Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

K8A. Ion: swallowed by an aquatic or chthonic creature .10.-.

The character enters the womb of an aquatic creature, or into the womb of a giant creature whose appearance and habitat are not accurately described. It kills the creature from within (K952) and/or returns to the outside unaided. Coming out of the womb, he often turns bald (K921). Cp. I81B. Charybdis.

SW Africa. The Bushmen [in 1990 Botswana recorded variants from the Bushmen Kxoe, Kua and ‼ Gana; the monster devastates the country by swallowing people, animals, bushes, dwellings; one or two people remain who he is killed; it is a young man, boy or two twin boys, a woman who lets herself be swallowed, kills a monster from within; or a boy or man jumps into the monster's mouth with blacksmiths accessories, makes a fire, monster dies]: Schmidt 2007:284-285.

Bantu-speaking Africa. Zulu: Snegirev 1937 [various animals ask three children who their mother is; when they learn that it is Nanana-Bosele (Nanana of the Frogs), they pass by; The elephant swallows the children; the NB comes, he swallows it too; inside the forest and river, there are many people and animals; the NB cuts off pieces of the Elephant's liver, feeds the children; other people also cut and eat; The elephant is dead, the NB cut off his rib with an ax; dogs, goats, people; people who come out give the NB cattle, it gets richer]: 197-199; Arnott 2000 [Unanana leaves two children and a little nephew at home every time; different animals say every time - what beautiful children; the elephant is the last, swallows the children, the nephew stays; tells W. everything; she takes a knife, finds an elephant, he swallows it; there are many people and animals inside; W. makes a fire, cuts off pieces of the Elephant's body, roasts, feeds everyone; the elephant died, W. made a hole, everyone went out, ate fried elephant meat]: 69-74; Knappert 1977, No. 2 [various animals ask three children who their mother is; When they learn that it is the Mother of Frogs, they pass by; the Elephant swallows children; the mother (Una Nana) comes, he swallows her too; there are many people and animals inside; the UN cuts off pieces of the Elephant's liver, feeds the children; then cuts the way out; The elephant dies; those who come out give UN, she gets rich]: 115-117; braid: Klipple 1992 [when leaving, the woman leaves the hare to watch her children; wild animals want to eat them, but the hare drives the animals away; then the chief of the animals comes and eats the children; the woman takes two sharp iron blades, lets herself be swallowed, her children are alive in the belly of the beast; she makes a fire with friction, cuts off and roasts pieces of the beast's body; cuts the way out; all swallowed come out alive; a woman becomes the leader of those when she saved]: 360; McCall Theal 1882:74-83 [the old man sees seven extraordinary birds, tells the leader ; he says that they will replace his seven sons who died in the war; tells his dumb son Sikulume and six other young men to catch them; they catch them, come to an empty house where the fire is burning; S. hears the cannibal He thinks out loud who he will eat; S. is speechless, tells his comrades; the next night he wakes them up, they run away; the cannibal brings other cannibals, who see that the prey has run away, eat themselves cannibal; S. forgot his bird, decides to return; if his assegai trembles, he is killed, if he falls, he dies; S. grabs a bird, runs; the old woman gives him fat; he throws it on a stone, cannibal pursuers begin to fight for this stone, one swallowed it, others killed it and ate it; the same again; S. threw his cape, she ran the other way, the cannibals after it, S. returned to his comrades; the old man turned a stone in the hut, the young men fled into it, and for cannibals it is a stone; they ate gnawed, broke their teeth, came back; only an old woman at home; inabulele swallowed everyone; S. lets himself be swallowed, kills the monster From the inside, he goes out swallowed; S. tells his sister to make a cloak out of his skin; goes to marry his daughter Mangangezulu; no one returned from there; the mouse tells her to kill her, throw in the skin, the skin tells M. enter the house from the wrong side, does not sit on a new mat, do not spend the night in an empty hut; M. tells the cattle to herd, the storm begins; S. pulls out his cape, it turns into a stone canopy, young men they bring cattle safe; M.'s wife turns S. into an antelope, but her daughter back into a human; they run; the girl throws an egg (fog), a wineskin of milk (water), a pot (darkness), a smooth stone (rock); M. stops persecution, S. is chosen as chief at home], 165-167 [the woman left the hare to guard her children; animals came led by a monster; he swallowed the children; found them; found them and swallowed them mother; but she had pieces of iron with her; she cut off pieces of monster meat, started a fire, began to fry meat; the monster died; the monkey said that all animals should go to places where it is now They orbit; a woman has made a hole in the monster's body, she and her children and all the people, cattle, dogs have come out; her sons grew up, killed the ogre, and many people came out of his belly too], 277-278 [=St Lys 1916:18- 19; Little Red Belly boy worked in the field, wanted to drink; mother tells me not to drink from a neighboring body of water, it is not known whose he is; son drinks; the owner of the reservoir swallowed him; the frog to the owner: I asked not swallowing a boy, now you'll die; that's bad; all the aquatic life has gone to another body of water; the boy cut through the monster's belly, returned home]; chwana [Kammamapa swallowed everyone, was the only one left woman; she gave birth to a son Litaolane ("soothsayer") with amulets around his neck; he asks where the rest of the people are; takes a knife and lets himself be swallowed; cuts the way out, everyone swallowed comes out alive]: Klipple 1992: 361; Sutho: Abrahams 1983, No. 91 [Rahlabakoane and his wife work in the fields, their son Hlabakoane herds cattle, daughter Thakane stays at home; when hit with an ax, milk flows from the trunk; children it is strictly forbidden to touch him yourself; H. refuses to herd the cattle if his sister does not give them milk from the tree; she has to hit him with an ax, the milk flows in a stream, R. comes running, decides to take her daughter to eating an ogre; along the way, T. tells his story to three types of antelopes, each antelope replies that the ogre should give her father; only the cannibal's son Masilo is at home; he takes T. as his wife, gives her father the cannibal, he fried it and ate it; T. gives birth to a girl; according to the law, girls are given to the cannibal, only boys are kept; T. asked permission to drown her daughter; an old woman comes out of the water, takes the baby; T. comes to visit her daughter, she is growing up quickly; M. followed, saw a beautiful woman, gave the old woman cattle, she let the girl go; M. sends his wife and daughter, accompanied by people and cattle, to visit mother and brother T.; blocked the way rock, Father T.'s heart turned into it; the rock wants to eat T.; swallows people, cattle, then T. and his daughter; inside the cave, where a young man cut his way out; the cannibal rock died, everyone went out, just a long time ago those swallowed have already died; T.'s mother is glad]: 326-333; Casalis 1859, No. 3 [the monster Kammapa swallowed everyone; one pregnant woman hid, gave birth to a son with a necklace of amulets around her neck, named Litaolané ("fortuneteller"); he grew up instantly, rushed at K. with a knife, swallowed it, L. began to cut it from the inside; cut the way out, and the swallowed ones shouted not to touch them; when they left, they decided to kill L. ; they made a trap hole, but the amulet warned L.; the same with other attempts to kill L.; he was chased, he turned into stone, the man threw a stone across the river - so I would break L.'s head; on the other side the stone turned back to L.]: 363-365 (=Scheub 2000:38-39); Klipple 1992 [the monster Kholomodumo swallows everyone; there is only one old woman left, her leg is swollen, two boys, Maschilo and Maschape; one day Mashape went hunting east and Mashilo went west; raised the pot, under it something orders to raise it and then lower it; he runs, the monster after him; he climbs a tree; brother with dogs they come running, but Holomodumo killed dogs; only the last bad dog defeated him; swallowed people and cattle came out of his stomach]: 363; cube [the boy went swimming, leaving a basket on the shore for provisions; she was gone; he asked different fish; the crocodile asked him to come closer, swallowed the boy; he poured salt and pilipili into his belly; the crocodile regurgitated him; on the shore the boy met woman, she showed her way home]: Frobenius 1983:162; songe [a monkey ran away from the woman, she went looking for her; the animals she met replied that they knew nothing; the cannibal Malo called all the animals among them, the woman saw her monkey; M. swallowed it with the monkey; there was a whole village of people inside; the woman had a knife, she cut a hole in M.'s stomach, swallowed out, formed village]: Frobenius 1983:161; duala [husband and wife quarreled, wife went to their parents; towards the eceleket, he swallowed it; he already had many other people in his stomach; the woman had a knife with her and she began to cut the eceleket; he asked his wife to give him pepper (apparently to poison the woman), but she cut it in half, the people came out and the ecelekete died]: Lederbogen 1903, No. 8:77-78 (retelling in Klipple 1992:362); Swahili [Nundu is a monstrous absorber of people and cattle the size of a mountain defeated by a son of God and an earthly woman who grew up far in the middle of nowhere, or a child found on a mountain; the hero either kills the monster with a spear, sword or ax, or swallowed by the monster and tells the rest to dance in the absorber's belly; that's bad, the hero cuts the way out, everyone goes out]: Knappertt 1997:231-232; bena-lulua [when another woman came to the field, Tshilumi-Tshikuru swallowed it; Kalulu Kadimuke defeated his sons but was swallowed himself; he had only a razor with him; he cut a hole, and he himself and swallowed out, they all lost their hair and scalp]: Frobenius 1983:158; luba: Frobenius 1983:160 [Tshilumi-Tshikulu swallowed all the women; one had skin and salt (apparently leather vessel); she made a hole in his stomach with it, went out with the others swallowed, Tshilumi-Tshikulu died], 160-161 [the woman went to the river to wash the bowls, swam away alone, she went to look for her downstream; the little animal said she saw the bowl; the crocodile said he saw it, offered to sit on it, promised to take it, swallowed it; the same with the woman's husband; the same with their daughter, but she had a knife in her hair, she cut a hole in the Crocodile's stomach, went out with her parents].

West Africa. Dagomba [two young men are friends since childhood, one is poor, the other is rich; the chief's daughter will marry someone who spends six days in her house without food or water, otherwise he will be executed; the rich volunteered to try it; the poor makes a hole in the wall and gives water to the rich man; the girl guessed it, lay down in the same place, put a bowl of water and moistened the edge of her clothes; the rich met a rat, she promised to help; the ants destroyed a bowl and clothes; the chief married his daughter to a rich young man; the young man planted a tree (let his friend watch if it's dry) and went on a journey; in the village, water in the river appears only if sacrificed girl; it was the turn of the leader's daughter; at sunset, a boa constrictor, the spirit of the river, crawled out to the girl; the young man cut him into pieces, water poured out of his body; the chief refused to accept the daughter, because she was given to the spirit of the river, so the young man with as a girl, they settled far from the village; but one day the inhabitants invited the young man to hunt; told him not to approach the hill; but they followed the antelope themselves; the rock opened and swallowed everyone; seeing that the tree dried up, the rich young man went in search of a friend; the villagers and the poor brother's wife mistook the rich girl for her husband; at night, the young man explained that he had vowed not to agree with his wife until he released swallowed; when the rock wanted to swallow it, he cut it with a knife, the swallowed ones came out; the poor friend explained to his wife that the rich looked like him like two drops of water; which of the two is the best friend?] : Cardinall 1931:183-188; ikom [there were no slit gongs before; people went missing for an unknown reason; Ibanang's parents never leave her alone; but she decided to watch her mother she works in the garden; told her father that she would go to get water, and went to her mother herself; when she reached the fork, she did not want to take the cola nuts from the cripple, but ran along the right road; did not listen to him warn me that it was not the way to her mother's garden; the same with the little gong; then she meets bigger gongs; the last one is huge, he swallowed it; the swallowed ones dance inside; they have neither fire nor knives to cut off the gong's heart; the girl's mother returned, rushed to look for her, taking many sharp razors with her; crippled and warned her, but she said she was following her daughter; when the gong swallowed her, she gave the men razors, they cut the gong's heart into pieces, he died; then they cut a hole, went out with the swallowed cattle; they ate the gong meat and made drumsticks out of the bones; when they returned home, people made slit gongs in their villages]: Dayrell 1913, No. 20:52-55; bambara [there is fire only in the sky; a monster comes out of the sea, swallowed all people except a pregnant woman, who was in the cave; her son told him to give birth and collect firewood; instantly grew up, received fire, smelted the first iron, made a spear; the monster swallowed it; inside the young man found many living people; cut through the monster's belly with a spear, everyone came out, but no one wanted to greet the savior out of fear of his power; he returned to his mother, made weapons for people; later he was defeated by Sundyat]: Mariko 1984:102-106 .

Sudan-East Africa. Nzakara [the Toúlé spider asks the mother how to kill Mbili-Kpilin; the mother tells me to take a bag with her, put everything you need to make a fire and cook in it; T. insists for MK to swallow it with his bag; makes a fire, cuts and cooks the liver; MK dies; T. cuts through the outlet, eats MK meat for a long time]: Retel-Laurentin 1986, No. 39:231-233; malgashi: Haring 1982, No. 2.2.60A (gelding) [a crocodile invites a hedgehog to lunch, cuts a bull, a hedgehog eats enough; calls a crocodile, offers leaves with grasshoppers, the crocodile swallows them instantly; both are dissatisfied with each other crocodile swallows a hedgehog], 2.2.60B (sakalava) [tenrecidae rinses giblets in the river, the crocodile demands to share, the tenrek refuses, the crocodile swallows it, he stabs it with thorns, the crocodile dies, the tenrek gets out], 2.2.60D (bar) [the hedgehog takes the place where the crocodile usually lies; he drives it unsuccessfully, swallows it; the hedgehog stabs it from the inside, the crocodile dies]: 282, 282, 283.

Western Europe. The Scots [a farmer in northern Scotland has a lazy youngest son Assinatl ("Lying in the Ash"); six older brothers are pushing them around; the king has a daughter Gemdelavly with his first wife; sister A. her servant; the giant sea serpent Mestern Storworth has sailed; with his breath he can destroy the country; the Queen has a magician lover, she advises you to contact him; he tells me every Saturday throw seven beautiful girls to eat the snake; A. promised to kill the snake, but they laughed at him; the wizard ordered the snake to J.; A. hears his father confess to his mother that he should blow into the goose neck so that his mare would fly like the wind; when his parents fell asleep, he stole the neck, immediately rode to the shore where the boat in which the princess was supposed to take the snake; stole it from the old woman a pot of burning peat; told the watchman that he had found gold, he ran to look, A. swam to the snake, which swallowed it with the boat, A. set fire to his liver, the snake began to fight and regurgitated the boat; pierced his tongue the strait that separates Denmark from Sweden and Norway; its teeth have fallen out and turned into Orkney and Shetland; it itself has become Iceland, so there are volcanoes (the fire in the snake's womb is still burning); the Queen and the magician fled; A. caught up with them on his horse, hacked the wizard; the queen was imprisoned forever in the fortress; A. married J.]: Klyagin-Kondratyeva 1967:30-46.

Western Asia. The Old Testament [God requires Jonah to become a prophet; I. gets on a ship to flee to Farsis (Tarshish); during a storm, sailors throw I. into the sea, realizing that the storm is because of him; the sea calms down, Leviathan swallows I.; spews the living to land, I. preaches in Nineveh]: Jonah 1-2.

Melanesia. Valman [the boys were diving under a big wave, one was swallowed by a fish; the boy made a knife out of a bamboo insert in his nose; when the fish swam to the village of Pagol people, he cut through the fish's belly and went out; the men washed him with hot water, he went bald; the fish swam further, jumped ashore, was eaten]: Becker 1971, No. 56:814-15; Tumleo [a man from Alij Island was swallowed by a shark; while in her belly, he asks where they swim; the shark names the islands; when they are near Alij, a man cuts the shark's belly with a sharp shell; women find it alive on the shore, wash it]: Schultze 1911, No. 7:71- 73 (retelling in Wheeler 1926:42); lower arapes [a rat mistakes a crocodile for a tree trunk, it swallows it, it gnaws through its stomach and saves itself]: Fortune 1942, No. 4:208; Badu [Mutuk swallowed by a shark, he has a knife behind his ear, he cut his shark's belly, comes out bald; climbs a tree on Boigu Island, his sister sees his reflection, he stays on the island, gets three wives; returning to Badu, he and his companions turn into flying foxes; they fly to Boygook, they get killed, they turn into humans again; they get married]: Haddon 1890, No. 5:56-60 (=1904, No. 37:89-92); Admiralty Islands ( Papitalai) [the man bathed, sat on a rock, was swallowed by a fish; he was inside it for 11 days; cut her belly with a bracelet shell, went out, returned to the village; the fish was caught and eaten]: Meier 1908, No. 7:206; Gazelle Peninsula [the fish swallowed two brothers; when they felt that it was near the shore, they cut her stomach with sharp bamboo, breaking the pipe hanging around one of them's neck, and went out; the coconuts were gone, bananas; a turtle brought them two women, found a boat, their descendants settled the island]: Meier 1909, No. 3a: 195-201; mono (Shortland Islands) [on the site a man met with his older brother's wife; he sailed with him in a boat, threw a coconut overboard, the youngest sailed after him, the elder threw him into the sea, returned to the shore; the youngest was swallowed by a fish; he cut a hole in her side with a shell, went out, returned home, with the help of his father, the chief killed his brother, took his widow]: Wheeler 1926, No. 55:41; Santa Isabel (bugotu) [Combili ("fish chief") swallowed Kamakajaku, swam east; when he found himself on shallows, K. took a sharp obsidian hidden in his ear, cut his way out; the Sun brought him to his village; the children of the Sun did not tell him to go to the far end of the house; he went in, lifted the stone, saw below home, wanted to go home; he was lowered in a small hut, told to open his eyes when he heard the sound of cicadas, not the cries of birds; K. returned home]: Codrington 1891, No. 1:365-366 (trans. Permyakov 1970, No. 47:124-126; retelling in Beckwith 1970:504); Malaita [Vulanangela is swallowed by fish, swims east in it for 10 days; when the fish is aground, he cuts through it with a flint knife side, goes out, sits on the ground; hears a knock under him; The Sun replies that V. prevents him from leaving; V. gets up; the Sun brings him to him, he lives with him for two years; returns, bringing people fire from the Sun] : Coombe 1911:291; San Cristobal [the name of the eldest of several brothers Wanohunugaraiia (V.); another one, Wanohunugamwanehaora, is born; immediately grows up, shows how to build a house so that beams do not fell; envious brothers 1) suggest V. deepen the hole for the next pole, put a pole on it, V. calls them from the top of the pole; 2) the brothers take him to the sea to dive for a huge mollusk; V. in advance chewed betel, painted the water red; brothers swim away, V. returns before them, bringing a shell; 3) brothers take V. to a huge fish, let it swallow it; V. took a sharp obsidian with him, cut the fish stomach, went out, brought the fish home; 4) hunt wild boar (V. kills, brings it); 5) climb a palm tree for betel, it grows to the sky; V. takes off the nuts, tells the palm tree to bend down, stays at home waiting brothers; 6) brothers bake V. in an earthen furnace, take it out, he is alive; V. bakes the elder himself, eats it with other brothers]: Fox, Drew 1915:203-207; Florida [Vulanangela was swallowed by a huge bonito; when he was on the shallows, V. cut his fish belly with an arrow, went out at the edge of the sky; the Sun picked him up, led him to his wife in the sky; one day his arrow fell into a hole, he saw the ground below; The sun and his wife lowered him in a basket home to Florida]: Codrington 1881:306-307; Santa Cruz [Lata's parents left the boy under a vessel, they were carried to sea, L. grew up himself; began to cut down a tree to do it boat, Ginota came at night, put chips back; one fell into L.'s bag, screamed, L. and G. agreed to cut together; mother (grandmother?) warns L. of dangers; each time he brings her fish, shark, mollusk, bird that were supposed to kill him; the Lavalu sea monster swallows L., who finds a man and a woman inside, starving their clothes and hair; L. roasts laval's liver, he takes them ashore, people go out, L. gives laval to crabs; crabs bite through a huge wave rushing to L. , who tried to destroy him (she puts shells in her eyes at night, they sparkle, the woman thinks her eyes are open); L. lures the cannibal crab to throw himself into the fire to become beautiful]: Codrington 1893:509-511; Pentecost [a man was sitting on a tree branch above the water, playing the flute; the fish jumped out and swallowed it; he broke the flute, cut the fish from the inside with shrapnel, it died where it swallowed it ; people slaughtered it, heard screams from inside; the man was alive but turned white with fish excrement]: Tattevin 1931, No. 21:871; Loyalty Islands (Lifou) [the woman was swallowed by a whale, she killed him from the inside with a knife out of the sink; the whale was washed ashore, people began to cut it, the woman asked to cut it more carefully, and came out alive]: Hadfield 1920, No. 25:290-292.

Micronesia-Polynesia. Kusaie (East Carolina) [Sorom has sons Rereki and Rereka, swallowed by fish; S. turned to the sorcerer Kuiyan Taf; he took chopsticks, shells, found fish, having previously tried three others; put sticks in her mouth so that she would not cover her mouth; handed the shell knives to the young men; they slaughtered from the inside, he slaughtered from the outside; the fish was washed ashore; S. gave the sorcerer a boat to save his sons]: Mitchell 1973 , No. 71:207-209; Futuna (Herronan) [Yawia was, like Jonah, swallowed by fish and came out alive]: Humphreys 1026:118; Bellona, Rennell: Elbert, Monberg 1965, No. 33 (Rennell) [y ' Atahangahenua is Mautikitiki's son; A. goes somewhere every night wearing his work loincloth; M. hides it; A. found it in the morning; M. secretly follows his father; he picks up a reed bush, goes under the ground; there diggers and fire cultivate the fields themselves; work suddenly stops, A. realizes that M. is peeking while sitting on a tree; A. cuts down a tree, it falls, M. is crushed to pieces; when daughter A. searches for his father's head, her tears fall on him; A. agrees to revive M.; M. and his two younger brothers sail away in a boat, his hook clings to something, he pulls out Rennell Island; the brothers are angry with M. ate their fish (M. himself caught the island, not the fish), which killed their father, who fell and died; M. offers the brothers to get tridacna; she swallows one brother first, then the other; M. is also swallowed, but turns the tridacna upside down, comes out; the brothers are dead; turn {apparently all three together with M.} into the Orion Belt], 34A (Bellona) [Mautikitiki tells the brothers to climb into the tridacna, they are swallowed; M. himself too, but spreads the tridacna, goes out; decides to die too; three brothers turn into Orion's Belt; the youngest 'Anabeka suggests calling him Tongunga-'Anabeka ("Anabek's troika"), the second, Maaui, Tongunga- Maaui; Mutikitiki agrees with Maaui], 34B (Rennell) [starting at (34A); Mutikitiki had previously promised that all three brothers would rise to heaven after death; they became Orion's Belt - Tongunga-Maaui]: 114- 116, 116, 117; Taku [Ariki has Temus's son; people go missing, their boats are swallowed by a shark; when T.'s boat is swallowed, he makes a fire with a fire drill, the shark dies, is thrown on the shore, swallowed, go away; the same is the tridacna shell; T. cuts her muscles, the swallowed ones emerge; the heron tears off the heads of those sitting in boats, carries her away, leaves her on the roof of his house; T. kills her with an oar, tells the parents of the victims to take their heads]: Moyle 2003:143-147; Cook Islands (Aitutaki) [in the land of Kupolu spirits, Chief Rata decided to build a boat to visit distant lands; saw how the White Heron fights the Water Serpent; began to cut down the tree, the next day it was intact; the Heron said he would not be able to finish his work without it; the Heron and the Snake both ask for help; R. helps the Heron, the tree cut down, birds led by Heron make a boat; R. sails on it, Nganaoa asks to take him too, R. refuses; then N. easily catches up with him while sailing in calebass; he needs to learn about his missing parents in Moonlight Country; says it will come in handy when it comes to fighting monsters; pierces a giant bivalve mollusk, then an octopus, with a spear; the whale opens its mouth, N. breaks his spear in half, inserts a whale between his jaws, goes down inside the whale, finds his parents there, makes a fire drill out of one half of the spear, makes a fire in the whale, the whale is thrown ashore to Moonlight Island; all they live there, then return home to Avaiki]: Gill 1876:142-148 (quoted in Beckwith 1970:269-270, in Dixon 1916:68-69); Pukapuka (South Cook Islands) [Lata in Samoa came to the forest, chose a tree , cut down, began to hollow out the boat; the grove belonged to Yanata, he got used to resting under this tree; J. came, they began to fight, J. magically restored the tree; but L. magically replaced it under bark the barrel of others, keeping his boat; finished it; selected the crew, trying to see if a man bends his neck if L. presses on it; they sailed to Fiji (Witi); along the way, the satellites mobilize their witchcraft powers, Cannibal fish (Wakapeyi and Wakapalalu have the ability to spew a lot of crap out of themselves, the fish ate it and fall behind); when a huge tridacna attacks, L. jumps into it, cuts it from the inside with a wooden knife, floats up; distributes the flesh of the mollusk among all the islands of the Pacific Ocean, forgetting Pukapuka; dives, pulls out the root of the shell (it is not suitable for food); Fiji offers competitions to have an excuse to kill and eat strangers; 1) collect more crabs; before sunset, the Fijian hero collected three baskets, volunteered by Tupua-kaia from Team L. one; offered to spend the night in the forest, put stones and leaves in his baskets, covered it with crabs; punched two opponent's baskets as if the crabs had gnawed; the opponent was eaten; 2) weave the mat; Mata-pili-kawa from Team L. worked harder defected; the people of Fiji decided to fatten and eat the strangers without waiting for an excuse; Tupua-kele-ana of Team L. dug an underground passage from the stockade they were being held behind to their boat; the last to leave, Wakapeyi and Wakapalalu filled the passage with crap; the boat was unpacked, but Matai-monomono patched it; they sailed, returned, unraveled the Fijian boats, broke their scoops, sailed away again; the Fijians were flooded crap, boats began to sink; L. and his companions continued their journey]: Beaglehole, Beaglehole 1938; Tuamotu [1) Kuru is swallowed by a shark, cuts its belly, ends up on the island of warlike women, satisfying sea cucumbers; one of the women gives birth to him children; he returns with them, but some of the children grow wings and fly back; 2) (quail in Ting-hui Ho 1967, No. 208:368); Tangaroa is swallowed by a whale, cuts it from the inside, comes out bald; ends up on the island of women whose husbands are pandanus roots; daughter of sister T. Hina finds him, gives birth to a baby; women are going to burn her, but after her prayer, it rains; Rupe appears, takes her away]: Beckwith 1970:503; Marquises: Beckwith 1970 [retelling: Kae will be left in the sea, the fish swallows it, it cuts its belly from the inside, goes out, gets to the island of women; they satisfy themselves with the roots of a pandanus; each always conceives two girls, they are brought into the world by cutting them mother's belly, she always dies; K. marries Hina-i-Vaino'i ("Hina from Vainoi Island, aka Vainoki); teaches her how to give birth; learning that H. becomes young every time she swims on the surf, and he himself gradually getting old, K. asks to send him home; H. calls his whale brother (or dolphin?) Tunuanui, he brings K. home; H. gives birth to a son K., who grows up quickly, plays with girls, his origin is known, H. sends him to his father on another or the same whale (dolphin); people K . want to kill him because he begins to dispose of K.'s property, but K.'s son declares who he is by singing spells; either he or K. forget to send the whale back, this does not lead to negative consequences ; (other paraphrases in Ho 1967, No. 207:367-368, in Steinen 1933, No. 11:347]: 502; Steinen 1933, No. 11a [(full text)]: 247-249 (Russian translation from another source in Permyakov 1970, No. 170:421-429).

