Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

K80c3. The name helps solve a murder. (.14.) .

Before he dies, a man asks his murderer to tell his pregnant wife to give the newborn a specific name. Hearing the child's unusual name, a powerful character begins to investigate the case, and the murderer confesses to his crime. (All texts containing K80c3 and K80c4 motifs also contain the more general K80c motif)

(Arameans), Spaniards, Karachays, Georgians, Turkmens, Uzbeks, Kazakhs, Kyrgyz, and Uighurs.

(Wed. Western Asia. Aramei (Malyulya) [a man lived and fed his family with firewood in the forest; a large tree has been felling for five days; two pots of gold coins under the roots; he called a rich neighbor; when they got it gold, the neighbor said he would kill the poor man; he promised to take care of his children; he asked to give them to his pregnant wife: let him call the child the Son of the Offended; the neighbor told the poor man's children that their father suddenly fell ill and died far away in the forest; a year later, a rich man came to the scene of the murder and found a vine with a bunch of grapes there, although it was winter; grapes were the size of an eye; a rich man brought grapes to the Sultan, but when he unfolded his handkerchief, there was a human head; I had to tell everything; the murderer was beheaded and his property was given to the victim's family]: Bergsträsser 1915, No. 4:10-13).

Southern Europe. Spaniards (Asturias) [poor brother collected firewood and sold it; one day he found a deep hole in the forest, at the bottom of a gold bar; after pulling out a few, bought food and clothes for the family; told a rich man about it brother; they went together, the rich lowered the poor into the hole, he gave him bars; after taking the gold, the rich left, leaving the poor to die at the bottom of the hole; the poor asks to give it to his pregnant wife: let him call son A Dios nada se esconde; one day, when the boy was 7 years old, his mother called his name loudly; two missionaries heard this, questioned the woman; told the rich man take them to where he last saw his brother; he had to confess that he was burned at the stake; when it was burning, the woman repeated: You can't hide it from God!] : Llano 1975, no. 121 in Pedrosa 2003 (Asturias): 369-371 (retelling in Boggs 1980, No. 960:115-116).

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Karachays [thieves broke into the teacher's house; he cooked food for them and told them a fairy tale; the woodcutter met the shepherd and advised him to learn the craft; the shepherd replied that he was big enough herds; the sheep died, the shepherd became impoverished; the woodcutter took him to the forest, the shepherd used the firewood to buy food for the children; the next time a shepherd and a woodcutter found gold in the cave; the woodcutter gave two-thirds to a shepherd, but he decided to take possession of everything and kill the lumberjack; before his death, the woodcutter asks to tell his wife to call her son Bolushluk ("help"); the shepherd, who has now become a bai, complied with the request; once Khan was driving with his army, his mother called loudly: Bolushluk! (the teacher said it loudly, people came running, tied up the thieves; but they asked them to continue the story); the khan asked the woman why she was calling for help; the woman told the whole story; the khan called bay, who in everything confessed; the khan executed him, handed over his property to a woman]: Rumyantseva 1981:5-10; Georgians (Gori) [the peasant found a jug of chervonets, told the tsar; he sent a vizier to investigate the case; the vizier killed peasant; before his death he asks to see his pregnant wife; let him name his twin sons Oh, God and Oh, King; the vizier complied with the request; got rich; the twins grew up; one day the king heard them Each other's names are; they told him that their father is a poor peasant who found gold and was killed by a vizier; the king executed the vizier, rewarded the peasant's family]: Bogoyavlensky 1894b, No. 2:106-107.

