Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

K8C. Ion: ingested by a terrestrial animal .10.-.17.19.22.-.24.26.-.46. (.47.) .48.-.

The character enters the womb of an ordinary terrestrial animal, kills it from within (K952) and/or returns to the outside without assistance. Cf. Motive M118.

Bushmen [Cagn to elephant], hottentots [turtle to elephant], sekiani [hyena to bull], kamba [bird to elephant], kaguru [hare to elephant], bondei [hare to elephant], bambara (and also wolof, raspberry, mosi, dogon, mbai) [hare to bull], dagari [hare to elephant], tende [hare to cow], lobi [hare, hyena to elephant], dark [frog to cow], ngambaye [spider to cow], capsiki [gopher to elephant], hausa [ centipede to snake], igbo [man to vulture], catch-up [man to elephant], mundang [woman to elephant], anuak [hare to elephant], moru [hare to elephant], saho [ant to lion], bilin [fox to elephant], Somalis [ squirrel to elephant], tiger [fox to elephant], kabilas [pea boy or toenail boy], Tuaregs [jackal to elephant], Spaniards [pea boy to ox, then wolf], Basques [tiny boy to cow], Italians (Tuscany) [pea boy to horse, then wolf], French (Gascony) [boy with wheat grain to ox, then wolf], Germans (Grimms, Baden-Württemberg) [Boy with a finger swallowed by a cow, then wolf], harsusi [fox to donkey], mountain arapesh [tree rat to crocodile], Khmer [hare to crocodile], fell [mouse to cat], chhattisgarhi [jackal to elephant], baiga [jackal to elephant], East Timor [ lizard into snake], Chinese [lizard in tiger], Koreans [man in tiger; tiny boy in tiger], Bulgarians [boy with finger swallowed by cow then wolf], Serbs [tiny boy swallowed by wolf], Slovaks [pea boy to wolf], Poles [boy with a finger in a cow], Russians, Ukrainians and Belarusians [boy with a finger swallowed by a cow, then by a wolf], Turks [a pea boy swallowed by a cow, then wolf], Turkmens [half-ear boy into camel then wolf], Tajiks [Pea to wolf], Persians [Pea swallowed by a cow, then by a wolf], Latvians [boy with a finger swallowed by a cow, then by a wolf], Lithuanians [boy with a finger swallowed by a cow, then by a wolf; old man into a wolf], Lutsie [a tiny boy swallowed by a cow, then by a wolf], Estonians [boy with a finger in a cow, into a wolf], setu [boy-s- finger swallowed by cow, then wolf], Finns [needle to deer], Veps [boy with finger swallowed by bear], Chuvash [boy with finger swallowed by cow then wolf], mordovians [boy with finger swallowed by cow, then wolf] swallowed by a wolf], Komi [mouse into bear], Bashkirs [tail boy into wolf], Kazakhs [tail boy or ear boy into camel then wolf], Kyrgyz [boy with finger on camel then wolf], Mongols [tail boy to camel, then wolf; mouse to elephant], Dagurs [hero in giant boar], South Altai Tuvans [boy kneecap in camel, then wolf], Altaians [tiny Dyarym- Fist into camel, then wolf], Nenets [mouse to deer], Ents [mouse to deer], Mansi [mouse to deer, bear], northern Khanty [mouse to deer], yugi [dwarf to bear], chum salmon [dwarf to bear; mouse to bear; mouse to bear] ], Negidals [man to bear], northeastern Yakuts (Indigirka) [tiny old man in elk], Udege [man to bear], nivhi [man to bear], wilta [frog to elk], Ainu [flounder to bear] , forest yukaghirs [old louse, old partridge in elk], Chukchi [mouse to bear; raven to wolf; ermine to wolf], coastal Koryaks [crows to wolf], kereks [crows to wolf], Aleuts [man to bear], Asian Eskimos [crow to wolf; bird to eagle], northern Alaska inupiac [mice to wolf], netsilic [man to bear], West Greenland [man to bear], koyukon [mink to bear], upper cuskoquim [mink to bear], tanaina [dumper to bear], kuchin [ermine to bear; gadfly to bear], khan [mouse to elk], taltan [bear grasshopper], chipewayan [bear weasel], tlingit [wren to bear], haida [man to bear], tsimshian [man to bear], bellacula [wren to bear], heiltsuk [man to bear], quakiutl [wren in elk], lilluet [wren to deer], thompson [hummingbird, fly in moose], upper chehalis [wren to elk], lower chinook [tiny boy in elk], quileut [wren to bear], quinolt [wren in elk], cowitz [wren in elk; raccoon in bear], upper colitz [ raccoon to bear], yakima [raccoon to bear], clackamas [wren to elk; mudfish fish to bear], sanpual [dog in grizzly], curdalen [mockingbird to moose], clamate [porcupine in bison], modoc [porcupine to moose; lizard boy to bear], lower ampqua [lizard boy to bear], kalapuya [dog to puma], takelma [coyote to bear], coutene [mink to bear], upper coquil [wren to moose], cous [old woman in grizzly ], Western Ojibwa [bear weasel], menominee [porcupine to cow (moose?)] , montagnier [otter in caribou], nascapi [otter in caribou], delaware [bear caress], crowe [porcupine in bison], santi [man to bear], osage [turtle in bison], pawnee [bison turtle], comanche [coyote bison], kiowa-apache [porcupine to bison], wichita [turtle to bison], (caddo [coyote, rabbit to bison]), shasta [boy to bear], maidu [lizard boy to bear], achomavi [lizard to bear], oloni [hummingbird to coyote], cavaiisu [bird to cannibal hawk; coyote to cannibal hawk], northern payut [porcupine to moose], Western shoshones [man to cannibal bird; mouse to mountain sheep, deer], utah [porcupine bison], southern payutes [porcupine to bison (cow)], chemeuevi [fox to goose then bison], havasupai [porcupine to deer], zunyi [toad to coyote], western ceres [lizard to fox; coyote into coyote] ], teva [coyoticha to elk or deer], jicarilla [porcupine to elk], chiricahua [coyote to cow (bison?)] , lipan [porcupine in bison], navajo [toad in coyote; porcupine in elk], lacandons [man in jaguara], yanomam [turtle in jaguara], aguaruna [fox in tapira], coreguaje [crickets in jaguara], shipibo [boy- ant in tapira], chiriguano [man in jaguara], kayabi [turtle in tapira], paresi [hummingbird in jaguara], bororo [monkey in jaguara], chamacoco [man in jaguara], toba [battleship in jaguara], araucans [gadflies in fox; heroes in the cannibal guanaco].

SW Africa. The Bushmen [Tsagn leads Kattau (his sister's little gazelle) for honey; the elephant takes her away, leaving the elephant; he eats the honey that Tsagn throws out of the hole; Tsagn gets out and kills the elephant; Tsagn finds elephants, but the elephant swallowed Kattau; Tsagn climbs inside the elephant through the navel, cuts its insides, gets out through the trunk with Kattau, the elephant dies; Tsagn flies away from the elephants brings a child to his sister]: Kotlyar 1982, No. 93:191-195; hottentots: Bleek in Koropchevsky 1874 [at the request of the Elephant, the Kite bewitches to rain; the rain fills the water bodies, but they dry up again, except for one puddle; leaving the Turtle to guard the water, the Elephant goes for prey; the Turtle drives away all the animals, but the Leo bites it, drinks water; the elephant furiously asks whether to crush the Turtle or swallow; she asks to swallow it; The elephant swallowed it, she tore his insides, the Elephant died, the Turtle came out of his ass]: 18-19; Radin 1952, No. 24 [The elephant asks Rain, in what sense does it feed it? The Rain asks, in what sense does the Elephant not die if he, Rain, leaves? And he leaves; the Elephant finds a pond, there is a Turtle, he asks her to answer to others that the reservoir belongs to the Elephant; the animals leave one by one, but the Lion hits the Turtle, drinks, then drink others; there is no more water; The elephant swallows the Turtle, which cuts its insides and goes out, the Elephant dies]: 104-105.

Bantu-speaking Africa. Sekiani [The leopard sees the Turtle coming to the bull, says White clay, red ocher - open it! , The Ox opens its mouth, the Turtle climbs inside, cuts off a piece of meat, goes out; The leopard says the same words, climbs into the Ox, hurts the heart, the Ox dies; the Leopard hides in the lung, the Turtle in the intestines; the bull gutted, its guts thrown away, the Leopard is found, killed; The turtle screams that it has been smeared with rubbish, gets a share of the bull's meat, and eats the leopard killed]: Raponda-Walker 1967:460-462; kamba [ the elephants trampled on the bird's nest; it took a sword and flew to look for elephants; met a leopard, told him what had happened; then a hyena; when she found elephants, she flew into the stomach of one of the elephants through the anus, cut her insides, the elephant fell dead, the bird flew out; so with all the elephants; the extra birds returned; she took a sword, entered the stomach of one of the elephants, cut his insides, the elephant fell dead, onma]: Lindblom 1928, No. 9:25 (translated into Okhotina 1962:228); kaguru [The hare asks the animals if they have all been initiated; it turns out that no one; he leads them into the house, sets it on fire, everyone dies; the Hare did a bone whistle, but the Elephant's son forced the Hare to give it to him; the Hare climbed into the jug, began to scream in a terrible voice; the Elephant's son smashed it, chased the Hare, he ran into the cave, the Elephant's son followed him; the Hare climbed into his stomach through the mouth of Elephant's son, blew into the kudu horn that was being blown at the end of the initiation; Elephant's son heard, rushed to run, died, the Hare went out and ran away]: Beidelman 1974b: 247-248 (=1975b , No. A: 247-248); bondei [the elephant stole pumpkins from the hare's field; he took a razor, hid in a pumpkin, the elephant swallowed it, the hare cut it from the inside; other elephants promise to kill the hare if it does not eat it a whole elephant; a hare invites a hyena, it eats an elephant, elephants kill it, a hare climbs a tree; elephants cut down trees one by one but cannot reach the hare]: Arewa 1961, No. 515:36.

West Africa. Bambara [during hunger, the Hare penetrates the belly of a bull belonging to the spirit, cuts off pieces of meat, brings it home; Hyena's wife comes for a hearth head, gets meat; Hyena pretends that his teeth hurt; when the Hare puts his hand in his mouth, clenches his jaws, demanding to tell him where he gets the meat; inside the bull, the Hare warns not to cut his heart; the Hyena cuts, the bull dies; the hare hides in the bladder, the Hyena in the stomach; the perfume throws out the bubble; the hare pretends to sleep next to him; pretends to witchcraft find out that the cause of death of the bull is in his stomach; tells his stomach to beat; Hyena dies] : Bremont 1985:144-145; Wolof, Malinke, Mosi, Dogon, Mbai, Sekiani [about Bambar]: Bramont 1985:145; Dagari: Hien 1995 [when the royal elephant laughs, his ass opens, the Hare climbs there, cuts off a piece of meat, goes out; Hyena asks you to trust her with a secret; tells her not to touch her heart; Hyena says she is older than the Hare, she knows what to take, swallows the heart, the Elephant dies; the Hare invites Hyena to be the first to choose where to hide, she offers the Hare a choice; he chooses his lungs, then Hyena insists on its birthright, hides in to choose where to hide, she offers the Hare a choice; he chooses his lungs, then Hyena insists on swabs; the children are told to throw their guts into the grass; the hare, all dirty, accuses the children of getting dirty; tells the king that the Elephant did not die on his own, he was killed; tells him to beat his lungs; Hyena jumps out and runs away, but her hind legs remain short]: 66-80; Métuolé Somba 1991 [during the Der thunderstorm and hyena they climb into the elephant's womb through the anus, cut off pieces of meat; D. warns the hyena not to touch the heart, it cuts it off, the elephant falls dead, the hyena remains sitting in the stomach, D. in the intestines; people cut the elephant, the monkey takes his guts away, D. jumps out, says that he has just come up, and excrement has been dumped on him, everyone scolds the monkey; D. tells him to hit the stomach with sticks, ignoring the fungi; the hyena was slaughtered to death]: 67-68; tenda [every time the Hare tells the leader's cow to open his anus, goes inside, cuts off a piece of fat, goes out; Hyena's wife sees the Hare's wife frying fat; the hare has to share with With a secret hyena, he warns not to cut off the lungs or the cow will die; Hyena cuts off, the cow dies; the Hyena hides in the stomach; the hare says the leader will get the stomach; the Hyena climbs into the stomach, The hare hides in the stomach; the hyena is found, the stomach is thrown away; the hare pretends to be sitting in the bushes, a dirty stomach has been thrown at him; the hyena is beaten, the hare is given meat, he refuses, wants only a head and tail; buries them in the mud, screams that the chief's cow is bogged down; people pull off their head and tail, run away, leaving a load of salt; Guinea fowl smears salt on its head, they believe that the load is theirs; when Guinea fowl's rice is ripe, The hare tramples the path from the field to his house, says that his rice is his, they believe him; Guinea fowl buys his rice in exchange for salt]: Ferry 1983, No. 10:67-71; Lobi [in scarce times only the Hare's children get fat; Hyena's wife scolds her husband, he asks the Hare to take him to the forest; you have to make the elephant laugh, he will raise his tail, you have to climb through his ass to his belly, cut off the fat, but not touch his heart; The Hare and the Hyena Have gained fat safely; next time Hyena hurts the heart, the Elephant dies; The hare hides in the intestines, tells Hyena to get into the stomach; The boar and others do an autopsy, tell the children to throw their guts away; The hare says he went to rest, and sewage was dumped on him; says that Hyena is not enough, we need to look in his stomach; Hyena is found and killed]: Anpetkova-Sharova 2010:131-134; dark [The frog found magic crown; it can be used to be swallowed and erupted; The frog enters the cow, cuts off some fat, comes back; agrees to take the Spider with him, warns not to cut the heart; Spider hurries, arranges a false dawn; after being in a cow, the Spider returns alone, cuts off his heart, hides in his entrails, escapes, complains that he has been smeared with sewage, gets his head as compensation cows; buries, says the cow is stuck in the mud; passers-by pull their heads, "tear them off"; The spider receives three cows as compensation]: Bramont 1985:150-151; ngambaye [Antelope asks for a wife after childbirth The spider cooks her food; as a reward, he lets her enter his belly and cut off meat there; the Spider disguises himself as a woman, comes to Antelope to offer his services; once in his belly, cuts off Antelope's heart; Antelope dies, her relatives come; A spider from his belly screams that he is a disease that kills their daughter; now he will come out and kill them; everyone runs away; The spider and his son cook meat; the son refuses her share, follows his mother in anger; she turns white, appears before the Spider as Death that has come for him; the Spider runs away in horror, his son and wife take the prey]: Bramont 1985:151-152; capsiki [Gopher (meke, ground squirrel) marries Rain's daughter, pays for an elephant's bride; secretly eats an elephant from the inside; Leopard climbs inside the elephant with him; Gopher adjusts so that Rain finds him at the crime scene]: Beek 2008; hausa [the girl took the snake's egg, which chased her; Hoes, Axes tell her to run; The centipede tells her to hide, insults the Snake; she tells her three times swallows, she comes out of her eye, forehead, abdomen; The snake dies]: Tremearne 1911, No. 44:344-346; Igbo [husband warns his wife not to return from the bazaar full; she does not listen, swallows her the vulture; the eldest daughter goes to look for her; the vulture sings that he swallowed her mother, swallows her; the same with the middle daughter, with the youngest daughter (each time he lists who he swallowed); the father of the family comes, swallowed, cuts the vulture from the inside; swallowed daughters go out but the wife is dead]: Ugochukwu 1992, No. 17:135-141; catch-up [father sent Sen Senu to herd the cows; he climbed onto someone else's tamarind, became eat fruit, insulted the owner of the tree, the owner beat him; the father came to kill him, but when he found out what was going on, he made peace with him, received permission to eat the fruit; the SS was offended, went to look for sigui { witchcraft power, ritual objects}; answered the animals he met what was behind sigi; The elephant replied that he had sigi, swallowed the SS; three years later, the SS came out of the Elephant's ass, carrying ritual things from inside the Elephant objects (bench, long calebass, ponytail); returned to his father, began to speak sigi ritual language, explains in detail how to make beer; this is how sigui appeared]: Beek 2010:50-51.

