Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

L104. The fugitive and stalker change their appearance, (ATU 325).

.11.-. (.46.)


fleeing character consistently takes the form of various creatures or objects; the pursuer also changes his appearance, each time becoming someone who is dangerous for persecuted in his present form.

Kamba, Swahili, Hausa, Mosi, Dagari, Songhai, Shilluk, Arabs of Sudan, Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Kabila, Moroccan Arabs, Italians (Basilicata, Calabria) (?) , Sicilians (?) , Spaniards, Catalans, Portuguese, Ladins, Scots, Irish, Bretons, French, Friesians, Flemish, Germans (Austria; also north?) , Thousand and One Nights, Syria, Palestine, Jordan, Iraq, Qatar, Lepcha, Tibetans, Mustang, Nevar, Santals, Punjabi, Sindhi, India (Hindi), Assames, Kannadas, Tamils, Sinhales, Bali, Koreans, Meos, Hungarians, Moldovans, Romanians, Slovenes, Croats, Bosnians, Serbs, Bulgarians, Albanians, Greeks, Gagauz, Czechs, Slovaks, Luzhitans, Poles, Russians (Arkhangelsk, Karelia, Vologda, Novgorod, Moscow, Tula, Ryazan, Voronezh, Tambov; {it is not certain that the episode is available in all the texts referred to by the SUS, but rather yes than not; the plot does not differ in a variety of options}), Eastern Ukrainians, northern Ukrainians, Belarusians, Kalmyks (including Orenburg merchants), Stavropol Turkmens, Abkhazians, Abazins, Adygs, Ossetians (Terek Cossacks), Ingush, Chechens, Dargins, Tabasarans, Aguls, Megrelians, Georgians , Armenians, Azerbaijanis, Turks, Kurds, Lurs, Persians, Tajiks, Tajiks of Sistan, Uzbeks, Bukhara Arabs, Vakhans, Yazgulyam, Sarykol, Baluchis, Pashayas, Norwegians, Swedes, Danes, Faroese, Icelanders, Latvians, Lithuanians, Finns, Karelians, Estonians, Setu, Livs, Sami, Chuvash, Mari, Mordovians, Kazan Tatars, Bashkirs, Udmurts, Komi, Kazakhs, Karakalpaks, Kyrgyz, Uighurs, Khakas (Kachins), Teleuts, Shors, Tofalars, Buryats, Mongols (Khalkha), Oirats, Nenets (Yamal), Mansi (northern), central (?) Yakuts, (Baikal Evenks), Nanais, Udege, (Blacklegs).

Bantu-speaking Africa. Kamba [Mbokothe and his brother are orphans; M. gives two cows to a sorcerer to teach him how to transform; becomes a bull, tells his brother to sell it, who exchanges it for two cows and five goats; a bull runs away from the new owner, his footprints become lions, the owner decides that the lion has bitten to death the bull; next time the brother sells the Bull M. for 10 goats; the new owner is also a sorcerer; when the bull runs away, he becomes a lion, follows; M. turns into a bird, that into a kite; into an antelope into a wolf; M. and the pursuer both take on a human form, M. recognizes the pursuer as an equal, returns goats]: Abrahams 1983, No. 5:56-57; Tanzania {apparently Swahili}: El-Shamy in Uther 2004 (1), No. 325:207-208; Lanje [Tilo promises daughter Maria to whoever beats him at cards; young man Jewawu beat; T. makes wooden figures, offers to choose a bride; M. warns J., he wants M.; T. throws beads, tells them to pick up; M. calls people, they pick up; J. tells them to sow rice, immediately collect harvest and cook; M. tells people to do everything; tells them to choose a small knife rather than a big knife; M. and J. take horses, ride away; M. returns to return his pendant to his father; returns to J. ; T. wakes up, rushes to chase; M. turns himself and J. into children playing sand, T. does not recognize them; T. summoned J. to his place; J. promises to kill M. if she gets along with another in his absence a man; Antonio comes in place of J., M. unlocks, converges with him; J. came back, stabbed M., took another wife, A. fell into the ground; M. became a bird, flew to J., became a woman again; J. hers returned, expelled another wife]: Earthy 1937:295-301.

West Africa. Hausa: Olderogge 1959 [the king has three slaves, each with a son, their names are Blind, God's Gift, Wiser than the King; the king gives each a sheaf of straw, orders to bring 300 sheaves of sorghum next year; the first two bring, the MC brings a bowl of chaff - this is what grew from planted straw; the tsar gave the cow first, gave the MC a bull; a year later they bring a calf, the MC comes, begins to cut down the tree, says that he cuts wood for the father who gave birth (a bull cannot give birth to a calf either); the courtiers advise that the prince, dressed as a poor man, take the MC dressed as a prince to the robbers; he gave the prince beer on the way, changed clothes, the robbers killed the prince; the MC tells the king that he is wiser than anyone else; turns into a frog, the king into a snake, a mouse a cat, a bird a hawk; a bird flies into the old woman's eye, becomes a pupil, a hawk with an eyebrow; since then, the pupil has not come out of hiding without being grabbed by an eyebrow]: 251-252; Tremearne 1911, No. 49 [out of three orphan brothers, two play checkers, and the younger Auta learns magic from the devil; turning into a horse, tells his brothers to sell it; the chief buys, is happy with the horse; galloped away; the leader's magician chases him; they consistently turn into a hawk and an eagle, crown-bird and marabou, two more birds; And . turns into a sword, falls on the brothers' board; the magician into a person, asks to give him an extra sword; the checker into a scorpion, stings a finger, that snake, A. into another; agree to take on its true form; And . shows the magician the way home, returns to his brothers]: 461-464; mosi [the father of three sons laments that he is so poor; the chameleon gave him a oxtail; if someone is touched by the end, he will become a horse or a bull, and if by reason, it will return to its former appearance; a man turned one of his sons into a horse, sold it, he came back and became a man again; the man became rich; ask his son to turn him into his horse, but not sell it to the witch doctor; but it was the healer who bought the horse, locked it, began to starve and thirsty; the horse turned into a dove, flew away, the witch doctor into a hawk, chased the dove; the dove flew to the blind leader; he was going to give it to the hawk, but the dove promised to restore the leader's sight; but the hawk promised the leader to restore potency, and he gave him a dove; taking the guise of a man, the healer carried a dove in a leather bag; the dove became a rat, gnawed a hole, ran away; the healer rushed after the rat, it crumbled in grains, the healer became chicken; the last grain became a cat, she strangled the chicken; when she returned home, a man scolded his sons for selling him to a witch doctor and burning a oxtail; but his descendants use ox and horse tails in witchcraft]: Tauxier 1917, No. 64:463-465; dagari [hunter-magician not knows a miss, and in case of danger he can turn into various objects and elements; he has a pack of good dogs; he exterminates many animals; once killed a lioness, a lion cub escapes, grows up, decides take revenge; turns into a beauty, marries a hunter; says he loves a dog, the hunter allows his wife to kill all his dogs; the hunter's mother hides their bones; the wife chooses the skin of the victim to bed mother; asks how the husband manages to be invulnerable; he replies that he can turn into fire, straw, wind...; at this moment, the hunter's mother hears, tells him to be silent; in the morning the wife says that she will lead her husband to her parents, asks him to leave his gun, bow and arrows at home (she is afraid of them); after walking away for a minute, the wife turns into a lion; the hunter throws his flute at her, turns into fire; the lion turns into rain, fire into the grass, water vapor into the buffalo, which began to eat grass; grass into the tornado, the buffalo into the wall around it, the tornado into the lizard; the lion regains its normal form, waiting for the lizard to descend; the hunter tells him to play his flute, his dogs come running, kill a lion; the hunter's mother revived them from bones]: Hien 1995:82-96; (cf. Prov. Gongola, eastern Nigeria (ethnicity not specified) [the hunter killed 10, 20, 100 animals a day; got rich, has many cattle and wives; the forest owner told him to stop killing for fun. limit himself to one animal a day, otherwise he will die; he killed three antelopes, they turned into lions, rushed at the hunter; he became a bird, flew away, the lights became falcons, followed; the bird became with a tree, falcons with fire, burned a tree; the laws of the forest must be respected]: Knappert 1997:155-156); Songhai [Fono, the best fisherman and hippopotamus hunter, comes to marry Nana Miryam, daughter of Fara Makan; he allows his daughter to marry on the condition that she does not reveal her father's hunting secrets to her husband; F. and FM hunt and fish together, F. each time without prey; the wife reveals her father's secrets, after which FM remains unprey; he breaks F.'s house, kills his daughter, fights F. on the river; F. flees, sails in a boat, then runs away along the shore; successively turns into a millet stalk, a stream, tamarind; FM - into a chicken (millet bites), an elephant (drinks a stream), stops under tamarind; calls the name F., who again becomes a man, then a monkey, runs away; FM defeated F. or (option) is still chasing behind him]: Belcher 2005:30-33.

Sudan - East Africa. Shilluk [Ajang boy is ugly, everyone is tired, his mother is ready to give him to a crocodile; by the river, a man offers to take him to study, hides with him under water; his mother regularly comes and sees that the son is growing up and getting smarter; has learned everything that the water man knew; his wife invites him to run, kill her husband, come for her; A. returns to his mother; the owner turns into a pot; A. tells him not to touch pot; the pot turns into a man, rushes at the young man, he turns into a vulture, into a crow, the pot is also a vulture, a crow; the young man rushes into the river, the owner's wife puts a spear, her husband attacks him, burns his body, A. takes the property and the wife of a water man]: Westermann 1912, No. 88:213-217; Sudanese Arabs (Omdurman): El-Shamy 2004, No. 325:151-154.

North Africa. Kabila [young man Ahmed accidentally entered the garden of seven gennias; the gardener hid it, but the jinnias sensed the man; allowed him to enter all rooms of the palace (which contain treasures) except the seventh; he went in , there are 7 naked beauties swimming in the pool; then they put on feather clothes, flew to heaven; the youngest of the jinnias guessed; said A. that they were the daughters of the king of jinns; advised them to hide their clothes the youngest; gave it for the promise to become his wife; they lived in the jinniah's palace for a year; after the birth of the child, they came to live with mother A.; the wife created a beautiful home there; A. went to visit Jinny, giving his mother the key from the place where he hid his feathers; the Sultan arranged a party, A.'s wife also came there to dance; the Sultan's son is delighted; the woman says that if she wore her clothes, it would be even better, yes mother-in-law does not give; the Sultan's son forced her mother-in-law to return her clothes; taking the child, Jinnia flew away, saying that her husband would be able to find her on Mount Wâk Wâk; A. went in search; three are arguing over a hat- invisible, a bag that is filled with whatever you want, a baton that hits itself; A. invites them to race, the winner will get things; A. leaves invisible, taking wonderful objects; enters invisible to the palace on Mount Wak-Wak; Jinnie's father punished her for her relationship with a mortal: she is constantly beaten, fed with garbage, and not allowed to wash; A. puts a baton first on his wife's evil sister, then on her father; he allows daughter and grandson to eat normally and bathe; they run away with A.; the king of jinns sends his son to chase; the wife turns herself into a garden, her husband into a gardener, the child into a watermelon; the gardener replies that no one I haven't seen it, he offers to buy watermelons and melons; next time a spring, water, a water cup on a chain; when the father himself chases, the fugitives turn into a pomegranate tree with one fruit on it; the father into a knife, cuts a pomegranate with one seed in it; the fruit turns into a bird, it rushes to bite the seed; the father, a knife, cuts off the bird's head; but the bird has already become a fish; the father is a fishing line with a hook; once on the shore, the fish became a barley grain; the hook was a rooster, the grain was a fox, twisted the rooster's neck; everything is fine]: Dermenghem 1945:129-136; the Arabs of Morocco [the mother gave her son to study to the wizard; he locked him in the room the servant brought food; eight days later, the magician asked what the young man had learned; he replied that he had not been taught, the wizard beat him; the second time the young man noticed the books on the table and learned them; living with The wizard's girl told him to run; he told his mother that in the morning she would find two hounds in his room; let him sell it to the vizier, but without a leash; the vizier paid a lot of money, the young man returned; next time - a mule, sold at the bazaar without a bridle; the wizard picked up that it was a young man, took the bridle; the mule was forced to carry stones; but then the Sultan called everyone to a feast; the magician also went, leaving his son for himself; he brought the mule to the spring for water, took off the bridle, the mule threw himself into the water, became a fish; the magician then became a net; the fish cut the net with a razor, flew a dove to the Sultan's palace, turned into a grenade and crumbled into seeds; the magician followed the falcon, became a rooster, began to peck seeds; one of them became a stone, rose into the air and fell on the rooster, killing him; both took on a human form; when they found out the story of a young man, the sultan gave him his daughter]: Bushnaq 1987:166-169; the Arabs of Egypt [the Maghriban gives the childless king two candies on the condition that he gives him his first child; let his wife eat the red one, and green is the king himself; the son Mohammed the Intelligent was born; after a while Ali the Reasonable, and then the third, a fool; when the dervish came, Ali went with him; the Maghriban asks if he wanted to eat and drink, Ali replies that no; the Maghreben takes him back, demands his first child; M. answers as he should (if you are hungry and thirsty, so am I.); the Maghreben tells you to memorize the book in a month, otherwise he will kill him; in the book he does not I understand not a word; on the penultimate day, M. goes to the garden, where a girl is hanged by her hair; she explains that she is hanging because she has learned the book; taught M., but told him to answer that he did not learn; tells him to hang it back before the Maghreben saw him; he cut off M.'s right hand and gave him another 30 days; M. read three words and his hand grew back; M. and his girlfriend found three leaves in the garden {trees or books?} , which the Maghrebin lacked to master all the magic; both sat on horses, the girl rode to her home, M. to her mother; tells him to sell him as a ram, not to sell the rope; the ram dived into the vessel of water was gone; the buyer was held for a madman, and the Maghriban realized that it was M.; the next time he sold it in the guise of a camel; the Maghrebian gave so much money that his mother sold it with a bridle; M. flew away like a crow, the Maghreben chased in the guise of a falcon; M. became a pomegranate in the Sultan's garden on a pomegranate tree; the Maghriben asks for a grenade (the sultan does not believe that he has grown up, it is not the season), the pomegranate burst, the seeds rolled, the Maghreben became a rooster, began to bite seeds, the latter became a dagger that cut off the rooster's head, the dagger became M.; the sultan's daughter was the girl M. saved; wedding]: Spitta-bey 1883, No. 1:2-11; Libya, Tunisia: El-Shamy 2004, No. 325:151-154

Southern Europe. Spaniards [when asked by a widow what craft he wants to learn, her son Periquín replies that it is black magic; the sorcerer sets the condition that in a year the widow must return for her son and identify him, otherwise he will not get it back; on the eve of the expiration of the term, P. flies to his mother in the form of a dove, teaches him to identify him among other pigeons: he will not bite the grain, but fly over other pigeons; the widow points to the son and explains that since childhood he wanted to jump above others; the sorcerer allows him to be taken away, because the student has surpassed the master; the son tells his mother to sell him as a cow, but not to give him the bell; returns; next time, in the form of a horse, not to sell the bridle; the mother sold it with a bridle; the sorcerer who bought the horse took him to the stall and told the sons not to feed the horse and not to remove the bridles; so sorry the horse, they removed the bridle, the horse turned into a trout, sailed along the river; the sorcerer chased the snake; the trout turned into a pigeon, the sorcerer into an eagle, the dove into a mosquito, flew to the princess, became a young man; said that he will turn into a ring, let the princess wear it; a man will run in, ask for a ring, we must agree to give it back, but drop it; the ring will crumble into pieces, you have to press down the biggest one with his foot; the one who enters became chicken, began to bite pieces; the biggest was a fox, it bit to death a chicken; the young man took on a human form, married a princess]: Camarena, Chevalier 1995, No. 325:118-120; Catalans [young man learns from a sorcerer, learns to turn into animals; leaves school without permission and is chased; after becoming a canary, a young man hides in a sick girl's house; the magician pretends to be a doctor, the young man becomes a grenade, the pomegranate bursts, the seeds fly across the ground; the magician has become a chicken, pecked the seeds, there is only one left rolling under the girl's shoe; they kill the chicken, the boy marries the girl]: Oriol, Pujol 2008, No. 325 : 75; Portuguese: Cardigos 2006, No. 325 [the father has taught his son to be a sorcerer or the magician only takes illiterate students as students; the young man pretends to be illiterate and secretly reads arcane books; let go home or teaches his father how to identify him among several identical birds; returns home with the skill of transformation; tells his father to sell him as a hound, but unleashed; as a horse, but without bits; the father sells with bits, the buyer is the magician; someone removes the bits from the horse, the young man runs away; consistently takes the form of different creatures, and the magician pursues, taking the form of more strong creatures; at the end, the young man turned into a ring, then into seeds or pomegranate seeds; when the magician became a chicken to peck the seeds, the young man became a fox and bit to death the chicken; (the magician asks for the ring to be given to him, for this he promises to cure the king); the young man marries a princess (during the day he has a ring on her finger, at night he turns into a young man); {there are clearly many different options, it is impossible to single them out from a brief summary}]: 74- 75; Braga 2002:122-123 (Algarve) [(short story version)], 123-126 (Azores) [(only episodes of selling the hero as a dog and horse and running away with transformations)]; ladins [two brothers are smart, younger fool; the father gave each a coin and a piece of bread, sent him to work; at the fork, the brothers broke up; the youngest was hired by a man who told him to keep the books in the closet clean for 7 years; then hired for another 7 years; during his second term, the young man began to read books and became a sorcerer himself; when he returned to his father, he ordered him to be sold as a horse, but not to give the bridles; but when the master (he was that sorcerer ) offered as much money for the bridle as for the horse, the father gave it; the sorcerer brought the horse to him, was going to hack it with an ax; the horse turned into a pigeon, flew out the window; the sorcerer chased the kite, the dove became a ring, fell at the princess's feet in the garden; told me to put himself on the table, roll; the ring fell to the floor, crumbled with millet seeds, one fell into a crack in the floor, became a fox {obviously missed turning a sorcerer into a rooster who bites millet and is killed by a fox}; the princess gave birth to a son; the king put the princess in a tower on the island; the fox brought her food to the window; 7 years later, the king sent to pick up the bones daughters; but she is alive and the boy is with her; the fox did a great job, the king took all three to his palace]: Uffer 1973, No. 14:42-44; Italians (Basilicata, Calabria), Sicilians {episodes escapes based on this motive are hypothetical}: Cirese, Serafini, No. 325:69.

