Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

K80a3. To the forest for berries. 28.31.32.

Members of the same family (girls, young women or children) go to the forest for berries. They envy the one (rarely: the one) who picked berries earlier and more than others, kill or bewitch her.

Poles, Russians (Arkhangelsk, Vologda, Novgorod, Pskov, Moscow, Voronezh), Ukrainians (Galicia, Grodno, Podolia, Ivano-Frankovskaya, Chernigov, Poltavskaya), Belarusians, Lutsies, Lithuanians, Mordovians, Mari.

Central Europe. Poles: Lifshits-Artemyeva 2017 [three sisters lived, the pan fell in love with the youngest; the sisters went for berries, the eldest killed the youngest, buried her, said at home that the wolves ate; the middle one protected her, but not I was able to save; a willow grew up on the grave; the shepherd made a pipe, she sings: "Play, shepherd, play, God help you! My older sister killed me, my middle sister kept me safe." The shepherd lets the mother, father, middle sisters of the victim play, the pipe turns to the one who plays every time; the eldest is tied to horses, the pan married his middle sister]: 238-240; Krzyżanowski 1962, № 780 [mother cannot decide which daughter to pass off as panych; sends them to the forest: whoever picks more raspberries will marry; an envious sister (s) kills her youngest because she was the first to get full body; buries it under the willow; son {whose?} or a shepherd makes a pipe from a bone or willow, she talks about what happened]: 246; Russians: Onchukov 2008, No. 44 (Arkhangelskaya, Mezen) [the younger sister picked berries and found a golden pebble; the eldest takes {berries}, but she decreases; killed the youngest, put it under the birch tree, took berries and pebbles; father, then brother, mother - everyone calls the youngest to the bathhouse; she replies that her sister killed her, under the birch tree she planted it, drowned her slipper, threw her heel down; when her older sister goes to call her, the younger sister says the same thing to her, but "you killed me"; the victim came to the gate and began to cry, asks to open it, otherwise wolves; brother: you will call him husband, I will open it; sister refuses; the second brother answers the same thing, she calls him husband; when she entered, she made two dolls, left them to say: shame and disgrace, brother honors his wife; she sank through the ground herself; she ran, ran, there was a hut on chicken legs; in it, my grandmother says that it is not the cloud that is rolling, but Yagibiha is coming; "and we will close ourselves under the needle" (probably "we will turn into a needle"); the other hut is an old man; "and we will close under the cream"; the old man and the girl went through the mountain, but Yagibiha can't, ran for a shovel; dug it, chased again; they have a "tailor's pipe", they are "portenko spread it out" and sailed across the river on it; and Yagibikha drowned; they crossed the river, there is the emperor's house, they ask for a fathera... (doesn't remember further)]: 159-161; Gura 1965, No. 15 (Vologodskaya) [the old man and the old woman are childless; the old man clenched a ball of snow, put it under his fur coat on the stove, the girl Snezhevinochka became; went with the girls for berries; who she will recruit the most, that red sundress and first marry; S. recruited the most, her girlfriends killed her, buried her under a pine tree, rolled her with a roll, rubbed her with a saucer; at home, the old man asks where his daughter is; girls: went the other way; reeds grew on S.'s grave, haulers made a pipe; they came to the old man, began to play: "Doo-doo, doo, father! You don't know my great grief: how girls killed me because of a saucer, because of berries; they buried me under a pine tree, rolled me with a spool, rubbed me with a saucer"; the old man asked for a pipe, the haulers gave it away; the old man ruined it S. broke and jumped out; the old man and the old woman are glad]: 222-223; Kuzmina 2008, No. 67 (Vologodskaya) [the girl went for berries; the shoemaker began to ask her for berries, she did not give her, he stabbed her, buried her under a bump; flowers grew; a man was walking, plucking, a flower sang: Flower, you are a flower, Little by little, robbers killed me, Buried here under a bump; a man came to the village, dug up the grave, found my body], 68 [] , 69 []: 165, 166, 167; Smirnov 1917, No. 94 (Novgorod, Cherepovets University) [The man's three daughters went for berries, two are lazy, the youngest is picking her; they killed her, buried her, took the berries, said she got lost; a year later, the father noticed a bush, made two pipes, started playing; pipe in the voice of my daughter: tyatenka, mamma, my sisters killed me for a berry, for cranberries; when my mother started playing, the pipe sings the same thing; parents put their daughters in prison]: 318; Ploshchuk 2004, No. 47 (Pskov) [two daughters fashionistas, the third is quiet; the father asks what to bring them out of town; the former want a dress and shoes, a third golden saucer and a bulk apple; when the father