Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

K8c4. An elk dies after swallowing a mouse.


A small animal (most often a bird, mouse or porcupine) or (rarely) a tiny little man lets a large ungulates (elk, deer, bison, tapir) swallow itself to rip apart belly (and eat).

Nenets, Ents, Northern Khanty, Mansi, Northeastern Yakuts, Wilta, Forest Yukaghirs, Khan, Kwakiutl, Lillouet, Thompson, Upper Chehalis, Colitz, Quinolt, Clackamas, Kerdalen, Lower Chinook, Klamath, Modoc, Upper Coquill, Menominee, Crowe, Osage, Pawnee, Kiova-Apache, Comanche, Wichita, North Payut, Western Shoshones, Utah, South Payut, Jicarilla, Chirikahua, Lipan, Navajo, Tewa, Havasupai, aguaruna, cashibo, kayabi.

Western Siberia. Nenets: Senkevich 1935 [The Deer and the Mouse decide to play hide and seek; the Mouse finds the Deer by its horns; the Deer does not find the Mouse, swallows it with grass; it gnaws through its stomach, asks the Raven to take off its skin; he only the eyes bite; the mouse goes to bed, tells other animals to remove their skin and leave it fat; they have left only horns and hooves]: 68; Wax Boilers, Meners 1951 [Deer and Mouse decide to play hide and seek; Mouse finds Deer in horns; The deer does not find the Mouse, swallows with grass; it gnaws through his stomach, asks the Raven to take off his skin; he only bites his eyes; The Seagull only pulls its guts; Bears, Wolves, Arctic Fox, Foxes eat meat; Mouse horns and hooves remain]: 87-88; Ents: Sorokina, Bolina 2005, No. 39 [Mouse and Deer play hide and seek; Mouse finds Deer when they notice horns; The deer does not find the Mouse, swallows it with grass; it gnaws through it guts, pops up; calls all animals, goes to bed; when he wakes up, finds that all the meat has been eaten; since then, the animals have not communicated with each other], 40 [=Barimich 2014:634-635; The partridge shot from the shore at Pike, who shot the Partridge from below; since then, Pike's back has many bones - Partridge's arrows; there are also many bones in the back and legs of the Partridge - Pike's arrows The mouse invites the Deer to play hide and seek; finds it by horns; he swallows it along with the grass; she gnaws through his intestines, goes out; The deer dies], 41 [The deer invites the Mouse to play hide and seek, she finds it by its horns; he swallows it with grass; she gnaws a hole in his stomach, goes out; The deer dies, the mouse calls friends to a feast, falls asleep; when he wakes up, all the meat is eaten]: 166-167, 169, 170-171; Mansi: Lukina 1990, No. 192 (zap. Chernetsov on Konda, North. Sosve or Lozva) [Earth Brother mouse lived with his grandmother, made a nettle boat, swam; invites the deer to play hide and seek, hid in the grass, the deer swallowed it; refuses to go out through his nose, ears, nostrils, ass, cut his stomach, the deer died; the mouse called the woodpecker to rip off the deer, gave it less meat; he sails in a boat, he is called ashore several times, but he only arrives when he is called to eat caviar; the mouse fell, the stomach burst, the caviar flowed out, the children sewed up their stomach; the mouse brought meat to the grandmother, turned her into a girl, began to live happily]: 498-501; Rombandeeva 2005, No. 37 [The mouse invites the Deer to hide, immediately sees the Deer's tail; the Deer cannot find it, eats grass, swallows it, the Mouse sharpens a knife in the Deer's stomach, the Deer offers to go out through his mouth, nose, eyes, ears, the Mouse replies every time that he slobbering, snotty, purulent, sulfuric, cuts the Deer's belly, brings the children and wife, who eat venison until their bellies burst]: 281; Kannisto 1956, No. 10 (Konda) [the mouse married a doll, began to steal, got rich; other mice also began to steal, the mayor started killing them, they asked the mouse for help; he took his comrades on a hike: a slimy fish board, a dog rope , perch caviar, hot brazier, foot, knife, ax; the brazier was placed on the doorstep, a board in the doorway, hot caviar on the table, a foot, a knife and an ax nearby; the mayor stepped on the brazier, hit the lintel, slipped on the board, fell, the mice had hot caviar in his eyes, the rope confused, the foot, the ax, the knife were finished off; the mice took all his supplies; his daughter's son lured the mice into the plague with food, everyone died there; the doll became the mouse mourned, went on a journey; refused to load horse, cow, sheep manure - it would get dirty; came to another mouse's aunt, stayed with her, married her nephew; he made a hemp boat , swam; his name is from the shore there is perch, ruff, fish oil, he does not pay attention; when he calls to eat burbot, he goes; he sails on, he was swallowed by a bear with the boat, the mouse began to stab from the inside, the bear fell, the mouse cut the way out with a knife, invited the bear to swallow it again, cut off the heart from the inside; took the meat, swam back downstream past the people who invited him; at home, the aunt took meat, mouse played, aunt danced (song about how he caught a bear)]: 100-117; northern Khanty: Aksyanova et al. 2005, No. 12 (b. Son) [the elk eats grass, swallows the mouse; consistently invites it to get out of it through its mouth, nose, eye, ass, bladder; the mouse refuses, says it is dirty, cuts his stomach, eats elk]: 268-269; Voskoboynikov, Menovshchikov 1951 (northern?) [The elk eats grass, swallows the mouse; it sings inside him, he has a knife; he asks her to go out through his nose, nostrils, ears; she refuses every time (drooling in his mouth, snot in his nose, sulfur in his ears), cuts him throat, fills the storage area with meat]: 52-53.