Western Europe. Germans [the sorcerer finds the young man reading his witchcraft books, tries to grab him, the young man turns into a bird of prey, flies away; {then, apparently, the usual series of episodes}; the sorcerer turns into a seed, a young man in a rooster, pecking a grain]: Crooke 1908:168; Germans [=Grimm, Grimm 1987:207-208; Jan went to church to ask God what craft to teach his son; a clerk stood next to him and repeated: stealing, stealing! Ian decided that his son would become a thief; he came to a house in the forest, there was an old woman; her son agreed to teach stealing for free, but in a year Ian must identify his son, otherwise he would pay dearly; a year later he ran out to meet him little man, warned that the son would be a bird, would look out of the cage; the son became a greyhound, the father sold him, the son returned; when the son became a horse, the father forgot to remove the bridle from him before selling it; in the stable the horse asks the maid to remove the bridle; turned into a sparrow, then a fish; the sorcerer is also a sparrow, a fish, they fight; the sorcerer has become a rooster, the young man is a fox, bit off the rooster's head]: Grimm, Grimm 2002, No. 68:246-248; Irish [a fisherman and his son see a boat, a stranger gets out of it, asks to send his son to study for a year and a day, promises to return it; he is Gruagach na g-cleasan ("Gruagach of tricks"); in a year and a day asks to give it back for the same period; the father forgets to promise to return the young man; G. shouts that he will not see him again; the father comes to G.; he tells him to recognize his son among the 12 pigeons; at night the son comes says he will avoid other pigeons, and he has a speck under his wing; the father identifies his son, gets it back; the son says he will become a horse, tells him to be sold without a bridle, wins the race; being sold, returns; next time he becomes a hound, but the father forgets to take off his leash; G., who bought the hound, ties the young man in the cave, poison drips on him; the young man asks the maid for a sip of water and loosen one knot; turns into an eel, slips into the river; G. and his 11 sons followed by eels; young man - salmon, pursuers - otters; whale - killer whales; swallow - hawks; young man falls to his knees in a ring daughters of the King of Ireland; G. and his sons hold performances in the palace, ask for the ring; the young man teaches the princess to throw the ring into the fire, cook a barrel of millet with alcohol; G. and his sons - ticks, young man - spark in a barrel; G. and his sons - roosters, pecked, drunk, fell asleep; the young man was a fox, strangled them; married the king's daughter, he handed over the crown to his son-in-law]: Curtin 1975:85-98; Bretons [=Luzel 1887 (2), No. 5:78 (or 79: the book is short of pages) -95; poor man's son Euen replies to the master that he went to school; he says he is not good for him then; unrecognized E. comes out to meet him again says he is illiterate; when he leaves, Mr. tells E. to take care of birds and horses for a year; one of the horses turns into a Spanish princess, explains how to identify her and teaches her magic; a year later E. gets a salary, chooses this horse, leaves; the horse turns into a princess, tells her to come to her father for her in a year; E. turns into a bull, tells his father to sell it without a bridle; he sells it the next morning the son returns; the same with the horse; when he sells a donkey, he forgets to remove the halter; the magician is going to shove the donkey, he asks the children to untie him, runs away with a hare; the magician chases the dog; the dove is a hawk; the dove arrives in Spain, turns out to be a ring on the princess's finger; the magician heals the king, asks for this ring as payment; E. tells the princess to drop the ring; it turns into a pea, the magician into a rooster, pea in a fox, gnawed the sorcerer's throat; E. marries a princess]: Lopareva 1959, No. 43:184-183; French (Lower Loire; versions throughout France) [poor man with many children does not know what else to call one; three came, offered to pick up the newborn, let the father receive the money and come for him in 12 years; after 12 years he went; crows flew in, one called him father; 8 days later, a pack of pigeons - the same; the son says he will hide his leg under his wing; the father recognized and received the son; (the narrator often forgets about the "three sorcerers", only one appears); the son offers to sell him as a dog, but not sell him collar; returns; but sold the horse along with the bridle; the sorcerer tells the horse's servant to feed but not to give water; the servant felt sorry for the horse and took him to water; the horse turned into a frog, the sorcerer into a trout; then the swallow -hawk; orange, it was picked up by the princess; the sorcerers promise to cure her father-king, but let him give them the orange; she threw it on the ground, it crumbled in grains; the sorcerers became roosters; the last grain became a fox, she turned the heads of the roosters; the young man returned to his father]: Delarue 1957, No. 325:279-283; Scots, Friesians, Flemish, Germans (Austria and other regions): Uther 2004 (1 ), NO. 325:207-208.

Western Asia. A thousand and one nights [efreet takes the monk to the mountains and turns him into a monkey; a monkey secretly boards a ship; the sultan is looking for the man with the most beautiful handwriting, the monkey's handwriting is the best; king bought a monkey, she beats him at chess; the princess recognizes the monkey as the king's son, trying to break the spell of efreet with her witchcraft; he appears as a lion, the girl cuts him with a sword, efreet is a scorpion, the girl is a snake, the eagle is a hawk, the cat is a wolf, the pomegranate seeds are a rooster, the rooster pecks all the seeds except one; this grain becomes a fish, the girl becomes a huge fish; both fight spewing fire; one of sparks burn the young man's eyes, burns half of the king's face, burns the eunuch; the princess burns the efrita; splits the young man with water; dies, turns to ashes; the ashes of efreet are scattered, the girl's ashes are scattered preserve; monk expelled]: Salle 2010, night 12-13:103-117; Syria, Palestine, Jordan, Iraq, Qatar: El-Shamy 2004, No. 325:151-154.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Mustang [two older brothers went to seven brothers to learn wisdom; the youngest stayed to watch the cattle; then came to the brothers to find out how things were; seven made them their slaves; the youngest took the witchcraft books and learned them right away; seven made two say who took the books, came to the young man; he became a foal inside the mare, telling neighbors not to sell either the mare or foal; seven persuaded her to sell it, brought the mare to their place to kill; the young man jumped out of her mouth and became a fish; seven were fishing birds of prey, the young man was a dove, seven were chips that hunt pigeons, a young man asked the llama to hide him in his wreath of roses; seven persuaded them to bless them with a wreath, beads fell out of it, seven became roosters, began to bite beads; the young man took his appearance, cut off the heads of the roosters ; in redemption for the fact that the young man has disturbed the llama, he tells him to bring a dead body with golden hair from behind two passes; the young man came there, corpses hanging in the trees, gold-haired at the very top; the young man began to cut down the tree, the demon in his dead body asked not to do so, went down; the young man put him in a bag, carried him, his knee hurt, he stopped, the corpse ran back; the young man returned to the llama, who sent him again; although the corpse was getting heavier, the young man carried it; the llama reached out his hand, but the corpse flew away, the llama only managed to pull out three hairs; if he pulled everything out, there would be a lot of gold in the world]: Kretschmar 1985, No. 42: 234-237; lepcha [the seven sons of the king of the country between heaven and earth have a wife 'ayu rum mit pun dí (AR, "turquoise goddess queen"); su mu mung (SM, evil spirit) drinks her blood, cuts her blood; older brother (SB) cremates his wife's body, goes in search of SM, chases a deer, it turns into a cloud, SB into a storm, a cloud into a fish, jumps into the ocean, a storm into a sea monster, a fish into a rock, a monster into thunder breaks a rock, a rock into a two-headed mung, who promises to be a slave to the SB; SB wins and kills SM first, then his sister, the mung slave devours their bodies; a flower has grown at the site of AR's burning, in it revived AR, she is kidnapped by the 12-headed eldest of the 12 Mung brothers; the SB kills them, finds a flower, turns them into AR, revives other abducted from their incarnations; at this time, the mungues ravaged the SB Palace; SB killed them; he, his next oldest brother, and AR kill all the mungs on a narrow road; kill the fierce sister of the chief mung in battle, then take possession of the treasures]: Siiger 1967, No. 8:230 -234; the nevar [Surat Bajra, a Tantric lama nevar, came to Lhasa; swallowed tea in front of everyone's eyes, blew it out of his mouth, the tea disappeared; it turned out that he found out about the fire in his house in Nepal and put it out; the local lama prohibited carriers from transporting the SB through Brahmaputra, but he threw his belt across the river and crossed it; the Tibetan lama offered to turn into sparrows and sit on branches - who is heavier; SB it turned out to be much easier; the Tibetan lama became a hawk, rushed at the sparrow; the SB became human and disappeared into a cave; the Tibetan llama got there by a poisonous serpent, but the SB hacked her with a sword; he entered the temple at home and disappeared ]: Sakya, Griffith 1980:38-41; Tibetans [the older brother goes to study with seven sorcerers; the youngest comes for him seven years later; learns more in a few hours than he has in seven years; turns into a horse, an older brother offers sorcerers to buy it; they realize that it is a young man, they buy it to kill; a young horse turns into a fish, sorcerers into kites (probably an osprey), a fish into a dove, those into falcons, the dove asks the hermit to hide it in his mouth when it turns into a bead; the necklace breaks, the crumbling beads turn into worms, 7 llamas into 7 chickens, peck worms; the bead falls at a hermit from his mouth, turns into a young man, he kills chickens with a stick, the corpses turn out to be human; the hermit asks for the main spirit (he is golden, his hair is turquoise); the young man brings the spirit in a bag, that asks to listen to his story; he should not speak with the spirits; after each story, something exclaims, the spirit disappears again]: Macdonald 1931, No. 1:181-184.

South Asia. Mongolian translation of Twenty-Five Vetal Tales [the elder brother goes to learn the charms of seven wizards, has not learned; the younger one spies quietly, so he has learned; tells the elder to sell to wizards a beautiful horse, turns into it himself; the elder tries to ride it himself, the horse is not given; then he sells it to wizards; they know that it is a young man, they intend to kill, lead him to a watering place; the horse turns into fish, wizards in pikes; fish into pigeons, wizards into kites; pigeon asks Nagarjuna to make it the main ball rosary, others to release; fallen balls have turned into worms, kites first into humans then into chickens; younger brother takes on human form, kills chickens]: Vladimirtsov 1958:15-17; Lubsan Danzan 1973 (Mongolian chronicle of the 17th century) "Altan Tobchi", written in a middle-period literary language) [a captured Tangut intelligence officer told Genghis that Shidurgu-Hagan, the ruler of the Tangut Kingdom, is a werewolf: "In the morning he becomes a snake - poisonous, yellow-motley, crawling, and then it cannot be captured; at noon it becomes a red-mottled tiger, and then it cannot be captured; in the evening he becomes beautiful blond a young man and sits playing with his khatun. That's when you can grab it!" ; Genghis and his army attacked the Tanguts; when Shidurgu-hagan turned into a serpent, Genghis became a garuda; when Shidurgu-hagan turned into a tiger, Genghis became a lion; when Shidurgu-hagan became a lion As a young man, Genghis, becoming an old man, captured him; Shidurgu-hagan began to beg for mercy; Genghis ignored his words, shot and cut him, but could not put an end to him; Shidurgu-hagan said: "I have in my sole a colorful cord rolled in a circle three times, wrap me around and kill me"; Genghis did so - Shidurgu-hagan died]: 237-238: Santals [the king's seven wives are childless; the hermit tells his wives to eat mangoes , let the king eat the peel; the first child must be given to the hermit; the youngest gives birth to twins, the hermit takes them away; the cattle given to them by the father die along the way; the younger is superior to the hermit in knowledge; the hermit returns the brothers home, immediately takes the youngest back; turns him into a horse and other animals, sells him many times; then the young man sells him, who warns him not to give up bridles; the hermit refuses to tell you how to become human again, the young man learns about it from others (all wizards in the land of a hermit); runs away; a hermit chases like a leopard; a young man turns into a dove, a hermit in the kite; the fly is a dragonfly; the fly sits on the princess's dish, the dragonfly is driven away; the hermit becomes poor, asks for rice from the plate; the young man turns into a coral bead from the princess's necklace; the hermit asks tear the necklace, pecks beads in the form of a chicken; the young man is a cat, kills a pigeon; becomes human, leaves, carrying the head of a pigeon; the hermit's head follows, the young man throws the pigeon's head at blacksmith's horn, the hermit's head falls in the same place]: Bodding 1929, No. 70:17-37; Punjabi [the poor soldier died, his son went to seek happiness; took the splinter out of the tigress's paw, she gave him a box, told him carry 9 miles; the box is getting heavier, the young man threw it, a dwarf with a long beard jumped out, ready to obey orders; brought food, a lot was left, he ate everything himself; the young man fell in love with the princess, the dwarf brought him to her, then moved the bed with the lovers to a distant garden; they were noticed, but the dwarf interrupted the warriors sent; the young man lets the dwarf go, who leaves his hair to call him; the young man and wife came to the ogre, who was in the form of a brahmana; he forbids opening one closet; the young man opens the bones eaten there; he has time to light his hair; the brahmana turns into rain, a dwarf into a hurricane wind, a dove a hawk, a rose on Indra's breasts are a musician; Indra likes playing, the musician asks for a rose as a reward; Indra threw her, the petals crumbled, the musician began to collect, one turned into a mouse, the musician became a cat, ate a mouse; a young man with the princess inherited the ogre's treasures]: Steel, Temple 1984, No. 1:5-16; Sindhi [after the king's death, the vizier seized power; three princes leaving; each telling his own dream; the younger Gul Munir sees that he has 4 princess wives, two on the right in bed and two on the left; the eldest are envious, they leave the youngest; GM fell asleep under a tree, the demon wanted to eat him, but admiring his beauty, he transferred him to the outskirts of the city ; he comes to the mosque, the childless mullah takes him as his assistant; among the disciples are the son of a vizier and the daughter of the king; when she learned to read, the king forbid her to meet the vizier's son anymore; through GM she handed over a note to that, setting the time for escape; GM wrote the answer himself, came at night, the princess and the maid were already waiting with the horses; in the morning the princess sees a substitution, but GM says that he is not an assistant to the mullah, but prince; they live in the city, sell ruby, the vizier finds out that GM's wife looks like a kidnapped woman, tells the king, who brought GM closer to him; offers to invite them to visit; GM will be forced to invite them to visit answer, and if his wife does not participate in this, then she is not a wife; the maid convinced the princess to behave like a wife; the same next time (picnic after the hunt); when GM sang, the princess fell in love with him; forgot her necklace in the tent; GM galloped after him, there was the king's servant; she was a witch, put a necklace on it, he became a parrot, she became a falcon; the parrot flew into the princess's room of another kingdom, she began to stroke him, the magic thread of the necklace fell out, GM became a man; the king gave his daughter for him; they return to the first princess, GM marries another one on the way; the king, who sheltered GM, also gives him daughter and then throne; at this time, the GM brothers became one shepherd, the other a fisherman; he found them, they saw his dream come true]: Schimmel 1995, No. 24:158-176; the Assames [astrologer promises man the birth of two sons, if he gives one to him; he must also give the horse; the young men have grown up, the eldest leaves the youngest a plant that will wither if he is in trouble; the bones and skulls in the astrologer's house tell cut off his head as soon as he enters the house; with his blood he will revive the dead; the young man did so; on the way back, a demon {different?} took the form of a deer, lured the young man into the cave, where he suffocated; the plant wilted; the younger brother goes in search; when the demon runs away with a deer, the young man catches up with him in the form of a tiger; the deer has become a boa constrictor, the tiger with a mongoose; after killing a demon, he revives his brother with the means he received from the demon; both returned home]: Goswami 1960:94-95; kannada [enemies took the king's kingdom; he fled to another and begged; from him sons 7 and 8 years old, he taught them to a magician; he taught the eldest to count and sent them to herd cattle, and the youngest learned all the wisdom; flew to his father as a bird and ordered him to choose a son who was not the eldest, whom the wizard will present him smart and knowledgeable, and he, the youngest, although he will be wearing rags; helps his father earn money; for this purpose he turns into a rooster who wins the royal rooster during cockfights; turns into a purebred horse; the magician bought it, rode it to torture it; when he brought it to the river, the young man became a fish; the magician ordered to pour poison into the river; the young man moved into the dead buffalo, which came to life and galloped; the buffalo was caught, the knife was brought, the young man moved into the dead parrot and flew away, sat in the princess's arm, she put him in a cage, and at night he became a young man and slept with her; the wizard became a hawk, did not catch up parrot; the magician came, demanded a parrot; the princess, as the young man taught her, twisted the parrot's neck in front of everyone's eyes, tore off the necklace (now a young man in it) from her neck and threw it on the ground; the beads became with worms, the magician began to bite with chicken, the young man with a cat; the king did not order to kill the wizard - he would improve; so it happened; the young man married the princess and received half the kingdom; brought him to live parents and brother]: Ramanujan 1997, No. 37:102-108; Tamils: Uther 2004 (1), No. 325:207-208; India (translated from Hindi) [the king tells the adviser to learn magic; he goes to the old woman, from her to to the magician; in his absence, his daughter summons from the lake; she replies that she does not know why her father keeps her there; the counselor has learned to turn into animals; asks the old woman to sell him as a horse, but without bridles; next time he sells a camel with a leash to the wizard; he beat the camel, he escaped, ran to the lake; the wizard caught up with him, but gave him to his daughter because he forgot the stick; the daughter let the camel go; he became a kite, the magician a falcon; a necklace of flowers, fell on the king's neck - a singer, the king put a necklace on her; a bird - a cat; a dog - strangled a cat; again an adviser; the king rewarded him for art]: Zographer 1964:443-449; northern India, Mirzapur, Hindi [poor brahman took two sons to study; in the forest, an ascetic took both on the condition that he would later return one; the elder taught but kept starving, he did not teach the younger one, but he fed him well; when his father returned, the elder advised him to take him, although the ascetic said it was a stupid choice; on the way home, the young man turned into a horse and ordered to sell himself; when he became human again, the ascetic noticed him; he became a fish in the pond, the ascetic became a bird that swallows fish; but the fish was swallowed by an ox that came to drink; the ascetic bought an ox, became cut it into small pieces; one bone flew off, the hawk grabbed it, brought it to rani; the ascetic complained to the Raja that his wound had stolen his bone; the Raja ordered the bone to be returned; the young man turned into a scattering of sesame seeds seeds; the ascetic became chicken, pecked them, the young man turned into a cat and killed the chicken; took his brother and all the treasures of the ascetic]: Crooke 1892-1893, No. 578:155-156; 1895, No. 70 (Gazipur) [(similar to Crooke 1892-1893 , No. 578]: 46-47; Tamils [after 50 years of rule, the king had a son and then a second; the enemies captured the city, the king and his family went to another, began to beg, and taught the brahman his sons; he told the elder to herd the cattle, and taught the younger one the secret sciences; the youngest moved into the dead kite, flew to his father, explained how to deceive the brahmana; when the king came, the brahmana dressed the elder as befits and boasted about his knowledge, and called the younger one stupid; but the king chose the younger one; to earn money, the youngest ordered him to be sold in the form of a chicken to the king of the city, who could not find a mate for his an extraordinary rooster; the young man became a chicken, at night he became a rat, dug a hole out of his cage, returned to his father as a man; next time the young man ordered him to be sold as a horse to a rich man; but the brahmana realized that the horse - this is his disciple, bought him; began to beat him; by the pond, a young man moved into a dead fish; a brahmana orders to drain the pond, the young man moved into a dead buffalo, then a parrot; a brahmana in the form of a kite (garuda) chased him; the parrot flew through the princess's window; she ordered him to make a precious cage; at night, the parrot becomes a young man, eats food prepared for the princess, smudges her with incense; the third night opens to her, knowing that she is still awake; teaches her what to do when a brahmana comes to ask for a parrot; the parrot's neck is twisted, he will move into the princess's necklace; he must be torn; thrown into the garden, the pearls became worms; the brahmana became a rooster, began to bite worms; the young man became a cat, attacked a rooster; he became a brahman and swore not to harm again; the young man marries a princess, the brahman returns his brother; the conqueror returns the city, the younger brother educates the elder, puts him on the throne]: Natesa Sastri 1886:1-18; the Sinhalas [the brahman taught the young man all the sciences, then decided to kill; the disciple ran as a bull, the teacher followed him as a leopard; the parrot was a kite; the parrot came to the princess at night as a young man; the brahmana appeared as a rooster, then the parrot hid; the young man told the princess to crumble the seeds of the rooster, they turned into a jackal, he closed the rooster]: Volkhonsky, Solntseva 1985, No. 134:320.

