Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

K93A. The sword on the wedding bed, T351.


When lying down with a woman, a man puts a sharp or prickly object between her and himself as a sign that he will abstain at night (sometimes the woman puts the sword herself).

Mundang, Kordofan, Nubians, Malgash, Italians, Spaniards, Catalans, Portuguese, Ladins, Irish, Bretons, French, Germans (Thuringia-Saxony, Grimms), Arabic tradition (One Thousand and One Nights), Arameans, Iraqi Arabs, Baiga, (Asur), Bulgarians, Greeks, Slovaks, Czechs, Poles, Adygs, Balkarians, Ossetians, Avars, Dargins, Megrelians, Armenians, Azerbaijanis, Kurds, Bakhtiyars, Turkmens, Tajiks of Sistan, Uzbeks, Baluchis, Yazgulyam, Pashtuns, Lithuanians, Latvians, Scandinavians, Swedes, Norwegians, Danes, Icelanders, Bashkirs, Khakas.

Sudan-East Africa. Mundang [the chief's ten daughters go to look for their husbands; the shepherds they meet each time say that the youngest is the most beautiful; others throw the skin of a dead animal over her, flies flock to the stench; now the people they meet say that the youngest is ugliest; no one in the village takes her as his wife; the old woman invites her to marry her son; the young man's bride is disgusting, he puts her between his wife and himself on the bed a prickly branch; his mother sees a girl taking off her fly skin to swim, amazed at her beauty, says it to her son; now he wants to hug his wife, but she puts a prickly branch between them; the fortune teller tells the old woman to ask the hawk to take her skin and throw him into the fire; the young are happy; all sisters must publicly bring water to their husbands; sisters wait for shame for the younger, but they see a beauty; they envy, tell the leader that only he should own a beautiful woman; he organizes a collective hunt, everyone should come with a sled animal; on the advice of a fortune teller, the young man's wife gives honey and flour to the antelope Derby, her husband comes on an antelope, looks the best; the chief tells the older sister's husband to get water from the well, who sends her husband next in rank, so to the youngest husband; when he comes down, the stairs are removed; the antelope lowers his rope; tells him to pretend to be dead, vultures fly off, his leader must be grabbed, he will give amulets for himself; with the help of amulets, a young man kills and revives people; the leader orders to kill himself, the young man takes his place]: Louafaya 1990:202-209; Kordofan (language not specified): Frobenius, No. 16 [man's son, Faris (strong-dzhigit hero); went to pick up the bride; to the camp found a girl; she said he would find them in the footsteps; Faris returned home and went to pick up the girl in the morning; every evening he finds bread with water at the parking lot; one day the bread is still warm; but in the dark Faris lost his way; came to a house where seven brothers sleep in one room and a girl (not the one he had met before) in the other; the place next to him on the bed was empty; Faris lay down, but put his sword among himself and as a girl; fell asleep; the girl woke up and called her brothers; they realized that Faris had no plan to harm, told her to continue sleeping; in the morning they told Faris that the robber and his men were trying to get their sister; asked him to fight him, because they themselves were tired of fighting; when Faris arrived at the enemies, they rushed to take away his weapon and horse, but he killed many and returned to his brothers; again fighting enemies and returning to the brothers; on the third day, Faris killed the leader, took his people into slavery, took possession of the fortification and treasures, brought everything and brought everyone to the brothers' house; their sister lies down with Fariz and asks Don't put a sword between them anymore; the next day he went to look for that first girl and on the same day he reached the place where her men stayed for the night; her sheikh father promises a daughter to whoever galloped her He will pick her up and bring her on horseback; only Phariz did it, got a wife, brought her to seven brothers; now he has 2 wives; he takes them to his parents; on the way, the fortress that Saidi And built from those he cut off heads; Faris knocked out one skull with a spear and promised the SA to plug the hole with his own head; Faris easily defeated him; he said that he was born a slave; asked for him to be taken as a slave and assistant, Faris agreed; When he saw Fariz with his two wives, his father decided to kill his son and take the women for himself; Faris understood this; told the SA not to let anyone into the fortification where the wives, when he himself, at the suggestion of his father, went with his father's men bring a tree to build a new house; the father promised his people that his son would not take weapons with him; let them poke his eyes out and pierce his heart; let them bring the eyes and blood vessel of the victim; they they pulled out their eyes, but did not kill, but brought blood to the gazelles; the SA does not allow Fariz's father to see women; he sends his men, but the SA kills many every day; at this time, Pariz heard the snake crawl to a bird's nest to devour the chick; crushed a snake; a grateful mother bird brought her torn eyes, put them back in; accidentally swapped places, making Phariz even more beautiful; because of this SA home, his at first he did not know; Phariz went to his wives (and apparently killed his father in the morning)], 17 [apparently like (17); the king is old but childless; Ayssa (=God) appeared to him in a dream: he will have a hero son, let them call him Ebaeid- Ayissa (belonging to God, son of Jesus); in the morning, the slave reported that his wife had given birth to a son E.; he grew up; at the bazaar he heard that there was no more beautiful girl than the Daughter of an Arab (YES); when the Arab leader found out what the prince wanted to marry his daughter, he was frightened and told him to migrate; (etc.; "the sword on the wedding bed" us. 198)]: 179-192, 193-204; the Nubians [one person told another that he had a beautiful wife; he gave him his clothes and his sword, sent him to sleep with her; this man went to bed with another's wife, but put a sword between the woman and himself; in the morning the woman came to her husband and asked why he had put his sword; the husband was convinced friend's nobility]: Reinisch 1879, No. 13:190-191; Malgashi: Haring 1982, No. 7.303 [someone advises the childless king to catch two fish and eat them with his wife; the maid and the dog eat leftovers; the queen and the maid give birth to the same boys, a dog of two puppies; the prince goes to look for a bride; if he dies, the bush wilts; he finds a wife; the kaka beast kills him; the bush has withered, the maid's son goes in search ; the prince's wife takes him for her husband, he puts a gun between them; finds the prince's bones; makes the beast revive him; they kill the beast; when they learn that the maid's son slept with his wife, his prince's son kills; he is revived by a goddess; the prince's son turns into a whale, the maid's son turns into lightning]: 468-469; 2007, No. 80 (sakalava) [a childless woman turns to the sorcerer Rakakabe; he gives the drug on the condition that she will give him her first child; she gives birth to twins indistinguishable from each other; R. comes, the mother tells him to come tomorrow, promises to dress the elder in red; the young man cuts the cloth into pieces, gives each of his comrades; then but with a black cloth; then R. sends one young man first, then the second, to bring water in coconut without splashing it; takes the one who manages to do this with him; at R.'s home, an old woman teaches the young man to push himself R. into a boiling pot; the young man takes R.'s property, sinks into water up to his neck, his body becomes gilded; leaves, kills a snake that is about to eat two mighty bird chicks; she gives him a female; the same with two donkeys (takes a female donkey); the same lioness, a giraffe; he leaves animals in a cave; puts on rags, smears himself with resin as if he were a leper; then comes to the lepers, then to the cave, where he takes normal appearance; the chief's daughter chooses the groom by throwing a lemon; lemon hits a young man who looks like a leper twice; the chief's daughter takes him as her husband but does not sleep with him; the king is sick, milk will cure him donkeys; a young man gives it to four young men, but for this he burns their legs with a poker; a neighboring chief attacked, the young man in his true form smashes his enemies with animals; next time he cut his finger with a sword the chief bandages the wound with a handkerchief; the wife tells the maid to wash her husband to heal her husband with herbs, the dirt and resin come off, everyone is happy; he appears all over the celebration, the chief recognizes his handkerchief; the younger brother walks along in the footsteps of the elder, everything is the same with him; the eldest learns about the beauty who wins against those who come to her, goes to look for her; the youngest comes to the elder's wife, she takes him for her husband, but he puts him between they have a sword; the older brother lost, is imprisoned; the old woman gives the younger woman mice - you have to play at night, release the mice, the cat will chase them, knock over the lamp, you can quietly pick up your chips; the woman offers herself, but the youngest only orders the elder to be released; when he learns that the youngest slept with his wife, the eldest kills him; after learning from his wife about the sword, the elder returns to the body of the younger, the bee revives killed, all is well]: 207-220.

