Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

L100f1. Lover running away from her husband, ATU 1725.


The employee (the owner's young son) adjusts so that the dishes prepared by the hostess for the lover working in the field go to the owner, and when the owner goes to the person, oh Whoever he doesn't know he's his wife's lover thinks his husband is going to kill him and fleeing.

Mukulu, Afar, Arabs of Sudan, Egypt, Spaniards, Italians (Tuscany, Umbria, Rome, Lazio, Marche, Molise, Campania, Basilicata, Calabria), Sicilians, Sardinians, Ladins, Irish, Flemish, Dutch, Germans (Mecklenburg), French, Croats, Romanians, Hungarians, Greeks, Czechs, Slovaks, Russians (Arkhangelsk, Olonets, Novgorod, Voronezh), Ukrainians (Eastern Slovakia, Ugric Russia) , Transcarpathia, Galicia, Podolia, Volyn, Chernihiv, Kiev, Poltava, Kharkiv), Belarusians, Crimean Tatars, Adygs, Ossetians, Turks, Persians, Yazgulyam, Baluchis, Finns, Karelians, Veps, Estonians, Livons, Danes, Swedes, Norwegians, Komi, Mari, Kazan Tatars.

{The Portuguese index Cardigos 2006 and Latvian Aris, Medne 1977, number 1725, have a different story (the lover falls into the chest; the Bulgarian index also contains this story is missing. Most likely, Lithuanians don't have this story either}.

West Africa. Mukulu [Kalbati from his mother's womb tells her to give birth to him; some time has passed and he tells her to lie down with a stranger; his father sends him to buy tobacco; K. does not go to the one his father pointed out to. and to the one with whom the mother slept; after receiving tobacco, he does not go; says that his father sent him to grab his mother's lover; the man threw his hoe and ran away; K. explains to his father that a dead gazelle was found nearby and everyone runs for meat; the father also threw his hoe and ran; K. tells his mother the same thing, tells her to run, taking the basket; when they reach the leader, all three cannot explain why they fled; K. provokes the leader Gather the girls by the river, and the Arab is told to go there for beer, dressed him in his clothes; the Arab was drunk and drowned, and the herd went to K.; people thought they drowned K.; believed that he had taken cattle at the bottom; the leader gathered everyone; first the children drowned, then the men, then the chief; and the women did not jump into the water; K. met with them for two nights; first he conceived boys, the second, girls; became the leader]: Jungraithmayr 1981, No. 16:74-78.

Sudan - East Africa. Sudanese Arabs [while husband and son Muhammad are in the field, a lover comes to his wife; stabbed a ram, the woman has fried meat; the lover also goes to the field next to the woman's husband's field; the woman suffered meat; M. came to the house, overheard everything, was indignant that his favorite ram had been slaughtered; the lover agreed with the woman that he would follow a large branch to his field, but M. made a better visible trail to the field her father; the woman had to say that she had brought meat for them; when she saw her lover, she invited her husband to take meat to him, "otherwise this man can jinx us; M. carried the meat, ate almost everything on the way, throwing bones behind; father followed, picking up bones; lover asked M. why his father was doing this; M.: is going to castrate you; lover ran away; father asks why; M.: he said he had there is a cure for your hernia, but he won't give it; father ran to get the medicine; Mother's M.: Father is furious because of a slaughtered ram and women's interest in other men; father: why mother ran away? M.: tell women about your flaw; my husband caught up and knocked down your wife: you want to talk about my old defect, and now everyone can see your new one (he just meant that her skirt is up)]: Al-Shahi, Moore 1920, No. 66:215-218; Afar [Siray, 15 years old, father has a mistress and mother has a lover neighbor; S. hears mother and lover agree to arrange for father to stab a cow, then the lover will be able to eat meat; the wife advises to bring 10 friends and the husband will be forced to offer all decent treats; S. puts pieces of meat on pebbles; the father, with a machete in his hands, begins collect them; S. explains to his mother's lover and then to her that the father is going to kill them; they run away; he tells his father that the mother is running to her mother-in-law because she found out about her father's mistress; in the end, S. tells his mother that her father is willing to forgive her if she cuts off her relationship, and her father that his mother will forgive him if he leaves his mistress; everything is fine]: Reuss-Nliba, Reuss-Nliba 2016:77-80.

North Africa. Egyptian Arabs: El-Shamy 2004, No. 1725:922.

