Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

K80a2. Dudka talks about a crime, ATU 780.

.14.-.16.23. (.26.) .27.-.32.34.38


part of a victim's body or a plant that grew at the scene of the murder tells people about the crime, usually after they are used to make a musical instrument.

Kabiles, Arabs of Algeria, Tunisia, Sicilians, Italians (Ticino, Lombardy, Veneto, Tuscany, Umbria, Lazio, Abruzzo, Basilicata, Calabria), Sardinians, Spaniards, Catalans, Portuguese, Germans (Grimms, Schleswig-Holstein, Pomerania, Austria), Frisians, Dutch, Flemish, French, Walloons, British, Scots, Irish, Santals, Birkhor, Oraons, Punjabians, (Chinese), Ancient Greece, Slovenes, Romanians, Greeks, (Croats), Czechs, Poles, Russians (Karelia, Vologda, Novgorod, Pskov, Vladimir, Moscow, Voronezh), Ukrainians, Belarusians, Georgians, (Turks), Persians, Lurs, Bakhtiyars , Danes, Lithuanians, Latvians, Estonians, Mordovians, Udmurts, Komi, Chuvash, Kazan Tatars, Bashkirs, Siberian Tatars, Japanese.

North Africa. Kabila [parents have an eldest son Abderrahman and three years younger than his Hussein; A. is dark, envious and angry; H. is handsome and kind; parents love the younger one more; as the brothers grew up, A. hated H. more and more; one winter, in bad weather, they went looking for lost sheep and A. pushed H. off a cliff, sprinkled earth on his body, said at home that H. must have been carried away by the river; many years have passed, mother died of grief, father went blind; H.'s bones were taken away by animals; the shepherd found one, made a flute, started playing; the flute sang: Oh shepherd, why did you wake me up? I've been sleeping for ten years. My brother Abderrahman pushed me off a cliff, the ground covered my body"; realizing that his crime would now be known, A. left the village and had never heard of him again]: Grim 1983:120-124; Arabs Algeria [When going to Mecca, the father gives each of the seven daughters a dose bush: whoever does not dry out, but blooms, only she loves him; only the youngest's red rose has blossomed; the eldest offered to kill her, pull out the bush ; everyone agreed, except the youngest of six; when the youngest was killed, she dug up her body, removed her skin, dried it, hid it; the father came back, he was told that the youngest died of annoyance, that her rose did not bloom, that she had ripped out the rest of the roses; a wandering dancer came, his skin on the drum had broken, his sixth sister let the seventh sister stretch his skin; the dancer scored the drum again, and the sisters asked him to give them a try; when the eldest one took it, the drum rattles: don't touch me, you offered to kill me; then in turn: you stabbed me in my sleep; you sharpened a knife; you trampled on my rose; you laughed when I was slaughtered; sixth The drum promises his sister the most melodious sounds; the father stabbed five daughters with a knife in the back of their heads]: Belamri 1990:25-30; Tunisia [One man had three daughters. He went on Hajj, bought each daughter a flea tree before the trip and told her to take care of them. If the tree opens and turns green, then I'm healthy, and if it wilts, I'm sick. The two eldest daughters asked their father to bring them gold jewelry as a gift, and the youngest did not ask for anything so that the father would return safe and sound. At first, all the daughters looked after their plants, but then the older two abandoned them and their trees withered, and the youngest daughter watched, watered it constantly, and her flea tree opened and blossomed. Then the older sisters became jealous and decided to kill the youngest. When my father came back, they told him she died of natural causes. My father began to doubt it, and one day he saw people crowding around the drummer. As he hit the drum, there was a strange sound and his missing daughter's voice said, "Oh my gray-haired father, listen to me. My older sister grabbed me, and my middle sister stabbed me, and my tree blossomed. Knock knock, knock knock." The drummer's father then asked about the drum, who said he had found the leather that covered the drum near the forest. Then my father understood everything. And the punishment for both daughters was death]: Al-Aribi 2009, No. 74 in Korovkina MS

Southern Europe. Sicilians [the king and queen felt bad with their eyes; the beggar advised to send three sons for three peacock feathers; the sons said they would need a year, a month and a day; alone we will have to go down into a deep failure, spend a year, a month and a day there too; the elders are trying, but they are afraid to go down, it's dark there; the youngest one went down, spent the allotted time with the peacock, took feathers, his brothers raised; the elder is unhappy that he received the worst pen, makes the average agree to kill the youngest; the youngest was buried near the Jordan River; restored his parents to his eyesight, said that the youngest drowned; the king promises the throne to the eldest, because he brought two feathers and the youngest one; the shepherd made bagpipes out of the bones and skin of the younger one, she sings: play, play, shepherd, play as much as you want; I was killed on the Jordan coast a stone for three peacock feathers; my elder brother betrayed me and the other brother is innocent, my blood is only on my elder's hands; wherever the shepherd went, he started playing and the bagpipes sang the same song; king heard, took the bagpipes, she sang, addressing him as a father; the same from the Queen (addressing his mother); from her middle brother; finally from the elder; the king hanged his eldest son, bought bagpipes from the shepherd]: Gonzenbach 2004a [1870], No. 24:161-165; Italians (Lombardy, Veneto, Tuscany, Umbria, Lazio, Abruzzo, Basilicata, Calabria), Sardinians: Cirese, Serafini 1975, No. 780:178-179; Italians [French-style texts from Lotharngia (the whistle talks about a murder) in Italian Tyrol, Monferrat, Tuscany, Naples, Sicily]: Cosquin 1886:265; Italians (Ticino) [king will recover if he gets a griffin pen; three sons go in search, the older two stay in town to have fun, the youngest comes to the forest where people have gathered; the rainbow-colored G. bird arrives every hundred years, she leaves one pen to the chosen one; she leaves it to G.; he goes back, meets his brothers, they kill him, fill the corpse with branches, tell her father that they took out the pen themselves; the shepherdess makes a pipe out of one branches, dudit, she talks about what happened; he brings it to the king; the same (the pipe speaks to the father); the king tells the eldest sons to play: the same (speaks to them); the king expels the eldest sons, turns into simple peasants]: Keller 1981:200-204 (very similar text from Naples in Crane 1885, No. 8:40-42); Spaniards: Camarena, Chevalier 2003, No. 780 (Salamanca; similar texts in others districts) [the shepherd's three sons grew up, went to look for work, separated at a fork; the elders earned money, and the youngest worked for St. Virgo and she gave him three golden apples - for him, for his father and for his mother; when the brothers got back together, the elders asked for an apple each; the youngest refused; they killed and buried him, but apples They couldn't take it; they said they didn't know anything about him; my father herded sheep, saw a reed, carved a pipe, started playing; the pipe sings: play, play, father, my brothers killed me for golden apples, but they didn't rob me ; when the father gave the pipe to the eldest son, she sings the same thing, addressing her brother and calling him a murderer; the mother realized that the father did not want to believe at first; he dug up the son's remains and saw that the reeds grew out of his heart ]: 212-213; Shishlova 1971:90-92 [the king promises to leave the throne to one of the three sons who brings blue iris; iris finds the youngest, the elders kill him, draw lots, the eldest brings iris to his father, becomes an heir; at the scene of the murder, the shepherd cut off his reed, made a pipe, she began to sing about the crime; the king heard, ordered to dig up the grave; the youngest son got up alive, but one finger was missing - it grew into a reed, from which the shepherd made a flute; the king gave the throne to his youngest son, imprisoned the elders in a monastery]; Cosquin 1886 [texts like French from Lorraine (the whistle talks about murders) in Valencia and Seville]: 265; Catalans (many records, including Mallorca) [a sick father promises to leave the throne to one of his sons who brings him a magical healing flower; a flower The youngest son got it, but the elder brother was killed, buried, and the flower was taken away; flowers grew in this place; the shepherd made a pipe and she talks about what happened in verse; when she heard what the pipe, the king, was saying punished his eldest sons; the youngest came to life and reigned]: Oriol, Pujol 2008, No. 780:157-158; Portuguese: Braga 2002 [three brothers, the youngest has three golden apples; to take possession of them, his eldest killed and buried in the forest; reeds grew in this place; the shepherd made a pipe out of it, she sings: play, play, shepherd, my brothers killed me for three dead apples, but never got them; the shepherd gives a coal burn pipe, she sings the same thing to him; so with everyone who starts playing it; reaches father and mother; they found a shepherd, dug up the grave; there is the body of the youngest son and three golden apples]: 235- 236; Cardigos 2006, No. 780 (many records) [sons go for a miracle cure for their father; the youngest finds it; the brothers kill the youngest out of envy and take (or cannot take) what they find they have a remedy; or golden apples; reeds grow on the grave; a pipe made of it tells about the crime, each time addressing the person who plays it (shepherd, coal burner, father, brothers); father digs up the victim from the grave and he miraculously comes to life and gives his father wonderful fruits that bring him health]: 189-190.

Western Europe. Germans: Grimm, Grimm 2003, No. 28 [the wild boar is rampant; the king promises a daughter to whoever kills him; two brothers decide to try it; the little man gives the youngest, who has a kind heart , a magic spear; a boar rushed at the young man and was killed; his older brother hit him from behind and buried him under the bridge; brought a wild boar to his father and said that the youngest was dead; many years later, a shepherd was walking across the bridge and noticed a bone in the sand, made a mouthpiece out of it; the pipe starts singing: oh shepherd, you play my bone, my brother killed me and buried me by the stream, took the wild boar, married the royal daughter; the shepherd brought a pipe to the king; he ordered the bones of his youngest son to be dug and reburied near the church; the elder should be put in a bag and drowned]: 99-100 (=Grimm, Grimm 1987:94-95); Cosquin 1886:265 [texts like French from Lorraine (whistle talks about murder) in Hesse, Waldeck, Hanover, Lauenburg]; Germans (Schleswig-Holstein, Pomerania, Austria), Friesians, Dutch, Flemish: Uther 2004 (1), No. 780:439-440; (cf. Germans (Baden-Württemberg: Black Forest) [a knight has one daughter black as the ground and the other is white as snow and blush as a cherry; when they were washing on the Rhine, the white woman noticed that black can't be washed white; setra pushed her into the river; later lured her fiancé to him; the harp player found the body drowned and made it {obviously bones} a harp; he came to the wedding of his killer sister; when he first touched it string, the bride froze in a daze; second, silk robes slept from him; third, she died]: Hubrich-Messow 2006, No. 146:109-110; Germans (Switzerland) [in the summer, the shepherd became angry at The boy who was helping him and drowned him with his head in a cauldron filled with milk; said that he died when he fell off a cliff; his body decayed, his bones fell into a stream; one day a shepherd went to collect water, found a bone and brought it to the house where the feast was taking place; blood flowed from the bone; the murderer was executed]: Sutermeister 1869, No. 14:32-34); French: Cosquin 1886, No. 26 (Lorraine; similar texts from Picardy, Loire, Armagnac, French-speaking Brittany) [the king has a wonderful favorite bird; it has flown away; the king promises half the kingdom to the one of the two sons who returns the bird; the brothers go on different roads, the eldest meets the old woman, does not answer her question; the youngest is kind to her, gets a whistle; the old lady explains: if you go to the forest in the Ardennes and whistle, all the birds will scream: It's me! And only that king bird will say: It's not me! The young man found that bird, took it home, met his brother, who demanded that the bird be given to him, threatened to kill him; his younger brother refused; his elder killed him, buried him, brought the bird to his father, the king arranged a party; the dog the shepherd found the buried body, the shepherd found a whistle in the victim, began to whistle, the whistle sings: Whistle, whistle, shepherd, /It was my brother who killed me/In the forest in the Ardennes; the mayor (maire) heard took a whistle, she sings, Whistles, whistles, mayor, /It was my brother who killed me/In the forest in the Ardennes; when he came to the king, he whistles and there, the king heard, began to whistle himself; Whistle, whistle, father, /It was my brother who killed me/In the Ardennes forest/ Because of a bird that flew away from you; your older brother was made to whistle; Whistle, whistle, murderer (burreau - "hangman"), /You killed me/In the woods in Ardennes; the king ordered the eldest son to be burned at the stake, the youngest's body was dug up, he came to life, the king celebrated a party]: 263-265; Joisten 1991, No. 59.11 (Dauphin) [the mother killed and prepared one of the two daughters, the other told me to take the food to my father; someone tells me to bring the bones back, makes a flute out of them, she sings: my mother killed me, my father ate me, my sister cried for me]: 336; walloons [the sick king promises half the kingdom to one of his children who gets a de Sainte Ernelle rose (or Saint Helena's flower); either the king loses three orange seeds in the forest; or the father, when leaving, asks what to bring to his daughters; the youngest asks bouquet d'éternelles {any flowers? immortelles?} ; or the mother promises gold to the child who brings more firewood from the forest; candy to the one who picks up more grains of gold; or the king will give the throne to the one who brings him the golden ball; three or two children, among them, one girl goes in search; a girl finds a flower or other object; her brother kills her, buries her, takes a talisman for himself; a reed grows in this place, a shepherd makes a pipe out of it; or a recovered father finds a bone (daughter), she tells him what happened; either a flower that grew on the grave tells him about it; or the murderer forgets his pipe on the grave; or a voice from the grave calls to help; the body is taken out of the grave, brought to the palace, the girl is still alive, recovering; the king orders the murderer to be burned, but he puts a wax doll in his place; or the murderer is found dead; or they shoot; or the mother kills her son and buries him where he buried his sister; or the king orders the murderer to be lowered down the mountain in a barrel of nails; or drowned in a bag]: Laport 1932, No. 780:79-80; walloons [ the woman was going to bake bread and sent her son and daughter for brushwood; the girl collected the bundle, and the boy at that time ruined the thrush's nest; told her sister to give him brushwood; she refused; then he stabbed it brought brushwood to his mother and said that his sister was picking flowers; in the fall, the swineherd stopped under an oak tree, pulled out a fern shoot, found a bone under it and made a pipe; she sang: play, play, swineherd, it's not you killed me; the shepherdess gave a pipe to the laundresses on the river: play, play, laundresses, it wasn't you who killed me; the shepherdess came to the judge; go to (my) house, judge, and you'll see who killed me; mother took the pipe: my mother, this You didn't kill me; the judge made the boy pick up the pipe too; you killed me; the angry boy was driven into the woods and it's not known what happened to him]: Carnoy 1883, No. 5:236-240; walloons [on the girl's grave A bush grew, the only rose flower on it; the shepherd picked it up, put it in his mouth, the rose sang: oh shepherd, my brother killed me for it]: Guittée, Lemoine 1891:129 in Kabakova 2019:113; the British: Shereshevskaya 1957 [Sir William married the eldest of the two princesses and then fell in love with her younger sister; the eldest took her to the dam and pushed her into the water; said she would not shake hands since she separated her from loved ones; the river brought the body of the younger princess to the mill; the miller and daughter pulled the body out and left them on the shore; the wanderer, the famous harpist, saw her bones and golden hair, made them a harp; came to the royal castle, began to play; the harp sang: Oh, my father, the king, Binnori, is sitting there, Oh Binnori; and the Queen Mother is sitting with him near the marvelous Binnori Dam; Hugh, my brother, Binnori, is standing here ; And my faithful and unfaithful William, Binnori, about Binnori; then the harpist told me how he found the girl's remains and made a harp out of them; the harp sang: Here is the sister who drowned me near the marvelous Binnari Dam; then the strings burst and the harp fell silent]: 19-21; Jacobs 2002 [Sir William first proposed to the older princess, but then fell in love with the younger one; the eldest took his sister to the river that flows to the mill, pushed her into the water; the miller managed to close the descent, but when he dragged the princess ashore, she was dead; the harpist made a harp out of her hair and sternum; came to sing to the king; when he put down the harp, she sang herself, referring to father, mother, brother and then to her sister who killed her]: 43-44; Scots, Irish: Uther 2004 (1), No. 780:439-440.

