Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

K80a1. The bird talks about the crime.



bird (usually arising from the remains of the victim or embodying his soul) talks about the crime committed or takes revenge on the murderer itself.

Kaguru, Yao, Lenje, Xhosa, Suthou, Ekoi, Mukulu, Kabila, Arabs of Algeria, Egypt, Spaniards, Catalans, Scots, Germans (Baden-Württemberg, Grimms), French (Dauphine), Walloons, Arameans, Palestinians, Tibetans, Assamese, Tulu, Hungarians, Romanians, Russians (Arkhangelsk), Belarusians, Ukrainians (Cherkasy, Chernigov, Yekaterinoslavskaya, Poltava), Slovaks, Poles, Ingush, Udis, Armenians, Persians, Bakhtiyars, Tajiks, Yazgulyams, Lithuanians, Latvians, Lutsies, Livons, Mordovians, Bashkirs.

Bantu-speaking Africa. Kaguru [three fellow villagers went hunting; one separated from the others, found a purse with money, then three cows, then goats and sheep; when he met him again on the dry bed of Mhelule, the other two were him killed him, smeared him with blood; a bird saw it, shouted that they had killed a friend on Mhelule; they shot a bird, its blood also spilled on them; in the village, the murderers denied everything; suddenly she flew in the bird itself began to talk about the murder; in the evening, the bird said that she was the killed person; took on a human form; the man spoke again about the murder; the murderers were executed]: Beidelman 1974, No. 8:180- 182; yao [the hare and the grasshopper went to buy fabrics; the one bought by the grasshopper turned out to be more beautiful, the hare killed, a drop of blood fell on a leaf, became a bird, sings about the crime; the bird was heard, the hare was executed]: Arewa 1961, No. 900:62-63; Lenje [the young chief went on a trade expedition; on the way back, the satellites noticed how many valuables he had obtained, killed him, the corpse was thrown into the river; he (his soul) turned into a beautiful bird covered with cowrie, began to sing about murder (the text refers to the image of a "deep river" in which the souls of the dead plunge; addresses the sister of the victim; constant refrain, "Let the big drum rumbles!") ; the satellites killed the bird several times, but it immediately revived; its voice was heard at home; the perpetrators were pushed into a hole and filled with boiling water]: Torrend 1921, No. 4:24-26; scythe [Nyengebule's two wives found honey in the forest, the youngest beloved ate her share, the eldest brought it to her husband; N. killed the youngest in anger, buried her, went to her parents to demand the return of what was paid for his wife; feathers worn by the victim as jewelry fell, became a bird, she shouted that N. was a murderer; N. killed the bird several times, it reappeared; in the presence of his wife's parents, N. flew out of his bag; he was executed]: Scheub 2000:188; Suto: Casalis 1859, No. 1 [the Macilo brothers and the younger Maciloniane reached the fork; Masilo went east, where the dog tracks were, and the Masilonians went west, where the cow's footprints were; saw the pots turned upside down, became them turn over, they are empty; one big one cannot be turned over; a monster with a huge leg jumped out of it, jumped Masiloniana on his back and told him to carry it; he asked permission to kill the beast first in order to do from the skin of his belts; disappeared into the cave; the monster followed in the footsteps; the Masilonian lowered the dogs on him, killed him, cut off his leg, herds of cows, including a beautiful white one, came out of it; the Masilonians drove the herd home, A brother with a pack of dogs met him; Masilonian is ready to give him all the cows, but not the white one; when the youngest leaned to the spring for a drink, the elder drowned him, took all the cattle; a bird appeared: Ciri Ciri, Masilo killed Masilonian because of a white cow; Masilo kills her with a stone, she reappears every time and repeats her words; Masilo burned her and scattered the ashes; a bird reappears in the village, repeating its own words, people hear; tells her sister that she is Masilonian's heart, and his body lies in the desert at the spring]: 355-359; St. Lys 1916 {that the bird is the embodiment of a murdered man is not directly said, but cf. Casalis 1859} [Masilo ("fools") is the elder brother, Masilonyane ("fools") is the youngest; they went hunting; they went in different directions at the fork, agreeing to meet in the evening; Masiloniane comes to the village, where no one, all the pots are turned upside down; he turned over alone with great difficulty; under him a little old woman asks her to carry; at the watering hole where the antelopes are, he asks her to get down: he will get the skin to carry it; for now dogs chase an antelope, it hides in the warthog's hole, but the old woman easily finds it and tells him to carry it on; the same is true with other antelopes; for the third time, Masilonian promises the old woman leopard skin, but lets dogs at the old woman; they kill her; she has a swollen big toe; Masiloñane cut him three times with an ax; after the first blows, cattle came out, after the third, a rainbow-colored animal; Masilo He is jealous; the Masilonian offers him all the cattle, but not the rainbow animal; he asks for water from the well, pushes the Malognans there, drives the cattle home; the bird sits on the horn of a rainbow animal and screams that Masilo killed his brother for this animal; Masilo kills the bird many times, but it comes back every time; when they hear it, people drove Masilo out of the village and killed him]: 98-100.

