf would come out; light in the distance, P. went to the ground; the house, in which a blind old woman is a hominy with milk; P. began to eat too, the old woman felt it; if a girl would be a daughter, if a boy, then a son; asked P. to herd her sheep, but not to go to the land of dragons that stole her eyes; P. went and began to play the flutes; the dragons listened, asked them to teach them; P., playing, brought them to the oak tree, split them, ordered them to put their paws into the gap, knocked out a wedge; ordered them to tell them how to restore the old woman's eyesight; dragons: next to we have a milk pond, let her wash her eye sockets three times; P. cut off the dragons heads, the old woman washed her eyes, began to see; P. left the old woman, towards the fox: don't shoot, I'll give you a fox; then the same wolf and bear; P. came to the city, where there was mourning; the 12-headed dragon demands girls, the turn of the king's only daughter; the princess was left in the swamp; P. fell asleep with the princess's head on his knees; woke up from a dripping tear; the princess took one of P.'s arrows; he knocked down 11 heads with arrows, and the 12th with the princess's pin; cut out his tongues; the gypsy cut off the head of P. who had slept, and brought the dragon's heads to the king; a snake crawls, grass in his mouth; a fox: why is she? snake: to grow severed heads, my son was cut off; the fox took the grass, grew his head, but P. is still dead; the wolf met a woman: what are you carrying? woman: living water; the wolf took the water, P. came to life; came to the palace, showed his tongues; the gypsies were put in a barrel of nails, lowered from the mountain; wedding; after the death of King P. reigned, his animals always reigned remained held in high esteem]: Schott, Schott 1975, No. 10:65-75; Romanians [dragons stole the sun, moon, stars, and the king's eyes; two elder princes went in search, but started trading, lost money and they were detained as debtors; younger Dragan Chenuse ("chenushe" means "ash"), who had previously been sitting in ash, got on a horse that ate hot coals, took weapons and armor, as well as ash cakes, which his mother gave, and went in search; he bought the brothers, taking gold from the horse's ear; while the brothers were sleeping, he killed the dragon on the copper bridge that had stolen the stars, they returned to heaven; on the silver bridge, the moon; a long battle on the golden bridge; DC promised the crow more meat than the dragon promised, who sprinkled it with cold water and the dragon with hot water; DC killed the dragon, freed the sun; chipping in with his mouse, penetrated his mother dragons and took away the box with her father's eyes; the dragon sent two daughters to look like an apple tree and a well, and starved and thirsty on the brothers; DC crossed them with a sword, bleed; sent the brothers home take his father's eyes, he came to Mark Armenash himself, asked for 99 quintals of hot coals; when the dragon tried to stick her head, poured coals into her mouth and it exploded; DC went with MA to get it for that bride is the daughter of the Green King; they meet and accompany someone who hears oats grow and sees what is happening in another world; a shooter, a tree destroyer; drank; eaten; capable freeze the sea; this last one covered the sea with ice to cross to the country of the Green King; they were put in a hot iron house, which froze it; drank and ate, and ate everything they had offered; to compete in running with an old woman, she put the runner to sleep with a dragon bone under his head; the shooter knocked out the bone; they got a princess, crossed the ice, the freezer melted the ice again, the king and queen who rushed to pursue drowned; DC met an old man: there is no water, the dragon closed the spring, allows you to take water in exchange for people, the princess's turn; DC killed the dragon, cut off the tips of his tongues; a dwarf with a long beard came to his hut, ate all the meat; DC split the beech, pinched his beard in the trunk; the dwarf pulled out the beech, disappeared into the lower world; DC came on a bloody trail; ordered him to be lowered into black world on a rope; pretended to be a musician; devils promise lots of wagons of gold if he could free their king's beard from beech wood; DC cut off his head, ran up to the rope, pulled, but no one's rope picked up; hears the squeak of the griffin chicks: the dragon crawls to the nest to eat them; (killed the dragon); the griffin swallowed it and regurgitated it, making it stronger; agreed to carry them to the ground; along the way, the meat ran out, DC cut off a piece from her feet and from under his knee; the princess recognized DCH by the dragon's severed tongues; the brothers' wives poisoned DC's wife out of envy; he went for living water; the old man gave him a staff and a sheep, telling him do not leave them in the forest where the entrance to hell is located; the bird, while flying, dropped three feathers (her wife's hair) and three drops of blood (that fell from her wife's cheeks); DC left his staff and sheep in the forest and went home; turned into walnut tree]: Bîrlea 1966:384-387; Hungarians; Bulgarians; Slovenians; Bosnians; Albanians.