South Asia. Santala: Campbell 1891:52-57 [The seven brothers have a sister, she takes care of the housework; their wives don't like her; ask the pond spirit to take her away; when the girl tries to collect water, the water retreats and then comes back and the girl drowns; turns into bamboo grown by the shore; a wandering musician has made a violin out of it; she has such a good tone that the musician refuses to sell it to Raja; Raja replaces the violin , his son plays it; she comes out of the violin, cooks; Raja's son watched, grabbed her, married her; everyone was convinced that the girl was human and bonga; her brothers became impoverished; came to the Raja, did not recognize her sister ; she told me everything; they all made peace], 102-105 [Raja's two daughters were walking, the crow dropped the fruit, they liked it, they went to look for a tree, found it; the older sister went to get water, the youngest stayed in the tree; bhut pierced a hole in a vessel of leaves, the girl could not bring water to her sister; Raja saw her, married her; monkeys came to the tree, the oldest saw the girl, ate it; died; grew up in this place pumpkin; the beggar made a banjo out of the fruit, it sings in the voice of the girl eaten about what happened; he came to the house of the Raja, whose wife is the sister of the deceased; she replaced the banjo; the younger sister began to leave banjo, cook; Raja watched, grabbed the girl, married too]; birkhor [sister of 7 brothers cooked and cut her finger; wiped the blood on the leaves she was cooking; after tasting this food, brothers they tasted extraordinary; the sister confessed what was going on; the brothers decided to kill and eat her; the youngest was against it, but kept silent; the brothers started shooting, but the arrows flew by; told the youngest to shoot ; he pointed the bow in the other direction, but the arrow pierced his sister; the brothers sent the younger one to bring firewood, but forbidden him to tie it with a rope; the snake tied it with its body; gave a leaky jug to bring water; the frog plugged the hole with its body; told him to bring fire - in his own palm; Singbonga lent him one of his own hands; the brothers fried his sister's meat, and the youngest was given legs and giblets - let He will fry it himself; he also fried crayfish and fish, and buried his sister's remains unnoticed; bamboo grew in this place; the elderly couple came to cut it down to make a guitar (kendrār); when the old man began to cut it, I heard, "Don't cut me down, don't cut me down, old man, my brother planted this bamboo!" (original in local Hindi); but his wife insisted on cutting down and making a guitar; meanwhile, all the older brothers got married and had families; the elderly couple came to their house, but the guitar sang, "Don't play, Don't play, oh kendra, this is the house of your enemies, oh kendra!" ; the old men left in fear and came to their little brother's cabin; there the guitar sang, "Play, play, oh kendra, this is my brother's house, oh kendra!" ; when he heard this, the younger brother gave the old people a drink and replaced them with his guitar; since then, when he went to look for food, his sister got out of the guitar and cooked food, and by the time his brother arrived she returned inside the guitar; her brother waited for her, grabbed her hand, said that he did not eat her flesh, they were happy; he called her brothers to his sister's wake; when they ate well, her sister appeared; in shame, the brothers asked the earth to open up, so that they could hide their shame in her; a crack in the ground swallowed them up; her sister tried in vain to hold them by her hair; bundles of hair remained in her hand and turned into Sābai (Ischaemun grass) angustifolium)]: Roy 1925:427-429; Oraons: Hahn 1906, No. 20 [the sister of six brothers cut her finger, blood got into the food, the brothers found the food extremely tasty; they made the sister say what case, they decided to kill and eat her; in the forest they started shooting at her, the arrows missed the target; told his younger brother to shoot, otherwise they would kill her; his arrow hit the heart; they told him to cut the body, bring firewood ( the snake ordered to use it as a rope), bring water; the frog tells you to collect crabs, eat them, pretending to eat his sister's meat, quietly throws her meat into the anthill; reeds grow there; the beggar does it makes a violin; at each brother's house, a beggar tries to play, but only at the younger brother's house makes a sound; the younger brother solders the beggar, replaces the violin; a living sister comes out of it; the younger brother feeds others, a sister appears; everyone stays together], 24 [brother and sister scattered rice to dry; a raven flew in, threw the fruit, it turned out to be extremely tasty; she replied that such fruits were extremely tasty; she replied that such fruits were they grow over six mountains; brother and sister came there, began to eat; brother wanted to drink, sister left him in the hollow, went to fetch water; monkeys came, began to eat fruit, one noticed the boy, the monkeys ate him , only leather remained; the beggar made a violin out of it; the king married his sister; the beggar came and began to play, the violin spoke about his brother's death; sister cried]: 36-38, 47-49; Punjabians: Sheikh-Dilthey H ., Märchen aus dem Pundschab. Köln: Diederich, 1976 in Jason 1989, No. 780:35; Tamils [a man's lips are so big that they call him "utatan"; while waiting for guests, he asks his wife not to call him that in public; she promises, but accidentally says it; the guests left and he killed his wife, buried it in the yard; a plant grew in this place and began to repeat utata; he cut it off, cooked the leaves, the water boils and gurgling utata; he poured water into the dog and all the dogs began to bark utata; the man called the flayer to kill the dog; he made a drum out of her skin; when they started hitting, utata was heard]: Beck et al. 1987, No. 49:174-175.

(Wed. China - Korea. Chinese (there are many records and, according to sources, they are from Chinese, not minorities) [sometimes a vessel made of clay taken from the place where it was buried tells us what happened body; or melon grown out of the body; {whether there are options with a pipe, not specified}]: Ting 1978, No. 780:).

The Balkans. Ancient Greece [Pseudo-Plutarch "On Rivers" (3.4) "Mount Pangei has a grass called "kythara" for the following reason. The women who tore Orpheus apart threw its members into the Geber River. The head of the mortal turned into a dragon by the will of the gods, the lyre became a constellation at the request of Apollo, and the shed blood gave rise to a grass called "kithara". When Dionysias cope, this herb makes the sound of a cyphar; the locals, dressed in unbrides and picking up tyrs, sing the hymn: "Don't think when thought is in vain..." Clitonym says in the third book of essay "On Thrace"]: Torshilov 1999:320; Linforth 1941:134-136, 228; Nagy 1990:214-215, 233-234; Romanians [the king hunts, sees a swan on the lake, he asks not to shoot, the king brings his living gypsy cook, the swan turns into a girl, says she has left her fairy mother; the king marries her, she gives birth to a son; while the king is gone, a jealous cook invites the queen to the garden, throws it into the well, tells the king that his wife flew away as a swan; the king is going to marry a gypsy woman; the shepherdess makes a pipe from a branch of a willow growing at the well; the pipe says she is afraid for her a baby that a gypsy woman is a villain; a gypsy woman throws a flute, she turns into a former queen; the king rewards the shepherdess, executes a gypsy woman; the wife, becoming a swan for a while, flies to say goodbye to her mother, returns to the king; all is well]: Gaster 1915, No. 83:249-254 (=Ashliman 2002); Romanians [Cinderella sits on the ash for days, her stepmother tyrants her; while her stepmother is in church, the rooster gives Zoleshka three nuts (walnut , hazel, peanuts; or father brings a nut); the first is a copper dress; the next time is silver; the third time is gold, and the rooster advises losing the slipper so that it sticks to the resin in the church; The prince orders to search, finds the owner, brings his wife to the palace; the stepmother's own daughter comes to the palace and pushes Cinderella into the well and takes her place; a willow grows out of the well; made a shepherdess a pipe, she sings: Play, young man, not so loud, or my heart hurts; he brings a pipe, everyone is playing; when my stepmother takes it, then her daughter, the pipe sings: play, enemy; she throws a pipe on the ground, Cinderella is reborn, the prince marries her again, the liar is tied to the stallion's tail]: Bîrlea 1966:414-415; Romanians [Cinderella sits on the ash for days, her stepmother tyrants her; while her stepmother is in churches, the rooster gives Zoleshka three nuts (walnut, hazel, peanuts; or father brings a nut); in the first a copper dress; the next time the second time a silver one; the third time a gold one, and the rooster advises to lose a slipper so that it sticks to the resin in the church; the prince orders to search, finds the owner, brings his wife to the palace; the stepmother's own daughter comes to the palace and pushes Cinderella into the well and takes her place; from A willow grows up in the well; the shepherdess made a pipe, she sings: Play, young man, it's not so loud, because my heart hurts; he brings a pipe, everyone plays; when my stepmother takes it, then her daughter, the pipe sings: play, enemy; she throws a pipe to the ground, Cinderella is reborn, the prince marries her again, the liar is tied to a stallion's tail]: Bîrlea 1966:414-415; Slovenes, Greeks: Uther 2004 (1), No. 780:439-440; (cf. Croats (from Sibin near Brod; the ballad "The pipe sings in Janin's voice") [The mother jokingly scolds her daughter Janya that she does not wear clothes, and her friends wear her for her. The offended daughter asks God: "God, make me a mountain ash in the field, my white body is a rowan trunk, white hands are rowan branches, black eyes are two cold springs, blond braids are a green meadow." I begged God. God turns it into mountain ash in the field, her white body into a rowan trunk, her white hands into rowan branches, and her brown braids a green meadow. After that, Yanya asks the sun to make sure that her brother does not cut down the tree, because then he will cut her body. Also, he shouldn't drink from the spring, because he'll drink her black eyes and mow the green meadow, or he'll mow her brown hair. But a sheepdog walking by cuts off branches and makes a pipe for himself. Her mother hears her, and the sound of the flute reminds her of her daughter Jani's voice]: Andrić 1909, No. 62:93-94).

