Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

K85A. A thought horse and a wind horse. .14.-.16.27.

When assessing the speed of a horse's running, the speed of thought (lightning, something else) and wind is compared.

Kabiles, Spaniards, Portuguese, Basques, Corsicans, Ladins, French, Germans (Austria), Romanians, Moldovans.

North Africa. Kabila [the father goes to Mecca, the son loses everything; the demon gives him money, he recoups, but later must come to the demon on Black Mountain; after the father returns, he goes there; the demon says: 1) cut down the forest in a day, set up a garden and bear fruit (the demon's daughter does everything); 2) herd hares (they run away, but the demon's daughter collects them with a magic wand); 3) get dates from a palm tree as high as the sky; the demon's daughter tells her to kill, cook her, drive the bones into a palm tree and climb them, then collect everything, revive it with a ring; this is what happened, but the young man lost a bone from his big toe; the girl tells run with a lightning horse, but the young man mistakenly takes the wind horse; the demon caught up with them on a zipper horse, but the girl turned them into a garden and a gardener; the demon asks if two people were riding a horse, and the gardener still replies that the watermelons are not yet ripe; the demon has returned, and his wife guessed that the garden is her daughter, the gardener is a young man; the same is the wall and the mason; the third time the girl's mother chased with her husband; the girl became a frog, a young man a toad; a mother predicts that her daughter will be forgotten as she herself forgot her parents; the girl lost her ring; the young man forgot her, came alone to his native village; he is married to a local girl; the demon's daughter comes to dance, brings two pigeon eggs, two pigeons fly out of them, have a conversation that the young man remembers everything, marries the demon's daughter]: Kabakova 2010:11-20.

Southern Europe. The Spaniards (Salamanca) [Lisardo young man plays cards and always loses; the demon offers a condition: he will always win, but in 5 years he will go to Go-Don't Come Back Castle (PN); via He has been walking for 5 years, asking the eagle for directions, he refers to another who is older, brings him to the castle, tells the one of the three bathing daughters of the PN, who is a saint, her name Blancaflor, to hide the clothes; he hides and returns clothes, the girl promises to help; PN tells 1) scatter a bag of rice in the forest, bring it safe the next day (B. does everything); 2) arrange a field on the site of the forest, collect wheat, bake bread, all in a day (the same); 3) the same - a vineyard, wine; 4) get the ring lost by her great-grandmother from the river; B. orders to cut it, put it in a vessel without spilling a drop of blood, throw it into the river; in the evening brings a ring, says that a drop has been shed, but from his little finger; 5) tame the horse; this is the PN himself, his wife and daughters, B. will be on the right side, not hit on the right side; 6) three daughters will stretch out their arms, and L. is blindfolded you must choose the bride's hand; B. can be recognized by the missing phalanx of the little finger; B. tells you to leave the spits responsible for them, choose a skinny oath Thought, not a plump Wind; L. does the opposite; father chases, B. throws a comb (thicket), a handkerchief (lastral), a garter (river); PN returns every time, his wife sends it again; B. turns the horse into a vegetable garden, L. into a peasant, himself into a lettuce bed; a chapel, a hermit, icon; PN's wife decides not to chase herself, but to make L. forget B. if she kisses someone; B. warns, but some old woman kissed him from behind, L. forgot B.; she comes, stops under looking like a prostitute; L. comes to her three times before the wedding, but she tells him to do something (for example, serve coffee) every time, and he freezes until morning; at the wedding, he tells two dolls portray themselves and L., they tell everything, L. remembers marrying B.]: Camarena, Chevalier 1995, No. 313C: 85-95; the Portuguese [prince goes to hell, he gives him difficult assignments; 1) in the morning plant a vine, wine is ready in the evening; 2) get the ring from the bottom of the sea, for this you need to dismember the girl; 3) sow wheat in the morning, bake bread in the evening; 4) tame the horse (that's the devil himself); 5) build for palace day; 6) disassemble mixed seeds; and something else; he denies that the girl helped him; must identify the girl among several identical ones (only by hand; the girl does not have enough