K92B. Love it like salt, ATU 923. .14.-.
The daughter replies to her father (rarely her brother) that she loves him like salt (or that salt is more important than him, etc.). He chases his daughter away (angry with his sister), but then makes sure she is right.
Moroccan Berbers, Egyptian Arabs, Spanish, Portuguese, Catalans, Basques, Italians (Emilia Romagna, Tuscany), Corsicans, Sardinians, Ladins, Maltese, British, Irish, Frisians, Flemish, French, Walloons, Dutch, Germans (Grimms, Swabia), Arabs of Syria, Lebanon, Kuwait, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Burmese, Punjabi, East North India (Hindi), Bulgarians, Greeks, Hungarians, Romanians, Czechs, Slovaks, Poles, Slovaks, Russians (Terek Bereg, Voronezh), Ukrainians (Transcarpathia), Belarusians, Adygs, Ingush, Lucks, Azerbaijanis, Turks, Kurds, Persians, Latvians, Lithuanians, Finns, Swedes, Icelanders, ( Japanese?).
North Africa. The Berbers of southern Morocco [the king asks his three daughters how they love him; the eldest: like gold; the middle: like a diamond; the youngest: like salt; the king expels her; she was hired by another king for a tug; the first The king came to visit him; he was served food prepared by the maid, which she did not salt; his daughter and father met, made peace]: Stumme 1894, No. 1:393-394; Egyptian Arabs: El-Shamy 2004, No. 923: 603.
Southern Europe. Basques: Barandiaran 1962a, No. 11 [two older daughters tell the king that he is more important than salt, the youngest says salt is more important; the king tells her to take her daughter to the mountains, bring him her eyes and heart; servants bring the dog's eyes and heart; she is hired as a maid; St. The virgin gives her salt, you have to throw grains into the hearth, let everyone think that she has lice; gives her a nut, wearing a dress; she goes to the king twice; he escorts her, falls asleep; the second time gives a ring; this She bakes the ring in bread; he recognizes him, marries him; the girl's father is also invited to the wedding; he is given food without salt; the daughter explains what is going on; the father took a blow and died; the daughter and the young king are happy], 11 (option) [same, shorter]: 50-56, 56-57; Webster 1879 [the king asks three daughters how they love him; the eldest: like his little finger, middle finger: like his middle finger, youngest: like bread salt; father tells two servants take the youngest to the forest and kill her; servants bring the heart of a horse to her father; birds and bees bring plants and flowers to eat; a prince finds her, brings her home, marries; at a wedding she serves bread without salt to her father; everything is explained, her sisters remain old maidens]: 165; Italians: Calvino 1980, No. 54 (Bologna) [=Kotrelev 1991:53-56; the king sits on the black throne (a sign of anger; sits on white, if in a good mood, on red, if neither) and asks her daughters how they love him; the eldest replies that she loves her father like bread, the middle one like wine, the youngest is beautiful and kind - like salt; the king tells her to be killed in the woods, but his wife hides his daughter in a silver candlestick and tells his servant to sell it; the prince buys a candlestick; every night it turns out that the food has been eaten by someone; he hides, finds a girl, says she marries a candlestick; a beautiful woman comes out of her in church; her father-king is served salt-free food at a feast; he is ashamed], 70 (Tuscany) [the king asks three daughters what they are bring; the eldest wants a handkerchief, the middle one wants shoes, the youngest wants a box of salt; the older sisters tell the father that the youngest is bullying him; the father drove the youngest, the maid with her; when he saw the old woman being buried, the princess paid the gravedigger to remove the skin from the deceased and sell her; the skin was blown out, the princess put it on; answers wittily to the prince she met; he brought her to the palace; contrary to expectations, the old woman spins like a young woman; when she sews a shirt, the prince spies and sees the imaginary old woman take off her skin; breaks into the room; the princess's father is invited to the wedding, he is served unsalted food; the daughter is all explains; father repents, punishes elder daughters]: 172-175, 253-255; Cox 1893, No. 208 (Parma) [the king sits alternately on the white, red and black thrones; the youngest daughter is beloved; asks daughters the question is how they love him; the youngest answers: like salt; the king orders her to be executed, but the servant brings him a sheep's heart and bloody clothes; the heroine wears donkey skin; the sorceress gives her a magic wand and a nut; the king father hunts every day, and his dog brings prey to the girl; the king finds the hollow in which she hides, brings her to the palace, assigns her to the kitchen; she comes three times to the ball in magic dresses; when she runs away, she throws flowers and candy behind, delaying the chase; for the third time she loses her shoe, her gold stockings are visible; everything is ordered to try on; sisters tell the maid to laugh try the kitchen, the shoe suits her; she is getting married and the king is happy that her daughter is back; sisters are jealous]: 80; Maltese [the king asks his three daughters how they love him; the elders they answer - like the sun, like the apple of her eye, like stars, like life; the youngest - like salt; the king cuts off her right little finger and drives her away; divides possessions between her eldest daughters and regrets it; her uncle takes the princess expelled by a maid into the kitchen; she puts less salt in her food, she is driven away; she has earned money, owns her own castle; invites the king to a feast and gives him unsalted