Burma - Indochina. Karen [Taub was a weak child, went to the Sun, grew from heat and rain to a giant; he was swallowed by a snake, but T. cut him from the inside and left]: Chesnov 2004a: 176; Viets [in the forest an elderly childless peasant woman finds a skull, drinks water from it, gives birth to a shaggy ball-shaped creature Shaw Zya ("Coconut"); SHZ works well; the youngest of three daughters of a rich man hears playing the flute, peeks, sees how ShZ has become a beautiful young man; ShZ asks his mother to marry him, the youngest daughter agrees; her father tells me to get rich gifts, build a luxurious house; everything is done at the ShZ wedding turns into a young man; becomes an official; when leaving, leaves his wife a knife, two chicken eggs, flint; sisters drown the boat with his wife SHZ, she is swallowed by a sea monster; a woman cuts the throw from the inside, goes out to shore; fire carves in the forest; chicken and rooster are born from eggs; ShZ boat sails along the river, the rooster reports it; the ShZ brings his wife home, her sisters disappear somewhere]: Karpov, Tkachev 1958:112-125; zyaray : Dournes 1977:108-109 [Mère Brousse woman digs a wild yam in the forest; A boa constrictor from a tree causes rain, forcing a woman to climb his tree; she returns home in the morning, asking H'Bia's granddaughter (B.) refuses to marry Boa, her younger sister H'Lui? (L.) agrees; on the River, Boa sheds her snakeskin, turns out to be handsome; in the water, L. attacks the branch, her husband revives her; the older sisters B. and H'Kruah (K., she is the oldest) also want such a husband; L.'s husband finds another boa constrictor, who swallows B. and everyone in the house; L.'s husband finds him, rips his stomach open, revives B.; going to the coast to the Vietnamese, tells his wife not to go out if she is called a strange thing; B. calls her to swing on a swing, she goes out, B. throws her into the water, is swallowed by a crocodile, in his womb she gives birth to a boy; when the crocodile goes ashore, the boy rips open with a knife his stomach, goes out with his mother; in short, he creates a house, his rooster sings, her husband returns, L. tells him what happened], 109-110 [a woman digs a wild yam in the forest, it starts to rain, she comes to banana plantations, promises the owner's granddaughter, Boa descends from the tree, marries H'Lui? (L.) turns out to be handsome; when going to Champa on business, her husband tells L. not to leave the house if she is called; her older sister H'Bia (B.) wants to take her place, calls, pushes her into the water, L. swallows a crocodile, in his womb she gives birth to a boy; when a crocodile goes ashore, the boy rips open his stomach with a knife, goes out with his mother; L. had an egg with him, a rooster comes out of it, sings, her husband returns, walking to the voice of a rooster, finds out L., kills B.]; sre: Dournes 1977:113-114 [fisherman with daughters Nga (eldest) and Ngi is fishing, Serpent orders to give him his daughter, Nga runs away, Ngi agrees marry the Snake; The serpent takes off her skin, becomes handsome, gives wealth; Nga is jealous, also wants a snake, he drags her under water, her husband puts his skin back, turns out to be the lord of snakes, saves Ngi, takes both sisters; Nga pushes Nga into the water, she is swallowed first by a whale (the husband saves), then the sea shell; the tyams find the shell, take Ng; the husband finds her, lives with her at the tyams], 113-114 [ in the forest, the hunter puts his snares, Boa blocks his way, demands a girl; does he offer one of his sisters - Ngi, Nga, Nai Tölui? (she is the youngest, married to the crap); the serpent requires only NT, otherwise he will swallow the whole village; NT comes to him, he becomes handsome, they come to live with cravings; when leaving, the husband tells NT not to leave the house; envious, Nga cuts NT's throat, pushes her into the water; she has an orange, a knife, an egg with her; a crocodile swallows her; she gives birth to a son; the crocodile goes ashore, the son cuts it from the inside; from an orange a tree grows, a rooster emerges from an egg; NT rises to heaven; the husband returns, finds a son, his ancestor The sun helped him identify the boy; Nga pretends to be NT, NT's son hits her; NT descends from the sky; Nga also wants a Snake, finds, raises a stranglehold, he becomes big, swallows it from his feet, she first takes it as a game; the NT husband takes the form of a snake, finds the swallowed one, pulls her ashore, pulls Nga out, she is in worms, her husband makes her whole, forbids her to go out in the sun; she goes out, melts, turns into a termite mound].

South Asia. Ancient India: Erman, Temkin 1985:49-50 [Indra killed Twashtar's son Vishwarupa, cutting off his three heads; T. deprived Indra of his share of the catfish, he came and drank a rightfully strong catfish; then Twashtar created a snake from catfish and fire to Vritra, which swallowed all the water; Indra rushed at him, Vritra swallowed it and fell asleep; Shiva sent him Yawning, Vritra yawned, Indra went out, cut Vritra's head vajdra; from Vritra's skull, Indra made a bowl for himself, cut his body in two; the good part made of catfish rose into the sky and became the moon; the demon part became the womb of all living beings; because Vritra and Vishwarupa were brahmanas, Indra committed a grave sin; he hid in a lotus stem at the end of the world and stayed there], 213 [in the Bhagavata Purana, Indra rips Vritra's belly open from the inside and gets out; in Mahabharata Indra, getting out of Vritra's belly, is defeated a second time, the gods turn to Vishnu for help, who advises to make peace with Vritra, but then enters Indra's arms and achieves death dragon]; India (translated from Hindi) [the crocodile began to devour the inhabitants of the lake, the turtles do not know how to escape; the little turtle allowed the crocodile to swallow itself, grabbed its throat from the inside and killed him; other turtles surrounded her with honor]: Starling and a pea 1956:13-17; Bengalis (apparently Muslims - the mouth of the Ganges) [a red turtle is born every thousand years to save its people; the crocodile king devoured turtles; the red turtle came to him, he swallowed it, but it did not hide its paws under the shell like the others, but grabbed his throat; the crocodile king died; his subjects in They fled in fear; the turtle got out; since then there have been no crocodiles in the village lake]: Gangulee 1940:14-22; Tamils [poor Somanathan, a man with many children, goes to seek fate; fought off his owners the camel cannot throw off his luggage of gold, asks to know when he can get rid of it; the crocodile transports the river, asks when he will be free from stomach pain; the tiger - how to get rid of the thorn in his paw; S. comes to the place where destinies sleep; unsuccessfully tries to wake her up with a stick; the goddess of fate woke her up; Fate promises that from now on S. will live well; tells him to take the bags off the camel, take it for himself; tell the crocodile to regurgitate the diamond that bothers him; pull the tiger out a splinter; the grateful tiger gives S. jewelry, the crocodile regurgitates the diamond, the camel gives the bags, brings him home; envious Raghavan asks how S. got rich; he replies that there is a river far away, the splashes of its water turn into gold; the crocodile gives him jewelry so that he does not splash out the water; he goes again the crocodile swallows it, regurgitates on the fifth day, tells no one to tell; R. tells the boat at home, dies]: Kudinova, Kudinov 1995:210-215; Santaly [the carrier bequeathed the boat to five sons from the eldest wife, and gave his son another upstream from the youngest; everyone used the services of this young man; the brothers, out of envy, lowered him in a boat down the river, taking away his oars; the boat was carried into the open mouth of a snake; the young man waited for the serpent to crawl ashore, cut his stomach and went out; came to an empty village; all the inhabitants were eaten by this snake, there was only one girl left; the young man began to live with her like a raja from rani, for all riches they got it; the wife does not tell them to go south; the husband went, pulled a cow out of the swamp, then a buffalo, who promised to thank them; then he pulled the man out of the well, and he pushed him there; the wife found and pulled him out him; they moved to where his father's house was]: Bompas 1909, No. 98:292-294.

Malaysia-Indonesia. Nicobars [people picked coconuts, went home, one person stayed, all ate coconuts, turned into a boa constrictor on the third day; crawled to where women peeled the pandanus fruit, touched With his wife's tail, she and another woman fainted, the boa constrictor swallowed them; they cut through his side with a knife, went outside, all praised them for their bravery]: Roy 2001, No. 16:36-37; Malays [squirrel and fish friends; the fish's wife is ill; the first time she needs a chicken egg, the second time she needs a crocodile's heart; the squirrel hides in a bamboo vessel with which the woman goes to the river and back; puts an egg there, a woman brings the egg along with the squirrel to the river; the squirrel makes a hole in the coconut, gnaws through the stem, the coconut falls into the river, the squirrel inside, the crocodile swallows the coconut, the squirrel crawls out of the shell, gnaws at it heart]: Skeat 1901:16-17.

Taiwan - Philippines. Ilongot [the hunter dreams that he fell into a deep trap pit; chases a deer in the morning, is swallowed by a snake; cuts the way out with a knife; brings people, they kill a snake, each brings snake meat home]: Wilson 1947a: 68-69.

China - Korea. The Chinese [Yun Wai's maid ate a peach that fell from the mountain, became pregnant by a dragon; she was kicked out, she raised a son; the Black Dragon's wife gave his robe to her lover, the White Dragon; Black blocked the mouth of the Ershui River, caused flooding; the son of SE asked to forge a copper dragon's head, iron fists, knives, throw cakes into the water if it turned yellow, and iron bread if it turned black; puts on a copper head, turns into a Yellow Dragon, fights Black Dragon; people throw cakes into his mouth, Black throws iron bread; Black swallows Yellow, who cuts it from the inside; refuses to go out through the ass, nose, under the arm, through the foot, comes out through the eye; Black becomes one-eyed, runs, cutting through the dam, the water descends; Yellow remains a dragon forever]: Cherkasova 196:355-359; Chuan Miao [the dragon devoured people; Lo Tsï (who could move the sky) took the form of a child, swallowed, tortured the dragon from within; he promised not to eat humans anymore, LC came out of the dragon's side, but realized that the dragon is lying; became a peach, swallowed again; this time the dragon honestly promises to work in the field and not eat people; LC comes out]: Graham 1954:220-221; meo Vietnam [shaman tells the old man to go beg ; in one house, an old woman gives him a chisel, a hammer, tells him to rescue three young men from the cliff; he punches holes in the rocks, goes with the young men to look for the Happy Land; on the way there is a mountain of chicken manure (one a young man turns into a beast, scattered it), two giants cutting off heads and letting the decapitated (the second young man makes himself and his companions invisible, sends forward a decapitated grasshopper, who giants take it for a decapitated person and skip it), a frying pan with boiling fat (the third one becomes tall, steps over the pan, carrying the rest); in the village, parents are preparing to give the snake son; three young men take knives, swallow them instead of a boy, cut the snake from the inside, refuse to get out of their mouth, ass, come out of their neck, sides, back, chain a snake; go to their native country; the snake escaped, young men let themselves be swallowed again, slaughtered a snake, enclosed in a cave; when he catches the sun's ray, a rainbow appears - a reflection of his skin]: Nikulin 1990:63-72; Koreans [whale swallowed the ship; there there were two players and a pottery merchant; the players got into a fight, broke pots, people cut the side of the whale with potsherds; var.: the whale swallowed the fisherman; he slaughtered him from the inside; when a whale got into his mouth algae, bleeding has stopped; it is now being eaten by women in labor]: Choi 1979, No. 695:307.

The Balkans. Ancient Greece [Lycophron's Alexandra (3rd century BC), whose text is difficult to understand and full of complex allusions and associations: 1) "Alas, alas, an unhappy nurse, /You, torches Already burned in the old days, /What was the lion conceived in three evenings carrying, /Although the evil Tritonov dog chewed it./He snatched his inside alive, but was/So scorched in the hearths of the unwounded, /That his hair was from a couple fell to the ground"; translator's comments: stk. 29 - "Appeal to Troy"; stk. 30 - "This refers to the first capture of Troy (under Laomedont) carried out by Hercules. Having saved the city from the sea monster, the whale, the hero demanded Laomedont's immortal horses as a reward. Refused, he ravaged Troy, killed the king and all his sons, except Priam, who inherited his father's throne"; stk. 31 - "To conceive Hercules, Zeus, as Amphitryon, descended to Alkmene for three nights"; stk. 32-35 - "Hercules, fighting the monster ("Triton Dog"), let him swallow himself and, once in the womb, tore out his insides. But there he was so hot that Hercules had all his hair burned" (Surikov 2011a: 220); 2) "Once upon a time, citizens were persuaded to give her/One talker who sowed three daughters, /For a gloomy dinner, that the sea is the color, /That the whole earth was muddied up with sea water, /When he spewed the tide out of his jaws, /A wave swallowed up the surrounding plain. /But instead of a bird, a scorpion fell into the mouth, /And then, having known suffering is heavy, he prayed to Fork/, not knowing how to get rid of the trouble"; translator's comments: stk. 471 - "Trojan Phenodamant. It was his three daughters who were to be given to the whale who attacked Troy (hereinafter referred to as the "dog"). But he convinced the Trojan citizens to put King Laomedon's daughter, Hesion, to be eaten by the monster instead. This is what Hercules saved and then gave it to Telamon, who participated in the campaign"; stk. 476-478 - "Description of the episode already mentioned above with a whale swallowing Hercules instead of Hesion" (Surikov 2011b: 235); 3) "& lt;... > Lovemedont there {to the land of the Sycans}/Sent three Phenodamant daughters, /Angry at the misfortune with the voracious whale" (trans. I.E. Surikova)]: Lycophr. Alex. 29-35, 470-478, 952-954.

Central Europe. Russians (Kurskaya) [in a Russian fairy tale, a boy is freed from piscarik fish with a knife (Proceedings of Kursk. Extras. Committee, 1863, vol.1:531)]: Potanin 1883:795.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Kalmyks [three orphan brothers live alone; the younger ones are dragged away by a snake; a bearded old man drags away; the elder kills a snake, an old man; the male of that snake covers the elder with stones, he is released; brothers they want to die on the river where they lived; cheese falls from the sky; their parents' voice tells them to survive trouble; brothers make wooden daggers; the monster swallows them, they cut it with daggers from the inside, kill it, go out, they live hunting again]: Badmayev 1899:1-3; Ossetians: Byazirov 1971, No. 1 [the son of a witch from the Borata family (SK) and his son Malik (SK) go to marry the sister of seven giants, send their arrows as matchmakers; giants and the UK go hunting, tell her sister and the UK not to open the seventh door; SM threatens to leave, the bride opens, the Waig from Black Mountain (UCHG) is released, takes the girl; SK goes to look for her; meets her, takes her comrades of the Sea Drinker (he shoots after the UCHG, tears off his leg), Zorky, Carrying mountains and valleys on his back, each in response says that he is not amazing, but SK and SM; UCHG goes underground; only SK could push the stone away, go down on a rope through the flame; sends the girl upstairs, the comrades remove the rope, fill the exit with a stone; the UK tells an old woman, whose fang touches the sky, the other to the ground he rests on saying how to kill the UCHG (burn it, it burns), get upstairs (grab the horn of a white ram); SK grabs the black horn, which takes it even lower into the world of Donbettyr; there the dragon closed the water; swallows the UK, it cuts it from the inside, refuses to be belched, spit out, goes over its side, the dragon exhausts; Tsar Donbettyrov sends the UK to the black eagle; the UK hears one of her daughters singing (her snake will eat the day after tomorrow), another laughs (tomorrow), the third cries (she will be eaten today); SK is killed by a snake; a downpour begins (eagle tears), the sun shines (eagle sees that her daughters are alive), a whirlwind (flies); eagle takes the UK to the ground, he feeds it with supplies given by the Donbettyrs; they are not enough, the UK cuts off the meat from the hips; the eagle puts it back; the swineherd says that three brought the sister of seven giants, the king took her away, got married; the SK changes clothes with the swineherd, the elder princess chooses him, noticing his golden curls under her hat; everyone tries the SK quiver and arrows; the SK takes them, puts on gold clothes, destroys guests with arrows, takes his wives for himself and SM]: 5-19; Miller 1881, No. 10 [Rostov Khan had a mistress, he went to her on horseback; his wife sat quietly behind her husband, killed her rival; dying, she asked take the child out; R. took a child named Amiran out of her stomach, threw it into the water; R. fell ill with grief; he had sons Badri and Rusi; they were fishing; a pretty boy jumped out of the water and began to play the surface of the sea; R. taught his sons to catch him; let one sit on the shore and the other shave him not along but across; you must touch the boy's head with a razor when he approaches to teach him shave correctly; when A. was caught, he was locked behind 7 iron doors so that he would not hear the noise of the enemies in charge of the house - Voyugov and Gumirov; he heard and cut down enemies; only Avtsaron Pascondi remained; his A. cut down 6 heads, but the seventh remained and AP flew to heaven; together with his brothers A. went to fight the snake Zariag-Kalm; let himself be swallowed, cut from the inside, came out all shabby; did not receive a field from the brothers, which he wanted, and left; Woyugi and Gumirs became rulers again; the brothers put on copper shoes, took iron staffs, went to look for A.; returned, but on the way back, the AP took the brothers to heaven; A. killed the sea the bull, climbed into his skin; AP took the skin with A. inside to the sky; persuaded the brothers to tell AP that they were dreaming: A. tore off his head; he rushed at them, and A. killed him; the brothers descended to the ground by rope ; A. again forced Voyugov and Gumirov to pay tribute]: 145-147; Khamitsaeva, Byazirov 1991 [Soslan tells how he stayed with his comrades on the shore; at night, fish swam out of the sea and swallowed everyone with bulls and with arbs; they made a fire in the belly of the fish and saw a girl there; S. took her for himself; they ate by cutting the meat off the sides of the fish; when daylight came, the fish swam ashore; people cut through their sides and went out alive; S. still lives with that girl]: 443-444; Ingush: Malsagov 1983, No. 17 [the old man's son is considered crazy, he slaughtered the sheep he herded; his father gives him his seven brothers; they leave him the keys , they tell him not to unlock the seventh door; he unlocked it, darkness broke out, a ring remained in his hand; the brothers praise the young man: we were afraid to unlock this door; the brothers went to sell the ring, the man says it was his; Judge: bring the second one, otherwise they will cut off their heads; the young man goes after the ring; people cannot carry grain overseas, boats drown darkness, take grain; a young man sails in a boat, fights with darkness, in his hand a shoe remains; residents give him four girls for his four older brothers; in the cemetery, a young man fights a girl; a young man hits a girl against the gravestone, braids remain in his hand, the girl wanted to seize that man's soul; the young man's parents gave three daughters for the remaining three brothers; the young man climbs into the tower, tastes food, hides; three pigeons flew in, became girls; they tell What happened to them, they want this young man; he opens, they give him many rings, bring him to the judge instantly; he pours out the rings, kills the judge, gives him to his seven brothers in his wife; they promise to marry him the sister of seven brothers who drink human blood; she promises to marry him if he finds out what happened to Mary Total's nose; the young man meets MT, together they hijack a herd of underwater horses, but MT refuses talk about your nose; so three times (the second time they kill the owner of the horses, the third time they kill the owner of the horses); young man: who is this icy man? MT: my wife; between the mountains of Sarmak, there is a hare in it, a box in the hare, there is a fish in it; if you rub your wife with it, she will come to life; the young man on horseback jumped into Sarmak's mouth, cut him, took out a hare, a box, a fish, revived him MT wife; MT: I beat my wife, she scratched my nose, I turned her into ice; the young man married the sister of seven brothers who drank human blood]: 102-108; Potanin 1883 [the bear makes the ploughman meet her; in that On the same day, his son, who was immediately born and grew up, approaches him; his son became an abrek, takes one more as his friends; each one takes turns guarding the hut; the man himself is six quarters, the beard of seven ties the guard, takes what he needs; the guards are sick; the bear son drives the bearded man into the tree like an ax; he breaks out, they follow the bloody trail to in the tower, a woman picks them up; a bearded man comes, they kill him; a bear son chains his comrades, he cannot; a woman warns that three rams will come; if he jumps on black, then will fall into the third underworld, on red - into the second, on white - he will be on the ground; he falls on black; in the lower world, a woman is going to knead dough in urine; the snake Sarmyg lay down at the spring, gives out water in exchange for a girl; The bear son takes water twice, the third time S. swallows it, he cut it from the inside with a sword, went out; tells the sword that no one but him can remove it from the body of the snake; king, whose daughter was supposed to eat, tells me to turn to an eagle in a tree in the middle of the sea; chicks ask their father for a man; on the way, the Bear Son throws buffaloes and rams to the eagle, and finally cuts off the flesh from his thigh; he belches a piece back on the ground; Bear son finds comrades, marries a woman from the tower, marries his comrades]: 782-784; Georgians (Imereti): Lominadze 1903, No. 2 [Amiran has brothers Badri and Yusup; A. kills the diva and his mother; the king's daughter at the spring says she was given to the whale for water; A. kills the first whale; the second swallows it, Badri cuts off his tail; now the whale can't digest A. even if he wanders around St. Ilya; A. cuts the whale from the inside, goes out; the tsar gives his flying horse, A. takes the daughter of the sea king; B. and Yu are killed; he kills the king himself, hitting not on the head, but in the leg; a child came out of a pool of blood, killed A. , pushing him; his wife threw her shoe at the mouse, the Mouse revived him with grass; his wife also revived A.]: 152-157; Mashurko et al. 1904, No. 6 [Amiran and his two brothers meet red, white, black dragons; brothers are afraid, A. kills white and red, black swallows it with a sword; brothers shoot the dragon's tail; without licking it, the dragon cannot digest what has been swallowed; comes home to mother; A. cuts the way out, the dragon dies, A. kills his mother; more about A.'s marriage, see motive K78]: 50-52; Georgians: Janashvili 1903 [Amiran is the son of Sulkalmakh and Darejan, his older brothers Badri (looks like a girl) and Usip (looks like a crystal fortress); his godfather is Jesus Christ; A. finds the deceased Tsamtsum, Usip's grandson; he killed all the giants, he could not alone; the brothers meet this maiden, he replies that he is going to devour Tsamtsum, Usip's grandson; A. kills him, he manages to talk about the girl Kamar overseas; white, red, black worms crawl out of his three heads and turn into dragons; black swallows A., his brothers cut off his tail, A. cuts it from the inside, comes out bald; Igry made his hair; K. A. breaks the cup, all the dishes fly to the sky to her father; the chase; A. kills everyone by hitting Father K. in the legs, but his brothers died, he kills himself; the mouse licks the blood, K. kills the mouse, the mouse heals him , K. revives A. with the same grass; A. wins everyone, calls Jesus Christ; he offers him to pull a stake out of the ground; he turns into a tree to heaven, A. is attached to him; the raven delivers him every day bread and wine; the dog tries to lick the chain; on Good Thursday morning, all blacksmiths hit the anvil three times with hammers, the chain is restored; on doomsday A. will be free]: 158-167; Chikovani 1954:15- 21 [the wife of a childless blacksmith caught three apples from the river, ate it with her husband, gave birth to three sons; each flies to heaven after baptism; their names are Evening, Midnight, Dawn {in the text: Ivan Evening, -Midnight, - Dawn}; the king has lost three daughters; the blacksmith's wife's grandmother says that only three of his sons could find them; the brothers stay with their mother overnight and see each other for the first time; only Dawn saw the deva, taking the girls away; Dawn met an iron giant (Iron man); but even he could not climb the mountain where the devil; Dawn climbed himself; consistently drives him into the ground, defeats 7-, 9-, 12-headed devas holding three sisters in a copper, silver, gold house; Dawn takes the youngest for herself, the elders for the brothers; Dawn brought the girls down the mountain, after which Iron broke the chain and took them away; the bride I had time to shout where the deva's horse was hidden; Dawn rode home on it; hired a blacksmith; my younger sister did not have a ring, she gave it to Dawn; during weddings, Dawn beats the brothers, drives Iron into the ground; marries a younger princess], 284-294 [hunter Dargelan hears a woman scream, climbs a rock, Dali is there, he stayed with her; his lame wife climbed a rock, cut off D.'s braids; she said that now she not to live, asked to take their son Amiran out of her womb; if he stayed in her womb until the term, he would have defeated God; the child should be kept in a calf for three months, then left on the banks of the Yamana River; angel He christened him, put a dagger in his leg, said that no one would beat him on the ground; A. got up from the cradle, beat Jaman's servants, who laughed at him; I. took him as a friend to his sons Usibi and Badri ; all three grew up bullying people; they advise better to take revenge on the offender, because I. lost an eye; the mother does not want to speak, the brothers put hot khachapuri on her chest; dev wanted to take W. and B., I. gave his eye in return; dev locks his brothers; his sister is chained in a corner; falling asleep, promises to eat A.; sister teaches her to give her a chain, she will pull up the deva's sword stored in oil (A. himself is made of oil will not pull it out), let A. put him to the neck of a sleeping maiden; A. killed the deva; breaking his oath, did not release him, but killed his sister; the brothers meet a deva who knocks wool, the spindle is a millstone; he swallows A.; W. cuts off his tail; brothers shout to Amiran that his dagger is in his leg; A. stabs the deva from the inside; does not want to go out through his mouth or ass, makes a hole in his side; one of his eyes remains inside the deva; he tells anoint the eye socket with a piece of your liver and lung, the eye recovers; A. laid the deva's side with a wooden flap, ordered I.'s eye to be returned; the eye is in the box on the pole, the brothers return it to Iaman; the devas Amiran is offered to get Ketu, the daughter of Keklutz the king, who is in a tower suspended from the sky; a deva woman makes a bridge across the sea from her spit, A. swears that she will take her with her; the brothers crossed when the woman was in the middle of the bridge, A. cut the spit, the woman fell into the sea; so A. broke his oath for the second time; Andreob is being taken to bury the living, the dead would not have been brought; one leg hung from the arba, plows the ground, A. threw it on the arba; Andreob asks for a hand, A. gives the rock, Andreob squeezes it with his hand; Andreob asks A. to take his son with him, he took it; fearing that he would become too strong, killed; so in the third once broke his oath; A. cut off the chains of the tower, Ketu and he fell in love with each other; K. teaches how to find a gap in her father's armor, A. cuts off his head; Ketu revives W. and B. killed by her father; A. even fought with God; he chained him to an iron pole; Kursh's dog is chained with him; both are dragging a pole, about to tear him out; every year God sends a bird; it will sit on a pole, A. will swing, hit the pole, it enters the ground again; Kursha is an Orbi eagle puppy; she has one puppy with her chicks every spring; Kursha has eagle wings on the sides; God chained him with A. because he destroyed many tours; the Svans cry for Kursche]; svany [when dying, Amiran's mother tells her husband to remove the premature fetus from her body and put the bull in her stomach for a month; then put A. in the cradle and put it in the Iaman spring; women They came for water, A. took the jugs and beat the women; Jaman brought A. to be a servant of his sons Visib and Badri; all three became brothers; they offended other children; they asked, If you are strong, why don't you find Jaman's eye and put it in; I. explained: he had to deliver firewood to the monster; when old, he could not do it, the monster took an eye, otherwise it would have taken away his sons; fight against a monster can only be crushed if you can crush a millstone on your knee; they did it; A. fought the gray maiden, V. fought the red maiden, B. with the black one; red and black killed, but the gray swallowed A.; V. and B. shouted to A. to take out his diamond knife; A. cut the maiden from the inside; came out blind; the brothers smeared his eyes with the insides of a maiden, A. saw the light; with the help of his sister, 9 virgins A. and his brothers killed them; she made a bridge of her hair over the abyss; when her brothers crossed it, V. cut her hair and the maiden remained on the other side; she cursed A., ordering her to marry Bright Kaklotia (she lives in the air); the brothers came to the maiden, who is going to eat them in the morning; his sister is chained in his house; the brothers released her, she pointed to a diamond sword that can kill a virgin; A. killed him, found many eyes, one of these, Yamana; A. got a girl in the air; an army was sent for her, V. and B. died, the girl revived them; Amiran's wedding with her]: Margiani 1890b: 6-11; Azerbaijanis [the king's son Lal and daughter Nargis; their mother died, the king took another wife; she demands that L. become her lover; L. hit her, her stepmother accused him of assassinating him, the vizier advised to expel the prince; N. left with her brother; they stopped in the forest; at night N. hears two birds talking; from him he learns that the one who eats the head of one will become king, and the one who eats the heart of the other will find gold under the pillow in the morning; N. killed the birds, ate heart, gave her head to his brother; the diva held out his hand from the sky, carried N.; said that his soul was in a bottle; G. had broken it, a dead diva fell from the sky; L. woke up in the morning, ate a bird's head, went to look for N.; in the city they chose a king, a bird of wealth sat on L.'s head three times, he was made king; N. came to the city, but the watchman did not let her in; it seemed like a monster, N. killed him with a sword, but weakened, lay down in the chest; the watchman appropriated victory for himself, but the vizier did not believe himself, ordered the king to put the watchman in prison; the poor husband and wife found the chest; N. was cured, every morning she had gold under her pillow; N. met the watchman, changed clothes, deceived left her in prison and left himself; the whale sinks ships if a man is not abandoned to him; N. decided to throw him; she orders to tie a rope to her: if there is red foam, the whale is killed, and if it is black, she died; N. killed the whale with a sword from within; the merchant adopted her; the king gave N. his daughter; the merchant decided to take possession of her, threw N.'s chest into the sea; the gardener caught him; {confusion and contradictions; as a result, L. met N., merchant and prison warden were beheaded, mother L. and N. were hanged}]: Bagriy, Zeynally 1935:195-205; Kurds [Krale Kafir agrees not to kill Zal's orphan and his sister; Zal wins sea monster, beautiful Rudabe is under the skin of the beast; KK is afraid of the monster, everyone converts to Z., he establishes Islam; passes his sister off as Kambar; R. cannot be born, the Simurg bird gives a sword cut R.'s stomach, Rostam is born; K.'s wife gives birth to a son named Bedran; K. is R.'s patron and companion; while R. sleeps, the dragon draws K. in, he cuts him with a sword from the inside; the next night K. kills diva, cuts off her ears; R. does not believe, offended K. leaves; Div Heungrman hides R. in a dungeon by the sea; Orynj son R. goes in search; the old woman gives urine instead of water, the dragon has closed the water, gives for the girls; Oh . kills the dragon; the king says that only Simurg knows where Div H. is; O. kills the dragon crawling towards Simurg's chicks; she brings O. to H.; O. turns H. into a mule, R. rides it, Simurg carries O. air; the husbands of the padishah's daughter are found dead after the wedding night; O. remains instead of the groom, cuts off the diva's steel hand, his sister releases 300 petrified horsemen during her life; O. and R. release who fell into the Bedran dungeon; infidels are exterminated]: Rudenko 1970, No. 51:155-174 (Kambar cuts the dragon from within: p.160).

