L100D. Fooled fans, ATU 1358C, 1730
A man or more men, one of whom is usually a cleric, seek the love of a beautiful woman. Having agreed in advance with her husband, she pretends to agree, making (everyone) an appointment for a certain time. Before the wishes of the former are satisfied, the second comes. The woman hides the first, then the second, etc. The husband enters and the spouses mock the humiliated fans.
Sudanese Arabs, Amhara, Beja, Somalis, Arabs of Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia, Kabilas, Catalans, Portuguese, Spanish, Basques, Aragon, Italians (Lazio, Abruzzo, Calabria), Sardinians, ( Maltese), French (Upper Brittany), Walloons, Irish, Scots, British, Flemish, Friesians, Dutch, Germans (North Rhine-Westphalia, Upper Palatinate), 1001 nights, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Iraq, Syria , Palestinians, Socotra, Vietnamese, Jataki, Kashmiris, Northern India (Hindi), Assamese, Bengalis, Tamils, Javanese, Chinese, Bulgarians, Greeks, Hungarians, Romanians, Gagauz people, Russians (Arkhangelsk, Olonetskaya, Vladimir, Vologda, Novgorod, Voronezh, Kursk), Ukrainians (Eastern Slovakia, Galicia, Transcarpathia, Podolia, Yekaterinoslavskaya, Kievskaya, Poltava), Belarusians, Czechs, Slovaks, Poles, Crimean Tatars, Adygs, Balkarians, Stavropol Turkmens, Ossetians, Chechens, Ingush, Kumyks, Laki, Dargins, Lezgins, Tatas, Georgians, Armenians, Azerbaijanis, Turks, Kurds, Persians, Turkmens, Pashtuns, Tajiks, Mountain Tajiks, Ishkashim (Sanglic), Sarykol, Finns, Karelians, Veps, Counselors, Estonians, Latvians, Lithuanians, Eastern Sami (Skolts), Swedes, Norwegians, Icelanders, Danes, Kazan Tatars, Bashkirs, Komi, Kazakhs, Dungans, Siberian Tatars, Oirats (Torgouts), Central (?) Yakuts, Manchus.
Sudan - East Africa. Sudanese Arabs [fans impose on the woman; deciding to play a joke on them, she invites one, offers to undress, at which time there is a knock on the door, the woman tells her to hide in the basket ; the husband who comes in tripped over the basket, wants to cut it in half; at this time a second fan comes; wife: have you come to take the basket to my mother? here she is; when the person sitting in the basket got out, it turned out that he was completely dirty]: Al-Shahi, Moore 1920, No. 64:213; amhara [husband was sued, ordered to repay the debt; at this time the wife accepts lovers; seven people come sequentially, she hides each previous one; the husband who comes points up and says that he (i.e. God) will pay; the one who climbed on the perch decided that it was about him and shouted that everyone should pay; the husband brought a judge, the libertines were fined, the husband received this money and paid]: Gankin 1979, No. 91:123-124; Beja [when leaving, the father tells his daughter to go to Kadia and receive 300 coins of debt from him; he is ready to do so if the girl meets him; she complains to vekil, then to the Sultan, receives a similar offer from them; asks everyone to come to her at the same time in the evening, but at different times; she prepared three chests with locks in advance; when another fan knocks, the girl says that her father has returned and hides the previous one in the chest; the latter knocks by agreement maid; in the morning they are looking for the missing; the girl tells me to bring the chests to Pasha and yeah, they pay 500 coins for them; she unlocks the chests, tells me how it happened; they also pay her]: Reinisch 1893, No. 7:16 -18; Somalis [after marrying a beautiful girl, the man went on a pilgrimage; wrote to a kadia and a vizier to inform them if his wife fell ill or died; both began to molest the woman; receiving refusal, Kady wrote to her husband that his wife had become a scuffle; the wife found out about this, invited Kadia to her place at 9 pm and the vizier at 10 pm; agreed with the old woman to start at a certain time knock on the door; kadiy asked him to hide, the woman placed him in the chest and closed the lid; the same with the vizier; both were not at Friday prayers in the morning; that woman approached the king in the morning, promising to show the boa constrictor and a big haja {große haja}; brought two chests; king: won't they bite? woman: no; Kadiy and the vizier got out of the chests; the king ordered them to be beheaded and rewarded; her husband returned safely]: Reinisch 1900, No. 44:162-165.
North Africa. Arabs of Egypt, Morocco, Kabilas: Uther 2004 (2), No. 1730:399-400; Tunisian Arabs: I. Levin and W. Mazing in Shakryl 1975 [the modern oral tradition of the plot is probably based on a literary source, because the Isore version is almost identical to that recorded in Tunisia]: 436; Stimme 1893, No. 5 [ Sineddur tells his father-in-law king that women are both good and bad; gives two examples; Salomon's wife Bilkis told him to build a palace out of bird eggs; all the birds came, an owl and a lark stayed; the owl says that she does not love women; the spouses lived, promised to be a widower and widower if one of them dies; the husband is dead, the wife cries at the grave; the king tells the vizier to catch the thief, otherwise he executes; the vizier sees that woman; for promising to marry her, she offers to dig out her husband, cut off his head; the thief is one-eyed; the wife picked her husband's eye out herself; the vizier refused to marry a woman who is so treated the deceased; the lark tells the story of a merchant; he came to the city of robbers; left early, not knowing that he was not allowed to appear at that time; the judge put him in prison; he was wearing a snuffbox portrait of his wife; shown to the Sultan, who ordered the woman to be obtained; the vizier went to the merchant's city, began to negotiate through an old woman; the merchant's wife pretended to agree; told the maid to knock on the door soon after the arrival of the vizier; woman: this is her husband's brother, a robber; the vizier was put in the cellar, ordered to spin, kept him starved; the sultan sent a second vizier, the same thing with him; the sultan went the same; the wife took letter from the Sultan: before I returned, transfer power to the bearer; having taken the throne, she released her husband (he did not recognize her), ordered me to send goods to his homeland; returned earlier than him, began to ask where snuffbox; opened to her husband, let the viziers go with the Sultan]: 78-93.
Southern Europe. Catalans [a priest wants to seduce a woman, tells her "Tico" on the street; her husband tells her to answer "Taco"; the priest thinks the woman agrees, comes to her, but eventually her husband forces him collect olives; next time a woman says "Taco" to the priest again; priest: neither tiko nor taco - if your husband needs an employee, let him hire a donkey]: Oriol, Pujol 2008, No. 1730:273-274; Portuguese [priest, deacon and church guard come to the beautiful woman; she has agreed with her husband in advance; each of the boyfriends, undressed, hides when there is another knock on the door; the first two they pay off with money; the third has no money, his buttocks are used as candlesticks; in church, all three sing about what happened to them]: Cardigos 2006, No. 1730:353-354; Spaniards (Murcia) [ a priest (sometimes also a clerk and servant) bothers a woman ("Mariquita is a tiko or taco?") ; she negotiates with her husband; when the priest comes, her husband punishes him mockingly (forcing him to grind olives all night, putting a candle in his ass, etc.); the next day, the woman reminds him of tiko and taco; priest: neither tiko nor taco - let them buy an ox to work]: Hernández Fernández 2013, No. 1730:268; Basques [poor young man leaves home, gets hired by Tartaro; he tells him to hide the feather clothes of one of the three pigeon girls who will come to swim in the lake; return for promising to help; the dove maiden tells you to go to hire her father; he demands 1) uproot the oak grove, sow it, harvest, bake bread; the dove maiden tells her crest to do everything; 2) get the lost ring out of the river; the dove maiden tells her father to ask her father for a rusty sword, chop it to pieces, throw it into the river, comes out whole and with a ring; the young man has lost her little finger, she pretends to slam his door; 3) tame a horse with three foals (this is the owner with three daughters, you have to beat them with a club, and she only has to be beaten with a club, and she is only pretend); in the morning the owner and daughters look beaten; 4) choose a wife with her eyes closed (she does not have a little finger and she will give her hand twice); the young man gets a wife, she tells him to run, leaves the spit responsible for himself; the father is chasing, the daughter throws the comb (fog, hail), throws again - the river, the father drowns; on the border of the land of Christians, the wife tells her to go get a priest to baptize her, not to kiss anyone, otherwise her husband will forget her; his old aunt kisses him; his wife creates an inn, her husband and two friends come in; she promises to spend the night with everyone; the first asks him to comb his hair first, otherwise he has powder in his hair since childhood, she does not I like the smell; the guy combs his hair before the morning; tells his comrades that it was great; the second wife asks to wash his feet first; the third is her husband, she tells him to turn off the lights and he tries unsuccessfully until morning to do it; her comb gives magic power to a woman; she reveals herself to her husband; he brings a priest; everything is fine]: Webster 1879:120-130; Aragon [three lovers come; when the husband comes in, they hide naked in the same place; usually a priest and sexton are among them, who then sing about what happened during mass]: González Sanz 1996, No. 1730:132; (cf. Maltese [a woman is invited to dinner by St. Antonia; the sexton hiding behind the statue promises to come, asks that her husband be gone; the sexton comes, but then St. Peter and St. Paul, i.e. the woman's husband and his friend]: Mifsud-Chircop 1978, No. 1730:716); Italians (Lazio, Calabria): Cirese, Serafini 1975, No. 1358C; Italians (Abruzzo) [Rosina negotiates with three men about a date at her house; everyone brings money; then a priest comes; three are under the bed, and the priest sits on a chair on the table, and the priest sits on the bed; everything falls, broken bones]: Del Monte Tammaro 1971, No. 1730:183; Sardinians: Uther 2004 (2), No. 1730:399-400.