Sudan - East Africa. Mundang [elephants are ravaging the old woman's field; the soothsayer sent her to her sister, who told her to take a pot and a knife, sit on the millet stalk; the elephant swallowed her along with the stem; she's inside cut off his heart and lungs, put him in a pot; soon the elephant died, the other elephants could not find wounds; the old woman slowly got out through her ass, cooked her heart and lungs, gave the leader, he was happy; more elephants did not ruin the field]: Louafaya 1990:89-91; anuak [the elephant and the hare went to catch ants; the hare told the elephant to go to the village for the funeral, took the ants that the elephant had caught; his elephant caught, the hare proved that he is a doctor; to treat an elephant, he climbed inside him, cut off his heart and entrails; the elephant died, the hare ran away]: Arewa 1961, No. 2220:115; moru [the hare and the elephant went for termites ; the elephant punched a hole in the termite; the hare began to knock on his ear like a drum in the village; the elephant ran there, and the hare came back and ate all the termites; persuaded the elephant to kill him on the rock, ran away; caught again ; told the elephant that his stomach was grumbling, he would cure him; got inside with a knife, cut his heart, the elephant died, climbed outside]: Evans Pritchard, Mynors 1941, No. 29:76-77; sakho [wild chicken runs away from the lion; the shepherd, the farmer, replies that they are afraid of the lion themselves, unable to help; the ant hides the chicken, tells the lion to leave; he swallowed it, the ant ate his heart, the lion dies]: Reinisch 1889, No. 12:196-197; bilin [The fox went with the Elephant, thirsty, the Elephant offers to get in his ass and get drunk inside; the Fox eats the Elephant's inner fat, he dies; the Fox calls Leo; they grow up together Durra in the field; when the harvest is ripe, the Fox goes, supposedly, to guard it, eats everything; pretends to be seriously ill; the Elephant goes for the medicine, the Fox laughs; tells Hyene that the Elephant has taken all the grain; let her will ask herself, saying that she and the Fox have collected everything; the lion is killing her; the Fox is looking in vain]: Reinisch 1883, No. 6:212-216; the tiger [the fox insists to go with the elephant, he doubts that the fox will survive journey; tells the fox several times where to look for water, the fox drinks, falls asleep the well; the solon allows him to climb into his stomach through his anus, there is water; the second time the fox says that can go back through the anus - it gets dirty; the same through the mouth, leg, ear, etc.; the elephant rushes into the abyss, the fox remains unharmed; meets merchants and its relative; directs them to the elephant's carcass, and himself in this time he drinks the oil they left, puts his crap instead, only oil remains in the relative's wineskin; merchants collect foxes, tell them to jump over a spear, the drunk cannot; he was tied to the tree, went for a rod; fox jackal: I was tied because I didn't want to be a leader; the jackal swapped places with the fox, he took his sheep and harp; they started hitting the jackals, then they realized the mistake and let him go]: Littmann 1910, No. 13:14-18; Somalis [playing, a camel's son maimed an elephant's son; the camel ran away with the camel, joined the camel herd that the man herded; the squirrel {apparently earth squirrel} indicates to the elephant in which direction the camel ran, but screams after she joked and did not see anyone; the elephant tries in vain to trample on the squirrel; they offer to clean her ass from parasites, climbs into the anus, gnaws out the elephant's intestines; the camel and the camel remain in the herd]: Hanghe 1988:194-196.

North Africa. The Tuareg [The Elephant and the Jackal travel; find a puddle; the Jackal takes a few sips, the Elephant drinks everything; they go again, the Jackal is thirsty again, the Elephant lets him in his belly; the Jackal quenches his thirst , then cuts off the fat, the Elephant dies; the fox orders everyone to cook a portion of the Elephant's meat, the killer's meat must remain raw; the Jackal replaces his pot with a Hyena pot; Hyena is executed]: Bramont 1985:152-153; kabila: Claudot-Hawad 2002 [a person wanted a son to be born even a pea; a pea (pois chiche - "Turkish peas") was born; he overcomes obstacles and becomes normal after swallowed and regurgitated by a lion]: 285; Rivière 1882, No. 2 [the man has two wives; he bought them wheat; one found a pea in it and the other a fingernail; each wanted at least such a son; one has a son Pois chiche (P.), another Ali g icher (A.); father gave A. to herd goats; the landlord began to scold the shepherd, but left without seeing him; the robbers came, A. went with them; climbing into the yard, began to ask loudly which Take the cow; took the cow away, the robbers slaughtered it, A. shouted as if someone had come, the robbers had run away, A. brought all the meat home; asked his mother for a gut, brought it to the palace, climbed inside, the princess She picked her up, A. started screaming, she threw it away, the lion swallowed his gut; began to speak in his stomach, the lion asked him to go out; A. rejects all the holes in his body, says he will get dirty; here are the children's razors; I I'll shout that a lion is coming, they'll throw razors, you'll swallow one; A. cut the lion's belly and went out, and the lion died]: 9-12.

Southern Europe. Spaniards [childless spouses ask for a son like a pea; he is born; eats 90 loaves; in the donkey's ear he goes to the field to his father; an ox chases in the ox's ear; the ox swallows Pea, he asks To slaughter his father by an ox, promises to return 20 of these; the wolf eats the intestines, the Pea calls the shepherds, they kill the wolf, they make a drum out of the wolf intestines, the Pea in it; the robbers take the drum when they hear the voice they are frightened, Pea brings their parents their treasures; Pea's mother gives the robber water in a precious bowl, he recognizes her; at night, the robbers are going to enter the house through the chimney, the Pea boils resin, chieftain cooked]: Malinovskaya 2002:228-231; Basques: Barandiaran 1962a, No. 19 [grandfather sent Kukubiltxo to herd the cows; he hid from the rain under the leaf, the cow swallowed it along with the grass; he went out with the manure; his mother went to wash it, the river carried them both away; the maid tried to pull them out, she was carried away too; the same with his grandfather], 20 [~same as (21, 22); not a boy, but a Barachuri girl], 21 [ Barbancho is the size of a pea; his mother sends him lunch to his father, who leads the donkey in his ear; the boys think that the donkey is alone, they kick him, run in fear when they hear a voice; walks with the boys steal lard from a priest who has stabbed a pig; sitting in the pig's ear, screams loudly how delicious it is; the boys run away, afraid that they will be found; the priest comes running, B. hides in the grass, swallowed by a cow; Hearing a voice, everyone thinks that the cow is bewitched; B. gets out with the manure, returns home], 22 [an elderly childless couple gives birth to a tiny boy, Ukabiltxo; one day falls into a fat pot and with the blood of a slaughtered pig; another time it is swallowed by a cow with grass, he comes out with manure; then he rides a goose]: 82-83, 83-85, 85-88, 88-93; Italians (Tuscany) [carpenter forever scolds his wife for being childless; a beggar gives her a hundred peas, they turn into children; her husband hits them with a stick, but one pea rolled off and becomes a tiny Cecino boy; he invites his mother to take lunch father; people think he is crazy because he talks to himself; he shows them C., leaves an ox on his horn, goes to work; thieves try to steal oxen, C. raises the alarm, father comes running, thieves persuaded him to sell them C.; they are going to steal horses in the royal stable; they ask C. to give the horses oats, the horse swallows C.; the thieves killed two horses, pulled them out into the field; the wolf began to eat the horse's carcass, swallowed C.; C. calls a shepherd from his stomach, the wolf got rid of C.; thieves come to share money, C. repeats their words, thieves fight with each other, are frightened, run away; C. brings their money to his mother]: Crane 1885, No. 77: 242-247.

Western Europe. The French (Gascony; extremely popular story) [elderly spouses are childless; the wife asks God to give her a son the size of wheat grain; the son is born, his name is PZ; his mother tells him take the oxen to the meadow (var.: take lunch to his father who works in the field); when it rains, he hid under a cabbage leaf, the ox swallowed it along with the grass; he gave a voice, the old man beat the ox, but the liver threw it away, and the PZ was just there; an old woman picked up the liver; the PZ started screaming from there, the old woman threw the basket, the wolf swallowed the liver; then went to the herd of cows, but the PZ began to call the shepherds; told the wolf go to the house where the sheep are, but let him out there; at night two thieves came there; when they heard the voice of the PZ, they ran away; the owner of the sheep came, too frightened; two women were frightened, but returned, brought the PZ almost to at home; three thieves came, PZ gave a vote, thieves ran away leaving money; PZ returns to parents]: Arnaudin 1967, No. 20:196-214; Germans: Grimm, Grimm 1987 [childless spouses ask for a son the size of even with a finger; he was born, he was named Boy with a finger; in the horse's ear he goes to take lunch to his father; tells himself to be sold to two people he meets, who are going to show him for money; hides from them in a mouse nora; hears the thieves talking, offers to take him to open the pastor's pantry; deliberately makes a loud noise, thieves flee; he hides in the barn, the cow swallowed it along with the hay; the maid hears a voice from cow's belly, the pastor tells him to slaughter the cow, his stomach is thrown away, swallowed by a wolf; MP invites him to enter a house with plenty of supplies; this is his father's house; he makes a fuss again, shouts to his father to he did not injure him; the wolf was killed, the parents are happy to return the MP]: 118-122; Hubrich-Messow 1988, No. 45 (Baden-Württemberg) [childless spouses ask for a son the size of a finger; he was born, he was named A boy with a finger; a horse's ear drives it when something needs to be carried; his father agrees to sell it to two strangers; he hides from them in a mouse hole, they get it; they go to rob the pastor; they push it MP through the keyhole to unlock the door; the pastor wakes up, the thieves ran away, MP hid in a salt box; the maid threw salt to the cow, she swallowed the MP along with the salt; when the maid milks the cow , hears a voice from a cow's belly; the pastor also hears that the cow was stabbed, his stomach was thrown away, swallowed by a wolf; in the forest, MP got out of the wolf's belly, but he was swallowed along with the grass by a deer; he began to scream The deer ran in horror, fell off the cliff and crashed; MP screamed until he died]: 78-80.

Western Asia. Harsushi [the fox, wolf, leopard, hyena, vulture, and raven went hunting; the vulture flew away, the fox and the raven found nothing, the hyena found a basket of dates, the wolf stole the kid, the leopard killed camels; they gathered around the fire to cook meat; the hyena went to bed, told her to wake her up when everything was ready; the fox ate both dates and meat intended for the hyena, shoved bones and bones into her ass; in the morning told the hyena that she had already eaten everything herself, told her to relieve herself, bones and bones were under the hyena; the fox asked the hyena to carry it to the acacia, and then she would carry it; she jumped and started screaming, that the hyena was tired; hyena: the fox was tired; but others rushed to the hyena and ate it; the fox offered to jump off the cliff - this is what their fathers did when they were circumcised; the fox and the leopard jumped safely, and the wolf broke his leg, he was eaten; the fox offers to jump off a high cliff, jumps; the leopard crashed; invites the fox to start eating it; the fox: eats when the leopard dies; eating the leopard, the fox told the donkey that she was dying of thirst; she allowed her to go inside through her ass - she had water in her stomach; the fox drank water, ate the donkey's insides, she died; the fox wanted dew to fall, then she will fill one wadi with blood, the other with milk; the dew has fallen out, the donkey's ass is softened, the fox has come out; tells the woman and daughter that they are called to be circumcised, and she is ready to guard their herd; the fox milked the goats filled the wadi with milk; stabbed them, filling another wadi with blood; arranged the carcasses as if the goats were grazing; the woman and the girl returned without finding anyone; the girl saw the goats slaughtered and shouted to her mother hold a fox; woman hears hard; fox: she screams that robbers are coming, let the woman give her the necklace, she will bury it and hide it; daughter screams again; fox: she tells you to give yourself to me; woman in rabies, the fox runs away, carrying jewelry; hangs it on a dry tree, relieves itself by throwing sand at excrement; tells the caravan that the tree makes jewelry; he gives his herd for the tree; warns that if he copes with the need near the tree, it will not give jewelry; the caravan waits three days, catches up with the fox; they come back, the fox tears off its excrement, says that this caravan is not held on; the fox brings its camels to places where there are many others; she is told that its camels may be trampled by local camels and horses; but the fox refuses to take its own; its camels are dead, she has received a big ransom for them]: Stroomer 2004, No. 2:5-17.

Melanesia. Mountain arapes [(The crocodile acts as a land animal, not as a water monster); The crocodile sleeps on land with its mouth open; the Tree Rat climbed inside, made a nest; when the Crocodile got up and went, the Rat gnawed through the exit, the Crocodile died]: Mead 1940, No. 29:374.

Burma - Indochina. Khmer [(The crocodile acts as a land animal, not like a water monster); The hare promises to give the Crocodile a remedy for warts if it transports it across the river; spreads a banana leaf, says that he does not want to get the Crocodile dirty with his paws; jumping ashore, he shouts to the Crocodile that he cannot get rid of his warts; The crocodile pretends to be a log, the Hare tells him, if it is a log, to swim against the current ; the stupid Crocodile does so; The crocodile pretends to be dead, the Hare goes into his mouth, the Crocodile closes his mouth, the Hare slips into the womb, scratches it, the Crocodile is forced to belch it]: Marunova 1972:165-166.