finger, so he is hers finds out); the spouses run, the wife leaves the saliva responsible for herself; the wineskin is left in bed; the young man chooses a well-fed horse, he is like the wind, he had to choose a skinny one, he is like a thought; the horse turns into a church girl in image, young man as hermit; garden, salad (flowers) and gardener; river, boat, boatman; throw objects: ash (fog occurs), needles or pine needles (thorny thickets), salt or water (sea), sand (hill); the devil's wife cast a spell: after kissing his mother or grandmother against his will, the hero forgets his wife; she attracts his attention (many options), he recognizes her]: Cardigos 2006, No. 313:68-69; the Portuguese (Coimbra) [the king was a player; once lost his own crown to a servant; when the servant received it, two doves flew in and took it away; in fact, it is the king's wife and his daughter Branca Flor (" white flower"; BF); the king promises his servant a daughter if he returns the crown; he comes to Rain's mother, who first hides it, but her son is friendly; says that he does not know about doves, let him go to the Wind; then But: let him go to the Sun; Sun: doves in the kingdom of birds, have made nests for themselves in the crown; here's my horse to get there; grab the crown, and let the king of birds give you wings to fly to your king; It happened; but the king does not want to give his daughter to the servant; demands that by morning the young man sow wheat, harvest, cook flour and bake bread; BF: do not worry; everything is done by morning; carry it to the palace boulders visible in the distance (pedreiras); same; move the sea to the palace; BF: here's a bottle of blood from my hand; splash out the spray towards the palace, there will be the sea; but just so that not a single drop on you hit; the young man did so, in the morning the palace is on the island; but one drop fell on the young man's finger and he fell off; the king agreed to marry; in marriage, the BF shows the young man a sword hanging by a thread: he must fall; we must run before midnight, for then the mother of the BF will gain witchcraft abilities and will know everything; you must sit on horses that are fast as thought, not fast as the wind; but the young man made a mistake and brought horses who are like the wind; Queen to the king: take your time until morning, and sit on a thought horse in the morning and catch up; BF: I'll turn horses and us into a salad field; when my father asks if you've seen the BF, answer about the salad; in next time the chapel and priest are at the altar; instead of answering the king's question, he talks about mass; the third time the sea, the ship, the sailor, and the BF herself is mullet at sea; the sailor answers about going to the sea; the Queen understood everything, came to the sea and told the lovers to forget about each other and everything that had happened to them; and so happened; but after a few years, the king and queen died, and the BF thought about getting married; but on her wedding day, the young man's memory began to return; a couple of pigeons promised to help him; the servant served a pie, a pigeon and a dove flew out of it, swam in a vat of water, and started conversation; the dove speaks on behalf of the young man and the dove on behalf of the BF - I don't remember anything; all the episodes are listed; at the end, the BF remembered everything and called the young man her real husband; he became king]: Coelho 1879, No. 14:25-31; the Basques [the young man is lost; a certain Castillo Branco orders to come to him to carry out errands, then he will compensate for the lost; the young man goes to the animal house, the deer sends to the lion; the lion commands cook carcasses of four bulls, carries a young man on his back, eats carcasses on the way; KB has two devil daughters and one of divine nature; KB requires 1) to cut down the forest in a day, plow, etc. - grind the flour, bake bread (KB's daughter performs); 2) pacify three horses (he and his two eldest daughters, the youngest helps); 3) get the youngest daughter's ring from the bottom of the sea; she teaches her body to pieces, fill it without spilling, blood to the bottle, throw it into the sea; the bottle returned with a ring; you have to pour blood on the pieces of the body; the girl came to life, but the young man shed a drop, so his little finger is not enough; KB gave money, promised his daughter, let him choose blindfolded; the young man felt the girls' hands, chose the one with no little finger; got a wife; they were running, the wife left the spits responsible for her; left a wineskin in bed; KB asked while saliva did not dry out; broke