Central Europe. Czechs; Slovaks; Russians (Murmansk, Arkhangelsk, Olonetskaya, Novgorod, Pskov, Vologda, Moscow, Tula, Voronezh, Kursk, Orlovskaya, Ryazan, Tambov); Ukrainians (Transcarpathia, Eastern Slovakia, Hutsulshchina), Belarusians; Russians (Karelian Pomorie, Sumy Posad) [no children; the old man cut down a stump, became Ivan Sosnovets; strength incredible, eats a lot, his parents sent him on a journey; he meets and companions a man who transfers forests from forest to forest; transfers mountains; transfers water from river to river; everyone replies that he is not strong, but I.; stopped in the hut, the yard is full of bulls, they cook in turn; a man with a fingernail, a beard hits the cook from his elbow, eats everything; I. beats him himself, hangs him on the wall, he fell off, rolled to the pit; only I. agrees to go down; in the hut the girl sews like a needle, so the soldier will jump out; in the second hut there are two soldiers; in the third, three; each replies that she is accumulating strength for Ivan Sosnovets; the fourth girl says that she is a stolen princess; tells you to swap bottles of strong and weak water; that wounded dwarf lies, is tall, I. killed him; each of the girls rolls the hut into a handkerchief; the companions pulled out the girls and I., I. gave each a girl; they unfolded their houses; I.'s wedding with the girl]: Razumova, Senkina 1974, No. 54:264-270; Russians (Arkhangelskaya, Leshukonsky district, p. Vozhgory, 1928) [Pop got lost, met a bear, helped arrange a den, and winters in her. Palfil Popovich (PP) was born to a bear. In spring, pop returns to the village with his son. Popadya does not immediately recognize her husband, she is happy. PP is large, eats a lot, it is difficult for parents to feed it, they send it to the forest to herd cows. PP catches a bear who wants to pick up a cow, brings him to the village and locks him in the barn. The maid enters when the bear eats the last cow. Pop sends PP to the king for tribute, he rides a bear, meets an enchanted man. To break free from the spell, he must "bring the mountains to one place." PP helps him, they go together. It's the same with having to uproot an oak tree. The three of them and the bear come to the king, the PP demands tribute, the king pays to leave as soon as possible. PP gave one bag of gold to his ass, and left with the other four. The three of us stayed in a hut, catching bulls. Two go to town for food, Gornik stays to cook, an old man appears from under the floorboard, demands a treat, the man refuses, the old man beats him, eats everything. It's the same when Dubnik stays to cook. PP defeats the old man, reproaches his comrades for not admitting why the food was not ready. PP wants to know if there's any other ground under the floor. He cuts bulls, makes belts, and his comrades pull him down. PP enters a copper, silver and gold tower, meets three girls, reports that the old man who stole them is dead. The girls are happy and ask to take them with them. It's a pity for PP to leave the tower. Everyone throws the ring from her hand onto the roof, the tower turns into rings, they are given to PP. Satellites lift the girls, but the PP is too heavy, the companions cut off their belts, the PP falls, goes waist-deep into the ground. He is hired by a blind old man to herd cows. He shows the border of the Baba Yaga glade and forbids herding cows there. The PP complies with the ban three times, and the fourth time she drives cows to Baba Yaga's land, she is angry, he promises not to bring cattle to her anymore. The cows are full and roaring. PP takes the herd back to Baba Yaga's meadow. She says she would fight with the PP hero and hear about his strength. We agreed to hit three times. Two PP blows do not harm Baba Yaga, then PP hits the mortar, Yaga becomes a woman, he puts her in a bag and tramples her, lets the old man feel at home, who makes sure that Yaga has been killed. PP kills one of the bulls, climbs into his skin, catches a crow that has flown up, sends the other for living and dead water. After receiving water, he tests it: he tears the bird, then revives it. He offers to cure the old man's eyes, sprinkles dead and living water, he sees the light, and in gratitude promises to bring the PP to the ground. His witch daughter does this, she eats people and knows how to turn into a bird. Orders to tie an iron spear and prepare 40 barrels of meat and 40 water. There was not enough meat, PP cut off its calves. The bird says its meat is sweet and would eat it, but his father's request doesn't allow it. Spits out swallowed, PP's legs are intact again. After 10 years of absence, PP returns to his kingdom, the girl from the golden hut is waiting for him, he marries her. PP punishes his comrades: he cuts off one arm and the other's leg. He puts up silver and gold towers, lives in them]: Nikiforov 1961, No. 109, 272-278.
