Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

K76A. A frog is a marriage partner.

.14.-.16.21.-.23.26.-.34.37. (.38.)


frog or a toad marries a beautiful woman, or a handsome young man marries a frog.

Tunisian Arabs, Spaniards, Catalans, Italians, Ladins, Irish, French, Germans (Pomerania, Grimms, Upper Palatinate, Switzerland, Tibetans, Tibetans (Amdo), Lavrung, Mustang, Bhutan, Kachari, Meitei, Toto, Shans, Mons, Burmese, Agaria, Assamese, Oriya, Sinhalese, Namuzi, Chinese (Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Guangdong, Manchuria), Koreans, Croats, Hungarians, Bulgarians, Greeks, Luzhitans, Poles, Russians ( Arkhangelsk, Olonetskaya/Karelia, Voronezh, Kursk, Oryol, Tambov), Ukrainians, Belarusians, Abkhazians, Ossetians, Avars, Georgians, Armenians, Azerbaijanis, Turks, Mountain Tajiks, Bartangans, Lithuanians, Latvians, Norwegians, Maris, Bashkirs, Dungans, Teleuts, South Altai Tuvans, Mongors, (Japanese).

North Africa. Tunisian Arabs [The king has seven sons, he thought they were interfering with his subjects, and he imprisoned them in a palace. A maid brought them food. Just bread and water, but she felt sorry for them and started bringing them tasty and tasty food. She once told the king that his children had stopped eating and she did not know what was wrong with them. Then the king decided to marry them. He dressed them like a king, gave them each an apple. The princes threw apples. For one, it pointed towards the vizier's court, the other towards the court of a noble man, and so everyone decided on the bride, except for his younger brother. There was no way he could find his apple. Six got married and gave them a gift from the palace king, while the youngest was left alone. One day he went hunting and saw his apple, and a frog stuck to him. He wanted to unhook it, but he didn't succeed, so he threw the apple and the frog under the bed. When he left, the frog shed its skin and turned into a beautiful girl. She did all the household chores and went back under the bed. This went on for several days. When the prince returned, he thought it was the neighbors' wives who had decided to help him. He went to thank his neighbors, but it turned out they weren't them. Then he addressed the sheikh. He advised him to hide and see what was going on in the house in his absence. So the prince saw the beauty, burned her frogskin, married her and got his own house. The king decided to visit his son and daughter-in-law. When I saw my daughter-in-law, I wanted to marry her myself. He ordered the prince to make a burnus out of a piece of marble. The frog told her husband to go to his father, take a sandbasket with him, and ask him to make silk threads out of sand. The king admitted that his son overcame his ordeal. He ordered the army to be brought in and the entire army fed with "musarrad". The frog made a couscous, then added the king's musarrad and his handkerchief to it and told her husband to say: "For the hungry!" This is how he fed an entire army. The third task is to bring a talking baby. The frog sent her husband to her sister, who had just given birth. She said to the baby, "The one who came for you is your aunt's husband, and whoever you're going to talk to wants to kill your aunt's husband and marry your aunt himself." She said that and handed him a sword. The prince took the baby to the king. The baby said to him, "We speak and we want words over words and we cut off your head." A baby cut off the king's head]: Al-Aribi 2009, No. 45 in Korovkina MS

Southern Europe. Spaniards (Asturias; also Castilla y Leon, Extremadura, Andalusia) [a childless woman wants children, even snakes and frogs; gave birth to a snake and a frog; the snake crawled into the sea, but the frog daughter stayed ; one day she took dinner to her father, sang on the way; the prince liked the voice so much that he came to ask for the girl's hand in marriage; the prince had a twin brother; the king promised to give the throne to whoever would cook the three best gift; the best vessel; the twin's bride is the daughter of a jeweler; the frog sat on a rooster, drove up to the seashore and asked her snake sister for a precious vessel; the same: a carpet; let the brides themselves come to the palace; the bride arrived in a luxurious carriage dressed as a beautiful woman; she is Maria; to spell her, someone had to fall in love with her; at the feast, M. hides the food in the folds of her clothes, then waves her hand and flowers are pouring in the king and the guests; the jeweler's daughter tried to repeat, sprayed everyone with scraps; M.'s husband received the throne; one of the princes expressed a desire to marry her snake sister; she went out and became beautiful; all is well]: Camarena, Chevalier 1995, No. 402:413-416; Catalans [the king will give the throne to the sons who brings him the best gift; with the help of frogs (cats, monkeys) younger prince twice brings the best thing; then the king orders the most beautiful girl to be brought in; the animal (often telling him to be beheaded) turns into a beauty; the prince gets the throne {and his wife}]: Oriol, Pujol 2008, No. 402:87; Italians (Piedmont) [the king tells three sons to throw a stone from his sling; where he falls, take the wife, whose wife is better, he will give the throne to him; the eldest married the baker's daughter, the middle one married a weaver; a stone the youngest fell into a ditch; the king gave hemp yarn, who was better than a sotket; the older brothers received masterfully woven things from their wives, and the frog gave the youngest a chestnut; it contained the finest fabric; she stopped pouring out of the chestnut tree as soon as the king said "It never ends"; the king gave his sons a puppy - whose wife would take better care of the dog; the older daughters-in-law have half-dead dogs, out of the box the youngest, a well-groomed trained poodle jumped out; he had to show up for the wedding; the youngest's frog, accompanied by snails, turned into a beauty in a luxurious carriage with servants; this princess was disgraced after the prince agreed to marry her]: Calvino 1980, No. 14:43-44; ladins [the count let her daughter go for a walk for the first time; she came to the spring and, to drink water, took off the ring and put it on stone; the ring is gone; she asked who took it; frog: me; I will bring me back if you take me to the table and to bed; in the morning there is a beautiful young man next to the girl; wedding]: Decurtins, Brunold-Bigler 2002, No. 93:248-249 .