Malaysia-Indonesia. Bali [Xhaka studied with a wizard, commissioned to buy four melons, give two to the wizard's wife and mother, keep one for himself; the wizard chased D., he ran with the mouse, stalker a cat, a swallow is a bird of prey, a little eel in the pond is a heron; the eel hid in the mud, the maid scooped it up with water, brought it to the princess, where he became human, told his story, moved on wander]: Leeuven Bomkamp 1983, No. 39:207-209

China - Korea. Koreans [a young man learned the ability to transform from a priest of a Buddhist temple; when he returned home and saw that his family was poor, he turned into an expensive vessel, telling his father to sell it; he returned back; when did the old man buy the vessel {the same priest?} , he put the vessel on fire; the vessel turned into a bird, the old man into an eagle; {probably a few more transformations}; when the old man became a rooster, the young man turned into an eagle and killed him]: Choi 1979, No. 374:157; Koreans [young Park is an orphan who cut and sold marsh grass for fuel; once a deer asked him to hide it from hunters; for this he said that 8 heavenly maidens go down to the lake once a year to swim; you should hide the skirt with the one you like best and not give it back until he has three children; Park hid the youngest's skirt; his wife created a tiled fanza, a barn, a bull; Park gave the skirt when there were only two children; everything is gone; the deer gave three pumpkin seeds: if planted, they will grow to the sky, but you can't look back; Park looked, fell; the deer gave again, the last one; in the sky, the children recognized Park; the wife said that for her father she had to ask for her skirt, but she wanted to live on earth; the old father of the virgins tells me to find him, becomes a rooster, a hog (the wife suggests); the elder son-in-law fired an arrow: let Park not will allow her to fall neither to the ground nor to heaven; the wife turned to the gyrfalcon, picked up an arrow; her son-in-law into an eagle, went for a gyrfalcon; he dropped the arrow, she fell on the son of the leader of the nobility; the son-in-law demands deliver him an arrow; wife Park: ask for a horse and take a poor foal; he immediately brought Park to the house of the leader of the nobility; they cry for their dead son; the arrow is so thin that people can't see her in the body of a young man; Park quietly pulled out an arrow, the young man came to life; Park got a wife, but he was persuaded to stay with her in heaven at the service of Okonshante; they rode to him in a dragon, his wife from a marble bottle it was raining; Park asked to pour more, grabbed the bottle, began to pour himself, dropped it; he fell into the mouth of a volcano that went out, and the Great Dragon Lake formed in the crater, from which they flowed from those Three rivers since: Amnoka, Tumangang and Sungari; the great Okonshante was not angry with his wife Park, but he dismissed her and did not give any service to her husband; they remained in heaven]: Garin-Mikhailovsky 1958:; meo Vietnam [when the younger brother goes to the bazaar, the older one teaches: if people throw away the cakes, collect them and eat them; the elder turns into a flock of crows, they stain the cakes with droppings, the merchants throw them away, and when the youngest picks up, the cakes are clean; next time the eldest tells me to eat cucumbers; he became a fox, the merchants chased her, she ran to the cucumber garden, people started throwing cucumbers at her, the youngest the brother picked them up; the elder turned into a horse, tells the youngest to sell it to the king, and that he feed him not grass, but rice soup; the king led the horse to the river, he disappeared; a man came down from heaven, promised return the horse; became an otter, chased the fish; the fish became a cloud, the otter became the wind, the cloud the mouse, the wind became a cat, the mouse whizzed into the hole, the cat waited at the entrance; the mouse became an ant, it got out, the cat did not I realized that it was a former mouse; the ant became an older brother again, brought boiled beans to the hungry cat, it began to eat and fell into the bag; the older brother began to beat it; the cat promised to stay a cat and catch it mice]: Nikulin 1970a: 282-285.

The Balkans. Hungarians [stepmother promises to give stepdaughter Violet only for fulfilling her conditions; young Rosan comes to marry; 1) tear down the mountain overnight, plant grapes, make wine (F. tells me to go to bed, everything is ready in the morning); 2) plow the field in the forest, bake bread (the same); 3) ride around three horses (father, stepmother, F. herself, stepmother must be whipped); F. and R. run away, leaving drops of blood responsible for themselves ; throw a comb (forest), a comb (jets of water), the old man stops chasing; stepmother chases, F. turns R. into a lake, herself into a duck; stepmother guesses, stops chasing, but makes R. forget F.; father marries him, at the wedding F. tells the gypsies to shout "as he forgot about F. "; R. recalls marrying F.]: Gidash 1953:138-143; Moldovans: Botezatu 1981:293-300 [=Moldavian tales 1968:324-333; the hermit gives the childless queen grapes, she conceives a son; the king hunts, the line enters the fortress; he releases the king when the king promises to give what he does not know at home; Daphin's son has grown up, the hell takes him away; D. learns the language of birds from him; overhears the birds talking, they speak that the unfortunate Arap for 180 years draws water from a bottomless well, where the one stolen by the Vester feature bathes; old man A. teaches D. to steal the clothes of bathing V., to run without looking back; A. blesses their marriage, the line gets rid of the punishment, disappears; hell agrees to let D. and V. go if D. 1) plows the field to the horizon in a day, harvests, bakes bread (V. orders the demons); 2) shoot a hare in the garden the devil himself (this is the devil himself, V. drives him in the form of a hound, D. hits him, his wife asks to give the devil to fry, in the evening the devil is bruised); 3) identify among hundreds of girls (tears in V.'s eyes); the devil plants D. and V. into prison, they fly away in midges, the devil sends demons in pursuit, V. turns 1) himself into a garden, D. into a gardener; 2) a wheat field and a reaper; 3) a duck and a river; the devil tries to drink water, bursts; D. and V. come live with parents D.], 300-304 [a childless old woman asks her husband to find her a baby; he brings a snake, the snake grows; receives the name Stan Polozan; tells him to study; the old man asks to save his goat from a wolf, SP killed a wolf; the old man indicates who teaches wisdom; when the father goes for his son a year later, let him come to him; but the old man forgot to go in; could not identify his son among three pigeons; dogs; on the third I remembered a year; the old man teaches him to identify his son among three horses - the middle one, he will immediately turn into a young man; on the way home, he tells him to sell him to the boyar when he turns into a greyhound dog; next time he turned into a horse ordered to sell without a bridle; the daughter of the innkeeper, whose purchase was being washed, let the horse go, which flew away as a dove, the boyar chased the falcon; the dove turned into a wheat field, the falcon into a reaper; the wheat became in a loaf, it ended up in the oven; the falcon became a poker, pulled out a loaf; the loaf crumbled in poppy seeds, the poker became a lark, began to bite the seeds; the poppy became a cat, swallowed the lark, one the feather remained, became a wolf; the cat jumped a golden ring on the finger of the innkeeper's daughter; she screamed, people with axes drove the wolf away; the ring turned into a boy; when he entered his parents' home, again became a snake; the girl ordered to throw off snakeskin, SP did so; a palace grew out of the skin thrown out the window; wedding]; Moldavian tales 1968 [poor Neculai saw a freezing eagle, brought it to the hut; that explained that he was a prince, bewitched by the mother of three dragons, because he did not agree to marry his sisters; if N. took out the box from one of the sisters, the spell would be destroyed; the eagle brought N. to the copper one, then to silver, then to the golden palace; the first two sisters did not give the box, the third gave it, the eagle became a prince and left; N. carried the box, was hungry and told it to open; tables with dishes appeared; N. did knows how to close the box; having received N.'s promise to give what she does not know at home, Baba Yaga tells the box to close; Stefanel-Fat-Frumov was born at home; when he is 7 years old, a tornado took him to Baba- yage; she tells 1) to bring 10,000 carts of firewood (stepdaughter tells dragons); 2) bake bread from 10,000 bags of flour (the same); 3) get out of a clogged keg thrown into the sea (the dragons got it); Sh. they run as a girl, she turns him into a mill, herself into a miller; a field and an old woman; the third time the girl threw the pipe, a pond appeared, they became swans, the pursuer a goose; swans became people and the geese twisted their necks; the girl calls herself Marioara-Tsvetik, changes rings with Sh.; at home, S. forgot her, was going to marry; M. came to the house as a maid, bakes two pigeons from dough, puts her in one ring; Sh. finds him, remembers everything; but M. leaves, saying that once he forgets, he will forget it again]: 232-250; Moldovans: Botezat 1981:300-304; Albanians [son learned from the devils, became a horse, tells his father sell it without a bridle, runs away from the buyer; becomes a mule, the devils insist that the father sell the bridle, the mule runs away, the devils chase, the mule becomes a fox, the devils become dogs, the fox an apple on on the queen's knees, dogs are dervishes, asking for the apple to be returned, it turns into millet, dervishes into chickens, millet kills chickens]: Serkova 1989:123-124; Greeks [father sent his son to study at the hatter, he did not learn; decided to take him away; sighed at the source; Oh (Of) appeared: why did you call? promised to study, he must come for the young man in a year; daughter Okha tells the young man to answer her father that he has not learned anything; on the way home, the young man turned into a lamb, a donkey; told his father to sell him in an image camel; bought Oh, paid separately for the bridle; daughter Okha let the camel go; Oh chased the hare; then the sparrow and the hawk; the sparrow became a rose, the hawk became a dervish, demands a rose from the king; the princess threw a rose to the ground, it crumbled in barley, the dervish became chicken with chickens, the seed became a fox, bitten them; the young man married Okha's daughter]: Dawkins 1916:365-369; Romanians, Slovenes, Croats, Bosnians, Bulgarians: Uther 2004 (1), No. 325:207-208; Serbs [a young man is going to study, someone in green clothes suggests following him to the bottom of the river; there an old woman warns to answer the devil, that he has not learned anything; the son warns that his father, when he becomes a horse, should not sell him with a bridle; next time, a tent, but without keys; the tent turns into a dove, a Turkish customer into cat; the dove descends with a ring to the princess, the cat becomes a man, offers to serve for the ring; at night the ring turns into a young man, tells the princess not to give him to his servant; the king gives the ring, the princess throws it on the floor, it turns into grains, the servant is a sparrow, the grain is a cat, the sparrow kills]: Dmitriev, Volkonsky 1956:30-33 (=Arkhipova 1962:95-99, =Golenishchev-Kutuzov 1991:132-134); Gagauz people [The father takes his son to work, says at the well, Oh! hell comes out, his name is Oh, takes his son to study; tells him to recognize among three bulls, three pigeons, the father finds out; the son has returned, became a dog, tells him to sell, but without a bridle; next time he is a horse; the father sold with a bridle, the buyer was hell, the bridle became a bird, a devil a falcon, a bird a hare, a devil a dog, a hare a fish, a dog a catfish, a fish a millet, catfish a chicken, I didn't find two grains, they became a fox, she bitten to death a chicken; the guy returned to his father]: Moshkov 1904, No. 40:59-61.

