L101. Abandoned clothes distract the pursuer .
Running away from the pursuer, a person consistently undresses and throws garments behind him. The stalker loses time picking them up.
Slovaks, Finns, Bashkirs, Siberian Tatars, Chukchi, Asian Eskimos, St. Lawrence, Bering Strait and Northern Alaska Inupiate, McKenzie estuary, copper, caribou, polar, Labrador Eskimos, West Greenland, Upper Kuskoquim, Seneca, Mikmak, Blacklegs.
Central Europe. Slovaks [the werewolf's daughter runs away from her father; throws the scarf, he must divide it into threads and hide it again, he does the task in half an hour; this is how he consistently throws him all his objects clothes]: Pancritius 1913:857.
Baltoscandia. The Finns [the knight steals the snake's crown and escapes because he jumps across a field plowed not far but across, through fire, through water, throws his garments to plant himself, and snakes spend time to tear them to pieces]: Jauhiainen 1998, No. K21:319-320.
Volga - Perm. Bashkirs [mother-in-law - ubyr (witch); daughter-in-law bakes cakes to give gifts to her three brothers, each time mother-in-law eats them while daughter-in-law harnesses the horse; daughter-in-law first harnesses, then bakes , leaves; ubyr catches up, daughter-in-law throws cakes, ubyr eats them, wasts time; daughter-in-law consistently throws objects, swallows them: a whip, a cart wheel (goes further for three), his three children, three wheels, a cart (he goes on horseback), a collar, all garments except the shirt; the ubyr swallows the horse's tail, one leg, the other, the horse; the daughter-in-law runs on foot; the brothers do not believe that the sister is knocking, the youngest tells her to go to the sheep's seat, the ubyr eats her, hangs her younger brother's intestines on a pole, goes home; the middle brother makes strings out of her intestines for the violin, she plays, says that she is his sister Bibi Gaisha ; the brothers invited their mother-in-law and her husband to visit, killed their mother-in-law, their father-in-law stayed with them]: Zelenin 1991, No. 103:445-447.
Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Siberian Tatars (Yalankul, Bolsherechensky District, Omsk Oblast) [evil people have a daughter-in-law, she is not allowed to visit her parents. one day she takes her baby and goes to visit her parents in the moonlight; a wolf meets her; frightened, she drops the bread she had in her hand ; the wolf finds bread and, after eating it, wanders after the woman; she throws the shawl off her head; finally she has nothing left, she is forced to abandon her baby; gets to her native village, hides in her parents' yard; the wolf finds it and eats it; when the sun rises, her brother goes out into the yard, sees his intestines lying around; he brings the guts home, makes violin strings out of them, plays the violin; violin sings: "The month is shining dimly, the woman weaves sadly when the clouds are in the sky, wolves prowl in the woods"; parents and siblings listen to this song; they go looking for their daughter and avenge her - they kill their mother-in-law and father-in-law]: Akhatov 1963, No. 5:192-193.
SV Asia. Chukchi: Bogoras 1928, No. 50 [boys and girls play husbands and wives; the youngest girl grabs a whale skull, he drags her into the sea; turns into Keith, takes her as a wife; her brother learns to swim in boat as fast as a bird flies; with his companions comes for his sister; Keith floods the house with water, people escape wearing bird skins; Keith lets a heavy bloody stone roll, people escape , wearing ermine skins; taking a woman away; Keith catches up with them; a woman throws her garments one by one, strips naked; people on the shore kill Keith; a woman gives birth to Kitten; he grows up leads a lot of whales to the village; someone kills him]: 436-439; Brodsky, Innecay 2018, No. 21 [the girl told her father that the vazhenka has a wart; father: you just want to slaughter her; the girl saw the devil threw it into the canopy, left; there was an old woman in the yaranga, a wolf and a bear at the entrance to the leash, the girl threw them meat, they missed it; old woman: if you need my help, scratch your left palm; when the girl returned to an old camp, there are only yaranga poles, hell by a large cauldron and a few remaining deer; the girl fed a line of 10 meat cauldrons, put her to sleep and ran away; hell catches up; she consistently throws him her torbas, siskins (torbas stockings); when the devil swallowed the second siskin, she scratched her hand; the old woman lowered the bear and the wolf, the wolf killed the devil, the girl stayed with the old woman]: 46-48.
