Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

K93b4. A woman, a mare, a dog give birth to boys. (.23.) .28.29.31.

When a woman gives birth to a son, a mare (dog, and/or other pets) gives birth to a boy at the same time. These boys grow up together and then go on a journey.

Poles, Kashubians (?) , Western Ukrainians, Russians (Arkhangelsk, Karelia, Pskov and probably others), Belarusians, Ossetians, Latvians, Estonians, Setus, Karelians.

(Wed. South Asia. Kannada: Beck et al. 1987, No. 58 [A childless king envies a female crab who has many children; she gives the king two: let his wife eat one in a banana and the other by a dog; but the king gave both crabs to his wife; she started eating a banana, and the dog ran up and bit off a piece; Rani gave birth to puppies, and the dog gave birth to two girls; raised them, they went to look for grooms; the dog followed in their footsteps; the eldest the daughter threw a pot of rice at her; the youngest carefully sheltered her, but (from being hit by a pot?) the dog died; her daughter put her body in a pot; her husband came and ordered to open the pot - there was a gold necklace and a silver belt; I had to tell my husband that these were gifts from relatives who came; husband ordered them to be introduced; the wife had to pretend to lead her husband to relatives; he went ahead, and the cobra asked his wife to open an abscess in her throat; for this she created a palace for her; wife and husband happy; and the eldest daughter and her husband became impoverished, became shepherds under the youngest]: 199-202; Ramanujan 1997, No. 13 [the sage gave the king a magic mango, ordered him to divide it between the wives; they themselves ate the fruit, and the peel dog; everyone gave birth to puppies, and the dog gave birth to two girls; they tried to take them away from the dog, but she took the children to the forest, raised them in a cave; two young men found them, married them; the eldest is Big Honnie, happy , the youngest, Little Honnie, tore off pieces from the sari along the way, threw her on the ground; the dog found her and stayed with her; when she came to her eldest daughter, she beat her with a stick and told her to throw the carrion away; MX found the body is on a pile of garbage, washed it, hid it in his chest; the husband demands to show what is there; MX says that the gift is from the mother, opens the chest, it contains gold; the husband wants to see his wife's parents, since they so rich; MX takes her husband and his servants into the forest, wanders without a goal; decides to commit suicide and puts his hand in the snake's hole; snake: you crushed an abscess on my head and I'm grateful; not far from here, MX will find empty palace; the snake took the form of a man, called herself his mother's brother; he gave gold to the visitors; when they left, they looked around: the palace was burning, turning to ashes; when she learned everything, BH killed a stray dog, hid it in chest; there is a smell of cadaveric from the chest; BH says that there is a gift from his mother, leads her husband to the forest, puts his hand in a snake hole, died of a bite]: 43-46).

Central Europe. Poles [three brothers, the eldest of whom is the son of a dog (hence the name Sucic), go on a journey, come to the dragon's castle; S. remains to guard, kills the dragon; in battles with brothers and the dragon's mother, the S. brothers die; he himself hides from the dragon in the forge; she spills the door with her tongue, but S. grabs his tongue with hot mites and makes the dragon revive his brothers]: Krzyżanowski 1962, No. 303:87-88; Kashubians (? Eastern Pomerania) [a beggar gave the queen two fish: let her eat but not give it to others; one was stolen by a cat; the queen gave birth to a son and a cat (a human baby) too]: Hartland 1894:74; Western Ukrainians (Transcarpathia; p. Zbui of the Zemplin Committee of Hungary) [the emperor has no children, he walks to sorcerers; one replies that the queen spat in the water, swallowed saliva by fish, brought offspring, and the queen has no children; it is necessary catch this fish in the lake under a stone slab and cook it, but so that no one else tries it; the maid tries the fish, the queen eats the fish, throws the bones to the dog; the maid, queen and dog get pregnant and through nine months give birth to a boy; the emperor is frightened; the advisers order to hire nurses; the boys have grown up and went to school; the son of the female Yanko has learned all the sciences and languages; the king is happy; I learn from books that Once there was a sun, a month and stars, but now there is nothing, the earth is covered in darkness; asks his father, the king says that three shufflers (dragons) have arrived; a 24-headed sun grabbed a sun with 12 heads - the month that had was a star; three royal sons saddle horses, went to look for the sun, the month and the star; the father told them that his brother, i.e. their uncle, studied to be a blacksmith in the Shedzmerice Region; the hell brought a letter: brother serves as a blacksmith for these three shufflers and their paternal uncle Laccibrade, who is elbow tall but has a long beard; the sons must go to Schedzmeritz, where their uncle is; there he is 100 meters Iron gates up, 24 comrades blacksmiths and 24 students; taking a letter to their uncle, the blacksmith, the brothers come to the Shedzmerice region, knock, the gate rings, the uncle comes out; making sure that their nephews are welcome accepts; knows where the lights are, because he is the blacksmith of kidnappers, whom he calls devils; one has a house made of gold, the other has silver, the third has copper; they are 24, 12, 6 miles away, respectively; their girlfriends - 48, 24, 12 miles away; at noon everyone leaves before midnight to see a friend - then you have to come; the princes will come to the copper house and the copper gate, where the weakest (with a star); he has a bridge from him to his home friends; his horse does not walk on the ground, only across the bridge; you have to take out one board in the