Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

K97. Experienced fear, ATU 537. .27.-.29.31.-.35.

A man is preparing to kill, but not a big bird. When the bird later carries it, it pretends to leave it on a rock or throw it down. By doing so, she makes it clear how scared she herself was. Or, first, the bird drops and picks up the person, and later he makes her feel afraid.

{In Uther 2004, in connection with story 537, references are given to Abkhazian and Turkish versions, where this episode does not exist. Taking into account Latvian, Lithuanian probably has it. The Dutch, Hungarian, Croatian, Macedonian, and Slovak versions, which are referred to in Uther 2004, require verification against primary sources that are not yet available}.

(Germans, Dutch, Hungarians, Croats, Macedonians, Slovaks), Moldovans, Russians (Karelian Pomorie, Vologda, Pskov, Voronezh), Eastern Ukrainians (Kiev), Belarusians, Slovaks, Stavropol Turkmens, Ossetians, Armenians, Danes, Latvians, Lithuanians, Estonians, Finns, Karelians, Chuvash, Mari, Mordovians, Kazan Tatars, Bashkirs, Udmurts, Komi, Kazakhs, Khakas, Southern Selkups.

(Wed. Western Europe. Germans (Pomerania) [every time a worker milks a cow, she tries to kill a toad, but the toad manages to hide; soon a little elf called her to their country to give birth; she is overhead saw a millstone hanging on a silk thread; the woman in labor explained that she was the toad, so let the girl also feel the same fear she had experienced; sending her home, the girl was given a gold bar and told her to remain silent; if he told her, she would be taken back, planted under a millstone, and this time he would fall and crush it]: Hartland 1891:51-52; Dutch: Uther 2004 (1), No. 537:313-314).

The Balkans. Moldovans [a childless elderly woman walked through the dew, conceived a boy; when her son was born, the father went to look for her godson; rejected death (she wanted to take the child with her), the moon (her wealth is night will eat, the sun will melt the beauty), agreed to take the sun (will give him beauty); Fat-Frumos's son grew up, began to aim at the eagle, he asked not to shoot, but to heal - he was wounded by another hunter; FF cured him; After 9 years, the eagle returned, told him to sit on it - it would carry it to his sister, brother, wife; threw it off at a height and caught it again so that FF would feel how frightened the eagle was when abandoned FF whistled around him spears; the sister refused to give a ring of luck as a reward for saving her brother; the same was the brother; the wife gave the ring; the eagle turned into a young man; said that herds would come out of the ring, but to bring them back, here whip; eagle flew away; FF fell asleep; brought herds out of the ring, and the whip was gone, the herds could not be driven back; sighed, Okhtyu appeared; gives a whip for promising to give first joy; FF meets his parents who they go to O. - he gave them to him; FF sent them back and went to serve O. himself; hermit: you can redeem the contract with O. with the help of Petrie the Robber; 24 snakes rode, went to bed, PR is one of them, FF lay down next to him; when PR woke up, he liked FF's courage; he came to Tartakot, who has all the contracts; but there is no contract with O.; O. himself came, did not want to give the contract, T. threatened him with Petrie As a robber, O. gave it away; PR asked where his bed was; T. showed: in the most sizzling hellfire; PR came to that hermit and asked for help get rid of the hell he had in store; hermit: climb into a hazel hollow and let FF cut off a piece from the hazel and from you with a new knife every day; a year later, the PR bones fell out, but he got rid of T.'s hellish bed; three nuts fell from the hazel; FF split one, a fairy came out, asked for a drink, there was no water, turned into a flower; the same with the second; for the third FF prepared water in advance; wedding]: Botezat 1981:79-88; (cf. Hungarians, Croats, Macedonians, Romanians: Uther 2004 (1), No. 537:313-314).

Central Europe. Russians (Karelian Pomorie) [contrary to the owner's order, the workers left a few grains on the field; a mouse and a bird argued over them, a war between birds and animals began, everyone died and remained wounded eagle; the prince pointed his gun at him three times, the eagle asked him not to shoot, but ordered him to feed him for three months; tried to fly - three more; then more; ordered him to sit on him, took the reward; along the way He threw it and picked it up three times so that the prince would feel the same fear as himself when the prince pointed his gun; he ordered him to take a multi-colored box from his worn sister, the middle sister had a self-shaking purse, and the youngest sister had a multi-colored box the key to the colorful box; the eagle tells you not to open it along the way; he opened, everything flew up, the road became difficult; tall man: I'll bring everything back if you give back what you don't know at home; it was magic king; people came out of the box at home, began to uproot, harrow, etc.; the wife gave birth to a son during this time; Ivan Tsarevich grew up, shot, hit his grandmother's window; grandmother: it won't take long for you to break windows, through the magic king will take you for a year; your father denies; the second time the same; your grandmother gave you a cup of water to drink, I. became a mighty handsome man; tells you to hide the dress of the most beautiful of the 12 swans when they arrive and will become girls; she promises to be faithful to Ivan; the king orders to rebuild the palace overnight; Elena the Queen flew in like a bee, tells I. to go to bed, orders