Western Europe. The Irish ['The Frog Prince']: Jackson 1936:287; the French (many versions throughout France, mostly a sorceress being a frog, sometimes a mouse, or a cat) [two brothers can't find brides; decided to shoot at the white light; a beautiful girl came out to the youngest, and a frog jumped out to the eldest; brought him to a lonely castle; the youngest offered to go to their king uncle; the frog told the eldest to agree; king: Whose dog runs but does not break anything, I will give him the throne; a dog jumped out of the eldest's box and broke nothing, and the eldest one knocked everything over; whoever has a thread around the lock three times; the younger brother twice, and the older brother five times; whose wife is more beautiful; the frog got into a stroller with a lizard on the coachman and the horses with rats; and turned into a beautiful woman, and the carriage into a real one; the elder brother received three kingdoms, but gave one to the youngest]: Delarue 1964, No. 402:36-38; Germans (Pomerania) [when she was 7 years old, the princess sailed in a boat, dropped a gold jewelry - a gift from her father; the toad promises return it if the princess fulfills her three wishes; the king advises to agree; toad: I'll talk about her wishes later; when the princess is 18, the toad appears in the palace and requires permission to eat for three weeks for royal table; then spend three weeks in the princess's room; the princess does not think she is so terrible anymore; then three weeks in her bed; when they were over, a young man with gold was next to the princess star on his chest; wedding]: Jahn 1891, No. 6:34-36; Germans: Grimm, Grimm 2002, No. 63 [two princes are smart, the youngest is Simple; the king promises to give the throne to whoever brings the best carpet; lets three feathers in the wind; the feathers of the older brothers were carried by the wind, the youngest's feather fell not far away; there was an entrance to the dungeon; there was a big toad in the room and many little ones; the toad gave a beautiful carpet; older brothers took a rough woolen shawl in the first shepherdess he came across; now the king demands a better ring from the contender for the throne, makes feathers again; the toad gives the Simpleton gold with gems, older brothers bring a wheel rim; the third condition is to bring the most beautiful girl; the toad gives a hollowed out turnip pulled by six mice, tells you to put one of the little toads in the turnips; she turns into a beauty turnips into the carriage, mice into horses; older brothers brought village women; the elders demand the last test: let the girls jump over the ring hanging in the middle of the hall; two women fell, changed their arms and legs; the simple girl slipped through easily; he received the crown]: 233-235; Schönwerth 1981 (Upper Palatinate) [the peasant has sons, the elder Michl and the younger Yodl; the father would like to leave the property to the elder; promises the one who brings the best handkerchief; the toad tells her to go with her, brings her into the house, calls the mouse maid, she brings a box with the best scarves; the handkerchief brought by Yodel turns out to be better brought by Michael; the same second time; the third time, who would bring the best bride; the toad tells her to go to bed with her; when J. woke up, he was in the castle, beautiful next to her, she was bewitched; the mouse became maid; J. gave his brother his house and household, and he began to live with the princess; if they did not die, they still live]: 27; Wildhaber, Uffer 1971, No. 15 (Switzerland) [the father promises to make one of the three heir sons who will bring the bride the best spinner; the youngest Hans does not have a girlfriend; the toad promises him to hide everything, he throws the yarn into the water; her job is the best; she tells G. to marry her; the time of marriage turns into a beauty; everything is fine]: 47-49.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Tibetans: Parfionovich 1969 [the king's three daughters reject suitors; the old maid's knee is swollen, a frog pops out of the abscess; her husband has agreed to consider him a son; he sends his mother to marry the king's daughter; the king drives her away; the frog comes by himself, threatens to laugh; because of his laughter, the palace begins to collapse; the eldest daughter refuses; the frog cries, the flood begins; the middle daughter refuses; the frog jumps, the ground shudders, the youngest daughter agrees; the frog brought his wife, the hut became a palace; mother and sister realized that he was the son of the dragon king; takes off frog skin for the night; sisters the frog's wife was pushed into the well, the eldest put on her clothes, the frog did not notice the change; a walnut tree grew near the well; the sister tried it - the nuts were bitter, ordered the tree to be cut down and burned, ash scatter across the field; barley grew - sweet for the mother, bitter for his wife, she ordered the grains to be thrown into the water, they became birds, one told her husband about the villainy; the frog kicked out the older sisters]: 98-101; Hyde-Chambers, Hyde-Chambers 1981 [A frog {or rather a large male frog} asks the widow to make him her son; at the bazaar, he jumps on the back of a mule carrying cheese, brings the foster mother's mule; says goes to bring his wife; finds a suitable girl; when her father, then her mother, tries to refuse him, he "coughs" (thunder breaks the house), cries (water fills everything), laughs (spews fire, the house burns ); every time she receives consent, she restores everything to its original form; brings his wife to the foster mother's house; she says that all people are going to the races; when the women leave, the Frog takes off the frog the skin, turns into a handsome man, wins the races; every time the wife suspects something; on the fifth day she returns earlier, burns her skin; The frog remains in human form, lives with his wife]: 169-186; Tibetans (Amdo) [childless spouses wanted a child; a Frog was born from a tumor on a woman's knee; promised to marry a princess, make his parents rich; makes the king laugh, he is forced promise to give her daughter; of the three princesses, only the youngest agrees; on the wedding day, the Frog sheds his skin, becomes handsome; the king gives the young treasures]: Tshe dbang rdo rje et al. 2007:95; Mustang [the mother of three daughters is ill; she says that only grass and water in a remote part of the valley will heal her; the eldest daughter is coming; there is a dog who will allow her to take grass and water on condition that the girl marries him; she refuses, leaves with nothing; same with her middle sister; the youngest agrees, the dog gives grass and water, promises to come in two days; the mother recovers; hides the youngest daughter under a copper cauldron; the dog beats older sisters, sits on the cauldron, the youngest screams that she is here; he leads her across the lake, across the plain, there is a golden house, then a silver house, then out of dog crap; the girl replies every time that she has a house fits; inside the house there is abundance, the old woman is the mother of the dog; she advises to pretend to be asleep, wait for her son to take off his dog skin and go to bed, throw the skin into the fire; in front of the girl, the young king Kyirken Gambala; he says that the skin was burned too early, there will be problems; when she goes hunting, he leaves a bunch of keys; the girl opens rooms in the golden palace, there is a lot of gold, silver in silver in coral - corals; there is no key to the wooden one; she finds the key on a stick under the ceiling, unlocks the door, behind her there is a mother-of-pearl staircase, she sees the whole world, she sees her native village, her parents are hungry and sick; the older sister married a blacksmith, the middle sister is a butcher; she searches for KG in her head, drops a tear, admits that she feels sorry for her parents; they go to them together, give gifts; older sisters are jealous, the older sisters are jealous, the older leads the youngest to the lake, asks what she feeds her husband and what the servants are; the youngest guesses and answers incorrectly (I throw buckwheat and pepper to my husband, throw a plate out the door, rice with meat to the servants, plates on the shelf); the eldest pushes the youngest into the lake, puts on her clothes and jewelry, invites KG to return home; he suspects deception; the imaginary wife is afraid to go across the lake, does not want to enter the house out of dog crap, feeds husband as servants and servants as husband; the shepherd sees sheep coming to the lake, a bird fly out of the water, asks about the king; the shepherd tells the KG about this; he goes with him to the lake, brings a bird, puts him in a cage; The imaginary wife kills and cooks poultry, lets her husband eat it with rice; he notices that there is poultry meat in the rice, throws it into the garden; trees grow there; the imaginary wife tells them to be cut down and split into firewood; poor old husband and wife, the husband went to bring firewood, found a piece of meat, put it in a chest; a few days later the girl came out; after that, the old people became rich; the girl gives the old man the ring that she has left on his finger when her sister pushed her into the lake; he calls the king and his wife, puts them on golden and turquoise thrones, shows the ring; the king demands a finger to the ring; his wife goes out, older sister turns into ash; KG: these were the problems I mentioned; the ash was hidden under a black stupa; KG made his wife's parents' house his summer residence]: Kretschmar 1985, No. 21:128-137; Bhutan [ The old man's knee is swollen; the old woman push her leg aside, the old man only moans; she hit her knee with a ladle, a frog jumped out of the tumor; tells her not to kill her: he will bring her daughter-in-law into the house; comes to the king; the eldest, the middle daughter does not notice anyone, the youngest says that a frog has come; the frog: if you disagree, I will cry; the king: crying; two streams poured out of the frog's eyes, washing everything away; the king agrees to give the daughter; but daughters disagree; the frog laughs, the palace trembles; the elders are ready to marry a bear or a leopard as soon as possible; the youngest Phurzamo agrees; soon noticed that her husband takes off his skin and becomes handsome; he warns the skin not to destroy, but to go around, shaking it; in the morning, a palace, servants, fields, herds, treasures appear; Sister Ph. came, took her to swim, tried to push Ph. into the lake; says that it was not her, but her finger; she ate it, she was a demon; then she pushed and put on her clothes and jewelry; the husband did not understand the deception, only the son understood and cried; a bamboo stem rose from the lake; the peasant hears how The bird that sat on it asks what the demoness feeds her son; the peasant: she gives the child ash, and the king gives rice to herself; after that, the bird disappeared into the water; the peasant told the king; he changed his clothes peasant, came to the lake; king bird: if you are my wife, fly here; brought it to the palace, put it in a golden cage; the liar ate the bird, the king found the bone, and tells me to wrap it in silk; placed in the package has grown, the wife has revived; the demoness is defeated]: Choden 1994:93-98; Lavrung [the woman's knee is swollen, the Frog came out of there, promised his mother to marry the princess; comes to the palace, dogs bark, princesses do not see anyone; The frog comes in, notices that the youngest is more beautiful and looks friendlier; makes the king give her to him, becoming huge, laughing, screaming, causing a storm, a flood; sends at the races, his wife and mother, takes off his frog skin himself, is an excellent rider; next time the wife secretly returns, burns her skin; the husband says that he now falls under the power of a nine-headed demon, blown away by the wind; the wife finds it, the husband says that the demon sleeps when his eyes are open; gives his wife a spear, she pierces the demon's heart; they free the prisoners, return home]: G.yu lha 2011: 383-389; kachari [the old man thought he had caught a lot of fish, but frogs were in the net; the old woman began to fresh them, but hid alone; when the old woman found her, she promised to be a good worker, plow the field; plows, sitting in the ear of an ox; shouts to the prince not to go to the edge of the field; he is furious, but finds no one, took the oxen; the frog rode to his estate, hides in the roof of various buildings, annoys, screams; promises to leave the prince alone if he gives his daughter as his wife; the prince gave it with a large dowry; the wife invites her husband to wash himself not in cold water, but in hot water to wash off warts; frog jumped into boiling water and died]: Grierson 1903c: 29-30; toto [the old man wanted to catch shrimp and crayfish, but only big toads were caught; he told the old woman to cook them, but the water was only warm; the old man threw the toads into the cauldron, and they jumped out and fled; was left alone; asked the old woman not to eat her - he would help her; the toad son grew up, asked the old woman to bake 7 cakes, went to marry the king's 7 daughters ; the first 6 did not even notice him, and the seventh told his father that there was a frog outside the door; the king refused; the frog began to laugh; after that, the sun began to shine incessantly, the royal cattle died from lack grass and water; the king agreed to give his daughter, the frog caused rain; the king again refused, but the frog sent a continuous downpour - he had to agree; for a year the frog took care of the harvest in the king's fields, then received a younger princess; at night she became a young man; the wife asks where her husband keeps his skin; "In the oven"; while her husband was away, the wife burned her skin; when she burned, the husband died; the frog's adoptive mother moistened the ash with water, sprayed on her son's body and he came to life; the princess and her husband began to live happily in the royal house]: Majumdar 1991, No. 11:236-239; meitei [the frog invites the widow to take her son; tells the foster mother to marry the princess; the first time the king sent her away, the second time he ordered her to be beaten, the third time he sets the condition: to build a palace with a roof of flowers and fruits by morning, a wall of gold and silver from the palace, and a wall of gold and silver in the palace hundreds of servants; the frog groom does everything, gets a wife; she dreams that a prince is next to her; in the morning she sees frog skin, burns; the couple is happy, many children]: Oinam et al. s.a.