Eastern Siberia. North-Eastern Yakuts (Indigirka, Krest-Mayorsky Nasleg of the Abysky Ulus; a summary of several texts, including archival ones) [little old man Byt-Byt had eight wives; When food supplies ran out, his wives took him out into the yard; he asked the Wind to carry him hunting; he brought him, the old man hung on a branch of the bush; the elk swallowed him along with the branches, he ripped his belly apart. came home; wives cooked meat; the old man walked along the edge of the bowl, fell into the soup, died; the blind old woman ate soup, swallowed the old man]: Ergis 1964, No. 53:181; 1967b, No. 141:195.

Amur - Sakhalin. Wilta [mice mom and frog mom (hereinafter referred to as "mouse" and "frog") swam in the boat for berries; the mouse was rowing; went ashore, picked berries, dropped one; the frog swallowed the berry, then regurgitated, washed and put it in tuyaski; when they returned home, the mouse children are happy, the frog's children are crying (she did not collect anything); in the morning the frog took a knife, went to cut the fish; asked the moose to open it wide mouth; snapped into it, cut the moose from the inside, went out through the ass; the frog's children are happy that there is a lot of meat; {it's not very clear further; apparently, the mouse stole the meat from the frog}]: Ikegami 2007, No. 20:93-98.

Navy of Asia. Forest Yukaghirs: Nikolaeva et al. 1989 (1), No. 20 [The old louse causes the wind, carries it into the talnik, the Elk swallows it along with the twigs; he cuts the Moose from the inside with a knife, comes out through the hole; meat She brings the victim to her two wives; cooks him, falls into the cauldron, dies; the youngest wife hangs herself from a tree, the eldest has turned into a dog; an old woman picks her up; the old woman's son feeds her; looks after her; she shakes off his skin, turns into a woman, cooks; a young man grabs a woman, marries (=Zhukova, Chernetsov 1992:55-57, =Kurilov 2005, No. 32:301-303)], 33 [as in (20); old partridge, Moose swallows it along with the leaf; the wife is an old fox woman; dies when she sees that her husband is cooked]: 67-69, 17-119.

Subarctic. Khan [after killing the ogre, Tsá'Wëzhaa comes to the Bear; he gives him a daughter, sends him material for a bow and arrow; you have to get 1) eagle feathers; C. kills male and female eagles- cannibals, feeds chicks with ordinary meat, tells them to eat animals from now on; 2) the tendons of a dangerous moose; C. asks the Mouse to climb into the anus of a lying moose, cut the heart; C. made a bow and arrows]: Mishler 2004, No. 2:147-149.

