Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

K99B. Midnight getaway: changing partner, (ATU 856)


The girl and the boy agree that he will take her away at night. The young man is late or falls asleep, the girl is taken away by another person who accidentally finds himself in the appointed place.

Maltese, Arab literary tradition (One Thousand and One Nights), Tibetans, Mustang, Falam, Kashmiris, Sindhi, Northern India (Hindi), Santals, Kondas, Telugu, Sinhalese, Nogais, Armenians, Azerbaijanis, Turks, Lurs, Persians, Baluchis, Uzbeks, Uzbeks in Khorezm, Turkmens, Tajiks, Tajiks of Sistan, Bukhara Arabs, Karelians, Kazan Tatars, Bashkirs, Kazakhs, Karakalpaks, Kyrgyz, Uighurs, Dungans, Khalkha Mongols.

Southern Europe. Maltese [parents are against marriage, a girl and a boy decide to flee; the young man overslept, a Moor accidentally appears in his place; the girl dresses up as a man and offers the services of a scribe; the king makes her manager; a young man meets a Moor, hears his story and kills him; the ruler sentences him to death but then discovers that he is a woman; wedding]: Mifsud-Chircop 1978, No. 856:312-313.

Western Asia. One Thousand and One Nights ["The Story of Ali Shar and Zumurrud"; Father Ali-Sharu's dying covenant: not to communicate with those who want evil, do good, save money, consult with elders, do not drink wine; A. spends all her money; joins the circle of those who buy the slave Zumurrud; she is offered to choose a buyer from the circle, everyone is ugly; Z. chooses A., gives him money for his ransom; A. sells beautiful the curtains that Z. sews, she warns not to sell them to a passerby; a Christian buys for twice as much; follows A., enters his house, drinks A. with a potion, takes the keys to the house old brother, who did not get Z. at the auction; the old man beats Z., tells him to give up true faith; the old woman helps A. find Z.; finds the old man's house when he hears the moans of Z.; convinces the slaves not to beat Z.; A. must take Z. at midnight, falls asleep; the thief puts on his turban, Z. goes down to the robber, who brings Z. to his mother's cave; Z. looks in her head, she falls asleep; Z. dresses in men's clothes, enters to the city with a bag of gold, becomes a sultan (the former is dead, the person who came along this road is chosen as the new one); Z. Sultan arranges a feast every first day of the month; he comes to the feast Christian, his skin is peeled off and stuffed with straw, his insides are burned; the same is true with the robber and the old man; when A. comes, Z. tells him to rub her legs above the knee at night, thus revealing himself; Z. orders to choose a governor before his return, leaves with A.]: Salle 2010 (1), night 308-327:961-992.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Tibetans [East Villagers are at odds with Western Villagers; Xialinsai young man and Lulin-Saimo girl grew up in different villages, fell in love, and were forced to flee and settle in in a secluded place; L. ordered S. to sell her ring and buy thread; weaved a cloth depicting birds; ordered to sell it, but not to say what his wife was weaving; the king bought the cloth; after drinking S., he learned about his wife beautiful woman and took her to the palace; L. asks for a month to postpone the marriage; S. found L., she gave him a bracelet, told him to sell and buy a horse to escape; but the horse was taken away by three robbers; at night they came to palace; thinking that S. had come, L. sat on a horse and galloped with the robbers; invited the robbers to go to the far about and run to her; whoever was faster would become her husband; galloped off herself; L. returned to the palace , asked to open a tavern and hang her portrait there; whoever pays attention to him is a robber; the guards caught both the robbers and S.; L. asked to gather people, told everything; the robbers punished with whips; the tsar had to let her go and S., they got lost in the crowd]: Komissarov 1997:132-142; Mustang [the minister's son goes for trade affairs, the tsar's son gives him silver to buy something- something valuable; he finds nothing for a long time; the princess sees him from the window, sends a maid, sells the fabric with his portrait for silver; the minister's son returns, the prince sees the portrait, falls in love, together the minister's son comes to the city with the princess; she can be seen once a year when she shows her to the people; the maid teaches tigers and leopards to throw meat and fruits to other animals, they will let them into the little one pearl peace, where you can wait for the princess; the prince enters peace, but falls asleep there; the same next year - silver peace; the third year - golden; the prince does not sleep, negotiates with the princess kidnap her at midnight; falls asleep again; two thieves are going to steal three prepared horses, at which time the princess comes out, they ride away with her; they are going to drown in the lake; the princess asks allow her to drink and pray first; pushes the robbers into the lake, changes into men's clothes; the king of another country wants to marry his daughter; the imaginary man says he must first build three stupas in memory of his deceased wife; tells him to paint a portrait in a woman's form on the wall, let anyone who pays attention to it be brought to her; the prince and his son, the minister, follow in the footsteps princesses, see the portrait, everything is explained; at night all three run; by the river, the minister's son goes to curry for the princess, the prince falls asleep, the shepherd takes the princess to marry the king; the minister's son sends the prince home, dressed in women's clothes, comes to the palace disguised as a wreath saleswoman; the princess sees him from the window, finds out, sends the maid to bring the flower girl, they agree, run at midnight; when the princess and the prince got married, the grass was green on the bare ground, and streams were clogged in the waterless valleys]: Kretschmar 1985, No. 3:31-38; falam (hallam) [the king asks the youngest son what he will do when he dies; he replies that he will hire another king for any job; this is what happened; the young man's duty is to cook tobacco for the princess; she agrees to flee with her son Kotvala (chief of guard); he fears that the servant hears everything, but the princess is sure that the servant is a complete idiot; meanwhile, the prince informs the cat about his son's intention to flee with the princess and he locked his son; the prince drove up on the cat's son's pony and the princess ran with him; the princess has a gold duck with her; the king wants to buy it; the prince offers to fence the plot at a distance where clods of earth can be thrown, and let the king fill it space with (valuable) things; the king failed to do it, left his throne to the prince and disappeared; the prince and the princess reigned well]: Grierson 1904a: 205-206.

