Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

K75C. Disease, ATU 361. .

Devil promises a person wealth if he does not wash (cut his hair, etc.) for a while; both keep their promise.

Spaniards, Catalans, Italians (Lombardy, Emilia Romagna), Sicilians, Ladins, Irish, Scots, Germans (Pomerania, Grimms, Austria), Dutch, Frisians, Slovenes, Hungarians, Moldovans, Greeks, Russians (Karelia, Tver, Tula), Western Ukrainians (Transcarpathia, Ivano-Frankivsk, Podolia), Belarusians, Luzhitans, Poles, Kashubians, Czechs, Slovaks, Latvians, Lithuanians, Estonians, Livonians, Finns , Swedes, Norwegians, Icelanders, Danes.

Southern Europe. The Spaniards [after returning from service, Cristobal became a hunter; hell promises money if K. did not wash and cut his hair for 5 years; once K. paid the debts of a person who lost all his property; he promises him one of three daughters; only the youngest agreed; K. gives her half of the ring, promising to return in 2 years; returns handsome and with money he hid in different places in advance; wedding; elders sisters drowned, hell got two souls instead of one]: Camarena, Chevalier 1995, No. 361:195-198; Catalans [the soldier promises a 7-year line not to wash or cut his hair, wear bear skin on his back, in it money; helps the poor man, the youngest daughter agrees to marry him, but the eldest does not; when the soldier returned handsome, she hanged herself out of envy and the hell got her soul]: Oriol, Pujol 2008, No. 361:84-85; Italians (Emilia Romagna, Bologna) [after his father's death, Sandrino squandered everything and went to seek service; but princesses and queens everywhere immediately fell in love with him and, in order not to get into trouble, he soon fell in love moved to a new place; decided to sell his soul to the devil; he gave him breeches with heaps of gold coins in his pockets; no matter how much you take it out, it would not be less; the condition was not to wash or cut his hair for seven years, but then the devil will come for him; S. bought a luxurious palace and did not leave it, and the king urgently needs money; S. is ready to give it on condition that he marries one of the three princesses; the two elders are terrified refuse, the youngest Zosa agrees; the king is inundated with money; before the wedding, S. washed himself and shaved, appeared handsome; during the wedding, the older sisters say they are ready to give their soul to the devil just to to see how Z. and S.'s happiness ends; the devil appears at night: he will not take S.'s soul, because he received two other souls; a note is found in the older sisters' room; it has a curse in Z.'s address and the message that the devil took them away]: Calvino 1980, No. 53:167-172; Italians (Lombardy): Cirese, Serafini 1975, No. 361:85; Sicilians [Don Jovanni di la Fortuna squandered fortune; the devil gave him an inexhaustible purse of money with the condition of 3 years, months, days not to wash, not to cut his hair, not to change his clothes; then he will keep both his purse and his soul; he buys a house, gives the king money; that promises to give his daughter for him; the elders flatly refuse, the youngest agrees; Don Giovanni asks her to wait two months; the term ends, he arrives at the wedding handsome; the older sisters are envious] : Gonzenbach 2004a [1870], No. 10:63-67; frets: Uther 2004 (1), No. 361:227-228