Caucasus - Asia Minor. Kalmyks; Stavropol Turkmens; Abkhazians; Abazins; Adygs; Karachays or Balkarians; Ingush; Nogais: Kapayev 2012:209-218 ; Avars; Lezgins; Udis; Megrels; Georgians; Azerbaijanis; Kurds [the old woman saw a lioness feeding the baby; when the lioness left, she brought the boy to her, she called Aslan; he is incredibly strong, other children complain about him; the padishah takes him to the palace; during the races, A. overtakes Mirza Mahmud, the son of the padishah; he calls him a forest foundling; offended A. leaves; MM repents, catches up with him and rides with him; while sleeping, A. easily defeats two giants, throws one into the swamp, puts the other on the top of a tree; three other giants they can't release them, A. does it easily; A. and MM come to live with the giants; they want to kill them; they drive a monster at him, A. kills him; stays to cook dinner; the dwarf comes and offers to fight; A. defeated him, the dwarf ran and disappeared into the hole; the giants brought A. down there, he killed a dwarf, sent upstairs two princesses that the giants had previously given to the dwarf; older sister: if the giants cut the rope and they will not raise A., let him jump on the back of the white ram; white and black butt until each changes color to the opposite; A. confused, the black ram carried him even deeper underground; A. met plowman, killed two divas he feared; the serpent gives water for the girls, it is the turn of the padishah's daughter; A. threw a bag of wool into the snake's mouth and cut off his head; plowman: ask the padishah for a white mare, she will take it to the ground; the padishah did not give; A. killed a snake that wanted to swallow the chicks; the bird orders to prepare lamb and water, there was not enough meat, A. cut off the eggs of his left leg; on the ground, the bird grafted him back; Seeing A., the giants rushed into the abyss, died; A. and MM married the rescued girls]: Shamilov 1967:77-94; the Kurds [the tsar found a box in it, a boy in it, named Nachar Ogly (NO); the queen gave birth to her own Mirza Mehmet's son (MM); they are friends; BUT very strong; after he tore off one boy's ear, his mother scolded him and called him a foundling; after that, both BUT and MM left; at the night BUT went away, saw 7 divas sitting by the fire and killed them; met and accompanied a diva who lay down on a bridge over the river so as not to miss the NO, whose fame he had heard a lot of; another diva who ran with millstones on his feet around the village; at rest, the divas with millstones remained to cook; the dwarf, the father of the killed divas, beat him and ate everything; the same with the diva bridge and MM; BUT defeated the dwarf, he disappeared into the cave; BUT filled the exit with stones ; everyone tried to lower him on a rope, but right back: it's hot; BUT went down, killed three divas, freeing three girls; slept with his sword between himself and the first girl, because she was meant for her brother; the third, which is intended for him, warned that his brothers would leave him; but in a week the white and black rams would come to butt, he should jump on the white one, he would lift him to the ground; the black one would lower 7 tiers below; he jumped on the black one; asked the old woman for water; there is no water: the dragon closed all the springs, passes water off as a girl a day, the princess's turn; BUT killed the dragon; the princess noted the savior by spending on his back with a hand smeared with dragon blood; local king: the dragon devours the chicks of the bird Taire Semer; if he is killed, the grateful bird will carry him to the ground; after killing the dragon, BUT fed its meat to the chicks and fell asleep; the chicks asked the mother not to kill the man: he saved them; she asked for water and meat to be harvested; the meat ran out BUT cut off a piece of flesh from his leg; the bird grafted the piece back; BUT cut off the heads to traitors, returned to his parents along with MM and brides]: Chalatianz 1907:411-413.
