Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

K80D. A pierced pin. .11.-.

A young woman or man is bewitched (turned into a bird, animal, immobilized) when a pin or other sharp object is pierced into their body.

Kagourou, Suahili, Baule, Soninke, Songhai, Shilluk, Arabs of Sudan, Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Egypt, Berbers Morocco (Fez), Spaniards, Catalans, Portuguese, Aragon, Basques, Italians ( Ticino, Liguria, Abruzzo), Sardinians, Corsicans, Maltese, French (Dauphinay, Nièvre), Bretons, Palestinians, Arabs of Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Mustang, Sindhi, Konkani (Goa), Himachali Pahari, Northern India (trans. from Hindi), Marathi, Assamese, Bengalis, Santals, Kannadas, Greeks, Albanians, Macedonians, Bulgarians, Hungarians, (Arumanians), Slovaks, Turks, Mountain Tajiks, Kazakhs, Tuvans.

Bantu-speaking Africa. Kaguru [two girls promise to give the third a beautiful vessel if she kills her mother; the girl pushes her mother into the river, but her friends laughed at her and did not give her a vessel; she is starving, she goes to the shore, the mother says from the water where to find the fruit tree; the friends are surprised that the girl is not hungry, they go with her, eat all the fruits; the same with the place where there are pumpkins; the chief promises to marry someone who dances well; friends try not to allow the orphan to dance, but the chief insists, marries her; one of her friends comes to braid her hair, sticks a thorn, the chief's wife turns into a bird, a friend accepts it appearance; a real wife radiated light, and when she washed, coins appeared; the husband notices that this is no longer happening; hears a bird singing about what happened; tells her to catch, at night light emanates from her, he realizes that it is his wife; notices a thorn in her head, pulls it out, in front of him; he kills a liar, cooks her meat, feeds her relatives and friends with it, kills them, throws the corpses into thickets]: Beidelman 1967d, No. 3:11-16; Swahili [The sun, the moon answer the Sultan's wife that she is more beautiful; she gives birth to her daughter Amina more beautiful than herself; leaves the maid, tells her husband that there was a miscarriage; A. grows up, her mother tells the maid to leave her in the woods; A. comes to the genies house, cleans them up, the genies call her sister; the mother comes, pierces her combs into her head; the sultan of the genies takes them out, A. comes to life; mother puts poisoned shoes on her feet; Amina is put in a jewelry box, thrown into the sea; the box is washed ashore; the Sultan's son and the merchant's son argue who will get it; the box swims into the channel of the merchant's son; the young man cannot open it, takes the box for his wife without knowing what is in it; opens it, takes off A.'s shoes, she comes to life; A. and her husband stay with the genies; A.'s father walled up his wife in an empty room]: Baker 1927, No. 16:299-305.

West Africa. Baule [the chief promises to give Maii's daughter to someone whose neck can withstand two blows of a sword; many suitors are killed; Kofi sees girls bathing, takes the dress alone; this is M.; 1) she tells me to say her name, when the father brings the sword; 2) the father tells you to grow beans overnight, cook beans; M.: say her name three times; 3) distinguish M.'s finger, stuck into one of the holes in the wall of the house, from the fingers of other girls (M. warns that she will cut his finger); the young run away, the mother catches up; M. throws an egg on the ground for the goddess Assie to help; M. has three eggs with her, her mother has two, the last word is for M., they run away; at home, K. goes to prepare a meeting, M. climbs a tree; two women see her reflection, take it for their own, throw their jugs, because such beauties should not work; one notices M. in a tree; she warns that the comb is dangerous for her; the old woman sticks the comb into her hair, M. flies away as a bird; the old woman claims that she is M.; brother K. catches the bird, the comb falls out, M. takes his form; the old woman was beaten to death]: Himmelheber 1951b: 127-134 (translated into Himmelheber 1960:169-180); soninke [the man went to look for a suitable bride; he gave alms to an old man; he taught him to find a tree in the forest , pick three lemons from him, and when he left, open one; a girl came out of the first one, asked for tobacco and bread, he did not have it, she returned to lemon; the same with the second girl; then the man bought bread and tobacco, the third girl stayed with him; he gave them a tree house; she gave birth to a boy and he went home to tell his family; Ginnia saw the beauty's reflection in the sea, decided that she was so beautiful, and hers sent for water, broke a jug; the third time she noticed a beauty in a tree, told her to go down, stuck a pin in her head, the beauty flew away like a bird; Ginnia told the man that beauties were from another world they change easily - now they are beautiful, tomorrow they are not; when they see the freak, people began to laugh at the man; one day the bird flew in, sat on the child's lap; the father took it, felt it and took out the needle; the bird became again a girl and Jinnia died immediately]: Reuss-Nliba, Reuss-Nliba 2018:96-103; songhai (zarma) [the witch has two dish lids - gold and silver; she asks the sun which one is more beautiful; the sun: golden is beautiful, silver is beautiful and you are beautiful yourself, but the most beautiful is the one in your womb; the same thing again; she started hitting herself in the stomach - again the same; having given birth to a daughter, she left her in a fox hole; 7 spirits raised the girl as a sister; the witch asks the sun again; comes to her daughter disguised as a hairdresser; stabs her head with knives; 7 brothers find the girl unconscious; they wrap it in cloth, put the body on the camel and tell the slave to take him to the desert; the camel ran, caught by a blacksmith, gave it to the leader; that little daughter Fatima found the body, took out the knife, and the girl came to life; the chief married her; her brothers found her, sent cattle and other gifts; the sun again tells the witch that her daughter is the most beautiful; she comes again with an offer to comb the young woman; the woman tells Slaves dig a deep hole; the witch fell upside down, broke her neck, and was buried]: Calame-Griaule 2002:145-150.

Sudan - East Africa. Shilluk [a childless woman sees a dog in the forest; promises that if she gives birth to a daughter, she will marry a dog; a girl grows up and sees a dog in the forest, she tells her parents to give her away; they give away; one day she got out of a dog's underground house, ran to a river house with seven men in it; said a dog was chasing her; they shot the dog, threw it into the bushes; 7 years later, a girl I went to look at the dog's bones, she was told not to go; she went, stepped on the bone, died; the body was lowered down the river, it sailed to the girl's parents' country, the fisherman caught him, the king told the old woman wash, she found the bone, took it out, the girl came to life; told the king about herself, he realized that it was his daughter]: Westermann 1912, No. 84:205-207; Sudanese Arabs: Al-Shahi, Moore 1920, No. 1 [at Wad al-Nimayra (VN) Seven wives, he took an eighth, she gave birth to a girl, other wives threw her into the river, said that her wife gave birth to a broom; VN: who gave birth to a broom, would give birth to a son; next time she gave birth to twins Hassan (al-Hassan) and Hussein (al- Husain), the wives threw them into the river, said that the wife gave birth to stones; VN: whoever gave birth to stones will give birth to a son; but ordered the slave to take his eighth wife to the desert and kill; he did not kill, but left her in the desert; the fish swallowed children, broke, they went out; the man saw them, was frightened, but they followed him {teenagers at once}; take care of other children; sister found a pot of gold; when the brothers grew up, asked what they were they would do it with wealth; they would cover it with gold; next time, they would make clay bracelets and cover you with gold {not entirely clear}; she showed them gold, they dressed it in gold; the VN wives persuaded ask her brothers to get VN chicken: she and the chickens are made of gold; the brothers stole it, the women told VN about it, the brothers were imprisoned; the VN wives stuck a pin in the head of the brothers' sister, she turned into Gorlinka, sat on a tree in front of the prison; asked a guard named Khair where her brothers were; they were crying in prison; she also cried - it rained, the gardens were blooming; next time they sleep on silk , they will come out soon; she laughed, gold fell out of her mouth, Khair began to pick it up; said VN; he replaced him with a blanket; the throat began to ask, he was silent; the gorlinka went down to to him, VN grabbed her, noticed the pin, pulled it out, the gorlinka became a girl; the brothers gave her VN as his wife, for this he let them go; during the wedding, a gorlinka flew in and began to sing: VN marries his own daughters; VN understood everything, cut off the heads of 7 wives, returned the eighth from the desert, stayed with her and with her children], 3 [the girl was passed off as a stranger; the cousin, hoping for marriage, went to the old woman; she ordered during the wedding stick a thorn in the bride's head, she will turn into a throat; the groom complained, the father and cousin were imprisoned; the gorlinka asked the shepherd slave what happened to her brother (obviously his cousin); he was being prepared to be beheaded; she cried - it rained, laughed - florins fell down; the shepherd told the girl's other brother, then another one; he caught a throat, took out a thorn, the throat became a girl, married her cousin]: 61-63, 64 -65.