evening to make a hole; I must sit under the bridge and listen to the shuffling go home; the shuffling sits on the horse the ground is shaking; his horse comes across the bridge to the hole, gets scared, rushes back; the shuffling calms down: there is no horse like him and no good man like him; only his mother-in-law Gynjibaba said she saw Suchiy Yanko, but if he met now, the shuffler would cut him to pieces; I.: I'll cut you down, blows all your heads off, sits on the shuffler's horse, takes his sword and star, throws a star into the sky, she rises to his seat, becomes lighter; the brothers go to the 12-headed shuffling; Y. breaks two silver plaques from the silver bridge; the shuffle promises to chop Suchiy Yanko, mentioned by G. throw meat away to magpies and crows; I blow 6 heads, then 6 more; each one cuts off the end of her tongue, hides it in her pocket, lets go of a month; tells my brother from the maid that he will have a 6-headed horse, brother from the queen - 12-headed, he himself will take the 24-headed shuffler's horse; invites the brothers to take the sun, they are afraid; leaves them the spoon given by the uncle for the matitsa: if it has blood, hurry to help; pulls it out bridges 4 gold plaques; the shuffler promises to chop the son of the dog mentioned by his mother-in-law, throw it away to magpies and crows; I.: I will do it with you; they fight for 24 hours; both ask crows for help, but I promise all the more. meat; the shuffling breathes fire, the crows stuff weeds into his mouth, take away the sun, it rises to the sky; the shuffling throws fire even more, the crows in their beaks carry water, pour on I., others grab the shuffling legs he fell, I killed him, cut off the tip of his tongue from each head; there is blood on a spoon behind the matitsa, the brothers take their horses out to flee; when I appear, they say that they were going to help him, he accuses him they lie, share horses; on the way home, their mother-in-law's hut of shufflers drive home; her daughters met there; I became a cat, climbed through the chimney, the youngest daughter, whose lover had 6 heads, recognizes Me by my eyes, the other two confirm; Gynjibaba: I would know if I saw it; the youngest looks one century to her mother; G. sees Y., tells her daughters to put him in fur; they think they did it and burned the fur, but I. the sorcerer escaped; the mother tells one daughter to become a red handkerchief and lie on the road, strangle his two brothers and horses; the other with a silver pear, the fruits of which brothers and horses will choke; the third must become a meadow with silk grass and a well in the middle, people and horses will die from its water; I cut the handkerchief crosswise with a sword, it bleeds knee-deep to horses; the same with a pear, with a well; the king's brother, the chief blacksmith, orders the Iron Gate to be opened, because her nephews will run away from G.; she chases with her mouth open, the young men rush to her uncle's yard, his students and comrades close the gate and prop up G.'s eyelids; G. demands to show her Y.; he tells the audience to hold one leaf, and he one by one; they let G.'s head into the yard and lock the gate with a key; G. is amazed that some worthless person has destroyed six (her daughters and shufflers); Y. replies that I will not let her go; let her become a horse that runs around the light in an hour, better than the Sharkani ones; G.: you can't wait; I ask my uncle for workers with hammers; those They hit G. on the head, she asks for mercy, but does not agree to be a mare; I tell you to hit harder; G. swears to serve faithfully; iron stirrups and a saddle are forged for her; I sit on horseback, take a lock of flax in her hand, lights him, flax does not have time to burn down while the mare runs around the world; his uncle praises him, gives him a letter to his father and punishes him not to react, no matter what wonderful things he sees on the way; the brothers go home, towards him through the ditch - old Laccibrad is on a hare, followed by his casing and beard; he says that I am not a man; I dismount, L. is in the saddle and flies away on a horse; I tell my brothers to inform my father that the sun, the month and the star are already in the sky, and he will go for the horse that was made in his uncle's sharkanikha forge; he returns to his uncle, reproaches him for his disobedience, tells him to take a hammer and go to the plain, where L. he grazes a mare, and he sleeps on iron saddles and stirrups; you have to crush his head, take a mare; when I find L., I decide that he is so small that he is not dangerous, grabs the mare, shouts at L.; he wakes up and hits me. with stirrups and a saddle; Y. asks for mercy, L.: his sister will no longer wear I., for although Y. beat her, L. himself beat him, so I should leave honestly; Y. leaves; uncle sends him back; L. agrees to give a mare, if I bring him a princess from the other side of the world; uncle: it's in the seventh land, it's easy to get there, any novelty you see must be taken with you, the royal daughter will be given for him; on the way, Y. takes with him hungry (he gets bread on carts), drank (drinks the river, but can't get drunk), cold (he can't warm up in 12 fur coats and 12 covers near the fire), throws a hammer to the edge light; in two steps crossing the whole world; having a huge eye and seeing everything; the king receives them, offers to eat a thousand oxen and bread out of three thousand measures of flour in one dinner, drink a thousand barrels of wine and a thousand vodka; Y.'s companions eat and drink everything; the king puts him to bed in an iron house, sends blacksmiths to bring bags of coal, kindles a fire; the freezing one takes off one fur coat and one cover, the coals go out, all go to bed; craftsmen bring more fire; the freezing one drops two fur coats and two covers, the coals go out, the craftsmen freeze to death; the king orders to go to the end of the world in three hours and carry leather and gold to the master to cast a ring and sew shoes; companion Y. steps