South Asia. Pali {?} [The cat swallows the mouse, it gnaws through, the cat dies]: Bødger 1957, No. 42:16; chhattisgarhi (Bilaspur) [the elephant invited the jackal to ride it to find food; he noticed the field sugar cane; the jackal was full and thirsty; the elephant offered to see if the cranes (they are where the water is) could be seen, but the cranes were not visible; then offered to climb into his belly, there was water; warned do not look up; the jackal climbed through his nose, got drunk, saw his heart, liver, etc., started eating; the elephant died, the jackal continued to feed on it from the inside; the carcass dried up, the jackal could not get out; Mahadeo and Parbati were walking by ; M. said he was M., asked who was inside; jackal: and I am Sahadeo, M.'s father; if you are M., cause a downpour; the rain soaked the carcass, the jackal ran away; M. decided to take revenge, hid in the water, the jackal came up, M. grabbed his leg; the jackal said he was holding the root, M. let him go; pretended to be dead; jackal: the corpse must let gas out; M. did it, the jackal ran away; M. made the figure of an old woman out of wax, in his hands a basket of sweets; the figure hit him with his hand, then another, he stuck; M. tied the jackal in his yard, whipped him every day; another jackal came; the first said he was being fattened here, the other changed seats with him; M. began to beat him; when he found out that he had made a mistake, M. let the jackal go and made him his guard; when the jackal howls at night, he serves for M.]: Gordon 1908:61-64; baiga [Jackal and Elephant We came to the field, ate; the Jackal is thirsty; the Elephant invites the Jackal to get inside it, there is a lot of water; the Jackal crawls through his trunk, drinks, eats the Elephant's liver, he dies; Mahadeo and Sahadeo walk by; The Jackal replies that he is M.'s father; he offers to rain; the Jackal cannot, M. causes rain, the Elephant's carcass gets wet, the Jackal gets out; M. and S. made a wax doll; the Jackal asked Let her eat, she is silent, he hits, sticks; they gave him to the baiga youth to beat him every day; the tied Jackal is swollen; replies to another Jackal that he is well fed; the other changes places with him ; another Jackal promises a young baiga to marry the bride; brings him his daughter Ahir; then his father-in-law throws his son-in-law away, buries him, wants to get along with his daughter; falls ill with leprosy, dies; Baiga's wife digs up her husband, revives]: Elwin 1944, No. 23.5:463-465

Malaysia-Indonesia. East Timor (Obulo) [The Snake doesn't like the Lizard's children singing; the Lizard goes down to fight the Snake, it swallows it, it cuts it from the inside, sings that it has killed the Snake]: Anonimo 1956b: 8-9.

China - Korea. Chinese [The Tiger wants to eat the Lizard; he offers to jump down his throat; once in the Tiger's stomach, he tears it with its claws, comes out]: Riftin 1957:23 (=1993:40-41); Koreans: Cho 2001, No. 93 [=Pack 1991:204-207; the famous hunter is missing; other children laugh at his son; the mother admits that his father was eaten by a tiger; tells her son to train archery first; the old woman in the mountains says the same; becoming accurate, the young man meets an old man, notices his tiger's fangs, kills him; meets an old woman, a young woman, a young man; everyone replies that he is in a hurry, because her or his husband, father-in-law, wife has been killed; these are tigers, a young man is killing them; an old huge tiger swallowed it; a living princess inside; the two of them cut the way out; while they are slaughtering, the Tiger turns to the Bear Healer, who advises him to eat fruit and drink waters; the young man and the princess eat it; the tiger dies, they go out; they return home; wedding]: 160-165; Choi 1979, No. 214 [the tiny boy told his parents he would go hunting; left without receiving permits; the chief tiger swallowed it; he began to stab it from the inside; the tiger killed other tigers and died himself; the boy brought the skin, sold it and became rich]: 68-79; Garin-Mikhailovsky 1958 [the rich man promises a fortune and a daughter to someone who brings the skins of a hundred tigers; a young hunter lets the king of tigers swallow himself, scratches his liver; when the king king killed a hundred tigers furiously, the young man pierced his heart; bringing his skins got a wife]:.

The Balkans. Bulgarians [childless parents miraculously have many children (they come out of a chopped pumpkin; they come from grain poured into a vessel; etc.); there is not enough food, they kill them, the smallest one is saved (as tall as a finger; in one version, two are saved, adventures are distributed between them); the hero takes food to his father in the field; rides in the wild, getting into his ear; sold to robbers, takes their money; he is accidentally eaten with grass by a cow; when she is milked, he makes obscene noises from her belly; a cow is slaughtered, a wolf eats its entrails with the hero; he warns those against whom the wolf wants to attack, about his approach; the wolf dies (on the advice of the fox, after eating sand and drinking water, lay down in the sun), the hero goes outside]: Daskalova-Perkovska et al. 1994, No. 700:236; Serbs [ the old man threw a net and caught a tiny boy; named Span; passers-by bought him, put him in his pocket, and he ran away; settled down for the night; thieves discuss how to steal oxen from a peasant; Span: and me take it; asks loudly whether the ox should be removed - black or white; took it out, the ox was stabbed, Span got a stomach, he went to wash it, climbed inside, the wolf swallowed his stomach; An inch from the inside warns the shepherds that the wolf is going to attack the sheep; tells the wolf to take him home; shouts to his parents - Wolf! the wolf was killed, the boy was taken out, clothes were sewn out of the wolf's skin; Span plows sitting in the ox's ear; the king saw, gave a lot of gold, gave Span to the queen; she fell asleep, Span ran away; the king killed the queen and hung himself by the legs ]: Eschker 1992, No. 6:45-49.

Central Europe. Slovaks [a woman does not know who will take lunch to her husband in the field, dreams of a son at least the size of a pea; a pea turns into a boy; he brings soup and dumplings to his father, falls into a ditch, soup he spilled, he almost drowned in it, got out on the dumplings, collected them again, they were in the mud; brought them to his father, said that the dog had spilled soup, that there were poppies in dumplings; father did not believe it, wanted to beat them, Pea began to control with oxen, work has begun; the master wants to buy G. as a gift to his wife, G. whispers to his father to sell, he will return; on the way he made a hole in his master's purse, threw away all the ducats and jumped out himself, brought ducats to his parents; when soldiers came, hid in a pot; having enriched his parents, went on a journey; people carry iron on 12 carts, they cannot go uphill; G. suggests removing the mountain if that date he has as much iron as he can carry it away; moves the mountain, takes everything away; tells the forge to make a club out of it; in 24 days, 24 workers forged it; G. sat under the mushroom to fix his shoes, some person wanted to sit on the mushroom, G. stabbed him with an awl; the fire of 11 robbers; G. began to throw bumps into everyone's bowl as he brought it to his mouth; then went out, waved his club, the robbers took him to their place; he stayed to guard their parking lot, the wolf swallowed it, he cut it from the inside, went out; the robbers tell him to steal four oxen from the peasant; when he came to the barn, he made a fuss, the owner did not notice him, almost stepped on him; he threw him into the corner, took the oxen; furious that the robbers continued to laugh at him; they split the money and sent G. to wash his giblets to prevent him from giving him his share; by the river he began to beat giblets and scream: it's not me, but them; robbers ran away, G. took their money to his parents; but they just died; during the funeral he fell into the grave, and the gravedigger refused to pull him out; he got out on his own, buried the gravedigger alive; became a robber again, came to the fire, which has 11 robbers; they argue when to make an chieftain; G.: the one whose club thrown up will be the last to fall; G.'s club fell only the next day and went into the ground; it was made chieftain, the club was hardly pulled out; the rich king has a watchman cock; at the same time, the king promises a daughter to the one who will destroy the robbers; G. ordered ten to carry his club, and he sat at the eleventh in his pocket, gradually filling his pocket with stones, so that the robber could hardly walk; G. threw his club and knocked down the rooster; got inside through the keyhole, opened the passage, cut off the heads of all the robbers who entered as they slipped it in, cut it off and took their tongues with them; another man brought their heads, the king was ready to give him his daughter; but G. showed his tongues; after the wedding, G. confessed, his skin burst crashly, appeared beautiful young man; happy wedding]: Dobšinský 1970, No. 30:161-170; Poles [childless spouses dream of a son, a tiny one is born; he drives a horse or ox sitting in his ear; allows Sell himself and runs away from the buyer; helps thieves rob the house, but starts talking loudly; swallowed by a cow, stabbed to death, he gets out of his intestines; returns home with the help of a fox and a wolf]: Krzy żanowski 1962, No. 700:215-216; Russians (Vologda) [the old woman cut cabbage, cut off her finger, threw it behind the stove; a boy with a finger came out: Where is the priest? - He plows. - Let's take breakfast and help him plow; brought pancakes to my father; began to plow, getting into the horse's ear; tells me to sell it, if there is a buyer, he will return in the evening; the master bought it, the boy with his finger made a hole in his pocket, ran away; hears two thieves going to steal bulls from his ass; offers help; shouts loudly: which bull should I take, white or black? he threw a rope over the brown one; the thieves ate the meat, the boy was given the skin, he fell asleep in it, the wolf swallowed it; the boy from the wolf's belly: shepherd, the wolf wants to eat your sheep; the wolf is starving; the boy agrees to get out only if he takes him to his father and mother; the boy shouts that the wolf ran to the lead, the old man and the old woman killed the wolf, sewed the boy's skin coat]: Gura 1965, No. 18:229-230; Russians ( Moscow) [the woman pinched the splint, cut off her finger, wrapped it in a cloth, put it on the stove, baked pancakes; her finger became a boy, volunteered to take the pancakes to his grandfather in the field; offered to plow while sitting in the horse's ear; the master heard someone singing; the boy with his finger told his grandfather to sell it, then he would run away; he got out from their master's pocket; asked the robbers; they sent him to unlock the door from the inside; he did so; the robbers took the cow from the priest, stabbed it, left the boy in demand; the wolf swallowed it, the boy began to scratch the wolf from the inside, ordered it to be taken to his grandparents; they killed the wolf; everything is fine]: Vedernikova, Samodelova 1998, No. 63:180.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Turks [because of his ill-conceived wish, the poor man gets many children the size of a pea; throws them into the fire, only one remains; getting into the donkey's ear, a pea boy brings his father to lunch field; a cow cake fell on him; people collected a dung, began to drown it, the pea boy also burned down; options: the boy was eaten by a cow, he goes outside (through the ass); giants find him; he puts a dead lamb between girls, ties two men with beards, dies laughing; thieves tell him to steal a cow; he says so loudly that the owner came out but did not see anyone; he was given cow giblets and he hides in them; he was pecked by a rooster, then eaten by a cow; he climbed into giblets (dough), eaten by a wolf; he screams from the wolf's belly, he can't get anyone; parents killed a cow, threw his heart away, and There was a boy in my heart, came out]: Eberhard, Boratav 1953, No. 288:332-333.

Iran - Central Asia. Turkmens: Sokali et al. 1955 [his wife gave birth to a son half an ear tall, Yarty Gulak; he went to his father's mill in a camel ear; went down to the grass, fell asleep on the grass, the camel ate him with grass; parents killed a camel, did not find a son; the wolf swallowed it with guts; from the wolf's belly, YAG warns the shepherds; the wolf asks the Fox to help, she tells him to eat unripe grapes, the owner of the vineyard Hits the Wolf, YAG jumps out; on a basket of grapes, YAG arrives at the owner's house; at night he holds two guests by the beard; they accuse each other, fight; the owner fights with his wife (YAG held him by the beard, her for braids); at night, YAG smears ishan's (mullah) pants with pumpkin porridge, puts jug covers on his daughters' heads, turban on his wife's head, calls for prayer; general stir; etc.; YAG gets sheep for the promise to leave home, tells the father to pick them up at home; (beginning, including the wolf episode, pp.28-31)]: 28-39; Stebleva 1969, No. 44 [approximately like in Sokali, more episodes in the second part]: 225-237; Tajiks [a boy the size of a pea was born, he was named that; brought his father lunch; he squeezed most of the wheat in the field; on the way back, the wolf swallowed it; G. screams from the wolf's belly that he wanted to attack the sheep ; so several times the wolf became exhausted from hunger, G. fell out, could not get out of the ditch; asked the old man to hand him a staff; returned home]: Amonov 1972:200-201; Persians [the lumberjack's wife asks Allah give a child the size of a pea; gives birth to a boy the size of a thumb, he was called a Pea; he drives a drawn horse sitting on her head; tells the Oltz to sell him to two people he meets; hides from them in a mouse hole; hears a conversation between two robbers, leads them to the mullah's house, deliberately talks loudly, the robbers run away; G. goes to bed on a clover, the servant throws an armful of cow, she swallows G. , he speaks from her stomach; the cow is killed, the stomach is thrown away, the wolf swallows it; G. promises the wolf to take him to a place where there is a lot of food; brings him to his parents; Father G. kills the wolf, gets his son]: Rosenfeld 1956:66-72.

Baltoscandia. Latvians [a childless woman accidentally cuts off her toe, asks her son to be even as tall as a finger; her finger turns into a boy, takes breakfast to the woman's husband, mows for it; the master buys him for a hat of money; the boy hides in a mushroom, he is eaten by a cow; the hostess hears a voice from a cow, the cow has been slaughtered, the boy hides in a ham, gives it to the beggar; he is frightened of his voice, throws a ham, ate the meat wolf; the boy inside the wolf screams that he got to the cattle; tells him to take himself to his father in the kitchen; the father killed the wolf, the son got out; they live well]: Aris 1971:148; Lithuanians: Lebite 1965:66-60 [The wolf tells the old man to give the sheep; so all five sheep; then the dog, goat, cat, daughter, wife; swallows it; the old man cuts his belly with a knife, all swallowed go out], 250-254 [ a neighbor advises a childless old woman to cut off her little finger, throw it behind the stove; in the morning, a tiny boy offers to take lunch to his father in the field; while the old man eats, he climbs into the horse's ear, plows like this; the master wants it buy, the little finger tells the old man to agree; hides under the mushroom, the master does not find it; offers thieves to help rob his master; asks loudly on purpose, the owners wake up; hides in straw, her the cow eats; hearing a voice from her belly, the cow is slaughtered, the wolf swallows the demand, the little finger from his stomach warns the shepherds; tells the wolf to carry it to the father's yard; there the wolf was slaughtered, sewn from the skin Toe coat]; Lutsie (West 1893) [the couple is old, there are no children; the old man brought a mushroom leg from the forest, wrapped it, put it on the stove; the leg became a tiny boy; went to harrow, sitting in his ear horses; the merchant wants to buy, the boy to his father: sell it, I'll be back; the boy ran away, the cow ate it with a bath broom; the boy speaks from the cow's belly; the owners are frightened, the cow was stabbed, giblets They gave me to a beggar, boy: Where are you taking me? the beggar threw out the giblets, the wolf ate them, the boy from the wolf's belly warns those whom the wolf wants to attack; the wolf asks him to go out, but the boy is all the same: eat from his mouth, get dirty from his ass; tells him to collect wolves and come with them to his father, who has many sheep; go last, you will get the fattest; the wolves went into the empty barn, fell into the hole, the boy came out of the wolf's ass and locked the door; selling wolf skins, earned a lot of money; feast]: Annom et al. 2018:283-286; Estonians [a childless woman wanted a son even the size of a finger; father cuts wood; son carries them sitting by a horse's ear; three want to buy boy, he tells his father to agree; refuses to sit in the bosom of those who bought them (hot), in his pocket (dark), sits on the floor of his hat; ran away, hid in a rat hole; climbed into the landowner's pantry; thieves came he raised the alarm; he found himself in a barn, the cow swallowed it; the maid hears a voice from a cow's belly; the cow was stabbed, his stomach was thrown away, swallowed by a wolf; the boy tells the wolf to go to the house where the father with mother - there is plenty of food there; the wolf is full, overweight, cannot get out; the boy's father killed him, found his son, made his son a fur coat out of wolf skin]: Mälk et al. 1967, No. 103:339-340; seto [elderly the spouses are childless; the wife accidentally cut off the tip of her finger; wrapped it in a rag, put it behind the stove; the husband went to harrow, the wife regrets that there was no one to take lunch; the severed finger turns into a boy, says he will carry it; harrows, sitting in the horse's ear; tells his father to agree to sell it to thieves; they sent him to steal meat, he asked loudly whether to take fat or lean, chased the thieves, boy hid in the chaff, the cow swallowed it with the chaff, he sings in her stomach; the owners hear, are frightened, they slaughter the cow, wash their intestines in the river, a piece with the boy has swallowed, it has been swallowed by a wolf; from the wolf's belly the boy screams to the shepherds; the wolf has to agree to take him home; the boy jumps out of the wolf's nostril, calls his mother and father, who kill the wolf]: Normann, Tampere 1989:109-112; Veps [old man chopped firewood, cut his finger, a boy with a finger (M.) appeared; promises to bring his father bread for arable land; on the way he sat on a mushroom, the bear swallowed it along with the mushroom; M. refuses to leave him just like that ass, tells him to take him home; when the bear entered the canopy, M. and killed him with a rocker; the next day he came to his father in the field, sat down on a plough to plow; the neighbor asked to sell him such a ploughman; M. tells his father to agree, he will then run away; the neighbor put M. in his wallet, came home - there was a hole in his wallet and pocket; M. returned to his father]: Onegin, Zaitseva 1996, No. 25:120-122.

