Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

K8E. It penetrates through the anus.


The character enters the creature through the anus.

Bantu-speaking Africa. Kamba [elephants trampled on the bird's nest; she took a sword and flew to look for elephants; met a leopard, told him what had happened; then a hyena; finding elephants, flew into the stomach of one of the elephants through the anus, cut their insides, the elephant fell dead, the bird flew out; so with all the elephants; the extra birds came back; she took a sword, entered the stomach of one of the elephants, cut his insides, the elephant fell dead, onma]: Lindblom 1928, No. 9:25 (translated into Okhotina 1962:228); sekiani [roughly like Bambar, cf. West Africa].

West Africa. See K8C motif. Bambara [Hare, Hare and Hyena in a bull]; wolof, raspberries, mosi, dogons, mbai, sekiani [similar to bambara]: Bremont 1985:145; dagari: Hien 1995:66-80; Métuolé Somba 1991:67-68; Lobi [Hare and Hyena in Elephant]: Anpetkova-Sharova 2010:131-134; Tenda [Hare, Hare and Hyena in a Cow; Hare in Hippopotamus]; dark [ Frog, Frog and Spider in a cow]; ngambaye [Spider in Antelope].

Sudan-East Africa. Joluo [Spider to Elephant] {?? source?} ; bilin: Reinisch 1883, No. 6 [The fox went with the Elephant, thirsty, the Elephant offers to get in his ass and get drunk inside; the Fox eats the Elephant's inner fat, he dies; the Fox calls Leo; they they grow durra together in the field; when the harvest is ripe, the Fox goes to guard it, eats everything; pretends to be seriously ill; the Elephant goes for medicine, the Fox laughs; tells Hyene that the Elephant has taken all the grain; let her ask herself, saying that she and the Fox have collected everything; the lion is killing her; the Fox is looking in vain], 7 [The fox went with the Elephant, thirsty, the Elephant allows him to get in his ass and get drunk inside; Fox Eats the Elephant's inner fat, he dies; the fox meets oil sellers; sends them to the elephant's body on a trail from the intestines, promises to guard the oil himself; eats oil and honey, leaving his crap in the vessels; when the sellers return, the Fox asks not to open the vessels until he goes beyond seven rivers; when they see crap in the vessels, the sellers catch up with the Fox, tear off his tail; he goes to the other foxes, advises to cut off tails - hunters grab them; all foxes cut off their tails; they answer the sellers who come that they are all tailless; hunters make a fire, tell them to jump over; everyone jumped over, and the Fox, who has eaten oil fell and burned]: 212-216, 216-220; anuak [the hyena asks the lizard what it does during the thunderstorm; it did not answer, and the wild cat told me to climb the tree and put a block in its place and cover with skin; at night, the hyena came in, pierced its teeth into the block; the lizard advises you to bend down, climbed into the hyena's belly through the anus and began to scratch its intestines; promised to leave if the hyena enters the water with its head; went out; asked the elephant to drink the lake; he started drinking, leaving his sandals on the shore; the wild cat invited the hyena to eat them; when the elephant saw this, the elephant poured back the whole lake and kicked the hyena; she has been limping ever since]: Evans Pritchard, Mynors 1941, No. 24:71-72; Somalis [playing, a camel's son maimed an elephant's son; a camel ran away with a camel, joined a herd of camels that a man herded; a squirrel {apparently an earth squirrel} tells the elephant in which direction the camel ran, but screams after she joked and did not see anyone; the elephant tries in vain to trample on the squirrel; they suggest cleaning it the ass from parasites, climbs into the anus, gnaws out the elephant's intestines; the camel and the camel stayed in the herd]: Hanghe 1988:194-196.

North Africa. See K8C motif. Tuaregs [Jackal in Elephant].