North Africa. Arabs of Morocco: El Koudia 2003, No. 4 [when she dies, a mother asks her husband not to remarry until her daughter picks up her jewelry box herself (i.e. grows up to reach her); mother's sister, who has her own blind daughter, kind to a girl, she persuades her father to marry; her aunt helps her niece get the box, her father marries her; now she tyrants her niece; she goes to the river to clean the caught father fish, fish asks her to let go, turns into a siren; when she learns about the fish released, the stepmother hits the girl, throws her into the dungeon; when the father opens it, the daughter sits there covered in gold; at first the siren is not lets her go, then lets her go out; her father puts her in a separate room, the siren gives her everything she needs; the Sultan has a holiday, the girl secretly goes there, loses her shoe; the sultan's messengers find the owner, the son of the Sultan, takes her as his wife; she gives birth to a son; the stepmother comes to her, offers to comb her hair, pierces seven pins, she flies away with a dove, the stepmother replaces her with her daughter; the husband immediately understands the deception , cuts the imaginary wife into pieces, sends it to her mother as a gift; she thinks it is food, distributes pieces of meat to neighbors, finds her daughter's head at the bottom; everyone visits his son, sits on his shoulders; the beggar reports this to the Sultan's son, who lubricates his son's shoulders with glue, catches a dove, takes out his pins, the dove turns into a woman again; the stepmother was burned alive], 16 [a man has two wives, one has a daughter Nunja and son, the other has daughter Aakasha; the first one day says she would like to be a cow to eat herbs; the other touches her with a necklace, turns her into a cow, but refuses to turn her back into a human; a cow they slaughtered, the bones were buried, and a kind of candy stick grew in this place, sucked on by son and daughter; A.'s mother asks what they eat if they are so healthy; they say that frogs; she sends A. to eat frogs, the frog jumps in her face, dazzles her; children say that A. does not know how to catch frogs; the stepmother herself watches the children, pulls out the nutritious stem, scatters bones; walking to the bazaar, the father asks what to bring; N. asks for pomegranates; everyone goes to the Sultan's party, N. leaves to collect the scattered grain; the crow does this as a reward for a piece of rag for his nest; N. finds dress and shoes in a pomegranate, goes to the party, returns, loses his shoe; the sultan orders to find the owner, marries N.; at the wedding, the stepmother pierces a needle into N.'s head, she flies away with a dove, her stepmother replaces her his blind daughter; A. becomes the wife of the Sultan, gives birth to a daughter; the Sultan orders to cut the reeds, the dove prevents this from doing so, rushes to the Sultan, does not give her to A., tells her to take care of her; she slowly plucks, says that the child did it; the sultan finds, takes out the needle, the dove turns into N.; the sultan sends mother A. the body of her daughter cut into pieces; the stepmother gives neighbors a gift from the Sultan, finds daughter's nose, falls dead]: 19-26, 100-103; Berbers (?) Morocco [the magician gave her husband two apples; if his wife eats them, she will have a child; but the husband himself should not eat; but the husband ate one himself; his leg is swollen; out of shame he went to the desert; there, from a tumor on a girl with long hair appeared on her leg; and the wife gave birth to a son; the husband left the girl, but the gazelle fed her; the king noticed her, left two plates of couscous at the watering hole, with or without salt; if it was ginnia, she she will choose unsalted, and if a person chooses salt; the girl chose a couscous with salt, the king caught her, brought her to the palace and married; 6 former wives are dissatisfied; when the king left for business, the elder wives offered the youngest to comb her hair, they put pins in her head and she flew away like a dove; she flies to the wall of the pavilion that the king ordered to build and sings: I was born from an apple, my father gave birth to me, fed a gazelle, the king took as a wife, his evil wives pricked me and now I am a bird; after that, the dove flies away and the wall collapses every time; the king has arrived, the wives said that the youngest has returned to the gazelles; when he comes to the pavilion, the king hears everything and he sees for himself; tells the dove to be lured into the room with grain; the king caught her, felt her and took out her pins; the dove again turned into a girl, told the elder wives to turn into floor beams, into a board for beds, in a bench; all is well]: Légey 2007, No. 6:48-51 Algerian Arabs [a Jew sells conception apples; the childless king is interested; his younger wife heard and bought an apple, cut it in half, ate half; when she wanted to eat the other, it turned out that the king ate it himself; the wife gave birth to a boy, and her husband was bloated on his leg; he was opened, something alive was taken out, but a female who climbed into the room the peacock grabbed it and carried it to a nest in a tree; raised a girl; the prince also grew up, went to find out what the goats were afraid of; saw the girl's reflection in the spring; fell ill with love; told that Jew; he turned the girl into a dove; the dove flies away; but on the seventh day, the Jew managed to get the dove to go down to the prince under the tree and become a girl again; the prince was already married to his mother's sister's daughter; his father married him to a girl who was mistaken for a gennia; the prince's first wife and mother asked the Jew to turn her back into a dove; he gave her a pin, the prince's mother stuck it in the head of her daughter-in-law and she flew away dove; gardeners hear a voice: I was born from an apple, Pava raised me, your mother and your first wife turned me into a dove; it starts raining, but as soon as people hide under the tree, again the sun comes out; so many times; when he found out about this, the prince asked the old woman for help; she came under the tree, put the hand mill upside down and began to grind; the dove girl began to explain that they did not do this; the old woman asked her to go down and show her how to do it; then she sifted the flour with the sieve upside down; then bake tortillas on the convex side of the bowl; finally the dove went down and the old woman caught her ; the prince kept the dove in a cage in his room; the mother picked up the key, pulled out the dove and threw it on the pile of coal; the prince washed the dove, felt for the pin and pulled it out; the dove became a girl again; the prince executed his mother and first wife; the prince and wife were visited by a woman in a luxurious outfit - she took the form of a pava]: Filleul de Pétigny 1951:11-23; Tunisia [Once upon a time, husband and wife were happy and happy, but they didn't have kids. One day, my wife heard that a merchant was selling apples that made wishes come true. She bought one such apple and forgot about it, and her husband, when she came home from work, ate it. His leg soon became swollen, and nine months later it opened and a girl came out. She was a real beauty, and she was also kind and helpful. A neighbor lived nearby, who had 4 daughters for marriage. She thought that they could not find suitors because of the beauty, so the neighbor decided to get rid of her. She ordered her daughters to invite the beautiful girl home. When she came and started talking to her friends, the neighbor began to comb her hair and stuck her comb, at the same moment the beauty turned into a little bird. Then she flew out the window and flew to the Emir's palace. She came to live with him. Once, while he was cleaning her feathers, the comb fell out and the bird turned beautiful, then the emir asked her parents for her hand and punished her neighbor for her crime]: Al-Aribi 2009, No. 38 in Korovkina MS; Arabs of Egypt [the ruler is childless; the old woman gave his wife a pomegranate to eat in half with her husband; a daughter was born Pomegranate Apple (GJ); the mother died, the ruler took another wife, she has her own daughter and sorcerer friend ; the woman asks him who is the most beautiful, he replies that GJ; to get rid of GJ, let her stepmother send her to the cellar, give her dirty claps and tell her to tie stockings out of it; the old woman teaches: they will pass by blue, red, Black Sea; when the white sea appears, you have to immerse cotton in it, wash your hands and face; stockings have appeared, the GJ has become even more beautiful; the stepmother sent her own daughter; the old woman tells me to wash in the Black Sea, the girl became a freak; the stepmother told her husband that his daughter was walking with boys; he sent a vizier to kill the girl; the vizier let her go, brought the dog's blood; GJ came to 40 as a robber, cleaned everything up; the next one day the robber stayed to look; the robbers left the GJ as their mistress; the stepmother asks the sorcerer if she is more beautiful than everyone else; the sorcerer: no, GJ, who has 40 robbers; the stepmother came, gave the GJ the poisoned ring; the robbers put the body in a glass coffin; the prince saw, asked to give the coffin to him, decided to bury the girl; the servants took off the ring, she came to life; put it back on and asked the prince how he was doing them will reward; when the GJ came to life, the prince generously rewarded the servants; the GJ invited 40 robbers to the wedding, asking them for permission to marry the prince; the mirror again replies that the GJ is more beautiful; the sorcerer gave a pin to plunge into GJ's head; she will become a dove, she must be replaced by the woman's own daughter; she is ugly: it means she is sick; the dove puts the gardener to sleep, he forgets to water the trees, they have dried up; the prince caught a dove takes care of her; the sorcerer teaches a woman to ask a dove to rub her daughter with blood - she will recover; but the prince accidentally took out the pin, his wife regained her appearance; the woman and the sorcerer were burned at the stake]: Ildan Dan 1977:25-28 in Sutrop 2018:679-682; Berbers of Morocco (Fez) [someone sells conception apples; woman bought two apples, ate one, put the other aside, husband accidentally ate, his leg (jambe) swollen; a month later he went to the desert, cut the tumor with a knife, a charming girl came out; he left her and returned home; she was raised by a gazelle; the prince saw her, but could not catch up, she ran like gazelle; the old woman advised to leave two plates of couscous, one with salt and the other without (genies are afraid of salt); the girl began to eat salty couscous, then could not run fast and was caught; on advice A Jew, the prince's former wife stuck a new pin in her hair and it flew away with a dove; she flew in every evening and sang, telling her story; the gardener told the prince; on the advice of another Jew, the prince caught a dove and put it in a cage; groped it, took out the pin, the wife was reborn; the first one was burned]: El Fasi, Dermenghem 1928:81-87.

