Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

K8c2. Swallowed mouse. .28. (.31.) .34.35. (.48.) .49.

The mouse is swallowed by a large land animal and comes out, cutting it from the inside.

Russian written tradition, (Finns), Komi, Mongols, Nenets, Ents, Mansi, Northern Khanty, Kets, Yugi, (Nisenan?) , western shoshones.

Central Europe. Russian written tradition ["The Spectacle of Human Life" by A.A. Vinius (1674, dozens of copies of the last quarter of the 17th century, a printed edition of 1712, read and re-written in the same 18th century), which is a translation and retelling of the collection of fables "Theatrum Morum", published by E. Sadeler in 1608 in Prague in German: a crocodile ("corcodile") had a lot of human meat stuck in its teeth; the mouse asked permission to get this meat - it would be full, and the crocodile would feel better; the crocodile agreed; the mouse cleaned his teeth, climbed into his womb and gnawed at him from within; the crocodile died {Aesop does not have this fable}]: Tarkovsky, Tarkovskaya 2005, No. 128:361.

(Wed. Baltoscandia. The Finns [a squirrel, needle and mitt lived side by side, a needle galloped between them; found a puddle; a stump; they were annoyed that the needle was calling them for nothing; when they saw the deer, it slipped into the blade of grass, the deer swallowed it, died, the needle came out; the squirrel split the stump, the mitten brought water from the puddle, they made a good soup]: Vazhdaev 1962:387-389).

Volga - Perm. Komi-Zyrians [magpie and mouse lived together; only the mouse baked bread and made dinner; magpie: give me soup; mouse: take it yourself; magpie fell into a boiling pot, the mouse cooked and ate it there; from the sternum made a boat; sings how it sails upstream in a boat from the sternum of a magpie, a paddle with beaver blades, a crossbar from an otter's tail; the hare asks to take him too; the mouse: the ears are long; the hare: I'll pick it up; the mouse took him; the fox (the tail is long); then the bear; he feather, everyone hit each other, the mouse climbed into his ass; the fox ate the hare and followed the bear for three years, waiting for the mouse to eat it and expecting to eat the mouse as well; but the mouse got out of the bear carcass and hid under its roots]: Fokos-Fuchs 1915, No. 21:198-203.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. The Mongols [the elephant mocks the mouse; it climbed into its trunk, penetrated his heart, ate it; the elephant died and the mouse got out]: Mikhailov 1962:9.