Western Europe. The French (Haute-Brittany) [the butcher's wife, in agreement with her husband, calls a priest, vicar, and church watchman; when every next knock, the woman hides the previous one in a veal the barn; the husband comes, the wife says they have three calves in the barn; the priest and vicar pay off; the watchman has no money; he has to strip naked and play a candlestick, a candle is put in his ass]: Sé billot 1894, No. 67:350-351; Germans (Upper Palatinate) [a horse stood in the meadow, the rider slept in the saddle; the crow pecked the horse, the rider woke up; when he found out that he had slept for three years, he asked how to thank him crow; crow: give one of the three daughters; only the youngest agreed; the crew came for her, the sisters also went; they saw through the keyhole that the youngest was not a crow, but a prince; at the same time the castle was gone, they were under the tree; the crow told the younger sister to hire a maid in one castle; she was hired, the dishes were dirty, the food was burned; the crow gave a pen, it fulfills the wish; the dishes glitters, the girl became beautiful; the gardener wants to spend the night with her; she tells him to close the door and he sticks to the door until morning; the hunter came the next night; the girl told him to take off and put on his boot until morning; on the third night footman - the dovecote closed the door until morning; all three came with bars to beat the offender, but instead began to quilt each other; the prince, the princess and the child also got it; a crow appeared and became prince, he took a girl to him]: Schönwerth 1981:26; the British [1462 by Adam of Cabsam; the master (a wright) marries a poor widow's daughter; she has a garland of roses that won't wither as long as she will not break marital fidelity; the master (a lord) calls the master to build a sick room; the wife ordered in advance to prepare the basement into which whoever steps on a certain place on sex; gentleman comes and falls; women: you will have to wait for her husband to return, and you will have to work for food; he has to spin flax; the same major; proctor; three months later the husband returned; handed over the disgraced captives to their wives]: Clouston 1887:290-291; Irish, Scots, Flemish, Friesians, Dutch, Germans (North Rhine-Westphalia): Uther 2004 (2), No. 1730: 399-400; Walloons: Laport 1932, No. 313 [the young man lost cards, decided to drown himself; someone helps him recoup on the condition that in a year and 6 weeks the young man will come to Mille de Plomb Castle; young man came to the old man, the animals obey him; the pig carried him, he violated the ban on speaking, fell into the sea, swam to the shore; the giant is subordinate to the bird; he tells the eagle to carry the young man; along the way, a supply of food Finally, the young man cut off a piece of his caviar; by the pond he sees the three daughters of the castle owner bathing, steals the youngest's clothes, returning him for promising to become his wife; the owner says that the young man must to redeem his soul, and to do this 1) get the ring from the bottom of the well; to do this, he cuts that girl in half, the upper part dives and brings the ring, connects to the bottom; because a drop of blood was lost, not one finger is enough; 2) squeeze, grind wheat from a huge field in a day; 3) create a sea with all kinds of fish (the girl helps to perform); you need to recognize the bride three times under the veil among her sisters; young man recognizes by the missing finger; wedding; young people flee; turn into peasants; into a chapel and St. A virgin; a girl creates the sea, her father drowns in it; the young man's family does not recognize his wife, she disappears, he forgets her; she serves in a cabaret; the first person who wants to stay with her asks for a glass of water, he remains in this position and is released only in the morning; the same with the second; the third is her husband, he recognizes his wife; their wedding again], *313D [the poor young man goes to the castle of the seven mountains; the king of fish, the king of insects, the king of birds replies that they do not know where it is; the young man is led there by a swallow; he falls in love with the youngest of three girls; the king agrees to marry if the young man fulfills errands; build a feather castle over the pond ; knock down an oak grove with one blow; get the ring from the bottom of the well; the girl is dissected in two, pulls out the ring, connected, but the finger on her left leg is not enough; the young man wants to visit his parents; the girl does not tells him to hug his mother, he hugged him, forgot his bride; at the inn, the girl makes a date for men (see No. 313); her husband is the third, he recognizes his wife and reunites with her]: 43-44, 44-45.
Western Asia. 1001 nights [a woman falls in love with a boy; a young man falls in love in return; a young man goes to jail; a woman introduces a boy to her brother; a judge falls in love with a woman; promises to release the boy if she will enter his house; the woman refuses; in return invites him to her house; asks the mayor to release the young man; the mayor falls in love with the woman; promises to release the young man if she enters his house; a woman does not agree; in return she invites her into her house; appoints the same day as the judge; asks the king to release the young man; the king falls in love with a woman; promises to release the young man if she enters his house; a woman does not agree; in return invites you to his home; appoints the same day as the judge and mayor; orders the carpenter's closet with four lockable compartments one above the other; the carpenter asks for intimacy; the woman tells him to make a fifth section; orders four clothes of different colors; on the appointed day, each man changes into clothes of his own color and takes turns hiding it in the closet, frightening her husband with the arrival; the carpenter is the last to come; she lures the carpenter into the closet, saying that the drawers are narrow and the carpenter proves the opposite; she locks him; releases the young man on receipt from the judge; leaves town with him; neighbors mistake the people in the box for genies; intend to burn; men tell their stories; they are recognized; released; the woman is not found]: Salle 2010, night 593-596:231-236; Socotra [beautiful refuses to marry the judge, merchant and sultan; they assumed that she was vicious; when she heard this, the woman ordered three chests to the carpenter; successively invited three to her place, cunningly locked them in these chests; at the market, a woman announced that something amazing was hidden in her chests; the sons of the judge, merchant and sultan bought the chests; the woman stipulated that they would open them in front of all the people; humiliated decided to take revenge on the woman; the merchant married her and ordered her to give birth immediately after her wedding night; she agrees if her husband plants a palm seed and a tree grows the next day; the merchant realized that the wife Outsmarted him and divorced her; then the Sultan married the woman, wanted to kill her, and she set up a doll for herself, which she filled with honey. The judge did not even try to compete with the woman and immediately admitted defeat, she made him look stupid; the judge refused to compete with the woman at all]: Kogan, Naumkin MS; Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Iraq, Palestinians: El-Shamy 2004, No. 1730:923-924; Syrian Arabs: Lebedev 1990, No. 57 [the poor man sold a turban, bought his wife meat; the cadia and the mufti took it away; Having agreed with her husband, the wife invites everyone to visit; the husband comes; the wife says that there is a lamb in the latrine; the husband cut off the mufti's scrotum {beard}, let him go; the wife puts the kadia in the cradle; the husband shaved him, forced the latrine to be cleaned; both clothes and what they brought for dinner went to the couple], 58 [retelling in Nowak 1969, No. 348:333; during the service, the bishop, priest, and deacon ask the Greek wife, where she lives; her husband advises her to invite everyone at intervals of an hour; when every next knocks, the woman says that her husband has returned, tells her to climb into the well; the husband poured tar and boiling oil into it, that's it three have died; the husband leaves everyone's body at the liquor shop, the owner thinks they are drunk; then realizes that they are dead bishop, priest and deacon; the husband gives vodka to the drunkard Iskander, tells them to throw the corpse into the sea; then says that the dead man has returned, asks to take him again; after the third time, I. sees the priest on a donkey, thinks it's a dead man returning, kills him]: 264-268, 268-271.