Central Europe. Russians (Arkhangelsk, Karelia, Vologda, Novgorod, Tula, Ryazan, Voronezh, Tambov), Ukrainians, Belarusians [Cunning science: father gives to a sorcerer his son; gets back after recognizing him three times among young men equally turned into animals (birds); sells his son who has turned into a horse several times until he is bought by a magician; after a number of transformations, a student prevails over his teacher]: SUS 1979, No. 325:118; Russians: Karnaukhova 1948 [the old man took his son to school, sighs on the way; Oh appears with a pine tree tall, picks up tells the son to study, tells him to come in a year; a year later a fly flies in, turns into a son, teaches him to recognize him among 12 roosters, males, stallions (he stamps his foot, moves his ear, waves his tail); the old man gets a son; he will become a dove, tells him to sell, but without a cage; a dog without a leash; a horse without a bridle; the father sold with a bridle; Oh began to beat the stallion, he fell off, Oh chases the wolf; the ruff and the pike; the ruff became a ring, on the finger merchant daughter; pike became a young merchant, asks for the ring to be returned; the ring on the floor with barley; Oh, a rooster, I didn't notice one grain, it became a hawk, he beat the rooster]: 195-200; 2009, No. 44 (Pinega) [old man took his son to school, sighs on the way; Oh appears, takes his son to study, tells him to come in three years; three years later, a mosquito flies in, turns into a son, says that the owner has 11 more employees, whom his parents did not identify; among the 12 pigeons he will fly higher; among the horses he will stomp his right foot; among the fellows, a fly will sit on his right cheek; the old man gets a son; he will become a dove, tells him to sell, but without cages; male without a leash; horse without a bridle; father sold with a bridle; Oh began to beat the stallion, he fell off, Oh chases the wolf; ruff and pike; the ruff became a ring, on the princess's finger; the pike became a rich merchant, asks return the ring; the ring to the floor with barley; Oh - the rooster, I did not notice one grain, it became a hawk, he beat the rooster], 165 (Arkhangelskaya: Pechora) [the son advises his father not to cut firewood, but to put it to work, taking money from the owner; gave it to the old man; he burns and revives the guy three times - this is learning; the guy chipped in as an ant, came to his parents, said that he would need to be recognized among 6 fellows: he has the right one eyelash will be longer for the eye; the next day the same (6 pigeons, one has a longer kitten); then 6 roosters (he will jump taller than the others); the father took his son, went to cut wood; the father asks what Is the raven screaming? son: that you will wash my feet and drink this water; the father expelled my son; he tells me to sell him in the form of a bay horse, but for no reason; the old man (that sorcerer) bought it, but the horse ran away; next time the same (gray horse); on the third, a black horse, the old man sold it with a reason; the old man hits the horse with an iron whip; they reached the hut, the old man tells her to turn the gate to him, to the forest with windows; the old man hung the horse to beat him death; the old man's sister let him go; the guy turned into a loon, the old man became a teternik (i.e. a hawk); the ruff hit the princess's bucket, turned into a ring; at night he becomes a guy, sleeps with the princess; teaches : when the old man arrives, drop the ring on the floor; it turned into 7 ducks {?} , the princess stepped on one; becoming a rooster, the old man pecked the rest, choked on the last one, burst, disappeared; the guy married the princess; one day they came to his parents, they were almost blind; the father got up at night drink water and drank the one in which the son washed his feet]: 128-132, 405-410; Russians (Karelian Pomorie) [contrary to the owner's order, the workers left several grains on the field; the mouse and the bird argued about- for them, the war of birds and animals began, everyone died, the wounded eagle remained; the prince pointed his gun at him three times, the eagle asked him not to shoot, but ordered him to feed him for three months; tried to fly - three more; then more; ordered him to sit on it, took him to receive the reward; on the way he threw it and picked it up three times so that the prince would feel the same fear as he did when the prince pointed his gun; ordered him to take a multicolored sister a box, the middle one has a self-shaking purse, the youngest has a key to a multi-colored box; the eagle tells you not to open it along the way; he opened it, everything flew up, the road became difficult; a tall man: I'll bring everything back , if you give that you don't know at home; he was a magic king; people came out of the box at home, began to uproot, harrow, etc.; the wife gave birth to a son during this time; Ivan Tsarevich grew up, shot, hit his grandmother's window ; grandmother: you won't break windows for long, in a year the magic king will pick you up; father denies; the second time - the same; grandmother gave you a cup of water to drink, I. became a mighty handsome man; tells you to hide the dress herself a beautiful of 12 swans when they arrive and become girls; she promises to be faithful to Ivan; the king tells us to rebuild the palace overnight; Elena the Queen flew in like a bee, tells I. to go to bed, orders the spirits do everything; work the ship from a gun that is 30 years old under the window; E. gives a lash, I. hit the head, soon she returned with a ship; cut down the forest, etc., and bake pancakes out of flour by morning; the same, perfume everyone performs; choose E. from 12 mares (one facial hair is slightly longer); the same from 12 pigs (red speck in the ear); out of 12 girls (a fly above the right eye); E. and I. are running, E. left in the bath responsible for saliva; chasing; what can you see? - The cloud is high behind; turned into a chapel and an old man; two pigeons on a pile of manure; himself with a ruff, I. - a ring, swallowed the ring, dived into the lake; the king became a pike, but he could not catch the ruff; drank water, but the ruff became a duck, the duck flew away; the king followed, hit the rock, burst with the water he had drunk; E.: I'll stay in the field as a pebble, and you go to the house, don't forget to say hello to your older sister, otherwise you'll forget me; I. did not say hello, forgot, a new wedding is being prepared; two pigeons came out of the cake, talking about the forgotten E.; at first E. does not want to get up: I. has already been blessed; but he persuaded her, she came out of the pebble, I. became live with E.]: Nechaev 1938:85-110; Russians (Arkhangelskaya, Pomors) [the widow took her son to study; sighed for her husband - Oh! Human: Why do you remember me? He took his son to study, tells him to come for him in three years; the widow cannot recognize her son among 12 rams; a year later, 12 pigs; a year later the son comes - he has become more cunning than the teacher; I will be the fourth on the edge a horse of 12; the widow received a son; he orders him to be sold as a horse, but without a bridle; the widow sold him twice, the son returned, and the third time the buyer snatched the bridle from her hands; the sorcerer chased the horse, tied it, went to the tavern; the horse asked the groom to let him go to the watering place; disappeared into the water with perch, the sorcerer followed the pike; the perch ashore in a ring, the princess put it on her finger, at night a young man next to her; warns that a man will come, call himself the owner of the ring; we must throw it on the ground, the ring will crumble with grains, let one press down with his foot; the sorcerer became a rooster, pecked the grains, the princess released the last one from under her foot, it became a hawk, he pecked a rooster, became a young man; wedding]: Razumova, Senkina 1987:216-222; Russians (Vologodskaya): Gura 1965, No. 23 [the man sent his son to study in the forest; he has three daughters; each He orders to heat the stove, throws the boy into it; after two times he replies that he knows nothing, after the third, that he knows more than the forest one; the forest told the man to come for his son; he warned: they will take it out 12 guys, they will all take handkerchiefs out of their left pockets, and he from his right pocket; the father got a son; on the way home he asks what the crow is screaming about; son: I will wash my feet and you will drink this water; the father is angry; the son tells me sell him in the form of a stallion, but without a bridle; the second time his father sold him with a bridle, the forest man began to drive him; when he went to eat, the stallion asked the princess to pour a bucket of water on him; he became a ruff and swam away; the forest chased the pike; the ruff became a ring, jumped into the princess's bucket; she wears the ring on her hand during the day, and sleeps with a good man at night; the forest told the king about it; the guy taught the princess to throw the ring on the floor, it fell into five parts, one under the princess's foot, the forest turned into a rooster, pecked four parts, but did not find the fifth; the guy married the princess; the father came, did not recognize his son, drank water in the hallway at night; son: I washed my feet with this water; I opened up to my father, took him to live]: 236-237; Smirnov 1917, No. 24 (1880s) [father takes my son to study; the old man tells me to come for the guy in three years and get to know him; a pigeon arrives , becomes a son: there will be 40 young men, a scarlet ribbon will come down from his sleeve; the old man gave his son to his father; he tells him to be sold as a horse, but without a bridle; the police tell him to sell in bridle; on the way, an old man whips the horse, gives a pot of hot coals instead of eating; the sister freed the horse, brought her to the ice-hole for a drink, the horse left with a ruff, the sorcerer followed the pike; Princess Anastasia scooped up water, the ruff became a ring, found himself in a ladle; at night he turns into a guy; the sorcerer caused A. to get sick, asked the king for his daughter's ring for treatment; A. threw the ring on the floor, it became grains, the rooster began to bite, A. came, the grain jumped out as a guy, he stabbed the rooster; the tsar gave him his daughter and throne]: 143-147; Russians (Novgorod, Cherepovets y.) [the grandfather gave his son to the forest to science; he consistently tells three daughters to throw the guy into the oven; after the third time he knows more than the forest himself; teaches his father to recognize him among 12 snotty guys - he has there will be a handkerchief not in the left pocket, but in the right pocket; having received his son, the father asks what the crow is screaming about; son: that I will wash my feet and you will drink this water; tells me to sell him as a stallion, but without a bridle; the second time I bought a forest with a bridle; when he tied it and went to eat, the horse asked the princess to pour water on it, swam away with a ruff; the forest chases pike; the ruff is chasing a ring in a bucket to the princess; she walks with a ring during the day, and at night sleeps well done; the guy tells me to throw the ring on the ground, it crumbled in grains, the grandfather {must be: the sorcerer} became a rooster, the princess hid one grain under her leg; married the guy; not recognizing her son, the father came; I went out into the canopy at night, drank water, my son washed his feet with this water]: Smirnov 1917, No. 72:285-287; Russians (Moscow) [the father took his son to study; sat on a stump, sighed, Oh! old man: what do you need? takes to study with the condition of identifying his son in three years; three years later the dove knocks on the window; becomes a son; there will be 30 horses, he will beat him with a hoof; the man took his son; he orders him to be sold as a horse, but without a bridle; the third time the father gave it with a bridle, and bought Oh; the maid let go of the horse, he became a dove; Oh chases a kite; fish and pike; the fish became a ring, the royal daughter washed and picked it up; at her house the young man took his form: Oh, ask your father for me, throw the ring on the ground; it crumbled into millet, Oh became a rooster, it bites; one grain under the princess's heel became a fox, bitten to death a rooster; wedding]: Vedernikova, Samodelova 1998, No. 31:79-81; northern Ukrainians (Volyn, Novograd-Volynsky district) [the grandfather had no children; the woman asked God for a child; he gave them a boy; in a few years he grew up big; the woman told his grandfather that there was a lot of money, but the son could not do anything; the grandfather sent the boy for horses, he He did not find them; his grandfather took him to town, sat on the deck on the way and said: "Oh, moss"; a warlock jumped up and asked him what his grandfather wanted; he replied that he wanted to teach his son a craft; the warlock said that he would learn; a year later, the grandfather brought money; the warlock played the horn, two rams came running; the warlock asked if the grandfather recognized his son; the grandfather replied that he gave the man and he was shown cattle; warlock ordered to bring another hundred rubles a year later; when the grandfather returned, he played trumpet; two stallions with silver manes came running; the grandfather did not recognize his son again; returned a year later; on the way he walked through the city, there met a girl; she asked where he was going; said that his son's grandfather would not help him out and that she would teach him, but the owner would bake her in the oven; the grandfather replied that if she told me, he would go to the oven himself; the girl warned that the owner would put millet on the table and a pigeon that would not bite would be his son; the grandfather came to the warlock, who poured millet, clicked pigeons; the grandfather pointed to his son, the son became a man; the warlock let him go; at home, his son made a mill that had milled so much flour day and night that there was nowhere to go; the woman sent his grandfather to ask if her son wanted to marry; he replied that until he earned money; said that there would be a fair and he would become a silver ram; ordered to bring a lime branch; made a gold cord out of it; said sell it (i.e. a ram with a cord) for three hundred rubles; the grandfather sold to the lord; the ram turned into a pigeon, returned home; said that tomorrow there would be a fair again; ordered to bring a fake branch, made a bridle; said that he would become a stallion with a golden mane and tail; forbade selling the bridle, otherwise they would buy it forever; a warlock came up, bought a horse, stole a bridle; at home he tied it to a cast-iron gutter; a girl was walking to help his grandfather; the horse asked him to untie; turned into a dove, flew away; the owner took the form of a starling, flew after him; the dove fell into the water, became a roach; the starling turned into a pike; the young man jumped ashore, became a ring; the royal girls washed there; one put a ring on her finger; the young man said, When the king orders to give it back, he would become a pea, let it step on one pea; they did so; the owner became a rooster, began to bite peas; from a pea under a kite appeared with his foot, killed a rooster]: Chubinsky 1878, No. 104:375-379; Eastern Ukrainians: Chubinsky 1878 No. 103 (Poltava, Pereyaslavsky y.) [the woman told the grandfather to take her son to school; the grandfather took him, climbed a big mountain and said: "Oh!" ; pan came out, asked why his grandfather called him; when he found out that he was taking his son to school, Oh offered to give his son to him; promised to learn, asked for a pile of spoons in a year; the grandfather did it, came to Och; he brought three hawks and let them eat; told the grandfather to recognize his son; he did not know; Oh said to make a pile of plates; the grandfather did, brought it; Oh took out three roosters, poured them to eat; told them to recognize the son, the grandfather could not; Oh said to do it again spoons; the grandfather brought him, Oh brought him to the stable, ordered him to recognize his son among the three horses; the grandfather said he would not know; Oh told him to make spoons; the grandfathers son cut firewood and told the Naimichka to give it to his grandfather: when he came , the son will stand on his right side and stomp his foot; the grandfather came, the namichka told me how to recognize his son; Oh called the grandfather to the stable, he identified and took his son; went home; began to think about how to make money; son turned into a hawk, said to sell himself for a hundred carbonavtsy; his grandfather sold him to his lord; the hawk brought him quails; one by one he flew to the yar and turned into a hare there; he ran to his father, took the form of a man; we found out about the fair, the son said that he would become such a horse that "one wool is short, and the other is gold"; told his father not to sell it until five bags were filled with gold, and forbade giving the bridle; Oh came, paid in gold, snatched out the bridle; tied the horse tightly to the stable; his grandfather's son's comrades were there; he asked them to loosen the rope, as a result he ran away; Oh rushed in pursuit, turning into a wolf; by the sea the horse turned into a perch and the wolf into a pike; they saw the royal daughter and the maid; the son turned into a ring, Oh into an old man; the princess said that she would give up the ring after seven years of service, Oh agreed; at night the young man He lay with the princess, and during the day he was a ring; said that when it was necessary to give it back, let it be sown with poppy seeds; one top would roll, the princess should step on her; they did so; the grandfather turned into a rooster, poppy began to bite; the top under his foot became a hawk; he killed the rooster; the young man and the princess got married; "live and chew, but they don't let us"]: 372-375; Ukrainians (Kyiv region, Uman) [Mouse and Lark quarreled over a grain; gathered birds and animals for war; the mouse told ants to bite the wings of the birds at night; the birds fell, killed by animals; the eagle remains in the tree, asks the hunter not to shoot; he He points his gun three times; feeds the Eagle with a cow, a bull; he carries it through the air, drops it three times and picks up that man was afraid like the Eagle when he was targeted; the Eagle teaches the hunter to promise return the Eagle, ask for a raitso egg; Uncle, Eagle's brother refuse, the father agrees; orders to break only houses; the hunter breaks on the way, cattle come out of the egg; the Snake promises to return the cattle to the egg if he will give what was not at home; son Ivan grows up, goes to the Snake; she demands 1) to uproot the forest overnight, etc., harvest, bake pies; the daughter of the Snake is walled up in a stone pillar; promises to do everything if I. marries her; 2) turn the Dnieper, arrange a trading harbor; 3) catch a golden hare; the snake's daughter tells you to grab everything that comes out of the hole; I. misses the viper, the old woman; it was the hare; the girl she turned into a hare herself, I. carried it; both run away; the Snake sends her husband in pursuit, the fugitives turn into wheat and grandfather; into a monastery and an elder; for the third time the Snake chases itself; the river and perch; the Snake becomes pike, did not catch it, began to drink the river, burst; the bride tells her uncle not to kiss her uncle's child at home; I. kisses, forgets the bride; is going to marry another; the Snake's daughter makes doves out of dough, they tell them history, I. remembers everything, marries the daughter of the Snake]: Pankeev 1992:297-307; Ukrainians (Poltava, Gadyachsky, c. 1878) [The poor have a lazy son (they will eat, eat, they will not let them do, lies on the stove "without pants"). His mother offers to send him to work so that he can learn something, they give him to a tailor - he returns in 3 days, gives him to a Swedish man, and runs away to a blacksmith. Father wants to send him to another realm, believing he won't run away from there. The path lies through the forest, the father sighs down to rest on a stump - a wrinkled grandfather with a green beard knee-deep comes out, introduces himself as King of the Forest Och, asks why his father called him, said." Oh," when I sat down. Oh, he asks him to study for a year on the condition that he stays in service for another year if his father can't recognize him. Oh takes the guy to the next world, to a hut where everything is green, including Okha's wife and children. Oh sends the guy to cut wood, he falls asleep, Oh ties him up and puts him on firewood, sets him on fire, the guy burns. Oh splashes live water, the guy comes to life and becomes handsome. A year later, Och's father comes to pick up his son, Oh scatters the measure of millet, the same roosters run, the father can't find his son, he stays for another year. A year later, Oh shows the sheep "one by one", but his father doesn't know again. In his third year on the way, he meets an old white man (clothes, white beard), tells his story, who suggests that his son can be distinguished among pigeons - everyone will eat millet, and he will be the only one who will sit down under a pear - with the help of a hint, the father recognizes his son and takes him home. Having turned from a bird to a person, the guy becomes even more beautiful. The father grieves that they are poor, the son turns into a greyhound, catches a fox, predicts that the pan will want to buy it for 300 rubles, but forbids his father to sell the chain. A dog is bought without for a hundred rubles, it turns into a human being and returns to its father. The guy turns into a falcon, his father sells it to gentlemen without a hat for 300 rubles. At the fair, the guy turns into a horse, his father forgets about the ban and sells Okha, who turned into a gypsy, halfway. He leads the horse into the steppe, leads to the hut, the horse becomes a perch, swims away, Oh becomes a pike. The perch swims to the shore, turns into a pomegranate ring, and is pulled out of the water by the princess. Oh turns into a merchant, asks the king to return the lost ring, the girl does not want to give it back, throws it "neither to you nor me", the ring hits the floor, crumbles with millet, the merchant wraps it in a rooster, pecks all grains except for the princess who has rolled under her leg. Millet turns into a boy, the princess falls in love with him, persuades his father and marries him]: Rudchenko 1870, No. 29:107-114; Czechs [pretending to be illiterate, the young man is hired by a sorcerer, secretly studies books; receives three unchangeable pennies for his service; tells his father to sell himself as a horse, but without a bridle; the father sells the horse to a sorcerer with a bridle; goes to the blacksmith, his daughter lets go of the horse; the young man runs away like a hare, the sorcerer chases the dog, the nightingale is a hawk, the nightingale flies through the window of the master's daughter, hides under the bed; the master's daughter sweeps the ring out; at night the young man is a man; the sorcerer is hired as a cook, asks for a ring; the young man tells the girl to throw it on the floor - grain, chicken and chickens peck him, the young man turns into affection, kills them, marries his master's daughter]: Bogolyubova, Talova 2000: 179-183; Slovaks [father leads his son to study; in the forest, the sorcerer takes him for seven years; returns him if the father identifies his son after 7 years; the young man has read all the witchcraft books; informs his father that the sorcerer He tells him to be identified among pigeons, he will lower his wing; the sorcerer promises to let his son go later, but he returns to his father; tells him to be sold as a horse without a bridle; the father sells to a sorcerer with a bridle; the sorcerer tells the blacksmith to shove the horse with hot horseshoes; the horse asks the passing girl to loosen the bridle; frees himself, flies away with a dove, the sorcerer chases with a hawk, the dove falls in a ring at the princess's feet , the sorcerer comes to her sick father disguised as a doctor, asks for a ring for treatment; the ring turns into wheat grains, the sorcerer turns into a pigeon, bites them, the last grain becomes a hawk, kills a pigeon, becomes a young man, the king gives a daughter to a young man, he inherits the throne]: Nmcová 1970:104-111; the Luzhitans [{a sketchy retelling of 8 typical versions of tales about a sorcerer named Krabat with a mention individual details and episodes}; parents deliberately teach their son to a wizard named Kravat; the young man spends 3 or 4 years with him; this is the devil's mill or school of black magic; 12 students; every year one disappears, but a new one appears; the father or mother must identify the son among the 12 crows; at his suggestion they succeed; parents sell their son as a bull or horse; (should not give bridles, but give); K. takes possession of the horse and leads to shove; the young man frees himself, turning into birds and animals, and K. chases him, turning into others: a dove is a raven, a lark is a hawk, a mouse is a cat; fish; or a random assistant removes the bridle from the horse; finally, the young man turns into a ring that hits the girl; after falling, the ring crumbles with grains, one of which becomes a fox and kills the magician- rooster; in the 1880 version, a girl kills a rooster]: Troshkova 2019:1028-1034:207-208; Poles [returning from a victorious war, the king got lost in the forest; the demon tells me to give up what he does not know at home give a receipt; at home it turns out that the queen gave birth to a daughter; she grew up; after her engagement, she stayed in a room with a mirror; the devil came out of the mirror, showed the receipt, took the chicken through the window to the tower legs; when leaving, tells you to clean everything up, not to look behind the stove; she cleans up, looks, where 5 balls turn into 5 sheep; they tell you to take a receipt, run; they cross the river along the belt lowered from the sky; the devil threw the devil, the demon is the devil, then the devil and the devil run together; the sheep turn into a haystack, the queen is hidden inside; the fugitives have their belt lowered at the abyss, and the devil has thrown the devil; lambs - watchhouse, royal - in a thatched roof; sheep have wings down from the sky at the mountain, they fly over the mountain, carry the queen; the devil is left to gnaw stones; wedding at home]: Dombrovsky 1992:231-240; Poles [the father gives his son to a warlock; in a year or three he must recognize his son among the same animals or birds; the warlock gives the young man or he runs away as an animal; the son commands sell it as a hound, ox or horse, but not sell a bridle; however, his father sold it in bridle and bought it as a warlock; after running away (with the help of a girl), the young man takes the form of a bird, a hare, a fish, etc. the warlock chases, taking the form of a stronger bird (animal, fish); the young man turns into a princess's ring; the ring falls, crumbling in grains; the warlock becomes a rooster and bites grains; one the grain turns into a bird of prey or fox and rips off the rooster's head]: Krzyżanowski 1962, No. 325:102-103; Poles [poor woman leads a boy through the forest; she has no money to feed and teach children; a man under an oak tree asks why she cries; undertakes to teach the boy a craft, he is a tailor, but in fact a sorcerer; three years later, the son meets his mother in the meadow; teaches him to distinguish him among pigeons: he He will not peck peas, but will wave his wing; the sorcerer let the young man go; he promises his father to turn into a cow, an ox and a sheep - let him sell it, and he will return; but he cannot turn into a horse; but his father turned it into a horse, the sorcerer bought it, put it on a chain, starved and whipped it; the horse's maid let go; the young man flew away as a starling, the sorcerer chased, becoming a crow, the young man into a king, the sorcerer into a starling, the young man in the ring jumped on the princess's finger; she had a young man in her room again; the next day, the sorcerer appeared as a prince, asked to show the ring; after agreeing with the young man in advance, the princess dropped the ring and it crumbled into peas; the sorcerer became a flock of pigeons; one grain remained in the princess's palm, crumbled into poppy seeds, the sorcerer summoned the starlings; the young man became a crown and killed the sorcerer's starling; wedding; down the chin flowed but didn't get into the mouth]: Woycicji 1820:64-67.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Kalmyks: Basangova 2002 [old woman Nalkhan-Tsagan-eeje gave birth to a heroic son named Naikhal; her 7 brothers persuade Zagir-Bogdo Khan to destroy him; he sends him to bring a Crimean cauldron and tripod; N. cuts Musa with a staff, the lower part falls into a hole; N. goes down, where Hormust-Tengri's kidnapped daughter explains that parts of Musa's body are now held together with steel, it remains to make one eye, one ear, one hand; N. kills Musa and his mother, if Musa's body was full, he would be invincible; you can climb to the ground on a hairless horse, N. takes off on it, but towards the mousse, N. beats him, but himself falls, breaks his hip; the mice want to eat him, he broke the mouse's thigh, the other brought white clay, cured it; N. ate clay himself, recovered; mousse arrives every day, people don't know who he will eat tomorrow, who today; when he sees N., he turns into a hare, N. into a dog; grain is a chicken with chickens; the mousse takes its form, N. defeats him, cuts his stomach, living people and cattle come out of there; the yellow-headed snake always eagle eats chicks; N. kills a snake, eagle swallows it, chicks tell her to regurgitate; she takes N. to the upper world, which feeds her horse meat and koumiss, cuts off the last piece from her thigh; eagle puts this piece back; N. kills the hare, but the guy takes him away; N. wants to kill him, he says that N.'s mother suffers from Zagir-Bogdo Khan; N. covers Khan and Khansha with a Crimean cauldron, they die ]: 67-81; Vatagin 1964 (Orenburg merchants) [childless parents promise to send their son to hurul if his wife gives birth; Manji's boy is superior to Bakshi in wisdom; he agrees to return his son if parents find he is among eight crows, eight rams, eight black horses; his son reports signs (a crow with a red foot, a ram with a yellow ear, a horse above three, lower than four); bakshi still does not give binds M.-horse under the scorching sun; bakshi's niece persuades him to let the horse drink; he runs away, turns into a fish, bakshi chases pike; then the duck is a falcon, wheat is a chicken; M. becomes as a man, takes an ax from the llama, cuts off the chicken's head, the bakshi's head falls; the llama promises to save M. from sin by sending a joke, giving a needle that will fix clothes, quench his thirst; you must return silently , and jokingly provokes a conversation, tells a fairy tale, M. comments, joker flies back to his poplar; so three times, for the fourth time, he brings; the llama revives the bakshi, he forgives sin, M. returns to parents]: 61-78; Stavropol Turkmens [(zap. A.N. Gren, from materials by L.G. Lopatinsky); The Mouse and the Rat are fighting over prey; the Eagle tries to reconcile them, they gnaw on it; the hunter shoots the wounded Eagle three times, both times a misfire; agrees to bandage his wing; the Eagle carries him to his wives; throws him off and catches him three times to make him feel how afraid the Eagle was; sends a man to each wife as a fortuneteller; the first two are dissatisfied with what they are promised the return of her husband, the third is happy; the Eagle throws the first off the cliff; the Eagle gives a box, does not tell you to open it along the way; the man opens, the herds run away, he says, Ah; The old man appears from under land, returns the herds to the box for promising to give his son Azerbaijan; Aha's son tells B. not to admit that he has mastered science, A. lets B. go to his father; B. knows how to turn into animals, tells his father to sell him like a horse, but without a bridle; A. buys with a bridle, wants to kill, son A. tells him to run; B. turns into a hare, A. into a greyhound; the lark is a kite, the father is a chicken, the fox grabs the chicken; A. gives B. property, leaves to another country]: Bagriy 1920 (2): 77-84; Adygs: Uther 2004 (1), No. 325:207-208; Abazins: Kapiyeva 1991 [veal shepherd asks his father to marry him the Shah's daughter; the Shah promises to think if a shepherd skillful; son and father go, get tired, father sighs, Wow appears from the mound, takes the young man to teach; daughter W. tells the young man to say that he does not understand science, otherwise his father will kill him; in a year Wow returns a young man who turns into horses of different suits, his father sells them, the young man is at home every time; tells him not to sell in bridle; the father was greedy, sold them, Wow brought him home, the young man flew away as a dove, Wow chased gyrfalcon, flew to the Shah; in a series of reincarnations, the young man won, killed Ukh; took the Shah's daughter and daughter Ukh]: 35-40; Tugov 1985, No. 37 [the old men drove away the silly son; the one-eyed giant brought him to his cave; four are already sitting there; the cyclops feeds them with nuts, roasting them on a spit, eating; the young man gouged out the cyclops who fell asleep with a spit, he began to rush, pushed back the rock, the young man ran away; chased the lame fox, fell into the lower world; there two kidnapped girls explain that the fox is Jiba-Ju; he will teach wisdom, we must answer that he "did not learn", because he eats those who learned; DD swallowed the girls but did not eat a fool, he returned him to the ground; the young man became a sparrow and then a stallion in his father's stable; tells his father not to sell him halfway; he once sold it, the buyer was DD; DD went to get the sharpener sharpen his teeth, at this time the young man became human, grabbed DD's whip and returned to the ground on his horse; flies like a sparrow, DD an eagle, the young man hid in his father's hat like a fly, DD became a spider, the young man became millet, DD became a chicken with chickens, I did not notice one grain, flew like an eagle; the young man became a man, shot an eagle, which fell into a well, the young man fell asleep]: 93-100; Abkhazians: Shakryl 1975, No. 28 [=Bgazhba 2002:182-186; the rider wants to kill the snake, the widow's son does not; the snake brings him, tells her parents to ask her parents to give a pouch that they have not yet opened; the young man opens it on the way home, a city appears; the devil puts the city is back for the promise not to call the one who runs out at home to meet him; the brother runs out, the young man does not recognize him, the brother leaves; sees three daughters a line, one is enough, she promises to help; hell says 1) dig a mountain overnight, 2) build a bridge across the sea (all done); 3) tame the horse; that's the devil himself; the wife tells him to beat him with a hammer; at night the young run away, the devil sends an army; the wife turns herself into a shop, husband to merchant; the same is dead and pop; the father himself is chasing, the wife tells me to enter the rock, confuse the roads; he stops chasing], 39 (western 1934) [=Khashba, Kukba 1935:114-119; the father leads his bad son to teach the craft; by the sea he says, Hite (an expression of annoyance - the son stumbled); Hite comes out of the sea, inviting his father to come for his son in a year; A year later, at the bottom of the sea, H. orders to identify his son among many; the son warned that a fly would sit on his cheek; at home, the son tells him to be sold in the form of a horse, cow, buffalo, not to sell a halter; he sells; buffalo asks X. to let him drink, rushes into the sea, swims away with fish; H. is a cormorant; a dove is a hawk; an apple on the princely's daughter's lap is a knife; millet is a chicken; the last grain in the needle, H. is a thread; goes into the needle, but she rushes into the fire, the thread burns; the young man marries the princess]: 143-148, 204-208; Ossetians: Britaev, Kaloev 1959 [the old man leads his son to study; sighs, crouching on the mound; leaves the mound Oh oh; takes his son for a year; a year later invites the old man to recognize his son among two identical boys (the son warned that he would scratch his ear); the son orders him to be sold in the form of a ram; returns; in the image trotter; father is tempted for money, sells with a bridle; Oh oh tortures the horse with work, he runs away; Oh oh - hound, horse - fox, then dove, stalker - eagle; dove - apple, oh - boy, needle - thread, thread into the fire - the needle burned; the young man returns to his parents]: 219-222; Liberdinsky 1978 [avenging the fact that Balsag's wheel cut off Soslan's legs, Batrazd chases him; the wheel turns into drake, B. into a kite; the wheel hides in a dry sedge, B. sets it on fire; the wheel flies away like a pheasant, B. into an eagle; a pheasant hides in the old woman, B. threatens to burn her; the old woman says that the wheel is in the grave of the latter the buried deceased, B. pulls it out, cuts it in half]: 245; (cf. Terek Cossacks (art. Borozdinskaya) [the old man leads his son to send him to study; the sorcerer suggests: "Give me your son, I will teach him; give him away for three years and come here every year: if you know your son, it will be yours, and If you don't know, it will be mine"; the old man agrees; the sorcerer tells the boy to see his father off; the boy warns: "When you come to recognize me in a year, we will be pigeons: we will be twelve pigeons, and I I'll pinch my comrade"; the father returns, identifies his son among 12 pigeons; the sorcerer tells him to come again in a year; the son tells his father: "When you come, we will all sit on the lake in the cliffs: I will wake up - you will recognize me"; the father identifies his son among 12 ducks; he says: "When you come in a year, we will stand as suited stallions; I will lie down a friend, and you will recognize me"; the father identifies his son among 12 stallions, takes him home; the son says he will turn into a stallion and orders him to sell himself without giving a halter; the old man follows his instructions, receives money from the merchant; the son turns into a sparrow and returns to his father; he sells it again; the son returns home, turning into a dove; becomes a stallion; the old man sells it to the sorcerer, forgets to remove the halter; the sorcerer rides the stallion home, hangs him upside down from the matitsa in the stable; the sorcerer's wife unties the stallion; he turns into a pigeon and flies away; the sorcerer goes to look; the dove falls at the well and becomes a ring; the girl carries him to his home; he warns: "When a rooster comes to the yard, take me off, hit the ground - I will crumble with millet, and you step on one seed"; the girl does; the rooster bites the grain; from under the girl's foot a hawk flies out, kills a rooster; turns into a man, marries a girl]: Butova 1889, No. 2:125-128); Ingush [the princess promises to marry only a guy who knows how to do what others cannot do; the father leads his son to study, sitting on a stump, groans, Uffay appears; tells him to send his son to study for a year; daughter W. advises him to answer that he has not learned anything, otherwise W. will kill; a year later the father took his son; he orders sell it when he becomes a horse, but not sell the bridles; the first time the son was sold, returned; the second time W. bought him with a bridle; the daughter let him go; the young man flew like a dove, the father behind him was a hawk; the dove sat on the girl's lap; the hawk fought so much that the girl gave him the dove, but it became an apple; the hawk became poor, asked for an apple; the apple crumbled into millet, the beggar became chicken with chickens; the grain became a rat and bit them to death, then the young man took on a human form; the princess married him]: Tankieva 2003:360-362; Chechens [one prince has three sons, the other has a daughter; the other leaves the first arrow; blood came out on it, the prince sends his sons to help his friend; his daughter is missing; the brothers see fire; the elder can spend 7 days underground, the middle can fly, the youngest can pull the eagle out from under eagles; the youngest crept up to the sleeping snake, took the girl away, the eldest hid everyone underground; after 7 days he had to go out, the serpent grabbed the girl, he caught up with him on the fly, returned the girl; the snake would guard them again; promises to let go for promising that they do not know at home; during this time, Hambor's fourth brother was born; he grew up, came to the snake, who tells Princess Albica to get from seven mountains; the old woman gives a bead, she turns into whatever you want; H. becomes a duck, lets himself be caught, A. gives the duck, H. is given by a man again, A. takes A. through an underground passage, they fly a dove and a dove, the A. brothers chase hawks; then hares and hounds; grains and roosters; H. and A. themselves became hawks, tore roosters to pieces; H. cuts off the head of a snake, brings A.; wedding]: Kibiev, Malsagov 1981:145-153; Dargins [the snake demands that the ploughman give daughter; only the youngest agrees; in her palace, the snake sheds her skin, turns into a handsome man; the older sisters sweep, find skin, burn; the husband disappears; the wife goes down the hole into the lower world, there is a boy came for water, she throws a ring into the jug; Agaikhan's husband recognizes her; his bloodthirsty mother Vahig gives difficult errands; 1) clean the house using triangular needles (the wind cleans); 2) cover the house feathers (birds perform); 3) bring a zurna with a drum from behind the mountains for A.'s wedding; A. teaches to praise, sip blood and bitterness from rivers, shift meat to dogs, hay to horses, open closed gates, open to close; the girl brings a zurna and a drum, the guard orders her to stop in vain; V. passes A. off as a freak - the daughter of another V.; A. kills her, with a girl in the form of pigeons they fly to the ground, V. chases an eagle; pigeons go to oats, eagle to chicken with chickens, peck grains; two grains did not notice, returned to the lower world, and A. and his wife became human beings, live well]: Ganiyeva 2011b, No. 42:378-383; Tabasarans [the poor young man asks his mother to marry the princess; the tsar demands that he learn a non-existent skill, otherwise he executes; the young man goes on a journey, sighs "Akhchi" at the spring, azhdaha drags him into her world; there a kidnapped girl teaches him how to transform; he flies away in the guise of a Simir-gush bird, Azhdaha is chasing an eagle, the young man turns into a horse, Azhdaha shouts that the horse has run away, the horse tells to sell it to the poor man, returns to the owner as a bird; tells him to sell it in the form of a buffalo; Azhdaha came, began to demand keys, the key became Simir-gush again, Azhdaha an eagle, the young man fell to his knees with flowers padishah, Azhdaha became a tramp, asked for flowers, flowers for grain, a tramp for chicken with chickens, the last grain for a fox, she ate chicken and chickens, became a young man; the padishah had to give him his daughter, a young man he built a palace by magic, brought Azhdakhi's prisoners]: Ganiyeva 2011b, No. 55:499-502; aguly [the young man went to study with a mullah; the mullah's daughter fell in love with him; said that the mullah was killing those students who surpassed him in knowledge; the young man surpassed him but pretended not to read; the mullah kicked the young man out; he returned home and told his mother that he would turn into a horse that could be sold for bazaar; ordered not to give up the bridle; the mother took the horse to the bazaar, where the mullah bought it; when he came home, he tied his horse and went up to the house; the horse turned into a young man, he went home; the mullah went to chase; the young man turned into a partridge; the mullah turned into an eagle and chased the partridge; the partridge went down to the Khan's house, and the eagle went down to the same place; when the eagle descended, the partridge turned into a pomegranate the fruit fell on the Khan's table and crumbled into millet; the mullah turned into a chicken with chickens, they pecked all the millet; only one grain was left under the leg of the table; this grain turned into a jackal, he ate chicken with chickens; then the young man went home]: Shahumyan 1941:119-120; Megrelians: Mingrelian Tales 1890:No. 2 [the old man put his little son on his shoulders and carried him to study; crossing the river, he staggered and exclaimed, "atu!" ("ah!") ; A man appeared on the shore: I'm Atu, what do you want? promised to learn his son, in a year his father should recognize him; a year later the old man went for his son; old woman: when you enter the house, your son will sit by the hearth; a mustachioed man by the hearth; the old man pointed to him, Atu I had to return my son; on the way back, the son ordered him to be sold as a boat (horse); bought him Ata, spurred him and galloped; the horse became a rooster, Atu a hawk, a rooster a fish, a hawk a fishing rod, a fish a needle, the fishing rod with a thread; the needle went through the fire and the thread burned; the boy returned to his father]: 322-324; Teptsov 1894, No. 10 [the old woman ate an apple, gave birth to a lazy son; the old man took him to study, crossing the river, fell, said, "Oh!" , an old man jumped out of the water, asked what his name was; a year later the father returned; must recognize his son among 500 boys (son: I will have a stick in my hands); when I return home, the son tells me to sell him in the form of a bull , but not a red-bearded ass without front teeth; then into boats {some pet}; into a horse; father sells a red-bearded toothless ass; he brought the horse to him; the horse to the mouse, the sorcerer to the cat, the mouse in a swallow, a sorcerer into a falcon, a swallow in a needle, a falcon in a thread, a needle in the stove, the thread burned down; the boy returned to his father]: 23-26; Georgians [a peasant woman asks her husband to send her son to study; husband leans to the stream, says Ahkahar (How good!) , a demon with this name pops up; the peasant agrees to give him his son to study; a year later, the son warns his father that the hell will turn his disciples into pigeons, he will fly first, then last; The young man has to return the line; on the way he shows his father how he can turn into a golden egg, chicken, rooster; the peasant sells his son as a hound, falcon, horse; he warns not to sell a bridle; hell buys a horse with a bridle, locks him in a stable; a young man slips out with a mouse, chases a cat; a fish is a man with a net, a pheasant is a kite, an apple in the king's basket is a knife, grains are a chicken, a needle is a devil threaded, the needle jumps into the fire, the devil burns]: Chikovani 1954:141-144 (=Dirr 1920, No. 4:13-17); Armenians: Nazinyan 2014 [the old man brought firewood from the forest, they contained snakes; demanded marry him the royal daughter; the king demands to build a palace overnight, then a garden, a carpet from the palace to the palace, invisible musicians; each time the serpent tells the old man to go to the forest, shout into the hole "Big Khatun, little khatun, Habrmani wants this and that"; after the wedding of snakes, he becomes man H. at night, tells his wife not to let it slip; participates in races incognito; in response to the ridicule of the sisters, the wife speaks out , H. falls, tells you to trample iron bast shoes and a steel staff in 7 years, then he will find it; disappears; H. is at the mercy of a witch, she wants to marry him off her daughter; the wife, having passed through the earthen, glass, copper fortress, reaches gold, her bast shoes and staff are worn off; she throws her ring into the maid's jug, H. finds it; the witch asks to stroke her legs and fall asleep in her legs; H. tells me to put it instead of himself, at night the witch gives it with her foot; the witch tells me to bring fluff for the pillows, H. advises to ask the birds to drop their fluff; H. and his wife run away, the witch's daughter is chasing, they turn into a mill and a miller; a vegetable garden with a gardener; for the third time the witch runs by herself, H. tells his wife to throw the comb, forests appear; H. turns his wife into a twig, herself into a snake wrapped around a branch; the witch found them but she took pity and let go; H. and the princess celebrate a new wedding in a new palace]: 106-116; Khachatryants 1933 (Ararat Valley) [the peasant leads his son to study, drinks from the stream, says Okhay; water O.'s spirit takes the boy to study; after a while, at the request of the peasant, gives him a magic tablecloth; Melik's wife replaces her; O. gives a pumpkin, cavalry jumps out of it, went to the melik, he returned tablecloth, the peasant hid the cavalry back in the pumpkin; daughter O. tells the young man to answer that he has not yet learned, otherwise his father will cut off his head like other students; the young man knows how to turn into animals, tells him to sell he is like a horse without a bridle; O. buys with a bridle, his daughter lets the young man go, he flies away with a dove, O. chases a hawk; the dove fell like a rose among the feasts, the hawk became an ashug, crushed a rose; millet - chicken - fox; the young man began to feast with everyone]: 95-100 (Ganalanyan 1965:80-83); Azerbaijanis: Bagriy, Zeynally 1935 [Kaffar, a peasant son, fell in love with the princess; the king promised to give his daughter if K. studied an extraordinary craft; father and K. went on a journey; after drinking from the spring, the father said, Ohek; the red-bearded man jumped out: why was his name? promised to teach K. an extraordinary art in two weeks; at the bottom of the spring, the girl teaches not to say that she has learned anything, otherwise the cannibal will eat; cut off a piece from his dress and sew it to yours, you will find the ability to transform; Ohek let K. go, who turned into a horse; when he became human again, he told his father to sell him as a camel, but not to a red-bearded man, and if to him, without a bridle; but the father sold it to him and with a bridle; the girl took it off, K. flew away as a swallow, which became a bouquet of roses, fell at the princess's feet; the dervish tells me to give the rose; the princess threw him a rose, it became millet seeds, the dervish - chicken with chickens; one grain became a fox, she ate chicken and chickens, became a young man; the tsar gave his daughter for K.]: 249-255; Nabiev 1988 [the poor man leads his son Ahmed to study; drinks from the spring, says, Okhay, what kind of water; O. takes his son to study, tells him to come for him in a hundred days; takes him to a spring; A. sees a wall of skulls; one skull tells her daughter O. to ask for help; O. forbids him to look into the fortieth room; in her daughter O. ; she tells A. to pretend that he has not learned everything; O. swears but lets A. go; he turns into a horse, tells his father to sell himself, but without a bridle; once sold to an old man with a bridle, A. disappeared; daughter Oh . teaches A. to wave his head to make the bridle fall; A. runs deer, O. behind as a hunter; the fish is a fisherman; the apple hides in the chest; the bird is a kite, the grain is a chicken, the jackal strangled the chicken; daughter O. agrees to go out for him, if he solves the mystery of white diva apples; he goes on a journey, she tests him; 1) tries to seduce him in the guise of a peri; 2) threatens in the guise of a hero, A. is not afraid; 3) becomes an old woman, her the lower lip sweeps the ground, the upper lip rests against the sky; asks which apple is one-, two-, three-year-old; A. puts them in the water, the annual one sinks, the three-year-old floats up, the two-year-old in the middle; the old woman turns into O.'s daughter; they spell the people killed O., marry Father A. (=Seyidov 1983:21-33)]: 23-33; Turks [the younger sister's horse secretly turns into a young man from others; she does not marry, meets an imaginary horse at night; burns his skin; he flies away as a dove, says that she will find it when she wears out her iron shoes and staff; at the source, the maid says she is collecting water for Chamber-Tiar; the wife, disguised as a beggar, throws her ring into the jug; and she recognizes him comes for her; the devas want to eat it, THT's mother gives tasks; 1) sweep - do not sweep the room (collect the garbage in the middle); 2) go to the neighbor behind bars (the meat lying in front of the horse, give the dog grass from dogs - a horse, venerate a neighbor's chest thrown behind her back); 3) fill the cauldron with tears (add salt to the water); 4) fill the bag with fluff (the birds gave); during the wedding, THU tied the daughter of the devas to a pole instead of the padishah's daughter, she runs with his wife; she throws a comb (thorns), soap (slippery), a jug (water); Thu became a gardener, his wife a garden; a tree and a snake wrapped around him (the devas broke the net - they tore off their little finger); flowers at the feet of the padishah; he gave them to the devas, they bite into grains, the chickens peck, two grains remain, turn into a young man and a girl, they are having a wedding]: Stebleva 1988, No. 27:105-109; Kurds [firewood collector asks the mother to marry the padishah's daughter; he tells her to come when the son learns from the wizard; the wizard's daughter replaces the knives at the bottom of the pit with pillows, when the young man steps on the carpet, falls into a hole, she teaches him wisdom; when he returns home, the son knows how to turn into animals, tells his mother to sell him without a bridle; he becomes a horse, a camel, a mule; the magician bargained from her a mule with a bridle; the daughter of a magician hides a knife, an ax, throws a bridle on the roof, it flies away as a dove, the magician follows the kite; the dove into the roses at the feet of the padishah, the magician into the dervish, begged for roses; roses for millet, the dervish is a hen with chickens, the last seed was a fox, ate the chickens and the hen, became a young man; from him, the padishah and the vizier learned magic, became gazelles, the vizier returned, slept with six wives of the padishah, the seventh did not work; the real padishah turned into a partridge, caught, the vizier gave it to his wife; the partridge husband persuaded her to ask the vizier to become a chicken, the padishah became a fox, ate the chicken; the young man married the daughter of the padishah and the magician's daughters]: Rudenko 1970, No. 60:223-228; Adygs: Uther 2004 (1), No. 325:207-208.