Central Europe. Czechs: Uther 2004 (1), No. 780:439-440; Poles [mother cannot decide which daughter to pass off as panych; sends them to the forest: whoever picks more raspberries will marry; envious sister (s) kills the youngest, because she was the first to pick up a full body; buries her under the willow; son {whose?} or a shepherd makes a pipe from a bone or willow, she talks about what happened]: Krzyżanowski 1962, No. 780:246; Poles: Dombrowski 1992 [younger sister wants to collect water in the spring; snakes in golden scales say that he is an enchanted prince; if within a year a girl loves him, his human appearance will return; after a while he may already remain human during the day; the girl leads he to themselves; but the parents want to give him their eldest daughter first; they send him to the witch, who gives tasks: who will fill the tub with water earlier, the mug with dew; the younger sister brings him little by little, but the vessels immediately fill ; who winds up a ball of pre-dawn haze faster; the youngest winds her; the eldest kills her, buries her; the prince promises to marry the eldest; a shepherd comes with a pipe cut off at the scene of the murder; a pipe talks about the crime, addressing the person who plays; the older sister throws a snake skin into the fire; the prince turns into a snake again, the older sister falls through the ground]: 241-251; Lifshitz- Artemyeva 2017 [three sisters lived, the pan fell in love with the youngest; the sister went for berries, the eldest killed the youngest, buried her, said at home that the wolves ate; the middle one protected her, but could not save her; she grew up on the grave willow; the shepherd made a pipe, she sings: "Play, shepherd, play, God help you! My older sister killed me, my middle sister kept me safe." The shepherd lets the mother, father, middle sisters of the victim play, the pipe every time turns to the one who plays; the eldest is tied to horses, the pan married his middle sister]: 238-240; Russians (Karelian Pomorie, Pertozero; a brief summary of the text from the archive of the Karelian branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences) [The father brings gifts to his daughters. The elders kill their younger sister out of envy, bury her. A moss pipe that grew up on her grave betrays the murderers. Parents kill their daughters]: Razumova, Senkina 1974, No. 500:402; Poles (Mazury) [someone steals a golden apple from the owner every night; the eldest, middle sons go to guard and fall asleep; the youngest fool sees a black horned boar appear at midnight; killed him; the brothers are envious; they killed the youngest and buried it; a reed grew on the grave; the old shepherd made a pipe, began to play, she sings: Play, sweet pipe, I have a stone in my heart, my older brother killed me, my middle brother advised me, and I killed a wild boar for my father; a shepherd burned a pipe, and an apple tree with golden apples grew in this place; only a shepherd could have them take it, and if someone else tried, the apple tree grew immediately; the cat advised the shepherd to pick and preserve the best apple; this apple began to sing the same song; the cat told me to give the apple to the princess; how only the princess separated the apple from the handle, that younger brother was in front of her; the wedding; I was also there and was drinking beer, flowing down my chin, in my mouth]: Toeppen 1867:139-140; Russians: Gura 1965, No. 15 (Vologodskaya) [the old man and the old woman are childless; the old man clenched a ball of snow, put it under his fur coat on the stove, the girl Snezhevinochka became; went with the girls for berries; whoever picks up the most, the red sundress and first married; S. recruited the most, her friends killed her, buried her under a pine tree, rolled her with a spool, rubbed her with a saucer; at home, the old man asks where his daughter is; girls: went the other way; at S. reeds grew, haulers made a pipe; they came to the old man and began to play: "Doo-doo, doo, father! You don't know my great grief: how girls killed me because of a saucer, because of berries; they buried me under a pine tree, rolled me with a roll, rubbed me with a saucer"; the old man asked for a pipe, the haulers gave it away; the old man gave it away S. broke and jumped out; the old man and the old woman are glad]: 222-223; Kuzmina 2008, No. 67 (Vologodskaya) [the girl went for berries; the shoemaker began to ask her for berries, she did not give her, he stabbed her, buried her under a bump; flowers grew; a man was walking, plucking, a flower sang: Flower, you are a flower, Little by little, robbers killed me, Buried here under a bump; a man came to the village, dug up the grave, found my body], 68 [] , 69 []: 165, 166, 167; Smirnov 1917, No. 94 (Novgorod, Cherepovets University) [The man's three daughters went for berries, two are lazy, the youngest is picking her; they killed her, buried her, took the berries, said she got lost; a year later, the father noticed a bush, made two pipes, started playing; pipe in the voice of my daughter: tyatenka, mamma, my sisters killed me for a berry, for cranberries; when my mother started playing, the pipe sings the same thing; parents put their daughters in prison]: 318; Ploshchuk 2004, No. 47 (Pskov) [two daughters fashionistas, the third is quiet; the father asks what to bring them out of town; the former want a dress and shoes, a third golden saucer and a bulk apple; when the father returned, the sisters became envious, they decided to kill third, they called me to the forest for berries, killed them, buried them by the road; grass and reeds grew on the grave; a potter came to sell pots, cut off the reed, made a pipe; she sings: Play, uncle, play, dear, we were three sisters, I, the third, were killed for a golden saucer, for a bulk apple! the potter began to play in the village, the sisters' mother heard, the grave was dug up, the murderers were punished; approximately the same No. 48:136-137]: 134-136; Russians (Vladimirskaya) [a brief summary of the fairy tale from N. Bodrov "Songs collected in Pereslavsky Uyezd and Peasant Life in Pereslavsky Uyezd": "Two sisters killed their brother "for a silver platter, for a golden apple", as their father promised them; they were given away a pipe made of an uncle who grew up on the grave of a slaughtered man"]: Zelenin 1914, No. 72:192; Russians (Moscow) [two older sisters did not pick mushrooms; berries; the youngest picked, brought it; her father brought her a silver saucer came out of town; the sisters went for berries again, the elders killed the youngest, buried them, putting berries and a saucer on their chest; a bush with yellow flowers grew in this place, a passerby made a pipe, she sings Play, play, uncle! You did not strangle me, You did not kill me, my Jewish sisters strangled and killed, For a silver saucer, For red berries; mother and father heard me, asked me to let me play; the pipe sings the same thing; the grave was dug up, the girl came to life, she was passed off as a passerby, the sisters were tied to the stallion's tail, opened across the field]: Vedernikova, Samodelova 1998, No. 65:185-187; Russians: Kretov 1977, No. 28 (Voronezhskaya, 1966, village Nizhny Ikorets, Liskinsky District) [The mother does not know which of her three daughters to give the ring. She sends them to pick berries, wants to give the ring to the one who collects the most, she knows that she will be the smartest daughter, Masha. The sisters see that Masha has more berries, strangle her and bury her in the forest, her mothers say that she left early. Parents can't find their daughter. The sisters take turns wearing the ring. Next winter, grandpa cuts a pipe in the forest, singing in a human voice about how two sisters killed a third for berries and a ring. He walks into Masha's house and invites his sisters, mother and father to play the pipe, and every time the song goes to the person who plays. Grandpa shows where Masha was buried (the place where he "cut the pipe"). She is buried in the grave, her father ties her daughters to the tails of horses and lets them go to the field]; 28a (Voronezhskaya, 1964, p. Kamenno-Verkhovka, Novousmansky District) [The mother does not know which daughter to give the gold ring. She promises to give it to the one that picks more strawberries. The older daughters see that the youngest has scored more and agree to kill her. They bury her dress, smear her dress with blood and bring it to her parents, they say that her sister was torn apart by wolves, and they barely ran away. Their little brother goes to the forest, makes a pipe out of a tall vine, and she sings about how the sisters killed their younger sister. She brings the pipe home, her mother plays it, finds out the truth. The father ties his daughters to the tails of horses and lets go], 28b (Voronezhskaya, 1968, p. Vorontsovka, Pavlovsky District) [Olena and Ivashka's grandchildren go to the forest for berries. Olena eats berries, Ivashko picks them. She looks in his head, he falls asleep and she kills him. He brings his basket home, says his brother is lost in the woods. Merchants go through the forest and make a pipe, she sings about what happened to her brother Ivashka. Merchants stay in the village with their grandparents Olena and Ivashka, who try to play the pipe, understand that it is Ivashka, they scold Olena], 28d (Voronezhskaya, 1968, p. Vorontsovka, Pavlovsky District) [(1968, p. Vorontsovka, Pavlovsky District)], 28g (Voronezhskaya, 1969, p. Krasovka, Gribanovsky District) [My father is going to go to the city and promises to take with him whoever picks more berries. Three sisters and Vanyusha's younger brother go to the forest, he gathers the most. The older sister persuades the average to kill Vanyusha, the youngest does not agree, but they threaten to kill her too. At home they say that the brother is lost, the younger sister is crying. The shepherd makes a pipe out of the cane who grew up on the boy's grave, who sings about how the sisters killed her brother ("The old sister strangled, the middle sister held her hands, And the smaller one cried, stroked my curls"). The father hears, picks up the pipe himself, understands what happened. At home, he takes his two eldest daughters and kicks them out of the house], 28d (1974, G. Voronezh, village Pridonsky) [The old man and the old woman love their son more than their daughter. Children go to the forest, and the girl kills her brother, buries the body. At home, he says he's lost his way. The old man walks through the forest, plucks a vine on the tubercle, makes it a pity (pipe). She sings about her sister killing her brother. The old man comes to his parents' house, lets them play the pipe. They learn about the murder of their son, give their daughter to be eaten by wild animals]: 45-46, 46-47, 47-48, 48, 48-49, 49-50; Baryshnikova 2007, No. 3 [three daughters want to receive their mother's gold ring, but she wants to give beloved younger Duna; mother is afraid of a quarrel in the family, promises to give the ring to the one who will bring more berries; Dunya goes separately and collects more berries, older sisters kill her, decide to wear the ring queues; sisters tell her mother that Dunya left the forest earlier, her mother grieves; 5 years pass; on a hill in the forest, a shepherd finds a bylinka, makes a pipe out of it, which sings herself about how two sisters were killed the youngest because of the ring; he comes to the village and plays, his neighbor, father, mother and older sister are asked to play the pipe, each time the song refers to the one in whose hands the pipe is in his hands, the voice accuses sisters to the murder; they do not confess; the shepherd shows the place where he cut off the bylinka, dig up the hill and find Dunya "not dead"]: 56-59; Ukrainians [Husband and wife, they have three daughters. The two elders like to dress up and visit guests, the youngest stays at home and helps her mother, does not argue with her sisters, and is inferior to them in everything. The father is going to the fair, asking his daughters what gifts to bring them. The two older ones want earrings and rings, the youngest sits silently in the corner. Her father asks her what to bring her. The girl says she doesn't need anything. My father tries, she asks me to buy her a silver saucer and a bulk apple, and not buy anything else. My father promises to buy everything and leaves. He was lucky at the fair, he received a lot of money and started buying gifts. I quickly found everything for my eldest daughters, the youngest will not find a silver saucer and a bulk apple anywhere. People either laugh or wonder, he wants to come back without a gift, but when he leaves town, he suddenly hears a song: "Roll, roll, bullseye, on a silver saucer!" She looks around, and a beggar sits under the wattle fence, and a bulk apple rolls next to her on a silver saucer. She agrees to sell for what they give. The father gives a generous gift to the old lady. At home, the older sisters interrupt each other and ask him what he brought them, and the youngest greets her father, brings him to wash, sets the table, but does not ask about the hotel. The father gives gifts to everyone. The elders try them on and argue, and the youngest sat down in a corner and sings slowly: "Roll, roll, bullseye, on a silver saucer, show me an apple, and you, a silver saucer, and mountains and heights and skies beauty, and blue seas and green fields!..." She sings, and a liquid apple rolls on a silver platter, and every wonder appears on a silver platter: ships sail in the blue sea, groves make noise between the fields, and marvelous people walk in wonderful cities. The father is interested, invites his wife and neighbors to see him. Sisters come running, see their sister fun, throw away their gifts and want to take her gift for themselves. Dad doesn't allow this to be done, just as they don't cry or argue. They harbor their anger and agree to kill their younger sister. When strawberries are ripe, they persuade them to go pick berries and take a saucer and an apple with them so that when they pick the berries, they show them. They pick berries, sit down to rest, and the younger sister starts rolling her apple on a saucer. One of the sisters stabs her in the heart with a knife, then they dig a hole with that knife, bury her younger sister, tear off her bloody clothes and throw pieces across the forest. They come home at night crying that their sister is offended by them and they could not find her. The father and neighbors find bloody shreds, decide that the girl was torn apart by wolves. Autumn is coming, the Chumaks are returning from Crimea and traveling through that forest. One is good at playing the flute, sees a beautiful viburnum bush on the mound, and decides to make a pipe out of a branch. He starts playing, the pipe is pushing, crying, saying: "Little by little, chumachok, play, don't hit my heart completely! My sisters killed me, killed me from the light, and stabbed me in my heart." The Chumaks hear and say that there must be some reason, they decide to go to the village and find out what happened here. They go to the village where the girl comes from, and they stay overnight in the largest courtyard, and this is exactly her father's yard. The owner invites the Chumaks to dinner, asks where they were and what they saw. The Chumatsky chieftain says that they traveled around the world a lot, saw a lot of divas, but they haven't seen anyone like this in the forest before. The owner asks what a wonder there is in the forest, because how long he lives, he has not heard how wonderful they were in the forest. He talks about the flute and tells Chumak to play. The pipe sings. The father is amazed, takes a pipe from Chumak, puts it on his lips, she sings and calls him his native father. They give a pipe to a mother, she calls her mom. The father realizes what happened, but he wants the older sisters to play the flute, they don't want to, they hide in the stove, grab the pipe, don't let themselves be pulled off, they are pulled together and forcibly applied to their lips pipe. She plays to everyone: "Little by little, my own sister, play, don't hit my heart completely! You killed me, killed me out of the light, and stabbed me in my heart." The sisters are forced to tell us how they envied their younger sister for an apple and a saucer, how they lured her into the forest, and how they killed her. Chumaks are baptized, parents are grieving and crying. In the morning, the whole village goes to the forest with their parents and chumaks, and the sisters show where they buried their younger sister, this is exactly the mound on which the viburnum grew. The grave is being dug up, and a girl lies in it, so nice and fresh as if she were buried yesterday. Parents are pushing. The Chumatsky chieftain takes out two bottles of living and dead water from his wallet, which he brought from Crimea, waters the girl. She pours dead water - the wound in the heart grows together, wateres it alive - the girl comes to life. Everyone is happy. The older sisters are immediately tried and sentenced to be buried in the same hole from which the younger sister got up. She begged to be forgiven]: Domontovich 1947:36-42; Ukrainians (p. Zarichchya, Irshavsky district, Transcarpathian region) [The king lives. He has three daughters. Guys are looking at the youngest, no one will look at the older ones. They get angry and decide to kill the youngest. They go to the garden for a walk. The older one tells the average that they won't get married while Ilona is alive. After stabbing Ilona, they bury her deep in the ground. Soon a sycamore grows on the grave. A gypsy walks past the garden, sees a sycamore, he likes it. The gypsy asks the king for permission to make a harp out of this sycamore. The king allows it. When the harps are ready, the gypsy gives them to the king and says he should be the first to play them. The king begins to play, the strings quietly say: "Quiet, quiet, my father, so that the strings don't break, I was your daughter, and now I'm on the harp." The king gives the harp to the queen. The queen begins to play and hears the same voice that calls her mother. Then the middle sister takes the harp and starts playing. Everyone hears the same words, they call her sister. The older sister takes the last harp. The harps say, "Quiet, quiet, my killer, so that the strings don't break, I was once a royal daughter, and now I'm a string on the harp." This is how the harps betray the older sister. Everyone knows she stabbed Ilona]: Lintur 1969:36-37; Ukrainians (Hutsulshchina) [Two brothers kill their sister, ordering her to guard the sown millet dug by a wild boar and bury it under an oak tree. An elderberry grows on her grave (according to others, willow), the children make flutes out of it, the flutes play the words: "Oh not enough, not enough, two brothers were and my sister was killed because the boar dug, dug, brother He killed me, buried me under an oak tree"]: Golovatsky 1860:50-51; Ukrainians (Nebilov, Rozhnyatovsky District, Ivano-Frankivsk Region) [Grandfather's daughter is hard-working, babina is lazy. Daughters go to the woods for berries. Grandfather picks berries, babina does not collect berries. We should go home in the evening. Babina takes her grandfather's berries and kills her with a knife. He buries him and goes home. When asked by his grandfather, he says that his daughter was eaten by a wolf. Viburnum grows in the place where Babina's daughter buried her grandfather. One day Cossacks go and sit under that viburnum to rest. One Cossack is surprised at the beauty of viburnum, cuts out a pipe for himself, plays, the pipe says: "Oh little by little, shepherd, play, don't completely hit my heart, my sister killed me from the light, stuck a knife in my heart." Cossacks go to the village. They give my grandfather to play. The grandfather plays, the pipe calls him father, gives him to the woman, the pipe calls her mother. They give the girl, the pipe says: "Oh little by little, murderer, play, don't hit my heart completely, you, sister, killed me out of the light, stuck a knife in my heart." Babina's daughter is tied to the horse's tail, she dies]: Zinchuk 2006, No. 31:130-131; Ukrainians (St. Drogichin Kobrinsky y. Hrodna governorate) [Three brothers, two clever, and the third one is stupid. The father asks which of them to marry first. Everyone gets called. The father tells them to go to the forest, and whoever picks berries faster, he marries first. They collect without unbending, but the fool has already packed it up and wants to go home. The smart ones envy a fool, kill him by sticking a knife in his heart, bury him in the ground, sprinkle him with sand, stick cherries in their heads instead of a cross and go home. A pan drives along that road, sees cherries and decides to cut them down and make a pipe out of them. She goes, he plays, the pipe says: "Don't play, panochek, don't play, don't touch my heart, my brothers killed me, stabbed me in my heart, covered my eyes with a shingle, stuck cherries instead of a cross and covered me with sand." Pan is surprised that the pipe keeps asking him not to play. He comes to the village where the fool's brothers and father live, finds him at night, enters his stupid father's yard and asks to be allowed into the hut to spend the night. He is let in for the night, he straightens his horse, enters the hut and tells the owner about the pipe, and offers him to play. Pidochka calls him a priest. Mother is playing. Doodochka calls her mother. They give them to sons. The pipe says: "Don't play, brother, don't play, don't touch my heart, you killed me, stabbed me, stabbed me in my heart, covered your eyes with a shingle, stuck cherries instead of a cross and covered me with sand." Then everyone finds out that the smart ones have killed a fool, they go to the grave, shovel the sand and make sure that everything happened as the pipe says. The brothers are taken to the office, taken to prison]: Chubinsky 1878, No. 144:473-475; Ukrainians (Ivano-Frankovskaya, p. Stary Kosov, Kosovo District) [Husband and wife, they have two daughters. Grandfather's daughter is hard-working and friendly, babina is rude and lazy. Grandfather and woman gathered for three or four days at the bazaar. They order their grandfather's daughter to chop wood, burn the stove, cook food, clean the house and take care of the cow while they are away. And a woman's daughter should sit down and weave a cloth. Grandfather's daughter goes to the yard, does everything her grandfather told her to do. Babina's daughter lies down on the stove and gets warm, does not want to get up and weave. Grandfather's daughter tells Babina that her father and mother will arrive soon, it's time to weave the paintings. Babina says she can't and doesn't want to, and asks to weave for her. Grandfather's daughter replies that their parents will bring something to both of them, and she also needs to work. She says she doesn't want to, let her grandfather poke. A quarrel begins. Babina takes a knife and kills her sister, buries her daughter near her house under viburnum. Grandfather and woman come and see that the house has been cleaned, but the canvas is not woven. They ask me where my sister is. The daughter replies that she went to the forest for firewood and did not return. They go to the forest to look for it, they don't find it and they come Grandpa is crying. One day, a young man returns from military service, goes to bed under the viburnum, cuts a pipe out of a branch. She blows at her and says, "Play, play, young man, ask to go home for the night, tell mom and dad what my sister did to me, how she buried me in the ground under viburnum." He's scared. He sees a hut nearby. She comes in, says hello and asks to spend the night. The girl tells her parents not to let anyone in, but her father lets her. They let him eat dinner. He says he cut a pipe out of viburnum and would like their daughter to play it. She is sitting on the stove and doesn't want to get off. But her father and mother pull her off the stove, make her play, the pipe sings: "Play, play, twist, open your soul, sister, tell mom and dad how you stuck a knife in my heart, you killed me out of the light." The father and mother understand where the grandfather's daughter went, and they begin to ask Babina how it happened. She confesses that she is being expelled from home]: Zinchuk 2008, vol. 3, No. 87:252-253; Ukrainians (Podolia) [Two daughters, grandfather has one, woman has another. They go to the forest for cherries. Grandfather puts together what he collects, the woman immediately eats what she collects. They go beyond the forest. Babina's daughter offers to lie down and rest for a while. Grandfather falls asleep, the woman takes a knife, sticks it into her heart, takes berries and takes off her ring, and covers her with leaves. The shepherd drives the sheep out there early, makes a pipe there. She plays, she says: "Play, shepherd, play! Don't cut my heart with a knife! My sister did it to me, stuck a knife in my heart, by a mug of berries, for the gold ring that the gentleman gave me." The shepherd brings the sheep home, asks his grandfather where his daughter is. The grandfather replies that she went for berries and the bride where she disappeared. The shepherd reports that she herded the sheep and played the pipe, and she spoke to him. A grandfather takes a woman, a daughter and a woman, and goes to the forest. He starts playing the pipe, the pipe says: "Play, father, play! Don't cut my heart with a knife!" They take it out, take it home, bury it. A woman's daughter is given a fast horse that has never been to the yard, has never seen the sun and has never heard a voice. They tie it to the tail and let it go into the light. He's running with her. And the mountains and valleys in the world were the ones she knocked out. Because where I hit my head, there's a valley and where I hit my back, there's a hill]: Levchenko 1928:494-495; Ukrainians (Tarnov, Kholmskaya Gubernia) [The king has three sons, two are smart, and the third is stupid. He owns a garden that wild boars invade and cause damage. The king promises half a kingdom to whoever kills a boar. Sons hear this, they go to the garden to shoot the boar. They get followed by a silly man, they laugh at him. They come, sit in an ambush, the elder shoots and misses, the middle one too, the stupid one shoots and kills a wild boar. They are sorted out by anger. The eldest decides to kill him so that he does not get half the kingdom, the middle asks not to kill him, because this is also the soul. But he shoots a fool and kills him, wraps him in a corner and sprinkles him a little bit. They go back to their father, who asks who killed the boar. The elder says he is. His father gives him what he promised but asks him where the fool is. They say that they have gone to Volyn. My father is worried if they did something to him, but they say that nothing happened, he left because he was stupid. In spring, a shepherd chases sheep in the field behind the garden. While they are grazing, he is lying on the ground, seeing a plant next to him. That's how a soul came out of the grave, but he mistook it for a plant. He cuts off his pipe to play it, but only brings it to his lips when she starts playing: "Little by little, vlach, play, ah, don't hit my heart completely, in the meadow, in the meadow, in the meadow, my brother killed my brother, for that boar that dug in the garden." He gets scared, comes home and tells people. Someone reports to the king that Vlah has found a plant that plays. He calls for everyone to be convened: both the army and all commanders. When everyone agrees, the king takes the pipe in his hand, she starts playing and calls him father. The mother takes to play, she treats her like her mother. The middle brother takes: "Little by little, robber, play, ah, don't hit my heart completely, you were also there when my brother killed me for the boar he dug in the garden." The king orders the oldest to play, he does not want to, he is afraid. He plays like this: "Little by little, robber, play, ah, don't hit my heart completely, in the meadow, in the meadow, you killed me for the boar you dug in the garden." The king is furious and tells him to go where Vlach cut this plant. Everyone comes there, the army is all around, raking the ground, finding a body. It becomes clear that the killer is an older brother, who no longer denies it. The king orders death to be repaid by death so that the warriors stab him and bring his heart and little finger. They cut off his finger and asks him not to be killed. The eldest, with mercy on him, they carve out the heart of the dog that follows them and, along with his little finger, take him to the king, and let him go. He runs away, moves away, far away to Volyn, where he establishes a kingdom and dominates. Years go by, the king has a daughter growing up, she is incredibly beautiful, she does not want to marry anyone but someone as beautiful as herself. The eldest son hears about this, who is as handsome as she is because she is her own brother. He comes, doesn't say who he is, they don't recognize him, the Queen likes him right away, but she wonders why he never takes off his gloves and eats like that, which gives her doubts. One day he takes her to the garden for a walk, and they walk and say that they are about to get married. She says she would give him a ring by now and put it on his hand herself. He gives a hand, she quickly takes off her glove and discovers that he doesn't have a finger. She says he should be her brother. He confirms and asks what to do now to somehow convey this to his father so that he does not hold a grudge against him. At dinner, the Queen tells her father that it is her brother, whom he, the father, ordered to be killed, begs her not to be angry with him. The king decides that he was also furious then, because both the child and the child should not be resurrected, but that one should be killed, let him live. Korolevich gives money to all troops and commanders for releasing him, then dominates with his father]: Kolberg 1964, No. 10:98-101; Ukrainians (Dobrogostov, Drohobich County, Galicia) [Grandfather and Baba, they have two daughters: a grandfather has her own from his first wife, a woman has her own from her first husband. These daughters once go to the woods for berries. Grandfather's daughter picked berries in a box, and babina in her mouth. They are already returning home, the grandfather has a box full of berries, the woman has nothing. Then Babina's daughter offers her sister a little rest. They lie down on the grass, the grandfather's daughter falls asleep, the woman's daughter cuts it. He takes a box of berries, buries it in the ground, plants a branch of viburnum on the grave. At home, my grandfather asks where his daughter is. She says she doesn't know if she's left behind. Two guys are walking through the woods. They sit down to rest. They look, and there the beautiful viburnum has bloomed, they cut off the twig, cut a pipe out of it and play. The pipe says: "Oh, little by little, Cossack, play, don't completely rub my heart! There were two girls, we went to pick berries, disliked each other, stuck a knife in my heart!" The guys grab the pipe, move on, go to that girl's dad for the night. There the guy starts playing again, the pipe says. The old father hears this, asks to be allowed to play. The pipe also sings to him, calling him a daddy. The old man tells his daughter that she stabbed his daughter. She hides on the stove in the corner, does not want to get down, the woman yells at her grandfather that he is an old fool and says stupid things. My grandfather says that if she didn't stab her, let her play the flute herself, maybe she could tell her. Guys pull the girl off the stove, she has to play. Pipe: "Oh, little by little, sister, play, don't completely rub my heart! There were two girls, we went for berries, you didn't like me, you stuck a knife in my heart!" Then that girl is taken and tied to her horse's tail, the horse blows her to death]: Yavorsky 1915:235-236; Ukrainians (Kolomyia, Galicia) [Father and mother. They have three sons, two are smart, and the third one is stupid. They have a garden, and in that garden there's a wild boar that digs a lot. A father is walking, two smart brothers are walking, they can't kill him. On the third night, the foolish man asks his father to let him kill the boar. His father calls him a fool and doubts him. But he begs his father, his father says he should go to hell, and if he doesn't kill the boar, there's nothing to come home. He aims, kills the boar, brings him home in the morning. The father does not believe that it was a stupid son who killed, his mother believes he sends him to take food in the field to his brothers who plow. He brings food, they ask him what it is, they find out that it is the meat of a wild boar that has dug a lot in their garden. They eat meat, send their brother to guard the horses. They decide to kill him, because his father will love only a foolish man. And he didn't come to them to say that my brother had gone somewhere. Killed and buried under an elderberry. The guy grazes cattle there, makes an elderberry pipe, plays, the pipe says, "Oh play, son, play! One enemy killed, the other tried to persuade him for digging in the kindergarten." The guy keeps playing, the pipe repeats the same thing. He comes home and lets the hostess he served with play. The pipe calls her mom. Gives the brothers who killed him the pipe says, "Oh you enemy, play! And you, the enemy, killed, and he tried to persuade him for digging in the kindergarten." Then the brothers give it to their sister, the pipe turns to her. A father who was looking for that stupid son and couldn't find him realizes that they killed him and buried him. He asks the guy where he got the pipe, the guy shows that the old man finds the victim in the hole. Gives her other sons to prison for twenty years]: Bugiel 1910:238-239; Ukrainians (p. Brodsky's Berlin, Galicia) [The king has three sons: two smart, the third stupid. He owns a garden, a wild boar got into the garden and started digging. The king says that whoever protects the garden will sit on his throne. The eldest son calls in, goes, but doesn't kill. The youngest goes and doesn't kill. The average decides to go. They laugh at him like he's a fool. A foolish man goes to the garden, makes his own bed, goes to bed and sleeps. He finds a thorny thistle, sticks it in his heads, and it prevents him from falling asleep. A boar comes, starts digging and picking apples, a fool kills him with a gun. He goes to his father very happy, reports. The brothers laugh at him, call him a fool, He swears. Father and brothers go to see it and make sure it's true. His father admires him and tells his brothers that he is smarter than both of them. They advise him what to do, decide to go for a walk and kill him there. Mikhasia's name is to go out with them. They find a fish pond in which the water has dried up, but there is silt. Little brother doesn't agree to kill. The older brother punches the stupid man in the nose, then on the back of the head, he loses consciousness and falls. The elder grabs a stick for the tanning tank and beats the youngest to death. They unfold the fabric, bury it in the mud and stick a stick in that place. The stick is accepted, a golden stalk grows, golden apples on it, a golden violin and a bow hang on it. The shepherd drives the herd, drives him to the pond. He has a son, and he sends his son to wrap his herd from the pond so that someone doesn't get stuck. The shepherdess goes to wrap, sees a golden apple tree, a violin and a bow, gets out, picks apples, takes off his violin and bow. He wraps the cattle, starts playing, the violin says: "Little by little, little by little, my shepherdess, play, only mine, just don't cut my heart! For in the meadow by the branches, my brother killed me for the veprik that dug in the garden." The shepherdess comes running to his father, says he plays. The violin speaks to him. He brings the cattle to the king, comes to the rooms, brings the violin, kisses his hand and tells him where he got it. The king plays, the violin calls him father. The king is crying, the queen is playing, the violin calls her mother. My little brother comes and asks me to play, the violin says: "Little by little, little by little, my brother, play, just mine, just don't cut my heart! For in the meadow by the branches you said: "Don't hit!" , for the veprik who dug in the garden." My older brother comes and asks for a violin, she says: "Little by little, little by little, my brother, play, just mine, just don't cut my heart! For you killed me in the meadow by the branches, because of the veprik that dug in the garden." They go with the shepherd, the shepherd shows the place where the apples were picked, they begin to dig a hole, find the victim in the mud. The king orders that the stallion from Staney be brought and the eldest son tied to the tail. He is allowed into an open field: where he hits his head, there is a valley, and where there is a mound with the rear]: Franco 1895:221-222; Ukrainians: Golovatsky 1860 (Galicia) [Brother kills brother, the body of the victim grows out of the body of the victim reed, which, when ripped off, plays a song denouncing the murder]: 50; Ukrainians (Rozhnov Snyatinsky u., Galicia) [Three brothers, two smart, and the third is stupid and is called Popilennik (from pop - ash, ash). They have a father, mother and sister, and there is a beautiful garden near the hut, where wild boar often comes and spoils it. The eldest son asks his father for a gun and goes to the garden to guard against the wild boar, but he does not show up. He hands over to his middle brother, but the boar's still gone. The father promises to leave the garden after his death for the son who kills the wild boar. Both brothers have been guarding the boar for two weeks to no avail. Their stupid brother Popelennik comes to them and calls to guard them. The brothers are laughing at him. He goes to bed right away in the garden, sleeps a day before, and at night he waits for a wild boar and kills him with a gun. The older brother hears a shot from the yard, comes running and sees a dead boar. Because he is afraid that his father will write Popelennik's garden, he kills him, takes him far to the ditch and buries him there, and tells his father that he found a gun in the garden, a boar has come, he killed him, but his brother is nowhere. Searches don't lead to anything. One day, his sister walks along the bank of the stream, sees a wand sticking out in a snag, pulls it out, it's a pipe. She takes it home, puts it on her lips on the way. The pipe plays by herself: "Play, sister, play, don't forget about me, my brother killed me for the wild boar he dug in the garden and rolled me into the ditch." She gets scared, brings a pipe, tells her father. He puts a pipe to his lips, and she calls him father. He calls his wife, the pipe calls her