Volga - Perm. Komi-Permyaks [the sparrow went to plow, the mouse remained at home; sparrow: why is the porridge so tasty? mouse: I interfere with its tail; the next day the mouse is in the field, the sparrow is cooking dinner, stuck its tail, scalded it; the mouse: lie down, I'll cure it; bit it myself, made a boat out of the sternum, made a boat out of the sternum, swam along the river, sings about himself; reluctantly lets a hare; a fox; a wolf; when the bear sat down, the boat turned over; everyone swam out, the mouse is gone; the bear takes turns accusing everyone, they run away, and he swallows the mouse himself; she sings at him stomach: I sharpen the knife, I'll cut the bear's stomach, I'll go out; the bear asks to go out through the mouth, through the ass, the mouse refuses; the bear vomits, the mouse runs between his teeth, but he steps on it]: Klimov 1997:9-11 in Kippar 2002:169-172); Komi-Zyryans [magpie and mouse lived together; only a mouse baked bread and made dinner; magpie: give me soup; mouse: take it yourself; magpie fell into a boiling pot, the mouse cooked it there and ate; made a boat out of her sternum; sings how it sails upstream in a boat from the sternum of a magpie, a paddle with beaver blades, a crossbar from an otter's tail; the hare asks to take it too; mouse: the ears are long; the hare: I'll pick it up; the mouse took him; the fox (the tail is long); then the bear; he feather, everyone hit each other, the mouse climbed into his ass; the fox ate the hare and followed the bear for three years, waiting for his mouse then eats and then intends to eat the mouse; but the mouse got out of the bear carcass and hid under the roots]: Fokos-Fuchs 1915, No. 21:198-203; Mordovians [the old woman stabbed a splint, cut off her thumb, he became a boy; carried pancakes to his father, the wolf swallowed them; he screams, warning cows and sheep about danger; shepherds chase the wolf, he is starving; agrees to take the boy with his finger home; he went out grabbed the wolf by the tail, the father killed the wolf]: Evseviev 1964, No. 31:232-233; Chuvash [a childless old woman complains that there is no one to take pancakes to her husband on the field; a little boy appears from the log; goes to the mole falls, the father finds him, glad; the boy sits between the ears of the horse, plows; tells his father to sell it to the merchant, runs away from that pocket; sells it to the thief, not to run away from his pocket; the thief lets the boy in open the door of the rich man's pantry through the hole; takes away the stolen goods, forgets the boy; the cow eats him along with the oats, the boy speaks from her belly; the cow was slaughtered, the giblets were thrown into the ravine; they were eaten by a wolf, the boy screams from his belly "hold the wolf!" ; the wolf runs, frightens the thief, the boy comes home on a horse with the good looted by the thief]: Eisin 1993:262-255; Bashkirs: Bessonov 1941, No. 60 [an old man and an old woman stabbed a goat, put their tail on the cornice of the hearth; the tail became a boy as tall as a finger; his father put him on a camel and told him not to get off; Goat's Tail (KH) tears, could not get back in; the camel swallowed it along with the grass; the old man stabbed the camel, threw out his stomach; the wolf bit through his stomach, the KH jumped on the wolf, they ran, tired, they were killed by the hunters; the KH screams that he had exhausted the wolves; when the hunter sent his wife to scatter the horse, The KH shouts that he will not give; at night, the farm covered the sleeping old people with a sebaceous membrane from the stomach of a slaughtered goat; he put meat and feces between two son-in-law, the embryos of the goats between the old man's daughters; they accused each other a friend that the other gave birth, sons-in-law - that got dirty the other night, old people - that everyone pulls a fur coat over them, it bursts and tears; the old man slipped on a goat's skin, broke his leg; thieves stole goats; KX asked the merchant to count the money, hid in his cart, made a hole, all the money fell out; helped the thieves steal the cows, asked himself only giblets; as the thieves brought the meat, made a fuss, the thieves ran away the farm all took it, brought everything, brought everything to his old people, grew up, got married, everything is fine], 61 [the old man stabbed the goat, put his tail on the stove ledge, a tiny boy appeared; went to herd the goats, clinging to the goat's horn; frightened thieves who wanted to steal a herd; next time he rode a camel, tears, the camel swallowed it with grass; the old man stabbed the camel, threw away his intestines; the wolf gnawed the gut, the boy frightened the wolf; frightened the young man, who killed the wolf; hid in their house, secretly eats; stabbed a goat, put a goat's embryo on his daughters, feces for good, covered the old people with a sebaceous membrane; they blame each other; the boy with a finger robbed merchant, went with the thieves, helped them steal a cow; gave them to an old man, began to live with him, said that they wanted to slaughter his horse; thieves stole and stabbed their own horse; the boy with a finger returned to his parents , became a merchant]: 289-293, 294-298.

Turkestan. Kazakhs: Divaev 1909 (Syr-Darya) [the old woman asks her husband to bring her 40 lamb ears, eats her ears, gives birth to 40 ears; they are at peace, the old people have nailed them, one ear is hidden; goes on a camel for salt; the old woman warns not to hide from the rain under the leaves, the ear hides, the camel swallows it; the old man cuts it but does not find his ear, throws away his stomach, it is swallowed by the wolf; every time rushes at the rams, his ear screams from his stomach; the fox advises him to run and sit on the ice; the wolf froze, the traveler killed him, took off his skin, his ear hid in his pocket; with this man two more, they stopped at overnight stay, the ear made a hole in the cup, ate everything, the owner's daughters are surprised (the guest must leave food to the owners); night puts the lamb's head between the girls, ties his wife's braids to the owner's beard, the maid to the oil mill, the shepherd to the wormwood bush; shouts that the wolf attacked the sheep; each girl accuses the other that she has a miscarriage, everyone is fighting; the ear steals sheep to the elderly]: 90-95; Marchenko 1993 [ a childless old woman milked a goat, she knocked over the bucket, the old woman tore off her kuyirshyk {tail?} , he turned into a son; rode a camel to get salt; hid from the weather under a leaf, the camel ate grass, swallowed it; the camel was brought home, the old people heard K.'s voice, stabbed the camel, the Wolf ate giblets; when he approaches the herd, K. screams from his belly, calls the shepherds; The fox advised him to sweat, sit on the ice, sit until morning; The wolf froze, the travelers killed him, ripped off his skin, quietly took K .; stopped for the night; K. blew out the fire, ate everything; others began to blame each other; went to bed; K. put the slaughtered ram between the guests, tied braids to the master's daughters, put braids on the owner's heads cauldron, a tripod hung above the door, filled nails into the ground at the door; shouted that wolves were coming; the owner hit the cauldron, tripod, sat on nails, screamed; the guests accuse each other that the other had turned into ram, girls - that the other is holding her braids; everyone is fighting; K. burst with laughter]: 81-84; Kyrgyz [childless spouses have only five goats and a camel; once a black goat hid between the horns of a black goat A boy with a finger; the old woman said that if she had a child, she would feed him foam from milk; MP asks to be her son; herds goats sitting between the horns of a black goat; rides a camel for salt; that swallowed it along with the burdock; the camel returned home, the old man stabbed him, hung his gut by the yurt; the wolf swallowed it; when he approached the flock, MP began to scream to the shepherds; the wolf died of hunger; the traveler took it off his skin, MP got under the saddle, tells him to go faster; at the bus stop he steals an awl, then stabs his horse; he threw off the rider, the MP returned to the old man and the old woman in it]: Brudny, Eshmambetov 1968:77-80.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Mongols: Mikhailov 1962 [the elephant mocks the mouse; it climbed into his trunk, penetrated his heart, ate it; the elephant died and the mouse got out]: 9; Potanin 1883, No. 166 [the old woman tore off the goat the tail turned into a boy; the camel swallowed it along with the grass; the old woman slaughtered the camel but threw out the cecum where the boy was; the wolf swallowed the gut; when the wolf approaches the cattle, the boy screams, Catch; the wolf asks the fox for help, she tells him to defecate at the crossroads of seven roads; the boy goes out, kills a sheep, puts a premature lamb between two sleeping girls, bacon from the peritoneum covers the old man and the old woman, the liquid from the peritoneum pours between the two guys; when the girls wake up, they argue whose miscarriage is; the old man and the old woman take fat for a fur coat, the old man beats the old woman for tearing the fur coat, pulling it towards him at night; the guys also quarreled; the boy laughed, his ass cracked, he died]: 550-551; Dagurs [Olkhan Ulan Uldey Khan has only a daughter; the couple asks for a son from heaven; four Hormusta's daughters go down to swim, see smokes; H. asks who will give the son to the worshipers; only the youngest agrees, in the form of a boy approaches his wife O., hits her thigh, her thigh swells (an abscess ?) , O. cuts him, a boy runs out, gets the name Altan Galburt; he grew up, his father does not tell me to go north; AH goes, swallowed by a wild boar, comes out of the ass; swallowed again, hurts the heart and lungs of the boar, does a cut in the ribs comes out, brings the heart and lungs of the wild boar to his father; no horse can withstand hypertension; the father says that the salt mare brings foals, but the Khan Garuda bird kidnaps them; AG shot the bird tamed the foal; he promises to come to him as soon as necessary; in a dream, the old man tells him to get trees for arrows (growing in the West Sea), Khan Garud feathers for plumage, and the skin of a variegated boar for bowstrings; the horse teaches you to grab trees when the arrow fired seems to stop before starting to fall down; then a serpent rushed, poisoned it with its blood; Hormusta went down and revived AG]: Poppe 1930:31-48; South Altai Tuvans [the elderly have a boy as tall as a kneecap; volunteered to go for a dung; hid from the hail under the leaf, the camel swallowed it; the camel was eaten by a wolf, a boy from a wolf's womb shouts to the shepherds that the wolf has attacked the flock; the fox advises the wolf to drink water, run across the steppe; the boy came out with a litter, clung to the tail of someone else's cow, brought it to his parents ; one sleeping girl put a lamb under the floor, the other with cow droppings; the girls accused each other that one had given birth to a lamb and the other had done it; both laughed, their guts burst, they died]: Taube 1994, No. 44:263-264; the Altaians [tiny Dyarym-Kulak scattered garbage near the threshold of the house where his grandparents lived (apparently put the last one), hung a mallet above the door, around wrapped a snake around the vessel, placed a bumblebee in the place where the spirit figure stood, buried an egg in the ash, stuck an awl on the couch, hid himself in the folds of felt; the grandmother slipped as she entered and hit the mallet, bitten by a snake and a bumblebee, an egg burst into her eyes, an awl pierced when she sat down, she ran out, slipped again at the end, hit the mallet; DK laughed, rode a camel, climbed under the leaves from rain, the camel swallowed it along with the grass; he screams for the camel to be stabbed; the owners stabbed, the gut in which the DC was swallowed by one of the seven wolves; when the wolves try to approach the prey, DC screams, wolves are starving; the fox tells you to eat fat falls; the wolves have eaten, cleaned their stomachs, the DC offers three thieves to serve them; they send him for an ax; he hides in the dog's ear, asks the boy to give bone marrow; the boy tells his mother that the dog asks for bone marrow, the mother tells her to hack, the ax flies off, the DC brings it to the thieves; DK puts a bundle between two sleeping girls, to the pigtails of two guys ties the cecum, spread interior fat over the old woman and the old man; everyone woke up, the guys started fighting, the girls blaming each other for giving birth, the old woman and the old woman that the other tore their skins ( they hear a crackling fat); DK laughed and dried up]: Sadalova 2002, No. 37:361-365.