West Africa. Ekoi [husband has two wives: Menge Njum and Menge Marri; the first gave birth to a daughter and the other is infertile; when the girl grew up, her father and mother went on business; Smarty called the girl to fish, pushed her into the water, made a dam out of her body; bird: I have never seen a dam made not from branches, but from another woman's daughter; Smarty started throwing stones at the bird, but did not hit it; brought her body home, left it in her room; the bird began singing about the incident to her father, the girl, then to her father and Dunno; the father called the people, the bird sang to them; the know-it-all was drowned; since then the murderers have been executed the death that the victim died]: Talbot 1912:312-313 (German translation in Kunze 1990:127-128); mukulu [the cannibal borrowed a face from a snake, a fly's head, a basuwa fruit's teeth, black skin color like the pitch of a goriye bird; came to the father of a girl named Yageda; he offered his daughter to give water to a stranger; I. to my father: I will drink with him myself, otherwise I will die; then I shared a meal with the guest - otherwise I will die; together to wash is the same; to sleep; I became pregnant; in the morning the guest said that he was returning to his place, I went with him; on the way, her husband gave birth; I gave birth; asked my husband to bring her brother to herd goats to her I could not cope with everything; the husband went, took Brother Y., killed and ate it by the stream; buried his hair in the sand, but some blood remained on the blade of grass; told his wife that her brother's parents did not let go; I asked bring her younger sister; on the way, the cannibal began to beat the girl, tore her hair out; she buried it in the sand; in the ogre's house, the sister recognized me, but I did not recognize her; the husband said that his sister was not allowed in and he brought the slave; I treated my sister like a slave; my brother's blood became a bird, she flew to Y. and asked her questions; "Who do you eat with? - With dogs. - What do you drink with? - With chickens. - Who do you sleep with? - With goats; I told my brother that she always had a large pot of hot water ready; one old woman heard everything and told Yageda's sister to listen for herself at night; her sister overslept the first night, and heard the second night ; the sisters killed the child Y., put his head on the gate, the meat in the pumpkin, set fire to the house, ran; the cannibal ran, ate the meat, thought it was his wife's meat; found his son's finger; along the way, my sister and I turned sometimes in a downpour or a tornado; at the place where my brother was killed and my sister was beaten, I found my hair, grafted my sister back, found a drop of blood and revived my brother; all three returned to their parents]: Jungraithmayr 1981, No. 26 : 134-139.

North Africa. Kabila [the husband is waiting for guests, bought meat, the wife made couscous, but ate everything herself; then she killed and cooked her little son; the daughter returned, understood everything, but kept silent; the wife told her husband that hers parents took the boy home; everyone eats except her sister; she kept some of the seeds, hid it in bed, irrigated me with tears; the bones grew together, turned into a bird, the bird sang: my mother killed me, my father ate, sister collected bones; father heard a bird, wanted to kill his wife, but the bird asked not to do so so that the sister would not be orphaned; the bird flew away]: Taos Amrush 1974:131-133; Arabs in eastern Algeria (Souf) [a poor peasant woman raised her daughter, the Sultan's son saw her, he was amazed by her beauty, married her, sent her home with two black maids; the mother gave her daughter a sesame seed necklace; the girl was thirsty, the maids told her to go down from her camel, killed her and buried her; the necklace was torn; the youngest of the maids put on her clothes; the Sultan's son is surprised by the bride's changed appearance; she explains that it's the local water; the gardener hears a bird that has arrived talking about what happened, then the leaves in the garden fall; the sultan's son comes and takes the bird to him; the liar says that the cattle have been stolen robbers, the prince went to watch, she killed and threw away the bird; a pomegranate tree grew in this place; the old woman picked a grenade, brought it to her; someone cooks and cleans; drought begins; the son of the Sultan he distributed cattle, the old woman got a thin cow; but she immediately recovered; where the girl who came out of the pomegranate steps, the grass turns green; the Sultan's son saw her; the wedding; the black woman was executed]: Scelles- Millie 1963:321-324; the Arabs of Egypt [the man is famous for his hospitality, he has a young son and daughter; his wife died, he took another; one day he was waiting for guests, his wife began to cook lamb and slowly herself ate all the meat; sent the girl to call her brother; she screams loudly "Go home!" , quietly adding "Don't go!" ; but the boy drove the ball, ran after it to the house, his stepmother volunteered to look in his head, cut off his head, cut the meat and put it to cook; told his stepdaughter to keep the fire until she went for it with water; she opened the cauldron, saw her brother's finger; answered her stepmother that her eyes were watery from the smoke; the father and guests ate, the daughter did not, collected the bones, buried it by the chicken coop; in the evening, the father began to ask where son; a big green bird appeared, began to sing: the stepmother killed, the father ate, the loving sister buried the bones, hiding them from these sinners; the father could not understand the words, but became interested; the bird flew to the bazaar and sang the same thing there; sang to the seller for giving her sweets; sang to the blacksmith, he gave nails; the bird put sweets in her sister's mouth and nails in the mouth of her sleeping father and stepmother, who died; after that everyone the bones gathered and the boy was reborn; brother and sister lived happily in their home]: Bushnaq 1987:150-152;.