Iran - Central Asia. Lura [ahund saw a cucumber floating in the stream; brought home, ate, became pregnant, gave birth to a turtle son; he asks to marry him a princess; the vizier advises him to be angry and give the impossible assignment; the king orders to bring 7 camels loaded with gold and gems, and a golden rooster on top; the turtle did everything, got the princess, got out of the shell at night, became handsome, told no one tell; once a husband said he wanted to visit his relatives; his wife asked permission to go with him; he turned his wife into a needle and stuck him in a hat, turned himself into a pigeon and flew; told his wife to venerate his mother's breasts and not let go until she swore by her father's pain and mother's milk; the demoness mother agreed not to touch her daughter-in-law, but asked her sister to kill her: she would send bring her daughter-in-law a mortar; but her husband is a magician himself and found out everything; gave his wife sleep powder to throw at the inhabitants of the house where they were sent for a mortar; then her mother-in-law sent her daughter-in-law to wash it white a black board; the husband turned the black board into a white cloth; the demoness insists that the son take another wife (probably a niece}; he pretends to agree; as soon as he goes to her, with his earthly wife they tore off their clothes, threw them on a pile of manure; the husband cut off the new bride's head, took it again, dressing up his first wife; they flew away together in the form of pigeons; when they found the headless bride in the morning, the demonets rushed into chase; the husband turned himself into a lousy shepherdess, his wife into a calf; the next time into a flower and a tree; the husband brought his wife to her parents, and he became a grenade on the back of the king's hand {the wife's father is king}; the demons asked to give them grenades; the king, as his daughter's husband taught him, threw him on the ground; he crumbled in grains; the demonets became chickens, began to peck for grains; one grain became a rooster, he rolled cheek chickens; everything is fine, wedding celebrations again]: Amanolahi, Thackston 1986, No. 15:71-76; Persians: Ottomans 1958:75-84 [the village chief's daughter asks a bald shepherd to help her raise the jug; the shepherd kisses her; sends her mother to marry her; the elder demands that the groom be rich first; he meets the dervish, goes down with him into the spring; the dervish tells his daughter to teach him; she taught him, but told in front of the father to pretend that he has not learned; the shepherd returns to his mother, tells him to sell him as a camel, but without a bridle; then as a mule; returns every time; sells a ram with a collar, his dervish buys, tells her daughter to bring a knife; she always brings the wrong thing, the dervish goes for the knife himself; the ram flies away as a dove, the dervish is chasing a hawk; the dove is a bouquet of flowers on the hem of the merchant's daughter; that demands flowers, a girl throws a bouquet at him, he turns into millet; a chicken and chickens peck, one seed is a fox, has eaten a chicken with chickens; becomes a young man; marries the headman's daughter], 152-160 [in Balkh, a lazy Bu-Ali asks his father to send him to travel; his father Abdullah takes him to study somewhere; they drink from a spring, his father says, Oh! the beardless man jumps out of the hollow, asks why his name was, takes B. to study; the beardless's daughter advises B. to pretend that he does not understand anything, otherwise he will be put in a barrel of acid; gives his father's books to him; the beardless leaves B. in the desert; he returns home, tells him to sell him as a deer, a horse, but without a bridle; the beardless buys a horse with a bridle; the daughter helps B. escape, he flies away dove, then falls like a diamond into the crown of the padishah; the beardless flies like a falcon, in the form of a dervish begs for a diamond; the diamond turns into grains, beardless into a rooster, the grain into a jackal, kills a rooster; the padishah gives his daughter to B., marries his son to a beardless daughter], 240-248 [poor boy Boo Ali asks his father to let him go to look for work; he sits down at the spring to eat a cake, sighs, hey-wai! Hey-wai is as tall as an elbow, a seven-cubit beard comes out of the spring, takes him to study; E.'s daughter cuts B. into pieces, cooks it, pours cold water, turns him into handsome; so several times; after each B. replies that he has learned to turn into a horseshoe, a pigeon, etc.; the girl does not tell her father to admit that he knows more than becoming a pigeon and a horseshoe; the year then consisted of three days; Father B. will come on Sunday and must identify his son among the many pigeons; the girl explains that B. pigeon will fly to his feet; the rest of the pigeons are not identified by their fathers; the father takes the son; on the road, he turns into a hunting dog, tells him to sell himself off a leash, returns; turns into a horse; E. buys it with a bridle; borrows shahzadeh, telling him not to let the horse drink; the young wife reproaches Shahzade is cruel, the horse drinks, turns into a fish, swims away; E. chases a big fish, then a falcon after a pigeon, a dove flies to the padishah's daughter, talks about the chase, turns into a golden ring ; a mason asks for a ring for work; the ring turns into grains, E. into a rooster, one grain into a young man with a sword killing a rooster; B. young man marries the daughter of a padishah]; Tajiks [bald grandson asks his grandmother to marry him the daughter of a padishah; he tells him to bring an incomparable flower; the young man goes to the city, Cosim's underground house has bodies hanging upside down; daughter K. teaches the young man to turn into animals; he tells his grandmother sell it in the form of a bull, a horse, a camel, an excuse not to give it back; K. bought a camel with a reason, ready to slaughter; daughter K. distracts his father's attention, the young man flies away with a dove, K. pursues a falcon; the young man is a rose in the garden padishah, K. is a cow; the gardener drives a cow, brings a rose to the padishah; K. is a calandar, begs for a rose, a young man for grains, K. is a hen with chickens, the last grain is a fox, grabbed a chicken; that rose was an incomparable flower, a young man gets a padishah's daughter]: Amonov 1972:137-141 (=1980:135-139); Tajiks Sistana [the sorcerer cooks halva, putting his legs under the cauldron instead of firewood; the old man gives him his son to teaching; the merchant hangs him in the well for 40 days; the young man gets out, the sorcerer's daughter feeds him; the sorcerer lets the young man go; he tells his father to sell him in the form of a horse, a camel, but without a bridle; safely returns; when he became a ram, the sorcerer bought him with a bridle; the sorcerer's daughter let go, he flies away as a dove, the sorcerer chases a kite; falls with a needle into the sand, the sorcerer sifts the sand through a sieve; flies away a falcon, the sorcerer is chasing a hawk; the young man becomes a bouquet of flowers in the king's hands, the sorcerer in the guise of a dervish asks for flowers; the king is forced to throw the bouquet, it turns into grains, the sorcerer into a chicken with chickens, one grain into a jackal, he gnawed everyone; got the king's daughter and the sorcerer's daughter]: Grunberg, Steblin-Kamensky 1981, No. 6:76-81; Uzbeks: Afzalov et al. 1972 (2): 12-14 [Shah promises to give his daughter for his son a farmer if he learns an extraordinary craft; a Kashmiri takes a young man to study but only starves his students; his daughter teaches the young man herself; at home she becomes a horse, tells herself to be sold, returns; When he became a camel, he was bought by a Kashmir; his daughter let him go, he flew away as a dove; a Kashmiri is chasing a golden eagle; a frog is a heron; a quail with a falcon; a rose in the Shah's garden is a nightingale; the Shah's daughter cut a rose, brought it to her father; the musician began to play, asked for a rose; the rose became millet, the Kashmir became a chicken; millet became a cat, killed the chicken; the shah passed the princess off as a young man] (=Sheverdin 1984:89-91), 301-307 [collecting firewood, The bald man sees how the devil removes the skull from the tree, turns him into a girl, she gives him wine, the devil falls asleep, then leaves, the girl turns into a skull again; Bald is hired as an apprentice to the cook; grabbing his daughter's hand, makes him uncover a spell that makes her father cook without kindling a fire; after casting a spell, Bald runs away from the cook, turning into a dove, the cook is a falcon; the dove is a rose in Shah's garden, the cook is a nightingale; the shah promises the nightingale to give what he wants, he wants a rose; the rose turns into a handful of millet, the nightingale into a chicken with chickens, they bite the grain, one becomes a dove again flies away, the cook chases again in the guise of a falcon; the dove hides in straw, unnoticed, returns home, turns the skull into a girl, brings him to himself; Bald brings a rose floating along the river to the Shah, Shah gives it to one wife, all 40 want the same; 1) the wife tells her to beat her with bars, the bars turn into roses; 2) to take possession of Pleshivy's wife, the Shah sends him to bring bear milk; the wife teaches him to cure a bear who gives milk; 3) bring a golden bed to Peri Gulikahkah from Mount Kuhikaf; the wife (she is Peary Kundukh, sister of G., that queen of all peers) takes Bald to G., dev brings them all on a couch to the garden Shah; he orders to burn Pleshivy, G. and K. snatched him out of the fire, sent him to the Shah with halves of a melon (it was winter); Pleshivy says he was in paradise, the Shah's parents invite him to the melon festival; both sit on a fire, G. and K. snatch Pleshivy, the Shah burns; Bald reigns]; Bukhara Arabs [the emir promises to give his daughter for the son of bay if he learns the art of Nestar Jahon; he locked the young man to starve him to death, but his daughter fed him, taught him art; bai took his son; he became a cow, taught him to sell himself, an excuse to leave him; when he became a camel, that man bought a camel with a bridle, led cut; the daughter let the camel go, the son of bay became a dove, that man became a hawk; a rose in the hands of the emir - the dervish asked her for himself; millet - seven chickens; the last grain - again a man, tore off the chickens' heads; told the emir that Nestar Jahon had learned art; received the emir's daughter]: Vinnikov 1969, No. 16:103-104; the Wakhans [the sorcerer asks the lumberjack to send him his son for training; the sorcerer's daughter tells the young man to answer that he has not learned anything; the sorcerer gives the lumberjack a magic tablecloth; he calls the king and the vizier to visit, they replace it; the sorcerer gives the pumpkin, in which the army, the king has to return the tablecloth; returning to the father, the son turns into a horse, a camel, tells him not to sell the bridle; the sorcerer buys a bridle, tells his daughter to bring a knife to slaughter the camel; she untied it, he ran away like a hare, the sorcerer is chasing in the form of a dog; the dove is a hawk; the dove turns into a flower, the royal daughter drops it, it turns into millet, the hawk turns into a chicken, bites, the last grain became a cat, she killed a chicken; the young man married the sorcerer's daughter]: Grunberg, Steblin-Kamensky 1976, No. 39:349-353; Yazgulyam [the tsar put his son in school; the teacher hid one spell from the student, but the teacher's daughter fell in love with the young man and told him; returning to Father, the young man told him to sell it when he turned into a horse, but not sell it to the teacher; the same to a bull; this time the father left a rope on his horns; the teacher bought a bull, beat him with sticks, went to get a knife; daughter the teacher let the bull go, he flew away with a dove; the teacher chased the falcon; the dove became millet, the teacher became chicken; two seeds fell into the turban of the judge passing by; the chicken cackles, the judge hit her with a turban, one seed rolled into one corner, the other into the other; the chicken rushed after one and the other became a cat, it tore off the chicken's head; the cat became a young man again, he married the teacher's daughter, took it silver, returned to his father]: Edelman 1966, No. 14:209-210; Sarykoltsy [the magician Shadod hired an employee, but after the expiration of the term, the father took his son; the son knows how to turn into animals, tells his father to sell he looks like a ram, but does not sell ropes, a Kashgar buys a ram, his son returns; the same is a bull; a Kashgar complains to Sh.; Sh.: now he will become a horse, we must buy it with a bridle; his father sold it, Sh. a horse; once he sent a servant to give a drink to the horse, he became a fish, swam away, S. became a crocodile; the dove is a falcon; the dove fell into the princess's hem with a flower; the king orders to return the flower to the traveler; she threw the potions, he became millet, the traveler a rooster, the last grain became a cat, grabs a rooster; S. promises to become a young man's apprentice himself, he takes Sh.]: Pakhalina 1966:134-136; Baluchi: Zarubin 1930 [the prince asks father to marry him the daughter of his father's brother; she requires a young man to learn the art of a magician named Neki-dar-jian; after a year of teaching, N. kills students; N.'s daughter secretly teaches a young man; he returns to to his father; turns into a camel, tells him to sell it without a bridle; he sells it in exchange for 50 camels, which then turn into thickets; N. brings the camel home, wants to slaughter it; daughter N. hides the knife, asks his brother to remove the harness from the camel, he turns into a fish, N. into an otter, the young man into a pigeon, flies to his uncle, his garden immediately bloomed, N. flew in as a falcon, became poor, asked to give the flower (young man became a flower); the king threw a flower - sesame, N. - a flock of chickens, a young man a jackal, ate chickens, became a man, married N.'s daughter and uncle's daughter]: 677-679; 1932, No. 1 [the son asks the father to marry the king's daughter; the king I agree to give it if the young man brings the knowledge of a mullah; the father leaves his son to the mullah, but he does not teach him; the young man watches the mullah perform dhikr (magical rituals), the earth opens, at the bottom of some man; when the mullah leaves, the young man does the same; the mullah's daughter explains that the young man discovered the mullah's feast, took away his knowledge; advises him to leave when his father comes for him; on the way home, the young man turns into hare, gazelle; explains everything to his father; becomes a camel, tells himself to be sold, returns; the mullah becomes a falcon, flies to the young man; he turns into a melon, the mullah asks the gardener to sell it, the melon flies away, the mullah becomes a falcon again, the young man becomes a flower, the gardener takes it to the king, the mullah asks to give it to him, the flower crumbles with grain, the mullah becomes a chicken, one seed rolls into the royal shoe, turns into jackal, who killed the chicken; the king gives the young man a daughter]: 1-10; Pasha'i [the mullah's son is not a student, his father expelled him, the sorcerer has taken him into study; the young man replies that he has not learned anything; so the sorcerer lets him go, otherwise he would eat; the young man now knows how to turn into any animal; asks his father to sell it when he becomes a camel, but not to give up the chain; the same goes to a horse, a donkey; flies home becoming a mosquito, a butterfly; a sorcerer comes to a young man, demands an answer; he turns into grains, the sorcerer turns into a chicken, bites them, the last grain has become a fox, she strangled the chicken]: Morgenstierne 1944, No. 26:142-145.