the spirits to do everything; the ship from guns that are 30 years old under the window; E. gives a lash, I. hit the head, soon she returned by ship; cut down the forest, etc., and bake pancakes from flour by morning; the same, everyone performs perfumes; choose E. from 12 mares (one hair on the face is slightly longer); the same is from 12 pigs (a red speck in the ear); out of 12 girls (a fly above her right eye); E. and I. are running, E. left saliva in the bath; chase; what can you see? - The cloud is high behind; turned into a chapel and an old man; two pigeons on a pile of manure; himself with a ruff, I. - a ring, swallowed the ring, dived into the lake; the king became a pike, but he could not catch the ruff; drank water, but the ruff became a duck, the duck flew away; the king followed, hit the rock, burst with the water he had drunk; E.: I'll stay in the field as a pebble, and you go to the house, don't forget to say hello to your older sister, otherwise you'll forget me; I. did not say hello, forgot, a new wedding is being prepared; two pigeons came out of the cake, talking about the forgotten E.; at first E. does not want to get up: I. has already been blessed; but he persuaded her, she came out of the pebble, I. became live with E.]: Nechaev 1938:85-110; Russians (Vologodskaya, Kirillovsky University) [the mouse and sparrow shared the seeds, the sparrow pecked the last one, the mouse complained to the fiery serpent, the eagle interceded for the sparrow, the serpent scorched his wings; Vasily the Sagittarius pointed his gun at him three times; the eagle asks feed him for a year, tries to fly, asks him to ride for a year, then another; after that, the eagle flew with him; drops him three times over the sea and picks him up again; stops with three sisters in copper, silver, golden kingdoms; only the older sister agrees to give the box; the eagle tells me not to open it on the way home; the ships landed on the island, V. opened the box, the city appeared; the old man put it back for promising to give what V. does not know at home; let him send him a son in 20 years, he is a seven-humped demon; when Ivan is 20, he went to the demon; A hut, a hut, backwards to the forest, to me! there is Baba Yaga, that demon is her brother; she gave a ball, he would reach her older sister; there too, "the hut turned like chicken legs", "backwards to the forest, to me in front"; "The old woman lies twice as her mother head on the bench, legs in the pipe"; gave a cane when she stuck and did not pull it out, you go there; 12 swans flew to the sea, one of them far from the others; I. hid "to look to his knees (to the navel)"; stole her clothes; "If you are young, let her husband be"; "What manners did you get here, Ivan Tsarevich!" ; "My owner has 38 heads, and all have to hang 40 heads - two stakes are empty. And shouldn't we all be here together?" Demon quests. Make a pole from ground to heaven so that the cat can work, go up - tell 12 fairy tales, and down - sing 12 songs well"; I.'s wife performed everything by morning; the demon tells us to identify Maria Tsarevna among the 12 girls; M.: I will have a fly on my right eyebrow; then: dig a ditch overnight and let a steamer go through it; performed; identify M. among 12 swans; "The right wing has a longer wing" {incomprehensible}; out of 12 foals (one tail hair is longer); cut down the forest, plow the field, etc., by morning for the cake to be ready; M. leave saliva responsible for themselves, runs with I.; M. is the chapel, I. is the elder; the well and the ladle; the swamp and the kite; the unclean spirit began to drink the swamp; M. turned herself and I. into a ring, threw it, her sister had it; she threw it on the floor, the ring crumbled with beads, I. and M. appeared; they came to his parents ; wedding]: Sokolov, Sokolov 1981, No. 34:133-148; Russians (Pskov) [Ivan buried his merchant father; went hunting, no prey; he pointed his gun at the crow three times; a raven on his shoulder, he brought him home to visit; the raven offered to take him to visit him; drops him three times over the sea, picks him up; says that he was also afraid when I. pointed his gun; flew to the old woman, this is the mother of the crow, she agreed give I. a golden egg; they stayed for several days, but it turned out that 5 years; the raven brought I. back to his house, where I.'s mother lived the entire estate; the raven ordered to be hired to serve the king; the king orders to build palace; the raven takes a golden egg, the palace has appeared; the senators tell the king that I. boasted to get Alain the Beautiful; they come by ship to far away, the raven lured Alena to the ship, took her away; the king wants to marry her; A. demands a dress from her father; the raven brought I. there, became a golden-maned horse, everyone ran out of the church to catch, I. took his dress; now A. demands his carriage from the bottom of the sea; the raven took to the sky, threw himself into the water, the water spread 4 miles, I. pulled out the carriage; A.: get my earrings from the bottom; the copper wolf requires a receipt: he will take out the earrings, but for this I. will allow him to eat it when will go to marry; I. gave, received earrings; A.: whoever opened my stroller is my husband; only I. unlocked; the raven created a wax figure of I.; the wolf rushed at her, and I. safely married A.]: Chernyshev 1950, No. 16:36-41; Russians (Voronezh) [the tsar aims at the eagle three times for the oak tree; agrees to feed it for three years; every year the eagle tries its hand; after the third, he puts the king on his back, carries it three times He throws him into the sea and picks him up