The Arctic. Asian Eskimos (Naukan) [someone spoils the boy's traps; he comes to the dugout, smears blood on his face; a girl comes out from there, he scares her, she falls dead; the same with the second; the girls' father The Master of the Fire chases the boy in the guise of a pillar of fire; the boy consistently throws mittens, a hat, a dogskin kitchen (they bark), the Fire loses time devouring them; at home, the grandmother the boy puts a stone in the middle of the dugout, the dugout becomes stone, the Fire cannot burn it, leaves]: Menovshchikov 1985, No. 70:156-157; Asian Eskimos (Sirenics) [girls and boys play wives and husbands, one missing a husband, she took an old whale skull; her skull dragged her into the water; her eight brothers follow her birds between the crushing rocks; only the bars at the stern of the kayak are damaged; the old man offers to compete in the whale home; after turning off the lights, he throws a whale shovel, but the sister hid the brothers in a hole in advance; the sister creates seagulls from pieces of one of the kitchen sewn from tea skins brothers; while the seagulls attack the old man, the brothers take his sister away; the whale chases their boat; the woman consistently takes off her garments, throws the whale; each time he plays with them, falls behind, stops chasing; a woman gives birth to a kitten; he regularly brings whales to people; people from another village kill him]: Menovshchikov 1985, No. 99:238-241; St. Lavrenia [boys and girls played, each took a pair, one girl was left without a pair, sat on her skull in her face, said he would be her pair; her skull took her away; her older brother Ayvanga became everyone ask questions; the old man explained that it was necessary to make a boat faster than a duck; A. and his four brothers made boats out of different wood and broke them when they could not overtake the ducks; finally found a suitable tree and swam; there are cliffs ahead, many dead birds and seals in front of them; the boat slipped, only cut off the very stern of the kayak; on the shore there was a man, they promised to give him a knife, he said that the leader had brought a new wife; A. killed him so that he would not report them; through a hole in the dugout, the brothers see the audience, their sister was cooking; met with his sister; the chief asks what the wife is concerned about; she answers that her food was too monotonous, the chief promised to bring other meat; A. went to the old woman, killed her, put on her skin, and the other brothers came to the chief and he offered to fight; the local young men followed the old woman, they carried it, because she usually cannot walk, they wonder why it is so heavy; the leader easily defeats and kills each of the younger brothers; when he is going to kill the youngest, A. takes off the old woman's skin, kills the leader, everyone is happy; A. revives both the brothers and the leader; the competition continues the next day; A. is lowered into the hole, she is covered with burning firewood; in the pit A. hid under the shoulder blade of a whale; to him they lowered the rope, he went out; the leader was subjected to the same test, burned down; the brothers go to the shore, taking his sister and another girl; towards an old man and an old woman, holding human figures and a wand; like they only hit the figure with a stick, one of the brothers falls dead; A. kills the old people themselves, revives the brothers; a whale chases the boat into the sea; the brothers consistently throw the girl's garments, the whale stays late every time; when a girl stays naked, they throw her whale herself]: Slwooko 1977:54-60; Bering Strait Inupiate: Jenness in Menovshchikov 1985, No. 158 (Nom) [someone steals partridges from the boy's snares; the boy watches, follows two people, screams, looking into their dugout, they fall dead; their master shaman lets a black bear (these are mice, the boy tramples them), white ( pied, the same), a deer; this is a fireball that chases a boy; he successively throws one, then the second, dogskin mittens, they bark, fight; swallows the first fire, the second won; no more partridges were stolen], 159 (Prince of Wales Cape) [an orphan boy is sent to find food for himself; he comes to the house of the deceased; the spirit comes out of the grave, chases the boy in guise fireball; the boy throws dogskin mittens one by one, the spirit loses time fighting them, devours them; the boy runs into the dugout, the shaman kills the