South Asia. Kashmiris [ahun (religious teacher) asks four sons what they would like to do; three want to follow in their father's footsteps, the fourth wants to be a thief; sneaks into the palace, where the vizier and the princess is preparing to escape; the vizier sends the princess with the thief, he must stay; in the morning the princess sees that she is not the vizier with her, becomes the young man's wife; he is hired by the king as a groom; the jeweler brings two ruby, the young man says that the wormhole is right in one; he is appointed gem keeper; the vizier wants to take possession of the young man's wife, for this purpose he persuades the king's daughter to ask the other for the same ruby , as brought by a jeweler (not defective, but expensive), and send a young man for him; a month later, the wife gives the young man a ruby, which she picked up in the river, he brings it to the king; the vizier suggests demanding a ruby necklace; the wife tells the young man to hide by the river, 6 heavenly fairies will arrive, and then the seventh; she must hide her clothes; the fairy Lalmal is forced to go with the young man, when she speaks, rubies fall from her lips; he brings to the king of rubies; the barber tells the vizier that the young man has a second wife; let the vizier take one and he, the barber, the other; the vizier offers to send the young man for the bracelet; L. sends her husband with a letter to to the source where he met her; the young man takes the bracelet, taking off the hand that held it out; the vizier: the second bracelet; L. sends her husband with the ring, it opens the entrance to the lower world; the girl to whom a young man speaks, there is a daughter of a woman whose hand he tore off; to save him, the girl turned him into a pebble, took an oath from his mother; the mother sent a letter to her sons ordering him to kill him ; the daughter ordered her to come to her wedding; gave edible peas, you just have to pretend that he was eating inedible; gave iron claws - the brothers will ask them to scratch their backs; he did everything, demons they said that Solomon was calling them, did not come; the young man takes the demoness's daughter as his wife, asks for a flying skin (i.e. a flying carpet) as a gift; brings a bracelet; barber: he has a third wife, the king should receive it ; the king tells the young man to bring news from the deceased king father and the fruit of paradise; the young man tells him to make a fire, flies off it on a flying carpet; the fairy wife makes a fruit from seven metals, writes a letter on behalf of the deceased king: come with the vizier and the barber; they burned down; the first vizier came, the young man gave him his bride, sent the fairy into her world, stayed with his third wife; that vizier became king, the young man became a vizier]: Stein, Grierson 1923, No. 12:85-105; Sindhi [after the king's death, the vizier seized power; three princes are leaving; each telling a dream; the younger Gul Munir sees that he has 4 princess wives, on the right there are two in bed and two on the left; the elders are jealous, they leave the youngest; GM fell asleep under a tree, the demon wanted to eat it, but admired his beauty, he carried him to the outskirts of the city; he comes to the mosque, childless the mullah takes him as his assistant; among the disciples, the son of the vizier and the daughter of the king; when she learned to read, the king forbade her to meet the vizier's son anymore; through GM, she handed a note to that, setting a time escape; GM wrote the answer himself, came at night, the princess and the maid were already waiting with the horses; in the morning the princess sees a substitution, but GM says that he is not a mullah's assistant, but a prince; they live in the city, sell ruby, the vizier finds out that the GM's wife looks like the kidnapped, tells the king, who brought the GM closer to him; offers to invite them to visit; the GM will be forced to invite them back, and if his wife does not wear it participate, so she is not a wife; the maid convinced the princess to behave like a wife; the same next time (picnic after the hunt); when GM sang, the princess fell in love with him; forgot her necklace in the tent; GM rode for him, there's the king's servant; she's a witch, put a necklace on him, he became a parrot, she became a falcon; the parrot flew into the princess's room of another kingdom, she stroked him, the magic thread of the necklace fell out, UM became a man; the king gave his daughter for him; they return to the first princess, GM marries another one on the way; the king who sheltered GM also gives him a daughter and then the throne; at this time, the GM brothers became alone a shepherd, another fisherman; he found them, they saw his dream come true]: Schimmel 1995, No. 24:158-176; Santals [after the death of his wife, the king chooses a bride who has promised to take care of his son; new wife also gives birth to a boy, hates his stepson; makes her scratched by a cat, accuses her stepson, promises to leave if the king does not kill him; the father leaves his son in the forest, brings his wife clothes soaked in the dog's blood; the old woman takes the boy to the village, is adopted by a brahman, gives the name Lela; the brahmina's daughter makes a date in the forest, the lover does not come, by chance L. is there, the girl runs with him, sees him in the morning mistake, decides to stay with L.; both are beautiful, the king gives L. difficult tasks to pick up his wife; 1) bring a flower (the wife says her younger sister has it; she lives in the cannibal's house; the cannibal feels in the smell of a man at home; the girl says that you have to sit over boiling oil to get rid of this smell; the young man pushes the cannibal into the oil, she burns; brings a flower, the king, as promised, gives it to him sister and half the kingdom; L. now has three wives - the first, her sister and the king's sister; L. comes to his father with his wives and men; he went blind when he left him in the forest, now he sees the light; the evil wife hanged herself, L. reigns]: Bodding 1927, No. 64:317-365; Condas [the stargazer predicted to the childless king that he would finally have a good and intelligent son; but a girl was born; the king decided to hide it, everyone thought that a boy was born; at school, the princess became friends with the merchant's son; he noticed her breasts, she confessed everything and they decided to flee; on the night of her escape, the merchant sent his son to the doctor for medicine; a young man from the caste came instead ghassi, who overheard lovers talking {ghassi are untouchables who cut animal bodies and eat beef}; in the morning the princess liked the guy; they lived happily in the mango grove; then came to the king, he gave them a palace; ghassi met a girl in love with him; the king gave him a necklace, he forgot it on the river bank; ran after him; found himself near that girl's house; he was bitten snake; the girl revived with medicine; then turned others into a parrot, put them in a cage, and at night turned them back into a young man; one day the parrot opened the cage, flew to his wife, the magic remedy fell off feathers, ghassi became human again; they began to look for him; he hid with the merchant's daughter; after all, he has three wives: a princess, a sorceress girl and a merchant's daughter; everyone is happy; we are poor poor kuvi]: Schulze 1922, No. 1:23-26; Telugu {the collection contains mainly Telugu texts and several Marathi texts; there is little possibility that this text is not Telugu but Marathi} [the prince went on a journey; came to another king, called himself the son of a peasant, became a servant; the princess handed him a letter to the vizier's son asking him to run away at night; he tore the letter, and the vizier reported that his son was lazy to study; the vizier locked his son; the young man came on a date in his place; in the morning, when the princess noticed the change, the maid said it was fate; the fugitives stopped in the woods, the young man went to get water; saw the palace, there was a beauty in a pool of blood, his head was separate; the young man twitched the vine, his body and head joined together; the beauty told the young man to leave until the Rakshasa appeared; the young man separated the body again from the head, brought water to the princess, they arrived in another country; there the merchant asks for a high price for fish; the young man says that this fish is three-quarters of the scales and a quarter of the water; both disputed all property the young man