Southern Europe. Spaniards, Italians [story known in Spain and Italy]: Liungman 196:331; Italians (Tuscany, Umbria, Rome, Lazio, Marche, Molise, Campania, Basilicata, Calabria), Sicilians, Sardinians: Cirese, Serafini 1975, No. 1725:382-383; ladins [the priest went to see the blacksmith's wife; the blacksmith's little son overheard his mother promise to bring him tomorrow for the field is a good lunch; he tells her where he will plow; the son tells his father to put a blanket over his horse so that from a distance the horse looks like a priest's horses; the father is surprised when his wife brings him wine with pies; seeing that she was mistaken, a woman sends her son to pick up a neighbor, a priest, let him eat too; the son says that his father sent him; if the priest comes to his wife again, he will hack him with an ax; to the father says that the priest asks to bring an ax to fix the plow; on the way, the boy scattered pieces of cake; the blacksmith walks with an ax, ripping pieces; the priest thinks he is picking up stones; the priest ran away and I didn't look at the blacksmith's house anymore]: Decurtins, Brunold-Bigler 2002, No. 130:343-345.

Western Europe. Irish [the owner has an employee Jack; he notices that the owner is hugging the maid and the hostess has a lover; hears how the hostess promised to bring her lover in the field tomorrow, he will have a black and white horse; Jack throws it over a black sheet, the hostess brings lunch to her husband and Jack; the owner asks Jack to take food to the poor man who plows nearby; Jack on the way leaves on the ground eggs; the owner followed and began to pick up eggs; Jack tells his lover that the owner is picking up stones to beat him; the lover runs away, the master follows him; Jack tells the hostess that the owner knows everything and wants reprisals; when the husband returns, the wife flees; Jack to the master: she found out about you and the maid and ran to drown; master: this will not happen again; mistress: don't kill, I'm more I won't; {then part two, p. 111-114}; after that, Jack hired a tailor and became a good tailor; the owner fired the other employees; they together slaughtered pieces of meat from the royal bulls at night and sheep, and sew up their skins again; in autumn, the king is surprised: his cattle are barely alive; the old man advised the king to scatter money on the pasture and leave a barrel of resin; Jack and the owner went to raise money, the owner shoved hands in a barrel and stuck, smeared, died; the thief was caught but not identified; old man: we must wire the corpse down the street, the woman who cries is the thief's wife; the wife saw, roared; Jack cut his finger, said the woman was scared that he was stabbed to death, so she cries]: Larminie 1893:106-114; Flemish, Dutch, Germans (Mecklenburg), French: Uther 2004 (2), No. 1725:398- 399.

The Balkans. Croats, Romanians, Hungarians, Greeks: Uther 2004 (2), No. 1741:409.