Iran - Central Asia. Uzbeks; Turkmens; Shugnans; Yazgulyam [Kulparai-on-Kamon went to the mountainside; there a man turns a millstone, says he is going to K.; K.: I am his student, it's easy defeated the one who took the millstone as companions; the same with the mountain spinning on his little finger; they live in a hut, cook one by one; the goat comes in, ties the cook with his hair, eats everything; when K.'s turn, he cut off the goat's head, it rolled into the hole; the companions could not go down there - it's hot, K. went down; there the goat put his head on the woman's lap; K. twisted him by the beard, threw it; he came to the old woman himself, stayed there to live]: Edelman 1966, No. 10:203-204; Bukhara Arabs [the old woman asks the Prophet Musa to convey to God her request for a son; gives birth to strongman Ahmed Zamchi; AZ stretched out his legs and destroyed the house; sent to the emir, eats all the pilaf, is sent to another emir, takes money from him; consistently meets, wins, and companions a person who drinks the river to eat fish; another fisherman; running from a millstone; a dwarf tries to eat the meat they cook; they hit him, his head rolls into the cave; only AZ was able to go down on a rope, kills the diva, frees the woman, her and him safely pulled back on a rope]: Vinnikov 1969, No. 46:290-293; parya [the padishah has 40 sons, all unmarried; each gave the vizier a melon, he brought the padishah; explained that it was time to marry sons; padishah equipped them to look for brides; at rest, the brothers left alone to bake bread; he baked 40 loaves; his hand stretched out from the ground, took away one bread; the next day the young man pierced his hand with a hot skewer; hand disappeared; the young man began to dig, found the door, there were 40 devas; the young man cured the wounded; the devas asked for help to get 40 girls with a dog; the young man killed the dog, told the devas to come in one at a time, killed everyone; took a handkerchief and a ring from one girl; showed them to his father; he tells me to bring the brothers; a common wedding; brothers and wives went to see their father; they are told that the padishah is blind, suspended, and his wife is a maid the new one, who was a former vizier; the young man wiped his father's eyes with a handkerchief, he saw the light; restored him to the throne; the vizier was dragged like a goat carcass during a goat carcass]: Vinnikov 1977, No. 2:153-156.
Baltoscandia. Finns; Karelians; Estonians; Seto; Latvians; Swedes; Yermolov 1959 [three hunting brothers take turns cooking; an old man came in, tied the youngest by the hair to the ceiling, ate everything himself; the same with the middle man; the eldest beat the old man; then came to him in his hole, said that he had come to help; the old man is happy with the worker, but tells him not to unlock some doors; the guy opened the doors - there Thunder in chains; asked to cut the chains, the young man did it, there was a thunder; the young man tells the old man that this roar is from cow hooves when the cows ran; Thunder to the young man: when you finish the third chain, sit on me; the old man is chasing, the Thunder tells me to take his hair and throw it back; there was a rock to the sky; the old man returned home, brought a drill, drilled a hole; when the young man threw his second hair, a stormy river appeared, and fire above; the old man fell into them and disappeared]: 69-71; Lutsi (1893; the informant heard a fairy tale from people who did not know Estonian) [the spouses are childless, the husband died, the widow cried, her tears grew peas, in a pod the only pea; she ate it, gave birth to it nine months later; the boy is a strongman; mothers: if she waited to eat, he would have been even stronger; ordered a five-pound iron club from the blacksmith, threw it up, the next day she fell, he put his finger up, the club split; the 10-pound one bent; the 15-pound one