NW Coast. Quakiutl [Wren asks Moose to get off the road; he refuses, tries to step on Wren, sucks it in with his nose, he flies through; so several times; Wren takes it with him firewood, makes a fire inside the Moose, flies out through the ass; The elk dies; the old woman was the last to share the meat, she got her guts]: Wallace, Whitaker 1981:110-113.

The coast is the Plateau. Lillouette [Wren chooses a fatter deer, jumps into his anus, hurts his heart, comes out]: Teit 1912b, No. 13:312; Thompson: Hill-Tout 1899 [see M18A motif; three brothers travel, younger Sqaktktquaclt turns into a hummingbird, flies into the ass of an elk, flies out of his mouth, an elk dies; S. drinks a lake, kills beavers with a stick]: 203-204 (full text: 195-216); Teit 1917b, No. 3 [brothers Quatquetl travels, turning those they meet into animals and stones; one of K. becomes a fly, flies into the elk's anus, kills it from the inside; after eating meat, the brothers throw the bones in different directions, now in There are many moose in those places]: 18; upper chehalis [two var.; Little Wren calls Moose, rejects Mice and other animals; Elk asks how he wants to get into it; he rejects his nose, eye, armpits; Wren flies into his ass, hurts his heart, flies out of his mouth; calls his grandmother to carry meat; see motif F28D]: Adamson 1934:33-38; quinolt [wren came with a jail downstream; towards the elk, took away his jail; he did a new one - the same thing; for the fourth time he flew into the moose's nose with a spear, began to scratch it from the inside; the elk died, the wren flew out of it]: Farrand 1902, No. 16:126-127; colitz [Wren lives with his grandmother, flies into the ass of an elk, kills it from the inside; the grandmother rejects different parts of the carcass, wants genitals; Wren explains that meat is for food, not sex; says he is hungry; rejects meat and berries; rejoices when his grandmother offers him her ass; digs a hole, his grandmother lies down in it, he makes love to her; hears two talking, one says that someone copulates with Wren's grandmother; Wren fights with the offender (this is a bird), the grandmother accidentally pushes not the offender into the fire, but the Wren; four times he glues his bones with resin, he every time it melts in the sun; turns into a wren; the grandmother turns into a blue bird (Bluebird), sings to the rain]: Adamson 1934:185-188; clackamas [Wren lives with his grandmother; calls moose in the forest, rejects little ones; kills five moose by climbing inside one through the eye, inside the others through the ears, nose, mouth, anus; then cuts off the heart; Wren's grandmother refuses to carry any part of the moose's body; takes penis; masturbates in the steam room; offers himself to Wren as his wife, copulates with him; he asks people in a boat passing by what's new; Wren copulates with his grandmother; throws his grandmother into the river; two Jays call a shaman to revive her; she turns into a beautiful woman, marries Wren; smiles with her toothless mouth open; he recognizes her, throws her back into the river; Blue Jay can't do her anymore revive]: Jacobs 1958, No. 25:199-207; Kordalen [cat mockingbird (Dumetella carolinensis) tells his grandmother he wants to make a bow; to get the bowstring, asks Moose to transport it across the river; agrees the oldest Elk; Mockingbird says that sitting in hair on his feet, he will soak his moccasins; the same is higher, finally on his nose; climbs through his nose into the Moose, does something to his heart, The elk dies; the Mockingbird leaves, forgetting the moccasins inside; sings, saying that he does not have a knife; the Wolf hears this, offers to refresh the carcass, sends Mockingbird to let his maternal uncle bring him; The Mockingbird says he doesn't have moccasins; the Wolf gives his own, the Mockingbird