Western Europe. The Germans (Pomerania) [the clerk goes to the blacksmith's wife; he promises to let him down from the porch; the clerk tells the master that the blacksmith can grind all the grain in the shed overnight; he went to the blacksmith's wife himself, and he was locked in a barn; a little man appeared and with his help all the sheaves were threshed; the clerk advises giving the blacksmith a harder job: remove a bunch of heavy stones in front of the house in front of the house in this place to arrange a pond with goldfish; the little man does everything again; the clerk suggests telling the blacksmith to forge Himphamp overnight without fire, anvil, hammer and iron; little man: go home, take a whip, get under the bed and, when you don't like something at all, command: chemp hump, stick it! the lovers stuck together, the blacksmith began to whip them; in the morning he dragged them to the master; on the way he continued to give the same command, so that oxen, two people with a cart of hay, stuck to them; he finished them off in front of the master's eyes lovers with the last blow of the whip; the master drove him out of the village because he did not want to deal with evil spirits; the little man promised that if the blacksmith could wander around the villages for 7 years and not wash, get his hair cut, or washing clothes, everything will be fine; and there will be no shortage of food and drink; soon the blacksmith looked like a wild animal; 7 years later he came to a fabulously rich man, whose three daughters were no one married (wealth was obtained by witchcraft); the older two refused to marry the overgrown savage, and the youngest agreed, wanting to do good to his father; then a little man came up, washed, tonsured and dressed the blacksmith like this that he became like a prince; and his two older sisters hanged themselves out of envy]: Jahn 1891, No. 44:239-244; Germans (Pomerania) [the soldier was exhausted by service; it is better to serve the devil for 7 years; the devil set the condition: There will be no shortage for everyone, but not to wash, cut his hair, change clothes, etc.; once overgrown and dirty, but rich, began to play with the master; he lost everything; the soldier promised everything forgive if he gave one of his three daughters for him; the elders refused, the youngest agreed; at that time the term ended; after the youngest married a beautiful and rich man, her sisters drowned; hell ]: Jahn 1891, No. 46:247-252; Germans [=Grimm, Grimm 1987:276-280; a soldier who has returned from service has been driven away by the brothers; a stranger in a green coat with a horse's hoof promises money, but wants to first test his courage; the soldier shot a bear who rushed at him; agreed; agreed not to wash, cut his nails and hair, or read "Our Father" for 7 years; hell gave the soldier a coat, always in his pockets money; two years later, the soldier was terribly overgrown; made an impoverished man with three daughters rich; he promised one daughter to him; only the youngest agreed; the soldier gave her half of the ring, promising to return; after After 7 years, the soldier appeared handsome, put half of the ring in the cup, the bride recognized her; one of the sisters hanged herself, the other drowned, their souls hit the line]: Grimm, Grimm 2002, No. 101:340-343; Germans (Austria), Dutch, Friesians, Scots, Irish: Uther 2004 (1), No. 361:227-228.

The Balkans. Moldovans [a farmhand was hired to work in a shop for a year on condition not to wash, not to get a haircut; hell tells the boyar to lend money; he lost the money; to reward the guy, hell agrees forgive the debt on the condition that the boyar gives off one of his daughters as a guy; only the youngest daughter agrees to marry an overgrown monster; when the guy is washed and dressed, he is handsome; older sisters are envious hanged themselves]: Moldavian tales 1968:263-265; Slovenes, Hungarians, Greeks: Uther 2004 (1), No. 361:227-228.

Central Europe. Russians (Karelia, Tula), Ukrainians (Transcarpathia, Ivano-Frankivsk, Podolia), Belarusians [Neumoyka: a soldier makes an agreement with the devil: seven days do not wash, do not itch; gets a lot of money; marries the youngest of the sisters because the older ones refuse him; sisters hang themselves with envy, and the devil gets their souls]: SUS 1979, No. 361:125; Russians (Tverskaya) [ the soldier has returned from service; the old man promises a reward if he does not wash, shave and wash clothes that year; the soldier agrees; six months later the old man orders to send matchmakers to a house with three daughters; the elders they laugh, the youngest agrees; six months later, the soldier became a handsome young man; his wife's sisters hanged themselves with envy; an old soldier: what kind of service did I do? old man: you gave me two fillies, now they will travel]: archive of the Center for Tver Local History and Ethnography, sent by V.E. Dobrovolskaya; Poles (including Kashubians) [guy (hero, soldier) agreed to work in hell for several years; at this time he should not wash or cut his hair; for this he receives a lot of money; the man's youngest daughter agreed to marry him; when he came rich handsome, the eldest two hanged themselves, the devil got their souls]: Krzyżanowski 1962, No. 361:120-121; Czechs []: Nemtsova 1978:104-118; Luzhitans, Slovaks: Uther 2004 (1), No. 361:227-228.

Baltoscandia. Latvians [the guy makes an agreement with the devil: do not wash or comb his hair for a long time; gets a lot of money from the devil; because of the guy's wealth, the king wants him as a son-in-law; the eldest daughters refuse to marry him, the youngest agrees; after the agreed term, the guy washes and combs his hair; older sisters take their lives out of envy, the devil gets their souls]: Aris, Medne 1977, No. 361:280; Swedes [guy makes a deal with the devil: 7 years not to wash or comb his hair; gets a lot of money from the devil; pays the poor man's debts; he promises him a daughter; the elders refuse, the youngest agrees; when he came handsome, the older sisters hanged themselves, the devil gets two souls instead of one]: Liungman 1961, No. 361:76; Norwegians [guy (soldier) promised the 7-year line not to wash or comb her hair; getting rich, marrying the youngest of three sisters; seeing her fiancé as handsome, the older sisters hang themselves, the devil gets two souls instead of one]: Hodne 1984, No. 361:87; Icelanders, Danes, Livs, Lithuanians, Estonians, Finns: Uther 2004 (1), No. 361:227-228.