returned, the sisters became envious, they decided to kill third, they called me to the forest for berries, killed them, buried them by the road; grass and reeds grew on the grave; a potter came to sell pots, cut off the reed, made a pipe; she sings: Play, uncle, play, dear, we were three sisters, I, the third, were killed for a golden saucer, for a bulk apple! the potter began to play in the village, the sisters' mother heard, the grave was dug up, the murderers were punished]: 134-136 (approximately the same No. 48:136-137); Russians (Moscow) [two older sisters did not pick mushrooms; berries; the youngest picked it, brought it; her father brought her a silver saucer from the city; the sisters went for berries again, the elders killed the youngest, buried them, putting berries and a saucer on her chest; a bush with yellow ones grew in this place with flowers, a passerby made a pipe, she sings, Play, play, uncle! You did not strangle me, You did not kill me, my Jewish sisters strangled and killed, For a silver saucer, For red berries; mother and father heard me, asked me to let me play; the pipe sings the same thing; the grave was dug up, the girl came to life, she was passed off as a passerby, the sisters were tied to the stallion's tail, opened across the field]: Vedernikova, Samodelova 1998, No. 65:185-187; Russians: Kretov 1977, No. 28 (Voronezhskaya, 1966, village Nizhny Ikorets, Liskinsky District) [The mother does not know which of her three daughters to give the ring. She sends them to pick berries, wants to give the ring to the one who collects the most, she knows that she will be the smartest daughter, Masha. The sisters see that Masha has more berries, strangle her and bury her in the forest, her mothers say that she left early. Parents can't find their daughter. The sisters take turns wearing the ring. Next winter, grandpa cuts a pipe in the forest, singing in a human voice about how two sisters killed a third for berries and a ring. He walks into Masha's house and invites his sisters, mother and father to play the pipe, and every time the song goes to the person who plays. Grandpa shows where Masha was buried (the place where he "cut the pipe"). She is buried in the grave, her father ties her daughters to the tails of horses and lets them go to the field]; 28a (Voronezhskaya, 1964, p. Kamenno-Verkhovka, Novousmansky District) [The mother does not know which daughter to give the gold ring. She promises to give it to the one that picks more strawberries. The older daughters see that the youngest has scored more and agree to kill her. They bury her dress, smear her dress with blood and bring it to her parents, they say that her sister was torn apart by wolves, and they barely ran away. Their little brother goes to the forest, makes a pipe out of a tall vine, and she sings about how the sisters killed their younger sister. She brings the pipe home, her mother plays it, finds out the truth. The father ties his daughters to the tails of horses and lets go], 28b (Voronezhskaya, 1968, p. Vorontsovka, Pavlovsky District) [Olena and Ivashka's grandchildren go to the forest for berries. Olena eats berries, Ivashko picks them. She looks in his head, he falls asleep and she kills him. He brings his basket home, says his brother is lost in the woods. Merchants go through the forest and make a pipe, she sings about what happened to her brother Ivashka. Merchants stay in the village with their grandparents Olena and Ivashka, who try to play the pipe, understand that it is Ivashka, they scold Olena], 28d (Voronezhskaya, 1968, p. Vorontsovka, Pavlovsky District) [(1968, p. Vorontsovka, Pavlovsky District)], 28g (Voronezhskaya, 1969, p. Krasovka, Gribanovsky District) [My father is going to go to the city and promises to take with him whoever picks more berries. Three sisters and Vanyusha's younger brother go to the forest, he gathers the most. The older sister persuades the average to kill Vanyusha, the youngest does not agree, but they threaten to kill her too. At home they say that the brother is lost, the younger sister is crying. The shepherd makes a pipe out of the cane who grew up on the boy's grave, who sings about how the sisters killed her brother ("The old sister strangled, the middle sister held her hands, And the smaller one cried, stroked my curls"). The father hears, picks up the pipe himself, understands what happened. At home, he pulls his two eldest daughters and kicks them out of the house]: 45-46, 46-47, 47-48, 48, 48-49; Baryshnikova 2007, No. 3 [three daughters want to receive their mother's gold ring, but she wants to give it to her beloved younger Duna; the mother is afraid of a quarrel in the family, promises to give the ring to the one who will bring more berries; Dunya goes separately and collects more berries, the older sisters kill her, decide to wear the ring one by one; the sisters say mother, that Dunya left the forest earlier, the mother grieves; 5 years pass; on a hill in the forest, a shepherd finds a bylinka, makes a pipe out of it, which herself sings about how 2 sisters killed the youngest