Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

K98. The victim turns into a camp.


An animal or (less commonly) a woman who gave birth to or helped a hero becomes a home and property.

Safwa, (Kikuyu), Sicilians, Portuguese, Vogeo, Tibetans (Yutzang), Tibetans (Ham), Tibetans (Amdo), Mustang, Baiga, Romanians, Moldovans, Russians (Terezhskaya Bereg, Voronezh), Northern Ukrainians (Chernigov), Balkarians, Ingush, Kumyks, Megrelians, Georgians, Persians, Uzbeks, Baluchis, Eastern Sami, Kazakhs, Kyrgyz, Buryats, Buryats, Mongolian Buryats, Mongols, Oirats (Durbuts), Darhats, Dagurs, Mongors, Northern Khanty, Southern Selkups, Dolgans, Sym Evenks, Western Evenks (Podkamennaya Tunguska: Bayakit), Central Yakuts, Evens, Nanais, Orochi, coastal Koryaks (Palana).

Bantu-speaking Africa. Safwa [brothers Xyita and Mezya set traps on birds; H. let go of his bird and M. brought his mother to cook; H. asked to give it to him and try, but M. refused; the father heard, became angry, brought H. to the baobab, hammered pegs into the trunk, lifted his son to the tree, tears, took the pegs, left X. to die; the side of his body adjacent to the tree began to rot; he called the bird; it flew in, planted X . on her back, lowered it to the ground; cured it with herbal decoctions; tells me to cut it; cows, goats, sheep, chickens, fabrics came out of the bird, H. became rich and influential; ordered his father to be drowned in a stream; became a leader]: Arnold 1984:131-132; (cf. kikuyu [men agree to slaughter bulls and eat meat where there are no flies; the poor man has no cattle, he takes a quiver of flies with him; when a bull is slaughtered, he releases flies, others throw meat, go then, the poor man stays, eats; so several times; when the last bull is left, the poor man does not let flies, others decide that they have found a good place; we must find fire; not far from the hut, the first man comes, the old cannibal promises to fire and more bananas, cuts off the head with a knife; this is how four died; the latter noticed blood and corpses, puts a smut in the old woman's eyes, runs away; the old woman pursues, throwing lightning knives that cut down the forest; did not catch up, but cursed the fugitive, he lost his way; came to the house, there was a calf and milk; the man drank, the calf asked who he was; said that he should milk his mother, who did has milked itself; the cow is grazing in the air; tells the man not to look at the sky, but to build a pen before looking; on the seventh day he looked, the cow fell dead, gathered from the sky into the pen a lot of cattle, and the companions killed by the cannibal came to life; they returned home with the cattle]: Gagnolo 1952, No. 9:123-125).

Southern Europe. Sicilians [the predictor reports that the Queen will give birth to a son, but he will die at the age of 18; advises keeping her son in the tower until then; Federico is born, grows up; Fate shouts to him that the woman serving him is not his mother; F. has begun to live with his parents; hunts, ends up in the witch's castle; her husband will recover from leprosy if the ulcers are moistened with the blood of a prince who was stabbed to death on day 18 -anniversaries; their daughter Epomata fell in love with F.; tells her to pretend to be sick; puts sleeping pills into wine, puts the guards to sleep; steals her mother's white witchcraft book, leaves her black one; they run, the mother pursues; E. turns into a garden, F. into a gardener; a church and a clerk; a pond and an eel; his mother tries in vain to catch an eel; tells F. to forget E. after he is kissed at home; he falls asleep, the babysitter kisses him; E. through an intermediary, he agrees to the offers of rich men to spend the night with them, but each time he puts them in a stupid position (makes them stick to a bench, etc.); after learning about the imminent wedding, F. makes two dolls, they tell the whole story; F. remembers everything; E. invites her mother to the wedding; she tells F. to cut off her head and limbs, put her around the room; all this turns into a golden crown and Other treasures]: Gonzenbach 2004a [1870], No. 11:68-80; Portuguese [stepmother tyrannites stepdaughter, father's bull protects her; he has a magic tablecloth in his ear or horn; or he helps her find food or spinning helps; stepmother watches the bull; pretending to be sick, asks him to slaughter; stepdaughter runs away with him; the bull carries her through the copper, silver, golden forest; tells her not to touch the trees, but she accidentally touches them and takes them with her; because of this, the bull must fight demons every time; the girl lubricates his wounds; he tells him to kill and bury him, this is where everything the girl needs appears; or a murdered bull turns into a prince and marries a girl]: Cardigos 2006, No. 511A: 126-128.

