Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

K83. Sick father, ATU 550, 551.

.11.13.-.17.21.-.24.27.-.33.37.38. (.39.)

To heal, rejuvenate, or save a father, father-in-law, or sister, you should bring medicine (a doctor) from a distant country. The medicine has been brought and the patient is recovering.

Sakata, Venda, Rozvi, Ziba, Tonga, Somalis, Amhara, (Bilin), Sudan, Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Spaniards, Catalans, Portuguese, Basques, Italians (Ticino, Veneto, Tuscany, Umbria, Basilicata, Calabria), Syrians, Corsicans, Ladins, Maltese, French (Upper Brittany; also Ardennes, Niverne, Poitou, High Alps, etc.), Bretons, Walloons, Scots, Irish, British, Welsh, Friesians, Flemish, Germans (Grimms, Schleswig-Holstein, Hesse, Swabia, Austria), Aramaeans, Syria, Palestine, Lebanon, Old Testament, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Kuwait, Qatar, Yemen, Mehri, Jibbali, Mustang, Burmese, Punjabi, Nepali, North India, Sinhalese, Konkani, Telugu, Muria, Loda, Slovenes, Croats, Serbs, (Bosnians), Hungarians, Romanians, Bulgarians, Macedonians, Greeks, Slovaks, Czechs, Luzhitans, Poles, Russians (Tersky Bereg, Arkhangelsk, Olonetskaya, Vologda, Novgorod, Tula, Kaluga, Oryol, Tambov, Voronezh), Ukrainians (Eastern Slovakia, Ugric Russia, Transcarpathia, Hutsulshchina, Galicia, Podolia, Pokutye, Kiev, Yekaterinoslavskaya), Belarusians, Crimean Tatars, Naurian Cossacks, Kalmyks, Karachays and Balkarians, Ossetians, Abkhazians, Abazins, Adygs, Chechens, Kumyks, Avars, Dargins, Lezgins, Rutulans, Tsakhurs, Megrelians, Georgians, Armenians, Azerbaijanis, Turks, Talysh, Persians, Baluchis, Turkmens, Uzbeks, Tajiks, Tajiks, Sistan Tajiks, Bukhara Arabs, Estonians, Finns, Karelians, Westerners Sami, Lithuanians, Swedes, Norwegians, Danes, Icelanders, Mari, Chuvash, Volga Tatars, Bashkirs, Uighurs, Manchus, Japanese, (coastal Koryaks).

Bantu-speaking Africa. Sakata [the farmer has 12 sons; he cleared the plot; it turned out that there were vines that are used to make fibers; the owner demands to buy new ones, otherwise he will kill; the father gives his sons money sends to buy vines; each of the 11 older brothers marries, stays with his wife; the girl wants to marry the youngest, he refuses, explaining the reason; she replies that her father is the owner of the vines; they They return, brothers kill the youngest, bring vines to the father; the wife revives the victim, they come to his father; the father expels the eldest sons, transfers power and property to the younger]: Colldén 1979, No. 55: 217-219; Venda [sick father learns that a boa constrictor can heal him; four eldest sons consistently come to the boa constrictor cave, but run away when they see him crawl out, holding the calebass with with medicine; the youngest allows himself to be wrapped, brings the boa constrictor to his father, he recovers, the young man takes the boa constrictor back]: Klipple 1992:193; grow [the sorcerer tells the sick leader that the boa constrictor will cure him, whom to bring; the leader's son goes after the boa constrictor, runs away in horror; two more men return; the chief's daughter lets her body be wrapped around, brings a boa constrictor, he heals the leader, the girl takes the boa back]: Klipple 1992:193; ziba [one brother is a shooter, the second sees far, the third is listening, the fourth is diving; their father's legs are sore, we need to get medicine - millet; they got it, lost it along the way; one realizes that millet is lost in the Buroi bush, another sees this bush in the sky, another knocks it down to the ground, it falls into the water, the third dives and pulls it out; the father is healed]: Klipple 1992:221-222; Tonga: Klipple 1992:193-194 [The boy is not allowed to eat saka (?) and follow the snake's trail, he violates the ban, falls ill; people consistently come to the boa constrictor, but run away when they see his eyes; the youngest allows the boa constrictor to wrap him around him, brings him to the patient, then takes him back], 194 [the chief's five sons tell him that the boa constrictor will restore his sight; each consistently follows the boa constrictor, runs away when he sees it; the youngest allows the boa constrictor to wrap himself around, brings his father a boa constrictor licks his eyes, his father sees the light; gives the boa constrictor to two cows; the youngest son takes the boa back, receives his father's throne].

Sudan - East Africa. Somalis [Sultan's new wife and Jew agree to kill the Sultan's son with his first wife; the mare warns the young man that his food has been poisoned; the sultan pretends to be sick, asks her husband to give it to her stepson's mare's liver; he asks permission to ride a mare, rides away; in another city he sends a mare to heaven, pretends to be a poor cripple; six daughters of the Sultan want to choose husbands; throw oranges at the chosen ones; five get rich husbands, the youngest takes the poor cripple; parents go blind in horror; they will be cured by rhino milk; the mare takes the young man to the rhinos, the young man wears the skin of a cub, milks a rhinoceros; gives milk to five husbands of older sisters for the right to burn their name in their ass; but gave only the first milk they had, the second they kept for themselves; from milk brought by the elders sons-in-law, the sultan and his wife did not see the light, the young men saw the light from the milk; the young man shows his brand on his older sons-in-law; the sultan gives him the throne]: Kirk 1904, No. 1:316-318; (cf. bilin [mother asks Hamed if he should give birth to a stupid sister or an intelligent mare; he chooses a mare, his mother gives birth to her, dies; his stepmother wants to poison him - the mare warns; puts the snake in a pot with milk; the mare warns again, the stepmother is forced to lift the lid herself, dies from a snake bite; H. goes on a mare to Dschaga; leaves the mare, comes disguised as a beggar; the prince's daughter rejected the suitors , but when she saw H., she made him a husband; the people decided that the prince was old and his son-in-law was insignificant, stole cattle; H. called the mare, galloped, returned everything, only cut his finger; the prince gave him half of the possessions; went blind; H. He summoned the mare again, who gave a remedy for blindness; when the prince died, H. was elected his successor; in a dream, the mare tells H. that he no longer needs her and she goes to their mother]: Reinisch 1883, No. 52:184- 189); amhara [the witch doctor says that snake fat will heal a blind father; the sons of the first three wives are afraid to enter the snake's lair, push the only son of the fourth there; he kills the snake, the dog It helps him; the brothers take away fat, but the father does not see the light; when the winner of the snake touches his father's eyes with his fingers with leftover fat, he sees the light]: Gankin 1979, No. 68:82; Sudan: Uther 2004 (1), No. 551: 320-322.

North Africa. Algeria [the sage advises the Sultan to give each of the seven wives an apple and hit each of the barren mares with a stick; foals, five beautiful sons, a black man, a blind daughter will be born; sister asks Bring soap to the daughter of the Christian Leader, she will wash their eyes, see the light; at the fork, the black man walks along the same road, the rest of the brothers fall into the service of coal burn; the black man kills ghoul, feeds ghoul meat to a blind vulture; he suggests that the black man be taken to Christians as chicks; the eldest chick replies that he will need a year, the youngest that will turn out in a day; on the way, the black man feeds a flying chick with ghoul meat; a black man tells a Jew to make a golden rooster, inside the rooster penetrates a sleeping girl, exchanges soap and rings with her, flies back to his horse at the fork; the pen left under the stone finds out that the brothers have not returned; takes them away from the coal burner; they invite him to go down to the well to get water, cut off the rope; the muezzin notices the horse at the well, the horse helps pull out the black man; the daughter of the Chief of the Christians appears to the Sultan, cuts off the heads of the traitor brothers, tells the Sultan to find his son; he is from the muezzin; she takes the black man as her husband, takes him to her father]: Hasluck 1925, No. 4:173- 177; the Arabs of Libya [the blind sultan will see the light if he gets the medicine - green fish; the Sultan's son and the son of the vizier catch it, but she asks to let her go and the Sultan's son lets her go; the sultan orders to kill her him and bring his blood; the young man's mother persuaded the soldiers to bring gazelle blood to the Sultan; the Sultan's son meets a stranger and they become brothers; the Jew hires the Sultan's son for business: the bird brings him to a mountain where diamonds {obviously he drops diamonds to a Jew, but cannot go down}; his brother rescued him; the Jew comes for him again, tells him to get a magic ring and treasures from the treasure on the mountain; makes the Jew return the young man, but the Jew remains on the mountain; on the same mountain, the Sultan's son got the princess; the brother offers to divide everything; pretends to cut the girl in half, she belched a box with a cure for blindness in it; the sister says he is that green fish; the Sultan's son marries a princess and receives the throne from his healed father]: Nowak 1969, No. 53:79; Morocco, Tunisia, Egypt: Uther 2004 (1), No. 551:320-322.

Southern Europe. The Spanish [the king is sick, he will be cured by three wonders of the world; the eldest son goes in search, is captured by the robbers; the same with the middle one; the youngest comes to the cave of the winds, where the mother of the winds hides him; The wind comes back, his mother tells him about the young man, the Wind does not know about miracles, tells him to his older brother the Sun; there is the same old woman, also hiding the young man, the Sun sends to her sister Moon; The moon sends birds to his brother; he called a pair of birds of each species; the last was the lame eagle, only he knows about miracles; tells him to prepare meat for the journey; it is not enough, the young man is going to cut off a piece from his leg, but the eagle tells him to throw his pen into the sea instead; after flying across the sea, the eagle shows the path to the castle; meets a woman who says she has no money to bury her deceased husband; a young man gave her money; a fox appeared; said that there would be a bird, a horse and a girl in the castle room, you can only take one thing; he takes the bird, the cage asks him to take it; as soon as the young man takes the cage, to meet her a giant, throws him to the lions, but the fox saves him; says he can save only three times; next time the young man takes the girl, she asks to take her clothes, then the giant meets her again, the same; on the third once he takes a horse; the blanket asks to take it too, he does not take it, jumps away, taking a bird in a cage and a dressed girl; on the way back to meet her, the brothers took their money, came to their father, took credit for themselves, they said that the younger brother had become a robber; the king ordered him to be found and hanged; then a fox appeared in the form of a man and told everything; he was the dead man for whose funeral the young man gave money; the king handed over the throne to the younger, married the girl he received]: Camarena, Chevalier 1995, No. 550:516-523; Catalans: Oriol, Pujol 2008, No. 304 (one record without accurate localization) [the young man goes to search a means to cure a blind father; gets to three giants; goes with them to the castle, where the dog protects the peace of the sleeping princess; the young man shot the dog with a bow and regained his strength by drinking water from a bow and regained strength by drinking water from pool; killed giants with a sword; lights a candle in the princess's chambers to look at her sleeping; wax dripped on her face; the princess wakes up, the young man runs away; the water brought heals his father; they come to the inn where the princess is met; from the young man's story, she finds out that he was the one who came to see her and marries him], 550 (including Menorca and Ibisa) [the father is ill, three sons are going to get medicine ; the youngest does good to the old woman, gets the medicine; in the castle, where the enchanted princess splashes her, receives something from her as a sign of loyalty; the brothers take the medicine and the princess, throw the young man in a well, they tell his father that they got everything; the young man manages to get out of the well, he returns home, the princess recognizes him as a savior when he sees an item given to him], 780 (many records, including Mallorca) [the sick father promises to leave the throne to one of his sons who brings him a magical healing flower; the youngest son got the flower, but the older brother was killed, buried, and the flower was taken away; on this Flowers grew in the place; the shepherd made a pipe and she talks in verse about what happened; when he heard what the pipe was saying, the king punished his eldest sons; the youngest came to life and reigned]: 67, 119-120, 157-158; Portuguese: Cardigos 2006, No. 550 [at night someone ruins the royal garden; or a sick father (king) needs a magic cure; three sons go in search; only the youngest is kind with animals (old woman), they help him; if the option is with a ruined garden, then only the youngest does not sleep and finds a thief; the youngest catches a bird, but must also complete other tasks; he is helped by an animal; he gets living water; his brothers take everything away, throw the youngest into the well; the fox pulls him out, gives him everything back; she is beheaded and turns into a prince; the younger brother marries the princess], 780 ( many records) [sons go for a wonderful cure for their father; the youngest finds it; the brothers kill the youngest out of envy and take (or cannot take away) the remedy he has found; or gold apples; reeds grow on the grave; a pipe made of it tells about the crime, each time addressing the person who plays it (shepherd, charcoal burner, father, brothers); the father digs up the victim from graves and he miraculously comes to life and gives his father wonderful fruits that bring him health]: 137-138, 189-190; Italians (Veneto, Tuscany, Umbria, Basilicata, Calabria): Cirese, Serafini 1975, No. 551:127; Italians: Calvino 1980, No. 61 (Tuscany) [king is blind; healer: only water from a well in the city of the Sleeping Queen will cure; the eldest son sails to Armenia, en route to Buda Island meets a girl and stays with her; the middle brother stays with her sister; the younger refuses to stay with the brothers and sails on; a deep old man says that the island of the Sleeping Queen overseas is called Island of Tears; all people and animals on the island froze like statues; the young man ate an apple and went blind; fell into a well and the water restored his sight; when he got out and found the beauty who had slept, he spent the night with her, leaving her a note; on the way back, the young man picked up the brothers; they changed the bottle of water; when the young man gave his mother an apple and she became blind, he gave her water, but her sight did not return; the brothers said that they had obtained water; the king orders to kill his youngest son; the guards let him go, brought the king the heart of a pig; on the island, the queen gave birth to a boy, after which the spell disappeared and everyone came to life; after reading the letter left by the young man, the queen sent a message to the king, let him send the young man to her; he sends the eldest son; he cannot tell how he got to the queen, his head is staked; the middle son asks his father not to send him and tells the truth; the youngest is alive, comes to the queen and reigns in her kingdom]: 207-212; Keller 1981 (Ticino) [the king will recover if he gets the griffin pen; three sons go in search, two the elders stay in the city to have fun, the youngest comes to the forest where people have gathered; the rainbow-colored bird G. arrives every hundred years, leaves one feather to the chosen one; she leaves him to G.; he goes back, meets his brothers, they kill him, fill the corpse with branches, tell his father that they took out the pen themselves; the shepherdess makes a pipe from one branch, blows, she talks about what happened; he brings it to the king; the same (the pipe speaks to the father); the king tells the eldest sons to play: the same (speaks to them); the king expels his elder sons, turns them into ordinary peasants (a very similar text from Naples in Crane 1885, No. 8:40-42)]: 200-204; Sicilians: Calvino 1980, No. 180 [the king is blind; the doctor said that the peacock's feather would restore his sight; three sons went in search; they climbed a tree for the night; at dawn the youngest woke up first, went to the peacock's voice; when he reached the pond, he saw a feather come down from the sky; the older brothers killed, buried the younger one, brought the pen to his father, he saw the light; the elders said that the youngest the beast took away; a reed grew on the youngest's grave, the shepherd made a pipe, started playing; the pipe sings: Play carefully, shepherds, don't touch me, I was killed because of a peacock feather, my brother betrayed me; the shepherd came to the palace, gave a pipe to the king, she plays the same thing to her father; to her mother; to the middle brother who held him; the middle one could not finish playing; the elder refused to play, but the father forced him; the pipe Repeats the song, calling his brother a murderer; the brothers were burned in the town square, the shepherd was appointed chief of guard; the king spent the rest of his life without leaving the palace]: 648-650; Gonzenbach 2004a [1870], No. 24 [the king and queen felt bad; the beggar advised to send three sons for three peacock feathers; the sons said they would need a year, a month and a day; one would have to go down into the deep failure, spend a year, month and day there too; the elders try, but are afraid to go down, it's dark; the youngest one went down, spent the allotted time with the peacock, took feathers, the brothers picked it up; the elder is dissatisfied that got the worst pen, makes the middle agree to kill the youngest; the youngest was buried near the Jordan River; restored his parents to his eyesight, said that the youngest drowned; the king promises the throne to the elder, because he brought two feathers and the youngest one; the shepherd made bagpipes out of the bones and skin of the younger one, she sings: play, play, shepherd, play as much as you want; on the Jordan coast I was killed with a stone for three peacock feathers; my elder brother betrayed me, and my other brother is innocent, my blood is only on my elder's hands; wherever the shepherd went, he would start playing, and the bagpipes sang the same song; the king heard, took the bagpipes, she sang referring to him as a father; the same from the Queen (speaking to his mother); from his middle brother; finally from the elder; the king hanged his eldest son, bought bagpipes from the shepherd]: 161-165; Corsicans: Massignon 1984, No. 4 [the king is sick, you need to get a horse that is fast like the wind, a bird that sings and plays, a beautiful woman seven times more beautiful than beauty (la donna di sette bellezze); the eldest son goes and sees the inscription "the one who goes will not return", at the inn lost everything at cards, remained an employee; the same with the middle son; the youngest does not stop, but pays the debts of the deceased, whose body is mocked; the road over, the young man walks, the fox invites him to sit on it and carries him to the owner of that horse; let the young man refuse to spend the night in the room and ask him to leave him in the stable; around midnight, the fox tells jump on a horse and ride away: the owner is going to eat the visitor; the young man on horseback and the fox have reached the house where the bird is guarded by lions; the fox tells him to let the lion take the horse by the tail, then he will allow you to take a cage with a bird; the lion coughed and released its tail, they galloped away; the sorcerer owns the beauty; as long as he thinks that he now has his horse and bird, the young man takes the beauty, jumps away, the sorcerer does not managed to detain them; the fox warns that the young brothers have gone to prison for theft, and she herself is the dead man he bought; if anything, she can be called again; the brothers pushed the youngest into the well, they took the horse, the bird and the beauty; the horse bites, the bird is silent, the beauty has become a freak; the fox pulled the young man out; when he arrived home, the horse was happy, the bird sang, the beauty became beautiful; the elders The king ordered the sons to be smeared with resin and burned], 8 [the king went blind, the eldest son went for the "Veronica water" that restored sight; did not share food with the old woman; he lost cards at the inn; began to steal, was captured; the same with his middle son; the youngest offered the old woman (perhaps Madonna) to eat; she advised her to insist on sitting in the place of a gambler; he won back all the property brothers; bought them; got water when he entered the garden when the sorcerer and his lions were sleeping; one bottle contained water that made them blind, the other from which they could see the light; the brothers pushed the youngest into the river, came to his father, they said that the brother died, unknowingly gave his father blinding water; the fox pulled the young man out of the river; he returned, healed his father; he ordered the elder sons to be smeared with resin and burned], 103 []: 7-10, 18-21, 233-236; Ortoli 1883, No. 8 [only water from a rosewater spring will cure a blind rich man; three sons go in search; the elder responds ruelly to a woman with a child (this is St. Virgo) on his way, snakes and lions eat him at the spring; the middle one is the same; the younger one politely reports, receives a piece of wax, the crumbs of which will kill predators; collects and brings rose water, revives father who had died by then; then revives others, but the water ran out, so people began to die again]: 45-48; the Basques [Ezkabi (Fidel) is hired; the owner leaves for 7 years, ordering take care of horses; the white mare explains that the owner is the devil, horses are transformed people, tells you to run; tells you to moisten your hair, it turns golden; E. covers it; the owner chases; the mare three times hits with his hoof: fog, hail, river; the pursuer drowns; E. is hired as a gardener for the king, the younger princess falls in love with him; the father settles them by the mountain; the unrecognized E. smashes enemies; older sons-in-law over him they laugh; the king is ill, almost blind, sends for medicine; older sons-in-law disappear; E. meets an old woman, she gives bottles of medicine for blindness and old age; sells them to older sons-in-law for gold apples given by their wives; at the celebration of their return, E. tells everything, shows apples, takes off the casing from his head, everyone sees his golden hair; the king gives him the crown; options: E. really covered in scabs; when E. goes for medicine, he pays the debts of a poor man whose corpse is beaten in front of the church; buries him; he does not talk about a white mare; the old woman gives everything; the younger princess falls in love, noticing E.'s golden hair]: Webster 1879:111-120; Ladins: Uffer 1973, No. 9 [the king will be cured only by the singing of a bird living in the country of the Moors; the eldest son went and never returned; the middle son is the same; the youngest came to a city, paid off the debts of a dead man whose body was dragged through the streets; when he went on, the frog told me to take it with him - she is the soul of that dead man, she will teach you what to do; in the king's tower The Moors only have to take a bird and nothing more; but he also took the cage, the guards woke up; the frog teaches us to promise to get a horse from the neighboring king; the same (the young man took the blanket, released for promising to get the princess, who is guarded by 10 dragons; this time the young man took only the princess; when he changed for a horse, asked permission to kiss her, grabbed her, rode away; having received a bird with a cage for the horse, asked permission take a ride for the last time and gallop away; the frog said goodbye, telling him not to take meat from the gallows; on the way home, the young man sees his brothers, who are going to be hanged for theft and deception; the young man bought them, and they then they pushed him into the well, and when they arrived to his father, they attributed all the exploits to themselves; the older brother's wedding with the princess was being prepared; the frog pulled the young man out and gave him speeding boots; the young man was hired in the palace in the kitchen, put half of the ring she gave him in the princess's food; the princess recognized the ring; the frog came and told everything; the younger prince half the crown and the princess, the elders were torn by horses], 48 [king fell ill; the old man tells his three sons that their father will be cured by living water from an enchanted castle; the older brother goes, scolded an old dwarf, is stuck in the rocks - neither back nor forward; the same middle brother; the younger one is kind to the dwarf; he gives a stick that will open the door to the lock and bread to throw to the lion guards; you must return before midnight, otherwise you will stay in the castle forever in the castle in the castle the princess gives a sword that will defeat everyone and bread that will feed everyone; says that in a year their wedding will take place; the young man lay down and fell asleep, woke up at a quarter to 12; managed to collect water and jump out, door slammed shut, cutting off the heel of her shoe; on the way home, the young man helped the inhabitants of the three kingdoms defeat enemies and get rid of hunger; the old man does not recommend returning the brothers, but the young man insists; old man: the wand will open passage in the rocks; when they sailed across the sea, the brothers replaced the younger water with sea water, which only makes the father worse; they also gave him real living water; the king tells the servant to take his youngest son to the forest and shoot there; the servant let the prince go, brought the king the heart of an animal; when rich gifts were sent from the three kingdoms helped by the younger queen, the king realized that he was in a hurry; the servant confessed that the young man was alive; the girl from the castle paved the way to him with velvet - let the young man come and marry her; the youngest told his brothers about this; they galloped there, but the people shouted that they were not real princes ; the youngest married a princess from the castle, received his father's inheritance, and the older brothers were driven away]: 26-30, 234-239; the Maltese [Tillu's eldest son tells his father that there is a bird that makes old people sing getting younger, going in search; comes to the palace, where the girl offers to play cards; T. loses everything, becomes a servant; the same with his middle son Guttu; when the youngest Giuseppe goes, he feels the smell of decay: the unburied body has been lying for months; he is told that the locals do not have the money to build a cemetery and chapel; J. gives money and tells him that everything be done by his return; he the deceased caught up with J. and warned him not to play with the landlady, but with his cards; J. played everything, left the palace to his brothers and went on; the deceased met him again: in a gold palace and diamonds are a lot of golden cages with birds, take over a dirty wooden one; the guards are two lions, they sleep if their eyes are open; on the way home, the brothers threw J. into the sea; he died became a rock with a tree on her; J. was noticed from the ship, taken home; at this time the brothers gave the bird to his father, but she is silent; the names of the noble gentlemen are called, but no one can force the bird to sing; J. comes, covered with coal, in a dirty clothes - the bird sang; then he washes, his father recognizes him; asks to make him not 20, but 30 years old; the brothers were expelled]: Stumme 1904, No. 12:39-45.