won, received the merchant's house and property; became the royal guard; found and gave the king an emerald, who gave him to his daughter; her parrot replies that the princess will be even more beautiful if she has a second the same emerald; the king sends a young man; he returns to the Rakshasa Palace, connects the beauty's head to the body, she teaches her sisters to go to her sisters, they also give emerald to her younger sister, who has taken the form of rice a sheaf; a parrot advises to ask for a Parijataka flower; the sheaf wife says that the flower is in the sisters' garden; the maid of that first princess proves to her that the young man is a prince, let her ask him to make her the main wife; the young man took out a flower, killed Rakshasa with an arrow; the parrot tells the royal daughter who received the flower to marry the young man; with four wives, the young man first visited the father of the first princess and then came to his father]: Venkataswami 1923, No. 82:153-160; northern India, Mirzapur, Hindi [on the eve of the wedding his father is preparing for him, a young man from the Banya caste (merchants, money changers) dreams that his daughters will be his wives padishah, raja, moneylender and nata (nat spirit); refuses to marry and runs away from home; is hired as a servant to the daughter of a padishah, who is going to flee with the vizier's son; says that his name is "Fool"; when everything is ready, tells the vizier about his son's plans and he locks him; the young man comes at midnight, the princess runs with him, believing that this is her lover; in the morning the maid explains that this is fate; the young man bought the princess had carrots with halva and hired a grain dryer instead of his home; however, the maid noticed that he was not a fool; he argued with the royal jeweler that the diamond offered at the bazaar was genuine by putting a diamond a princess's necklace, and a jeweler put his house and wealth; the young man won, now they have a decent place to live; in the Raja's garden, she forgot her necklace, sent her husband, he was bitten by a snake, the gardener threw away her body into the river, the girl revived him, turned him into a parrot for a day and a young man for the night; the parrot saw Raja's daughter, bought it, and accidentally realized that if you untie the lace around his neck, the parrot turns into young man; the servants noticed that Raja's daughter was a man; the young man ran, hid in the moneylender's house, who married him off his daughter; there he was met by the maid of the padishah's daughter; they went to the Raja, and they also appeared a girl and a Raja's daughter, each claiming to be her husband; Raja ordered all four to be a young man's wives; all is well]: Crooke 1892-1893, No. 391:99-100; Sinhalese: Parker 1914a, No. 108 [astrologer teacher persuades the princess to marry him; she stops attending school; the astrologer tells the king that if his daughter stays in the city, the city will be ruined; the king put his daughter on the ship and let him go along the river; his king noticed and sent the minister to find out who was on the ship; hoping to take possession of the girl himself, the minister said that there was a female leopard; the king: let's go see her; the minister had to confess that there was a girl there; the king married her; the astrologer sent letters with false news that the princess's father was ill; the princess's husband sent her to her father accompanied by a minister; in response to his harassment, the princess gave him hold the baby and quietly hid herself on top of a tree; the minister tore the baby and threw it into the sea; the princess is gone; the Arab cries over her daughter's grave: stand up, oh daughter; when he's gone, princess climbed into the grave; got up and the Arab believed that this was his daughter; her husband's younger brother found her, she sent him a letter; he agreed to take her away at night; but a madman named Solman Pissa came up by chance and the princess left with him; in the morning the princess sent him for water and disappeared; saw an Arab being buried, dug a grave, dressed as an Arab man, went to live in an Arab quarter; the local king died, elected the elephant knelt before the imaginary Arab and the princess became king; one day her husband and her father hunted and argued who killed the deer; came to the king (i.e., the princess) to resolve the dispute; after listening to everyone, the princess put on a woman's dress, told everything; the minister was executed by tearing two palm trees]; 2014b, No. 247 [the king will give his daughter to someone who pays for her the price of five burdens of elephant tusks; one prince managed to do so, got the princess; when they came back, they spent all the money; the princess told her husband to buy thread, weaved a handkerchief; the husband sold it to a merchant; one of the prince grooms rejected by the princess saw a handkerchief asked who made it, went with the prince to his wife to order more; at night he intoxicated the prince with sleeping pills and stole the princess; immediately went to war; the prince saw his wife in the palace window , she sent him a note setting the time and place; he read it out loud, and the logger (creeper-cutter) overheard it, came in his place, the prince fell asleep; the deceiver took the princess away; she said that he wants to marry: everyone must make a vow while being tied to a pole or tree by another; ties the kidnapper tightly and runs away; when he meets two Veddas, promises to go with someone who she will shoot an arrow; while they search for their arrows, she runs away again; she is picked up by a merchant; when he falls asleep, she put on men's clothes, left, hired the sons of the king and minister to teach; they noticed that she was a woman ; she put on the prince's clothes and ran away again; the local princess saw the imaginary young man, told her father to take him as her husband; on her wedding night, the imaginary princess told the newlywed everything, who promised not to give her away; began to distribute food for free and put her wax figure: let whoever stops in front of her be detained; all the men the princess encountered during her adventures came; a lumberjack executed, two Veddas were forgiven, and the newlywed, left without a husband, was given off as a prince, whom the princess, in the form of a teacher, was supposed to teach; she herself returned to her legal husband]: 313-320.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Nogais [an orphan dreams: the moon is at the head, the sun is at his feet, and the star is on the sides; he sells sleep to a shepherd for a flock; the shepherd sees a rider drive up to the house, falls asleep; a girl, a shepherd, called out to him answered, told her to ride after her; in the morning the girl sees a mistake, but decides that it is fate; tells him to take a golden spoon as a gift to the khan and ask them to build a house on a pile of ash; tells them to invite Khan to visit, but enter first; the young man forgot the instruction, the khan was the first to enter, fell in love; the viziers advise not to kill the shepherd, but 1) send him for the milk of an Arab mare; the wife teaches to lure the mare with salt; the young man brings milk and brings the mare herself; 2) bring an apple to a heavenly girl; the wife tells me to go to the lake, three doves will fly, turn into heavenly girls, you have to hide the clothes alone; the young man brings an apple to the khan, takes a heavenly girl as his second wife; 3) bring a gold ring to Khan's late mother and find out where she buried gold; a heavenly girl throws her husband into the fire, he goes out with a ring, says where the gold is; khan He asks him to quit, burns, makes a young man khan; two wives and two children of a young man - a dream come true]: Nogai 1979, No. 23:120-125; Armenians [the poor man dreams of the sun on his head, the moon in his legs, two on his chest stars; a shepherd buys sleep, giving his whole herd for it; at night he comes to the city; a young man arrives with two horses, falls asleep; the princess takes it for her cousin, with whom she was going to run; they leave, she takes a shepherd as her husband, dresses him in a shah-zade costume, now his name is Teymur Shah; the local shah receives him honorably, falls in love with his wife, tells him to get 1) sea mare milk (wife teaches give her a drink by pouring wine into the pit); 2) heavenly apples; the wife tells her to ride a sea mare, hide the clothes of the youngest of the three bathing sisters, who became the second wife, brought