Iran - Central Asia. Shahname [Isfandier, son of Shah Gushtasp, goes on a campaign to Turan against Hakan Arjaspa; he is in the Ruindizh fortress; out of three roads, I. chooses a short but difficult one; kills Two monstrous wolves, a lion and a lioness, who tried to block his way; to kill the dragon, he hides in a chest placed on a chariot with blades; the dragon draws in a chariot, but the blades dig into his throat; I. gets out of the chest, smashes the dragon from the inside with a sword, he dies; I. loses consciousness from his child, but wakes up when the valiant Beshutan poured water on him; then I. kills a sorceress; then, in the same chest, on a chariot with blades, allows the bird to attack Simurg; the blades dig into its body, it cannot take off, I. kills it with a sword; I.'s army survives the snowy storm, wading shallow water, reaches the fortress]: Ulug-zoda 1989:225-238; Lurs [Shah Abbas dressed as a dervish, walked along the road, met an old man and they went together; asked who they were will shorten the road; when he sees a wheat field: what kind of wheat is it if the owner has already eaten ears; when he sees the funeral procession: O dead, if you did not die, would you be dead? crossing the river: which one of us will be a bridge? In an old man's village: Where is your mosque? (the old man pointed out); began to tell his daughter that he was walking with some madman; the daughter explained: who would start a conversation? the owner sold green wheat; if a person has a decent son or brother, he did not die; who would carry someone across the river; by mosque, the satellite meant a house; the daughter guessed that it was SHA and told give him 12 bread and 12 eggs; he ate 3 loaves and 3 eggs on the way; SHA: Is your year 9 months old? the daughter tells me to bring SHA and give it to him; after the wedding, SHA left 3 days later, giving his wife a bead; if a boy is born, put it in his hand and tell him that his father is SHA Isfahan, who buys cheaply and sells at a high price, buys at a high price and sells cheaply; the son grew up, went looking for his father; met a herb collector (ST), stayed with him, but called himself not the son of SHA, but simply Abbas; ST called himself his father; the young man is tired of collecting herbs, he wants to go hunting; ST: but come back before dark, otherwise the gate will be closed and you will be eaten by a dragon; the young man chased the gazelle, did not have time to return; let the dragon swallow himself holding his sword with his teeth and holding its ends with his hands, ripped the dragon apart; Ali's gatekeeper saw a dead dragon and a unconscious young man, beat him, left him in some ruins; the young man was found by a shoemaker, brought him to for himself, went out; now he called himself the father of a young man; the young man began to work in a pastry shop; a maid (or daughter?) , then the vizier's wife saw him; his wife ordered him to dig an underground passage through which the young man began to come to her; SHA saw this, wanted to execute the young man; the shoemaker said that the young man was his son, took it out and showed that bead; feast; guard Ali wrapped in leather and burned at the stake]: Amanolahi, Thackston 1986, No. 3:18-24; Persians: Braginsky 1977:69-70 [the dragon sucks in air, Hatem ends up in him in belly; a peri necklace in H.'s mouth protects him from the heat; the dragon feels uncomfortable, spits out X.], 95-96 [Once at the diva, Hatem begins to tear the mouth of that dragon living with that dragon; penetrates into the mouth dragon; his voice tells H. to rip a hill inside the dragon with a knife; by doing so, H. finds himself first in the water, then in the desert]; mountain Tajiks [the old man tells the prophet that he owed money to a Jew; prophet: Who will pay the debt? Ali: I; then Ali tells the old man to sit on his shoulders and close his eyes, flies with him to the city in the upper reaches of Pyanj; tells the old man to call him his slave and sell ashrafi for a thousand; bought by a local king, asks Ali to kill the dragon (ajdahór); Ali uncovered his sword, the dragon drew it in with the air, Ali cut it from within; then the king asks that the waters of the river be removed so that they do not flood the city; Ali cut a hole, making five exits for five jets; that's why the river is called Pyanj]: Semenov 1903:10-12; Baluchi [the dervish gives the childless king an apple; the king's wife eats it, gives birth to a dead one boy; Azrail takes him away, revives him, his name is Janteg; D. takes Stargazer, Water scholar, buzlanga named Grandfather Gargashang (DG) as his sister; the dragon has closed the water, the king's daughter is taken to be eaten; D. lets himself be swallowed, immediately cuts the dragon in half with a sword; gives the girl to the Stargazer; DG destroys enemies, the princess gets a Water expert; DG brings D. to the girl Hair-in-Forty-Arshin, who marries; the other the king sends the old woman; she encourages his wife to ask D. where his soul is; in a sword; the old woman takes the girl in a flying chest, throws the sword into the river; the brothers take out a sword, revive D., who with the help of DG returns his wife; finds a father]: Zarubin 1932, No. 10:121-133; Uzbeks Khorezma [a man owes a Jewish moneylender, he demands a debtor's daughter; Ali sells himself into slavery to pay off a debt; padishah promises to buy it if he pacifies the Amu Darya, kills the dragon that prevents the river from damming, polonite A., i.e. himself; A. moved the mountain, then held the branches of the river with five fingers; jumped into the dragon's mouth with a sword, cut his belly to the tail; offered to shackle himself, bring him to the padishah (the end is cut off)]: Snesarev 1983:56; Uzbeks: Afzalov 1972 (1) [the king has 40 wives, no children; the vizier advises taking another one, she gave birth to a son and a daughter; the elder wives, out of envy, bribed the midwife, who replaced the children with puppies; the king orders his wife to strip naked and bury her waist-deep in a hole in the steppe; the puppies scoured the steppe and fed the woman, and The bear was raising children; the king noticed a girl sitting at the entrance to the cave; the wives guessed that the children had escaped; the midwife came to the girl and advised her to ask her brother to bring her a shiny clay bowl; the old man teaches you to find a horse, jump to the mountain, call the bowl and jump away; something sparkling will follow and, if it catches up, melts; but the young man rode away, and when he returns, he picked up the bowl; the old woman advises his sister send his brother behind the magic mirror; the young man stopped under the plane tree; there the dragon climbs to the nest of the chicks; the young man flew into the dragon's mouth with a naked sword, ripped the monster from within; the Simurg bird ordered to take a wineskin of meat and a wineskin of water, fed it along the way, brought it to the king, who had a thorn in his hand; with a pen, the young man pulled out a splinter, asked for a magic mirror and a chronicle in which the king, looking in the mirror, wrote down everything that happened in the world; when the young man brought the mirror and the chronicle, the king came, the brother and sister went with him and the king read the chronicle in front of everyone; 40 wives and a midwife were thrown into the zindan; a wife buried in the steppe refused to return, promising to let the dogs down; the viziers went, the dogs gnawed at them; the son went, the dogs attacked him too, he screamed, the mother recognized her son's voice and recalled the dogs; the mother agreed to return subject to the condition that they would send an arba with golden wheels for her, lay carpets to the palace and remarry; they feasted for 40 days and 40 nights]: 489-496; Ostroumov 1890, No. 13 [the tsar went blind; the eldest son took money from him, middle ground, and the youngest went for medicinal land that heals blindness; the old man and the old woman tell me to climb into the horse's skin, the eagle will take it to the mountain, in 2 years it will lower it, it will be necessary to catch a horse, he will bring it to the healing land; on the mountain, the prince fed the eagle's chicks; when the eagle lowered him and he caught the horse, he and the horse were swallowed by a fish; in the belly of the fish, a girl kidnapped by a diva and also swallowed by fish; The healing land she had taken from the diva, she gave it to him; they got out of the fish, returned to the prince's father, who saw the light, the prince married the girl he had brought; the brothers killed him while he was swimming, the corpse was abandoned into the river; the wife became a dove, found the corpse, revived it with live water; revived her husband's brothers executed by the king; they were forgiven]: 79-81; Bukhara Arabs [the old woman and son went to herd a cow, went into the yard; in the house 40 divas are sleeping; the young man untied two horses; the divas go out one by one to fight them, the young man killed them all, threw them into the well, one was half-alive; the young man told his mother not to look into the well; she wanted a husband to have; the old woman throws clods of earth into the well while the diva says that she will be her younger, older brother, father; pulled it out when she promised to be husband; gave birth to a child with him, left him on the road, her son picked it up brought; the boy grew up in 10 days at the age of 10; warns his older brother that the diva wants to kill him; the diva attacked, the mother poured millet under his son's feet, the diva knocked him down, but the diva's son killed both him and his mother; the young man afraid that his brother might kill him, went on a journey; the brother ordered to plant two reed stems: if the deceased was in trouble, blood and pus flow; the young man met a girl given to the dragon to eat; taking the sword entered the dragon's mouth, came out of the ass, cutting the dragon; cut a belt out of the dragon's back as a souvenir; the emir's daughter throws an apple at him, the emir puts them in the stable; the son-in-law puts them in the emir he has prepared food is manure; explains that it is dark in the stable; they are moved to the barn; into the house; the older sons-in-law did not get anything while hunting; the youngest gives them game, puts a seal on their backs; asks the emir to return his two slaves to him; all we were convinced that the emir's son-in-law had a seal on their backs; now the young man is the emir's recognized son-in-law; we see two moons; the wife: the one in the west is Chulpan-Sulyuk, she shines like the moon; the young man goes to get it; her diva brother wins him, pulls out his eyes; the young man's brother (i.e. the son of his mother's lover) comes to his wife, does not tell him to touch him in bed; Brother C. wins, makes him return his eyes; the emir's son-in-law returns from C., receives throne; they have reached the object of desire, and you will also reach it]: Vinnikov 1969, No. 12:84-88.

Baltoscandia. Kalevala [Wäinemenen did not find the three words needed to make a boat; he goes to the womb of Antero Vipunen, a giant who has grown into the ground and overgrown with trees; the path lies at the ends needles, swords and axe; to pass, V. asks Ilmarinen to forge iron clothes for him; AB wakes him up from sleeping underground; puts a stake in his mouth, enters his womb and begins to forge iron there; AB and V. threaten to each other; V. feels he has learned enough, AB comes out of his mouth, finishes the boat]: rune 17:194-207; Karelians: Yevseyev 1950, No. 6 [Väinämöini went to gain wisdom; Antervo Vipuni died, a spruce grew on his forehead, a pine tree on his shoulders; V. fell, AB swallowed it; V. made a boat, sailed through his veins, swam out of the womb of the deceased], 34 [Väinämöini is three words missing to finish the boat; Vipuni He died a long time ago, alder grew on his chin, pine trees on his teeth, ate on his eyebrows; Väinämöini walks along the edges of his swords and needles, goes down into Vipuni's womb, makes a smithy out of his shirt, a fur coat, ticks from his little finger, a hammer from the elbow, begins to forge; Vipuni says he ate wolves and bears, but not like them], 170 [the blacksmith goes to marry An'n'oi, daughter of Hippo-Hiizi, granddaughter of Hipon Hiijen tuttareh, Vägi Vuoregen bunukkah); he has only one in a hundred stakes without a groom's head; he requires 1) plow a snake field, 2) put a snake fence, 3) make a chaff rope, 4) catch a pike (blacksmith asks Ukko to hit her with iron hail); the blacksmith throws the pike on the table, H. in the form of that pike swallows it; in order not to go out with feces, the blacksmith makes furs out of his shirt, with his fists on his anvil knees forges a knife, cuts X.'s womb, he dies; when the blacksmith carries A., she tells him to sing as he sang, killing her father; he refuses, she breaks her sleigh, turns into a ruff, offers a pike blacksmith swallow the ruff from the tail; it does not turn it into stone (it will be kicked), into sand on the bottom (the waves will gush), makes Katerina the Seagull], 172 [Ilmoilline goes to marry An'n'oih, the woman's daughter Hiizi, granddaughter of the strong Vuora (Hiijen akan tyttäreh, vägevön Vuoran vunukkah); in the middle of the tenth sea, H. breaks an arc, a clamp, a runner; I. every time he creates an island with a song, makes new ones; out of a hundred there is only one stake without a head; H. tells 1) to walk along the tips of the stakes, 2) plow the snake field, 3) get a pike from the bottom of the sea (I. asks to send an iron hail to the pike); H. swallows I. with a sleigh and a horse; I. forges knives (shirt - furs, knees - anvil, fists - hammers), cuts his way, takes A.; she asks to sing the same song that I. sang when killing her mother; I. turns A. into a seagull], 176 [virgin Iroi gives birth to Väinämöine, Ilmoilline, Yugamoyne; Lulelina's little woman tells I. that Hiizi-Hiime's daughter, Vägi Vuonehen's granddaughter Katerina, is married; she brings Suomen Voitto water and Vohvolaine-Voimoraine, and I. beer; 1) bring a piece of gold (Wain. gives); 2) take a steam bath in a hot copper bath (Wain. cools); 3) plow snake burn (Wain. heals bites); 4) bring it to the wedding sleeping Almighty Ukko (Ukko-Ylizen); the snake swallows I., he makes a forge out of his shirt, furs out of his pants, hammers, his knees an anvil, goes over his side, grabs the snake by the neck with ticks, so drags it on wedding; I. carries his wife in a sleigh, she sees the trail of a hare, wolf, bear; says she is better to follow this trail; I. turns her into a seagull], 179 [virgin Iroi gives birth to an older, second and blacksmith- Ilmoilline; I. forges a folding knife (pants - furs, fingers - ticks, knees - anvil); an eagle flies with many people under its wings and on his back, tells 1) to plow the snake field; 2) bring Kat'an a wedding dress from the nine seas; Igä-buabo promises to give if he dances on her tongue, swallows I.; he makes a knife (tick fingers, etc.), rips open her stomach, goes out, brings Katya box; 3) K. offers to wash in a hot bath, I. cools it; when K. takes her home, she disappears, becoming a grain of sand at the bottom, a star; I. sees her, she immediately returns; he turns it into a seagull], 180 [Ilmoillina, who has forged the sky, tells her mother to heat the bathhouse, cools it; comes for Annika, the daughter of Baba Hiizi; she tells her to plow the burn, around her head on stakes, you have to plow while the horse gets tired; the horse gets tired, I. takes A., followed by a chase; I. turns A. into a pike, makes a forge (anvil knees, etc.) in this pike, threatens H. to rip open his daughter's belly, she stops chasing, I. brings his wife home]: 58-59, 83-84, 340-343, 345-349, 358-363, 365-368, 369-370; Lithuanians [father gives his son to study to a magician; in three years he must recognize his son among 1) bulls (one will step aside), pikes ( splashes out to the edge of the tub), pigeons (sit on the stove); how to identify, the shepherd teaches, the father takes his son; asks him to say what the raven is shouting about; "That the father will bow to his son"; an offended father pushes his son into the sea, it is swallowed by a fish, in its stomach there are two fishermen with a shuttle; they make a fire, fry fish meat, it dies, pops up, they go out; the prince goes to marry the queen, takes the wizard's apprentice as a companion; the king asks riddles, the one who does not guess will be cut off; the young man wears a prince's dress, solves riddles (the king releases a goat with goats, the young man releases the wolf that tore them apart; the same is a chicken and a hawk; then tells the prince himself should release the nightingale and the lark {all this is not explained directly}); the prince gets a wife; the young man hears the conversation between two birds: 1) the stepmother princess will bring poisoned wine to the young, 2) send ride immense horses, 3) snakes are hidden in the bedchamber; who tells, petrifies; the young man seems to inadvertently pour wine, kills horses, kills a snake; a drop of blood drips on a young woman, a young man wants it erase, the princess shouts that he wanted to kill his father; at the place of execution, the young man tells everything, turns into stone; after the birth of his son, the father finds out in a dream that his blood should be anointed with a stone; pricked the baby's finger, the young man came to life; beggars come to his chambers, it turns out his parents; the raven told the truth]: Lebite 1965:206-211; the Danes [the king and queen do not want to take the little prince with for a walk; he asks; then the king asks him to take a silver knife and fork to the wet nurse - when he returns, his parents will take it with them; the prince ran to carry out the assignment and saw him leave carriage; he ran after her, found himself in the forest, got lost and ended up in a wolf's lair; the wolf was full and began to play with him; an eagle came down, grabbed the boy and carried it, but dropped it over the sea; he was swallowed by a whale; a boy began to slaughter the whale from the inside with a knife and fork, it died, it was thrown ashore; people gathered, the merchant's son heard screams from inside, the prince was pulled out, the merchant took him to him; playing with his son, the prince threw the ball, hit the temple and killed the boy; the father ordered him to be buried alive with his son; the grave was covered with stones; the fox dug a hole, the prince grabbed his tail and got out; got to the robber; climbed on his instructions into at home; one day he sent him to the stable, where the horse had golden hooves; the groom woke up, the king told the thief to hang; but the boy asked permission to tell his story before he died; the king recognized his son] : Grundtvig 1878:1-7.

Volga - Perm. Komi: Rochev 1984, No. 72 [there was a beast in the river, swallowed everyone; the healer turned his skin, let himself be swallowed, ripped open his throat with a knife, went out; the beast's body was carried to the current village of Glotovo], approx. 72 [(based on the book "Samples of Komi-Zyrian Speech"); A gulp in the river swallowed everyone; two healers, a father and a son; the father sewed his son in his skin, Glot swallowed him, he ripped open his womb with a knife; when he went out, he almost died of heat; Glot's ribs were made of gate poles]: 82, 164; the Bashkirs [in one kingdom gave a young man and a girl to fish to eat; it was the turn of the royal daughter; the boy took a pot of coals with him, the fish swallowed the boat, he poured out the coals; the fish regurgitated the boat with the girl, and the guy cut the fish's belly, got out; the fish petrified - this is the island of Iceland]: Barag 1992, No. 51:101-102.