Baltoscandia. Norwegians: Dasent 1970 [father decides to make his son a master master; meets a man named Master Stormy Sky (GN; Farmer Weathersky), who undertakes to teach the young man, flies away with him; father goes in search; an old woman with a long nose, who pulls water from a well, calls animals who do not know the way to GN; she sends them to her second sister, so to her third; she calls birds; the Eagle is summoned take the person to the GN; the Eagle pulls out the pen, the man sits on the Eagle where the feather was, the Eagle arrives when the GN is sleeping; teaches him to snatch three feathers from his head, take a hare, a stone, three chips, carries back; followed by crows, the Eagle orders to throw feathers, they turn into crows, drive away crows; GN himself is chasing, the Eagle orders to throw chips (fence), stone (mountain); climbing the mountain, the GN injured his leg, stopped chasing; at home, the hare turns into a man's son; tells him to be sold as a horse, but without a bridle; for the third time, GN solders a man, he forgets to remove the bridle; GN goes to the tavern, hanging there are hot nails under the horse's face, and oats are under the tail; the girl frees the horse out of pity, it jumps into the pond, turns into a fish, followed by GN pike; the dove is a kite; the pigeon flies to the princess, everything says; she tells him to become a ring on her finger; GN makes the king fall ill; GN heals him, demands a ring for payment; the princess says she has the ring from her mother, the king tells her all the same give it back; she throws the ring in the ash; GN shovels the ash with a rooster, the young man becomes a fox, turns the rooster's neck]: 285-295; Danes [in the Danish version, the troll's apprentice first turns into a dog, asks father to sell him; turns his father into a hare, rushes after him, then turns his father and himself back into people; then into a hog, tells his father to throw a leash in his right ear, returns; into a bull (through his right horn ); into a horse; the troll manages to take him away before his father puts a leash over his ear; keeps the horse without water and food; the horse asks the maid to loosen the leash, turns into a hare, runs away; the troll chases in the image dogs; a dove is a hawk; a dove flies into a window, turns into a gold ring; a troll into a prince, asks the princess to show her rings; one falls into the hearth, the troll grabs, drops it - grain; the chicken is a hawk ; after killing a troll, a young man brings his father the treasures of the victim]: Clouston 1887:423-427; Finns [west 1887; warlock school has 99 students; each is returned to his father only if he identifies his son; 1) the warlock turned the students into chairs, the young man put his portrait there and the father found out; 2) the same thing into tables; 3) into sofas; returned it to his father; the son says he will turn into a stallion, tells him to sell, but without a bridle; the father did so; but the next time the warlock gave the price higher, the father sold it with a bridle; the young man asks another to untie the rope - he will free them all from the warlock; bewitched the all-knowing book the warlock so that she replied: the stallion ran away on his own; the warlock turned himself and 98 students into eagles, they flew for the ship on which the father and son sailed; the son tells his father to cut him in half, throw it into the sea; the young man became a little pike, the warlock a big one; the little one slipped into the royal spring, but the big one did not get there; the young man became a ring, the princess came for water, put it on finger; the warlock came to sing and play, asked for a ring from the princess's finger; the young man asked the princess to throw the ring on the ground; the ring became peas, the warlock with his students became roosters, became peas peck; the princess stepped on one pea; she became a fox, strangled the main rooster; so the young man freed the others]: Kippar 2002:28-31; the Veps [poor woman and son went to work; by the road gasped, a man appeared: why did they call me? takes her son to work, tells him to come for him in three years; when he came, the man showed her 12 birds, she could not choose; the same next year - 12 dogs; the third time the old man warns: man will show 12 horses, one will be with his head down; the mother found out that she has received a son; he tells me to sell him as a horse, but without a bridle; the mother sold it; the man who bought it tied the horse tight, went to the pub; then the mother passed, the horse asked him to untie; the man chased the wolf, and the horse turned into a dog; the dog became a lake, the wolf became a pike; the lake dried up, became a bird, flew to his mother; the pike remained on land, died ; mother and son became rich, son got married]: Onegina, Zaitseva 1996, No. 36:141-143; Seto [the mouse and sparrow shared the grain in the peasant's barn, quarreled over the last grain; because of this, the animals began to fight birds, the lion was left without hair, the eagle without feathers; the eagle asks the man to feed him until the feathers grow; when he recovered, he put the man on his back, flew to his sisters; the first is copper, the second has a silver box, the third has a gold box; the first two were not given, the third was given as a reward for saving the eagle; the eagle tells not to open it on the way home, the man opened it, gold appeared estate; a black man put back for a receipt to give what he does not know at home; a man thinks it is a dog, and at home his wife gave birth to a son; he grew up, the dog brought him to the sea, they sailed in a boat on island, hid in the bushes; two doves flew in, became girls, the young man hid his clothes alone, gave it for a promise to become his wife; she tells him to greet the old man loudly, he does not hear well; heard; promised the bride that if the young man leads the geese to swim, the eggshell in front, not to lose a single egg; to tame the stallion; the bride orders to make a nine-pound club and beat the stallion with it; in the morning at the old man her head is bandaged; build a church out of wax; the bride created a church and a bridge; they ran away, leaving the bird responsible for them; that answers for three days; then the old man sends his son to catch up with the fugitives; the girl turned herself and the young man into a priest and a chapel; the pop replies that he had not seen anyone for three years; another son; into a flower and a bee; the old man himself is chasing; the girl turned herself into a lake, a young man into a fish; the old man began to catch and fell into the water; the girl tells her not to greet her younger sister at home; he violated the ban, forgot his bride; went to marry the colonel's daughter, chopped firewood all night, returned; to the general's daughter he carried water; to the king; he told him to carry water; the young man saw the girl's reflection in the water and remembered everything; gave the king a box, people came out of it; everything is fine]: Järv et al. 2015:25-29; Lithuanians: Kerbelite 2014, No. 150 [ the father leads his son to study, the pan offers to give him for three years; in three years, Mr.'s maid teaches how to recognize his son among 12 stallions (he will hit the ground with a hoof the longest), bulls (he will cry louder), pigeons (cooing loudest, dragging the wing along the ground); the father received a son; he tells him to sell him in the form of a bull, but not to sell the rope; in the form of a horse; the father was tempted by money, sold him in bridle; the buyer brought the horse to the blacksmith to shove; the horse asks the student to remove the bridle, became a hare, ran away; the sorcerer chases the hound; the hare becomes a rudd, the hound becomes a pike; the rudd became a ring, asking put it on; the sorcerer tried to take it away, the laundress threw it to the ground, the ring turned into poppy; the sorcerer became a rooster, one grain was left under the laundress's foot, became human], 151 [the rich man took his son learn bird language; a year later, a laundress on the road teaches how to identify a son among 12 bulls (one will be sad), 12 horses (the same), pigeons (the same; on the way home, the father asks his son to say that a crow is screaming; son: that when the son washes his feet, the father will drink this water; the son orders to sell it in the form of a bull, a horse; but without a bridle; the father sells a horse with a bridle; the sorcerer told the Jewish woman to give the horse hot coals; that became sorry for the horse, she took off the bridle; the young man runs away with a hare, then with a dove, a perch, a sorcerer chases a dog, a hawk, a pike; the perch jumped a ring on the royal's finger; the ring tells him to throw him under his feet and step on the shard; the sorcerer became a chicken, the young man a hawk, killed him; took the queen and became king; the father became impoverished, came to sleep poor; the king washed his feet with wine, put wine under the bed; the beggar at night drank; when he learned that the king is his son, the beggar fell to his knees]: 390-393, 393-397; Latvians [father is dissatisfied that his son does not know why the raven croaked; sends him to Voronov's school; a year later the son arrives a crow, explains that he will first be the third among the disciples, then the fifth, then a fly will fly by his head; the father identifies his son among other crows, he turns into a man, they sail on a ship; the son refuses to say what the raven that has arrived croaks about, for the father will throw him into the sea for it; the angry father throws his son away; he swam to the shore with fish, settled with the old man; orders him to be sold in in the form of a bird, do not sell a cage; a bull without a rope; a horse; a sorcerer begs for a bridle, takes him home, tells him to feed badly, but the groom lets the horse go; a young man and a sorcerer swim across the sea with fish; the first fish became a ring, picked it up by a younger princess, brought it home, the young man became human; musicians (including a sorcerer) ask for a ring to play; a girl throws a ring, musicians peck him with crows, a ring becomes a hawk, drove away crows; married a princess]: Arys 1971:127-129; Icelanders []: Poestion 1884, No. 26:215-226; Faroese, Karelians, Livonians, Sami: Uther 2004 (1), No. 325:207-208.