Burma - Indochina. Shany [childless Myeh Khit addresses spirit master Sa Kyah; gives birth to a frog son; UK promised that in a year and 7 months he will be a handsome young man; the king has 7 daughters, the youngest is unmarried; he agrees to give it for a frog if there is a road from the market to the palace in 7 days; the frog comes to the UK, who sent spirits to build a road; the king gives his daughter, but sends her mother to live in his hut frog; frog wife cries because she cannot go with such a husband to the party; UK sends two shining spirits, people bring them gifts, but they reject the gifts of older sisters who spoke contemptuously about youngest; in the morning, the frog's wife says that those two spirits were she and her husband; at the boat race, the son of the UK appeared in all its splendor; everyone admired him and since then honors the son of SK Sau Maha Khit]: Griggs 1902:8-18; mona [younger seventh sister is a frog; the elders go to the prince's screenings with other girls; The frog secretly turns into a beauty, comes to the palace three times; The prince watches her, orders her to bring a vat with a frog, takes her as his wife; the king drives the heir away; he lives alone, enjoys the beauty's love at night; one day burns frog skin; returns from wife to the palace]: Kasevich, Osipov 1976, No. 146:337-340; Burmese [six sisters are girls, the seventh is a frog, her parents keep her in a vat of water; brides, a frog secretly bring her to the prince sneaks in, sheds his skin, becomes beautiful, then runs away again; so twice; the prince sees everything; takes the frog as his wife, the king drives him away; the prince lives separately; the frog is only his man in a dream; he also pretended to fall asleep, and when the girl went out, he burned frog skin; everything is fine]: Nikulin 1988:444-448.

South Asia. Agaria [a young man buys a grain-pecking bird that a man wanted to kill; saves a frog from a snake, gives the snake milk; buys a deer to be beaten; a bird and a frog become women - by the young man's wives, the deer turned into a horse, brought them to the Raja pond; the Raja requires that 1) the trees be covered with fruits overnight (the bird wife performs), 2) jump over the lake on horseback (the horse jumps over), 3) get a ring out of the well (The frog becomes a frog again for a while, pulls it out); the Raja gives half the kingdom and daughter to the young man; on the way back, the horse fell, the Frog and the Bird died, the young man stayed with the Raja's daughter]: Elwin 1944, No. 3:399-401, Zograf Transfer 1971, No. 15:59-60; Assamese [a man was fishing, caught a frog, brought it home; it asks not to kill it, promises to be a grandson; goes to plow on a pair of oxen; The king appears with his men, takes the oxen away, the frog hides under clods of earth; when the frog returns home, offers everyone roasted grain; mosquitoes, wasps, wild animals fly and follow her to the king's palace; he asks for mercy, gives the frog a daughter and half a kingdom]: Goswami 1960:86; oriya [poor brahmana grew eggplants, his pregnant wife ate the fruit; brahman: whoever ate the fruit without asking, let him give birth a frog; a frog daughter asks her mother to go to a party with her; by the pond he takes off his frog skin, becomes a girl, bathes; the brahmana's son sees this, makes his parents marry a frog for him; when there is no one, the wife becomes human, cleans and cooks; the mother drives the frog away; she agrees to return after humiliating requests; one night the husband burned frog skin; the wife remains a woman, everything good]: Mohanti 1975:62-65; Sinhales [the frog jumps at the feet of the nobleman, calls her father; he finds her groom; before the wedding, the frog sheds its skin and becomes beautiful]: Volkhonsky, Solntseva 1985, No. 64:131.