once and finds himself with the master; on the way back he enters the city, where Sister G. sleeps on him, puts him to sleep, puts him to sleep, puts him to sleep the horse's head as a pillow, takes the ring and shoes; half an hour before the deadline; the seer sees the sleeper and sister G.; another satellite throws a hammer, knocking the horse's head out from under the runner's head; that one step catches up with sister G., takes away her ring and shoes, and the other step is at the wedding; I. and the princess are married, given a wagon and an army to accompany him to the border; L. pretends to be stuck in the swamp, J. tries to help, L. pulls him knee-deep into the swamp, runs on his horse with his wife; I. rides a Sharkan horse to Szedzmerice Region to visit his uncle; uncle: go to the oak grove, where there is a hollow, through it you will get to the city, that 7 miles deep into the earth, in the city, a three-story house on a duck leg is L.'s home; Y. finds a house, hides by a well, meets his wife: let him know where L. has power; L. to his wife: he is called to war, to whom he will help, he will win; in response to his wife's persuasion, he explains that a wooden deer drinks water near the well, there is a chamois in it, a hare in a hare, a duck in a hare, two eggs in a duck; if you break one, it will lose half of its strength , and both will die; if you take a golden apple on a gold cord and put it in your pocket, you can take the house with you; L. goes to the seventh land for a month to war; I cut animals with a sword, breaks one egg; L. flies home in a mare - he is still stronger than me; I break the second egg, L. falls, I kill him; turns the house into an apple, takes his wife home, stops by my uncle on the way, he advises him to return to homeland and secretly build a house; his father's servants discover an unknown house; princes guard a possible enemy, warmly welcome his brother, he says that he got a mare and married the king's daughter from seventh region]: Gnatyuk 1898, No. 8:39-54; Ukrainians [the princess fell ill; caught, fried loin fish, let her eat; she ate one, recovered, but became pregnant; the cook ate all the fish, too became pregnant; the babies born were taken to the forest, found, raised by a clerk; they grew up, went to look for happiness, their names are Ivan Tsarevich (IC) and Ivan-Kukharevich (IK), he is stronger because the cook ate more magic loins; at the crossroads there is an inscription: whoever goes to the right will become a tsar's son-in-law; whoever goes to the left devours snakes there and does not give water, and such dew that a drop falls on will tear him apart; IC and IC they left with a knife stuck in a pole; with each lion cub, bear cub, wolf cub given by a lioness, a bear and a she-wolf; IK went to the left, his mare had enough dew, it was torn apart; they come to the city, there the pole where the snake is put to be eaten, then it gives water; IK killed the snake, took the princess's ring; another hero took the victory for himself; at the wedding, IK showed his ring, married the princess, the hero was hanged; once IK drove into the forest, there was a hut, her mother was a snake, asked her not to kill, waved a towel, IC and the animals petrified; the IC sees blood on the knife, follows the trail of IC; the princess takes him for husband, but he denies; she calls him brother; IC grabbed the snake, ordered the petrified to be revived; it leads to the well, the IC throws a branch at it, it turned to ashes; the same in the other; in the third it turned green; IC sprinkled the petrified with live water, killed the snake, scattered the ashes]: Pankeev 1992:193-196; Russians (Arkhangelskaya, Sura, 1927) [The Queen cannot give birth to children, an "elderly woman" gives her a bottle of fat. The queen checks on the dog and the maid, makes sure they are alive and drinks herself. A year later, all three give birth to a son", these are Paramokha Sukin's son, Stepan, Ivan Tsarevich. They have extraordinary power, they offend others, they are favored, and their father lets three "walk around the world". They order clubs of 40 pounds from the blacksmith. They choose the elder - he will be the one who will continue to throw the club, Paramokha becomes the eldest, and Ivan will become the youngest. They're staying in the hut. There are weapons in the first room, outfits in the second, dead people and bones in the third room. P. goes under the bridge to watch who comes to the hut, sticks a knife into a wooden plate, orders his brothers to help if the plate is covered with blood, and if the knife knocks on the ring, then P. is fighting with an enemy. The brothers play cards and then fall asleep. P. defeats the monster with 1, then with 2 heads. A monster with 12 heads appears, it cannot be defeated, and new ones grow in place of the severed ones. P. realizes that the brothers have fallen asleep and throws one boot, then the other, on the roof of the house, the brothers do not hear. P. gathers strength and defeats the monster, returns to his brothers, shows who he won, and they move on. They meet a huge hero (head from a brewery), P.'s club bounces off him. He takes his younger brothers captive and promises to execute him if the princess is not brought to him. P. comes to an old woman on the way, who gives him a wand, one end of which destroys obstacles, the other protects him from attack. The sorceress princess sees the hero, makes a fog, and he overcomes it with a wand. He comes to the princess's palace and talks about her brothers. The princess agrees to go with him if he hides in a way that she cannot find. The first time P. hides behind the clouds, the second time he hides under the princess's skirt. She cannot find him with the help of a magic mirror, they get married, take the royal treasury and secretly flee to P.'s homeland, chasing them. P. hits the ground with his wand, behind him there is an impenetrable forest. P. gives the old woman gold and jewelry from the treasury, asks her to teach her how not to give the king the sorceress princess. Old