spirit]: 375-376, 377-378; Ivanoff Brown 1987 (unalik) [the chief sees his daughter's baby devouring the mother's breasts; wakes people up, telling everyone to run; remembers the knife left; promises a daughter to whoever comes back for it; an orphan living with her grandmother agrees; takes a knife, runs away from the ogre; throws off parts of his clothes, the stalker spends time devouring them; the young man hides in the snow on the caribou trail, the cannibal goes to the caribou, his voice is heard from the herd; a young man marries the chief's daughter]: 15-19; Keithahn 1958 (pos. Shishmaref): 15-17 [the hunter goes to look for his partner; there are no signs of a rod in the house; he cuts off his rims, a bag falls on the floor with a friend's head in it; the hunter says he brought him fat, goes out from home, runs; the head is chased, followed by a train of green fire; the man throws one mitten, the other, tears off, throws one leg or the other; they fight with the head every time, holding it; man runs into his house, falls dead], 44-46 [old Kingaleek lives by putting his snares on ducks; someone steals loot; he finds two tiny boys, chases them, they run into a small house; the shaman is angry that K. frightened the boys; he is shamanic, a stream of fire rushes down the mountain after K.; K. runs, throws behind some pieces of his clothes, made from dog skin, each in the form of a dog fights fire, dies; the last are pants, then a two-headed dog; K. manages to rush into the pond; the fire also falls into the water and goes out]; Northern Alaska Inupiate: Burkher 1989 [parents are not Olluk is told to touch the bone on the shore; other children throw stones at the bone, nothing happens; when O. comes up, the bone turns into a monster, takes it away; at home it is made a man, O. must cook; father comes to pick her up, cuts off the rope she is tied to, they swim away in a mind; the man turns into a whale, pursues; O. throws parts of his clothes one by one, the whale wasts time swallowing them; O. s the father jumps ashore, the whale swallows the mind, dies]: 38-42; Curtis 1976 (20) (Kotzebue) [Klinkálik puts a snare on the birds, someone empties them; he watches, chases two men, those they hide in the dugout; when K. looks into it, they scream, the Evil Spirit, die; the shaman, their father finds out that K. is to blame; K. runs away, a fireball rolls after him; he throws 1) dog mittens skins (fighting fire), 2) loon skin park (hears loons fighting), 3) dogskin pants (dogs try to delay the fire); K. pours urine in front of the house, the fire goes out hissing; K. becomes a great shaman]: 257-259; McKenzie's estuary [the boys played hide and seek, one hid behind walrus bones, the bones became a walrus, carried him to sea; his brothers sailed to the walrus's house and saw how a boy chooses crustaceans from walrus hair; the boy tied a rope tied to him by a Walrus to a pole, taught the pole to take responsibility for himself, sailed away with his brothers in a boat; a walrus in the guise of a walrus chases them, they they throw pieces of their clothes to him, he attacks them; when the walrus comes ashore for the boys, they kill him with harpoons, cook him, eat him; the Walrus who lived at the Walrus did not eat his meat]: Jenness 1924, No. 29:59-60 (trans. in Menovshchikov 1985, No. 154:366-367); Ostermann 1942:117-119 [children play "husbands, wives and children"; a girl takes a whale bone, Keith takes it to sea; in his house she must clean his head; his lice are crustaceans, she does not eat them as she should, but throws them away; calls her eight brothers; asks Keith to let her go out of need; Keith offers her to relieve the need in his hand, then agrees to tie his wife for a rope, she ties her to a pole, tells her to be responsible for it; Keith chases the fugitives; the girl throws different parts of her clothes one at a time, Keith loses time caressing them every time; on the shore of Whale they are killed spears]; copper [Whale in human form lives with a woman on an island; people from the mainland visit her, see that she is collecting parasites from Whale's head; a woman secretly unties her tied to her a rope, swims away with people; a husband in the guise of a whale chases after him; men throw a woman's clothes into the water, the whale tears them up, wasting time; when a whale crawls ashore, he is harpooned, boiled, eaten; a woman did not eat her husband's meat]: Jenness 1924, No. 56:74-75 (translated into Menovshchikov 