K80c2. Those who find the treasure kill each other, ATU 763.
Two (or more) people find (steal) valuables. Not wanting to share, one kills the other, but dies himself, being poisoned by poison, which the victim manages to add to him.
Nupe, Fulbe, Somalis, Amharics (?) , 1Malgash, Berbers of Morocco, Arabs of Libya, Egypt, Portuguese, Catalans, Spaniards, Italians (south?) , Maltese, French, Germans (north?) , Frisians, Irish, Arabs of Iraq, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Tibetans, Kashmiris, Malayals, Chinese, Koreans, Bulgarians, Slovenes, Czechs, Slovaks, Poles, Russians (Novgorod, Orel, Voronezh), Ukrainians (Eastern Slovakia, Ugric Russia, Transcarpathia, Volyn, Galicia, Podolia, Kievskaya), Belarusians, Crimean Tatars, Adygs, Georgians, Kurds, Persians, Uzbeks, Latvians, Lithuanians, Livs, Maris, Kyrgyz, Japanese.
West Africa. Nupe [three sisters went to the mountain to look for gold; first a toad, then an old woman warn that gold will bring them death, but they do not listen; when they find gold, they sent the youngest to buy food; she put poison the elders into the food; when she returned, the elders killed her and died of poison themselves]: Klipple 1992, No. 763:250; fulbe [three travelers found gold; sent one for food; he decided to put it in food poison to poison the rest; when he returned, the rest killed him and died of poison themselves; an old man passing by pointed his son to the corpses and told him to be respectable]: Basser 1903, No. 34:185-186.
Sudan - East Africa. Somalis: El-Shamy 2004, No. 763:426-237; Amharics (? ; Ethiopian): Uther 2004 (1), No. 763:422-423; Malgashi [two thieves captured two women - mother and daughter; after a quarrel, one killed the other and died himself after eating the first poisoned food; their money went to women]: Haring 1982, No. 1.3.763:152.
North Africa. The Berbers of Morocco, the Arabs of Egypt: El-Shamy 2004, No. 763:426-237; the Arabs of Libya [the poor man decided to go crap; he saw a blind owl at the cave; she opened her mouth, and the midges themselves into it they flew in; the man decided that since God took care of the owl, he would not forget him either; he came back and lay down, refusing to work; two knocked: a donkey needed to take the vegetables to the market; his wife gave it; these people needed a donkey, to take the gold, they left the third to guard him; they loaded gold on a donkey and put a turnip on top; they quarreled and cut each other to death; the donkey came home, the poor man and his wife became rich]: Bushnaq 1987:307-308.
Southern Europe. The Portuguese [two found the treasure; one poisoned the wine; the other killed it and died himself after drinking wine]: Cardigos 2006, No. 763:182; the Catalans [two thieves found the treasure; one poisoned the wine to the other drank; he died, but killed the first one before]: Oriol, Pujol 2008, No. 763:152; the Maltese [three hunters found a treasure (under a tree or in a wall); each does not trust the others, is afraid to depart; one poisoned bread; they killed him but died of poison]: Mifsud-Chircop 1978, No. 763:263; Spaniards: Uther 2004 (1), No. 763:422-423; Italians (no record region; conditionally assigned to southern Italy): Cirese, Serafini 1975, #763.
Western Europe. The French [subject known]: Uther 2004 (1), No. 763:422-423, Mifsud-Chircop 1978:263; Germans, Friesians, Irish: Uther 2004 (1), No. 763:422-423.