remained intact, good; Pea meets, takes 1) pulling oaks; 2) rearranging mountains; they were hired to the owner for the right to carry what they could; he ordered the mountains to be razed; they began to make ropes out of sand, throw them over the mountains, pull them off, now a flat field; one took all the flour from the owner, the other all the grain, the third of all the cows; set up a farm for themselves in the forest; the demoness (mustabaaba) began to go to them, eat everything; he stayed to guard the trees; she spat in his eyes, ate everything; the one who moved the mountains However; G. beat her with a club, she grew to the clouds, he continued to beat, she shrunk again, he tied her to an oak tree; she pulled out an oak tree and went to the lower world; only G. decided to go down; killed the woman's five-headed son; the girl knits stockings, G. pulled the rope, both picked it up, he gave it to the oak puller, went down again; killed the 1-head, gave the second girl to the mountain rearranger; the third time she fights with the 15-headed; drove he was waist-deep into the ground, and he was up to his neck; agreed to take a break; G. drank strong water, and gave the enemy weak water, killed him; they went upstairs, but G. went down for the fourth time; it's a shame for the companions that G. took it for himself the most beautiful girl, threw the rope down; thunderstorm, eagles on the Christmas tree say that whoever protects them from the weather will help their mother; he covered them; chicks: don't leave until their mother arrives; eagle: I know G. when he was born, the earth trembled for three days; the eagle agrees to carry him across the Sea of Fire, but let him fill three barrels of forest bird; he spit them; there was not enough meat in flight, the eagle first tells cut off and throw her little finger, then her calf; then her little finger legs; flew; G. caught the little girl, began to twist; ordered the daw to bring living water from the island in the sea of fire; his body healed with this water; his body healed with this water; I came to my wife, forgave my companions, but drove them away; they began to live, they probably live now]: Annom et al. 2018:93-100.
Volga - Perm. Chuvashi; Mari; Udmurts [three daughters of the tsar were carried away by the serpent Azhdagn-kyy; the soldier drank his salary in the tavern, boasted that he would return the princess; called to the palace; asked for permission three to feast duty-free for days and two comrades; they found a hut in the forest, with a bull, and stay at home in turn; old man Kuat Sultush came, a quarter tall, a beard of 6 flight fathoms, beat the guard; On the third day, it was the soldier's turn, he beat the COP himself, forced him to be brought to where the princesses were; he brought him to the hole; the soldier killed him, ordered his comrades to put him on chains; in the underworld, the princess in copper the house was taught to change barrels of strong and weak water; a 6-headed serpent came with thunder, rain and hail, the soldier killed him; while he was sleeping, the princess put a seal on his forehead, rolled the copper house into an egg, gave him a soldier; the same with another princess in a silver house (9-headed serpent), in gold (12-headed); two comrades lifted the princesses to the ground, then cut off the chain; the soldier found the balalaika, hit it, and a ram came out, the soldier climbed it; he was allowed into the hut; he rolled three eggs, copper, silver, gold palaces appeared; the princesses noticed, stopped weddings, demanded one shoe, a second shawl, a third dress ; the soldier sent everything they needed to the princesses and the old woman; they asked to invite a tailor to the wedding; he came with a balalaika, hit it, and a man came out of it with the seals on his forehead, which were put by the princesses; two The tsar executed the soldier's comrades]: Potanin 1884, No. 5:232-233; Bashkirs.
