K85C. A four-legged is faster than a three-legged. 27.-.29.32.
Thethree-legged horse is strong and fast, but its four-legged brother is faster than him.
Bosnitsa, Ukrainians (Kharkiv), Crimean Tatars, Balkarians, Ingush, Nogais, Avars, Georgians (Kartli), Bashkirs, Mari.
The Balkans. The Bosnians [when they die, the father tells his three sons to give their three sisters to be the first to come for them; the elders do not go to give sisters to strangers, the younger Mula-Mustafa gives them away; the brothers go They look for them; they spend the night by the lake, the first night their elder brother guards, a dragon crawls out of the lake, the young man cuts off his head, cuts off his ears, head and body into the lake; on the second night, the same middle brother a two-headed dragon; in the third MM, a three-headed dragon; when he threw his body into the lake, a wave flooded with fire; MM sees fire in the distance, comes to the fire of giants; they will give fire if MM kills the sultan in Istanbul; a giant takes MM to the Sultan's chambers, but MM kills the giant himself, takes the Sultan's ring, leaves; the awakened sultan tells you to find his savior, to arrange inns where to ask coming about their adventures; three brothers meet in such a yard, tell them what happened to them, get to know each other; the sultan passes his daughter off as MM; after leaving, tells them not to unlock the room where Atesch Perischa; MM unlocks, AP takes his wife (i.e. the daughter of the sultan); MM goes in search; arrives at the tower, where the older sister is married to the king of ravens; the raven sends to his middle sister, she is behind the king of dragons, he to the youngest is for the king of eagles; the king of eagles convenes eagles, only one old patient can take MM to the AP, but first must swim in living water, between rocks that open once a year; MM feeds the eagle sheep, the eagle has time to rejuvenate before the rocks slam shut; AP arrives on a three-legged horse; in his absence, MM negotiates with his wife to find out what AP's life is like; he says that in a broom, in a pipe, in a mug; MM tells his wife to decorate them every time; AP admits that he is wearing a three-legged horse; whoever kills a mare that comes out of the lake once a year and takes her foal will defeat him; he himself does not killed a mare and wounded a foal, so he is three-legged; MM killed, took a (four-legged) foal, his wife gave him cow milk, which became a powerful horse; MM killed AP, put him on a three horse wife, returned with her to the Sultan]: Schütz 1960, No. 4:31-48.
Central Europe. Ukrainians (Kharkiv) [Elena the Beautiful is stolen by a snake, her sister, Ivan Tsarevich's wife, becomes angry, the serpent "makes her a snake" (metaphor). Ivan asks the mighty hero Churila for help, who agrees to come instead of him at night and teach her a lesson. At night, Churila's wife takes Churila for her husband, he beats her (while her husband hides). She asks to let her go, promises to be kind and obedient again. Asks her husband to return her sister Elena. Churilo promises to do everything instead of Ivan. On the way, he sees two snakes attacking one, helping the latter because he stole Elena, then protects him twice from other snakes. She comes to the beautiful tower where Elena is hidden and takes her away. The pigeon flies to the snake, reports the incident, the snake asks the horse if he will be able to catch up with the fugitives, the horse says that first the snake must sow life, collect, grind grain, brew beer, and drink horse. The serpent follows the instructions, catches up with Churylo on horseback - he has no weapon, he is forced to give it to Elena, the serpent recognizes him and promises to let him go alive three times (how many times he has been saved). Churylo steals Elena again, everything repeats itself twice (the horse orders the snake to sow buckwheat, etc.), the snake warns that it will no longer spare Churylo. He steals Elena for the third time, catches up with the serpent, cuts him up. Three days later, the wolf, Churila's brother, finds the body, grabs a crow that bites the dead body, demands that the crow bring healing and living water, and he brings it in 3 days ("as I slept!"). The wolf advises Churylo to take a foal from a snake mare, hide it from wolves on Tsar Mountain (they eat them), who digs a hole and hides it in it. When the wolves leave, the foal asks to let him go to his mother, Churylo lets him go for 3 days, the foal gains strength and grows up (the snake horse is three-legged, one leg was eaten by wolves). Churylo takes Elena on a new horse (she thought Churylo was dead and did not want to go with him). The pigeon tells the snake about the escape, the horse warns the snake that it is unlikely to catch up with the fugitives. Churilo's horse asks why the three-legged horse carries a "reptile" (he did not let him "feed to his mother", did not protect it from wolves). The horse drops the snake "the bones themselves are left", Churilo puts Elena on it. Churilo leaves her and his horse to Ivan, his wife rejoices and arranges a feast]: Grinchenko 1895, No. 159:159-165.