woman: When the king orders him to walk along the perch above the ravine with burning resin, ask him to do it first and hit the ground with his wand. The fugitives move on, again making it difficult to chase the path (forest). P. brings the princess, the tsar himself walks along the perch, and when P. hits with his wand, he falls into the abyss. P. and the princess rule this kingdom, the brothers have left for their homeland. Then they connected the kingdom of P. with the kingdom of their father]: Nikiforov 1961, No. 51:126-130; Russians (Arkhangelsk, Pomors) [the doctor tells the tsar that there is a fish - if you eat it, a child will be born; to the tsar they delivered the fish, the queen ate it, the cook tasted it, gave the cow a swipe; Ivan Tsarevich, Ivan Kukharkin's son, Ivan Korovich were born; they grew up and came to the kingdom where miraculous people ate; the brothers cut off the miracle heads, who should take the princess? The Tsarevich and the cook's son threw Korovich into the abyss; eagles are squeaking in the nest, he fed them crumbs and warmed them; the eagle promises to help; Korovich came to the old man; he says that the worst Miracle Yudo is here, only his relatives, we need to change the tubs with living and dead water; after drinking dead, the Miracle weakened, Korovich killed him; immediately the birds sang, the kidnapped princess nearby; the eagle carries them upstairs, it is necessary to feed the prepared meat, it was not enough, Korovich cut off the meat from his leg, gave the eagle his own blood; when he reached the ground, the eagle regurgitated this piece, brought Korovich and the girl to life with live water; Korovich forgave his brothers, married a rescued woman; wedding; I was there, ate and drank, flowed down my mustache, but didn't get into my mouth]: Razumova, Senkina 1987:104-108; Russians (Belomorye, Karelia, Loukhsky district, p. Keret) [the old man advises the childless king to catch salmon with his own hands, feed his wife. The king orders the footman to cook salmon. The queen eats, the footman feeds his wife, the broth is given to the ox to drink. All three give birth to boys, all Ivans. Ivan Volovich (IV) is the strongest. Ivan Tsarevich (IC) and Ivan Lakeich (IL) are afraid of him and secretly leave. Eve takes the best horse that the king never gave to anyone, catches up. They put up a tent at the bridge, and they agree to watch by lot. The first night, IL asks IV to replace him. At midnight, a trembled kite rides, speaks in three voices: someone is under the bridge, but he is only afraid of EVE, and he is not here, and if he were, he would put him in the palm of his hand and swat the other, he would stay mud and water. Eve suggests measuring his strength, cutting off three heads in half. The brothers are sleeping. Eve promises to unfasten them, they swear not to sleep. Now the IC is asking to replace him. At midnight, a six-headed serpent rides, boasting 6 votes. Eve blows 6 heads away with two blows, the brothers are sleeping. Eve hits them on the shoulders, they cry. On the third night, the 9-headed serpent, the same. Eve cut down six heads with three blows, calls his brothers, they are sleeping, he threw his boot at them, they come running. The serpent laughs at them, at which point Eve cuts off his last three heads. The brothers are going to inspect snake homes. The first palace is empty, but there is plenty of food, the second is better, the prince's daughter is there, they promise to pick her up on the way back, the third house is the best, there is a royal daughter, carried away a year ago, the brothers put her on an IC horse, the second, on an IL horse, they go to their kingdom. The brothers get married, their fathers and mothers are happy, and Eve's wedding is watered. An unknown old woman brings him drunk to the underground king Semera Vilishchi. This is the mother of slaughtered snakes, and she asks for punishment for his three sons killed. The king of Semera Vilshcha says: "Well, bring my seven forks and stretch my eyebrows, I'll see what punishment I give him." They bring him seven forks and stretch his long eyebrows. He demands to go far away, far away seas, bring him Elena Krasa Golden Braid, otherwise death. On the way, Eve takes with him an old man walking around a herd of horses, an old man who can't eat bread, an old man who can't drink a river, an old man who's cold under seven fur coats, an old man the stargazer who needs to see all the stars in the sky, the old man from the garden who knows all the flowers, even the unborn ones; they all promise to show up when they are remembered. The king will give his daughter if EVE completes the tasks: eat all the bread in the city, drink water from the river, take a steam bath; the old people do everything; ride around the animal horse - the old man goes around, breaking three rods. The king marries Eve, sends her home when they reach the flower garden, Elena asks if he is taking her for himself or for King Semera Vilishchi. He says it's for himself. She catches him in a lie, turns into a flower. An old gardener finds it and restores its human appearance. They're going further. Elena asks if he is carrying her for himself or for Tsar Semera Vilishchi. Eve says what's for herself. She turns into a star and flies into the sky. The old stargazer sees her in the sky, flies to the sky, brings her back. This is the third time Eve confesses. Elena: Semyry-Vilshcha will ask if he had fun with his wife on the way, he will not believe the answer, but will prepare a test in the form of a pit with burning resin, snakes and reptiles, and a shaft will be laid above it, will offer to cross the shaft. Eve must say that he does not believe that the king did not ride the horse he left behind during this time. He will go, and Eve must turn the wheel at the end of the shaft. Seme-Vilshcha falls, burns in a pit with resin. Eve and Elena take the treasury and go to his kingdom. The brothers are happy. Yves builds a house better than the royal palace, wedding feast]: Nechaev 1939:509-521; Russians (no place of recording, but hardly North) [childless tsar and queen dream that the queen will become pregnant by the ruff eaten; the queen ate the fish, the cook licked the dishes, the cow drank the slop (var.: mare); each gave birth to a boy; Ivan Bykovich (IB) is stronger than the prince and the cook's son; raises a stone under it three horses; brothers come to Baba Yaga, then to the Smorodina River; information security kills a 6-, 9-, 12-headed monster (the latter, cutting off his fiery finger with which he put his severed heads in place); information security overhears with a sparrow how the wives of monsters promise to turn into an apple tree, a well, a bed; does not let her brothers come, cuts his wives into pieces; the witch dragged IB into the dungeon, her husband lies there, 12 heroes are raised with an iron pitchfork, his eyebrows and eyelashes; he does not avenge the information security for the death of his sons, but tells the queen to get golden curls; you have to hit the oak tree, the ship will come out; the information security asks Obedailo, Opivailo, Soaring in bath, Stargazer, Floating ruff; Obedailo eats everything, Opivailo drinks, Soaring cools a hot bath; IS gets a wife; she turns into a star, flies to heaven; Stargazer returns her; she turns into a pike, the Ruff returns it; the old man agrees to walk along the pole above the hole; the princess of golden curls makes him fail, goes beyond the information security]: Afanasiev 1958 (1), No. 137:278-286; Russians (Pskov) [the tsar has two kingdoms; he sends people to find out why people in one of the kingdoms do not know where they are going; the old man is sent: the seine must be abandoned three times; the first two times you will come across a lot fish, throw it away; on the third - three white fish pike; let the princess eat - then the tsar will find out where the people are going; the cook cooked the fish, also tried it herself and gave birth to the female; everyone gave birth to a son: Ivan Tsarevich, Ivan Kukharkin, Ivan-Suchkin-Ploshkin (ISP); grew up quickly, went in search; before that, the ISP whistled in three stables, each had only one horse left, the brothers took them for themselves; they chose the eldest who would throw the club higher; when he threw the ISP, they had time to drink tea before it fell; made him senior; stopped at the bridge over the Kalinovka River; they guard in turn, but Ivan Tsarevich and Ivan-Kukharkin they fall asleep, all three times at the ISP bridge; each time the snake drives the ISP into the ground "on the trail", and the ISMP cuts down all three heads of the snake; the third snake drove the ISP to the waist, and the ISP demolished only two heads, but the horse finished off the snake; becoming a fly, the ISP overheard the snakes talking; one will thirst, the other will turn into a spring, the third has one mustache in the ground and the other into the sky: as they go, so in her mouth; the brothers go, they are thirsty; the ISP crossed the meadow is blood, crossed the key - also blood; he told the brothers to go forward, they drove into the snake's mouth, and he told the blacksmiths to light the horn; the snake gnawed through the iron doors, stuck its tongue, and began to hit her with his tongue with a hammer; the ISP beat him until the snake regurgitated the brothers and died; the golden-haired ram ran out; the ISP threw a club at him, and the ram grabbed it and carried it down the hole; the ISP tells the brothers to lower it rope; picked up a club, came to the copper kingdom, there was a girl, a serpent flew in, ISP killed him; the same in the silver kingdom; in the golden kingdom, the princess hides under the hem, the snake flies around, ISP according to the teachings of the princess grabbed his tail, the serpent flew, hit the ground and shattered to pieces; each of the princesses turned her kingdom into a testicle; the princess of gold branded the ISP with her ring and ordered him to take her tail snake: it will deliver wherever you want; the brothers pulled out the princesses, began to argue over the princess of the golden kingdom, decided to get rid of the rival, raised the ISP to half the hole and threw it; the ISP shifted the snake's tail hand to hand, found himself on the ground, changed clothes with the old woman's son, came to a feast; the princess saw her stigma on him; traitor brothers were shot]: Chernyshev 1950, No. 2:10-18; Belarusians: Romanov 1901, No. 28 (Mogilevsky, Belyshichi, 1888-1891) [A merchant and his wife live, they have no children. Someone tells a merchant that if you catch and eat one fish, you'll have children. The fisherman is fishing for him. The hostess and maid clean the fish, splash water from under it into the yard. A mare drinks it and gets pregnant. The maid cooks fish, tastes it and gets pregnant. The hostess eats fish and gets pregnant. A maid, a housewife and a mare give birth to sons one by one. Sons grow by leaps and bounds. Their father sends them to study, the kobylin's son serves them, but he understands science better. They're going back to live with their father. Kobylin's son wants to go on a journey with his brothers and asks his father to make them a supply: three clubs (for his son a mace of 3 pounds, for the hostess at 4, and for himself 5 pounds). Kobylin's son checks maces, throws them into the sky and breaks everything (with his palm, knee and forehead). Asks you to forge new ones (5, 6 and 8 pounds). He throws them one by one, they fly away, no one knows where. The sons are going to look for them. They find the first and second. A third is found in the tenth kingdom at the house of a filthy king. Kobylin's son takes his supply. They spend all day walking in this house, drinking and playing cards. Kobylin's son sends his maid's son to watch the bathhouse (spa), says not to fall asleep, otherwise they will lay down their heads. The servant's son falls asleep. Kobylin's son is hiding under the bridge. A filthy king with six heads is coming. Kobylin's son defeats him and takes his six horses. They walk, drink and play cards