China - Korea. Southern and Northwestern China (probably Manchuria); Chinese (Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Guangdong) [spouses want a child, even the size of a frog; a frog son marries a princess, after completing her parents' difficult tasks; on the advice of a mother or aunt, the wife hides a frog skin; the husband remains human]: Eberhard 1937, No. 43:77-78; Chinese (Hebei, Wu. Qinglong, 1972) [the hunter drove the hare into a hole and was about to shoot when there was a cry "stop"; the young man carrying a bunch of brushwood ran up and asked the hare to be released; gave the hunter the only silver liang; the hare told the young man that he was the hare king from Yunguang Cave on Mount Fenghuang (Phoenix Mountain); the young man replied that his name was Zhihua and he lived with his elderly mother, collected firewood; the hare invited him to his place; the hare king offered the best food to the cave; one hare quietly told the young man that the king would give him a wife - let him take the little frog; she would jump out of the frog skin and become a girl; the king did not wanted to give the frog, because he received it from Lunwang (the king of dragons) of the East Sea, and he forbade handing it over to mortals; but C. insisted; C.'s mother died; in C.'s absence, someone was cooking; C. found the girl, hid the frog skin; the girl cried: Longwang would punish her; C. returned her skin and the girl was gone; Longwang realized that she had been talking to mortals; sent an army of shrimp to the hares, and threw the girl into prison to execute; when he saw the shrimp, the hare king flew to heaven, ended up in the Moon Palace and could no longer descend; hare ministers were executed; since then, the Hare King has been living in the Moon Palace with Chang'e] : Bai Gengsheng 2007c: 437-440; Chuan Miao: Graham 1954:180-181 [An egg rolled out of an abscess on the knee of a childless wife, a smelly toad hatched from it; the woman's husband leads her toad son into the forest, suggests climb a tree to see if the mother is carrying lunch, the tree is knocking down, hoping that the toad is dead; soon the son returns, dragging a tree with him; the father thinks to crush his son by putting 7 feet on him, he drags that's it; the Toad asks his mother to marry him her brother's daughter; he is forced to give her, because Toad's crying fills the rice checks with water, and laughing makes them dry; when they go to work in the fields, the Toad asks his wife to send go ahead to the dog, then carry him lunch; the wife spies, sees a handsome man with a book and a lot of workers; grabs the toad's skin, throws him into the fire; the husband says he will die, tells him to cook him for a couple of 7 days, then he will become a frog; if not, bury it on the terrace from where everyone can be seen; the wife and mother cook for 4 days, the husband dies, is buried, turns into a tree on the moon; when the children cry, they are taken by the knee, they say that if you cry, a toad will come out], 182-183 [the wife gave birth to a son with ears like a cow, killed her; her husband scolded her; next time she gave birth to a toad; the toad tells the mother to marry him her brother's daughter; the uncle took the Toad cut the forest on a rock, pushed off a cliff; the Toad returned, dragging a tree; was able to carry a heavy mortar; the uncle orders to bring water to the fields; his daughters bring lunch to the worker, see how the hoes work themselves; Toad gets a wife, asks for her portrait to see her on the site; the wind blows the portrait to the emperor, who takes his wife; in the form of a young man, Toad comes to the palace; the wife invites the emperor to change clothes with him ; the emperor becomes a toad, the Toad becomes emperor; the wife orders to kill the toad (the former emperor)]; meo (Vietnam): Nikulin 1990:125-128 [=Nikulin 1976:237-240; elderly spouses are childless; the old woman has no children a toe is swollen, a frog jumped out of it; considers himself a son, studies, works (sitting on an ax, a plow, tells them to cut trees, plow; comes to marry the princess; the Tsar tells them to bring a log, he brings a rock while sitting on them; gets a wife, becomes a young man at night; the Tsar sends warriors to kill him, he turns nine water buckets into suns, the warriors burn; the Tsar comes by himself, Frog creates a flower, buds soar into the sky, fall down with stones, killing the Sovereign; the Frog remains in human form, reigns], 149-151 [childless spouses decide to cherish the pumpkin as a son; the pumpkin tells them marry him his uncle's daughter; he tells him to bring water, a log, gets a wife; in the field he quietly turns into a man, works; his wife takes him for a stranger; neighbors tell him to cut the peel, throw him in fire; husband says he is the son of forests and mountains]; namuzi [the crow screams that the woman has someone in her knee, tells her to cut it with a sickle, a frog jumps out; promises to bring a wife; in the first house leaves three hemp seeds, they are eaten by a mouse, he demands that a mouse be given to him for it; this is how he gets larger animals; brings a horse, seven daughters in the family; each, when he hears dogs barking, looks out, says that there is no one, but the youngest says that it was the frog who brought the horse; the mother sends her daughter with the Frog, but tells her to hit the Frog with a pestle along the way; he dodges; at the races a beautiful rider appears; Frog's wife suspects it's him; hides, burns the skin he has shed; he dies saying that he would become human forever; the wife sweeps the floor, throws away garbage, bamboo grows there; it accidentally breaks it; then tobacco, it brings relief (the origin of tobacco)]: Lakhi 2009 (2): 49-100; Koreans: Choi 1979, No. 200, 202 [the old man adopted a toad; that orders the minister's daughter to be married; in the guise of a messenger of heaven, tells the minister to give his youngest daughter; at night he tells the bride to cut his skin on his back, turns into a young man; var: he was exiled for a misdemeanor star prince; with his wife he returned to heaven]: 59-60; Ząng 1952, No. 76 [The childless fisherman catches fewer and fewer fish, the pond dries up; the fisherman accuses the big frog of eating all the fish; The frog asks to take him into the house; his wife takes care of him like a son; he tells his mother to marry one of the rich man's three daughters, the woman is refused; the frog grabs a rope tied to a kite, flying over at the house of a rich man, tells him to do the will of Heaven; only the youngest daughter agrees to marry the Frog; he tells his wife to cut his skin on his back, comes out handsome, in the morning his wife puts leather on him again; in the morning men They hunt unsuccessfully; A handsome frog summons an old man, tells him to bring a hundred deer; shows himself to people, releases deer, takes his wife and her parents ascends to heaven]: 175-178.