because of a ring; he comes to the village and plays, a neighbor, father, mother and older sister are asked to play the pipe, each time the song refers to the one in whose hands the pipe is in his hands, the voice accuses the sisters of murder; they are not they confess; the shepherd shows the place where he cut the bylinka, dig up the hill and find Dunya, who is "not dead"]: 56-59; (cf. Russians (Arkhangelskaya) [Old parents have two daughters, one finds a golden stone in the forest, collects a lot of berries, but the eldest does not succeed. The eldest kills her younger sister, buries her under a birch tree, and takes a stone for herself. At home, parents heat the sauna. Father, brother, mother and sister take turns calling the youngest to take a steam bath, and she tells everyone that she was killed by her sister. The dead woman comes to the gate, asks her brother to let her in, is afraid of wolves who want to eat her. Her brother lets her in on condition that she becomes his wife. She agrees. He makes two dolls, they say that his brother is ashamed to marry his sister, the girl falls through the ground. She runs to the hut, hides from Yagabiha in a hut with her grandmother under a needle. The girl runs on and hides in a hut with a bearded old man under a cream. They flee from Yagabiha, go through the mountain, Yagabiha returns to the field for a shovel, digs up the ground and continues to chase. The old man and the girl run to the river, they have a "tailor's pipe", they "spread it out" and sailed on it. Yagabiha jumped to them, but she was thrown into the water and she dies. On the other side we found ourselves with the emperor.. /doesn't know anymore/]: Onchukov 2008, No. 44:159-161); Ukrainians (St. Drogichin Kobrinsky y. Hrodna governorate) [Three brothers, two clever, and the third one is stupid. The father asks which of them to marry first. Everyone gets called. The father tells them to go to the forest, and whoever picks berries faster, he marries first. They collect without unbending, but the fool has already packed it up and wants to go home. The smart ones envy a fool, kill him by sticking a knife in his heart, bury him in the ground, sprinkle him with sand, stick cherries in their heads instead of a cross and go home. A pan rides along that road, sees cherries and decides to cut them down and make a pipe out of them. She goes, he plays, the pipe says: "Don't play, panochek, don't play, don't touch my heart, my brothers killed me, stabbed me in my heart, covered my eyes with a shingle, stuck cherries instead of a cross and covered me with sand." Pan is surprised that the pipe keeps asking him not to play. He comes to the village where the fool's brothers and father live, finds him at night, enters his stupid father's yard and asks to be allowed into the hut to spend the night. He is let in for the night, he straightens his horse, enters the hut and tells the owner about the pipe, offers to play. Pidochka calls him a priest. Mother is playing. Pipe calls her mother. They give them to sons. The pipe says: "Don't play, brother, don't play, don't touch my heart, you killed me, stabbed me, stabbed me in my heart, covered your eyes with a shingle, stuck cherries instead of a cross and covered me with sand." Then everyone finds out that the smart ones have killed a fool, they go to the grave, shovel the sand and make sure that everything happened as the pipe says. The brothers are taken to the office, taken to prison]: Chubinsky, 1878, No. 144:473-475; Ukrainians (Podolia) [Two daughters, grandfather has one, woman has another. They go to the forest for cherries. Grandfather puts together what he collects, the woman immediately eats what she collects. They go beyond the forest. Babina's daughter offers to lie down and rest for a while. Grandfather falls asleep, the woman takes a knife, sticks it into her heart, takes berries and takes off her ring, and covers her with leaves. The shepherd drives the sheep to fall there early, makes a pipe there. She plays, she says: "Play, shepherd, play! Don't cut my heart with a knife! My sister did it to me, stuck a knife in my heart, by a mug of berries, for the gold ring that the gentleman gave me." The shepherd brings the sheep home, asks his grandfather where his daughter is. The grandfather replies that she went for berries and the bride where she disappeared. The shepherd reports that she herded the sheep and played the pipe, and she spoke to him. A grandfather takes a woman, a daughter and a woman, and goes to the forest. He starts playing the pipe, the pipe says: "Play, father, play! Don't cut my heart with a knife!" They take it out, take it home, bury it. A woman's daughter is given a fast horse that has never been to the yard, has never seen the sun and has never heard a voice. They tie it to the tail and let it go into the light. He's running with her. And the mountains and valleys in the world were the ones she knocked out. Because where she hit her head, there's a valley and where she hit her back, there's a hill]: Levchenko 1928:494-495; Ukrainians (Dobrogostov, Drohobich County, Galicia) [Grandfather and woman, they have two daughters: my grandfather has his own from the first wives, a woman has her own from her first husband. These daughters once go to the woods for berries. Grandfather's daughter picked berries in a box, and babina in her mouth. They are already returning home, the grandfather has a box full of berries, the woman has nothing. Then Babina's daughter offers her sister a little rest. They lie down on the grass, the grandfather's daughter falls asleep, the woman's daughter cuts it. He takes a box of berries, buries it in the ground, plants a branch of viburnum on the grave. At home, my grandfather asks where his daughter is. She says she doesn't know if she's left behind somewhere. Two guys are walking through the woods. They sit down to rest. They look, and there the beautiful viburnum has bloomed, they cut off the twig, cut a pipe out of it and play. The pipe says: "Oh, little by little, Cossack, play, don't completely rub my heart! There were two girls, we went to pick berries, disliked each other, stuck a knife in my heart!" The guys grab the pipe, move on, go to that girl's dad for the night. There the guy starts playing again, the pipe says. The old father hears this, asks to be allowed to play. The pipe also sings to him, calling him a daddy. The old man tells his daughter that she stabbed his daughter. She hides on the stove in the corner, does not want to get down, the woman yells at her grandfather that he is an old fool and says stupid things. My grandfather says that if she didn't stab her, let her play the flute herself, maybe she could tell her. Guys pull the girl off the stove, she has to play. Pipe: "Oh, little by little, sister, play, don't completely rub my heart! There were two girls, we went for berries, you didn't like me, you stuck a knife in my heart!" Then that girl is taken and tied to a horse's tail, the horse blows her to death]: Yavorsky 1915:235-236; Ukrainians (Nebilov, Rozhnyatovsky District, Ivano-Frankivsk Region) [Grandfather's daughter is hard-working, babina is lazy. Daughters go to the forest for berries. Grandfather picks berries, babina does not collect berries. We should go home in the evening. Babina takes her grandfather's berries and kills her with a knife. He buries him and goes home. When asked by his grandfather, he says that his daughter was eaten by a wolf. Viburnum grows in the place where Babina's daughter buried her grandfather. One day Cossacks go and sit under that viburnum to rest. One Cossack is surprised at the beauty of viburnum, cuts out a pipe for himself, plays, the pipe says: "Oh little by little, shepherd, play, don't completely hit my heart, my sister killed me from the light, stuck a knife in my heart." Cossacks go to the village. They give my grandfather to play. The grandfather plays, the pipe calls him father, gives him to the woman, the pipe calls her mother. They give the girl, the pipe says: "Oh little by little, murderer, play, don't hit my heart completely, you, sister, killed me out of the light, stuck a knife in my heart." Babina's daughter is tied to the horse's tail, she dies]: Zinchuk 2006, No. 31:130-131; Ukrainians (Bakumovka, Mirgorod District, Poltava Region) [Husband and wife live poorly but amicably, and they have a beautiful daughter, Kilina. Where she appears, birds begin to sing, flowers bloom, and people rejoice. My mother fell ill and died. The father takes his stepmother with daughter Hotina, who is lazy and capricious. She and her stepmother hate K., put all the work on her shoulders, but K. does everything with the song. One day they go to the forest for berries. K. picks every last berry, H., seeing that K.'s basket is full and envious of its beauty, kills it and buries it by the stream. She takes a basket of berries herself and goes home. Her father is told that K. was angry with her for picking up a basket full of berries and left, saying that she would not return home. The father is grieving, but he thinks that his daughter will find her happiness. Birds and flowers mourn for K. The sheepdog stops by the stream, sees a bush with red berries that he had never seen before, berries like drops of blood. He cut out the pipe, played, the pipe answered in a gentle voice: "Oh little by little, shepherd, play, don't hit my heart completely, my sister killed me out of the light, stuck a knife in my heart." Ovchar is surprised, comes to K.'s parents' house. Hearing the pipe, the father asks to let me play, and the pipe calls him father. His wife also wants to play; the pipe calls her stepmother. They offer Hotina to play, she refuses for a long time, then starts playing, the pipe cries and moans: "Oh little by little, murderer, play, don't completely hit my heart, you killed me out of the light, a knife in my heart stuck it." The father comes to the bush, admires it, saying: "You are my Kilinka, my you are Kalinka", falls beside him. It is buried near a bush called viburnum, it now grows everywhere, loves streams, its berries are healthy, and it is used to make flutes. Not