Southern Europe. Spaniards: Malinovskaya 2002 [when daughter Mariquita is born, parents forget about their seven sons, they leave; M. got lost, got into the brothers' house, secretly cleans it up; the brothers are waiting for her they recognize his sister by the ring; M. forgets to feed the dog, he fills the fire with urine, M. goes for fire to the dragon; she gives a gun; the dragon comes after him, everyone sucks blood from M.'s finger; brothers kill him, parsley grows on his grave, whoever eats will become a black bull; M. forgets about it, puts it in soup, the brothers become bulls; the prince marries M., the bulls with her; leaves; the maid turns M. the dove, sticking a pin in its head, takes its place, makes the bulls work; the dove flies to the prince, who accidentally takes out the pin, M. takes a human form; they spell with the same pin brothers; maid executed]: 210-214; Camarena, Chevalier 1995, No. 408 (everywhere) [the prince went to look for sea oranges; asked to spend the night; he was told that the snake has oranges; if his eyes are open, she is sleeping; the snake was sleeping, he picked three oranges from her tree and ran away; opened one, a beautiful woman came out, asked for a comb and soap, he did not have it, she returned to her tree; the same with the second orange; prince bought a comb and soap; to prepare for the wedding, the prince left the girl above the spring; the maid came to get water, saw the reflection, decided that she was so beautiful, broke the jug; so three times; girl laughed; the maid asked her to go down to look in her head, stabbed her pin (or rather horquilla), the beauty flew away like a dove; the maid pretended to be her, said that she was fool because of the wind; the dove Talks to the gardener, who calls the king, he caught a dove, pulled out a pin, the girl was reborn; the liar was burned at the stake]: 227-231; Catalans (including Mallorca) [the prince goes to searching for three oranges of love; the man shows the way; the prince picks oranges; the first one opened, the girl came out, asked for a drink, there was no water, she died; the same with the second; the third got drunk and went to pick the crew; an ugly darkie invites the girl to comb her hair, pricked her with a comb, she turned into a bird; the liar explains why she went fool; a dove flies into the palace, the prince found a pierced one in her head comb tooth, took it out, she became a girl; wedding; a liar is executed]: Oriol, Pujol 2008, No. 408:90-91; Catalans [brother and sister in one house and in another too; the latter are rich, the first are not so rich; brothers they made a rose castle; whose sister jumps over it without hitting the roses will inherit all the property; the rich one jumped and hooked on a flower, the poor only a leaf that she immediately ate to prevent this from happening noticed; from the leaf, the sister became pregnant and gave birth to a girl; hiding her from her brother, placed her with a wet nurse, where she had made an underground passage; the girl grew up; her mother's brother saw her and asked who she was; she replied that her mother was a rose and so was she; when she left, her brother (i.e. the girl's uncle) threw a handful of pins at her; her mother pulled everything out, but did not notice one; she began to comb her daughter, the pin pierced and the girl lost consciousness; her mother considered her dead and left her in a coffin, locking this room; when her brother returned, her sister (out of grief) fell ill and died, leaving her brother's keys but not entering one of the rooms; he broke ban, found a living girl in the room and made her a maid; when leaving, asked what to bring her; she asked for a blooming sprig of myrtle, a double-edged knife and a heart made of stone; my uncle almost forgot, but the ship, on whom he came back froze in place; he had to go back and get everything the girl asked for; every night she cried: Oh, a heart of stone, a myrtle branch, a knife - why didn't you kill me? Oh sir, if you only knew whose daughter I am; the servant heard me, gave it to the master, the girl told me everything, became a mistress herself]: Salvator 1896:73-81; Portuguese: Braga 2002 [three lived near the forest sisters, loved each other; a witch and her daughter lived side by side; the witch persuaded the youngest to give the elders coriander and they turned into bulls; the king saw the youngest and married; the witch put two pins in her head the queen turned into a dove, the witch replaced her with her daughter; she told the king that she was fool because of illness; the dove arrives and asks the dog how her baby is; the dog: silent at night, but during the day cries; they heard it, handed it to the king, who caught the dove, pulled out his pins; the witch and daughter were lowered from the mountain in barrels of nails]: 183-184; Pedroso 1882, No. 2 [the girl is imprisoned in a tower; lowers her hair, the prince goes up to her room; one day a witch saw it; she called the girl, imitating the voice of the prince; the girl lowered her hair; the witch climbed and began to persuade her not to be around prince; went down and left; when the prince got up and the girl told him everything, he told him to run immediately; the girl said goodbye to all objects, but forgot about the broom and broom; took it with her a glass of water and bags of pebbles and sand; when the witch arrived, the table and chairs replied that the girl was ill, but the broom with the broom said that she ran away with the prince; the witch set off in pursuit; the girl threw sand (sand wasteland), pebbles (wall), poured water (the river, the witch stopped chasing); the prince told the girl to wait for him in the tree, and he would go prepare for their solemn arrival; black the maid came for water, saw the girl's reflection in the spring, took it for her own, broke the jug - why does such a beautiful woman need it; came the second time - the same; the third time with a brass jug, he did not crashed, she looked up, saw the girl, climbed to her, offered to comb her hair, plunged a pin into her head, turning the girl into a dove; when the prince returned, the black woman said she had darkened tanning while sitting in the sun; every time a dove flies to the gardener and asks how the prince is doing with black Mary; the gardener told the prince, who ordered to catch the dove in a ribbon snare; dove: in such I can't be caught; the same is made of silver; when the snare is golden, the dove was caught; the imaginary wife asked me to kill the dove, but the prince refused; once he felt and pulled out the pin, the girl was born; replied that The maid's bones, she would like to make steps to climb into bed and pull her skin on the drum]: 6-9; Aragon [the prince marries one of the princesses coming out of magic oranges; witch ( Moorish woman) sticks a pin into her head, turning her into a dove, takes her place]: González Sanz 1996, No. 408:80; Basques [a witch approaches a young woman with a baby, asks for permission to search in her head, pierces a pin, a woman flies away with a white dove; a witch is mistaken for a real wife; a dove arrives, an imaginary wife drives her away, her husband greets her; notices a pin, takes it out, the wife again appears; the witch was burned in the square]: Barandiaran 1962a, No. 25:97-99; Italians: Kotrelev 1991 (Abruzzo) [the prince goes to look for his wife white as milk and rosy as blood; the old man gives three grenades, tells them to break by the stream; each has a naked girl, the first two immediately die of thirst, he immediately sprinkles the third with water, she remains alive; he tells her to climb a tree, goes for clothes; a filthy sarazina she comes to get water, takes the girl's reflection for her own, breaks the jug, leaves; the hostess scolds her; so twice; at the third girl laughed, the sarazinka asks her to go down, she will comb her hair; killed her, stabbed her with a hairpin in her ear; a drop of blood turned into a dove; sarazinka explains to the prince that while he was walking, the sun and the wind changed her appearance and voice; the prince marries her; the dove bites the crumbs leaves the cook with golden feathers; he wants to take it to the prince, the sarazink kills her, a pomegranate tree grows out of a drop of blood; the dying who ate pomegranates have recovered; the last sarazink grenade wants keep it for herself, the prince tells you to give it to the woman whose husband is dying; the woman's husband has already died, she has kept the grenade for herself; when she returns, she sees that the house has been cleaned; the confessor tells the old woman to see what happens to the grenade; she finds a girl; the prince recognizes her; the sarazinka herself says to be smeared with resin and burned in the square]: 118-122; Andrews 1895, No. 58 (Liguria) [stepmother hates the beautiful stepdaughter and tells her husband to do so from her get rid; he left his daughter in the woods; she met the robbers and they took her home without causing harm; one day a girl let an old sorceress in; she began to comb her hair and plunged her pin, the girl became like a statue; the robbers left the body unburied; the prince saw, brought her home, his sister began to comb the girl, pulled out her pin and the beauty came to life; the prince married her, but soon went to war; the wife gave birth to a boy and a girl; the prince's mother replaced the letter with a message that the wife had given birth to puppies; she also replaced the prince's letter with an order to kill his wife and children; relatives told the woman to take the children as soon as possible go away; she prayed to God, St. Virgo and St. Antonia and asked for a palace in the woods; the prince returned, went in search, spent the night in that palace; in the morning he heard the boy call him father when he needed to fix his hand hanging from bed; all OK, the Queen Mother is punished]: 277-282; Calvino 1980, No. 50 (Bologna) [the merchant left yarn to his three daughters; the elders took gold and silver, and the youngest Giricoccola silk; the moon comes out and sees the girls says that spinning gold is beautiful, silver is more beautiful, but spinning silk is the best; sisters changed yarn twice, J. got silver, then gold, but the moon praises her the most again; sisters they hated J., locked her in the attic; the moon felt sorry for her, opened the attic window with a ray and brought her to her; the sisters turned to an astrologer (this is a woman); he offered G. pins and as soon as he stuck the pin in her into her hair, J. became a stone statue; the moon took out her pin and revived J.; next time a comb; the moon threatened not to revive it again, since J. did not listen to her and let strangers in; for the third time, the astrologer gave the dress, J. petrified, and the moon sold the statue to the chimney sweeper; the prince saw the statue, fell in love with it and bought it; his sisters gathered for the ball, took off their dress from the statue to wear, J. came to life, the prince married her]: 154-156; Keller 1981 (Ticino) [the prince decided to find a fairy of three golden apples; the old woman ordered him to take a rope, a broom, a sturdy pole, a bag of bread, a bag of millet; he threw millet to an eagle, bread to wolves, gave a pole to people who supported the stone with their shoulders, a broom with his hands under the stove, a rope that took water out of the well with a bucket; took apples, the witch chased, shouted for everyone to whom the prince gave gifts detained him, but they refused; the prince opened one apple, a girl came out, she needed to drink water, there was no water, she died and disappeared; the prince opened the second apple by the stream, but it dried up - the same; the third at the well , the fairy drank water, stayed with the prince; he went to prepare everything for the meeting; the witch offered to comb the fairy's hair, stuck a pin in it, the fairy turned into a dove; the witch took her place, said that became ugly because of hunger; a dove flies in the palace, interferes with cooking; the prince picks up a dove, takes out a pin, the fairy regains its former appearance; the witch runs away]: 272-275; Sardinians [young man goes to look for a wife; a woman (this is St. Virgo) sends him to the master (this is the Lord); he teaches how to enter the yard: if the eyes of the guarding lions are open, they sleep; the rival pierces a pin into the chosen one's head, she flies away as a goose; follows a young man and his false wife; he catches and strokes a goose, takes out a pin, his wife regains her human appearance]: Aprile 2000:274; Maltese [the childless king promises to build a source of oil (or also a source of wine), from which it will pour until the son reaches a certain age; the son is born and grows up; breaks the jug of an old woman who comes for butter with a stone; she tells him to marry on girls of seven lemons; old people he meets help him find seven lemons; he opens 6, in each girl, she dies of hunger and thirst, because the young man has nothing to give her right away; for the seventh he has prepared food and drink in advance, she remains alive; the prince takes her to his country, leaves her in a tree while he goes to prepare everything for the meeting; a Moorish woman climbs a tree, offers to look in her head girls, pierces a pin, the girl turns into a dove; the returning prince marries a liar, although he is surprised why the bride is fool; the bird arrives, talks about himself, her false wife kills; a tree grows out of bones in the old woman's yard; then the girl is reborn; the prince finds her, the liar is executed]: Mifsud-Chircop 1978, No. 408:99-101 (version in Stumme 1904, No. 26 [Turkish woman cooked in oil, they made a rug out of leather to wipe their feet]: 71-76); Corsicans [when the son was born, the father looked at the stars and replied to the person who arrived that he would be king; the one who arrived was king; promising to raise the boy, he took him and threw him into the waterfall under the mill; he was immediately picked up by a miller whose wife also gave birth to a boy; the adopter grew up hard-working and intelligent; his own son reproached him By birth, the young man left home; stayed with childless spouses; brilliantly finished school, then went to college, where the prince himself studied; they became friends; when they saw a portrait of the "maiden of the three golden mountains", prince went looking for her, his friend was with him; in the hotel room in which they spent the night, two chairs; one with the inscription "The Rightful King" and the other read "The Miller King"; the prince fell asleep and the young man heard a voice from a magic book he revealed: "Let's eat them, because they want to take the maiden of the three mountains of gold; she is guarded by lions, but at noon they fall asleep; she has to remove the pin from her head, then witchcraft she will dissipate and the girl wakes up"; they took the girl away, but at night one of the sorcerers caught up with them and turned the young man into stone; the prince returns to that room, which now has only one chair with the inscription" The legal king"; the book replies that it takes three days to fish, fry the fish caught on the third day and grease the petrified one with it; the young man came to life; the prince married the maiden of the three mountains of gold and handed the crown to the receptionist miller]: Massignon 1984, No. 14:31-33.