Southern Europe. Catalans [stepmother kills stepson, cooks his meat, feeds the boy's father; the boy's sister collects seeds, gives them to the old woman; she turns them into a bird singing: my mother killed me, my father ate me, my sister grieved for me; the bird gives my father money, my sister a dress, my stepmother kills a millstone]: Oriol, Pujol 2008, No. 720:142-143; Spaniards [Juanito and Ursuleta's mother is dead, father has taken another wife; she sends the children to buy firewood, promises a pie to whoever returns earlier; the boy came first, his stepmother killed him, buried him under cherries; berries appeared on her, the stepmother rolled them into a pie, told W. to take them to the baker; the voice of H. is heard from the oven; the stepmother tells W. to take the cake to her father; old woman Ursulete: don't eat the cake yourself, bring me all the cherry seeds; W. brought it, the old woman turned the bones into a bird, she sings: My stepmother killed me, my father did not recognize me; the same to the masons, asks me to give millstones for the song; to the minters, asks for a bag of coins; to women - a piece of canvas; she takes everything away; throws a canvas to her sister, to her father - money, her stepmother has a millstone; it ends up around her neck, she takes off, then falls into the forest, still tries to throw a millstone; the old woman turns the bird into Juanito]: Shishlova 1971:115-124.

Western Europe. Scots [Applie and Orangie are two girls; stepmother sent A. for milk, giving him a golden jug; promised to kill him if A. breaks it; the jug broke, the stepmother killed, cooked the girl, the other sister I buried the bones, and a bird arose from them and began to sing: my mother killed me, my father ate me, my sister buried me under two marble stones, I am a good bird; because the bird sang again, the shop owner gave her a doll; the same at another shop, at a third; the bird received a watch and an ax; it was Christmas; the bird threw a doll to her sister, a gold watch to her father, an ax to her stepmother, he cut off her head; (in other versions, the bird becomes a girl again)]: Dorson 1975:37-40; Germans: Grimm, Grimm 2002, No. 47 [a rich man's childless wife, standing in her yard under a juniper, cut the peel off an apple, cut her finger, blood dripped on the snow; she wished the baby as white and rosy; she immediately felt a change; after 9 months she gave birth to a boy and died; her husband buried her under juniper; from his new wife, husband daughter Marlene; stepmother hates stepson; gives daughter an apple, she asks for an apple to her brother; mother says he will receive it when he returns from school; when the boy comes back, his stepmother tells him to take it the apple from the chest, slammed the lid shut, cutting off the boy's head; placed it back, tied her body with a handkerchief, put the victim in a chair in front of the door and gave an apple in her hand; tells her daughter to slap her brother in the face if he does not react to her words; M. hit her brother, his head fell; the stepmother told him to remain silent, cooked her stepson's meat, fed her husband, said that his son went to relatives; M. collected the bones in a handkerchief, put it under the juniper; a bird flew out of the juniper, and the handkerchief disappeared; the bird sings on the roof of the jeweler's house: my stepmother killed me, my father ate me, my sister wrapped the bones in a handkerchief, put it under juniper, what a cute bird I am; the jeweler asked me to sing again, the bird sang after he gave it a gold chain; the same at the shoemaker's house, he gave a pair of shoes; at the miller's house, he gave a millstone; When the bird arrives home, the bird sings the same song; threw a chain around her father's neck, shoes to her sister, killed her stepmother with a millstone; the bird became a boy again]: 158-166; Hubrich-Messow 1988, No. 48 (Baden-Württemberg - Swabia ) [=Meier 1852, No. 2:10-11; the wife always takes a lumberjack lunch to the forest; once she killed them, cooked them, brought them to her husband, he ate them; she hears a bird singing on a branch, "I'm a cute bird, my mother cooked me, my father cooked me I ate it"; at home, the wife said that the child is still sleeping, but she does not believe about the bird; in the morning, the husband hears the bird again in the forest, brings his wife to listen to; this time, as soon as the bird has finished the song, the tree on which she sat, fell and ran over a woman]: 86-87; French: Joisten 1991, No. 59.1 (Dauphine) [the woman sent her son and daughter for brushwood, promised to give candy to the first to return; the boy returned; she killed him, cooked him, gave her daughter a pot of meat to take it to her father; she met a woman, she told her to bring her all the bones, make a bird; on the way back she told her not to open the basket, otherwise the bird will fly away; the girl opened it, the bird flew out, began to sing: I am a little bird, my mother cooked me, my father ate me, the lady created it; the shoemaker asked me to repeat it, gave shoes for it; the tailor gave clothes; the miller gave a millstone; a bird killed her mother with a millstone, gave clothes and shoes to her sister, flew away], 59.4 [the woman tells her daughter and stepdaughter that she will give candy to the one who returns first from school; the stepdaughter is the first to return from school, her stepmother killed her, began to fry her in oil, sent her daughter to get water; then told her to take dinner to her father; on the way, the bird tells her to bring her all the bones, make another bird; this bird sings: my mother killed me my father ate me; my stepmother was judged], 59.9 [the mother sent her son and daughter to collect pignons, promised a piece of tomme to the one who would return first; the boy came back first, the mother told me to get tomme from the bottom of the sauerkraut, killed him, she cooked; the sister understood everything, did not eat; took the food to her father; St. The virgin told me to bring her seeds, turned them into a bird; she sings: my mother killed me, my father ate me, my sister cried for me], 59.10 [7 or 8 children went for pignons; my mother promised sugar to the first to return; put sugar on the ground, and when the boy leaned to pick it up, cut off his head with an ax; a bird appeared at this point and began singing: my mother killed me, my brothers ate me, my sister cried for me], 59.11 [mother killed and cooked one of the two daughters, the other told me to take the food to her father; someone tells me to bring back the bones, makes a flute out of them, she sings: my mother killed me, my father ate me, my sister cried for me], 59.13 [mother she killed her son, made dinner for her husband out of meat; my sister picked up the seeds, they became a bird, she sings: my mother cooked me, my father ate me, my sister..]: 330-331, 333, 335, 336, 337; walloons [mother sends me to the forest her son and daughter get firewood and promises a red necklace to whoever returns first; a son comes; she pretends to look in his head, cuts off his head, cooks the boy's meat, tells her daughter to carry it father, do not see what he is carrying; she looked; the father ate without knowing anything; when he returns, the lark tells him how it happened; throws off his and his sister's new clothes, throws off his millstones on his mother, she was killed]: Laport 1932, #720:71.