Western Europe. The Bretons [the king will be healed by touching the bird Dredane, she is with Princess Marcassa across the Red Sea; the eldest, middle sons left, did not return after wasting money; the youngest was sitting in ash Ludoin's mess went on a camel, found his brothers, they took his money, he drove on; buries the dead husband of a poor old woman; Lisa explains that before midnight you can go to the castle past the guards and take away the cage with the bird; he did so, took possession of the sleeping princess, took the cage; on the way he sold indestructible bread and a jug that did not run out of wine; he won with a saber taken away from the castle enemies of the King of Saxons for promising to release his brothers (they were taken into custody for debts); the brothers pushed L. into the well, took the camel and the bird; the birds are sad, the king is only worse; the fox descends into the well his tail, L. gets out; the fox tells him to change clothes with the poor; explains that she is the soul of the poor man he buried; L. got a job with the king as a swineherd, became a groom, the brothers recognized him; when he saw L., a bird sang, the king almost recovered; Princess M. gave birth to a son L., who grew up, went to look for his father, M. with him; demanded the return of bread, a jug of wine, a magic sword (L. gave it to the King of Saxons); M. comes, L . tells his story; the king finally recovers, his older brothers are burned in the oven; L. marries M., the king is dead, L. gains the throne]: Lopyreva 1959, No. 27:93-104; the French (Upper Brittany; also the Ardennes, Niverne, Poitou, the High Alps, etc.) [The three sons of a rich man go in search of a whitebird whose voice rejuvenates; the eldest two remain in the tavern; the youngest buries the deceased, who is mocked, for during his lifetime he is not paid the debt; fox: a thrush in the forest under the protection of three sleepless giants; take a thrush, but not the luxurious cage nearby; the young man takes the cage, the giants grab him, let him go for promising to get a donkey" Step 7 Leagues"; fox: we must take a worthless saddle; the young man takes the best, is captured by giants and released for promising to get a gold-haired girl; she is guarded by a lion and other creatures, they fall asleep at midnight; now the young man does not violate the prohibitions, brings the girl; the fox advises to ask the giants for permission to ride a donkey with the girl, takes her away; then takes her away; the fox tells her not to stop in the city, but The young man frees the brothers, and they throw him into the well on the way and take credit for themselves at home; but the thrush does not sing and everyone is sad; on the third attempt, the fox, with its tail down the well, pulls the young man out; a young man gets home: a gold-haired girl breaks the silence, the thrush sings, the father recovers; the father wanted to shoot his older sons, but the young man begged not to do so]: Sébillot 1894, No. 10:174-176 (=Delarue, Tenèze 1964, No. 550:347-348); walloons [the sick king promises half a kingdom to one of his children who gets the de Sainte Ernelle rose (or Saint Helena's flower); or the king loses in the forest has three orange seeds; or the father, when leaving, asks what to bring his daughters; the youngest asks for a bouquet of d'éternelles {some flowers? immortelles?} ; or the mother promises gold to the child who brings more firewood from the forest; candy to the one who picks up more grains of gold; or the king will give the throne to the one who brings him the golden ball; three or two children, among them, one girl goes in search; a girl finds a flower or other object; her brother kills her, buries her, takes a talisman for himself; a reed grows in this place, a shepherd makes a pipe out of it; or a recovered father finds a bone {daughter?} , she tells him what happened; either a flower that grew on the grave tells him about it; or the murderer forgets his pipe on the grave; or a voice from the grave calls for help; the body is taken out of the grave, brought into the palace, the girl is still alive, recovering; the king orders the murderer to be burned, but he puts a wax doll in his place; either the murderer is found dead; or shot; or the mother kills her son and buries where he buried his sister; either the king orders the murderer to be brought down the mountain in a barrel of nails; or drowned in a sack]: Laport 1932, No. 780:79-80; Scots [the king is blind, three sons went to get medicine; The two elders drive younger John; he climbs a tree in the forest; tells him to get down, warms him at night, takes him 200 miles to the giant's house in the morning; when he learns that the bear brought him, the giant welcomes him warmly, brings it to another giant; he tells the eagle to cut off the wart, the eagle brings it to the island, where John takes three bottles of living water, a bottle of whiskey, inexhaustible bread and cheese, kisses the beauty; leaves whiskey, bread and cheese for giants on the condition that the girl, if she shows up, can pick them up; John finds brothers, on the way back they seriously injure him; he was picked up by a blacksmith, John became red and bald from rust; queen The island gave birth, the bird promises to sit on the child's father's head; the queen takes whiskey, bread and cheese from the giants, finds John; the brothers are executed, John marries the queen of the island]: Campbell 1890 (1), No. 9:168-174; French (Switzerland) [the poor have 9 children; they sent the eldest 9-year-old to look for food himself; he was picked up by a rich lady in a carriage; allowed him to unlock all rooms except one; he unlocked it, the door slammed shut behind him; corpses hang in the room; the lady forgave for the first time; he came in again, there was also a horse, a mule and a donkey in the room; the horse says they are bewitched people; tells me to take a log with him, a bucket and a brush; they jump away, throw a log (mountain), a bucket (sea), a brush (thicket); a young man {obviously he grew up} is hired as a gardener to the king, who tells him to put the garden in order for the wedding of his eldest daughter; for 10 minutes before the time runs out, the young man does the work "named after the hairs of my horse Bayar"; the same for the wedding of his middle daughter; the youngest has married a young gardener; the king gives each a golden apple: the throne will be left to the son-in-law who makes the most use of the gift; sons-in-law go to war, the youngest chooses the worst horse, then uses Bayar's hairs to smash enemies; older sons-in-law attribute victory for himself; the king is sick, the meat of the biggest snake will cure him; the youngest son-in-law gets everything again with Bayar's hairs; gives the elders for their golden apples; the king is sick again, he needs the meat of the biggest eagle ; the same, gives meat to his older sons-in-law, but for this he stamps them on their backs; the king orders them to bring golden apples; the youngest son-in-law brings all three, the elders bring fakes; forced to show stamps; the younger son-in-law inherits the throne]: Wildhaber, Uffer 1971, No. 26:73-79; Germans (southern Hesse) [the king is sick but will recover when he hears Felix the bird singing; whoever of his three sons gets it will inherit the throne; brothers parted at the crossroads by the tree; who will be the first to return will wait for the others; the elders meet the bear and refuse to answer him, the younger Ferdinand tells him everything; the bear points out the castle where it should be hire; take a wooden cage with a bird, not transplant the bird into another cage; for his diligence, the prince was appointed chief of birds; but F. transplanted Felix into a golden cage; barely behind at the gate of the castle, Felix shouted, F. was captured; a bear appeared: promise the king to get the most beautiful girl for him; the king let F. go, the bear put him on his back and quickly took him to another castle; The local king has three daughters, the youngest is the most beautiful; you recognize her: she is wearing the poorest dress; and do not try to take her brocade dresses with you; F. regretted leaving expensive outfits, the princess screamed, F. captured; the bear teaches again: promise the king to get the fastest horse for him; the bear brought F. to the third city; take a horse with a wooden saddle, not to take gold; but F. again did not listen, the horse yells "Thief!" , F. was captured; begged the bear to help him out again: promise the king to get the most expensive gem for him; the bear brought F. to the mountain, which opens for one hour; there is no need to be afraid of lions and tigers; you must take a stone in a simple wooden box; but F. took the gold box and filled all his pockets with gems; an invisible hand gave him the back of the head and F. flew out of the cave; bear: I'm the one who pulled you out: a minute later the cave would close; now select the best stones for the king; the king gave the horse; when the princess came out to look at the horse, F. picked it up and carried it away; having received the bird for the princess, took the princess away again; the bear warned him not to stop home, but F. stopped under that tree and fell asleep; the brothers came, took everything for themselves, and Ferdinand was thrown into the lion's lair; the bear took pity again and brought F. to his father's castle; unrecognized F. got a job at the stable; his dull horse immediately rejoiced; when he saw F., the silent phoenix bird sang; F. married the princess, his brothers were expelled; his wife gave birth to a son; the bear came joyfully accepted; asks for repay: cut your son in half with your hand to make it easier for me to swallow him; F. closed his eyes and raised his sword; immediately the bear's skin fell and he himself turned out to be a prince; got his kingdom, and then built a castle next to Castle F. and began to live there]: Wolf 1851:229-242; Germans (Schleswig-Holstein), Welsh, Friesians, Flemish: Uther 2004 (1), No. 551:320-322; Germans (Swabia) [the king of England is sick; dreams that he will be cured by the fruit of a tree from a distant country; the eldest son is going, refused to share bread with an old man in the forest; comes to the castle, feasts; beautiful offers to play; prince loses everything, is thrown into prison; the same with his middle brother; younger Karl is kind to the old man, gives him gold; does not stop at the castle, goes to the land of the monkeys; the monkey king shows the way to a wonderful garden; an hour before noon, the bridge will descend, while the lions guarding the garden are sleeping; we must pick the fruits and return before noon; then the monkeys will regain their human form; The garden is a palace, it is beautiful, they met, but she suddenly disappeared; K. wrote who he was - in case a child was born; the monkey king bit off the fruit, became a man, and his subjects, instead of a forest - city; when he came to another city, he saw two black flags; tomorrow they execute two princes who cannot pay their debts; K. bought the prisoners and recognized them as brothers; the brothers threw K. into the well, took the fruits, and my father was told that K. was dead - they found his dead horse; that old man pulled K. out on the condition that he would not go home; K. hired a peasant to herd pigs; a rich childless merchant passed by, offered to work for him; bequeathed him all his property; the beautiful woman in that palace gave birth to a son, which was a condition for her to get rid of the spell; now she can throw away the palace; after finding out from the note who her son's father is, comes with an army to the King of England; Charles's elder brother, then his middle brother, meets them; she drives them away: if K. does not appear in 3 days, she will raze the city to the ground; K. is found, the king is happy; the older brothers torn by 8 bulls; K. became king]: Meier 1852, No. 5:20-29; the Germans (Tyrol) [the count is blind, learned that there is a songbird healer; the eldest, middle sons go in search, lose, stay to work off her debt; the youngest goes, pays for the funeral of the unburied; the fox says he freed her from the curse, promises to help; he helps ants in their work; gives sugar to bees; the bridge over the river guards the soldier; the young man lets ants and bees at him, crosses the bridge, goes to the cave after the fox; takes a bird cage while the dragon sleeps, the fox carries him back; goodbye, the fox tells him not to buy the meat of the hangman; the young man bought the brothers, they pushed him into the well; the fox lowered its tail into the well, pulled out the young man; the brothers' bird does not sing, the father does not see the light; the youngest son came to the count unrecognized, the bird sang, father drove away his eldest sons]: Zingerle 1849, No. 4:446-450 (translated or a very similar text in Cerf 1992:137-142); Irish [the youngest brother draws water from the Well at the End of the World to cure a sick father]: Jackson 1936:287; the British [a sick king will cure only three golden apples from a distant land; three sons went in search, chose different roads at the crossroads, Jack - the one to the left; stopped at the terrible old man; he warned that toads and snakes would climb from everywhere at night, they could not be pushed away, otherwise you would become one of them yourself; in the morning he gave the horse faster than the wind and a ball, to throw forward between the horse's ears; the horse brought to the second old man (the same), to the third; he teaches: the horse will take you to the castle on the lake; you must tell the swan to be transported through the water; three entrances are guarded by giants, lions, dragons, they will sleep; in the castle take apples, go back without turning to the noise; in the castle, the young man managed to kiss the sleeping girl, exchange garters, a handkerchief, a watch with her; On the way back, each of the old men tells him to cut off his head, they turn into princes charming; when he reached his country, the young man met his brothers; they changed his apples, hurried to his father; after trying the apples of the youngest son, the king thought they were poisonous, ordered the young man to be killed, but the servant left him in the forest; a lame bear came up, brought him to him, took off his skin, turned out to be handsome, his name is Jubal, the young man is now calls him brother; at this time, the queen, whom the young man kissed in the castle, came with an army; tells the imaginary apple earner to step on her handkerchief, both immediately fall; the king learns that the youngest son was not killed ; the queen returns with him to her Melvales Castle; Jubal promises to visit them]: Jacobs 1896:142-158.