into the room, pierced the bed, mistook the wine for blood; then chased a horse as fast as a thought, and the young had a horse like the wind; asks the reapers, they answer that the young have passed 9 months ago; the KB decides that if so, he will catch up; when he sees the chase, the girl becomes a field of bow, the young man digs bulbs; next time the horse goes to church, himself in the image, the young man into the priest; the KB returned than]: Barandiaran 1962a, No. 4:17-25; Corsicans: Massignon 1984, No. 20 [the witch has a daughter with Blood and Milk; she is so beautiful that her mother keeps her locked for fear of being kidnapped; every time comes back, says: "Blood and milk, open the door, I'm dying of the cold"; the daughter lowers her braid from the window, her mother rises on it; the prince spied on it; said the usual phrase, the girl lowered her braid, he got into her; when she heard her mother's voice, she hid it in an orange; her mother began to sniff: I feel human flesh; wanted to eat an orange, but my daughter slipped her another one; the same next time (prince hidden in a nut); they decide to run; the girl tells the prince to choose a thin skate, but he took a fat one; girl: he flies like the wind, and the thin one flies like trouble (souci); the witch chases her husband, the girl tells me to throw soap (smooth mountain, the sorcerer returns, says that there is only a mountain, the wife explains, tells me to chase again), a comb (thorny thickets; same, the wife chased herself); the girl {throwing a thread? she took it along with soap and comb} creates a river, turns herself into an eel and the prince is on the other side; witch: if your husband hugs someone at home, he will forget you; one of his aunts hugged the prince, he forgot his wife; she became a dressmaker, set up an inn; each of the three young men who came wants to spend the night with her; she asks the first to close the door below, he sticks and stays at the door until morning; in the morning the hostess is surprised: why did he fail to close the door? the same with the second (prevent the coals in the hearth so that the fire goes out faster; he does this until morning), the third is a prince who has forgotten his wife, she tells him to pour out the night pot, he does it until morning; he is going get married; the sorceress sews a dress for the bride, but in church it turns into rags; next time the sorceress takes out the dress the prince wore for the first time; he remembered everything and stayed with the first wife] (transferred to Shustov 1994:300-306), 102 [the prince lost at cards; when he lost his soul, the sorcerer returned his money and crew, but ordered him to arrive at the Seven Golden Mountains a year and day later; the old woman teaches seek help from the youngest of the sorcerer's daughters; he gives tasks: demolish a mountain in a day and sow wheat in this place (according to the girl, everything happens instantly); get a ring that the sorcerer dropped it in the Red Sea; the girl tells her to be slaughtered at the seashore, collected all the blood in the pelvis, poured into the sea; because one drop fell to the ground, the girl, bringing the ring, returned from the sea later and was left without little finger; the sorcerer tells you to tame the horse; girl: the horse is himself, the saddle is her, the stirrups are her two sisters, you must hit the horse on the head with an iron stick; the sorcerer promises a daughter as a wife, but the young man must choose bride with eyes closed; girl: feel your hand, it has no little finger; after the wedding, the wife tells you to run; one horse is like the wind, the other is like breathing, you must take the one who is half asleep; the young man took the cheerful one; the sisters chase the first two times, the young man's wife throws a bottle of cologne (river), a comb (thorny thickets), the stalker returns; the sorcerer himself rides, the wife throws soap, the sorcerer is unable to climb to a slippery mountain; spouses escape, feast]: 43-47, 227-233; ladins [there are three giants in the Alps who do not allow cows to herd in their meadows; the guy took an iron staff, hired a shepherd; he does not order to drive cows to the land of giants; the guy drives them there three times, hits each giant on the head with a club; each asks him not to kill; for this, one gave a wind horse, the second a lightning horse, the third a thought horse; receiving a horse, a guy kills a giant every time; three times, each time on a new and even faster horse, wins the races that the king arranged to choose his daughter's fiancé; wedding]: Decurtins, Brunold- Bigler 2002, № 85:228-231.