Caucasus - Asia Minor. Crimean Tatars [(zap. Sergei Tumanov in Feodosia); when he dies, the tsar tells his three sons to marry their three sisters; they are taken by the Leo, the Tiger, the huge Raven; each time the girl is given away only at insistence younger brother; sitting by the window, the younger brother shoots through the wineskins of the girl who comes to the well; she curses him, telling him to suffer from love for the daughter of the sun and moon; he goes in the direction indicated by the girl; the old woman says that Raven lives there; this is the young man's son-in-law; his house is guarded by forty lions and forty tigers; the young man buys meat, the old woman goes and throws it to everyone; cuts off the last piece from her leg; the young man's grateful sister made the lion regurgitate the meat, put it back, sends an invitation with the old woman; the brother comes, his sister hides him; eclipsing the sun, the Raven arrives, becomes a man; convenes creatures find out where the daughter of the sun lives; the latter knows; the prince sits on her with his horse, feeds her meat and water on the way; leaves her in his nest; every year the snake kills her chicks; the prince cuts the snake, feeds the chicks; the bird swallows and regurgitates them, allowing them to fly; the king catches the princess bird, gives them to his daughter; at night he turns into a man, drinks her sorbet; she guards; he becomes her lover; gets married; they go to his house; at rest, a Black Arab takes her away on a three-legged horse; the prince comes to his city, stays with an old woman; she gets the keys to an Arab, releases the prisoner, the prince takes her away; the Arab asks the horse whether to go now or after he is drunk; the horse: I will have time to sleep; the Arap catches up, cuts the prince into pieces, puts him in a bag, takes the horse bag to the Raven; Raven's mother glues the pieces with pomegranate juice, revives it with pomegranate; the prisoner pretends to love an Arab, he talks about a tripod horse; in the ninth meadow, the mare runs north, gives birth, four wolves come to demand food; an Arab is not enough for the fourth, he has eaten a foal's leg; the prince feeds all four, receives a four-legged foal from the same mare, takes his wife away; a tripod throws off an Arab, he was killed]: Potanin 1883:725-729; Balkarians (Western 1959) [the elder brother and his squad stopped for the night, the black fog approached, destroyed them; the middle brother was the same; the younger brother was careful, hid, escaped himself; came to Emegensha, fell to her breasts; her sons with they made friends with him; explained that the fog was a girl, she stole their horse; they had a piebald mare, her foals were dragged away by a wolf; the girl managed to take the foal, but the wolf gnawed off his leg, so her horse three-legged; fog is steam from his nostrils; tomorrow the mare will give birth again; the young man caught the foal without injuries; emegens teach: hiding alternately so that the girl thinks that the horse is falsely raising anxiety, approach the girl; she has been sleeping for a month, her hair must be tied; let her go when she swears a prayer book; the boy and the girl got married; she gave her husband her portrait; he lost it, the water brought it to the khan ; the witch promised to get a beautiful woman; came to the young man's wife before he was gone, persuaded him to find out where his soul was; in a broom; burned a broom; a bead in his hair; the young man was drunk, the witch tore off the bead, threw it into the corner, took the girl away; she demands to wait a year for the wedding; the emegens see that blood is dripping from the young man's arrow; they came, found a bead, put it, the young man came to life; asked the shepherd, threw a ring into the maid's jug wives; during the wedding, an unrecognized man stabbed a witch and took his wife on a four-legged horse; brought the groom's friend on