Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

L100A. The stalker abandons the converted fugitive.

.11.12. (.13.).


fugitive turns into a small object (stick, stone) or hides in a similar object. The stalker angrily throws the object far ahead, unwittingly helping the fugitive escape.

Zulu, Suto-chwana, Suto, Tswana, Xhosa, Hungwe, Nyanja, Zezuru, Zigula, Tete (Nyungwe?) , beti and duala, hungwe, igbo, von, twi, (joluo).

Bantu-speaking Africa. Zulu [Hlakanyana already speaks in his mother's womb, is born an adult, leaves; steals birds from the cannibal's traps, he smears them with glue, H. stuck; persuaded the ogre to cook him at home, cleared of glue, and then here he will be bitter; the cannibal leaves, H. invites his mother to take turns cooking each other; sits in the cauldron for a while on low heat, says he is ready; the cannibal's mother cooks until ready; H. pretends The ogre's mother, his brother guesses whose meat they eat, H. runs away, turns into a hoe by the river; the cannibal throws her across the river, hoping that it will fall into H.; he takes his form; the cannibals leave; (further adventures with animals follow)]: Snegirev 1937:35-43; (=Okhotina 1962 [but the name of the hero Ukhlakanyan]: 366-370; =Zhukov, Kotlyar 1976, No. 239:606-614; =Koropchevsky 1874 [by Collaway; name - Uglakanyana]: 38); suto-chwana [The hare invites Hyena to take care of her 9 cubs; kills one by one, says he killed an antelope; takes Hyena to feed the same thing many times cub; running away from Hyena, pretends to be the owner of the hollow, says that he did not see the Hare; then with a stone on the river bank; Hyena throws a stone across the river, tells him to catch up with the Hare; on the other side there is a stone becomes a Hare; Hyena dies of grief]: Olderogge 1959:38-39; suto [the Kammapa monster swallowed them all; one pregnant woman hid, gave birth to a son with a necklace of amulets around her neck, called Litaolané ("fortuneteller"); he grew up instantly, rushed with a knife at K., who swallowed it, L. began to cut it from the inside; cut the way out, and the swallowed screamed not to touch them; when went out, decided to kill L.; they made a trap hole, but the amulet warned L.; the same with other attempts to kill L.; they chased him, he turned into stone, the man threw a stone across the river - so I'll break it L.'s head; on the other side, the stone turned into L. again]: Casalis 1859, No. 3:363-365 (=Scheub 2000:38-39); tswana [the Wolf has 12 children, the Hare serves as a nanny; when the cubs have grown up, got fat, everyone kills one, eats one, gives Wolf feed the same cub many times; she is surprised that the wolf cub is full, the Hare explains that she feeds the cubs with what she finds around her; after eating the last one, she runs away, shouting to Wolf that she ate her children; by the river turns into stone; the Wolf shouts that if she sees Hare on the other side, she will kill her with this stone, throw him across the river; there The hare regains its appearance, thanks the Wolf; she rushes into the river, drowns; the hare laughs]: Lebzelter 1933:74; the scythe [long story of how the leader's wife gave birth to a little man Hlakanyana with the face of an adult, he brutally deceives many people and animals; eats meat, smears the mouths of others, they kill them; when he is chased by warriors, turns into an old woman, he is not recognized, he guides pursuers aside; changes various objects and animals to increasingly expensive ones; walking with a person, consistently offers to throw away their spoons, knives, awls; when those who come are fed, H. speaks to the companion that it is his fault, since he has neither a knife nor a spoon; invites the old woman to rejuvenate her and cook it first, then her; he sits in warm water, and when it is hot, he puts the old woman there; feeds her sons her meat, dressed in her clothes; when her sons chase him, turn into stone by the river; they throw a stone across the river in their hearts, H. runs away; asks the Iguana for a flute, runs away with her, by the river turns into a cane; Iguana throws it in her hearts, throws it across the river, H. runs away; invites Leopardiha to take care of her four cubs, eats it one by one, shows the same thing several times, runs away]: McCall Theal 1882:84-110; Hungwe [the youngest of nine sisters became pregnant, gave birth to a boy; others told her to throw him into the river; under water, the Lions put him in a vessel; the boy's father and the girls' parents are dissatisfied; the boy's father has an amulet horn; the