Turkestan. Kazakhs: Bosingen 1985 [the famous hunter Buldymergen sees a golden-haired deer in the mountains; he asks not to shoot, turns into an elder; his son is a khan of the underworld, there is a gorge, in it The seven-headed dragon takes a girl, a boy and ten rams every week; the poison does not work on him, only B. can master it; B. takes his diamond sword, lets himself be sucked into the dragon's mouth, cuts it with a sword, receives treasures as a reward, returns home]: 94-95; Potanin 1972, No. 9 [the father tells his son Ishim that he will call him a hero if he kills Karaman; the yellow dow says that K. - a one-eyed giant; K. put I. in his pocket; in his cave he ordered I. to fry the dead man; I. burned his eye with a spit, galloped away; K. sent Kara-Gus (an eagle) at him, who threw him into the lake, swallowed him by a fish; there are a lot of people inside; I. cut her stomach in a small place, people went out; I. marries a yellow dhow sister]: 156-158; Sidelnikov 1952 [=1958 (1): 69-88, =Daurenbekov 1979:46-57; Ashken, Moshken {in Daurenbekov 1979 Shoshken)} and younger Zhumageldy leave their father's house; he does not tell them to spend the night in the forest, on a lonely grave, in a cemetery; they spend the night; every night the brothers sleep, J. guards; kills the monster, it turned out A yellow seven-headed bird hid the corpse, put the belt cut out of the back in his pocket; at the next halt he remembered the lonely grave, lifted the stove, went underground, killed the Seven-Headed Dragon; At the third halt, I remembered the cemetery, came to 60 giants, eats more meat than they do; calls the giants one by one to the next room, kills everyone, cuts off and hides their ears; all three brothers they descend to that country; the local khan is grateful that the bird, dragon and giants are killed; J. renounces the khan's daughter and the throne, leaves A., moves on with M.; M. says he is able to drink the sea, J. that his heart is in his dagger; the snake eats the girl and the ram every day, it is the turn of the khan's daughter; J. lets himself be swallowed, rips the snake open from the inside with a dagger; runs away, the edge of the robe remains in his hands girls; everyone is invited to a feast, J. is identified, gives the girl and the throne to M.; kills three giants, marries their sister; the khan is jealous; the old woman asks his wife to ask J. where his soul is, throws a dagger into the sea, the widow takes the khan; A. and M. see blood dripping from the star, M. drinks the sea, they take out a dagger, revive J., who exterminates the khan and his people, returns his wife]: 213-228; Stamboliev 1896, No. 9 (Transcaspian Region, Fort Alexandrovsky) [the tsar was widowed; the eldest son Shakurat was 16 years old, the youngest Shakur was 14; the new wife slandered the younger stepson, the king ordered the guards to kill him; the guards felt sorry for Shakur, gave a piece of gold, they soaked his shirt with the blood of a ram; he met Shakurat, who ordered him to tell his father that he was also dead; Shakura was bitten by a snake; Shakurat left gold with him and a note asking him to bury the deceased; he came to the city himself where the serpent ate people; Shakurat agreed with the snake that he would only take a young man and a girl every year; the worshipers found the dead Shakur and revived him; he gave them gold, came to the elderly, their daughter tomorrow the snake must be given; he tells him to dress him up as a girl and leave him where the serpent will appear tomorrow; the serpent swallowed Shakur, and he cut him from the inside with a dagger, went outside, lost his senses; nobles they buried the body of an imaginary girl, attributed the murder of a snake to themselves; the old men accidentally found Shakur half-alive and revived it; the nobles found out everything, sold Shakur to the caravans; they have to cross the sea, they want sacrifice Shakur; Shakur begged them to leave him on the shore, cut off his little finger and threw him into the sea, the waters parted, the caravans dried to the other side; Shakur was gifted; he bought a chest, inside it turned out to be a girl; she told Shakur to describe his life and leave her a note; the caravans were jealous, took the girl, Shakura was thrown into the sea in the chest; he was caught by one king, made Shakur heir; the caravans sold the girl to King Shakurat; he read the recording of Shakur's life; Shakurat sent ambassadors and found Shakur; caravans and nobles were punished; the brothers found a father deprived of the throne; he was freed from spell witch wives, put back on the throne; everything is fine]: 68-76; Tursunov 1983 [the old woman's daughter was stolen by an ogre; she went to look for her on a salt horse ("sary at"), did not find her, became pregnant, named her son Saryat; he is strong , playing maims others, he is advised to go look for his sister better; his mother admits that S. had a sister; on the way he consistently meets and companions three giants from whom the cannibal stole their mother, sister, younger brother; they take turns cooking; the cannibal is an inch tall, a 40-inch beard eats meat, beats the cook; S. began to strangle him, but he ran away, went to the well; the giants lowered S. on the arcana; sister orders the sleeping cannibal to cut off the head with his sword, which hangs on the wall; S. insists that his sister be raised first; the giants picked her up, S. left at the bottom of the well; the sister managed to say that they will take two cats (a sheep producer), a white one will take it to the ground, the blue one will lower it into the underworld; S. hit a blue one with his sleeve, was below; two people drive a cow, it mooes (the dragon will eat it today) , one person is sad (he will eat tomorrow), the other laughs (eats the day after tomorrow); the dragon swallowed S., he came out from the other end, the sword cut the dragon, he died; Khan asks S. to help the bird Samruk, whose chicks every year the dragon eats; S. killed the dragon with a sword; when the bird arrived, the wind rose, the stone hail began; the bird swallowed S., but regurgitated when it found out that he had saved the chicks; carried it to the ground, no meat enough, S. cut off a piece from his leg; the bird grafted it back; S. returned his sister, cut off the giants' heads]: 50-54; Uighurs: Kabirov 1963:125-153 [the girl is kidnapped by a bear, she gives birth to a son hero, he kills a bear, returns with his mother to people; his name is Tugluk-Batur; the khan is afraid of his strength, the vizier offers to give difficult tasks; 1) kill the dragon; T. rushes into the dragon's mouth with a sword, cuts it from the inside; 2) kill the diva; along the way, T. consistently wins and companions heroes named Er (earth), Chol (desert), Su (water), Tag (mountain), Ashlyanpu (cold noodles), Muz (ice), ( Uighur name is not given) (millstone), Tomir (iron) -batur; without recognizing T., A. boasts that he will easily defeat him, he is defeated himself; in the house, the diva remains guarded while others hunt; the diva binds him with hair- a snake, sucks his blood; next time T. remains on guard, injures a diva, follows a bloody trail to the well, descends on his belt; frees the two daughters of the diva, whom he was ready to kill for pity to his victims; they explain where their father's soul is (kill two roosters with green beans; go down to the basement, a fish swims in the chest, an egg in it, a box in it); T. burns the box, the diva dies; T. sends up the treasure, the diva's daughters, four more women; A. cuts off his belt, T. falls, the divas heal him; T. kills the snake that devoured the Simurg bird's chicks; she brings it to the surface, the last piece of meat for Simurg T. cuts off from his leg; the diva's daughters turned four women into cats, they scratched A.; T. married the diva's daughters (killing the dragon: 136)], 249-256 [Mulukdar marries; soon learns that in deceivers and parasites live in the city in the east; goes there; saves a fish on the way; some young man becomes his companion; during the night, M. sleeps, the satellite grabs something that fell from the sky (it was the lightning that would kill M.) kills the yalmauz, the dragon (he sucks everything, the young man cuts through it from the inside); in both cases frees the prisoner; parasites who marry a girl in the city pay dowry, die on her wedding night; the old woman explains that a snake crawls out of the girl's mouth; M. puts sleeping pills into the wine, kills the snake; returns with his companion; the satellite explains that he was saved fish, guarded by M.; M. takes the girls to their parents, stays with his first wife]; Malov 1956, No. 10 [the tsar's three sons went on a journey, went on three roads; there was a drum; two hit the drum; went out the girl asked: what did Gyal-Gyal and Gul-Sambek do; they could not answer, they were thrown into prison; when his younger brother came, he saw an old woman turning a cotton ginning machine, he asked her this one question; she ordered to go to the steppe, where there is an elm tree, on which the Simurg bird's nest, the chicks are devoured by a dragon; the dragon is three days away; we must take a sword; the young man came up - the dragon is resting; the young man came in with He died with a sword into the dragon's mouth; he fed his chicks with meat; Simurg: what do you need? young man: what Gul-Gul did and what Simurg did (sic!) ; Simurg told me to stab two yaks, take meat and water; did they fly three days and three nights to the upper universe; when they arrived, Simurg: did he give me meat from his chair? gave the young man fluff to summon him (the fluff must be burned); the young man went to the same land, the sound of a drum rang; young man: play tambourine! Why don't you play? What did Gul-Gul do and what did Semir-Gul do? he kicked and chased {it's not clear who}; {he finally tells}; Semir-Gul had a wife; she had a cloud horse; and a wind horse; those horses Wind and Cloud walked and came back; he caught them and tied them up; went to a woman; horses are standing in the yard by the dog's trough, below the maize tops; this woman has seven divas; when he started fighting with those relatives and fighting with the diva (?) Gul-Semer-bek, then this woman Gul-Semir-beku poured one fur into his legs; he overcame the diva and tied it; then the woman was given seven divas, he returned home; that young man Gul-Gulu did and did what he did Semeru (?) ; they were my younger brothers; and they gave one iron rod; go to his house, pierce it with a rod; then that cauldron screamed {not at all clear, cut off}]: 63-67; yellow Uighurs [two brothers They tyrant her sister; she dreams that the sun and the moon have entered her; finds a golden spindle in the spring, hides it on her chest, it disappears; so twice; the third time she puts it in her mouth, swallows her; the brothers expel her, after giving birth to a mare, a dog and three goats; all animals immediately bore offspring, the sister gave birth to a boy Gesar; brothers send a crow, a dog to kill him, G. easily kills them; send a monster; G. turns into the egg, teaches the mother to advise the monster to swallow it, gets stuck in his throat, grows up, the monster dies; they come by themselves, supposedly with gifts; when they leave, one returns, nails the baby to the cradle, puts a stone on top, lowers it into the river; the mother finds it, cannot move the stone, G. drops it, gets up unharmed; they live in a hut; two princesses come to them, thinking of destroying the hut; G. accuses them of stealing marmots, finds marmots in their clothes; the khan will marry the eldest to someone who 1) wins the race (G. overtakes the riders on a bull), 2) threads a thread through a twisted horn (G. ties her to the ant), 3) will cover the mountain with silk (G. throws a piece of silk, it covers the whole mountain), 4) recognizes the bride among a hundred horsemen (the goose says that a bee will curl next to her); G. gets a wife]: Stuart, Jhang 1996:40-43; salars (Ujirem, Xunhua-Salar Autonomous County) [the old man had two wives but no children; he went to heaven to ask for a child; there were three boys in heaven, the youngest was given old man; the old man returned home; in the morning a golden eagle flew in; dipped one wing in milk, hit the old man and his elder wife with it; the second wing hit his younger wife; she became pregnant; the elder wife took her to the mountains; the youngest gave birth to a boy there, began to live in a cave; Mungiskarjah said that he would eat her son; the boy told his mother to wash him and put him on a plate; then turned into a frog; the mother said to M.: "Don't chew [ Just], I'll put it in your mouth. The frog is tiny, [you] swallow [it] whole"; as soon as M. swallowed the frog, it turned into a human; he hung M.'s upper jaw (letters. mouth) from the sky, and the lower jaw (letters. mouth) - attached it to the ground; this is how he killed him]: Tenishev 1964, No. 11:26-27.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Altaians (Aktai-Katunja) [Ker-Dyutpa (Gnedoe Swallowo) blinded an old man and an old woman; young Tektebey-Mergen is surprised at the horse's behavior on his first departure from home; he explains that they almost went into the mouth of a CT scan, whose upper lip moves across the sky and the lower lip on the ground; TM hawked his upper lip to the sky; CD asked him to gird his stomach when he killed him, throw the golden box into the lake; TM ripped the belly of the KG, released people; some are dissatisfied, because it was warm inside; threw his stomach on the iron poplar - the poplar burned; the intestines into the lake - it dried up; broke a golden box, silver inside, I found the eyes of an old man and an old woman in a white shawl]: Radlov 1866 ("Samples.. ", 3; Proben.., vol.1:39, 73) to Surazakov 1985:40-41; Tuvans: Hadahane 1984:59-65 [E-Sarig has an Ege-Shyrban horse; mother asks not to go to sunset, his father left and never returned; ES is going, a monster kills with an arrow; at this time, three wild geese fly over the yurt, asking if ES is at home, if his horse is tied Ash; the mother is so surprised that she cut her nose with a knife; the geese are flying again, S wounded one in paw; goes in search; asks the old man to allow one camel to be slaughtered; that: if the khan finds out, it will be bad; but allows; another shepherd with calves; asks ES to drive them to the khan; they scattered by the river; khansha: Is it really difficult to say "Khan's cattle, wade across the river"; ES says the calves are crossing; the khan has eyelids to his nose, he raised one finger, told the servant to serve whey; hansha: the cows are not milked; ES milks, they do not give milk; hansha: "Is it really difficult to say, leisya, leisya, khan's wealth"; milk has poured; at night khan tells him to lick his heels; ES cut off his tongue from the cow's carcass; khan asks why it's hard; ES says that from whey; Khan tells me to remind ES with cream; ES cuts off the tongue of a dead dog, Khan liked it, he fell asleep; ES marries Khan's youngest daughter; Khan tells seven sons-in-law to save the foal; mare gives birth every three years, the Khan Hereti bird takes him away; the sons-in-law sleep, ES shoots, the bird drops the glowing feather; the khan orders to bring the bird itself; ES goes to the lower world, there are three poplars on the island, with nests with birds; Mangys came out of the lake, the chicks screamed; ES climbed into the throat of the mangysu, ripped it apart, jumped out; it rained, the 20th bird flew in, ES asks her to return the foals; she tells her to prepare food, throw it in flight; they flew, XX releases 9 horses from his nostrils; ES met his older sons-in-law, sat on the carpet, fell into a hole, his sons-in-law took his horses away; the ES horse comes running to his wife, tells everything; his wife pulls him out; Khan tells him shoot everyone up; the arrows of the sons-in-law kill them, the ES is unharmed; gets half of the cattle, returns to his mother with his wife], 66-71 [Thoven-Tazha ("tazhy" - prince) has the wife of Aldyn-Dangyn and Humush-dangyn ("golden" and "silver"); they leave him food, but leave; the sage explains that HT is destined to live with Chechen-Nogaan, "born in a flower", she is east overseas; two geese are crying by the sea, and now a water rat will swim out and eats them; the rat swallows TX, he rips it open with a knife, goes out; the goose carries TX across the sea; he pulls out a golden flower in the clearing, the goose carries it back, where his horse rested; at night, albys ( werewolf) stole a flower, threw it into the river, turned into a girl herself; he married her, but lost his luck, only Koge-Shagaan's horse was left; HE came to the old woman, she found a flower, he turned into a girl, she grew up quickly, TX took her away; she gave birth; the eldest wife killed the child, said that the mother killed him herself; ordered her to be taken in a sack to the ends of the earth; slandered CHN: let her head become taiga, tears streams, bones with stone scree, eyes with two black crows, they will tell TX the truth; T comes, eats herbs and berries in the taiga; crows tell everything; under the rock there is a tent, in which CHN; she gives a gun; let the werewolf shoot at EX, we must fall and laugh; the werewolf will also want a merry bullet; TX kills the werewolf, ChN returns]; Buryats: Barannikova et al. 1993, No. 6 (SE Buryatia) [Zer Dalai sees a lung among the herd, it has turned into a 50-headed mangadhai Asuri Shara; they decide to fight in 3 days; ZD hides his sister Bashalay, a bird and a dog in a white rock; the mangadhai kills him; asks all the objects in the yurt where the inhabitants are; the doorknob says it is in a white rock; B. runs away from the mangadhai, pours blood out of the tueska, the mangadhaya licks it off the ice, for example, B. cut off his head; disguised as a man, he goes to heaven to three Sunday girls; finds himself inside a bottomless monster camel; there are people swallowed 5, 10 years ago; B. pierces a hole with an arrow, people and animals go out; the resurrections suspect that this is a girl, but she avoids being checked; brings them to her brother's remains, runs away herself, chipping in with a hare; the Resurrectionists revive ZD, become his wives; he is going to shoot a hare, her sister tells me not to shoot, takes on a human form; two older wives tied a ball of red thread to the ZD belt, they found the house where B. lives; threw gold in her mouth ring, she is dead; the youngest wife answers ZD that she is not to blame; he asks the elders what they want: the tails of 70 horses or the tips of 70 ribs; tied them to the tails of the stallions; put the body of his sister ZD in a box, hung a blind red deer on his horns; a red deer came to Khartaganag Khan; a child and a golden ring fell out of the box; the girl grew up, the khan's son married her, they have a child; ZD found them, everything is fine]: 109-117; Khangalov 1959 [the colorful forest lion Oktor plowed the sky with his upper jaw, the ground with his lower jaw; swallowed everything, sucking it into himself; Abay Geser Bogdo Khan inserted a spear into his mouth, flew inside, cut off his heart; Gaser and his batyrs went outside, followed by people, cattle, animals who had previously swallowed]: 272-274; Khalkha Mongols [the elder sister has a son Ihe-Alim, the youngest has Baga-Alim; I. went see the world; tamed the piebald horse; the black old man warns that there is a ten-headed Mangyt-Khai ahead; the horse tells him to cut his belt out of his back, make a reliable bowstring, fire an arrow; after her slipped past M.; the humpback old woman crawled up, asking for meat, swallowed I. with the horse; she was M.; I. cut her heart in her stomach and went outside; the gray shepherd replies that he was herding Irbisyn Khan's herd; warns of dangers on the way to that; a bird, on one side of which is deadly heat, on the other hand, frost; I.: a little lukewarm; fresh; the horse carried across the Sea of Fire; two mountains ahead are the bow of Khirzdir- batura; his arrow hit I. to death; his horse, becoming a dragon, flew to heaven; the mother of the gods Angir-Shara-Emagen and Otkon-Tengir revived him; they said that H.'s soul, on average, was three poplars behind his house; and . summoned his horse from the sky and hit a middle poplar with an arrow; killed Irbisyn Khan, killing the ram in which his soul was; went after the victim's widow; she is overseas; the shepherd replies that he is driving 10,000 calves through the sea, telling him to "part", and then it closes again; tells them to "become attached" and they become attached; I. killed the shepherd, did everything as he came to I.'s widow, she accepted him, he began to rule the kingdom]: Beningsen 1912:81-86; Oirats (durbuts) [episode of a long story about the hero Mekel; he went after the bride, there is a huge snake on the way, the upper jaw rests against the sky, the lower jaw against the ground; pulled M . into his mouth; he pinned her upper lip with a spear to the sky, pressed her lower lip with a blunt end to the ground, tied the horse to a spear, entered the mouth, cut a hole in the snake's back, tore the snake apart, and came out from there two uluses: the khoshuts went north, the olutes went south; a year later M. meets a camel, whose upper lip hits the sky, the lower lip against the ground, this thunder causes stones to roll, larch falls; M. tamed the camel, led to a poisonous sea]: Potanin 1883, No. 135:471-474; the Mongors [the 9-headed demon king eats cattle; the Jade Emperor sends his nephew Erlang (Gesarjiawu) to land; he is born to earthly woman; the monster finds out about this, sends his general Xiajuaqiang to destroy E.; grown up E. tells his mother to ask S. to swallow it whole; turns into a baby; S. grows in his throat, that suffocates, dies; four brothers of earthly father E. give him power, sheep, horses, a mountain of beggar staffs, he becomes a local ruler, marries; E. sends his wife along with other women serve the monster; breaks the bracelet, he and his wife take their soul mate; E. takes a new wife; the same with her; tells the third to watch the water in the hole on the stone until it dries, he is alive; takes a heroic horse , goes to fight the monster; the wife jumps after; E. turns into a 9-headed monster, wonders, answers his wife that no one has passed; she gives him clothes every time; returns; E. takes her form, fires three arrows, they turn into birds leading his wife home; at night they turn into the clothes that the wife gave to the imaginary monster; she understands her husband's power; the pass guard is E.'s first wife; he is hers wins, she recognizes him, gives him a ring, explains what to do; the ring helps to pass between the mountains; E. kills a buffalo standing in the pond, the reservoir dries up, E. passes; contrary to her warning three magic arrows, E. picks up a pebble; it becomes very heavy; E. sees that a monster servant has come to his wife at home; the arrows fly to find out, return, lying that everything is fine at home; the monster's wife - E.'s second wife; notices half of the bracelet he threw into a bucket of water; teaches E. to take her form, go to the monster's mother on the left (she is blind in her left eye), kill her; his wife hides E.; asks a monster, what will happen if E. comes; the monster hides his wife and son in his stomach and mouth; he cannot be defeated without extinguishing the fire on his chest, without depriving him of his iron boots, without taking a special rope, him tie; E. extinguishes the fire with arrows, the wife sprinkles beans under the monster's feet, E. knocks him down; severed heads grow when the mouse defecates on the stumps; the wife tells the monster to rip open the stomach, he dies; the monster is two brothers; E. takes the form of a monster, comes to his brother, kills him and his wife; E.'s wife wants to keep her son alive from the monster; E. comes back, kills the one he says he will suck his blood, turns into a mosquito; E. returns, meets his father, who recognizes him when he sees a third eye on his head under his hair; after finishing off demons, E. returns to his mother]: Stuart, Limusishiden 1994 : 148-152; Dagurs: Bender, Su Huana 1984:69-82 [in the north, Chunjina is Hungduledi Mergen's older sister; his fiancée is Tarelan, third daughter of Tulamir Mergen; in the south, Archuni Mergen with three wives; while XM is not at home, A. took his sister away; she wrote about it in blood; XM jumps to save her; the horse orders to kill AM guards and spies - boar, owl, snake; the snake must be hit from within by cutting the heart; XM jumps into his mouth, hurts his heart, but the snake's blood poisoned him, he lies breathless; the horse resorts to TM for help, he rides his 8-legged horse, but cannot defeat AM; his daughter tries unsuccessfully revive XM; he is revived by a heavenly maiden; XM marries both; kills AM's sons, after a hard battle, himself, then his three wives; brings his sister home, but during this time his heavenly wife with two her heavenly father took her to heaven as children; XM climbs there from East Mountain through deer antlers that have grown to the sky; finds sons and wife; wife gives a hat to protect her head and feather to moderate the heat or cold; father-in-law offers challenges; strongmen hit XM on the head with iron sticks (the hat protected); he is put in an icy cellar, then in a hot cellar (the pen is warmed and cooled); he gets a wife, they and their children they go back to the ground through the antlers of a deer; they live well; sister XM married a good hunter], 92-102 [the younger brother fell ill and died; the elder met a monster in the forest, who let him go for promising to bring him human eyes; he blinded his brother's widow, brought her eyes; placed his little nephew and niece in a hut; the servant takes care of them; the uncle tells them to leave the children in the forest, but the house has already been prepared there; the servant reports about a flying horse that his father rode, calls a horse, burning wormwood stalks; weapons with a horse; for the first time a boy (his name Hareladi Mergen) cannot pull a bow, hold the horse; after two years becomes strong, finds his father's horse and weapon; the uncle's wife overhears the servant's conversation with the blinded; the uncle goes to XM, calls to hunt, kills by shooting in the back; the sister turns into a hare; the horse tells She must go to the lake, where three heavenly fairies fly; she must steal their clothes from feathers, bring him a horse; fairies find the murdered young man, guess everything, revive him; they bring them to their house; the hare whispers that she is his sister, tells us to test fairies who have a kinder heart; when leaving, XM consistently leaves the hare with the older, middle, younger fairies; the hare spoils their sewn; the first two scold and they hit her, the third says that the seam on the boots was bad, strokes and cares for the hare; XM marries the younger fairy; the wife gives XM magic wands, turns it into a golden hornet so that he can regain his mother's eyes ; XM flies into the monster's ear, climbs into his chest, stings his heart; when he gets outside, finds a pantry full of human eyes; takes his mother's eyes away, restores her vision; the uncle asks XM to get the snake in the East Sea and a wild boar in the Northern Mountains; in the form of a hornet, XM climbs inside a boar (and, apparently, a snake), they are powerless to do anything, he leads them, ties them to the gate; uncle and wife go out alone ate a boar, another snake; HM lives well with his family].

Western Siberia. Eastern Khanty (b. Yugan) [the fisherman was sailing on the lake, swallowed by Wes (mammoth); he saw a gap between the gills, stabbed him; soon he was on the shore, Wes released him in fear, the carcass lay next to the fisherman on the shore]: Kulemzin, Lukina 1978, No. 153:156 (=Lukina 1990, No. 59:182); southern Selkups [mammoths are divided into suri kozar living in the Ob and made from aged moose, and a qually kozar living in tributaries and made from pikes that have lived to be a hundred years old; it happens that a qually-cosar swallows a swimmer; he rips his belly off with a knife and goes outside when the monster is thrown ashore; the Chulymsky man tells Chainsky man, as he hunted a swan in the drainless Mammoth Whirlpool Lake; violating the ban on killing swans, was swallowed by a mammoth pike, made a hole in her belly, got out]: Grigorovsky 1879:33- 36 in Potanin 1883:709, in Tuchkova 2004:152, 309.

Eastern Siberia. Yakuts (central; Taragaysky nasleg of the Megino-Kangalassky district) [Siberian land is formed, on all sides of the sea and mountains, rivers, lakes, forests, in which fish, birds and animals are formed in Siberia. In the middle is the sacred Aal Luuk Mae tree, which has 8 branches. Aal Luuk Mae ejects yellow ilte, which is the life-giving moisture for animals, birds and inhabitants of this land. The sacred tree plans to reach its top land of the Upper Abaas and destroy them, but abandons this sinful idea and grows into the land of the horse deity Joshogyop Ieyehsita, turning there for the best horse riding. Jyoshogyoy Toyon does not offend the sacred tree against the abaasa. With its lower roots, the tree wants to grow to the lower abaas and destroy them, but also abandons this sinful idea and grows into the tract of cattle deities, the host spirits of the Middle World, becoming hanger for white milk products. The spirits that own the land do not offend the sacred tree to the lower abaas. The sacred tree is surrounded by a fertile valley with a crystal house. Its owner is a lonely hero Dyyray Byögyo (DB), the son of a Horse. One morning, when DB goes out into the yard, the wind blows, and a black cloud appears that looks like a bear's skin. It splits above DB's head, and an exhausted, almost naked man falls out, calls himself, asks to hide from the persecution of Abaasa. This is Ayyi hero Erbehtey Bergen (EB), who lives in a country so far away that birds fly there, laying eggs three times along the way. He has been persecuted by Sollong Tuigun abaas for 9 years. Until now, he has run away from it, turning into a hundred species of fish in the Lower World, a hundred species of four-legged fish in the Middle World, and a hundred species of winged fish in the Upper World. DB doesn't know what to do with a person. To hide is not to find peace, to allow the Abaasa to kill the hero of Ayya is an honor to lose. He stomps his foot on the frozen ground, makes a hole, hides his EB there. He puts on armor and waits for an abaasa. A whirlwind came from the south and it became dark. A three-headed bird arrives with three eyes and claws like a walk, flies around the DB country three times, sits on a sacred tree, and demands that electronic devices be issued. After shedding his skin, he turns into an iron hero abaasa with one leg, one hand, and one eye. DB is frightened, but does not show fear and replies that he will not betray a person and is ready to fight. They fight for a month, at the end of the second DB, the Abaas wins. The heart and liver are sacrificed to the goddess of war Yrya Biebeideen, the daughter of the Cloud, and scatters the ashes over the sea. Three crows fly out of the ashes that floated on the waves. They shout that in the future they will harm DB, they soar into the sky. DB bathes after washing himself from the evil spirits of the Abaasa. He goes to that place, pulls the EB out of the hole. They live in peace and friendship and sleep in the same bed. DB wakes up one night singing EB. He sings that DB is illegitimate, that he has only one mother and 50 fathers, that his homeland is much worse than the homeland of EB, that he, EB, came here well done, and at work for DB he lost weight and I fainted that it was time to go home, and if DB followed him, he would kill him. He's leaving. DB decides to follow him and asks Joshogy Toyon to specify the horse intended for him. A fresh wind is blowing, and a saddled horse descends from the sky. The hero passes through his land, another one is visible. He remembers that he did not say goodbye to his native places. He turns his face towards the house, blesses the arrow to stick the point into the main horse riding, and shoots. He appeals to the spirits who are the owners of the hearth and native land. He sends the horse to the south. The land of Ayia is ending. He passes through a country inhabited by shamans and shamans, a country inhabited by dead sorcerers whose ashes were not accepted by the holy land, reaches a country blazing with fire. It's a fire burning, whole bears, deer and moose are roasting around in horns. DB jumps off the horse, turns it into a tree and kicks it aside. Eat better pieces, sleeps. He sees an almost naked man with a huge head and a huge belly. The ragged man says that his name is Ukumal, the son of the Beggar, reproaches the alien: such a hero took away from the poor beggar food sent to him by the spirit master of the taiga; he will tell eight about this shameful act countries, seven uluses. I'm ashamed, he wants to catch the ragged man, he runs away. DB is going further south. The horse got up. He says that he comes from the best stallion and best mare, Yuryung Aiyi Toyona, and was born to become a DB horse. DB himself was born to Yuryung Aiyi Toyon, the youngest of three daughters, and his father is Khaardiyr Mokhsogol, the hero of heaven. When DB was in his mother's womb, his grandfather Yuryung Aiyi Toyop arranged a ysyah in honor of the deity of horses and cattle, and when he was presented with a yellow ilge choroon in the womb the boy kicked the goblet with his foot: the yellow ilge splashed by one quarter - many calves, foals and newborns died this year. We thought, if this boy is still so naughty in his mother's womb, what's next? Shamans caused the mother to give birth prematurely and settled the premature baby in the Middle World to become the ancestor of humans. DB is happy to listen: their fate is patronized by celestials. It's going further south. In one country, he is greeted with wine and food by three beauties. As soon as the horse sees them, it releases golden wings, flies between the clouds, says Dyyray Bøge that this is the witchcraft of a murdered abaasa, from whose ashes three crows flew: they turned into women and now they lure the owner into the abyss. The horse also overcomes the second obstacle - the Sea of Fire. He calls for help from his brother, a horse named Aiyi Dutuy, and his owner Kyun Tuygun. With their help, the Sea of Fire flies over. When they fly, a stone ball falls on top of them - it almost killed them. The sea is starting to cool down and there is no trace of it. It's all raven magic. Kyun Tuigong blesses DB, promises to help him, and flies to the Eastern Sky. DB continues his journey, sees EB, but does not kill, and goes after him to look at his sister Aptala Kuo. They see the sacred Aal Luuk Mae tree and nine horse riders. The DB horse is heading to the first one. At this time, cowgirl Simehsin Emeehsin Emeehsin looks out of the house and tells her owners Hangyryyr Haan Toyon and Kyngyryyr Haan Khotun about the arrival of the heroes. Those who thought their son was dead, EB parents don't believe at first. When they see the heroes, they hurry to receive them honorably. The celebration begins, but EB sits gloomy. The DB thought he was plotting a bad thing. The elderly Hangyryyr Haan Toyon and Kyngyryyr Haan Hotun ask the servants to lift their eyelids that have fallen from old age. A boy and a girl pick up silver hooks and raise the elders' eyelids. The old man and the old woman look at the visitor and share their impressions. The husband compares him to himself when he was young and strong. The wife says that a visitor is much better than her younger husband. DB is offended and tells EB's parents about his ingratitude. Hearing threats from a visitor, Kyngyryyr Haan Hotun asks her husband for advice. Old Hangyryyr Haan Toyon: Let the young people figure it out for themselves. The old woman asks the hero to calm down, gives a drink of koumiss. The hero calms down. The old woman pulls out the pz happahchy, the closet where the girls sleep, a folding golden table, a gold plate, golden forks and spoons, walks around DB three times and begins to put it all in his bosom. Then he takes a puppy from Happahcha. "As a thank you for saving our son, we are giving you a puppy that is dear and close to us. Let DB live happily with the puppy, let them light up an unquenchable hearth, build a house, and put up a golden horse ride." DB: It's like not giving a puppy, but marrying her daughter. The hero goes home. Halfway through, he thinks: "I went to a distant country, suffered a lot and what did you get a puppy in return?!". Decides to throw the puppy away. But the puppy does not lag behind, whines. The hero again puts him in his bosom. He returns to his native places. His wealth did not decrease, but increased. DB releases the horse into the wild, and puts the puppy in happpakhchi. When he wakes up in the morning, the house is cleaned and the food is cooked. Dinner is prepared in the evening. The next morning, DB pretends to hunt, but turns into a fly at the edge, comes back, hides on the ceiling by the beam. A puppy comes out of the happahcha, runs around the house, sniffing the hero's trail, kicks into bed, sheds his skin, turns into a girl. Starts cleaning and cooking. DB turns into himself, wants to hug a girl. She slips out, puts on her skin, turns into a puppy. DB is going hunting. The next day he turns into a fly again, comes back, hides, grabs the girl, manages to throw her skin into the fire. The girl wraps her arms around the pole with her legs and sits like this. The DB house is crystal, rotating around an axis. A handsome man arrives from the east and cannot open the door. He says that his name is Toyon Joburuoptai, a hero, he is the son of Erian Toyona and Ebiriechin Hotun, his country is far away, birds reach it, laying eggs seven times along the way, and runners multiply nine times. Asks me to open the door The girl doesn't pay attention. DB hears a voice and comes back. The hero says that DB took away his name, Aitala Kuo, for which he paid dowry to her brother Erbahtey Bergen. DB: I earned the right to Aitaly Kuo not by paying dowry, but by a heroic feat. The heroes fight and swear that if one dies, the rest will not answer to Yuryung Aiyi Toyon. They shoot with a bow. The first is a visitor, but the DB turns into a triangular prison, the arrow flies by. When Dyyray is shot, the visitor turns into a bird, and the arrow also flies by. For the second time, the opponent's arrow passes below the heart, above the DB liver, hitting an artery. DB aims upwards, an arrow hits Toyon Joburwantai's heart and liver. DB has a hard time entering his house, lying down, falling asleep in a dead sleep. His horse takes the form of a hawk, flies into the sky, tells the heavenly messenger about the death of his owner, and asks Yuryung Ayyi Toyon and Jilga Haan to tell about it. Yuryung Ayyy Toyon orders to call three heavenly scribes, the younger heavenly shaman Aiyi Jargyl and three execution heroes. Three heavenly scribes establish: Yuryung Aiyi Toyon had three daughters; the youngest Egiliene Kuo was married by the heavenly hero Khaardiyr Mohsogol. In the ninth month of his daughter's pregnancy, Yuryung Aiyi Toyon celebrated the deity of horses and cattle. The choroon, filled with yellow ilge, was presented to Father Egiliene Kuo. The baby in the womb kicked the goblet, and ilge splashed. Three days later, horses and cattle began to die as a result. The unborn child was convicted of an unworthy act, and fearing that such a mischievous man would not live, his mother was brought to the Middle World. There she was given permission as a premature baby. Egiliene Kuo left her son in a horse pen and returned to her homeland. The boy was found by the spirit mistress of the land, Aiha Michil, gave him the name DB, the son of the Horse, because she found him in a horse pen. His opponent Toyon Joburuontai hero is the son of Erien Toyona and Ebiri-Echchin Baay Khotun, who come from the deities Iei-iehsit and Aiysyt. Aitaly Kuo, predestined by Odun Haan and Tyiys Haan, should become the wife of DB. Toyon Joburuontai must not die; he must be saved. A younger heavenly shaman is sent to the Middle World, accompanied by three heavenly heroes. The shaman camlates to revive Joburontai the hero, sends him to the Eastern Sky. Aitaly Kuo still sits the same way, with his arms and legs tightly wrapped around the pole. He looks at the wounded hero, regrets it. He gets up, prepares the balm to treat DB. The ceiling opens, a bird of prey grabs Aitala Kuo and flies to the sky. DB's wound heals, gets up, sees traces of a bird of prey, drives north, recognizing autumn by bad weather, winter by snow, summer by heat. He approaches the Sea of Fire, decides to propitiate the spirit of the owner of the sea with a victim of horse hair, but the victim is not accepted. He guesses that these are the intrigues of Har Suorun, known for his greed. He asks him to open his mouth wide. The Sea of Fire is gradually beginning to fade, and something like a wide mouth opens up. Riding a horse, a hole slips through his jaws and reaches Icchi's stomach. Together with the horse, they destroy the inside of the monster and get out of it. After that, the Sea of Fire disappears. The Second Sea of Fire. You can hear the singing of Oblak's daughter Yrya Biebeideen, whom Dyyray once treated with the heart and liver of Abaasa Syung Jaasin, who was killed by him. In gratitude, she says that Timir Nuoracin, the kidnapper of his wife Abaasa, lives across this Sea of Fire, and he will be transported across the sea by the sea carrier Otorulla, a shaman. Dyyray sends the horse home and waits for the carrier. Otorulla shaman scolds ungrateful Timir Nuorajin, who did not donate anything for the transportation, asks DB to feed him. DB takes three hairs out of his pocket, talks them to turn them into three bald black bulls, and gives them to the carrier. Old Otorulla rejoices, transports DB across the Sea of Fire, blesses him for exploits. DB goes north, reaches stone mountain, black smoke is coming from the top. He understands that this is the kidnapper's home. He turns into a Yeokseku bird, goes down to Timir Nuoracin's house through a chimney, turns into himself, sees Aitaly Kuo chained to the wall. After consulting with his wife, he turns into a triangular jail, hides behind the stove. When Timir Nuorajeen arrives, Aytali Kuo lulls his incredulity with flattering words. He makes the Abaas repeat the spell after her so that the prison kills him, gives the abaasa prison and tells her to throw him into the sky. When it falls, it kills the abaas and the DB turns into itself. Ayyu people turn into birds and fly to their homeland. The DB country became even more beautiful while he was driving. DB and his wife bow to the sacred tree Aal Luuk Mac. Aitala Kuo propitiated the spirit mistress of the earth with eight horsehair. Then mares are milked, koumiss is cooked, and ysyakh is arranged. Aitaly Kuo turns to feed the spiritual owners of the land, hearth and taiga. DB and Aitaly Kuo become the ancestors of people]: Yemelyanov 1980, No. 3:22-33.