deliberately spoils them; the Wolf goes after his children by himself; at this time, Mockingbird and his relatives carry the meat to the top rocks, cover a pile of coal with skin; Mockingbird throws hot stones wrapped in fat from the cliff, they die; he lets Orlitz carry himself to the nest, lives with eagles while they have grown feathers, descends on two eagles, pulls out the feathers of their wings and tail, lets the Grizzly make plumage for the arrows; catches fish, does not share with her grandmother; she leaves him, taking off into the air; he she fishes for everything she needs; she fishes for his wife, child; the wife calls to her bottom; everything is made of ice; the child disappears; his grandfather says he has already been eaten; they return to shore with Mockingbird (the informant doesn't remember any further)]: Reichard 1947, No. 22:148-153; lower chinook [little grandson hunts mice and chipmunks; wondering how to get inside an elk (through his mouth, ears, nostrils?) ; climbs into the anus, cuts her elk's stomach, kills; grandma refuses to carry any part of her body but her ass; masturbates with her moose penis on the way home; he sent her to get water, she wrote in all the baskets, said that it was water from the river; while the meat was cooking, it made holes in all the spoons and bowls; the grandson poured broth on it, wrapped it in leather, threw it into the river; Malinovka and Blue Jay caught the parcel, found their aunt there, revived it her; two warrior boats went to fight with her grandson; he flew out of the house set on fire, escaped]: Boas 1894a, No. 8:119-122; Klamath [Porcupine asks Bison (possibly Moose) to transport him across the river let him get in the ass to cross the river; refuses to sit on his horns, on his back, hold his tail, climbs into his ass; cuts his liver, kidneys, heart; goes out, looks for a knife to cut meat; Coyote gives a knife, but demands to compete with him on the run; the winner gets all the meat; the Coyote wins, hits Porcupine, leaves his hat as a watchman, runs after his children; Porcupine throws his hat into the fire, lifts meat to a tree; Coyotes line up below asking for meat; Porcupine sheds its spine, killing Coyotes; the youngest cub escapes, and current coyotes come from it]: Barker 1963, No. 3: 17-21; modoc [Elk invites Porcupine to transport him across the river; he replies that he is afraid to ride on his back, head, ear; climbs into his mouth, then inside the Moose; on the other side he hurts his heart, gets out, looks for a knife to cut meat; the Black-Brown Fox gives him his own, offers to jump over the carcass; the winner gets it; wins, kills Porcupine, leaves his hat as a watchman, runs after his children; The porcupine comes to life, tears its hat to pieces, lifts the meat to the tree; the Coyotes line up below asking for meat; The porcupine sheds its spine, killing all the Coyotes]: Curtin 1912:272-275; upper coquil [The wren lives with his grandmother; tells Moose that he can kill him by getting into his ear; the elk replies that it will shake him out easily; so different parts of his body are finally in the ass; the elk can't defecate all the time The wren climbs into it, hurts the heart, gets out of the ass back; cuts the carcass; the grandmother refuses to carry any pieces home, agrees to carry the penis; masturbates with it all day; from the skin of an elk they they make a blanket; grandmother hears her grandson dreaming out loud of lying under him and his wife; puts a piece of wood in her place, comes disguised as a young woman, sleeps with her grandson; he finds a piece of wood on his bed in the morning grandmothers, understands the deception; asks people who pass by in boats what's new; the latter say that one here in the upper reaches slept with his grandmother; grandmother was Pheasant]: Jacobs 2007:252-255.