Southern Europe. Portuguese [dozens of texts; after eating magic fish, a woman gives birth to twins, a dog gives birth to lions, and where some of the fish are buried, spears grow; brothers go wandering, leaving items that can be used to learn about the owner's fate (a knife stuck in a tree will rust, etc.); the first brother goes to the Tower without a Return, the witch turns him into stone (kills) when he agrees tie your lion to a witch's hair (the hair becomes an iron chain); another brother follows in his footsteps, is mistaken for the first, he leaves a sword in bed between himself and his brother's princess; disagrees; the first thinks that the second one slept with his wife, kills him; after learning the truth, he revives a witch with a potion; puts his brother's head backwards]: Cardigos 2006, No. 303:60-62; Catalans [ the caught fish tells the fisherman to let her wife, part mare and part dog eat; each gives birth to twins: boys, foals, puppies; two swords grow out of the ground; the first brother with his horse, dog, sword leaves; kills the dragon to whom the princess should be given, takes her as his wife; arrives at the castle, where he is turned into stone; another brother sees that the blood left in the bottle has changed color and goes in search; mistaken for the first, puts a sword next to him in bed with his wife; his brother revives; they talk about what happened]: Otiol, Pujol 2008, No. 303:65-67; Spaniards [the caught fish asks the fisherman to let go she will grow up big for a year; in a year she tells her to feed her head to his wife, her front body to a mare, her back to a dog, bury her tail in the garden; everyone gave birth twice, and two swords grew in the garden; after death parents, the brothers went on a journey; got lost in the forest, saw a house, the owners had a daughter, one married her, the other went on; if the person left on his sword bleeds, then the person left is in trouble; the one who left married a princess; once noticed a castle in the distance; wife: this is a castle Go, you won't come back; but the husband went; met an old woman, who gave drops for him, the horse and the dog - to take it before entering lock; the next day, the remaining brother saw blood on his sword; went to rescue his brother; the wife mistook him for her husband, but he put a sword between them; he also went to the castle, to meet the old man: don't swallow them drops, demand others from the old woman, and when you get it, kill her; he set the dog against the witch, cut off her head, revived his brother and the rest of the petrified with an elixir; when he learned that his brother had slept with his wife, animated cut off his head; when he learned from his wife that a sword was lying on the bed, he revived the victim; from the scar, the princess understood who her husband was and who was his brother]: Camarena, Chevalier 1995, No. 303:38-42; Italians (Tuscany) [The fisherman has no children; he caught an extraordinary fish, asked her to let it go and sent it to the pond, where a huge catch was waiting for him; but his wife demands that this particular fish be brought to it; again; the third time a fisherman brought fish to his wife; she asks the fisherman's wife to eat her meat, the mare to drink the broth, the dog eat the head, bury three fins in the garden, and hang the gallbladder in the kitchen; children will be born and when they are in trouble, blood will trickle out of the bubble; the wife gave birth to three boys, a mare three foals, a dog three puppies, three swords grew out of their fins; when the brothers grew up, alone on their horse , with his dog and sword, went to seek happiness; in the city, a seven-headed dragon devours a girl every day, the princess's turn; the king promised her to be a wife to the savior; the young man cut off the dragon's heads, carved tongues, wrapped them in the princess's handkerchief and went to the inn to change clothes; the coal miner picked up their heads, brought them to the king and took the victory for himself; when the young man came, he was not allowed in; he sent his dog appear to the princess and pull the tablecloth off the laid table; so twice; the third time the young man tells the dog to bring the audience to his wedding; the young man showed his tongues, the coal miner was hung; the morning after weddings, the young man went hunting in the forest; a thunderstorm began, he made a fire; the old woman asked permission to warm up, gave the young man, dog, horse food, fat to grease his sword - everything turned into stone; the second brother saw the blood that poured from the fish bubble came on the trail of his older brother, mistook him; at night he put his sword in bed between himself and the princess; went hunting - also petrified; the third brother arrived, did not give himself deceive, forced the old woman to get an ointment and revive the petrified ones; then the brothers chopped her into pieces; when he learned that the younger brothers were sleeping with his wife, the elder killed them; repented and revived the old woman with ointment; for the king gave noble girls to younger brothers]: Calvino 1980, No. 58:189-196; frets: Uffer 1973, No. 24 [=Brunold-Bigler, Widmer 2004, No. 7:352-359; the fisherman could not catch anything for a long time; when he caught anything fish, she told her wife to eat her heart, she would give birth to twins; the gills to a mare, the liver to a dog; they will give birth to two foals, puppies; the twins Jakob and Josep have grown up, indistinguishable from each other, the same are their dogs and horses; when they went on a journey, they parted at the fork in the road, leaving their sword: if it rusts, the visitor finds out that his brother is in captivity; Josep came to the inn; the hostess said that 24 people come here every night the robber; they do not want to break the door, they dig a dig into Josep's room, he took turns cutting off everyone's head; promises the hostess to return in a year and marry her; she gives a rod that will revive anyone if hit them in the bones; Josep came to another inn, where there is also a hostess and three robbers; he splashed a hot punch into their eyes, killed them; also promised to marry; came to a city where the dragon is every 7 years demands a girl to be eaten; it's the princess's turn; Josep cuts off 3 heads then the remaining 4; carved out his tongues, promised to return in a year; the royal servant attributed the victory over the dragon to himself; a year later Josep is back; the next day the princess's wedding with the imaginary winner of the dragon; Josep sent a letter with his dog to the princess; showed his tongues, and the deceiver only his heads; he was driven away, Josep married the princess; sees the window is a house; the wife says that she does not return from there; he is coming, the old woman threw a bridle at him, turned him into a horse; tied his horse and dog; Jacob sees that the sword is rusted; comes to the housewives The first, second hotel, each takes him for Josep, but he says he must be more tired; the princess takes him for her husband, he puts his sword in bed; goes to that house in the morning; throws off the bridle , she ends up around the old woman's neck, she turns into a horse; Jacob threatens to kill her, the old woman returns her human appearance to the bewitched; when he learns that Jacob was in bed with his wife, Josep collides him from a cliff along with a horse and a dog; after learning from his wife about the sword, he revives them with this rod; everything is fine]: 93-100; Wildhaber, Uffer 1971, No. 57 [=Decurtins, Brunold-Bigler 2002, No. 22:74-76; the king placed two daughters to the fortress on the island so that no one would approach them; one man got there, both sisters gave birth to a boy; asked for more food; made their sons clothes, taught them how to shoot from bow and swim; sent to the world; brothers broke up, promising to return in a year; whose golden sword would rust, so trouble; whoever went to the right killed the dragon that kidnapped the princess, received her hand and throne; in An old woman met the forest, she pretended to be looking for the lost ring; whipped the young man, turning him into stone; the brother saw rust, came to the same city, he was mistaken for the first young man; at night he laid a sword between himself and his wife; went into the forest, made the witch tell me how to revive the petrified; she gave her whip, he revived the petrified ones with them; both brothers returned to the city]: 203-205.

Western Europe. The Irish [King Aedh Cúrucha lived in Tir Conal, his daughters Fair, Brown, and Trembling; F. and B. went to church in pretty dresses and T. worked in the kitchen; henwife gave her a gorgeous dress and shoes, a white mare under a golden saddle and with a golden bridle; T. sits a honey-bird on his right shoulder, a honey-finger on her left shoulder; she must be at the church door, but not inside, must go to after graduation; so three times, each time new clothes and a horse; sisters talk about a beautiful and rich stranger; for the third time, the son of King Omanya (Emania in Ulster) managed to pull off her shoe; found T., only the shoe suited her; she wears all the clothes she wore at church; other princes summon Prince of Omania to fight, he wins, they recognize his right to T.; T. gives birth boy; F. leads her to the sea, pushes her into the water, swallows her by a whale, she comes to her husband disguised as T.; he suspects deception, puts a sword between them at night, if he becomes warm, then his wife is in bed; a sword stayed cold; the shepherdess saw everything; the next day, the whale regurgitated T.; she asks the shepherdess to tell her husband about what happened; she herself cannot walk; the whale will belch her three times, she will not come again; kill a whale needs a silver bullet, hitting a red spot on his chest; on the first day, F. gave the shepherdess a drink of oblivion; on the second day, T. told him not to drink what F. gave him; on the third day, the husband came and killed the whale, hitting him stained, T. recovered; the prince entrusted the execution of F. to his father; he ordered F. to be thrown into the sea in a barrel; T. gave birth to a daughter; the shepherdess was educated; he and daughter T. grew up, married; T. was happy with her husband, gave birth 14 children]: Curtin 1975:37-48; Bretons [a fisherman caught a fish and ordered it to be eaten by his wife, and giblets by a horse and a dog; a wife, a horse, a dog - each gave birth to twins; one brother went to travel, telling another to watch the laurel; if he bleeds from the blow, he is dead; he was hired by a groom in the castle, the owner's daughter fell in love with him, they got married; there is a forbidden part in the castle , the wife says that there are ferocious animals and reptiles; the husband enters there; the old woman ties his horse and dog with her hair, which turns into chains; the young man is pushed onto a mill wheel, he is ground into dust; the second brother sees blood, goes in search, the wife takes him for her husband; at night he puts a spear on the bed between them; enters the forbidden part of the castle; prevents the old woman from putting her hair on the horse and dog, her hair falls to the ground, turns into a snake; he asked the old woman to show her how to lean towards the mill, threw her off himself; met a fox; when she found out that the witch was dead, she turned into a princess; she collected the remains of the first brother and has now revived him with live water; the second brother married her]: Luzel 1970:63-81; the French [the wife of a poor miller sends her husband to fish behind the dam; he caught a little one, this is the king of fish, asks him to let go, for this he will give a lot of fish; as it happened, the miller sold a lot of fish; his wife reproaches him for letting the fish king go; the miller caught him again; he tells his wife to let him eat it , fins to a mare and dog; the wife will give birth to three boys with the sun on their foreheads, a mare to three foals with a moon, a dog to three puppies with a star on their forehead; the brothers have grown up, the eldest comes to a city where mourning: girls are given to a seven-headed monster, it is the princess's turn; the young man kills the monster, receives a ring from the princess, cuts off and takes his tongues with him, promises to return in a year and a day; three coal miners force Tell her that they killed the monster; in a year and day there should be a wedding with one of them; a young man comes to the wedding, shows his tongues and a ring; the coal miners were burned alive; one day a young husband notices in the distance a castle, goes there; a witch gives her hair to tie the dog, it turns into an iron chain; she leads the person who comes to the bridge, pushes him down; seeing a withered rose, the second brother sets off in search of the first one; the princess takes him for her husband, he puts a spear between her and him or sleeps with one leg off the bed; with him the same as with his older brother; the good sorceress teaches the third not to let him tie her hair the dog, let the witch go ahead, make them give a reviving elixir; the young man revived everyone, forced the witch to leave the castle; the husband returned to the princess, she sees how all three brothers look alike]: Delarue 1957, No. 303: 147-150; French (Pyrenees) [a green man with one eye in his forehead; he has three daughters; the youngest is 10 years old and is the most beautiful; a huge crow has arrived, demands one of his daughters as his wife; all three do not want to ; the raven pecked out the man's only eye; then the youngest daughter agrees; the big raven returned his eye, his crows took the girl to the castle; at night the husband was human; the sorcerer bewitched him and his people; girl will