Turkestan. Kazakhs (including Xinjiang); Kyrgyz; Salars [in a mountain village, a mare swallowed a piece of red cloth and gave birth to a boy named Atentsigen Masyma ("a child born a horse"); he became a hunter; he was an excellent archery; one day in late spring and early summer he stopped on the river bank and began to sing smoke from the crevice. "Hey-hey-hey, what kind of little guy is this freaking out here? If a passer-by, then go your own way, if you are looking for relatives, let's get to know each other"; a young man in white clothes came out of white smoke; M. said he was looking for relatives, offered to become sister cities; the young man took the name Dashitentsigen Dashidagu ("a child born from a boulder"); young men came to the forest, saw fog come out of the grove; M. shot, a young man came out, also became a sister, his name was Agaishitentzigen Munigu ("child born from a tree trunk"); the brothers began to cook; three white doves sank to the lake shore, removed their plumage, turned into girls, threw themselves into the water to swim; these are the celestials of Guni Ana, Ie-ana and Yulutusa-ana. ("Sunny Maiden, Moon Maiden, and Star Maiden"); the brothers took their clothes; the girls agreed to marry them; three married couples returned home and began to enjoy life; but G., M.'s wife, suddenly she became gloomy and taciturn, and frowned, refused to explain why; one evening her fire went out; she saw smoke from the chimney in the distance, went to ask for fire; old woman Mansikhanyer was in her house ( nine-headed demon); gave fire, but put sesame seeds in her pocket so that they would fall through the hole on the road; began to come to G. to comb each other's hair; G. began to think how from her to get rid of it, told her husband; was the first to guard; Dashidag; he turned into a pillow and sat on the doorstep; Mansikhanyer came, sat on the pillow; when she left, D. complained that it was terribly heavy, he was nothing could not do it; the next day Munigu turned into a broom; Mansihaner swept the yard with it; G. told her husband that Mansihaner could only be defeated by cunning; Masymu hid and shot only when Mansihaner turned into a nine-headed six-armed blue-faced fanged monster; Masymu and Mansihanyer began to fight, Mansikhanyer went to a hole under the mill; Masymu ordered him to be lowered on a rope; G. broke the mirror and gave it half; in the lower world, M. met an old man who told him not to scream; M. shouted, a tiger appeared, M. killed him with a sword; elsewhere M. was attacked by a boa constrictor, he shot him and hacked him; they were two Mansihaner commanders; M. exchanged clothes with the shepherd, drove cows and sheep; Mansihanier: "Go faster, faster! Finish eating and go to lick your wounds faster"; M. 8 heads wounded with an arrow enjoyed being licked by shepherds; M. prepared cow tongues in advance and began to stroke Mansikhanyer's wounds with them; she screamed from The sword hurt, and M. hit her sword, but Mansihanyer slipped out and ran, and then rushed at M.; feeling that M. was stronger, she emitted a cloud of black smoke, rushed to run, but M. pointed a mirror at her light and killed with arrows; I heard a scream, an iron cage came up, inside the eagle, asking for release, around the bone; this is the real Mansikhanyer nest; an eagle flew in, the eagle first hid M. under the wing, then told his mother who saved him; the eagle agrees to take M. to the ground, tells him to harvest 100 sparrows; the last sparrow was not enough, M. cut off the meat from his leg; met his wife they recognized a friend a friend in half of the mirror, so changed from exhaustion; Dashidag and Muniga forced G. to work when she refused to be their mistress; under the guise of a beggar, M. offer to entertain them with archery; pierced both with one arrow; people were prosperous, M. and G. are happy until old age]: Chen, Wang 1989:420-439.
Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Siberian Tatars; Shors [in another translation the same Chudoyakov 2002:108-110; a bear took a woman away, a son Ay Tamash was born, pushed back the stone that blocked the exit from the cave, AT and his mother came to her village; AT went hunting, sees the man Kaya ("rock") Chuktezhi, who raises and lowers the rock, AT takes him as his companions; the same Sug ("water") Ortazhi (drinks and regurgitates the lake); take turns staying in at home to look after the cattle; a big man comes, eats away the side of the rest; when it's the turn of AT, he ties him to the cedar; that cedar uprooted, left; AT caught up with him, grabbed it, tore it apart]: Arbachakova 2010, No. 8:237-243; Tuvans; Tofalars; Buryats; Mongols.
Western Siberia. Nenets; Nganasans; northern and southern Selkups.
Eastern Siberia. Central (?) Yakuts; Bount Evenks.
Amur - Sakhalin. Udege people (or Orochi?) ; nivhi.