Western Europe. French [parents keep the girl Blood and Milk (CM) locked up; every evening her mother calls her, the KM lowers her braid, the mother goes up to her; the Queen overhears, calls her mother in her voice, the KM lowers a braid; hides the young man in an orange; the mother says that she smells like a human spirit, the daughter lets her eat another orange; the next evening, a nut; KM offers to run, tells her to take a skinny horse (runs like care) the queen takes a smooth one (runs like the wind); KM throws soap (soap mountain), a comb (thicket); the pursuer-father returns both times; the mother says that the mountain of soap was fugitives, she chases herself; KM throws a thread - the river; the mother says that when the Queen hugs someone, he will forget the KM; the queen's house is hugged by his aunt, he forgets everything; KM works for a tailor; three fellows ask for a date, she tells close the door one, the other to turn off the stove, the third to take out the garbage; the door can't be closed all night; the same with the other two fellows; the Queen tells me to sew a dress, KM sews the way he first saw it , he recalls getting married]: Shustova 1994:300-306; Germans (Austria) [the king bequeaths his three sons to give their three sisters as the first to ask; they are given to strangers; brothers go in search; At night, the cloud almost extinguishes the fire twice, and when it is his younger brother's turn, it extinguishes it altogether; he goes to look for fire, comes to the giants; they tell him to help them get the three royal daughters; the young man kills giants one by one, brothers marry queens; the king does not order to take his wife with him: she will be immediately kidnapped by a white knight; the young man leaves with his wife, the white knight takes her away; the young man consistently comes to his sisters, they are married to three-, six-, nine-headed dragons; the latter summons animals, only a lame fox knows the way; the kidnapped wife explains that the white knight has a fast horse; you must hire him mother, ask for a bridle and a foal as a reward; on the way, the young man saved the fish, ants, bandaged the fox's leg; the old woman tells three mares to herd three nights; fish, ants, fox help (you need to throw a bridle on three fish, three ants, a basket of three eggs are mares); the young man gets a bridle and a foal; he is weak, tells him to let him get drunk, strong in the morning; the young man takes his wife away (the foal asks if to run like the wind or as a thought); the white knight's horse cannot catch up, throws off the rider; the sisters' husbands have found a human form]: Cerf 1992:183-192.

The Balkans. Romanians [the mighty king always laughs with his right eye and cries with his left eye; he has three sons; the mighty tall Florea, the dense strong Costan and the younger Petru are tall, but girlish; older brothers refused, P. agreed to ask his father about his eyes and received a slap in the face from him; but he thought his left eye was crying less and his right eye laughing more; and he asked again; the father both laughed eyes: that three sons are good, but they are unlikely to be able to protect themselves from their neighbors; therefore laughter and tears; but if you bring water from the well of the Morning Dawn fairy, I will moisten my eyes and both will laugh, for I will understand that sons are brave; F. rode his best horse to the border of his father's possessions; there is a bridge and a three-headed dragon: one jaw in the sky, the other on earth; F. turned, but did not return home a year, month and day later; K. ; the dragon also has three heads; also turned, but did not return home; P. went, the dragon has 7 heads; the horse stands on its hind legs, P. returned to take another horse; the old nurse: you need the horse that your father rode ; he replies that the horse fell a long time ago, and there are only scraps of bridle in the stall; the nurse tells me to bring such a piece and hit the pole with it; then a beautiful horse appears under the precious saddle; now at the bridge 12-headed dragon; the horse tells you to cut off the main head and flies forward - one day like the wind, the other as a thought; in front of them there is a copper wall, as well as trees, bushes and grass made of copper; flowers whisper but the horse forbids them to be plucked; otherwise you will have to fight Velva; but he tore off to see her; she has a horse's mane, a deer antler, a bear's face, a ferret's eye, the bodies of various creatures; after three days of battle, P. he put a bridle on the velva and it turned into a beautiful horse; this is the brother of the horse P., who was bewitched; so they galloped through the copper forest; then silver (still the same is another velva horse); gold (same the strongest and youngest of these horses is disgraced); now they are driving through the frozen land of Saint Sereda, and there is fire around the edges; this is the frost that freezes the calf in the womb of a cow and a rock they crumble; when they reached the house of St. Sereda, she gave a box that will show the way home and tell you who is doing what now; P. asks about his father; a box: his eldest sons have taken away his power; now they are traveling through the red-hot land of St. . Thursdays (Joi, Jupiter); rocks