Western Asia. Aramei (Maalula) [wife died, leaving her son and daughter; stepmother tells her stepdaughter to call her brother from school to slaughter; she calls: or don't go; the boy came, his stepmother put him in the cauldron, supposedly wash his hair, stabbed him, cooked him; when his father ate, he found a penis, but his stepmother said it was just meat; his sister collected the seeds, sprinkled them with saffron, they turned into a bird; she sat on her father's head, began to sing: stepmother killed, father ate, kind sister collected bones; father shot his wife and threw her body into the sea]: Bergsträsser 1915, No. 31:101; Palestinians [neighbor persuades orphans advise their father to marry her; while cooking for her husband, she eats everything quietly, tells her stepdaughter to call her brother, kills him, cooks him instead of an animal; the sister buries her bones; when she tears it off, there a marble vessel, a bird flies out of it; a bird shouts to people that his stepmother killed him, his father ate him; throws nails in both mouths, they die; the bird turns into a boy again]: Muhawi, Kanaana 1989, No. 9:98- 102.

Tibet is the Northeast of Asia. Tibetans [three siblings and a sister; when brothers bring prey from hunting, the sister gets bone marrow; the wives are offended, the elders killed the sister, and the younger one cried; the brothers heard the bird and realized it was their sister; they killed their two older wives and all three went to live with their youngest]: Shelton 1925, No. 20:87-90.

South Asia. The Assames [the merchant has two wives, the eldest died, she has a daughter Tejimata; the youngest threw her mouse and ash into a bundle of ceremonial clothes; undertakes to help destroy rice, consistently crushed T.'s hands, legs and head; a pumpkin has grown on the grave; the beggar wants to pick it, the pumpkin talks about what happened; the pumpkin was picked and thrown away, a tree grew in this place; the shepherds came for fruit, the tree is all again says; the tree is cut down, thrown into the river, the lotus has grown; the merchant wants to pluck it for his daughter, the lotus tells it again; merchant: if you are my daughter T., turn into a salika bird; lotus has become a bird, merchant: if you are my daughter T., turn into a salika bird; lotus has become a bird put her in a cage, brought it to his youngest wife, the bird says; merchant: if you are T., become a girl; the bird became, the stepmother was kicked out; either she fell into the well; or the merchant cut it in half, sprinkled it with blood a bird that became T.]: Goswami 1960:87-88; tulu [Kini Mulki is the only son of a woman named Orti Ermal; Bale Ermal is the sister of seven brothers; their father is the brother of the KM mother; KM came to marry BE; brothers they do not want to give her to the only child in the family, but the CM insists that the custom is on his side; he got a wife; when she is three months old, the CM went to war, telling her mother to take care of his daughter-in-law; but the mother sent her to her brothers; they took care of her; KM returned; his mother told him that as soon as he went to war, his wife left home immediately; KM took a bow and arrow; the first arrow fell to the right of EB, the second to the left, the third above her head, the fourth between her legs, the fifth pierced her chest; BE became a bird, flew into the snake grove; the brothers passed by her body thinking it was someone else; but the bird sings: " I was 7 brothers, all older than me. They gave me to their mother's only son. Today my husband killed me"; (also about five arrows fired at her); the brothers returned to their bodies: "If you are our sister, let the bird touch your legs and return the carcass to your body"; bird flew in, BE came to life; the brothers came to Orti Ermal's house; her son had already returned and she hid him wrapped in a mat; the brothers found him and called him to hunt; offered to go into the hole for the porcupine; the earth collapsed and BE died; the brothers cut the meat off his right thigh, brought it to his mother disguised as animal meat, offered to cook it, then try it; said she ate; since she tried to stab thorns into them home, here they are now in her house; the brothers took care of EB, each gave her a seventh share of their inheritance]: Beck et al. 1987, No. 30:107-110.