mother. The father calls his eldest son, he blows, the pipe plays: "Play, enemy, play, don't forget about me, you killed me for that wild boar that dug in the garden and rolled me into the ditch." The father learns that the wild boar was killed by Popelennik and Popelennik was killed by his son, and tells his daughter to take everyone to the place where she found the pipe. Popelennik is found killed. The father orders his evil son to be shot and buried near Popelennik. The middle son receives the promised garden]: Little Russian tales 1895:460-461; Ukrainians (Galicia, p. Terebovlyansky district) [The king has three sons. He owns a large field and takes great care of it. A pig comes to that field and digs. He tries different ways to banish that boar, but it fails. The king promises a reward to whoever kills this boar. He promises half a kingdom. Everyone is starting to claim it, but no one succeeds. The youngest princess kills a boar. When his oldest brother finds out about this, he prevents him from reaching the king, kills him, buries him in the same field, and boasts that he killed the boar. The king is very happy with this and gives him half his kingdom demanding that he marry immediately. He starts questioning him where his youngest son is. He replies that he has gone somewhere around the world, and the king believes him. Tsesarevich invites tailors to sew clothes for the wedding. The tailors finish their work, he buys them vodka to treat them. One tailor gets very drunk and starts walking around the field and singing in a way that everyone can't admire it. The tailor says she can not only sing but also play. He asks him to make him a pipe, and he will play with it. But no one can make a pipe. He gets angry, goes to the field and starts looking until he finds a great wand on the grave. He sits on that grave and makes a pipe for himself, tries to play, and the pipe sings: Little by little, tailor, play, and don't interrupt my heart's paradise! My brother killed me, hid me in the field, because of the veprik he dug in the garden. The tailor gets very scared and sobers up with fear. He goes to the king, says that he saw a beautiful willow, took a knife, cut off a twig, saw a stone, sat on it and started playing, and the pipe sang. The king says that if that's true, he'll give him four oxen, and if it's not true, he'll get five beeches. He agrees. The king picks up the pipe and starts playing. Dudka calls him a priest. He gets very scared and tells his oldest son to play. Dudka calls him a thief. When everyone hears this, they take out a wild horse and tear the elder queen with harrows]: Zdziarski 1903, No. 2:155-156; Ukrainians (Galicia) [The king has three sons: two smart and the third stupid. The king owns a beautiful garden where wild boars get into and cause damage. The king is angry and proclaims that whoever saves him from the boar will receive part of the royal possessions. But no one can do it. He goes to his two sons, they go to the boar for a few nights, but they can't do anything to him. A foolish son comes to the king and asks to be allowed to kill that boar. The king doubts he'll be able to do it. A stupid son goes to the blacksmith and orders him to make a hundred long double-cut knives, which he sticks his tips upwards into the ground. As usual, the boar comes in the evening, but falls on knives, cripples its snout, paws, etc. so that it barely crawls into the forest and exhales there. The brothers find out about this, consult with each other to kill the foolish man, the younger one resists this idea, but the elder insists, kills his brother and buries him under a pear. They come to the king and report that a foolish man was ripped apart by a boar they killed him for it. The king rejoices, gives them part of the estate, and they begin to feast endlessly. One day, a shepherd crawls out onto the garden wall to pick his pears and sees a beautiful violin lying under the pear. He takes the violin, plays, and the violin replies: "Little by little, shepherdess, play, don't cut my heart right away, because my brother killed me, hid me under a pear, because of the boar he dug in the garden." The footman hears this, then the cook, then the king finds out, orders his sons to be arrested. The younger brother picks up the bow, but the violin makes its natural sound. To his older brother, the violin replies: "Little by little, you, a robber, play, do not cut my heart right away, because you killed me, hid me under a pear, because of the boar that dug in the garden." The king orders you to dig under the pear where the son's body is found. He is buried honorably, his eldest son is hanged, his innocent brother becomes king after his father's death]: Barącz 1866:148-149; Eastern Ukrainians (Uman District, Kyiv Gubernia) [Man, he has three sons: two smart, the third stupid. That man's garden, where a wild boar is used to, eats apples under an apple tree and digs. The eldest son says he will go to the garden with the intention of killing the boar. She goes, sits under an apple tree, falls asleep. The boar comes, eats apples, digs in the garden, leaves. He wakes up, sees traces of the boar's presence, goes home, boasts that he hasn't lost his life. His little brother goes to the second night, but he can't kill himself either. A fool goes to the third night. He comes to the garden, paves thorns under an apple tree, takes a large poppy pestle and sits on thorns. The thorns keep him awake. At night, a wild boar comes, goes under an apple tree, a fool sneaks up quietly and kills him on the head with a pestle. He comes to the house, asks the brothers to put the oxen in the cart to go and pick up the wild boar from the garden. They're laughing at him. He harnesses the oxen himself and goes, the brothers follow him. They come to the garden and see a wild boar lying under an apple tree. The two brothers try to roll it on the cart, but they can't move it. The fool asks them to stand in front of the oxen, picks up the boar under his belly and pulls them to the cart. The brothers see that he is so strong, and he also killed a wild boar, they envy him, they say that if they bring this boar home, his father will see him and then he will pay him, but they don't, it's better to kill him and say at home that he went looking for another one. They kill him and bury it under an apple tree. They bring the wild boar home, the father asks them where the fool is. They say he went to look for the second boar, he said that two of them came, but he killed one and the other ran away, so he went after him with the intention of killing him. They fiddle around the wild boar, tar it, salt lard. On the grave where the fool was buried, a kupyr grows (lat. Anthríscus); a shepherd grazes cattle there, cuts off that kupyr, makes a pipe out of it. When he starts playing, the pipe sings: "Little by little, shepherdess, play, don't hit my heart completely: my brothers killed me, killed me from the light because of the wild boar that dug in the garden." He walks near cattle, plays. A Cossack goes, hears him playing nicely, asks him to sell this pipe. The shepherd sells. The Cossack is driving along the road, playing, the pipe turns to him. He comes to the village and asks that family to spend the night. He plays there, then lets the owner play. The pipe refers to him like a priest. That man asks where he got it, the Cossack says he bought it from a guy, and that guy says he carved it in your garden. The boys confess that they killed their brother. The father tells them to be sent to prison, the fool is dug up and buried in the cemetery. A fool's father celebrates dinner on it]: Rudchenko 1869, No. 55:156-158; Eastern Ukrainians (Kyiv region) [Husband and wife, they have three daughters: two ugly sisters, and one is very beautiful. People marry her, kill her, and no one wants her elders, they don't even ask her, they decide to drive her out of the light. They call her to the forest for berries, and they offer to look in her head. The sister agrees, puts her head in their bosom, and when she falls asleep, they kill her and leave her in the forest, covered with leaves. They come home, their father and mother ask them where their third daughter is, they say that the forester drove them out of the forest and she ran away. They're waiting, but it's not and isn't there After a while, a blind lyrnik walks through the forest, stumbles over something big, thinks that it was the sheep that died in the forest and that its entrails would be strings. He takes those strings, pulls them over the lyre to see how they're going to play. Lyra starts singing: "Little by little, grandpa, play, my heart isn't hurt, because I have two sisters, both destroyers; they killed me when they went to pick berries and put a knife in my heart." The old man and his guide decide that she plays well and go to the village with her. They come to people, sit down, the grandfather starts playing, the lyre sings the same way again. The neighbor of the beautiful girl's father invites them into his house. The father of the murdered girl hears, is surprised, asks his grandfather for his instrument. He picks up a lyre, plays, hears him being called a priest. Those present hear this, he tells his wife to play, and the lyre and mother sing the same way. Everyone starts crying, the father tells his daughters that although they claimed that it was some Cossack who took her out of the forest, now it is clear who killed her, let them go and call him his son, let him play, we need to know what he'll be told a lyre. The son comes, takes the lyre, twists the handle. Lyra squeaks plaintively again, gets scared, throws her to the ground, she crumbles. At that moment, he sees a tall, black-browed, black-eyed girl, even more beautiful than she was. She stays happy with her father and mother. Parents give the old man everything they had, feed him, pay him generously for his lyre, give their two eldest daughters to prison forever]: Moszyńska 1885:113-115; Eastern Ukrainians (p. Stanislavchik, Shpolyansky district, Cherkasy region) [Father and mother, they have two sons. The sons are going to hunt wild boar. The younger brother kills the beast, the eldest walks all day, he fails to shoot a wild boar. He decides that he will be laughed at in the village if he returns without prey, decides to kill his younger brother. He kills, buries him in a clearing, takes a wild boar, pulls him home. She brags about all her loot. Parents ask where my brother is. He replies that he hasn't killed anything yet and is still in the woods. A viburnum bush grows in the place where the younger brother is buried. The shepherds drive a flock home, cut out a pipe, put it to their lips, she says: "Oh little by little, shepherd, play, but cut my heart little by little, my brother killed me, killed me from the light, and for that wild boar in the forest buried it." The father and mother look out for their son, standing at the gate, and ask the boys to play their strange flute. The father takes it, puts it on his lips, the pipe calls him father. The mother takes the pipe. She calls her mother. Parents understand what is going on, they call their eldest son to play. He refuses. The father orders, the son picks up the pipe. The pipe says to him: "Oh little by little, murderer, play, but cut your heart little by little, my brother killed me, killed me from the light, and because of that he buried the wild boar in the forest." The guy confesses to his crime, takes people to the place where he buried his brother. The father pours dead water over the wounds, then sprinkles living water on the body, and the son comes to life. The eldest son is expelled from the village, he wanders like a werewolf in the forest, howls at night for a month out of regret]: Zinchuk 2009 (book 33): 213-214]; Ukrainians (p. Kyshchentsi, Mankovsky district, Cherkasy region) [Ivan lives in the village; his wife, Khrystia, lives in the village. They give birth to a girl named Nastunya. When Nastuna is four years old, a second girl is born, Ivan's wife dies soon, and Ivan takes a new wife. She doesn't love his kids. She throws Nastunya into an empty well and replies to her father that she must be playing with the children. He's been looking for her for nothing. On New Year's Eve, the stepmother prepares different dishes, the family sits down for dinner. My father remembers that Nastuni is not with them and cries. When he takes a spoon, he hears, "Daddy, do you know where I am? I'm in a deep well. My stepmother threw me there. She didn't love me so much that she took my life." He asks the old woman if it is true that she threw his daughter into the well. The stepmother replies that he dreamed or dreamed it. He tells her to pick up the spoon. She takes a spoon and hears Nastuni's voice: "Stepmother, stepmother, you died me from the light. You threw me into the well where I died." The stepmother gets scared and puts the spoon on the table. The father tells the other daughter to take the spoon. The girl hears a voice: "My dear sister, I'm in a deep well. An angry stepmother threw me there." The father orders his wife to show the well, pushes her there - let her look after his daughter there, since she could not raise her]: Zinchuk 2009, No. 157:157-158; Ukrainians (Dnipropetrovsk region, Mezhevsky district -n, Mikolayivka) [Brother and sister, Ivanko and Hannusya, live. They are orphans and their parents are long dead. Hannusya grows up to be beautiful. She doesn't like any of the boys. One day, Chumaks drive through the village, going to Crimea for salt, and stop in the village. Among them is Petro, a handsome Cossack boy. Hannusya sees him and falls in love. They meet in secret. Brother Ivan finds out about this, lures Peter into the forest and kills him. The girl finds out about this, cries for a long time, tells Ivan that she will tell the Cossacks that he killed Peter. To prevent this, Ivan kills his sister and buries him in the forest by the road. The Cossacks are waiting for Peter, they decide that they and Gannusya have fled somewhere together and are going to Crimea. At the place where Ivan buried Gannusya, a viburnum bush grows, in spring it blooms white like a bride, and in autumn it has bunches as red as blood. It takes several years. Cossacks are coming to the village again. One Cossack sees a beautiful viburnum bush, cuts off a branch from it and makes a pipe. She just puts her singing in Gannusin's voice to her lips: "Oh little by little, Cossack, play, don't hit my heart completely, my brother killed me, killed me from the light for the Cossack who killed me in the forest." The Cossacks will find out where their Petro went. They take a pipe and go to Ivan as if to visit him. They're asking him to play with them. Ivan, unwittingly, puts a pipe to his lips, she plays: "Oh little by little, brother, play, don't hit my heart completely, you killed me, killed me from the light, for my sweet Peter in the forest killed." Ivan is scared. He throws the pipe and confesses everything]: Zinchuk 2011 (vol. 35), No. 236:296-297; Ukrainians (Kharkiv Gubernia, Izyumsky U., p. Danilovka) [The beekeeper's wife has two daughters and a young son. She sends them to pick mushrooms and berries and cut the bacon, promising every ribbon. The youngest daughter picks mushrooms and berries, the eldest, mother's favorite and sissy, sleeps and dreams that her sister got both ribbons. The youngest daughter finds an apple tree and plucks two golden apples from it. The eldest daughter offers to comb her head, stabs her heart with a knife and hides it in the reeds. He returns home bragging about his discovery. At home, she says she doesn't know where her sister is and that they went apart. They think she was taken away by an animal. The victim's brother grows up, hears the reeds rustling, makes a pipe. When he brings it to his lips, the pipe sings: "Hush down, brother, play; don't break my heart to the edge! My sister killed me and stabbed me in my heart. For a ball of berries, for a golden apple!" The father hears those words, gets the pipe, and she calls him father. They learn about the miracle in the countryside, people run away and demand a murderer. In her hands, the pipe sings: "Hush down, sister, play; don't break my heart to the edge! You killed me, sister, stabbed my heart. For a ball of berries, for a golden apple!" The people condemn the murderer to death, tie a horse to the tail and let him cross the steppe. Where she hits her chest, there is a thorn, where with a scythe, there are feather grass, where with her hand, there are black graves. The mother rushes after her daughter, sees it and turns into a sycamore]: Danilevsky 1901:101-104; Ukrainians (Kharkiv) [Two girls go to the forest for berries, the grandfather's granddaughter collects a lot, the woman's granddaughter only eats. She notices that she has not collected anything, suggests to her grandfather's granddaughter: "I'll beat toby lice," she falls asleep, she kills her, buries her. A pipe grows above the grave, a shepherd cuts it off, starts playing, she sings about the murder on behalf of the deceased. Grandfather and woman hear a song, a grandfather, then a woman takes a pipe - the song goes to them when her granddaughter takes it, the pipe turns to the murderer and sings. A woman's granddaughter is tied to the horse's tail, the horse is released into the field]: Ivanov 1894, No. 2:141-142; Eastern Ukrainians (Bakumovka, Mirgorod District, Poltava Region) [Husband and wife live poorly but amicably; they have a beautiful daughter, Kilina. Where she appears, birds start singing, flowers bloom, and people rejoice. My mother fell ill and died. The father takes his stepmother with daughter Hotina, who is lazy and capricious. She and her stepmother hate K., put all the work on her shoulders, but K. does everything with the song. One day they go to the forest for berries. K. picks every last berry, H., seeing that K.'s basket is full and envious of its beauty, kills it and buries it by the stream. She takes the berry basket herself and goes home. Her father is told that K. was angry with her for picking up a basket full of berries and left, saying that she would not return home. The father grieves but thinks that his daughter will find her happiness. Birds and flowers mourn according to K. The sheepdog stops by the stream, sees a bush with red berries that he had never seen before, berries like drops of blood. He cut out the pipe, played, the pipe answered in a gentle voice: "Oh little by little, shepherd, play, don't hit my heart completely, my sister killed me out of the light, stuck a knife in my heart." Ovchar is surprised, comes to K.'s parents' house. Hearing the pipe, the father asks to let me play, and the pipe calls him father. His wife also wants to play; the pipe calls her stepmother. They offer Hotina to play, she refuses for a long time, then starts playing, the pipe cries and moans: "Oh little by little, murderer, play, don't completely hit my heart, you killed me out of the light, a knife in my heart stuck it." The father comes to the bush, admires it, saying: "You are my Kilinka, my you are Kalinka", falls beside him. It is buried near a bush called viburnum, it now grows everywhere, loves streams, its berries are healthy, and it is used to make flutes. Not everyone can play on such a flute, only a kind person. People curse Hotina. Where she appears, the birds stop singing, the sun hides behind the clouds, and the streams dry up. This is how she dies, no one buries her, eagles carry her bones]: Zinchuk 2010, No. 238:276-277; Ukrainians (p. Glyboka Balka, Reshetilovsky District, Poltava Region) [A grandfather and a woman live in the village, and each has a daughter. Old people send them to the forest for berries. Grandfather's daughter is hardworking, picks berries quickly, and babina puts berries in her mouth. It's time to go back. My grandfather's daughter says we should go home and share it on the way. They are coming, the sun is hot, the woman's daughter invites her daughter to lie down to rest. Grandfather's daughter falls asleep. Babina's daughter takes a knife, kills her, buries her. She comes home and brags about how many strawberries she picked up. The grandfather asks where his daughter is. She replies, somewhere behind her - she hasn't collected anything and is ashamed to go home. Mowers walk along the way, stopped to rest, see the grave, viburnum blooms on it. One of the braids cuts a pipe for himself. He starts playing, the pipe says in a voice: "Oh little by little, little worker, play, don't hit my heart completely, my sister killed me from the light, stuck a sharp knife in my heart." Kostsy are surprised that the pipe speaks in a human voice, comes to the village where grandparents and women live, ask for an overnight stay, sit alone on a bench and start playing. The grandfather hears that the pipe is singing, asking him to let him play, the pipe calls him father. The woman at the stove also hears and puts the pipe to her lips, the pipe calls her mother. Babina's daughter is sitting in the corner on the stove, afraid that the pipe will tell the truth. Her grandfather gives her a pipe and orders her to play. She plays, the pipe says, "Oh, little by little, sister, play, don't hit my heart completely, my sister killed me out of the light, stuck a sharp knife in my heart." A memorial service is celebrated for the grandfather's daughter, the woman is expelled with dogs]: Zinchuk 2010b, No. 13:27-29; Ukrainians (Poltava, p. Konovalovka, Mashevsky District) [Father and mother, they have children Olenka and Ivanko. Parents harness their horses and bring food to the market. Olenka and Ivanka are told to pick cherries. The deer tears and vomits, Ivanko runs, plays, does not obey Olenko, she kills him, hides him under cherries. He returns to the house, cooks lunch, cooks dumplings with cherries. Parents are coming. Olenka runs to get gifts, and when asked where Ivanko is, she replies that he ran outside to play. Father tells me to set the table and eat lunch. She just brings a spoon to her mouth as she sings: "Little by little, dad, play, don't hit my heart completely, Olenka killed me, hid me under the cherries, for the berries that I didn't pick enough." The father asks Olenka what it is, and she says what he heard. The mother just brings the spoon to her mouth as she sings: "Little by little, mom, play, don't hit my heart completely, Olenka killed me, hid me under the cherries, for the berries that I didn't pick enough." The mother asks Olenka what it is, and she says what she heard. Father asks Olenka if this is true. She says yes. The father takes out the stallion, who has never been harnessed, ties Olenka with reins to his hind legs, whips the horse with a whip, and the horse runs. They did not collect seeds either]: Zinchuk 2010, vol. 38, No. 86:118-119; Ukrainians (the town of Varva Priluksky near. Poltava governorate) [The king and queen do not have children; they turn to healers. The grandfather says that the queen will soon give birth to three sons, two of whom will be smart and the third will be a fool. A year later, triplets are born. Every midnight, a wild boar begins to come to the royal garden and empties it. Tsar: Whoever kills a boar will receive half the kingdom and become heir to the throne. Many people try, but fall asleep without waiting for the wild boar. Two eldest sons are summoned, and they also do not succeed. The youngest waited for the boar, killed him with a gun and fell asleep. The elder brother killed and buried the sleeper, took the boar to his father. Two weeks later, the older brother is celebrating his wedding. The shepherd sees a reed on the grave, cuts it off, makes a pipe, she plays: Oh little by little, shepherd, play, don't hit my heart completely. My brother killed me in the garden for the wild boar he dug in the garden! The shepherd goes to the queen, the pipe calls her mother, the tsar the priest, the tsar lets his eldest son play, the pipe exposes him, he falls dead]: Bodyansky 1835:3-14; Ukrainians (p. Luchenky, Lokhvitsky district, Poltava region) [A grandfather and a woman, a grandfather has a daughter and a woman has a daughter. They are sent to the forest for berries. Grandfather's daughter tears up and puts her in a basket, but the woman just eats. Narvali, they started going home. On the way, Babina offers her daughter a rest. They sit in the forest under viburnum. Babina's daughter kills her sister by sticking a knife in her heart and takes the basket. He comes home with a basket full of berries. The grandfather asks where his daughter is. Babina's daughter says she stayed in the woods. It's already evening and my grandfather's gone. Chumaks go in the evening. They see a viburnum bush, and under it a mound of earth. Cut a pipe for themselves from a branch of viburnum. They play, the pipe sings in a human voice: "Oh little by little, chumachok, play, don't hit my heart completely. My sister killed me out of the light and stabbed me in my heart." Chumaks come to the village. It's dark everywhere, it's glowing in one house. They decide to ask them to spend the night, and they knock. The grandfather is happy and thinks that his daughter has returned. The Chumaks ask them to spend the night and promise to tell us something. They enter the house. Chumak gives his grandfather a pipe to play, his grandfather plays, a pipe "Oh little by little, father, play, don't hit my heart completely. My sister killed me out of the light and stabbed me in my heart." Grandpa gives it to the woman. The pipe sings to her: "Oh little by little, mother, play, don't hit my heart completely. Your daughter killed me out of the light and stabbed me in my heart." My grandfather tells me to serve the one sitting on the stove: "Oh little by little, sister, play, don't hit my heart completely. You killed me out of the light, stabbed me in my heart." Babina's daughter gets off the stove and tells the truth. Her grandfather kicks her out of the house she was in, treats the Chumakov, thanks her for revealing the truth]: Zinchuk 2010:40-41; Ukrainians (Recorded by artist Lev Zhemchuzhnikov in the village. Linovitsa Piryatinsky u. Poltava governorate) [Once upon a time there was a grandfather and a woman, a grandfather had a daughter and a woman had a daughter. They went to the oak grove for berries. Grandfather's daughter collects and collects, collects a full bowl, and the woman will eat whoever takes the berry. My grandfather's daughter invited her sister to go home and share it. They're walking along the road. Babina's daughter invites her sister to lie down to rest. They lay down. Grandfather's daughter, tired, falls asleep, babina takes a knife, pierces her heart, buries her. At home, she boasts how many berries she picked. The grandfather asks where she took his daughter. Babina's daughter replies that she is walking behind. Chumaks (salt merchants) come and decide to rest. They see a grave above the road, and on it a beautiful viburnum. A pipe is cut out of it. One chumak started playing, and the pipe said: Oh little by little, little, chumachok, play, don't hit my heart completely, my sister brought me out of the light - she stuck a knife in my heart. Others say it means something if the viburnum pipe says so. They come to the village and find themselves with that grandfather. They ask to spend the night, and for this they will tell them what happened to them. When they enter the house, one asks the other to start playing. The pipe says. My grandfather is surprised what kind of pipe he plays so beautifully that he already wants to cry. He wants to play. The pipe refers to him like a priest. The woman from the stove asks me to play. The pipe treats her like a mother. Babina's daughter is sitting in the corner on the stove, afraid that they will find out. My grandfather tells her to give it to play. The pipe sings: Oh little by little, murderer, play, don't hit my heart completely, you, sister, drove me out of the light - you stuck a knife in my heart. Everyone will know what happened. A memorial dinner is held for the grandfather's daughter, and the woman is tied to the horse's tail and carried across the field]: Kulish 1957b: 20-23; northern Ukrainians: Rudchenko 1869, No. 56 (p. Romanovka Novograd-Volynsky University Volyn Gubernia) [Three brothers, two clever, and the third is a fool, they have golden apples in their garden that a boar is used to. A father sends his sons to guard. The elder goes, does not wait, falls asleep. A boar comes, digs, eats an apple, leaves. Dad gets up, counts apples, there's no one. He sends the middle man, he waits, he falls asleep. A boar comes, digs, eats an apple, leaves. Dad gets up, counts apples, but there's no one again. The fool says he'll go. My father doubts him. The fool asks for a gun. The father does not want to, the fool takes it himself, goes to watch. He breaks the thorns, stumbles them around them, sits. When he sleeps, he stabs him. He hears a boar coming. Only he wants to dig, a fool shoots at him. Brothers hear and come. They see that the boar is lying and they say that they will get it now. The elder suggests killing a fool, burying it in a hole and saying that they killed a boar. They kill, bury them in a hole, take a wild boar themselves, go, wake their father up, say they sit on the doorstep, when suddenly a boar comes and they kill him. The master is driving, seeing that a beautiful viburnum has grown on the mound. He gets out, walks, cuts, makes a pipe and plays. She plays and sings herself: "Play, master, play, just don't hurt my heart! My brother killed me, my brother buried me, but because of the wild boar he dug in the kindergarten." I went to the tavern, where the father of the victim was. Pan says he was driving, cutting a pipe, and she was playing herself. Dad takes him, plays, she calls him dad. She brings her home, lets her mother play. Dudka calls her mom. Dad lets his brothers play, but they don't. He orders. The youngest takes it, the pipe calls him brother. The father lets the eldest who killed him play, he doesn't want to, the father yells at him. He takes it and plays: "Play, brother, play, just don't hurt my heart! You killed me, you buried me because of the wild boar you dug in the kindergarten." Dad wants us to take you to where he killed him. My brother is driving. They dig up, bury the dead in the cemetery, tie the older brother to the stallion, who even breaks his bones]: 159-161, 160 (Chernihiv Gubernia) [The fairy tale is completely identical to No. 56, only they sing chorus: "Little by little, master, play, don't hit my heart completely: that brother killed me, stuck a knife in my heart, because of the veprik who dug in the garden"]; northern Ukrainians (Chernihiv region, near Borzna; recorded by Panteleimon Kulish's brother-in-law Vasil Bilozersky) [Husband and wife lived, and they had two sons. They drove the hog into the garden to fall. The hog digs, digs and goes far. The eldest told the youngest to go and wrap it, but he said he didn't want to. The elder brother killed the youngest in a place dug by pigs, and buried him under a hut. After a year or two, an ash tree grows. Potters go with merchants. Potters suggest cutting the ash tree and making a pipe. The pipe says: little by little, little, Kupchinonka, play, don't hit my heart completely! My brother killed me, drove me out of the light for the hog he dug in the garden! Potters ask them to play, the pipe sings the same thing to them. My father and mother heard it and asked me to play too. The pipe says the same thing to her father, mother. My brother is pale, afraid that they will find out. Let him play: little by little, little brother, play, don't hit my heart completely! You killed me, drove me out of the light for the hog you dug in the garden! Then everyone will know, but grandma also asks. Doodochka sings to her. Then everyone believes it. A memorial dinner is given for the younger brother, and the elder is tied to a horse's tail and carried to the bones]: Kulish 1847a: 76-77; northern Ukrainians (Filiopol, Khmelnitsky district, Vinnytsia region) [There is a poor family in the village: father, mother and son. The son grows up, goes looking for happiness, sees a viburnum bush on the edge. He sits under him to rest. Viburnum gently rustles with twigs, as if she wants to tell something. The young man carves a pipe out of viburnum and plays. The pipe says in a human voice: "Oh little by little, young man, play, don't hit my heart completely, my sister killed me out of the light, stuck a knife in my heart." The young man reaches the village and tells people about a strange adventure. They tell him about the tragedy that took place where viburnum grew. Babina's daughter, envious of her grandfather's beauty and hard work, killed her and buried her in the forest. A viburnum bush grew in the place where the girl's blood was shed]: Zinchuk 2010 (vol. 30), No. 89:102; northern Ukrainians (p. Ploskoye Nezhinsky u. Chernigov governorate) [One person has a daughter and a son. Father sends them to the forest for berries. They picked some berries and are going home. Her sister tells her brother to give her a little bit, because she didn't gain enough, so her father would beat her. The brother replies that he will also hit him. The sister demands to give it, or she'll stab him. She took a knife and stabbed it, raked a hole and threw it. A pipe grows on that hole. Chumaks go, cut off the pipe and start playing. Pipe plays: Oh, play, chumachok, play, don't hit my heart completely: my heart hurts bitterly, my heart has a sharp knife sticking out. They all play, she sings to them all like that. They go to a house, go into it and let the person living there play. Pidochka calls him a priest. This is how they find out that her sister stabbed her brother. They take her to the field and kill her with a shot]: Malinka 1902, No. 21:289; northern Ukrainians (recorded by Panteleimon Kulish's brother-in-law, Vasil Bilozersky near Borzna in Chernihiv region) [Husband and wife lived, and they had two son. They drove the hog into the herd garden. The hog digs, digs and goes far. The eldest told the youngest to go and wrap it, but he said he didn't want to. The elder brother killed the youngest in a place dug by pigs and buried him under a hut. After a year or two, an ash tree grows. Potters go with merchants. Potters suggest cutting the ash tree and making a pipe. The pipe says: little by little, little, Kupchinonka, play, don't hit my heart completely! My brother killed me, drove me out of the light for the hog he dug in the garden! Potters ask them to play, the pipe sings the same thing to them. My father and mother heard it and asked me to play too. The pipe says the same thing to her father, mother. My brother is pale, afraid that they will find out. Let him play: little by little, little brother, play, don't hit my heart completely! You killed me, drove me out of the light for the hog you dug in the garden! Then everyone will know, but grandma also asks. Doodochka sings to her. Then everyone believes it. For the younger brother, they put a memorial dinner, and the eldest is tied to a horse's tail and carried to the bones]: Kulish 1847:76-77; Russians (Arkhangelsk), Ukrainians (Eastern Slovakia, Ugric Russia, Yekaterinoslav, Kharkiv), Belarusians ["My mother killed me, my father ate me": my stepmother kills her stepson, cooks his meat and lets his father eat; the boy's remains buried by him half-sister, turn into a bird that sings about the stepmother's atrocities, gives gifts to father and sister and a millstone that kills her stepmother; the bird takes the form of a boy]: SUS 1979, No. 720:181; Ukrainians, Belarusians [Fratricidal: three brothers, competing as grooms or heirs, alternately guard the garden from wild boar (bird) (competing in picking berries); younger brother manages to surpass the elders and they kill him; reeds grow on the grave; a passerby makes a pipe out of reeds singing about how his younger brother was killed; {Russians are represented by one record from Bashkiria - not taken into account}]: SUS 1979, № -780*=K 734:197; Belarusians [two daughters and Kirilk's son; went for berries, sisters were walking, and K. collected; they slaughtered him, took the berries, said at home that K. disappeared; Dubok grew up in this place, merchants made a pipe, began to play; Don't play, merchant, don't play, My wounds don't take, The wound is great, My sisters stabbed me, rolled me under the deck, covered me with a basket; merchants spent the night in that house; everyone is playing the pipe, she sings the same thing; the parents of their daughters drove away; another option, in which there is only one daughter; she was tied by her braids to her horse's tail, smashed across the field]: Romanov 1887, No. 45a , b: 262-264; Belarusians [grandfather and woman have three sons; when dying, the father orders to guard the grave: whoever will guard will catch a golden hog digging the royal garden and the tsar promises a reward; the elder, the middle son is afraid, they run home to the fullest; the youngest fool catches the hog in a bag; the eldest killed the youngest, brought the hog to the king, received an award; after a while the reeds grew, the shepherds did the pipe, she sings: Play, play, shepherds! My brother killed me for the golden hog; let the tsar play; the tsar guessed it, executed the murderer]: Romanov 1887, No. 45c: 264-265.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Georgians [the serpent turned around the ricks, demands the daughter of a peasant; the eldest two refuse, the youngest agrees; behind the village, the serpent shed its skin, became a young man; explained that they speak Kajet (on the contrary: if "break" means "build", etc.); mother-in-law is surprised that the daughter-in-law is doing everything right at once; the snake wife goes to give birth to her parents, then returns with her sisters; the eldest tells her climbing a tree, changing clothes and giving the child, leaves her, takes her place; she does everything "not like a Cajet"; she does not have milk for the baby; under the tree where the mother remains, her tears and blood grew out of her tears and blood reeds; the boy grew up, cut off a reed, made a pipe, she sings about what happened; the stepmother broke, burned the pipe; ash formed a portrait of his mother; the stepmother scattered the ash on the roof, poplar and branches grew out of it poplars hug her husband; the stepmother is sick, tells her to cut the trough out of the poplar; one sliver fell against the old woman; every day she comes out from under the sauerkraut in the form of a girl, cleans everything up; the old woman was waiting for her; the girl asks to invite a snake to visit, tells everything; her sister was tied to the tails of horses]: Chikovani 1954:137-140; (cf. Turks [episode of a story like K80; stepmother's daughter pushes a girl into a well; she turns into a willow; the shepherd makes her a pipe; her stepmother's daughter does not like her sounds, she throws away the pipe; girl revives]: Eberhard, Boratav 1953, No. 60:68).