heavenly apples; 3) visit the king's parents; the second wife orders T. to ask the king to throw him into the fire, takes him out of the fire, T. comes to the king with imaginary news; the king and the courtiers order them to burn them, T. reigns; the sun is the moon in a dream - his wives, sons are stars]: Bunyatov et al. 1900, No. 6:115-124; Azerbaijanis: Bagriy, Zeynally 1935 [=Akhundov 1955:106-125; the old man had a dream, told the old woman to pack food for the road and went to him to look; I came to the shepherd, he fed him and bought him a dream in exchange for his herd; they exchanged names; the shepherd became Bakhtiyar, and the old man Melik-Mamed; B., i.e. a former shepherd, approached the city, but the gate was already closed; he fell asleep behind his back; before dawn he heard a voice; someone let his horse down and they galloped; in the morning he saw a girl with him; she, Perizad Khanum, the king's daughter, was about to flee with her son vekilya, also named B.; after jumping to the possessions of another king, P. ordered B. to sell the horses and buy a house, ordered the cadia to marry them; they began to live on the gold that P. took with them; the barber saw the beauty of his wife B., conveyed to the king; the king summoned B. and promised to come to him with a vizier; P. ordered her husband to prepare everything to receive guests; the king deliberately came earlier, saw P. simple-haired, fell in love; the vizier advised B. to send B. from paradise for an apple; P. gives her husband a letter to his sister, the wife of the king of divas; tells him not to bring women with him; the divas led to the plane tree at the spring: the peri will come to swim, it is necessary to steal the shell alone, they will comply with the request; B. stole the younger one's dress, the eldest brought him an apple; the youngest Gurizat said that since a man touched her, she would not be able to return to the peri; turned B. into a wand took it in her beak, flew to P.; she did not become angry; G. ordered ordinary apples to be taken to the king, and keep the paradise, which turned into a 15-year-old boy, for herself; the barber told the king that B. now had two wives; the king demands a rose from Gulistan's garden; G. moved B. to Gulistan, where the girls were dancing, B. forgot why she came; G. moved him back, Gulli-gah-gah khanum was sitting next to her, laughed, roses fell from her lips; the barber again tells the king, he sends mares with 40 foals for milk; G. takes him to the old man, who was wrapped in cotton wool and put in a cradle; cotton wool must be changed; the old man orders to take sulfur from put your ear on cotton wool; hide in a hole on the shore, throw cotton wool, the water will foam, the mares and foals will be frightened; then play the flute, the horses will ask you to play more; let them swear not touch the foal Garib with the name; the mare explains to B. that the king wants to destroy him; brings him to the king - let him milk her himself; at night the horses ran away; the vizier advises to tell B. to bring news from the deceased the king's parents; GG-khanum teaches to tell the king to make a fire, she will carry B. away from him; tells B. to find an old man who remembers the genealogies of the king, vizier and vekiel; writes on their behalf and on behalf of the barber's parents letters: B. visited us, and you? B. jumped out of the ash; the king and the others ordered themselves to be burned with their wives and children; B. was chosen as king; tells the wives the dream he bought: the sun rose on the right side, the moon on the left, the stars above his head were three wives ]: 20-46; Bogoyavlensky 1899, No. 9 [younger Tsarevich Ibrahim dreams how the moon descended on his herd; tells Brother Rustam and others; giving his share of the inheritance and taking a heavy staff, goes on a journey; in another city, the son of the vizier Ibrahim agrees to flee with Princess Kul-Shad; at the last moment he changes his mind, and the imaginary shepherd I. accidentally finds himself in his place, the CS runs away with him; they tell each other about themselves; I. picks up a stone, the KSH says that it is expensive; builds a palace; the KSH gives a stone to King Melik-Aslan; the vizier Mamed-Ali is jealous, suggests demanding new stones; I. returns to the spring, where he found the stone, goes under water, where Princess Shah-Sanam ("queen of beauties"), kidnapped by the diva; stones are formed from her blood; I. kills the diva, takes the SHS with his wife; when she beats herself on the nose, drops of blood form gems; the king orders to get an atri-lala rose; I. kills a snake that is about to eat chicks; the chicks tell their mother not to drop millstones on I., he is their savior; the bird teaches how to get a rose; two girls in the form of doves fly to a tree by the lake, throw off their clothes, swim; you have to climb a tree, get clothes, change them for a rose; one girl laughed at her laughter a bouquet of roses was formed, the girls gave their hair; if burned, they will come to the rescue; I. brought roses to the king, the vizier advises sending him for pears from across the blue sea; the bird carries across the sea; there are apples, from which form the tail, and the pears from which he disappears; the king declares war on I., he kills him, the vizier and the warriors, reigns himself]: 71-81; Turks [a young shepherd pays gold to three sellers vegetables; the Indian princess made an appointment with the vizier's son, but he did not come; the shepherd kidnaps her and she stays with him for fear of going back; when a shepherd sells a gem, the head of the city demands 40 of the same from him; then demands 100; the princess sends her husband to a stream where similar stones can be found; there is a peri kidnapped by a giant by her hair; the shepherd frees her; pulls out three worms in which the giant's life kills him; now the head of the city demands a certain kind of rose; they are from sister Peri, she sends a shepherd to her; he gets roses, a girl and a sea horse; the head The city demands to build a mosque and a bridge; Peri brought down the bridge when it stepped on it, the shepherd became the head of the city]: Eberhard, Boratav 1953, No. 217:264.

Iran - Central Asia. Lura [Hasan did an excellent job at school; when he learns that his classmates are going to come to his feast, he runs with his parents to avoid shame: they do not have the means to receive guests; H. a clairvoyant, he knows when a person will die; knowing that a shepherd will die in 14 days, he makes an agreement with him; the shepherd dies, his 6 sheep go to Hassan; his flock multiplies; he buys sleep from the thorn collector, giving 20 sheep; goes on a journey; at night he sees a rider in the ruins; a woman's voice calls: Hasan! H. goes with a woman, in the morning she realizes that she is a stranger; they have settled in the city; the barber told the king that H. has a beautiful wife; the vizier advises to send him for the leaves of the magic tree; H. killed the dragon, the local king (obviously king peri} married him a daughter, H. picked up tree leaves and returned with his second wife; now the king sends X. to bring water from a certain place; the second wife H. is a fairy; teaches you to come to the pond in the middle of the thickets; three doves will arrive, throw off their clothes, bathe; you must hide the youngest's clothes, take an oath from her; when you hear that Hasan knows about her abduction, a peri-dove stays with him because her reputation has already been damaged; they have collected water from a spring; the barber tells the king that H. has a third wife; the vizier advises to demand that H. make a bridge of gold and silver bricks from his house to the palace; daughter of King Peri: there will be a bridge; the vizier advises to lure H. to the bridge and push him into the river; wives: ask the king and all those close to him to gather on the bridge; we will overturn him, you let's save and the rest will drown; after that, the Peri told H. to marry the one he ran with first, and marry them after her]: Amanolahi, Thackston 1986, No. 5:29-34; Persians: Marzolph 1984, No. 465A (Mazendaran, Isfahan, Khorasan, Hamadan) [at night, the princess runs away from home with her lover; the poor man with the same name turns out to be his place, the princess stays with him; or the hero gets a heavenly wife a virgin; the king wants to take possession of her, gives her husband impossible assignments (to get gems, a mare with 14 foals, extraordinary fruits, a princess); the wife and others help to complete