SV Asia. Chukchi: Bogoras 1928, No. 8 [ten brothers go missing; every two walk across the sea on ice, find freshly cooked meat, taste it, die (this is a human being); the fox promises to send them to their parents another son; an old woman gives birth to Methino; he asks him to make a big bow; swims across the sea in a boat, kills a seal, waits for forbidden meat; Wolf comes, demands that M. give him his liver, kidneys, eyes, intestines, heart; M. gives nerb giblets, pretends to be dying; The Wolf leaves, M. wounds him with a spear; steals clothes from the feathers of his neighbor Wolf Eagle, comes to the Wolf under the guise of an Eagle; does not heal him, but kills him with a knife, runs away; The Eagle returns, finds his blood-stained outfit in the Wolf's house, kills the Wolf's children; M. returns to his parents, they die soon; M. lives with deer, wolves, foxes; finally, his people catch; they force moss, pieces of skin, etc. to regurgitate food eaten while he was an animal; a year later, M. is speechless, telling us who he is]: 330-332; (cf. Baboshina 1958, No. 50 [Ekekenushi harpoons Kele, the dog's body below his waist down; kills an old woman who is about to go to treat him, puts on her skin, finishes her kele off, runs away]: 133-135; Kozlov 1956 [ eleven brothers disappear one by one; the twelfth Nono swims in a kayak, a giant overgrown with hair calls him from the shore; N. puts the heart and liver of the killed seal under the camley; the giant offers hide (N. hides in his torbazes); give each other his heart and liver; N. gives giblets of seals, rips a giant, kills; kills two old cannibals who call the giant a son; puts them on clothes; a hairy head leaned out of the yaranga floor, N. threw a harpoon at it; his head went into the ground, N. followed; he is mistaken for a doctor, the old woman brings a giant with a harpoon N. in his head; N. finishes him off with a knife, kills an old woman; returns to earth; eats berries, the tundra begins to lean to one side to throw N. on knives; he pretends to be dead; the giant brings him home; the giant went to bed; N. strangled the crows- watchmen, the sea poured into the yaranga, the giant drowned, N. pretended to be a bull; returned home]: 39-44).
The Arctic. Asian Eskimos: Menovshchikov 1985, No. 75 (Chaplin) [four brothers go to sea, into the tundra, disappear; the fifth Akhakhanavrak remains; his father does not want to give him a kayak; he makes a kayak sails to a giant sitting on the shore; he offers to play blind man's buff; then eat each other's liver; A. hides a seal under his clothes, the giant cuts out its liver; A. cuts the giant, kills, cutting off his heart ; swims further; a tugnygak comes out of the ground, tells him to give him his intestines, lungs, heart; A. gives giblets of seals, throws a harpoon into t.; he runs underground, a float on the ground; the old woman is ready to treat t.; A. strangles her, puts on her skin; they come for her; the shaman (i.e. A.) tells everyone to sing and scream, putting out the fat seeds; finishes it off with her harpoon; runs away, swims to her parents], 91 (Naukan) [=1988, No. 33:160 -162; four brothers disappear one by one; the fifth kills a seal, enters an empty dugout; an ogre comes, demands that he eat intestines, liver, stomach and kidneys, a person's heart; he gives parts of the body seals; now the cannibal wants the whole man; he pierces him with a harpoon; comes to an old woman who is about to go to treat the cannibal; puts on her skin, pretends to be a healer, pierces the ogre's heart with a knife, runs away; other spirits in the form of wolves rush in pursuit; stop persecution]: 166-168, 210-213; Rubtsova 1954, No. 5 (Chaplin) [as in Menovshchikov 1985; the cannibal requires a heart last]: 86-92; Bogoras 1913, No. 9 [two older brothers were taken to the island, they want to sacrifice them there to the god of the sea; the younger brother sails, learns everything from two old women, kills one, wears her skin, puts on her clothes; hers carry to the place of sacrifice; the foreman asks why she has such broad shoulders; Because of the desire to see the sacrifice; the imaginary old woman cuts the ropes tied, gives her brothers knives, they everyone is killed; in another village, the elders get married; the youngest returned home young, and his son has grown old at home during this time]: 430; Northern Alaska Inupiate: Alaska Native Writers 1986 (Kobuk River - Noorvik-Selawik) [sea hunters disappear one by one; a young man's rich father