Iran - Central Asia. Persians: Osmanov 1958 [The padishah has three daughters. They ask their aunt to stay, their father lets her. The road lies across the desert, they're coming to the river. They try to wade it - it doesn't work. An ugly black man comes up, offers to transport him with the agreement that each of them will kiss him. The older and middle sisters think that no one will see or say it, they kiss a black man and find themselves on the opposite bank. The youngest does not agree, takes off her stockings, enters the water and crosses the river. She tells her sisters she'll tell her father how they kissed a black man. The sisters are plotting to kill her. As soon as the black man leaves, they grab their sister's arms and legs, cut off her head, drag her to the river and throw her down. My aunt is told that her younger sister did not come because she is unwell, and her father is told that she stayed with her aunt. From the girl's blood drops, reeds grow on the shore. A shepherd passing by cuts it off and makes a pipe. It blows, you can hear a voice from there: "Play more alive, shepherdess, more fun, shepherdess! The murderers attacked me, and they kissed the black man themselves." He's surprised. The padishah's vizier goes hunting and meets a shepherd. He likes playing, he hears the song, he's surprised, and he buys a pipe. When it blows at it, the pipe calls him its vizier. He refers the pipe to the padishah and offers to play it and speaks in a human voice. The pipe calls the padishah a father. Passing from hand to hand, the pipe reaches her older sisters, and she calls each one mean. They tremble with fear, realizing that it is their sister, break the pipe and throw it into the garden. A watermelon grows out of the wreckage, so large and juicy that the Shah takes care of it and water it himself. He goes to the sauna and tells his daughters to bring watermelon there. He tries to cut it, hears a mournful cry: "This is my head! This is my hand!" A watermelon asks whether he is a genie, a peri, or a person. The watermelon says he is his daughter, we need to remove the thin crust, then she will tell you everything. Shah removes a thin crust with a knife, and his missing daughter appears before him, completely naked. He sends her to the palace for a dress, and she talks about her misadventures. He calls his daughters, they deny it all. Then the Shah orders to bring two restive mules, tie the braids of their elder daughters to their tails and let the mules into the steppe, and marries the youngest]: 25-28; 1987 (Mashhad) [The young husband and wife have no children, a wife refers to a rural mullah. He casts a spell over the bone, wraps it in a rag, gives it to the woman and tells her to sing a lullaby for forty days, then he becomes pregnant. The woman brings her bone home and sings lullabies for thirty-nine days without stopping. Her husband tells her to go to the stream to wash clothes. He grabs a rag and throws away the bone. The wife is grieving and lamenting. The bird picks up that bone and flies away. On the fortieth day, the bone turns into a girl with long braids. Years go by, the girl grows up. One day she goes to the stream to wash her hair and comb her hair, and hears a horse tramp. Runs away from the riders. Its comb with a hair remains on the shore. At the head of Shahzade's horsemen. He lets go of the reins so the horse can get drunk. The horse does not drink, turns its head away. Shahzadeh tells his retinue to see what's in there. The rider reports that there is nothing but a comb and a hair. Seeing a comb and a long hair, Shahzadeh falls in love with the one who owns the hair. Returning to the city, he tells the herald to shout that he will reward whoever points out the owner of a long braid. A cunning old woman lives in the city. She promises to get the job done. She goes to the forest where that girl with the bird lives, sees that the girl is doing housework, and does not approach her at first. The girl also sees the old woman and feels sorry for her, alone. The bird warns her not to approach the old woman. The girl first listens, then invites the old woman to the hut, shares bread and salt. When the bird is not around, the old woman invites you for a walk, deceives her out of the forest, takes her to her house, shackles the girl there, and says her ugly daughter, who also had long hair that she would now pass her off as Shahzade. At night, a lion comes out of the forest and tells the girl that he has come to tear it up and eat it, she asks her to wait until tomorrow, the next night she begs him to wait again, and on the third night the lion says that he will not be her regret it. The girl asks to eat it so that not a drop of her blood falls to the ground. The lion devours it, but a drop of blood falls to the ground, reeds grow out of it seven days later, and on the fortieth day the reeds grow large. A shepherd walks by, sees tall reeds, cuts it off, makes a pipe. It blows, the pipe sings: "Shepherd, you're playing well! Shepherdess, you play well! I'm a beauty girl, a golden braid. An angry old woman stole me and shackled me in heavy shackles. The villain lion ate me, lost a drop of blood - a reed grew out of that blood..." An old woman meets a shepherd, hears a song, asks Shahzade to buy a pipe and throw it away. He buys a pipe from a shepherd and throws it anywhere. A week later, Shahzade accidentally stumbles upon a pipe and sees a beautiful naked maiden standing next to her. She comes closer, the girl hides, asks to bring her a dress. Shahzadeh goes to get her dress when she returns and is amazed at her beauty. The girl says she is the one destined for him. She says what the old woman did to her. Shahzadeh takes her to the palace. He tells me to bring seven mules. An old woman is tied to four mules, her daughter to three. Shahzadeh tells them to drive them across the steppe so that only their skulls remain and bring these skulls to him. Skulls are brought to the palace, Shahzadeh throws them into the corner of the courtyard. After a while, thistles grow out of them. Unknowingly, the girl cuts off the green leaves and cooks food from them for herself and shahzade. However, every time they take up this food, sad screams rush out of the dish]: 289-291; the Lurs [when leaving, the husband demands that his wife have a son and daughter by his return; the mullah turned the egg into a girl, a tibia at a boy; the husband returned a month later, did not believe that they were children, threw an egg at the dung heap and the bone at the dogs; the dal bird asked if she could pick up the egg; the woman allowed the bird carried the egg to its nest, it became a girl; (the egg turned into a girl again); the girl grew up, the bird brings her everything she needs; weaved the carpet; wants to go down to wash; the bird teaches how tell the rock to go down and how to lift herself back; the girl lost her shoe and curl of hair, they fell into the eye of the prince's mare; he wants to marry the owner; the old woman promises to find her; refuses gold, asks for a skein of rope for her weight; began rubbing rice at the bottom of an inverted mortar, pouring water on top, extinguishing the fire, pretended to cut the ram with the back of a knife; the girl screams to her like must be done; old woman: I can't see anything; the girl came down to show; the old woman asks me to look in her head; at this time, the old woman's daughter pinned the girl's dress to the ground with pegs; the riders arrived in time they took the girl away; the old woman told the riders to leave, put the girl's clothes on her daughter, passed her off as a king, and left the girl tied to a tree; the lion ate the girl, but a drop of blood fell to the ground and then Reeds grew in the place; the shepherd cut it off and made a pipe, started playing, she sings; "Play, shepherd, play, play beautifully! I was the daughter of a Dali bird in a cave on a rock. The old woman tied me to the willow, the lion ate me"; the mother of the prince's imaginary wife heard me, threw the pipe on the pile of manure; the woman who grazed the geese picked me up to burn when it was dry; someone cooks and cleans her house; she waited for the girl and grabbed her; she replied that she was both a man and a fairy; the girl stayed with a sheep's stomach on her head - as if she were lousy; once she took off sheep's stomach to wash; the prince went to pick up his dice and saw it; ordered the old woman and her black daughter to be taken to the palace; pretended to be sick: let the lousy one bring it a bowl of broth on his head; ripped off her lamb's stomach, married her]: Amanolahi, Thackston 1986, No. 17:83-88; Bakhtiyars [woman tattoos girls; when Fatima comes, tells her to kill her mother, then she will; you must ask the mother to climb the pomegranate tree to pick the fruit, and then say that her younger brother is dead; the mother will fall, break to death; F. did so; woman tells her to sprinkle salt on clothes, come to her father and say that she is not well-groomed - let her marry a tattoo artist; after that F. asks his stepmother to get her a tattoo, but she refuses; in a dream, F.'s mother tells her to go to his uncle and ask for a yellow calf; if you hit him in the ear, any food will appear; stepmother gives birth to daughters Four-eyed and Four Stumps, feeds well, and gives Fatima bran; wonders why F. is fatter than her daughters; sends the Four-Eye to spy; she eats with F., does not reveal secrets; the stepmother sent the Four Stumps; she brings the mother the food she received from the calf, tells everything; the stepmother pretended patient, puts dry cakes on his back and chest as if she has a fever; bribes a mullah, who advises to treat her with calf meat; F. to father: stepmother pretends; father beats F.; tries to slaughter the calf; F.: "Let the blade of the knife is like the back side!" ; father beats F. again, she has to break the spell; F. cauldrons: "Do not cook"; meat is not cooked; father beats her again; F.; collects calf bones, brings her to the mother's grave; mother appears in a dream: let the daughter he will throw cotton wool on the road and follow him, come to the diva Alla Xingi, put his head on his knees and begin to comb his hair; he will answer the diva that his comb, wineskin tie and everything else are better than her mother has F.; AZ falls asleep; F. drops tears; AZ wakes up, calls her daughter, puts the moon on her chin and the sun on her forehead, gives slippers covered with jewelry; on the way back, F. loses alone, the prince finds her, tells her to find the mistress, marries F.; F. gives birth to a son; the sisters follow F.'s path, but praise things not the diva, but the mother; the diva rewards the sisters with donkey ears and a bull's tail, hanging from her chin; sisters bathe with F.; Four Stumps tie it by the braids to the willow, the tiger eats it; a drop of blood grows a reed, the shepherd makes a pipe out of it; Four Stocks puts on F. ; the prince is surprised that his wife's face no longer glows; at night, a gnashing is heard: it is the wife who gnaws off her ears and tail; the baby F. feeds cow's milk, who cries; the prince tells his mother that his wife has changed; while hunting, the prince hears the shepherd playing the pipe and she talks about F.; takes the pipe, plays himself, lets his son play; The Four Stumps throw the flute into the grain jar; the prince and his the son takes out bouquets of flowers from the huma; Four Stumps put her hand in, pricked her with a needle; one night F. came out of the huma, the prince sees the light, F. hides; says that he cannot go out naked; the prince follows clothes; Four Stumps tries to escape, F. tells him to lock the door; breastfeeds his son; talks about everything to her husband; the sisters were tied by their braids to mules and they went to hell]: Lorimer, Lorimer 1919, No. 39:256- 268; Uzbeks: Keller, Rachimov 2001, No. 14 in Uther 2004 (2), No. 720:389-390.