Melanesia. Vogeo [Maragoag lives with her mother; brings fish and pig meat; once she harvested meat and left; M. caught up with her; she ordered her leg to be pierced with a thorn and died; night fell asleep and M. fell asleep with a thorn head on her back; her mother got up, split herself, created a mansion in which a platform, slit gongs, a sink horn, ornaments; a vegetable garden nearby; when M. woke up, he found himself in a man's house, and his mother disappeared; before that, she made her son a flute to lure women; M. played, two girls, Murarumba and Sararumbe, came to the sound; the flute calls, calling them by name; girls: the bird sings, calls us; M. hid , the girls entered the house, saw how beautiful everything was; M. went out to them and married them]: Anderson, Exter 2005:55-58.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Tibetans [three Rakshasa brothers took the form of heroes, came to marry the eldest girl; her mother demands to guess her name (the Flower of Paradise); demons ask for a hare, then a fox; the hare forgot ( Paradise Apple?) , fox - too (Paradise Fish?) ; the magpie gave the right name, the demons took the girl away; torment her with work; when they leave, they do not tell her to open one door; she opened, there are human bones; the mother's apron tells her to wear it, sit on a white horse and ride away; hired the palace to carry brushwood and water, looked like an old woman in an apron; the shepherd told the prince about the beauty who was combing her hair by the river; the prince found her, married her; left on business, the wife gave birth to boys, three Rakshasa changed the letter: a creature with a bull's head was born; they changed the answer: the wife pick up the freak and leave; the horse brought her to the desert, ordered him to be killed, his skin spread, the bones on the middle of the skin, hooves on the sides, scatter the mane; the RC woke up in the palace, around the garden; the prince accidentally arrived there, the spouses are happy; the Rakshasa appeared under the guise of merchants, bringing poison; the RC of one I recognized them by the scar, they were pushed into a hole, covered with a stove]: Komissarov 1997:91-99; Tibetans [(from Vetala's Twenty-Five Tales); a girl comes to the cannibal's house to ask for fire; gets a piece fried human ear, eats, she liked it; the cannibal and her daughter offer friendship, explain to the girl how to kill her mother so that she does not interfere; the girl pretends to be sick, tells her mother that she will recover, if she hits a millstone with her chest; cuts off her breasts with a millstone, the mother dies; the cannibal and her daughter eat the corpse, the girl grazes their cows, carries firewood; the cannibal's daughter puts on her clothes and jewelry, gives her her rags; the girl's mother is born as a cow, all her milk is cream and butter; tells her daughter to leave her apron for the night, in the morning it wears ready-made yarn, firewood, cooked food, and well-fed cows around; the cannibal sends her daughter; in the morning, cow manure on her apron, yarn hangs on the trees, the cows are scattered; the cannibal decides to kill the cow, she tells her daughter to ask for hooves, skin from her feet, part of the entrails, bury under the threshold; the cannibal and her daughter go to the party, tells the girl to crush barley and mustard; the turtledove tells her to dig up the buried, the remains of the cow have become clothes, shoes, ornaments; the turtledove performs work; at the party, a girl sees a prince, loses her shoe on the way home; the prince promises to marry the owner of the shoe (he saw at the party that she was a goddess); turtledoves tell the girl to go to the palace, prince takes her as his wife; see motive K32 below]: Schlepp 2002:125-132; Tibetans (Ham): Hyde-Chambers, Hyde-Chambers 1981 [the young man refuses to kill animals; when hunting, he prevents his father from killing a hare; he abandons a stone to kill his son, a stone falls into his leg, the son hides in a cave; three monks find him, take him with them; a young man who live with their husbands comes successively to his three sisters; the youngest recognizes his brother; sisters give him a magic horse; the horse asks him to kill, stretch his skin, scatter his fur across the plain; the young man refuses to kill the horse; he rushes off a cliff at night; the young man stretches his skin, she turns into a rich house, fur into cattle; a young man brings his parents, puts his father on the golden throne, his mother on a silver throne, sits on a pink shell throne himself]: 76-82; Lhamo 2012 [young man refuses to kill animals; his father puts him in a hole and covers him with a stone slab; three monks free him, take him with them; they consistently come to the three sisters of the young man, each taking one of monks as a confessor; the youngest recognizes his brother; the older sister gives him a magic horse, an middle bull, the youngest a ram; the horse asks him to kill, stretch his skin, scatter his fur across the plain; a young man refuses to kill the horse; that night he rushes off the cliff; the young man stretches his skin, it turns into a rich house, his fur turns into cattle; the young man, disguised as a monk, comes to his parents; when he looks into the house, he sees them poor and hungry; throws a cake, the mother decides that it is alms from heaven, the father takes it and eats it himself; the son throws the second cake to his mother; comes in, the mother recognizes him by his birthmark; he brings his parents to him puts his father on the golden throne, his mother on the silver throne, sits on the throne of pink shells himself]: 213-216; Tibetans (Amdo) [when the boy is 15, his favorite ram says that he will be slaughtered tomorrow, tells keep his two knee bones; one yellow, the other white, the boy calls them gold and silver; the cannibal grabs the boy's father, he promises to give his son for himself; deliberately leaves him on the old the camp is both bones, tells his son that he has forgotten them; the boy rode his eight-legged mare; the witch says it is difficult for her to get up; the boy dismounts, takes the bones, jumps away, but the witch takes out, throws the sickle, cutting off the horse's legs; says that today he will eat the horse and tomorrow the boy; sends the boy for firewood; the dove says that tomorrow he will fly and carry him away; in the morning the witch cuts him off with a sickle pigeon wing: today I'll eat a pigeon, tomorrow you; the insect promises to become a bull tomorrow, carry the boy; the bull rushed, the old woman did not throw the sickle, chased herself, did not catch up; would go to the village, people they loaded him with a lot of food, he ran away, brought it to the boy; said that he was the ram that the boy had taken care of since childhood; ordered him to be slaughtered, his red, white, faithful hair scattered over villages; put your feet on 4 sides of the world, put your intestines around them; head in the middle, heart in front of your head, buds along the edges; cut the meat, scatter it around; the village, where white hair is thrown, is full sheep, where black are yaks, where red are horses; head is palace, legs are four gates, intestines are iron fence, heart is queen, buds are two ministers, pieces of meat are people; boy became king]: Kajihama 2004, No. 25:103-108; Mustang [King Benda's eldest son Horki Gyevo promises to marry a rich bride, the middle son to a smart one, the youngest to a beautiful one; Men's father Suka Drönyok promises to pass her off as someone who finds out her name; the demon threatens the jackal to eat it if he does not find out; the jackal overheard the servant call the DMD, runs to the demon, forgets the name on the way; so twice; the third time he remembered; the demon gave the name, leads DMD to the golden palace, then to the mother-of-pearl palace, then to the dog crap house; the wife agrees to live in such a house every time if it is her and her husband's home; inside, a crap house turns out to be a luxurious palace; when leaving, the demon leaves the DMD the keys to all rooms; one has no key; she finds a rusty key hanging above the door; there are corpses of horses and people in the room, an old woman in the corner; she says that the demon locks in this the room of aged wives; tells you to run, placing a figure dressed in a DMD dress on the terrace, gives her youthful appearance and a chest; DMD in the guise of an old woman meets a demon, he does not recognize her, misses her; she is hired by the king to take care of dogs, then cows, horses; all animals get fat and healthy; by frying grain, the DMD takes off the appearance of an old woman, the younger prince sees it, marries her; princes give the youngest only a goat and a dog; let the one who wins the challenges inherit the kingdom; 1) make the best yogurt (DMD puts gems in it, its yogurt is better); 2) whose vomiting is more pleasant; the elders brothers swallow gold and silver keys, but vomiting is common; DMD drinks milk, swallows rubies, her vomiting glows with a rainbow; 3) who will cover the whole kingdom with cloth; the elder covers half, the middle one covers a third, MSD is still all left; the youngest received the kingdom; went on business, the DMD gave birth to a son whose top is golden, the bottom is silver, the forehead is mother-of-pearl; sends a servant with a letter; he stops at the old man, he replaces the letter: the wife gave birth to a broom and a pestle; praises the king of the child, but he is surprised that the letter is different, tells him to wait for his return; the old man again replaces the letter: throw the child away for 9 valleys and 9 passes; DMD goes with the child to meet her husband, meets an old man, this is the demon from whom she ran away, he swallows the child; the DMD puts him to sleep, looking for him in his head; a fish appears from the demon's forehead, The DMD pierces her with a pin, the demon dies; the horse, which was previously grazed by the DMD, tells him to kill him, spread his intestines around the edges of the plain, put the buds on the left and right, his head in the center, four legs four each directions; when she woke up in the palace, at the entrance to the chains, a tiger and a leopard, subjects appeared from drops of blood; her king husband came disguised as a beggar, they reunited]: Kretschmar 1985, No. 15:100-104.

South Asia. Baiga [the sparrow laid two eggs, asks what her children want to eat; eggs: father and mother; sparrows were frightened, flew away and died; a young man came out of one egg, the other a bull; they went to look mother; 21 Phulmoti Kaniya sisters are swimming in the lake; the young man hid their clothes; but they are all crooked crippled, incinerated him with a poisonous look; dewar revived him; Raja to a young man: let your bull fight my elephant; the bull killed the elephant, but the Raja killed the bull with a magic spear; when he dies, the bull tells the young man to bury his legs - a palace will appear; enemies can be killed with his tail, his eyes will turn into hornets, his ears will turn into stone, thanks to who can hear everything; the king sent an army to the young man's palace; half of the warriors are killed with an abandoned tail, the other was killed by hornets; the Raja gave the young man a daughter and kingdom]: Elwin 1944, No. 8:127-128.