boy's father and mother both went under water; Lions are ready to return the child if the father finds out what vessel he is in, show a row the same; the horn tells you which one; Lions promise to let the boy go later, go hunting; the father puts his wife, son, himself in his horn; Lions think that people have run away, find a horn, throw it on shore; father, mother and boy come out of the horn]: Frobenius 1931:362-363; aunt (nyungwe?) [gazelle to hare: if I fall, I will die, revive me by hitting me with a buffalo tail; the gazelle fell, the hare went to the buffalo, which asks for colorful zebra skin in return; zebra: instead of dark red antelope skin; antelope: instead, the black color of coal; the hare wants to take the charcoal of wood, but there is a scorpion, demanding water eagle feathers in return {osprey?} ; eagle: dough instead; children: instead the sun; the hare came to the house of the leader's son, recognized the child, the sun and the moon were in the house, took the sun away; they chased him; by the river he saw a hoe, took out the handle, hid inside; the pursuers thought it was just a hoe, threw it {across the river?} ; the hare gave the sun to the child, he gave the dough, etc.; the hare revived the antelope]: Mohl 1905, No. 2:4-6; Nyanja [The turtle suggests digging a watering hole; The hare refuses to work with others; Rhino leave the watchman not to let the Hare go to the watering hole; the hare offers him honey, tells him to put his head in a vessel, ties him, drinks water; the same with the Elephant and other animals; the Turtle hides in the water, grabs the Hare for paw; lets the Elephant hold, the Hare breaks out, pretends to be a stick by the river; The elephant says he would kill the Hare with this stick, throws it across the river; the hare becomes a Hare again, runs away]: Holland 1916:135-136; zezuru [The hare asked the Spider to make a rope to climb into heaven; began to live in the heavenly leader's house; sees the leader's daughters take the sun and moon out of their vessels every day, creating night and day; secretly opens a vessel with the sun, breaks off a piece, runs away; when he discovers the theft, the chief's wife asks her daughters to tell the animals on the ground to catch up with the Hare; they almost catch up, he hits the ground with a piece of sun, appears thicket; next time it hits a stone, it starts to rain; by the river does not know how to cross; turns into a stick; animals think that the Hare managed to cross, they throw a stick after their hearts, it falls to the other side; The hare brings a piece of sun to people, it's fire]: Frobenius 1931:217-219; beti and duala [husband does not allow his wife to go visit her parents; then she runs away; by the river does not know what to do; promises the frog to marry her if she helps her; the frog swallowed the woman, hid itself in the handle of an old ax; the husband who ran up threw an ax across the river in annoyance; a woman and a frog began to live peacefully in the same house]: Reuss-Nliba, Reuss-Nliba 2014:79-81; Hungwe [the youngest of nine sisters became pregnant and gave birth to a boy; others told her to throw him into the river; under water, the Lions put him him in a vessel; the boy's father and the girls' parents are dissatisfied; the boy's father has an amulet horn; the boy's father and mother have both gone under water; the lions are ready to return the child if the father finds out what vessel he is in, they show a series of identical ones; the horn tells us which one; the lions promise to let the boy go later, go hunting; the father puts his wife, son, himself in his horn; Lions think that people have run away, find a horn, throw it ashore; father, mother and boy come out of the horn]: Frobenius 1931:362-363; zigula [man traps a rat, Leo demands giblets; next time a person suggests Leo to take his son; told his son to eat fruit outside the house, but the cunning son noticed Leo, went into the house; the father sent the son to the steppe with a chain in his hand; but Leo saw six boys, each with chain; asked which of them was the Cunning, everyone said he was; the father promised to cut his son's hair, so Leo would recognize him at night; the son waxed his hair, cut his father at night, Leo took him away; cut off his mother's chest, gave to eat his sister, said she ate; she promised to kill him; he ran to the river, climbed into the sink; the sister ran, grabbed the sink, said she would drown her brother like this shell, threw it across the river; brother went out on the other side, escaped]: Dammann 1937, No. 1:139-143.