Central Europe. Czechs, Slovaks: Uther 2004 (2), No. 1741:409; Russians (Arkhangelsk, Olonetskaya, Novgorod, Voronezh), Ukrainians (Eastern Slovakia, Ugric Russia, Transcarpathia, Volyn, Galicia, Podolia, Kiev, Poltava, Kharkiv), Belarusians [Pop in love: caught by the hostess's employee; thanks to the employee, tasty dishes prepared by the hostess for the priest working in the field goes to the owner; the worker convinces the priest that the owner seems to want to kill him, and sends the unsuspicious owner to the ass with an ax in his hand; the hostess hides the priest in the chest ( bag, bunch of straw); the worker and the owner drag the chest to the river (swamp); show the master a naked priest stained in soot or marsh mud for money, passing him off the line; the pop flees]: SUS 1979, No. 1725:353; Northern Ukrainians (Chernigov, Nezhinsky U.) [lover - clerk]: Malinka 1902, No. 55:335-338; Russians (Voronezhskaya, p. Bolshaya Vereyka, 1936) [The employee finds out that Popadya lives with the deacon. She finds a deacon in a purse full of feathers, where she hides him. The worker takes him to the stable, saddles and puts a clamp on it. Shows his ass that his wife is crazy. The worker hears how he promises to bring the deacon into the field of pancakes so that she does not make a mistake, the deacon takes a piebald horse and sprinkles chips on the way to his field. The worker also sprinkles the road to the ass, and puts a shirt on the horse, and it looks like a piebald. Popadya chooses the near road and gets to the employee and husband. The worker offers to call the deacon, tells him that the pop has learned about his connection with the hit and is going to cut his head. He returns to his ass and says that the deacon asks me to come with an ax. The deacon gets scared of the priest and runs away. Pop decides that the church is on fire and runs after him. The employee says that her husband found out that she lives with the deacon. She apologizes to her husband, he hits her and rips off her shirt. She runs home without clothes]: Baryshnikova 2007, No. 29:142-144.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Crimean Tatars (Uskut - between Alushta and Sudak) [the boy found his mother with her lover; he said that tomorrow he would plow behind the hill; the boy invited his father to go to arable land together tomorrow; His mother came to arable land with a cauldron; (she did not expect to see her husband and was carrying food for her lover); asked her son to call that man over there; the boy went, threw nuts on the ground, asked the man why he was sleeping with his mother; when he returned, he told his father that he had invited him to dinner, but he was angry; the father went by himself, picking up nuts; the lover thought that the rocks, he ran; in the morning the father said that he would go to the forest, took it with him donkey; the boy went to look for him and saw his father and donkey copulating; the next day, the hunters chased the hare; the boy to the father: they want to shoot the one who sinned with the donkey; the father hid behind haystack; boy to hunters: there is a fox behind this haystack; hunters set fire to the haystack, the man jumped out: what do you care, my donkey, not yours; boy to father: if I see a donkey again, I'll kill]: Radlov 2012, No. 44; Adygi [the woman promises her lover to bring food to the field; after overhearing this conversation, her son arranges that she brings tasty foods to her husband and son, who plowed there (the son marks his father's oxen under oxen lover); she invites them to treat their plowman neighbor (her lover); on the way to him, the son drops cakes; when the father picks them up, the son tells his lover, then the mother, that the father collects stones to kill them ; they run away, etc.]: Tkhamokova 2014:216; Ossetians [the poor man was hired as an employee; noticing that the hostess cooks good food for her lover, the worker steals it every day and brings it to the field to the owner; wife: there is no more food left, we must ask the healer why; the worker agreed with the healer, put on his clothes, the hostess did not recognize him; tells her to feed her husband and worker with barbecue, they will die from this; when they will fall, you have to put a baton in your lover's belt, and put a stick near the employee; walk around saying, "Take our misfortunes with you!" ; the worker tells the owner to fall to the ground after eating; then they jumped up, the worker beat his lover, who wanted to run out the door, but a baton put behind his belt prevented him; next time the wife wanted to carry food to the mill to his lover, but the worker undertook to carry it himself; the lover came, began to knock, believing that the hostess was in the room; the worker asked for his tongue to find out if he had come for whom He pretends to have nailed his tongue with a nail; he finally escaped, but thought that it was the mistress who nailed him; when the worker and the hostess came to him, he pulled out her tongue; the worker explains to the owner that his wife speaks in Khatiagi and will also teach him; after receiving a large reward, the employee left]: Britaev, Kaloev 1959:404-407; Turks [Keloglan notes that the mother has a lover (this is Khoja, a teacher); mother carries food to her lover's field, and K. arranges her to come to her husband's field; the mother wants to give her lover at least some food, but the son comes to the point, gives nothing, but says that the father knows everything; to his father says that the man wants to talk to him; the father goes picking up apples, and the lover thinks that the stones are running away; mother K. says that the father will come and kill her; she runs away; tells the father that the mother has gone behind the police; father hides in a hole; K. advises hunters to make a smoky fire at the hole; father comes out; var.: K. kills his lover by pouring boiling oil down his throat; leaves the corpse in the mill; miller pays not to be charged with murder (et al.).