again, so that the king would feel the same fear as he did when the king aimed at him; the eagle's younger sister refused to feed the king, let the dogs down on him; when the eagle carried the king further, behind the younger sister's house burns; the same with the middle sister; the elder feeds generously; then the eagle gives the king a ship and two chests: red to unlock in the backyard, green in the front; but the king opened the red one on the road, the cattle came out of it; a man came out of the water, put the cattle back for promising to give what the king of the house did not know; at home, the king unlocked both chests, a garden appeared from the green one; he was born at home Ivan Tsarevich; when he grew up, he was left on the seashore; Baba Yaga's hut nearby; she teaches: 12 spoonbills will fly to the sea, take off their clothes, start swimming, and hide the clothes of the eldest, Vasilisa the Wise; He promises to help when I. comes to her father, the Water King; I. met, took Obedala, Opivala, Moroz with him; the water one orders to build a crystal bridge overnight (the VP servants did everything); plant a garden (same) recognize the bride from his 12 daughters (she will wave her handkerchief; fix her dress; the fly will fly); tells me to eat a lot; drink; survive in a hot bath (assistants helped); young run, VP turned horses into a well, herself into a bucket, a prince into an old man; pop and church; a honey river with jelly banks, a prince a drake, VP a duck; the water began to drink, burst; the VP tells me to go forward to her parents, but do not kiss his sister; I. kissed, forgot VP; takes another wife; VP chipped in as a beggar, brought a pie, a dove with a dove in it; dove: you will forget me like I. Vasilisa Premudruya; I. remembered that everything is fine]: Afanasiev 1958 (2), No. 219:171-177; Russians (Voronezh) [the mouse quarreled with V No. 224:197-204. while he eats bread, drinks milk, etc., stealing grain from the barn, the animals began to fight birds; the wounded Eagle asks the merchant three times not to kill him, but to care for him; three years later he carries him on his back; He drops three times over the sea and catches him to make the merchant feel like he, the Eagle, is afraid of being shot by him; the Eagle's sisters in the copper and silver kingdoms refuse to give the merchant a casket, a sister in gold He gives it to the kingdom; the Eagle orders not to open it along the way, the merchant opens it, a palace and servants appear from it; the Unbaptized Forehead collects everything in a casket for promising to give what he does not know at home; the merchant is met by his wife with his newborn son; Ivan grows up and goes to NL; Baba Yaga advises to hide the wings of a colorful cabbage roll when three cabbage rolls arrive for a swim; this is Vasilisa Premudraya, NL's favorite daughter; he has Chumichka cook lies as if Ivan promised 1) to cut down the forest in a day, harvest, bake pies out of flour; 2) make a flying ship; VP does everything, Chumichka is thrown off the ship; 3) NL tells me to go around the stallion; this is NL himself, Ivan hits him with a hammer; 4) choose a bride among three mares, three pigeons, three girls (the VP has a dull glitter on the bridle; he will wave his wing; a handkerchief); after the wedding, the young run, the VP turns Ivan into a vegetable garden , himself in a head of cabbage; a well and a falcon; when NL himself is chasing, the VP throws a brush (forest), a comb (mountain), a towel (sea); Ivan is the first to come home, kisses his godmother, forgets the VP; she is hired in workers, Ivan is ready to marry; VP comes to the wedding with a pie, a dove with a dove comes out of it, the dove says that the dove will forget her, how Ivan forgot the VP; Ivan recalls]: Afanasiev 1958 (2), No. 224: 197-204; Ukrainians (Uman in Kyiv region) [The mouse and the Lark quarreled over a grain; gathered birds and animals for war; the mouse ordered ants to bite the wings of birds at night; birds fell, killed by animals; The eagle remains in the tree, asks the hunter not to shoot; he points his gun three times; feeds the Eagle with a cow, a bull; he carries him through the air, drops him three times and picks up that the person is afraid like the Eagle when aimed at him; The eagle teaches the hunter to promise to return the Eagle, ask for a raitso egg for it; the uncle, the Eagle's brother refuse, the father agrees; orders to break only houses; the hunter breaks on the way, from eggs come out cattle; the Snake promises to return the cattle to the egg if they give something that was not at home; son Ivan grows up, goes to the Snake; she demands 1) to uproot the forest overnight, etc., harvest, bake pies; The daughter of the Snake is walled up in a stone pole; promises to do everything if I. marries her; 2) turn the Dnieper, arrange a shopping harbor; 3) catch a golden hare; the snake's daughter tells you to grab everything that comes out of the hole ; I. lets the viper pass, the old woman; it was the hare; the girl turned into a hare herself, I. carried her away; both run away; the Snake sends her husband in pursuit, the fugitives turn into wheat and grandfather; into a monastery and an elder; the third time the Snake chases by itself; the river and the perch; The snake becomes a pike, does not catch it, began to drink the river, burst; the bride tells not to kiss her uncle's child at home; I. kisses, forgets the bride; is going to marry another; Snake's daughter makes doves out of dough, they tell their story, I. remembers everything, marries Snake's daughter]: Pankeev 1992:297-307; (cf. Belarusians, Slovaks: Uther 2004 (1), No. 537:313-314).