Western Asia. The Old Testament (Book of Tobit) [the pious Tobith is taken prisoner by the Assyrians to Nineveh; buries the executed, goes blind; prayers to God; in Ekbatans he offers the same prayer Sarah's niece; S. loves the evil spirit Asmodeus, who kills her suitors out of jealousy; T. recalls the silver he left in Mussels, sends his son Tobiah to pick it up, hiring him escorting Azariah, who is actually the angel Raphael; when crossing the Tobia River, he tries to swallow fish; he catches it, saves his heart, liver and bile; Azaria encourages Tobiah to marry S.; Tobiah burns the heart and liver of the fish, Asmodeus flees from this smell to Egypt, where Raphael brings him together; returning with his money and wife to his father, Tobiah puts fish bile to his eyes, Tobit sees the light; Azariah refuses the reward, announces who he is]: Meilah 1982:516-517; Arameans [merchant gives three daughters for three giants; gets sick; dancing pears, singing apples, jumping quince are needed to recover; three sons go to get them, leave their seals at a fork in the road; younger Adi-bek meets an old man; he teaches him to get a sea horse, cross the sea, the Black Country, the Gorky River; there will be hay in front of the lion, meat in front of the donkey, it must be changed; in the nightingale Bulbul-Khazar castle, talking apple trees, pears, quinces; beautiful there, she must be kissed; A. returns with fruit, beauty (and obviously a nightingale); finds and buys older brothers; they agree that he, giving them 20 lire each, put stamps on their thigh; A. climbs into the well to get water, the brothers cut off the rope, carry the fruits (and the nightingale); A. gets out of the well, visits the sisters with his wife; the first two husbands of the sisters indicate the way to the third, he gives an invincible fiery sword; unrecognized A. conquers his father's kingdom; when he sees him, the nightingale stops crying, starts singing again, apples, pears, quinces began to sing, dance, jump; A. shows his marks on the brothers' hips; agrees to pardon them]: Belov, Wilsker 1960:287-294; Palestinians [three princes go to look for a cure for his sick father; the eldest goes to a princess who asks a question about her maid (Ward) and the robbers; he cannot answer, the princess hands it over to the hangman, but he does not execute him, but hides him; the same with his middle brother; the younger one persuaded the hangman let him go for two weeks to find out the answer; the sultan's daughter tells him where to go; the princess's maid hides him, turning him into a hairpin; when the robbers arrive on a flying carpet, she provokes tell them how to kill them; a young man kills them, picks up the princess and flies to her father on a flying carpet; orders the brothers to be released; the king rewards the hangman for not killing princes; younger The prince marries the princess's maid]: Nowak 1969, No. 110:124-125; Syrian Arabs [the king is ill, the Indian doctor says only living water from Coral Island will cure him; elder Aladin set off; a white dog jumped out of the ground, asked for food; A. grabbed the bow, the dog ran away; at the fork there is one road to the Golden City, the other to the Silver City, the third to Death; A. goes to the Golden City, everything there is gold, A. spent all his money, began to work in a coffee shop; the same middle son Madschd Ad-Din (stayed in the silver city); younger Hasan feeds the dog, who says that the Red King is grateful to him, advises to follow the Death Road; tries to pick two flowers, they disappear, he hears the voices of his brothers; a dog reappears from the ground, promises to take them to Coral Island, flies there by air; tells you to enter the palace, where the demons are, shout, "Ashtarot, die!" ; demons will die, we must take a vessel of living water, but nothing more; X. takes a necklace, demons grab H., A. tells me to bring an invisible hat; the dog brings a lion to the cave, at the entrance, barley in front of him, and a horse, meat in front of him; H. moved the food, towards the girl with the invisible hat; H. grabbed his hat, but then returned to the girl, who became a demon and grabbed him; the lion and the horse saved him, but the girl pulled him out his hat back, told me to bring the big pearl; the dog carried H. to the well; there was a door, a hall, there were girls, one would give a pearl; that's what happened, H. changed the pearl for an invisible hat, a hat for the water of immortality, the dog flew with him to the Golden City and Silver City for his brothers, they returned home, his father recovered, made H. an heir, married an Indian princess]: Kuhr 1993:169-176; Arabs Iraq: Lebedev 1990, No. 20 [the king is blind, grass across seven seas will help him; three sons drive along three roads, Muhammad on the middle road; kills a snake crawling to the nest of a bird; the bird first thinks that M. killed her chicks, the chicks explain; the bird takes him across seven seas, he returns with grass; meets brothers; goes down to the well, the brothers cut off the rope; the voice tells M. to grab a white ram, and if he grabs black, she will fall even lower; M. grabbed black; old woman: a black giant gives water in exchange for girls; M. wakes up from a girl's fallen tear, kills a giant, rolled back a stone, water poured out; the king gives him his daughter, brings him to the ground; the brothers repented, the father saw the light]: 118-123; Yaremenko 1990, No. 15 (southern Iraq) [the Sultan has a son Hamdan from his unloved wife, two sons from his beloved; the Sultan has gone blind, he will be cured by the leaves of the Sind tree from Sindh; the eldest son reaches the island, the old man invites him to the palace, drinks wine, calls two girls; when the young man became intoxicated, the old man left him naked against the city wall, he hired; the same with his middle brother; H. only pretends to drink; the old man falls asleep; the girls explain that it is the monster that kidnapped them, H. kills him; in Sindh collects leaves; sees sleeping in a tree beautiful, changes rings with her; taking those two girls, finds brothers; they let him down into the well to get water, throw him there; but first H. stamps them with that beauty's ring; caravans they raise H.; at home he changes clothes with a shepherd; at the wedding of brothers and girls, the Sultan (he saw the light from the leaves) offers to tell a fairy tale; H. tells his story, shows the stigma, the sultan promises him a throne; a big man turns into an eagle, takes H.; that beauty is the sister of three eagles; the elder eagle forgives H. for the stolen ring, the sisters of eagles and H. are preparing the wedding; H. leaves keys, do not tell me to open one room; he opens a pile of meat tied there; he hits her, she turns into a huge eagle, takes the bride H.; H. asks the eagles to take him to the kidnapper's palace; asks ask the kidnapper where his soul is; in the brush; they burn it; the kidnapper returns, the bride explains that she wanted to drain his soul with hers; in a bottle in the hoof a lame gazelle on the island; H. kills gazelle; hold the bottle, force the kidnapper to take him and the bride first to the eagles, then to the Sultan father, where he breaks the bottle; wedding and accession; H. forgives brothers, marries those girls], 16 [ the king divorced his first wife, her son Muhammad (M.); from his second wife, sons Mahmud and Ahmed; expelled the first from M.; became blind, lion's milk will help; the older brothers reluctantly allow the youngest to go with them; the old man points out three roads: 1] well-being, 2) regret and remorse, 3) which they do not return; each of the brothers goes his own way, M. takes the last; the elders met again, wasted everything, were hired as workers in the city; a captive in a genie's castle advises M. to venerate their mother's breast; now M. has become their brother, they took him to their middle aunt, her sons to their older aunt; sons she is told to remove the splinter from the lion's paw; a grateful lion gives a wineskin of lion's milk, sends a young lion to carry it; M. also receives camels, gold and three girls; finds brothers, takes it with him, but puts a stigma on their shoulders; brothers let him down into a well for water; there is a girl and an eagle that stole her; M. kills an eagle (if hit a second time, she will come to life); the girl feels that the brothers will cut the rope; if M . touches the white goat, it will take it to the ground, if it carries it down to the bottom one; M. sends the girl upstairs, the rope is cut off, touched by a black goat, he fell into the lower world of the genies; there the witch gives water in exchange for girls, it is now the turn of the daughter of the king of the genies; M. kills the witch, the girl marks the savior with her blood; everyone brags that they killed the witch, but the girl throws grenades at M.; the genie flies with M. to the ground, he on the way, he throws fat tails and tortillas into his mouth, one piece fell, he cut off the meat from his thigh; the genie regurgitates him, puts it back; older brothers and the stolen goods are waiting in an enchanted sarcophagus; M. the father's army wins, speaks all races, shows marks on the shoulders of the brothers, heals the father from blindness; he gave him the throne, imprisoned his eldest sons]: 81-93, 93-102; Stevens 2006, No. 12 [two the Sultan's eldest son is from an Arab woman, the youngest is from an Ethiopian; the sultan offers his sons to shoot a bow - where the arrows fall, take his wife; the arrows of the elders hit the courtyards of Amir and the Vizier, the youngest's arrow flew away into a chol (desert); the lion asks to pull a splinter out of his leg, gives three hairs; if rubbed, they turn into wish-fulfilling servants; the prince asks for a flying horse, stops at the city, buys the sheep, pulls his stomach over his head, now looks bald, remains to work for the Sultan's gardener; the youngest of the three princesses once sees a young man in all his splendor; at the request of the princesses, the gardener brings the Sultan three melons of varying degrees of ripeness; the vizier explained the hint; the sultan gathered all the men, gave his daughters an apple, ordered them to throw them at whoever they like; the elders chose the sons of Amir and the vizier; the youngest does not leave, demands that the gardener's apprentice be brought; the sultan settled them in the stable; enemies attacked; the young man appears three times incognito in brilliant guise on different horses and smashes enemies; the sultan bandaged his wound on his arm with his handkerchief; out of grief that he did not know who the hero was, the Sultan went blind; the doctor: you need lion's milk in a lion-skin vessel brought on the lion's back; the elder son-in-law goes; at the crossroads, the old man spins the thread of day and night; one road - "If you go, you won't come back", two - "You'll go and come back"; he went to come back; met a man who offered to play chess; all lost, became a servant; the same with his second son-in-law; the younger son-in-law is kind to the old man, wants to drive on a road that they do not return; the old man teaches not to turn around if he feels blows from all sides, to put the guards to sleep, then the lionesses will give what they need; unrecognized, the young man finds brothers, gives a bottle of milk, for which he puts seals on their backs; but milk did not help the Sultan; in his true form, the son of an Ethiopian woman comes to the Sultan, the lion with milk is behind; the Sultan saw the light, handed him the throne]: 58-73; Saudia [Muhammad is the son of the Sultan from his unloved wife, with whom he divorced; Mahmud and Ahmed are sons from his beloved; Sultan went blind; fortune teller: lion milk brought on the lion's back will help; the brothers went in search; at the fork, the old man points to three roads: prosperity; regret and remorse; for which he does not are returning; Muhammad chose the latter; the other two roads came together, brought them to the city, Mahmoud and Ahmed squandered money, one went to work in a tavern, the other to a mutton salesman; Muhammad came to the palace of genies; the captive girl advises them to venerate their mother's breast; Jinnia hid Muhammad from her sons; then they called him brother; brought him to their middle aunt; from her to her eldest; she teaches pull the splinter out of the sleeping lion and ask for milk when he stops mad in pain; the genies rewarded the young man, he returned with 15 camels loaded with gold, three girls, and a lion carrying lion's milk on his back; Muhammad found brothers in the city and took them with him only after they allowed them to be branded with him; you have to get water, only Muhammad agrees to go down to the well; At the bottom there is a girl and a sleeping eagle; he can only be killed with his own sword; the eagle asks to hit him a second time; Muhammad: father and mother were not taught to finish off; the eagle died; Muhammad sent water and the girl upstairs; she gave ring: if you rub it, it will come to the rescue; brothers will cut the rope; you have to follow that road; if a black goat hits, you will descend to the seventh underworld, and if white, you will go up to the ground; goats fought, white missed, black hit, Muhammad found himself in a hot world where genies lived; old woman: a witch at the ditch lets water once a year when she is given one of the daughters of the king of jinns; today is her turn middle daughter; Muhammad hacked a witch; rubbed the ring; that girl tells me to go to the jinn king's palace; there his daughter will throw a grenade at the one who saved her; so happened; the king told one of the genies to pick it up Muhammad on the ground; to do this, prepare 7 lamb fat tails and 7 servings of tortillas; the seventh fat tail Muhammad dropped, cut off the meat from his thigh; on the ground, the Jinno regurgitated the meat and put it on the wound; time, that girl covered camels, lions, herself and other girls with an iron sarcophagus; Muhammad defeated her father's army, showed marks on her brothers' shoulders; by agreement with the girl, destroyed the iron sarcophagus; the king saw the light, the sultan returned his first wife, the second sons were thrown into prison]: Juhaiman 1999:37-47; Palestinians, Lebanon, Oman, Kuwait, Qatar, Yemen : Uther 2004 (1), No. 551:320-322; Mehri: Jahn 1902, No. 7 [the sultan told his five sons that he would kill their mother because she took the Jew as a lover; the youngest son Muhammad warned his mother, they left; There was no fire, M. saw a fire in the distance, seven were sitting there, cooking a camel, telling him to cut the meat; he took his share and the fire, but on the way the rain put out the fire; M. returned, they were angry, M. killed them, became mother to live in their castle; one demon is alive, his mother found him, cured him, took him as a lover; to get rid of M., the demon suggests sending him to a garden with lions and snakes for olives; the mother affected sick, olives will cure her; M. met a man, brought him water, he gave him hair - if burned, he would come to the rescue; became a horse, took M. to the garden, M. let the chained lion go, took olives, brought her mother; she sent him to bring clothes; he arrived on horseback to where the Sultan's daughter was given to be eaten by a 7-eyed, 7-horned snake; killed a snake, breaking its horns with stones, gouging out its eyes with a spear; put his head on the mountain; sultan: who takes off his head, he kills the snake; M. takes off, gets the princess; returns to his mother again; she ties him up - to see how strong he is; tells the demon to kill him; but he is afraid; then throws him out the castle; the caravans find him, release him; M. kills the demon, the two children that his mother M. gave birth to him, throws him away; under the guise of a dervish, she comes to the Sultan, who gives birth to his youngest daughter; she sees M. hiding his horse and sword; throwing a lemon at him; other daughters married wealthy merchants; the Sultan's eyes hurt, wild goat milk will cure him; M. milks a wild goat and hyena, gives his older sons-in-law milk hyenas, for this he burns their scrotum; hyena milk made the Sultan worse, and the goat's milk brought by M. cured him; M. defeated the attacking enemies; injured his hand, tied her hand with a handkerchief; the slave recognized the handkerchief; the sultan saw stamps on his elder sons-in-law; made M. a sultan, became a vizier himself]: 21-37; Müller 1909, No. 54 [the text is told sketchy and poorly; there was a man Muhanniš Hadbêb, he was seen by a younger child Sultan, threw lemon at him (as a sign of her choice), married him; they were accommodated in the kitchen, and the elder sons-in-law and their wives lived in rooms; the sultan fell ill, he needed wild goat milk; he was taken out by MX, gave his elder sons-in-law, marked for this - he burned their flesh under their penis; they brought milk to the Sultan, but he did not like it, and the milk given by his youngest daughter spilled him out; MX defeated the attacking enemies; him with his wife moved to good rooms]: 139-141; jibbali [the mother is dead, the neighbor pretends to be kind to the orphan Begelut, persuades him to advise his father to marry her; decides to get rid of B.; when he was at his mother's grave, a mare appeared; she warns that his stepmother will try to poison him, B. throws away the poisoned drink; the old woman advises to pretend to be sick and ask the mare to be slaughtered; B. asks for permission to ride three times, galloped off; killed the hyena, took its skin, came to the Sultan, hid the mare, covering it with hyena skin; the sultan gives him a donkey to ride; the youngest of the Sultan's daughters three times throws lemon at B.; the sultan passes it off as him, but puts them in a koshar; the sultan is sick, the medicine is gazelle milk, 6 older sons-in-law are leaving, cannot get it; B. catches up with his mare, kills two gazelles, takes good milk from one and bad milk from the other; agrees to sell milk to six sons-in-law for stigmatizing them in the crotch; giving them bad milk; (text ends)]: Mü ; ller 1907, No. 26:114-117.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. The Mustang [two sons are cunning, the third is simple; aged parents tell them that they will rejuvenate if they bring a flower from China that restores youth; the eldest has reached the place where he danced a triangular stone, a monkey with a silver head sang, and the baboon beat the drum; then he saw the old woman, told her about it; she refused to believe it, the older brother bet all the money he had were, brought the old woman to that place, but found nothing; picked up more beautiful flowers, returned home; the middle brother was the same; the youngest stepped to those stone and monkeys, they fell dead; when the old woman came See if they are there, though dead; he goes on, stops successively with three old women, who warn of demons guarding the flower; he comes and sees a statue girl, pulls the peg out of her head, she comes to life; says she is that flower, but the demons have deprived her of her power; she hid the young man in a hole, covered a stove, a copper pot of water on top, skin on him, on him a wicker tray to clean the chaff (Worfelplatte), stuck a peg in the back of her head so that the demon would not notice anything; a demon came, revived the girl, told him to look in the hole above her the plain, the lake on it, the plain again; the demon does not understand, leaves; the girl tells the young man to split the log house with an ax, bees will fly out from there, hit everyone, they are demons; she herself swept away with a broom hit by the ax back to the log house; the girl tells her to smear the floor with cow manure, cut her throat, take her legs, sprinkle the manure with blood, flowers that give youth will grow; and so it happened; the young man combined Sprinkled the girl's head with water, she came to life; they collected flowers, gave a flower to those old women, they became girls; rejuvenated the boy's parents]: Kretschmar 1985, No. 10:79-80.