Amur-Sakhalin. Ulchi [the guy lives alone; the girl comes in, manages, he is embarrassed; she flies up; he goes to look for her; the old woman tries to kill him unsuccessfully; an evil spirit brings a woman in her claws at the tree the guy seriously wounds him, takes a woman as his wife; moves on; by the sea seven seals lose their appearance, the guy grabs one, marries him; she says that her parents want the heart of an evil spirit; he has a mouth like a lake; a guy asks her to open, jumps into it, inserts a pointed tree trunk, cuts it off, brings a heart; a seal wife teaches how to defeat another spirit; you have to drink your own vodka, not his vodka; the spirit drinks his vodka, two of his three heads fall off; the guy finishes him off; takes his people away; lives with two wives; his name is Batouri (hero)]: Sunik 1985, No. 7:136-143; nivhi [from his older brother wife; he tells her to wash every morning, comb the younger one, ventilate his clothes; the elder's wife thinks to make the youngest her husband; one day the youngest dressed himself, went to the sea, saw a seal, she took off her skin became a woman, they met; the seal woman promised to sail again tomorrow, bringing tables and dishes to eat elks; the younger brother returned, the elder and his wife did not ask him; in the morning the elder's wife put on her younger brother's clothes, went on the younger one's ski track, hid herself, buried in the sand; the seal is afraid, the woman tells her to go out as agreed; throws a harpoon at her; they fight for a long time, tench broke off, the wounded seal went to sea, ordered him to tell her husband's brother not to pursue her; at home, the young man understood everything, went ashore, overheard the conversation between his wife's two younger sisters, who came into the house out of chips; carved a figure, swam on it, then fired an arrow, flew it, so he fired arrows and flew on each one, reached another land; there the wife's sisters and other seals in the guise of people say that a man from the ground wounded the elder's daughter, they are preparing spears and arrows, he is being guarded; he asks the servant where his jews harp (by the window behind the pillow), asks other questions; when he finds out everything, he shook him out of his skin, put it on her, came to his nerpa wife; there the local shamans were camlaing; the imaginary servant asked for a camla, pulled the prison out of the wounded woman's chest, now the seal will marry him; the young man returned, returned the servant's skin, he came to life; told his grandfather and grandmother seals that he did not injure her, but his brother's wife, and he cured him; the seal's uncles bear and walrus guard him on the shore, but he gave them a fish, they called him son-in-law; he flies back on an arrow; there whoever turned into a walrus growls, his lower lip drags along the ground, his upper lip reaches the sky, there is fire in his mouth; the young man jumped into his mouth, began to cut him from the inside, he released him; in disguise, the man went with him, led to that bear, the young man, and he jumped into his mouth (all the same); those two seal girls go with him (the younger sisters of the first seal?) ; at home he forced his brother to take his wife by the leg, took him by the other, they tore her apart; he married one seal girl, gave his brother another]: Pevnov 2010, No. 2:16-25; (cf. The Udege people [Uza is strong and ingenious, when he is smart; they are sailing in a boat; E. wants to stop and kill fish, duck, red deer, but Uza only pushes back harder with his pole; ahead is the giant animal Gambau buin; E. wants back, W. wants to go; they broke the boat; E. climbed the hill, W. stabbed G. with a spear; the nuthatch tells him to open his belly, the swallowed people came out; tell W. to dig a hole into the lower world on that the place where E. always sits; W. covered the hole with birch bark, E. fell into Buniha; since then, the dying have been going there, and used to go to Gambau Buin]: Arsenyev 1995 (2): 172-173).

Japan. Ainu: Etter 1949:165-168 [a sea monster swallows boats; a young man jumps into his mouth with a sword in his hand; cuts his gallbladder (whales have a soul there); goes out through a hole in his side], 168-169 [at the whale fall from ground to sky; one of six brothers jumps into it, cuts the monster from the inside, goes out through the mouth; cuts the whale into two halves, they turn into rocks].

SV Asia. Chukchi: Bogoras 1902, No. 8 [The raven (or the son of the Raven) takes the form of a thunderbird, carries a whale in its claws; leans over the whale's mouth, swallows it, falls into the sea with it; kills a whale, piercing his heart comes out]: 645-646; 1910 in Members 1981:232 [a woman runs away from her cruel Eskimo husband; a Supreme Being saves her, returns her to her father; an Eskimo goes out to hunt whales, swallowed with a whale; cuts its insides, eats raw; a whale is washed ashore at the woman's father's camp].

The Arctic. The island of St. Lawrence [while the White Eagle is hunting, Black flies to his wife, takes their son; White flies to the Black Eagle, kills the kidnapper, takes his son and son Black Eagle; the boys grow up; the father does not tells them to go to the old women mountains; the black boy wants to go, the mountain swallows them, they poke feathers from the inside, the mountain belches them, they have lost a lot of feathers from the heat; they tell the mountains that they are their father's sisters, those happy; don't go to a stranded whale; Black insists on going, pierces his claws deep, White a little bit; they move the whale, it dives, the Black Boy drowns]: Slwooko 1979:109-116; island Nunivac: Himmelheber 1951 [The Raven's leg on the littoral is grabbed by Crab; the Raven promises him a kayak, then a spring on the mountain; they come there, but the spring is contaminated with Raven's excrement; the Raven finds dead herring, rubs itself with it, tells a fresh deer that there is a lot of herring nearby, wants to eat meat, eats the best, flies away; the same applies to birds that make a fire to fry fish; blocks the passage of the Groundhog, demands the berries collected; the groundhog invites him to dance with his eyes closed, slips into the hole; the same with Mink; The raven sees a dolphin, flies into his mouth, inside a woman knocks threads, tells you not to touch the bladder; The raven pierces the bladder, becomes dark, the dolphin dies, throws it ashore; people cut the carcass, the Raven flies out unnoticed; comes back, says that something has flown out of the dolphin is probably an evil spirit; people throw the dolphin, the Raven eats it alone]: 58-64; Lantis 1946, No. 28 [The raven asks the White Whale to open its mouth wide, jumps inside, cuts the Beluga whale from the inside, flies out like a crow; comes to people cutting a carcass, says he won't eat meat if a black bird flies out of the whale; people throw white whales, the crow gets the whole carcass]: 299-300; central yupik : Alaska Native Writers 1986 [On the shore, a fishskin mitt and grass bag are each repairing itself, telling the Raven that the other has tore it; the Raven invites the Beluga Whale to swim to the shore with his mouth open rushes inside, where a woman makes a park out of dry beluga whales, feeds the Raven, tells him not to touch the fat lamp; he touches him, Keith dies, throws him ashore; people cut the carcass, the Raven quietly he jumps out, says that he would not eat this whale, because something flew out of it (i.e. himself); people decide not to eat the whale, the carcass goes to the Raven; he marries Norka, they harvest and eat together kityatin; The Raven asks him to make him akutak (fat with berries), leaves; in a strange voice, he demands acutak from the aisle, otherwise he will eat Norka; she throws him akutak; the Raven returns, the wife talks about what happened; then The next day; the akutak is over, Norka throws his head; the Raven comes with a black eye; Mink notices coal from his head in his eye; the Raven did not try to deceive Norka anymore; but they have children was not]: 46-58; Wassilie 1978 [On the banks of Cuskoquim, the Raven steps with his foot on the Sea Anemone; he lets go of his foot for promising to give him Uncle Raven's wife or relative; when free, the Raven speaks that he does not have an uncle, pokes Anemone with a stick, killing him; sits down at Groundhog's hole, not letting him in; he asks the Raven to dance, promising to give something, slips into the hole; the Raven says to the moose To the bear that there are seals nearby; the bear goes to look for them, the Raven eats the moose; asks the white whale to swim closer, jumps into his mouth, a little old woman and a lamp inside; the raven touches the lamp, it goes out Keith dies, he is washed ashore; the Raven flies out unnoticed, returns in human form, tells the people cutting the carcass that the meat is dangerous; they leave, the Raven eats all alone with the one who came out The whale is an old woman; asks him to make "Eskimo ice cream" for his return, hides, frightens her, eats everything himself; the old woman throws ash at him, then notices it in the Raven's eye, forgives him]: 99-101; (cf. . Frost 1971 [The raven marries Norka; when he leaves, he tells him to cook a delicious akutak; in the evening, Norka hears a voice at the door, who demands to give the shark, otherwise the speaker will eat her; when the Raven returns, he refuses to eat, says he has been fed; one day she throws extinct smut at the speaker; when the Raven comes, he closes his eyes; Mink sees a trace of soot on them, drives the Raven away]: 27-29); Kodiak [see motif K27; a young man gets a mink skin from his grandmother; his wife and her sister call him to swim; he is swallowed by a whale, he turns into a hole, jumps out through the whale's breath; swallows him monster, he becomes a mink, gets out through the gills]: Golder 1903, No. 9:95-98; stranger [Raven Kitu: My partner said you have a big ugly tail; Keith opens his mouth, Raven jumps inside; a bag hangs from above, this is Keith's heart; a little woman smokes herring swallowed by Whale; a raven cuts his heart with a copper knife; a woman disappears, Keith dies, he is nailed to the shore; people refresh it, the Raven flies out; returns as a man, warns not to eat a whale, you can die; people go away, the Raven, the Magpie, the Jay eat the whole carcass; the Magpie and Jay are thirsty; the Raven advises them drink the lake; they burst, die]: Birket-Smith 1953:171-172; Bering Strait Inupiate (Norton Bay Unalick): Ivanoff Brown 1987 [The raven marries a waterbird; everyone flies south in autumn, he decides to accompany them for a while, turns back, falls into the water, finds himself in a whale's belly; inside is a lamp, he pokes it with a knife, it goes out; the whale's corpse is washed ashore, the Raven pecks hole, comes out, eats to his heart's content]: 79-82; Nelson 1899 [The raven marries a Goose; flies south with the Geese in autumn; when they see that he is tired, the Raven lies that he has an arrowhead stuck in his heart; Geese don't they believe that the Raven falls into the water, has difficulty getting to the shore; asks Keith to open its mouth, flies inside; inside, the beauty warns not to touch her lamp; the beauty is the soul, the lamp is the heart of a whale; the raven touches the lamp, the whale dies; the raven swims inside the carcass to the shore; forgets the fire drill inside the whale; when people fresh the whale and find the drill, the Raven says it's a bad sign; people run away, Raven takes all the meat for himself; looks for a jar of fat, meets Norka, they build porridge; the Raven; sends Mink to invite marine life to the festival; Seals come; the Raven says he should improve their eyesight, touching their eyes with his rod; glues their eyelids with resin; forgets about the seal in the doorway; he raises the alarm when another seal cries trying to open their eyes; the Raven kills guests with a stick alone, only a seal in the doorway is saved]: 462-467; inupiat [The raven flies over the sea, gets tired, flies into the whale's mouth; inside, the beauty warns not to touch her lamp; the beauty is the soul, the lamp is whale heart; Raven touches lamp, whale dies; Raven swims ashore on carcass; brags about killing a whale]: Ostermann 1952:24-25; Northern Alaska Inupiate (Kotzebue) [two brothers kill a rival , leave the village; the elder catches a striped dragon in the lake, raises it in a bucket, then in a separate needle; he first has many legs, then four; the youngest keeps two white ones at the entrance to his house bears who kill passers-by; the elder feeds passers-by to the dragon; Mink turns into a feather, flies up to his younger brother's house, becomes a warrior, kills bears and himself; kills a dragon, Seeing an unprotected place on his neck; the dragon's owner brings his mother out of the lake; the mink is thrown into her mouth, he penetrates the monster with a mink, killing him from the inside; goes out through the ass; returns to wife]: Ivanoff Brown 1987:122-133; Northern Alaska Inupiate (Noatak): Hall 1975, No. PM4 [Kupkuk travels, meets bad people, he has two dogs - brown bears; hanging over stones fall on incoming people with a door; K. pretends to enter, jumps back, stones fall, he kills the owner with arrows; marries in another village; the wife warns that her people have a tirichik - a long dragon with many legs, sharp horns along his back, tentacles with which he sends people into his mouth; K. kills him with a spear; people bring T.'s mother; it's not clear, this is the woman who is his revives, or another T.; K. throws the villagers into the mouth, cannot escape, rushes himself; inside there are light, many dead swallowed; K. cuts the bone on the stomach of T., he exhales; K. goes out through nose; wolverine returns to his wife; she leaves her glove, K. turns into a little miñnuk in his little finger, becomes human; lives with his wife and her parents], PM117 [Raven marries Duck, in autumn flies south with ducks; asks his wife and mother-in-law to carry him; they get tired, leave him; he descends into the whale's breath; there is light inside; his voice tells him not to eat dripping fat; he eats; when the fat runs out, the lights go out; this there was fat from the whale's heart; the carcass was washed ashore, people cut it, the Raven comes out; says that this whale has no giblets; he is silent that he ate them]: 117-125, 347-348; Baffin's Land [in the lake fish lived, swallowed people; the swallowed brother took a knife, jumped down her throat, cut it from the inside to death; while he was in her stomach, his skin came off his face]: Boas 1907, No. 7:539; Labrador (Nain), Baffin Land (Pangnirtung), West Greenland (Nuuq) [A raven accidentally flew inside a whale; inside a house, in which a woman repairs a lamp, tells you not to touch the lamp, for it is the heart of a whale; the raven lives with a woman, eats shellfish and crabs; out of curiosity, puts out a lamp, a woman dies; climbs through a whale's throat to its dead carcass; swims to the shore, takes on a human form, says that she has killed a whale; They don't believe him, he agrees to repeat the trick, kayaks to the narwhals, they drown his kayak, he turns into a crow again, the narwhal eats him]: Millman 2004:154-155.

Subarctic. Tanana, koyukon [like Eyak in Smelcer]: Smelcer 1992:121-122; 1993:65; Tanaina: Kalifornsky 1991 [Raven marries Goose; tries to fly south with them in autumn, gets tired, his first they carry it, then leave it, he tells the rock to rise out of the water, sits on it; flies on, asks the whale to give him a ride, the whale hides under water; the other whale agrees; the raven climbs into his breath bites from the inside, says that he pecks parasites, tells them to swim with all his might, the whale finds himself on the coastal shallows, dies; when he sees people, the Raven flies away; returns in human form, says that Eating a dead whale is dangerous; people watch a Raven in the form of a crow bite a whale, chase a crow, butcher a whale]: 93-97 (Ruppert, Bernet 2001:321-322); Vaudrin 1969 [Chulyen (raven) marries Geese (species of geese with black heads, necks and legs are his descendants); in autumn they also want to fly south; first geese help him, then get tired and leave him; he falls and tells the rock to fall under him; Belukha offers to get into her breath, takes him to the shore; C. eats her fat, lies that the coast is still far away; Beluga whales jumps ashore, C. throws stones into her breath, she dies; people appear, he flies out returns in human form; people say that something black came out of the beluga whale's womb; C. says that his relatives ate white whales under similar circumstances and all died; gets the foreman's daughter, at night he eats white whales; people find fat on his mustache, beat him to death, throw him in the trash; an old woman cuts off his beak; Magpies defecate on C., he comes to life; creates enemies; covering his face with his hand, shouts that you have to run and throw everything; finds a beak, hurriedly puts it, now it's crooked]: 35-40; atna [The raven asks the Killer Whale to open its mouth, flies inside with an armful of firewood; makes a fire, roasts and Killer Whale hurts her heart, she dies; the corpse is washed ashore, the Raven flies out through a hole in its side]: Smelcer 1997:15-17; Upper Tanana: Brean 1975 [The Raven tells Keith he is his relative, asks them to open their mouths to compare their throats; flies in, makes a fire, eats kitten meat; cuts off the heart when the whale swims to the shore; people cut the whale, notice how something has flown from within; The raven comes back, advises not to eat this meat, people leave; the Raven invites his nephew Galka (blackbird) to heat the fat, quietly drinks everything he has melted; Jackdaw pushes him off the cliff; regrets, collects from the remains, revives]: 48-53; McKennan 1959 [The raven asks the Big Fish to open its mouth; flies in, makes a fire, hurts the heart; the dying Fish jumps ashore; people slaughter it, a crow flies out of there; returns in human form; says that the fish is poisonous; he and the Magpie eat Fish alone; people come again, drown fat, filling their long intestine; the raven settles in far end, swallows everything Magpie pours in]: 192-193; southern tutchoni [big fish swims in the lake; the raven asks it to swim to the shore, open its mouth - the birds want to see what's inside; flies in, eats its insides when it eats the heart, the fish dies; the raven tells the dead fish to come to the shore; people cut the carcass, something black flies out; unrecognized, the Raven comes and says that if a big whale is thrown to a large village, there will be war; people drive him away; he comes in the evening when children play ball with a bag full of fat; the raven opens it, sees morning inside, cuts it off piece, dawn is coming, the children are frightened; at the cliff someone repeats the words of the Raven; he hits the rock, a little woman appears; the raven tickles her almost to death, leaves; another woman on the shore says that fish swallowed her son]: Workman 2000:117-119; dogrub, slevy [the young man asks the whale to swallow it; suffers from the heat inside the whale; asks his sister to throw him her moccasin; grabs him, she it pulls it out; the whale produces waves in anger, flooding the earth with a flood; only brother and sister escape]: Petitot 1886, No. 4:319-320; helmet [a monster the size of an elephant approaches the camp; The six-toed shaman tells people to migrate, returns to the monster; after 10 days, the shaman returns, driving away the monster; he stinks a strong smell, because the monster swallowed him and came out from the other end; it is fumigated with smoke from a rotten tree]: Honigmann 1954:101-102; taltan: Teit 1919, No. 1.29 [huge water and underground toads swallow people; The raven jumps into the Toad's mouth, cuts its insides, kills; goes through the nostrils]: 221-222; 1921, No. 41 [see motive K27; the father of the young man's wife demands hunting where huge toads live; Grizzly, Black Bear, Wolf, Lynx rush into the toad's mouth, tear it up from the inside, come out; the young man comes back]: 235-236; beaver [a man swims in a boat, ends up in the belly of a fish; swims out when he becomes an old man]: Goddard 1916:264.

NW Coast. Eyak [A raven enters a whale; makes a fire in its womb, cuts and roasts its heart; a dead whale is washed ashore; people slaughter it, and the Raven flies out]: Birket-Smith, Laguna 1938 [flies in inside the whale through the breathing hole]: 265; Smelcer 1993 [flies into Killer Whale's throat]: 65-67; tlingits [like eyak in Birket-Smith, Laguna]: Boas 2002, No. XXV.1.10-11 [The raven allowed himself swallow, made a fire, began to poke Keith's heart, he died; the raven wanted the carcass to be washed ashore; for people to cut the carcass; flew out, disguised himself as an old man with moss and resin; came to people who told how a raven flew out of the whale's carcass; said that enemies would come and kill them all; people decided to sail away; he himself sailed with others in a leaky boat, covering the hole with moss; took out moss, people drowned, Raven flew back, became one whale]: 618-619; De Laguna 1972:845-846, 852-853, 859-860; Smelcer 1992:25; Swanton 1909, No. 31:91; Hyda (Skidgate): Swanton 1905:130-131 [Raven finds a woodpecker's feather, turns it into a woodpecker, tells the Fisherman that he knows an island where there are many woodpeckers; they come there, the Raven hits his nose, turns blood into woodpeckers, sails away in a boat, comes to the Fisherman's wife in the guise of her husband, eats a lot; the abandoned calls his seal whipping club, she carries him across the strait; he hits the Raven, throws him into the latrine; he gives a voice; he pushes throws it into the dust, throws it to the surf, presses it down with a stone, he comes to life again; tells the whale to swallow itself, eats its insides, nails the exhausted whale to the shore; people cut the carcass, from there a black one flies out bird; The raven puts on the skin of an old man who lived on the outskirts of the village, who says that the bird that has flown out is not good; people are leaving, the Raven is eating a whale alone], 144-145 [The raven tells the Master of the Wind that he saw an island where there are many woodpeckers; they sail there; the raven hits its nose, turns blood into woodpeckers, pretends to fall asleep in the boat, sails away in it; comes to the Wind Master's wife in the guise of her husband; abandoned calls his rattle, she arrives, he crosses the strait like dry; beats the Raven, throws the bones into the latrine; when the Wind's wife comes there, the Raven spits in her genitals; the Master of the Wind throws the dice at the sea, they are swallowed by a whale; people kill a whale; the chief's son cuts it, the raven flies out, the young man falls dead; the raven returns in the guise of an old man; he is told what happened, he advises him to leave the village; eats all supplies]; hyda (Skidgate) [father-in-law sends son-in-law to creatures that always swallow sons-in-law; see motive K27]: Swanton 1905:241-244 [son-in-law calls supernatural helpers, those they remove it from the womb of a tree, fish, seal, cat, octopus; the son-in-law brings prey to his father-in-law, who mourns the death of his assistants], 247-250 [once in the stomach of a fish, sea otter, inside a tree, son-in-law makes them burst]; Haida (Masset) [The raven invites Keith to swallow it; hurts his heart, kills him when the whale is at the shore; lives eating kitten]: Swanton 1908a: 294; bellacula: McIlwraith 1948 (1): 66-67 [The water monster swallows the chief's son; the chief's slave takes a knife, dives into the lake, finds a belt swallowed in the monster's womb, cuts through the monster's throat, brings a belt], 637 [ Keldcap is swallowed by a lake monster; his sister throws him a knife, he cuts the monster from the inside, killing him]; Quakiutl: Boas 1895, No. XVIII.1.3-4 (Neveti Group, Tlatlasiqual Subgroup) [O'Meatl ( Raven) and Nork ask Keith to ride them; he opens his mouth, they climb inside; O. shouts that Norka is hungry, Keith allows him to eat his meat but not touch his throat; O. cuts his throat; Nails the whale's carcass ashore, people find Raven and Mink in his stomach; O. turns into an old woman, shouts that enemies are coming; people are running away, O. and Norka are feasting], XIX.1.3,6 (Neveti group, Nakomgilisala subgroup) [water monster swallows people; Kan'igyilak catches glowing fish, this is a sisisutl (two-headed serpent), K. makes a belt out of his skin; puts it on the girl, sends her to the lake; the monster swallows her; K. tells the sisiutlu to come to life, he tears her apart from within a monster; K. revives swallowed people by jumping off their bones with living water]: 171-172, 195-196 (=2002:379-380, 419-420); 1910, No. 16 [sea monster swallows people, only boy remains; Kanekilah wears a double-headed snake instead of a belt; allows itself to be swallowed; says: The snake is in the stomach; the monster regurgitates bones; K. jumps them off with living water, people come to life]: 201; Nootka: Boas 1895, No. XIII. 2 [Keith swallows Kvityat's mother; he trains himself and his three brothers to swim in boiling water; they let themselves be swallowed, Keith's insides cut, the carcass ashore; they come out bald from heat in Keith's womb]: 101-102; Sapir, Swadesh 1939, No. 5 [Kwatiata's mother is swallowed in a boat by a sea monster; Quatyat and her brother harden themselves in a trough of boiling water; they take knives and a spear , let themselves be swallowed, the monster's heart is cut; the corpse is washed ashore; animal people cut meat; Quatyat and his brother go outside; they are bald because their heads are unhardened]: 38-39; poppies [Shark swallows people; Quati trains while sitting in boiling water; lets the Shark swallow its boat; cuts off the Shark's heart; the corpse sails ashore; birds and small animals slaughter it, pull it out guts (they didn't have viscera before) are found inside Quati]: Densmore 1939:195-197.