Western Siberia. Nenets: Senkevich 1935 [The Deer and the Mouse decide to play hide and seek; the Mouse finds the Deer by its horns; the Deer does not find the Mouse, swallows it with grass; it gnaws through its stomach, asks the Raven to take off its skin; he only the eyes bite; the mouse goes to bed, tells other animals to remove their skin and leave it fat; they have left only horns and hooves]: 68; Wax Boilers, Meners 1951 [Deer and Mouse decide to play hide and seek; Mouse finds Deer in horns; The deer does not find the Mouse, swallows with grass; it gnaws through his stomach, asks the Raven to take off his skin; he only bites his eyes; The Seagull only pulls its guts; Bears, Wolves, Arctic Fox, Foxes eat meat; Mouse horns and hooves remain]: 87-88; Ents: Sorokina, Bolina 2005, No. 39 [Mouse and Deer play hide and seek; Mouse finds Deer when they notice horns; The deer does not find the Mouse, swallows it with grass; it gnaws through it guts, pops up; calls all animals, goes to bed; when he wakes up, finds that all the meat has been eaten; since then, animals have not communicated with each other], 40 [The mouse invites the Deer to play hide and seek; finds it by horns; he swallows it along with the grass; she gnaws through his intestines, goes out; The deer dies], 41 [The deer invites the Mouse to play hide and seek, she finds it by its horns; he swallows it with grass; she gnaws a hole in his stomach, goes out; The deer dies, the mouse calls friends to a feast, falls asleep; when he wakes up, all the meat is eaten]: 166-167, 169, 170-171; Mansi: Lukina 1990, No. 192 (zap. Chernetsov on Konda, North Sosve or Lozva) [Earth Brother mouse lived with his grandmother, made a nettle boat, swam; invites the deer to play hide and seek, hid in the grass, the deer swallowed it; refuses to go out through his nose, ears, nostrils, ass, cut his stomach, the deer died; the mouse called the woodpecker to rip off the deer, gave it less meat; he sails in a boat, he is called ashore several times, but he only arrives when he is called to eat caviar; the mouse fell, the stomach burst, the caviar flowed out, the children sewed up their stomach; the mouse brought meat to the grandmother, turned her into a girl, began to live happily]: 498-501; Rombandeeva 2005, No. 37 [The mouse invites the Deer to hide, immediately sees the Deer's tail; the Deer cannot find it, eats grass, swallows it, the Mouse sharpens a knife in the Deer's stomach, the Deer offers to go out through his mouth, nose, eyes, ears, the Mouse replies every time that he slobbering, snotty, purulent, sulfuric, cuts the Deer's belly, brings the children and wife, who eat venison until their bellies burst]: 281; Kannisto 1956, No. 10 (Konda) [the mouse married a doll, began to steal, got rich; other mice also began to steal, the mayor started killing them, they asked the mouse for help; he took his comrades on a hike: a slimy fish board, a dog rope , perch caviar, hot brazier, foot, knife, ax; the brazier was placed on the doorstep, a board in the doorway, hot caviar on the table, a foot, a knife and an ax nearby; the mayor stepped on the brazier, hit the lintel, slipped on the board, fell, the mice had hot caviar in his eyes, the rope confused, the foot, the ax, the knife were finished off; the mice took all his supplies; his daughter's son lured the mice into the plague with food, everyone died there; the doll became the mouse mourned, went on a journey; refused to load horse, cow, sheep manure - it would get dirty; came to another mouse's aunt, stayed with her, married her nephew; he made a hemp boat , swam; his name is from the shore there is perch, ruff, fish oil, he does not pay attention; when he calls to eat burbot, he goes; he sails on, he was swallowed by a bear with the boat, the mouse began to stab from the inside, the bear fell, the mouse cut the way out with a knife, invited the bear to swallow it again, cut off the heart from the inside; took the meat, swam back downstream past the people who invited him; at home, the aunt took meat, mouse played, aunt danced (a song about how he caught a bear)]: 100-117; northern Khanty (b. Son) [The elk eats grass, swallows the Mouse; consistently invites her to go out through his mouth, nose, eye, ass, bladder; The mouse refuses, says it's dirty, cuts his stomach, eats elk]: Aksyanova and others 2005, No. 12:268-269; Khanty (band?) [The elk eats grass, swallowed the Mouse; she sings inside him, a knife; he asks her to go out through his nose, nostrils, ears; she refuses, cuts his throat, fills his storage facilities with meat]: Voskoboynikov, Menovshchikov 1951:52-53; Yugi: Werner 1997, No. 3 [Hačamačaka dwarf sharpens a knife, says she will cut off the Bear's nose; the Bear swallowed it, she ripped it from the inside, went outside, got meat and skin], 30 [The mouse found a dough bowl, swam in it like in a boat, found a needle, made a pole, a thimble a hat; invites the Bear to hide; finds it easily, hides in an empty stem of grass, The bear does not see it, swallows it with grass; it gnaws out, killing the Bear; calls all the mice, they feast]: 243-244, 285-287; Kets: Dulzon 1966, No. 29 [Khachamaka's dwarf sharpens a knife, invites the Bear to swallow it; ripped it from the inside, went outside, got meat and skin]: 103; Osharov 1936a [The mouse invites the Bear to play hide and seek; he swallows it along with the grass; she gnaws through he has a belly, he dies, the mouse eats bear meat]: 129-130.

Eastern Siberia. North-Eastern Yakuts (Indigirka, Krest-Mayorsky Nasleg of the Abysky Ulus; a summary of several texts, including archival ones) [little old man Byt-Byt had eight wives; When food supplies ran out, his wives took him out into the yard; he asked the Wind to carry him hunting; he brought him, the old man hung on a branch of the bush; the elk swallowed it along with the branches, which ripped his belly apart. came home; wives cooked meat; the old man walked along the edge of the bowl, fell into the soup, died; the blind old woman ate soup, swallowed the old man]: Ergis 1964, No. 53:181; 1967b, No. 141:195.

Amur-Sakhalin. Negidals [Nevkhan invites the bear owner Uyguli to open his mouth, jumps inside, kills by cutting his belly from the inside; gets two wives for this, then gets others, five in total]: Cincius 1982, No. 34:166-174; the Udege [the bear swallows three older brothers, the youngest runs away; swallowed, they beat the bear from the inside with spears, killed, left; the eldest (as, apparently, others) turned gray]: Lebedeva et al. 1998, No. 13:111-112; nivkhi: Pevnov 2010, No. 2 [the older brother has a wife; he tells her to wash, comb her younger brother every morning, ventilate his clothes; the elder's wife thinks to make the youngest his husband; one day the youngest dressed himself, went to the sea, saw a seal, she took off her skin, became a woman, they got together; the seal woman promised to sail again tomorrow, bringing tables and dishes to taste elks; the younger brother returned, the elder and his wife did not ask him; in the morning, the elder's wife put on her younger brother's clothes, went on the younger brother's ski track, hid herself, buried in the sand; the seal is afraid, the woman tells her to go out as agreed; throws a harpoon at her; they have been fighting for a long time, the tench has broken off, the wounded seal has gone to sea, ordered her husband to be handed over to her brother so that he does not chased; at home, the young man understood everything, went ashore, overheard the conversation between the two younger sisters of his seal wife, who came to the house from chips; carved a figure, swam on it, then fired an arrow, flew it, He fired arrows like this and flew each one, got to another land; there his wife's sisters and other seals in the guise of people say that a man from the ground wounded the elder's daughter, they prepare spears and arrows, they are guarding him; he asks the servant where his jews harp (by the window behind the pillow), asks other questions; when he found out everything, he shook him out of his skin, put it on, came to his nerpa wife; there local shamans were camlaing; the imaginary servant asked for he pulled the prison out of the wounded man's chest, now the seal would marry him; the young man returned, returned his skin to the servant, he came to life; told the seal's grandfather grandmother that he did not injure her, but his brother's wife, and he cured ; uncles seals bear and walrus guard him on the shore, but he gave them a fish, they called him his son-in-law; he flies back on an arrow; there whoever turns walrus growls, his lower lip drags along the ground, upper to the sky he pulls out a fire in his mouth; the young man jumped into his mouth, began to cut him from the inside, he released him; in disguise, the man went with him, brought him to that bear, the young man and jumped into his mouth (all the same); those two seal girls go with him (first seal younger sisters?) ; at home he forced his brother to take his wife by the leg, took him by the other, they tore her apart; he married one seal girl, gave his brother another]: 16-25; Pilsudski in Ostrovsky 1997 [a stone bear lives on the cape at the mouth of the river; at the instigation of his older brother, he comes to swallow his younger brother; he cuts the animal's stomach with a knife from the inside, comes out]: 199; wilta [mice mom and frog mom (hereinafter referred to as "mouse" and "frog") swam in the boat for berries; the mouse was rowing; went ashore, picked berries, dropped one; the frog swallowed the berry, then regurgitated, washed it and put it in the tuyaski; when they returned home, the mouse children are happy, the children the frogs are crying (she did not collect anything); in the morning the frog took a knife, went to cut the fish; asked the moose to open its mouth wide; sprung into it, cut the moose from the inside, went out through the ass; the frog's children are happy, that there is a lot of meat; {it's not very clear further; apparently, the mouse stole meat from the frog}]: Ikegami 2007, No. 20:93-98.

Japan. Ainu (Sakhalin): Etter 1949 [father promises a daughter to marry someone who kills two bears; Kambala lets them swallow himself, cuts himself from the inside with sharp fins; gets a girl]: 84; Pilsudsky 2001, No. 3 [Flounder decided to marry the woman's daughter Kakan; she was collecting salt water with a scoop, Flounder jumped into it; the girl fell in love with her; the men invited Flounder to the forest for firewood, threw it in the bear's mouth; The flounder tore his stomach with its sharp bones, went out over his side, the bear died; Kambala taught the children fish work, and his wife taught him fish work; they lived well]: 28 (same Pilsudski 2002, No. 3:19-20).

SV Asia. Forest Yukaghirs (p. Ridiculous, Verkhnekolymsky District): Kurilov 2005, No. 36 [ivy (a soul that moves into a newborn) of a person, becoming a blade of grass, rose from the Lower Earth to the Middle Earth; it was eaten by a mouse, the mouse was swallowed by Lenok, Lenka - osprey; a live mouse jumped out of Lenka's stomach, the owl grabbed it, ate it, a blade of grass fell to the ground, became human; this is how the person escaped and lives]: 309 (=Nikolaeva et al. 1989 (1), No. 11:49); Johelson 1900, No. 10 [The louse man came out, the wind stuck him to the leaf of the talnik; the male deer swallowed it along with the leaf; the louse cut it with a knife from the inside; thought: how would the shuttle stand by the shore; the shuttle appeared, the Louse loaded the meat, brought it to two wives, they began to cook; The louse looked into the cauldron, fell and cooked; the wives were hardly found; went out into the yard and hanged themselves]: 23-24; Nikolaeva et al. 1989 (1), No. 20 [The old louse causes the wind, carries it to talnik, the Elk swallows it along with the bars; he cuts the Moose from the inside with a knife, goes out through the hole; brings the meat of the victim to his two wives; cooks it, falls into the cauldron, dies; the youngest wife hanged herself on tree, the eldest has turned into a dog; she is picked up by an old woman; the old woman's son feeds her; looks after her; she shakes off her skin, turns into a woman, cooks food; the young man grabs the woman, takes her wife (= Zhukova, Chernetsov 1992:55-57, =Kurilov 2005, No. 32:301-303)], 33 [as in (20); old partridge, Moose swallows it along with the leaf; wife is an old fox woman; dies when she sees that her husband is cooked]: 67-69, 17- 119; Chukchi: Baboshina 1958, No. 52 [the sister dresses as a man, goes to marry her brother's wife; the Mouse helps her (she bites through a worm that attacks her, rushes into the Bear's mouth, kills him from the inside); the imaginary young man beat everyone in the ball, on the advice of the Mouse, puts a seal bubble under his clothes, wins the urination competition; gets a bride for his brother]: 137-138; Belikov 1982 [The raven rides down the mountain, taking off before falling into the river; The wolf rolls, falls into the water; the raven pulls him out when he promises him a woman; the wolf leads him over the hill but there is no woman; the Raven pretends to be dead, Wolf swallows it, he pecks his stomach, the Wolf dies]: 28-29; Menovshchikov 1974, No. 107 [=Dolitsky 2019, No. 111:272-275; The wolf kills Vazhenka; agrees to leave the udder for her deer Akanykai could suck milk; is going to eat A. next year; A. grows up, kills Wolf and other predators; his friend Ermine jumps into the Bear's mouth, gnaws on his insides, Bear dies]: 338-343; kereki: Baboshina 1958, No. 27 {Baboshina has Koryaks; cf. Leontyev 1983:83-84} [The Raven and the Wolf ride down the mountain, the Wolf falls into the water; for promising to give his sister, the Raven pulls him out; he does not give it; the Raven turns into a piece of meat, the Wolf swallows it, the Raven cuts it from the inside; turns the intestines into wolf bait; the Wolf brothers eat it, die; Wolf's mother gives birth to a new son, he revives the brothers]: 68-70; Leontyev 1983, No. 11 [Kukki's raven invites the Wolf to roll down from the mountain, he falls into the water; K. pulls him out after the Wolf promises his sister to be his wife; he has no sister; K. turns into a piece of fat, swallowed by the Wolf, pulls out his insides; when he pulls out his insides liver, Wolf dies; another wolf takes daughter K.; K. revives the killed, he returns the girl]: 119-125 (=Menovshchikov 1974, No. 123:389-395); coastal Koryaks: Zhukova 1980, No. 11 (Palana) [walking along On the shore, Kuke scatters all parts of his body; they are eaten by the Wolf; K. comes to life in his stomach, advises him to go to his house, there he squeezes the Wolf's heart; K. and his family fry lupus, Magpie tells other Wolves; they are invited into the house, strangled to death with smoke]: 161-164; Menovshchikov 1974, No. 126 (Kichiga) [after riding a sleigh, the Wolf walks, finds and swallows parts of the crow's body to Kuykynnyaku; he comes to life inside him kills (like the Kereks); another wolf calls animals to kill K.; K. strangles terrestrial smoke in a dugout, kills water ones, pouring paint from alder bark into the sea, presses worms while skiing; shakes off the kitchen over in a dugout of wolves, the dugout is filled with snow, wolves die]: 402-405; Jochelson 1908, No. 115 [K. drops his legs, arms, kidneys, liver one by one; the wolf swallows them first, then what is left; from his belly, K. tells the Wolf to go to his (K.) house, where he breaks the Wolf's heart; Mitya rips the Wolf's stomach open, K. goes out]: 309.

The Arctic. Aleuts (Commanders) [The bear takes the woman away; her son grows up with the grandmothers; finds the dead, gives them corpse fluid to drink, they die; finds the mother, she gives him a knife; the bear swallows him; it's hot inside; he cuts the Bear, comes out; Bear dies, son and mother dismember him]: Vdovin 1994:362-364; Asian Eskimos: Menovshchikov 1985, No. 4 [=1969:23-25; Raven rode down the mountain above a cliff, the Wolf also wants; the Raven warns that he will fall, but the Wolf rolls down, falls into the water, the Raven refuses to pull him out for promising hare skin, hunting equipment; pulls him out for his promise marry his sister; the Wolf has no sister, he makes a girl out of Raven's excrement; the raven sleeps with her in a warm house, she melts; he turns into a deer carcass; the wolf eats her; the raven cuts his intestines then the heart; flies out; Wolf dies]: 30-31, 233-234; Northern Alaska Inupiate (Point Berrow) [Mice eat "Eskimo ice cream" (a mixture of reindeer and seal fat) in Wolf's house; Wolf eat them swallows; they gnaw a hole in his stomach, run away]: Burkher 1989:60; netsilic [a huge bear swallows people; a shaman rushes into his mouth, cuts his stomach from the inside; the bear dies]: Rasmussen 1931:254; West Greenland (Nuuq) [Nakasungnak does the opposite; climbed into his own wife's womb and is born twice; a polar bear appeared, said to be it evil spirit (tupilak); N. rushed to him with a knife, was swallowed, killed the bear from the inside, got out; in the summer, clouds of mosquitoes appeared, everyone closed themselves in houses, N. took a knife and ran to fight the mosquitoes, they ate it together with bones]: Millman 2004:137-138.