Burma - Indochina. Vieta [in agreement with her husband, the wife invited the rector of the temple, the village chief, and the teacher, who harassed her; when there is a knock on the door, the woman tells the rector to climb into the basket ( it will be a bell), the head - under the bed (he will be a dog, let him bark), hid the teachers in her dresses; the husband hits the "dog" with a stick, hits the bell with it, is going to slaughter a cat that has evaporated her dresses; all three are beaten and disgraced]: Nikulin 1976:78-80.
South Asia. Jataki [Mahausadha's vizier has Vishaka's wife; each of the other 6 ministers seek her love; M. and V. agree to teach them a lesson; M. spreads a rumor about his illness, and V. invites each of them ministers; everyone finds himself in a chest, shaved and tied; V. reports that her husband is dead, sends chests to the king, supposedly containing M.'s treasures; M. appears, the chests are opened, the king admires V.'s mind; this the last scene is depicted on reliefs from the 23rd centuries BC on a stupa at Bharhout, 192 km SW from Allahabad]: Cosquin 1922a: 457-458; Kashmiris [the teacher, through a boy, sends his mother a request for dates; after agreeing with her husband, she pretends to agree; the teacher comes and drinks tea; at this time the husband enters the yard; the wife tells the teacher to put on the maid's clothes and grind corn; husband and wife hear how the imaginary maid stops working more and more often; the husband tells the unfortunate man to be released; the next day, the wife tells her son to call the teacher again; he only asks if all the corn he ground has been eaten]: Sadhu 2002, No. 26:78-79; Kashmir (jataka) [Vararoutchi went to the Himalayas to worship Shiva; his wife Oupakosha bathes in the Ganges daily; her minister, chaplain and judge harass her; she is everyone makes an appointment; the fourth is a merchant to whom V. left money and who now also wants to take possession of his wife; W. tells everyone who comes to take a bath and massage, maids smear everyone with black ointment and hidden in a chest; merchant W. provokes to start a conversation next to the chest about the money entrusted to him; morning falls, he is put out the door naked and smeared with black, dogs chase him; W. complains to the king, the merchant denies the duty; W. orders to bring the chest, tells the domestic deities in it to repeat what was dreamt the day before as a merchant, otherwise she will burn the chest; those in it say that necessary; seeing who is in the chest, the king laughs, punishes the guilty, rewards W.]: Cosquin 1922a: 459-460; northern India, Hindi: Crooke in Cosquin 1922a (prov. Agra) [the vizier wants to take possession of the beauty; tells the king that her husband can get a Rangtatiya bird that no one has seen; the wife tells her husband to hide, dig a hole behind the house, filling it with molasses; prescribes a date for the vizier; at this time the husband knocks, the wife promises to hide him, he falls into molasses, she showers him with colorful cotton wool; the husband brings the "rangtatia bird" to the king, tells him to pour water; the king finds out vizier, laughs, rewards spouses]: 464; Crooke 1895, No. 623 (Kanpur) [Raja tells the vizier to answer who rules the world; the princess suggests: women; after finding out who prompted the vizier, the Raja leaves her daughter in rags and gives it to the beggar; she manages to take the gem with her; sends her husband to sell it, but does not say a word (she wrote the price); the buyer thinks he has a saint in front of him who is silent vow, does not dare to deceive; two robbers broke into the house; the princess explains who she is, agrees to marry one of the robbers, ask for a palanquin with a porter; then sends one robber for a goat to sacrifice and the other for flowers; tells the porters to take her with her husband to the robbers' house; locked there, tells them to beat the robbers if they show up; they Kazi complained; the princess asked Kazi, Kotvala, Vizier, Raju to come in the evening, making an appointment for each with a short break; when the next guest knocks, the first, taking off his clothes, hides behind the vessels for water, behind a millstone, in a granary; the Raja sees them naked, the princess tells him that he now understands who rules the world; the Raja returned his daughter to the palace and gave the robbers to the cauldron]: 211-212; the Assames [Baruani 1934:148-159; the vizier deliberately behaves ridiculously to find the right bride; after hearing from her father about a strange man, the girl asks to be invited; the vizier sets the condition: all food is for lunch must be from the same source; the girl cut down a banana, made a traditional dish of banana flour, used the water squeezed out of the trunk to cook rice and drink, served everything on a banana leaf; in the evening, the vizier demanded that he be allowed to sleep on the floor (there was not enough space for everyone on the bed), but that no one should touch him; however, at night, the girl's father kicked him; the vizier went to complain to the king, but the girl took the lotus out of the rotten pond, washed it and said that although the pond was rotten, the lotus was clean; the vizier turned back; married the girl; the king decided to take her away and sent the vizier a month later to bring her Bhusung Pohu, an animal from demon land, otherwise she would put him on a stake; the wife told everyone that her husband went in search and hid him herself; asked the king to come; the month had just passed; as soon as the king entered, The vizier, in agreement with his wife, knocked; the wife told the king to go out the back door, where he fell into a vat of molasses; then ordered him to hide in a basket of cotton; the vizier drove the king away, shouting that he had obtained an outlandish beast; once in the palace, the king had to shout that yes, he saw a beast; fearing exposure, the king abandoned his intention to execute the vizier]: "Assamese women's folk narrative: tales from secondary sources" (Folk Traditions of Assam. Chapter III. P. 45-85): 77-81 {the author and data about the book could not be found}; Bengalis [1) Dinajpur (NW Bangla Desh); the heroine locks four boyfriends who came in four compartments of the closet; tells the servants take the closet to the bazaar for sale; 2) (Kolkata); four chests in four rooms; the chests are taken to the bazaar, the sons of the missing open them]: Cosquin 1922a: 462; Clouston 1887 (2) (Dinajpur, NW Bangla- Desh) [the king promises everyone whatever everyone wants; after handing out the royal property, the priest asks for a palette to determine the purity of gold (they scratch the palette with metal, gold of different sizes leaves a different mark); In order not to disgrace his father, his son goes to get such a palette; on the way back he gets to the robbers and runs with the robber's daughter; leaving it with the garland seller, gives the palette to the king's wife, and she gives the palette to the king's wife, and she to his father-lover (mayor); to return the palette, the prince negotiates with his wife; she invites the cauldron and demands a palette as a gift; he is followed by the royal treasurer, the vizier and himself king; everyone asks to hide it when there is a knock on the door; the prince's wife smears molasses and dumps it in feathers; the treasurer hides it under a bench; the vizier behind a bamboo screen; tells the king that the figure in feathers, this is a rakshasa; the king, treasurer and vizier run away in panic; the cauldron is also released; the prince hands the king a palette; he executes his wife and the cauldron, becomes a hermit; the prince receives the throne]: 303-304; Tamils (Madras) [Temal Ramakistnan tells the Raja priest that a guest at his house brought a beautiful wife, but is very jealous; let the priest dress up as a woman and come at 10 pm; Raja said the same - let comes dressed in a woman's outfit at one o'clock in the morning; when they appear, they locked one and then the other; released for vowing not to prosecute him for his misconduct]: Clouston 1887 (2): 306.
Malaysia-Indonesia. The Javanese [Kemala has Kesum's wife; the prince, minister, judge and admiral are harassing her; the prince asked K. to get a marten (Martes flavigula) with a beard - only then will the Raja recover; for kharza they hunt at night; after agreeing with her husband, Kesuma arranged a date for four fans on the same evening, but at different times; everyone is told that another will come now, tells them to hide; the prince stands in the form of a statue with a torch, the minister cooks, the admiral weaves on the machine; the judge was the last to come; mistook the admiral's bald head for a stone, hit it with coconut; the prince dropped his torch in fear; Kemala entered; prince, admiral and minister they ran away; the judge climbed into the chest, Kesuma locked it; the couple carried the chest to the Raja, opened it, there was a beard inside; fans ordered the chest to be taken outside and were glad that the people did not know]: Kahlo 1967:75:62 in Permyakov 1972:97-98.