1985, No. 168:390-391); caribou [girls play wives and husbands; one calls a whale's skull husband; he drags it into the water, turns it into the water into a whale, makes her wife; her brother takes her back; the whale chases them, she throws him parts of her clothes, the whale stays near them, the fugitives reach home; another girl calls the falcon's husband; he takes her to a rock; she weaves a rope from her tendons, goes down a cliff, runs away]: Rasmussen 1930b: 94-96; polar (the storyteller's mother is from Baffin Land) [three girls play marriage, one wants a seagull as her husband, the other a whale bone, a third grave; the Seagull takes the first to her nest, Keith takes the second to an island in the sea; they come for the kidnapped, she bandages the tied to Keith's rope to stone, sails away with people; in the boat, Keith's wife consistently throws him parts of her clothes, strips naked; when Keith jumps ashore, he again turns into a whale bone; The seagull brings belugas to his wife's goiter; the wife makes a rope out of their tendons, descends from a cliff, runs to her father; he invites the Seagull to raise his wings, kills with an arrow; from the hip joint he makes dog kennel]: Holtved 1951, No. 39:174-179; 1951b, No. 39:67-69; (translated into Menovshchikov 1985, No. 205:415-416); Labrador Eskimos: Hawkes 1916 [the girl sees a whale bone on the shore, says that would take her as a husband; Keith came to life and took her away; one day she saw her father and brothers in a mind; asked her to take her with her; Keith rushed to catch up; she threw her mittens overboard, Keith tore them, lost time; same - shoes, clothes; The stalker whale was in shallow water, he was killed, he turned into a bone again]: 155-156; Smith 1994, No. 2 [one girl took a stone by her husband and became a stone herself; the other took a whale bone jaws, she turned into a whale, took her away; on the island, the whale became a man and married the girl; tied her on a long leash so she could leave the house; her parents came to pick her up, she bandaged her the rope to the stake and sailed away with them; when the husband realized the deception, he became a whale and sailed in pursuit; the girl threw her shoes to him, then all the garments one by one; every time the whale "fights them", wasting time; the boat had time to reach the shore; the whale jumped ashore and became the bones of the whale's head again; another girl took her husband's eagle's wing bone; she became an eagle, which took her to the rock; the girl made a rope out bones (that's right: from the tendons) of animals and birds that the eagle brought her, went down, ran home; the eagle followed; one of the men killed him with an arrow, the eagle became the wing bone again]: 210-212); West Greenland [two sisters reject suitors; one of their brothers suggests that one of their brothers marry an eagle and the other a whale; the eagle takes the girl to the edge of the cliff; brings walruses and seals to her and her brothers; she weaves a rope from his tendons; goes down, his brothers bring her home; the eagle arrives, only an orphan boy managed to hit him with an arrow, others finish him off; the whale takes his second sister; does not let him out of the house, offers to relieve himself in his arm or arm; brothers train; when their boat overtakes the loon, they come for her sister; she ties the rope for which the whale tied her to the stone, leaves with brothers; the whale catches up; she consistently throws her garments, the whale grabs them, loses time; when she drops her pants, the boat reaches the shore, the whale is thrown away, turns into whale bones] : Ostermann 1939:124-127; the Eskimos of Labrador, West Greenland (two versions - one from Labrador, one from Greenland) [two girls playing on the shore, one with eagles, the other with whales with bones; the first says that she would marry the Eagle, the second - what kind of Whale; the first is carried away by the Eagle; she makes a rope from the tendons of the birds he brings, descends the rock, runs to people; the Eagle arrives, to him offer to raise their wings, kill with arrows; Keith takes the second girl, tells him to collect lice (parasitic crustaceans) from him; the girl's brothers make a fast-moving boat, come for her sister; Keith chases them; the girl consistently throws her garments to Keith; the boat manages to reach the shore; when it reaches the shore, Keith turns into a whale bone]: Rink 1975, No. 8:126-128.