Volga - Perm. Chuvashi [the old man leads Ivan to study; from under the stump Wow, I. grabs him underground, tells him to come in a year; the son tells his father how to recognize him among 12 pigeons, dogs, trotters, girls, guys; I. tells me to sell it in the form of a trotter, a heavy truck, not to sell bridles; the old man sells, I. turns into a pike, Knot into a catfish; I. in a ring, tells the girl not to give it to the Ear; in millet - a rooster, a hawk kills a rooster; I. marries, takes the wealth of the Ear; a beggar comes to them, he turns out to be Ivan's father]: Shurtakov 1984:92-96; marie [old men give their son to study to the priest (cards); he returns as a dove , explains that the father must come to the map, identify his son among three soldiers, three swans, three pigeons; each time the son will give a sign (winks with his left eye, moves his left wing); the son returns, tells me to sell it in the form of a horse, but without a bridle; the old man sold it with a bridle, bought a horse, started hitting, went to rest; the girl cut the leash; the horse threw himself with the mouse, the card with a cat; the fish was a pike; the fish was a pike; a fish turned into a ring, the girl picked it up, tried to take it away, the ring crumbled into beads, the card began to bite with a rooster, the bead did a great job, twisted the rooster's neck; married a girl]: Aktsorin 1984:139- 142; Marie (meadow) [the soldier returns home, leans to the pond by the mill for a drink, grabbed him by the beard, let him go for promising to give what he does not know at home; his son Ivan is at home; I. leaves look for the one to whom he has been sold; walks through the door in an oak tree, down the stairs; the old man (he is the younger brother of big Satan) tells you to walk three hundred miles, 11 pigeons will fly to the lake, turn into girls, swim, they will put on their clothes again and fly away; after that, the 12th will arrive, her clothes must be hidden, returned for her promise to become a wife; she promises that she is three years away, she will hang a ribbon from the window, her house will be the third edge; I. comes, the wife tells you to go to her father, slam the door loudly, take away his spoon, start eating himself; Satan is surprised, promises to give work in a week; tells 1) to uproot the forest overnight (wife sends workers, I. brings the last stump); 2) to plow, sow, harvest, bake bread, bring one boat of bread (the same); 3) build a church and let the pop serve; the same; Satan will turn into a pig, my wife tells you to throw a hammer at her; tame the stallion; this is Satan himself, you must beat him with a hammer; Satan tells you to choose a wife from 12 girls, they are in the form of pigeons; wife: I will go down and rise; 12 sheep (the wife will come out third); 12 dewdrops (the third is on the edge, about to drip); Satan sends young people to a cast-iron bath, wants to burn; the wife tells the broom, trough, ladle to answer that they are still soaring, washing; young they run, Satan's 11 daughters are chasing; the wife turns I. into a chapel, she is an old woman, her sisters are returning; Satan is chasing himself, his wife is a ruff, her husband a lake; Satan becomes a pike, cannot catch a ruff, breaks shore so that the young do not go out, but I.'s wife restores everything; wedding at Father I.]: Chetkarev 1941, No. 37:282-286 (=Sabitova 1992:102-109); Mordovians: Uther 2004 (1), No. 325:207-208; Tatars : Zamaletdinov 2008b, No. 13 [the father leads his son to study; the old man tells him to give it to him, come in a year; a year later the father comes to the same place; a pigeon flew in, became a boy; teaches him to recognize him among many pigeons: he will walk with his wing down; the mullah sorcerer gives the boy; at home he tells him to be sold in the guise of a stallion, not to sell the bridle; the third time a mullah buys with an Uzbek woman, locks him in a barn; his three daughters are asked to be allowed to harness the stallion; they remove the bridle, the horse jumped into the water, became a fish; the mullah chased in the guise of another fish; the young man turned into a ring, fell into the girl's bucket; tells her when he will come old man, throw the ring on the floor; became wheat, the old man became a rooster, the girl hid one grain, it became a golden eagle, he killed a rooster; the young man married a girl, brought her home], 14 [the coachman's son tells his father marry him the daughter of a padishah; the padishah demands to learn a craft that no one knows in a year; father and son came to the lake, the father burped, divas jumped out: why was my name saying "Uh"? took his son, told him to come in a year; the diva's daughters tell their father that he had not learned anything; at home, the young man tells him to sell him as a horse, but without a bridle; the diva bought, began to torture; his little son regretted, freed; the horse became a dove, the old man a hawk; the ring on the hand of the padishah's daughter; cereal; the old man became a klusha with chickens, the cereal became a falcon, he tore the chicken and chickens; became a horseman; the padishah gave his daughter ]: 121-127, 128-132; Yarmukhametov 1957 [(=Zamaletdinov 1992:150-162; =2008b, No. 8:77-91; poor dzhigit came to the valley, where the house and garden are; three pigeons flew in, became horsemen, surprised who touched the dishes, they find a young man, leave him as a cook, tell him not to open the seventh barn; he opened it, the girl who finds there repeats "Kalfak is my" (kalfak is a hat); pigeon horsemen say that without this kalfak she is not can be born, and Kalfak is a diva; a young man goes for a Kalfak, having learned magic and getting a comb, a whetstone, a mirror; a diva flies to the palace, becomes a nightingale; another daughter kidnapped by a diva The padishah catches him, leaves him in his room; he takes on a human form, finds a calfak, flies away; throws a comb (forest), a whetstone (mountains), a mirror (sea); hides at the bottom of a bucket carried by a girl; The diva orders to pour out the water, the young man turns into grains, the divas into a rooster, the last grain into a hawk, kills the rooster; gives the pigeon young men a kalfak, their girlfriend recovers; advises the hero to ask for a thin one as a reward a horse, a rusty sword and an old whip; when he leaves, he sticks a knife - if it rust, he is in trouble; the young man returns to his mother, tells her to marry the padishah's daughter, who orders to create a palace, a golden bridge, a garden; by wave Everyone performs the whip; the padishah is ready to give her daughter, but she has just been kidnapped by a diva; a girl with a kalfak, who became the wife of her older pigeon brother, tells her to fly to the island of the diva, returns with her on the way stops drinking wine, falls asleep; two warriors chopped it into pieces, and she was taken by ship to her father, said that they saved his daughter; the pigeon brothers revived the victim, took her home; he comes to the wedding of the padishah's daughter, she recognizes him by her ring; deceiving batyrs were executed]: 130-144; the Bashkirs [the gray crow threatens to sink the merchant's ship; will send a mare who will be the first to leave the merchant's house, he must wear it; a young worker comes out; an old woman teaches the last of the seven white swan girls who will come to swim in the milk lake to hide their clothes; the girl leads him to his father, he was gray a crow; six swans are his own daughters, the seventh is a kidnapped earthly girl; the father-in-law tells the stallion to drink (the wife teaches him to hit him with a stick), to give water to six mares (these are swan daughters, they need to be drunk click on his forehead), plow the field overnight, grow bread (the wife tells the genies); the wife tells the young man to run, they turn into a sheep and a shepherd, the servants have not identified; the father-in-law chases himself, does not believe that he is in front of him just an old man and an old woman; daughter flew like a falcon, her father flew a falcon; roach and pike; the ring into the girl's bucket, the father was a fisherman, asking to return the ring; the girl threw it away - grain; the rooster bites, one grain from- under the girl's feet - in a golden eagle, he killed a rooster; the fugitives made it home safely]: Barag 1989, No. 10:71-74; Komi: Novikov 1938, No. 41 [at her husband's grave, the widow says, Oh, oh! Oh oh tells her to teach her son, come for him in three years; she cannot identify him among 12 pigeons, 12 geese in the next three years; one day at the church, a horse (this is her son) tells her that will be sixth on the right side; she takes her son away; sells him several times, he comes back; one day he forgets to remove the check, sells Oh oh; his fiancée takes off his horse's bridle, Oh oh and the young man turns into different animals, birds, a young man kills an enemy], 42 [about the same, the old man gives his son to Okhma]: 146-148, 149-153.