The Midwest. Menominee [Porcupine asks the Cow to transport him across the river; she offers to hold her by the horns, by the tail; Porcupine replies that he will fall into the water; agrees to climb into her ass; pierces her with a thorn heart; looking for a knife to cut the carcass; Menapus offers his own, freshens the cow, drives Porcupine away; while he goes after his wife and children, Porcupine takes the meat to the top of the pine tree; M. sees the reflection of Porcupine in the river, dives with a stone tied to her neck; defecates, the wife takes the crap for Porcupine's giblets; M. unties the stone, sees the Porcupine in the tree; he refuses to throw meat to him]: Bloomfield 1928, No. 84 : 237-245.

Plains. Crowe [Bison agrees to transport Porcupine across the river; he says he will fall off the back of Bison's head, back, thigh, agrees to get into his ass; when Bison reaches the opposite shores, pierces his heart with needles, crawls out, looks for a knife to cut meat; Coyote gives Porcupine a blunt knife, let the meat be taken by whoever jumps over the carcass is the first to cut it; loses, but still goes to call his family; Porcupine carries meat to a tree, makes a fire on a branch, roasts meat; Coyote jumps into the river when he sees its reflection, thinks it's too light, ties rocks, can't emerge defecate, his children think it's ash; the Coyote pops up a little alive; the cub notices Porcupine laughing, who sheds pieces of meat, killing four cubs one by one; Coyote says what the fewer coyotes the better, he will get the more; tells porcupines to eat bark from now on, not eat meat]: Lowie 1918:34-36; Osage: Dorsey 1904c, No. 12 [The turtle goes to war; agrees to take Wolf and Deer, they run as fast as she does; asks Bison to transport her across the river; he invites her to sit between her horns - no, I'll fall; sit on her back - I'll fall too; climb into the anus; turtle I agree, eats the Bison's guts; crossing the river, he dies; the turtle hangs a refreshed bison on a tree above the river; Wolves jump into the water, seeing its reflection; enemies catch the Turtle; offer to cook, burn them; she promises to burn them with hot spray, coals; pretends to be afraid of water; thrown into the river, runs away; at home, the wife breaks it with a stone], 13 [The turtle goes for scalps; the Bison offers to transport it across the river, let him sit on his back; no, I'll fall; then in his mouth; no, you'll see it; then into the anus; I agree; I ate the Bison's insides, he fell on the other side; The wolf offers to jump over the carcass, wins, takes the meat for himself; goes to call friends; the Turtle asks the Bear to hang the carcass on a tree; Wolves jump into the water for reflection, drown]: 15-16, 16-17; throw off the pawnee [The turtle asks the Bison to transport it through the river; climbs into his anus, gnaws his insides, the Bison dies; the turtle sings that it would be good to get a knife to fresh the prey; the Coyote offers his own on the condition that the meat goes to the one who jumps over the carcass; wins, goes to call his family; The turtle asks two Eagles to move the meat to their nest on the poplar; there he makes a fire and cooks meat; the Coyote brings his children, sees the reflection fire in the water, thinks it's a Turtle, dives, gets his head stuck between two driftwood; his excrement floats up; the turtle asks his cubs if they want meat; they cry and run away]: Dorsey 1906, No. 130:453-454; the Comanche [The cow wants to transport someone across the river; the Coyote offers himself; does not want to ride on her back, neck, head, ear; agrees in her stomach, climbs there through her mouth; kills a Cow when she gets to the opposite bank; eats meat]: Canonge 1958, No. 6:19-20; Kiova-Apache [Bison offers Porcupine to transport him across the river; he doesn't want to cling to wool - the water will wash off, wants the Bison to take it in his mouth; on the other side, he pierces the Bison's heart with thorns; looks for a knife to fresh the carcass; the Coyote pretends to be chrome, offers to jump over the carcass; wins getting all the meat; while he's away, Porcupine carries the meat to a tree by the river, cooks it; the Coyote sees the reflection, jumps into the water with a rock, sinks; Porcupine asks the Coyote's children to lie down with their eyes closed; throws ribs instead of meat; kills everyone but the youngest, who opens his eyes; calls him to the tree, feeds him to the dump, tells him to sit at the end of the branch; it breaks, the Coyote falls, crashes to death]: McAllister 1949, No. 17: 62-64; wichita [The turtle asks the Bison to transport it across the river; does not want to do anything but climb into his anus; on the other side he gnaws through the Bison's intestines, goes out; looks for a knife to cut the carcass; the Coyote gives, offers a running competition; wins meat, goes after the family; The squirrel helps the Turtle carry the meat to the tree; the Coyote dives into the river for reflection, almost drowns]: Dorsey 1904a, No. 44:271-274.