Subarctic. The upper pieces [the girl rejects the grooms; goes to cut the grass, finds a living Head, takes it with her; at night, the mother hears laughter from her daughter's bed; finds the Head, burns her eyes, throws her away , Her head has rolled; the girl rushes into the water, finds herself in another world, walks up the river in the footsteps of the Head; at the entrance to the house there is a man covering his eye with his hand; he advises to follow the path from the fork, where a tuft of white caribou wool is familiar, do not go where a piece of wool is tied to something; the path where the white tuft is too steep, the girl goes second; comes to the lake, where the man crochets first one piece of her clothes, then herself; brings her into the house, there is an old woman, insects on her face, she says that she should have obeyed; tells her to run along the path uphill to another old woman, she will protect; the old woman invites you to his house, closes all entrances tightly, touching them with his hair; tells them to sew garments; when they are ready, tells you to go further up the path, throw objects to the pursuer one at a time clothes; each time the pursuer picks up an object, looks for a pond to admire his reflection; the last one is thrown a bag of ocher, the pursuer paints; the girl runs into the old woman's house, she closes entrances (like the first one); the stalker climbs a fir tree near the house; the old woman blows at her (with scraps of hair?) , the fir is engulfed in flame, the stalker burns; the old woman's son returns, refuses to lie next to the girl; the old woman bathes the girl in hot caribou fat, each time her stolen goods come out of her childhood (scraps of skin, dried fish, etc.); after the third cleansing, the old woman's son takes the girl as his wife; the old woman shows the girl the ground through the hole, she sees her parents; the old woman weaves a rope for her from her tendons, a girl goes down to her parents; an Eagle (this is her husband) arrives, demands his wife back; she refuses to go out; in the evening, a red sunset means that the old woman who helped her is killed; the Eagle carries away wife, says her mother died because of her, leaves, picks up, leaves again, she crashes]: Ruppert, Bernet 2001:290-295.
Northeast. Seneca [mother gives her two daughters corn bread, sends them to marry two brothers living in the same house separated by a partition; warns not to turn sideways at the fork; sisters turn, they come to the wind men of Shagodyoweg gowa, run home in fear; they chase; sisters throw away baskets of bread, then their garments; pursuers spend time picking up and examining what has been abandoned; sisters come home; next time they are on the right path; when they go hunting, the brothers tell their wives not to go out for 10 days, otherwise their brother Shagodyoweg gowa will carry them away; on the ninth day, the sisters go out; brothers they find them at the SHG, who lets the women go; the brothers ask Hótho (Cold Weather, makes the trees burst from the frost) to watch over their wives; SG takes the sisters away again, the youngest runs away; X. comes, fights SHG, he promises not to steal sisters anymore]: Curtin 2001:52-54; Mikmaq [Spruce Partridge starved in winter, Birch Partridge took his family; can't find game feeds homemade meat, cut off first from his back and then from her feet; the wife is surprised that the meat has neither bones nor fat; spies on how he cuts off strips of his own flesh, makes them a lot of meat; Sits in a teepee, falls into the lower world, comes to the house of Marten and his grandmother Bear; Marten sends a woman to the chief's house, marries the chief's son; her son and daughter descend to her from the ground; mother reluctantly gives them meat, they go to Marten and his grandmother; her ex-husband Partridge comes to the woman, she tells him to let the dogs down on him, pull his skin over the door frame; the game disappears, people believe that they are to blame two children, hung by the heels of a tree, left behind; the grandmother bear hides the fire for them; the marten burns the tree trunk; when it falls, puts a pile of moose hair, the children fall on it; The marten gnaws through the fetters, catches up with the departed; the boy hunts successfully, and