West Africa. Igbo [Nwakannaya ("A son more illustrious than a father") says he wants to sit on his father's throne, although his father is still alive; the father promises to cede the throne if N. brings the leopardy and gong mustache cannibals; N. sedated the leopard with amulets, shaved off her mustache; the spirits are going to kill N. at night, smear his face with white clay or the cannibal boy with ash; N. changes color at night; cannibals kill their boy, N. runs away, taking the gong; on the way he hits him, cannibals rush in pursuit; N. turns into stone, cannibals pick it up, throw it far ahead; taking on his true form, N. runs to the village, brings it gong; father forced to hand over power to his son]: Ugochukwu 1992, No. 23:181-185; background: Herskovits, Herskovits 1958, No. 18 [{the identity of vultures and thunderdogs is not directly asserted, but probably}; The vulture was raised by Sewanla (like an antelope); S.'s father died; S.'s older brother told him that a tetelidja tail (some bird) should be obtained for the funeral; S. took three eggs, met an old woman, gave them to her, she taught me how to hide in the tree where T. comes to sleep; S. cut off his tail, ran; the tail shouts to the owner that he is in S.'s hands; by the river S. turns into stone, because in his hearts he throws this stone across the river, S. takes his form, shows his tail to the pursuers; King tells S. to bring palm nuts; when he is in a tree, tells them to make a fire around; S. takes Vulture's rope, climbs it into heaven, turns into Hevioso (thunder); he takes his sister Bade; harms people, and B. seeks to calm him down; so Vulture is a thief; when they got up to become thunderdogs, some became vultures, they fly forever], 61 [Chief Dada Segbo's wife is 10 years pregnant; she injured her leg with an ax, his son came out of the wound, he had a gun; he told his mother to call relatives; said he would hunt, give the prey to the mother; the mother goes to the bazaar to sell the antelope; two twins offer a low price; they tell the antelope to come to life, she runs away; the same thing every time with the other animals killed; the son tells him to take it to the bazaar, talks to the twins, tells the animals to come back and be dead; (hereinafter, further witchcraft competitions); they want to poison him, he tells the poison to come out of food; the twins chop it into pieces, they cook; leave the father to watch; the boy comes out of the cauldron, puts the father of the twins there; they eat the father, find the head, chase the boy; by the river he turns into stone; one of the twins throws a stone across the river; the boy takes his form, returns to his mother], 62 [Hunsi is three years pregnant, has given birth to a boy, he has a gun, a machete, a hoe; he gives his mother hunting prey, she goes to sell, The Sagbo and Zinzu twins give a low price, revive animals and birds, they run away and fly away; the boy returns them, defeats the twins in witchcraft; to find out which path leads to Z.'s house, separates himself in half, leaves on both sides of the path; the old woman passes, asks aloud who put the parts of the man along the path into Z.'s house; extracts poison from the food offered; the twins cook the boy, he comes out of the cauldron, replaces himself as the father of twins; they eat their father, chase the boy; by the river he turns into stone; one of the twins throws a stone across the river; the boy takes his form]: 162-165, 261-265, 265-271; twi [the mother of Nyansanyansa and his three brothers is dead; their grandmother wants to kill them; left a poisonous snake on melons; but N. was born with an amulet, knows everything in advance; then the grandmother complained to the king - her grandchildren dangerous, they must be killed; the king sent men to ambush the brothers, but they came unharmed; then he ordered them to bring a bunch of nuts from the Okrabedom palm tree; N. leaves, promising his brothers that he would return will save them if something happens to them; the amulet said that the brothers were poisoned; N. returned, the amulet created a dog, she found the brothers' grave, they came out of the grave alive; N. goes again, meets the blacksmith, farmer, owner of a hunter's palm plantation; everyone says that if N. returns alive, let him kill him; when he reached the Okrabedom palm trees, N. climbed a palm tree with the wind, then killed O. with a knife on head; the previously killed were reborn, N. sent them home; on the way back did not kill the blacksmith and others; again took them out of the grave and revived the brothers; the king apologized; but at night he tries to burn down the house, where the brothers sleep, but they temporarily turned into smoke; in the morning he tells N. to be seized; he promised to make the king invulnerable, and he crushed his skull in the forge; the brothers ran to the river; N. sent the others to on the other side, but he turned into a pebble and stayed on this side; a warrior who came up threw a stone at the brothers on the other side, the stone turned into N.; the soldiers rushed into the river and drowned; brothers they see smoke in the distance, they take turns coming to the Leopard, he ties them up to eat and feed them to the family; N. comes, easily defeats the Leopard, frees his brothers; N. decides that they will all turn into a pot, spoon, salt and pepper - there were no such items before; people took them]: Bellon 1914, No. 2:4-17.

(Wed. Sudan - East Africa. Joluo [a man named Atendo could turn into anything; enemies chase him, he turns into an old woman; an imaginary old woman is asked if she has seen a fugitive, he directs pursuers aside]: K'Okiri 1970:109-115).