everyone can play on such a flute, only a kind person. People curse Hotina. Where she appears, the birds stop singing, the sun hides behind the clouds, and the streams dry up. This is how she dies, no one buries her, eagles carry her bones]: Zinchuk 2010, No. 238:276-277; Ukrainians (p. Glyboka Balka, Reshetilovsky District, Poltava Region) [A grandfather and a woman live in the village, and each has a daughter. Old people send them to the forest for berries. Grandfather's daughter is hardworking, picks berries quickly, and babina puts berries in her mouth. It's time to go back. My grandfather's daughter says we should go home and share it on the way. They are coming, the sun is hot, the woman's daughter invites her daughter to lie down to rest. Grandfather's daughter falls asleep. Babina's daughter takes a knife, kills her, buries her. She comes home and brags about how many strawberries she picked up. The grandfather asks where his daughter is. She replies, somewhere behind her - she hasn't collected anything and is ashamed to go home. Mowers walk along the way, stopped to rest, see the grave, viburnum blooms on it. One of the braids cuts a pipe for himself. He starts playing, the pipe says in a voice: "Oh little by little, little worker, play, don't hit my heart completely, my sister killed me from the light, stuck a sharp knife in my heart." Kostsy are surprised that the pipe speaks in a human voice, comes to the village where grandparents and women live, ask for an overnight stay, sit alone on a bench and start playing. The grandfather hears that the pipe is singing, asking him to let him play, the pipe calls him father. The woman at the stove also hears and puts the pipe to her lips, the pipe calls her mother. Babina's daughter is sitting in the corner on the stove, afraid that the pipe will tell the truth. Her grandfather gives her a pipe and orders her to play. She plays, the pipe says, "Oh, little by little, sister, play, don't hit my heart completely, my sister killed me out of the light, stuck a sharp knife in my heart." A memorial service is celebrated for the grandfather's daughter, the woman is expelled with dogs]: Zinchuk 2010b, No. 13:27-29; Ukrainians (Recorded by artist Lev Zhemchuzhnikov in the village. Linovitsa Piryatinsky u. Poltava governorate) [Once upon a time there was a grandfather and a woman, a grandfather had a daughter and a woman had a daughter. They went to the oak grove for berries. Grandfather's daughter collects and collects, collects a full bowl, and the woman will eat whoever takes the berry. My grandfather's daughter invited her sister to go home and share it. They're walking along the road. Babina's daughter invites her sister to lie down to rest. They lay down. Grandfather's daughter, tired, falls asleep, the woman takes a knife, sticks it into her heart, digs a hole and buries her. She goes home and brags about how many berries she picked. The grandfather asks where she put his daughter. She says she's walking behind her. The Chumaks (merchants who bring salt) come and decide to rest. They see a grave above the road, and on it a beautiful viburnum. A pipe is cut out of it. One chumak started playing, and the pipe said: Oh little by little, little, chumachok, play, don't hit my heart completely, my sister brought me out of the light - she stuck a knife in my heart. Others say it means something if the viburnum pipe says so. They come to the village and find themselves with that grandfather. They ask to spend the night, and for this they will tell them what happened to them. When they enter the house, one asks the other to start playing. The pipe says. My grandfather is surprised what kind of pipe he plays so beautifully that he already wants to cry. He wants to play. The pipe refers to him like a priest. The woman from the stove asks me to play. The pipe treats her like a mother. Babina's daughter is sitting in the corner on the stove, afraid that they will find out. My grandfather tells her to give it to play. The pipe sings: Oh little by little, murderer, play, don't hit my heart completely, you, sister, drove me out of the light - you stuck a knife in my heart. Everyone will know what happened. A memorial dinner is given for the grandfather's daughter, and the woman is tied to a horse's tail and carried across the field]: Kulish 1957b: 20-23; Ukrainians (p. Luchenky, Lokhvitsky district, Poltava region) [A grandfather and a woman, a grandfather has a daughter and a woman has a daughter. They are sent to the forest for berries. Grandfather's daughter tears up and puts her in a basket, but the woman just eats. Narvali, they started going home. On the way, Babina offers her daughter a rest. They sit in the forest under viburnum. Babina's daughter kills her sister by sticking a knife in her heart and picks up the basket. He comes home with a basket full of berries. The grandfather asks where his daughter is. Babina's daughter says she stayed in the woods. It's already evening and my grandfather's gone. Chumaks go in the evening. They see a viburnum bush, and under it a mound