Big Pool. Northern Payutes: Kelly 1938, No. 16a [Porcupine asks Moose to transport him across the river; prefers to climb not on his back or neck, but under his tail; climbs inside; when Moose reaches the shore, kills; looks for a knife to cut the carcass; Coyote suggests that whoever jumps over the carcass gets meat; wins, kills Porcupine; leaves his hat to guard, follows his wife and children; Porcupine comes to life, throws the hat into the water; cuts the carcass (with a Coyote knife?) , carries meat to the top of the juniper; Coyote asks him to drop a piece; Porcupine asks the Coyotes to stand in a row, kills everyone by dropping a heavy portion of meat], 16b [Porcupine asks Moose to transport it across the river; replies that he is afraid to fall, sitting on his back, ear, nose; climbs into the anus; when the Elk goes ashore, kills him with thorns; looks for a knife, cut the carcass; Coyote hears, offers to jump through the carcass; wins, takes all the meat, kills Porcupine, leaves the hat to guard, goes to bring the family; The porcupine comes to life, the hat screams but the Coyote does not hear; The porcupine throws the hat away, transfers the meat to the top of the juniper; the Coyote comes, climbs the juniper, asks where to relieve himself; the porcupine points a thin branch, it breaks off, the Coyote breaks; the Coyote cubs wait for the Porcupine will shed their meat; killed in a large chunk]: 407-408, 408-409; Western Shoshones [A mouse kills a Deer by climbing through its mouth]: Smith 1993:155; Utah: Kroeber 1901 (Wintah), No. 5 [something like in Lowie 1924]: 270-271; Lowie 1924 (southern Utah), No. 17 [Porcupine asks the bison to transport him across the river; he offers to sit between his legs (no: step); on his back (drown); etc.; agrees get only into the anus; when he hears that the bison's hooves have stepped ashore, he opens needles, killing the bison; looks for a knife to cut the carcass; Coyote {wolf, but most likely it's a coyote} hears it and offers his knife; meat will get a jumping carcass; Porcupine can't jump over; Coyote gives him giblets, tells the best to give him flies, but Porcupine takes the best; the Coyote killed him, told his excrement to signal if he came to life; brought his daughters, but Porcupine, who came to life, had already lifted the meat to the tree; invited the coyotes to stand in a row, threw not meat on them, but a heavy bone, killing all but one cub; he climbed on tree, Porcupine told him to relieve himself at the end of a thin branch, which fell and broke]: 30-31; Sapir 1930, No. 1 (Wintah) [following the buffalo trail, Porcupine (D.) asks bison manure how long ago it has passed owner; the deadline is getting shorter; by the river asks him to be transported; rejects many buffalo, chooses the best one; says he is afraid to ride on his back, on his horns, in the nose, climbs in the ass; kills when the bison replies that reached the shore; other bison butt the carcass, but did not reach D.; he is looking for a knife to cut the carcass; Coyote (K.) says that whoever jumps over it will cut the carcass; tells D. to wash the meat, but not eat it; leaves his excrement as a watchman; they shout that D. eats meat, K. kills him with a stick, leaves; D. comes to life, puts meat on a pine tree, tells it to grow up; throws K. and his cubs off the bison's neck, killing everyone except the youngest; he climbed in, ate, K. sent him to relieve himself at the end of the branch, he fell and crashed]: 485-489; Smith 1992:6-9 (Wintah) [Porcupine asks Bison to transport him across the river; he offers to climb into his anus (no: you'll start defecating), on his back (you'll throw it off), between his hooves (I'll fall out), in his ear; also not - just inside, he climbed over his ass; when he heard that the bison had come ashore, he pierced him with thorns heart and lungs; there is no knife to cut the carcass, the Coyote offers his own, the one who jumps over the carcass will get the meat; gives the Porcupine giblets and tells the best to pass it on to the water beetles, but the Porcupine ate it himself; The coyote killed him, but he came to life, told the pines to grow, dragged the meat to the upper branches; the Coyote brought his wives and children; the porcupine told them to stand in a row, threw off not the meat, but the bison's neck, killed everyone; only the younger one remained cub; climbed to Porcupine, who told him to relieve himself at the end of a thin branch, he fell and crashed], 85-89 (White River Utah) [about the same as p. 6-9; through the penis]; southern payutes: Lowie 1924, No. 9 (shivvitz) [Porcupine calls from the other side; large animals respond, he chooses a bison (literally a "cow"); she offers her to sit between her horns, Porcupine refuses; then: in the stomach, in anus, in her mouth; agrees to go only to the heart; when he hears that the bison has stepped ashore, pierces her heart with needles; there is no knife to cut the carcass; the Coyote offers his own, whoever jumps over the carcass will take the meat; The coyote killed Porcupine, left the excrement to watch, went after the family, but Porcupine came to life, scattered excrement, transferred the meat to a pine tree that had grown; told the coyotes to close his eyes, threw off a heavy rib. the youngest opened his eyes, bounced; Porcupine invited him to eat meat, told him to relieve himself at the end of a thin branch, which fell and crashed]: 119; Sapir 1930, No. 17 [Porcupine (D.) asks buffalo to transport him through river; the last female agrees; D. does not want to sit on her back, between her horns, in her ear, agrees in her mouth; while crossing, asks where they are; learning what is on the shore, she pierces needles into Bisonikha's heart; searches a knife to cut the carcass; Coyote (K.) says he recently wounded a bison, is it not his prey; whoever jumps over the carcass will get the skin; cuts the carcass, tells D. to bring firewood he brought with a stick kills him; hangs meat on a low pine tree, leaves his excrement to watch D., goes to call his wife and children; excrement shouts that D. is alive, K. kills him again; for the third time D. tells the tree to become tall; K. asks to lose their spine; D. asks the coyotes to lie in a row, close their eyes, kills with a thrown spine; K.'s youngest son opened his eyes, bounced; D. asks him to climb a tree, feeds, sends relievance to the end of a thin branch; K. falls, breaks]: 457-463.