everything; as a result Completing the last task, the king dies: to move the castle to the sea - the castle sinks; to bring news from the dead - the king (instead of the vizier) allows himself to be burned to go there himself]: 98-100; Osmanov 1987 [the shepherd had a dream, goes to look for someone to explain it, sold Javad for a cow; D.'s mother is furious, D. runs away, spends the night in the royal stables; the princess fell in love with Javad Khan, agreed run with him at midnight; he decided not to embark on an adventure; D. Shepherd answers instead; in the morning the princess sees that she is a rough Kurd with her; sends him for water; there is no water in the spring, only gold coins and gems; with this money they buy a house; meet the padishah; an envious vizier advises to order them to bring more gold coins; D. comes to that spring, sees peri on the tree; as soon as she steps , 300 such coins appear; D. brings coins and brings peri; vizier: let him bring three bouquets of laughing roses; peri: next to my spring is the spring of my sister kidnapped by the diva; there is a bottle with his soul; when she laughs, laughing roses fall; D. broke the bottle, brought Peri; the first peri wrote in the padishah's father's handwriting an invitation to him and the vizier to come to visit; they were killed, D. became a padishah]: 209-217; Baluchi: Zarubin 1932, No. 2 [Shepherd Asan dreams as if he has three stars in his hands; leaves the sheep to his master, goes on a journey; sleeps at the vizier's house; his daughter was just about to run away with her lover named Asan, mistakenly runs with the shepherd; decides to stay with him; after going to get water, A. finds the royal lamp, gives it to the girl; the mullah performs the wedding ceremony; the wife tells A. to bring a candle to the king (that lamp); the king wants to take possession of his wife A., the vizier advises to offer him difficult tasks; 1) find a pair by the candle; at that reservoir A. finds a couple and a girl kidnapped by a buzlangi; tells her to ask The buzlangs, leaving, leave their soul to her; A. and the girl tell the buzlangs to take them to the city, then kill the pigeon in which his soul is; A. forgot the couple to the lamp, but the girl was with her; she becomes A.'s second wife; 2) leaves from the garden of the black diva; A. finds a garden, kisses a sleeping girl in the palace; she catches up with him, becomes the third wife; 3) learn about the situation of the dead; the new wife tells To gather a huge fire, the king and all the people, led by A. and his wife, climb on it; the wife quietly lifts A. into the air, carries him away; the rest burn; A. is chosen king], 3 [the king dreams like the sun went up and down from the same side; tells the shepherd; he gives him his sheep, goes to another city; the girl takes him for her lover, runs with him; they spend the night by the pond, water who turns into gold; the wife teaches the young man to impersonate the prince; the king orders to bring 1) gold; the young man returns to the spring; there are divas and the girl; his head separates and grows according to the diva spells; the diva leaves, the young man repeats the spells, the girl grows together, comes to life; this is peri, she takes the young man, flies with him to the city, he gives the king jewelry; 2) news of seven generations of the dead; the new wife tells Zar Bibi to be called to the cemetery; she gets up from the grave, gives a letter writing about the dead; 3) build a gold tower and a jewelry tower in the Nile; wives teach how to grab a bather by the hair peri; she tells everyone to take a brick, lay down the towers, then, at the signal, each must pull out her brick; the king and the people who enter the towers drown in the Nile; the young man reigns]: 10-35, 35-52; Uzbeks Khorezma [shepherd Kuldash and farmhand Yuldash lived near Urgench; Yu dreams when two stars fell into his bosom; K. buys sleep for a heifer and a foal; K. left, Yu remained a shepherd instead of him; at night a girl, who is about to flee, takes K. for the groom, asks, opens up to him, becomes his wife; the vizier wants her for himself, persuades the khan to send K. (now his name is Musofirbek) bring 1) tigress milk (his wife teaches me how to raise a herd of tigers); 2) find the gold that has disappeared from the treasury (the wife and her sister are walking around the yard, ingots fall from under their feet); 3) visit him in the light of the khan's deceased relatives; the wife teaches to pretend to be a fool, gives a note on behalf of the khan's relatives, as if it's much better in the next world; the khan and the viziers let themselves be burned; two stars are the Peri wife and her sister, little the star is their son; his wife's sister K. marries his friend Yu.]: Konovalov, Stepanov 1986:217-234 Uzbeks [The White Shah is looking for batyrs to fight with the Black Shah; the bald man offers to take him; buys a thin oath, cares, she turns into a mighty horse; the bald man asks the mother if his father has a weapon left; a knife and a poker; he takes them; meets a young man; he tells him to rest, turns himself chained in steel, a horse in steel, a magic sword in his hand, smashes the army of the Black King, tells the bald man to say that he has defeated the enemies himself; the Black Shah invites the victorious batyr and promises him a daughter; to a feast, the vizier offers to give the princess to the fastest rider; that young man reappears, gives the victorious horse, the bald one gets the daughter of the Black Shah; when parting, the young man gives the bald man a folding knife: if I say" Vospirahun", will come to the rescue; the old woman tells the bald man that V. is a girl; the old man teaches how to get into her castle; in front of the dog, the straw, the bone in front of the camel must be changed; say "V.", div guard will fall asleep; cut the cat's head, remove the bunch of keys from its neck; the old man teaches to go down to the bottom of the river to mother V.; she teaches to tie 40 braids of sleeping V. to 40 pegs; V. recognized the bald one, they began to live together; V. gives his portrait, but the wind flew in, threw it into the river; the fishermen pulled him out and told the king that V. wanted to marry him and sent a portrait; the old woman promises to get V., tells her to give her a boat, load it with carpets and fabrics; cuts her donkey's leg, tells the bald man that he broke his leg, the bald man sheltered her, against the wishes of V. and her mother; the old woman persuaded her to go to the river and get into the boat, took her to the king; V. puts condition: to build three houses in 30 days; V.'s mother turned the bald man into a dervish, he came, began to drink with the king, the king fell asleep, bald and V. agreed to run; at night, the bald man climbed the fence; the robbers threw him into a hole, and V. mistook the chieftain for a bald man, he took her away in a boat; she killed him, returned to the robbers, promised to marry the one who would be the first to bring her abandoned belt; she sailed away home, the bald man also returned; the king found neither gold nor V.; they arrived at the White Shah, who gave his daughter and throne to the bald man; V. promised to give birth to a son and daughter and conceived, and the daughter of the White Shah promised two sons and infertile; when V. gave birth, the children were replaced by puppies and thrown into the steppe; V. was thrown into the zindon; the elder Khizrbuva picked up the children, ordered the goat to feed; the boy was Sohibkurol, the girl was Sohibjamol; they live in iron castle; the midwife guessed it; advised the girl to ask her brother to get roses with birds curling above; Hizrbuva gives the young man a magic sword, shows the way; the young man killed divas, brought roses and nightingales; the midwife advises to ask for a white winged horse; H. taught to catch a horse; midwife: get the girl Sangil Sopoltosh; H.: drive up to the river, there are stones, these are petrified people; call the SS 3 times; You will be petrified up to your throat, but if you shout a fourth time, all the petrified ones will come to life; the SS will ask everyone who called him; when he finds out that the young man was sent by H., he will call himself his girlfriend, and turn the others again into the stones; the SS ordered not to let the midwife in, the young man hacked her; while hunting he met a bald man, had to invite her to visit, but how to receive the king? H. promises to arrange everything; the pilaf from the small cauldron was enough for all the guests; H. told everything, disappeared