The coast is the Plateau. Chilcotin: Farrand 1900, No. 1:10 [see motif K43; a huge Moose stands in the river, swallows swimming; Lendixchuks lets himself be swallowed, cuts and roasts Moose's heart, he dies; three sons L. they dismember the carcass, make it from parts of various animals; the frog is made of brains], 13-14 [L. is swallowed by a huge beaver; cuts off and eats his heart, the beaver dies; L.'s sons fresh the carcass, find L. alive inside; pieces of beaver flesh are used to make fish of all kinds]; shuswap: Boas 1895, No. 1 [Woodchuck, Arctomys monax lives in a house between rocks; when a guest enters, the rocks crush him; Tlees puts a spear between them, enters, kills the owner, turns him into woodchuck; The bear offers to compete in pole climbing; kills three T. brothers when they climb; T. kills the Bear; the Hare invites you to his house to eat meat; pierces those who come with his (spicy?) with his foot, hitting them in the chest; T. ties a stone to his chest in advance; kills the Hare, makes a hare; The elk stands in the river, swallows boats; T. lets himself be swallowed, makes a fire in the Moose's stomach; cuts off the heart, when the Moose swims to the shore; tells the brothers not to touch it when they start to fresh the carcass; the Eagle takes people away; T. allows himself to be carried away, sprinkles red and white paints, the Eagle takes them for blood and brain; T. kills Eagle, descends on an eagle's back]: 1-4; Teit 1909a [a huge Moose stands in the Thompson River, swallows the back of the boat; Tiisa lets himself be swallowed, hurts Moose's heart, he dies; T. the corpse is fresh, helping T. get out; T. says moose won't eat more people]: 646-647; lillouette [boys in the boat call small fish, then scream, Keith, whale; old man Cutler does not tell you to scream like that; Keith swallows the boat; K. breaks it, makes a fire, melts fat, cuts off Keith's heart, tells him to jump ashore; people open the carcass, swallowed, come out bald; since then since people go bald]: Elliott 1931:177-178; Thompson [the Quatquetl brothers travel, turn those they meet into animals and stones, kill monsters, making them harmless animals and plants; a huge animal stands in the river, swallows everyone who swims; water rushes into his mouth, comes out of his anus; K. turns into a piece of wood, swims inside the monster, cuts off his heart; the monster dies, now it canyon on the river]: Teit 1917b, No. 3:19; comox [Keith drives the herring away from Mink's boat; he calls him names, swallows him; makes a fire to fry herring; it gets hot; Mink cuts Keith's throat, he dies drifts to the shore; people find Norka in a whale's carcass; he's bald from the heat]: Boas 1895, No. 4:75; clallam: Gunther 1925:143-144 [The converter turns Kekayash 'a into a rotten tree, a mountain, sand; it regains its appearance every time; is imposed on fellow travelers; an old woman makes a necklace, becomes a kingfisher; a man makes a necklace from shells, has become a deer; all creatures and areas have changed; the octopus swallowed the Converter; K. let himself be swallowed, cut the octopus from the inside; the pieces turned into ordinary octopuses], 145 [Whale swallows K. with the boat; K. finds fish inside, hangs to dry; cuts off Keith's heart; brings the carcass ashore; people refresh it; K. comes out bald]; Puget Sound [Norka calls the whale; swallowed by him; lights a fire in his belly by rubbing parts of the boat against each other; the whale dies; people hear Mink's song, cut the whale's carcass, Mink comes out]: Ballard 1929:123; upper chehalis [two lyrics; A mink in a boat sneaks into the whale's womb; kills him by cutting off his heart]: Adamson 1934:133-134; kalispel [imperceptibly, Coyote enters the womb of a giant Rattlesnake; finds many dying people inside; cuts off the monster's heart, it turns into a rocky one ledge; puts two trees to put the monster to close its mouth (they still grow); cuts the tail (now a narrow canyon), through this hole people come out]: Teit 1917 d, No. 2:115-116; kë Radalen: Reichard 1947, No. 2 [Grizzly shoots Rabbit in the eye, but he puts a bubble in advance; shoots Grizzly in the eye, who howls in pain; The rabbit comes to the woman, that daughter; The rabbit kills her, fresh; the daughter's husband's arrow broke, he realizes that his wife is dead; The rabbit runs, leaves the baked camas tubers behind him so that the chasing husband of the victim stops eating them; asks the Coyote hide it; he hides a cereal plant in the knee; the stalker has a Grizzly dog; one of the advisers to Coyote (his excrement) also turns into a dog, Coyote puts a knife in the back of his head; Coyote quarrels with the Absorber Stalker, they decide to have their dogs fight, the Coyote dog climbs under the Grizzly, rips his stomach off with a knife; the Absorber swallows the Coyote; there are many people inside, no matter how who understand that they have been swallowed; the Coyote tickles the Absorber's heart, he regurgitates him; Coyote says he swallows people; suggests closing their eyes, regurgitating swallowed; swapping regurgitated An absorber of humans and mice regurgitated by himself; the Absorber swallows the Coyote again, he cuts his heart, inserting hoops into his mouth and nostrils; through them swallowed people come out; the Coyote tells the Rabbit to cut his body giant, throws pieces, saying which one will give birth to which people; when a piece falls, smoke comes, a dwelling appears; blacklegs, they are tall; ne perse is made of ribs, they have good heads (I mean - beautiful hair); stomach - pot-bellied grovanter; heart - curdalen, they mean; wiped your hands on the grass - they will be calm, they are poor]: 68-71; Teit 1917e, No. 6 [unnoticed, Coyote enters the womb a giant monster; he has already swallowed a lot of people; the Coyote threatens to kill him, the monster asks for mercy; the Coyote turns him into a bird with a big mouth]: 121-122; flethead: Edmonds, Clark 1989 [Coyote and the Fox traveled; the leader of the Kalispel tribe (aka Pend d'Oreille) refused to marry the girl Coyote; he retaliated by creating Spokane rapids above which salmon do not rise; Coyote unnoticed enters the womb of a giant creature; feeds swallowed people with monster fat; cuts off his heart with a knife (it turns into a mountain range); swallowed creatures jump out of their mouths; clenched The jaws flatten the Tick; the Coyote sees two women, sits between them, they jump up, dance into the river; the Coyote asks to wait, follows them, they drown him; Coyote's companion Fox finds the body jumps over it, the Coyote comes to life; the fox says the Coyote should not have been with these women, they are from the Shell tribe; the Coyote has set fire to the grass, the women are burned; now some oysters are on top black because they were burned in fire]: 29-31; McDermott 1901, No. 2 [volcano is the heart of a monster, lava is blood; (quail in Erdoes, Ortiz 1984:223-225)]: 240-241; ne perse [Coyote swallowed lying in the river monster; finds animal people inside; cuts a monster's heart, it dies]: Aoki 1979, No. 4 [The Coyote ties himself to the mountains; the ropes burst when the monster sucks it in; the Coyote breaks five stone knives before the heart is cut off; makes various tribes from members of the monster cut off and thrown in different directions; ne perse are made of blood and water]: 27-28; Clark 1953 [huge Beaver; Coyote gives himself swallow into a spruce branch; makes Chinook Indians from his lower body, clickitat from his legs, cahuz from his forelimbs, yakima from his ribs, ne perse from his head, oriental bison hunters out of blood, hair, mud]: 172-175; 1966 [animal people jump through various holes in the monster's body; Coyote makes tribes (as in Aoki); heart and liver turn into rocks]: 27-30; Phinney 1934 [ The Skylark tells the Coyote about the Monster; he takes tar and flint with him, kindles a fire under the Monster's heart; when the Monster dies, animal people jump out through all the holes in his body; clamped by the sphincter, Muskrat's tail turns bald]: 26-29; Spinden 1908, No. 2 [a monster with a deer's body; Coyote makes a fire under his heart]: 14-15; clickite: Jacobs 1929, No. 9 [Coyote wants to see a water monster; it swallows it; there are many people and animals inside; the Coyote makes a fire, the monster dies; the swallowed go ashore]: 225-226; 1934, No. 28 [when a girl comes to marry Eagle, his younger brother Coyote leaves; a monster lives in the Columbia River, swallows boats; the Coyote invites him to swallow each other; the monster does not pay attention to him, finally swallows him; the Coyote cuts his heart with a flintlock knife; previously swallowed people go outside; the cannibal Basket advises Coyote to cross the river with the help of her husband; this is the Crane, he lays his legs like a bridge, pushes those who turn into the water; the Coyote crosses in a boat; tells Basket that he turned white when he was smeared with resin and lay down on hot stones; The basket burns down, turns the Coyote crane into a crane; defecates, his two sisters are excrement It is said that a man with one leg and one hand harpoons salmon; Coyote turns into salmon, but One-legged knows it's a Coyote; hits him with a harpoon, pulls him ashore, lets him go; Coyote turns sisters in two dogs; the boy invites everyone to play off their dogs against his dogs; they are scary and dangerous; Coyote dogs kill them; Coyote goes further, depriving dangerous creatures of power]: 64-74; Tenino [The Coyote Chief has five sisters in his stomach, they are blueberries (rather Coyote excrement); every time he asked them for advice, they said they would not answer this time, because he would say again that he knew everything himself; the Coyote threatens them that it would cause rain, they would get wet; blueberries agree to give advice; to kill Nash-lah, who swallows boats with people on the river, you need to take firewood, tar and 5 flint knives; Coyote says he thought so himself; Coyote calls NL, forcing himself to swallow; finds hungry people inside; makes a fire, cuts off and roasts the monster's heart; N. regurgitates the swallowed, dies, coughing up the swallowed; Coyote gives first ancestors (animals) names (you will be an eagle, you will be a rattlesnake, etc.); now new people (Indians) will come; NL will live on in the afternoon, but will stop swallowing people]: Hines 1991, No. 1:12-15; yakima: Beavert 1974 [in Vinacha, a dog-like monster lived in the water by the cliff, sucked people in; Coyote's "sisters" say that the monster there are informants; this is Sandpiper's husband and wife (Scolopacidae); Coyote cuts off their tongues, promises to color nicely if they keep silent; but the female managed to squeak, the monster came out; the Coyote cut off the curly plants (with which the monster tied itself?) , the monster fell off the cliff, died, the rock turned red; the Coyote freed the swallowed, painted Sandpipers; the other monsters fled; the Coyote tied himself to the rock; the last monster tore the vines, swallowed the Coyote; previously swallowed freeze; the Coyote made a fire under the monster's heart, he died, the swallowed ones managed to jump out through the ass; the smoke turned many gray and black, the Heron's wings darkened, the Coyote became yellowish, uneven in color; Coyote tells monsters not to live on land; Killer whales and Sharks have gone to sea]: 28-31; Hines 1992, No. 1 [the monster of Istiplach on p. Colombia sucks everyone in; he is afraid of the Coyote; the Coyote hides knives, firewood, etc., takes the form of an old woman, is swallowed; there are many living and dead animal people inside, it's cold there; he makes a fire, cuts off his heart with a fifth knife, I. belches everyone; Coyote tells him not to swallow anyone when real people come]: 19-22; Western sachaptine [the monster swallowed people; Coyote offered to draw each other in, swallowed; there is a rattlesnake inside, the grizzlies want to kill him; he shamed them for not killing the monster; cut his heart, lit a fire under it; the swallowed ones came out; from the legs of the monster, the Coyote made black-legged, from the others parts - crowe, sioux, cans; washed his hands, from this water - ne perse (short but strong); var.: Coyote prepared fuel and resin in advance; ne perse arose from monster blood]: Farrand, Mayer 1917, No. 4:148- 149; Quileut: Andrade 1931, No. 16 [The raven takes a knife, gets into the boat, lets the whale swallow itself, cuts it from the inside; the whale carcass is washed ashore; people slaughter it, the Raven comes out bald]: 45-47; Clark 1953 [The creator is sailing in a boat; he is swallowed by a shark; he kills it from the inside; he nails it to the shore; people cut shark meat, hear the creator's voice from within]: 122; tillamook: Jacobs, Jacobs 1959, № 38 [the monster in the Columbia River swallows boats; the South Wind boat is also swallowed; it finds living people inside; they produce fire by friction, burn their boats under the monster's heart; he drinks water, explodes; people escape]: 140-141; Thompson, Egesdal 2008 [South Wind (SE) boat is swallowed by a river monster; there are many others swallowed inside; fire drill owners were swallowed a few days later; SE helps them make a fire at the heart of the monster; it swallows water but bursts; swallowed ones come out; SE says no one else will swallow humans]: 39-40; lower chinook [monstrous beaver Wishpoosh drowns fishermen on the lake; Coyote threw a harpoon at him, began to fight; fighting, they created a modern relief (lakes, gorges); Coyote became a piece of wood, V. swallowed it, in V. K. became himself again, cut it from the inside with a knife; with the help of Muskrat, he pulled the carcass ashore, cut it into pieces, scattered them; his head turned out to be ne perse (reasonable), from the hands of the kayuz (good archers), from clickitat legs (running fast), from yakim ribs, chinook from belly (they have a big belly); forgot to make people's mouths; god Ecahni cut through their mouths, but some incisions are crooked, others are too big; so coastal dwellers have ugly mouths]: Judson 1997:102-104; clackamas [monsters in the ground and in the river swallow people; the Coyote lights a fire in the womb of both, cuts off their hearts; goes out with by other people; receives wives as a reward]: Jacobs 1958, No. 9:98-105; katlamet [four older brothers go missing one by one; the old man invites everyone to shoot an elk, turns into a Moose, kills, eats brothers; younger brother throws flints into the fire, they turn into a dog; creates five lakes, hides in them; Moose drinks lakes, swallows a young man and a dog; they cut him from the inside, kill him; they cut him skin, pieces turn into areas of steppes and meadows of different sizes]: Boas 1901a, No. 8:58-66; cous: Jacobs 1940:184-193 [Trickster (p.192: associated with coyote) creates two daughters from alder cortex; says he will die; asks to be buried face out to see their genitals when the sisters step over him; tells him to marry the man who comes; the youngest suspects deception, the eldest goes out; he tells them they're just pieces of bark, they're leaving; he slaughtered the old woman, her sons left him at sea in the boat without oars; the seal helped him, he jumped down the whale's throat; when the whale swam to the shore, cut it with a knife from the inside, left; after a series of adventures he comes to his sister; suddenly throws fuel into the fire, forcing his nieces to fall on their backs to see their genitals; takes the girl with the biggest vulva with her fishing; helps her climb over a tree after she agrees to call him husband; sprinkles salmon blood on her genitals (origin menstruation; a menstruating woman is not allowed to eat fresh fish); a girl (she is a Duck) runs away], 219 [A month sends her son-in-law to cut a whale; he swallows it, swims away; the son-in-law gets out of the womb, swims on a log, comes back]; tututney (Joshua) [The coyote finds the old woman when her sons are at sea; goes to bed in the steam room, sends a storm, the old woman comes in to wake him up; he tells her to go out first; when she bends down, exposing his genitals, copulates and kills her; her sons send him to sea in a boat without oars; when he meets marine animals, he makes their teeth smaller; jumps into a whale, swims inside it for five years, balds, loses skin; pulls a knife out of his ear, cuts a whale as it approaches the bank of the Ampqua River; the chief's youngest daughter, a teenager, finds him; he feels its body, demanding that each part be named; when she touches her genitals, the girl freezes in place; he asks her, puts on her skin, turns the girl into salmon, lets her go to sea; lies between her sisters, gets pregnant all three; their mother I noticed the coyote's leg, cut it off, he ran away; she squeezed the coyotes out of her daughters' bellies, crushed them to dust, let them go north]: Farrand 1915, No. 18:233-238; upper coquil [The Coyote comes to the Cus River; the old woman replies that her sons are at sea; the Coyote says she will go to sleep in the steam room; when the sons arrive, let the old woman go into the steam room to pinch him, he will not hear a shout; when she comes in, her Coyote rapes; sons see it; send Coyote asleep in a boat to the open sea; he calls the Seal, corrects his head shape; Keith makes teeth out of the basket (whalemustache?) ; lets Keith swallow himself; cuts Keith's heart with a knife, goes outside when he feels that the carcass has been washed ashore; hides in the sand; those who are going to slaughter the whale say that it smells like a living person; they themselves are dead, they abandon the whale, leave; the Coyote climbs into the whale again, sews the hole, the whale nails to the other side; the Coyote is bald and blind; a girl with her period has come; holding her by the hand, the Coyote touches all parts of her body with the other hand, each time asking what it is; she calls it; after she calls her vagina, he pulls her skin off it, puts it on himself; now he is again sees; before that he asked the girl what she would have to do when she returned home; he walks along a rope, holding a tree in each hand, losing his balance a little; the girl's mother is surprised at this; the little brother asks what it is between his sister's legs, they don't pay attention to him; everyone has gone to cut the whale carcass, and Coyote lies down with another sister, who is also a period, rapes her; when the victim is found, The coyote has already run away; he hid in the hollow, telling the hole to overgrow, so he spent the winter; in the spring he screams, consistently sends birds and animals that have come, but the Woodpecker asks to open the hole; he cut, Coyote pulled out his feathers, the woodpecker flew away; the Coyote cuts himself to pieces, pushes them out; The Raven (?) takes his guts away; he eats strawberries, berries fall out of his ass; he seals his anus with resin; jumps over burning grass, his ass lights up, he rushes into the river, it dries up; into the sea; burns; She takes the remains ashore; they are bitten by a beetle, the Coyote comes to life, scolds the beetle for not letting him sleep; comes to his grandmother; gets deer; hears singing, this is the dance of girls who are menstruating; grandmother warns of danger, but he goes from mountain to mountain, singing moves away; eventually tells his excrement to dress him as a leader, joins the dance; dances day and two nights; dancers tear him off hands, even in spite of him; Puma is indignant, goes dancing, but breaks out of the circle; only he managed to survive; the dancers were dead]: Jacobs 2007:159-172; coutenay: Boas 1918, No. 50 [Brother Muskrat's widow rejects him; he kills her, lies that the unusual arrow that hit her was fired from the sky; Coyote and others shoot, their arrows do not reach the sky; only the Hawk Brothers arrow pierced the sky; they make a chain of arrows; it is a little short, the Raven puts its beak instead of the lowest step; everyone goes up, does not wait for Wolverine; he breaks off the stairs; Muskrat builds in the sky the village fires arrows as if there are many enemies in the village; the deception is revealed, the Muskrat is killed; those who come catch the Thunderbird with a snare and kill; those who then become birds receive its feathers and go down; The Bats and Flying Squirrels plan on blankets, the Coyote on their tail; the Sucker fish jumped, crashed, so it now has a lot of small bones; Little Woodpecker and some of the other warriors are returning across the horizon; The Little Woodpecker has swallowed a water monster; the Great Woodpecker summons birds to the festival; the Chief of the Birds makes it clear that the Little Woodpecker has been swallowed; the Great Woodpecker with birds chase the monster along the rivers; ask grandfather coutene, crawling, creating rivers, to make a stagnant lake; the monster was driven there, the Fox killed him with an ax; the Little Woodpecker and the Duck flew out of his womb, but the woodpecker became small as it is now; parts of the monster's body scattered (different tribes arose from them); Kuten was remembered when there was only a little blood left, so there were few of them]: 73-77 (Quail in Clark 1966:146-149).

The Midwest. Winnebago: Burlin, p. 247-253 in Edmonds, Clark 1989 [The bunny lived with his Grandmother Earth; the monster in the form of a grassy hill devoured people; the bunny showered himself with crushed flint, gave himself swallow; inside alive and dead; The bunny turned a flint fragment into a flint knife; cut a hole, people came out; the monster's children were thrown overseas, so elephants do not live here; put them on the path the Sun caught the net made by his grandmother in it; freeing him, scorched his hind legs; trying to kill a huge ant, he himself was killed; his grandmother revived him; he brought a huge pine tree from the edge of the earth, knocked him down ant, which turned into many scattered ants]: 266-269; Radin 1956, No. 14 [The hare covers itself with flint arrowheads, lets a water monster swallow itself; finds itself alive inside humans; the monster belches him four times and swallows him again; he has several stomachs; the hare kills him by cutting his heart, releasing the swallowed ones; burns the monster's children and pregnant wives]: 76-78; menominee : Bloomfield 1928, No. 73 [Menapus adopts a young wolf; tells him not to cross the bay on ice; he violates the ban, is drowned by underwater creatures; M. gets on a raft to take revenge rejects other monsters, asks the Dirty Gut to swallow it; finds an elk, deer and other animals inside; pierces the monster's heart with an arrow; the corpse is washed ashore, M. asks his grandmother to cut corpse, goes out with animals]: 183-187; Densmore 1932b [Manabus sails in a boat, lets a hairy underwater snake swallow it; inside the monster are all animals; Squirrel gives M. a knife - his tooth; M. sends a snake to the shore, cuts its heart, cuts a hole, goes ashore, helps animals get out]: 144-145; Skinner, Satterlee 1915, No. 11 [Myanyabush takes amulets, swims in a boat, wants it was swallowed by a huge fish; the monster first sends his son and wife to swallow it, Myanyabush chases them; in the womb, the monster Myanyabush finds swallowed animal people; cuts the heart with a knife monsters; when the corpse is driven ashore, Myanyabush releases the swallowed ones; everyone makes a joyful scream, runs away to where they will live (the origin of animal voices and habits)]: 272-278; Ojibwa: Barnouw 1977, No. 6 (chippewa) [Venebojo and Flint argue in their mother's womb about who to go out first; V.: If you go out, you will kill your mother; brothers jump out, disappear with their mother; the grandmother finds a blood clot, covers it with birch bark; under it is first a rabbit, then V., asks where his mother is; Swallow by a whale (probably Sturgeon); V. takes a knife, swallowed with the boat ; inside the whale finds the Squirrel and the Blue Jay; cuts the whale's heart; the corpse is washed ashore, crows peck him, V., Squirrel, Jay come out; Brother V. sits on a rock in the middle of a resin lake, cuts off pieces from his legs, they turn into shells; Chickady advises V. shoot his brother's braid; V. kills brother with an arrow], 7 [see J4B motif; V. sharpens an ax, hears the sound mother, mother, then father, father; grandmother explains that the axe-cutter killed his chief father and his men; V. wants to be swallowed by Keith, sends other fish; finds an Owl and a Squirrel inside; kills his father's killer]: 75-82; Blackwood 1929, No. 3 [the giant killed everyone, the grandmother hid Manabazoo in a hole from the teepee pole; M. made all the animals out of the ground, revived them, released them into the forest; greased the boat to swim across the resin near the giant's house; bribed guards - he made the whale the greatest fish, gave poison to rattlesnakes, painted them; gave the bears (like the whale) tobacco; fed parrots, they did not raise the alarm; they reported that the giant's vulnerable place under the scythe at the back of the head; M. hit the place with an arrow, took out the paint, released the birds from captivity, painted it; the woodpecker made it beautiful for help, left the crow and the crow black for ridicule; the squirrel showed where the bag was with the hearts of dead people; on the way back, M. and the squirrel were swallowed by a whale; M. pierced his heart with an arrow, released black paint; the grandmother saw it on the water; M. told the birds to hammer a hole outside the whale, M. and the squirrel came out; M. painted the seagull white, gave claws to the crowd, made the leader of the birds; M. gave voices to the birds on the feast; the squirrel carried their hearts to the graves, M. revived people; gave the squirrel the right to all nuts; people named M. Hiawatha, "All Father"]: 329-332; Carson 1917 [Unnecessarily catches ordinary trouts first, throws them away, wants to catch their leader named Ogima; in the spring he hides Laska under his nephew's clothes; shouts O. in order for him to swallow the bait, he swallows the boat; Laska gnaws on his heart; trouts bury him at the bottom, but N. releases bile and O. pops up; N. comes out, comes to his grandmother's house, there are a lot of things near him dead birds; they teased the old woman, imitating the voice of N.; he dries two ponds, O. cooks in one, releases fat in the other; convenes animals; Rabbit was the first to throw himself into the fat; The elk was the last, pulled out Kroolica and wiped it off, said he was too young to feast with others; Rabbit replied that rabbit hunters would now be much easier to kill than moose; when everyone left, Rabbit put fat around his neck and legs, now only he has fatty meat]: 492; Coleman et al 1971 (Minnesota, Font du Lac, 1958) [Nanabozho's mother went with her mother for firewood; the wind hit, she was gone; grandmother picked up a blood clot, N. emerged from it; his grandmother replied that his mother had killed the four corners of the wind, the way there through resin-covered water; the weasel agreed to tell N. that it should hit the enemy in a fart hair on the back of his head; for this, N. made the caress white with black spots; N. killed the enemy, divided him into pieces, from which different animals arose; the grandmother praised N.; he sailed on a boat, the wind called, but there was no wind; the Mas-Ki-no-zha pike swallowed it with the boat; he cut through it from the inside, the dead pike washed ashore, the birds began to peck at it, N. asked them to help him get out; he cut the pike into pieces, all of which were small fish]: 63-65; Jones 1917, No. 61 [Nyanabushu (N.) asks his grandmother if there were other people besides them; she replies that they are all missing, including him an older brother named Nyanapatam, from whose placenta N. himself arose; N. sharpens an ax to make arrows, the whetstone repeats, Your father, your mother; N. sails in a boat, asks the Great The sturgeon swallows it; it cuts his heart from the inside, he cannot regurgitate it; the Sturgeon people bury him at the bottom of the sea; N. causes a storm, the Sturgeon nails to the shore; N. asks the Seagulls to cut the hole; for this makes them beautiful, white; makes sturgeon from Sturgeon]: 467-483; Josselin de Jong 1913, No. 8 [Grandma Nenabojo tells him that Keith killed his father; he is sailing in a boat; Keith sends Pike, but N. calls himself; Keith's father warns him that N. cannot be swallowed; he swallows; N. finds a living Squirrel in his womb; cuts off Keith's heart; N. and the squirrel go out through a hole in the body of an exhausted Keith; N. comes to his to the evil brother who killed their mother (see motive L75); he asks what is dangerous for N. - Rogoz; both shoot at each other without causing harm; the woodpecker shouts N. to aim at the place where he has the enemy is tied in a bundle of hair; N.'s last arrow kills his brother]: 9-12; Radin, Reagan 1928, No. 16 [underwater Leo kidnaps a woman, keeps her in his lake; she gives birth to Manabozo; taking tobacco with him, M. allows Leo to swallow himself; Leo is ill, M. plugs his throat and suffocates him; goes outside]: 102-103; Western Swamp Cree (northern Manitoba) [sister does not tell his younger brother to shoot squirrels near the water; he breaks the ban, climbs into the water for an arrow, tells the fish to swallow it; his sister catches it on a hook, finds a living brother; the sun has burned his cape, he puts a snare, the Sun does not rise; the young man cannot open the snare because of the heat; insects, the mouse can't, the Mole succeeds, he goes blind; the sister tells his brother that the Bear killed their parents; the brother breaks a tree, a stone with an arrow, the Bear rushes to run, is killed with an arrow; brother hangs a birch bark bundle with bear hair in the dugout, does not tell his sister to look; sounds can be heard from the forest; brother says that the sister must have looked and cries]: Cresswell 1923:404-405; Eastern Marsh Cree (West Bank Hall. James): Bird 2007 [similar to Ellis 1995]: 23-29; Ellis 1995, No. 4 [Chahkabesh lives with her older sister; she warns not to go after a fallen arrow into the water; he swims for an arrow, the fish swallowed it; sister caught her on the hook, gutted her, C. screams for her to cut more carefully], 16 [as in (4)], 29 [as in (4)]: 19-21, 115-117, 173-175; Skinner 1911:102-104 [T.'s parents and his sister were eaten by brown bears; T. and his sister ran to heaven, climbing a tree trunk; his sister does not tell you to climb a tree that leans over the lake; T. shot a duck, it fell into the water, he climbed a tree, swallowed it fish; sister caught it, T. was inside, screaming, Careful; T. killed the bears, found his mother's hair in his stomach; T. put on the skin of the jay, took the giant's fat from the beavers they killed; they knocked him down, leaving him scraper; they stopped cooking, he jumped out, pushed them into boiling water, everyone died; T. carried away the beaver killed by the giants, put on the shell that came from the spoon-shell; the giants took his sister away; T. killed them everyone with an arrow; put a trap on the path of the Sun, it became dark; T. sends various small animals to gnaw through the rope; Ermine (Laska) died from the heat, the Shrew gnawed]; Eastern Cree: Skinner 1911:100-102 (Ruperts House) [Tcikápis young man asks his sister what their parents, killed by the Katcitos creature, looked like; she replies that his father had dark hair and his mother had blond hair; T. calls queues of all animals, asks what they do when they meet people; everyone replies that they run away, that they don't eat people; K. replies that he eats people, which is as strong as a pine tree; T. blows a pine tree with an arrow to pieces; catches up kills the beast with an arrow; finds the hair of his mother and father in his stomach, brings it to his sister; tells the big fish to swallow it; sitting in his stomach, invites her to see what it is; this is his sister's hook, that catches fish, finds his brother in his stomach, he laughs; his sister does not tell you to go to giants who hunt beavers in winter; T. takes their beaver; makes the teepee stone at night, giants are powerless do; T. goes to the cannibal; her two daughters don't mind if he kills her, for her mother killed all their lovers; T. pushes her into a boiling pot; climbs wood into heaven; does not want to give in to the Sun the path, he steps through it, burning his cape; T. puts a trap on the path; The sun is caught, it gets dark; T. cannot approach the Sun because of the heat; sends the Shrew to close the fetters; descends for his sister and his two wives, and climbs back to heaven with them]; steppe crees [see motive J20; the enemy cuts off the head from Wampum, takes it away; the body remains alive; the sister goes beyond a man from the West, gives birth to twins; they have knives on their elbows; twins fly on their arrows visiting V.'s body; a raven guards V.'s head; one of the twins turns into a swallow, a raven drives him away; the other turns into a hawk, brings his head, revives V.; all three return to sister V. and her husband; the husband, V., the eldest twin, disappears one by one, is swallowed by the Snake; the elder rips open the Snake with his with sharp elbows, swallowed out; twins turn their parents into two thorny trees; V. is told to stay in the west, people will dream of him; they themselves turn into two stars]: Bloomfield 1930, No. 19:152-162; sauk [Visakia swims on the lake in a boat, calls the Big Fish to swallow it; drives away a pile of smaller fish; once inside the Fish, she cuts its insides; she spews it ashore, dies; he gets a lot of glue from the skeleton; pulls out arrow feathers from the Thunderbirds; his grandmother hides one pen for herself]: Skinner 1928, No. 11:151-152; atticamek [cannibals killed everyone, didn't notice girl; she found the corpse of a pregnant mother, carved a live baby out of her belly, raised it; this is Tcikanis; his arrow fell into the lake; he turned the boat into a bow, another arrow into a paddle, swam; his pike swallowed it; before that, he told his sister to cook the forest with a hook; told the pike to swim to where it was small, swallow the bait; the sister pulled out the pike, began to cut, C. went out]: Davidson 1928a: 271.

Northeast. Montagnier [Katshikuasku kills Tshakapesh and his wife; their daughter finds a boy in her mother's womb; his name is also T.; doesn't tell him to go where K. lives, he pretends to be afraid, he goes (episode repeated at the beginning of each new adventure); black, polar bears, Matshuo (like K., a particularly scary bear) take turns coming out, rejected; K. turns out, says that killing him is as difficult as hit a certain tree, rock; T. breaks a tree, a rock with arrows, kills K., finds his father's hair in K.'s stomach, turns it into moss on conifers; brings K.'s head to his sister, does not tell her to eat it; sister eats, can't open her mouth; T. opens her mouth, says only men will eat bear head; T. is swallowed by a huge trout; tells her to grab the bait in her sister's forest, sister cuts the belly of the trout, T. goes out; people invite T. to hunt a huge beaver, which always drags the hunters to the bottom; T. kills the beaver, brings it to his sister; marries two cannibal daughters; they warn not to eat the human fat that their mother will offer; the cannibal suggests fighting, T. kills her by throwing her against a rock she threw her former sons-in-law against; T. brings her wives to to his sister; mistapeut people play ball with a bear's head, kill every newcomer by throwing it; T. hits his head; the man wants to captivate T., make his sister's husband; T. brings him to her husband himself to his own sister; people swing on a swing over the abyss, victims fall into a boiling pot; T. tells the feathers to float, tells the sister's husband to invite those people to gather at the cauldron when the fat comes up; turns a cauldron on them; T. plucks all his hair, leaving it on her head, eyebrows and eyelashes; people used to be covered in hair; now T. is cold, his sister sews her first clothes; T. shoots a squirrel, sister gets stuck in a tree, it grows, he climbs into the sky; puts a trap on the path, the Sun falls into it, it gets dark; Squirrel, Mouse can't come up because of the heat, the Shrew gnaws through the trap; again it's light; T. returns for his family, they all climb into the sky, then he makes the tree small again; he goes to live on the moon himself, sends his son-in-law to the Morning Star]: Savard 1979, No. 1:4-11; delaware: Bierhorst 1995, No. 41 [on a rock at the mouth of the river. Delaware lived 12 little women; they talked to swimmers; if they were answered rude, they called their Snake Uncle, who swallowed the traveler, or they scalped him themselves; the young man let himself be swallowed, went out, cutting the monster, he died; set fire to the homes of little women, they could not extinguish the fire with their urine], 86 [the girl rejects the grooms; agrees to the offer of a handsome stranger; he takes her to her underwater world; she finds his snake clothes, runs away; he chases; her caress assistant climbs the snake's throat, cuts off her heart; Thunders rub the woman's body, snakes fall off her; she stays with Thunders; when the clouds rise with a rumbling sound, it's the rustle of her clothes]: 37, 48-49.