all day again. The next night, the son of the mare sends him to the bathhouse to watch his owner's son. He also falls asleep, and the mare's son hides under the bridge again. A filthy king with seven heads is coming. Kobylin's son defeats him and takes his seven horses. They walk, drink and play cards all day again. The next night, the kobylin's son goes on patrol himself, and leaves a towel for the brothers. He says if he gets blood dripping, he needs help. The brothers are falling asleep. A filthy king with nine heads is coming. Kobylin's son cuts down eight of his heads, and the ninth grabs him by the forehead. Blood flows from the towel, the brothers wake up and come to help, defeat the ninth head, and take nine horses. The next day, carts are shared: with six horses, the maid's son, the family goes to the mistress, and nine to the mare. They're going to see their father. Kobylin's son recalls that he forgot gloves (fingers) in the filthy king's house, returns for them and sees three women (two are wives of filthy kings, and the third is a mother). They're talking about how to kill their brothers. One is going to turn into a bed, the second into a jar, gold and silver cups, gold and silver apples, and the third wants to open her mouth, put one jaw (zapa) on the ground, the other under heaven and swallow your brothers. Kobylin's son returns to his brothers, says nothing, they move on. They see it's worth three beds. The servant and the owner's sons want to go to bed, and the mares cut the beds and blood flows from them. They go further, see a pot, gold and silver cups, gold and silver apples. The servant and the owner's sons want to take an apple for a gift to their father, the mare's son does not have time to stop them, they die. Kobylin's son cuts a pot, cups and an apple tree, blood flows from everywhere. He puts the dead brothers in wagons and moves on. There is a woman with her mouth open. Kobylin's son cuts off her upper jaw and drives on top. Baba is chasing him. He hides in the forge, the woman licks the wall and pulls it out. The blacksmith grabs her tongue with ticks, and the son of the mare hits her tongue with a mace. He is exhausted and breaks his mace. Baba offers to compete in singing to see who sings longer. First, she rides it and sings and sings all her songs. Then he rides it and sings. He goes towards his father, and wagons follow them. They drive up to the river. Baba drinks the whole river, bursts, the river flows back. Kobylin's son returns to his father, buries his brothers and lives there], 29 (Bokhotskaya Century, Mstislavsky University, 1888-1891, from peasant Nikita Alekseev, 45 years old, illiterate) [The father has three sons: two smart, and the third fool. The smart ones go to the woods, the fool stays at home. Two daughters-in-law ask a fool to bring water. A pike got stuck at the bridge, a fool helps her, she promises to do whatever he wants. The fool says buckets of water should go home by themselves. The next day, the brothers take him with them for firewood. A fool harnesses his father's horse, a horse kicks, a fool kills it. He says that the sleigh should go by themselves, then cut the firewood themselves and put them into the sleigh. They go home, drive past the lake. A fool sees one fish caught, says who will eat the fish, suck the bones and eat the bones, get pregnant and give birth to a son. All three sons will be heroes. The queen eats the fish, her daughter sucks her bones, and the little girl eats her bones. All three have a son. At the age of 17, sons ask their father to make them three 15-pound swords. They want to go kill snakes with three, six and 12 heads. The father complies with their request. The brothers decide who will be their boss. They hit a stone the size of a house with swords. The female son is just planning, the Tsaritsyn cuts half, the girl's son splits in half. He's becoming the main one. They come to the thirtieth kingdom. The sparkle of sailboats The girl's son (I.) sends a branch son to the bridge to defeat Yuda with three heads. He falls asleep. I. flies an arrow to the bridge, fights with a snake, cuts off one head. The serpent asks for a break, asks what the power of a sailboat is. They show each other strength (the sailboat has a pen, Yuda has a bean), I. catches Yuda's strength and swallows it. The snake wins. The next night, I. sends Tsaritsyn's son to the bridge to defeat Yuda with six heads. He falls asleep. I. flies an arrow to the bridge, fights with a snake, cuts off three heads. The serpent asks for a break, asks what the power of a sailboat is. They show each other strength (the sailboat has a feather, Yuda has a nut), I. catches Yuda's strength and swallows it. The snake wins. On the third night, I. goes to the bridge himself to defeat Yudu with 12 heads. He leaves an empty glass for the brothers: if they are filled with blood, they must run to help. The brothers are falling asleep. I. fights with a snake, cuts off two heads. The serpent asks for a break, asks what the power of a sailboat is. They show each other strength (the sailboat has a pen, Yuda has an apple), I. catches Yuda's strength and swallows it. The serpent is angry. I. throws his boot into the room where the brothers sleep. The brothers wake up and run to help. The snake wins. I. asks the brothers to rest for three days. On the first night, I. turns into a dove and flies to Yudina's wife with three heads, the second with six, and the third with 12 heads. He finds out how they are going to destroy it (turn into a well, an apple tree and a huge snake, 25 versts wide and 45 miles long). The brothers are going home and are thirsty. They see a well, I. cuts it with a sword, blood flows from it. They go on, they see an apple tree, they want to eat apples, I. cuts it, it bleeds. They go on and see a mountain that shouldn't be there. This is a snake. I. jumps into her mouth and cuts through a passageway through which her brothers and horses pass. I. does not have time to pass, the snake pursues him. He hides in the forge, the snake sheds the