China - Korea. The Chinese [the monk gave the peasant money to become merchants and go to buy goods, while he would seduce his wife; the peasant negotiated with his wife; suddenly the husband and wife returns I hid the monk in a chest with thorns; my husband out loud: the boat drowned, I will not become a merchant, but I will sell a chest to the monk as a debt; the novices brought the chest to the idol, the monk began to scream that it hurt]: Riftin 1957:143- 145 (=2007:244-246).
The Balkans. Bulgarians [two or three church ministers (pop, clerk, etc.) make obscene proposals to the beauty; in agreement with her husband, she invites them to her place (often under the pretext of borrowing or giving money); the husband suddenly returns, the boyfriends are exposed, disgraced]: Daskalova-Perkovska et al. 1994, No. 1730:574; Hungarians [eagle - Grandmother's husband Iron Nose carried the king to the top of the mountain; returned for his promise give what he does not know at home; this is his son Rosan; the eagle took it to his grandmother; she demands 1) to tame the horse; her daughter Violet: this is her father, we must sharpen the spurs; 2) cover the sea, grow grapes in this place, wheat (by order of F., everything is executed); F. and R. run, leaving a spit to answer; they chipped in as a mill and a miller, the eagle did not recognize; with a lake and a duck, the mother recognized and cursed: if you are separated, R. will forget F.; three bosses go to marry the bride for R., F. does not mind if everyone visits her; one opens and closes the door all night; the second moved the view in the chimney; the third opened and closed the window; the king with R . they go by themselves; the old lady shouts: did R. forget F.? R. remembered everything, wedding]: Ortutai 1974, No. 16:301-306; Romanians [a woman with a baby comes to the priest to order a request; he agrees with the condition that she sleeps with him; two more want the same a priest; the woman has agreed with her husband to invite them all in the evening; when he hears that her husband is coming, each takes turns hiding in the chimney above the hearth; the husband makes a fire, all the priests fall, the husband hits them on the head; hell ready to get rid of the body if the child is given to him; takes the corpse to the ravine; the husband exposes the second, says the deceased is back; the same with the third; in the morning the hell sees the singer, thinks it's again the dead man, who comes alive, throws him into the ravine; the wife is ready to give the child if the devil rolls her hair into a ring; the hair straightens every time; the husband ties the line of his hand to make it more convenient to work, and advises temper hair by throwing a line into the fire; baby saved]: Bîrlea 1966:484-485; Greeks: Uther 2004 (2), No. 1730:399-400; Gagauz [pop laughs as he passes by a woman; m advises her to rejoice in answer; having agreed with her husband, the wife tells her ass to come in the evening when her husband goes to the mill; the husband arrives, the wife in the hallway covered her ass with an Armenian {hereinafter it's like a blanket}; says that the horse is her brother, who went to the tavern; the husband brings the "horse" to the mill, harnesses it and whips it; the next day the wife sees the ass and laughs; pop: are you out of flour? Easter cakes should be blessed soon; pop: what are white? woman: from the flour you have ground]: Moshkov 1904: No. 156:230-231; (cf. Bosnians (Herzegovina) [the old man sent his son to sell the goat at the bazaar, return with the goat and money; the son brings the goat back - he tried to sell and take it away, but had to return the money; the old man takes the goat to the bazaar; comes, when the trade is over, goes to the colonel's house for the night; Kaziy knocks, the hostess comes the old man with the goat in the attic; then muselim comes (referee official); mufti; they also go to the attic; for silence, the old man takes a lot of money from everyone; the husband comes, sits down for dinner; at this time an old man with a goat comes down, says that he was in court - in the attic all the judicial brethren; the colonel expelled his lovers and his wife, the old man returned with a goat and money]: Golenishchev-Kutuzov 1991:344-348).
Central Europe. Russians (Arkhangelsk, Olonetskaya, Vladimir, Novgorod, Voronezh, Kursk), Ukrainians (Eastern Slovakia, Galicia, Transcarpathia, Podolia, Yekaterinoslavskaya, Kiev), Belarusians [Pop, deacon and clerk at a beautiful woman: they come to the man's wife one by one; she hides them in a chest; a man takes them out in a chest and sells them]: SUS 1979, No. 1730:354; Ukrainians ( Poltavskaya, Gadyach, ca. 1878) [Moskali, accustomed to taking someone else's, come to the post in the village. A Russian falls in love with a local girl, she hides from him, he walks by several times a day, coughs, she says nothing. They tell her how to teach him a lesson. When he sneezes, she sneezes too, he wants to come to her, and she agrees because her husband will be at the mill. She treats him to dinner, suddenly her husband appears, she hides a Moskal in one shirt on the stove. The husband has dinner and decides to climb onto the stove, the Moskal cuddles against the fireplace, burns his shoulders, can't stand it, asks him to let him go and give him his clothes. The husband promises if he sweeps a bag of flour, leads him to the mill and hits him with a batog when the Moskal interrupts work. They let him go, the girl coughs after him, he gets scared, swears and runs away]: Rudchenko 1870, No. 37, 164-166; Russians (Novgorod) [a married woman appoints a sexton, deacon and priest a time when the husband will not be at home; tells her husband to knock when three come to her; when there is a knock, everyone hides in a chest of flour; the husband poured resin into the chest, knocked over a bag of feathers; the father got out of Larya, replied that he was the devil, left; the same deacon and sexton]: Smirnov 1917, No. 64:280-282; Russians (Vologda) [Ivan's wife Marya went to the service; the pop told her to be the last to come, asked if she could not whether to her for the night; M. orders to bring 300 rubles at such an hour; then the same deacon; sexton; she agreed with her husband; her husband knocks, M. hides his priest in the back of soot; V. left, the deacon came, V. knocks - the same ; then sexton; V. shoved the body off the floors, drove; towards the piglets, V. exchanged 12 piglets for overseas animals and 300 rubles to boot; the piglets, before reaching the city, opened the body; from there three like devils ran out; the piglets returned with nothing; this is how Masha and Vanya got rich]: Gura 1965, No. 48:270-271; Russians (Kurskaya, storyteller Dobrynin, village. Opokhtutina, Solntsevsky District): Aristov, Pavlov 1939:47-48 [An ugly and stupid pop is in love with a beautiful married neighbor, distracts her with conversations when she walks past his house for water. She complains to her husband, who advises her to invite her ass to visit while he is away from home. Pop comes to her, believing that the beauty's husband is "going into the night". Marya prepares a treat for the guest, her husband returns, the pop hides under a sheepskin coat hanging on the wall. Maria's husband says that he is cold, takes off his short fur coat from the wall, sees her priest and orders him to rub and crush three senses of millet, otherwise he threatens to tell everyone about the priest's behavior. Vasily lets the priest go at dawn, despite the fact that he does not have time to complete the work, is afraid that his neighbors will see him], 49-50 [The bishop of Kursk orders the master to make "12 idols" ( wooden sacred statues), but by the deadline he manages to make only 6 and drinks the money given for the rest of the job. He puts the finished statues under the curtain and covers them with bronze. A smart beautiful wife undertakes to help her husband out. She dresses up for dinner when she looks like a cross, invites a priest, a deacon and a hymn to visit one by one. When pop visits a beauty, a clerk knocks on her, she undresses the guest and hides her behind the curtain. Then the hymn comes, and then the husband and all three clergymen find themselves behind the curtain. They get to know each other but are ashamed to show it. The owner takes them for three missing idols, shows them to the customer (bishop), and says that, among other things, three can talk. He is happy with his work, the pop, the deacon and the hymn get scared and run away through the window. The bishop sees idols coming to life, getting scared, running and dying on the road. The master sends the remaining idols to the furnace. Advises others to do the same with clergymen]; Russians (Voronezhskaya, p. Bolshaya Vereyka, 1936) The beauty notices that the pop giggles at her trail as she walks past his porch (goes to fetch water), and tells her husband. He invites his wife to invite his ass to visit. She does this, while she treats her ass, her husband comes back, she puts the guest in a tar barrel. The husband takes a barrel and is lucky to burn it. On the way, he shows a line (i.e. a priest smeared in tar) to a peasant for a fee, slightly opening the lid of the barrel. When he asks to show him a second time, the husband orders his ass to run into the forest, he runs away. The man says that he will be punished because of the peasant because he was supposed to bring the devil to Moscow. He gives back his carriage with black horses as a payback. Passing