become a real wife in 7 years; before that she must not see her husband; there is a sword between them on the bed; one day a young queen leaves the castle and comes to the laundress; she washes black clothes; the queen touches him and it turns white; laundress: this is the end of my trials, and you will come to me for help; the day before the end of her term, the Queen lit a candle and looked at her beautiful husband; she had to leave from the castle, and the sorcerer chained the king to the top of a cliff in the middle of the sea, where a white wolf guarded him during the day and a black wolf at night; the Queen came to that laundress; she gave her iron shoes, an inexhaustible supply of bread and wine and cut the blue grass with a golden knife; she will find the king when her shoes wear out; the queen has come to a country where the sun always shines; one or two blue grass warns that they are not what they sing at night and during the day they break the iron; finally she found her shoes burst, she sailed in a boat to the rock, put the wolf to sleep with grass, stabbed him with a knife, broke the chain, the king is happy, the crows took on a human form; friend the king sailed for them by ships]: Carlin 1991:271-279; Germans (Saxony, Halle) [the king has twin sons, like two drops of water; the eldest goes to travel; came to a city where Knights gathered for the princess to choose her husband; she saw a young man and fell in love; Knight Wolf defeated everyone and hoped to get a princess and a crown; but after a three-hour fight, the young man pierced his heart with a sword; wedding; the young king went hunting, chased a three-legged hare; he disappeared into the cave, and then an old woman came out of it; this is the mother of the Wolf Knight; hit the rider, horse and dog with a rod, turning them into stone; some say that it was the Wolf who turned into a three-legged hare; in the morning, the lily planted by the young man in the garden withered; the younger brother followed in the footsteps of his elder; he is mistaken for his older brother; at night he lays a sword between himself and the princess; said he took a vow and then explain; also chased the three-legged hare; but managed to cut off the witch's hand; on pain of death, forced her to give an ointment that returned petrified to life; the brothers killed the witch; when they learned that his wife took his younger brother for him, his elder stabbed him, as well as his horse and dog; wife: it's good that the vow has expired and you will no longer put it in bed sword; at home, the younger brother's lily withered, and the elder came to life; the elder returned to the forest and revived the younger brother, his horse and dog with ointment; holiday; the younger prince returned to his parents a year later]: Sommer 1846, No. 7 : 113-121; Germans [a rich, unkind brother was a goldsmith, a poor broom knitted; he had two twin boys; the poor saw a golden bird, threw a stone, a golden pen fell, a jeweler brother He gave a lot of money for it; then the poor man found a bird's nest, brought an egg; then he hit a bird, sold it to his brother; he told his wife to fry it; whoever eats her heart and liver would have gold under his pillow in the morning ; while the wife was away, the nephews ran in and ate the pieces that had fallen; the frightened wife fried her husband's heart and liver of the rooster, and the boys found gold under the pillow in the morning; after learning about this, the rich brother advised the poor to take the boys to the forest - they contacted the devil; they were found, sheltered by a hunter, saved the morning gold; the brothers grew up and went on a journey; the hunter gave everyone gold, a gun and dog; let them stick a knife at a crossroads; if it rust, the other brother is in trouble; brothers hunt, feel sorry for animals, each gets a rabbit, fox, wolf cub, bear cub and lion cub; brothers broke up , the youngest came to the city, where all the girls were given to be eaten by the dragon, the royal's turn; on Dragon Mountain, the young man sees three bowls: whoever drinks can get a sword from under the door threshold; the young man drank, as a strongman, took out a sword; cut off seven snake heads, the animals tore the body to shreds; the young man carved and hid dragon tongues; the queen gave him her handkerchief, divided the coral necklace between the animals, the lion got a golden lock; everyone fell asleep; the marshal cut off the hunter's head and took the princess away; she made it a condition to have a wedding in a year and one day; the animals wanted to kill the hare that did not wake them up, but he promised to get a reviving root; first the lion put the young man's head backwards, then tore it off and put it right; he bet with the owner of the tavern that he would eat bread from the royal table; royal recognized the hare, he brought the baker to the tavern; the same with the fox (bring meat); the wolf brought vegetables, the bear sweet, the lion wine; after eating, the young man came with the animals to the castle and showed his tongues; the marshal was torn apart four bulls, the young man became a young king; chased a white deer in the forest; spent the night by the fire; the old woman asked to let her warm up and hit the animals with her twig; they petrified, the old woman touched with a twig to the king; there are many similar stones nearby; the elder brother saw that the knife was rusted; the Queen mistook him for her husband, but he put his sword on the bed; in the forest he knocked the old woman off the tree with a silver bullet; forced the petrified to revive, the brothers burned the old woman in the fire; the forest became transparent and bright; when he learned that his brother was sleeping next to his wife, the king hacked him down, repented, the hare revived the uprooted; the queen she identified her husband by the golden lock she gave him to the lion; the king found out about the sword in bed]: Grimm, Grimm 2002, No. 60:212-227 (=Grimm, Grimm 1987:171-187).

Western Asia. The Arab written tradition (One Thousand and One Nights) [the tailor's son, Ala al-Din, does not bring money into the house; the tailor dies; the Maghrebin sorcerer appears to be the brother of the deceased, gives money to A.; promises wealth; leads A. to the mountain; conjures over fire; a door appears out of the ground; according to the horoscope, the sorcerer will not be able to get the treasure without A.; the treasure lies in the name of A.; A. calls his name above the stove; the stove opens; the sorcerer forbids touching things except the lamp in the last room; to take the lamp, it must be extinguished; gives a charm ring; in the dungeon A. collects stones from trees; cannot go out; the sorcerer demands a lamp; A. refuses to give it until he comes out; the sorcerer closes the exit; A. accidentally rubs the ring; efreet appears; A. asks to bring it to the surface; returns to his mother; there is no food in the house; the son decides to sell the lamp; the mother cleans it; efreet appears, brings a table and meals with food; A. and his mother sell meals and a table for a low price to a Jew, spend money; A. rubs the lamp again; repeats the request; efreet brings the same table with food, A. sells it to a Muslim for a real price; gets rich; learns about the value of his stones; all the shops in the city are closed, because King Badr al-Budur's daughter goes to the bathhouse; A. hides and watches her, falls in love; he believed that all women are ugly like his mother; demands that his mother ask B. for precious stones with trees; for 6 days the old woman does not dare to speak to the king; on the seventh, the king orders the vizier to bring her; accepts the gift; promises to marry A. to B. in three months; in two months she passes her off as the son of a vizier ; on the night of their wedding, A. tells efrita to bring the newlyweds from the lamp as soon as they go to bed; efreet brings the girl to bed A. and the young man to the toilet; A. puts a sword together; in the morning, efreet returns them to the palace; B. does not answer his father, tells his mother everything, she does not believe, asks the vizier's son, he denies everything; the next night the same; the next morning B. tells his father; the king divorces; agrees to his daughter's marriage to A.; during the night, efreet builds a palace for A.; the king points to the unfinished lattice, orders the jewelers to complete it, there are not enough stones; efreet finishes the work; A. breaks an army of enemies; the sorcerer learns about A, comes to change old lamps to new ones, B. knows nothing, changes the lamp with efreet; the sorcerer orders to move A.'s palace to the Maghreb; the king orders the execution of A.; A. rubs the ring; demands the return of the palace; efreet rings is unable to do so, but takes A. to his palace; B. lets her husband in; every night refuses the sorcerer, drinks him; A. takes the lamp, returns King B.; the sorcerer's brother learns about what happened, kills the righteous woman, in her guise demands an egg of the bird Rukh to the palace; A. demands an egg from efreet; efreet is indignant (Rukh is his mistress), but forgives A., because he asked for it the sorcerer's brother in the guise of an old woman; A. invites an old woman to cure a headache, kills her]: Salle 2010:1111-1167; Arameans [the sultan and the minister set water to boil; sultan: if in three days You don't know what the water says, when it gurgles, I'll cut off my head; the minister went to the Bedouins, where the girl answered: I, water, are creating a tree, and it also boils me; the sultan married a Bedouin girl; put it in bed sword as a sign of abstinence; left, giving a sealed box of money and low pearls that can only be worn on the future son conceived by the Sultan; the wife gathered 20 more girls and dressed them all in man's dress; stopped under the guise of a commander in a camp near the Sultan's parking lot; he called the commander to visit and offered to play dice; lost the ring with the seal; the imaginary commander he opened the box, took the money, put the chaff inside, sealed everything again with the Sultan's seal and returned the ring to the Sultan the next evening; now they play for the concubine, the guest lost; the girl changed her clothes and appeared as a concubine; three days later she asked to return her to the commander, because he returned the ring to the Sultan; his wife gave birth to a boy, who grew up and went to Baghdad; his mother gave him that low pearl; the young man is handsome, sells sherbet; the daughters of the king and sultan asked him to come to him; the king and sultan found out about this and decided to cut off his head; when he saw that low pearl, he ordered his mother to be brought; the woman came and I told everyone; the young man was married to the king's daughter]: Bergsträsser 1915, No. 3:6-10; Iraqi Arabs: Bushnaq 1987:147-150 [one sister married a rich, the other a poor brother; wives are childless; man He gave each one dates to eat: now the wife of the rich man will give birth to a daughter and the poor a son, the children will grow up and marry; the wife of the rich man promises that she will not allow this; while the poor man's wife was washing, the wife of the rich man placed her the baby was in a box with money and clothes, lowered down the river, and put the heart of a sheep in bed; he was eaten by a dog and the rich man's wife said that the dog ate the baby; the mother cried so much that she was blind; the baby a peasant picked up and raised; every morning a gold coin in his bed; the peasant became rich; then died; his wife, dying, told her son that he was a foundling; the young man took movable property and came to Baghdad; stayed in a wealthy house, not knowing that it was the house of his own mother's sister; when he saw that the visitor was rich, his daughter was immediately married to him; but he put his sword on the bed; explained to his mother-in-law that because She wrote all the dowry items: she wrote a year and I erased it; she told him the whole story; she had to show him his own mother; he told his wife and mother-in-law to serve her], 326-331 [the caliph forbade light a fire at night; went around the city with the vizier after sunset; poor young weaver Mohammed Tket in the same house; replies that he works when he wants; that he had a dream, but is not going to have it tell; he was brought to the Caliph in the morning; he still refuses to tell a dream; he was thrown into prison; he sings there; the Caliph's only daughter hears, orders him to move into the dungeon from her chambers; sends the maid, M., has to go up to the princess; he has washed himself and ate; she tells him to lie down with her, but puts a sword between them; in the morning he returns to prison; he stubbornly refuses to tell the Caliph a dream; he He is surprised that he is in good shape on bread and water; M.: by God's will; the neighboring sultan sent two apples: which is the current one and what is the last harvest? the princess teaches: the last harvest will emerge, the current one will drown; ask me as a reward; the Caliph agreed, M. said everything, the caliph received five provinces from the Sultan, but returned M. to prison; Sultan: which of the mares mother and what daughter? we must give both food, the mother will not eat, she will worry, the daughter will eat quietly; the Sultan gave 10 provinces and wants to see a guesser; the princess gives M. items with which he will withstand the tests; Sultan: sew a veil for me from the hill; M.: let me make it out of sand; the sultan gave M. a daughter; M. married the Sultan's daughter and the daughter of the Caliph; once he sat, and both wives were on his lap; the Caliph came in ; M. will now tell me a dream, call the vizier; I dreamed that I had the sun on my right shoulder and the moon on my left shoulder].

