Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

K80bb. Growing from the remains of a victim.


The boy was killed and eaten. His sister folds his remains, which make a tree, and on it is a dead boy, often in the form of a bird.

Southern Europe. Basques: Barandiaran 1962a, No. 17 [the mother told Catalina and Bernardo that the person who returned first from school would have a cup of milk in the closet; B. came first, opened the closet, there was no milk; the mother told put her head deeper, cut off her head, cut the body into pieces, cooked it; Catalina, who came, said that B. had not yet returned; K. saw her brother's finger in the boiling pot; her mother told me to take the food (i.e. cooked son) to her father; the old woman she met taught her father to give her all the seeds to play, bury it in the garden, tell her mother that she was planting garlic; in the morning, the father saw a tree growing in the garden, on it B. sat, an orange in one hand and a sword in the other; he promised his father to give him an orange if he jumped over his sword three times; his father jumped, B. cut his neck; the same with his mother; he did not cut his sister, gave orange], 18 [mother told Pepito's son to return from school at 9 am and daughter Pepite at 11 am; when Pepito returned, his mother locked him in a room with a table and knives; tells him to take off objects consistently clothes, otherwise she threatened to kill; told her to fall asleep, killed, cut; did not tell her returning daughter to look under the bed; she looked at the pieces of her brother's body; her mother sent her to take her brother's meat to her father for lunch; towards St. The virgin told her father to take her brother's bones, bury them in the garden under pear trees; Pepita replied that she wanted to give bones to the dog; in the morning Pepito is alive among pears; his mother asks him for a pear, he replies that his mother killed him, his father ate him, and his sister saved him; Pepito gave his mother and father half rotten pears, and gave his sister a good one]: 77-80, 80-82; (cf. Portuguese [mother sends son and daughter on errands, promises a reward to whoever returns first; it is either brother or sister; mother kills, prepares the returnee, tells another child to carry food for my father or eat it yourself; a brother (sister) meets an old woman who tells me to collect all the seeds, bury them under an orange tree, put them under a pillow or somewhere else; where the bones were buried, It turns out that a child has three oranges in their hands; the mother and father ask for an orange; the child does not give it, because his mother killed him (her), the father ate him (her); the sister (brother) gets all three because she (he) saved him (her)]: Cardigos 2006, No. 720:165-166).

Western Asia. Yemenis [seven girls go for fruit; everyone is well dressed, only the youngest is simply dressed; each refuses to climb a tree, has the youngest; the rest fill the baskets with fruit, leave; themselves the girl can't get off; a gargoof (forest genie) comes up, the girl greets him; he says he would eat her otherwise; so with each of the six garguffs; the last of them offers to jump on his arm; if he will fall on his thumb, he will eat it, if he returns it to the tree on the index finger, he marries the middle finger, kills the ring finger, returns her home on the little finger; she jumps on the middle finger; he brings her to his castle, tells not to open the seventh room; one day she opens - there are human remains; since that time, Garguff's wife falls ill; he suspects the reason; comes in the guise of a mother - the wife does not open the truth; in the guise of a friend, she reveals; the wife goes to the steppe, meets her younger brother grazing sheep, brings him to herself; the garguff pretends to go with his wife's brother on business; kills him, brings meat to basket; the vulture took his finger off the ring, dropped it, the sister found it; refuses to eat meat; buries it, a tree grows, a baby boy appears on the branch; the gargoon believes that his wife gave birth to him a son; boy grew up, his sister reveals the truth to him; teaches him to hit the gargoon once with his sword when he falls asleep (his eyes will be open); after taking valuables, brother and sister return to people]: Daum 1992, No. 5:55-69.