The Balkans. Croats [elderly spouses ask God for children, the wife gives birth to a frog daughter; she takes lunch to her father in the vineyard, sings beautifully; the Queen hears singing, wants to marry the Frog; his father is king promised to give the throne to the one whose bride would bring the most beautiful flower; the frog arrives on a white rooster, asking for a dress from the Sun; after entering the city, the rooster turns into a white horse, the Frog into a beauty, her hand has an ear; other daughters-in-law gave a rose and a carnation; the king says that the ear is the most useful flower, gives the throne to the Frog's husband]: Arkhipova 1962:157-159; Hungarians [the man has three daughters; he sends the eldest to get water to the well; the frog will give water if the girl throws her gold ring to her; she refused; the same with the middle daughter; the youngest threw it; at night the voice: father-in-law, feed, drink, and good dishes; give a silk bed and a girl; only the youngest daughter agreed, and in the morning a beautiful young man next to her; sisters were jealous]: Jones, Kropf 1889:224-226; Bulgarians [(many records); father tells sons to marry where apples, feathers, arrows they have abandoned, thrown, fall; the youngest's arrow falls into a swamp (spring, lake) to a turtle or frog; he brings it into the house; someone cleans houses , cooks; he finds a beautiful woman, throws her shell, her skin into the fire; the beauty remains]: Daskalova-Perkovska et al. 1994, No. 402:139-140; Greeks: Dawkins 1916 [the king has three sons, he wants to marry the youngest; they drew lots, he fell on the frog; while the prince is away, the wife takes off the frog's skin, turns into the Beauty of the World, cooks and cleans; the prince finds her, tells her father; he wants to get rid of his son so that take possession of his wife; 1) bring three cucumbers; the prince comes to the river, croaks, gets cucumbers; 2) a small tent under which the entire army will be located and half of the space will remain empty; the same; 3) tablecloth { -magic?} ; the king died, the wife burned her frog skin, remained in the form of the Beauty of the World]: 341-343; Megas 1970, No. 24 [the king invites three sons to take wives where the arrows fall; the elders marry the rich beauties, the youngest brings a frog; when she is alone, the beauty comes out of her frog skin, cleans the house; the prince spies, sees the frog princess summon the maid frog, who too turns into a girl, does work; he throws her skin into the fire, the princess screams in pain, he throws her skin into the water; the princess explains that her family of underwater inhabitants is bewitched; will remain human appearance, if the young man falls in love with her; the prince and his wife are invited to the party; the wife tells her father to ask her father for magic rods, goose and two chicken eggs on the lake; they are with his retinue in a rich outfit; made of goose eggs are the crown for the king, chicken eggs are bracelets for older sons]: 49-54.