South Asia. Baiga [sadhu promises that both wives have a raja son if the Raja gives one to him; wives eat mangoes, give birth; first the Raja sends the adopted young man; the sadhu threatens to kill both sons; when The real son of the Raja comes to the sadhu, the severed heads in his house advise the young man to answer every offer from the owner with a request to do everything himself; the young man cuts off the head of the sadhu; on the way home he saves cubs, the tigress gives him one; kills a snake that eats the chicks of the Rai Gidal bird nightly, which gives him one; he marries a princess; chasing a deer together; killing a snake that devours nightly birds ask them to do it themselves; with a tiger cub, a bird falls into a hole, breaks; his brother is indistinguishable from him, comes to the Raja, puts his sword between himself and his brother's wife at night; throwing it into the hole a severed little finger revives the dead; thinking that the second brother slept with his wife, the first kills him; learns the truth from his wife, she revives her second brother with live water]: Elwin 1944, No. 8:34-36; (cf. asur [Mahadeo hunted with two hounds, who pulled the first people, brother and sister, out of the crab hole; his wife Parvati raised them; first they slept with a piece of wood together; M. taught them make beer; when intoxicated, they forgot about their relationship, got married, gave birth to people]: Leuva 1963:131-132).

The Balkans. Bulgarians: Daskalova-Perkovska et al. 1994, No. 303 [twin brothers are expelled by their stepmother; they learn to hunt, they get helper animals: hares, lions, bears, foxes; or brothers are born after that how their mother ate a fish or an apple; at the same time a mare gives birth to two foals and a dog gives birth to two puppies; before parting, the brothers leave a knife under a tree or stone: if it rusts, the owner in trouble; the first brother marries the princess (whom he saves from lamia); when he goes to the Forbidden Mountain, the witch turns him and his animals into stones; the second brother, seeing rust on the knife, goes to look for the first; his wife takes him for her husband; at night he puts his sword on the bed; makes the sorceress revive the petrified; when he learns that his second brother slept with his wife, the first kills him, but when he learns about the sword, he revives him with live water], 514 [the wife (of a rich man) gave birth to a daughter instead of a son, hid it from her husband; the imaginary young man leaves home, gets a horse from a grateful snake, wins competitions, gets a princess; at night" husband" turns away from his wife or puts his sword between himself and his wife; the wife gives difficult assignments to get rid of him (ride a wild mare, bring live water, golden apples from a snake, etc.); On the last mission, the serpent (self-diva) curses the kidnapper, telling him to change his sex; everything is fine]: 105-106, 191; the Greeks [see motif K93; there are options in which the second twin brother, coming to to the first wife, puts the sword between herself and the wife of her first brother (she takes him for her husband)]: Megas 2012, No. 303:30-31.

Central Europe. Slovaks [the widow's two sons look like drops of water; they have grown up and are preparing to go on a journey; the mother asks to go hunting and fetch meat; they hunt three times but find no game; instead they give bacon and bread to a couple of wolves, bears, lions; they bring them home; muzzles appear on the faces of predators; the brothers broke up at the linden tree, stabbing it with a knife; from which blood will flow, so trouble; the elder comes to a city where a fire-breathing 12-headed serpent demands a girl to eat every day, otherwise he does not allow her to go to the well; the princess's turn; her savior will receive her; the young man, with the help of his animals, cut off the snake's heads, but they grew again until the lion tore his neck; the young man cut off his tongues, came to the princess, she gave him half the ring; when he fell asleep, the coachman ran up, cut off the young man's head, forced the princess call him savior; the lion tells the wolf to run to the serpent, which is just about to revive another one crushed by a wagon with grass; but the wolf came across the wagon himself, frightened the people; then the lion sent a bear he took the snake's potion, the young man came to life, but his head was put backwards; the bear tore off his head again and put it right; when the young man came to town, they were preparing the princess's wedding with the coachman; the young man sent a letter and half of the ring to the princess and the bear; the princess sent back food, wine and her half of the ring, half grew together; the young man showed snake tongues; the coachman was given to the beasts to pieces; one day a young man saw an enchanted yellow forest from the window; a fox appeared, the young man chased her, found himself in a dark forest; began to fry bacon; an old woman on the tree, screaming that she was cold, gave her wand to touch her wand to the animals, otherwise she is afraid of them; the animals are petrified; the old woman began to fry the frog, not bacon; touched the young man with a stick, he was also petrified; the younger brother saw blood on the knife, went in search of the elder; his wife mistook him for her husband, but at night he put a sword between them; he did not touch the animals with an old woman's wand, but let them put them on her; made him give him a golden stick to revive his brother's animals and the ointment to revive him himself; then the beasts tore the old woman to pieces; first the older brother's beasts became knights, then they killed their younger brother's animals, and they also became knights; they were six brothers, quarreled, for it became predators; the older brother returned to his wife, and the youngest with six knights came to their domain and became king there]: Dobšinský 1970:3-10 (translated to Bogatyrev 1955:37-47); Czechs [beggar since 7 asks for alms with children; the queen cries: she is childless; the beggar tells me to catch fish, cook and eat, give the leftovers to a mare, a dog, whatever they cannot eat, bury it in the garden; the queen gave birth to two sons, a mare - two foals, a dog - two puppies, two rods grew up in the garden; the brothers grew up quickly, sat on their horses, each took their dog, parted by the oak tree with a knife stuck in it; the eldest comes to the city where a girl is eaten by a dragon every year is royal's turn; whoever saves her will receive her hand and half the kingdom; a young man, with the help of a horse and a dog, killed a dragon, got a queen; once he noticed the light in the forest; contrary to his wife's warning, I went there, an old woman came to the fire, buttoned the man, horse and dog with a twig, they were petrified; the younger brother sees that the knife is rusted, is going in search, the elder's wife takes him for her husband, he puts his sword on the bed, snatches a twig from the old woman's hands, forced her to revive the petrified ones, cut off her head; the old woman has become beautiful: she is the queen of this country, and the young man takes off spell; younger brother married her, elder brother returned to his wife]: Erben in Lifshitz-Artemyeva 2017:156-165; Poles [fisherman caught fish with silver tail and gills; fish: let go, your happiness in front; the same with gold; with diamond ones; she tells her to cut it, give it a piece to her wife, mare and female; bury it along the rib in the garden, three oaks will grow; the wife will give birth to three sons, a mare to three foals, a female to three puppies; all twins look alike; the eldest comes to the city, where the dragon demands a person a day, the turn is royal; the young man cut off 12 heads of the dragon, cut off and hid the sting; the horse and the dog helped; the young man left, the forester told him that he was the winner of the dragon; the young man returned after a year and 6 weeks; the impostor was preparing a wedding; the young man sent his dog with a letter to the queen; at a feast stings; the forester was torn apart by four horses; on the first night the young man put a sword between himself and his wife; slept with her on the second night; went to the forest; an old woman came to the fire to warm up; gave a twig to whip a dog, they are all petrified; at home one oak has dried up; the middle brother, mistaken for the elder, goes, puts a broadsword on the bed; the same with him; the youngest goes; also puts a sword on bed; chases a deer with golden horns; sleeps in the woods; an old woman comes; a young man grabs her, makes her younger brother revive with grass; both brothers force her middle brother to revive; brothers chop the old woman, the pieces grow back; brothers tell the dogs pieces bury; the forest turned into a city with people; the Queen recognized her older brother as her husband; the narrator was shot at the ball with a cannon]: Shcherbakov 1980:93-104.