with the iron lock; the evil wives were tied to the tail of a mare, driven through thorns; {about V. more it is not said}; the bald man gave the throne to his son; the SS gave birth to three sons; their father saw a girl in the mirror, the sons went to look for her; at the fork in three roads on the poles the inscription: 1) Maybe you'll come! 2) You'll get there, but you won't come back! 3) Don't take risks, don't go - death lies ahead! the youngest took the last road; helped the old woman get water from the house; stays with her; at night there are two moons in the sky: the second is light from the face of the daughter of the Western king; the young man went that way to meet Hizrbuva, gave a sword, the young man cut the divas with them, grabbed the winged horse, but he escaped, a piece of mane remained; then the young man gave a cake to the lion; ants; the lion gave a piece of mane, the ants allowed them to pass; other suitors were killed by a lion, died in ant possessions; the king will give his daughter to whoever throws millstones on the roof of the palace; the lion placed a millstone on the back of a winged horse, he threw it on the palace, the palace collapsed; having received a wife , a young man on a winged horse brought her to a place where he broke up with his brothers; one became a cook, the other became a stoker in a bathhouse; on the way, the brothers tied the younger hand, threw her into the hole, and said at home that they were heroes; the younger brother managed to give his wife a piece of horse mane; the wife summoned the horse, brought her husband; the elder sons were tied to the tails of mares, the youngest received the throne; then a feast with the Western king; the bald grandson began to rule two kingdoms]: Afzalov et al. 1971 (1): 174-200; Uzbeks (Karabulak near Chimkent, western 1924) [the rich man has a daughter and two shepherds; one dreams that he has the sun on one cheek, the moon on the other, the star Venus in the middle; the other shepherd bought this dream by giving the cattle; the rich man's daughter has agreed with her lover that he would take her away; he overslept; the shepherd fell asleep in the same place by the pool; the girl mistook him for his lover, woke him up, to take her away; he overslept; the shepherd fell asleep in the same place by the pool; the girl took he went for him; he is silent in response to an offer to raise sheep, cattle, shoot ducks; she decides that he is of noble origin, takes them to the city, the mullah marries them; the vizier suggests to the king pick up the woman, send her husband 1) for tiger milk (the wife teaches the tiger king to remove the splinter); 2) for the gul-kaahka flower; the wife gives her handkerchief, the flower owner sees that it is her sister's handkerchief, comes the young man's second wife, he gives the king a bouquet; when she goes, pearls and gold fall; 3) learn about the health of the king's deceased parents; the husband got up on the fire, both wives took off, quietly took it off; wives teach tell the king that his father sews boots, his mother is spinning, asking them to visit them; the king burns at the stake, the husband reigns]: Yudakhin 1927:417-425; Turkmens [the old man dreams of nightingales sitting on his shoulders; sells sleep to a shepherd; he comes to the garden, takes an excuse from the hands of a sleeping young man; a girl sits on a horse, he brings her to town; she makes skullcaps; a padishah takes a shepherd to the service to destroy him and take possession of his wife; 1) get the milk of a black mare; the piebald horse defeats her, brings the padishahu; 2) bring flowers falling from Peri Gulkahkas's mouth; this is one of the peri arriving in the form doves to swim; the mother of the devas tells her clothes to be hidden, the shepherd brings flowers to the padishah, leaves G. as his second wife; 3) bring a letter from the dead from the padishah's parents; the Peri raise the shepherd from the fire, then they hide him in ash; the padishah thinks that he actually burned down and returned; orders himself to be burned, the shepherd becomes Shah]: Stebleva 1969, No. 19:47-54; Tajiks [the man says that he lived in a dream in castle with the padishah's daughter; the one who heard him bought his dream; went, saw a rider and another horse next to him, sat on him, the companion turned out to be a girl; she tells him to dig where white and black snakes crawled out in the ruins; he finds gold and silver; the vizier persuades the padishah to get rid of the young man, take his wife; the padishah tells 1) to get two pearls (the wife tells him to jump to the pond, dive, there are pearls); 2) pass a letter to his deceased father; the young man's wife writes the answer herself, inviting the padishah to visit another world; says that the padishah must go to the fire; the padishah dies, the young man reigns]: Amonov 1972:219-222; Tajiks Sistan [the old man dreamed that the moon and two stars fell from the sky; he went to look for it; the pleshak shepherd Hasan bought this dream for a herd of sheep; only then did he remember that he had not asked about keeping the dream; fell asleep under the wall of the palace; that night the princess and the son of the vizier agreed to flee; the princess asked to wait for her to go to the bathhouse; the vizier's son saw H. sleeping, woke him up, asked to watch the horses, and he himself goes to hurry the princess; at this time, the princess threw off X.'s bag, believing that her lover was next to the horses; she jumped off herself and they jumped; the son of the vizier returned, found no one and stabbed himself; in the morning the princess decided that everything was God's will; the princess washed and dressed X, told him to buy a palace, bring a mullah and marry; the old woman saw H.'s wife and told the king; he told X. to take the ivory throne; H. met an old diva, gave her a drink, she made him her son, hid him from the other seven sons, turning her into a needle and sticking her collar; The divas sensed the human spirit; swore they would not harm the guest; the divas threw potions into the water that the elephants drink; they fought and broke off the tusks; the divas made the throne and brought them to the king's garden; the king awarded H.; now the king orders to bring a laughing flower and a weeping flower; H. came to the former old woman; during this time one of the divas was captured by a two-headed divas; the divas lowered H. into the well; the diva's heads were on on the knees of two betting girls; one laughed, the other cried; flowers fell out of her mouth, roses fell from her mouth; one laughs when she saw H., and the other cries, regretting that the diva would kill him; H. I noticed a vessel in a niche and realized that the soul of a diva was in it; ordered the diva to take all the prisoners and all the goods to earth; H. broke the vessel and the divas died; the bets flew away as doves, told X. to come to their Green City and be theirs husband; in the city of Pari H. recognized by the traces that the girls had left on his shoulders; when 2 days were left before the king's term, the father of the bet gave H. Suleiman's rug; H. and his wives wore it to the divas, and then home; the king received laughing and crying flowers; he told him to visit his deceased parents; the pari wives wrote a letter on behalf of the king's father inviting him to heaven, dressed H. in clothes as if he were lying in in her grave; let the king build a fire, we, together with the old informer and vizier, will stand on it and go to the royal ancestors; H. flew on a rug to the royal throne, and the king, vizier and old woman burned down]: Grunberg, Steblin-Kamensky 1981, No. 8:104-117; Bukhara Arabs: Vinnikov 1969, No. 63 [the son of a poor old woman set off; under the city wall he saw a sleeping rider; the girl goes down from he runs away, does not notice that she was taken by the old woman's son; on the way she asks questions and realizes that the one who took her away had parents not bai, but shepherds; she tells her husband to hire the king and call himself Jehangir; on her advice, D. enters the battle later than others, drives enemies, takes possession of the city; the wife orders to invite that king to a feast; she is a peri, other peri help to clean the house luxuriously; the viziers agree to destroy her husband, to give his wife to the king; they tell them to bring news from the dead fathers; the wife has really been to the next world, wrote letters on behalf of the fathers; the king and viziers asked them to burn, burned down; the peri wife does husband king]: 344-348, 353-355.