by her ass, the beauty giggles, he gets scared, runs away. This is noticed by the popadya "she had enough ax, began to wake up in reality, cut her dress", the pop apologizes, she forgives]: Baryshnikova 2007, No. 15:90-93; Russians (Voronezhskaya, p. Bolshaya Vereyka): Baryshnikova 2007, No. 24 (Western 1925) [The young wife sends her husband to the mill, asks her not to hurry, says that the flour is "not a dispute", while she meets her lover. A crest husband argues with a miller about whether his wife is cheating. Soldiers spend the night in the Ukrainian's house. The crest and the miller return home, the wife quickly hides the treats, the lover pretends to be sick in the conic (chest shop). The miller comes in with a bunch of brushwood in which the crest is hidden. He sings the song "Arzhany Ears, Take Jean by the Hair", the husband grabs his wife, punishes his lover. The wife judges all participants in the event: a lover, for not taking her beloved to the field, but coming to her house, a miller for arguing about someone else's wife, a Ukrainian for hoping for a young wife], 95 (Zap. 1939) [The bishop orders the craftsman to make 12 carved apostles on time and threatens to put him in prison if he fails. The customer is stingy and there is not enough material for the three apostles. The master is afraid of the bishop's anger, his wife helps him out, invites his priest, deacon and clerk in turn. Everyone, in turn, is asked to undress, because it is not good to walk with someone else's wife in sacred clothes. Everyone is hidden behind a curtain, next to 9 ready-made carved apostles, when the next guest arrives. The husband and the bishop are the last to arrive. Shows the apostles behind the curtain. The bishop says that three should be cut off because they do not have a holy appearance. The pop, clerk and clerk run away from the hut, the master chases them, shouts to the bishop to keep the rest of the apostles so that they do not run away], 96 (Western 1939) [Husband leaves his wife, beautiful Alyonushka ("from the poor") by three years, tells you to take care of yourself. She twice refuses a merchant who asks to visit her. He asks the priest if it is allowed to live with another man with her husband alive. He replies that this is a great sin and offers to spend the night with him. The bishop also offers himself. Alyonushka invites all three men to her place one by one. When the bishop visits her, the pop knocks, takes off the guest's cassock, hides it in a barrel of honey, then in a chest of fluff. He does the same with his butt. In front of the merchant, he pretends to hear her husband return, puts him in a tar barrel, then in a chest where the pop and bishop are already sitting. Closes the chest. She takes the chest to town, passes off those sitting in the chest as devils on the way, and gives it to a passing soldier. A soldier opens a chest covered in honey and tar, people covered with fluff seem like devils to him, he hits them and lowers them into the ice-hole]: 123-124, 257-259, 279-261; Poles [a woman invites them to dinner priest, organist, gravedigger at intervals; as they arrive, she hides them in the attic; then her husband comes]: Krzyżanowski 1963, No. 1730:135; Czechs, Slovaks: Uther 2004 (2), No. 1730:399-400
Caucasus - Asia Minor. Crimean Tatars: Zarubin, Zarubin 1991 [=Birzgal 1992:112-117; Kadiy bothers her neighbor Emine; she agreed with her husband and invited Kadia; suddenly her husband returned, E. hid the kadia in the chest; Kadi stayed there for three days; the next day, the husband sold the chest in the bazaar to the sons of Kadia]: 20-24; Kondaraki 1875:124-125 [the wife complained to her husband that the mullah from the minaret was shouting to her like a foal; Having agreed with her husband, the wife answers the mullah by making an appointment; when the mullah undressed, the husband appeared; promised to forgive him if he crushed the necessary amount of grain in a hand mill; the mullah worked all night; some time later, the husband advised his wife to shout Mullah Igo-go; mullah: is the cereal over and there is no one to kick fresh?] , 125-126 [the merchant sent his wife to Kadia to ask him to return the borrowed money; Kadi agrees if the woman gives in to his wishes; she complained to Pasha, but received a similar offer from him; the same with vizier; each promises more money than the previous one; the woman has agreed with her husband; put 3 closets in the room and makes an appointment with each one hour apart; each time the maid runs in and shouts that the owner came and another guest hides in the closet; the woman closed them, complained to the Sultan and brought the wardrobes to the palace courtyard; all three were disgraced]; Radlov 2021, No. 6 [when the poor man could not earn money even for bread, his wife told him to return home at 4 am, promising to arrange everything himself; he consistently goes to the merchant to teach him, to the grocery store, to the shoemaker, asks everyone to come at intervals of an hour; when there is a knock on the door ("crazy mother-in-law has come"), puts the first naked in the closet, the second in the basement, puts the third (this is a hoja) in the cradle; the husband who comes shaves the beard of a strange baby, goes for cut off his legs with an ax; the old man runs, the other two follow him; agree to climb into the yard through a dog hole and kill the couple; they cut off one nose ("the smell of food hurts the nose"), the other's ear (" drumbeat hurts my ear"), Hajj - genitals ("drums beat because of my circumcision"); everyone drowned, the couple shared their money]; Adygs: Sokolov, Broydo 1936 [three mullahs Isuf, Ramazan and Galim is harassed by Marzhan, Sosruko's wife; having agreed with her husband, M. tells them to come, setting each time at short intervals; every time there is a knock, M. tells another fan to hide on in the attic; A. enters; M. begins to spin the wool, A. invites neighbors - the wives of three mullahs; with each coming A. copulates in front of her husband, she leaves before the next one appears; M. suggests M. clean the gun by shooting at the ceiling; when they hear this, the mullahs run away in panic; G.'s wife asks where he went; G.: in the same place where you spun the wool]: 517-521; Hoot 1987 (bzhedugi) [by agreement with the husband pretends to have left as his wife, and the wife makes an appointment with three men who harass her; the first undressed, there was a knock, the wife hid it in the pantry; the same with the second; the third is efendi, hidden in cradle; wife tells her husband that she gave birth to a son in his absence; husband: already with a beard and teeth, it's different, you have to knock your teeth out with a chisel; Efendi ran away with the cradle, after him, knocking out the window, two from the pantry]: 283-284; Balkarians [three efendi seek the love of beautiful Koesbau; she tells everyone to come to her with an appointment for the same evening with a slight difference; as soon as one sits down at the table, he knocks on the door next; he hides everyone in the attic; the husband came; K. invited the wives of three Efendi; he began to beat the buza and flirt with them; K. invited her husband to shoot; he pointed the gun up; the Evendy ran out of the attic ran away; K. told their wives everything]: Boziev 1962, No. 38:124-125; Stavropol Turkmens [two viziers convince the tsar that they will be able to seduce the most beautiful and honest woman; the tsar calls herself a carpenter to work; at this time the first vizier comes to her; the woman pretends to agree to the offer given through the old woman; she has agreed with the maid herself; when the vizier, the maid, the maid, comes knocks on the outside door; woman: this is my brother, he will sit for a while; hides the vizier in a deep hole; in the morning the vizier asks him to let him out; the maid says that the mistress is not at home; gives bread and water, and for this the vizier cleans the cotton; the vizier works for 20 days; the second comes to find out what happened to him; the second one is the same, now they are cleaning the cotton together; the same is with the king himself; he calls himself, he is pulled out; he praises the woman, gives her husband the palace he built]: A. K. 1875, No. 7:49-54; Ossetians (South Ossetia) [elder, pop and deacon date one woman, she hides them in a bag, her sons come and pour boiling water on them]: Byazyrov 1960, No. 233:110; Chechens: Dirr 1920, No. 75 [the couple became impoverished; the wife (having agreed with him) sent her husband hunting, dressed herself beautifully, went outside, met a shepherd, invited him to her place; then an Armenian; a miller; the shepherd brought the herd into the yard; when he was about to eat dinner, an Armenian knocked, the woman said that it was her husband, hid the shepherd in a barrel; an Armenian came with an arba of goods; a miller with arba flour, a woman, arrived put the Armenian in the cradle as if she had a child there; when her husband came, the woman told the miller to hide behind the door and moo like a calf; told her husband that she had given birth; husband: newborn and already with a beard? it is necessary to shave; shaved an Armenian; and there is a calf that the cow gave birth to; the husband aimed his gun, the miller rushed to run; the shepherd also could not stand it for a long time, jumped out and ran away; everything brought went to the spouses]: 264- 265; Malsagov 1983, No. 101 [every time Chara's wife walked past the mosque, the