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Stavropol Turkmens [(zap. A.N. Gren, from materials by L.G. Lopatinsky); The Mouse and the Rat are fighting over prey; the Eagle tries to reconcile them, they gnaw on it; the hunter shoots the wounded Eagle three times, both times a misfire; agrees to bandage his wing; the Eagle carries him to his wives; throws him off and catches him three times to make him feel how afraid the Eagle was; sends a man to each wife as a fortuneteller; the first two are dissatisfied with what they are promised the return of her husband, the third is happy; the Eagle throws the first off the cliff; the Eagle gives a box, does not tell you to open it along the way; the man opens, the herds run away, he says, Ah; The old man appears from under land, returns the herds to the box for promising to give his son Azerbaijan; Aha's son tells B. not to admit that he has mastered science, A. lets B. go to his father; B. knows how to turn into animals, tells his father to sell him like a horse, but without a bridle; A. buys with a bridle, wants to kill, son A. tells him to run; B. turns into a hare, A. into a greyhound; the lark is a kite, the father is a chicken, the fox grabs the chicken; A. gives B. property, leaves to another country]: Bagriy 1920 (2): 77-84; Ossetians [The eagle flies to the poor man three times to steal chickens; each time he asks not to kill; on the fourth day he asks him to sit on his back, carries him to his sisters; the paths pretend to leave them on the rock twice, once among a wolf pack, so that the person also experiences the fear experienced by the Eagle; the first and second sisters do not give up the magic whip, the ring; the youngest gives a bandage that allows a childless woman to give birth; on the way home, a person falls asleep; does not find a bandage; the sorcerer returns her from the water, demands that the boy be handed over a year after he is born; that in a year becomes a young man; the sorcerer's daughter teaches him to complete his tasks, gives a magic whip; 1) build an iron bridge; 2) sow the field and harvest in a day; 3) choose one horse out of a dozen (these are the sorcerer's daughters) , the bride will stand still); 4) one goose (the same); 5) a dove (the same); going to the bathhouse, the young man and the bride run away, leaving a spit to answer for themselves; the girl turns into a bush, the young man into a bird; to the church and priest (the sorcerer's wife explains that they were the fugitives); the sea and the swan; the sorcerer's wife pursues herself, becoming an eagle; trying to drink the sea, bursts; hitting the young man's parents with a whip, the girl makes them young]: Britayev, Kaloev 1959:88-94 (=Sokayeva 2012:11-18); Armenians [mouse and falcon sowed wheat, and when harvested, they began to divide; could not divide one seed, turned to the eagle; eagle falcon: you knock him down; mouse: well, let's not quarrel; and at night I hit the sleeping falcon with a sword, it could hardly fly away; the hunter saw a falcon on the tree, pointed his gun three times, the falcon asked him not to kill, cure; the hunter's wife went out; the falcon put the hunter on his back, carried it, threw it into the sea three times, picking it up above the water itself; ordered to ask his father for a silk pouch; the falcon's father gives a pouch, does not tell open before reaching home; the hunter opened it, found himself in the middle of a noisy bazaar; the lame man asks to give him what he does not know at home; the hunter promised to be at home; wife: that our son does not go home; it turned out that the son was born, but now he was lame; he left the boy lame on the island at sea; he had been fishing for 16 years, grew up; three heads flew to the island, threw off his bird's robe, and became girls, went swimming; the young man stole the feathers of a girl; she promised to be his wife; gave a ball, which rolled from island to shore, a road arose, they came to town; the husband was hired as a laborer; the owner decided it lime to take possession of his wife; one lame guest suggested 1) send a man for two storks, one has a golden beak and the other has silver wings; the wife calls an Arab and orders storks to be reached, he brings; his wife warned: if the owner says that storks are not needed, they must be released (as it happened); 2) bring the lion from Mount Aragats (the same); 3) bring the invisible worker Murza; the wife gives a ball, he will lead to her sister's house; she calls the frogs, they don't know the way; the sister tells them to go to their mother's house for the ball; she has collected snakes, they say that M. has been hired by the snake king; the mother tells them to go to the house the snake king and hide behind the stove; the king will come and say, "Murza, gather for the table"; when the king leaves, call M. behind him; he is glad that the king has already tortured him; the boatman offers M. a horn in which he is walking army and cavalry; when a man received a horn, M. also returned to him; the owner wants to cut off the man's head, he blows into the horn, the warriors cut off the owner's head; M. brought the spouses to her husband's parents]: Nazinyan 1969:33-42.

Baltoscandia. Danes [a lazy young man sees a crow on an apple tree; shoots three times, each time the raven pretends to fall; the young man comes up to him, he puts it on his back, flies away; three times pretends to He throws the young man into the sea, and explains that he was just as afraid when the young man shot; the raven brings the young man to the field, tells him to go to the house, say hello from the crow from Salby and ask for porridge and butter; eating, a young man gains the strength of 20 men; sees a white rug with a red thread in the air, follows him, finds a crow; so three times; the last time he finds himself on a mountain and rolls down from it out of laziness, and does not descend slowly; the raven brings the young man to the castle, tells him to hire him in the kitchen, walk the long road; the young man tries to go straight, gets into the swamp; the raven helps for the last time; the local king promised the daughter of the sea to the king, if he helps to cope with the lack of water; now promises a daughter and half the kingdom to the one who will save him from the water king; the Red Knight went to protect the princess, but when he saw the wave, he ran away; the young man waited The third wave, in which the sea king, the young man overcame him and killed him, then fell asleep; the princess woven a gold ring into his hair, but was forced to go with the impostor, the Red Knight; their wedding was being prepared; the