roof, the blacksmith grabs the snake with forceps, I. cuts the snake from tail to head. They melt the snake into a mare. During this, I. served as a blacksmith for three years. The blacksmith lets him go and tells him not to stop. I. stops by and serves for another blacksmith for three years. He forbids going to Usiyanskaya Mountain and looking at your native side. I. violates the ban, lies to the blacksmith. The blacksmith lets him go, I. reaches the royal house. The king orders him to marry the girl, otherwise he will not let him go home. He orders to gather 12 fellows, I. collects (Obivala, Obivala, Gunka, Dovgoshost, Lysa Mukha and others). They come to the king to marry the girl. The king gives them 12 barrels of wine and 12 pounds of bread, and tells them to drink and eat overnight. Drinks everything, Oat - eats. The next night, the king tells me to sleep in a pit with burning coals. Gunka extinguishes everything with her body. The daughter walks in the garden with I., makes him sleep, tries to fly away as a dove. Bald Fly bites his ass. Dovgosost takes I. on his tail and catches up with her daughter. They take her on their own way without letting her go to their father. They come to see the king. The king surrounded his house with burning ditches. He tells I. to cross the fire on the bylinka to prove that he did not live with the girl on the way. The girl sticks a thick wire into the bylinka, I. goes over. He invites the king to cross the bylinka to prove that he did not ride his mare. The girl pulls out the wire, the king falls down. I. marries a girl, they go to their kingdom]: 248-254, 254-262.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Ossetians: Dzagurov 1973, No. 45 []: 162-177; Sokayeva 2012, No. 4 [Aldar has 7 wives, all barren; his brother promises to kill his wives and pick up his cattle after Aldar's death; Aldar drove the cattle over the fence, brought thorns to the fence, set it on fire, the smoke rose to the sky; God sent the crow to find out what the smoke was, it began to peck manure and carrion; sent a falcon, which stayed with the crow; sent a tit; the snake asked her to show it tongue, pulled it out; sent a swallow, it flew to Aldar; Aldar told everything, said that he was now burning his cattle so that his brother would not get them; God sent Aldar an apple for his wives to eat; younger the wife washed the plates, gave it to the dog; on the same evening, 7 wives and a dog gave birth to a boy; the dog's son crawled up to the cow to suck milk; 3 days later, three boys survived: the elder Mohammed, the youngest Syrdon and The son of the Dog, Temirkhan; the brothers grew up, came to the house of three seven-headed giants; at night the brothers sleep, T. guards instead of them, then in turn, cuts off the head of a black, red, white giant rider; every time his horse snores on the bridge, and the giant says that they have no rivals except T. the dog's son, but his milk on his lips is not dry yet; T. takes the white horse for himself, gives the black and red horse to himself brothers; wives of giants agree; eldest: let the murderer petrify, his salvation will be a white lamb; middle: I will become a cave in the heat; younger: I will become water; T. knows this, does not let his brothers go into the cave, cut it, blood is shed; does not let water drink; the village becomes stony when he has time to talk about the lamb; the father found a lamb, T. came to life; T. killed the hare, went to collect firewood, the hare came to life, says that he is a daughter Aldara, suggests catching up with him; T. goes from one shepherd Aldar to another; Aldar has grief: Chenda Aldar captured his two sons; T. killed him, brought his sons back; T. received his youngest daughter Aldar; that teaches him to ask his father for a braid handle, a piece of leather, a plate; Aldar gives (leather: flying carpet, plate: magic tablecloth); I. and his wife flew home, chipped off the chips from the braid handle, a house appeared; everything is fine ]: 46-54.

Baltoscandia. Karely (Kalevalsky District) [wife, dog and cat gave birth to boys in the same night; all three went to see the world; stayed in a house by the bridge; the Woman's Son is the first to guard, but falls asleep and goes Cat Son; Three-Headed Serpent rides across the bridge, his horse stumbles; Cat Son cut off his head, hid it under the bridge; the same the next night (Dog Son's turn, Six-Headed Serpent); on the third night he rides Nine-headed Serpent; Cat Son left a sign in the house, but the other two did not wake up, he had a hard time cutting down his ninth head; all three went on, but Cat Son came back ("forgot his hat"), eavesdropping on three windows; for each wife of one of the snakes her son and promises to turn into a well and a ladle, a feather bed and a blanket, a table; the horse lies down, warning not to drink, not to lie down, not to eat; the horse stops Kostyana A man who tells us to get Elena the Beautiful; the Cat Son meets and companions invisible people; one knows how to steam in the bathhouse, the other can eat a lot, the third shoot; the king will give Elena if the groom can withstand a hot bath, eats a lot, falls into Elena's ring, exposed three miles away; The vaper cools the bath, the Eater eats everything, the Shooter gets into; Cat Son marries Elena; Elena's mother's sister gives Fire arrow: when the Bone Man laughs with joy, put it in his mouth; the Bone Man burned down]: Onegin 2010, No. 8:108-110; Estonians (Risti) [the ploughman plowed and it turned out to be a lake; from there a pike jumped out; a voice told her to give it to the maid to cook for her grandmother, only she should eat; the grandmother was a witch; the maid tried the ear, the dog and the mare swallowed the foam; the maid, the mare and the dog they gave birth to a son, the son's name is Juhan; they grew up, went to look for wives; the maid's son walks two miles at once, the mare's son has a mile, Yu does not have a horse; the old man says to the maid's son, where under the stone take a horse to take three miles in a step; they spend