Western Europe. French: Delarue, Tenèze 1964, No. 408 (Nièvre) [the prince smashed a jug of butter carried by an old woman with a ball; she wished him love for three oranges; the prince fell ill with love and went to searching with two companions; they come to the south, east, north wind; the mother of the winds hides them every time and teaches them what to do next; they come to the castle; they oil the rusty door and she opens; throw acorns to predatory pigs, give giants ropes to get water out of the well (they took it out using their hair instead of ropes); let other women sweep the heat out of the oven with a panicle (those they did it with their bare hands); they sweep the dusty dirty stairs; they comb the lousy old woman, who falls asleep for the first time in many years; the prince sees and takes three oranges, runs away with his companions; the old woman tells the stairs, etc., to detain the fugitives, but they refuse, because those who came cleaned them, fed them, etc.; on the way back, the prince opens one orange, comes out, asks for a drink, dies; the same with second; the third opens at the source; brings the beauty to the king, who knows the prince's father and dreamed of marrying the prince to his daughter; sends the prince for jewelry and clothes for the beauty brought, and his daughter stabs her head with a pin and the girl flies away like a dove; the liar says she has darkened from the sun and wind; the prince's father and courtiers are surprised that his fiancée is ugly; on the eve of the wedding, a dove Talks to the cook; sits on the prince's arm; he gropes for and takes out a pin; wedding; the liar was burned at the stake]: 59-63; Joisten 1991, No. 16.1. (Dauphin) [the prince refuses to marry, cut his finger, blood dripped on the cream, he promises to marry the one who is like blood and milk; his father sends him to look for his wife; he sails to a barren island, there a death woman lives, sends him to another, with rich vegetation, Life lives there, she refers to Youth, she gives three lemons and a knife; you have to cut a lemon at the spring, a girl will come out, she needs it right away give water; after cutting the first two lemons, the prince is so fascinated by the beauty of the girls that he does not have time to drink them before they disappear; the third drinks; goes to tell his father about it, in his absence the girl climbs on a tree; a black woman sees her reflection in the source, thinks that she is so beautiful herself; breaking a jug, she notices a beautiful woman; she pierces a pin into her head, she flies away like a dove; the black woman tells the prince that An evil fairy turned her into a black woman; a wedding is being prepared; a dove arrives, sings, the servant grabs her, cuts her, three drops of blood grow a lemon with three lemons; the prince cuts lemons, the girls are among the first two disappear, in the third his fiancée; they want to burn the black woman, the bride simply asks her to expel]: 137-139; Bretons [when a woman's husband dies, she decided to get rid of her daughter; told the maid take the girl to the forest; the fairy brought her back; told her to be thrown into the well; the girl ended up in the palace; cleaned the room; the good giant and the fairy came, left the girl with them; one day she wanted to visit her mother; she put a pin in her head and the girl became a bird; she flew to the gardener and asked how the king was doing; the king put the bird in a cage; once found and took out a pin; married on a girl; and her mother fell ill and died out of anger]: Orain 1904:20-26.