The Balkans. Romanians (Banat) [the emperor's daughter was born at the same time as the foal; she grows and cares for him, feeds him with fire and drinks wine; when she is 15 years old, her father decided to marry her; ordered her to make it a drum with lice skin over it; whoever guesses whose skin is will get a princess; the magician dragon sent his son, also a magician, he guessed it; the princess's horse told her everything; the king also terrified; the horse tells me to ask her father to give her men's clothes and everything she needs, takes the princess away; tells her to look back; princess: the dragon catches up; the horse: how to fly - like the wind or as a thought? princess: like the wind; flew into the city; the horse tells you to go to the king, call yourself a prince, ask for service; the king will agree, for he is a friend of your father's youth; the king has fallen in love with the imaginary prince, and his associates became jealous and suspected that she was a girl; advised to send the prince to the bazaar, where there are various gold items; if he chooses a weapon, then a man, and if a spindle, etc., then a woman; the horse appeared and spoke about an insidious plan; the prince chose a weapon; the minister proposes a second test: send the prince to pick grapes; if he eats them unwashed from the vine, then a woman, and if she washes them and puts them on a plate, then a man; then the prince was offered to get a sorceress, the daughter of a neighboring king; her father keeps her in a glass palace on a glass mountain; the horse tells the king to ask the king for more jewelry and ornaments; when he sees them , first the princess's maid, then her mother, and finally herself, were amazed and the king gave his daughter to the imaginary prince; the lie brought her to the king, but she did not want a bearded man; the king shaved; the prince admitted to the bride that he himself is a girl; and he told everything to the king and the courtiers; the king married the princess to his son; he went to war, and his wife gave birth to two golden sons; the magician dragon took the form of the owner of the inn , replaced the letter: gave birth to two puppies; replaced the prince's answer with the command to execute the witch wife, drown the puppies; the woman was raised to the fire, but her horse rode, devoured the fire, took the mistress and her children away; said he would die: let the giblets place the giblets in the four corners of the wide field and the heart in the middle; the children herself and the children climb inside his carcass for the night; in the morning she is in the palace, and in front of the entrance there are two lions; they they guard the palace and bring edible roots and herbs; the prince returned, grieves; once he saw the palace while hunting; the hostess told the lions to let him in; he recognized his wife and children; everyone is happy; on the magician dragon sent an army, he was destroyed; after the death of his father-in-law, his son reigned]: Schott, Schott 1845, No. 16:111-126; Moldovans [the master has a daughter Kyrmyz {from Turkish "red"}; he promises it to someone who will go up to her tower, take off her ring, call her name; the Dragon succeeds; Gaitan's beloved horse teaches her to fall behind her husband, hold a sword in his hand, breaks forward, the Dragon's head is cut off; G. tells K. to get the shepherd's clothes out of his ear, she pretends to be a young man; Ion suspects that this is a girl, the sorcerer invites him to test; but K. overtakes him on horseback, talks about a wattle fence, not a spinning wheel, chooses a weapon, and not towels, but gives himself away without stepping over a broom, but sweeping the floor with it; I. takes K. as his wife, goes to war; sends a letter home, Draconich replaces him with an order to burn K.; G. extinguishes the fire, takes K., she gives birth to two golden-haired sons, G. orders him to be killed, his chest became a zamk, his head became a table with food, his eyes and ears with two wolfhounds, his wool became a garden, his hoof became an old servant; The dragon, in the form of another old woman, asked the boys to throw hairs at the dogs, which turned into chains, but the dogs tore them, killed the old woman; K. recognized her as Draconich; I. returned from the war, traveled around the world dogs brought him to K. Castle, the couple met; in the morning the castle disappeared, G. reappeared]: Botezat 1982:226-234 (=Moldavian tales 1968:276-285).

Central Europe. Russians (Terevsky Bereg) [the shadr wolf devoured everyone, brother and sister left: Ivan Tsarevich and Marfa Tsarevna; the bull offers to sit on his back, takes the children away; they throw the comb (the forest, the wolf gnawed) flint (mountains, the same), "raft" is a river of fire; the wolf remains on the other side; the bull tells him to be slaughtered; the dog Heavy will jump out of the first blood, Light from the second; make a hut out of bones; And . goes hunting, M. is at home; the wolf seduces her from the other side, turning into a man; tells her to throw a bull bone, it turned out to be a boat, he swam across it; M. pretended to be sick, sent her brother for wolf milk ; she gave milk and gave a wolf cub; then the same to a bear (gave a bear cub); a lioness (a lion cub); a wolf to Marfa: you can't take him with animals; M. to his brother: send animals far away to the kingdom of far away; there the lake, there is a duck on it, an egg in the duck - let them bring it; I. sent dogs and animals; the wolf came out; I.: let it evaporate in the bath, the meat will be softer; the wolf allowed; the bird to Ivan; quieter than the swamp, your dogs are still only they are running there; they just ran; only they began to run back; not far away; close; the animals tore the wolf to pieces; I. found a queen, and M. became a seamstress; hid a wolf tooth in the feathers of Ivan's pillow; I.'s tooth entered head, he died and was buried; the animals escaped from the barn, dug up the grave; he began to rub hard against I.'s head, the tooth entered T., he died, and I. came to life; easily began to rub against T., L. died, and T. came to life; then the wolf cub; bear cub; lion cub; they began to rub against the ground: and the lion cub came to life; Marfa was burned at the stake, shot with ashes from a cannon]: Balashov 1970, No. 64:217-220; Russians (Voronezh, Bobrovsky district) [the tsar leaned over to drink water to the well, the tsar bear grabbed him by the beard, let him go for promising to give what he did not know in the house; while the queen gave birth to twins: Ivan Tsarevich and Mary Tsarevna; the children were hidden in the underground in the ward; the parents are dead, the king bear has come, the palace is empty, a chisel is stuck in the wall; replies that he must be thrown: wherever he sticks, dig there; the king bear found I. and M., took him to his place; the children ask for a drink; when the king bear went to get water, the eagle picked up the children and carried them, but the king bear scorched his wings; next time the children wanted to eat, the eagle carried the children; the third time the children were carried by a dristun goby; three times defecates into the face of a catching bear; then gives I. a comb and a towel; the abandoned comb turned into a forest, the bear gnawed; I. waved a towel - lake of fire; the bear stopped chasing; the goby brought him to his house in a clearing; tells him to slaughter and burn him, scatter the ashes in three ridges, a horse, a dog and an apple tree will grow; I. took a horse and a dog, brought a wolf cub and a bear cub from hunting; once did not take a dog with him; the six-headed serpent flew in, became handsome, asked M. to throw a bridge over the lake, took her away, and locked the dog and threw the key into the lake; I. went to look; in the open field, a hut on chicken legs, on dog heels; I.: turn your back to the forest, in front of me; in front of me; in the Baba Yaga hut, a bone leg from corner to corner, nose to the ceiling; Baba Yaga tells you to break three twigs from that apple tree, hit the castle, he you can pick up the dog and go to the snake; the dog, the wolf and the bear tore the snake, I. returned M.]: Afanasiev 1958, No. 201:90-93; northern Ukrainians (Chernigovskaya, Nezhinsky y.) [The king, queen and one daughter died, leaving the second daughter and son; when the father died, he buried them to hide them from the snake; the serpent flew in, asking the pomelo, pokers, hooks, axes, shelves where the king is hid the children; everyone replies that the king or queen was kind to them; he will drown (bury the heat, take the pots out of the oven, chop them, etc.) and put them (put them), so I stand (lie); but the snake insists that the chisel shows signs of work (wrinkles); it agrees and tells you to go out, throw it behind you and dig it where it falls; the snake dug up the children and carried them into its hole; on the way, Olenka invites you to look for the snake lice; the snake fell asleep, Ivan cries; the bumblebee puts the children on his back, carries him away, but the snake caught up and returned; next time the goby offers to help; carries children, the snake catches up; the goby tells I. to climb into him right ear, get out of his left ear, he has a scallop and a handkerchief in his head; I. waved his scallop - a thicket, a handkerchief - the sea parted and the goby ran dry; the serpent was afraid, built a house for himself and stayed in it; brother his sister and his sister came to another house; the goby tells him to slaughter him, hang his legs in different places; in the morning they appeared dogs Protyus and Nedvyus, a sword and a gun; his sister went to the river to wash, snakes from another the shore asks to get a handkerchief and wave to cross it; O. told I. that she wanted to wash the handkerchief, waved, the sea parted, the snake passed; O. agreed to pretend to be sick, ask the animal milk; when I. comes up, the serpent turned into a needle, telling O. to stick it into the wall, otherwise the dogs would tear it; the dogs caught up with the hare, she let her milk, gave a bunny; the same with the fox, the she-wolf, a bear, a lioness, a tigress; the serpent offered to send I. to the mill so that the animals would remain locked behind 12 doors; when I. left the mill, the doors closed; I.'s houses asked permission before death climb the ash tree; magpie: don't go down, the dog's three doors have already gnawed; dogs have come running, tore O. and the snake]: Malinka 1902, No. 16:277-282.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Balkarians (western 1959) [the wife died, the husband looked for one, did not find it, decided to take the daughter who most resembles her mother; the daughter ran away, climbed an apple tree, ate an apple, became pregnant, gave birth to a son, he grew up quickly; deer He told him to be killed, a house would come out of his skin, greyhound dogs from his kidneys, a bridge from his tail, if necessary; across the river, emegen asks a woman to bring him to her place; she does not want to take him as a son, she agrees to take him husband; put her deer tail, emegen crossed the river across the bridge; emegenes taught the woman to pretend to be sick: you need 1) lamb tour meat; the young man got it; 2) water from a rock that opens and then closes (one girl helped to get it); 3) swim in the cauldron (the emegens covered the second, began to cook the young man; the tour hit the upper cauldron, the girl pulled out the young man; the young man killed the emegenes and his mother, married a girl ]: Malkonduev 2017:470-472; Ingush [cannibal Akhkepig ("half a penny") killed his father, mother and two brothers; third brother and sister fled into the forest; the bull put them on his back, went across the sea; A. tried draw in the sea; the bull went out, but lost his strength, ordered him to be slaughtered, his skin put his hair out, his legs hooves down the four corners (there will be 4 towers), his ears should be thrown into the sea (people will appear), two eyes will become two hounds, throw a liver and a heart into the sea (weapons and gunpowder, as well as gold will appear), bile will become a hatred of enemies; in one tower there will be a girl; if you gather to her, throw her kidneys on the ground, she will appear horse; that's what happened; A. asks his sister to swim, promises to become a father, mother, brother (she rejects him); agrees when he promises to be her husband; sister hides A. in her tower; he rushes with with a dagger at his brother; he asks not to injure his body; A. pierces him with a bear's claw, the young man dies, they bury him; the hounds dug up the grave, one pulled out his claw, the young man came to life, the hound died; the other pulled someone out of her - she died herself; the first pulled out her claw with a stick, everyone is alive; her brother tells her sister to become a thorn growing in abandoned places; the hounds tore A.]: Malsagov 1983, No. 35:156-159; Kumyks [the dervish gives the childless khan an apple; tells him to eat it in half with his wife, give the peel to the mare; the child born, when he grows up, is planted on the born foal and brought to it; a daughter was born; when she is 13 years old, the dervish reminded of the promise, the girl went to him; the horse teaches him to throw ash in the eyes of the dervish, they jump away; the girl wore men's clothes; the Khan's son suspects that this is a girl, feels her; the horse teaches: when you shoot a bow, say "It's not me who shoots, but my horse shoots"; when you drink, "It's not me who drinks, but the black horse drinks" - you won't get drunk; however, after drinking the tenth glass, the girl forgot to say these words, got drunk, the hat fell, the guy saw braids; wedding; when the husband left, the wife gave birth to a son with a golden tuft and a daughter with a moon-like forehead; when the messenger was sleeping under a tree, the dervish changed letter and answer (they say, the wife gave birth to puppies, she must be kicked out); the horse tells him to slaughter him, drag his skin and go around as much land as possible; the next morning there are palaces, farms, people; the husband came back, read the letters, I found a wife with children, everything is fine]: Ganiyeva 2011b, No. 8:125-128; Megrelia [the girl demands to give the princess, otherwise she threatens to destroy everyone; the thin foal asks to take him; 30 armed men go for the maidens five satellites in a row; every time a devi looks around, he swallows one row; the foal says it's time to run; spews a crest (forest) out of his nostrils, tells him to throw a piece of his mane (mountains), throw a bunch of his hair (sea); the girl stops the persecution; the foal gives a man's dress; the prince meets the imaginary young man, finds out that the woman is getting married; after leaving, he orders to send a hawk if a son is born, falcon - if a daughter; a son was born; a girl catches a hawk, replaces a letter - the wife gave birth to puppies; replaces the prince's letter: burn the queen with offspring in tandoor ("thorne"); he comes under the guise of a messenger; before by execution, the foal pushes the maiden into the tandoor, takes the queen and her son; orders him to be cut into small pieces and scattered, a palace and people appear; the prince burned down his palace, went begging; came to his wife, not recognizing her; everything was explained]: Lominadze 1894:40-44; Georgians: Chikovani 1954 (Kartli) [the king and queen keep their daughter in the tower; the old woman tells the queen that she and the king will love each other as before , if they eat her daughter's heart and liver; they call the daughter, Lourges's horse tells the girl to allow her to dress like a man and take a horse before her death; takes her to another kingdom; the prince suspects that the horseman is girl; she gets drunk and falls asleep, he marries her; leaves for Lourges, she gives birth to a golden-haired boy; the former old woman replaces the messenger's letter, supposedly either a puppy or a kitten was born; they replace the letter husband (waiting for him to return), the new one is ordered to throw his wife and child into the oven; Lourge breaks down, tearing off one leg, carries the mistress with three legs; tells him to be killed, his remains turn into a temple, a house, a spring; the husband comes back, finds out the truth; the old father goes to look for his daughter-in-law and grandson; the grandson finds him; the wife asks the temple, i.e. Lurju, to connect her home to her husband's house; they live happily], No. 9:61-66; 1986 [(other variant with the same motive)]: 331-338.