Baltoscandia. Karelians: Uther 2004 (1), No. 856:484

Volga - Perm. Tatars: Zamaletdinov 2008b, No. 29 [in a dream, the young man saw a month and a sun on his sides, a star on his chest; decided to tell a dream to the first to meet; the shepherd bought a dream for a hundred sheep; daughter The padishah made an appointment with the vizier's son; a shepherd was at this place, she went with him; told the genies to build a house overnight, invited the padishah {not her father}; to take possession of the master's wife, the viziers advised her husband to bring Azhdaha; the wife gave Azhdakha a note, who came, frightened by the padishah, ordered him to be returned; the viziers offer to send her husband for an egg, which is the name of the padishah; it is at the top of the mosque, there are predators around; the wife teaches me to go and get up, the husband found the girl there, returned with her; the first wife: we studied together; the third task is to go down to a well with pearls; the wife told the genies to get it; the husband told the padishah that there was a different world in the well and his parents; the padishah agreed to be thrown in a bag into the well, the horseman became a padishah; the dream came true : two wives and a son], 37 [the son of the poor went to seek happiness; overheard the conversation between the padishah's daughter and the horseman; came instead of him; they ran away; in the morning the girl saw a substitution, but decided that the new groom was no worse; her father is pursuing; she threw the comb (thicket), the mirror (the sea), the ring (wooded gat, the padishah stopped the persecution); the husband was hired by the padishah; he wants to destroy him, take possession of his wife; sends for good to the ship, where a diva, a young man, killed a diva; orders to bring gold-haired Altyncech; the wife gives a letter to the old woman, she sends her to another; the young man spares the bear, the crane, the fish, they promise to help; the divas gives tasks: herd three horses (scattered, the bear brought them), cows (the same, the cranes brought them), geese (the fish drove them out of the sea); A. tells us to throw half an apple into the diva's mouth, he fell asleep, they ran away; young man brought A. to his wife, they turned out to be sisters; the young man was made a padishah]: 242-246, 301-308; Bashkirs [a person dreams: there is sun in his heads, there is a moon in his legs, a star on his chest; the man went, met a bull, that explained the dream: these are two wives and a son; a man came to the fence and lay down; the girl took the cattle and ordered them to go with her; she mistook the man for the son of a vizier with whom she agreed to flee; they began to live; invited Khan to visit; when he saw the woman, the khan ordered her husband to be killed and brought to him; one of the viziers offered to send a man for a horse who grazes between the mountains; the journey between the mountains is three days, but converge mountains every day; the wife gives her horse; as soon as the other horse saw him, he ran after him; they had time to leave before the mountains collided; the khan pretended to be sick, the vizier ordered the man to be sent bring ash from the Daughter of the Sun; the wife gives a letter for her; the husband goes to an old woman, she sends her to her older sister, her sister to the oldest, who teaches her to hide in a hole, lure a white horse three times; SK she will get tired of going out to find out what's going on; she will fall asleep, you have to tie her by the hair, whip her on the left; then she won't eat, you can show her a letter; SK went with the man, became the second wife; the first gave birth to a son; the khan tells us where his late father put the treasury; his wife-SK removed him from the fire, and then returned him, giving him a bag of gold; the khan asked to burn him, burned down; the man became khan; the dream came true ]: Bessonov 1941, No. 27:155-159.

Turkestan. Kazakhs: Tursunov 1983:99-112 [Algan-bay has sons Bergen, Mergen and younger Kuim; he wants to give them cattle, they refuse, he and his wife leave, the cattle turn into wild animals; B. and M. they dream that foreign cattle are grazing, K. - that Urker (Pleiades) is looking into the yurt; he refused to tell a dream, the brothers drove him away; K. lives with an old man, who herds Khan Shigai's oxen; K. kills them, cuts them; he goes to the khan himself, he tells him to spend the night in the stable; the girl tells me to saddle horses, runs away with K.; realizes that he is not the one she was going to run with; reads in the divination book that K. is her betrothed; khan falls in love with his wife K., the viziers offer to pretend to be sick, send K. to die for medicine; when K. leaves, the wife of the creators around her 9 fortress walls; the khan's people destroyed 8, went to bed, In the morning, the walls are intact; K. must bring 1) aiboken milk (if she is chased, she runs to the moon); the horse says that she swallowed its former owner; aiboken sends deer from K., she contains aiboken milk; khan says he has already recovered; 2) the milk of a water cow of three genies, they are beyond six dangerous mountains, one is fiery; iboken tells K. to kill the dragon that devoured the chicks of the Samruk bird; she takes him home giants; everyone has a daughter in the house, his mouth is locked so that she does not eat alone; K. cuts off the heads of giants, removes locks; brings a water cow and three girls; the khan died, K. became khan, all his wives gave birth to him sons; the eldest son Arpalys kills the giant, finds and brings K.'s parents, other sons find and bring his brothers], 171-179 [the padishah's son refuses to tell his father his dream; he lets him in the box the river; he is picked up by a fisherman, a young man and refuses him, the fisherman wants to kill him; the padishah saves him; buys sleep, giving the throne and his daughter; in a dream, a man holds the sun in his arms on the right, the moon on the left; the former padishah comes to town, a girl takes him for her lover, runs with him; another padishah falls in love with her; the viziers offer to send her husband for a diamond; the wife sends him to her mother, she gives four diamond; when she returns, the husband goes hunting, despite his wife's ban, drinks blue water in the garden, the water turns into a beautiful woman named Bibatima; she is a rival and friend of the man's wife, Minoir, both sorceresses; The padishah tells you to visit the deceased parents, find out if they are in paradise; wives quietly kidnap her husband from the fire, then get them out of the ash; he says that the padishah's parents are in paradise; he lets himself be burned; husband fairies are made padishah], 224-228 [=Daurenbekov 1979:215-218; Kazangap boy herds Baysky lambs, dreams of the sun above his head, a month from below, two butting lambs at his feet; he rushes them separate, wakes up; Bai's son Asaubay asks to sell his dream, K. decides to leave better; the daughters of Khan Tausagor Gulyayim and Gulmakhir do not want appointed suitors, decide to flee with poor Sagit, the first is Gulyayim, Gulmahira will join later; by chance, S. is replaced by K.; the vizier advises local Khan Asauhan to take Gulyayim, give K. difficult assignments; 1) bring Khan "Suleiman's white medicine"; wife helps to choose a horse, sends him to his father's possession, interpreting mountains in front of the palace, Gulmahira calls the peri, they give medicine; A. is already dead, the bird sits on K.'s head, the vizier does not allow K. to be elected khan; wife sends for her father, he makes K. Khan, gives him both daughters; each gives birth to a son, K. understands the meaning of sleep; finds Sagit, makes a vizier, marries]; Sidelnikov 1964 [=1971 (3): 168-172;]: 126-146; Karakalpaks: Volkov, Mayorov 1959:3-13 [Khan does not have a son, he gives his daughter Gulziba to a boy; hands over the throne to his imaginary son, the vizier's son becomes a vizier; finds out that the young khan is a girl; they agree to flee, but at night the vizier is replaced by the chieftain of the robbers; G. runs away offers the robbers to race, she will marry the winner; runs away; marries the shepherd Meytin; sews skullcaps, M. sells them for a lot; the merchant finds out about this, the khan takes M. into service, gives difficult assignments to seize G.; 1) build a palace of tiger fangs (M. takes out a splinter from a lion, who tells the tigers to give fang-wise); 