Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue

Ethnicities and habitats

K8E. It penetrates through the anus.


The character enters the creature through the anus.

Bantu-speaking Africa. Kamba [elephants trampled on the bird's nest; she took a sword and flew to look for elephants; met a leopard, told him what had happened; then a hyena; finding elephants, flew into the stomach of one of the elephants through the anus, cut their insides, the elephant fell dead, the bird flew out; so with all the elephants; the extra birds came back; she took a sword, entered the stomach of one of the elephants, cut his insides, the elephant fell dead, onma]: Lindblom 1928, No. 9:25 (translated into Okhotina 1962:228); sekiani [roughly like Bambar, cf. West Africa].

West Africa. See K8C motif. Bambara [Hare, Hare and Hyena in a bull]; wolof, raspberries, mosi, dogons, mbai, sekiani [similar to bambara]: Bremont 1985:145; dagari: Hien 1995:66-80; Métuolé Somba 1991:67-68; Lobi [Hare and Hyena in Elephant]: Anpetkova-Sharova 2010:131-134; Tenda [Hare, Hare and Hyena in a Cow; Hare in Hippopotamus]; dark [ Frog, Frog and Spider in a cow]; ngambaye [Spider in Antelope].

Sudan-East Africa. Joluo [Spider to Elephant] {?? source?} ; bilin: Reinisch 1883, No. 6 [The fox went with the Elephant, thirsty, the Elephant offers to get in his ass and get drunk inside; the Fox eats the Elephant's inner fat, he dies; the Fox calls Leo; they they grow durra together in the field; when the harvest is ripe, the Fox goes to guard it, eats everything; pretends to be seriously ill; the Elephant goes for medicine, the Fox laughs; tells Hyene that the Elephant has taken all the grain; let her ask herself, saying that she and the Fox have collected everything; the lion is killing her; the Fox is looking in vain], 7 [The fox went with the Elephant, thirsty, the Elephant allows him to get in his ass and get drunk inside; Fox Eats the Elephant's inner fat, he dies; the fox meets oil sellers; sends them to the elephant's body on a trail from the intestines, promises to guard the oil himself; eats oil and honey, leaving his crap in the vessels; when the sellers return, the Fox asks not to open the vessels until he goes beyond seven rivers; when they see crap in the vessels, the sellers catch up with the Fox, tear off his tail; he goes to the other foxes, advises to cut off tails - hunters grab them; all foxes cut off their tails; they answer the sellers who come that they are all tailless; hunters make a fire, tell them to jump over; everyone jumped over, and the Fox, who has eaten oil fell and burned]: 212-216, 216-220; anuak [the hyena asks the lizard what it does during the thunderstorm; it did not answer, and the wild cat told me to climb the tree and put a block in its place and cover with skin; at night, the hyena came in, pierced its teeth into the block; the lizard advises you to bend down, climbed into the hyena's belly through the anus and began to scratch its intestines; promised to leave if the hyena enters the water with its head; went out; asked the elephant to drink the lake; he started drinking, leaving his sandals on the shore; the wild cat invited the hyena to eat them; when the elephant saw this, the elephant poured back the whole lake and kicked the hyena; she has been limping ever since]: Evans Pritchard, Mynors 1941, No. 24:71-72; Somalis [playing, a camel's son maimed an elephant's son; a camel ran away with a camel, joined a herd of camels that a man herded; a squirrel {apparently an earth squirrel} tells the elephant in which direction the camel ran, but screams after she joked and did not see anyone; the elephant tries in vain to trample on the squirrel; they suggest cleaning it the ass from parasites, climbs into the anus, gnaws out the elephant's intestines; the camel and the camel stayed in the herd]: Hanghe 1988:194-196.

North Africa. See K8C motif. Tuaregs [Jackal in Elephant].