Iran - Central Asia. Persians [the padishah has 40 wives and 40 mares, but all are sterile; the dervish gives an apple: half should be eaten by wives and the other by mares; in a year let him give one child and one foal; in a year took the foal and the girl away {it is clear from the following that the horse and the girl have already grown up}; the dervish is gone; the horse: follow him; the dead are suspended from the ceiling of the building; the horse tells you to run; in the city, change into a man's dress, gives hairs to summon him; while hunting, the padishah's son made friends with an imaginary young man; his mother feels that it is a girl; shah-zade sees a snake wrapped around sleeping; mother: these are braids, not a snake; the wedding is being prepared, leaves for a while; the dervish replaces the correspondence between son and mother, the last order is to throw the bride into the fire; she burns her hair, the horse takes her away; shah-zade found the dervish and executed; the horse girls turn into a palace, one ear into musicians, the other into singers; shah-zade met his fiancée, everything is fine]: Osmanov 1987:163-167; Uzbeks [a young man forgets a golden bat in the summer pasture ( toy); comes back for her, there is Almaus Kempir (AK); she pretends to be weak; the young man grabs a bat, jumps away; he changes to a donkey, a horse, a camel, a goby; he blows the wind, the pursuer loses its way in the fog; the goby comes to the princess's maids, rides them, brings the princess to the boy; tells him to be slaughtered, buried, in the morning there is a garden and a castle; buried eyes turn into two dogs; they jump into the water where AK has disappeared; first pus pops up, the young man thinks that the dogs are dead; then the blood has won; the king comes and passes his daughter off as a young man]: Sheverdin 1967:124-130; Baluchi [childless king from grief became a dervish; a malang (hermit) gave him a pomegranate to eat, the second ordered him to divide between seven wives and horses; ordered him to give the child from his beloved wife and the foal from his beloved horse; he had to give his daughter and a mare; a malang came to the cemetery, told the girl to live in the grave; the horse tells her to run; they come to town, the girl pretends to be a young man, is friendly with the prince; he suspects deception; once a maid enters when the imaginary young man is sleeping; the girl marries the prince; the husband hooted, the wife has given birth to twin sons; the malang replaces the messenger's letters twice: the wife allegedly gave birth to two lizards, and the husband tells her to be driven away; in the forest the malang attacked her, but the tied horse pulled her out, killed the malang and died herself; when she died, she ordered her body parts to be scattered and climbed into her womb; in the morning around the garden and palace; the prince found his wife, everything is fine ]: Porozhnyakov 1989:22-27.

Baltoscandia. Eastern Sami [the old man pulls birch bark, the Frog tells her to marry, otherwise he will stab her to death with scissors; they have sons Hewn Stump, Reindeer Collar, daughter Vostroeye; Frog and her children ate the old man and his old woman; she manages to tell her daughter to collect her 99 bones, hit Ostroeye, the hundredth bone will fall out, put it in a bag, run, a house will emerge from the bones; an old woman's daughter plays with with the sun, embroiders a silver belt; stabs with a sleepy match Stump, Yoke, they lose sight and hearing; Vostroeyka has other eyes on the back of her head; The Frog and the Eye sew the old woman's daughter into a seal skin, they throw it into the water; she ripped her skin with a knife, comes to a house with blood on the floor; she turns into a spindle; Ninas asks her to show up, promises to marry her; she opens; he says he's here Flashes cut, gives a ball of thread, he rolls to his mother; The flashes scream, Ninas' wife is coming, but the Sun will soon take her; mother N. transports her across the river; at night she hangs a silver belt over the bed, N. believes that these are stars, although it's already a day; she goes out, the Sun grabs her hair, N. tries to hold her, dies; she gives birth to the Sun a daughter; (more about the Sun's son-in-law)]: Kharuzin 1890:348-350.