Subarctic. Koyukon: Attla 1983 [The raven invites his nephew Norka to put it in the tail of the salmon; the bear will swallow it, the Mink will cut it from the inside; this is how they kill many bears; the Raven must to insure Norka with a spear, but says that the spear is stuck between trees; one day he suggests that the Bear swallow it, flies away at the last moment, Norka barely has time to hit the Bear with a spear; The raven suggests filling the vessels with bear fat through a kind of hose from the intestines; puts the end of the hose in his mouth; then in winter he says that women must have holes in their vessels; in winter he calls for potlach, chooses only fat ones; invites everyone to close their eyes, lubricates them with glue; only one eye anointed an orphan at the entrance, which raises the alarm; the blind begin to kill each other, the Raven wanted this]: 43- 63; Nelson 1983 [The raven invites his nephew Norka to hide in salmon on the bear path; the bear swallowed the fish, Mink cut it from the inside; when it's Raven's turn to repeat the trick, he's the last the moment flew out of the fish]: 82; the upper pieces [The raven tells Norke that he will climb into the salmon tail lying on the path; the Grizzly swallows it, he will make a hole in his stomach, fly out; when the Grizzly swallows it, he will make a hole in his stomach, fly out; when the Grizzly fits, the Raven flies away; Mink does everything for him; the Raven promises to hit the Grizzly with a spear when Norka jumps out; explains that the spear is stuck between trees; they drown fat; the Raven suggests make the vessels fill through a hose from the bear intestines; the vessels do not fill because the Raven put the hose in his mouth and drinks; Mink hits him with the smut, the Raven hides; returning, Norke replies that A burnt tree fell on him, so there is soot on his head]: Deaphon et al. s.a.: 13-14; Tanaina: Kalifornsky 1991 [The raven suggests getting inside the fish, let the Bear swallow it, pierce it throat with a spear; eats the fish from the inside, but jumps out for fear of being swallowed; the same with the Camprobber bird; Dipper pierces the Bear; breaks his leg, puts a tire on him; the Raven offers to prepare fat for the winter, he eats secretly, the Owl sees it, he lets her keep silent; he puts on the Bear's skin, attacks the Blue Jay and the Cinclus cinclus, they beat him; the Raven comes back, says he's the pole fell from the barn); The crow feels bad about so much fat, the Beaver gives him gag and laxative]: 99-103; Tenenbaum 1984 [Dandy allows the Bear to swallow itself, cuts his stomach; this is how it kills many bears; Raven and Canadian Jay are afraid to hunt this way]: 89; Kuchin: Camsell 1915, No. 13 [man laughs at his reflection in the water; The bear thinks he is above him; tells him bring brushwood to fry it; man asks Ermine for help; he jumps into the Bear's mouth, cuts his heart, goes out; man makes Ermine a beautiful white fur coat]: 256-257; McGary 1984 [Raven puts in the tail of the salmon gadfly, invites the Bear to swallow the tail; the gadfly bites the Bear in the heart, he dies; the raven ate bear meat, drowned fat]: 261-267; Khan [after killing the ogre, Tsá'Wëzhaa comes to the Bear; he gives him a daughter, sends him material for bows and arrows; you have to get 1) eagle feathers; C. kills male and female cannibal eagles, feeds the chicks with ordinary meat, tells them to eat from now on animals; 2) the tendons of a dangerous moose; C. asks the Mouse to climb into the anus of a lying moose, cut the heart; C. made a bow and arrow]: Mishler 2004, No. 2:147-149; taltan [Grasshopper marries; hunts only on grasshoppers; the wife asks to kill the bear; he lets himself be swallowed by the monster, kills by cutting it from the inside, goes out through the anus]: Teit 1921a, No. 42:236-237; chipewayan [rain floods the ground; Visá Kecak makes a boat, asks the Duck to dive; she brings silt on her paws several times, V. makes land; sees larvae in a deer skull, asks for permission to join the meal, sticks his head, gets stuck, deer swims along the river; people rush to him, he jumps ashore, breaks his skull; leads the Bear to the berry tree, he eats, gets fat, falls asleep, V. kills him; cooks meat, asks for juniper trees move apart, otherwise his stomach hurts; gets stuck, birds eat meat; juniper twists, since then his trunk is crooked; V. decides that his eyes are rather weak, takes them out, goes blind; goes asking trees about their names; rejects poplar, etc., finding a pine tree, makes new eyes out of resin; creates landscape features, animal habits; his ass is burned, he throws scabs at the birch tree; asks geese dancing with his eyes closed kills one at a time; one opens his eyes, the birds run, V. steps on water-hen and the loon, since then they have not been able to walk on land; V. laughs at bear excrement, that rushes at him; V. asks caress to get into the bear's ass, gnaw his heart; then washes his caress, the tip of his tail remains black; V. eats something black that causes gas to erupt; sits on a hot stone, throws burnt scabs on a birch tree; asks geese to give him feathers, flies with him; they pick up feathers, he falls, people defecate on him; he runs away naked, turns into stone, goes into the ground; only his hair is visible on the cliff surface]: Lowie 1912:195-200.

NW Coast. Tlingit [The raven teases birds as if they can't fly into the bear's anus; the urticaria flies in, pulls out the bear's intestines; the bear dies, the Raven eats it]: Swanton 1909, No. 1:17; haida [ a young man lives at his grandmother; lets the Grizzly swallow himself; kills by making a fire in his stomach with a fire drill; burns a bear through]: Swanton 1905:362-363; Tsimshian [like Hyde; Grizzly steals a young man's fish; sucks it into his mouth; the young man has firewood and flint with him; the young man goes out through the Grizzly's anus]: Boas 1902:117-119; bellacula: Boas 2002, No. 10 [a woman (she is a bird) has a son Winter Wren (Troglodytes troglodytes); someone steals dried salmon soaked under a rock; Wren guards, it's a Grizzly; he sucks it three times with his nose, but it flies out of his anus three times; Grizzly covers his nose and anus with plugs; with a fire drill, Wren makes a fire inside the Grizzly; the Grizzly fell, his womb burst, sparks rose to the sky, became stars; other Grizzly, Black Bears and Wolves came to take revenge; Wren sang, grew a stone uphill, and with his mother they heated stones on top, killed animals by rolling stones down]: 520-521; McIlwraith 1948 (2) [Grizzly takes fish from Wren; plugs his ass, sucks Wren through his nose; he takes a fire drill with him, makes a fire inside the Grizzly, takes out the plug, flies out; the Grizzly dies]: 430-431; Heiltzuk [three older The brothers return empty from hunting; the younger one teases the Grizzly, who sucks him into his mouth; the young man makes a fire inside the Grizzly, killing it; all animal people carry meat; the raven carries buds, eats on the road, says he lost; people see fat dripping from his anus]: Boas 1928b: 65-71; quakiutl [Wren asks Moose to get off the road; he refuses, tries to step on Wren, sucks it in with his nose, it flies through; so several times; Wren takes firewood with him, makes a fire inside the Moose, flies out through the ass; The elk dies; the old woman was the last to share the meat, to her got guts]: Wallace, Whitaker 1981:110-113.

The coast is the Plateau. Lillouette [Wren chooses a fatter deer, jumps into his anus, hurts his heart, comes out]: Teit 1912b, No. 13:312; Thompson: Hill-Tout 1899 [see M18A motif; three brothers travel, younger Sqaktktquaclt turns into a hummingbird, flies into the ass of an elk, flies out of his mouth, an elk dies; S. drinks a lake, kills beavers with a stick]: 203-204 (full text: 195-216); Teit 1917b, No. 3 [brothers Quatquetl travels, turning those they meet into animals and stones; one of K. becomes a fly, flies into the elk's anus, kills it from the inside; after eating meat, the brothers throw the bones in different directions, now in There are many moose in those places]: 18; upper chehalis [two var.; Little Wren calls Moose, rejects Mice and other animals; Elk asks how he wants to get into it; he rejects his nose, eye, armpits; Wren flies into his ass, hurts his heart, flies out of his mouth; calls his grandmother to carry meat; see motif F28D]: Adamson 1934:33-38; quinolt [wren came with a jail downstream; towards the elk, took away his jail; he did a new one - the same thing; for the fourth time he flew into the moose's nose with a spear, began to scratch it from the inside; the elk died, the wren flew out of it]: Farrand 1902, No. 16:126-127; Quileut [The bear says his stream; the Wren is fishing there; the Bear wants to kill him; the Wren flies into his nose, cuts the Bear; he dies]: Andrade 1931, No. 47:123-125; koulitz: Adamson 1934:185-188 [Wren lives with his grandmother, flies into the ass of an elk, kills it from the inside; the grandmother rejects different parts of the carcass, wants genitals; Wren explains that meat is for food, not sex; says he is hungry; rejects meat, berries; rejoices when the grandmother offers him her ass; digs a hole, the grandmother lies in it, he makes love to her; hears two talking, alone says that someone copulates with Wren's grandmother; Wren fights with the offender (this is a bird), the grandmother accidentally pushes not the offender into the fire, but the Wren; four times he glues his bones with resin, he every time it melts in the sun; turns into a wren; the grandmother turns into a blue bird (Bluebird), sings to the rain], 220-221 [The raccoon takes five sharp stones with him; when the Grizzly swallows it, he cuts it from the inside; his grandmother Snowbird takes a penis, masturbates with it; a raccoon burns it in the steam room; eats grizzly meat, one piece is soft; it turns out it's grandma's genitals, which caused the Raccoon to lose his teeth]; upper colitz [The raccoon eats his grandmother's acorns alone, she beats him; the Grizzly swallows it, he cuts off his heart with flint, goes out through his anus; the grandmother refuses to carry any part of the carcass except the penis; masturbates with them in the steam room; the raccoon hits her]: Jacobs 1934, No. 2:179-183; yakima [The raccoon eats all its supplies of acorns, the grandmother hits him to death; he comes to life, teases the Bear, he swallows it, he cuts his heart from the inside (the episode repeats, four times the Bear releases the Raccoon through the ass, dies on the fifth); the grandmother agrees to carry only the bear's ass; the raccoon catches her, kills her with a club (for taking her the best meat, but apparently the informant was embarrassed to give details)]: Hines 1992, No. 52:173-178; lower chinook [little grandson hunts mice and chipmunks; wondering how to get inside an elk (through the mouth, ears, nostrils?) ; climbs into the anus, cuts her elk's stomach, kills; grandma refuses to carry any part of her body but her ass; masturbates with her moose penis on the way home; he sent her to get water, she wrote in all the baskets, said that it was water from the river; while the meat was cooking, it made holes in all the spoons and bowls; the grandson poured broth on it, wrapped it in leather, threw it into the river; Malinovka and Blue Jay caught the parcel, found their aunt there, revived it her; two warrior boats went to fight with her grandson; he flew out of the house set on fire, escaped]: Boas 1894a, No. 8:119-122; clackamas: Jacobs 1958, No. 7 [Raven was also invited to dance; she shouts that Now he's coming, rubbing her hair with crap; all the animals and birds are dancing around Coyote's daughter; the Grizzly swallowed one; the Mudfish hid in the mud, the Grizzly started drinking, swallowing it; she hurts his heart, It turns out, the Grizzly dies; the Coyote says he killed the Grizzly; Coyote and Pisces supporters fight, the Fish runs away], 25 [The wren lives with his grandmother; calls moose in the forest, rejects the little ones; kills five moose, getting inside one through the eye, inside the others through the ears, nose, mouth, anus; then cuts off the heart; Wren's grandmother refuses to carry any part of the moose's body; takes a penis; masturbates in the steam room; offers Wren's wife, copulates with him; he asks people in a boat passing by what's new; Wren copulates with his grandmother; throws his grandmother into the river; two Jays call the shaman to revive her; she turns into a beauty, marries Wren; smiles with her toothless mouth open; he recognizes her, throws her back into the river; Blue Jay can no longer revive her]: 73-74, 199-207; Klamath [ The porcupine asks the Bison (possibly the Moose) to transport him across the river to let him climb in the ass to cross the river; refuses to sit on his horns, on his back, hold his tail, climbs into the ass; cuts his liver, kidneys, heart; goes out, looks for a knife to cut meat; Coyote gives him a knife, but demands to compete with him in the run; the winner will get all the meat; the Coyote wins, beats Porcupine, leaves his hat as a watchman , runs after his children; Porcupine throws his hat into the fire, raises meat to the tree; Coyotes line up below asking for meat; Porcupine sheds his spine, killing Coyotes; the youngest cub escapes , current coyotes come from him]: Barker 1963, No. 3:17-21; Modoc: Curtin 1912:272-275 [Moose offers Porcupine to transport him across the river; he replies that he is afraid to ride on his back, head, in ear; gets into his mouth, then inside the Moose; on the other side he hurts his heart, gets out, looks for a knife to cut meat; the Black-Brown Fox gives him his own, offers to jump over the carcass; the winner will get it; wins, Kills Porcupine, leaves his hat as a watchman, runs after his children; Porcupine comes to life, tears his hat apart, lifts meat to the tree; Coyotes line up below asking for meat; Porcupine throws off spine, killing all the Coyotes], 350-354 [five Bear Brothers killed the parents of two lizard boys; they live with Aunt Chernobura Lisa; the eldest of the Lizards lets the Bears swallow himself, cuts himself with a knife from the inside, killing five brothers and their mother; the other Bears eat the younger Lizard; the elder revives it from the hair stuck on the Bear's teeth; kills these Bears in the same way as the first]; lower ampqua [Grizzly kills everyone; swallows one of the two bird boys; he flies back out of his anus; boys kill the Grizzly by pouring hot tar into his sleeping mouth; chop the body apart]: Frachtenberg 1914, No. 20:95-96; Kalapuya [Puma turns his brother Ermine into a sharp-tailed dog; meets five evil sisters consistently; each's huge dog swallows Puma's dog and dies, cut from the inside; Puma kills sisters; on the way back, Puma and Ermine burn the corpses of sisters and their dogs]: Gatschet et al. 1945, No. 6:249-250 (transl. Romanova 1997, No. 116:410-411); takelma [Fox and Coyote live together; Fox brings prey, Coyote asks his little daughter every time to ask Fox how he caught partridges, bears, salmon, etc.; The fox comes up with a ridiculous way, the Coyote believes and tries it; the fox said he asked the Grizzly to swallow him, cut off his heart, went through the ass; the Coyote really kills the Grizzly in this way, goes out, cutting a hole between his ribs; the woman explains to Coyote that the Fox is mocking him, trying to destroy him; the Coyote asks his excrement what to do; they advise creating an eagle's nest on the spruce tree, send the Fox to get the chicks, make the tree tall; the spruce grows to the sky, then bends down, the Fox falls into the sea; the Catfish woman revives it in the steam room; the fox returns, the Coyote runs east, hits head against the sky, his bones rattled]: Sapir 1909, No. 5:79-85; sanpual [Grizzly kills everyone; Coyote makes a dog with flint teeth; he jumps a Grizzly into his mouth, tears it up, goes out through the anus; Grizzly turns into a grizzly]: Ray 1933, No. 14:160-161; curdalen [cat mockingbird (Dumetella carolinensis) tells his grandmother he wants to make a bow; to get the bowstring, asks Moose to transport it through river; agrees the oldest Elk; Mockingbird says that sitting in hair on his feet, he will soak his moccasins; the same is higher, finally on his nose; climbs through his nose into the Moose, does something to him In his heart, the Moose dies; the Mockingbird comes out, forgetting the moccasins inside; sings, saying that he does not have a knife; the Wolf hears this, offers to refresh the carcass, sends a Mockingbird to bring his maternal uncle ; Mockingbird says he doesn't have moccasins; Wolf gives his own, Mockingbird deliberately spoils them; Wolf goes after his children by himself; while Mockingbird and his relatives carry meat to the top rocks, cover a pile of coal with skin; Mockingbird throws hot stones wrapped in fat from the cliff, they die; he lets Orlitz carry himself to the nest, lives with eagles while they have grown feathers, descends on two eagles, pulls out the feathers of their wings and tail, gives the Grizzly to make plumage for the arrows; catches fish, does not share with her grandmother; she leaves him, taking off into the air; he She fishes for everything she needs; she fishes for his wife, child; the wife calls to her bottom; everything is made of ice; the child disappears; his grandfather says he has already been eaten; they return to shore with Mockingbird (the informant does not remember further)]: Reichard 1947, No. 22:148-153; coutene [Norka has a Grizzly mistress; tries to kill his brothers; Norka turns into a fly, the Grizzly swallows her without noticing; Mink kills her with a knife from the inside]: Boas 1918, No. 41:37-38; upper coquil [Wren lives with his grandmother; tells Losya he can kill him by getting into his ear; the elk replies that he will shake him out easily; so different parts of the body, finally in the ass; The elk cannot defecate all the time, the wren climbs into it, hurts the heart, gets out of the ass back; cuts the carcass; the grandmother refuses to carry home any pieces, agrees to carry a penis; masturbates with it all day; they make a blanket out of an elk skin; grandmother hears her grandson dreaming out loud of lying under him with his wife; puts a piece of wood instead of herself, comes disguised as young women sleeping with her grandson; he finds a piece of wood on his grandmother's bed in the morning, understands the deception; asks people who sail by in boats what's new; the latter answer that alone here in the upper reaches slept with his grandmother; grandmother was Pheasant]: Jacobs 2007:252-255; cous [five grizzly brothers kill travelers; people compete, grizzlies come one by one, are killed (they get a noose); the youngest knows about the threat, escapes, falls into the water, goes ashore near the old woman's house; she makes a hot fire, the grizzly falls asleep, the old woman pours hot resin into his mouth; he tries to eat it, but she hides between his teeth; then swallows; she goes out through his anus, cutting off his heart with a knife; the grizzly dies]: Frachtenberg 1913, No. 16:91-105.