Plains. Sarsi: Curtis 1976 (18) [husband does not tell a pregnant wife to look out of the tipi if she hears something; wife pierces a hole with an awl; an old man comes in; refuses to eat the food offered at a tray made of wood, a dried stomach, a bark; on a woman's blanket (that's better!) , on her moccasin (even better), greed (more!) , wearing her dress (very close! ); when she puts food on her bare stomach, the person eats the offer with her flesh, pulls two babies out of her womb, throws one into the stream, the other beyond the floor of the tipi; the corpse's face puts in a fire, it wrinkles as if laughing; he leaves the corpse facing the entrance; the husband first thinks the wife is laughing, then crying; notices the prints of small legs on the ash; leaves his blanket on the hill for disguises, he flies up in the form of a pen; hears one boy calling another to come out of the river to play; next time his father grabs Domashny, Rechnaya slips away; convinces Domashny to lure Rechny ashore , he also grabs; brothers shoot arrows up above the mother's body, she comes to life; the father does not tell you to go in certain directions; the brothers go, defeat monsters; 1) the bison; 2) the bear; 3) the old man who killed them mother (Domashny searches in his head, protecting his stomach with a flat stone; the old man cannot bite into him, Rechnoy kills him with an arrow); 4) a living hill draws in and swallows people; brothers find skeletons inside ; cut off Hill's heart, make a hole in his side; revive the swallowed, go out with them; 5) Domashny tries to grab the Eagle's feather, the Eagle takes him away; the old woman finds a baby lying on eagle feathers ; only her youngest son agrees that she bring the foundling into the house; he is called Zillunna ("lousy"). The chief promises to give his two daughters to the one who will get two silver foxes; C. the old woman is ashamed to offer the leader Ts as her son-in-law, for the third time she says that he got the fox; the older sister refuses to marry C., the youngest goes out; only C. turns bison cakes into bison, gets buffalo; creates beautiful clothes for herself and his wife; the older sister turns into a mole out of envy, digs a hole under the sleeping C., who falls, she defecates on him; the old Wolf calls animals , they tear off C.; The she-wolf adopts C., she is killed, C. returns to his wife; tells the Wolves to execute her older sister; The Wolves tore her apart, Wolverine took the vulva and climbed the tree]: 136-140; Dzana-gu 1921, No. 26 [When going hunting, the husband tells the pregnant wife not to look out when she hears the sound of the bell; she looks out, the man comes in, refuses to eat from the plate, from the moccasins, from the greaves, from the dress, eats from her belly, tears it apart, pulls out the twins, throws one into the river, the other behind the floor, leaves, leaving the corpse standing; the husband mourns his wife, notices small footprints, leaves a bow and arrow, goes to the hill, sees boy; next time he leaves his cape on the hill, he comes closer imperceptibly; the boy, thrown next to the tipi, shouts to the man thrown into the river that his father is far away on the hill, he goes out, the family is enough him, calls his father; all three live together; brothers shoot arrows, tell his mother to beware, she comes to life; the father does not tell them to go to the river where their mother is murdered; the brothers go, that man suggests looking for he has parasites, one brother ties a person's hair to willows, the other puts a stone on his stomach; a man jumps up, wants to dig into his stomach, breaks his teeth, stays tied to his hair; the father warns do not go where the bear, the bison, the brothers kill them; do not go to the cave, they go, they are drawn in by the wind, they see the heart, it is an absorber monster, skeletons inside; brothers tie knives to their heads , dance, bounce, cut the monster's heart, return to their father]: 32-34; blacklegs [a huge fish draws in a hero who has arisen from a clot of bison blood; inside he finds people still alive; cuts the fish's heart with a knife; cuts a hole in the side to go out]: Wissler, Duvall 1908, No. 2:56-57; crowe [the bison swallows people, sucking them in; the hero lets him swallow himself, hurts his heart and kidneys, feeds them to the swallowed; takes them into holes made between the ribs; people don't eat more bison]: Lowie 1918:63-64, 95-96; grovanter: Cooper 1975, No. 10 [Wolf swallows humans; hero cuts his stomach, goes out; revives swallowed bones]: 473; Kroeber 1907b, No. 20 [an evil son-in-law does not give meat to his father-in-law; father-in-law hides a clot of bison blood, he turns into a boy; a good daughter speaks to her husband that it is a girl; a boy grows up, kills his son-in-law, three evil wives and their children; travels to exterminate monsters; a man shakes passers-by over the river, throws off a water monster; a blood clot turns into the pen, allows himself to be swallowed, kills the monster from the inside with arrows, frees the swallowed; kills the swing owner]; allows the Wolf to swallow himself, cuts his heart, comes out with a hole in his side, releases those previously swallowed]: 82-90; throw off the pawnee [Thistles kidnap the orphan's sister; he finds her; the thistles give him their strength; the girl comes and says that her grandfather is calling him; this is the Serpent; he swallows a young man and his sister, crawls to the lake; they sprout through his back in the form of thistles; they kill the Snake by piercing him with abandoned thistles]: Dorsey 1904b, No. 29:104-106; santi [two girls sleep outside; one wants a big and bright star as her husband, the other a weak star; both are taken to heaven; a bright star is a big man, a weak star is a young man; the first's wife is pregnant, her husband does not tell her dig up the rhizomes of Psoralea esculenta; she digs up, falls through the sky, breaks to death, her baby remains alive; an old man picks him up, brings him to his wife; throws him over the tipi, a baby turns into a young man; kills buffalo; goes traveling; 1) meets another young man living with his grandmother; people walking on water are swallowed by a monster; friends are also swallowed, they see monsters in their wombs alive and dead young men and women; the monster's heart is cut off, he dies; they make a hole in the side, go out; they are given two girls; the star leaves both to each other, moves on; see motif K19B]: Riggs 1893:90-94; Omaha, Ponca [two options; a living hill swallows people; The rabbit lets him swallow himself, cuts his heart; the hill splits, the swallowed ones come out; the rabbit brings Hill's heart to his grandmother, they eat it]: Dorsey 1890:31, 34-35; Osage [a living hill swallows everyone; a young man lets him swallow himself, hurts his heart; swallowed animals come out; chief marries a young man to his daughter]: Dorsey 1904c, No. 34:42; Iowa: Skinner 1925, No. 1 [a two-faced monster with sharp elbows kills the mother of the twins; they grow up, destroy monsters; give the monster Ue (a giant female genital organ) swallow themselves; before that, they cover their bodies with flint, Ue blows away the flints; in Ue's womb, the older brother finds flint scales under his foreskin, turns the scale into a knife, cuts off Ue's heart, makes a hole in the side; brothers and swallowed people and animals go out], 39 [Ue (the female organ of the earth) sucked the Hare; threw it back; grandmother The hare cured him in the steam room; he is rolling hot stones in Uya; Uye's death cramps caused earthquakes]: 427-441, 497-498; wichita [the hoop is rolling towards the lake, the brothers go for him, they are swallowed by a huge fish; father thinks they are dead, rises to heaven, becomes a star; they kill fish with a bowstring, go out through its ass]: Dorsey 1904a, No. 12:101; arikara [Mother- Corn takes people out of the underground cave; The Mole or Long-nosed Mouse, Skunk, Badger are digging a way out; everyone goes west to the water barrier; the fish swims, the waters part, people go dry, the waters follow them close; Owl makes its way through the forest, Kingfisher through the abyss; the horns of the giant bison reach the sky; the Mole, the Skunk, the Badger dig holes, the Fish rushes down the Bison's throat when he comes to drink, cuts his fins from the inside, he runs, falls into holes, dies; his skin is grass, his horns are trees with bark, he has a sunflower on his nose, he looks like Mother Earth; his blood is glass, has become stones, they are made of smoking pipes; his meat has been divided into sacred bundles; everyone goes further west; animals decide to separate themselves from humans]: Dorsey 1904d, No. 5:23-25; tonkawa [young man fishing; contrary warning, calls the biggest; the Master of the Waters swallows him; the young man asks where his heart is; hurts his heart, the Master of the Waters dies, the young man comes out of his mouth; the river dries up; the young man throws prey back into the riverbed, the water returns]: Hoijer 1972, No. 17:59-60

Southeast USA. Chirokee [huge fish in the river. Tennessee breaks boats, swallows people; one groped for a sharp shell in the fish's womb, cut its side, went out; it was hot inside, he was bald forever]: Mooney 1900, No. 68:320-321.

California. Shasta [man loses everything, even his wife; rushes into the lake, swallowed by a rattlesnake; she belches him, brother finds him alive; man plays everything back]: Dixon 1910a, No. 14:24-25; chupa [The young man has lost everything; he rushes into the lake, swallows something; he is found on the shore, naked and bald; a year later he recovers, plays, wins]: Curtis 1976 (13): 183-184; yokutz [ The hawk and the Falcon throw arrows at the salmon, then the bows, he swallows everything; they jump themselves, swallow them, they cut his heart, he swims to the shore, dies, they get out through his slightly open mouth; his mother Shanwawa tries to draw them in, chases them on the ground; Smelly Beetle, Ant, Skunk ask her to open her mouth, inject smelly liquid into it; Bedbug throws a hot stone, S. dies]: Curtis 1976 ( 14:177-178; monak [water snake swallows Rainbow Trout; he lights his pipe, the snake spews it]: Gifford 1923, No. 24:359-362.

The Great Southwest. Diegueño (ipay) [all knowledge was inside a giant sea serpent; another serpent is guarding the way; the man turns into a bubble, the guard swallows it; he finds a flintlock knife inside the snake , cuts his womb, goes out; asks the main serpent to pass on knowledge to people; tribes take dances, songs, ritual images]: Waterman 1910:340 (=Olmos Aguilera 2005:129-131); Hopi [ the monster swallows twins; they find living people inside; they get out through their nostrils]: Voth 1905, No. 19:82-83; hicarilla: Goddard 1911, No. 6 [fish swallows humans; swallowed hero waits, while the fish swims to the shore, it cuts its heart; makes holes in its side to go out (the origin of the gills); brings the fish's heart to the Sun], 7 [brings the Month]: 201-202; Navajo: Bahti 2000 [Holy Man and his brother Holy Boy went hunting; NM shot a wild ram with an arrow with the wrong plumage; for this, the Thunders took him to heaven; taught him to heal with lightning; he went to look for his brother; NV tried to grab two eagle feathers tied to a reed, fell into the water, swallowed by fish, it took him to the Water Men; he cut through the exit with a flint knife; Aquatic People taught him ceremonies]: 34-35; Wyman 1970 [The Farmer Deer sees corn in the lake; throws a rainbow bridge across the lake, walks along it to get corn; the bridge falls; the hero is swallowed by the Big Fish, takes People to the world- Pisces; he gets corn, learns the rituals performed during sowing and harvesting]: 36; papago: Densmore 1929a: 72 [water monster; boy lets himself be swallowed, cuts the monster's belly with a sharp one a stone; this proves that the father died differently (see motif J25)]; popago: Underhill 1946 [dark at first; The Creator of the Earth (NW) and the Yellow Vulture (HS) meet four times in the void, each forces the other to create peace; the NW took something out of his heart or rolled dirt off his skin, put it in the palm of his hand, grew out of it a green branch, greasewood; the louse on the plant produced resin and created the earth from this NW; he sang, bored it, it became flat; he placed mountains on the ground, bird fluff (clouds) and shamans on the tops of the mountains; when the earth spread out, shamans and mountains spread everywhere; the Earth expanded to the domes of Heaven; I'itoi jumped out, said he was the son of Heaven and Earth; he was small, bearded, gray or blond; Coyote came out from the northwest from under the bush; the earth swayed, Coyote, I. and JS were unsuccessfully confused to consolidate it; this was done by two Spiders, connecting heaven and earth with a web; all the mountains were inclined to the west, all the rivers flowed there; the JS flew by, waving its wings, gave the mountains a variety of shapes, rivers flowed into different sides; the NW splashed water to the north, west, south, east, the moon and the sun appeared; spit out stars like saliva; created people from his body, she began to fight; he and I. sent a flood; for this purpose I. created Handsome Man, who became pregnant with all the girls, each gave birth the next morning; the sorcerer made the Handsome Man himself give birth; he left the child, he began to cry, his tears flooded the ground with a flood; NW escaped to a magic rod, I. in a large vessel, a Coyote in a reed, JS pierced the sky; some people became birds, clung to the sky with their beaks; others became trees, took root; others with a dog climbed to the top of the mountain, turned into stones there; traces of foam on the water can be seen on them; NW and I. agreed that whoever comes first after the flood is older; the first NW, then I., the last Coyote; but I. made sure that he was considered the eldest; all three began to sculpt new people; those made by Coyote are shapeless, thrown overseas; the NW's made are also shapeless, and I.'s people are real; NW and I. became argue; NW tried to pull the sky down, then fell through the ground, spreading diseases; I.'s people became pima, papago, apache, maricopa; I. made papago his people, taught culture (bow and arrow, house-building, drinking ceremony); I. retired to the cave; people, especially maricopa, kicked a defenseless rattlesnake; I. gave her poison; she bit maricopa, he died; he was burned (since then maricopa cremate the dead); Coyote stole a heart from a funeral fire; a hole in the ground opened, water or wind; closed when two boys and two girls were thrown at it; this is how Santa Rosa ceremonies arose ; the cannibal stole children, she was strangled with smoke in a cave; I. killed the ogre eagle, feathers for witchcraft; the monster sucked everyone into himself; I. let himself be sucked, killed the monster, freed the swallowed; I. grew old, began to attack girls during their maturity ceremony; people killed him three times; on the advice of the Sun, JS managed to kill I. with an iron bow (gun); 4 years later, I. revived, went west; I. created deer, an evil shaman drove them into a pen; two brothers paid a shaman so that everyone could hunt; JS is scalped, so bald; I. sometimes returns from the underworld]: 8-12; pima [taking sharp stones, the boy lets himself be swallowed by the monster, cuts it, comes out]: Russel 1908:246.

NW Mexico. Yaki [in a trance, a shaman is swallowed by a snake living in a cave, walking through her body]: Beals 1943:64; Painter 1986 in Boyd 1996:159; Nahuatl Zap. Mexico [parents send their son to kill God (dios; Preuss: apparently the Sun); he shoots, God dodges, night falls; then they send a snake to kill; the young man shoots but is swallowed with the bow; cuts off, He sets fire to the snake's liver, it belches it; his parents sent him to heaven to be God's messenger; God gives him the name San Miguel; makes sure that there is no flood and the snake does not return; otherwise there would be no people left]: Preuss 1925, No. 1:465 (=1955:384-385; =1968, No. 21:159-161).

Mesoamerica Tlapaneci [a person dates a woman on the riverbank; a crocodile comes instead of her, swallows a man; when he gets ashore, a person rips his belly open with a knife, goes out; in this time a woman dies]: Schultze Jena 1938, No. 6:133-135; tequistlatecs [sea crocodile; belches a hero in the country of Thunder]: Carrasco 1960:107; Veracruz Nahuatl [see motive J25; Tamakasti lives with her grandmother; her husband offered her to eat it; T. told the bat to kill her grandfather; blood dripped from the attic, the grandmother thought it was her grandson's blood, started drinking; called her husband, found him dead; T. brought water, said that he did not kill his grandfather, because he went to get water; the grandmother wanted to cook T., he threw it into the cauldron himself; he burned the bones with his grandfather's corpse, told the Toad to throw ashes on the other side of the sea; the Toad reached to the shore, where she threw a deck with ashes, it burst, mosquitoes, flies and mosquitoes appeared from the ashes; the Lizard also only said that she had carried the deck with ashes; Skunk carried the deck overseas; T. (or someone else?) split the lizard's tongue in half; T. told his mother that he would go to his father; on the way he sat on a stone, he swallowed it; he cut the heart of the stone with a sword; T. came to his father, brought Fox and the musicians; then European a tale of matchmaking and marriage trials; T.'s rival - South Wind]: Law 1957:345-355; tsotsil: Gossen 1974, No. 37 [swallowed by a crocodile, cuts through his belly a week later, returns home; lost flesh on his fingers and leg, dies], 74 [sea monster]:? , 291; Laughlin 1977, No. 97 [a man went down to the river for water, the crocodile swallowed it; it was cold inside; the man woke up when the crocodile came up to warm up; the man cut the way out with a knife, returned home]: 357 (=Laughlin, Karasik 1988:171-172); Montes Sanches in Laughlin 1977:357 [swallowed by a snake cuts the way out with a knife]; tseltal [the man went to collect snails, almost undressed, on his belt a knife hung him; he was swallowed by a crocodile; when he went ashore to bask in the sun, the man cut his belly, went out; his legs were very itchy; the man's father fished the dead crocodile out of the lake, crocodile eaten]: Stross 1978:21-23; quiche [man swallowed by fish or crocodile gets out]: Edmonson 1985:129; kakchikeli [swallowed by a water monster spends two in his womb days, cuts through, returns unharmed]: Tax 1950 in Laughlin 1977:357; avacatek, ishil, quiche, pokomchi, kekchi, tseltal, uspantec, yucatec [man swallowed by fish, crocodile, etc.; gets out by cutting a bruyo monster with a knife; sometimes a monster takes him to the other side of the sea]: Peñalosa 1996, No. 333A: 65.

Honduras-Panama. Pech: Flores 1989:36-38 [To cross the river, the hunter Setuska undresses with only a knife, throws himself into the water, is swallowed by a snake, which sails with him into the sea; on the fourth attempt he manages to kill a snake with a knife from the moment he is at the shore, he comes out bald; in a country overseas, S. finds nine virgins, the daughters of Mother Corn; they have a lot of boiled corn; the girls say he does not eat this garbage, they give him something else; he marries his youngest, they have children; he wants to go home, the girls put him and his son on a crocodile, give all kinds of seeds; he lives at home for three months separately from others, teaches how to grow corn], 39-40 [the serpent swallowed the hunter Setusca in the river; while in his womb, he ate animals that the serpent also swallowed; cut off his heart, went out on the island; there Mother Corn's nine daughters; they have no anus, they eat the smell of boiled corn; S. married his youngest, they have a son; he wants to go home; his wife sends him on a crocodile, does not tell him that he is saw; grew corn at home in 9 days; told and died; (same in Flores, Griffin 1991:51-54)], 41-44 [the hunter knows he must get to the corn girls; swallowed by a snake when crossing the river ; a snake cuts his womb, goes out to the island; there women cook their cobs, eat the smell without anuses; he cuts through them; he is given all kinds of maize; he wants to go home, he is sent on a crocodile; he teaches grow maize, says maize is girls and women]; sumu [a person turns into a water snake, swallows two brothers, leaves them as excrement on the other side of the sea; when they return, they kill him]: Houwald, Rener 1987 (4): 28; Guaimi [an invincible shaman turns into a sea monster; eight men let themselves be swallowed; cut the monster's belly only when they know that they're not far from home; only one comes back alive]: Septimo, Joly 1986:99-105

The Northern Andes. Embera: Isaza Bravo 1987 [Buro-Poto was born from a tumor on a man's leg; he died; B. asked who killed his father; Jaguars (los viejos thought B. would hunt jaguars and die) ; killed all jaguars with arrows, left a pregnant female, new from her; Snakes (the same with snakes); etc.; said that his father was killed by a snake that looked like cancer, but huge, lives in a pond, swallows people whole; B. put firewood on the raft, made a fire in the monster's stomach, began to crumble the monster with a knife; killed an unborn cub, fried it, fed the others swallowed; swam out with a raft over the ass; killed Moon; built a staircase, hand to the moon, left a stain on it, the woodpecker cut off the stairs, B. fell to sunset; the Sun took him on its underground journey along the river; there were people who ate the smell, only B. ate, they asked them to make anuses, died, B. revived them; crabs attacked, for underground people it was death, B. destroyed them easily; a few days later the Sun took it with it; a lot of food in a small basket; at home, B. began to suck blood at night, kill women; they poured boiling water on him, he petrified, made corn grinders out of it]: 128-129; Rochereau 1929 (katio) [a man was bitten by nutria caviar, he conceived The boy Gerú-potó-uarra (El hijo de la pantorrilla), who was born between the thumb and second toes on the same leg; the man soon died, exploded, mosquitoes, flies, and gadflies came out of him; the boy ate just menstrual flow; asked who his mother was; Died; who killed? ; Keith; took the harpoon, let the whale swallow himself, came out of the womb two days later, realized that it was not the whale that killed his mother; Ancumia (the sea monster); found her, not her; Moon; climbed the willow, told grow to the moon, the moon turned out to be a beautiful woman, the man hit her, the spots remained; the woodpecker cut down the tree, but fell to another part of the world, the land de Tutruicá; there are flat, only peach palms grow, blue stones, good for abrasives; people are immortal, they eat only a couple of boiled peach palm fruits; they have no anus; the man became relieved, he was told to leave; three ate with him, he made them anuses, they died; came out of that world on the same willow trunk, led by a snake; those dogs are snakes, ours from Tutruika's dogs]: 100; nonama [two people were born from a woman's leg; at night they turned into waura ("wooden dolls"), preserving their human appearance, killed people, drank blood; asked mother who killed their father; Snake; killed all snakes in the forest; El Sierpe (giant snake); sailed on a raft to Sierpe, but the guacamayo warned her, she crawled away; the brothers put firewood on the raft, the snake swallowed it; they put a pole between their jaws, made a fire in their womb; the snake was half-dead, one went out through the anus, found himself in the lower world, nothing was known about him; the other, through his mouth, continued to suck blood; the sky was close to the ground; the man made clothes out of vegetable fluff, took off; a woodpecker flew out at sunrise, hit him in the face; the man fell but managed to scar the face of the moon; fell where the sun went down; a boy was playing on the beach, bore fruit from the caimito tree, said that his father owned them, he would be there today; this is the Sun; white came, wearing a gold hat; promised to take a man home; the boy throws fruits into the water, the fish ate them; so distracted the fish that they would not eat the Sun; the Sun and the man dived into the underground peace; the Sun left him at the huts, promised to pick him up on the way back; sinculos (people without anus) said the kuna wanted to kill them; the man began to make bows and arrows; the kuna turned out to be shrimps; now the "British" ; these are crayfish; a man explained that in his world these enemies are eaten; went out of need, two boys asked for anuses for them, died; the Sun brought a man to earth; a man asked his deceased brother-in-law, he replied that they could not cure him; the people decided to kill the person who came so as not to drink more blood; they crushed the corn, mixed it with water, poured it over at night, the man became a stone; he was smashed, the shrapnel turned into mosquitoes that fell into the water into leeches]: Wassen 1935, No. 8:133-134; Kogi: Fischer, Preuss 1989 [Duginaui made masks, his wife cooked their son, disappeared into the river; he saw that the river is a pretty woman, she stayed with her, she left him at the pool, this is her father Manzá; D. went down into the pool, there was a house, he made a fire, burned the pillars of the house; M. replies to the servants that he felt bad because swallowed a fly; regurgitated D.; he went to heaven; women rush at him shouting "hold the crab", break his arm; the dog protects him; D. and the dog walk over the abyss on a log, D. falls on the roof of his house on land; helps the people of Thunder clear the area while they sleep; D.'s felled forest is being restored]: 154-160; Reichel-Dolmatoff 1985 (2), No. 5 [to play a joke with the enemy, the hero becomes small and lets himself be swallowed, the enemy has a stomachache], 6 [Duginavi was married to Mother Waters; pretended to be clearing the area, making masks himself; his wife spied, burned them, cooked their young child, left ; D. found a daughter in the cauldron, decided to drown himself; swam, put on a river mask, saw that the river was a woman; swam out into the sea, where he was swallowed by Mevánkukue (a class of creatures, including men and women); inside found swallowed people and animals, a house, firewood; lit a fire, M. died, belched him ashore; walking east along the beach, D. saw Kumígua cannibal women naked; they masturbated and copulated with each other; chased him, he hid by the Sun, the Sun's dog drove them away; D. came to the Thunders; struggles to cut down the forest; Mother teaches him to cut through a circular clearing, all the trees inside her fall by themselves; Mother gives seeds of cultivated plants, D. plants them]: 37, 40-41; chimila [a person dreams of a caiman; swallows it when he shoots fish from an onion; a man cuts a caiman's belly with an arrow; becomes a good hunter]: Reichel-Dolmatoff 1945, No. 20:14-15

Llanos. Kuiva [a young man cuts the belly of the oyoyota water monster with a knife; he got the knife by accident, or (No. 130) with the shell of a turtle swallowed by a monster]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1991b, No. 129 [the young man dreams oyoyota; swallows it when he is on the shore; he rips open the monster's belly with a knife when he sees the light (which means it's not deep under water); crocodiles and big turtles come out of the monster into the river], 130 [young man oyoyota dreams; swallows it when he is standing on the shore; he cuts the monster's side with the shell of a turtle swallowed by the monster; returns to his mother bald], 131 [the rainbow water monster swallows a man; live caimans crawl inside; a person who takes yopo cuts his belly with a knife, comes out in the form of a frog]: 193-194, 195-196, 197; shikuani [boy asks his grandmother to buy it in a trough; produces starch; people tell him to swim in the river, collect starch; when angry, the boy tells his grandmother to be awake to hear a rumble; she falls asleep; only Kinkaju hears it and knows where the tree has grown Kalievirne; see G5 motif; people cut it down; after a tree falls, people are mortal; Chamani tells us to dance to find ease and go to another world; old woman Ibarruua breaks abstinence, takes Cayman as a lover; calls him by putting an inverted calebass on the water and tapping it; people kill his lover, give I. eat his penis; I. tells the fish to swallow C.; his brothers arrange for river rapids to stop the fish; revive the regurgitated C., who tells the hawk to kill the fish; shoot up, only a virgin manages to fix an arrow in the sky and make a chain of arrows; the sky was at that time low; in the guise of termites, C.'s people climb into heaven; there lives the thunder Yamakhyonë; C. replaces his club, I. cannot kill people, C. kills him; his wife tells ants to collect pieces of it flesh, I. is reborn; I. and C. reconcile; people continue to climb the chain of arrows; the Bat cuts it off, the fallen turn into turtles, into parrots]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1992, No. 44:191-201; yaruro : Wilbert, Simoneau 1990c, No. 65 [two hunting brothers chase a deer; the water serpent swallowed both the deer and themselves; dived with them into the sea, but they continue to see the sun and the earth; they cut through the snake side and came out bald and skinless; killed the turtle; the older brother cooked it in his mouth, from there the flame sparkled; the younger one got the fire in some other way], 66 [Po Ana paved the riverbeds with his tongue; swallowed brother and sister, they went bald in his stomach; the brother opened the snake's belly with a knife, they went out and ran away], 67 [even before the flood, Po Ana swallowed two brothers; after a long time he decided to regurgitate their bones, for this purpose got out to land; the brothers were alive, cut his side, went out, but without hair and nails; began to sing songs to people that they recognized in the snake's stomach; the Woodpecker's wife listens, the Woodpecker kills her out of jealousy; the brothers go into the world perfumes]: 92-93, 94, 95-97.

Southern Venezuela. Sanema [the water serpent Lalagigi swallowed the boy; he accidentally had a knife with him, ripped the monster from the inside, returned to his mother, covered in mucus]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1990b, No. 233:65.