Western Siberia. Nenets: Senkevich 1935 [The Deer and the Mouse decide to play hide and seek; the Mouse finds the Deer by its horns; the Deer does not find the Mouse, swallows it with grass; it gnaws through its stomach, asks the Raven to take off its skin; he only the eyes bite; the mouse goes to bed, tells other animals to remove their skin and leave it fat; they have left only horns and hooves]: 68; Wax Boilers, Meners 1951 [Deer and Mouse decide to play hide and seek; Mouse finds Deer in horns; The deer does not find the Mouse, swallows with grass; it gnaws through his stomach, asks the Raven to take off his skin; he only bites his eyes; The Seagull only pulls its guts; Bears, Wolves, Arctic Fox, Foxes eat meat; Mouse horns and hooves remain]: 87-88; Ents: Sorokina, Bolina 2005, No. 39 [Mouse and Deer play hide and seek; Mouse finds Deer when they notice horns; The deer does not find the Mouse, swallows it with grass; it gnaws through it guts, pops up; calls all animals, goes to bed; when he wakes up, finds that all the meat has been eaten; since then, the animals have not communicated with each other], 40 [=Barimich 2014:634-635; The partridge shot from the shore at Pike, who shot the Partridge from below; since then, Pike's back has many bones - Partridge's arrows; there are also many bones in the back and legs of the Partridge - Pike's arrows The mouse invites the Deer to play hide and seek; finds it by horns; he swallows it along with the grass; she gnaws through his intestines, goes out; The deer dies], 41 [The deer invites the Mouse to play hide and seek, she finds it by its horns; he swallows it with grass; she gnaws a hole in his stomach, goes out; The deer dies, the mouse calls friends to a feast, falls asleep; when he wakes up, all the meat is eaten]: 166-167, 169, 170-171; Mansi: Lukina 1990, No. 192 (zap. Chernetsov on Konda, North Sosve or Lozva) [Earth Brother mouse lived with his grandmother, made a nettle boat, swam; invites the deer to play hide and seek, hid in the grass, the deer swallowed it; refuses to go out through his nose, ears, nostrils, ass, cut his stomach, the deer died; the mouse called the woodpecker to rip off the deer, gave it less meat; he sails in a boat, he is called ashore several times, but he only arrives when he is called to eat caviar; the mouse fell, the stomach burst, the caviar flowed out, the children sewed up their stomach; the mouse brought meat to the grandmother, turned her into a girl, began to live happily]: 498-501; Rombandeeva 2005, No. 37 [The mouse invites the Deer to hide, immediately sees the Deer's tail; the Deer cannot find it, eats grass, swallows it, the Mouse sharpens a knife in the Deer's stomach, the Deer offers to go out through his mouth, nose, eyes, ears, the Mouse replies every time that he slobbering, snotty, purulent, sulfuric, cuts the Deer's belly, brings the children and wife, who eat venison until their bellies burst]: 281; Kannisto 1956, No. 10 (Konda) [the mouse married a doll, began to steal, got rich; other mice also began to steal, the mayor started killing them, they asked the mouse for help; he took his comrades on a hike: a slimy fish board, a dog rope , perch caviar, hot brazier, foot, knife, ax; the brazier was placed on the doorstep, a board in the doorway, hot caviar on the table, a foot, a knife and an ax nearby; the mayor stepped on the brazier, hit the lintel, slipped on the board, fell, the mice had hot caviar in his eyes, the rope confused, the foot, the ax, the knife were finished off; the mice took all his supplies; his daughter's son lured the mice into the plague with food, everyone died there; the doll became the mouse mourned, went on a journey; refused to load horse, cow, sheep manure - it would get dirty; came to another mouse's aunt, stayed with her, married her nephew; he made a hemp boat , swam; his name is from the shore there is perch, ruff, fish oil, he does not pay attention; when he calls to eat burbot, he goes; he sails on, he was swallowed by a bear with the boat, the mouse began to stab from the inside, the bear fell, the mouse cut the way out with a knife, invited the bear to swallow it again, cut off the heart from the inside; took the meat, swam back downstream past the people who invited him; at home, the aunt took meat, mouse played, aunt danced (song about how he caught a bear)]: 100-117; northern Khanty: Aksyanova et al. 2005, No. 12 (b. Son) [The elk eats grass, swallows the Mouse; consistently invites it to go out through his mouth, nose, eye, ass, bladder; The mouse refuses, says it is dirty, cuts his stomach, eats elk]: 268-269; Voskoboynikov, Menovshchikov 1951 (northern?) [The elk eats grass, swallowed the Mouse; she sings inside him, I'll cut a knife; he asks her to go out through his nose, nostrils, ears; she refuses every time (drooling in her mouth, snot in his nose, sulfur in her ears), cuts him throat, fills storage facilities with meat]: 52-53; Yugi: Werner 1997, No. 3 [Hačamačaka dwarf sharpens a knife, says she will cut off the Bear's nose; the Bear swallowed it, she ripped it from the inside, went out outside, got meat and skin], 30 [The mouse found a dough bowl, swam in it like a boat, found a needle, made a pole, a thimble a hat; invites the Bear to hide; finds it easily, hides in an empty one the stem of the grass, the Bear does not see it, swallows it with grass; it gnaws out, killing the Bear; calls all the mice, they feast]: 243-244, 285-287; chum salmon: Dulzon 1966, No. 29 [Khachamaka's dwarf sharpens the knife, invites the Bear to swallow it; ripped it from the inside, went outside, got meat and skin]: 103; Osharov 1936a [The mouse invites the Bear to play hide and seek; he swallows it along with the grass; she gnaws through his belly, he dies, the Mouse eats bear meat]: 129-130.

(Wed. California. Nisenan [Coyote swallows the Mouse; it gnaws a hole in his throat, he dies]: Uldall, Shipley 1966, No. 2:19)

Big Pool. Western Shoshones: Smith 1993:49-50 [Coyote and Mouse spend the winter together; Coyote: I should get rabbits, I'll cause snow; shamanite all night; the mouse goes out to see, but it's light and doesn't sink in the snow, so every time he tells Coyote that there is not enough snow so far; Coyote went out and fell; wanted to kill the Mouse, but she hid and then ran away; Mountain Sheep invites the Mouse to warm up in his ear; under with the mouse; all the rams offer the Mouse different places, but the mouse only accepts the offer of the one who let it get inside; gets through the mouth, one by one kills all the rams from the inside, makes a big fire at the top of the cliff, carrying the meat there; the Coyote came; the mouse threw pieces of meat on him, which he first spoiled, but he ate everything], 155 [The mouse kills the Deer by climbing into it through his mouth].