began to melt under their hooves; from the cool valleys, where springs and flowers, girls turn to P.; St. Thursday: Next will be the country of St. Fridays, tell her my wishes for good health; it is not cold or hot there; but darkness has descended and Tornado's daughters are in it; Tornadoes guard Friday's house; the horse tells me to throw a copper wreath, the spirits rushed behind the wreath ; a silver wreath showed Friday and she allowed her to enter; Friday is an ancient old woman; when the world arose, she was a child; asks for a mug of water from the spring of the Morning Dawn Fairy on the way back; gave the flute, the sounds of which make them fall asleep; in the morning P. fed his horses with hot coals; Friday: leave one horse here now, and enter the Fairy dismounted; she has a terrible appearance: owl eyes, fox face, claws cats; her gaze deprives her of reason; the Fairy's palace where the earth touches the sky; flowers along the way; neither warm nor cold, eternal twilight; P. sedated the giant watchman and seven-headed dragons with a flute; the milk river is not in sandy or jelly shores, and on shores made of gems and pearls, flows quickly and slowly at the same time; lions with golden skin and iron teeth; beautiful fairies sleep in flowers; P. tied to a sleeper He woke up the giant's fingers, told him to carry him across the river - then we'll fight; but the giant hammered P. into the ground to his knees, and P. to his waist; giant P. to his chest, P. his neck; then a half-bound giant agreed to carry P., standing with both legs on different banks of the river; on the table in front of the fairy's bed, the bread of strength and the wine of youth; he bit off bread and took a sip of wine, kissed Fairy, put a golden wreath on her, and picked water and left; gave water to Friday; Thursday warned not to communicate with people on the way back; gave a handkerchief protecting against lightning, spears and bullets; a knowledgeable box warns: the brothers found out that P. would bring water, they want to kill him; P. does not believe him, broke the box; the brothers met him, asked him to get water from a deep well, left it there, took the Fairy's water and came to their father; the Fairy woke up and sent all the guards they did not find it; they did not find it; the Sun looked for 7 days, but P. was where its rays did not reach; the Fairy ordered darkness to come, and now only the king father, who saw the light from that water, began to see, but everyone else did not; Florea came to see the fairy, but could not say how he got that water; the Fairy blinded him; {the same with his middle brother}; The fairy told everyone to come to her so that the winds, flowers, springs, people and giants would all cry; Friday sent tornadoes to look for P.; and only one spring breeze heard P. end up in the well; now there were only bones and ashes; Thursday boiled ashes in a cauldron with the dew of life, she got an ointment, she was rubbed bones, P. came to life; tells the horse to fly fast like a curse; came to Fairy, kissed; the flowers bloomed, the sun shone, the world came to life again; P. brothers found sight to see his happiness]: Kremnitz 1882, No. 20:237 -295; Moldovans [someone's horses trample on millet; the father sends his sons to guard; the elder, the middle fall asleep; the younger Talaesh grabs one of the horses; he tells him to take three hairs from his mane; the king will pass off his youngest daughter as someone who jumps down the narrow stairs to her balcony and takes off the ring; T. first rides a white horse, his brothers overtake him and beat him; then summoned his horse Gaitan, who tells him to do one enter the ear, leave the other, T. turns into a dressed groom; G. asks: to drive like the wind or as a thought? T.: in the usual way; seeing the rider, the brothers politely ask where he comes from; T.: from Slap in the face; almost went up to the balcony, but returned; the next day the same (T. tells the horse to lead him like the wind; answers the brothers that he was from Kulakov); on the third day: as a thought; from Knutovsk; the princess gave T. the ring, touched his hair with her hand, it turned gold; the tsar ordered to check all the guys; when the kushma was pulled off T.'s head , everyone saw golden hair; the king moved his daughter and T. to a hut outside his possessions; but G. built a palace for them; war broke out, T. sat on a 105-year-old donkey, got stuck in the mud, ripped off the donkey's skin, this was seen by the king passing by; then he called G., defeated the enemies; the same second time (he sat on a nag, slightly wounded, the king bandaged his hand); the queen went into her daughter's shack, saw her son-in-law's handkerchief; the king went to see and went blind; he would be cured by the lioness's milk; G. brought him to the sleeping lioness, T. fed up with milk; G. turned T. into an old man, he met his sons-in-law, said that when he was young he went to buy milk, and only now he is returning; gave milk (it's cow's) to his sons-in-law for permission to stigmatize them; sons' milk did not help, and what his youngest daughter brought back their sight; everyone gathered, T. about everything told, ordered his sons-in-law to show stamps with the name "T."; the tsar gave him the throne]: Botezat 1981:157-169.