Burma - Indochina. Burmese [the king broke his legs while hunting; promises the throne to the two sons who brings the cure - a red lily from a red-water lake; the older brother rides a horse; the youngest is an ugly dwarf , rides a donkey; the elder enters the beauty's palace, stays in it; the youngest rides by, the beauty gives him honey on the road; the mistress of the lake turns the dwarf into a handsome man, the donkey into a horse, rides with him; the prince rides her marries, reigns; older brother did not return]: Aoun 1965:22-26.

South Asia. Punjabi [the fakir said that only the blood of a serpent living near a certain river would cure the king's eyes; the prince found a snake but did not kill him, amazed at its beauty; the king expelled his son; the serpent took the form of a human being, gave the prince a plant to help overcome any difficulties and his saliva; this saliva healed the king]: King 1925, No. 12:365-366; Nepali: Heunemann 1980, No. 2 [the king has 4 sons from his eldest beloved wife, 1 from his youngest unloved; the king is blind, he will be cured by a silver tree with golden branches, silver leaves, pearl flowers; four come to the palace in the forest; there is an inscription: the princess who wins the dice marries her, the losers will be enslaved; four brothers lose, become slaves; the youngest is gone, robbed, killed by robbers; the saint revived him, gave him a playful bone; he won against the princess, married her; after living with her, he goes back, is killed again by robbers and revived; the saint warns that he cannot revive a third time; gives a garuda in a cage; if Garuda's advice Not to do it three times, she will fly away; the garuda tells you to climb the tree; tells you to jump three times, the young man is afraid, the garuda flies away; the young man cannot get down, drops the cage on the king of the naga, the snakes crawl away; he jumps into the lake, enters an underwater palace; marries the four daughters of the serpent king; they themselves are the magic tree; they must be hacked down with a sword, they will become the trunk, branches, leaves, flowers of the tree, and if before them touch, they will be girls again; they are (the young man checks); they come to the boy's first wife, he asks her to release the brothers; they all go to the boy's blind father, on the way his brothers kill him; but they do not know how to turn princesses into a tree; the saint revives the young man for the third time, he comes, the father sees the light, the brothers are expelled, the young man gets the throne]: 34-45; Sakya, Griffith 1980 [the hermit speaks to two wives king who cannot accept alms from childless people; let the king endure art; the king has been fasting in the forest for 12 years, Vishnu gives him two apples, both wives ate and become pregnant; the second wife replaced her son first with a bar (chopping block), lowered it in a box along the river; the king told his first wife to retire to the forest; the boy was picked up by a fisherman, he grew up to become a young man Chandra Mukhi; the son from his second wife is evil; the king promises to do the successor of someone who rides his horse, on which only a man fit for king can sit; only the World Cup succeeds; the king found out everything, expelled the midwife with his nose cut off, returned the first wife, sent the second wife to the forest ; the king is ill, the medicine will cure him from the hands of the gold-haired princess Sunkeshari, let the World Cup marry her; when she steps, gold falls; her father's difficult errands must be fulfilled; the World Cup saved the rats and snakes from the burning forest, sparrows from the birdsman's net; rats, snakes and sparrows have promised to help; the World Cup meets, takes as companions 1) a person with an arm stretched out to grab any food; 2) a person who puts one ear under him, covers the other, disperses the clouds with his ears; 3) the companions stopped in the house, cook one by one; every time a dwarf comes with a huge mustache, sweeps the cooks with them, everything eats; when it's the turn of the World Cup, he grabs the dwarf by the mustache, throws him out the window; the rats made their way to the princess, she gave the World Cup grains of magic rice; Father S. tells 1) to sow the field, harvest tomorrow (World Cup sows magic rice, it ripens immediately); 2) plant trees from all over the world (long-armed reaches them, brings them); 3) separate chaff, rice and millet (long-eared chaff, sparrows they sort the grain); the king gives S., she cures the father of the World Cup; his evil brother poisoned him, kidnapped S.; the snakes extracted the poison, the World Cup came to life; the king executed his son from his second wife, handed over the throne to the World Cup]: 70-79; northern India, Mirzapur , Hindi [the Raja has 4 sons; they dream of a silver base, on it a golden tree with emerald leaves and pearl fruits; a peacock arrives and pearls bite; then everything is gone; king tells his sons that he will die if he does not see this tree again; the sons went in search, the youngest went to four fairy sisters; they took him into service, with one he has love; she gives a box with peacock and explains that when he returns home, he must prepare 4 chairs; fairies will appear, each must be beheaded, then a tree will appear, etc., and the fairies will be reborn; you have to do everything yourself; brothers they found out the secret, left the youngest in the well; burned the hair given by the fairies, but they saw that their younger brother was gone and returned, pulled him out of the well; forgave the brothers; destroyed the army of an alien king; went beyond 4 brothers]: Crooke 1892-1893, No. 506:137-138; (cf. Bengalis [the king has many songbirds; he hears a voice: the golden parrot will overshadow everyone; six sons go in search, told the youngest seventh to watch the milk: if he turns red, with them trouble; they stopped at the inn, robbed them by robbers; the owner demanded payment, made them workers; the younger brother saw that the milk turned red; came to the hermit; he advised them to steal the wings of one of the peri, which come to swim, fly into the world of peri and bring a parrot from there; while the young man was flying, the hermit pretended to look for the missing wings with Peri; when he arrived, the young man threw up wings, peri took them, let the golden flute summon it if necessary; the younger prince bought the brothers, who pushed him into the well and took the bird; the prince played the flute, Peri flew in and carried him to the palace park where his parents took a walk; when the brothers brought the bird, they had to show the stamps burned on their bodies by the owner of the inn; the king expelled them and stayed with their youngest son]: Devi 1915:29-36); Sinhalese [each of the king's five wives gives birth to a son; if the king sees the fifth prince, he will go blind; the queen and child are taken to the forest; when hunting, the king sees a young man, goes blind; he will see the light if attached to gulebak flowers, burn flowers; four princes go, hetera invites them to play dice, enslave them; the widow tells the exiled prince that the lamp in the hetera's house should be changed, driven away cat, then you'll win; prince marries a hetera, frees his brothers, moves on; Rakshasa, guarding a flower garden, lets him in; prince comes to Rakshasi, marries her daughter; Rakshasi tells the mice dig an underground passage to the garden; the prince returns with his two wives, puts petals to his father's eyes, burns it; the sighted tsar returns the prince and his mother to court]: Volkhonsky, Solntseva 1985, No. 85:194- 197; konkani (Goa) [when the king sees his third son born, he goes blind; a bakali flower is needed to see the light; two sons are sent to look for him; the third, living in the forest, goes alone; the princess beats the guests at cards, two brothers are imprisoned; on the advice of an old woman, the younger brother hides the mongoose, who kills the rat that shuffled cards for the princess; the young man marries the princess, frees the brothers; the giant sends him to the giantess, he marries her daughter, the rat digs the passage to the flower owner's palace, the young man picks up the flower and the ring of the sleeping princess; at home, the brothers take away from the youngest flower, make the father sighted; younger brother builds a palace, gathers his three wives, father comes to visit, brothers are ashamed]: Davidson, Phelps 1937, No. 1:6-8; muria [Raja has seven wives, each with son; he ordered the youngest to live in the stable; the Raja will go blind, the hermit orders his sons to be sent for the liver of the Shining Goat, from her the Raja will see the light; six brothers reluctantly agree to take the youngest; the Goat jumps into a deep hole; older brothers are afraid to go down, there are snakes, tigers and scorpions; the youngest goes down, the creatures disappear, he marries his daughter Rakshasi, then her sister, then gets six more Mahapurub daughters , he also gives the Goat; the brothers lift it all upstairs, cut off the rope, the young man falls, breaks; the girls say that they must live alone for 12 years; the Goat's liver makes his father's eyes even more sick (this is imaginary liver); the young man comes to life, a rope appears, he climbs upstairs, disguised as a dirty beggar, hires to guard the girls' house; tells them his story, they wash and dress it; he heals his father, with a real liver; the Raja executes his eldest sons]: Elwin 1944, No. I.1:3-13 (translated to Zograf 1971, No. 22:75-85); Telugu {the collection contains mainly Telugu texts, but there are several texts Marathi; there is a small possibility that this text is also Marathi} [the king goes blind, only the leaves of a certain tree will regain his sight; two sons from his first wife go in search, play chess with a rich courtesan, they lose, become her servants; the son from his second wife stays with an old woman; she explains that all the players certainly lose; the courtesan has a cat on whose head lamp; when the courtesan feels that the enemy is stronger, she gives the cat a sign, she drops the lamp, the courtesan changes the position of the figures; the prince releases two rats, the cat rushes after them, he himself changes figures and wins; the courtesan becomes his maid herself, he frees all enslaved kings and princes, including brothers; goes for leaves; defeats the cannibal, who marries him hers adopted daughter; gives three pebbles: they must be thrown into a tree, the snakes, scorpions and centipedes teeming on it will disappear; the young man took out the leaves and went to his father with his brothers; the brothers killed him, filled him up with a dung, they set him on fire; his dog brought the cannibal's daughter and courtesan to the fire; the cannibal's daughter mixed the ashes with water, sculpted her husband's figure and he came to life; the older brothers restored his father's sight; the youngest with both He came to his mother as women, told her everything; having learned the truth, the king expelled his eldest sons, handed over the throne to the youngest]: Venkataswami 1923, No. 78:144-149.

Malaysia-Indonesia. Loda (Halmahera) [the father begins to turn into stone, asks his seven sons to find a cure; the youngest is covered with ulcers, goes the other way; the old woman makes him handsome, tells him to hide from waters, where five heavenly maidens will fly; he hides his youngest's clothes, takes her as his wife; his wife brings him to the heavenly palace, where her father gives medicine; when he returns to his father, the son heals him; older brothers they abuse the youngest, turn into dogs]: Van Baarda 1904, No. 22:465-466 in Dixon 1917:207-208.

China - Korea. Chinese [many sources; apparently really Chinese, not just minorities]: Ting 1978, No. 551:.

The Balkans. Hungarians [when he hears the bird singing, the old man is younger, asked his sons to catch it; the eldest, middle sons let dogs on the fox, which turns them into stones; the youngest invites it to dinner, the fox turns into a young man, leads the bird to the Blue Kingdom; teaches him to take a bird but not to bite pears; the youngest son bites, the king has mercy on him if he gets a girl; the fox turns into a shoemaker, lures the girl to try on shoes, carries her across the sea; the youngest son takes her as his wife, the fox takes her form, marries the Blue King, runs away; revives the petrified, they cut off the youngest brother's head, the fox revives it with the drug taken from the snake; the youngest brings the bird, forgives the brothers, the father is getting younger]: Gidash 1953:95-102; the Serbs [blind and deaf, the aged king sends three sons for rejuvenating water; the elder, the middle, sail to another country, rude, thrown into prison; the younger is polite, the local king sends him, asks him to bring water to him too; the eagle teaches 12 lions how to do it throw sheep, two girls cleaning the city with their hands, a broom, a third carrying water and a rope on her hair; the young man takes possession of the sleeping owner of the water; she reproaches the servants for letting strangers pass, they answer that they were first given a broom, sheep, etc.; when rejuvenated, the king of that country lets the brothers go; they replace water; when rejuvenated, the father drives away the youngest son; the owner of the water gives birth to a boy, finds someone whose he is a father, beats deceiving brothers; the father hands over the kingdom to the youngest, expels his elder sons]: Karadzich 1856 in Dmitriev, Volkonsky 1956:43-50; (cf. The Bosnians [the sultan went blind; learned in a dream that he would see the light if he rubbed the king of fish with fat; he has a crown on his head and stripes on his body; Sultan's son Rahman and his servant go to the sea, caught the king of fish; he asks R. to let him go, promises to help; fearing his father's anger, R. runs away; meets a stranger, they go together, his name is Schahbas; it's his turn to guard R. at night; he chased the hare, he fled into Failure, a giant jumped out of there; everything repeats itself, this time two warriors and a beautiful woman are in failure; they say that this is their sister, they have been sitting here for 8 years; they marry R., but tell them to guard; at night she is carried away by a giant; the brothers are going to cut off R.'s head; S. asks to wait two weeks, he will return their sister; he found the giant's palace, killed him, hiding behind the door, returned the girl; in the city shows shoes taken from the giant's palace go to the daughter of Sheikh al-Islam; the Sultan's daughter wants the same, S. returns to the giant's palace, brings another pair, for which the Sultan agreed to give his daughter for R. R., his wife and S. go to Father R.; stay in the city; while R. and his wife are sleeping, S. hears four pitchforks talking: 1) Father Sultan will send Rahman a horse, which will cause his death; 2) Rahman will be given a cup , if he drinks, he dies; 3) Rahman will be swallowed by a dragon; 4) whoever tells will petrify; S. cut off the horse's head when it fell on the grass, the flame rushed; cuts off the hand of the Tatar who held out the goblet, he falls flame again; at night, in the room where R. sleeps with his wife, a spider came down from the ceiling, became a snake, the snake was a dragon, S. cut off his head, threw him into the sea; in the morning no one knows where the sultan went (he was that spider and dragon); S. talks about everything R. and is stone; R.'s wife gave birth to a son; in a dream, a voice told her to kill the baby and smear the stone figure with his blood; S. came to life and the baby too; S. gave his three hairs to if necessary, call him for help, left; he was the king of fish]: Schütz 1960, No. 38:278-292); Greeks: Megas 1978, No. 20 [father loves his two eldest sons, they are warriors; mother younger, he is all with books; the father has become blind, asks to bring land from a distant kingdom; the brothers reach the fork; the youngest says that the wind will pick up the one who goes to the right, the flame will burn straight, and whoever goes to the left will be completely caught will not return; the brothers put the ring under the stone, the eldest goes right, the middle goes straight, the youngest goes to the left; the older ones come back, pick up the rings, stay in the inn; to the left in three castles three dragonesses , each has 39 dragon children; the youngest says first that he is her missing son, became young because people made him work; the dragoness, then the sons believe; the rest of the dragons believe; they say that between the sea and the mountains, a monster whose head is up to heaven and his stomach is on the ground; a young man kills him by piercing his belly with a spear; comes to a country where they sleep and stay awake for six months; collects medicinal land takes gold fly swatters from the king, queen, princesses; changes rings with the most beautiful princess; returns; the sons of the dragoness realize that he is human, they are pursuing; the young man gets stuck in a quagmire, with his the rose falls the hat, the quagmire dries up; after passing, he throws a second rose, the quagmire gets wet again, the pursuers cannot pass; the young man finds brothers, they are impoverished; they push the youngest into a dry well, they take a bag of land, but it does not heal the father, i.e. the younger brother hid the medical brother on his body; the shepherd pulled it out; he returns, heals his father's eyes; the brothers say that the younger brother stole their land, the father believes ; the king who owns the land with his daughters come, expose the deception; the youngest marries a younger princess; asks the father not to hang his elders; receives the throne]: 25-37; Schmidt 1877, No. 18 [the old man says blind the king will regain his sight from the water from Eros's garden; the prince went in search; he was sent to the old man on the mountain, who showed the way; the prince reached a beautiful woman playing with a winged boy with blows and arrows; over winged children flew with roses in the garden like butterflies; a white woman, the Moon, was swimming in the spring; another beautiful woman, Eros's mother, was swimming in the spring; she gave the prince a vascular with live water; when the young man left the garden, he came up Helios; if he saw a young man, he ate him; the prince returned home, healed his father]: 113-114; Bulgarians: Daskalova-Perkovska et al. 1994, No. 551 [having fallen ill (blind), the king asks three sons to bring he has living water; brothers disperse (at a crossroads), the elders fail; the snake tells the youngest where to go; with the help of animals (often snakes), the prince pulls living water from a spring with which the sleeping girl owns it; he kisses her (sleeps with her), takes her ring; the older brothers take the younger one's living water, throw it (into the well); he escapes, returns home; the girl rejects harassment of older brothers, identifies the youngest by his ring]: 204-205; Klyagin-Kondratyeva 1951 [the tsar falls ill, whoever of the three sons will bring living water will give him the throne; at the fork, the eldest married the brother walks along the left road (you will return alive and well), the middle one is married - on the middle road (maybe you will come back, maybe not), the youngest on the right (say goodbye to life); saves a snake from the fire, it sends it to her brother, he to another (the middle serpent first appeared in the form of a fish, the young man saved it, the elder in the form of a crow, the young man let him drink); the elder serpent sends it to the beautiful guardian of living water, she gives water and his wish-fulfilling ring; the young man finds his brothers, they take the ring and water, the elder became king, put the middle one in another kingdom, summoned the mistress of the water; the raven took the ring, the young man returned everything , married the owner of the ring, received the throne, forgave his brother]: 85-91; Macedonians: Martin 1955:18-31 [the young man came to his house in the mountains; he promises to adopt him if the young man can stand it three blows with a truncheon; he puts a bag of straw in his place; the old man gives the keys to 10 rooms (treasures in them), but does not give two; the young man came to three fairies who stole the old man's eyes; they will dance if the young man plays the flute; if he gets tired before them, they will take his eyes; his fingers tremble; he replies that he remembered looking for an old man in his head; they ask them to look for them; he ties them up for hair, hangs on a tree; they say that the old man's eyes are in two golden apples; the young man frees the fairies, gives the old man one apple; the second gives after he has allowed the last two rooms to be unlocked; in one is a winged horse and a gold spring, the other is a winged mule and a silver spring; the young man becomes gold above the waist, silver becomes lower; runs away on horseback, the old man chases a mule; the young man throws the comb ( thorny thickets), salt (mountain), oil (river); the old man does not cross the river, he advises him to hide his appearance from people; the young man dresses as if he is a beggar, pulls a bubble over his face like a leper, is hired as a gardener ; the youngest of the king's three daughters sees him in his true guise; princesses must throw an apple at whoever they want to marry; the youngest throws him three times at an imaginary leper; the father, in anger, drives them away to live in chicken coop; the king is blind, he needs fairy milk; the imaginary leper pretends to be stuck in the swamp; in true form, he brings fairy milk and wild pig milk on a winged horse; gives pork under the guise of fairy milk elder sons-in-law, stamps them on their hips; pork milk makes the king even worse; the youngest daughter gives fairy milk, the king sees the light; the imaginary leper in his true form smashes enemies, the king bandages him the wound with his handkerchief; then sees the leper's handkerchief; the young man opens, shows the stamps on the body of his older sons-in-law; the king puts the youngest next to him, the elders under the table], 40-46 [the king is sick; he will be cured Intizal the nightingale; whoever of the three sons brings the nightingale will give him the throne; at the fork there is a stone: whoever follows the first road will return, the second may return, the third will not return; brothers they leave their rings under the stone, the youngest rides the third road; greets the mother of 40 dragons; she replies that if he hadn't greeted her, she would eat it; takes an oath from her sons that they are not they will eat the hidden person; they don't know about the nightingale, they send them to 80 dragon brothers; the youngest of 40 leads there; the youngest of 80 dragons leads to the river; you have to whip up the foam, there will be a bridge; the left half of the door hang hay on the right loops and vice versa; in front of the lion, the meat in front of the ram must be changed; drink from a spring with blood and rot, praise the freshness of the water; go up the stairs, there are two sabers, outweigh in some places; a girl sits, if her eyes are open, she sleeps; you have to kiss her, pick up the nightingale cage; the girl wakes up, tells you to grab the thief, but sabers, lion, etc. answer that 9 years did not outweigh them (and etc.); the girl asks to take her with him, she will die without cows; the young man takes her; returns with his brothers, his father marries him to the girl he brought, gives him half the kingdom]; Slovenes [the king is old, weakened; the old man orders to eat a rejuvenating apple; the eldest, middle son is rude to the beggar he meets, he turns them into crows; the younger is generous, receives an apple, the king recovers, the youngest turns brothers in people with this poor branch]: Arkhipova 1962:104-107; Croats, Romanians: Uther 2004 (1), No. 551:320-322.