Western Asia. Harsushi [fox, wolf, leopard, hyena, vulture and raven went hunting; the vulture flew away, the fox and raven found nothing, the hyena found a basket of dates, the wolf stole the kid, the leopard killed the leopard camels; they gathered around the fire to cook meat; the hyena went to bed, told her to wake her up when everything was ready; the fox ate both dates and meat intended for the hyena, shoved bones and bones into her ass; in the morning told the hyena that she had already eaten everything herself, told her to relieve herself, bones and bones were under the hyena; the fox asked the hyena to carry it to the acacia, and then she would carry it; she jumped and started screaming, that the hyena was tired; hyena: the fox was tired; but others rushed to the hyena and ate it; the fox offered to jump off the cliff - this is what their fathers did when they were circumcised; the fox and the leopard jumped safely, and the wolf broke his leg, he was eaten; the fox offers to jump off a high cliff, jumps; the leopard crashed; invites the fox to start eating it; the fox: eats when the leopard dies; eating the leopard, the fox told the donkey that she was dying of thirst; she allowed her to go inside through her ass - she had water in her stomach; the fox drank water, ate the donkey's insides, she died; the fox wanted dew to fall, then she will fill one wadi with blood, the other with milk; the dew has fallen out, the donkey's ass is softened, the fox has come out; tells the woman and daughter that they are called to be circumcised and she is ready to guard their herd; the fox milked the goats filled the wadi with milk; stabbed them, filling another wadi with blood; arranged the carcasses as if the goats were grazing; the woman and the girl returned without finding anyone; the girl saw the goats slaughtered and shouted to her mother hold a fox; woman hears hard; fox: she screams that robbers are coming, let the woman give her the necklace, she will bury it and hide it; daughter screams again; fox: she tells you to give yourself to me; woman in rabies, the fox runs away, carrying jewelry; hangs it on a dry tree, relieves itself by throwing sand at excrement; tells the caravan that the tree makes jewelry; he gives his herd for the tree; warns that if he copes with the need near the tree, it will not give jewelry; the caravan waits three days, catches up with the fox; they come back, the fox tears off its excrement, says that this caravan is not held on; the fox brings its camels to places where there are many others; she is told that its camels may be trampled by local camels and horses; but the fox refuses to take its own; its camels are dead, she has received a big ransom for them]: Stroomer 2004, No. 2:5-17.

Subarctic. See K8B motif. Chipewayan [bear caress].

NW Coast. Wren flies in. See K8B motif. The Tlingits [into the bear]; the quakiutl [into the wind's anus].

The coast is the Plateau. See K8C motif. Thompson [fly to moose]; lower chinook [boy (Wren?) in moose]; cowitz [wren in elk]; clackamas [wren in elk]; clamate [porcupine in bison or elk]; upper coquil [wren in elk].

The Midwest. See K8B motif. Menominee [Porcupine to cow (bison?)] ; ojibwa [Bear weasel]: Josselin de Jong 1913, No. 10:16-18; see the K8D motif. Steppe Ojibwa, Steppe Cree [Cannibal Caress], Western Swamp Cree [Cannibal Caress].

Plains. See K8C motif. Crowe [porcupine in bison]; osage [turtle in bison]; skidy pawnee [bison turtle]; wichita [turtle in bison]; see motif K8D. Assiniboine [human caress].

(Wed. Southeast USA. See K8C motif. African borrowing. Caddo [coyote and rabbit in bison]).

California. See K8B motif. Achomavi [lizard in grizzly bear].

Big Pool. Porcupine. See K8C motif. Northern Payutes [in moose]; Southern Utah [in bison].

The Great Southwest. See K8C motif. Navajo [porcupine to moose; toad, turtle to coyote]; hicarilla [porcupine to elk]; teva [Dicobraziha to Moose or Deer]; havasupai [porcupine to deer]; lipan [porcupine in Bison].

Llanos. See K8D motif. Sicuani [lizard, mosquito into an anthropomorphic creature].

Guiana. The beetle enters humans. See 8D motif. Taulipan; curl.

Western Amazon. Koreguahe [the young man made costumes out of animal skins; wearing jaguar skin, he ate the children, he could not take off the skin again; he ate everyone, killed them, his grandmother remained, her body was covered with ulcers; he licked it, cured it; people taught her to close chewed corn in a vessel, crickets were born there, she put them in the jaguar's ass, they ate it from the inside; but her grandmother forgot to tell them to eat the heart; the jaguar's corpse was burned, jumped out of her heart the rat, it's the current jaguars; crickets still sing the song they sang when they left the jaguar]: Jimenez 1989, No. 40:88-90; napo (or canelo) [no one can kill the demon thorn Igua; Ant says man, what will help; teases I. that he is a bad hunter, without prey; promises to stop if I. lowers his pants, leans his back against a tree; climbs in the ass; bites him in the heart, I. dies]: Ortí z de Villalba 1989, No. 63:123-124; shuar [ant climbs the cannibal into the anus]: Barrueco 1988:43; Pelizzaro 1961, No. 8:6; 1993:55; Rueda 1987, No. 39, 59 [two options; Iwia goes with her bag and catches people in it; the Ant gives a voice; I. understands this as a bad omen, wants to kill the Ant; he says he will die if he is placed in the ass and the winds let it go; climbed inside I., cut it off heart; I. died]: 170, 252-257; Aguaruna [the cannibal puts the ant himself in his anus; the ant has since been black]: Chumap Lucía, García-Rendueles 1979, No. 82:654.