The Great Southwest. Hicarilla [porcupine asks the bison to transport it across the river; afraid to sit on his head, agrees to climb into the anus; on the other side he gnaws through vital organs; looks for a knife to cut meat; fox: the meat will be given to the one who jumps over the carcass; the porcupine cannot; the fox runs away to invite his own to a feast; the porcupine carries the meat to the tree; tells the foxes to lie down with their eyes closed and covered with their skins; throws not meat, but sharp ribs; the fox peeks on the edge, dodges, stays alive; the porcupine lifts it to the tree, feeds it; he asks where to relieve himself; the porcupine sends it to the end of a thin branch; the fox falls; comes to life when his corpse begins to decay]: Russel 1898:263-264; chiricahua [the coyote asks the bisoniha ("cow") to transport him across the river; refuses to ride between the horns, on the tail, agrees in the anus; cuts the bison from the inside, eats meat]: Opler 1942, No. 48:66; lipan [porcupine asks the bison to transport it across the river; does not want to go between the horns, in the mouth, agrees in the anus; eats the heart and lungs, goes out, looks for a knife, the coyote hears about it, offers to jump over the carcass, the porcupine can't, the coyote takes the meat; follows the family, at which time Squirrels help Porcupine carry meat on a tree; Coyotes are asked to be dumped and to them, the porcupine refuses]: Opler 1940, No. 24:142-143; Navajo [Porcupine climbs into the Moose's anus]: Haile 1984, No. 8:41-42; Hill, Hill 1945, No. 13:328-330; teva [two options; the Coyoticha asks the Dicabrasion to catch rabbits by climbing into their holes; picks up the prey, closes the exit from the hole with a stone; the Coyoticha finds another way out; asks the Moose (Deer) to transport it through river; does not want to ride on her back, on horns, climbs into the anus; pierces the Moose's heart, killing him; the Coyoticha comes, sends her to wash pieces of meat, the Porcupine eats them; the Coyoticha kills her, goes for cubs; The porcupine comes to life, carries the meat to the tree; invites the Coyotiche and the cubs to lie in a row, throws not meat, but the spine; only the youngest cub remains alive; the Coyoticha lifts him up tree, feeds, offers to move; branch breaks off, Coyote breaks to death]: Parsons 1994, No. 25:285-290; havasupai [Porcupine climbs into Deer's anus]: Smithson, Euler 1994:92-93, 96

Western Amazon. Aguaruna [the fox hunts tapirs and deer, penetrating them through the anus and cutting their insides]: Akutz Nugkai et al. 1977 (2): 184; Chumap Lucía, García-Rendueles 1979, No. 46 [first The jaguar eats mushrooms; the fox teaches him how to hunt; climbs into the ass of a sleeping tapir, eats the liver, the tapir dies, the fox goes over its side; the jaguar kills the tapir as jaguars have done ever]: 485-487.