Western Asia. Harsushi [fox, wolf, leopard, hyena, vulture and raven went hunting; the vulture flew away, the fox and raven found nothing, the hyena found a basket of dates, the wolf stole the kid, the leopard killed the leopard camels; they gathered around the fire to cook meat; the hyena went to bed, told her to wake her up when everything was ready; the fox ate both dates and meat intended for the hyena, shoved bones and bones into her ass; in the morning told the hyena that she had already eaten everything herself, told her to relieve herself, bones and bones were under the hyena; the fox asked the hyena to carry it to the acacia, and then she would carry it; she jumped and started screaming, that the hyena was tired; hyena: the fox was tired; but others rushed to the hyena and ate it; the fox offered to jump off the cliff - this is what their fathers did when they were circumcised; the fox and the leopard jumped safely, and the wolf broke his leg, he was eaten; the fox offers to jump off a high cliff, jumps; the leopard crashed; invites the fox to start eating it; the fox: eats when the leopard dies; eating the leopard, the fox told the donkey that she was dying of thirst; she allowed her to go inside through her ass - she had water in her stomach; the fox drank water, ate the donkey's insides, she died; the fox wanted dew to fall, then she will fill one wadi with blood, the other with milk; the dew has fallen out, the donkey's ass is softened, the fox has come out; tells the woman and daughter that they are called to be circumcised and she is ready to guard their herd; the fox milked the goats filled the wadi with milk; stabbed them, filling another wadi with blood; arranged the carcasses as if the goats were grazing; the woman and the girl returned without finding anyone; the girl saw the goats slaughtered and shouted to her mother hold a fox; woman hears hard; fox: she screams that robbers are coming, let the woman give her the necklace, she will bury it and hide it; daughter screams again; fox: she tells you to give yourself to me; woman in rabies, the fox runs away, carrying jewelry; hangs it on a dry tree, relieves itself by throwing sand at excrement; tells the caravan that the tree makes jewelry; he gives his herd for the tree; warns that if he copes with the need near the tree, it will not give jewelry; the caravan waits three days, catches up with the fox; they come back, the fox tears off its excrement, says that this caravan is not held on; the fox brings its camels to places where there are many others; she is told that its camels may be trampled by local camels and horses; but the fox refuses to take its own; its camels are dead, she has received a big ransom for them]: Stroomer 2004, No. 2:5-17.

Subarctic. See K8B motif. Chipewayan [bear caress].

NW Coast. Wren flies in. See K8B motif. The Tlingits [into the bear]; the quakiutl [into the wind's anus].

The coast is the Plateau. See K8C motif. Thompson [fly to moose]; lower chinook [boy (Wren?) in moose]; cowitz [wren in elk]; clackamas [wren in elk]; clamate [porcupine in bison or elk]; upper coquil [wren in elk].

The Midwest. See K8B motif. Menominee [Porcupine to cow (bison?)] ; ojibwa [Bear weasel]: Josselin de Jong 1913, No. 10:16-18; see the K8D motif. Steppe Ojibwa, Steppe Cree [Cannibal Caress], Western Swamp Cree [Cannibal Caress].

Plains. See K8C motif. Crowe [porcupine in bison]; osage [turtle in bison]; skidy pawnee [bison turtle]; wichita [turtle in bison]; see motif K8D. Assiniboine [human caress].

(Wed. Southeast USA. See K8C motif. African borrowing. Caddo [coyote and rabbit in bison]).

California. See K8B motif. Achomavi [lizard in grizzly bear].

Big Pool. Porcupine. See K8C motif. Northern Payutes [in moose]; Southern Utah [in bison].

The Great Southwest. See K8C motif. Navajo [porcupine to moose; toad, turtle to coyote]; hicarilla [porcupine to elk]; teva [Dicobraziha to Moose or Deer]; havasupai [porcupine to deer]; lipan [porcupine in Bison].

Llanos. See K8D motif. Sicuani [lizard, mosquito into an anthropomorphic creature].

Guiana. The beetle enters humans. See 8D motif. Taulipan; curl.

Western Amazon. Koreguahe [the young man made costumes out of animal skins; wearing jaguar skin, he ate the children, he could not take off the skin again; he ate everyone, killed them, his grandmother remained, her body was covered with ulcers; he licked it, cured it; people taught her to close chewed corn in a vessel, crickets were born there, she put them in the jaguar's ass, they ate it from the inside; but her grandmother forgot to tell them to eat the heart; the jaguar's corpse was burned, jumped out of her heart the rat, it's the current jaguars; crickets still sing the song they sang when they left the jaguar]: Jimenez 1989, No. 40:88-90; napo (or canelo) [no one can kill the demon thorn Igua; Ant says man, what will help; teases I. that he is a bad hunter, without prey; promises to stop if I. lowers his pants, leans his back against a tree; climbs in the ass; bites him in the heart, I. dies]: Ortí z de Villalba 1989, No. 63:123-124; shuar [ant climbs the cannibal into the anus]: Barrueco 1988:43; Pelizzaro 1961, No. 8:6; 1993:55; Rueda 1987, No. 39, 59 [two options; Iwia goes with her bag and catches people in it; the Ant gives a voice; I. understands this as a bad omen, wants to kill the Ant; he says he will die if he is placed in the ass and the winds let it go; climbed inside I., cut it off heart; I. died]: 170, 252-257; Aguaruna [the cannibal puts the ant himself in his anus; the ant has since been black]: Chumap Lucía, García-Rendueles 1979, No. 82:654.