mullah laughed at the stallion; she told her husband he advised him to respond with the mare's whining; the wife agrees that the mullah come in the evening; the mullah C.'s husband came in, promised to shoot the mullah if he did not move two bags of corn in a hand mill by morning; two days later, C.'s wife passed by the mosque and started a mare; mullah: are you really in two Is all the grinding over for the day?] : 251; Ingush: Malsagov 1983, No. 101 [the wife complained to Chora about the mullah's molestation; they agreed what to do; the wife invited the mullah, Chora appeared with a gun, told him to grind two bags by morning corn; two days later, the wife started a mare at the mosque; mullah: is all the grinding over?] , 109 [in the evenings, a mullah sticks to the woman at the spring; the husband advises to pretend to agree; he will suddenly return, let the mullah hide in the barrel; there is water and soot from the chimney in the barrel; husband to his wife: why did she let the mullah hide in the barrel me to the bazaar without a barrel; my husband threw the barrel on the arba, began to drive across the field; says to the people he met that he caught the line; they asked them to show them; they looked in, saw a naked black mullah, rushed to run; the mullah too ran away]: 251, 259-260; Kumyks: Aliyeva 2013, No. 66 [a mullah, a butcher, a merchant and a miller bother the beautiful woman; having agreed with her husband, she makes an appointment for everyone for the same evening, but for a different date time; everyone brings gifts, the woman tells everyone to undress; hides the first two in a niche, the third in the basket, the mullah in the cradle; the husband comes back, says he wants to sell the canopy that covers the niche, starts knocking him out, hits the hidden ones, then hits the miller lying in the basket ("calf or goby?") ; shaved off his beard and mustache, pulled out the teeth of the "child" in the cradle; when he was about to saw off his legs, the mullah ran away with the cradle; in the morning all four ran away from the village], 68 [cadiy to the boy: tell his mother that cadia to her said "hyte!" ; the wife agreed with her husband that when the kadiy undressed, the husband would return, and the wife would hide the kadia in the mill house and let him turn the donkey mill; the wife tells her husband that she harnessed the donkey; the kadiy is tired; the husband loudly: I'll go rip the braid off the donkey's back to walk faster; Kady is working hard again; so twice; finally, the wife released the kadia, giving her husband his clothes; sent her son to the cadia to say "hite"! cadia: did you run out of flour?] : 285-288, 291-292; Lucky [5 shopkeepers are harassed by a woman; having agreed with her husband, she made an appointment for everyone at intervals of an hour, telling them to bring gifts; made dates for five; each time when the next one knocks, the woman tells the previous one that her husband has suddenly returned, tells him to go into the room, where everyone falls into a boiling pot; in a mosque, a woman asks the mutalims to bury her husband, warning that he was trying to return home from the grave; the third was thrown off the cliff by the mutalims, the shepherd ran away in horror, and the mutalim thought it was the dead man who ran home again; the fourth was tried to drown; in this place the naked kadiy bathed, he ran away, the mutalims thought it was the same dead again; when they took the fifth, the woman promised not to send them again; the fifth was thrown into the mill barrel, and the miller jumped out, he was thrown there; the next day, the cadiy, the miller and the shepherd met; Kadiy ordered to distribute offerings, got rich himself a lot; said that the Lord took the missing shopkeepers to heaven]: Aliyeva 2013, No. 70: 300-303; Dargins [the mullah asks the boy to tell his mother that he says "thigh" to her; she told her husband, her husband advised him to answer and also give the mullah a "thigh"; the mullah came and began to undress, the husband knocked; the wife took the mullah to the back room, harnessed the mill wheel instead of a donkey - I will tell my husband that the donkey is grinding flour; the mullah is tired, the husband is going to go beat the donkey with a stick, the wife goes by herself and tells you to work faster; by dawn, the wheat is ground, the mullah is gone; the woman again tells you to say "boudreau"; mullah: have you run out of flour?] : Osmanov 1963:51-53; Lezgins [the mullah bothers the woman; having agreed with her husband, she invites him; the husband knocks, the woman hides the mullah in the cradle, says that she has given birth to a child; husband: like this the child cannot be shown to people; shaved the mullah, pulled out his teeth, went to cut off his legs for an ax; the mullah ran away with the cradle; the mullah's wife did not want to let him in; when she finally let him in, he lay down and died]: Aliyeva 2013, No. 67:289-290; taty [the poor man's wife negotiates with her husband; consistently invites a shopkeeper, a moneylender, a mullah with gifts; every time the husband suddenly returns; shopkeeper lost his horse with tarantas, the mullah was forced to pay a lot of money; his wife put the mullah in the cradle: my husband would think that I had given birth to a child during his absence; my husband cut the mullah's beard and knocked it out with a hammer teeth, he hardly ran away, carrying the cradle; the punished met and told each other what had happened to them]: Kukulla 1974, No. 31:221-230; Georgians [pop, deacon and servant come to the beautiful woman, they bring money to pay for lunch; she hides them in three different chests; a neighbor brings chests to the boss, who punishes all three]: Kurdovanidze 2000, No. 1730:103; Armenians [the poor man took it with him portrait of his wife, hired to work as a mason for a judge, commander, vizier; seeing the portrait, the poor man's owners fall in love with his wife, trying to seduce her; the woman takes turns lowering them into the basement, forcing them work - spin yarn]: Gullakian 1990, № 882A*: 39; Armenians [the wife asks her husband to sell the goat, return with the goat and money; the husband offers a goat for a bowl of khash at the bazaar, ate khash, did not give the goat, the people decided in his favor: who gives a goat for a bowl of food; the same for gata {some food}; for halva; asked to spend the night in someone's house; the khash seller came, the hostess told him to hide in the barn; but then again a knock on the door; the three to whom the goat's owner allegedly sold it climb into the barn one by one; the man says he is selling a goat, pretends to scream, takes money from everyone for silence; came the husband went to visit the cattle; the man says he sells a goat; the owner: what is here, the bazaar? man: of course, they are sellers of khash, ghata and halva; the owner gives the man money for silence and tells him to leave; he returned to his wife with a goat and money]: Ioannisian 1968:146-149; Azerbaijanis [girl refuses the chief of the guard, who complains to the judge; now the judge bothers her; then the shah; she pretends to agree, having agreed with the old woman, invites everyone in the evening; there is a knock, she supposedly hides everyone in a well from her husband, fills them all with boiling water; asks the shepherd to bury the corpse, warning that the dead man can escape from the grave; the shepherd decided to grind the third dead man in the mill; seeing miller, decided that it was the same dead man, killed him; received money from the girl, but she was no longer bothered]: Nabiev 1988:111-114; Turks [kadiy fell in love with someone else's wife; she negotiates with her husband; he knocks on the door, the wife hides the naked cadia in the chest; the cadia is disgraced; or there are three boyfriends, one is rich, the other is not so; a judge, an assistant judge, a city manager; the husband throws two in a sack out the window; the third disguises himself as a calf next to a cow; the husband brings kadia's clothes to his wife, and she saves her husband's honor by pretending that the visitor is his best friend; Kady pays a lot of money to the one who carries him to chest so that he does not disgrace him; three come back to the woman's house, one has cut off his ear, the other's nose, and the third's penis]: Eberhard, Boratav 1953, No. 268:320-321; Kurds: Jalil et al. 1989, No. 208 [ someone tells the padishah that women are more cunning than men; the padishah tells him to find one; he looks at the round dance, one of the women comes up and promises to show a trick; prepares a bed at home, calls him to the garden; plays with husband in a game in which everyone should say "remember"; husband breaks through the door; wife hides the guest in a drawer, gives the key to her husband; he is furious, she says that her husband lost because he did not say "I remember"; close goes to the padishah, who agrees that women are more cunning]: 503-504; Yusupova 2004, No. 2 [the merchant's wife asks if he has written down everything about women's tricks; invites him to write a letter; prepared a mullah pilaf, and she sent the boy to the shop for her husband; when there was a knock on the door, she told the mullah to climb into the chest; told her husband that the mullah had come and tried to rape her; gave the key to the chest, laughed and said that she set everything up to beat her husband; the husband left and the mullah ran away; the women failed with all their tricks]: 196-197.