Central Europe. Luzhitsy (Upper Lusatia) [when old, the father promises an inheritance to the one of the three sons who will bring from the brides 1) the best handkerchief; the brides of the two older brothers do not want to give the best, they give on an ordinary headscarf; younger Peter does not know girls; a toad brought him to his house, where her beautiful daughter gave him the best handkerchief; 2) the best ring (the most valuable one brought by Peter); 3) the best bride; Peter brought a beautiful woman and inherited]: Erben in Lifshitz-Artemyeva 2017:180-183; Poles [three queens fire arrows to find brides; elder arrows fall into houses where girls live; the youngest's arrow falls next to the toad; the queen removes the spell from the toad, burning its skin or after three nights of torment]: Krzyżanowski 1962, No. 402:129; Poles [(many records); due a snake son is born in the family of a rash wish or spell; at night he takes on a human form; the girl promises to marry him or her father promises to give her (as payment for a flower picked for her); the girl removes the spell from her snake husband (dwarf, bear, wolf, donkey, boar, hedgehog, toad, bird) - burns skin, cuts off her head, etc.; due to the fact that the skin was burned ahead of time (because of the machinations of her wife's sisters and etc.) the husband disappears; when going in search, the wife must wear out her iron shoes; receives magic objects from the old woman; finds out where to go from the winds and stars, climbs a glass mountain; for three valuable buys the item for three nights next to her husband, returns it]: Krzyżanowski 1947, No. 325:70-71; Russians (Arkhangelsk, Karelian, Voronezh, Kursk, Oryol, Tambov), Ukrainians ( Transcarpathia, Eastern Slovakia, Galicia, Volyn, Podolia, Kiev, Poltava), Belarusians [the frog princess: three princes go to look for wives in the direction of abandoned objects or arrows fired; the youngest finds a frog in the swamp, she becomes his wife, best fulfills the king's errands (she sews, weaves, bakes, dances) and turns into a princess; her husband burns her skin; the princess disappears. - Continuation most often type 400: the husband is looking for a disappeared or kidnapped wife]: SUS, No. 402:128; Russians (a fairy tale from Afanasiev's notes) [the king tells three sons to shoot, marry a girl from home, where the arrow will hit; the elders take the daughters of the minister and the general, the youngest Ivan takes the frog (otherwise it will not let him out of the chisel); at night the frog takes off his skin, becomes beautiful; the king asks daughters-in-law 1) sewed him shirt on, 2) made gold-embroidered carpets; The frog orders the winds, they bring everything; 3) baked bread; The frog sprinkles flour into cold water, puts it in an unheated oven, takes it out bread; other daughters-in-law do the same, nothing works out, they hastily melt the oven, the bread burns; 4) at the feast, the Frog is beautiful, pours and puts what they have not drunk, are undernourished by the sleeves, dancing, a lake with swans splashes out, then it disappears; other daughters-in-law imitate, drench everyone with scraps; I. burns frog skin, Vasilisa Premudraya tells us to look for it in the thirtieth kingdom; Baba Yaga teaches that when the VP arrives, you have to grab her head; she will turn into a frog, a toad, a snake, an arrow; you have to break an arrow; I. fires an arrow, the VP flies away; the same with BYA's sister, I. breaks the arrow, returns from the VP to flying carpet]: Afanasiev 1958 (3), No. 570:356-361; Russian (1926, Olonetskaya, Zaonezhye, d. Shunga-Bor) [The king has a lonely daughter, his daughter has a golden ball. She played, dropped it into the well, and the frog took it. She will return the ball if the princess becomes her friend. The princess agreed. The frog gave the ball, the girl ran away, the frog can't catch up with her. The princess returned home and told her father. Father sent for the frog: we must keep the king's word. The king makes his daughter friends with the frog. The frog is dissatisfied with everything, she constantly jumps, brought the princess: she has become boring and quiet. The frog amuses the princess: she dances, sings, tells a fairy tale. The princess fell in love with the frog. I kissed her. The frog burst, Ivan Tsarevich appeared. Nastasia Tsarevna and Ivan Tsarevich got married, there was a feast]: Karnaukhova 2008, No. 4:59-60; Russians (Voronezhskaya): Baryshnikova 2007, No. 41 [Tsarevichi ask their father to marry them, he allows them to choose for themselves brides. Older brothers shoot bows and hit merchant and royal houses with arrows, taking girls as wives from there. Younger Ivanushka enters the river, decides that his destiny is to drown himself, the frog returns his arrow, and he marries her. Ivan does not show his wife to his brothers; she performs the king's tasks better than other daughters-in-law - she sews a shirt and bakes a cake. The king calls his sons and wives to the ball, Ivan appears alone, the frog in the form of a beautiful girl comes after him. She hides her half-eaten food in her sleeve, waves her arms while dancing, and a lake and swans appear. The daughters-in-law try to repeat the miracle, but bones fly out of their sleeves and wine is poured out (on the king). The king kicks them out. Maria Tsarevna sheds her skin and drowns in the river. She lives happily with her husband], 41a [The first part of the fairy tale repeats story No. 41, increasing the brothers' mockery of Ivan because of his frog wife. The king asks his daughters-in-law to make him a duck, a tablecloth and a cake, and Mary Tsarevna gathers mothers and nannies who, during the night, prepare these items as used by the princess's father. The king asks his sons to bring their wives to the ball. Then everything is the same as in No. 41. Without waiting for his wife to return from the ball, Ivan Tsarevich burns her skin, Marya says that the time for this has not yet come, she is kidnapped by Kashchshchey the Immortal. Ivan goes looking, meets an old man who gives a ball that shows the way to Koshchei. On the way, he sees devils fighting over a samobic baton, an invisible hat and a magic tablecloth, offers to resolve the dispute, ties a 40-meter rope and promises magic items to the first will make it to the end. While the devils are competing, Ivan picks up items and goes after the ball, goes to the oak tree, sees a chest under it, kills a hare in it, pulls a duck out of it, an egg from it. He comes to Kashshchei's palace, puts on an invisible hat, sends a samobic baton to beat the animals guarding the entrance. Ivan meets Mary and Kashchei in the palace, breaks (presses) an egg, and the enemy dies]: 172-174, 175-180; Ukrainians (Poltava, Gadyach, c. 1978) ["Des-not here, in a de facto kingdom.." The king sends his beautiful sons to look for brides: shoot arrows. The elder brother fires an arrow into the princess's garden, the middle brother shoots an arrow into the princess's court, and the princes take the brides. The younger brother gets into a rural swamp, a toad raises an arrow and does not give it back until the prince agrees to marry her, he tells his father, cries, he says this is his share, the prince takes the toad in wives. The king asks his daughters-in-law to weave a towel, the toad sheds his skin, goes out into the yard, screams, whistles, the female servants appear, prepare a towel with eagles sewn on - it turns out to be the best, his king keeps it for himself, gives the rest to the kitchen. The king orders buckwheat to be baked. Daughters-in-law spy on the toad's actions, they can't repeat it, the king praises her. The king invites his sons and wives to the "benket", the toad sends her husband forward, says that the rain means that she is washing her face, the thunderstorm dresses up, the thunder is approaching. The brothers laugh at Ivan. She arrives in a carriage, everyone admires her, puts pieces of food at lunch, leftovers in her sleeve, and her daughters-in-law repeats. He dances - a garden appears from his sleeves, a pole on which a cat walks, a lake overflows, swans swim. Daughters-in-law fall with bones from their sleeves to the king's forehead, and the queen's eyes. Ivan comes home, burns the skin of a toad, returns to the party. She finds out that Ivan has burned his skin, cries, turns into a cuckoo, tells her to look for it in the kingdom of far away with Baba Yaga's bone leg. Ivan goes after her, meets his grandfather "yak milk civy", who gives a ball pointing the way to Baba Yaga. On the way in the forest, I. meets a bear, wants to kill, he promises to be useful, sees a pike by the sea, wants to eat, it promises to be useful, he throws it into the water. She comes to the hut on the "chicken bottom", Baba Yaga says that Ivan's wife works for her brother on the island and comes to look in her head, advises him to grab it and run without looking back when he sees it. He comes to the sea, a pike appears, hits the water with its tail, and a glass bridge with golden railings appears from coast to island. On an island in the forest, Ivan gets lost, starves, a falcon kills a hare, Ivan eats it, then the bear spreads trees and helps him find his way. He goes out to the valley, to the glass palace, and can't find anyone. She finds his wife behind the golden doors, she becomes a cuckoo, takes him under her wing, and they come back. She says that her father cursed her and gave her to work for three years, now she is free]: Rudchenko 1870, No. 28:99-106.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Abkhazians [three brothers shoot at a tree; after the eldest is shot, a girl comes out of the tree; the same is an average one; when the youngest shoots, a frog comes out; the parents drove the youngest to live in the forest; he just started building a house, got distracted, came back - the house is ready; every evening food is cooked; he waited for the girl, threw frogskin into the fire; the older brothers are jealous that the younger one is beautiful; one said the prince, as if the youngest can 1) bring a wild boar; the wife gives three nuts, tells him to go to the swamp, give one nut immediately to the wild boar, lure the rest to the prince's court; 2) bring the deer (the wife gave an ear, it is necessary give the deer, sit between its antlers, the deer will come by himself); 3) make a golden bridge across the sea; the wife tells him to go to that tree, call her mother; she gave three rings, we must throw it, the bridge will appear; the prince gave power to a young man]: Shakryl 1975, No. 33:169-174 (=Bgazhba 2002:232-236); Ossetians [his younger brother's arrow hit the swamp and he married a frog; at night she shed her skin and turned into a beauty; the young man burned his skin; Aldar, wanting to take his wife away, gives difficult tasks to her husband: build a palace, take away a wonderful carpet from the giants, etc.; in the end, the young man achieves happiness]: Byazirov 1958, No. 65:329; Avars [the arrow of the khan's eldest son falls on the roof of the vizier's house, the middle son of the nuker, the youngest into the swamp; he marries a frog, the khan tells him to live with her in a forest hut; the frog turns into beautiful, he burns her skin, she regrets it; the brothers are jealous, persuade her father 1) send the youngest to the mill from which butter, honey and flour flow; the mother-in-law frog gives a horse, the hero comes to him mill, kills a dragon, brings millstones; 2) ask the late mother where the treasures are hidden; the horse brings the hero to a hole in the ground; the mother says where the treasure is, wants her son's father and brothers become dogs; hero pulls treasures, dogs run to the mountains]: Saibov, Dalgat 1965:247-253; Georgians [father tells sons to take wives where their arrows fall; the eldest marries princess, middle on the daughter of an adviser, the youngest on a frog; being alone, the Frog sheds its skin, becomes beautiful, manages; the husband waited, threw his skin into the fire; mocking the older daughters-in-law, the younger brother's wife asks for papers for a dress, horse, donkey or dog to visit the king; the elders wear paper dresses, ride a mare and donkey; the frog tells her husband to bring blue and white horses, causes rain, the elder's dresses are soaked, the elders have returned, the Frog and her husband stayed with the king; the king wants to take away his son's wife, gives difficult tasks; 1) plow and sow the field (self-propelled plow all does), 2) return the sown grain (ants collected), 3) build a wall (a mirror appears from a ray of mirror), 4) bring a ring to the deceased mother from the dead; the wife spreads a handkerchief - the way to the next world; on the way, the husband sees a woman tearing off her breasts, sticking to the hot walls of a tone (cake oven); spouses who are cramped on cow's skin; others who are not cramped on an axe; a ploughman who nine pairs of bulls lick; the mother gives a ring, says that her husband will burn in it; on the way back, the man receives answers from those he saw; the ploughman tortured the bulls, some spouses lived in harmony, others quarreled, the woman did not share bread; her son gives his father a ring, which burns]: Chikovani 1986:136-141; Georgians (Imereti) [three brothers decided to marry where everyone's arrow falls; the elder and middle married on rich brides; the youngest's arrow fell into the swamp, he married a frog and moved away from his brothers; returning, finds the house tidy, lunch cooked; the young man followed, found the woman, burned it with a frog skin; the king wanted to take his wife away, ordered to sow bread for the whole barn in a day; the wife sent her husband to the magician test, who gave workers; the king orders to collect the seeds sown in the ground; the father-in-law sent birds; the crow with a broken leg, she brought the last grain at the last moment; the king orders to bring his grandmother's gold box from the underworld; the young man sees an obese bull grazing on the bare ground and skinny grazing on juicy grass; husband and wife are not cramped on a narrow bed, and others do not fit on a wide bed; one woman bakes dirt, but makes bread, and the other bakes bread, but it turns out dirt; another hanged by the hair; the king's grandmother tells the young man to give him the box not by himself, but through servants; on the way back, those he meets give explanations; hanged by the hair envied someone else's beauty; whose it turns out that the dirt did not repay debts, and whose bread was good; those lying on the wide bed were quarreling, on a narrow bed they lived in harmony; the skinny bull was greedy, the obese bull was hardworking; when the king opened the box, a fire blazed out of it and burned it]: Khagan 1898a, No. 19:58-61; Armenians [the king tells his sons to shoot arrows, take his wife where they fall; the elder; the elder marries the daughter of a vizier, an average merchant, the youngest's arrow disappeared, his father drove him out; he came to the swamp, saw his arrow in the frog's mouth, took the frog with him; settled in the city, began hunting, leaving the frog in the chest; someone in the room then he cleans it up; the hostess advises him to hide, throw frog skin into the fire; he grabs the beauty, burns her skin; the wife tells him to return to his father; the prince builds a palace next to his father's; the father wants to take possession son's wife; tells 1) to dress the whole army in a week; the wife orders to shoot an arrow into the swamp, her mother will come out, we must ask her, i.e. wife, a chest; in the chest clothes for one person, but when the first one is dressed, in the chest already has clothes for another, etc.; 2) bring the seal owned by the prince's deceased mother; the wife tells you to shoot into the swamp again, ask her beloved donkey not to splash the foam that the donkey will appear in the swamp; holding the donkey's tail, the prince enters his mother's grave, the mother tells us where the cauldron with gold and seal is buried, the donkey pulls the prince back, he pulls out the cauldron; 3) bring a dwarf with a beard twice as long as himself and a staff of 20 pounds; the wife tells her mother to ask her mother in the swamp for her (wife) beloved Arab; the Arab came to the king, shamed him, killed the king with his staff elder sons and courtiers; the prince ascended the throne]: Bagriy 1930 (3): 57-65; Azerbaijanis (Nukha District) [the king gathers girls, tells three sons to throw an apple at the chosen one; the elder throws a vizier at the daughter, the middle one throws a nobleman, the youngest falls into a frog, and so on three times; the king tells his daughters-in-law to weave on the rug; the frog goes to the swamp, croaks with his goods, the prince has the best the next morning rug; the same is a large carpet; the king calls to a feast, the frog turns into a beauty; the prince secretly and despite his wife's warning burned frog skin; the wife is gone, the prince went in search]: Bagriy 1930 (1): 30-33; Turks [(quite different versions, some switch to other stories); three sons of a padishah to their father three melons of different ripeness; he realizes that it is time for them to marry; they let arrows; where the arrow falls, you have to take a wife; the elders take wives from good families, and the youngest's wife ends up in a tree (wasteland, well, etc.), there is a frog; daughters-in-law must cook; frogskin burned; at a feast, the youngest son's wife hides leftovers in her clothes, and when she dances, gold falls from there; older daughters-in-law try to imitate, spoiled themselves and others]: Eberhard, Boratav 1953, No. 86:93-96.