The Midwest. Menominee [Porcupine asks the Cow to transport him across the river; she offers to hold her by the horns, by the tail; Porcupine replies that he will fall into the water; agrees to climb into her ass; pierces her with a thorn heart; looking for a knife to cut the carcass; Menapus offers his own, freshens the cow, drives Porcupine away; while he goes after his wife and children, Porcupine takes the meat to the top of the pine tree; M. sees the reflection of Porcupine in the river, dives with a stone tied to her neck; defecates, the wife takes the crap for Porcupine's giblets; M. unties the stone, sees the Porcupine in the tree; he refuses to throw meat to him]: Bloomfield 1928, No. 84 : 237-245; Western Ojibwa [The bear wants to eat Nenabojo; tells him to bring a skewer; he brings unusable ones, is sent again; asks Laska to get into the Bear's ass, cut off his heart; for this makes Laska white in winter, brown in summer; cooks bear meat; trees creak, he sticks his hand, she is pinched; Wolves eat everything N. has prepared for himself]: Josselin de Jong 1913, No. 10:16-18.

Northeast. Montagnier [Otter marries Wolf; kills a caribou by jumping in their mouth, going out through their anus; laughs all the time; Wolves say his lips are white; he is offended, takes two of his four children and leaves]: Desbarats 1969:70-73; naskapi [Otter marries Wolf; her brothers called him to hunt; he got into the caribou ass, pulled out his heart; everyone laughs, but he hunted like this; then offended by the ridicule and left; wife died of grief]: Millman 1993:60-61; Delaware [resume in Bierhorst 1995, No. 71:45; western in 1909 in Oklahoma; mother does not tell six sons to go west; youngest the ball is the head of a lynx, digs his teeth into a tree; the elder goes and finds a wife; she warns that the one-eyed sorcerer Red-Feather on his head wants to kidnap her; at home, the younger brother guards the elder's wife; when he is away, the sorcerer took her away; the brothers disappear one by one; the sorcerer lets his Naked Bear at each; the younger brother comes, picks up a toad, a snake (makes a pipe out of them), an otter (from a pouch makes her skin), a caress; a weasel jumps into the Bear's mouth, gnaws out the heart; an otter pouch grabs the Bear by the legs, the toad (i.e. the pipe) is full of fire; the younger brother kills the sorcerer by throwing a lynx ball his skull in his eye, burns him; his head jumps out of the fire four times, Laska brings her back; his younger brother revives his elders by firing an arrow over them]: Hitakonanu'laxk 1994:88-93.

Plains. Santi [see motive K1; the older brother's wife wants to sleep with his younger brother, who refuses; she asks him to shoot the partridge, scratches her thighs with a claw, accuses the young man of trying to rape her; The husband promises Unktomi to marry his sister, tells him to take his brother to the Unvisited Island to collect bird eggs, throw it there; the young man is attacked by the Bear; the young man turns into fish, the Bear swallows it, the young man cuts his heart, cuts his side, comes out]: Riggs 1893:139-143; Crowe [Bison agrees to transport Porcupine across the river; he says he will fall off the back of Bison's head, back, thigh, agrees to get into his ass; when Bison reaches the opposite bank, pierces his heart with needles, crawls out, looks for a knife to cut meat; Coyote gives Porcupine a blunt knife, let him take the meat whoever jumps over the carcass will be the first to cut it; loses but still leaves to call his family; Porcupine carries meat to a tree, makes a fire on a branch, roasts meat; Coyote jumps into the river when he sees it reflection, thinks it's too light, ties stones, can't emerge, defecate, his children think it's ash; the Coyote pops up a little alive; the cub notices Porcupine laughing, he sheds pieces of meat, killing four cubs one by one; Coyote says fewer coyotes the better, he'll get more; tells porcupines to eat bark from now on, not eat meat]: Lowie 1918:34-36; Osage: Dorsey 1904c, No. 12 [The turtle goes to war; agrees to take the Wolf and the Deer with him, they run as fast as she does; asks the Bison to transport her across the river; he invites her to sit between horns - no, I'll fall; sit on my back - I'll fall too; climb into the anus; the turtle agrees, eats the Bison's guts; he dies across the river; the turtle hangs a refreshed bison on a tree above the river; Wolves jump into the water when they see its reflection; enemies catch the Turtle; offer to cook, burn them; she promises to burn them with hot splashes, coals; pretends to be afraid of water; thrown into the river, runs away; at home wife breaks it with a stone], 13 [The turtle goes for scalps; The bison offers to transport it across the river, let him sit on his back; no, I'll fall; then into the mouth; no, you'll see it; then into the anus; I agree; ate the Bison insides, he fell on the other side; The wolf offers to jump over the carcass, wins, takes the meat for himself; goes to call friends; the Turtle asks the Bear to hang the carcass on the tree; Wolves jump into the water for reflection, drowning]: 15-16, 16-17; throw off the pawnee [The turtle asks the Bison to transport it across the river; climbs into his anus, gnaws on his insides, the Bison dies; the turtle sings about what would be good to get knife to fresh prey; Coyote offers his own on the condition that the meat goes to the one who jumps over the carcass; wins, goes to call his family; The turtle asks two Eagles to move the meat to their nest on poplar; there he makes a fire and cooks meat; the Coyote brings his children, sees the reflection of the fire in the water, thinks it's a Turtle, dives, gets his head stuck between two driftwood; his excrement floats up; The turtle asks his cubs if they want meat; they cry and run away]: Dorsey 1906, No. 130:453-454; Comanche [The cow wants to transport someone across the river; the Coyote offers himself; does not want to ride on her back, neck, head, ear; agrees in her stomach, gets there through her mouth; kills a Cow when she gets to the opposite bank; eats meat]: Canonge 1958, No. 6:19-20; Kiowa- Apaches [Bison offers Porcupine to transport him across the river; he does not want to cling to the wool - the water will wash it away, wants the Bison to take it in his mouth; on the other side he pierces Bison's heart with thorns; looks for a knife fresh the carcass; the Coyote pretends to be chrome, offers to jump over the carcass; wins by getting all the meat; while he's gone, the Porcupine carries the meat to a tree by the river, cooks it; the Coyote sees the reflection, jumps with a stone in the water, drowns; Porcupine asks the Coyote's children to lie down with their eyes closed; throws ribs instead of meat; kills everyone but the youngest, who opens his eyes; calls him to the tree, feeds him to the dump, tells him to sit on the end of the branch; it breaks, the Coyote falls, crashes to death]: McAllister 1949, No. 17:62-64; wichita [The turtle asks the Bison to transport it across the river; does not want it except by climbing into his anus; on On the other side, the Bison gnaws through the intestines, goes out; looks for a knife to cut the carcass; the Coyote gives, offers a competition in running; wins meat, follows the family; The squirrel helps the Turtle carry the meat to the tree; The coyote dives into the river for reflection, almost sinks]: Dorsey 1904a, No. 44:271-274.

(Wed. Southeast USA. (African borrowing, cf. West Africa). Caddo [The Coyote intends to kill the Rabbit; he offers to kill the bison together; they climb into the bison's ass, the Coyote bites it from the inside, the bison dies; the man comes to cut the carcass; the Coyote hides in guts, found, killed; Rabbit in the gallbladder, thrown away, runs away]: Dorsey 1905, No. 62:99).

California. Shasta [The grizzly killed the boy's parents; he cut off their chief's leg; on the advice of the Coyote, agrees to be swallowed, takes a knife with him; cuts the Grizzly from the inside to death]: Dixon 1910a, No. 13 [boy Brings Grizzly's corpse home]: 23-24; Farrand 1915, No. 6 [The Coyote tells us to fill the corpse with brushwood; the boy goes outside at night]: 215-216; achomavi [The Grizzly took all the food from Blue Jay and the Lizard; The Lizard climbs into the Grizzly's anus, hurts the heart, brings meat to Blue Jay; this is how it kills all four grizzlies; Blue Jay and the Lizard have enough meat for the winter]: Dixon 1908, No. 7:168-169; Maidu [Grizzly almost everyone has been killed; a lizard boy with a knife in his hand jumps into the Grizzly's mouth; cuts his insides; he turns into a grizzly]: Dixon 1902, No. 15:100; Nisenan [Coyote swallows the Mouse; she gnaws a hole at him in his throat, he dies]: Uldall, Shipley 1966, No. 2:19; Oloni [Coyote knew a lot, but Hummingbird more; Coyote caught up with him and killed him; he came to life, flies, screaming mockingly: Lakun, dead! The coyote burned him down and he came back and screams, Lakun! The coyote was advised to eat it; he swallowed it and the hummingbird began to scratch inside; flew out with the crap and kept screaming, Lakun!] : Kroeber 1907a, No. 2:201 (=Margolin 1978:136); Kawaiisu: Zigmond 1980, No. 48A [Bird-man traps the Ogre Hawk; he swallows the catcher, flies away; the bird cuts his heart With an obsidian knife, the Hawk falls, the man gets out through his throat, returns home], 48B [Coyote and Wolf are half brothers; the Coyote traps the Ogre Hawk; he swallows it, flies east; the Coyote had a tube behind his ear, he cuts the Hawk's heart with a sharp edge, which falls into the sea; the Coyote makes a bridge from his wings, returns to the Wolf]: 163-164.

The Big Pool. Porcupine usually asks the Bison to crawl inside to cross the river; when he hears that Bison has come ashore, he stabs his heart with needles. Northern Payutes: Kelly 1938, No. 16a [Porcupine asks Moose to transport him across the river; prefers to climb not on his back or neck, but under his tail; climbs inside; when Moose reaches the shore, kills; looks for a knife to cut the carcass; Coyote suggests that whoever jumps over the carcass gets meat; wins, kills Porcupine; leaves his hat to guard, follows his wife and children; Porcupine comes to life, throws the hat into the water; cuts the carcass (with a Coyote knife?) , carries meat to the top of the juniper; Coyote asks him to drop a piece; Porcupine asks the Coyotes to stand in a row, kills everyone by dropping a heavy portion of meat], 16b [Porcupine asks Moose to transport it across the river; replies that he is afraid to fall, sitting on his back, ear, nose; climbs into the anus; when the Elk goes ashore, kills him with thorns; looks for a knife, cut the carcass; Coyote hears, offers to jump through the carcass; wins, takes all the meat, kills Porcupine, leaves the hat to guard, goes to bring the family; The porcupine comes to life, the hat screams but the Coyote does not hear; The porcupine throws the hat away, transfers the meat to the top of the juniper; the Coyote comes, climbs the juniper, asks where to relieve himself; the porcupine points a thin branch, it breaks off, the Coyote breaks; the Coyote cubs wait for the Porcupine will throw off their meat; killed in a big chunk], 19 [?] : 407-408, 408-409, 413-4? ; Western Shoshones: Smith 1993:49-50 [Coyote and Mouse spend the winter together; Coyote: I should get rabbits, I'll cause snow; shamanite all night; The mouse goes out to see, but it's light and doesn't sink in snow, so every time he tells Coyote that there is not enough snow so far; Coyote went out and fell; wanted to kill the Mouse, but she hid and then ran away; Mountain Sheep invites the Mouse to warm up in his ear; under with the mouse; all the rams offer the Mouse different places, but the mouse only accepts the offer of the one who let it get inside; gets through the mouth, one by one kills all the rams from the inside, makes a big fire at the top of the cliff, carrying the meat there; the Coyote came; the mouse threw pieces of meat on him, which he first spoiled, but he ate everything], 155 [The mouse kills the Deer by climbing into it through his mouth]; Utah: Kroeber 1901 (Utah), No. 5 [about Lowie 1924]: 270-271; Lowie 1924 (Southern Utah), No. 17 [Porcupine asks the bison to transport him across the river; he offers to sit between his legs (no : step); on his back (drown); etc.; agrees to climb only into the anus; when he hears that the bison's hooves have stepped ashore, opens needles, killing the bison; looks for a knife to cut the carcass; Coyote {wolf, but most likely it's a coyote} he hears it and offers his knife; the meat will get a jumped carcass; the porcupine can't jump over; the Coyote gives him giblets, tells the best to give it to flies, but Porcupine takes the best ones; The coyote killed him, told his excrement to signal if he came to life; brought his daughters, but Porcupine, who came to life, had already lifted the meat to the tree; invited the coyotes to stand in a row, threw not meat on them, but heavy meat bone, killing all but one cub; he climbed a tree, Porcupine told him to relieve himself at the end of a thin branch, which fell and broke]: 30-31; Sapir 1930, No. 1 (wintah) [following the buffalo trail, Porcupine (D.) asks bison manure how long ago its owner has passed; the deadline is getting shorter; by the river asks to transport it; rejects many bison, chooses the best one; says he is afraid to ride on his back, on horns, in the nose, climbs in the ass; kills when the bison replies that it has reached the shore; other bison butt the carcass, but did not reach D.; he is looking for a knife to cut the carcass; Coyote (K.) says that the one who will cut the carcass He will jump over it; tells D. to wash the meat but not eat it; leaves his excrement as a watchman; they shout that D. eats meat, K. kills him with a stick, leaves; D. comes to life, puts meat on a pine tree, tells her grow up; sheds K. and his cubs a bison's neck, killing everyone but the youngest; he climbed in, ate, K. sent him to relieve himself at the end of the branch, he fell and crashed]: 485-489; Smith 1992:6-9 (wintah) [Porcupine asks Bison to transport him across the river; he offers to climb into his anus (no: you'll start defecating), on his back (you'll throw him off), between his hooves (I'll fall out), in his ear; also not - just inside, he climbed over his ass; when he heard that the bison went ashore, pierced his heart and lungs with thorns; there is no knife to cut the carcass, the Coyote offers his own, the meat will be given to the one who jumps over the carcass; gives Porcupine giblets and He tells the best to give it to the water beetles, but Porcupine ate it himself; the Coyote killed him, but he came to life, told the pines to grow, dragged the meat to the upper branches; the Coyote brought his wives and children; Porcupine told them to stand in a row he threw off not the meat, but the bison's neck, killed everyone; only the youngest cub was left; he climbed to Porcupine, who told him to relieve himself at the end of a thin branch, he fell and crashed], 85-89 (White River Utah) [about the same as on p. 6-9; through the penis]; southern payutes: Lowie 1924, No. 9 (shivwitz) [Porcupine calls from the other side; large animals respond, he chooses bison (literally "cow"); she suggests Porcupine refuses to sit between her horns; then: in her stomach, anus, mouth; agrees to go only to her heart; when he hears that the bison has stepped ashore, pierces her heart with needles; there is no knife to cut the carcass; The coyote offers his own, whoever jumps over the carcass will take the meat; the Coyote killed Porcupine, left the excrement to watch, went after the family, but Porcupine came to life, scattered excrement, transferred the meat to a pine tree, which grew up; told the coyotes to close his eyes, threw off a heavy rib, the youngest opened his eyes, bounced; Porcupine invited him to eat meat, told him to relieve himself at the end of a thin branch, which fell and crashed]: 119; Sapir 1930, No. 17 [Porcupine (D.) asks the buffalo to transport him across the river; the last female agrees; D. does not want to sit on her back, between her horns, in her ear, agrees in her mouth; while crossing, asks where they are; when he learns that he is on the shore, he pierces needles into Bisoniche's heart; looks for a knife to cut the carcass; Coyote (K.) says that he recently wounded a bison, whether it's his prey; whoever jumps over the carcass will get a skin; cuts carcass, tells D. to bring firewood, kills him with a stick; hangs meat on a low pine tree, leaves his excrement to watch D., goes to call his wife and children; excrement shouts that D. has come to life, K. again kills him; for the third time, D. tells the tree to rise tall; K. asks them to lose their spine; D. asks the coyotes to lie in a row, close their eyes, kills with a thrown spine; K.'s youngest son opened his eyes bounced; D. asks him to climb a tree, feeds him, sends him relief to the end of a thin branch; K. falls, breaks]: 457-463; chemeuevi [The South Fox comes to the river, asks one of The geese girls transported him; each asks if he wants it, he says that the other one; so to the last, she is the biggest; he climbs inside her; asks if the water is deep; she says what's up to the calves, to her thighs, etc., and then in reverse order; when it is clear that they are on the other side, the YuL breaks her heart; when she falls, the Goose Girl turns into a dead bison; YuL sings that she is looking for a knife to cut meat; The coyote hears; runs away for a knife; in fact, the YUL had a knife; after cutting the carcass, he told the pine tree to grow; the pine tree understands it and the meat; the Coyote brings his family; the YuL tells everyone to lie under the pine tree, he will shed meat; sheds her bones, killing everyone but the Coyotic girl; tells her to climb to the end of a thin branch, shakes her off, she breaks to death]: Laird 1974:220-221.