Guiana. Varrau [bald; water spirit]: Wilbert 1970, No. 160:342-343; pemon (arecuna): Armellada 1947, No. 69 [the boys caught a turtle, started playing with it; it kept growing, swallowing them, going into the river, began to swallow people; Maurukkara took the flint, let himself be swallowed, made a fire; the boats and the bones of the swallowed ones were burning; the turtle crawled ashore, M. went out; the turtle died]: 217-219; 1988, No. 7 [ the man went to the forest to hunt birds with a wind tube, was swallowed by a boa constrictor, went into the water; then crawled back to land; swallowed, he remained alive because he was a shaman; he heard a bird scream, realized that advises him to cut the boa constrictor's stomach with a thorn; he took the thorn out of his purse, cut it, went out, returned home], 35 [the man dreams that someone attacked him; he went hunting, started drinking from the lake, appeared caiman; the man consistently climbed trees, climbed unnoticed, climbed new ones, but the caiman knocked them down with his tail every time; swallowed the man; God cut him with a knife, the caiman died, the man went out; I began to wash and realized that he was bald; at home, the children laughed at him], 45 [the water monster Rató swallows boats; the shaman gets into the boat, swallows; makes a fire; R. sends a fish to another R. to fool, that comes, but the first R. does not get better; the man holes side R., everyone swallowed goes out], 68 [maternal uncles envy Marité, who is a lucky fisherman and hunter; called to catch birds chiré, they descend on a vine into the cave, one of them named Itariká-Wenin (IV) cuts a vine; a year later, M.'s hair became long like a woman's; the Ware frog spits some chewed grass in his eyes, he sees a way out of the cave, they go out, live by a frog; his relatives find him, catch him with pepper, give him back his speech; at the festival, M. sings about what happened, knocks out Eve's eyes with a rod; dancing and beating the rhythm with a rod, he wonders what spirit he will turn into, rises to the sky, becomes the constellation of Scorpio; his uncle Tamuekán (=Chirikavai) rises after him, turns into Pleiades]: 31, 97-98, 117-118, 168-170; akawaii [fish/crab]: Im Thurn 1966:385; curl [parrot spirit (living in a river?)] : Goeje 1943, No. b24:47; kalinya [water monster swallows boats; shaman lets himself be swallowed, cuts the monster from the inside, flies out through his nose with a fly; the monster dies]: Magaña 1987, No. 69:249; 1988a , No. 85:156; waiwai: Fock 1963:64 [otters jump into the anaconda's mouth, come out from the other end], 91-92 [myth told about the meaning of the ornament on the manioc sieve; same body painting pattern genipa, although he is not given importance; the author did not see a rattle with this pattern; hoping to destroy his son-in-law, his father-in-law sends him to kill akri {agouti?} and frogs; in fact, Uruperi lives in this place - a snake covered with hair, with the legs of a jaguar; a man runs, grabs a tree; W. swallows it, but the man did not release the tree, W. regurgitated it; human skin remains an imprint of the waratapi meander pattern, which covers W. (it is now reproduced on cassava screens); while inside W., the man became bald from the heat; died and soon came to life; went back to W.'s habitat; W. appeared as a man, gave a rattle covered with that with the same waratapi pattern; if you shake it, lightning flies out; if you point it at the beast, it kills it; W. warned not to show the rattle to others; the man became a good hunter; soon died, and the spirit of W. took the rattle]; hishkaryana [the Turtle's husband and wife went for fruit; the husband told his wife to climb a tree; she ate and grew him; Monkeys, Eagles and other animals and birds wanted to have sex with her; the insect split the tree, everyone took it out through this gap; the husband saw it, went home; closed the path to his house, opened it to the Jaguar house; the mother of the Jaguars hid the woman; the Jaguars had a pet turtle, let the winds, the woman spat, she was found, scheli, the eggs were given to her mother; of which Mawarye and Woxka were born; they hunted for an old woman; they hid from the Jaguar in a tree, he behind them, they descended in the form of leaves; the Jaguar understood whoever is in front of him; the brothers did not have penises, they grew up in the forest; they took them out of the ground, took them for themselves; someone stole fish from the top; brothers send sentries; caught an Otter, copulated with her, almost torturing her to death; she says that there are women; M. caught wives for himself and his brother; they have a fish in their vagina; while M. went to get the vine to make fish poison, V. injected the penis, the fish bit it off; M. attached the penis back; M. slept with his wife on the riverbank, was swallowed by an anaconda; he came out through his anus; brothers separated]: Derbyshire 1965:54-78; wapishana [monster not killed by a hero]: Farabee 1918:116-117; trio [drunk the young man falls asleep, is swallowed by an anaconda; wakes up from the heat; cuts a hole with a knife, goes outside; the anaconda dies, the young man stays bald]: Magaña 1977, No. 78:148; Kashuyan: Frikel 1970: 13-17 [Purá and Murrá made people; P. left hardwood bows in the house, they turned into people; put them in a boat, told them to live downstream; the boat was swallowed by the Marmaru-imó snake; P. sent people in several small boats, M. swallowed everyone again; the japu bird warned her of the imminent prey; hardwood onions did not turn into humans anymore; P. and M. began to make from different breeds, but wild pigs, bakers, snakes came to life; those made of soft wood came to life, so now people are mortal; P. and M. got into the boat themselves, let themselves be swallowed, and M. was cut inside with knives - P. on the right, M. on the left; when they went out, they saw snakes - M.'s children; they saved their lives; the skin removed from M. was covered in patterns; P. ornamented baskets, cassava push-ups, etc.], 19 [the great shaman found a snake, the son of a big snake from the lower reaches of the river; dug a hole of water for him, grew it in it, then dug a canal into the river; this snake turned into marmaru-imó, he began to swallow boats; Purá and Murrá let themselves be swallowed, killed him]; Kruse 1955, No. 21-28 (arikena) [Marmari'mo (female) snake swallows boats; Purá and Murá let themselves be swallowed; they cut her insides with knives, left two sides of her abdomen; found a home with snakes - M.'s children, killed them, P. left one pair; returned home, swimming in calebasses so that they would not be eaten by piranhas; painted the baskets in black and red with patterns, copied from M. (the origin of the ornament on the baskets); P. and M. took to heaven]: 411-413.

Ecuador. Kayapa [a snake in Lake El Charco swallowed trees and rafts (there were no boats at that time); the swallowed ones died of hunger and thirst; four shamans sat on a raft, collected dry land, let themselves be swallowed, kindled fire; the snake regurgitated the shamans, burned down; if at least a part remained, a new snake would emerge from it, and the lake would grow in size; now it is smaller]: Barrett 1925:379-381; colorado: Aguavil, Aguavil 1985:2-4 [the fisherman walked down the river bank at nightfall, quietly found himself in the womb of a vilinka; stayed there for a long time; if quiet, in. underwater, if a voice is heard toucan means he went to land; the fisherman cut a hole with a knife; on the way home he told the trees about what had happened and they died; he did not tell his wife, she did not die; then he died], 62-66 [vilinka he swallowed boats in the river; the young man was told that he would be given a wife if he killed V.; he took dry rubber, a knife with him, got into the boat, was swallowed; inside the boat, crocodiles, jaguars - everything he had swallowed; the young man divorced fire, cut in.; he belched him and all the boats; the young man was given a wife].

Western Amazon. Sekoya [water monster; hero finds a live deer in his womb; after cutting his womb, both go out into the world, the deer dies]: Cipolletti 1988, No. 35:173-174; Koreguahe [bald]: Jimenez 1989, No. 25:54 ; cofan: Borman, Criollo 1990, No. 20 [anaconda swallows everyone who comes to the shore; a boy is born without an anus; he is hooked, used as bait, caught a monster in the forest, tied to the tree, but they cannot pull it ashore; the shaman, wearing several sets of clothes so that snake mucus does not damage it, climbs through the forest into the womb of the anaconda, signs to cut off the forest; inside, as it were the river, flowing from mouth to anus, stands on the shore of a deer swallowed by an anaconda; the shaman rips open the heart of the anaconda with a spear, rubs pepper into it; the anaconda first swims up the river, then down where the village anaconda; asks him to be cured; shamans say they will not be able to help, tell the anaconda to return to her native lake; the swallowed shaman stabs his heart with a spear, rubs pepper; the anaconda has washed ashore; the deer tells them to grab his tail, jumps out of the anaconda's mouth; says that now both of them can't help but marry - they'll die; the deer married first, died; the shaman also married, his body rotted in the morning, he died] : 319-347; Calífano, Gonzalo 1995, No. 62 [anaconda swallows anyone who comes to the shore; a boy is born without an anus; he is hooked, used as bait, caught in the forest, tied to the tree; the shaman dives into the belly of the anaconda, cuts it with a knife, sprinkles pepper; finds a live deer there; the anaconda first swims along the river, then throws it ashore; the deer and the shaman go out; the deer says that the shaman will rot and die if he lies down with a woman]: 113-114; Canelo: Coloma et al. 1986 [two brothers in the forest find a snake in the hollow; burn a tree; the youngest ate baked meat, became thirsty; drank, burst, the flood began; the elder climbed a tree, threw seeds down to find out if the water was deep; found the youngest, who turned into a snake; first hand, then ate the elder's son; he wanted to kill the snake was swallowed; cut his heart with a knife and went out; he went bald, died soon]: 77-79; Ortíz de Villalba 1989, No. 34 [on the Marañon River, the Porahua snake swallowed a man in a boat; inside were wild boars, deer, bakers; the snake inside became bald for a long time; there were various birds; the Pigeon and the Heron advised the person not to cut a hole in the side of the snake so as not to drown, but to cut the heart when the serpent was on the shore; he he did so, all the swallowed ones came out]: 66; the upper reaches of Napo and the surrounding areas [The parrot warns the water serpent when the boats are approaching, he swallows them; the shaman lets himself be swallowed, cuts The snake's heart with a knife, then cuts its side; the swallowed ones go out]: Wavrin 1937:618; shuar: Barrueco 1988 [two brothers hunt; a snake living in a hollow steals their meat; they burn a tree; one of them tastes snake meat; when he returns home, he is thirsty; asks his brother to move away and climb a tree; the brother hears an explosion, the water floods the area, then falls; the brother goes down, finds a snake, puts it in a vessel; she grows up, now lives in the river; swallows her brother's children and wife; he allows himself to be swallowed, cuts the snake from the inside; the snake asks the bird to cure it, it refuses; the snake is thrown away ashore against his former home; man goes over his side; dies breaking the ban on approaching fire]: 57-59; Pelizzaro 1961, No. 6:5; 1993:152-153; Rueda 1987, No. 39:170; Aguaruna: Chumap Lucía, García-Rendueles 1979, No. 63:546-547; Guallart 1958 [two hunters spend the night in the forest; someone steals meat; a punk snake crawls out of a dry trunk; hunters burn a trunk; one eats baked snake meat tastes like fish; thirsty, drinks, bursts, turns into a river; another finds a punk egg with snakes in it; he puts one in a hole of water; the snake grows with a hole; goes out to swallow dogs, then eats the baby; the child's father puts a clay pot over his head, takes a flintlock knife, lets himself be swallowed; cuts punks from the inside; Tsunki (a snake or fish with a human head) tries to treat the patient; a person hurts his heart, punks pop up dead; a person comes out with a hole in his side; C. says that he will die as soon as he dries; meat began to fall in a person with bones and he died]: 66-68.

NW Amazon. Carijona: Schindler 1977b, No. 3 [the snake ate people coming to the river bank; the man made a scarecrow out of vines and bast, climbed inside, took a drum and a knife, the snake swallowed it; in her stomach he began to beat the drum; the snake suffers from the roar of the drum; when it was in the shallows, the man cut her stomach, came out; the worms that lived in the snake's stomach remained in his ears, nose and eyes, he soon died]: 68- 69; Schindler 1979, No. 1 [Tucuchimobi (The Sun) shed water to make a lake; he carved two catfish (or whales) out of balsa wood; chips turned into all types of fish; grew a Reventillos tree (Hura) crepitans), during the dry season, fish feed on its fruits; he turned into a fruit himself, let the fish swallow itself, went out through the gills; so he caught five; his brother Months tries to repeat the trick, swallowed by sabalo fish; T. rips open the bellies of many fish, finds and revives his brother; he decides to harpoon the two biggest fish; T. tells the tench to be tied to a mighty tree; the month binds it to the common; fish tear out a tree , swim to form the Caqueta River; the male swam along one coast, the female along the other, so there are many islands; T. throws stones trying to detain fish; this is how the rapids turned out; the fish dragged the Month into the sea, his swallowed by a sea turtle; T. catches the leg bone of the Month with a net; other bones scattered across the sky, became stars; both brothers went to heaven]: 48-54; baniva (hohodene) [Anaconda swallows the hero ; he kills her with spells; when her belly begins to decay, she goes outside; worms have worms in the corpse; he creates a white man and an Indian from white and black worms]: Wright 1995:47; yukuna [ see motifs K1, M30, I14; Wolves (Martens?) Kawarimi's wife was stolen, Mother Komarov was left in return; K. killed her, mosquitoes flew out of her; K. took his wife, hid with her in a tree, took the fire from the Wolves, threw a stone, they became wolves; K. returns to mother; her husband is a Jaguar, they have a daughter; she rushed to K., but did not eat it; K. kills her (it does not say how), turns her into a paka, told her mother to cook for Jaguar; he eats, understands, K. climbs a tree, creates termite mound around the trunk, kills Jaguar; tells the mother that he brought her eggs with a toad, tells her to open her mouth wider, throws hot eggs (possibly hevea latex), her mother dies; K. kills a toucan, tells her cousin Hipu look into the hollow, the toucan pecked out his eye; they began to fish, the fish swallowed H., K. frees him; Crax ruba laughs at X., who has a swam eye; K. takes turns asking the birds how they sing finds a mocker; he warns not to eat his left half; H. eats, threw a bone, water poured out of it, a flood; the water came down; K. killed the Nothocrax urumutum mutum), he fell into the water, H. climbed to get it, swallowed by an anaconda; H. cut through her belly with a comb with piranha teeth, went out; so three times; K. and H. invented fire, began to live in the river]: Jacopin 1981:148-162; desana [female water snake swallowed children; the old man made a raft, took a drum, let himself be swallowed; the sound of the drum can not be heard on the shore; the snake went ashore to the male snake; then people heard a sound, ripped open the snake, found the old man and children; the old man was pale because it's frozen]: Reichel-Dolmatoff 1968, No. 16:205; 1971:264-265; tucano? (upper reaches of the Tikie River) [a shaman who has entered the snake's womb beats the drum and plays the flute; when people hear him play, they kill the snake]: Brüzzi 1994:65; bar [the hero penetrates the snake's body with a flea to get curare poison out of his heart]: Jackson 1983:115; barasana [like a bar]: S.Hugh-Jones 1979, No. 4F [Kame's eagle kills people; Varimi flies with ibises to Romi-Kum (Woman- Shaman) extract curare poison; overcomes obstacles that interpret mountains; RK pubic hair. - timbo vines (fish poison); V. flies into the vagina with a green bee, runs out of the head of RK. poisonous lizard; bee drinks nectar from flowers covering pubic hair (= timbo vines) RM.; RM. requires V. to repeat copulations; leaves V. in his father's stone house Anaconda; V. penetrates his body with a flea, extracts curare from the bladder; flies out of the nostrils; makes a hole in the stone roof, flies away as a green parrot, then an oriole (Icterus chrysocephalus)]: 278-281; Torres Laborde 1969:42; uitoto: Folklor 1974:174-177; Preuss 1921, No. 5 [(=1994:97-99); Buineizeni was punished by the Sun for creating a shaman tree; asked his brother to take it to a separate hut; becoming a snake, he sailed to the shore, where their brother's daughters were; they were able to catch her after their father trapped them; they put the snake in a pot of water, fed her cassava, the snakes were growing, put them in a larger vessel, then let them into lake; first he eats cassava, then crawls ashore to catch animals; lived in a cave, began to devour the first ancestors who came to earth; swallowed the girl herself; her father jumped a snake into his open mouth; when the serpent swam near his house, cut his stomach with a sharp shell, came out bald; his daughters tied his leaves like wings, he became an eagle; his beak was an ax, bringing heads to his daughters monkeys and sloths, then began to eat people; I wanted to eat my daughters, but they locked themselves in the house, called for help; people set a trap, killed the ogre eagle; his spirit became a harpy eagle]: 64-65; Rodríguez de Montes 1981, No. 18 [Dihoma learned to turn into any animal; contrary to warning, he went to the water, a snake fell from his forehead; sisters Nibagueño (younger, beautiful) and Ecofueyaño in vain they tried to catch her, their father caught her, placed her in a vessel, she kept growing, they dug a pond for her, the snake turned it into a large lake; took starch only from N.'s hands; after going to Putumayo, he swallowed everywhere boats, people, then swallowed by N.; D. let himself be swallowed, cuts the serpent's heart with a knife; he tells him to wait for him to return from the seas to D.'s house; there D. cut the artery, came out of the side of the snake to the shore; daughter ( apparently, E.) said that her mother had a new husband; D. told her to bring her yarumo leaves and root (apparently to make wings and claws), turned into a harpy eagle, began to carry and devour people; they did the trap, he died in it]: 144-148; Urbina 1991, No. 1 (muinane) [Diihoma is a great leader; while swimming, a snake skin came off him and another person touched it (? se percate de ello), turned into a snake; D.'s most beautiful daughter fed her manioc starch balls; the snake grew up, swallowed the girl; D. let him swallow himself; the snake swims into the sea, then returns; D. came out of his side; all nations were named after parts of the snake's body; D. plants cassava, the cuttings of which he extracted from the snake's womb; decided to take revenge on his unfaithful wife, turning into a harpy eagle, learning to fly from a dove; a giant tree grew out of planted cassava, an eagle's nest on its branches; the eagle fed his wife's lover to its chicks, then carries other people; the eagle was killed, from members of his body made ritual supplies]: 19-20; yagua [a man crosses the river on a bridge that turns out to be an anaconda; falls into its mouth; finds a Deer inside; they both go bald; find piranha teeth, they rip open the anaconda's belly, run away]: Payne 1992:185, 196-197; Powlison 1959:13; 1972a: 81; 1993:97 -118 [warriors go to take revenge on enemies; they hit a toad along the way; this is Vatachar's shaman; warriors rape him wife; two do not participate, see V. weaving a basket; he says it is an eye basket, tells those two to settle away from the others at night; in the form of a bat, he pulls out the eye from the sleepers; in the morning curves decide to turn into bakers; some become a howler monkey, birds, deer, anteater; two go home; one warns the other not to break a fruit tree branch, he breaks; V. screams that he has been bitten in the heart; eats fruits with people, spits bones, says they are eyes; warriors understand that they ate the eyes of their comrades (the origin of the delicious fruits of the ungurahui palm tree); at night, V. in the guise of a bat cuts off the leg of a broken branch, who throws it into the river, his leg turns into a caiman, the one-legged continues his journey; climbs a tree for night monkeys, the satellite explains that these are mushrooms; the one-legged turns into a toucan, flies in front, showing the way; The squirrel lures the rest to cross the ravine on a log, the end of which does not reach the other side; the log is an anaconda; a man jumps, swallows; they find a live Deer inside; they cut the anaconda from the inside with piranha teeth when it goes out into the sun to digest food; the anaconda chases them, they throw it into the Calebasa River, the anaconda is immersed in water; the person is bald, the birds make new hair out of the bast, the monkey dyes it black; every night a person spends with another animal, everyone warns about the next meeting; the Partridge's anus stinks, the man spits, the Partridge flies away, carrying the fire; the man plugs the anus with a swab; he thinks it's the Partridge that bewitched, grateful to the man when he pulls out a tampon; the turtle mumbles that it will eat poisonous rhizomes, the man turns it into a turtle; the termite falls from the tree to crush the person, he has time to dodge, tells termite mounts have been on earth since then; copulates with the Frog, who warns that her husband Battleship is jealous; the battleship calls a man into the hole, hoping to leave him in the lower world; a man climbs a tree, The battleship causes the wind, you have to get down; a man comes to the Wild Pigs Festival (episode series); to Aguchi (kills them); home to his wife and sons]; chikuna: Nimuendaju 1952 [pregnant went For pottery clay, the owner of the dyë'vaë clay furiously dragged it into the water, swallowed it, regurgitated it, ate it with other aquatic creatures; the stingray woman asked for a child in her womb, raised, gave the name tau'čipë, said who killed his mother; put a basket over his head to make his hair grow; allowed him to fight D. when his hair grew to his toes; T. wrapped himself in branches with with nests of burning ants, he let himself be swallowed; feeling a burning sensation, D. regurgitated him; becoming a snake, T. fought D., killed him; in the form of a man, he glued the bench on which snakes sat when they came out of the water ; they stuck, died; T. found his older brother Povaru; people hated them because of their strength; they turned into snakes, dug up the village, it went underground; people killed the brothers with poisonous arrows ]: 120-121; Rodríguez de Montes 1981, No. 5B [whale or fish; hero finds a live deer inside and escapes with it]: 97; mestizos (Leticia): Rodríguez de Montes 1981, No. 5A [snake turned the boat over, swallowed the man; he cut the snake with a knife from the inside, came out sick, covered in mucus; the shamans cured him], 5B [the beast (obviously a snake) swallowed a man; he found a live deer inside ; when a man felt daylight outside, cut the monster, went out with the deer], 5C [the snake sank the boat, swallowed the fisherman; two weeks later he cut through the snake's body, went outside; the snake chased After him, he climbed a tree, sat there for 40 days; a friend found him, brought him home, he was completely bald]: 96, 97, 97-98.

Central Amazon. Parintintin [two people had no arrows to shoot fish; one tied the other instead of bait; he was swallowed by a fish, he cut it, went out; the larger fish swallowed it, swam away; he died]: Pereira 1980 (2): 623.

Eastern Amazon. Urubu [the huge snake Madjou-ã lived in water, swallowed people; the shaman Karará-ramoui sharpened the edges of two calebas, let himself be swallowed; the swallowed knives could not cut M. from the inside, and Calebas K. cut all his ten hearts one by one; M. began to swallow water, but K. cut his side, emerged, went home, died of fatigue; another shaman revived him; M. died, went up to the sky, its shadow there, is the Milky Way; he himself fell, pushing the ground, so the sea was formed]: Ribeiro 2002:611-612; spiking [fish/thunder dragon]: Nimuendaju 1920:1030.

Montagna - Jurua. Chayahuita: García Tomas 1994 (3) [three options; Kitiha swallows bathing children; Kumpanama turns into a boy, lets himself be swallowed; spends two to three weeks inside; takes out bags are a knife, cuts the whale heart, the monster nails to the shore; anacondas and other aquatic creatures, insects heal their mother, she moves again; K. cuts her heart into small pieces; With a peanut shell, the dolphin picks up a tear that fell from Kitiha's eye; in fact, it is K., who came outside; he comes from the lower reaches in a boat, asks the audience what they are doing; promises cure them if they leave; cuts off Kitiha's head, carries them to the upper reaches of the Cahuapana River; aquatic life finds his mother dead, chases K.; he builds a dam of rocks across the river; all anacondas, aquatic people, dolphins remain in a closed lake]: 290-299; Shlyakhtinsky 2008 [in the Nana' river, the anaconda ya'uan hunted children when they came to swim; the mother of one of the victims asked Kumpanama to help; he turned into a young child; the anaconda realized it was K., but he crawled through her anus with a knife; he stabbed the anaconda's liver; she swam to the healer, but K. cut it her whole liver, she died; brought her severed head to the mountain, began to cut it to cook; the victim's husband crawled in; K. told the birds to eat only pepper, then aim anaconda droppings in the eyes; only two birds listened, blinded the anaconda; the snake crawled back and because it was blind, the rivers and quebrads became winding]; pyro [the maknawlo bird tells Tsla to go down the river to the land of death; he swam under with water, the súngaro fish swallowed it; then spewed it; it came back]: Matteson 1951:61-62.

Bolivia - Guaporé. Eseeha [shaman's wife and son are swimming, swallowed by a whale {catfish?} ; the shaman takes a knife, sits on the raft, lets Keith swallow it; the monster cuts from the inside, it pops up, the shaman comes out of his mouth; him (catfish?) mustaches turn into doncellas fish]: Chavarria Mendoza 1984:46-48; takana [hero frees people swallowed by an anaconda before]: Hissink, Hahn 1961, No. 197:321; moseten [snake eats people; a person takes a knife and corn with him, plays the flute; is swallowed by a snake; eats corn and snake meat inside it; the snake hurts; when it meets another snake, it orders it to eat people; a man cuts off a snake heart, she dies, he goes out through his side; he's bald and white; dyed his genipa, his hair has grown again]: Nordenskiöld 1929:146-147.

Chaco. Ayoreo: Wilbert, Simoneau 1989b, No. 546 [honey bags enter the mouth of a huge snake unnoticed; one had a knife, went out over the side of the snake; the rest stayed inside], 547 [a group of warriors quietly entered the mouth of the anaconda; they began to cut a hole in the side, but died of suffocation]: 609-610, 610; chorote: Wilbert, Simoneau 1985, No. 107 [a huge snake swallows a young man; his brother takes a knife, lets itself be swallowed, cuts the snake's heart; both brothers go out; the lake dries up], 108 [as in No. 107; a man with a knife is swallowed successively by several snakes; he finds a brother in the stomach of the Mother of the Snakes], 109 [ a water snake swallows a man; he has a knife, he cuts her heart, comes out], 110 [as in (109); the person turns red and bald; at home his wife cannot recognize him, he tells her what happened to him]: 209-210, 211-215, 216, 217; nivacle [a water snake swallows a fisherman; he has a knife with him, he cuts her heart; comes out half-blind, her skin is peeled off; the river dries up]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1987b, No. 132:298- 299; Maca: Wilbert, Simoneau 1991a, No. 10 [the grandmother does not want to tell the young man who killed his parents; the young man asks the yellow bird Quistawá who killed his parents; he says that two water snakes, male and female; the young man lets himself be swallowed by the male, cuts off all the hearts that were in the snake's body from head to tail; then the same with the female; the snakes rushed ashore and died; grandmother sees dead snakes: well, now all the water will dry; the grandmother admits that the young man's father was killed by Sinjenaj (the royal vulture); the young man painted himself red paint, learned to run faster than fire, came to S.'s children; they play with the bones they eat; they agreed to be beautiful like a young man, let him pierce their tongue; the elder doubts, but the young man told the moths to move the bodies of the dead; the elder agreed to pierce their tongue, too died; the youngest young man did not kill, told his father that the murderer of his children ran north, south, west, east; S. flies in these directions, each time he brings the killed person; only when he rises high, saw a young man; he asks his grandmother to hide the quebracho tree; she replies that she is too weak; the same applies to the rest of the trees; the carandá tree opens, and when S. follows, he clamps it; the young man hit S. with a stick at the place where that shower, S. died; all the men (they are different birds) ran there; the little hawk was the first to fly in, took the necklace and whistle, but the others took them away; they began to hammer S.'s stomach to get paint; only the little woodpecker pierced; everyone bathed in blood; took pieces of flesh; when k'oloj appeared, he no longer got it, only skin left], 79 [father-in-law tells his son-in-law to bring fuel from on the other side of the river; a snake swallows her son-in-law; he cuts her heart, comes out bald; the father gives his daughter a comb, she touches her husband with it, his hair grows]: 43-45, 172-173; toba [water monster Lék does not gives fishermen fish, chases the young man away; the shaman spits on the end of the spear, pierces the lake, it dries up; during this time, the swallowed one cut off the monster's heart, cut its side; when he came out, he was covered with boils]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1989a, No. 420:587-588

The Southern Cone. South Tehuelches: Hernández 1992:139; Wilbert, Simoneau 1984b, No. 26 [the huge monster Goshge kills people; Elal turns into a gadfly, flies into his mouth, bites from the inside, kills], 46 [ the whale lives on the ground, swallows people; Elal turns into a gadfly into his mouth; there are many swallowed inside, some alive; one gives Elal a knife, he cuts a whale, the dead and still alive are outside ; Elal puts a whale in the sea], 47 [the whale swallows people and animals; Elal turns into a gadfly, lets himself be swallowed, bites the whale in the heart, which dies; E. cuts the whale with a knife, goes out, pulls out the dead from the heat and still alive], 48 [the monstrous canyon swallows people and animals; Elal turns into a gadfly, lets himself be swallowed; inside swallowed, some are still alive; one gives a knife, Elal cuts where it is soft, aorta; a canyon forms, people get out through it]: 41, 69-70, 71-72, 73; yagans [the young man rushes with a knife into the dolphin's mouth to kill him; he swims into the sea; the young man cuts the dolphin's heart, when he swims to the shore; initiating teenagers cut the carcass, find a young man inside; he is bald; lives in a ritual hut; his wife finds out that he is alive when she sees a harpoon he made]: Gusinde 1937:1226- 1232; Wilbert 1977, No. 40:113-118.