of earth. Cut a pipe for themselves from a branch of viburnum. They play, the pipe sings in a human voice: "Oh little by little, chumachok, play, don't hit my heart completely. My sister killed me out of the light and stabbed me in my heart." Chumaks come to the village. It's dark everywhere, and it's glowing in one house. They decide to ask them to spend the night, and they knock. The grandfather is happy and thinks that his daughter has returned. The Chumaks ask them to spend the night and promise to tell us something. They enter the house. Chumak gives his grandfather a pipe to play, his grandfather plays, a pipe "Oh little by little, father, play, don't hit my heart completely. My sister killed me out of the light and stabbed me in my heart." Grandpa gives it to the woman. The pipe sings to her: "Oh little by little, mother, play, don't hit my heart completely. Your daughter killed me out of the light and stabbed me in my heart." My grandfather tells me to serve the one sitting on the stove: "Oh little by little, sister, play, don't hit my heart completely. You killed me out of the light, stabbed me in my heart." Babina's daughter gets off the stove and tells the truth. Her grandfather kicks her out of the house she was in, treats the Chumakov, thanks her for revealing the truth]: Zinchuk 2010:40-41; Ukrainians (p. Ploskoye Nezhinsky u. Chernihiv Province) [One person has a daughter and a son. The father sends them to the forest for berries. They picked some berries and are going home. Her sister tells her brother to give her a little bit, because she didn't gain enough, so her father would beat her. The brother replies that he will also hit him. The sister demands to give it, or she'll stab him. She took a knife and stabbed it, raked a hole and threw it. A pipe grows on that hole. Chumaks go, cut off the pipe and start playing. Pipe plays: Oh, play, chumachok, play, don't hit my heart completely: my heart hurts bitterly, my heart has a sharp knife sticking out. They all play, she sings to them all like that. They go to a house, go into it and let the person living there play. Pidochka calls him a priest. This is how they find out that her sister stabbed her brother. They take her to the field and kill her with a shot]: Malinka 1902, No. 21:289; Belarusians [two daughters and Kirilk's son; went for berries, sisters are walking, and K. collects him; they slaughtered him, took the berries, said at home that K. was gone; Dubok grew up in this place, the merchants made a pipe, began to play; Don't play, merchant, don't play, My wounds don't take, The wound is great, My sisters stabbed me, rolled me under the deck, covered me with a basket; the merchants spent the night in that house; everyone is playing the pipe, she sings the same thing; the parents of their daughters drove away; another option, in which there is only one daughter; she was tied by her braids to a horse's tail, smashed across the field]: Romanov 1887, No. 45a, b: 262-264; Belarusians [grandfather and woman have three sons; when dying, the father orders to guard the grave: whoever will guard will catch a golden hog digging the royal garden and the tsar promises a reward; elder, the middle son is afraid, they run home to the fullest; the youngest fool catches the hog in a bag; the eldest killed the youngest, brought the hog to the king, received an award; after a while the reeds grew, the shepherds did the pipe, she sings: Play, play, shepherds! My brother killed me for the golden hog; let the tsar play; the tsar guessed it, executed the murderer]: Romanov 1887, No. 45c: 264-265.

Baltoscandia. Lutsie [mother sent three daughters to pick berries; only the youngest picked hard and her mother praised her; the third time, envious sisters killed her, said that the wolf ate; her brother went to the woods to do it cantele; the birch tree asks him to cut it for this purpose; the knowledgeable (tark) explains that the birch tree is his sister; tells him to play first by himself, then give it to his father, mother, older and middle sisters; then grab the cantele and not let it out; it will turn into a snake, a lizard, a wolf, a bear and everything else; when it turns into a spindle, break it, put half under your pillow, the other in your legs and go to bed; every time Kantele sings that envious sisters killed her; in the morning her sister is sitting on the bed alive; the older sisters are tied to the horse's tail]: Kallas 1900:357-359 in Haavio 1952:154-155; Lithuanians [9 married brothers, they have a sister; she she collected a jug full of berries, the daughters-in-law was envious; three began to walk around in a round dance and cursed her oak so that her oak grew to her knees, to the lower back, whole; brothers walk by, sister cries inside the oak tree, they hear her voice; they say that they brought her a sieve, a gold ring; sister: I will not sift, I will not wear the ring; the brothers told the wives to spell her sister; three went in a round dance again, the oak let the girl out; The brothers gave her a sieve, a ring]: Kerbelite 2021, No. 63:128-130.