Central Europe. Russians (Murmansk, Arkhangelsk, Olonetskaya, Vologda, Novgorod, Tula, Kaluga, Oryol, Tambov, Voronezh), Ukrainians (Eastern Slovakia, Ugric Russia, Transcarpathia, Hutsulshchina, Galicia, Podolia, Pokutye, Kievskaya, Yekaterinoslavskaya), Belarusians [Rejuvenating apples: three brothers go for rejuvenating apples and live water for their sick father; the younger one treats the wanderer affectionately and, thanks to his help, enters the garden and the palace of the sleeping princess; steals apples and water; the older brothers throw the youngest into a hole (well) and give his prey for his own; he saves himself and returns home; the princess looks for him, rejects his brothers and recognizes him as the father of her son (children)]: SUS 1979, No. 551:155-156; Russians (Teresky Bereg) [the tsar is old, sent his sons for rejuvenating berries; the eldest, the middle son did not return; there are three roads from the pole: he is alive - the horse is hungry; I do not live myself; the woman is smooth, the feather bed is soft; Ivan Tsarevich goes, where I live not to be; the old woman gives a horse, sends it to her sister, she to the other, the third to their brother; there you have to bow to everyone: the old man, his wife, three sons and three daughters-in-law, from elders to younger; the old man has a head in a big corner, his legs are in the threshold; the mistress of the rejuvenating berries is sleeping, there are tyn around the house, you have to jump over so that the strings do not ring; I. took live water, rejuvenating berries, kissed hero girl; on the way back, the horse hit the strings; the girl woke up: there was an unwashed face, she drank but did not close the well; the old women detained the girl, I. managed to jump to his land; I. came to girl, there's a bed with screws, he unscrewed the screws, pushed the girl into the cellar, where people rescued those who were still alive, including his brothers; when he fell asleep, the brothers pushed I. into a hole, took everything for themselves; in the lower world I. came to an old man; he asks not to herd oxen on the east side, where Baba Yaga with her three daughters, she blinded him and killed his old woman; I. leads the cows there, each time she tears off the head of one baba yaga, puts it under the bed; the latter made the old man look away; he is grateful, calls the bird to his aunt's leg; she takes I. to the ground, there is not enough meat, he cut off his legs from his calves, the bird regurgitated and put it back; And . returned to her parents; the girl came by ship, with her two boys; the elder, middle brother call themselves fathers, the girl tells the children to accept them, they beat them, cut the buckle out of their ass; I. goes, in appearance gol kabatskaya, wife meets and takes home]: Balashov 1970, No. 43:139-146; Russians (Terevsky Bereg) [Tsarevichi Semyon, Vasily, Ivan; everyone asks their father to allow one of the three sisters to ride; how only the brother turns away, the sister is stolen every time; the father went blind from grief; S. traveled for a year, V. for two years, both returned with nothing; I. found all the sisters, their husbands Raven, Falcon and Hare; everyone gives them the opportunity call if necessary; I. goes on to look for medicine for his father and his bride; Baba Yaga first swears, then drinks and feeds, gives a diptera horse and a towel ("rags"), sends it to another (four-winged horse), the other to the third (six-winged); she sends a maiden king to her niece; you have to jump over the wall without hitting the strings; that trio sleeps between two nannies; "You know what to do"; "she sleeps in middle, all naked"; "he already knew what to do there" (note: the episode where the hero collects living water is missed); on the way back, the horse hit the string, the king maiden is chasing an eight-winged horse; every baba yaga calls her to the bathhouse; I. managed to cross the border; the king maiden sailed on 12 ships with two twin boys; when S. leaves, then V., the king maiden tells the children that it is their uncle, not their father; picks up from I.; does not tell you to enter the same room; someone asks to remove the cross from the box; I. took it off, the devil got out, took his wife away; I. finds, takes it away three times, the devil takes it away, driving I. knee-deep into the ground; up to the waist; up to the throat; each time one of his sons-in-law pulls him out; then all three drove the devil into the box again, put a cross; I. and the tsar-maiden still live, they will survive us]: Balashov 1970, No. 65:220-226; Russians ( Arkhangelskaya) [the tsar sends his sons for rejuvenating apples and fresh water to recover from blindness; two older brothers cannot cross the river, they build a bridge that blows down every night current; third brother Ivan Tsarevich goes for the elders; the old woman points to I. the oak under which the horse is hidden; I. frees the horse, he jumped on his shoulders, I. tamed him; took his armor and the kladenets sword ; the horse jumps over the river; I. successively approaches three Baba Yagas, changes the horse to diptera, three-winged, four-winged; on a four-winged he jumps into the garden; picks up apples, alive and dead water; kisses and "spoils" the sleeping King Maiden; the horse refuses to carry until I. is swept with water; I. drenches himself; the horse jumps over the strings; the sound wakes up the King Maiden; she sends the servants in pursuit; old women change I. horses in reverse order; after the third hut, I. fires an arrow towards the chase, pulling ditches, but not stopping the chase; writes on the stove a ban on chasing him, for someone who cannot lift it alone; the chase returns; I. goes to bed next to his brothers; they cut the head of his sleeping person with a sword, throw him into the river; bring apples to the king; I. catches the princess, who The lot is to be the victim of a three-headed snake; she finds the dead man alive and dead water, revives I.; he promises to save the girl; falls asleep; the girl cannot wake him up; I. wakes up from tears; cuts down the snake's heads, buries them in a hole, covers them with a stove; falls asleep; drabants (guards) cut I.'s throat with a sword, throw them into the swamp; force the princess to imagine the drabants as her saviors; the king prepares pass off the princess as a drabant; three days before the wedding, the girl goes to look for I.'s body; finds it on the third day; revives with living and dead water; I. plays at the wedding as a musician; the girl says that it was I. who saved her from the snake; I. can show where the heads are buried, the drabants cannot; they cannot lift the slab, I. raises; the drabants are afraid to take their heads out of the pit; the king gives Princess I.; I. goes for a blessing ; the old woman says that the Tsar Maiden came to the city and demanded I. to answer; the king sent his eldest son; the Tsar Maiden's children drove him away; I. goes to the Tsar Maiden; the Tsar Maiden's children are trying him too; Ivan Tsarevich brings his children to the Tsar Maiden by his hair, marries nay, leaves for her kingdom; marries his son to the one he saved from the snake]: Smirnov 1917, No. 1:3-12; Russians (Arkhangelskaya, Ust-Tsylma) [y the blind tsar, sons Fedor, Vasiley, Ivan; F. went for living water; on the growths, one road is full - he is hungry, the other is hungry, the other is hungry, he is full, the third is not alive; he went where he is hungry; three the girls were invited to the tower; one offers to lie on the bed, she falls into the underground, where there are already a lot of fellows; the same with V.; I. goes along a road where not to be alive; a hut on chicken legs, about one window, on raw crap, and turns around; Bab-Yaga is now feathered, supported a hundred, blew, splashed her shtey, cracked her ass and made pancakes; says that the king maiden is guarded by a golden breast; she gave the horse went to her sister; she let the horse go to the third, the third let the horse jump the strings to three wells, containing dead, living, eye water; I. filled the vessels, but also small bubbles that hid; made love to the king maiden, but she did not wake up; when back, the horse touched the strings, the bells rang, the king maiden chased; every baba yaga detains her, inviting her to the bathhouse; on the rise I. drove along the hungry road, the king maiden lost track; I. came to those girls, tells the girl to be the first to lie on the bed, she failed; the guys in the basement tore her apart; the other girls were told to release prisoners and no longer harm; in the lower world, the brothers threw I. into a hole in the ground, took his horse and bag; in the lower world, I. went to sea, where the princess was given to be eaten by the Snake; I. kills the three-headed, then six- and nine-headed; puts his heads under the corner of the house, each with a gemstone, I. took them for himself; when he was sleeping, the water carrier cut off his head, attributed the victory to himself; the princess went to wash his body, found bubbles of living and dead water, revived I.; he wants to go to earth; if so, the king will give him the kingdom (and daughter) after his death, when he enters his world; called the Magovay Bird, I. feeds her along the way, she is with She flew with difficulty, fell down, and I. grabbed the edge and got out; came home, anointed his father's eyes with eye water, he saw the light; the king maiden with two sons sailed on the ship; rejects F. and V.; I. smeared himself resin, feathered, children say it's hell; their mother: no, your father, wash him, take him to the ship; they have begun to live well and now live]: Onchukov 2008, No. 8:100-106;; Russians ( Tambov Gubernia; options in Novgorod and Arkhangelsk) [the tsar is old, blind; we need rejuvenating apples, living water; the eldest son comes to a woman, she offers to lie down with her Duney, he falls into dungeons threshing raw rye; the same average; the youngest hits D. in the bathhouse, makes the brothers let go, they go wandering; the youngest comes to the girl, she refers to her sister, she to another, the eldest to them a witch aunt, teaches her 6-winged aunt to cut the veins of an aunt, carry apples and water on her 4-wing; brothers steal from a sleeping apple, but not water, throw it into the underworld; there they give girls to be eaten by a snake, it is the turn of the royal daughter; the hero cuts off the snake's seven heads; the deceiver kills him, makes the princess recognize him as the snake as the winner; the princess catches his head and body in the sea, revives him with living water; he shows the snake heads hidden by him; the deceiver was tied to a horse, let into the field; the hat bird raises the young to the ground, on the way she feeds her a bull, the princess cuts off the last piece from his thigh; the bird regurgitates it, the prince puts it back; restores his father's sight with water; the deceiving brothers rushed into the river]: Afanasiev 1958 (1), No. 171:431-435; Ukrainians (Hutsulshchina) [tsar he grew old; he dreamed that there was living water that turned old people into eighteen years old; older brothers went in search, took a walk; the youngest was in wooded mountains; the old man was in a hut; "If a pure soul, then let the doors open, and if the unclean one, let them crumble with poppy seeds"; the doors open; old man: there was no pure soul for 300 years; put the prince on a dove and sent him to his brother, who is 600 years old; the same, sent to brother, who is 900 years old; he sends to the princess, she sleeps, the prince took water, lay down with the princess and left a note of who he was and when he came; at the entrance there are sabers that stop only for half a minute; when The prince jumped out, they cut off the heel of his boot; the 900-year-old grandfather went to bed and told the prince to collect all the dust; he did it; the grandfather gave this dust: it would be of great benefit; the 600- and 300-year-old ; they want to hang the prince's brothers, because they owe much, but they have nothing to pay with; the prince volunteered to pay, but there was not enough money, they also wanted to hang him; he woke up some of that dust - it turned out to be money; until the youngest slept, the elders took living water and everything else, and urinated in the youngest's flask; brought water to his father, who was younger; the youngest came - the king only pinched his eyes from that "water"; the princess grew up son, wants to know who his father is; she found a note; the princess sent a letter to send her the child's father; the elder prince came; the boy: walking not on the carpets, but along the edge; he was beaten and kicked out; the same with the middle one; the brothers had to confess that they stole water from the younger one; the youngest is walking on the carpets, showing a heel mark from a saber; a wedding; the narrator drank a gorilka there]: Zinchuk 2006a, No. 4:15-24; Czechs [king almost blind, consistently sends three sons for living water; the eldest, the middle lose all their property and themselves; the youngest rides a horse named Siwák; buys the debtor's corpse, over which they mock; the wolf asks him not to kill, tells him to leave the horse, sit on it, brings him to the silver castle on a glass mountain, tells him to collect alive and dead water there; when he enters the castle, the queen killed the 12-headed dragon, got together with the sleeping queen, leaving her belt and wearing it; wolf: I'm the dead man you bought, now go alone and don't buy meat from the gallows; the Queen saw his brothers lead for a gallows, and bought them; while he was sleeping, they replaced living water with poison; when the Queen gave it to his father, the brothers offered to try it on the dog, she died; the king ordered that his son be imprisoned in a tower without food or water; the wolf began to bring them to him; the queen gave birth to a son, he grew up, asks about his father; the Queen wrote a letter to the king demanding that she send the son she had; the elder, middle brothers are not going on a gold bridge, and on an iron bridge, they answer incorrectly, put in a tower; the king has to send his youngest son, he is going to send bones, but it turns out that his son is alive; his wedding to the royal, his father is happy]: Erben 197:16-21 (transferred to Lifshitz-Artemyev 2017:113-122); Slovaks: Bogatyrev 1955 [the king will recover if he drinks three drops of blood dripping from the beak of a singing bird; two older sons leave and disappear; the youngest goes, buries an unburied corpse; in a dream, the old man promises to send a chamois, it will lead to the goal; chamois leads to the castle; a beautiful woman sleeps there; a young man takes a cage with a bird, magic sword, wine, bread; takes possession of a beauty, leaves a note; on the way home, defeats the enemies of one king with a sword, leaves the king with a sword; in another kingdom he heals the sick with wine; in the third saves the hungry from hunger with bread; buys the brothers they wanted to hang for stealing; the brothers push the youngest into a hole, bring the bird to his father, she does not sing; the prince is pulled out of the pit by a peasant; at the sight his bird sang, his father recovered; the boy born beautiful grew up, read his father's note; on the way to him, the beauty takes her sword, wine, bread; her older brothers come out to her, she exposes them, cuts off heads; marries the younger prince]: 48-56; Nmcová 1970 [the king tells three sons to see the world; the eldest reaches the copper forest a year later, brings a branch; the father says that he his wife got there in the morning; the middle man reaches the silver forest in two years, the father arrived there by noon; the youngest is only digging through the ash; on a pile of manure, a plain horse tells him to take it, take a rusty sword ; the brothers laugh, the father knows that the choice is right; the younger one feeds the skate with grain and fire, which turns into a heroic horse, carries it through a copper, silver, golden forest to his friend, the king father, both together fought against a witch; the young man's sword cuts the heads of the witch's warriors, but the heads grow back; when a witch kills, all warriors die; the triumphant young man returns to his father; he says that his three daughters are a friend was kidnapped by three dragon sons of a witch; they have 4, 8, 12 heads; the young man drives each shoulder up to the ground, the sword cuts off their heads; when he returns, the young man learns from his father that the Iron Monk has kidnapped the youngest of freed girls; the horse says that FM is the strongest in the world; in the ZhM house, the young man turns into wheat grain; the FM tells the rooster to swallow it; the wife caresses him how to betray his former appearance transformed (placed between two swords hanging on the wall; she cuts a rooster, pulls out grain, puts it between swords), what is the power of the JM (every seven years, just today, a golden duck arrives, you have to get it out of it egg, swallow, you will become the strongest); the young man swallows an egg, JM appears, he turns it into a wild boar; returns with his wife to his father, inherits the throne]: 164-185; Poles (mazurians) [the king is blind and Caesar's bird will see the light from the singing; the eldest son goes in search, loses cards, is thrown into the basement; the same middle son; the younger Ludwig, who is being held for a fool, says at the inn that will sit down to play the opposite way in the woods, a little old woman tells her to sit on her horse, he will bring it to her sister; the horse flies like the wind; she lets the new horse fly to her third sister;; she also gives a horse, he will deliver to the bird Caesar; castle, enter the third room, take the bird and go straight back; in the third room, L. saw a black beauty sleeping on a golden bed; when he met her, he wrote on paper who he was and why arrived; rode away, lions and dogs did not catch up with him; on the way back, one sister gave inexhaustible bread, the second soap that made him beautiful; the third said that the L. brothers were sitting in the cellar, but do not go to them - in another time; but his brother bought them, and they decided to get rid of him on the way; they left the fishermen to kill him, but he persuaded them to leave him on the island; he lived there for 7 years; he had inexhaustible bread left, he fed them marine animals; and at home, the Caesar bird was silent and the king did not see the light; the princess gave birth to a son; he grew up and she went with her army to the country of L.; demanded that the king have a son who took Caesar away; the elder, the middle, are rejected; the king asks them to find L.; they came to the fishermen; sailed to the island, but sea animals and fish do not allow the ship to sail; but then missed it, L. washed himself with magic soap , became handsome again; the bird Caesar sang, the king saw the light; when L. appeared, the princess told her son that it was his father; took L. to reign in her kingdom: Toeppen 1867:154-158; Lusatians: Uther 2004 (1), No. 551:320-322.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Crimean Tatars [the padishah is blind; he will be cured by a handful of land from where the horse's hooves did not set foot; the eldest son reached the dairy spring in six months, took land; padishah: I reached there even before dawn and had breakfast; middle son went to the honey spring; father: I was getting there by lunchtime; the youngest son Matyuv, a simple man, did not receive a blessing and went by himself; secretly brought his father's duldull out of the cave and fattened him; by morning he reached Syut-Chashma, by noon to Bal-Chashma; when we reached the place where his father lost his sight, duldul ordered him to take the land here, but beware of the flying makhlyuk; Makhlyuk began to pour on the young man was boiling water, the dul cooled him; the young man grabbed his legs; the makhlyuk turned into a girl: I was waiting for you; they flew to the underworld, began to live there in a palace; once M. found it at the bottom of the sea sparkling feather; the horse does not tell me to take it; girl: it belongs to the girl Pamuk, she will separate us; the girl began to wither away; they decided to go somewhere else; at night, the vizier of the underground saw a glowing feather padishah; M. gave him the pen; he brought it to the padishah, said that the feather who found the feather could also get a bird, it could talk; the duldulle tells him to slaughter the horse and climb into the belly; the bird came down to peck, M . grabbed him by the legs, the dyuldul helped catch him; but the bird does not speak; the vizier: will speak in the presence of his mistress Pamuk; the padishah sends M. to get her; those who tried to approach her burned alive; but P. fell in love with M. and went with him; told him through the vizier that she was ready to marry a padishah if he became 25 years old; vizier: let M. go for a rejuvenating agent; {two pages missing}; M. came out of the cauldron younger, the padishah cooked; they came to Father M.'s possession; he had already died, bequeathing the throne to M.]: Emirsuinova et al. 2013:63-81; Kalmyks: Basangova 2002:98-104 [Arji-Burji has a horse Aavin Aksak Ulana, a man with one eye in his forehead stole it, AB became blind from grief; he will recover if his son sees the land he saw; the elder, the middle return quickly; the llama teaches the younger to take with you (three lumps of breast milk cottage cheese, three pairs of shoes, three iron sticks), how to get across the sea (cool the backstone on the shore, the sea will be covered with ice), behind which in the middle hole a stolen horse, the kidnapper must be hit with an iron stick, throw lumps of cottage cheese into his mouth; after receiving a horse, the young man jumps back across the sea on the way, gets the daughter of the Water Khan; she eats only with the milk of black-bald mares, the horse lures their herd out of the sea, followed by a golden palace and a well; the horse helps to catch the golden bird Toodyg (bustard); the khan sees the light, the youngest son marries], 146-150 [old man says that he will be cured if he reaches a country where no man has set foot, brings something that no one has seen; the elder, the middle, return quickly; the youngest sees a snake that swallowed a ram, but the horns are stuck; the young man pulled out a ram, saddled a snake, it became a khan; his daughter tells him to ask for a reward for the horse Hamar-Hara, a black stone in which the horse's strength, and herself; the young man goes to the XX, contrary to the advice of XX, picks up the wings of the most beautiful bird; he comes to another khan; whoever wins chess will kill the other; the young man wins three times, spares the khan; he offers to get the most beautiful girl; the young man brings, the khan sends horses from the kingdom of water hads; the horse tells him to lubricate it with sealing wax, lies on the sand, becomes like a flint, defeats a water horse, the young man catches it, followed by others horses; the woman demands that the groom bathe in boiling milk; the young man swims, becomes handsome, the khan is cooked; the young man and wife come to their father, the wife opens the casket, the palace appears; the young man is chosen khan]; Vatagin 1964 [Khan Badamji left a kaurogo horse named Salar on the other side of the ocean for storage by the Shulmus; then he went blind; says he will see the light again if his sons bring something he never did saw; B. knows that this can only be found if you ride his horse; the eldest, middle sons came back with nothing; the youngest Bemba met an old man, who tells B. to make a drink from his mother's milk, mix it up if you give them cakes; if you give them to Shulmus, he will give the horse; when B. rides his horse away, the Shulmus are chasing, B. gave them food and drink, they fell behind; under the guise of a poor shepherd, B. was hired by the khan; he tells bring a khan maiden from across the sea; the horse teaches you not to look back when B. leads the girl; B. is going to look back, the horse has hit him; next time B. took the girl away; she refuses to marry Khan - he black bone; in order for the khan to become white, he must bathe in the hot milk of sea mares; the horse is lying in the sand, grabbed the sea stallion, and he cannot bite his skin under the adhering sand; first B. jumped into milk, became handsome; Khan cooked; B. and his wife came to his father; he says he saw the light]: 167-174; Russian Cossacks (Naur, Terek Oblast) [the tsar goes blind, sends sons bring land from the country where he was, from which he will see the light; the eldest, middle son brings land where it is covered with gold, where the tree exudes milk and water; the king says he was next; the younger chooses frozen gelding, arrives at the right place; on the way back he picks up a golden pen; stops at the Sultan; wanting to take possession of the pen, the vizier suggests 1) send the prince for the sea maiden; at the bottom (all on the advice of a horse), the prince gives meat to the wolf, in front of which lay hay; hay instead of meat; they let them into the palace; oils 90 doors; the queen tells the doors, the wolf, the ram to detain the prince, they refuse; the prince brings it to the Sultan; 2) get a bird whose feather was golden; the horse tells them to sprinkle cereals, replace the water in the lake with wine, hide in the camel's carcass, leave the other to the birds; the prince the king bird grabs the intoxicated, pecking meat; 3) the milk of the sea king's goat; at the bottom of the sea, the horse fights with a goat, wins (the horse is covered from goat bites by camel skins); 4) swim in sea goat milk (it is boiling); the horse spewed water into the cauldron, cooling it; the Sultan began to swim - he cooked; the prince puts the vizier in prison, marries the queen of the sea, treats his father for blindness]: Vostrikov 1904, No. 1:66-74; Karachays, Balkarians: Aliyeva 1994, No. 47 [=Lipkin 1973:68-77; in order for Yoryuzmek to recover, he must eat goldfish from the pool owned by a beautiful woman across the seas in the forest; two sons they go west, the younger Sosruk to the east; the herd gives him a plain foal; the blackbeard sends to the middle brother, the youngest to that evil beauty; each of the brothers gives the horse a ride until the next; while the beauty sleeps, S. takes the fish; returning, changes from horse to horse; the stalker is ready to grab a plain foal, he soars to the sky; S. meets the brothers; those they take fish from the sleeping person, throw it into the abyss; on the ledge of the rock, a woman says that two rams will butt; the white one will throw it on the ground, black down; S. accidentally grabs the black horn; in the lower the nine-headed emegen closed the water in the world; S. asks a woman to make him 8 scarecrow heads; emegen hits them with arrows, S. hits all 9; the grateful ruler says that eagle eagle chicks devours every year dragon; S. kills the dragon with an arrow and sword; the chicks explain that the rain is the tears of their desperate mother; warm rain in half with the sun - she hopes for salvation; the Eagle orders to fill the wineskins with meat and with buffalo blood, takes off from S.; almost at the ground, the supply runs out, S. cuts off a piece of his leg; on the ground, Orlitsa regurgitates him, puts it; S. stops at the shepherd; comes to his wake, talks about what happened; his arrow falls right in the middle of a sheep's shoulder blade; his brothers' arrows pass by; people believe S.]: 383-387; Aliyeva, Kholaev 1983 [a sick old man tells his sons about a beauty across the seas, in front of her a golden trough, it has goldfish, if he eats one, he will recover; the older two go one way, the youngest to the other; a man gives an unsightly stallion, he speaks in a human voice; blackbeard sends to his middle brother, then to his younger brother, the younger one is gray because he lives near that girl; the blackbeard teaches him to change horses, otherwise the girl will catch up; he catches fish, the girl cannot catch up, gets near home; brothers throw him into the lower world; he kills a dragon, grateful residents teach him to kill a jelmouth snake that devours eagle chicks; he kills a monster, an eagle arrives, her the wings have overshadowed the sun, the rain is her tears, when the sun comes out, the eagle hopes to save the chicks; the grateful eagle takes the young man to the upper world, brings his foal home; he explains to his father that he got the fish, not his brothers; let everyone shoot up; the arrows of his older brothers fall and pierce them]: 43-52; Karachays [the blind khan sends three sons underground to where he did not set foot himself - that land will restore his sight; his two eldest sons are soon returning; the shepherd gives his horse to the youngest Aslan; there is a diamond chicken on the road; the horse allows him to take it to give it to the owner of the house, where they will stop; A. gave it to Khan; Khan will give his daughter to whoever hits the thimble with a gun; A. got; envious people offer to test the groom; 1) bring a diamond rooster; the horse tells you to pour a hundred carts millet, birds fly, the diamond rooster is their king; A. brought a rooster; 2) tours with diamond wool, golden horns and silver hooves; the horse brought the tour; 3) a golden horse with diamond hooves from the bottom of the sea; horse: you have to pour a mountain of sand on the shore, bring a hundred carts of resin; the horse was lying in sand and tar, defeated the sea horse, taught the girl to defeat; she went down from A. to the bottom of the sea, hid all her wealth in thimble, A. returned with her, with horses, with sea resources; the girl took palaces out of her thimble, etc.; the khan decided to take possession of A.'s wife; wanted to poison, throw it into a hole, the sea queen sends a dog, that did not allow it; Khan put his son to sleep with a potion and shackled him; A. broke his chains; said that he could only be overcome by pulling his hair out of his mustache; father pulled me out, shackled A. again, threw him into the abyss; grass: eat me and you will recover ; A. returned, saw how the horse, wife and sea queen fight off Khan's father's troops in the palace; the horse killed the khan]: Rumyantseva 1981:44-55; Abaza [father went blind, the witch ordered to catch fish and anoint her eyes with liquid from her eyes; the fish was caught, her son felt sorry for it, let him go, he was driven away; he cannot wake up a sleeping man with a dagger, he woke up from a fallen tear; he is also Hasan, let the young man wake up they call Hasan Little (XM), and he is Hasan Bolshoy (HB); HB married XM to Kara's son; at night there is a rustle, it's a hoarded man in the attic; HM let him go, he grabbed his wife and disappeared; HM and HB caught up with him, they cut off the head, brought the woman back; at night there is light in the window, the wife admits that it comes from the girl Lacharkh; HM and HB come there, stay with the old woman, build a palace for her; L.: let them hide, and if I'll find it, I'll cut off my head; 1) HB became a fish, XM in his mouth; 2) (storyteller's pass); 3) HB is a button, XM is a button on L.'s dress; this time L. did not find them, married XM; XM with two wives and HB come to see father; witch: HB is that fish, you have to squeeze her eyes out; HB teaches his wife HM what to do when his eyes are squeezed out and thrown into the river; HM led his father to the river, swung his dagger three times, HB came out of the river, bird brought a leaf, HB saw the light from it, became goldfish again and disappeared into the river]: Tugov 1985, No. 38:100-104; Adygs: Maksimov 1937 [=Kerashev 1957:147-152; three brothers Kumuk Pedis, Besleney Kurgok and Kumuk Pshikan promises to help each other; KP is blind, impoverished; his son offends his peers, who tell him to be better valiant as his father was; he brings magic swords and whips from his father's brothers; takes a foal horse with one eye in his forehead; princes are jealous, they hide nail boards on the ground; during the battle with enemies, the horse serves the young man, but then throws it off because he did not pay attention to his wounds; sees a lizard that carries a blade of grass to revive its murdered brother; tells the young man to revive this blade of grass, he comes to life; the young man's father is persuaded to send his son to the psukhoguache ("water maiden") for a black stone that heals blindness; Psukhoguache previously took one boy; the young man, threatening with a whip, forces him to return the boy, give the stone, marry a prukhoguache; heals a blind father with a stone]: 155-171; Huth 1987 (shapsugi) [Nogai blind; sends three sons for a piece of land from a place where his horse's hooves did not set foot, then he will see the light; the eldest, middle sons soon return; the youngest finds a golden pen; the pshi adopts him, gives seven pelyuans as workers; they ask the magician to help them lime him; he advises to say pshi that the young man boasted to do difficult tasks; the horse helps to do everything; 1) get the bird with with golden feathers (lures millet, catches); 2) get two lion cubs; 3) wild boar; 4) beautiful Gegulez; the horse asks to smear him with resin and sand, defeats the guard horse, he helps, tells a hundred dogs throw lamb carcasses, a hundred eagles of skin, prevent G. from taking out the whip, she turns it into stone; the young man revives the previously petrified ones with this whip; G. promises to take millet if he dives into boiling milk, millet and seven the pelyuans were cooked; the young man's father reports that he pretended to be blind so that his son would get G.]: 235-248; Abkhazians [the father tells his sons Makva, Mazhv, Khyanchkut to guard his grave for three nights; all three times H. goes; catches a black, bay, white horse, they promise help; the king will give his youngest daughter to someone who jumps to the top of the tower, takes the princess's diamond ring; H. participates in competitions three times incognito, on white the horse has achieved his goal; has taken on his former form; the king orders to gather all the men, presents the ring to A., he and his wife are settled in a corncob; the king is sick; reluctantly gives A. an oath to go to look for a cure; on a crow A. cuts fish into the sea, in which a roe deer, a hare, a casket, a sparrow in the casket, his brain is a cure for the head; A. gives it to his older sons-in-law for their severed index fingers; the same is a medicine for the back (bay horse; bear bones; cut off little fingers); from the abdomen (white horse, deer milk, horse puts his sons-in-law's hoof brand below his back); X. defeats enemies, is wounded, the wife recognizes the sling; it all turns out that H. gets kingdom]: Bgabzha 2002:201-213; Ossetians [Aslan decides to test his sons in old age; the eldest, middle return from distant, dangerous places, but A. says he got there in a day; younger Kaurbek pulls a horse and heroic weapons from under the mound; meets his father's brother, who fought with the army of Donbettyr's daughter; K. wounds her, kills the horse, makes belts out of his skin, and goes down to sea; the old woman teaches to change blood vessels with living and dead water; K. wins D.'s daughter, gives her to her uncle, revives the horse with living water; takes out the sword stuck in his grandfather's skull; he teaches him to hit the khan with it, not to apply second blow; K. kills Khan, takes his daughter; in Khan's country eternal night; K. comes to the sea, across it a whale bridge; K. moves along it to the house of the Sun; his mother hides K., asks the Sun Son questions for K. to overhear the answers; The sun does not illuminate the khan's possessions, because he tried to kidnap his daughter; the whale lies on a bridge because he swallowed the ships; K. goes back, answers the whale, who releases ships is released; K. takes away the daughter of the Sun, the light spreads in the khan's possessions; the Sun sends fire-breathing cannibal mares with steel jaws to the kidnapper's daughter, K.'s horse destroys them; daughter of the Sun insidiously tells K. to milk the remaining mares, bathe in boiling milk; the horse advises K. not to rush into boiling water, but to walk along the crossbar on which the cauldron hangs; the daughter of the Sun believes, swims herself, goes out unscathed, the darkness above the earth dissipates; Zaliag Kalm in the sea (!) does not give water to drink, demands a boy and a girl a month; K. kills him, blood turns the sea yellow, now the sea is called "Yellow"; older brothers kill sleeping K. and his horse; daughter The sun sends Donbettyr's daughter to revive K. with live water; K. forgives his brothers, gives one Donbettyr's daughter, another a khan's daughter, washes his father with living water, he is getting younger; K. decides to marry Khadija; with difficulty defeats the warrior; the hawk says that this is H., she will lose her heroic power if she is kissed; K. kisses, brings H. to the wife of her fathers; the older, middle return from distant, dangerous places, but A.]: Byazirov 1971, No. 15:156-173; Chechens [the father is blind, the eldest son reaches places where the snow is red, brings medicine from there, the old man is dissatisfied; the middle man is dissatisfied; the middle one is where the white grass is the same; the youngest father He tells him not to pick up anything on the way, he picks up a golden pen, a ball of thread; 1) when he sees the feather, the prince demands to get a bird; the horse teaches him to tell the bird that Timar (the young man's father) is blind, pour intoxicants into the river, scatter the millet; the bird got drunk, came to peck, the young man brought it; 2) seeing the ball, the prince wants the girl to wash it; the horse teaches that the ball will lead to the girl; I must tell her that T. is blind; the horse prances, the young man picks up the girl; 3) she promises to marry the prince if he buys in the milk of a sea mare; the horse tells him to wrap himself in cloth; in a battle with a horse that has come out of the sea, he gnaws at his meat, and he only tears off the cloth; the sea horse agrees to drive mares and foals out of the sea; the young man is the first to bathe in hot milk, the horse cools the milk; the prince kills with hot breath; the son returns the bird with a feather Father's eyesight and youth, passes the girl off as him]: Malsagov 1983, No. 15:95-100; Kumyks [a blind rich man sends three sons to places he has never been in his life to bring leaves that cure blindness; the eldest two return from the places where his father has been; the youngest Shamshud comes to the palace, eats, hides; three turtles turn into girls, make him their brother; their deva brothers agree to help they see him off to relatives, some to others, others to third; devas send him into the mountain where Azhdaha sleeps; Sh. Navas send him into the mountain where Azhdaha sleeps; Sh.Retyimatom, to bring leaves, treating blindness; takes leaves, kisses a sleeping beauty, puts on her ring, treats her father at home; a beautiful woman flies to Sh., becomes his wife]: Bagriy 1930 (2): 38 (=Khalilov 1965, No. 39:84-88); The Avars [the king will see the light from the fruits from the Shah Maiden's garden; the elder, middle brothers do not listen to the old man's advice and are rude to him, the elder reaches only the milk river, the middle brother reaches the oil river; the father answers that he has been there; the youngest greets the old man, who advises, after crossing the honey river, to open the gates of Shahdevitsa's castle with an iron end, put on grass shoes, pick the fruits with a stick; the gate shouts that they are beaten by iron, the grass is crushing her by grass, the fruits are tearing them up by a tree; the shah maiden is sleeping, the young man has eaten and drunk, puts a ring on the girl's finger, comes back with fruit; the shah girl comes for him; does not believe older, middle brothers who tore fruits; husbands the youngest, makes his father healthy]: Saidov, Dalgat 1965:288-294 (=Kapiyeva 1974:47-53, =Dirr 1920, No. 14:80-85); Dargin residents [khan went blind, Seeing a blue bird; he will see the light if he reaches its feather; three sons go in search; the old man teaches the youngest to catch a heroic horse, the horse leads to the iron pole to the sky, jumps up it, the young man brings a blue bird from the sky, she turns into a girl; son marries, father sees the light]: Khalilov 1965, No. 42:99-101; Lezgins [=Ganiyeva 2011b, No. 18:214-219; Jahan Shah sees coming out of the sea the girl, unable to catch, goes blind; tells him to get clay from a place where his horse's hooves did not set foot, then he will see the light; the eldest, middle son returns soon; the youngest's horse carries him across the sea; on the way he grabs the pearl, its shine is noticed by the vizier, invites the king to tell the young man to get the second one (the horse pulls out), get them to the mistress; the young man catches a sea girl, she teaches him to pour mare's milk on the khan's back, that turns into a dog; the young man becomes king, marries a sea maiden, brings clay to his father, he sees the light; decides to kill his son to take his wife; they run, the boatman transports the girl across the sea, she gets to the robbers, puts them to sleep; puts them on men's clothes; a bird sits on her head, an imaginary young man is chosen king; the girl tells everyone to show her portrait, bring those who recognize her; they bring those who recognize her; they bring Jahan Shah, his son, robbers, boatman; she lets the robbers and the boatman go, gives her husband the kingdom, puts D. on a lousy donkey, lets me go; and I was at that wedding and I drank buzu, but nothing in my mouth got it, but only got his mustache wet]: Khalilov 1965, No. 40:88-93; Rutultsy [the padishah went blind, the eldest sons, then the youngest went to look for a cure; the old man sends the youngest to three alims, both to the other to the old man, he explains that it is necessary to burn the padishah of fish, anoint his father's eyes with ash; the blind padishah tells everyone to fish, the padishah of the fish is caught, the young man felt sorry for him, let him go, the father kicked his son out of the house; some the old man becomes a companion; brings him to a place where a good story is rewarded; the young man is given money, the old man is given a girl; she agrees to go with him if he finds her sister; leaving the young man, the old man comes to a man with an owl and another bird next to him; a man's story: he watched his wife come to three people, secretly decapitated people, put one head under his wife's pillow, and his wife and head became birds; the old man restored the birds to their human appearance, explained that those three people were holy elders; turned into an owl is the sister they are looking for; the old man brings her ring to her father and sister, everyone is happy; the old man gives the girl he received to the son of a blind padishah; they have two children; the young man decides to return to his father; the old man remains at the spring, tells him to separate the children and his wife, swings a dagger, and a snake crawls out of the girl's mouth; the old man explains that it is now possible to live peacefully with his wife; gives medicine to cure a blind father; {the old man was a fish padishah}]: Ganiyeva 2011b, No. 30:295-298; Tsakhurs [the king became blind to old age; his only the blood of a "red fish" with a horn on its head will cure; the prince caught a fish, but it was so beautiful that he let it go; once he offended a black slave, he told the king everything, the king expelled his son; mother tells the prince how to recognize a stranger as a faithful friend; the stranger turned out to be him (he guarded the prince's peace at night, etc.); the tsar has a dumb daughter, he will pass her off as someone who can get her to talk; in the presence The companion princess tells how the tailor, the carpenter and the mullah spent the night on the road, taking turns awake; the carpenter carved the girl, dressed her tailor, the mullah revived her; who will get the girl? Everyone is silent, the princess says that the mullet; the prince gets a wife; the companion tells not to lock the bedroom door; at night she enters, kills a snake crawling into the bedroom; everyone goes to the prince's homeland; where he met companion, who tells me to divide everything in half, including his wife; the companion pretends to cut the girl, snakes crawl out of her mouth; he explains that a snake fell in love with the princess, slept with her at night; from in his breath, she became pregnant and numb; to cure her father's blindness, you must smear his eyes with earth from under the hooves of his companion's horse; the companion himself is that fish; the prince returned with his wife and property, cured his father ]: Dirr 1920, No. 18:93-96; the Megrelians [the blind king kept three sons in the castle, not allowing the servants to speak to them; they grew up and made the cook say what was outside the castle walls; they broke doors, let's go look for a cure for blindness; at the fork there is an inscription: if you go to the left, the horse will breathe out, to the right you'll come back late; the elders go to the right, the hell wins their cards, makes them a perfume and baker; the youngest goes to the left; the giantess laughs, the young man has time to say hello to her, the horse falls into the abyss in fear; the giantess sends to her sister - the same thing, the young man has difficulty greeting her; the third splinter in his leg is a huge log; only the young man pulled it out, she gave it medicine; the young man found the brothers, broke the line; three brothers saw a crevice, only the youngest was not afraid to go down to the bottom, although it was hot; freed three beauties, sent them upstairs; the youngest warned: the brothers would cut the rope; if you sit on a white goat, it would carry it down, the black one would lift it upstairs; the young man sat on the black one, returning to jeweler; before marriage, beauties demand a talking golden hare; the young man brought it, the girls recognized the savior; he cured his father, he gave him the throne, drove his older brothers away]: Lominadze 1894:44-48; Georgians: Chikovani 1985, No. 6 (Kartli, Karelian District, Breti Village, Western 1914) [(=1954, No. 6:49-53); the Tsar is blind and asks his sons what is fuller, faster, more beautiful; only the youngest son says that spring, harvest, gaze; the king sends him back his sight; the horse advises to help the king of the West in his fight against the king of the east; the envious courtiers of the king of the West command to send a young man for ivory build a palace (the horse tells you to pour wine into the pond, the elephants are drunk), behind the bird king (the horse tells you to lie under a pile of grain, grab the king bird), after a beautiful woman from the country of Nigozeti; she is a mare, the horse's sister, stronger than him; there is a bone at the door in front of the goat, hay in front of the wolf; we need to change their food, open the closed doors, close them open; the young man grabs the beauty, the doors, the goat, the wolf refuse to help, are happy to change; the horse holds a mare; the beautiful woman asks for a bath of boiling milk, pushes the king, the courtiers into it; the young man gets kingdoms, the beauty; the horse shows where the drug for blindness is (it flew to heaven); the father saw the light], 109 [the king is blind; the man tells his three sons to catch the fish, to grease his father's eyes with liver; the brothers feel sorry to kill the fish, the youngest let it go; the brothers are angry, the young man goes alone, meets the other , he is the fish he has released; both go to ask for the hand of the king's daughter; he asks him to plant the road with poplars, hang rose water vessels on them, lay carpets; the young fish tells the kajams to do everything; the prince gets the king's daughter; the young fish leaves, the black man steals the bride and the magic hat; the young fish kills the black man, returns the girl, gives the hat; the Kaji bring medicine, the king sees the light]: 31-33, 291-292; Armenians: Harutyunyan 1986 [=Khachatryants 1933:217-228; the king is blind, he will be healed by a handful of land from where his horse has never set foot; the elder brings apples that have ripened on a tree that was dry the day before, the king replies that he went there for the afternoon; the middle one brings treasures from the hill of precious stones (the king was there too); the younger hears in a dream a command to ask his father for his horse, sword, ring; horse warns not to pick up a golden pen; he picks up, gives it to someone else's king, he tells him to bring all the bird; the horse brings the peri bird to swim, teaches him to grab it when it throws off its feathers; she explains to the king that she is a virgin, asks her maid to be rescued from the Red Maiden; the king sends the prince; that father's sword, made of lightning, separates the waters of the sea, crosses him, kills the deva, brings a girl; the bird tells the king to bring 40 mares from the Red Sea, bathe in their milk, who sends the prince; the horse explains that 39 mares are his mother and sisters, he is the 40th in the family, teaches him to tame mother, others follow her; teaches her to milk, put a ring in it, bathe, take out the ring; the king also bathes and cooks; the prince reigns in his place, marries a peri bird; she explains that his father went blind because he tried to catch her; the prince, his wife and mares come to his father, his wife anointed his eyes with her blood, he saw the light, handed over the throne to his son]: 20-28; Wingate 1911, No. 6 [the king will only be cured apples from the tree of immortality in India; the eldest, middle sons fall asleep, the demon carries apples; the middle one cuts his finger to stay awake, hurts a demon, brings apples, the father recovers; three brothers go on the demon's bloody trail to the cave; only the youngest is not afraid to burn when he is lowered on a rope; kills three demons, freeing three princesses; sends treasures and princesses upstairs; the young man himself is brothers left below; the youngest girl taught me how to jump on a black ram, it would jump on red, red on white, white would take it to the ground; the young man jumps on white, white on red, red on black, black - down; the old woman says that the dragon gives water in exchange for girls; the young man kills the dragon, saves the princess; the lower world is dark: the dragon eats the eagle's chicks, the eagle turns off the light; the young man kills dragon, chicks tell their mother who their savior is; the eagle tells him to feed and water him on the way; the father of the saved princess gives supplies; the young man cuts off the last piece from his leg; on the ground, the Eagle puts it on back; a young man is hired by a jeweler; with the help of a magic ring makes a golden mouse and cat and other animals alive; during the wedding of princesses and brothers, he is handsome on a horse; kills brothers, the king , takes the princess]: 351-361; Azerbaijanis: Agababayev 1894 [the king is ill, only the presence of the bird Murgi-Guli-Khandan can cure him; his son goes in search; after his adventures he finds out that the boa constrictor devours baby kite every year; kills the boa constrictor, the kite brings it to the sorceress who owns the bird; the prince takes the bird cage, kisses the sleeping sorceress, returns, his father recovers; the sorceress tells the devas to return the kidnapper; falls in love with him, becomes his wife in his kingdom]: 242-261; Akhundov 1955 [generous rich Hatham dervish talks about a man who more generous than him, but no one has seen the owner of the palace; H. comes there; through the curtain asks the owner where he got such wealth; he suggests asking a famous doctor; the doctor tells everyone about his illness, and H. says that he is the cause of his grief; gives X. a letter to Ibrahim, the youngest son of a blind padishah; the letter says that the cure for blindness must be found in a country where his hooves did not set foot horse; this is the flower garden of Padishah's daughter Gulistani-Irem; I. takes the splinter out of the diva's leg; he brings it to his middle brother, the middle brother to the elder, the eldest to the garden; there I. enters the palace, kisses the sleeping Melik Khatun, the lady of the genies; she likes him and becomes his wife; the virgins take I. home, he brings him the medicine given by M., his father sees the light; envious older brothers call I. to hunt, they lower them into the well, cut off the rope, say that I. tore the tiger to pieces; father and mother died of grief; M. and an army of divas come to look for I.; makes the brothers confess; the doctor cured I., the eldest the brothers had their necks twisted; (hereinafter about H. and the doctor)]: 126-167; Nabiev 1988 [the shah will see the light from blood lotions of spotted fish from the White Sea; his son is fishing, she asks to let her go; the young man lets go, tells fishermen to remain silent; the informer reports that the son threw the fish on purpose; the Shah expels his son; he takes a doctor as a sister; another shah promises a daughter to someone who will cure her from silence; the doctor turns to her gold a candlestick, asks me to say who is more important - the carpenter who made the girl's figure, dressed her as a tailor, the doctor who revived her; the dumb says she is a doctor; she pretended to be dumb, giving dinner to remain silent after her mother's death; the doctor gets the girl, gives it to the son of the Shah; says that he was that fish; gives his blood; the shah's son brings it to his father, he sees the light]: 33-37; Turks: Stebleva 1986, No. 20 [padishah is blind; dervish: the cure for your eyes is land where your horse has not set foot; the eldest son brings land from a hill from behind seven mountains; padishah: I hunted partridges there; the middle son from the bottom of the abyss for seven mountains ( went there to hunt ducks); younger; the youngest feeds the foal with barley and raisins; goes at night, sees the light, raises a shining wing; horse: it will bring misfortune; shahzade stopped at the old woman, the wing instead of a lamp; the local padishah forbade him to light the fire; the servants came to the shahzade; he gladly gives his wing to the padishah; he tells him to get the bird itself; these are the padishah of the birds; we must hide in the remains of the mule ; grab the padishah of birds when carrion arrives to peck; shahzade brings a bird; the vizier advises the padishah to tell the young man to build an ivory palace; horse: you need to pour raki into the pond, elephants will get drunk; Shahzade brought tusks, built a palace; the vizier advises sending him for the Most Beautiful Man in the World; the horse taught her to sneak up on her from behind and beat her with pink twigs; this girl demands that the padishah bring her mares, bathed in their milk and then became younger; the horse teaches him to cover it with 40 buffalo skins; by the seashore he will fight the sea stallion and he will not gnaw its last skin; take him to the island mares, we must take the red and dark bay; the girl began to wash the padishah with the milk of a dark bay mare and only the skeleton was left of him; she began to wash the shahzade with red-nest milk, he found eternal youth; shahzade brought land, his father saw the light; they achieved their desires]: 62-69; Walker, Uysal 1966, No. 1 [a blind padishah will see the light if he gets land from where he has not been; the eldest, middle son they jump for three, six months, come back; the younger Kerloghlan ("bald") threatens his mother to kill her; she gives a bridle to summon his father's horse from the bottom of the reservoir; K. comes to one old woman, then to the second, brings their daughters out for their older, middle brother; the first old woman: the land unkempt by the father is under the head of a lying monster; the horse: the monster can burn everything, the father is blind to his fire; the monster promises to give land for the girl Khoja Kyz; seeing her, K. goes blind; she heals him, but his eyes turn dark, without proteins; HC promises to go with K. if he brings a mare living in the river with six foals; these are the horse's brothers K.; the horse rushes into the river; if red foam pops up, it means he is dead; the white one pops up; the mare comes out, the foals follow her; HC recognizes the strength of K., the monster gives land, leaves the young man HC, father K. immediately sees the light; HC gives K. two nuts, inside one dress, the other a gold tray with moving figures; gives a ring, teaches them what to do; the brothers put K. on the carpet above the hole, he falls through, they pick up the girls; K. licks the ring, white and black rams appear, K. tries to jump on white, black takes him to the seventh lower world; the old woman has only bad water, the seven-headed giant took the good one, gives it in exchange for devoured girls; it was the turn of the royal daughter; K. cuts off six heads, the giant dies; if the seventh was cut off, he would come to life; the princess's hands were covered in the giant's blood, she put them on K.'s back, so they found that he is the hero; K. kills the snake that devoured the bird's chicks Anka; she agrees to take him to the ground; the harvested 40 kg of meat and water run out, K. cuts off a piece of flesh from her caviar; on the ground, Anka puts him back; K. is hired by a tailor, then to a jeweler; they bring the dress, the tray that HC required as a condition for marriage; HC knows that K. is back; a tournament is held twice (jirit); for the first K. wears black clothes, kills his older brother, the second in red, kills the middle brother; HC tells the padishah everything; the wedding is 40 days and nights], 10 [the padishah tells his son to kill his little sister, because she will cause trouble; he leaves the girl to the old woman in the forest, brings clothes soaked in rabbit blood; visits his sister regularly; when she reaches maturity, the padishah goes blind, he will be healed by a box with jewels from the land of fairies; the son goes for her, the sister goes with him; he defeats the giant who has eaten everyone in the city, hangs him from a tree; his sister frees him, gives himself to him; asks his brother to eat; the giant is afraid of her brother, advises her brother to bring 1) dark and light grapes from giants; The fox advises to venerate the mother of the giants thrown behind her back (she gives grapes); 2) the lion milk; the fox tells the lioness to take out the splinter, she gives milk and two lions; the giant tells his mistress to pour lead into the lions's ears, one shook off the lead, is not deaf; the brother hides on three cypresses he had previously planted ; the giant cuts them, the brother calls the lions, they kill the giant, he kills his sister himself; the fox tells them to go to the fairies, they ask for the giants' sword in exchange for the box, the young man takes the box, does not give up the sword, the Fox turns to a young man, the original owner of the sword; the son restores the padishah's vision with a box]: 10-24, 90-103; talyshi [the king has bad eyes, the dervish advises to smear them with the blood of a fish; the king sends a son Ibrahim and his army; he is fishing, but the rest of the fish are going to sink the ship; I. releases fish, the king finds out, wants to execute I., the vizier persuades him to simply expel him; some dervish is being made a fellow traveler; seeks water for I., receives seven devas from the servant, tells him to put sleeping pills in the devas pilaf, kills the devas; they fought the peri, she is grateful, gives a ring from which four servants come out, a flying carpet, a magic tablecloth; I. and a dervish send an old woman to marry the king's daughter; he requires 1) a hundred camels loaded with jewelry, otherwise he will kill an old woman; 2) a palace of gold and silver bricks; the servants from the ring bring everything, build everything; I. gets a wife, the dervish leaves, promising to return in 6 months; once the wife asked to explain how I. completed her father's tasks; in response, he scolds and beats her; then softened himself, showed magic objects; the slave overheard, took possession of the ring, the servants from the ring threw I. into the well, the palace and the royal daughter were moved to the top of the mountain; the tsar heard moans, I. pulled it out, the dervish came, cured him; found the palace, told I.'s wife to plant sleeping pills to the slave; {the story ends}]: Miller 1930:126-142.