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Adygi [the girl will marry the one of the two young men who gets three indistinguishable horses in one night; one goes to a friend for help; he goes to get horses on his wedding night, leaving instead of himself a friend; when going to bed, the young man puts a dagger between himself and the bride; hurt by this, the bride pierces the scissors between herself and her husband on the second night, which reveals the friend's loyalty; later the first gives his wife to the widowed second as a girl he likes, hiding that she is his wife; the truth turns out]: Tkhamokova 2014, No. 976*: 192; Balkarians (Western 1965) [The barren wife persuaded the childless khan to take a second wife to have an heir; when she was pregnant, she regretted the incident; the khan left his wife in the forest with various possessions; the woman named her son Allahberdi; he grew up quickly, dug a hole in front of the Emegen house, killed eight by one and threw them into a hole; the ninth hid; the woman invited him to be her husband; when she became pregnant, she explained to her son that it was so, from air - they say, he himself was born this way; half-brothers are friendly; Emegen's son is a visionary; did not allow A. to eat poisonous khychin on emegen fat; A. saw and killed emegen; the brothers went, parted at the fork to travel; in the city, the khan gave a daughter to A.; she says that the greatest feat would be to go to Aman-Kol ("bad valley"); a dwarf appeared in one carysh beard of a thousand doves riding a rooster; gives tie his hairs to dogs, ruin the barrel of the gun; ate all the kebab and swallowed A.; the younger brother comes to the same city, the khan's daughter takes him for her husband; A. puts a naked dagger on bed; comes to dwarf, defeated him, ripped open his stomach, it's empty; bird: "there is a baby in his little finger"; brother took A. out of the dwarf's little finger; realizing that his wife had his brother, A. was going to kill him]: Malkonduev 2017:468; Ossetians : Britaev, Kaloev 1959 [twins Saui and Budji run away from their stepmother; spare a pair of hares, foxes, wolves, bears, tigers; they promise to help; they divide animals, disperse, stabbing a knife into a pole; from which side will rust, so trouble; Aldar takes the girls, feeds the naughty Zaliag the Snake; S. kills the snake, Aldara, marries the rescued girl; in the forest, an old woman turns him and his animals into stones; B. goes him search, mistaken for S., puts a dagger between himself and his wife S.; turns an old woman into stone with an oak leaf, splits petrified people and animals; the animals have torn the petrified one; S. cuts off B.'s head, for he was lying next to his wife; the Hare revives B. with oak roots]: 99-106; Dzagurov 1973, No. 46 [Halin-Barag gives childless spouses three apples on the condition that they give one of the sons to him; when golden-haired sons were born, three apple trees grew near the house; the eldest went with HB; the skull in the cave teaches us to pretend to be misunderstanding, let HB show himself how to fan the fire; the young man pushed HB into the fire and took a shovel , did not let him get out until he burned down; the skull points to HB's armor and horse; the shepherd laughs (Aldar marries three daughters, he will be given pig tails), then cries (he must kiss the pigs in the ass); they changed clothes; Aldar's youngest daughter noticed golden curls, offered food and a glass to the imaginary swineherd; Aldar pretended to be sick - which of his son-in-law would bring deer milk; the young man called his horse milked the doe, gave his sons-in-law milk, for which he cut off his right ears; get water that revives the dead; the young man took it out, gave his sons-in-law ordinary water, cutting off his little fingers; get a dancing and playing fur coat; a young man he slipped between the rustling mountains, took out a fur coat, gave his sons-in-law an ordinary one, for which he cut the belts from the back; brought everything to Aldar, showed the marks on his sons-in-law; Aldar took everything away from his sons-in-law, gave it to the young man; once at Black Rock chased the fox, she hit him with his tail, he became petrified; the middle brother went in search, the elder's wife mistook him for her husband, he put his sword on the bed; he also chased the fox and became petrified; younger First he came to the skull in the HB cave, who first ordered the fox's hole to be stoned; the fox became a girl, whipped all the petrified; the elder brother killed the younger ones for sleeping with his wife; but at night, the wife put scissors in bed; the girl's face revived the dead with a whip; on her way home, the girl revived the skeletons in the HB cave, the skull also became a woman; the middle brother married one of the lively ones, and the youngest married a fox girl; she rejuvenated the brothers' parents]: 177-193; Libedinsky 1978 [one golden apple ripened a day on a sledge apple tree; rer healed people from diseases and healed wounds, although it did not save me from death; at night someone stole an apple; sledges took turns guarding, but to no avail; it was Warhag's turn; he sent to guard the sons of Ahsar and Ahsartag; if the apple was stolen, one of them would be beheaded by sledges, the other would be put on stakes; Akhsartag guarded until midnight, but then told Akhsar that he could continue to sleep; a dove flew in at dawn; Akhsartag cut off half of her wing with an arrow, the apple fell to the ground; the brothers followed the bloody trail to the sea; Ahsartag descends into the sea; if the bloody foam immediately rises, he died; if white, let Ahsar A year is waiting for him; in a house at the bottom, 7 brothers say that they have 3 sisters; one of them, Zerassa, is in the habit of stealing sledge apples in the guise of a dove; if you put on a severed wing and letting her taste an apple, she will recover; whoever cures her, she will marry; Ahsartag healed Dz.; a year later he remembered to return to her brother; Z. turned herself and her husband into fish and they surfaced; came to the tent Ahsara, but he was just hunting; Ahsarsag went looking for him, they missed each other; Dz. mistook Ahsar for her husband, they looked so similar; Ahsar put his sword in bed for the night; J. got up, was offended; returned Ahsarsag, decided that his wife was unfaithful; Ahsar fired an arrow into the sky: let him hit me at the place he touched Dz.; the arrow hit Ahsarsag in the little finger and he died; Ahsartag stabbed with a sword; Uastyrzhi he descended from heaven with a three-legged horse, promised to bury his brothers if Z. went for him; when he did, Z. said that she must wash herself first, went to the sea, went to her father; Uastyrji promised to find Dz. in the world of the dead; his mother sent Z. to give birth to sledges, otherwise they will not recognize their children as their own; Dz. gave birth in the lower tier of the Warhaga family tower; the twins Uryzmag and Khamyts were born; they grew up quickly; X . out of mischief, he broke the girl's jug; she advised him to find his grandfather Warhag, who herds sledges cattle; W. recognized them, brought them upstairs to the ancestral tower; married Z.; died a year later, Dz died for a year; before her death, she told her sons to guard her crypt for three nights; H. went to guard her, but heard music and went to the wedding; at that time Uastyrji came in, revived Dz., met her, she gave birth to a girl, Died again; Uryzmag heard crying, took out a girl, she was named Shatana; the same in Kaloev 1980:375; addition: On the third night, Uastyrdzhi came to D.'s crypt, then let his horse and dog go. A year later, dead D. gave birth to Satan, the foal of Arfan, "the eldest of horses," and the puppy Silam, "the oldest of dogs." D. left offspring that formed the powerful Nart family Akhsartagkat)]: 50-64; Avars [Khan has a son Ismail; when he is 18 years old, the teacher warns not to give him meat and bone; when he is 20 years old, They gave a piece of bone, he threw it out the window, was surprised at the sunlight, fell ill; the widow said that I. exchanged rings with the girl, would go look for her; I. defeats the enemies of the seven brothers, who gave him a sister, he puts his sword on the bed, explains that he will not get together with his wife until he finds that girl; goes on, meets the hero Arabuzan, marries him, but also puts a sword on bed; A. goes with him, they they give the ring to the girl who is married, the girl recognizes her ring (which I. has); I. returns to her father with three wives; A. knows that the father wants to destroy I., gives her ring, which neutralizes the poison, I. eats, remains unharmed; the khan tells the viziers to kill I. in the forest; they gouge out his eyes, tie him to a tree, but bring Khan clothes moistened with the blood of birds; the dove throws his feather on I. orders to run over his eyes, I. is healed; his eyes change, but his voice is the same; the khan did not recognize him, his wives recognized him; A. kills the khan, she is elected khansha, I. lives with three wives]: Ganiyeva 2011b, No. 23:253-257; Dargins [a one-eyed man promises a childless khan the birth of three sons if he promises to give one to him; gives an apple, the peel must be fed to the mare, the core of the dog, who will also bring three foals, three puppies; only the youngest son agrees to go to the one-eyed man; each time he asks him to show him how to do something; pushes him into the tarum (to bake bread); releases the kidnapped daughter of the khan, sends it to his father, promising to return for her; on the way he pulls a splinter from a lion, kills a snake that regularly devours eagle chicks; the eagle arrives with its wings raising the wind, the rain its tears; gives the young man to help one eagle; after changing clothes and hiring a gardener, asks the khan's bathing daughters to comb their hair; the youngest gives