Montagna - Jurua. Shipibo: Gebhaert-Sayer 1987, No. 2 [a single boy uses kalebasu instead of his wife; she becomes a woman, has three sons; they sit on a tree and eat fruit; Tapir comes constantly and asks for fruit for themselves; they throw the unripe fruit at his head; he knocks on the trunk, making it fat; brothers go down as ants; follow the tapir's trail; ask his excrement or the grown ones of these trees when the tapir passed; a year, six months, a month, ten days ago; he is here; the eldest turns into an ant, climbs into the tapir's anus, hurts the heart; brothers fresh the carcass; each tries to be a pot to cook meat; only the elder can withstand the heat for a long time; they ask the Duck to transport them across the river; she replies that her boat is small; Cayman asks not to step on his head; the younger brother comes, Cayman grabs him by the leg, drags him under water; the Sloth drains the river, the brothers take the youngest's corpse out of the caiman's womb; his leg is not enough; they shoot at the sky, make a chain of arrows; Termite and Little Squirrel are afraid to climb, Big Squirrel comes back, says the sky is good; the turtle turns the chain into a ladder; the brothers take Cayman's head and brother's corpse, go up to heaven]: 350- 351; Roe 1982, No. 7 [an old man (this is Tapir) makes a boat under a Guava tree; children sitting on a tree throw fruits at him; the old man kicks him with his foot, grows huge; children turn into ants, they go down on leaves, then become human again; follow the old man's trail, asking for directions from the genip trees; find more and more fresh tapir droppings; one became an ant, climbed the tapir in the ass, cut his heart ; the tapir died; one turned into a pot, meat was cooked in it; everyone tasted it, but only the strongest one could withstand the fever; they had to cross the river; the man sent a boat - a caimana; sitting on his back, brothers they thought what to become, they chose birds; one decided to become a panguana bird; on the coast, the Cayman bit off both his legs; Panguana is part of Orion, without legs; all turned into Pleiades, Hyades, Orion's Belt], 8 [ at night, the young man masturbates to the calebass; his mother began to put him one at a time and throw him away; two boys came out of the broken calebas; they ask who killed their mother; the grandmother replies that Lightning; they killed the spirit- Lightning; they ask again if they threaten to kill the grandmother herself; she replies that Tapir killed; they found Tapir from fresh litter; the youngest became an ant, climbed into Tapira's anus, cut off his heart; the elder cut the tapir stomach, let the younger one go; the youngest turned into a pot to cook meat; the eldest puts it on the fire and then in the water; the meat is cooked; the Sloth promised to call a bird that will transport the brothers across the river; the bird asks not to step on her boat's bow; the eldest listened, the youngest stepped on the shore, the boat turned into a caiman, bit off his leg; the Sloth dried the river with a magic spear, the elder cut off the river caiman's jaw, takes out his brother's leg; when they return to their grandmother, the brothers again ask who killed their mother; she replies that they will receive an answer in heaven; the brothers climbed a chain of arrows, the eldest has a jaw in his hands caimana - Hyades]: 62-63, 63-66

Southern Amazon. Kayabi [Turtles eat fruit on the tree; Tapir asks him to shed the fruit too, but they throw only the peel; Tapir hits the trunk, the turtles fall, he tramples them; two have not fallen; follow his footsteps, they find more and more fresh excrement; when they saw Tapir sleeping, one climbed into his anus, the other down his throat, killed Tapir; they came to Jaguar to ask for fire; he does not believe that fire should be smoked wasps, took it away from they are meat; they secretly come to Jaguar's house to eat meat; one day he spotted one of the Turtles, threw it away]: Pereira 1995, No. 10:63-64; Iranian [see J58 motif; cannibal Ma-mu-u and the ogre Shinkaruli kill all villagers; M. swallows them with her ass; M.'s sister, her three nephews, remain; boys threaten to rape and kill their aunt if she does not tell them about the fate of their parents; they make arrows; enter M.'s anus to look at the weapons and utensils swallowed in her womb; they cut off M.'s liver and heart, jump back; M. dies, turns into thorns]: Pereira 1985, No. 29:127 -138.