The Balkans. Hungarians [when the father was plowing, the mother sent her daughter, killed and cooked her little son; the sister understood, collected the bones, wrapped it in a cloth, put it in a hollow in the forest; in the spring the crow pecked the bones, the boy revived, sat on the edge of the hollow, began to sing about what had happened (the mother killed, the father ate, the sister collected the bones); the first passerby, listening to the song, gives a piece of cloth, the second a staff, the third (this is a miller) a millstone; a boy in the guise of a crow flew to his home, began to sing; threw cloth to his sister, a staff to his father, killed his mother by throwing a millstone at her]: Jones, Kropf 1989:298-301; Romanians [after the death of his wife, husband took a new one; while he was in church, the stepson accidentally knocked over the pot in which his stepmother was cooking chicken; the stepdaughter told his stepmother that the cat was to blame; but the stepmother killed the boy and told her husband that she had cooked chicken paw, duck leg and turkey giblets; the sister buried her brother's bones in the garden, poured milk and broth; a red bird arose from them; sings about what happened to the boot sellers, they gave the bird a pair; the same with black clothing sellers and millstone sellers; the bird called her father and sister from the house with a song, threw them boots and a black dress; called her stepmother, killed her with an abandoned millstone]: Bîrlea 1966: 456-457.

Central Europe. Russians (Arkhangelsk), Ukrainians (Eastern Slovakia, Ugric Russia, Yekaterinoslav, Kharkiv), Belarusians ["My mother killed me, my father ate me": my stepmother kills me stepson, cooks his meat and gives it to his father to eat; the boy's remains, buried by his half-sister, turn into a bird that sings about his stepmother's atrocities, gives gifts to his father and sister, and millstones to which kills stepmother; bird takes the form of a boy]: SUS 1979, No. 720:181; Russians (Arkhangelskaya, village. Hill) [Proverb: The urka flew to the street, sat on the tyninka, the guests are coming rich, Sing, urka, a song, Yes, my father stabbed me, my stepmother told me, my sister did not eat meat, walked around the capital, collected Kostotsky, on osotsko put it, and watered it with fresh milk]: Karnaukhova 1934, No. 127:242-243; Ukrainians (Blagoveshchenka Aleksandrovsky u. Yekaterinoslavskaya) [There was a husband and wife and they had one son and a girl. The boy's mother died, and his father took another wife. She hated that boy so much that she got sick and was about to die because of him. The husband asks what she wants and could save her. She says if he killed a guy and cooked his meat, she would have recovered when she ate. The husband goes out into the yard and makes a club. The boy asks what he's doing and why. Dad says it's a club to kill him. He hits the guy on the forehead, brings him into the house, cuts, cooks and gives it to his wife. She ate and recovered, and the boy's sister collected his bones, wrapped it in a towel and buried it under the threshold. At midnight, a dove flew out of those bones, sat on the window and began singing about what had happened. Soon, people found out everything from this song, took both to an open field, shot them and let ash down the wind]: Manzhura 1890:57; Ukrainians (in Poltava on Kobyshchany) [Grandfather and woman, they have two children - a son and daughter. They love their daughter but they don't love their son. There was hunger, they had neither bread crumbs nor a speck of flour. They decide to slaughter their son; he's still lazy. They cut it, put the meat in the closet so that the daughter does not see it. The son and daughter loved each other very much and were always together. The daughter asks her father where her brother is. He replies that he has gone somewhere to play. She waits, she waits not, asks her mother where her brother is, why he has been away for so long. Her mother tells her to get rid of it. The daughter realizes that something is wrong, she becomes not herself. When grandpa and woman went somewhere in the evening, she starts looking. Searching, searching, searching all corners. He looks into the closet, finds the remains of his brother, cries. The next day, the woman cooks and bakes meat. They sit down for lunch and call their daughter. She doesn't go, says she's not hungry. They're trying to persuade her to eat at least a little bit of meat. She says she doesn't want to. After lunch, she washes the spoons, collects bones, digs them under the table and pours water. And this is how it waters them every morning and evening. After a while, a beautiful pigeon flies out of those bones. The woman asks where they got such a pigeon, probably prodigal, fought off the pack. The daughter says he must have been hiding from the hawk. When they sit down for lunch, the pigeon flew up on the perch and shouted: Father is cutting, my soul! Mother is baking, my soul! My tip-maker sister cleaned my bones, buried it under the table, watered it in the morning and evening, burkuku, burkuku (an interjection that conveys the cooing of a pigeon)! They hear, they are stunned, they can't say a word. After lunch, the old man asks the old woman what to do now. She suggests slaughtering a pigeon. The daughter overhears when they go to bed, releases a pigeon. A woman wakes up, wants to slaughter a pigeon, asks her daughter where he is. She