Montagna - Jurua. Shipibo: Gebhaert-Sayer 1987, No. 2 [a single boy uses kalebasu instead of his wife; she becomes a woman, has three sons; they sit on a tree and eat fruit; tapir comes constantly and asks for fruit for themselves; they throw the unripe fruit at his head; he knocks on the trunk, making it fat; brothers go down as ants; follow the tapir's trail; ask his excrement or the grown ones of these trees when the tapir passed; a year, six months, a month, ten days ago; he is here; the eldest turns into an ant, climbs into the tapir's anus, hurts the heart; brothers fresh the carcass; each tries to become a pot to cook meat; only the elder can withstand the heat for a long time; they ask the Duck to transport them across the river; she replies that her boat is small; the caiman asks not to step on his head; the younger brother comes, the caiman grabs his leg, drags him under water; the sloth drains the river, the brothers take the youngest's corpse out of the caiman's womb; his leg is not enough; they shoot at the sky, make a chain of arrows; termite and small squirrel are afraid to climb, the big squirrel comes back, says the sky is good; the turtle turns the chain into a ladder; the brothers take the caiman head and brother's corpse, go up to heaven]: 350- 351; Roe 1982, No. 7 [an old man (this is Tapir) makes a boat under a Guava tree; children sitting on a tree throw fruits at him; the old man kicks him with his foot, the tree grows huge; children turn into ants, they go down on leaves, then become human again; follow the old man's trail, asking for directions from the genip trees; find more and more fresh tapir droppings; one became an ant, climbed the tapir in the ass, cut his heart ; the tapir died; one turned into a pot, meat was cooked in it; everyone tried to become a pot, but only the strongest one could withstand the heat; they had to cross the river; the man sent a boat, a caimana; sitting on it Back, the brothers thought what to become, chose birds; one decided to become a panguana bird; on the coast, the caiman bit off both his legs; Panguana is part of Orion, without legs; all turned into Pleiades, Hyades, Belt Oriona], 8 [at night, a young man masturbates to a calebass; his mother began to put him one at a time and throw him away; two boys came out of the broken calebas; they ask who killed their mother; the grandmother replies that Lightning; they killed the Lightning Spirit; they ask again if they threaten to kill the grandmother herself; she replies that Tapir killed; they found Tapir from fresh droppings; the youngest became an ant, climbed Tapira into the anus, cut off his heart; the eldest cut the tapir's stomach, released the younger one; the youngest turned into a pot to cook meat; the elder puts it on the fire and then in the water; the meat is cooked; the Sloth promised to call a bird that will transport the brothers through the river; the bird asks not to step on the bow of her boat; the eldest listened, the youngest stepped on the shore, the boat turned into a caiman, bit off his leg; the Sloth dried the river with a magic spear, the elder elder cut off the caiman's jaw, takes out his brother's leg; when they return to their grandmother, the brothers again ask who killed their mother; she replies that they will receive an answer in heaven; the brothers climbed a chain of arrows, the elder in his hands caiman-Hyada jaw]: 62-63, 63-66.

Southern Amazon. Kayabi [Turtles eat fruit on the tree; Tapir asks him to shed the fruit too, but they throw only the peel; Tapir hits the trunk, the turtles fall, he tramples on them; two have not fallen; follow his footsteps they find more and more fresh excrement; when they saw Tapir sleeping, one climbed into his anus, the other down his throat, killed Tapir; they came to Jaguar to ask for fire; he does not believe that fire should be smoked wasps, took it away from They're meat; they secretly come to Jaguar's house to eat meat; one day he spotted one of the Turtles, threw it away]: Pereira 1995, No. 10:63-64.