Baltoscandia. Danes, Lithuanians: Uther 2004 (1), No. 780:439-440; Latvians [envious sisters kill an orphan in the forest; reeds grow on her grave; a shepherd makes a pipe out of her; she sings: don't play so loud, my head hurts, they cut me with a knife, beat me with a stone; an orphan is dug up and revived; or: sisters kill their sister because of a golden apple and hide them in a bird cherry bush; when a shepherd wants to pick a bird cherry tree, she starts talking; or: one craftsman kills another for money; the master tells the craftsman to carve a bone found in the forest; the bone bleeds]: Aris, Medne 1977, No. 780:320- 321; Estonians: Kallas 1900:357-359 to Haavio 1952 (Ludza, now an assimilated Estonian enclave in Latvia) [the mother sent three daughters to pick berries; only the youngest picked hard and her mother praised her; for the third time, envious sisters killed her, said that the wolf ate; her brother went to the forest to make a cantele; the birch tree asks him to cut it for this purpose; the knowledgeable (tark) explains that the birch tree is his sister; orders first play it yourself, then give it to your father, mother, older and middle sisters; then grab the cantele and don't let go; it'll turn into a snake, a lizard, a wolf, a bear and everything else; when it turns into a spindle, break it Put half under your pillow, the other at your feet and go to bed; every time Kantele sings that envious sisters killed her; in the morning her live sister sits on the bed; older sisters are tied to the horse's tail]: 154-155; Mälk et al. 1967, No. 111 (Kolga-Jaani, Viljandimaa; common in southern and southeastern Estonia) [when leaving, the father asks his daughters what to bring them; the elders want headscarves, the youngest wants what they will give for free in addition; the seller gave a kitten; the girl began to take care of him; one day in the garden she saw a bird holding a breast jewelry in its beak; the cat climbed a tree, brought jewelry to the hostess, and the bird did not touched; next time, four rings; in church, all the guys look at the beautiful woman; envious sisters drowned the cat in the lake, and the sister was killed, thrown into a hole, thrown with garbage and reeds; reeds He grew up immediately; the shepherd made a pipe, she began to sing about what had happened; he told the village chief; people came, made more pipes, they talked about the crime, one told me to bring in a knowledgeable person; he revived the girl; the older sisters were sentenced to hang, but the youngest begged them to pardon them; they lived a miserable life, and the youngest saw grandchildren]: 372-375; Estonians [the stepmother has two children of her own; she she stabbed her youngest stepson, let her husband eat; his sister buried the bones under the willow; a harp grew on the willow, began to play and sing about what had happened (mother killed, father ate, sister buried bones); father heard the bones were dug, the murderer was punished]: Löwis of Menar 1927, No. 55:185-187.