Western Asia. Palestinians [the king promises that if his son grows up safely, he will fill one watercourse with honey and the other with ghee; every day the boy meets an old woman, she tells him to remind his parents about the promise, otherwise he threatens to kill him; he forgets, she puts pebbles in his pocket, his mother finds it, he remembers, the king builds watercourses, fills him with honey and oil; the old woman comes when almost everything has been dismantled; takes the last drops, the boy throws a pebble, breaking her vessel, she tells him to fall in love with Lolabe, Lolabe's daughter; he goes looking for L., she lowers her hair out of the window, he climbs it; when her the witch mother gets up, the daughter turns the young man into a pin, she senses the human spirit, tells her to give her the pin to take out the splinter, the daughter gives another, turns the young man into a melon, the mother tells her to give the melon, the daughter hides one a seed, revives the young man from it, tells him to run, spraying all objects with henna except a mortar and a pestle; everyone replies to the mother that the daughter is here, a mortar and a pestle give her away; the witch pursues the fugitives, with her a dog; the daughter throws a comb (the forest, the witch and the dog chew), the brazier (the fire, the witch and the dog extinguish the urine), the mirror (the lake, the witch and the dog drink, burst); at the house, the young man tells L. to wait for him to cook everything for the wedding; L. climbs a tree, the maid takes her reflection in the well for her own, throws a jug (such a beauty should not serve); L. laughs, the maid asks her to go down, pierces her pins, turning her into a dove, puts on her clothes, explains to the groom that she cried while waiting for her, so she changed; the dove cries in the palace kitchen, tears turn into pearls, corals, the cook picks them up, every day the food burns, the prince calls him, finds out about the dove, catches him, takes out his pins; the maid from behind now stabs them into him, turning them into a dove; the third time L. catches him, takes out his pins; wedding; maid burn]: Mubawi, Kanaana 1989, No. 18:159-166; Syrian Arabs: Kuhr 1993:208-211 [When the wife died, the husband promised to get a new one no sooner than the daughter could get a bread basket from under the ceiling; a neighbor tells her to climb into a chair, marries her father; sends her grandmother to get a sieve; on the way, the girl greets everyone and helps everyone; one wants her face to be like a rose, the other wants her body like a sesame, a mare - to make her hair the color of a bay horse; the drone tells you to mess everything up, break it, etc., the girl does the opposite, feeds and wateres poultry and cattle; receives a luxurious dress, a gold ring; She lost the ring, found the prince, tells all the girls to try it on; only the owner came up, the prince married her; her stepmother took her to wash, put pins into her body, the girl turned into a bird; the prince I caught her, took out her pins, everything is fine], 215-218 [when she died, the mother hung the property to her two eldest daughters, and the youngest Layla only a rug; she slept on it, found gold under the rug in the morning; one old woman called her to live with her, took away her rug; he stopped making money, she buried it in the garden; a tree grew, light emitted, tears dripped from it, which turned into pearls; one day the king ordered it to be extinguished the lights in the city, sent the vizier to find out where the light came from; when he found out everything, he married L.; the sisters stabbed a pin into her out of envy, she became a bird; the sisters looked like two drops of water like L., each spoke to the king that she was his wife; they wanted to kill the bird, but the king caught it, took out the pin, brought his wife back; she said that if they were not her sisters, they should have been tied to the tails of the horses, and so she was theirs forgives; sisters have improved]; Iraqi Arabs: Bushnaq 1987 [The king's childless wife promises to fill one ditch with fat and another honey; gives birth to a beautiful and intelligent son; but forgot her vow; at night someone says to the young man: if the mother does not keep her word, the son will go to a place where no one will find him; so three nights; the young man forgot his dream, but woke up the third time and told; the prince's mother in a hurry did everything; by evening The ditches were empty and only one old woman scraped out the leftovers; the prince, out of mischief, threw an arrow into her pot and broke it; old woman: how did you break my pot, so let your heart be broken because of love for the girl of the tree Raranj and Taranj; the prince went in search; at the fork there is one road of Reliability, the other is Security and Obscurity; the old man advises to turn back; after learning of his firm intention prince, gives a ring and tells him to drive 7 days along the Road of the Unknown to the palm grove; rub the ring there: a genie horse will come out; ride it without paying attention to wild animals; a tree in the center of the grove; lions and wild goats on the sides; meat in front of goats, hay in front of lions, must be changed; while the animals are eating, we must climb a tree and pick the fruits; taking three, the prince went down and galloped back; on the way he opened one , then; a beautiful woman came out of each, asked for water and, not receiving it immediately, died; the prince opened the third fruit by the river on the border of his father's kingdom; the prince left the beautiful woman and went to get her clothes and entourage; the girl climbed a tree; a dark-skinned slave came to the river for water, took the beauty's reflection for her own; when she saw the beauty, she offered to take out her insects, but plunged her pin into her, turning her into dove; the maid told the prince that the evil genie had changed her appearance; every day the dove flies into the kitchen and the cook replies that the prince was sleeping with the ugliest woman; the dove's tears turn into pearls and corals; the cook told the prince, he caught a dove, pulled out a pin, the beauty was reborn; the liar was burned]: 109-114; Yaremenko 1990, No. 23 [an infertile woman promises to fill one ditch with honey, the other oil; gives birth to a son; the old woman reminds the boy of his mother's vow; parents fill the ditches, the old woman comes last, picks up the leftovers; the boy accidentally broke her jug; she wishes him love for the ram and a tranger (TT; "sour lemon and bitter orange"); he grows up, goes looking for TT; the old man at the fork says that one road of well-being, the second is unhappiness, the third does not return; the young man rides the first, falls to the giantess's chest, she teaches how to pick a TT in the garden when the eyes of the monsters are open (which means they are sleeping); when she tried to peel the next fruit, a request was made for water, the fruit shrunk; the last the young man cleaned by the water, he became a girl; the young man walked away, leaving TT in the tree; a witch came to the spring, took the beauty's reflection for her own; she offered to help wash the dishes; the witch got up to her, she put a pin in her head, TT flew away as a bird; the young man said that she would be beautiful again in a year; the bird flew to the young man, the witch wife told her to be killed, otherwise she would not recover; a drop of blood grew yuyuba her trunk is covered with pearls; the witch wife tells her to be made a cradle for the baby; the baby in her cries; the witch gave the cradle to a poor neighbor; someone cleans up her house, she waits for the girl, asks not to return to the cradle; the witch asks for the cradle to be returned, calls the craftsmen to sew pearls on the dress; TT comes, tells his story; the husband leaves the witch, brings TT to her parents]: 129-136; Yemen : Daum 1992, No. 17 [the Sultan's wife became pregnant after eating a drug sold by a candy merchant; the girl was named Wasila ("rain stream"); accommodated in a glass palace; once she left the bone, the glass broke, she went outside, the son of another sultan saw her, they fell in love, they were married; two days later her husband left; the wife, disguised as a beggar, went in search; she was sheltered by elderly spouses; son He saw another sultan, took her, made her beloved wife; but her mother-in-law did not like her daughter-in-law; combing her golden hair, she stabbed seven thorns into her head, the woman flew away like a dove; saw her first husband, went down to him; he pulled the thorns out of her feathers, she became a woman again, stayed with her first husband; everyone is happy]: 156-163; Han, al-Hegri 2004 [the sultan's daughters invited all the women of the village to wedding; stepmother tells her stepdaughter named Henna Leaf (LH) to sort out three mixed types of grain, leaves with her daughter Ekram; the old woman gives LH clothes and jewelry, leads to the palace; dances with other women; Ali, the son of the Sultan, accidentally enters; before the women covered their faces, he saw LH; she ran away with her shoe dropped; the grain was dismantled; Ali tells everyone to try the shoe; suitable only for LH, she also has a second one; her stepmother sends E., but she goes to the palace kitchen, knocks over the stone pot, the corolla remains around her neck; at this time, LH is brought to the Sultan's son; the stepmother sends the witch, who comes disguised as a maid, pierces 7 thorns into the back of LH's head, she flies away with a dove; the Sultan's wife says that LH is gone; the servant sees a dove, she cries, it starts to rain; Ali finds her, takes it out thorns, LH becomes a woman; the sultan drove away his jealous wife, handed over the throne to Ali]: 92-97.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Mustang [a demoness and her daughter live in the upper reaches of the valley, a woman and her daughter live in the lower reaches; the woman went to look for the missing cow, the demoness invited her into the house, killed her; the daughter went, the demoness did her maid; ordered the cow to be herded, the dead mother turned into her, gives her daughter sweets; the demoness hears the girl chewing something at night, walking with the cow herself, she stains her clothes with manure, the demoness decides slaughter her; a cow tells the girl to hide her head, hooves and skin behind the door; a demoness and her daughter go to a party, telling the girl to separate peas, beans, barley and wheat; a reborn mother performs work, the remains of a cow turned into a luxurious attire, the girl came to the party, lost her slipper on the way back; the servant brought it to the king; he tells all women between 16 and 40 to try it on; demoness with They go to the screenings as a daughter, the mother remains to pick up the grain, sends her daughter to the palace, tells her to be the last to come; she becomes the king's wife; when the demoness and daughter return home, everything is contaminated with chicken litter; the demoness sends her daughter to hire a poultry house, tells the queen to stick a pin in the back of her head, she will be speechless, change clothes with her, take her place, and the Queen will be a poultry house; but the mother is before This gave her daughter three cowries; she was sent to herd cows; she took a cowrie, a young man appeared to herd cows, and three girls who began to spin the yarn given to the girl; pulled out a pin, Queen speechless, told the king everything, who ordered the liar to be beheaded, her body was burned, her head was hidden under sweets and meat; the Queen, disguised as the daughter of the demoness, brought her a gift; she found her head daughter, rushed in pursuit; she threw a piece of coal (darkness), a brush for her head (thorny forest), a mirror (an ice field); on the ice, the demoness slipped, fell on a stone, crashed to death; everything is fine]: Kretschmar 1985, No. 39:218-223.