Volga - Perm. Mordva: Biushkin 1968 (Erzya; Podlesny farm, Ishimbay District, Bashkortostan) [The old man and his old woman have three daughters and a son Ivashka. The father is going to the bazaar and asks the children who to buy what. The girls ask for baskets for picking berries, Ivashka for a golden saucer. In the evening, my father comes home and brings what he asked for. The children are told that tomorrow they will go picking berries, whoever fills the basket first will marry or marry first. In the morning, the children go to the forest, I.'s basket has his golden saucer, which soon filled up. The nurses' baskets are not full, and they hate that their younger brother marries before them. The older sister suggests hanging Ivashka, and taking his berries for yourself, going home and saying that Ivashka went to drink and did not wait for him back. The middle sister agrees, the youngest does not agree, asks not to kill I., it's better to dial more yourself, there is not much left to dial. But older sisters hang I. on a birch tree, bury them under a birch tree. The younger sister is threatened that if she tells her at home, she will also be hanged. She cries for a long time at I.'s grave, and returns later than her sisters. The older sister tells her father that Ivashka went to drink, but did not come back, they did not find him anywhere. Shepherds walk near the birch tree. They look at a branch growing under the birch tree. They cut it off, make a whistle, play it. The whistle sings about how Ivashka, the evil older sisters, hung him on a birch tree, buried him under a birch tree. Shepherds go to the village for the night, the fire is visible only in I. There his father is waiting for him to return. One of the shepherds starts playing, and the whistle sings about how he, Ivashka and his older sisters were hanged, and how the younger one cried because of him. In the morning, the shepherds leave, Father I. harnesses his horse and goes to look for the birch tree. When she approaches her, all her branches begin to sing sadly the same song as the whistle. The father tied his eldest daughters to the cart, takes them along the road until they die]: 314-317; Evseviev 1964, No. 26 (p. Kazhay Maksimovo, Belebeevsky University, Ufa Gubernia) [An old man and an old woman have three daughters. The old man tells them to go to the forest for berries, whoever fills the bodies first will marry him before anyone else. The youngest is the first to fill her body with berries and tell her to go home. The older sisters are angry. On the way, the older sister invites her younger sister to look in her head. The youngest agrees, falls asleep. The eldest kills her, buries her in the tar pit. The sisters take her berries and go home. When asked by their father and mother, they say that the sister stayed in the forest: they shouted, shouted to her - did not respond. A curly birch tree grows near the murdered girl. Violin masters and haulers go through violin making, and decide to cut it down into a violin. They make a violin, start playing, the violin sings: "Oh, uncle, quieter! Oh darling, be careful, careful! And so my head hurts and hurts. And so it aches my head and aches. My villain sister killed me, killed me, buried me in the tar pit, buried me. I was born a white birch tree, and I was born. I grew up like a curly birch tree, and I grew up." They put the violin in a bag, go to look for a place to sleep, decide to go to someone whose gate is open. They reach the village. The dead girl's father's gate is open. We went to spend the night and put the violin on the shelf. The girl's father asks me to play, or he's not feeling well. The violin sings: "Oh, uncle, quieter! Oh darling, be careful, careful! And so my head hurts and hurts. And so it aches my head and aches. My villain sister killed me, killed me, buried me in the tar pit, buried me. I was born a white birch tree, I was born a curly birch tree, I grew up as a curly birch tree. The violinists came - they cut me down and cut me down. They made me a beautiful violin, made me, brought me to my father's house, brought me..." Dad plays a violin, she calls him daddy. The mother takes the violin; she treats her like a mother. They call their older sister, give her a violin. The violin sings: "Villain sister, quieter, quieter! Villain sister, be careful, careful! And so my head hurts, hurts, and so my head aches and aches. Why did you kill me, kill me? Did you bury it in the tar pit, bury it?" The sister throws the violin into the burning stove. The violin turns into a pigeon, flies out of the oven, sits at my father's headboard, sings, "This is where my father sleeps. There is a white nightmare under my father, a blue pillow under my father's head, and a blue sheepskin coat on my father." Then she sits at her mother's headboard, singing: "This is where my mother sleeps, there's a white nightmare under her, my mother has a blue pillow under her head, and my mother's blue sheepskin coat." The dove flies to the head of her older sister, sings: "This is where the villain sister sleeps, under her old bast, a millstone under her head, a hedgehog skin on her sister." The older sister decides to kill her. He heats the resin in a frying pan, puts it on the window. The dove sings, sits on the windowsill, sticks. The older sister catches her and kills her]: 205-209; Markov 1961 (Erzya; Chukaly, Ardatovsky District, Republic of Mordovia) [The old man and the old woman have three daughters. Two go to the forest for berries. When the youngest already has half a basket, the oldest one only has the bottom covered. When the youngest's basket was full, the oldest had only half. The eldest offers to go home, kills the youngest, buries her under the shore. The mother replies that she stayed in the forest and did not respond. The mother goes looking, she