Volga - Perm. Mordva: Biushkin 1968 (Erzya; Podlesny farm, Ishimbay District, Bashkortostan) [The old man and his old woman have three daughters and a son Ivashka. The father is going to the bazaar and asks the children who to buy what. The girls ask for baskets for picking berries, Ivashka for a golden saucer. In the evening, my father comes home and brings what he asked for. The children are told that tomorrow they will go picking berries, whoever fills the basket first will marry or marry first. In the morning, the children go to the forest, and I.'s basket contains his golden saucer, which soon filled up. The nurses' baskets are not full, and they hate that their younger brother marries before them. The older sister suggests hanging Ivashka, and taking his berries for yourself, going home and saying that Ivashka went to drink and did not wait for him back. The middle sister agrees, the youngest does not agree, asks not to kill I., it's better to dial more yourself, there is not much left to dial. But older sisters hang I. on a birch tree, bury them under a birch tree. The younger sister is threatened that if she tells her at home, she will also be hanged. She cries for a long time at I.'s grave, and returns later than her sisters. The older sister tells her father that Ivashka went to drink, but did not come back, they did not find him anywhere. Shepherds walk near the birch tree. They look at a branch growing under the birch tree. They cut it off, make a whistle, play it. The whistle sings about how Ivashka, the evil older sisters, hung him on a birch tree, buried him under a birch tree. Shepherds go to the village for the night, the fire is visible only in I. There his father is waiting for him to return. One of the shepherds starts playing, and the whistle sings about how he, Ivashka and his older sisters were hanged, and how the younger one cried because of him. In the morning, the shepherds leave, Father I. harnesses his horse and goes to look for the birch tree. When she approaches her, all her branches begin to sing sadly the same song as the whistle. The father tied his eldest daughters to the cart, takes them along the road until they die]: 314-317; Evseviev 1964, No. 26 (p. Kazhay Maksimovo, Belebeevsky University, Ufa Gubernia) [An old man and an old woman have three daughters. The old man tells them to go to the forest for berries, whoever fills the bodies first will marry him before anyone else. The youngest is the first to fill her body with berries and tell her to go home. The older sisters are angry. On the way, the older sister invites her younger sister to look in her head. The youngest agrees, falls asleep. The eldest kills her, buries her in the tar pit. The sisters take her berries and go home. When asked by their father and mother, they say that the sister stayed in the forest: they shouted, shouted to her - did not respond. A curly birch tree grows near the murdered girl. Violin masters and haulers go through violin making, and decide to cut it down into a violin. They make a violin, start playing, the violin sings: "Oh, uncle, quieter! Oh darling, be careful, careful! And so my head hurts and hurts. And so it aches my head and aches. My villain sister killed me, killed me, buried me in the tar pit, buried me. I was born a white birch tree, and I was born. I grew up like a curly birch tree, and I grew up." They put the violin in a bag, go to look for a place to sleep, decide to go to someone whose gate is open. They reach the village. The dead girl's father's gate is open. We went to spend the night and put the violin on the shelf. The girl's father asks me to play, or he's not feeling well. The violin sings: "Oh, uncle, quieter! Oh darling, be careful, careful! And so my head hurts and hurts. And so it aches my head and aches. My villain sister killed me, killed me, buried me in the tar pit, buried me. I was born a white birch tree, I was born a curly birch tree, I grew up as a curly birch tree. The violinists came - they cut me down and cut me down. They made me a beautiful violin, made me, brought me to my father's house, brought me..." Dad plays a violin, she calls him daddy. The mother takes the violin; she treats her like a mother. They call their older sister, give her a violin. The violin sings: "Villain sister, quieter, quieter! Villain sister, be careful, careful! And so my head hurts, hurts, and so my head aches and aches. Why did you kill me, kill me? Did you bury it in the tar pit, bury it?" The sister throws the violin into the burning stove. The violin turns into a pigeon, flies out of the oven, sits at my father's headboard, sings, "This is where my father sleeps. There is a white nightmare under my father, a blue pillow under my father's head, and a blue sheepskin coat on my father." Then she sits at her mother's headboard, singing: "This is where my mother sleeps, there's a white nightmare under her, my mother has a blue pillow under her head, and my mother has a blue sheepskin coat." The dove flies to the head of her older sister, sings: "This is where the villain sister sleeps, under her old bast, a millstone under her head, a hedgehog skin on her sister." The older sister decides to kill her. He heats the resin in a frying pan, puts it on the window. The dove sings, sits on the windowsill, sticks. The older sister catches her and kills her]: 205-209; Markov 1961 (Erzya; Chukaly, Ardatovsky District, Republic of Mordovia) [The old man and the old woman have three daughters. Two go to the woods for berries. When the youngest already has half a basket, the oldest one only has the bottom covered. When the youngest's basket was full, the oldest had only half. The eldest offers to go home, kills the youngest, buries her under the shore. The mother replies that she stayed in the forest and did not respond. The mother goes looking, she doesn't find them; she doesn't eat the berries. There are reeds on the edge of the shore. The shepherd herds the herd, makes pipes out of the reeds, and they begin to sing: "Quietly, older brother, quietly." The angry older sister killed (me), buried me ashore, killed me because of berries, killed me because of berries!" The shepherd suddenly stops playing. He calls a friend, plays in front of him. The pipes sing the same thing. Shepherds come to the village, start talking, playing, and people listen. The father hears and realizes that her daughter was killed by her older sister, tells her mother. They scold their eldest daughter, tell her to show where she killed and buried her youngest. The murdered girl is being dug up, she has already turned black. The father and mother tell their daughter that they will bury her instead of the victim. She asks her mother not to bury her]: 82-84; Shakhmatov 1910 (Sukhoi Karbulak Saratovsky y.) [An old man and an old woman, they have two daughters. A mother sends her daughters into the forest to pick berries, telling them that whoever's body is filled first, she will marry her. First, the bodies of the younger girl are filled. The eldest doesn't like it. She kills her sister, throws her into a wolf pit. A tall and straight birch grows out of the girl's body. A violin maker walks by and says that this birch tree is good for violins. He starts to cut it. The birch sings: "Oh, brother, quietly, oh, brother, lightly, and my head hurts so much, my sister killed me, threw me into a wolf pit. I was born as a white birch tree, birch branches are my hands, birch buds are my fingers." A violin maker cuts down a birch tree, puts it in a cart, enters the village for the night, ends up in the girl's father's apartment. He tells the girl's father that he brought a birch tree that speaks like a human being. The father comes out, begins to look at the birch tree, she sings, calls him a priest. A man enters the hut, tells his wife that the birch tree speaks like a human being. The mother comes out, begins to look at the birch tree, she sings and calls her mother. The mother enters the hut, tells her daughter. The daughter comes out, begins to look at the birch tree, she sings: "Female sister, quietly, female sister lightly, so my head hurts. How you killed me, threw me into a wolf hole, I was born a white birch tree, birch branches are my hands, birch buds are my fingers!" They take a birch tree and decide to burn it. They throw it into the oven, it lights up. A dove flies out of the birch tree, sits on a bar, starts singing: "My sister killed me" (etc.). After singing a song, he flies away]: 334-336; Tsygankin 1963 (Erzya; p. Parakino, Bolshebereznikovsky District, Republic of Mordovia) [Husband and wife. They have three daughters, the youngest is the smartest and most beautiful. The elders are jealous of the beauty of their youngest, Masha. Husband and wife send their daughters to the forest for strawberries: whoever fills their basket first will be married. M. fills the basket with strawberries faster than anyone else. The older sisters take berries from M., kill her, bury her, divide the car's strawberries in half. At home, they say that M.'s baskets are not full yet; she is left to pick strawberries. A beautiful willow grows in the place where M. was buried. Three brothers go to these places, cut down a branch, make a pipe. When they blow at her, you hear a clear voice: "Oh brother, brother, don't touch me, don't touch me, I have a very headache." The brothers are surprised, after a while they approach the village, stop near the house where M. lived, and start playing. The sisters hear the song, pull the brothers' pipe out, throw it into the oven. The pipe does not burn, turns into a sparrow, flies into a pipe, falls into a well. M.'s mother hears the song and sees the brothers rush to the well. The mother comes to the well and sings: "Black, black, white or not?" The girl from the well replies: "Only my head turned white." Mother is leaving. A bear hears the mother's voice, comes to the well, sings in a rude voice: "Black, black, white or not?" "Go away, stupid bear," Masha replies. The mother comes and asks Masha again. Mother and bear come several times - Masha cannot be deceived. Finally, when Masha turns completely white, her mother pulls her out of the well. A few days later, they celebrate their wedding: Masha is married to one of the brothers who made a pipe, the older sisters are kicked out of the house]: 101-104; Paasonen 1941 (Erzya) [father wove baskets, sent three whoever collects the first daughters for berries will marry her; the youngest gathered her first, the eldest killed her out of envy, threw a marmot into the hole; a birch tree grew there; the hunter made a violin out of her, and at the festival became playing, the violin began to sing, telling me what had happened; the older sister broke it, threw it into the oven; the coal jumped out, fell into the chest, a revived girl came out; the father tied the eldest daughter to the tail a seven-year-old stallion, who ran, her arms and legs were torn off]: 258-260; Marie: Sabitov 1989, No. 407 [Flower girl: a man breaks the stem of a wild angelica and makes a pipe; she sings In a girlish voice about the murder by her older sisters; the pipe turns into a girl]: 27; Tudorovskaya, Eman 1945 [one daughter asks her father to bring her shoes from the bazaar, the other apples, the third body for strawberries; when the sisters went to pick berries, she was the first to pick; her sisters killed her and buried her under an elm tree; a pican (wild sorrel {horse?}) grew on the grave ; the forest carters made a pipe out of it, she plays by herself: two sisters killed me, buried me under an elm tree, remembered me with apples, this is how they buried me, and I grew up as a pican; carters come to the house of the victim; the pipe sings the same the song, at the end, "oh, father, play"; then "oh, mother"; the mother threw the pipe, she gave rise to a living youngest daughter]: 78-79; Komi (Zyryans) [the soul of the deceased, especially the murdered one, often turns to a tree that will grow on his grave; if you make a pipe or horn out of such a tree, he will report, sing, about a violent death]: Gren 1924:30-39; Udmurts, Chuvashes: Kecskeméti , Paunonen 1974, No. 780:236-237; Kazan Tatars [the son of an old woman, Ubir, took the girl Gulchechek to the forest; once Ubyr forgot to lock the hut, G. ran home, taking and then eating whites; loss in appearance the wolf in pursuit; G. asks the elm to hide it, the elm opened, hid G. in the hollow, left in the morning; the next evening - the same (the lake surrounded G. for the night); near the house G. climbed a birch tree, tried it knock them down; G. gives the starling two hair from a braid, older brother G. finds them at the gate, takes them for horse hair, makes violin strings; brother's wife plays, violin tells not to play; brother plays, violin talks about what happened; brother killed Ubir with a club, returned his sister]: Yarmukhametov 1957:72-75; Bashkirs [Fatima and daughter-in-law went to rinse their clothes, her daughter-in-law pushed her into the water; the father asks by the river Is the daughter on earth; hears a voice from under the water - not in heaven, at the bottom, the hair is entangled in willow roots, let the father bring the hook; the father brought the hook, but could not pull F. out; the same episodes with the older brother; The bear listened, began to call, F. did not respond; he shoved the blacksmith's tongue, began to call again, F. decided that his father was calling, said about the hook; the Bear pulled it out, took it to him; F. asks the Bear to take it gifts to the village, she will climb onto the roof herself; got into a bag of gifts, putting a mortar wrapped in her dress on the roof; in the village, the Bear threw his burden, ran away from the dogs; F. went out, but did not open it to her, she went to the sheep in the barn, it was eaten by wolves, her black hair was left; the brother pulled it over the violin, the violin sang - let her brother not press it, otherwise his head hurts, the brother supposedly did not open the door; the brother broke the violin, F. jumped out healthy]: Barag 1989, No. 7:63-65.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Siberian Tatars (Yalankul, Bolsherechensky District, Omsk Oblast) [evil people have a daughter-in-law, she is not allowed to visit her parents. one day she takes her baby and goes to visit her parents in the moonlight; a wolf meets her; frightened, she drops the bread she had in her hand ; the wolf finds bread and, after eating it, wanders after the woman; she throws the shawl off her head; finally she has nothing left, she is forced to abandon her baby; gets to her native village, hides in her parents' yard; the wolf finds it and eats it; when the sun rises, her brother goes out into the yard, sees his intestines lying around; he brings the guts home, makes violin strings out of them, plays the violin; violin sings: "The month is shining dimly, the woman weaves sadly when the clouds are in the sky, wolves prowl in the woods"; parents and siblings listen to this song; they go looking for their daughter and avenge her - they kill their mother-in-law and father-in-law]: Akhatov 1963, No. 5:192-193.