king must check who has the ring in his hair; the young man does not go, the king is forced to come by himself; the young man gets the princess and half the kingdom, the Red Knight is hanged; the young man meets the Raven in the form of a man; that takes him home, marries his sister]: Grundtvig 1920:166-174; Estonians [the aged king learns that there is a mirror that makes him young; sends two eldest sons after him; the youngest fool goes himself, he finds the brothers in the tavern, they refuse to take him as companions; he comes to the forest hut, the old woman sends him to her older sister, who to the oldest, the oldest, convenes her family, i.e. animals, birds, no one knows about the mirror; the double-headed eagle is the last to arrive, says that the princess has a mirror in her heads, carrying a young man there; he puts two bear guards to sleep, throwing them eagle feathers; despite banning the eagle, hesitates, eats and drinks, removes the ring from the finger of the sleeping princess; on the way back, the eagle plunges the young man into the sea three times, says that he, the eagle, was just as afraid when the young man hesitated; brothers are all they still sit in the tavern, take away the younger one's mirror, advise his father to kill the fool; he lets him into the sea in a shuttle; the shuttle sails to the island; the young man pulls out a broom, scissors, bread received from old women; A city emerges, all people are dressed and fed; a princess sails in search of her ring, she must marry its owner; a young man marries her, rules the island]: J.Kunder in Põder, Tanner 2000:47-61 (=Raud 2004:160-170); Finns [the young man is going to shoot the capercaillie, he asks not to do so; so three times; the young man agrees to take the capercaillie home and feed him for a year; the capercaillie has grown copper on its tail the feather and when it fell out, he flew away; in the evening he returned, asked for food for another year; a silver feather grew; after the third year, a golden feather; the capercaillie ordered to sit on it; they fly across the sea, capercaillie three times throws off and picks up the young man so that he feels the same fear that the capercaillie felt when he was aimed; they fly to the copper castle of the capercaillie's younger sister; he tells me to ask her for a chest without the key, but she did not give it; the middle sister had the same in the silver castle; the eldest in the gold castle gave it; on the way back, the capercaillie was tired and left the young man on the mountain; he did not want to drag the chest, he threw it and a palace, a household, people, etc. appeared; the old man promises to put everything back if the young man promises to give him what was born at his house; the young man knows that his wife did not expect a child and promised; the old man allowed leave the baby for a year, told him to be named Krummdreher; in a year the boy grew up, became a young man, went to an old man; between the sea and the lake there is an oak tree, he climbed on it, saw girls sailing on the ship ; they began to swim, he hid the clothes of one of them; gave it for a promise to marry and help; this is the daughter of an old man; she gives her handkerchief, he makes him invisible and offers any food; before entering the castle, it is necessary to pull an iron stake out of the ground with a ring at the end; the young man easily pulled it out; the young man knocked on the lock door, the old man went out but saw no one, and the invisible young man entered the bride's castle; the old man tells 1) create a castle neither on earth nor in the sky; 2) cultivate the field, harvest and bake bread in one night; 3) bring three iron-billed capercaillies from across the sea; bride: bribe 7 out of 9 horses, and we will buy two we can ride away; the old man is chasing; the girl waved her handkerchief, a mountain arose, the old man ran after the ax; cut through; the girl turned her horses into a church and bell tower, herself into a priest, a young man into a clerk; they they answered the old man that the fugitives were already across the river; he was chasing again, but the girl created the river with a handkerchief; the old man had stopped persecuting; everything was fine]: Salmelainen 1947:19-25 (=Concca 1993:60-66); Karelians: Onegin 2010, No. 16 (Kalevalsky District) [my husband went to the forest, took aim at the Vuoka bird; she asks not to shoot, but to bring and feed him for a year; so three times; explains that she was wounded when she fought with a capercaillie; when a bird has recovered, tells a cow to be slaughtered, meat should be taken with it, it will bear it for a reward; over the sea it dumps and picks up a person three times so that he feels the same fear as she did when he entered it aimed; the bird consistently stops with its three sisters in a copper, silver, golden house; only a sister from the golden house agrees to give the box with the key; when flying away, the veika hits its wings, copper and silver houses burn down; the man opens the box on the way, countless goods fall out; the giant demon puts everything back for promising to give what was born in his house during the man's absence; it turns out that a boy was born and has grown up; the boy accidentally broke a pot of soup on the old woman's window; she says that he was promised to an Arab guest, let him go to him; a boy (now more likely a young man) leaves; sees three swans come swimming, take off their clothes, become girls; he hides clothes alone; the girl agrees to take him as a groom; says she was cursed to be the daughter of an Arab guest; a swan took the young man under his wing and brought him to an Arab guest; the young man spent the night with the girl, in the morning she gave him a drink of live water, ordered him to break all the axes and saws that his father would give to prepare a huge the amount of forest; after that, the devil gave his ax, the young man told the demons to do the work; the second task is to dig a giant field on the rock (the same is to break hoes and shovels); the devil tells you to choose a bride among three identical girls; chickens; mares; the girl teaches that she will have a longer tie on her apron; puts her finger aside; puts her back leg aside; the devil offers to ride a horse, it's him; the girl teaches beat the horse with whips and a sledgehammer in the forehead; the beaten devil is sick, the girl tells me to run; they turned into a shepherd and a cow; the priest and the church; the demons did not understand, they returned; when they became a lake and a ruff, he ran himself hell, I tried to drink the lake; the ruff ripped open his belly, the water