Iran - Central Asia. Mountain Tajiks [three sons of the Shah shoot arrows; the elder's arrow fell at the gate of Kaziya, the middle arrow fell at the gate of the mufti, the youngest fell at the frog on the riverbank; the young man brought the frog home, she said she was a daughter bet, put on frog skin so as not to amaze people with beauty; the young man asked to lose the skin, burned it; the older and middle brothers want a beautiful woman for themselves; the shah sends his youngest son to visit his grandfather in paradise and grandmother; bet's daughter brings three apples from Mount Kof, tells her husband to ask her husband to collect a mountain of firewood, climb it, set it on fire; she picks it up; tells her father to take apples, say that grandparents are waiting visit them; the Shah and his elder sons let themselves be burned, the youngest becomes Shah]: Rosenfeld, Rychkova 1990, No. 2:37-38; the Bartangans [three princes ask their father to marry them; the tsar orders to shoot - whose the house would be hit by a bullet, there to take the bride; the eldest married the daughter of a vizier, the middle married a merchant, the youngest's bullet hit the lake three times; a frog came out, the young man did not know that it was a peri; ordered her to be taken home; at night near he was a girl; when the king called his son, his wife became a frog again; the king was angry but agreed to marry; the brothers saw that the youngest's wife was the sun on one side of his face and the moon on the other; the elder decided kill the youngest in order to take this woman; the king agreed to help the eldest son; the elder advised to send the youngest to get a Simurg egg to Mount Koy; the wife teaches how to get into the skin of a slaughtered bull; Simurg will lift the carcass up the mountain, fly away by itself; the Simurg eggs were eaten by a bird that arrived; the young man killed the bird, Simurg gave one of the eggs; when he learned that the youngest's wife was peri, his father left him alone and his older brother also ceased to harm]: Sokolova 1960, No. 12:60-64.

Baltoscandia. Lithuanians [the king tells his three sons to bring a gift, to let the pen go to the wind; the youngest's feather falls by the stream, the door is under water, there is a palace and a Toad, she gives a carpet, the father does younger heir; tells you to bring along the ring, the Toad gives the best; bring a wife; the Toad harnesses the mice into a spoon, the mice turn into horses, the spoon into the carriage, the Toad into the beauty; the youngest becomes king]: Lë ; bat 1965:172-173; Latvians [when it is time for sons to marry, the father fires three arrows and tells them to look for wives where the arrows fall (or sons throw stones, follow the ball); the youngest son marries a frog (toad, mice); father tells me to bring beautiful shirts, bake delicious bread; the frog does the best tasks; puts bones in his sleeve at the feast, and beautiful ones fall out of his sleeve objects; brothers' wives try to do the same without success; the frog's husband burns the frog's skin, the frog disappears, he looks for it]: Aris, Medne 1977, No. 402:281; Norwegians [to marry, three brothers must bring some items from their brides; the youngest brings the best one, although his fiancée is a rat, frog or little elf; after the wedding, the bride turns into a beautiful girl]: Hodne 1984, No. 402: 93-94.