Turkestan. Kazakhs: Ethnographic Materials 1898, No. 5 (Turgay) [a rich old man will pass off Ganifa's daughter as someone who can guess what material the glove is made of; two wolves heard G. complaining to a friend (this is hers daughter-in-law), which will remain an old maiden - she sewed a glove from aphid skin; in the morning a horseman comes accompanied by an old man - yesterday's wolves; the dzhigit guessed right, G. is glad, spent the night with him; tells his daughter-in-law, that at night the groom scratched her chest and knocked his teeth; the groom asks not to accompany him when his wife is taken home; G. sees how the groom became a wolf; friend: he is the one who has been taught werewolf; at night both became wolves they howled others into the yurt; when the wolves fall asleep, the pacer G. tells them to ride away, throwing small expensive things behind him at his instructions; each time the wolf picks up an item (ring, brooch) and carries back to the yurt; the foreigner tells him to slaughter him, eat his meat and blood, sprinkle blood around him, throw away his entrails, lie in his belly with his right front leg; in the morning, the horse's belly became a yurt , leg to a young husband, drops of blood to the people who elected G. Khan]: 29-33; Tursunov 1983 [childless bai refuses to give Khan a roan horse, because he protects cattle from wolves and robbers; Khan calls for a feast only those who have children; buy and his wife still come, no one has met them; dreams that a roan should be slaughtered; he stabbed, his wife is pregnant; the girl speaks from the womb, is born without the help of a midwife after her father promises that she will have power over herself; calls himself Dudar, no one should know her name; she will be married by whoever guesses him; no one guesses; once a slave called her by name; the groom came, called it by name; a two-year-old Saur explains that it is a werewolf, he dug the corpse from the grave and ate it, heard the name; you must take a slave on a black camel, a bow and an arrow with you; The savras turns into a six-year-old horse; the werewolf went forward, returned as a wolf, swallowed a camel with a slave; the horse tells not to allow the werewolf's elder wife (she is also a she-wolf) to take him as an excuse; takes D., flying away by air; D. in men's clothes, took a young man named Er Tostik as a sister; knocks a coin off the top of the poplar, gets the khan's daughter, gives it to ET, opens it to him herself, now he has two wives; he went on a campaign in Savras, ordered his son to be named Altinkhan; when he was born, one-legged Kuayak-Kempir invited a messenger to her place, changed letters, supposedly, ET ordered his wife and child to be burned; savras rushed, although he was in fetters, Kuayak-Kempir is chasing; D. throws a comb (forest), a mirror (lake); but Savras himself was in the water; killed KK by kicking it, but she ripped open his belly; on the shore he tells him to throw his legs herds of horses in four directions; the brisket is a yurt; A. hunts, sees a lame man, carries his skullcap; D. says it's an ET skullcap; ET tells how he walked without a horse; recovered; they returned to ET village, A. became a hero]: 43-50; Kyrgyz [Khan Kuluke's daughter Madylgen cut and sewed a fur coat from her father's intestines; khan could not determine what it was made of; when the daughter explained, the khan could not determine what it was made of; when the daughter explained, Khan announced that he would give his daughter to someone who could figure out what the fur coat was made of; the red-eyed old man said that the intestines were lice; the khan had to give his daughter; the horse told M. to take it with her, white a camel and a slave Kuyta, a sable hat from clothes, a damask knife from utensils, and to dress in men's clothes; when they left, the old man said: "Go where I pull along, spend the night where I pull across," went forward; horse: this is the old sorcerer Jelmoguz; the horse ordered not to turn around - the old man will attack Kuita with a black-striped tiger; so it happened; then the old man appeared and asked: "Are you going, beautiful Madylgen? Go where I pull along, spend the night where I pull across", drove forward again; it happened again with the white camel; now the horse warned that the old man would attack M., told me to sit tight; he would ride below the cloudy sky, above the cranked grass, so that M. closes her eyes more tightly, and when she hears "open your eyes", let her open it; she will see how thin (like a dorsal) yurt winds from a small (like a heart) brain) smoke, this is the old man's house; in the old man's house, a three-year-old warned M. that when the old man comes home, his eyes will come out; you need to cut them out with a damask knife, let him do the rest; horse flew over mountains and deserts, descended near the city, M. settled on its outskirts; the city's khan named Akimkan had forty wives, but not a single child; he went hunting, his hunting eagle sat on a grass hut, the horseman sent for the eagle saw M., fell unconscious; when he returned, he told Khan that he had seen an angel in the flesh: boy, but the voice is gentle, his face is beautiful, girl, but dressed like a man; the next day everything repeated, the khan went to the third, fell in love, but could not determine whether the man or the woman was in front of him; asked for advice from 40 wives, one advised to give the stranger 40 twigs of meadowsweet and instruct them to cut them for spindles, the man cuts smoothly, the woman is uneven; the horse: put the rods in the left nostril, pull them out of the right nostril, they will become smooth; another wife advised to arrange jumps; the man has sleeves and floors they flutter at random, and the girl will ride shyly, picking them up and pulling them up; the horse taught M. to dissolve the floors and sleeves when jumping; the younger wife advised to invite a stranger to drink vodka and poison guest, and Khan's vodka and honey; when the guest gets drunk, it will be easy to determine his gender; horse: at every sip, say to yourself: "Sweetness to me, and hops to a gray three-year-old"; in the afternoon, one elder went into the yurt and exclaimed: "It is cruel to allow the horse to experience such torment, let the owner cut it himself"; when she heard him, M. shuddered, her sable hat fell from her head and everyone saw her beautiful hair; horse:" Blame only yourself" and disappeared; A. married M. in a separate yurt; when it was time for her to give birth, A. went hunting; 40 wives sent a slave, paid a witch, who replaced the boy who was born and the girl was puppies, the children were thrown into the river; they were caught by a gray three-year-old who rushed; Akimkan left M. with her puppies on a deserted island; a few years later, a three-year-old brought her children to M. on the island, ordered cross to the other side; "Before the crossing, an eyeless old magician will appear, ask him to be transported too, led to fill both of his boots with sand; seat the children in front and the old man in the back; when we enter the water, hit me with a damask knife; when the old man falls into the water, stab my belly with a knife, when I die, don't cry, cook my meat and eat it, name my son Aitomush, and my daughter Kyuntomush; stick my 40 ribs in the ground they will turn into an iron yurt with 40 bars, live in it"; as it happened, M. and her children settled in a yurt, Aytomush grew up as a hero; met Akimkan, who hunted; he told his wives that he had met a young man named Aitomush; soon the khan was attacked by enemies, he sent a messenger to Aitomush with the news that if he defeated his enemies, he would marry two girls, Apal and Yupel; M. drove the messenger away; his khan again sent - the same; Aitomush woke up from the noise, drove and defeated enemies; Khan with horsemen came to him, saw M., found out and fell unconscious; took her and her children; an old witch at the crossroads of 9 roads put on a stake, 40 wives were hanged; Khan put his son on the throne, married his daughter and healed happily]: Kebekova, Tokombaeva 2007:27-34; Kyrgyz [poor old man with old woman; trapped by an old man badger; asks not to kill: he will become a son, he will take care of them; the badger drags partridges to the elderly, the old people eat up, raise cattle; the badger offers to move to the village; easily drives away dogs; the khan tells appear with the badger; Khan has a daughter, Aiperi; the badger speaks to her by name; a year later, the badger begins to wither away, says he is in love, asks A. to marry; the khan ordered the old man to break his arms and legs, tie him to a mare and sent home; the badger tells the old woman not to worry: the old man is safe again; next time the old man is broken in half; the old man is alive again; the old man is killed, burned, the badger revived him from a handful ash; the khan is advised to give the old man an impossible task; let the fish jump from one lake to another before planting a Munaru tree and a plane tree, and at the roots there is a lake of milk and a lake of butter, let the fish jump from one lake to another; let there will be only sheep in one trough, yaks in the other, horses in the third, and camels in the fourth, and even if their number is innumerable; let there be a golden throne between the two trees, so that the khan can sit on it and admire fish; at night, the badger asks the old man to slaughter and cut the mare, the ears turned into two trees, his eyes into lakes with butter and milk; the hair cut from the mare's mane turns into fish, the skull into a golden throne, the blood and contents of the intestines and stomach are in four species of cattle, the legs are in 4 golden horseback riding; in the morning the mare stands in its place safe and sound; the khan gave his wife to the badger; her good aunt encourages A., angry - mocks her; at night the badger takes off his skin, turns out to be a young man of unearthly beauty; the kind aunt rejoices; in the morning the badger puts her skin back on, tells his wife to wait; but the trouble that will bring angry aunt, will have to endure 6 years; the next evening an angry aunt serves, throws her skin into the fire; the young man turns into a bird and flies away through the upper opening of the yurt; the evil aunt is tied to 40 horses with tails; A. goes to look for her husband; khan gives her iron boots and an iron stick; she wanders for 5 years, meets a tall white-bearded old man in her sixth year; he advises her to go to the hut near at the foot of the mountain; an old witch in the hut; we must ask to accept her as a daughter; the old man will turn in the wind, shake the hut until morning; in the morning the witch will get tired and lie down with his head on A.'s lap; let A. pull out the witch's hair until her eyes roll and turn white, but they should not turn red; the old man hands A. her hair, tells her to run it over the witch's body when her eyes turn white, she will twist and will freeze; after that A. must run; months later, the old man meets A. again, tells him to go to a hill that looks like a skullcap, there will be the white yurt where A. spent her wedding night; in a yurt golden stand (for birds of prey), A. must bury himself in the ground under it; her husband will arrive, will circle for several days, saying that he smells like a person; with the words "where can a person come from here", will sit on stand; the old man hands Aiperi a net and reports that her husband is the son of Peri, who gave birth to a child on top of a tree near the khan's yurt when Khansha gave birth to A.; seeing that a human child is a beautiful girl, mother Peri spat on A.'s cheek with a tag; her husband's name is Aktilek; sitting on a stand, he will say "fell asleep, fell asleep", but that means that he is awake; when he starts say "woke up, woke up" - then he will fall asleep; you have to throw a net and hold it; Aktilek will fly out of the yurt and start carrying A. across the sky; three pigeons, also peri, will arrive, talk to A.; the first will say -" Hey, long hair, short mind, are you an equal to Peri's son?!" ; the second will begin to feel sorry for A., and the third will offer help to go down to earth; Aktilek will ask A. to open his eyes, but only after the third sentence A. should open them; helping A. go down to earth, pigeons were bruised, which is why some pigeons are not white, but bluish; Aiperi and Aktilek have healed happily]: Sabyr uulu 2008:555-572.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Buryats [a rich man was surprised why cattle come to the water but did not drink; hit the water with a pole to catch horses, an old water woman grabbed the pole, agreed not to eat it if he sent it to her 17-year-old son; a rich man told his son to look for a place for a new house; an eight-legged horse warns of danger: the old woman waits, throwing gold bones; we must ask them to be thrown higher, grab and run; the old woman chases, consistently cuts off with a knife and eats a pair of legs; the legless horse turned into a tree, she knocked it down, sends the guy to the forest to make a spit to fry it; the red-colored poroz tells you to ask the old woman for a knife to cut off the branch, takes the guy away; tells you to bend the knife over her right knee (the old woman injured her right leg), over the left (left), break it and throw it ( the old woman was cut, scattered); poroz tells him to stab him, in the morning the guy wakes up in a yurt, a girl by the hearth, an eight-legged horse at the horse riding, around the herd; came to his father, where two wives beat his father to death, the guy took them home]: Dugarov 1990:282-291; the Buryats (Hentei aimag of Mongolia) [the lama tells the elderly that their daughter is a cannibal; parents drive their daughter; the horse brings her to rich places on the wooded mountain; servants tell the khan that a handsome man has settled on the mountain, but they do not know whether he is a woman or a man; the horse tells him to pretend to be a man so as not to become the khan's daughter-in-law; she wins horse racing, wrestling and archery; but the astrologer determines that she is a girl; she marries Khan's son; in the absence of her husband, gives birth to a boy with a golden breast, a silver ass; that llama both times replaces letters, subjects Khans are ordered to bury their daughter-in-law and child in a hole; the daughter-in-law's horse tore the fetters, dug a hole, took the woman and child to the mountain, but spent all his energy on it; after dying, he turned into a house and 4 sandalwood trees ; sholmos appeared {is it the same lama?} , a woman with a child climbed a tree, he began to cut it down, the wolf offers to chop it for him, throws away an ax; Sholmos regurgitates another - the same thing, the fox throws it away; the last tree is left, two come running dogs; sholmos urinates, a hole forms, he hides in it, dogs behind him; they say that if red foam rises, they are defeated, and if white foam rises, they win; there is red and white, then dogs come out- winners; run away; Khan returns, executes messengers, returns his wife and son]: Barannikova et al. 1993, No. 3:61-85; the Mongols [the boy loved to play with money, one of them is gold, the other is silver; the money is gone, the father said that the son forgot them at the camp; the father tells me not to get down, the mother is a fast stallion; he has eight legs; at the camp an old woman, the horse tells me not to get down, grab the money on the move; the witch caught up, killed the horse 8 legs, dragged the boy down her hole, forced her to work housework; the sheep tells her to gut her, take everything inside, sit on her calf, run; the boy throws sheep droppings, giblets, gum; the witch stops every time to wash off the dirt; the calf swam across the river; the boy answered the witch that he had moved with a stone tied around his neck; the witch tied and drowned ; the calf tells him to be killed, the boy does not want to; the louse presses on the calf, he falls dead; the next morning a boy in a yurt, around the herd and trees]: Mikhailov 1962:155-157 (=Mikhailov 1967:167-170); Oirats ( durbuts) [see motif L72; shulum (devil) catches a young man; he consistently asks for help from a camel, horse, ram, goat, cow who come to the hut; everyone refuses, because the young man called them names; bull with He agrees with a snake's head, his head becomes bullish; tells him to take a stone, collect water in his mouth; abandoned, they turn into a field of stones (shulum broke his forehead, became red-bald), a lake; How he crossed ? - He released his intestines and moved over them; the shulum rips open his stomach, dies; the bull asks to be killed; his severed legs thrown on four sides turn into horses, camels, cows, rams; a young man spends the night in a gutted bull; wakes up in a rich yurt with his wife]: Potanin 1883, No. 85:348-350; darhats [young Zeiben forgot his two gold-silver ankles at the former camp, returned for with them on his eight-legged horse, there he saw a mangyska, grabbed his ankles; the mangysk pursuer consistently cuts off the horse's 8 legs, its back, front, head, C. climbed a golden aspen; Fox twice offers to cut down aspen instead of mangyska, seals her eyes; C. runs away on a goby, who splashes droppings into the eyes of the mangysk; C. finds a fragment of his father's sharpener, a comb, a mother's needle; throws it behind , a forest, a mountain, a river appear; C. replies to the mangyska that he crossed the river with stones tied to his feet, the mangyska drowns; the goby tells him to be stabbed, C. refuses; tells him to kill a red louse on it, immediately dies; in the morning, a yurt, a woman and herds at this place]: Sanzheev 1931, No. 7:96-98; Dagurs [the official died, leaving his wife and son a horse named Gold; the boy wins the games of the neighbor's son; the neighbor offers him following the example of his father, herding herds on South and North Mountain (the horse teaches you to tame two wild horses); marry the daughter of the Yelendengeir monster; on the way of a pack of crows, the horse teaches them to throw meat; slips through moving scissors, only the tip of the tail is cut off; teaches you how to shoot at the middle head of a monster; teaches you to tie it to a poplar - it is the life of a monster's wife; her upper eyelids hang on her face, her lower eyelids hang on her face, her lower eyelids hang to her breasts; to see, she supports them with sticks; the daughter of monsters helps the boy; when she drops the comb, you can take chopsticks; mother sleeps when there is white smoke from her nostrils, does not sleep when black; a young man and his wife they run, the mother sends two swords, they will return, moistened with blood; the girl cuts off her finger, swords her swords with blood; the demoness chases herself; the horse fights her at the bottom of the lake: if she rises black fog, the horse won if the red one is a demoness; the fog has risen black and red; the horse comes out, says he will die; we must cut off his legs, put his skin on them like pillars; in the morning at this place big house; in the house a black dog is chasing a yellow dog, a young man kills a yellow one; a young man and his wife go out into the yard - there is a live horse; they return to the boy's mother, wedding]: Stuart et al. 1994:129-130; The Mongors [after the death of their father, an unkind younger brother and especially his wife abuse his older brother, decide to resettle him; the spotted bull tells him to ask for him, a cart and two apricots consecrated in the niche Buddha; tells you to eat apricots on the way, plant seeds; goes to the wedding of an official's daughter, turns into a goby with golden horns, silver hooves; the bride wants to ride it, he takes her away, her older brother marries her; the bull is old, tells him to bury his kidneys under the threshold, throw his bones into the barn and chicken coop, place a pelvis of blood and a basin of water in the Buddha's niche; if water splashes into the blood, it's all right, if the blood is in the water, you have to open the kidneys; a herd of cows and a herd of sheep emerge from the bones; the older brother goes to visit the younger one; the wife ate everyone, she has a red face; the elder runs, climbs on an apricot that grows from a planted stone; his stalker chews on him, he jumps on another apricot; the wife sees blood splashing into the water, digging up the buds, they turn into two tigers, killing cannibal]: Stuart, Limusishiden 1994:122-124