a three-legged emegen to eat; along with his Emegen brothers in that mentioned rock the crack, if not dead, probably (still) live]: Malkonduev 2017:229-240; Ingush [little Fusht-Bage stops crying when his father promises to marry him to Jinagaz; F. grows up, goes looking for J.; catches a hare, he turns into a beautiful woman, this is J.; promises to come to him in a week; the stepmother sends a servant to put F. to sleep, J. cannot wake up; after the third time he leaves the ring, leaves forever; F. meets the maid J., throws J.'s ring into her jug, she recognizes him, keeps him; forbids her to enter the last room in the palace; F. enters, there is a chained garbash (monster) , F. agrees to free his hand, the harbash breaks out, now he is the master; F. and J. are running, the three-legged horse of the garbash replies that after eating, we will catch up, and without eating we will catch up; easily catches up with the fugitives, the garbash forgives F .; J. tells how the harbash caught the foal; for three nights the witch's mares must be herded; in the end, one necklaces, the birds of prey rushed to the foal; the garbash held it with one hand, the other fought off birds, one eagle tore off the foal's front leg, but the three-legged horse that grew out of it is the fastest; F. rides, saves an eagle, a fox, a fish; herds mares, they run away, an eagle, a fox, the fish is collected, F. gets a four-legged foal; the three-legged cannot catch up with him; the brothers agree to throw the harbash, he falls into a hole, covers it with earth; F. brings J. to his home]: Bulatova 1985:133-141; Ingush [when he dies, the old man tells his sons to guard the grave: he dreamed of a wonder and it will come to disturb him; the elder brother asks his younger brother named Ovdilg ("fool") to go instead of him; a red horse like a leopard comes running, begins to tear the grave with its hooves, O. tamed him; the same with his middle brother (white horse); on the third night, a black horse; everyone gives O. his hairs call him; the prince gives three daughters, the youngest is Harsen Nars with a golden head and silver hands; O. jumps to three towers on three horses, takes and hides three girls; gives the elders to his brothers, XN takes it for himself; Biydolg Bare kidnaps her; O. comes successively to the son of the Sun, the son of the Month, the son of the Star; BB has a three-legged guling horse; BB asks him twice if we will catch up before lunch; he replies that everything let's catch up; BB breaks O. with his wolf club, takes XN; the son of the Sun, the son of the Month, resurrects O.; the son of the Star tells us to go to the mountain where the Guling mother is screwed; tear the muscle off his hand, feed the wolf, otherwise he guling wears his leg; now O. has a four-legged guling, and BB has a three-legged; BB cannot catch up with O., guling goes to the ground, BB dies; wives drive O.'s brothers out to look for him; O. kills three Enjal monsters; the brothers put a sword in the doorway, O. cuts off their legs on it, the brothers take the guling; the blind and armless come to live with O.; while three cripples hunt, XN's fire goes out; she comes to the yeshapyats; they give a sieve with ash, on top of the coals; on the ash trail, the yeshap mother finds a house, drinks HN blood; for promising not to kill her, yeshapikha gives O. a bar, he cures the cripple; O. kills yeshapiha; O. kills and revives brothers, drives them away]: Malsagov 1983, No. 8:55-71 (=Tankieva 2003:31-48); Nogais [when dying, the old man tells his sons to give his eldest daughter for a karakus ("black bird"), middle for a wolf, the youngest for the khan son; when the brothers took their younger sister to the groom, a black cloud carried her away; the younger brother went to look; came to the older sister; her husband says that Karadau took her sister; the same middle sister's husband, tells steal a three-legged horse; the young man took his