food; the king understands the mistake, hands over power to his youngest daughter]: Mifsud-Chircop 1978, No. 923:373-374; Catalans (Mallorca included) [the king asks his three daughters how they love him; the eldest: like bread, medium: like wine, young: like salt; the king expels his youngest daughter; she is hired as a maid, marries the owner's son; invites her father to the wedding, tells him to serve him unsalted food; the king realizes his mistake]: Oriol, Pujol 2008, No. 923:185-186; Portuguese: Braga 2002 []: 228-230; Cardigos 2006, No. 923 [the youngest daughter answers the king that she loves him like salt; he orders her to be executed, but she is saved. is hired as a maid (in the kitchen, poultry house) to another king; the prince recognizes her by her ring; {apparently a Cinderella story as in the French version}; her father is invited to her wedding with the prince, he is served unsalted dishes; he understands his mistake]: 238-239; ladins [the eldest daughter replies to the king that she loves him like the apple of her eye, the middle daughter like herself, the youngest like salt; the king kicked her out; she came to lake; the fish gave three boxes and told me to go to such a king; there the girl became a dishwasher and a poultry house; the first box contained a silk dress, the prince saw the girl in church, fell in love; the second the box is another dress of the same kind; this time the prince caught up with the girl; she told me who she was, he married her; at the wedding she appeared in a brocade dress, it was in the third box; for the wedding The princess's father is also invited; all the food is unsalted; the king recognized the daughter, it all turned out]: Decurtins, Brunold-Bigler 2002, No. 82:222-224; Spaniards, Corsicans, Sardinians: Uther 2004 (1), No. 923:555-556.
Western Europe. The British [a rich man asks his three daughters how much they love him; the youngest replies - how much meat loves salt; her father drove her away; she weaved a cane cape and hat for herself, and was hired as a maid ; secretly unrecognized comes to the ball, the owners' son fell in love with her; she leaves earlier than others, so three times; the owners' son fell ill from grief; Reed Hat invites the cook to cook porridge for him, throws him porridge at her the ring he gave her; at the wedding, the bride tells the cook not to put salt in her food; the girl's father repents, she opens it to him; everyone is happy]: Kharitonov 2008:234-237; Flemish [king asks three daughters, how happy they are to see him; the two eldest say that they are happy with him like the sun; like the light of their eyes; youngest: I love you like salt; the king kicked her out; she appears at the party disguised as a page , opens to the cook, asks him to leave the food unsalted; when the king is indignant, the daughter explains what is wrong; the king admits he was wrong]: Cox 1893, No. 225:416; French (Gascony) [widow the king is going to divide his property between three daughters; the servant advises not to do so; the king argues that there is nothing to fear and asks how his daughters love him; the two eldest: most light; youngest: like salt; the king orders her to be executed; the servant brought the king the dog's tongue, and the princess was taken to another castle, where she was allowed to herd turkeys; as soon as the king's eldest daughters and their husbands received inheritance, they kicked their father out, the servant is with him; during the carnival, the younger princess changes into a sky-colored dress that she took away from the palace, comes to prom; the prince falls in love; at midnight a girl runs away; next time, a moon-colored dress; then the color of the sun; when she ran away, the girl lost her red shoe; everyone was told to try it on; fits only the poultry house; she showed up in two shoes and a dress the colors of the sun; the girl agrees to marry the prince only after receiving her father's blessing; he laments that he ordered the death of his youngest daughter; the servant reveals the truth to him, brings him to the castle, the king admits that his daughter is right; the prince and his men won her father's castle, and the eldest daughters and their husbands were hanged]: Delarue, Tenèze 1976, No. 923:131-135; the Walloons [when asked by the king how his daughters love him, the eldest replies that like diamonds and St. Virgo, the middle one is like gold and silver, the youngest is like pepper and salt; the king tells the servant to kill the girl, he lets her go, brings the dog's tongue; the girl changes clothes with the old woman and she gives her magic a wand that makes wishes come true; is hired by a maid in the palace; appears in church in beautiful dress, leaves before others, the prince falls in love; puts a ring on her finger; she puts a ring on her finger; she puts the prince plate ring; the bride's father is called for the wedding, he is served unpeppered and unsalted food, he admits that his youngest daughter is right]: Laport 1932, No. 923:82-83; Dutch [when asked by the king, the eldest daughter replies that she loves him like the sun, the middle one loves him like the light of her eyes, the youngest like salt; the king kicked her out; disguised as a page, she came to the palace, where the feast was being prepared; asked the cook not to salt anything; when the king was indignant that everything tasted bad, explained what was wrong; the king admitted he was wrong]: Soer 1979:99-100; Germans (Swabia) [the daughter answered the king that she loved him like salt; he was offended; when they were preparing a feast, the daughter ordered nothing to be salted; the king understood what his daughter wanted to say]: Meier 1852a, No. 27:99; Friezes, Germans (Grimms), Irish: Uther 2004 (1), No. 923:555-556.