Iran - Central Asia. Lura [ahund saw a cucumber floating in the stream; brought home, ate, became pregnant, gave birth to a turtle son; he asks to marry him a princess; the vizier advises him to be angry and give the impossible assignment; the king orders to bring 7 camels loaded with gold and gems, and a golden rooster on top; the turtle did everything, got the princess, got out of the shell at night, became handsome, told no one tell; once a husband said he wanted to visit his relatives; his wife asked permission to go with him; he turned his wife into a needle and stuck him in a hat, turned himself into a pigeon and flew; told his wife to venerate his mother's breasts and not let go until she swore by her father's pain and mother's milk; the demoness mother agreed not to touch her daughter-in-law, but asked her sister to kill her: she would send bring her daughter-in-law a mortar; but her husband is a magician himself and found out everything; gave his wife sleep powder to throw at the inhabitants of the house where they were sent for a mortar; then her mother-in-law sent her daughter-in-law to wash it white a black board; the husband turned the black board into a white cloth; the demoness insists that the son take another wife (probably a niece}; he pretends to agree; as soon as he goes to her, with his earthly wife they tore off their clothes, threw them on a pile of manure; the husband cut off the new bride's head, took it again, dressing up his first wife; they flew away together in the form of pigeons; when they found the headless bride in the morning, the demonets rushed into chase; the husband turned himself into a lousy shepherdess, his wife into a calf; the next time into a flower and a tree; the husband brought his wife to her parents, and he became a grenade on the back of the king's hand {the wife's father is king}; the demons asked to give them grenades; the king, as his daughter's husband taught him, threw him on the ground; he crumbled in grains; the demonets became chickens, began to peck for grains; one grain became a rooster, he rolled chickens cheeks; everything is fine, wedding celebrations again]: Amanolahi, Thackston 1986, No. 15:71-76; Persians: Osmanov 1958 [the merchant's son quarreled with the poor man and wounded him; put in the basement; the elder demands the young man's mother has a lot of money; she suggests that it is better to come to her in the evening; the elder released the young man and came; then the woman negotiates with the judge, the mullah and the ruler, assigning each their own time with at short intervals; ordered a large chest with 4 compartments; the carpenter requires a lot of money; the woman gives it on the condition that the chest will have 5 compartments and the carpenter will bring it himself; the woman also bought fabrics 5 different colors and made 5 robes (kaba); when the carpenter sat in the house and put on a purple robe, there was a knock on the door; the woman told the carpenter to climb into the upper compartment of the chest, locked it; same take turns with the chief, judge, mullah, ruler (he was given a red coat); when the woman's released son came, he and his mother sold everything and went to another city; they looked for those sitting in the chest and released two days later; they fled from shame]: 305-312; 1987 [the poor man's wife agrees with her husband on a way to improve things; takes outfits from friends; invites a butcher, merchant, with gifts, casia; tells everyone that her husband is gone for seven years; every time the husband knocks on the door; the butcher hides in the chest, the husband dumps the contents down the stairs; the merchant in the carpet, the couple throws the carpet off the roof; casia the woman puts him in the cradle, tells her husband that her son was born; the husband shaved him, said that the child was ugly; Kaziy ran away; all three agreed to dig an underground passage into the woman's house; the woman cut off the butcher ear, merchant nose, casia - masculine nature]: 405-412; Romaskevich 1934a, No. 24 (Yazd Jews) []: 118-122; 1934b [(three different versions)]: 145-150; Marzolph 1984, no.*1730 [many options]: 246-247; Turkmens : Kekilov, Kosaev 1962 [Gulzhehre's husband got into a fight with the padishah's close associate, he was imprisoned; G. came to Kazi, who is ready to write an acquittal, but G. asks him to do it at her home; then same with the vizier and padishah; asks the carpenter to make and deliver 4 large chests in the evening; when the Kazi wrote the paper, there was a knock, Kazi hid in the chest; the same with the vizier and padishah; carpenter G. said that the chests were not big enough; he climbed into the fourth chest to prove the opposite; G. released her husband and they left; those locked in the chests began to scream; they were mistaken for evil spirits, they wanted burn down the house; one person opened the chests, the prisoners fled]: 109-114; Stebleva 1969, No. 67 [=Kekilov, Kosayev 1962:114-115; the boy went to a mullah, who always calls him "the son of a beautiful woman"; Having agreed with her husband, the mother tells her son to invite a mullah; when the husband comes, the wife tells the mullah to put on a handkerchief and rub the grain; says that this slave works; the husband lets "her" grind what he has brought a bag of wheat; then the husband says he will sleep with this slave today; the mullah runs away, his wife has got his clothes; the next day, the mother tells her son to call the mullah again; mullah: your mother has flour is it over?] : 337-338; Pashtuns [kotoval (manager), kazy, vizier and the king himself fell in love with the dyer's wife Fatima; she made an appointment for all four for the same evening; everyone is frightened when they hear a knock on the door is the husband; the cauldron in a woman's shirt is planted to grind grain; a skin is thrown on the casia and a lamp is placed on top; the vizier next to the cow pretends to chew hay; when the king comes, F. runs away, Locking the door, the people are calling; all four are disgraced]: Thorburn 1876:214-217; Tajiks: Osmanov 1989 [the wife, having agreed with her husband, decided to improve the family's affairs; invited the butcher, Kadia and Raisa, with each type of rice, a pound of butter and silk clothes; a husband comes; a butcher comes a calf (the husband goes to cut him and hits him), cadia is a baby (the husband shaves him), rice is a lamp holder (the husband wants to correct it and hits the shoulder with hot forceps); all three decided to get into the house again; the wife grabbed the first two by the nose with hot forceps, and Raisa by the ass]: 522-526; Ulug-zade 1967 [the padishah ordered the carpenter to build with others palace; saw flowers presented to the carpenter by his wife, told the vizier to bring the woman; the vizier came with gifts, gladly agrees to spend the night; a knock on the door; this is my crazy brother; the vizier all night sat in the barn; the padishah sent a second vizier; the same with him, both sitting in the barn cleaning cotton; the padishah came by himself; the same with him; the woman released all three after promising not to cause her husband harm; the padishah let the carpenter go]: 259-263; Tajiks []: Khovari 1983:122-137; mountain Tajiks [Ashur-Ayor lived, there was nothing to eat, he went to look for food, and his wife went to the judge; agreed to he came in the evening, told me to bring flour and a ram; they were feasting, and then there was a knock on the door, A. came; the wife told the judge to lie in the cradle, told her husband that a child was born; A.: the legs are long, it must be shorten, bring an ax; the judge ran away with the cradle; the next time the woman called the judge; when there was a knock, the wife told the judge to wrap himself in cow's clothing; husband: whose cow? wife: raisa; husband: let's kill her; the judge ran away like he was in his shoes; the next day A. tells his wife that while she was getting food for the children, now he will try; bought a donkey, says that he is wasting money , sold to three people he met; they came to demand money back; he hit his supposedly dead wife with a stick, she jumped up; three bought a stick, they were called to the deceased king; they were beaten; they came to A., and the wife says he died; everyone sat down to desecrate the grave, but A. hit everyone in the ass with a hammer and killed them; healed happily]: Semenov 1903, No. 5:105-108; (cf. Mountain Tajiks (Darvaz) [the king fell in love with the vizier's wife; called him to hunt, but came back early, came to his wife; she offered to cook and eat first; stalling for time, the king leaves in the morning with nothing; the next evening the vizier's wife cooks bread; when the king is about to take possession of it, the vizier knocks on the door; the wife released the king in a twisted dress; the vizier found the king's rosary and brought them to him: a lion came to the garden; the king: and did not suffer; the vizier returned to his wife]: Semenov 1900:49-50); Ishkashim (Sanglic) [during the shipwreck, the merchant lost his property; his wife sent money, but the ship sank again; the merchant returned with nothing; the wife promised correct the case; after agreeing with her husband, asked the judge to borrow 1,000 rupees and invited her to visit for the evening; then the husband knocked; the wife told the judge to lie in the cradle; husband: who is this? wife: your son; husband shaved off his "son" beard and took an ax to cut off his legs; the judge jumped up and ran away]: Grierson 1921:504; Sarykoltsy [after the king's death, his son went broke; brings the donkey to the bazaar, puts ten gold under his tail, says that the donkey defecates with gold; the son of a rich man buys a donkey for three thousand gold; the prince comes to the judge with his wife; the judge decides in favor of the prince, hopes for a meeting with his wife; she negotiates with her husband; he seems to come suddenly; the wife ties the judge to the cradle, says that they have a son; husband: if there is such a beard now, what happens next; pulls out beard with forceps, is going to cut off his legs, the judge runs away, carrying the cradle]: Pakhalina 1966:114-115.