tells her mother she doesn't know: he was in a cage between chickens. The old woman thinks it was stolen by children. As soon as they sit down for dinner, a dove hits the window, sits above the window and shouts its song. Grandfather and woman are frightened, they try to catch a pigeon in a snare, but they fail. As soon as he is driven out of the hut, he sits down again, and when he has lunch, he flies to the window and sings. People also began to notice that the dove was sitting in the hut all the time. The grandfather throws clods of earth and a stick at him, but he cannot drive the pigeon away. Once a neighbor is hammering on the current. At lunchtime, they hear a song, threshers find a pigeon, break into their grandfather's hut, and the grandfather confesses. He is tied to the horse's tail, and the woman to another horse, and horses carry them in the field. The daughter marries successfully and lives in prosperity]: Rudchenko 1870, No. 14:35-38; Ukrainians (p. Yagubets, Khristinovsky district, Cherkasy region) [The wife is dying. The husband remains with two children. She takes her stepmother for her children, she does not like the boy, to turn her husband against him. After a while, after hacking the boy, they cook him and eat him. The "pratnik" sister (hidder) collects bones, buries them under the sycamore. A pigeon grows out of those bones. He sits on a sycamore and sees chumaks. He begs some Chumaks for a brick, others for pebbles, and others for zhupans. He flies, sits down in the hut, starts singing beautifully. Dad goes out to see who sings so beautifully. The pigeon throws a brick and kills it. Then the stepmother comes out to see who sings so beautifully. The dove throws a pebble at her. Then he says, "Ah Bru-ku-ku-ku, my sister, come here, I'll give you something, I'll give you something - a green zhupan." A sister comes out, he throws a zhupan at her, flies into the yard himself and turns into a boy. Sister and brother begin to live together [Zinchuk 2009, No. 24:33]; Slovaks [stepmother tyrannites stepson with stepdaughter; one day the woodcutter father returned home but there is no food; stepmother cut off the boy's head, cooked him; his father did not notice anything and ate it, the sister buried the bones by the road under a rosehip bush; in the morning a bird sits on the rose hips, singing that his mother stabbed him, the father ate it, the sister buried the bones; sister ran up, a silk scarf fell to her; her father a new hat; stepmother a stone on her head, she died; the bird flew to the end of the world]: Dobšinský 1970, No. 9:47-49; Poles [spouses are childless; in winter the wife sees an apple hung from a birch tree; plucked it and cut it with a knife; she cut herself, the blood fell on the snow; she wanted her child to be born white as snow and rosy as blood; after 9 months gave birth to such a son, but died during childbirth; a daughter was born from her second wife; she loves her brother, the nomacheh hates; offered him to get an apple out of the chest, cut off her head with the lid down; the sister carried the body to the birch tree, Matia's grave opened and received the boy; a bird flew out; flew to the silversmith and began singing about what had happened; he asked to repeat; the bird demanded a cross; then began to sing Naramennik (woven and decorated hangers are worn on the chest and back); received a hangman; received a lit wick from the monk who lit the candle; the bird began to sing to the sword, she was terrified; to her father, gave it he was given a cross; she gave the girl a hunk; she threw a wick at her stepmother, she burned down, her charred corpse fell into the ground]: Dombrovsky 1992:127-135.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Ingushi [stepmother tells her husband that she will be cured if she eats stepson's lungs and liver; sister hears but brother does not believe; stepmother cut off the boy's head, ate liver and lungs, stepdaughter told her throw away the bones; she did not throw them away, but put them in a linen purse, they became a gold and silver bird; she sings: the father killed, the stepmother ate, the sister hung the bones; people give a log, a stone for a song , honey; a bird killed her father with a log, her stepmother with a stone, gave her sister honey, became a boy again]: Tankieva 2003:345-346; the Udins [the wife fell ill, told her husband that she wanted their son Arsuman's meat; he was stabbed to death ; when the daughter came, the mother said that the soup was in a niche in the wall; the girl saw her brother's finger there; she brought it to church, it turned into a bird; she flew to the merchant and asked what he would give for the song ; he promised a piece of silk; bird: I am a little bird, my father killed me, my mother ate me, my sister was kind to me; then she sang to the pin seller too, received a box of pins; to the shoemaker a pair of shoes; to the seller of other pins - pins again; threw pins in the face of her father and mother, blinding them; gave her sister shoes and silk, flew away forever]: Dirr 1922, No. 16:86-87 (=1920, No. 16:85-87); Armenians [stepmother killed her stepson, cooked dinner, let his father eat; the sister did not eat, mourned her brother; the boy's bones turned into a bird; the bird boy put needles in his stepmother and father's eyes, stepmother and father died, rewarded sister; turned into a boy again, he and his sister healed happily]: Gullakian 1990, No. 720:36.