Iran - Central Asia. Persians [the king has three sons from different wives; he is blind; dervish: let the sons bring a pearl leaf, and for this purpose they will defeat the divas; at the fork there is an inscription: if three follow the same road, they will die; let one on the right, two on the left; the younger Malek-Mohammad went on the right; came to the diva, his sister was at home; first she turned MM into a broom, then, taking an oath from her brother, showed him MM; the divas offered fight; MM won, put a ring in the diva's ear; the same in the second, in the third fortress; the third diva teaches how to go to the pearl tree and tear off a leaf; drink singing water; untie the ties of 40 sleeping trousers girls except the last couple; kiss the girl; bringing a leaf, MM took the sisters of three divas with him, found brothers who worked for sellers of soup and boiled lamb (calle pache); brothers dropped MM into the well; the youngest girl came back and pulled out the MM, they secretly returned to the palace; when the king saw the light, he ordered MM's mother to be wrapped in sheepskin, thrown on the roof of the bathhouse and given a cake a day; owner the pearl tree flew in with her palace and garden on a flying carpet; ordered to show who took the leaf; refuted the lies of her older brothers; MM ordered lions and tigers to eat his brothers, and the leopard to eat his brothers father; married a pearl tree owner and three diva sisters]: Ottomans 1987:52-56; Persians (Isfahan) [Padishah Chyna is blind; he asks three sons to go to Misr to visit Padishah Peri and bring Tutia tree leaves; in Misra, elder Jamshid agreed to play with the daughter of the chief of the guard, lost everything, became an apprentice to the barbecue maker; middle Shamshir did the same (assistant stoker in the bathhouse); younger Ibrahim met a man who warned of that girl's cunning; he came to her and saw that she had four cats holding lamps; they argued: if I. could make the cats leave lamps, he will receive all the girl's property, and if she can't, he will give her all his own; there were no mice in Misra, I. hardly bought four at the bazaar; 4 times cats threw the lamp and ate the mouse before than the girl had time to understand what had happened; she refused to fulfill the contract, I. cut it in half and took all the property; went to sell the calf, the chief of security recognized him, it was his daughter's calf; In confusion, I. fled and came to the chief of the guard under the guise of a girl; lured him to prison, offered to show how the prisoner was placed in blocks, beat him with an iron bar until he lost consciousness; disappeared; came to the chief of the guard disguised as a doctor; ordered them to be left in the bathhouse and for the orchestra to play; smeared him with syrup and released wasps; the vizier knows how to find the deceiver; cook soup and shout that it was hers the chief of the guard is handed out for health; the deceiver will come; I. rode in the prince's clothes, disappeared; then dressed as a poor tramp, the chief of the guard agreed to serve him, and he threw him into a boiling pot; everyone said: give me my calf! After that, I. arrived at the Peri Garden; he was guarded by divas, animals and ghouls; the old man teaches what to do; you must get to the sleeping daughter of Padishah Peri, leave a stick, a night hat, food, her shoes nearby, tear it apart dress, put a fly on his cheek and tie his belt; pluck the leaves from the third tree, although it will pull the branches up; I. returned to Misr, found and took the brothers with him; on the way they threw it into the well, killed the slave and took the leaves; I.'s dog ran to the shepherd, who gave her bread, she brought it to I.; the shepherds pulled him out, left; I. told the head of the caravan, who was en route to Chin, went with a caravan; at this time, the padishah saw the light from the leaves and placed the crown on J.'s head, and S. appointed him a vizier; when I. appeared and told his father everything, J. threw him into prison; the daughter of the padishah peri arrived in Chin and demanded the one who picked the leaves; J. came out, could not tell anything, he was cut into four pieces; then S. was quartered, the pieces were hung on the gate; I. told everything; became Padishah of the Peri Kingdom and the Kingdom of Men]: Jaliashvili, Faras 1967:109-130; Baluchi [the blind king hears parrots talking, learns what he will see from the leaves from the Nushirvan Garden; asks his sons get it; the third son of Sha-Niyaz Khan is bald, from the other wife; the stone says who will go to the right will return (two brothers went), whoever to the left will not return (Sh. went); the old man teaches S. to take a saw and an ax , remove the splinter from the lion's paw; this is the lion king, sends another to help S.; S. kills a snake crawling along the trunk to the Simurg's nest, which devours chicks every year; Simurg wants to kill a man, chicks they explain that he is a savior; Simurg gives companions to one of the chicks; S. collects leaves, kills 40 buzlangs guarding the castle; unzips the sleeping beauty's clothes, leaves a letter, returns; his brothers lost his property to a girl, became servants; S. wins, takes his brothers, puts their stigma on them; they recognize him; they tear out his eyes, take his leaves; the lion gives him water, finds him, returns him eyes; the owner of the garden comes with an army, orders the thief to be handed over; the brothers cannot explain how they got the leaves; S. marries a beautiful woman, his father gives him the kingdom]: Zarubin 1932, No. 6:69-90; Turkmens [ the sick padishah asks his sons to get the nightingale, whose singing he heard in his dream; the elder Gulyam and the middle Veli dev throws into the well; the younger Mammadjan kills the deva with a stone, frees the peri; to finish off the deva, His soul must be killed, it is in a bottle in the dragon's right ear; M. makes the dragon sneeze, finishes off the deva; Peri tells the black maiden to take M. to his sister, the captive of a two-headed deva; seven sisters in total, each next one is a deva captive with a large number of heads, up to seven; M. kills everyone up to the sixth, everyone keeps a bottle of soul with a goat, an old woman, etc. (just like in the first episode); the sixth girl explains: a dragon crawls to the plane tree every year, devours chicks; the grateful bird Zamyr will bring the dragon that has killed the dragon to where the nightingale is; we must give millet to the chickens bones for dogs, salt for camels, tie the tongues of bells with rags on the 40 steps of the stairs; M. did everything, the chicks ate the chopped dragon, the youngest left a piece under his tongue to prove to his mother that the dragon was killed; Zamyr brought M. to the room with the sleeping devas and the nightingale; M. first met with the sleeping beauty, so the nightingale raised the alarm; but M. took him and managed to sit on the bird; with the beautiful M. changed rings; Zamyr throws cooked meat and water; the meat is over, he cuts off a piece of caviar; Zamyr keeps a piece under his beak, puts it back; M. takes seven girls and treasures, finds in the brothers' well; brothers dazzle him, throw him into the well; they catch the dog's eyes, but it keeps them, takes care of M.; the padishah's nightingale does not sing; the nightingale's mistress finds M. by ring, lowers him into the well puts his braids back in order for M. to get out; the nightingale begins to sing, his father recovers, his brothers are abandoned in the desert]: Stebleva 1969, No. 22:71-92; Bukhara Arabs [the emir is blind, sons are going for medicine; the elders come to the old woman; she stipulates that if the lamp stays on the cat until the morning, she will take their property; having lost everything, the brothers are hired as a fish merchant; younger greets the Albanists, who refers him to her older sister; she to the younger sister; she to the bargitumi tree; there are divas and peri, the young man collects the leaves of the tree; plays back what the brothers lost (sends the mouse to the cat); in the youngest steppe is thirsty, his brothers tear his eyes out in exchange for water, take the leaves, throw him into the well; he finds leaves in his pocket, sees the light; the horse pulls him out of the well; he heals his father; the father curses his elder sons]: Vinnikov 1969, No. 36:237-239; Uzbeks [the king is blind; the eldest son took money from him, the middle land, and the youngest went for medicinal land that heals blindness; the old man and the old woman is told to climb into the horse's skin, the eagle will take it to the mountain, in 2 years she will lower it, it will be necessary to catch the horse, he will bring it to the healing land; on the mountain, the prince fed the eagle's chicks; when the eagle lowered him and he caught a horse, swallowed it with the horse by a fish; in the belly of the fish a girl kidnapped by a diva and also swallowed by the fish; she had healing land taken from the diva, she gave it to him; they got out of the fish returned to the prince's father, who saw the light, the prince married the girl he had brought; the brothers killed him while he was swimming, the corpse was thrown into the river; his wife became a dove, found the corpse, revived him with live water; revived and Husband's brothers executed by the tsar; they were forgiven]: Ostroumov 1890, No. 13:79-81; Tajiks [the old man has three daughters but no son; he is blind; the eldest daughter dresses up as a man, comes to see an old woman, she says that many brave men died looking for a cure, the girl returns; the same middle daughter; the youngest is not afraid; the old woman refers her to a healer; he will ask for the medicine the seed of the tree that three-headed diva; in the monastery, the diva must do good to everyone; the old woman gives a mirror, a comb, a bar; the girl cleans and adjusts the gates of the fortress, shifts hay to horses and bones to dogs; sewed sleeves for baking bread, gave them to girls who toned tortillas with their bare hands; the diva sleeps with her eyes open; the girl pulled a bag from under his head and ran away; maids, dogs, horses, gates refused to grab her; she threw a mirror (river), a bar (mountain), a crest (forest); the divas stops chasing; the healer gives seeds; his friend says that the hero is a girl; chrysanthemums are placed at her head (if woman, they will wither); the girl got up at dawn and tore off the fresh ones; but the healer's son saw it and went with her; the father saw the light, the young man married his daughter]: Amonov, Ulug-zade 1957:77-83; Tajiks Sistana [the king is blind, you need a leaf of a fortieth tree; two elder princes from one wife, the youngest Malik-Muhammad from the other; at the fork in the roads there is a stone with the inscription: to the right, you will come back, straight - God knows, you won't go back to the left; the brothers sent MM along the left road, drove along the other two, the roads met again and they went together; the young man invited them into the house, the girl offered to play dice, they all lost; became servants to the merchant and the baker; MM is polite to the old diva; she hid him from her seven sons; they swore they would not harm the guest; the old woman gave MM a letter for her the older sister, she is for the oldest; this old woman tells me to go the other way on the way back, otherwise she will cause harm; in the betting garden, the king of the bet; when he sees MM, he will scream, and the 4-headed tree will scream; it is necessary hide; the princess will reproach them; so twice; then pour sweets on the horse, stroke the tree; they will become MM's friends; you need to swap the gold and silver lamp near the sleeping girl, taste food, pick up one of the 7 bedspreads; MM did so, picked up the leaves of the tree, returned to the fork where he left the brothers; their arrows rusted; MM beat the girl and even won her; bought the brothers and labeled them as a slave; they did not recognize him; one of the brothers gave them a girl player and the other a princess, whom the local king gave for a gem taken by MM from a bet; sent girls with leaves home to their father, but kept one leaf for themselves; the brothers realized that MM was with them; there was no water on the way, they gave MM water in exchange for their eyes; took the leaves from the girl, brought them to their father; the dog brought MM to to the spring, spit out his eyes, he rubbed them with a leaf, saw the light, sat on his horse that came up; bet, the owner of the tree and her army went to look for MM to marry; the older brothers went out, went along spread out the carpet barefoot, could not answer what they saw at the bet; beaten; MM came, answered correctly; wedding; brothers were expelled, and the girls MM wanted to give them also took]: Grunberg, Steblin- Kamensky 1981, No. 9:118-131.