it, he leaves his golden hair on it; the gardener tells the khan to give it rotten, semi-rotten, fresh apples (symbols of daughters of different ages); Khan's daughters throw apples at their chosen ones, the youngest chooses a poor gardener; he twice in his true form with the help of a horse, dogs and eagles smash enemies; the khan is sick, he will be cured by lion meat, the lioness gives the young man one of the lion cubs, the right half is poisonous; older sons-in-law buy meat for the stigma on the buttock; the khan drives his older sons-in-law with with poisonous meat, greets the younger one; he appears in true form, shows his stigmas on his older sons-in-law, making them slaves; lives with his wife; goes to visit his father; goes to Shirim-Shahir, who come to who is turned into stone; his brother comes for him (on the way he puts his sword on the bed, spending the night with his wives), his words pity the SHH, all the stones are disgraced; all brothers marry: the first plays unplayed (when he was a gardener) wedding, second at school, third for one-eyed daughter]: Mazaev, Kasimov 1997 (1): 401-413; megrels [dev gives the king an apple from childlessness for half of what he will be born; takes the eldest of two sons; the old woman teaches him to rush from the maiden into the river, enter the house, take a horse and a dog; on the advice of a horse, the young man pulls a lamb's stomach over his head, is hired as a gardener; the king's youngest daughter sees young man when he washes his hair; advises sisters to stick a knife in ripe, ripe and green watermelons, send them to their father; the king convenes suitors; the elders choose Nazir and Wazir, the youngest gardener; the king's wife got sick, asks for 1) hare meat; the gardener, with the help of his horse and dog, catches hares, sells them to older sons-in-law for their earlobes cut off; 2) reindeer milk (the same, sons-in-law let the horse kick on buttocks); the gardener, taking on his true form, smashes enemies, cuts his hand, the king bandaged, recognized his handkerchief; older sons-in-law are made servants of the younger; when hunting, the young man is swallowed by a cannibal, shackling a horse and dog; poplar falls at home, younger brother goes to look for the elder, everything repeats with him, the daughter-in-law thinks it is the husband, but he puts a sword between them; does not put his hair and strains the cannibal on the horse, dog, sword, cuts off the cannibal's wart, swallowed comes out bald; the cannibal's blood grows hair, the chains on the horse and dog fall; the elder brother returns to his wife, the youngest to his parents]: Kurdovanidze 1988, No. 35: 114-128; Armenians [known motive: "the young man put the sword between himself and the girl"]: Gullakian 1983:205; Azerbaijanis [the boy Iskender understood the language of birds; his stepmother boiled clothes, I. laughed; explained what the nightingale was singing: he would become king, his stepmother would bring him pilaf, and his father would pour water on his hands; his stepmother told her husband to kill I.; he put him in a chest, let him go to sea; the fisherman pulled out the chest, adopted I.; at school he fraternized with a boy named Yahya, they look like twins; fraternized with the vizier; told the fisherman to throw a net for his luck, caught a goldfish, I. took it to the vizier, who gave it money; the fisherman is delighted with I.; so many times; when the king is in court, crows arrive, rumbling, nothing can be heard; the king tells the vizier to find a person who understands bird language in 40 days; I.: the crow complains that the raven husband abandoned her, she raised many children, and now the raven claims the rights to them; the king awarded the children to the crow; the vizier asked I. to give a job: to bring pilaf to the royal daughter in the morning; that fell in love; I. stopped going into her rest, left pilaf at the entrance; while he was ill, I was replaced by me, he talked kindly to the girl; when I. again, the princess was indignant why he suddenly stopped with her talk; I. told the vizier that he was the king's son and wanted to leave; the king wanted to marry him to his daughter, but I. refused; he was given a detachment of soldiers, he came to his hometown; the king died there, and his daughter was on the throne, she asked I. to marry her, he agreed; one day I. came: the hostile king demands the princess whom I. refused to marry, as well as a tax for 7 years; I. hurried there, mixed night with day, day at night; broke the contract they had signed, killed an enemy hero; the king married his daughter to him, believing it was me; at that time I, disguised as I., slept in bed with his wife, but put his sword next to him; when I. returned, his offended wife turned him into a hungry animal, he went to the forest; at this time Y. became king instead of the dead king; I.-the animal met his servants, asked me to bring him; he found the magician who cured I., giving it its original appearance; I. cut his wife into four pieces; sent him to tell the shepherd, i.e. his real father, that a king would come to him; his stepmother and father brought pilaf, and the father began to water into his arms; I. opened up, his stepmother called him a dog's son; I. ordered her to be executed, and raised her father; three apples fell from the sky: one mine, the second my own, the third a fairy tale teller]: Bagriy, Zeynally 1935 : 67-82 (=Akhundov 1955:217-229); Kurds [the dervish tells the childless padishah to eat an apple in half with his wife, the wife will give birth to twins, take one dervish; at the age of seven, Hasan recognizes the dervish as the father, Hussein is a padishah; a dervish burns Hasan in tandoor; Hussein finds skulls, the last one Hasana; one of the skulls explains what to do; Hussein pushes the dervish into a tandoor, people are born from skulls; Hussein marries the daughter of a padishah; she does not tell him to ride in a big mountain; the gazelle lures him into a cave, turns him into a girl, kills him with an iron bar; Hasan is indistinguishable from Huseyn, comes to his wife, but puts a sword between himself and his wife; hits the girl with a rod, brings her brother to life, the girl Gelyafruz is disgraced, Hasan takes her as his wife; brothers and wives go to their father; on the way, Hussein alone destroys enemies; Hasan is jealous (he is almost the son of a dervish), throws his brother into a hole, takes his wife; lions feed Hussein, caravans pick him up from the hole; the padishah's daughter buys him; her father finds out, tells him to throw him in a barrel in the river; the miller finds him, adopts him; Hussein smashes his father's army, they do not recognize each other; the unrecognized Hussein comes to his wife's wedding with the son of the vizier, defeats the groom, kills Hasan, opens to father]: Jalil et al. 1989, No. 5:80-89.

Iran - Central Asia. The Bakhtiyars [Malik Ahmad has seven wives childless; he asks the dervish for a son; he gives a pomegranate to eat with his wife, let him send one of his born sons to him; they conclude a written contract; twin boys are born, grow up; the dervish came, showed the document; his elder brother Malik Mahmad left with him, left the younger Sultan Mahmad a ring: in case of trouble, he will fall off his finger; the old man on the road tells the young man that the dervish wants to kill him; tells him to be the first to drink from the stream, cut off his head when he bends down, immerse his saddle and horse in water; MM does so; crossing the stream, along with the horse becomes (as it were) gold; falls into a snowstorm; the people who saved him see that he is golden, marry the elder's daughter; when hunting, MM follows the gazelle, gets into a cave, hears singing, the sound of strings instruments and drums; there is a beauty surrounded by maids, she was a gazelle; she fights against those who came; if MM defeats her, she, if not, she will chain him, put him in a stall; she won the ring fell off SM's finger; he goes in search; meets an old man who tells us what happened to MM; to defeat that girl, you have to grab her hands; SM finds a place by the river where the dervish's blood ; gets into a snowstorm; he is also rescued, mistaken for MM; he puts his sword between himself and his wife MM; in a cave he wraps the girl's arms, throws him to the ground, frees prisoners, takes a gazelle girl as his wife; MM returns to his wife]: Lorimer, Lorimer 1919, No. 32:212-219; Turkmens [the padishah has 40 wives, no children; two heroes are sent far to the sage; he promises that the 40th wife is a slave Guljemal will give birth to two sons; when the padishah lies down with her, a dervish enters, tells him to eat an apple in half with his wife, and then give one son to him; G. gives birth to two glowing boys; the father hides them in an underground crypt; after 13 years, the dervish comes, plays the dutar, the boys go out to him, he takes the youngest; parrots tell him it's a dev, he will push him into a boiling pot; the boy collides himself deva; comes to the plane tree, where the black dragon devours the Simurg chicks every year; kills the dragon, Simurg gives him a few feathers; takes a splinter out of the tiger's paw, he gives hairs; the young man pulls on head stomach, hired by a gardener in front of the Shah's three daughters; asks them to comb their hair, the elders drive him, the youngest gives it; when he gets back, she sees silver and gold hair on it; padishah summons the