leaked out, the hell died; the girl sends the guy home, and she must be water for another three years; the young man became a rich merchant, forgot his bride, is preparing a wedding with the princess; the girl comes, offers to buy buns from her; the buyer wants to sleep with her; she tells her to come in the evening; the girl sent her boyfriend for firewood, she stuck to the doorknob all night; The next evening was the same with the second one who went out to bring a bag of flour; on the third evening the merchant himself came; she lay down with him, said who she was; they stayed together]: 182-193; Schreck 1887, No. 11 [at Goldberg 1953:53-71 This text is Finnish, although it is clearly stated that it is from Russian Karelia; the witch is Syöjätär; a brief summary in Heartland 1894, No. 2:321; in the woods, the older sister promises from a few grains to cook for the king, the middle one to prepare clothes for him from several bundles of hemp, the youngest to give birth to 9 sons in three pregnancies; the Queen heard that he married the youngest; when she gave birth to the first three boys, a midwife witch replaced them with crow chicks, hid the children in a meadow under a white stone; the next time she replaced crows with chicks, and the third time herons; but the woman in labor hid two children, gave only one to the witch, whom she hid under the same stone; the Queen left his wife in an iron barrel into the sea, not knowing that her two sons were with her; three years later they grew up; the barrel threw it onto the island, the boys asked God to break it, went outside; a pike swam up, told them to get a hat and handkerchief out of her stomach; they hit her with a hat, and a palace and a stone bridge appeared to their kingdom father; a beggar came, he was fed, he returned, told the Queen what he saw; he understood everything, brought his wife and sons back; they hit him with a hat, the palace and bridge behind them disappeared; the young men decided to find the rest of her brothers; the mother gave them bread baked with her milk; at the top of the spruce, the brothers saw a seagull; one wanted to shoot her, the other stopped him; seagull: don't shoot, I'll be useful; so three times; on the seashore, the seagull put the young men on their backs, carried them; dived three times so that they would feel the same fear as they felt when they aimed at them; on the other side, the brothers took out a pike handkerchief, he began to turn around, they followed to the fir forest; there was a big bird at the top of the fir tree; she sent on; the brothers entered the house, there was a woman; she said that seven brothers swim in the form of swans, and they make people at night; sent them to the next house; the hostess said that the brothers were on target; we must come quietly and burn the swan clothes left in the yard; they did it; nine followed home for a handkerchief; two gave seven brothers bread with breast milk; all returned home; feast]: 85-97; Latvians [the hunter shot the hawk three times, missed it; the hawk grabbed it and carried it, let it go three times , but picked up so that the hunter would feel the same fear; after that, the hawk ordered him to feed him for three years; then he brought the hunter to one sister, asked for Raichuk to give it to the hunter, who did not give it; the same second; third gave it, it was something like an egg; the hawk carried the hunter almost home and ordered Raichuk not to open it on the way; he discovered it; a city appeared with food and drink; not to put it back; an old man came up and placed the city back for promising that the house is new; at home, the wife gave birth to a son; he grew up and went to look for the devil; the old man he met tells me to go to the lake, 7 ducks will come to swim, they will become a girl, we must steal clothes alone and return when he calls him a sweet brother; the young man did so; the devil gives tasks; 1) plow the land in a day, grow, pick apples; 2) the same thing - wheat, bake bread; the girl does everything; 3) jump on the stallion of possession is a line; the stallion is the devil himself; the girl gave a silver, golden broom (to drive them), the hammer to beat; the devil put the young man and the girl in a barrel to burn; they turned into flies, flew away through a hole; a servant is chasing, a girl turned into a sheep, a young man into a shepherd; next time a church and a pastor; hell is chasing; the lake and the fish; the water is boiling, the hell is barely alive, gone; the girl sent the young man to ask father's blessing, did not tell me to say hello to his younger sister; he greeted, forgot everything; the girl climbed the willow above the spring; the younger sister went to get water, saw a reflection, thought it was her so beautiful, the mug slipped out; the same second sister; the mother did not believe that she was beautiful at her age, noticed the girl, told her at home; the young man ran to the girl, hugged her, and both died]: Grishina 1993:214-226; Swedes [the mother has a cow, her son herds her; in the forest, the old man offers to change it to a gun and tells him to shoot it at the first living creature he meets; the guy shoots a bird, it falls with one branches to another; the same after the second shot; after the third it falls to the ground; the bird put it on its back, flew over the sea, drops it three times and picks it up, he sinks into the water to his hips, to chest, chin length; bird: I felt the same fear when you shot; the moon rises in the distance; the bird brings there, the guy there gets a whistle, a sword, a robe and a horse; a star in the distance; then the sun; everyone once the guy gets the same set; arrived at the castle, where the king promised the dragon three daughters; whoever saves them will get married; the guy arrives in an outfit received where the moon rose; puts his head on the princess's knees to clean his head; when the dragon comes out, the guy whistles on the whistle, blows off all three heads; next time a star set, five heads; from the sun, seven heads; the soldier claims that he defeated the dragons; the king demands that he defeat 5000 warriors; the guy demolished the deceiver's head, married a younger princess and received the throne]: Schier 1974, No. 32:127-133; Lithuanians [man aims at the eagle; he asks him not to shoot, but to feed him; after a few years, the eagle carries it on his back and intimidates (obviously pretending to throw it into the sea); having received a wonderful box, a person breaks prohibition to open it on the way; an estate arises; hell puts the property back, but orders him to give his son for it]: Balys 1936, no.*320:27.