doesn't find them; she doesn't eat the berries. There are reeds on the edge of the shore. The shepherd herds the herd, makes pipes out of the reeds, and they begin to sing: "Quietly, older brother, quietly." The angry older sister killed (me), buried me ashore, killed me because of berries, killed me because of berries!" The shepherd suddenly stops playing. He calls a friend, plays in front of him. The pipes sing the same thing. Shepherds come to the village, start talking, playing, and people listen. The father hears and realizes that her daughter was killed by her older sister, tells her mother. They scold their eldest daughter, tell her to show where she killed and buried her youngest. The murdered girl is being dug up, she has already turned black. The father and mother tell their daughter that they will bury her instead of the victim. She asks her mother not to bury her]: 82-84; Tsygankin 1963 (Erzya; p. Parakino, Bolshebereznikovsky District, Republic of Mordovia) [Husband and wife. They have three daughters, the youngest is the smartest and most beautiful. The elders are jealous of the beauty of their youngest, Masha. Husband and wife send their daughters to the forest for strawberries: whoever fills their basket first will be married. M. fills the basket with strawberries faster than anyone else. The older sisters take berries from M., kill her, bury her, divide the car's strawberries in half. At home, they say that M.'s baskets are not full yet; she is left to pick strawberries. A beautiful willow grows in the place where M. was buried. Three brothers go to these places, cut down a branch, make a pipe. When they blow at her, you hear a clear voice: "Oh brother, brother, don't touch me, don't touch me, I have a very headache." The brothers are surprised, after a while they approach the village, stop near the house where M. lived, and start playing. The sisters hear the song, pull the brothers' pipe out, throw it into the oven. The pipe does not burn, turns into a sparrow, flies into a pipe, falls into a well. M.'s mother hears the song and sees the brothers rush to the well. The mother comes to the well and sings: "Black, black, white or not?" The girl from the well replies: "Only my head turned white." Mother is leaving. A bear hears the mother's voice, comes to the well, sings in a rude voice: "Black, black, white or not?" "Go away, stupid bear," Masha replies. The mother comes and asks Masha again. Mother and bear come several times - Masha cannot be deceived. Finally, when Masha turns completely white, her mother pulls her out of the well. A few days later, they celebrate their wedding: Masha is married to one of the brothers who made a pipe, the older sisters are kicked out of the house]: 101-104; Shakhmatov 1910 (Sukhoi Karbulak of Saratov): 334-336 [ An old man and an old woman, they have two daughters. A mother sends her daughters into the forest to pick berries, telling them that whoever's body is filled first, she will marry her. First, the bodies of the younger girl are filled. The eldest doesn't like it. She kills her sister, throws her into a wolf pit. A tall and straight birch grows out of the girl's body. A violin maker walks by and says that this birch tree is good for violins. He starts to cut it. The birch sings: "Oh, brother, quietly, oh, brother, lightly, and my head hurts so much, my sister killed me, threw me into a wolf pit. I was born as a white birch tree, birch branches are my hands, birch buds are my fingers." A violin maker cuts down a birch tree, puts it in a cart, enters the village for the night, ends up in the girl's father's apartment. He tells the girl's father that he brought a birch tree that speaks like a human being. The father comes out, begins to look at the birch tree, she sings, calls him a priest. A man enters the hut, tells his wife that the birch tree speaks like a human being. The mother comes out, begins to look at the birch tree, she sings and calls her mother. The mother enters the hut, tells her daughter. The daughter comes out, begins to look at the birch tree, she sings: "Female sister, quietly, female sister lightly, so my head hurts. How you killed me, threw me into a wolf hole, I was born a white birch tree, birch branches are my hands, birch buds are my fingers!" They take a birch tree and decide to burn it. They throw it into the oven, it lights up. A dove flies out of the birch tree, sits on a bar, starts singing: "My sister killed me" (etc.). After singing a song, he flies away]: 334-336; Paasonen 1941 (erzya) [the father wove baskets, sent three daughters to pick berries, whoever picks the first will marry her; the youngest collected her first, the eldest killed her out of envy, threw her in a groundhog hole; a birch tree grew there; the hunter made a violin out of it, began to play at the festival, the violin began to sing, telling me what happened; the older sister broke it, threw it into the oven; the coal jumped out and fell into the chest , a revived girl came out of there; her father tied her eldest daughter to the tail of a seven-year-old stallion, who ran, her arms and legs were torn off]: 258-260; Marie [one daughter asks her father to bring her from the bazaar boots, another apple, a third strawberry body; when the sisters went for berries, she picked her first; her sisters killed her and buried her under an elm tree; a pican (wild sorrel {horse?}) grew on the grave ; the forest carters made a pipe out of it, she plays by herself: two sisters killed me, buried me under an elm tree, remembered me with apples, this is how they buried me, and I grew up as a pican; carters come to the house of the victim; the pipe sings the same the song, at the end, "oh, father, play"; then "oh, mother"; the mother threw the pipe, she gave rise to a living youngest daughter]: Tudorovskaya, Eman 1945:78-79.