Western Siberia. Northern Khanty (Sherkal dialect) [husband and wife bought their son and daughter a toy - an iron horse; the horse destroyed the city and killed the couple; the children hid under the floor; the horse asks where they are ; the comb, the flint, the skin scraper do not answer, it breaks them; leaves; the cow tells me to sit on it, takes it to the sea, tells her to slaughter it there, wrap it in its guts, climb into her stomach; the horse chases, sister throws flint (fire), crest (forest), whetstone (mountain), flint again (the horse burned down); brother and sister killed a cow, woke up in the house, there is a lot of food; they live on the island; pops out of a ball of foam dog; tells his brother that his sister will send him for fox milk; his sister sends him - he will recover from milk; the fox gave milk: if my sister does not drink, give it to my cub; my sister did not drink, the fox drank; then same with blue fox; dog for young man: sister hid the iron horse under your bed, lie down on the side; next time milk and baby wolverine, you have to lie back to bed and under the bunk beds there will be an iron horse; then a wolf; a bear; a horse under the threshold; in front of the threshold; the sister sends into the house behind seven locks; there the old man lets the animals in, closes the door; the young man returns alone; sister tells him to wash in the bathhouse, and then the iron horse will kill him; the bird reports three times that the animals are digging an underground passage; the animals have come, killed an iron horse; the brother nailed his sister's hands to the floor, vessels near the eyes: if a brother will be needed, his vessel must be filled with tears, and if an iron horse, then hers; the brother married the king's daughter; took his sister to him; she put the tooth of an iron horse in his bed, his brother died; his buried in an iron coffin; the animals dug, broke it; the dog found a crow's nest: bring the grass of life, otherwise we'll eat eggs; the crow brought, the dog crushed one egg, restored it with grass; revived the young man; he let go of the animals, left only the dog; tied his sister to two sledges, tore it with horses; threw one leg into the forest, it grew into a swamp willow, the other to a hill, a forest tree grew; the brother lives well (with his wife )]: Steinitz 2014, No. 28:169-185; Southern Selks: Pelikh 1972 (Narym) [the old man leaned down to the ice-hole to drink; the ice grabbed him by the beard; the old man promised to give his youngest daughter; then the eldest; Ice let him go ; took the eldest daughter; she swims, asks people on the shore where she is taking her; the tenth replies that she is going to the waterfall; the girl runs to the mountain, does not turn around as Ice asks her; resorts to the woolly an old woman; she asks to kill her; the hair turns into deer, the old woman's liver into a grandmother; the girl stays with her]: 322-323; Tuchkova 2004 (b. Chizhapka), No. 1 [almost the same; the tenth person replies that the girl is being carried "to a bad place"]: 328-329, 395.