sister, but Karadau caught up, whipped the young man in half; the sister asked to collect the remains of his brother and put them on the horse; the wolf and others revived the young man; a herd of horses lives in lake, the mare is screwing on the shore; the wolf wanted to steal the foal, but only tore off one leg; now the mare is screwing again, the wolf helped the young man carry the foal; a week later he grew up, the younger brother again went to pick up his sister; Karadau could not catch up on a three-legged four-legged; the brothers wanted to kill the young man, but he told them to catch a foal in the lake themselves, they drowned; the sister was passed off as Khan]: Kapaev 2012:147-151; Avars [=Ganiyeva 2011b, No. 7:114-121; when he dies, the father tells three sons to guard his grave, give three daughters for those who ask; the elder, middle brothers are afraid, the younger grabs a gray horse, he carries it to seventh heaven and to the seventh lower world, tamed, gives his hair; the same with nest, black horses; sisters are given for a wolf, a hawk, a falcon; the king consistently promises three daughters to the one who jumps over the tower on horseback; each time the younger brother calls the horse, takes the girl away, the brothers are jealous; all three go down to the dungeon, feast there, the older ones are drunk, the youngest kills 9-headed snake, cuts him off, hides his ears; the old man comes out from under the bush, thanks the snake for killing, gives his younger brother a daughter; Black Sart (CHN) will demand her; the old man warns not to stop on the way home; the young man falls asleep, ChN takes his wife; he finds sisters, who, disguised as a wolf, hawk, falcon, were also taken by the Narts; they do not know where ChN lives, but the Bat shows the way; while ChN is sleeping, a young man takes his wife, ChN catches up on a three-legged horse, kills a young man; the horse brings bones to his younger sister, her husband gives the boy his second life; the young man asks his wife to ask ChN where he got it three-legged horse; there is a plain under the stone, where the horse, his brother and their mother graze; the horse lost its leg when the wolf and ants rushed at him; the young man throws wheat and meat, takes him away (four-legged ) a horse; a horse kills a pursuer - CHN; a young man gives a wife to his brothers, takes two for himself]: Saidov, Dalgat 1965:215-230; Georgians (Kartli) [dying, the king tells three sons to protect him grave; the elders refuse, each time the youngest goes; at midnight a man on a white horse in white clothes rode, promises to kill the dead; the young man cut him, hid his horse and armor; the next night - the same (red rider); then black; the king has three daughters in the tower; whoever rides there on horseback and gets a beautiful woman marries her; the younger brother reaches the princess unrecognized every time, takes everyone three; he took one for himself, gave the others to his brothers; when he dies, the father tells him not to spend the night away from home if possible; once the youngest spent the night, and his wife was stolen by a bald jongurist; the brothers have three sisters behind a deva, an eagle and gveleshapi; the maid came for water, the prince quietly threw his ring into the jug, the sister found out; the devil is powerless, sends to the eagle; still sends him to the gveleshapi; he says that the kidnapper rides three-legged sea horse; we must get a four-legged one; once a year a mare comes out of the sea, gives birth to a foal; it is eaten by wolves, they must have time to abandon the sheep; the chongurist did not have time, so one leg was gnawed off; The prince got a four-legged man, took his wife away, the Chongurist is catching up, but the prince's horse kicked and killed him; the prince put his wife on his three-legged; everything is fine; three red pomegranates fell, three juicy apples fell]: Kurdovanidze 1988 (1), No. 70:317-328.