South Asia. Sindhi [after the king's death, the vizier seized power; three princes leaving; each telling his own dream; the younger Gul Munir sees that he has 4 princess wives, two on the right in bed and two on the left; The elders are envious, they leave the youngest; GM fell asleep under a tree, the demon wanted to eat it, but admiring its beauty, he moved him to the outskirts of the city; he comes to the mosque, the childless mullah takes him to his place assistant; among the disciples are the son of a vizier and the daughter of the king; when she learned to read, the king forbade her to meet the vizier's son anymore; through GM, she handed a note to him, setting a time to escape; GM himself wrote the answer, came at night, the princess and the maid were already waiting with the horses; in the morning the princess sees a substitution, but the GM says that he is not a mullah's assistant, but a prince; they live in the city, sell ruby, the vizier finds out that his wife The GM looks like a kidnapped woman, tells the king, who brought the GM closer to him; offers to invite them to visit; the GM will be forced to invite them back, and if his wife does not participate in this, then she will not wife; the maid convinced the princess to behave like a wife; the same next time (picnic after the hunt); when GM sang, the princess fell in love with him; forgot her necklace in the tent; GM rode after him, there was the king's servant; she witch, put a necklace on him, he became a parrot, she became a falcon; the parrot flew into the princess's room of another kingdom, she stroked it, the magic thread of the necklace fell out, GM became human ; the king gave his daughter for him; they return to the first princess, on the way GM marries another; the king who sheltered GM also gives him a daughter and then the throne; at this time, the GM brothers became one shepherd, by another fisherman; he found them, they saw that his dream came true]: Schimmel 1995, No. 24:158-176; himachali plowmen [the brahman has a daughter Tilko sundari (T.); the mother died, the father took another one, and the stepmother has her own daughter; tyranite, does not feed T.; the ram orders him to hit his horns three times, food is poured out of them; the stepmother sends his own daughter to the ram, he butts her, knocks her eye out; the stepmother orders to slaughter the ram; he tells T. to bury it bones in the four corners; everyone goes to the party, stepmother told T. to clean the manure and mustard seeds; sparrows peel seeds, crows peel manure; where T. buried her bones, she finds festive clothes and ornaments, shoes, a horse; when they run home, T. loses his shoe; it was brought to the king, who promises to marry the owner; everyone tries on the shoe, she came only to T., the king marries her; one day T. came to visit his stepmother; she began to comb her hair, stuck a pin in her head, T. flew away like a bird, her stepmother sent her daughter to the palace instead of her; the bird flew to the king, he stroked her, felt the pin, took it out, the bird again became a woman; liars executed, all is well]: Ranganatha 1981:163-165; konkani (Goa) [the beggar tells the princess that she will marry the King of Pins; she comes to the old woman, she hides her from her son; when the son is picked up, he sends the girl to his relative, who gives gold spinners and chicken with chickens; in the palace lies a pinned king; the princess takes out her pins, two remain in eyes; she leaves, the black woman takes out her last pins, the king marries her; the black woman wants a spindle, a chicken with chickens; the princess gives them on condition that she be allowed to spend an hour with the king; first once a black woman gives him sleeping pills, the second time the prince does not drink; everything is explained, the black woman was hanged (similar text from Kolkata)]: Davidson, Phelps 1937, No. 7:29-30; India (translated from Hindi) [prince He was friends with the shepherd, promised to make him chief adviser when he became king; when he became king, he forgot about the shepherd; married Kanchamal; the shepherd came to see the queen, he was driven away; in the morning the king woke up all covered with needles; the queen went swimming, the girl offered herself to be her maid, offered to take off her jewelry to rub her with oil; put on her jewelry and clothes, and became the new queen of Kanganmala; cruel and willful; the queen became a maid, went to the river to wash, where a man with a heap of thread sings about needles, comes to the palace with Kanchanmala, invites both women to bake cakes; real the queen does good things, the impostor is bad; Kanganmala tells the hangman and the maid to execute, but threads wrap the hangman and Kanganmala, pull needles out of the king's body, pierce them into Kanganmala, she dies; The king recognizes the shepherd, makes him chief adviser]: Zographer 1964:297-302; Marathi [Tarabai girl is beautiful; her mother is dead, her father has taken her stepmother, who has her own ugly daughter; stepmother wants to lime T. sends cows to herd, giving her inedible leftovers; the Kupilee cow offers her to drink her milk; the stepmother's daughter tells her about it, the stepmother tells her husband to sell the cow; then the fairy gives T. a stick and needle, they can be used to create a palace and get any food; T. leaves, lives in the palace; Raja and his entourage appear; T. pulled the needle out of the ground, the palace disappeared, but the Raja found T. in the forest; married; T. decided to visit her old family; her stepmother killed her and threw her into a well, replaced her with her daughter; the Raja did not believe it; her stepmother said it was a joke, that T. was in the palace; T. turned into a starling, flying for raja; Unable to find a wife, he was desperate; one day he felt and took out a pin in the body of a starling, which turned into T.; his stepmother was taken to the forest to be eaten by animals]: Knight 1913:125-144; the Assames [from a wealthy peasant beloved younger wife, she has a daughter Toola, and an unloved eldest, she has a daughter Teja and a son Kanai; the youngest tyrannites the eldest and her children; goes fishing with her, collides her into the water, turning her into a turtle; a turtle reaches out to her children, feeds them extraordinarily tasty and nutritious rice; Toola is sent to spy, promises not to tell them when she is allowed to try this rice, but her mother makes them talk; pretends to be sick (crunches with potsherds placed under the mattress - like bones), a bribed healer advises eating a turtle; a turtle for children: I'll give it only to you, bury my front legs; they have grown blooming hibiscus and fruit tree; prince wants to pick fruits and flowers, K. allows for promising to marry his sister when she grows up; sends a bird to remind; prince marries Teja; elder wife tries to prevent this without success; stepmother asks to let Toola go to visit; her daughter dresses up in Teja jewelry, stepmother stabs Teja's head with a pin, turning it into a bird; prince does not notice the substitution, but Toola can't finish the fabric started by Teja; the Teja bird talks to the prince, he finds a pin, Teja becomes a woman again, tells everything; the prince orders to chop the liar, send the meat and blood to send her to the mother as a gift, and bring her arms, legs and head the next day; the mother realized that she ate Toola]: Borooah 1955:104-121 (about the same in Goswami 1960:88-90); Bengalis: Bystrov et al. 1962 [ The prince promises his shepherd friend to make him a vizier when he reigns; marries Conconmal, forgets the shepherd; wakes up covered in needles; Rani has to do everything herself; Konchonmala suggests make her a maid, let Rani bathe in the river; puts on her clothes and jewelry, makes her a maid; she meets a man who wants to buy needles, tells her to wrap a thread around Konchonmala and her hangman , pull the needles out of the king's body, sew Konchonmala's mouth and eyes; the king recognizes the shepherd, makes a vizier, the needles stabbed Konchonmala]: 131-136; McCulloch 1912, No. 23 [the beggar gives the brahmana a remedy for which his two wives must become pregnant; the eldest is evil, pushes the pill, drinks all alone; the youngest is good, drinks the water with which she washed the pestle; both give birth to a daughter; the eldest has an ugly evil Chalbhushki, the youngest beautiful and kind Tilbhushki; the prince marries T.; she visits her father; when she goes back, the stepmother asks for her to see her jewelry, sticks a spine in her hair, the young woman turns into a bird, the stepmother puts jewelry on C., sends it instead of T.; the bird tells the prince about what happened, he falls ill; the bird brings the bird, the prince accidentally takes out the spine, the wife revives; the raja orders the liar and her mother to be cut into pieces, soon hands over the throne to her son]: 218-228; Santals [6 brothers are married, the youngest seventh sees their wives climbing a banyan tree in the absence of their husbands, flying away in it devour people and commit atrocities; when they return, the witches notice the young man, pierce two needles into his feet, turning him into a dog; the king's three daughters reject the suitors; he allows them to choose their own husbands; each binds a thread to her husband (the eldest is white, the middle one is red, the youngest is blue); flies with white and red threads sit on men, with blue threads on the dog; the younger princess agrees to marry a dog, notices needles, pulls them out, the dog turns into a young man; young brothers push witch wives into a well, cover them with earth]: Bompas 1909, No. 43:281-284; kannada [Alakanna's older brother went to war; his wife began to seduce his single younger brother Malakanna, but he refused; she turned to the sorcerer; the sorcerer gave jasmine, which M. smelled, and a thorn; when M. realized that his brother's wife was in front of him again, who stuck a thorn in his forehead, turning him into a dog; when A. returned, his wife said that M. had molested her; A. caressed the dog, felt for the thorn, took it out, the dog again turned into M.; A. whipped his wife and her maid, kicked them out of the house, found another wife]: Ramanujan 1997, No. 14:46-50.