Iran - Central Asia. Persians [boy Hasan-Zanoza (H.) went to his aunt for vinegar; meets, agrees to take it with him, carries a jackal, a crow, a scorpion, a dog; in his aunt's house he tells a scorpion to climb into the box matches, put a jackal in her shoes, a crow to relieve her need when a woman looks at the sky, turning to God, a dog to grab her aunt by the leg if she tries to go down to the basement; H. climbed into the basement steal vinegar, the jug's lid broke, the aunt wanted to light the fire, planned misfortunes fell on her; mother H. cooked soup, splashed it into a crow jug, poured it into a jackal plate, and dogs, the scorpion killed; the crow's head was stuck, the jug broke, the corolla remained around the crow's neck; H. promised to remove it if he croaked every time H. pushed him in the side; H. and the crow came to to her aunt, she has a lover; H. sees how she hid pilaf and her lover when her husband came; the crow pushed, he croaks, H. explains: why for a man there is pilaf under the cauldron, and for her husband bread and onions; the aunt hid lover under the stairs; in the morning she told him to leave, sprinkling millet with her - she would bring him lunch; H. heard that his lover's trail had been erased, scattered millet on the way to the field where his aunt's husband worked; the husband was surprised that his wife brought lunch; next time with straw scattered; the aunt asks the sacred tree how to dazzle H.; H. himself hid in the tree, tells X. to feed X. for 40 days with pilaf and chicken; full X . pretends to be blind; aunt tells animals to be driven away, H. hits her lover with a stick, says he is blind; kills his lover by pouring boiling oil in his face; aunt asks to bury the dead; H. tied the corpse to the donkey, brought him to the field, the owner hit him, H. accused the man of killing his father; received a ransom; brought the "father" to the caravanserai where the Lures were staying; said that his father could die if the strangers will spoil the air; poured paste into the sleeping lures; the Loures fled in fear, H. buried the corpse, took the goods of the Loures; tells the widow that her late husband had, he sells greens at the entrance to hell; the widow gives a golden watermelon, asks to give it to her husband; father-in-law ran to look for a deceiver, did not find it; H. brought all his mother's wealth]: Osmanov 1987:416-423; Yazgulyam [stepmother does not like five-year-old stepson, does not carry food to her husband, but to her lover; stepson overheard, collected eggshells, which the lover crumbled on the way to his field, put them on the road to his father's field; wife and brought scrambled eggs there; stepson hides in the mazar, replies to her stepmother that if she wants to get rid of her stepson, let him feed him roast lamb, he will go blind; stepson gets fat and pretends to have bad eyes; pours boiling water into the trough where the lover hides dies; the stepmother and husband decide to leave, the stepson hides in the basket in which they carry property; urinate, they think that the butter has melted; they regret that there is no stepson to climb at an apple tree; he gets out of the basket, climbs an apple tree, throws not an apple into his stepmother's mouth, but a stone, her husband barely took it out of her throat; they decide to push the boy into the river at night; he changes places with stepmother, father pushes his wife off the cliff; returns home with his son]: Grunberg, Steblin-Kamensky 1976, No. 58:454-459; Baluchi [a woman cooks good meals for her lover and bread for her husband out of rough pain; tells her husband that it is his sister who gives off the winds from Khorasan and takes away the sown flour; the husband goes to his sister; she is indignant and sends the bald man with him (to the workers); he notices everything; lover scattered the grain on the way to his field, and the bald man picked it up and scattered it on the way to his uncle; the woman went where the grain was and brought the chicken to the bald man and his uncle; to explain why she suddenly came and said that she had a dream, she should donate a chicken; but let them also invite a man who is in another field; the bald man went to him (this is the woman's lover) and said that his uncle wanted to kill him; the lover began to leave; the bald woman said that that man wanted the woman's husband to come for him; he went with a stick, his lover ran away from him, the old man thought he was crazy; the next day, the woman told her lover that it was all bald; promised to slaughter a ram; the bald man lay down in the grave and, on behalf of the saint, ordered to feed the bald man and his uncle lamb for three days - then they will go blind; and herself and her lover should not eat this meat; the bald man taught his uncle to complain of progressive blindness as he ate lamb; a lover came, the woman left him in at home, believing that her husband and bald man were blind; the lover fell asleep, the bald man poured boiling fat into his mouth, he died; when the woman came in, he hit her legs with a stick: oh, I thought it was a donkey; the woman asks for a bald take the corpse out, promises gold; the bald man carried it to the river and threw it into the river; then drowned the woman, took all her property and returned to his village]: Zarubin 1932, No. 17:201-209; Uzbeks [Mamat 15 years old herded sheep, but did not receive payment; returned to his father; hid the goose shot by the hunter, pretending not to understand what he was asking him; realized that his stepmother had a lover; walked along the path where she put it the melon upside down; there the stepmother left the cauldron with the goose; M. took the goose, replaced it with a dog; next time he found a basket where the stepmother put the eggs cooked for her lover, ate it himself; ate fried meat; overheard in what mazar the stepmother was going to ask God to save her from M.; hid behind the tombstone; answered instead of God that M. should be fed roasted lamb; first slaughter a white ram, then black, then red; M. pretends to go blind; beats his stepmother's lover three times, makes him work at the butter churn; after the third time he ordered both to stick to the apricot tree; then ordered that The hands of ishan (the one who had not paid him for 15 years) stuck to each other; and his face stuck to the donkey's ass; released when ishan gave him 5,000 sheep and his lover and stepmother fled; married his father and married himself] : Westerman 2009:405-411.

Baltoscandia. Finns, Danes, Livs: Uther 2004 (2), No. 1725:398-399; Swedes [when the hostess brought dinner to her lover, the worker arranged for her to go to where her husband worked; an employee, under some pretext, sends her husband to his lover with an ax; the lover understands this in such a way that the husband goes to kill him, runs away]: Liungman 1961, No. 1725:331; Norwegians [the cunning discovers that The farm owner is a lover; intricately puts an end to this relationship, making the lover and wife think that the husband is going to punish them; the wife confesses to being unfaithful]: Hodne 1984, No. 1725:298; Karelians , Veps: Kecskeméti, Paunonen 1974, No. 1725:262.

Volga - Perm. Komi: Uther 2004 (2), No. 1725:398-399; Marie, Kazan Tatars: Kecskeméti, Paunonen 1974, No. 1725:262.