Japan. The Japanese (everywhere, but not to Ryukyu) [father promises to bring gifts; children (the number varies: one in 23 versions, two in 31, three in 17, four in 1; all options are distributed haphazardly) ask mirror, sewing box, comb, hair ornament, toys; stepmother tells children to fill the pot while carrying water with a sieve; heat water using stones or wet straw as fuel; cut branches with a spoon (or nails); a Buddhist priest puts his sleeve in a sieve of his clothes; an oil seller pours oil on the stones; when the water is warm, the stepmother puts branches around the fire, tells the children to step over, they fall into a cauldron, cooked, buried around the house; bamboo grows out of the remains; a wandering monk asks bamboo to make a flute; stepmother does not tell me to play it facing east, where the children's father has gone; he violates the ban , the flute plays "I don't want more gifts", "I miss my father", "I can't carry water with a sieve"; father hurries home, finds the children's bodies under bamboo, sometimes he goes blind with tears; stepmother is expelled; executed; husband kills her; she becomes a mole; she falls into the river and drowns; she is slaughtered, fleas and lice emerge from her body; she is dragged through reeds, so the roots of the reed are red; when the father's tears fall to the ground, children are reborn, or children rise to the sky to become the moon and star; the flute becomes a child again; when the flute is played to address a dead child, the "father at home" is heard, the child comes to life; or the children were revived by their late mother; the father digs up the body, the children are alive]: Ikeda 1971, No. 720:166-167.