Volga - Perm. Udmurts [someone steals peas from their butts; pop guards, finds a child in peas; Mikhailo Popov grows unusually strong, maims other children; pop sent him to bring sheep out of the forest with wolves and lock them up to the sheep; M. brought the wolves, they ate the sheep; the same is to bring bulls (brought bears); the men advise sending M. to the lake, collecting the devil's rent; hell offers to race, M. sent instead of a hare; throw weights; M.: I'll throw it on the cloud; hell asks not to throw; devils give money; M. tells me to pour into the hat in which he made a hole, filled a large bag; hell offers to fight, M. sends a bull, i.e. a bear, instead of himself; M. harnessed a bear and a devil into the cart, brought money to his ass; M. left them to work at the mill, went on, met Usynya (twists Kama with his mustache), Gorynya (shakes the mountain with his little finger); they take turns cooking; the man with his fingernail, the beard hits the cook from the elbow, goes underground again; when M. remains, he beat the peasant, pinched his beard, he cut off his beard, left down a hole; only M. decided to go down on a rope; the girl sews a paper dress, goes with M., rolling her hut into an egg; the same is a girl with a woolen one; with a silk dress; that man is their grandfather, went to grow beard; Usynya and Gorynya picked up the girls, did not lift M.; M. wants to kill the cat; the duck; they ask not to kill; then they transport M., pretend to throw him off; M.: I didn't kill you; so three times; cat : I have no strength, I want to eat; M. cut off meat from caviar, gave it to the cat; on earth M. exchanged clothes with an old man; came to Usyn and Goryn, drove them away, began to live with three girls]: Kralina 1960, No. 43:108-118; Komi : Novikov 1938, No. 25 [The mouse quarreled with Sparrow, the birds began to fight animals, killed each other, an Eagle with a broken wing remained by the sea of blood; the old man picked him up; the old woman orders twice shoot the Eagle, the Eagle asks not to do this every time; after recovering, he carries the old man, throws it twice, picks him up from the ground so that he will be afraid; the Eagle's sister gives the box, does not tell you to open it road; the old man opens, gold falls asleep; another old man (this is an evil tun) puts gold back for promising to give back in three years what you do not know at home; the old man has been absent for fifteen years, his son has grown up; the old woman tells the young man to watch for the twelve swans, the daughters of the tuna, hide the youngest's clothes while they are swimming; she gives him her ring, flies away; Tun marries him, sets tasks, his wife teaches how to perform; 1) build a palace overnight (monsters are building); 2) create a river with fish, gardens on the banks (the same); 3) a crystal bridge (the same); daughter steals her father's handkerchief, runs with her husband; tun them pursues; she waves her handkerchief, creating a forest, then a river; a young man pierces tuna with an arrow, he turned into a pine tree]: 88-103; Mordovians [the mouse destroyed the sparrow's nest, the trial began, the great serpent bit the falcon , he sat on a tree; the hunter shot him three times, missed him, then brought him home, fed him for 9 years until the falcon could easily pull out and carry the oak; the falcon put the hunter on his back, He threw off and picked up the paths three times; the elder, middle sisters falcon do not want to give up the chest, the youngest gives it away, it cannot be opened on the way; he discovered it, the city has appeared, he began to live in it, wants to go home; Saraidir promises to put everything back in the chest for promising to give what the hunter does not know at home; his son has grown up and goes to Saraidir; sister S. teaches: three pigeon girls will come to swim, we must hide their clothes gray, to give for the promise to become a wife; tells the servants to do the work he offers her husband; 1) cut down the forest, etc. - up to baking bread; 2) an iron bridge with apple trees and birds; 3) tame stallion (this is S., his daughter hits him with an iron hammer herself); leaves spits to answer, tells him to run; turns himself and her husband into a cow and a shepherd, a church and a priest, a lake and a ruff; S. turned his daughter into a cow and a shepherd for seven years female; husband kissed his younger sister, forgot his wife; after 7 years he marries; two pigeons tell everything at the wedding; the husband remembered everything, married his wife]: Evseviev 1964, No. 17:132-145; Chuvash [Eagle asked the man not to shoot at him, to heal his wing; he feeds him cows, sheep, his wife curses; raises him to the sky, throws him, picks him up, now the man also feels afraid; he is lucky to his sisters, the middle one gives a casket, the person opens it on the way, the silver falls out; the old man puts it back from his elbow for promising to give what you don't know; during this time, his son Ivan was born and grew up; comes to the lake , hides the dress of one of the three swan girls bathing; I. gives it when she calls him not a brother, but a sweet one; gives a ball, I. comes to her father; 1) to give the stallion and the mare (these are the girls' parents; I. beats give them water); 2) identify the youngest of the sisters (she will blink an eye); I., gets married; when he comes to his parents, forgets his wife's request not to kiss the child in the cradle (this is an old man with an elbow), forgets his wife; they want to marry him, the cuckoo cuckoo cuckoo turns into an ex-wife, he remembers, returns to her]: Chuvash tales 1938:89-94; Marie [Mouse and Sparrow were friends, shared food; Sparrow swallowed the seed alone, they they quarreled, the Mouse called the animals, the Sparrow called the birds, the Lion broke the Eagle's wing; the hunter began to aim at the Eagle, agreed to take him home and feed him; the Eagle ate all his cattle, flew away, returned, carried him for reward; deliberately dropped it, then picked it up to show how afraid he was at gunpoint; the younger, middle sisters of the eagle in the bronze and silver palaces reply that they love their father and mother more than brother; the youngest in gold - that the brother is bigger; gives a parcel, tells him not to open it on the way; the Eagle carries the hunter back over the mountain; he opens the bundle, a golden palace appears, the sorcerer gathers the palace back for promising to give what he does not know at home; a son was born at home; goes to the sorcerer; the old woman gives a skein of thread, he leads to her older sister, who explains how to take the clothes of one of the twelve duck girls, who come to swim; the girl tells you to hire her father (this is the sorcerer), identify among 12 doves (she will bite harder); in a hot bath, young people turn into flies, fly away, spit on they are answered; the girl turns into a herd, the boy into a shepherd; into a monastery and a priest; into a lake and a goose; the sorcerer stops chasing]: Chetkarev 1948:19-36; Kazan Tatars [the hunter is gone, son goes looking; decides to shoot an owl several times, but she asks to do it next time; tells him to stab the bull, feed it, carries the young man across