promises half of his wealth to whoever finds and returns his son; an orphan living with his grandmother promises to do this; grandma teaches that when the grandson finds those people, he should shout to them, "Who's home first?" , then row to the house with his eyes closed; after chasing a seal, the young man finds himself on the high seas; after chasing a duck, he finds himself near the ground; enters the house, puts the caught seals and duck on the floor; into the house The monster looks in, mouth from ear to ear, tells him to throw what he has hunted; the young man throws the seal, next time the duck; the third time the young man no longer has meat, he throws his spear; the wounded monster leaves, the young man walks along then, in the village he kills an old woman, puts on her clothes; two men come for her, say that their hunter is seriously ill, asking for help; the young man pretends to be a helpless old woman; when he is brought to The wounded monster, the imaginary shaman asks him to leave her in the dark; when he finds his spear in the monster's neck, the young man carves it out of the monster's body, takes off the old woman's clothes, runs away; he is chased, he screams as told grandmother; when she reaches home, she turns around, sees all the missing, including the son of a rich man, receives rich gifts]: 79-87; Curtis 1976 (20) [hunters disappear, orphan swims to look for them, harpunite along the way leaves, seals, because they helped the murderers; enters the dugout, repairs the harpoon; the owner comes, demands meat, the orphan throws a seal at him, then pierces a harpoon into his neck, he runs away; an orphan comes to two women kills them, puts one on the bed, buries the other in ash, puts on her clothes himself, pulls her skin over her face, tells people who come that she and her sister are feeling bad, let them take them to someone who came; they lead to the mansion where the wounded man lies; an imaginary old woman tells her to be left in the dark while she heals, takes out her harpoon, pierces the wounded Keith into the neck, killing him; the inhabitants of the village find themselves animals, led by the Bear, are chasing an orphan; he asks Fox not to give him away, promises to leave him meat; sails away in a kayak]: 258-259; Keithahn 1958 (Kobuk River) [brothers sail down one after another along the Kobuk River, they disappear; the younger Ugungoroseok receives amulets from his parents; his father tries to kill him, cannot, believes that he is strong; O. swims along the river, kills women who killed travelers (throws the head of the seal in the dugout, the head fights with the woman, both die; replaces her hat and the hair of the old woman's daughter, the old woman kills her daughter, turns out to be a bear); throws a harpoon at the attacker, kills the old woman, puts on her skin, comes to treat the wounded, tells him to turn off the lights and sing, finishes it off; touches something with an oar, sticks, the owner of the trap brings it to his two boys, falls asleep, O. kills him with a stone, sees that it was a bear with cubs; when he reaches the sea, he marries; kills two ferocious dogs, his father-in-law says that they were his hunters, decides to kill his son-in-law; 1) get a tree for the boat (log rushes to O. when he starts cutting females, he splits him); 2) walrus skin for the boat (the storm begins, O. calms the sea); 3) the father-in-law pours resin on the hearth in the dugout, O. hides caress behind turf; takes his wife and daughter to his home, the storm calms down only when he throws them into the sea; O. finds them alive with his father-in-law, burns him in the dugout the way his father-in-law wanted to burn him; brings the family home; along the banks of the river, he sees dens instead of dugouts where hostile creatures lived]: 52-61; Spencer 1959 [hunters disappear one by one; an orphan kills a crow, a seal, comes to the ogre's house; that demands to throw food into his mouth; an orphan throws a crow, a seal, a cannibal harpoons; he runs away; an orphan comes to two old healers, kills them, takes the form of one; goes to treat the ogre, instead He finishes him off; runs; the ogre's people (foxes, wolves, bears) chase him; he comes home; forgets to give the promised meat to the fox, who noticed it but did not give it to his pursuers; falls ill; corrects his mistake; marries the daughter of a rich man who was kind to him; another rich girl had a hard time begging him to marry her]: 388-390.
NW Coast. Bellacula.