The Great Southwest. Hicarilla [Porcupine asks Bison to transport him across the river; afraid to sit on his head, agrees to climb into the anus; on the other side he gnaws through vital organs; looks for a knife to cut meat; Fox: the meat will be given to the one who jumps over the carcass; the porcupine cannot; the fox runs away to invite his own to a feast; the porcupine carries the meat to the tree; tells the Foxes to lie down with their eyes closed and covered with their skins; throws not meat, but sharp ribs; The fox peeks from the edge, dodges, stays alive; The porcupine lifts him up to the tree, feeds him; he asks where to relieve himself; The porcupine sends him to the end of a thin branch; The fox falls; comes to life when his corpse begins to decay]: Russel 1898:263-264; chiricahua [the coyote asks the bisoniha ("cow") to transport him across the river; refuses to ride between the horns, on the tail, agrees in the anus; cuts the bison from the inside, eats meat]: Opler 1942, No. 48:66; lipan [porcupine asks the bison to transport it across the river; does not want to go between the horns, in the mouth, agrees in the anus; eats the heart and lungs, goes out, looks for a knife, the coyote hears about it, offers to jump over the carcass, the porcupine can't, the coyote takes the meat; follows the family, at which time Squirrels help Porcupine carry meat on a tree; Coyotes are asked to be thrown off and they, the porcupine refuses]: Opler 1940, No. 24:142-143; Navajo: Haile 1984, No. 8 [Porcupine climbs into the Moose's anus], 9 [Coyote swallows a toad]: 41-42, 47-48; Parsons 1923b, No. 1 [Coyote swallows a turtle]: 368; Hill, Hill 1945, No. 13 [Porcupine climbs into the Moose's anus], 16 [Coyote eats corn in the Toad's field; swallows it; she consistently asks from the inside What part of his entrails is; when he finds his heart, he cuts it off with a knife; the Coyote dies, the Toad comes out through his anus]: 328-330, 331-333; Zunyi [Coyote sees the ritual dance of Owls, everyone has a vessel on his head with foam; the old owl replies that these are the gray heads of their grandmothers; if the Coyote wants to join their company, let him bring his head; the Coyote cut off his grandmother's head, brought it, began to dance, broke his back legs; Owls laugh; Coyote promises to smoke them out of their burrows; lists plants, Owls laugh, say it's all their food; scared when Coyote mentioned pine tar, but Coyote couldn't do anything; Horned The toad quietly climbed down Coyote's throat, began to sing, found his heart, cut it off; the Coyote died, the Toad jumped into the water]: Cushing 1901:202-214; Western Ceres (Laguna): Boas 1928a [(by de Haff, p.46); Fox learns the Lizard's song, forgets; the Lizard refuses to repeat it, the Fox swallows it, she gnaws through the way out, fills the Fox's stomach with stones, the Fox drowns; in Lummis, p. 86, the heroine of the same story is horned toad]: 271; Parsons 1918, No. 7 (Akoma) [The lizard sings, the Coyote asks to teach him this song, forgets when she rushes after the rabbit; asks again four times; without an answer, swallows the Lizard, she sings in his stomach; he is even happy, but asks not to cut his throat or stomach; the Lizard cuts, comes out]: 225-226; teva [two options; Coyoticha asks the Porcupine to catch rabbits by climbing into their holes; takes the prey, closes the exit from the hole with a stone; the Coyoticha finds another way out; asks the Moose (Deer) to transport it across the river; does not want to ride on his back, on horns, climbs into the anus; pierces the Moose's heart, killing him; the Coyoticha comes, sends her to wash the pieces of meat, the Porcupine eats them; the Coyoticha kills her, follows the cubs; the porcupine comes to life, carries the meat to the tree; offers Coyotiche and the cubs lie in a row, throws not meat, but his spine; only the youngest cub remains alive; the Coyoticha lifts it up to the tree, feeds it, offers to move; the branch breaks off, the Coyote breaks to death]: Parsons 1994, No. 25:285-290; havasupai [Porcupine climbs into Deer's anus]: Smithson, Euler 1994:92-93, 96

Mesoamerica Lacandons [when the sun is eclipsed, monstrous jaguars devour people; some men take flint blades in their mouths; once in the belly of jaguars, they slaughter them and escape]: Boremanse 1986:103.

(Wed. The Antilles. Dominican Republic Spanish-speaking folklore [the younger brother is swallowed by a porcupine, cuts his belly, goes out on his own and frees those previously swallowed]: Hansen 1957:38).

Southern Venezuela. Yanomam [Albert MS; after being burned, the dead shaman became a jaguar; all ate, the rest ran away; the old shaman became a hornet, hid in a cassava push-up bag; his wife became a turtle; jaguar hit the bag, his paw was clamped; began to blow under the turtle's shell, it bit into his throat, ate his insides, he died]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1990b, No. 279:504-506.

Western Amazon. Aguaruna [The fox hunts tapirs and deer, penetrating them through the anus and cutting their insides]: Akutz Nugkai et al. 1977 (2): 184; Chumap Lucía, García-Rendueles 1979, No. 46 [first The Jaguar eats mushrooms; the fox teaches him how to hunt; climbs into the ass of a sleeping tapir, eats the liver, the tapir dies, the Fox goes over his side; the Jaguar kills the tapir as jaguars have been doing ever]: 485-487; koreguahe [the young man made costumes out of animal skins; wearing jaguar skin, he ate the children, he could not take off the skin again; he ate everyone, killed everyone, his grandmother remained, her body was covered with ulcers; he licked it, cured it; people taught close her chewed corn in a vessel, crickets were born there, she put them in the jaguar's ass, they ate it from the inside; but the grandmother forgot to tell them to eat the heart; the jaguar's corpse was burned, a rat jumped out of her heart, from her current jaguars; crickets still sing the song they sang when they left the jaguar]: Jimenez 1989, No. 40:88-90.

Montagna - Jurua. Shipibo: Gebhaert-Sayer 1987, No. 2 [a single boy uses kalebasu instead of his wife; she becomes a woman, has three sons; they sit on a tree and eat fruit; tapir comes constantly and asks for fruit for themselves; they throw the unripe fruit at his head; he knocks on the trunk, making it fat; brothers go down as ants; follow the tapir's trail; ask his excrement or the grown ones of these trees when the tapir passed; a year, six months, a month, ten days ago; he is here; the eldest turns into an ant, climbs into the tapir's anus, hurts the heart; brothers fresh the carcass; each tries to become a pot to cook meat; only the elder can withstand the heat for a long time; they ask the Duck to transport them across the river; she replies that her boat is small; the caiman asks not to step on his head; the younger brother comes, the caiman grabs his leg, drags him under water; the sloth drains the river, the brothers take the youngest's corpse out of the caiman's womb; his leg is not enough; they shoot at the sky, make a chain of arrows; termite and small squirrel are afraid to climb, the big squirrel comes back, says the sky is good; the turtle turns the chain into a ladder; the brothers take the caiman head and brother's corpse, go up to heaven]: 350- 351; Roe 1982, No. 7 [an old man (this is Tapir) makes a boat under a Guava tree; children sitting on a tree throw fruits at him; the old man kicks him with his foot, the tree grows huge; children turn into ants, they go down on leaves, then become human again; follow the old man's trail, asking for directions from the genip trees; find more and more fresh tapir droppings; one became an ant, climbed the tapir in the ass, cut his heart ; the tapir died; one turned into a pot, meat was cooked in it; everyone tried to become a pot, but only the strongest one could withstand the heat; they had to cross the river; the man sent a boat, a caimana; sitting on it Back, the brothers thought what to become, chose birds; one decided to become a panguana bird; on the coast, the caiman bit off both his legs; Panguana is part of Orion, without legs; all turned into Pleiades, Hyades, Belt Oriona], 8 [at night, a young man masturbates to a calebass; his mother began to put him one at a time and throw him away; two boys came out of the broken calebas; they ask who killed their mother; the grandmother replies that Lightning; they killed the Lightning Spirit; they ask again if they threaten to kill the grandmother herself; she replies that Tapir killed; they found Tapir from fresh litter; the youngest became an ant, climbed Tapira into the anus, cut off his heart; the eldest cut the tapir's stomach, released the younger one; the youngest turned into a pot to cook meat; the elder puts it on the fire and then in the water; the meat is cooked; the Sloth promised to call a bird that will transport the brothers through the river; the bird asks not to step on the bow of her boat; the eldest listened, the youngest stepped on the shore, the boat turned into a caiman, bit off his leg; the Sloth dried the river with a magic spear, the elder elder cut off the caiman's jaw, takes out his brother's leg; when they return to their grandmother, the brothers again ask who killed their mother; she replies that they will receive an answer in heaven; the brothers climbed a chain of arrows, the elder in his hands caiman-Hyada jaw]: 62-63, 63-66

Bolivia - Guaporé. Chiriguano [The Jaguar swallows the Fox three times, he leaves it unscathed]: Nordenskiöld 1912:291

Southern Amazon. Kayabi [Turtles eat fruit on the tree; Tapir asks him to shed the fruit too, but they throw only the peel; Tapir hits the trunk, the turtles fall, he tramples them; two have not fallen; follow his footsteps, they find more and more fresh excrement; when they saw Tapir sleeping, one climbed into his anus, the other down his throat, killed Tapir; they came to Jaguar to ask for fire; he does not believe that fire should be smoked wasps, took it away from they are meat; they secretly come to Jaguar's house to eat meat; one day he spotted one of the Turtles, threw it away]: Pereira 1995, No. 10:63-64; paresi [two orphan brothers living with the grandmother find out that Jaguar ate all the men in the village, and the Eagle ate all the women; Jaguariha opened her mouth, people obediently entered it; brothers turn into hummingbirds, cut Jaguariha from the inside with a knife, come out]: Pereira 1986, No. 8:159-160; bororo [two var; Monkey and Guinea Pig swim in a boat; Pig gnaws corn, accidentally holes the bottom; it was eaten by fish, the Monkey swam out, caught fish; the Jaguar who appeared was sent to the sun for fry fish with fire, caught the fire herself by friction; hid in a tree; the Jaguar caused the wind, the monkey fell, he swallowed it, she cut it from the inside with a knife, the Jaguar died]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1983, No. 65, 96:127- 129, 168-169.

Chaco. Chamacoco [the hero turns into fat; the Jaguar swallows it, dies; the hero cuts his belly, comes out as a human]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1987a, No. 99:397; toba [Jaguar swallows A battleship; he finds the heart of a Jaguar, cuts it with his claws, makes a hole in his side, comes out; the Jaguar dies]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1989a, No. 165:238.

The Southern Cone. Araucans: Lehmann-Nitsche 1929 [5 texts; two nephews marry Uncle Latrapai's daughters; he tells 1) to cut down an oak tree with one blow (text 1); cut down a tree that spews on impact fire (texts 3 and 5); cut down a large tree near the volcano where thunder Pilyan lives; L. gives axes that break when hit; brothers ask P. for an ax, an ax (=thunder) falls from the sky, they are alone Blow down a tree or all oaks; or wives extinguish the fire with snow), 2) knock down a firestone (wives extinguish with rain and snow), 3) kill a cannibal guanaco (he swallows one young man, he cuts the monster's heart, brother helps to get outside), 4) kill a bull (caught by an arcana obtained from Thunder)]: 42-51 (swallowing episode on p. 47); Pino Saavedra 1987, No. 17 [Fox and Gadfly race; Gadfly clings to the tail The fox wins; the fox refuses to pay, grabs the gadflies with their mouths; they bite him from the inside, kill him]: 54-55.