the sea, descends several times to the water and again picks up; tells one of the two girls to kiss and then sleep only with her; ask her for a chest of birds not to open it on the way; the young man decided to break the chest and carry only its contents; a city arises; the old man collects everything back for his promise to work for him for three days; the person he meets teaches how to escape from the old man, for which he takes the chest for himself; a red and two blue pigeons will arrive to swim, become girls, you have to hide the red dress; she becomes his wife; teaches you to put chips in the mouth of a tiger and a lion; tells the divas to complete the task - in a day all the work from clearing the forest to baking bread; the same - drain the swamp, plant a garden, build a bridge; tame horses; these are divas and his daughters, the young man's wife will be red, we must sit on her; they run away; they turn into a mosque and a mullah; a woman and ears; a fish and a lake; the old man cannot drink it, tells his daughter not to be happy with the young man; she warns him not to say hello to his mother; he says hello, forgets her; he is married; after the wedding he cuts white, the girl jumps out, reproaches her who forgot; he remembered everything, stayed with his first wife]: Zamaletdinov 2008b, No. 4:43-50; the Bashkirs [{confused text, the narrator confused the stories}; the mole and the crow sowed bread, they did not share the harvest, the war between birds and four-legged birds began; the tired Samrigush bird asked the man to feed her; the wife is dissatisfied, orders to shoot; the man took a gun three times, but did not shoot; three years later, S. took the man to her home; dropped and picked him up three times so that he would also feel afraid; tells the old woman to ask for a copper bridle, a rusty sword and a carpet; you have to ring a bridle, appear put a seedy horse, put the rolled carpet like a saddle, do not turn it home; the man turned around, there is food, but he cannot turn and the horse no longer obeys; the old man turned, ordering to give what the man he does not know at home; this is a son; he became rich at home; the old man took his son; sewed a horse into the corpse; the beast took him to the river, the young man went out, 12 swan girls flew in to swim, he hid the wings of the youngest Maysarwar; she brought him to an old woman; she tells 1) to uproot the forest overnight, sow, harvest, bake bread; 2) sew boots with one hand while the straw is burning (M. does everything); 3) tame the horse, tie it to a pole (horse - old woman); M. teaches which bridle to take than to beat; 4) distinguish M. among 12 sisters (they write, M. one letter is red); the young man gets M.; she tells not to unlock the 41st room; he unlocked, there is a giant, asks drink, freed himself, said that he would take M. away; M. and her husband were running, the giant caught up, took it away; they were running again, 11 sisters were chasing, M. was a haystack, the husband was a wattle fence, the sisters were back; the swineherd and the pig (the giant did not recognize, but the old woman caught up, found out, took M.); the husband goes to look, feeds bears, wasps, snakes; the old woman tells horses to herd, bears, wasps, snakes drive them back; for work, the young man asked for a bridle, a rusty sword, a carpet { as in the beginning}; the young man runs with M. again, the old woman and the giant became big, M. and her husband became a chicken with a rooster, hid the cereal; the husband leaves M. at the edge of the village; she becomes an old woman, he does not want her; wants to take it another, but M. turned him into a monkey; then released him, beautiful herself, everything is fine]: Barag 1989, No. 11:74-86.

Turkestan. Kazakhs [the golden eagle asks the king not to shoot, but to leave him; after recovering, he carries the king on his back, throws him into the sea twice and catches him, because the king was going to kill him twice; the youngest, middle sister the golden eagle sets a dog against the king, the golden eagle sets fire to their houses; the golden eagle's mother welcomes him cordially; the golden eagle gives him two chests, they must be opened behind and in front of the palace; the king sails on the ship, opens the chest on the island, cattle come out of there; a man puts his cattle back out of the water for promising to give that the king does not know the house; this is a son; the prince grows up, the water prince demands him; in the forest, the cannibal advises him to steal the feathers of the eldest of the 12 swan girls (they are the daughters of water) who will come to swim, pay for the promise to become a wife; this is Gainizhamal; the water requires 1) to build a bridge overnight, 2) a garden with nightingales (G. all does), 3) identify one of the daughters three times (G. promises to fix the handkerchief for the first time, the dress, the third time there will be a fly on her head); the waterman is going to burn the young in the bath, they run away; G. turns 1) horses in the forest, husband in old man, himself in the well; 2) my husband goes to the mosque; 3) end up in the river, husband and himself in ducks; water drinks, bursts; G. tells her husband not to kiss anyone at home; the prince kisses his sister, G. forgets; she comes to his wedding, brings a pie with live pigeons, the dove replies to the dove that he will forget her like Tsarevich G.; he remembers everything; wedding]: Daurbekov 1979:87-92 (=Tursunov 1983: 153-158).

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Khakas [Sparrow and Mouse sowed, squeezed, divided; Sparrow notices that the Mouse is stealing its grain; a war between birds and animals has begun; the Eagle has beaten many enemies, fell asleep on snags, rats or hamsters they chewed on his wing; the man points a gun at him three times, then takes him home, cares for him; the eagle offers to fly to him, receive a reward; lifting him into the air, throws him three times, picks him up so that the man experienced the same fear; gives a magic pen, the man has healed well]: Troyakov to Paderina, Plitchenko 1986 [Irlykhan sent Komar to find out whose blood tastes better; he flew back to say it was human; met She asked the swallow to show this blood, bit off the Mosquito's tongue; since then, he has only been squeaking, afraid of the Swallow, which feeds on mosquitoes]: 158-160.

Western Siberia. Southern Selkups (b. Ket) [Püne swallows rocks, trees, people, animals; in the middle of the sea there is "a fish with a hairy horn, a fish with a spotted horn"; it can lift the ground; the bird grabs it, its claws get stuck, break off; I. agrees to help; the bird carries him over the sea; to test his courage, drops him three times, picks him up; he plays a seven-string instrument, all living things come to listen to him; fish too; she asks to remove the rotting claws; I. takes it out, pus has flooded the whole sea; the fish tells I. to go into her ear, there is a room in her, I. takes her as his wife; attaches her claws three times weakly to take revenge for fear of falling; for the fourth time - firmly, the bird can hunt; after the adventures, I. and his wife return home]: Donner 1915:42-44 (retelling in Tuchkova 2004:251).