Baltoscandia. Estonians [the aged king learns that there is a mirror that makes him young; sends two eldest sons to pick him up; the youngest fool walks by himself, finds the brothers in the tavern, they refuse to take him to companions; comes to the forest hut, the old woman sends him to her older sister, she to the eldest sister, who convenes her family, i.e. animals, birds, no one knows about the mirror; the two-headed eagle is the last to arrive, says that the mirror in the princess's heads carries a young man there; he puts two bear guards to sleep, throwing them eagle feathers; contrary to the eagle's prohibition, he hesitates, eats and drinks, takes off the ring from the finger of the sleeping princess; On the way back, the eagle plunges the young man into the sea three times, says that he, the eagle, was just as afraid when the young man hesitated; the brothers are still sitting in the tavern, taking away the younger one's mirror, advising his father to kill the fool; he lets him into the sea in a shuttle; the shuttle sails to the island; the young man pulls out a broom, scissors, bread received from old women; a city appears, all people are dressed and fed; the princess sails in search of her rings, she must marry its owner; a young man marries her, rules the island]: J.Kunder in Põder, Tanner 2000:47-61 (=Raud 2004:160-170); Latvians [younger brother pulls a pen from a gold pen a bird that has come to steal apples; a father sends his sons to look for a bird; a wolf (bear) eats his younger brother's horse, promises him his help; takes him to the bird, but tells him to take it without a cage; fool, without heeding advice, falls into the hands of guards; the king promises to give the bird if the fool gets the golden horse; the wolf helps the fool get the horse, the bird and the princess; the older brothers kill the fool, take possession of the bird , as a horse and a princess, return home; the wolf revives the fool with live water; when he returns home, the bird starts singing, the horse laughs, the princess rushes around his neck; the brothers are punished]: Aris, Medne 1977, No. 550:229-300; Finns {or Karelians?} [The old man has two drunkard sons, and the youngest is lazy and stupid; the old man is blind, sends his sons for potions; at the fork there is a pole with the words: the horse is hungry - the rider is full; the horse is full - the rider is hungry; much has gone, yes did not return much; the eldest went along the first road, got to the girl, but she was a witch; after putting her to bed, she threw her into the dungeon; the same with his middle brother; the youngest went to where few people return; comes to a girl who gives him a new horse; when he gets to the beauty's palace, you have to take a bottle of eye ointment and a wonderful bird without waking up the beauty; the guy lay down with the beauty, and on the way back the horse hit the strings; but he galloped to that witch; threw her into the hole; made her revive his brothers; the brothers cut his throat; the bird the boy took tells the shepherd to put his head to his neck and lubricate with ointment; the boy came to life, the bird says what the brothers did to him; his father saw the light, the brothers ran away from home]: Konkka 1991:221-228; Finns, Karelians, Western Sami, Lithuanians, Swedes, Norwegians, Danes, Icelanders: Uther 2004 (1), No. 551:320-322.