2) a palace made of the feathers of the king bird; the Aydarkha serpent devours her two chicks every year; M. is killed by a snake, a storm begins with rain; rain - the tears of birds, the wind - from their wings; all the king birds give pen; khan wants to burn M. at the stake to say hello to his parents in heaven; M. burns the feather of the king bird, which brings it to her place, gives fruit to the khan; khan and viziers behave to burn themselves, M. becomes khan], 193- 200 [the horseman told the shepherd that he had dreamed of the sun rising on one side and the moon on the other; the shepherd bought this dream, giving the whole flock; the horseman did not know that the flock belonged to the bay; he turned to Kazy, Kaziy sued Bayu for all the property of the horseman; the shepherd is hired by the husband of 10 wives; he must unlock and lock the gate; overhears how the owner agrees to run away with the khan's daughter, replaces him at night; they live in the possessions of another khan; the warriors of that, and then he himself see the wife of the horseman; to get rid of that, the khan orders Dastegul to be brought; her horses always kill the grooms' horses; the wife of the horseman tells them to wear them on horses iron nets, these horses win, the horseman brings D., her sister and a caravan of treasures; the khan demands to go to the fire and bring a letter from his late father; three wives of the horseman promise to help, the third sends a bird that snatched the horseman out of the fire; the horseman brings a letter to the khan, asking him to execute the vizier and wife and come to their parents in the same way as the messenger arrived; the khan ordered to tie his wife and vizier to the tails of mares; burned down at the stake]; Kyrgyz [Minbay's son ("min" thousand) dreams when the sun came out of his head, the moon from his feet, stars fell from his chest; at this time Zhuzbay's son ("zhuz" - a hundred) Chanybek wakes him up because the flock was attacked by wolves; buys sleep for a hundred sheep; his father drives him away; the crow, the pigeon refuse to help them, because he chased them, killed them; the rider tells him to sit behind her back on a horse; later realizes that C. is not her fiancé Omuraly, the son of the magician Seyit; she herself is the daughter of the sorceress Gulgaaka, Aisuluu; C. and A. live well; O. decides to kill C.; he turns into a yurt, O. and his men enter, they try to understand the boiling pot, it overturns, they die; S. goes to take revenge, C. turns into a camel, the girls ask to give it to them, he falls into the lake with lead, S. finds lead, it turns into spider, S. - sparrow, C. kills cat, sparrow kills; Karakhan fell in love with A., offers C. to play hide and seek; A. says that K. has become a white goat, tells him to beat him; poplar - cut with an ax; in black camel - beat with 12 sticks; A. turns C. into a thimble, a thread, a needle, K. does not find it; demands that the letter be taken to the next world to his father; C. and A. write a note on behalf of Father K. for him to come to him; C. kills K., throwing him off the mountain; C. and his wife come to his father]: Brudny, Eshmambetov 1963:87-95 (=1968:21-31; =1981:28-33; Ledenev 1987:180-187; =Marchenko 1993:335-343); Kyrgyz [son of bai He was fond of science, but his father sent him to herd cattle; travelers say that their friend had a dream: the moon was above his head, the sun lit up his legs, the star froze on his chest; the young man bought this dream, giving 10,000 sheep; After that, his father kicked him out; he came to the city; there was light in one of the houses, two horses were tied to a tree; he fell asleep; he was woken up at dawn, he was told to sit on one of the horses and ride; in the morning he realized that she was on the other horse; she thought her fiance was with her; agreed to stay with the young man; they settled in a city owned by Korgamyz; one of his servants saw the young man's wife and advised the master to take it for himself, and give her husband an impossible task; K. tells the sorcerer's daughter to be brought; the young man stayed with the old woman; she brought him a chest in which the sorcerer's daughter had been sleeping for two years; her young man tickled, she came to life; K. began to play with the young man; he first lost everything but himself, and then won against K. all his property, including the girl he had brought; by this time the first wife had given birth to a son; a son Baja realized that the sun and moon are two wives and the asterisk is a son]: Muchnik 1944:51-53; Uighurs [the poor man's beautiful wife made a veil, tells her husband not to go sell it to 41st Street; he violates ban, there is the Khan's palace, he has to admit that his wife embroidered; the khan came to his house, put sleeping pills on the young man, took his wife away; she promises to marry Khan in a month; they agreed to flee; at night the horses are ready, but the young man fell asleep; instead of him, a drunken Taz ("bald") accidentally jumped on his horse; the woman promises to cure him of scab, sends him to buy oil, leaves; tells four hunters what she will marry , who will be the first to bring the arrow she fired; shoots four arrows, leaves; four other men: who drinks a cup of wine in one spirit and does not get drunk (same); she changed into a man's dress, sat on her head a bird of happiness, she was made a padishah instead of the deceased; everyone a woman has previously encountered comes, she tells them to detain them; tells her husband to change into a woman's dress, they change with him, wedding, no one noticed substitutions; the padishah releases four hunters and other men, leaves the khan in prison]: Aliyeva, Kabirov 1989:32-41; Dungans (Jambul Province, Shaanxi dialect) [Luchyr (he herded horses owner) has a dream: he is standing between the moon and the sun, with a star in each hand; another Tuzi worker ("lousy) bought a dream, went on a journey; the emperor's daughter does not want for an old dignitary, agrees run with the student; he came, she was not; the next night T. sleeps in this place, the princess wakes him up, tells him to run; became his wife; tells him not to friend the guards; he invited the guard, he saw him wife, told the emperor about the beauty; the summary advised him to tell the beauty's husband to get the cauldron out of the Peri country; the wife gives a bone - she will become a fast-footed horse; the horse teaches him to steal the cauldron, tells him not to look back; T. looked around, missed the cauldron; brought it the second time; the vault tells me to bring a handful of ash from the country of peri; the horse teaches how to avoid the guarded gate; the Edingui guard advises to hide the pigeon outfit of one of three peri who came to swim; return after the peri put a seal in the palm of his hand; the emperor of Peri gave his daughter for T.; T. now with two wives, brought ash to the emperor; summary: dig a hole, light a fire in it, get the remains of your parents out of it; Peri's daughter told the stones to fall from the sky, they crushed the emperor and his people; T. became emperor, Peri's daughter gave him back his hair; Peri's daughter asks why he laughs; T. talks about sleep: the sun and the moon are two wives, the stars are their sons]: Riftin et al. 1977, No. 61:257-266.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Khalkha Mongols (Zain Hure; parrot stories) [Tsokto Khan will give Saryn-Garyl's daughter to fill the well with treasures; Tsokto-Huchin Tsadalakchi Khan's son, like many, threw everything there treasures, but the well was not full; began selling firewood; SG met him, fell in love, explained that only someone she loved would fill the well; Khan passed her off as a prince, but when he found out that he was not himself I guessed it, drove them both away; they came to the city, the SG embroidered the precious handkerchief, told her husband to sell it, but to say that he made the handkerchief himself; he let it slip, the local khan took his wife; through the maid, that She and her husband agreed to run away; he fell asleep, and a thief was about to take his horses away, SG rode off with him; asked him to be the first to cross the river; when the thief was on the other side, she rode away; returned to the city, found her husband, both disguised themselves as beggars; the khan did not recognize them, gave them horses as a mercy; they came to the prince's father and began to live well]: 102-106.