Volga - Perm. The Bashkirs [the whirlwind consistently takes away Tsar Garif's three daughters; his son Ahmet dreams of a beautiful woman, goes to look for her, consistently stays with the devas, the husbands of the sisters; one of them is the owner of birds, the other animals, the third is aquatic creatures; everyone gives a magic handkerchief; Lena Prekrasnaya (LP) sends A. to prison, where those who came to marry her sit; agrees with A. that she will marry him, if four batyrs can't hold him and he kisses her; A. loses twice, each time gives LP one of his handkerchiefs; the third time he kisses, marries; finds the deva Kasim batyr behind the locked door, gives he drinks, he gives A. 150 years of life twice, flies away, takes LP away; A. takes LP three times, K. catches up each time, first takes away his gifts, then kills A.; dev-son-in-law learn about this when they see blood in the tube left by A.; they are looking for a doctor, only a lame frog pulls out living and dead water, revives A.; LP hides A., stabs the girl, tells Kasim that she cries, wanting to know where he got it six-winged stallion, where K.'s soul is hidden; K. answers, A. listens; first K. says that his soul in a ram, in a broom, LP adorns them; A. spares wolf, hawk, anthill, pike, cat; cat distracts the dogs of an old woman who owns mares; K. took out her 6-winged horse; the old woman tells the mares to herd, they run away, turning into foxes, pigeons, fish; wolf, hawk, pike bring them back; the old woman scatters and orders to collect poppy seeds, the ants collect, the cat pulls out what was swallowed with the mouse; A. chooses a thin foal as payment, this is a 12-winged horse; he carries A. to the island; ways A. takes a saw from the devils; cuts down a poplar on the island, pulls out a chest from under it, kills a duck that has flown out of it, takes three eggs out of it, K.'s soul in them; killing K., returns home with LP]: Barag 1988, No. 56:389-402; Marie [when dying, the king orders three sons to pass off their three sisters as the first to come to marry; three poor old men come successively; older brothers refuse, younger gives sisters; they were the eagle king, Tsar Koschey and Tsar Razhim; the king also warned his sons not to hunt on the west side; the elder takes people, goes east, north and south, there is no prey; goes to west, game is abundant; a cloud appears, people came out of it, killed his older brother and everyone with him; the same with his middle brother; younger Ivan tells us to hide in the hollow; his people shoot themselves, killing those who come; then I. follows the bloody trails; comes to the house, is called a healer; a woman the size of a haystack says that her son was wounded by 14 bullets; I. orders to boil a large pot of resin and fat; let the old woman help pour it on the patient and sit on the cauldron herself; I. scalded them to death, cut off the old woman's head; came to the house, where she was beautiful; he showed her the old woman and her son who had been killed; then she put him in silver the wagon and they flew; the wind blew out, I. fell out, fell; when he wakes up, he comes to his older sister; she turned it into an apple, hid it in her pocket; asks her husband what he should do to her older brother; eagle: would swat; the same with the middle sister; he would greet the youngest; says that his missing girlfriend was taken away by "Charadey"; sends him to his middle sister; her husband is also afraid of C., refers to the youngest; her husband Razhim explains that his six-legged horse must first be kidnapped from C.; on his order, the birds brought this horse two days later; I. rode it to C.'s home, freed the girl from fetters, took her away; but C. has a 12-legged horse; on it C. caught up with I. and ordered the horse to crush him into pieces the size of oatmeal; R. tells the birds to bring all these remains, fold them, bring them in their beaks living water; I. is alive ("How long did I sleep"); R. to birds: Can you deliver a 12-legged? birds: no; R.: is everyone here? birds: one old bird is gone; it was delivered, it teaches you how to get a long lasso, make a huge pen, tame that horse; I. tamed, took away C.'s daughter, he chases a six-legged horse, I. tells the 12-legged horse crush C. into pieces the size of a grain of sand; R. I. marries his daughter C.; they go back - she is on a 6-legged horse, I. on a 12-legged horse; they stopped in a clearing; I. wants to get together with his wife right away; she tells him to wait 14 days; I. tries to act by force; his wife slaps him in the face, he dies, she sits on a 12-legged horse, and the 6-legged runs after him; R. finds out everything, the birds bring living water again; the other two son-in-law have arrived; all three told I. that now let he is looking for his wife himself; I. comes to the old woman, she indicates where his wife's house is in the forest; I. tries to climb the stairs into it, she broke, I. got killed; climbed the other stairs through the window; on the wall swords, they will cut off his head if you try to enter another room; I. climbed into the barrel and rolled in, his swords did not notice him; his wife sleeps there for three days without waking up; he takes her key, then finds second; unlocks the closet from where the heron flies out; finds her horses in the stable; the wife wakes up and asks why she released the heron; everything is fine, they have children]: Beke 1938, No. 47:424-457.