people, tells the daughters to throw a stone at whoever they like; the eldest marries the son of a vizier, the middle for the son of Vekil, the youngest for a pleshivets; they are placed in a stable; the sick padishah asks for keik meat; tigers and Simurgs hunt all the keyiks to the pleshivets; the other two son-in-law get meat, for which the young man stigmatizes them; appears in glory, takes his sons-in-law as slaves, the padishah admits that he made a mistake; the young man struggles with peri, thrown into the well; the elder brother goes to the rescue, everyone takes him for the youngest; he puts his sword between himself and the younger's wife; peri wins, both brothers return home]: Stebleva 1969, № 24:94-124; Uzbeks [Buyuk Karimov's recording, said Zibog-Bibi Sarymsakova; the padishah and the vizier are childless, they are going on a pilgrimage; the elder gave them an apple each, ordered them to name the children Tahir and Zukhra and betrothed them in the cradle; the girl was born to a padishah; he wanted an heir, ordered the girl to be executed, bring a handkerchief soaked in her blood; then regretted it; the nobles confessed that they did not obey the order ; the vizier, having learned about the birth of his son, galloped home, fell and crashed; the padishah refused to betray his daughter to an orphan; T. played and hurt the old woman; she ordered him to extort the name of his named bride from his mother; T. he was ill, asked his mother to fry wheat, clutched a handful of hot grains in her palms, her mother agreed to tell me everything; T. found Z. and began to meet her; the padishah found out, ordered T. to be put in the chest, throw it into the river; Z. made sure that the chest was spacious; the daughters of the Rum king noticed it; by lot it went to the youngest; she fell in love with the young man inside; the padishah adopted T. and gave it for him daughter; she is even more beautiful than Z., but T. does not talk to her and puts a dagger on the bed between them; after 40 years she took pity on his wife, spoke to her; her name is Khadicha; the padishah promises a reward to someone who will make T. laugh; father Z. wants to pass her off as Prince Kara-batyr; Z. sends caravans to look for T.; he hears their song - he sang the same song as a child; T. goes with caravans, his wife H. follows; dies of fatigue; at the last moment T. puts her head on his knees; the caravan constantly returns to her grave; only after T.'s farewell song opens a straight path; on the path of the mountain; based on the song by T. one of the mountains cuts in half; the camel manages to slip through, "only the bottom of his tail has pinched off the mountain"; at the crossroads of three roads, T. chooses the shortest one, where the inscription "If you go, you won't come back"; in one city they are thrown into prison; a friend recognizes T. by a song, helps them go free; T. finds Z. in the garden; sister K. sees them; the padishah tells them to cut T. in half, hang pieces on the gate; Z. 50 days in mourning; on the way at T.'s grave, she drops her pearls; while the girls accompanying her pick them up, she comes to T.'s grave and kills herself; the grave opened and accepted it; after learning of the bride's death, K. also killed himself; his his sister orders him to be buried between the graves of lovers; "the oppressors did not leave lovers even after death, they put a black thorn between them"]: Zhirmunsky, Zarifov 1947:295-297; Baluchi [tsar sends the vizier for the forgotten rosary; that is not for a long time; sends his son Sha-Trasan 'a; he sees the vizier with the king's wife, takes the rosary; the vizier gets back earlier, tells the king difficult tasks for Sh. ; the old man teaches what to do; 1) build a city (the old man creates); 2) a tree of laughter and crying; the buzlanga has a process on his leg, S. hides in a hole, grabs a buzlanga for the process; lets go, for this, other buzlangs bring a tree; 3) a tree of forty songs; S. rushes to suck a buzlanga woman's breast; she tells her sons that this is their new brother; their puppy leads him to a buzlanga who kidnapped their fiancée; S. kills him with a sword, gives the girl to his named brothers, who bring a tree; 4) a girl from Green City; S. meets a buzlangi who is constantly baking and eating bread; he says that he is accumulating strength to overcome S.; Sh. says that he knows S., wins the buzlangi, takes it with him; the other throws stones with a sling from country to country; I do this so that S. does not run away from me; the same; the third listens to what is being done in another country so that S. does not run away from him; the same; the fourth walks from country to country: the same; S. bridges the ants over the ditch, they promise to help; Skorokhod (the fourth buzlangi) delivers S. to the girl, he kisses a sleeping woman; the next night the girl cuts her finger to stay awake, talks about her father's conditions; 1) separate millet from wheat (ants separate); 2) eat lots of bread and meat (first companion eats); 3) overtake the royal speedboat; the companion went to bed, the listener learned about the danger, the slinger throws a stone in time, waking up the sleeper; on the way home, S. puts his sword between himself and his wife; at home, the king himself gives him the girl he got; 5) get a horse with forty foals; the old man tells him to throw camel hair into the well; the horse cannot drink, promises to fulfill S.'s wish; he and his men sit on its foals; when the king, vizier and others sit down, foals fly into the air, ask whether to throw the riders into the mountains or into the water; into the water; they throw them on the mountains]: Zarubin 1932, No. 9:104-121; Yazgulyam [At night, the daughter gets up, eats all the food, puts a dung in the cauldron; the mother tells her husband to take the girl and her brother to the forest; the father hangs a snuffbox on the willow so that the children think he is still sitting on a tree, unnoticed goes home; the children come to the diva, the boy kills him, buries him under the floor; they live in the diva's house, the brother tells her sister to pour dirty water out the door; she pours it on the floor, hears the voice of the diva; she pulls out him after the diva promises to be not her sister, mother, brother, but husband; sister gives birth to a boy, divas offers to put him on the road for his brother to pick him up; he grows up, hears how alive with the mistress agrees to kill her brother, the diva will become a snake; the boy asks his uncle to take him to the back, prevents the diva from biting him; the next day the div snake hides under the threshold, the boy undertakes to carry him uncle; the snake climbs into the boot, the boy changes boots with his uncle, hits him with his toe; the rat, the diva will become a snake; the atom, and the husband; c; the father hangs on the Ivory, the snake crawls out, turns into an eagle, attacks, the boy hurts him; the divas and his mistress agree to poison both, the boy changes food, they die themselves; the nephew decides to go right, uncle to the left; the uncle stops by the old woman, sees at night that half the world is having fun, half the world is crying; the old woman explains that today it is the king's turn to give his daughter to the dragon {apparently those whose turn does not come are having fun}; the uncle cuts off all seven heads of the dragon, gets the king's daughter ; the dragon's brother kills him; the nephew sees blood on the bullet left by his uncle, comes, puts the sword between himself and his uncle's wife (both outwardly indistinguishable, the woman mistakes him for her husband); makes the dragon to revive the victim, both kill the dragon together; the uncle kills his nephew when he finds out that he slept in his house; the wife puts a spinning wheel between herself and her husband; the husband understands everything, revives his nephew; makes him king]: Grunberg, Steblin-Kamensky 1976, No. 25:258-266; Pashtuns [the elder brother is the leader of the tribe, he has 7 sons; the youngest is childless; then the wives of both conceived; the elder suggests marrying children if they are heterosexual; the eldest had a daughter Shirino, the youngest had a son Mumin Khan; the elder brother died, the tribe divided; one half was headed by M., the other was led by the elder brother Sh. Zabardut; Z. does not want to give his sister, except for a few mans of gold; M. went to India with his friend Redi Gul-Khan; the Shah was amazed at his beauty and intelligence, left a voice for him: you have a heroic strength; the Shah staged martial arts, M. won everyone; another shah demands tribute; M. came there, found out that every day a dragon was sent a camel with a load of bread and a girl, the turn of the Shah's daughter; M. killed the dragon, cut out a strip of skin from his back, hid it; the servant attributed the victory to himself, but M. showed his skin; the Shah gave him his daughter, but M. warned him that he would not agree with her because he loved S.; at night he put his sword on the bed; took a paper from the Shah promising to refuse to pay tribute to the Shah who first sheltered M.; M. goes home with gold, his wife (whom he never got along with) is following him; but M. incognito entered S. and Zabardath fatally wounded him; M.'s wife died of grief, she was buried next to S.; first her corpse ended up in M.'s grave; then they were buried on opposite sides of the road-now his wife cannot get to M.]: Lebedev 1958:107-112.