Iran - Central Asia. Persians (Kerman) [after the death of his wife, a young son and daughter remain; the father took another wife; she invites her husband and stepson to agree: whoever cuts off the thorns more in a day will cut off the other's head ; the boy cut off more than his father; he sent him to drink, shifted several thorny bushes for himself; now his burden is heavier, he has cut off his son's head; tells him to make soup from it; the sister recognizes his brother's head by hair; tells the mullah teacher; he tells him not to eat soup, collect bones, wash it with rose water, bury it in the corner of the garden; every Friday, reading the Koran, pour rose water on this place; the girl does so; On the seventh Thursday, she hears a nightingale singing about her brother's fate; this brother has become a nightingale]: Lorimer, Lorimer 1919, No. 14:89-93; Bakhtiyars [woman tattooing girls; when Fatima comes, tells her to kill her mother, then she will; ask her mother to climb the pomegranate tree to pick the fruit, and then say that her younger brother is dead; the mother will fall, break to death; F. did so; the woman orders to sprinkle salt on her clothes, come to her father and say that she is not well-groomed - let her marry a tattoo artist; after that F. asks her stepmother to get her a tattoo, but she refuses; in a dream, F. tells you to go to your uncle and ask for a yellow calf; if you hit him in the ear, any food will appear; stepmother gives birth to daughters Four-eyed and Four Stumps, feeds him well, and gives Fatima bran; wonders why F. fatter than her daughters; sends Four-Eye to spy; she eats with F., does not reveal secrets; stepmother sent Four Stumps; she brings her mother the food she received from the calf, tells everything; stepmother pretends to be sick, puts dry cakes on her back and chest as if she has a fever; bribes a mullah, who advises to treat her with calf meat; F. father: stepmother pretends; father beats F.; tries to slaughter calf; F.: "Let the knife blade be like the back side!" ; father beats F. again, she has to break the spell; F. cauldrons: "Do not cook"; meat is not cooked; father beats her again; F.; collects calf bones, brings her to the mother's grave; mother appears in a dream: let the daughter throw cotton wool on the road and follow, come to the diva Alla Xingi, put his head on his knees and start combing his hair; he will answer that his comb, wineskin tie and everything else are better than hers mother F.; AZ falls asleep; F. drops tears; AZ wakes up, calls her daughter, puts the moon on her chin and the sun on her forehead, slippers covered with jewelry; on the way back F. loses one, the prince finds her, tells her to find the mistress, marries F.; F. gives birth to a son; the sisters follow F.'s path, but praise things not as a diva, but as a mother; divas rewards sisters with donkey ears and a bull's tail hanging from chin; sisters bathe with F.; Four Stumps tie her braids to the willow, the tiger eats it; a drop of blood grows reeds, the shepherd makes a pipe out of it; Four Stocks puts on F.'s clothes; the prince I am surprised that his wife's face no longer glows; at night you can hear a rattle: it is the wife who gnaws off her ears and tail; baby F. feeds cow's milk, who cries; the prince tells his mother that his wife has changed; while hunting, the prince hears the shepherd playing the pipe and she talks about F.; takes the pipe, plays himself, lets his son play; Four Stumps throw a flute into the grain jar; the prince and his son take it out bouquets of flowers from huma; Four Stumps put her hand in, pricked her needle; one night F. came out of the huma, the prince sees the light, F. hides; says that he cannot go out naked; the prince goes for clothes; Four Stulti tries to escape, F. tells them to lock the door; breastfeeds his son; talks about everything to her husband; sisters were tied by braids to mules and they went to hell]: Lorimer, Lorimer 1919, No. 39:256-268; Tajiks [stepmother hates Myrambi's stepdaughter and son Nasim; she complained to her husband about N., who drove the boy into the steppe and was eaten by a wolf; M. collected bones, hung plane trees on a branch, they turned into a nightingale; sings about what happened first to his father, then stepmother, then sister; tells them to stand next to them, close their eyes, become a boy again; since then his stepmother has fallen in love with him]: Amonov 1961:307-310; Yazgulyam [in humans two wives, an infidel and a Muslim; the children of the infidel are dead, the son and daughter (younger than the brother) are alive, but their mother is dead; the infidel tells her husband that she is ill, her stepson's meat will cure her; the boy tells his sister to collect it bones; the father killed the son, the stepmother ate, the sister collected the bones, they became a dove, he sings: the father killed, the mother (i.e. the stepmother) ate, the sister collected the bones; people ask to sing more, he sings for gold; for sugar; asks father and wife to open their mouths, throws gold to his stepmother, she chokes and dies; sugar for his father, he survived]: Grunberg, Steblin-Kamensky 1976, No. 41:358-361.