Western Asia. The Arabs of Syria [the eldest daughter replies to the king that she loves him like water, the middle daughter as air, the youngest as salt; the king is insulted, expels the youngest; she has been hired as a cook for another king; he pleased with her work, invites neighboring kings to a feast; after washing and changing clothes, the girl comes to the ball, the prince falls in love with her, gives her the ring; she quietly returned to the kitchen, the prince's servants can't find her ; the prince falls ill from love, does not eat anything; the girl cooks his favorite dish with the ring she gave in it; when he sees him, he tells the cook to come; she appears in a luxurious dress; she is also invited to the wedding father; unsalted food at the feast; the king father understands his mistake; everything is fine]: Abu Risha 2015:53-56; Saudia [the eldest daughter replies to the king that her love for him is comparable to honey, medium to gold and silver, the youngest with salt; the king orders her daughter to be left in the desert, but she was picked up by a shepherd; the emir and her friends hunt and feast, sent to the shepherd for cakes; the girl dropped her ring in the dough; the emir understood that it does not belong to a shepherd's daughter; marries a girl; one day travelers come, including the girl's father; three days later, the guests ask not to feed them only fresh food; the daughter opened up to her father, who admitted he was wrong]: Juhayman 1999:118-120; Kuwait, Qatar, Yemen: El-Shamy 2004, No. 923:603.
Burma - Indochina. The Burmese [the king asks his three sons what is the best food; the eldest replies that honey and fat are medium, that the dishes prepared by his father's cook are, the youngest is salt; the father expels him; he comes to an old woman; after the death of the local king, a silver heron sits on his head, he is elected king; invites his father to visit, serves unsalted meals; everything is explained]: Kasevich, Osipov 1976, No. 93:252-256.
South Asia. East North India (Hindi) [the king asks his seven daughters how much they love him; the elders say it's sweet, the youngest is like salt; the king orders him to put his daughter in a palanquin and leave her in forest; in the morning she came to the palace, it is empty; there is a prince on the bed, his body is covered with needles; the princess remains sitting by the bed, taking out her needles; a man enters, sells her a slave; when it remains to remove the needles from her eyes , the princess goes to wash, and the slave takes out the last needles herself; the prince wakes up, married the slave, and considers the princess a maid; the prince asks what to bring from the trip; the wife asks for clothes and jewelry, the imaginary maid is a sun-jewel box (only fairies have); in a dream, the prince sees a fakir who has been sleeping and awake for 12 years; appearing a week before the fakir wakes up, the prince cleans sleeping from leaves and debris; the fakir is happy, agrees to bring the box, pulls it out from the bottom of the well, where the fairy tells only the one who asked her to open the box - at night, alone; it contains 7 dolls and a flute; the princess plays the flute, the dolls turn into fairies, put up the tent, wash and decorate the princess, ask her not to cry - everything will end well; the logger sees the tent, then again; tells the prince, everything is explained ; the princess does not punish the maid, she sends for her parents; the father admits that his daughter is right and the need for salt]: Stokes 1879, No. 23:164-172.
The Balkans. Romanians [the queen is dead; the king asks his three daughters how they love him; the eldest: like sugar; medium: like honey; the youngest: like salt; the king is angry with her and she left; hired a maid to to the neighboring king; the Queen greeted her; the girl went out wounded in the war queen, he married her; she asks to invite the neighboring king to the wedding, he is served food without salt; the daughter explains to her father that she put sugar and honey in the dishes prepared for him; everyone is reconciled and everything is fine]: Mirener 1958:5-12 (=Sadetsky 1973:221-228); Greeks [the king asks his daughters how they love him; the elders they say that like bread, wine, butter, the youngest is like salt; he drives it away; then ATU 510B story, Donkey Skin]: Megas 2012:177; Hungarians [the king asks three daughters how much they love him; the elders: as the most precious and valuable things; the youngest: like salt; goes into exile; the old woman advises her to hide her noble origin and marry; the king invited to the wedding is served food without salt; the youngest daughter is revealed to her father, he rewards her and marries her to the ruler of a neighboring kingdom]: Benedek 1984, No. 923:403.