Western Asia. Arabs of Iraq, Qatar: El-Shamy 2004, No. 763:426-237; Kuwait [a poor woodcutter uproots bushes and sells it for fuel; he heard in the mosque that a sincere believer has everything will come; decided to stop working, but only to believe; the wife sold the utensils, and then two merchants came and hired a donkey for five days, paying silver; husband to his wife: look, we got silver for nothing; those two the merchants found a box of gold; both did not want to share; one put poison on the other, and he shot the first one, then died of poison himself; the donkey came home, bringing gold to the owners; the lumberjack again thanked God; when people noticed that the poor man was suddenly rich, the king called him and asked him three questions; what is the hardest and softest; the most terrible; the most pleasant thing; daughter: water, sound approaching cavalry, bed with his wife; the father hit the daughter, but she replied that she was chaste, but she saw and heard others; now the king orders five buffaloes to be brought with white turbans on their heads; daughter: go to Friday to the mosque and ask what day of the week it is; bring those who fail to answer to the king; father found four; daughter: tell the king that you are fifth; the king ordered to tell who teaches answers, stayed I am satisfied, I decided to marry the lumberjack's daughter; without getting along with her, he leaves and tells her that by his return she will have a son with him, and the mare left to her has a foal from the stallion he takes with him; wife dressed as a man and ordered the gray mare to be painted black; sitting under the same oasis where the king had come, his wife, disguised as a Bedouin sheikh, became friends with him and promised to send her sister twin; at night, the wife came disguised as the sheikh's sister, and during the day under the guise of the sheikh himself; at night, his wife quietly removed the signet ring from his finger; by this time the stallion had covered the mare; the sheikh disappeared as well suddenly, when he appeared; when he returned and found out, the king told his wife to rule on a par with him]: Dickson 1949, No. 8:315-324 (=Taibah, MacDonald 2016:46).
Tibet is the Northeast of India. Tibetans [the hunter aimed a crossbow at the watering hole; the bear was killed by an arrow; the fox decided to gnaw through the bowstring, the bow straightened up and killed it; an elephant was sleeping nearby; the hare began to jump next to him; the elephant woke up and decided to jump too, hit a rock, it fell on it, killed it; 7 robbers came, rejoiced at the abundance of meat; four went to get water; three decided to poison the meat to get rid of four; four decided to poison the meat to get rid of four; four decided poison the water to get rid of three; three greedily drank the water they brought in, died; four began to eat meat, died too]: Shelton 1925, No. 8:44-45.
South Asia. Kashmiris [four went to earn money and came across a golden tree; two went to the village for axes and agreed to hack the rest with them when they returned; at this time, the rest poisoned food so that those who returned would die; those who went for axes killed the rest and died themselves from the poison]: Knowles 1885:45-46; Malayals [three thieves are going to celebrate a good cause; one went for a drink ; decided to poison his accomplices, and they agreed to kill the departed person when he returned; they did so, drank the poisoned alcohol they brought and died]: Menon 1995:59.
China - Korea. Koreans: Garin-Mikhailovsky 1958 [There were three brothers in the world and they wanted to dig ginseng to become rich. Happiness smiled at them, and they dug a root worth 100,000 caches. Then the two brothers said, "Let's kill our third brother and take his share." That's what they did. And then each of them who survived began to think about how they could kill their other brother. So they came to the village. "Go," one brother said to another, "buy suli (vodka) in the village, and I'll wait for you." And when my brother went to the village, bought suli and went with her to his brother, who was waiting for him, he said: "If I kill my brother now, I will have all the promise and the whole root." He did so: he shot his brother and drank Sulya. But Sulya was poisoned because the victim wanted to poison her brother with it. And all three of them died, and the expensive ginseng root rotted. Since then, Koreans have not been looking for roots or money anymore, but looking for more brothers]; Ikeda 1971, No. 763 [The Korean version begins with a mystery: why three corpses lie on the top of the mountain, and money and a bottle next to it wine?] : 179; Chinese [known story]: Ikeda 1971, No. 763:179.
The Balkans. The Bulgarians [the man asked two brothers to dig up the treasure, promising them equal shares; they locked it up, dug the treasure themselves; one brought the wine he poisoned; the other hacked it, and after drinking wine, he died himself]: Daskalova-Perkovska et al. 1994, No. 763:273; Slovenes: Uther 2004 (1), No. 763:422-423.