the night at the bridge, guard one by one; the maid's son defeated the one-headed line; the mare's son is frightened, instead of him Yu defeated the double-headed line, the next night six-headed; spent the night with an old woman, did not know that she was the mother of devils; left her; see her chasing them, one lip to the clouds, the other on the ground; swallowed the servant's son and the son of a mare; Yu came to forge; the blacksmith invited the pursuer to make a hole in the wall with his tongue, grabbed his tongue with ticks, Y. began to beat her with an iron club; she regurgitated the swallowed, she was alive, left herself; they took their wives they come back; the mother of the devils in the swamp calls them, Yu hits her again; on the way there are soft seats, then beds; Yu does not let them sit down, lie down because he heard that they are going to kill them when they fall asleep; the same is tables with food ; married the girls brought at home]: Järv et al. 2009, No. 15:85-89; seto [the queen is childless, the king brings fish, tells the cook to cook, not to eat herself; the queen ate the fish, the cook decoction , the dog is bones, each gave birth to a son: Ivan Tsarevich (IC), Ivan Povarov (IP), Old Sukin Son (S.); brothers come to the bridge; the IP is the first to guard, the devil goes (vanasitt), the IP beats, he did not notice, S. kills Damn; the same the next night, when the IC is guarding; on the third, a 12-headed line; S. leaves a knife, drips blood, let the brothers come to the rescue; at the hell grow severed heads; S. throws at the brothers a shoe, the other, but they hid under the stove; S. gathered his strength, killed the devil; the first two devils had wives, one became an apple tree, the other a well; S. destroyed an apple tree, a well; the 12-headed wife had one lip half the world and the other half the world (ühe huule ühe ilmaveere peale, teise huule teise ilmaveere peale), opened her mouth; S. poured flour there; S. and IC slipped through, IP swallowed; S. ordered the blacksmith cook ticks; the 12-headed wife opened her mouth, her tongue with ticks, regurgitated the IP, who was in flour, S. killed her]: Järv et al. 2009, No. 4:47-50; Latvians [the fish tells the childless widow to cook it and eat; a piece was eaten by a maid, giblets by a mare; each gives birth to a son, the son of a mare is strongman Kurbad; all three go to free the house from evil spirits; on the first night K. killed a three-headed giant on the bridge, the second is six-headed; on the third night he is nine-headed, his heads grow back, he drives K. knee-deep, then to his armpits into the ground; the brothers are sleeping, they do not see that the water in the bucket has become blood; K. threw them at them pastals (shoes); brothers came running, began to burn their severed heads; K. hears insects talking in the cracks: killed our husbands; let one wife become a bed, the second a spring, the third a snake -cannibal; K. does not let me lie down, get drunk, cuts the bed, the spring; the king lost three daughters when they were washing in the bathhouse; K. pinched the line in the door there, he gave a pipe (10 dwarfs will come out to do the job), said that there was a stone in the swamp, there was a hole under it, there were stolen; K. threw off the stone, told the dwarfs to bring a rope; the brothers were afraid, K. went down, cut off the line; in silver, gold, diamond castles princesses; gave K. strong water, and the six-headed drank weak instead of her; the sisters turn their locks into diamond, gold, silver eggs, give K.; K. sent the girls upstairs; the wife of the 9-headed giant cut off the rope and covered the hole with a stone; K. comes to the old man, who says that the cannibal sucked his eyes and beats the giant bird's children with a hail; K. killed the cannibal, smeared the old man's eyes with a potion, he saw the light; covered the chicks from the hail; the bird promises to carry K. across the sea, tells him to prepare meat; K. cut off the last piece from his caviar; K. opens his eggs, lives with the youngest royal in a diamond castle; it is necessary to kill the wife of the 9th head; K. came to the forge, where Debess Kaleis forged a golden crown, a silver belt and a diamond ring for the daughter of the Sun; forged a horse for K. to catch up with the witch, ordered not to look back; K. looked around, thunder and lightning, the horse was gone; K. fell asleep, the witch changed the vessels with strong and weak water, K. drank off, lost strength for a year; went to hell with the worker, who became angry, cut three from his back strips of meat; 1) herd hares, 2) cows; dwarfs collected everyone from the pipe; K. beat off each cow's leg; hell has to answer that he is not angry; 3) horses (the same; cut off their lips); 4) plow how much a white female will run (beat the female, she lay down); 5) clean the stable (the dwarfs cleaned it); 6) bring firewood to the mare (the mare is the mother of the devil, K. threatens to cut her belts from the sides, the mare is lucky); 7) slaughter the sheep, who looks at you (everyone looks, stabbed everyone); 8) eat a pound of dumplings; K. puts the dumplings by the shirt, and the hell ate his pood, it's bad with his stomach; K. pretends to rip open his stomach, the dumplings fell out; 9) hell leads K. to the forest to cut an oak tree; K. brings a hare, a younger brother; the devil cannot catch up with him; agrees to carry a felled oak together; hell carries, K. rides an oak tree; killed the devil's children; tore it out to a mare eyes; put a pot of sour cream instead of himself for the night, hell with his mother think they broke K.'s head; hell and his mother run away to the witch, K. hid in his belongings, here again; at night they decided to drown K. in the river, K. swapped places, the devil drowned his mother; K. killed the devil; the power returned, K. killed the witches, threw the ogre into the fire, killed the ogre eagle; enemies attacked; the witch poured bile on K.; K. killed her and the ogre, but and died himself]: Nierde 1952:116-146.