Central Europe. Czechs [the king decides to heir the one of the three daughters who loves him more; the eldest: I love like gold; the middle one: like a girl's wreath; the youngest Marushka: like salt; the king kicked her out; let will become queen if the time comes when people value salt above gold and precious stones; M. came to the forest, an old woman offered her a job; taught her to spin, weave, herd and milk sheep; between Thus, the king began to repent; the palace ran out of salt, people and animals were suffering; the old woman sent M. to the palace with a bag of salt; the king is ashamed, he handed the crown to M.; the gnomes invite her to the dungeon, she brings a salt rose to his father]: Němcová 1990:66-76; Slovaks [the king decides to hand over power to the one of his three daughters who loves him the most; the youngest Maruska replies that he loves him like salt; he drives her away: you will become queen if salt is more expensive than gold; M. came to the old woman, who taught her how to weave and spin; but salt in this country is gone; guests have stopped coming to the royal palace to feasts; when the time came, the old woman sent M. back; she asked for only a little salt as a gift; gave it to the king, he understood his mistake; no matter how much salt M. distributed, it did not decrease in the bag; the old woman gave M. with you a magic wand that opened the door to the underground salt palace, where the dwarfs; M. and the king tried to find the old woman, but she was gone; but the entrance to the underground salt cave remained open]: Dobšinský 1970, No. 40:208-213; Poles [father drives away daughter (son) who told him that she loves him like salt; daughter serves gentlemen, invites her father to visit, serves him food without salt; when he shows discontent, daughter explains everything; king returns daughter]: Krzyżanowski 1962, No. 923:279; Russians (Voronezh), Ukrainians (Transcarpathia), Belarusians [Like salt: the youngest of the king's three daughters says she loves the tsar like salt; the offended king drives her away, but then makes sure that her words are not a mockery]: SUS 1979, No. 923:235; Russians (Teresky Bereg) [at the tsar three daughters, the youngest he loved the most; asks how they love him; the elders: like bread; like wine; the youngest: like salt; the king drove her away; she hired (to another) the king as a worker; Ivan Tsarevich fell in love, married her; they did not put a salt shaker on the third table at a feast; a guest king who did not recognize his daughter was seated there; the king father-in-law tells the king father a story about the expulsion of his daughter; says he found out from an employee; the tsar father took his daughter and son-in-law for a dowry]: Balashov 1970, No. 133:371-372 (=Bakhtin 1987, No. 197:268-269).
Caucasus - Asia Minor. Adygi [the youngest of three daughters replies that she loves her father like salt; the father hurt by this punishes her to marry a poor man; then makes sure she is right]: Tkhamokova 2014, No. 923:187; Ingush [the wife replies to her husband that she loves him like the wind on a hot day; the husband drove his wife away; appreciated her words in the summer in the haymaking, returned his wife]: Sadulaev 2004, No. 56:144-145; Lucky [the eldest daughter answers Shah, that he loves it like honey, the middle one like sugar, the youngest like salt; he is offended, gives the youngest without a dowry; everything is fresh when visiting his elder daughters, the youngest is delicious, the shah returns his love to her]: Kapiyeva 1991:273-274; Azerbaijanis [the padishah's youngest daughter answers him that she loves him like salt]: Nabiev 1988:86-94; Turks [padishah asks three daughters how they love him; dervish in In a dream, she tells the youngest to say that she loves him like salt; the padishah tells her to kill her daughter; the hangman lets her go, smears her shirt with bird blood; the girl comes to a poor house; the old woman tells her that her son Mehmed is already He has been lying for 10 years; he is lazy, the girl drives him to the bazaar; M. goes with the merchants; every year a man is released into the well to pay for water; the dervish says what to do; in the well, an arap with one lip on the ground, another in the sky asks who M. likes better, a girl or a toad; M. replies that a toad; an arap gives him three grenades, lets water; M. brings grenades home with precious stones; padishah disguised the dervish goes to travel; the girl recognizes her father, tells him not to salt food, the padishah cries, everyone is happy]: Stebleva 1986, No. 38:153-160; Kurds [brother asks sister how she loves him; sister : like salt; brother was offended; sister put unsalted meals on the table and only salted hashil; brother: only hashil was good; sister explained why]: Jalil et al. 1989, No. 95:401.
Iran - Central Asia. Persians (1 entry, Markazi) [the youngest of three daughters replies to her father that she loves him like salt; he expels her; she finds a magic purse whose spirit makes wishes come true; invites her father to visit, by serving food unsalted; everything is explained]: Marzolph 1984, No. 923:171.
Baltoscandia. Latvians [the king loves his youngest daughter more than others; tells everyone to give him an expensive gift; the eldest gives him a golden scepter, the middle one gives an embroidered shirt, the youngest gives salt; the king kicks her out, she is hired by another king as a cook; her father comes to visit him, the cook serves his favorite dish, but without salt; he is indignant, everything is explained, the king apologizes to his daughter]: Arais 1968:37-38; Lithuanians, Finns, Swedes, Icelanders: Uther 2004 (1), No. 923:555-556.