Eastern Siberia. Dolgans [to have children, the old woman turns to ayyi, the old man turns to Abaasa; ayyy gives a boy and a girl, the abaasa threatens to swallow the old man, makes him give up what she does not know at home; spouses they hide their children under the hearth; the abaas eat their spouses, do not find children; they grow up, a horse descends from the sky, takes them away, gives them flint, flint, an ax, they must be thrown into an Abaas pursuer; they turn into fire, into the mountains, into the sea; the abaas remain overseas; the horse tells him to be killed by crushing a louse on his head; parts of his body give rise to a city, buildings, property; his kidneys turn into a dog bear and a wolf -dog; in the absence of the brother, the abaasa comes, the sister agrees to become his wife, lures his brother's handkerchief, gives it to her husband; the brother is in a hurry, the interpreting rocks crush his dogs - the bear and the wolf; the horse brings brother to old woman, she gives a bow; a hawk fights a yokshokyu bird; brother shoots a yokshokyu in the wing; for promising to cure him, he helps open the mountain, freeing the bear and the wolf; they kill the abaas; brother hangs his sister by the legs, puts two plates under her eyes; during the night, the left one fills with tears, which means that the sister cries for her husband, not for her brother; he leaves, leaving the bear and the wolf; one-eyed, one-armed and one-legged abaasa fights with another over a woman; Er-Sogotoh (his brother's name is first mentioned) frees the woman, takes her away; the abaas pursues them, E. throws the comb, the forest grows; E. kills the abaas, marries a rescued woman]: Popov 1937:208-237 (quail. Efremov 2000, No. 2:79-135); Central Yakuts: Illarionov et al. 2008, No. 17 (Western 1940, Megino-Kangalassky District, South-Central Yakutia) [one-eyed abaas ate two horses, two cows, two the mares, the wife of the old man Chopcheyokyeong, himself; his little son and daughter, a little older, rode off on a goby; the abaas chases him, the goby splashes manure in his face; across the river tells him to look for lice, crush him larger than the size of a spider, it has its soul; the skin has become home, the skull has become a stove, the legs are pillars, the heart and liver are black iron dogs, the blood clot is dog food, the hooves are four orons (a shop for sleep); the boy returned from hunting, ate his sister in the abaasa house, dived under the pot, the dogs followed; they said that if the black foam foams, you should hang yourself, if it was red, get ready to meet; boiled black, then white, then red foam, dogs carried out their sister's skull; brother buried, began to live well with dogs]: 185-195; Ergis 1967, No. 118 (summary of several texts, including archival ones; by at least central ones?) [The abaas ate the fisherman's cattle, himself, his old woman; boys and girls run away, the calf covered the pursuer's eyes with its manure; tells the children to look for lice on him; they kill the louse that is his soul; from the calf's bodies appear house and dogs; the boy hunts, the abaas ate his sister; dogs descended into the lower world, brought her skull; the crows were injured, the Raven brought live water to revive them; the remains of the dog resurrected the girl; everything is fine], 127 (summary of the archival text, the place of recording is not specified) [the old man cuts an ice-hole, a half-wolf half bear pops up, demands that his son and daughter be given; the old man sends them to the ice-hole, The abaas carry away; the bull, the horse are trying to save, the abaas catch up, return them; they are carried away by a deer; when the Abaas girl catches up, they threw a comb (forest), an igloo (iron wall), a handkerchief (river); they move to on the other side, they run away; the deer dies, tells them to throw its ribs, they turn into a house, a barn; the head is a stove, the lungs are a guard dog, his heart and liver are wolves; while the brother is hunting, the sister hides the abaas, digs a hole under his brother's bed; brother kills his sister, leaves; meets three companions; each cooks in turn, the man in Doha squirrel does not let him cook dinner; the young man defeats him, descends to the lower world , takes wealth and women, gives them to brothers; comes to an old man and an old woman, tells everyone to stick to their beds; sticks them off as a promise to marry him a daughter; marries, lives richly]: 187, 190; Sym Evenki [the old man sends his daughters for water, everyone refused (the names of his daughters are by the names of his fingers); he goes to drink from the ice-hole, freezes his beard, promises his daughters to Ice, Ice agreed to the youngest Heladan; the girl took her toys, sat on the ice, the ice floe swam along the shamanic Engdekit River; H. asks shamans living on the capes to let them get off by the fire; agreed the owner of ten tambourines, threw two awls for H. to catch them ashore; the ice floe persuades them to return, offers paint stones, leathers, scrapers, sharpeners, cups, flint; X. instead of them sees bones, blood, feces of the dead; comes to the den of the bear Ngamondri; he tells him to kill him, put his heart to sleep with him, his intestines and head in a place for honored guests, duodenal and straight against himself, thin trees, wool in a hole; in the morning an old man and an old woman sleep against her, an old man next to her, children play in a place of honor, there are halters around the deer, on the tree; the strongest deer was the smallest, H. came to the Evenks in it; her noticed only in the tenth plague, she told her story]: Vasilevich 1936, No. 40:38-40 (quail in Turov 2000:48-49; retelling to Vasilevich 1959:171); (cf. Sym Evenks (Chirombu) [Bear says he is afraid of birds flying out suddenly, Fox, that people ("hemp with cross eyes"); the bear found a hunter, he killed him, peeled off his skin, inflated his hair, turned into a deer in the morning; Fox found a bear head in the storage shed]: Vasilevich 1936, No. 12:16); Western Evenks (Podkamennaya Tunguska: Bayakit) ["like the Sym Evenks"]: Vasilevich 1959:174; Evens: Robbeck 2005 [people lived on heaven; the girl's parents died, she hired a rich man, who decided to marry her off as an old man, and she wanted to be a young man; for this she was expelled: put on her eight-legged deer, sent to the ground; when she she was hungry, the deer gave her its horn, she sucked, full; below was the sea, the deer began to fall down, told him to rip his hair out, throw it down, the wool turned into logs, the girl made a raft out of them; She weaved nets from the deer's neck hair, caught fish, this is how they fed; the deer ordered him to be killed, his skin should be laid on the water - there will be earth, wool - forests, put his head in the middle, broken bones along the edges; If you don't kill lice, they'll become deer; put your heart to your left, your lungs to your right; the deer's last breath turned to the wind]: 212-213; Robbeck, Dutkin 1978 [girl expelled from heaven on an eight-legged deer descends to the surface of the sea; on the advice of a deer, she scattered scraps of wool on the water, they turned into logs, she made a raft; at the request of the deer, she killed it, cut it as he ordered; the skin turned into earth , skull and bones to the mountains, wool to the forests, lice to wild deer; the crunch of broken bones became thunder, the dying sigh became the wind; the heart turned into a hero, the lungs into a boy and a girl]: 157.