Baltoscandia. Lithuanians [mother died, leaving her daughter Elenite and son Jurgukas; stepmother Lauma wants to eat him, tells her husband to slaughter him; he first tries to give her pig, cow, hare meat, and finally slaughters her son; E. He puts his brother's bones in the falcon's nest, a dove emerges from them; he sings about what happened, merchants give him money and goodness every time, the millers give him millstones; the dove summons his father, Elenita, to the porch, throws them good; calls L., throws millstones at her, she dies, the pigeon turns alive Yu.]: Lebite 1965:108-110; Latvians [Stepmother kills brother. The stepmother hates her stepson and stepdaughter. When the brother leans over the chest for an apple, she cuts off his head with a lid and then ties it to his body with a kerchief. The sister touches her brother and his head falls off. The stepmother cooks her brother and gives it to his father to eat. The sister collects the bones, ties them in a silk scarf and puts them in a nest in a hollow. A bird appears there and sings: "My stepmother killed me, my father ate me, my sister collected my bones, put me in a nest, and lapwing me out." For beautiful singing, the shoemaker gives the bird shoes, the goldsmith gives a watch, and the miller gives a millstone. The bird throws his shoes to his sister, the watch to his father, drops a millstone at his stepmother and kills her. A bird turns into a human]: Aris, Medne 1977, No. 720:314-315; Lutsie [mother sends three daughters for berries; whoever collects a full basket will receive warm bread and butter and a new skirt; youngest Anneke did not go far, picked berries, her mother rewarded her; the elders went far, collected half a basket; the same on the second day; on the third day, the sisters killed A., buried them in an aspen tree, said at home that they did not see A .; brother went to make cantele, began to cut aspen, hears: brother, my brother, cut me, I will make a good kantele; at home to my father: father, cut me, sisters killed me because of a basket of berries; then: sisters, you killed me because of a basket of berries; brother and father dug a grave, brother brought alive and dead water, A. came to life; parents kept older sisters and brother beat them with a rod]: Annom et al. 2018:20-22; Livs [stepmother kills stepson boy, cooks food from his meat, sends it to his father; boy's bones turn into a cuckoo {the cuckoo probably talks about what happened}]: Loorits 1926, No. 7:89.

Volga - Perm. Mordva [An old man and an old woman, they have a son and a daughter. The old lady falls ill and dies, and she is buried. The daughter and son ask the father to take their stepmother. He'll agree if they like it. The kids tell him his stepmother will make a new shirt. The old man takes his stepmother. The stepmother says she'll stay with him if he slaughters his son, otherwise she won't live with him. The old man cuts his son, the old woman cooks him, cooks cabbage soup. The old man and the old woman sit down to eat, the daughter is driven to the floor. They eat cabbage soup, throw the bones at the girl; she collects them, ties them in a white handkerchief, puts them on a bar. The bones turn into a dove, start singing: "Guldir-guv-guv, little girl stabbed me; guldir-guv-guv, stepmother cooked me; guldir-guv-guv, they ate me without cake (without bread); guldir-guv-guv, they threw me over to my sister; guldir-guv-guv, my sister picked me up; guldir-guv-guv, she tied me in a white shawl; guldir-guv-guv, she put me on a bar; Guldir-gouv-guv, I've become a dove." The old woman hears singing, tells the old man to see who is singing. The old man climbs onto the stove, the dove jumps off the bar, flies into the stove window. An awl merchant flies, looks towards you. He asks him for a handful of awls, promises to sing a song. The merchant gives you a handful of awls. The dove sits on the arc of an awl merchant, sings his song, flies away. Meet a needle merchant. He asks him for a handful of needles and promises to sing a song. A needle merchant gives you a handful of needles. The dove sits on the needle merchant's arc, sings his song, flies away. Meet the honey merchant. Dove asks him for a spoonful of honey and promises to sing a song. A honey merchant gives a spoonful of honey. The dove sits on the honey merchant's arc, sings his song, flies away. He arrives home, flies into the canopy, sits above the door, starts singing his own song. The father hears, goes out into the canopy, looks up with his mouth open. The dove throws a handful of awls into his mouth. The old man chokes and dies. The dove is singing again. The stepmother hears, goes out into the canopy, looks up with her mouth open. The pigeon throws a handful of needles, the stepmother chokes, dies. The dove is singing again. The sister hears, goes out into the canopy, looks up with her mouth open. Golubok throws a spoonful of honey into his sister's mouth]: Shakhmatov 1910 (Sukhoi Karbulak Saratovsky y.): 337-34; Bashkirs ["A long time ago, when a goat was a colonel and a ram was an officer, they say old man and old woman"; the old man and the old woman go to visit, tell their four daughters not to extinguish the fire and offend the cat; when the cat asks for porridge, the girls hit her on the head with a spoon; the fire immediately goes out; two older sisters go in search, come to the cave, ask the old woman for fire; she agrees to give it, tells them to collect ash in the hem and sprinkle it on the road - she will come to spend the night with them on it; she comes to their house in the evening, eats her younger sister at night (the old woman was ubir-ebi); the next day she comes again, eats another sister; the two surviving girls run away from home, taking a scallop, a mirror and a sharpener; the old woman goes in pursuit; the older sister throws the sharpener, a huge mountain grows up, over which the old woman can hardly climb; the girl throws her scallop, a dense one appears the forest; the old woman makes her way through it; the girl throws a mirror, a large lake overflows; the old woman screams from the shore, asks how the girls swam; they say: tying stones to their necks; the old woman ties a stone and sinks; the youngest sister asks for water, the eldest warns that you should not drink here; the youngest drinks water from a hole from a goat's hoof, turns into a goat; the sister goes on with her, goes out marry a merchant; his older wife starts to get sick, the healer advises to eat the goat's heart; the goat tells her sister to save her bones; the goat is eaten, the sister puts the bones in a rag, they turn into a bird; the bird sings at the market, the merchant gives it a piece of butter; it flies up to its sister, puts oil in her mouth; the bird flies up to the needle merchant, sings again; he gives her a pack of needles; The merchant's elder wife hears the bird singing, opens her mouth; the bird throws her needles, the woman dies]: Barag 1989, No. 14:92-95.