The Balkans. Greeks: Legrand 1881 [coming to the window, the older sisters ask the sun who is more beautiful; the sun says that it and they are beautiful, but their little sister Rodia is the most beautiful; they lead R. collect herbs and throw them in the forest; the goddess of the night Nycteris arrives, takes R. to her palace; the sun again told the sisters that R. is the most beautiful; the sisters came to R., gave scarves, she put it on herself shoulders and died; R. accidentally pulled off her scarf, R. came to life; next time they gave her candy (pastille); N. put R. in a silver coffin, a coffin on a wagon, let the horse carry it; the horse brought the wagon to the prince; mother the prince came in in in his absence, pulled R.'s hair, the candy fell out of her mouth, R. came to life; the wedding; when R. gave birth to a boy, the sisters came and stabbed a pin into her head, turning it into a bird, and one occupied her place; the bird flew in and told all the vegetation to dry; flew to the prince, he felt for and took out the pin, R. was reborn; the prince wanted to execute the sisters, but N. offered them a choice of death or torment envy; they died of envy]: 133-143; Megas 1970, No. 25 [a man asks a young man to help bring meat, gives change, he buys three sardines, lets his sister cook; three women come; sister feeds their sardines; every woman rewards her; 1) when she combs her hair, pearls fall: 2) bathes, the pool is full of fish; 3) roses and third leaves fall off; brother carries pearls to sell, he is grabbed tells the king everything; he tells the girl to be brought; on the way, the gypsy woman stabs a pin into her head, she flies away like a bird, the gypsy puts on her clothes, hides her face; when she washes, the water is dirty; the king sends a gypsy woman to herd turkeys, throws the girl's brother in prison; hears singing, tells her to catch a bird, takes out a pin; marries a beautiful woman, frees her brother, the gypsy woman was cut into pieces]: 54-57; Albanians [Marie's mother died shortly after she was born, her father remarried, her stepmother has ugly daughters Lilo and Lene; her stepmother tyrannites beautiful M., she is called Cinderella; in the evening, the stepmother sent M. to the mill to the elves killed her there; M. asked her father's sister to give her yarn and spindle; started the mill, lit a lamp, began to spin and describe in detail to the elves the whole process of growing flax and making matter; the elves gave her gold, gilded her, and then the rooster sang; at home, the dog barks "Marie comes back in gold"; her stepmother sent Lilo, who replies to the elves, "You can't see if it's linen," they skewed her face and body, the dog barks about it; doctors and priests have difficulty correcting it; the prince dreams of M., arranges holidays in the villages to find this girl; stepmother does not take M., father's sister gives her a dress, turned mice into horses, a pumpkin into a carriage, everything should disappear at 12 a.m.; the prince ordered to make shoes for the one he had dreamed of, only M. they came; the next time the servants followed M. but the carriage suddenly disappeared; M. was found, the prince married, Lilo was also married; M. gave birth to a son; before that, the witch gave her stepmother a pin; she agreed with the midwife, stuck M. in M.'s head, turning her into a bird , replaced her daughter Lena; the baby is crying, L. has no milk; the prince is surprised that his wife has changed; the bird flies up to the window, the stepmother advises her to be shot, but she flew away; a month later the prince saw again a bird, she came down, he noticed and took out a pin, the bird turned into M.; stepmother, L., sorceress and midwife were buried up to the neck in the ground, so they died]: Pedersen 1898, No. 12:89-107; Macedonians [three the sisters are orphans, the older ones are ugly; envious of the younger Dafa, they smeared her face with soot; but men still like her better; the sisters left her in the forest; for the night she climbed the sycamore tree above source; the prince's servant came to water the horse, he was frightened; the prince himself arrived, noticed a girl in goatskin in the tree; to lure her out, the prince called the old woman; she brought flour and tried to bake her tortillas in a ridiculous way; D. went down to show her, the prince married her; everyone went to the wedding; D. took off her goatskin, dressed up in a luxurious dress and came too; the prince's mother shows what a beauty he should have married; prince: so this is my wife, she took off her skin; the prince's mother burned her skin, all is well; when they found out that D. married the prince, her sisters pretended to be beggars, came to her; put two needles in the head and two under their arms, turning them into an owl; they did the same to D.'s children, turning them into owls; when she heard their tender voices, the Queen Mother ordered the owls to be caught; took the needles out of the owls' bodies, they became three again children; but the mother owl flew away; her grave voice has been heard ever since]: Douma 1893:414-417; Bulgarians [three sisters ask the sun in the morning which one is more beautiful; the sun replies that everyone is beautiful, but the youngest was the best; the elders brought the youngest to the cemetery at night and said that they would go for the hoe; the youngest agreed, although it is not clear why the hoe was needed; she waited a long time, climbed onto the poplar; in the morning the prince was driving , his horse refused to drink from the stream; the prince looked up, saw the girl, brought her home; the king was also amazed by her beauty, married her son; the sisters, disguised as beggars, came to their sister; opened up and stayed in palace; offered to look in her head, stabbed her pin, her sister became a bird; the sisters put on her clothes and took turns introducing themselves to the prince's wife; he noticed that his wife was fool, but did not understand the deception; At night, a bird arrives, asks the gardener if the prince, evil sisters, and the baby are sleeping; every time the tree on which the bird sits dries up; many have already dried up; the gardener told the prince everything; he grabbed the bird, noticed and took out the pin, and the bird became a woman again; the evil sisters were torn apart by two horses]: Leskien 1915:69-73 (translated into Estonian in Sutrop 2018:409-411); Hungarians [in itself in a beautiful country in Asia, the king decided to marry only the most beautiful woman in the world; she was found; the king married; the witch tells the young queen that her daughter will be more beautiful than her; gives poison to poison the king; but the queen is already pregnant; the witch gives a mirror; let the queen ask in the morning if there is anyone in the world more beautiful than her; the mirror replies that she is not yet but will be born soon; the witch tries to make the baby's face ugly, but her witchcraft is powerless; when the girl is 13 years old, a witch took her to the forest to burn her alive; 12 robbers appeared, the witch was hit on the head, the girl was taken to her; seeing her beauty and kindness, made their queen, gave three maids to serve; the witch woke up and told her mistress that there was no need to ask for a mirror anymore; she thought that the robbers had killed the girl; one day asked the mirror; then the witch dressed as a gypsy woman, gave the girl a ring, she put it on and died; while preparing her body for burial, the robbers took off the ring and the girl came to life; next time she stuck a pin in her handkerchief - the same (dressed as Jewish); the third time she pretended to be a girl, plunged a pin into her hair; the robbers did not notice her; put her in a golden coffin, fastened it on the antlers of a deer; the deer brought the coffin to the Persian prince; he hid the coffin with the girl in his room; when he went to war, the prince's three sisters found the girl, began to comb her hair, pulled out her pin, the girl came to life; the prince came back and married her; the Queen the mirror again says that her daughter is more beautiful; the prince has left again; the wife gave birth to golden-haired twins; the witch replaced the letter with a message that the prince's wife gave birth to two puppies; she also replaced the prince's letter with an order kill his wife and children; the king told the soldier to take them to the forest and kill them, but the soldier agreed to let them go; the prince returned and found his wife and children in the hollow; the witch was brought and she admitted that she had been kidnapped as a child and raised the devil; that the mirror mocked the queen - she was not beautiful for a long time; the witch was hung over the fire, the remains were scattered by horses; the queen was locked, she jumped out the window and broke her neck]: Jones, Kropf 1889, No. 35:163-181; (cf. Aromanians (Macedonia; {the text is the same as that referred to as Macedonians; it is more reliable to consider it Macedonian until a Romanian version is found}) [two older sisters envy the beauty of the younger one; they took her into the forest and threw her; she came out of the forest, pulled on a goatskin, climbed onto the plane tree above the spring; the prince brought her horse to water, the horse is frightened when he sees the reflection in the water; the girl refuses get down; then the old woman began to cook noodles, doing everything against common sense; the girl got down to show her how to do it, the prince took her away, married her; the Queen Mother agreed to marry only when the daughter-in-law took off and burned her skin; the older sisters came to the wedding, stabbed a pin into their sister's hand and head, who flew away an owl; they also stabbed their sister's three sons, they also became owls; their prince I caught it, took out my pins, my sons became human again; but I didn't catch my owl wife, she still flies and calls children]: Dähnhardt 1910:382).