Iran - Central Asia. Turkmens [a peasant collected and sold thorns; once found 7 jugs of gold; two horsemen arrived; realizing that they were going to kill him, he asked him to tell his pregnant wife what if a son will be born, let him call him Dad, and if twins, then one Dad, the other Bidad (Dad - "justice, justice"; Bidad - "injustice"; the combination of "dad-bidad" - a call for justice, a cry for help); the horsemen killed her husband and gave his wife his will; the woman gave birth to a son Bidad and a daughter Dad; they were five years old; the padishah was traveling with the army, the mother began to call the children home; when she heard the words "Dad and Bidad!" , decided that someone had been offended; the palishah asked the woman; she replied that one rider was the son of a vizier and the other was the son of a vekil; they confessed everything and returned seven jugs of gold to the widow]: Korogly 1991: 294-296; Uzbeks [=Konovalov, Stepanov 1986:92-109; three bundles of brushwood collected by the old man and his two neighbors were carried away by the wind; the old man finds them in a hole, there are also three pots of gold; the old man shares gold, but neighbors kill him, taking his share; before his death, he asks to give his wife to be named Dod ("help"); one day his mother went to look for her son, called him; the padishah began to find out where such a strange name; guessed that neighbors killed Dod's father; asks to remove the mask that the boy wore, amazed by his beauty, makes Doda an adopted son, puts her on the throne; Peri appears in a dream, Dod leaves her look; the old man tells you to choose the middle pumpkin, tells you not to open it on the way; Dod wants to throw it away, peri screams in pain, Dod opens the pumpkin, there's peri; says you should have listened to the old man; let Dod takes her in a covered arba; leaves her on the outskirts of the city; the old woman asks Peri to get water, pushes her into the water, puts her clothes on; answers Dod that she will take her former form when their child is 7 years old; from A horse came out of the spring, the imaginary peri tells her to be killed; only one butcher reluctantly agrees to slaughter it; three drops of blood grow three poplars; the imaginary peri tells them to cut them down, make a cradle for her baby; the cradle shrunk, killing him; the calandar wants to pick up the chips, they fly away; a palace appears, peri in it, tells the calandar to call Dod, the padishah, and arrange a feast for all the residents; Dod cut the sorcerer into pieces, reunited with his wife]: Afzalov et al. 1972 (1): 261-276.

Turkestan. Kazakhs [the father has two sons with his first wife and the youngest Aspan from the second; after his father's death, the brothers gave him only a yurt and a few sheep; they tell him to go with them to the capital to sell bulls; the khan called brothers, asked riddles, A. answered wittily, the khan gave him gold; on the way back, the brothers decided to kill A.; he asks his wife to call his son Guard; one day the khan hears an outlandish name, talks with his wife A., understands everything; the brothers are executed at the scene of the crime; the khan to bring the boy closer, but agrees to his request to leave him with his mother]: Malyuga 1970:68-73; Kyrgyz [the old man fed on what collected firewood; when he met the ruler's son, advised him to learn a craft; in response, he ordered the horsemen to beat the old man; the young man's father died, he himself lost all his property, and also went to collect firewood ; the old man sheltered him; the young man went into a cave, where there were two jugs of gold; he told the old man about them, and then decided that it was better to keep everything for himself; hit him on the neck with an ax; when he died, the old man asked him to give it pregnant wife, that if a son is born, let him call him Daat ("complaint, petition"), and if a daughter, let him call him whatever he wants; the guy complied with the request, said that the old man was eaten by wolves, healed again rich; the boy was five years old; at this time the wise ruler Arun Nur Rashid lived in Iran; he instructed the vizier to walk among the people and identify criminals; once he went around the city with guards; mother D . I was afraid that the horsemen would trample the boy, she began to call him; when she heard "Oh, Daat!" A. accused the vizier of not eradicating injustice, since someone was shouting about a complaint and claims; A. sent a vizier, the old woman said that Daat was her son's name; A. summoned the old woman to him and asked tell me why she gave the child that name; the old woman spoke about the boy's bloody shirt, about the last will of the deceased, and that the guy became rich and opened a shop; A. called the guy, accused of murder, ordered to show the bones; the guy then buried the corpse; when the grave was opened, it became clear that the old man was not eaten by wolves; the guy was hanged, his money and property were handed over to the old woman]: Sabyr uulu 2009:119-121; Uighurs [the old man lives by collecting firewood; his wife advised him to marry his young wife as a second wife; after that, the old man sold firewood not for two, but for three khushars; then for five then children will be born; he found a jug of gold; the treasure will not bring happiness if it is not shared; the old man offered half of the gold to the caravan driver Mullet Emir; he decided to kill him and take everything; before his death the old man asks to take two coins to his youngest wife, and if a son is born, he will call him Dad (a cry of suffering), and if a daughter, then Bidad (a cry of contentment); M. fulfilled the order and said that the old man went to the side of Mysyr-Shahar (i.e. Egypt); the children grew up; M. lives in a big way; the khan and his entourage were driving; the mother called the children so as not to be trampled on; the khan heard, sent the viziers to find out what was going on; ordered bring the woman; after listening to her, he began to ask M. where he was 7 years ago; ordered that old man to be brought in; executed M., and gave his property to the victim's family]: Kabirov 1963:217-224.