Central Europe. Czechs, Slovaks: Uther 2004 (1), No. 763:422-423; the Poles [the hermit left money on the road, two vagrants found it; one poisoned the other's wine, and he killed him, but he also died, after drinking wine]: Krzyżanowski 1962, No. 763:242-243; Russians (Novgorod, Orel, Voronezh), Ukrainians (Eastern Slovakia, Ugric Russia, Transcarpathia, Volyn, Galicia, Podolia, Kievskaya), Belarusians [Money is evil: three (two) find money; two kill a third without wanting to share it with him, but they themselves are poisoned with the vodka (food) left by him]: SUS 1979, No. 763=AA *937: 193; Russians (p. Yasashnoye Pomryaskino, Stavropol district. Samara governorate) [St. Nicholas meets two hunters, they did not recognize him; tells him not to follow that path: there is a great snake lying there; but they went and saw a "treasury hill" instead of a snake; one remained to watch, the other for He went to the village; the man who went to the village told his wife to make a cake with poison, intending to say what the survivor's wife had sent; when he approached, the rest shot him, ate the cake and died; the treasury remained: the snake ate both]: Sadovnikov 1884:268-269; northern Ukrainians (Volyn, Zaslavsky y.) [Seeing a pot of money, the priest crossed himself, passed by and noticed that someone would die; four found the same pot; two went to buy food and brought it to the poisoned one; the remaining guarding money was killed who brought food, ate it themselves and died]: Malinka 1902, No. 63:347.
Caucasus - Asia Minor. Crimean Tatars [after the death of the padishah, his three sons began to share gold; took the coins to a deserted place; the elder and middle sent the youngest to buy bread and poisoned the crayfish; the eldest poisoned bought bread; all three died; Allah ordered coins to turn into an earthen hill, it still exists]: Zherdeva 2020, No. 26; Adygs [three kill a traveler and take possession of his gold; then they kill each other not wanting to share their wealth]: Tkhamokova 2014, No. 763:189; Georgians [three people find treasure; one poisoned food; others killed him, but died themselves after eating poisoned food]: Kurdovanidze 2002, No. 763:67; Kurds [Jebrail promises his mother to take the souls of three friends who went out for a walk; turned into a pile of gold; one went to get bags and the other two agreed kill him; he also told his wife to bake a cake filled with poison; when he returned, two killed him, ate a cake and died themselves]: Jalil et al. 1989, No. 47:301-302.
Iran - Central Asia. The Persians (Hamadan) [Moses and his three companions found two gold bars on the road; ordered them not to take them - gold kills; two sent a third for food, agreed to kill him, and killed him when he came back; but he poisoned the food, the killers ate it and died]: Marzolph 1984, no. 763:144; Uzbeks: Uther 2004 (1), no. 763:422-423.
Baltoscandia. Latvians [two find money on the road; one brings bread and puts poison in it; the other, wanting all the money, kills the first one, but eats poisoned bread and dies on his own]: Aris, Medne 1977, No. 753:320; Livs [the dragon tells two hunters where the treasure is; one mixed poison into the wine, the other shot him, drank wine and also died]: Loorits 1926, № 763': 21; Lithuanians: Uther 2004 (1), No. 763:422-423.
Volga - Perm. Marie [three brothers went hunting; the old man advises not to go in a certain direction: there is a three-headed serpent; but the brothers went and found gold; the elder went home in a sleigh to bring food and bags ; told his wife to put arsenic in one of the pies, supposedly poison the wolves; meanwhile, the other two agreed to kill the elder when he returned; two brothers shot him, and after eating the pies, they died themselves; No wonder the old man talked about a snake]: Bere 1938, No. 29:216-218.
Turkestan. Kyrgyz (Kara-Suu town, Aksy district, Jalal-Abad region) [three went to look for work, stopped at the ruins of the fortress, fell asleep in the shade; one woke up to the noise, saw a snake, grabbed its tail, preventing it from going into the hole; three of them pulled; a piece fell off the wall , a stream of gold coins poured out of the hole; the youngest was given one coin and sent to the bazaar; the remaining two decided to divide the gold among themselves, and kill the youngest when he returned; the youngest bought food, saw I decided to lure the girl to where he left his comrades - let him bring a jug of grape juice to the fortress; then he decided to add poison to the juice so that only he would get gold and the girl; when he came to comrades, they slit his throat, drank juice and died; the girl brought juice - the travelers are dead; the gold went to her and her father]: Sabyr uulu 2008:173-174.
Japan. The Japanese [story known]: Ikeda 1971, #763:179.