Volga - Perm. Marie [the king tells his three sons to get horses that are not afraid of the noise of battle; the youngest Ivan meets a frog, she gives a thin horse, but she is not afraid of rifle shots, I. smashes enemies; the king orders to bring a fearless man; the frog gives a dog; when they see a bear, the brothers' people climb the spruce tree, the dog rushes at the bear; whoever finds the best bride, the king will give the kingdom to him; I. leads a frog; the king tells his daughters-in-law to bring a beautiful shirt; the frog has the best; who will bake the best bread; the frog throws the dough into the oven, brings a loaf; other daughters-in-law peek, also throw the dough into the oven, it burned down; who will be beautiful; the frog turns into Maria Tsarevna, arrives in a glass cart, the street is lit; I. burns frog skin; M. says he should have waited two days, flies away a swan; I. rides a horse to look for her, a dog with him; comes to the house, sister M. calls him his son-in-law, horses glue one wing; in the second, third house, the second and third sisters glued two more wings; the third sister teaches the Busurman hero to throw sand in his eyes, the dog will tear him apart; and so it happened, I. brings his wife, her sisters with her]: Chetkarev 1941, No. 11:173-178; Bashkirs [father orders three sons to take wives where everyone's arrow falls; the youngest's arrow falls into the swamp; the frog tells the young man to lie down to rest; when he wakes up, near the palace, at night the frog takes off his skin, becomes a girl; appears in the guise of a beautiful woman to the wives of older brothers; they envy, persuade his younger brother-in-law to throw her skin into the fire, the palace disappears, the wife flies away as a dove; the young man comes to the old woman, she sends to her sister, she says how three doves fly to her, take off their plumage, one girl is sad; tells her to grab the plumage hidden in the chest; the young man returns home with his wife]: Barag 1989, No. 21:121-125.

Turkestan. Dungana [the old man finds a frog, who calls him father, the old woman's mother; marries the emperor's daughter; he asks to build a golden bridge next to willows with pearls; the Frog destroys and restores the emperor's palace, fulfills the requirement; at night the Frog turns into a young man, the wife finds skin, throws it into the well; the husband weakens; the skin is taken out, but it has already begun to rot; Frog says that he is the son of the Dragon Lord, telling him to leave the valley; the city is flooded, the Dragon is flying away]: Riftin et al. 1977, No. 5:56-61.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Teleuts (from Vladimir Radlov's collection) [merchant to three sons: let them see their wives in a dream; the elders see the daughters of a merchant and biy, the youngest see a frog; the eldest two found brides, brought home, the youngest brought a frog; father-in-law: let the elder daughter-in-law sew a jacket, the middle one pants, the youngest boots; the youngest is going to buy boots; frog: no need, everything will be in the morning; in the morning the boots are ready, embroidered with gold; The merchant threw away what his older daughters-in-law brought, praised his boots; bake bread is the same (what the older daughters-in-law brought to the dogs, the youngest's bread is delicious); father-in-law: let the daughters-in-law sing; in the morning the frog speaks the husband must go; he replies that he is ashamed of her and will go forward; the frog agrees; the son sits next to his father; he says: "There is no frog-like man anywhere! Her song is very beautiful, her face, if you look at it like the moon, if you look here, like the sun; bones can be seen through meat, bone marrow can be seen through bones. The whole house sparkles with her beauty"; decides that the youngest daughter-in-law is better than the other two; makes the eldest sons shepherds and the older daughter-in-law cooks; gives everything to the youngest son and his wife; ending: "The man (s) in He wears a fur coat,/Who knows? /The horse (s) is sweating,/Who knows?"] : Funk 2020:167-169 (German translation in Radloff 1866, No. 1:8-12); South Altai Tuvans [a childless old woman picked up a frog with a scoop, which promised to become her son (he was God's youngest son Gurmustu); the old man feeds him meat; at night there is a rainbow in the yurt, by morning the frog turns into a boy; he herds goats; tells his youngest daughter Haraathay Haan to marry him; the first time the old man is killed, burned, Frog he revives him; in the second, the khan demands that a sugar tree grow on his left hand and a golden poplar with a golden cuckoo on the right; the Frog turns his sword and sheath into them; gets a wife; he thinks a young man in a white yurt, a stranger a frog in a hut; three sons-in-law go hunting, only the Frog shot the game; sons-in-law take the meat, leave it giblets; but his dish is the most delicious; the khan asks to find who kidnaps foals; they are dragged away by the bird Han Gardy, whose snake eats eggs; the Frog kills a snake crawling to two chicks; their mother swallows and regurgles it; returns the horses, warns that his sons-in-law prepared a carpet hole for him; he throws them into a hole himself; cuts off the heads of Khan, Khanshe, and their daughters, they were mangys and mangysikhs; he leaves]: Taube 1994, No. 20:196-202; the Mongors: Stuart, Limusishiden 1994:90-98 [elderly spouses have a frog son Bawo; treating his father lunch, he becomes a young man, but father and mother are only in the guise of a frog; quickly plows the field, returns an ox taken by a rich neighbor; marries the official's three daughters one by one; at first he refuses, but when B. laughs, then cries, a terrible storm begins; the eldest, middle daughter tries kill B., he returns them; when he marries his youngest daughter, the earth shudders; the girl agrees; her father demands 1) to lay carpets from house to house (B. tells me to throw wool, she turns into carpets); 2) by willows should grow on the road, 3) and songbirds (all at once done); after the wedding, it removes frog skin, but only in front of his wife; incognito wins races; wife burns skin; husband says that he Zhuoma Buddha's son, who will not survive the night without frogskin; sends his wife west to a heavenly woman, she will send warmth, he will not freeze; the wife does not have time to return, the husband is dead], 182-183 [in the elderly the couple has no children; the wife's finger is swollen, the abscess was opened, there is a frog son; (var.: On the fifth day of the fifth month, you should not take water from water bodies, because frogs swim at this time; the wife washed her hands, then finger swollen); jumping, takes dinner to his father in the field, plows; goes to marry the girl; her mother does not let him; then the Frog cries, the storm begins, he gets a wife; on the way to his house she tries to kill him with a stone, fails; at night, the husband takes off the frog skin, becomes handsome; the wife secretly burns the skin, everything is fine].

Amur - Sakhalin. Nanais [The Frog invites the Moose to race, whoever wins will kill the other (if the Frog, the Elk suffocates with blood himself); the Frog sits quietly between the horns, the Elk suffocates; The frog tells Pudin that he killed the moose, which brings meat home, leaves the Frog on the cana; at night he sees a handsome man, puts a frogskin in a mouse hole; Mergen says he was hidden in a frog the skin of evil spirits; P. replies that he is now strong himself; M. kills evil spirits, he and P. have many children]: Hodger 2011:80-81.

(Wed. Japan. {The main options are with a snail or a boy with a finger; at least one specific text is required to register a variant with a frog}. The Japanese (including the northern Ryukyu Islands) [Son of a Snail. Because parents are too hasty to wish for a child, they are the Snail (Frog, Slug, Snake), or Boy with a Finger; he leaves the mother's body in an unusual way, through the thumb or shin ; in some cases, the son has been silent for many years]: Ikeda 1971, No. 425A: 111).