Amur - Sakhalin. Nanais [younger sister Pudin invites the eldest to take turns picking berries so that someone is always in the house; the eldest is walking, Taka (an arrow with a blunt head) falls next to her, tells her to leave, because Inda Khochiani will come (a dog's leg with a tail from the waist down); the eldest returns; the youngest comes the next day, does not listen to Taka, they tell him to allow him to look for lice from her; says that he has found a gold one, brick, stone, cannot be crushed on a stone, the ground will not stand it, tells you to stick out her tongue, crush her tongue, pulls out her tongue, runs away; at home, the eldest puts the dog's younger tongue; an old woman girded alive snakes, in a dream tells the youngest to go back her tongue, leaves three silver tōro rods, a white horse; the youngest takes rods, a needle bed, a scallop, a knife, flies on horseback to the house of dog people, does The appearance that she agrees to marry THEM, cleans the house, finds his tongue in a bunch of others, takes it, leaves the dog's tongue, flies away on horseback; THEY tried to grab the horse's tail, Pudin cut it off; the horse asks whether to fly home or to people, P. says that he marries people; the husband goes hunting on a horse, P. does not tell her to be tied to a tree, only to grass; gives birth to a son, her husband's parents they send a maid to him with news, THEY tell her to return, tell her daughter-in-law to be expelled, she supposedly is homeless; P. leaves, chases THEM, she throws a comb (thicket), a needle (thorny bush), twigs ( turn into three pillars); THEY gnaw at them, P. moves from one to another, calls the horse; when the third pillar is ready to fall, the horse comes, dragging the tree to which P.'s husband tied it; P. flies away on a horse; when she dies, she tells her to take off her skin, cover herself, P. wakes up in a warm house, two roe deer are tied at the entrance; THEM comes, the roe deer tear him to shreds; P. and his son burn the leftovers; P. (Mergen); roe deer fly to heaven; husband takes P. to his place, his parents have repented; sister P. is also married]: Hodger 2011:15-29; Orochi [a girl walks on the water, sees seven merganser ducks on the river; When he returns, he finds a man in the house, he marries her; Pegelikt (Sheared) comes, insists that the woman allow her to search in her hair; puts her to sleep, takes tin in her mouth, spits out molten tin in her ear, throws the corpse into the forest, puts on her clothes; explains to her husband that her long hair is burned above the hearth; offers to move to the other side of the river; six younger children live there the husband's brothers; they don't like the brother's wife, they tell the couple to live separately; they find the woman's corpse, extract tin; she comes to life, the husband takes her back, makes P. a maid; the woman gives birth; P. suggests to her taking the baby, swimming to the other side for bird cherry; swims away with the child, throws him into the river, tells her husband that the woman negligently drowned the child; the husband beats his wife, leaves him alone across the river; six brothers go away; The mouse heals a woman, the Goat calls her sister, takes out utensils, lights a fire, catches fish; tells him to kill him, make a house out of his skin and bones; comes to life; says that he plays with all day her little nephew coming out of the river; the woman leaves breast milk and food on the shore; the baby comes ashore from the cradle, the mother grabs him; he does not recognize her; the Whales explain that they are only his caregivers, not parents; The goat leaves; the boy hunts, shoots across the river, the arrow hits his old father's house; the boy tells his story; at the woman's request, the husband kills P., brings her eyes, a woman pierces and burns them; six brothers come back]: Aurora, Lebedeva 1966, No. 13:139-142.

SV Asia. Coastal Koryaks (village. Palana, Western 1958 Zhukova) [the old man puts a chiruch (fishing gear), falls to the water to drink, he was pressed against the sand; let him go when he promised to give the children; sent his son and daughter to the chiruch at home; they ended up at the kele; they they try to leave on their own; they ask for a deer, he takes them away; the bear is the same; every time Kele catches up and returns; a pot-bellied calf offers to take them, Kele kicks him sleepily, the calf flies to the sky descends overseas; turns into a house; in one room two dogs become friends with her brother; sister sees a kele on the other side, throws a comb, it turns into a bridge, the kele crosses, becomes the girl's lover; on his advice, she serves her brother poisoned food, the dogs splashed a bowl; the wolf gives the young man two cubs as companions, the bear two cubs, the fox goes with the young man himself; Kele asks to heat the iron bath, the Fox tells not to heat it hot; the young man manages to get out of it, the dogs stayed inside, but broke through the iron door; Kele washed himself, it turns out that dogs, wolves, bears tore it; the corpse was burned along with bathhouse; sister finds kele's fang, put her brother in bed, he died; Fox wolves, bears pull the fang out of the young man's body, he comes to life; brother hooked his sister with a fang, burned it in the house]: Menovshchikov 1974, No. 137:422-430.