Baltoscandia. Karelians (Southern Karelia) []: Konkka, Tupitsyn 1967, No. 80:455-459; Latvians [Dissolute pastor in a chest. The pastor, caught in someone else's wife, hides in a chest. The husband tells the farmhand to sell the chest]: Aris, Medne 1977, No. 1725:369; the Danes [the pastor bothers the woman; after agreeing with her husband, she calls him to her place; when the husband knocks on the door, tells him to climb into the barrel ; that naked man climbs first into a barrel of resin, then with down; the owner boarded up the barrel and took him to sell it in the morning; goes without disassembling the road; tells the landowner that he has contracted the line to serve and rolls it; the landowner asks to open the barrel, the pastor runs away; the landowner paid money for the show]: Suritz 1991:35-36; the Eastern Sami (Skolts) [the manager (Vogt) has a beautiful wife; the priest and the cantor want to come to her; having agreed with her husband, she invites a priest, a cantor, a priest's wife and a cantor's wife to the evening at a short interval (wives are interested in buying a calf from the hostess, men are told to bring a cow oil); when the priest undressed, there was a knock on the door, he hid behind the stove; then the same cantor; wives came; the owner came with a gun; said that the hunt was unsuccessful, but the gun remained loaded, it was necessary defuse, directs the gun to where the priest and the cantor hid; they run out; their wives and the manager's wife no longer talked]: Lagercrantz 1961, No. 307:185-187; Finns, Veps, Counselors, Estonians, Lithuanians, Swedes, Norwegians, Icelanders: Uther 2004 (2), No. 1730:401-402.
Volga - Perm. Komi [Ivan's wife Kätchen; pop, deacon, hymn, unaware of each other's intentions, persuade her to allow her to come to her; when I. goes to the mill, pop comes; when the deacon knocks, K. tells the ass to wear women's clothes and grind flour; then the deacon hides the hymn in the closet, the hymn on the floors; I. came, smeared all three in tar, rolled them in feathers and locked them in the barn; their wives came, asking to sell the cow; I. takes her husbands, sends them home with their wives]: Wichmann 1916, No. 44:122-124; Tatars [the mullah bothers the young woman; she negotiates with her husband, invites mullah; husband returns, mullah hides under the table, the husband pretends to hack him with an ax; gives life in exchange for work: grind a bag of millet on a grain grater until morning; let him go in the morning; later the woman greets the mullah; he asks if their cereal has passed out]: Zamaletdinov 2009, No. 100:384-387; Bashkirs: Barag 1990, No. 79 [Yeget Tukhvay takes a bucket from an old mullah to measure money; returning, leaves coins in the cracks; after that, the mullah married him to his daughter, built a house for them; died; a muezzin, a young mullah, an old mullah, harass T.'s wife; she makes them dates every hour; everything tells her husband; he supposedly returns unexpectedly; the wife hides the muezzin in a box of goose down; then a young and old mullah comes there; T. comes; the wife called the mullah wives sitting in the chest; T. deliberately speaks loudly, flirting with everyone; T. pretends to shoot at the devils who whisper in the chest; those three jumped out covered in feathers; at home, everyone finds out that he is himself and the wife was in the same house], 80 [the mullah bothers the young woman; she made an agreement with her husband; he pretends to go to the mill, take the mullah's horse; when the mullah comes from his wife, the husband comes and tells the mullah for grind a bag of wheat at night; in the morning the wife calls out to the mullah; mullah: are you really out of flour?] : 224-229, 230-231.
Turkestan. Kazakhs [the blacksmith goes to work; a faithful wife brings a flower with her, tells her to look at it; in a teahouse he agrees with three viziers to build a palace for the khan in gold and silver; khan grateful, brought the blacksmith closer; the viziers accuse him of witchcraft; the blacksmith told the Khan about his wife and the flower; the viziers promise to prove that the blacksmith's wife is not loyal to him; Zalmauz-Kempir takes the money, promises to persuade a woman to treason; she pretends to agree; hangs her husband's hammer at the gate; he knocks in the wind; the woman promises the guest to hide him from her husband, pushes him into a hole, tells her to spin the wool; the same with the other two viziers; they weaved the carpet; the khan and the blacksmith come; the woman shows the maids who weaved the carpet; tells the viziers to shave, wear a woman's dress; the khan made the viziers jesters, awarded the blacksmith and him wife]: Malyuga 1962a: 26-34 (=1970:60-67); Kyrgyz [Adyl, Madyl and Zhalyn are three rich brothers; the rich man's son married a beautiful woman, squandered money, hired these brothers; attached a flower to his clothes - a gift from the wife; having agreed with her husband, the employee's wife told each of the brothers who came one after another that her evil mother-in-law was coming and locked her in the cellar; their horses were killed; the brothers decided not to contact anymore with this woman]: Ledenev 1987:131-133; Dungans [three bald men came to the woman; the husband came and she hid them in the stove; the husband lit the fire, they suffocated; in the morning the wife paid the beggar to bury them dead man; he took him outside the city wall, came for money, and his wife says that the dead man has returned; the same for the third time; a man recovered at the pit when he saw the dead, ran; the beggar thought it was running away a dead man, and that man is chasing him; the beggar decided not to go to a woman for money]: Riftin et al. 1977, No. 60:256-257.
Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Siberian Tatars (Tyumen; another option is from the Omsk region; the Volga Tatars have a different option, see above) [Saer married Gulshikar, went to work; his wife gave a flower - if it wilts, with she was in trouble; bai saw a flower, sent his younger brother to seduce G.; G. fed the horseman, warned her brother; there was a knock on the door, G. told the horseman to hide under the bed, he fell into the zindan; the same with his middle brother bai; bai himself came with S.; G. to prisoners: if you wear women's clothes and serve, I'll release them; bai recognized the brothers, bought them for half of the wealth]: Zamaletdinov 2009, No. 54:190-193 %; Oirats (merchants) [a woman takes three bald men as lovers, they do not know about each other; the husband guesses, but is silent; the first bald man comes, they have dinner, there is a knock on the door, the woman hides lover in a barrel; the same with the second bald man; the husband comes and she hides the third; the husband says that everyone asks him for a barrel - in order not to offend anyone, it is better to break it; breaks the barrel with an ax and kills bald people ; leaves; the woman asks the beggar to bury her brother; warns that the deceased may return; he buries three bald men, believing that they are the same; when he sees the fourth, he chases him; he meets advised him to sell the shovel he was given to bury the dead man; the couple then lived peacefully]: Benningsen 2012:78-81.
Eastern Siberia. Yakuts (executive summary several archival texts, no place of recording; at least central) [pop bothers a woman; she agreed with her husband; when the pop undressed, there was a knock on door; the woman hid her butt in a chest of fluff and feathers; the husband sold the chest; the buyers staged a show with the "devil"; when they opened the chest, a naked pop in feathers jumped out; ran away and starved to death]: Ergis 1967b, No. 373:258.
Amur - Sakhalin. Manchus [barich molested village girls; began to spin at the gate of farmhand Wang Fu's house; his wife agreed with her husband; WF went to work in the field; barich came and molested; wife threatened to call her husband, but he, as planned, had just come by himself, shouted at the gate that the county chief had come to inspect; the wife invited Barich to hide in the chest; the WF spoke loudly that the master ordered each yard to bring silver for a banquet in honor of the county chief; they can be rescued by selling the chest; the wife advises taking the chest to the master's pawnshop; sitting in the chest, the barich is happy ; The WF demands 300 lyans of silver from the clerk for the chest, and if he does not agree, he will carry it to another place; carried the chest to the county chief; barich from the chest to the clerk: pay off! the clerk had to give 500 lians; barich fell ill and died from his experience]: Chen, Wang 1989:415-418.