Baltoscandia. Lithuanians [two fisherman's sons go on a journey, stab a knife into a pine tree, which will rust, so the trouble is; the eldest does not kill a hare, wolf, lion, bear, they promise to help; in the city the queen they give a nine-headed snake; the animals of the older brother kill the snake, the queen cuts off his tongues; while sleeping, the young man makes the queen say that he killed the snake; at the wedding, well done, shows his tongues, marries the queen, the young man was burned; the witch covered the sun with the pomelo; well done, she splashes water on him and his animals, they turn into stones; the younger brother follows, also does not kill animals, takes as an assistant; the younger brother is mistaken for the elder, he puts the royal sword among himself; comes to the witch, pulls out her cauldron, splashes on stones, they become animals and people again; the elder returns to his wife, the sun is shining]: Löbite 1965:163-167; Latvians [two brothers go to wander in the white world; they feel sorry for the animals and they accompany them; the brothers pierce their knives into the tree: if the knife rusts, its owner is in trouble; the first brother fights the snake, saves the princess and marries her; while hunting a roe deer, he meets an old woman, she turns him and his animals into stones; the second The brother goes in search of the first, the princess takes him for her husband; when going to bed, the brother puts a sword between himself and the woman; after finding the sorceress, frees the brother and his animals from spell and says that spent the night with his wife; his first brother cuts off his head; in the evening his wife asks why he put his sword in bed; the husband realizes his mistake; the second brother is revived with live water]: Aris, Medne 1977, No. 303:272-273; Scandinavians [Sigurd went to marry Brunhild Gunnara as his wife; there was a fire around Chamber B.; she swore that she would marry only someone who jumped the fire; Gunnar's horse did not dare to jump into fire; then Sigurd and Gunnar changed their faces and names, S. galloped through the fire; married B.; and when they went to bed, he took Gram's sword out of his sheath and put it between him and her; and the next morning he gave B. a wedding gift - the gold ring that Loki took from Andvari and took another ring from her as a keepsake; Goofriend argues with B., whose husband is more famous; says B. that Gunnar was not in bed with her and was not the tone galloped through the flame, and S.; after that, B. persuaded Gunnar and Hoegny to kill Sigurd]: Younger Edda 1970:75-76; the Swedes [after eating a wonderful fish (apple), the woman gives birth to twins at the same time a dog - two puppies, a mare - two foals; the youngest recovers to wander with his animals, leaving the elder an object that will show if something happens to the youngest; defeats the dragon and frees the princess; goes hunting, the witch turns him into stone; the older brother goes to save him; comes to the princess, who takes him for her husband and does not understand why he is putting him between them sword on bed; kills a witch and revives her brother; princess can't understand which brother is her husband]: Liungman 1961, No. 303:49-50; Swedes (Värmland) [queen is dead, princess has grown up beautiful; the king went to war; in order for his daughter to remain innocent, he built a tower in the forest, left food for his daughter and maids there, forbade men to come close; those who wanted to get a princess a witch was sent; she has two apples in her basket; the princess and her partner lifted the basket to the tower, ate an apple each and became pregnant; Princess Silfwerhwit's son ("silver white"), son of Lillwacker's maid (" little guard"); both grew up strong and beautiful; after 7 years, the king returned and the boys' mothers had to bring them down from the tower to the ground and send them to the world; the princess gave her son a precious dagger; a big man met each, gave everyone a sword and three dogs; at the crossroads, the boys broke up; S. put a knife in the stream: if blood flows, he is dead, let L. take revenge; S. came to the city where mourning; the king must give his eldest daughter to a sea troll; S. went to the shore, where the princess and the court; he mistook S. for a troll, ran away and climbed a tree; the troll emerged: let them fight first our dogs; S.'s dogs bit to death the troll's dogs; then S. cut off the troll's head, he dived into the sea, and S. cut out his eyes and hid it; S. left, and the courtier made the princess say that he was the savior; the same the next day (three-headed troll, the king's middle daughter); on the third day, six-headed; younger princess; S. came to the wedding, showed the younger princess's ring and troll's eyes; wedding; once a knock on window: S., go out to talk; there is a troll whose brothers S. killed; S.'s dogs bitten to death his dogs, and S. drove the troll into a tree; he promised a ransom, asked the dogs to calm down by throwing three of his hairs on them; the dogs froze; the troll came down and killed S.; seeing blood in the stream, L. went to save S.; in the city he was mistaken for S.; put his sword between himself and the princess in bed; a knock on the window and the same thing, but L. threw hairs on the troll's dogs; forced S. to revive dogs, let water revive S. and another that makes them stick to the place; L. stuck to the stone and burst at the first rays of the sun; learning that L. lay down in bed with the princess, S. cut off his head; after learning from his wife about the sword, S. returned and revived L. with that water; L. married another princess and shared the kingdom with S.; if they did not die, they are still alive now]: Hylté ; n-ñavallius, Stephens 1848:78-94 (roughly the same but mixed with other episodes on S/ 94-123); Norwegians (many entries) [wonderfully conceived brothers separate, leaving an object that looks like everyone will understand if the other is in trouble; one saves the princess from the troll, but the Red Knight or the coal miner attributes the feat to himself; at the wedding, the young man exposes the deceiver, marries the princess himself; witchcraft turned to stone; another brother follows in his footsteps; the first's wife takes him for her husband, but he puts his sword to bed; he saves his brother, each marries his own princess]: Hodne 1984, No. 303:64-67; Danes [the fisherman can't catch anything; finally pulls out the talking fish; she tells its giblets and scales to be thrown into the trash, bury its head under a stone over which water flows; let him eat his back the wife, and the fisherman himself, should not eat; save the rest and, when the boys are 7 years old, give birth to a mare, dog and female cat, they will give birth to foals, puppies, chicks; when the boys are 15, dig 2 from under the stone swords and 2 knives; from now on, the fisherman's field will yield such crops that there will be no need to fish; sitting on their horses, taking swords, knives, dogs and cats, the brothers went on a journey; they parted at the fork, stabbing a tree with a knife: whoever rusts is in trouble; the eldest came to a city where mourning: the king must give his only daughter to a sea monster with 9 heads; whoever kills him will receive the princess and will inherit the throne; the Red Knight promises to do so; when the princess was brought to the shore, the Kyrgyz Republic saw the monster and ran into the forest; the young man let a cat, a dog and a horse on the monster, and cut it off three heads, cut off his tongues and hid them; KK brought their heads to the city and claimed victory for himself; the next day, 6 (the same); on the third day, all 9 heads grew, but the young man cut them all down, the monster died; the princess put her ring on the young man's finger; he said he should see her brother and would return in a year; KR did not see what was going on and decided that the monster would defeat and eat the princess; KR brought the princess and heads, attributed the victory to himself; the young man found his younger brother's knife unrusty, went to look for it, but did not find it; returned when the princess's wedding with the Kyrgyz Republic; sent the cat, the princess recognized him, the cat grabbed He brought a goblet of wine to the young man; he gave it to the hotelier to drink, and sent his dog to the princess; likewise, the dog took the food basket; the young man came by himself, showed his tongues; the princess named it savior; KR is hanged from the tree on which he sat, fearing the dragon; on the first three nights, a rooster flies up to the wedding window and screams; the young man decided that his brother was in trouble, went after the rooster, got lost in the fog; an old woman came up, asked for help to carry a heavy bag on horseback; hit the water with a stick, the sea parted and they went dry, and around, in front and behind; went out to the mountain, the old woman opened the door , there is an iron room with a huge stove; the old woman pulled out her hairs, told her to throw them on a horse, dog, cat and sword, which were petrified (or rather immobilized}; said that she was the mother of a dragon, and threw her hair at the young man; the younger brother saw that the knife was rusted, went in search of the elder; he was mistaken for him; at night he put his sword in bed between himself and the princess; that rooster appeared; everything that happened to the elder brother, but he threw the witch's hair into the fire; told her to revive her brother and his animals (she sprinkled them with water from a bottle) and take them back across the sea; then they cut off her head; on the way home, younger brother told the elder about the night with his wife; he pierced him with a sword; he went furiously to the Queen; she asked why he put a sword between them the previous night; when he heard this, he galloped to the place where he killed brother; wanted to stab his corpse, but his younger brother's cat just brought the bottle and poured liquid on it; he came to life; the brothers divided the kingdom, and the youngest married another princess]: Grundtvig 1878:276 -326; Danes [parents go to the field, leaving the boy at home; when they return, the second one is the same; when they grew up, the healer taught them to find out who the real son is: the adopter brings the horses to the stall ; he is told to leave; he leaves his brother a pot of blood: if it changes color, he is in trouble; when hunting, he spares a hare, a bear, a lion; each gives a pair of his cubs; a young man comes to a city where the sea the monster has eaten all the women, it is the princess's turn; kills the dragon with her animals; marries a princess; on the shore she sees an old woman collecting dragon bones; she lures him to her ship and makes him say "Darkness is ahead, light is behind"; then he loses his orientation, finds himself on the island; the old woman with a whip turns the animals into stones, and the young man is shackled; seeing that the color blood has changed, brother goes in search; the princess takes him for her husband, but he puts his sword on the bed; says "The light is ahead, the darkness is behind", does not lose orientation; on the island she makes the old woman give him a wand , who revives animals; frees his brother and kills an old woman; they bring the old woman's treasures; the young man stays with his wife, and the brother brings treasures to his parents]: Holbek 1987:558-559; Icelanders: Thompson 1955-1958, No. T351.

Volga - Perm. The Bashkirs [the old man caught a goldfish, she tells the mare to eat its head, the body to the old woman to the tail to the dog; the old woman gives birth to two sons with a golden head, a silver back, a mare - the same horses, the dog takes puppies; the king takes the boys into care; the elder brother takes a sword, a dog, a horse, goes to save the princess, who must be eaten by Azhdaha; if blood drips from his knife, the younger must hurry to help; a young man kills three-, six-, nine-headed ajdah; a bald man and his 40 brothers attribute victory to themselves; cannot raise their heads Azhdakhi; executed; a young man gets a princess; chases victory for themselves; the Ajdazhi cannot raise their heads; executed; the young man gets the princess; et devas starlings, the last piece of optics, she brings him to the woman, she pushes him into the cellar; his brother follows in his footsteps, The princess takes him for her husband, he puts a sword between her and him; follows the bird, beats the woman, makes her brother and other batyrs revive, kills her with dead water; the elder thinks that the youngest slept with his wife, cuts off his head; the dog revives him with living water, but puts his head backwards; the elder feels sorry, he does the right thing, repents; lives with his wife]: Barag 1988, No. 14:106-116.

Southern Siberia. Khakasy [Pokhta-Kares was killed by Hydat Khan; his younger sister Pogana-Aryn hid; I read in her book that Lunar Khan's daughter Ai-Aryg or Solnechny's daughter has the means to revive the dead Hana Kyun-Aryg; dressed as Pokhta-Kares, she married these girls; when she lay down in one, then on the other, she stuck her sword together and the girl; Kyun-Aryg had a gold-handle whip and a golden shawl, they revived the PC, began to live with two wives; Ai-Aryg disliked the PA, turned her into a hare, she ran away; the PC could not catch up with this bunny, but then caught her in a noose and his sister took on the human image again; he lodged her in a taiga hut; AA tracked her down, came, invited the PA to look in her head, poured black lead into her ear; the PC did not notice her sister's wounds, put it in a coffin, tied her to a tree; Hara-Khan's son Hara- Pidekey found her, brought her home, the shaman kamlal, his assistant spirits extracted lead, the PA came to life, HP married her; her brother was looking for her for a long time, arrived when her little son was at home; HP asked him to show how his mother he lulls him to sleep; he repeated the song, it says everything; a joyful meeting between his sister and brother; Ai-Aryg was tied to the top of the tree, a fire was lit below; Pokhta-Kares asked Kyun-Aryg for a lavish wedding; everything good]: Torokova, Sychenko 2014, No. 11:130-135.