Montagna - Jurua. Shipibo: Gebhaert-Sayer 1987, No. 2 [a single boy uses kalebasu instead of his wife; she becomes a woman, has three sons; they sit on a tree and eat fruit; Tapir comes constantly and asks for fruit for themselves; they throw the unripe fruit at his head; he knocks on the trunk, making it fat; brothers go down as ants; follow the tapir's trail; ask his excrement or the grown ones of these trees when the tapir passed; a year, six months, a month, ten days ago; he is here; the eldest turns into an ant, climbs into the tapir's anus, hurts the heart; brothers fresh the carcass; each tries to be a pot to cook meat; only the elder can withstand the heat for a long time; they ask the Duck to transport them across the river; she replies that her boat is small; Cayman asks not to step on his head; the younger brother comes, Cayman grabs him by the leg, drags him under water; the Sloth drains the river, the brothers take the youngest's corpse out of the caiman's womb; his leg is not enough; they shoot at the sky, make a chain of arrows; Termite and Little Squirrel are afraid to climb, Big Squirrel comes back, says the sky is good; the turtle turns the chain into a ladder; the brothers take Cayman's head and brother's corpse, go up to heaven]: 350- 351; Roe 1982, No. 7 [an old man (this is Tapir) makes a boat under a Guava tree; children sitting on a tree throw fruits at him; the old man kicks him with his foot, grows huge; children turn into ants, they go down on leaves, then become human again; follow the old man's trail, asking for directions from the genip trees; find more and more fresh tapir droppings; one became an ant, climbed the tapir in the ass, cut his heart ; the tapir died; one turned into a pot, meat was cooked in it; everyone tasted it, but only the strongest one could withstand the fever; they had to cross the river; the man sent a boat - a caimana; sitting on his back, brothers they thought what to become, they chose birds; one decided to become a panguana bird; on the coast, the Cayman bit off both his legs; Panguana is part of Orion, without legs; all turned into Pleiades, Hyades, Orion's Belt], 8 [ at night, the young man masturbates to the calebass; his mother began to put him one at a time and throw him away; two boys came out of the broken calebas; they ask who killed their mother; the grandmother replies that Lightning; they killed the spirit- Lightning; they ask again if they threaten to kill the grandmother herself; she replies that Tapir killed; they found Tapir from fresh litter; the youngest became an ant, climbed into Tapira's anus, cut off his heart; the elder cut the tapir stomach, let the younger one go; the youngest turned into a pot to cook meat; the eldest puts it on the fire and then in the water; the meat is cooked; the Sloth promised to call a bird that will transport the brothers across the river; the bird asks not to step on her boat's bow; the eldest listened, the youngest stepped on the shore, the boat turned into a caiman, bit off his leg; the Sloth dried the river with a magic spear, the elder cut off the river caiman's jaw, takes out his brother's leg; when they return to their grandmother, the brothers again ask who killed their mother; she replies that they will receive an answer in heaven; the brothers climbed a chain of arrows, the eldest has a jaw in his hands caimana - Hyades]: 62-63, 63-66

Southern Amazon. Kayabi [Turtles eat fruit on the tree; Tapir asks him to shed the fruit too, but they throw only the peel; Tapir hits the trunk, the turtles fall, he tramples them; two have not fallen; follow his footsteps, they find more and more fresh excrement; when they saw Tapir sleeping, one climbed into his anus, the other down his throat, killed Tapir; they came to Jaguar to ask for fire; he does not believe that fire should be smoked wasps, took it away from they are meat; they secretly come to Jaguar's house to eat meat; one day he spotted one of the Turtles, threw it away]: Pereira 1995, No. 10:63-64; Iranian [see J58 motif; cannibal Ma-mu-u and the ogre Shinkaruli kill all villagers; M. swallows them with her ass; M.'s sister, her three nephews, remain; boys threaten to rape and kill their aunt if she does not tell them about the fate of their parents; they make arrows; enter M.'s anus to look at the weapons and utensils swallowed in her womb; they cut off M.'s liver and heart, jump back; M. dies, turns into thorns]: Pereira 1985, No. 29:127 -138.