the departed are starving; the boy on the arrow sends his grandmother the bear moose as a sign that he is alive; the crow flies to peck the corpses of children, but they feed her; she brings meat to her children; people send a girl to the Raven, who sees only the mushrooms that the Raven cooks; the brother asks the Month to make him and her sister adults; when she goes hunting, she tells my sister only goes out when she hears his voice three times; the sister greases her hair every day, goes to the lake, where the Big White (white, not polar) Bear licks her fat; the brother is surprised where the fat goes; she sees his sister and the Bear from the mountain; she explains that otherwise the Bear will eat them both; brother pierces his heart with an arrow; Bear: shoot in the paw! brother pierces his paw, Bear dies; people come back; brother and sister greet grandmother and marten, do not want to see the mother; after eating Bear meat, both people die; brother and sister come to the sea; people believe that they have dispersed the game; they put the horn of the Horned Serpent on the young man's head, which grows through it and around the tree; the sister tries to saw off the horn with a shell; the Killer Whale takes her away, she gives birth to him son; Killer Whale's sister tells you to make a circle on the horn with red ocher; the killer whale is first sent for ocher, then for a piece of red cloud; the killer whale chases his wife, sister and son; pieces of clothing are thrown at him the boy, then his cradle, he picks them up, wasting time; the woman frees his brother, the Killer Whale's sister marries him; one day she returns to sea, taking her son and the woman's son from the Killer Whale]: Whitehead 1988:24-43.
Plains. Blacklegs: Wissler, Duvall 1908, No. 26 [women go for brushwood, one promises a buffalo chief to marry him if he leads his herd to where hunters wait for buffalo; hearing the tramp bison, women hurry home, but the rope that has promised himself to bind the brushwood is constantly untied; a handsome man comes up to her, says that he sacrificed his people for her; the former husband a woman makes arrows, follows her; by the river she meets his wife, who lets him drink from a buffalo horn; the bison husband feels that a stranger drank from his horn, the woman explains that she gave water to the young bison; when the bison falls asleep, spouses run away; bison chase; arrows do no harm to the buffalo chief; the woman takes off, throws off her dress, the buffalo lose time trampling on it; the spouses climb a tree; the wife reports that only a white flint tip is dangerous for the bison; the bison runs past; one old one itches against the trunk; contrary to her husband's warning, the woman spits on him; the bison comes back; from the fourth shot, when the tree is already falling, a person kills the buffalo leader; the rest are killed or run away; a woman cries for the bison, her husband kills her; founds the Tails in Front society (they hang their bison tails so that they seen from the front)], 27 [the buffalo chief promises the wife of the hunter chief not to take her herd from under the arrows if she becomes his wife; she agrees; Bluebird talks about the incident to her human husband; reports that a buffalo chief can only be killed with a blunt yellow arrow at a red spot on his head; then rip open his belly, a bird will fly out of there, kill it, then the bison will die; an ant, a partridge give man take their form; he flies to the buffalo to scout; at this time, the bison tells his wife to embroider his moccasins with porcupine needles, otherwise he will kill him; worms do it for a woman; the bison gives a horn for water; he reports that the woman met someone; she denies, the birds confirm her words; the spouses fly away in the guise of ants, then partridges; flee in their true form; the woman consistently takes off, throws bison one, the second moccasins, then legs, stockings (garters), dress, belt, shirt; every time the bison stops, wasting time; the couple climb a tree, the bison run past; the last one is lame stops, the woman spits on him, the bison returns; the man kills them, the chief is the last; the wife cries; the husband cuts off his wife's breasts and genitals, puts the bison's genitals in her throat]: 109-112, 112-116.