Central Europe. Slovaks: Gorbova 1949 [the queen pricked, remembered her stepdaughter white as snow and rosy as blood; asks the mirror, it replies that the queen is beautiful and the stepdaughter is better; the queen tells the servants take the girl to the forest; they let her go; she comes to the dwarf house, eats, lies down; they find her in bed; leave her home, tell anyone not to open it; the mirror replies that the girl more beautiful than the queen; she executes servants; comes, gives an apple, the girl dies; the mirror is silent; the dwarfs shake the girl, a piece of apple pops out of her throat, the girl comes to life; the mirror again says that she is a girl more beautiful; the same thing - the queen gives a lace, laces the girl; the third time she sticks a pin into her hair; the dwarfs do not notice her; leave the girl in a glass coffin on the mountain; the king finds her, notices takes out a pin; raised a girl]: 78-81; Wratislaw 1890, No. 10 [the elderly king asks his son to marry; the old woman tells the prince to go to the glass mountain and pick three lemons; the prince came to the lead castle , in front of Jezibaba Castle (the embodiment of winter), leans on a lead staff; she does not know the way to the glass mountain, hides the young man; J.'s son did not eat him, advises him to go to his brother's silver castle; eats for dinner lead pies; the young man came to the silver castle, there is another Yezibaba (all the same, but the items are silver); then the golden castle; its owner shows the way to the mountain, there is a tree with three lemons on it; Only the one to whom the fruit is intended can pick; at first, the prince cannot climb the glass, but decides to throw away the metal pies that each of the cannibals gave him with him; they have become steps; he picked the lemons, after which the tree and mountain disappeared, he found himself in the middle of the plain; on the way home he cut one lemon; a girl appeared, but when he found out that the prince did not cook for her, drink, and clothes, disappeared; the same with the second; the third allowed at home, the girl got everything, the prince married her and reigned after his father's death; when he went to war, left his wife on a throne that others could ascend to, only if their wife lowered their silk rope; there was a pond under the throne in the garden; a gypsy maid came to get water, saw a reflection, thought she was so beautiful, broke the jug; then realized her mistake; the old woman advises the gypsy woman to ask the queen to lower the rope so that she can comb her hair; to plunge the pin into her head, she will turn into a white dove, and let the gypsy woman put on her clothes and sit on the throne; and so it happened; when the king returned, the imaginary wife explained that she had changed from suffering, waiting for him to return; a dove flew in, the king stroked her, felt for her and took out her pin, and the wife was reborn; the maid and the old woman were burned; the king still reigns happily if he is still alive]: 63-74.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Turks: Tsvetinovich 1959 [an elderly padishah has a son; breaks an old woman's jug, who tells him to fall in love with three Pomeranians; he leaves home, sticks to the mother of the devas; her sons Pomeranians guard, but they do not know where they are; the middle, older sisters of their mother do not know; the eldest son of the eldest leads him to the pond where the Pomeranians swim; tells him not to cut them where there is no water; from beauties come out cut; two immediately die of thirst, one remains; shahzade leaves her in a tree, goes to get clothes for her; an Arab woman takes her reflection for hers; the girl calls out to her; she offers look in her head, pierces a needle, the girl flies away as a bird; an Arab woman tells Shahzade that she has turned black from the sun; a bird sits on trees in the Shahzade garden, they dry up; she is caught; an Arab woman pretends to be sick , asks to kill a bird in order to recover; an old woman picks up one pen; in her absence, the pen turns into a girl, cleans her house; the old woman takes her by surprise; tells shahzade her story; The Arab woman replies that she wants 40 horses, not 40 knives; torn by mules; shahzade marries a newfound beauty]: 58-67; Kúnos 1913 [the padishah's wife asks the maid every day who is beautiful; She replies that the padishah's wife, the moon and she, are the maid; one day she replies that the grown-up daughter of Padishah's wife Nar-Tanesi ("pomegranate apple", GJ) is the most beautiful; three hunting brothers found her, agreed make her sister; the witch gave the padishah's wife two pins; dressed as a beggar, she came to the hunters' house and put pins into her daughter's head through a crack in the door; the girl died; the brothers put her in a golden coffin, hung between two trees; the prince found it, moved it to his room; when he went to war, his fiancée went there, saw the GJ, took out her pins, the GJ flew away as a bird; the prince returned and sick from grief; a bird comes to ask about him; every time the tree it sits on dries up; the gardener told the prince about it; the prince's young wife killed the bird, said it was her cat she bit; roses grew out of drops of blood; the gardener's wife brought one into the room, which turned into a bird again, the old woman pulled a diamond pin out of her head, the bird turned into a GJ {there is a discrepancy; it was previously said that the prince's wife pulled out both pins and the girl turned into a bird}; the old woman told the prince; he returned to the GJ, but chased the monkey; at which time GJ's mother came to kill her; the prince managed to return; married GJ, and ordered her mother and wife to hang]: 174-181.

Iran - Central Asia. Mountain Tajiks [a snake puts edible kulches on the handkerchief of the Shah's youngest bathing daughters, pays a rich dowry, takes his wife away; sheds his skin in the room, becomes a prince; while hunting for Mount Kof, an old woman burns her skin; the prince and his wife go to seek happiness; while the husband is hunting, the wife is sitting on a tree above the pond; the old woman sends three daughters to fetch water, each sees the reflection, thinks that she has become beautiful; the old woman locks the prince's wife in the dungeon, replaces her eldest daughter; makes the prisoner dance on needles; she flies away with a dove; the old woman asks the prince to kill the dove, a willow grew out of drops of blood; an old woman tells her to split it into firewood, a sliver bounced, a poplar has grown; the old woman tells me to make it a cradle for her daughter's newborn; a sliver falls into the master's throat, tells his story in his voice; an old woman killed the master with a ladle, a sliver fell into the hearth; a neighbor took hot coals; when the prince came to her, his wife jumped out of the hearth; the couple returned home]: Rosenfeld, Rychkova 1990, No. 4:41-44.

Turkestan. Kazakhs [the son of a rich man goes to look for a bride; in one village he sees a beauty lying in the house; she is alive, but deeply fainting; he brings her, everyone tries to revive her, but without result; the sparrow pecked in the neck - the girl began to move; there was a pin, the horseman took it out, the girl got up; said that the old man stole it, and when she refused to marry him, he stabbed her pin]: Daurenbekov 1979:201- 202.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Tuvans [an episode of an epic tale; Boktug-Kirisha's sister took the form of a gray hare; he leaves her to his first wife, that hare is losing weight; the second is the same; the youngest has a fat woman; he lodged her in a separate yurt (the sister is now human); the older wives came in his absence, stabbed a silver needle into his sister's head, which became a doll girl; his brother put it in a box and left it between her horns maral; he got stuck in the swamp; old man Kara-Sagyl found him, opened the box; he and his wife pulled out a needle, the girl came to life]: Orus-ool 1997:435-447.