Volga - Perm. Chuvash, Tatars: Uther 2004 (1), No. 551:320-322; Marie [Healing Apple: Three Brothers Go in Search of a Healing Apple for a Sick King Father; the Younger Obeys the Laws other states and enters the palace of the sleeping princess; steals the desired items; the brothers replace his prey and pass it off as their own; the father punishes the younger; he escapes and returns home; the princess looks for him; rejects his older brothers and recognizes him as his son's father]: Chetkarev 1956, No. 19 in Sabitov 1989, No. 551:34; Bashkirs [three sons go to look for a cure for their blind father; at the fork road inscription: the one who goes to the right will be lucky, to the left will be unlucky, straight - both; the younger brother goes to the left; the girl in the copper palace tells you to move the barrels of living and dead water, the young man kills three-headed maiden; the same episode in the silver (6-headed) and in the golden house (12-headed deva); a girl from the silver palace advises to lubricate the gate on the way to the 12-headed boy, hand the hay from the dog to the camel, and from a camel a bone to a dog; on the way, the young man sees an old man and an old woman pulling a fur coat over themselves; the young man covers an old woman with a fur coat, with an old man's skin; taking medicine and, contrary to the prohibition, kissing a sleeping girl, the young man runs away, the devil is chasing, the dog, the camel, the gate, the old man and the old woman refuse to stop the young man; he blows all 12 heads with arrows; the brothers are jealous, they hang a sword in front of the tent, he cuts off the young man's head; he is revived by a girl who recognizes him from the golden palace; the young man heals his father, forgives his brothers]: Barag 1988, No. 40:272-281.

Turkestan. Uighurs (Guma) [father is ill; the doctor says that you should go to a remote area to get the medicine; three brothers come to a fork in the road; the elder chooses a 10-day path and guards him the dragon; the middle one is a 30-day journey, the youngest is the road that does not return; the eldest killed the dragon, but fell in love with the girl and forgot about his father; the middle one returned empty-handed; the youngest got the medicine healed his father; after his father's death, the younger and older brothers received the main property]: Jarring 1951, No. 6:59-63.

(Wed. Eastern Siberia. {Probably Russian borrowing} Yakuts: Uther 2004 (1), No. 551:320-322).

Amur - Sakhalin. Manchus: Bäcker 1988, No. 8, 16, 29 in Uther 2004 (1), No. 551:320-322).

Japan. The Japanese [three brothers go for a wonderful pear to cure a sick father or mother; the youngest makes no mistakes, kills the monster, pulls out a pear, revives the dead brothers]: Ikeda 1971, No. 551 : 146-147.

(Wed. SV Asia. Coastal Koryaks (west. A.N. Zhukov, village. Palana, 1958; Russian borrowing) [the hunter fell into the bear's den; the bear gave birth to his son Kainyvil (Bear Ear); he is a man, only bear ears; four years later K. asks his father bring him to his house; his father replies that the Bear will catch up with them, kill them; they run away, K. kills the Mother Bear with his fist; K. is too strong, maims other children; goes to the tundra; meets, takes companions 1) a man carrying a birch tree; 2) carrying a hill with cedars; 3) carrying a riverside tundra; they come to the house of giants; K. lies down on their owner's bed; beats (to death?) him and the three with whom he came; K. comes to the old man, talks about the defeated giants; the old man was their father; he offers K. the bride inside the hill; lowers him into the hole on a rope, cuts off the rope; The spider picks him back; he hits the old man, hangs him by the rib in the house, sets fire to the house; returned home; there his father, the Cossacks pulled out his eyes; K. killed the Cossacks; the father said that there is a cure for blindness made from the liver; the neighbor says it is the liver of a man with a fiery head named Fire; gives a sword, teaches what to do; K. goes to the sunset, where the earth is red; cuts off O.'s head, cuts off the liver, takes bile, runs away; the fire is behind him, he has time to leave; he smears his father's eyes with bile, he sees the light]: Menovshchikov 1974, No. 139:434-447).