Turkestan. Kazakhs [the eldest, then the middle son is hired to work for a rich man, who forces him to lie in a chest, the young man dies of hunger; the rich man tells his younger brother to eat meat from the tibia of a ram; daughter The rich man warns not to eat, tells him to kill a dog that runs up to the meat; the young man missed, the dog was rich himself; he locks the young man in a chest, his daughter secretly feeds him; when the father comes, the son calls him, returns home; tells his father to sell it as a ram, a horse, a camel, not to sell bridles; the father gives the camel to the rich man with the chain; the rich man's daughter lets him go; he runs away like a fox, rich man chases a dog, then a duck a hawk, a lark a kestrel; the young man turns into a rag by the yurt, the rich man wants to grab it, it becomes a grain, the rich man becomes a rooster, the young man turns into a cat, bitten to death a rooster; married daughters of a rich man]: Daurenbekov 1979:136-137; Karakalpaks [to marry a rich man's daughter, a poor young man is looking for someone to learn intelligence and cunning from; he is taken as an apprentice by a werewolf butcher; when he returns, a young man tells his father to sell it in the form of a ram, then a camel; the butcher buys a camel with a bridle, wants to slaughter it; the butcher's daughters let the young man go; he runs away with a hare, the butcher chases the hound; then the sparrow - hawk, fish - pike, pearl in the hat of his beloved young man's father - singer, millet - chicken, fox eats chicken; young man gets married]: Volkov, Mayorov 1959:56-58;; Kyrgyz: Brudny, Eshmambetov 1963 [son Minbay dreams when the sun came out of his head, the moon from his feet, stars fell from his chest; at this time, Juzbay's son Chanybek wakes him up because the flock was attacked by wolves; buys sleep for a hundred sheep; his father drives him away him; the crow, the dove refuse to help, because he chased them and killed them; the rider tells him to sit behind her back on a horse; later realizes that C. is not her fiancé Omuraly, the son of the wizard Seyit; she herself is a daughter Gulgaaki sorceresses - Aisuluu; C. and A. live well; O. decides to kill C.; he turns into a yurt, O. and his men come in, try to raise the boiling pot, he overturns, they die; S. goes for revenge, C. turns into a camel, the girls ask him to give it to them, he falls into the lake with lead, S. finds lead, which turns into a spider, S. into a sparrow, C. into a cat, kills a sparrow; Karakhan fell in love with A. suggests that C. play hide and seek; A. says that K. became a white goat, tells him to beat him; cut him into a poplar with an ax; into a black camel (beat with 12 sticks); A. turns C. into a thimble, a thread, a needle, K. does not find; demands that the letter be taken to the next world to his father; C. and A. write a note on behalf of Father K. to come to him; C. kills K., throwing him off the mountain; C. and his wife come to their father]: 87-95 (=1968:21-31 ; =1981:28-33); Ledenev 1987 [thieves stole a flock of orphans, beat him; the golden eagle brought him to a nest on a rock, where gold and precious stones are there; merchants ask to throw them off, refuse to help the orphan go down; the orphan managed to get out, came into the possession of the peri; the old man tells not to unlock the seventh door; the orphan unlocks, there is a lake, a plane tree, three doves have flown in, shed their plumage, become girls, they swim; the orphan hid her clothes alone, she became his wife; her father demands 1) separate black millet from white millet (the bride does); 2) build a glass palace, inside a lake of butter and a lake of milk, etc. (same); 3) recognize the bride among three doves (she trembles slightly); a girl and a young man fly away in the form of birds, the father's guard in the form of a gyrfalcon next; the fugitives are millet, the guard is a rooster, snake fugitives, they crawl into the lake, they became fish there, the guard returned; the father chased himself, but the fugitives in the form of butterflies had already crossed the border of the Peri's possessions; became human; the young man went to the ail, leaving the girl waiting; the boar fatally wounded a girl; the young man was supposed to stay awake at night, fell asleep, Peri's father killed him, took his daughter's flesh; residents found the body of a young man holding a butterfly's wings to his chest]: 115-121; Sulaimanov 1998 [in Hunger, the parents decided to give their son up; the old man led him, sat on a rock, sighed "Oh!" ; a white-bearded old man appeared, asked why his name was; said that his name was Okyush; took the boy and told him to come for him a year later; O.'s daughter began to teach the boy to surpass O.; when his father came, O. ordered to identify his son among 7 black cats; the old man did not try, returned the following year; 7 red foxes - the same; 6 years old; seventh year - last chance; son in the form of a black horse suggested that would be third from the left; O. returned the young man; he told his father to sell him as a horse, but without a bridle; next time O. bought a horse for a lot of money with a bridle, told his daughter to tie it; she let the horse go; O. he became a horse himself, followed him; the young man became a leopard, O. became a tiger; the young man fell like a golden ring at the feet of two beauties, one put it on his finger; the old man said that the ring was his; the Baja daughter took it off, the ring crumbled into wheat grains; O. became a chicken, began to bite; the last grain turned into millet, O. turned into a sparrow; one millet grain became a hawk, he killed a sparrow, became a young man again; freed O.'s prisoners and married his Baja daughter]: 49-58; Uighurs: Kabirov, Shakhmatov 1951 [the old man tells three sons to marry where their arrows fall; the eldest takes the khan's daughter, the middle takes the vizier, the youngest , Drink, a monkey in the forest; she leads to her golden palace, turns into a beautiful Maimunyak; the father tells her daughters-in-law to make bread, sew a seamless dress, strain the threads; M. does everything with With the help of their two magical assistants, the wives of the older brothers spoil the good; persuade P. to burn his wife's yellow dress; underneath him is a monkey skin, now M. must leave; P. wears out seven pairs of iron shoes, three iron staffs; stepmother M. orders to split the tree into 41 pieces, M. helps; M., P., both maids fly away with quails; stepmother sends her husband, making him coccyx; M. turns P. into melon, friends into bags, himself into a melon; into a bag, a dung, an old woman; himself into a flower, the father turns into a beggar, asks for a flower; into grains, a father into a rooster, one grain rolls; the father admits defeat]: 92-98; Malov 1956, No. 3 ( Lobnor) [{the story is clearly omitted}; the man taught his son to a shoemaker; when he took it back, the son went forward, turned into a dog, barked his father, but he did not understand anything; then the son turned into a horse the father sold it to that master; the master told his daughter to bring a dagger to slaughter the horse; the daughter said she could not find it; the father went by himself, and the daughter let the horse go; the young man disappeared under the mill; the master became a hawk, and the disciple was a falcon; the falcon flew into the royal garden, became a flower; the king carried it to the house; the master saw it, turned into a fool, asked for a flower; the king did not give it; the flower crumbled in barley; the master became a chicken; The student grabbed and ate his teacher]: 40-41.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Khakas (Kachins) [Kara-Khan and Pai-Bigu have a son; Sarykh Khan comes and demands that they be sent to him for study; P.'s son receives his father's blessing in the form of a horse, K. forgets to bless his son; S. has both boys are beaten with an iron bar, only P.'s son named Kanyg-kylys survives; does not eat human beings, quietly hides pieces on himself; withstands heat and frost in the room; passed by people who committed bad things actions (the one who diluted the milk pours it from vessel to vessel, etc.); S. lets him read the Divine Book, he pulls out and hides two leaves; goes on horseback, meets the girl, puts her behind him, tries to jump away from S.; after swimming across the sea, she sees S., turns into a fish, S. into a pike, cannot catch K.; the girl says that S. has gone to cut a birch tree in which K.'s knowledge; birch falls, K. forgets everything, but the sheets of the book drive S. away from him, he leaves; K. marries that girl; a shaman appears in the family of K., driving away those who come from S.; he began to rise to heaven, God brought him back to earth]: Kuznetsova 1899, No. 1: 140-143; Teleuts [the old man called the boy as his son, became an eagle, brought it to him; burned him, he survived, began to understand the language of birds and herbs; converges with a girl (the daughter of an old man?) , she tells me to run; the boy flies like a golden bird, the old man with an eagle; the fish is a pike; the royal daughter comes to see a beautiful fish in the bucket, it turns into a golden ring, then into a boy, he converges with the royal daughter; the tailor demands that ring for work, the royal daughter gives it, deliberately drops it on the floor, it is made with millet; the tailor is an eagle, millet bites, the royal daughter crushed one seed, it turns well done, he cuts off the eagle's head, marries the king's daughter]: Funk 2004:37-38; Shors [the old man sold his son for three years; after the end of his term he followed him; woman: there will be 40 girls, one will get up, rubbing her feet, this is your son; 40 pigeons - one will fly away, this is a son; 40 bulls, one will chew - son; father took his son; son orders to sell him at the bazaar, he will become a horse, but the reins are not sell; next time he (the sorcerer) took the horse; woman: a hangover soldier will come, give vodka, he will help; the soldier turned into a hundred mice, freed the horse; (sorcerer) took possession of the horse again; the horse flew away a dove, the owner a hawk; the dove became a golden ring, fell into the bucket of Saryq Kan's daughter, who put it on her finger; the sorcerer demanded a ring, it fell and became a pea; the sorcerer became a black rooster, peas were biting; one grain became a young man again; CX is angry, locked his daughter and boy in a barn to shoot them; they flew away, the young man returned to his parents]: Arbachakova 2010, No. 4:215-223; Tofalars: Katanov 1891 [=1907 : 650; Purhan wore a white coat, Azá wore a black fur coat; A. asked for the ground in which his cane was stuck; a snake crawled out from there; P. chased A., who turned into a dummy (small fish) in the sea; P. into a huchen, began to eat fish; then A. became rye grains, P. became chicken, began to bite; one grain rose to heaven, became the witch of chel-pagá (Tuvinsk. Chylbygá, Kachinsk, Sagaisk. and Beltirsk. Chelbygen); hid behind the sun; the moon said this to P.; the moon eclipsed, P. began to complain; now the witch is on the moon, sometimes the moon eclipses because of her; the same in Rassadin 1996, No. 5, 6:13, 14-15]: 67-68; Rassadin 1996, No. 36 [=Katanov 1907:630-631; three Kubulgats have been teaching their older brother for three years, he cannot be reincarnated as a real crow; the younger one reincarnates, although they did not teach him; they want eat it; he becomes a horse, runs to the khan, turns into a ring; the cubulgats throw the ring on the ground, it crumbles with grain, they bite it with chickens, the khan hides one grain; the young man is reborn from it, kills chickens with a knife]: 83-84; Buryats: Barannikova et al. 1993, No. 12 [the same as the Mongols, western in the Aginsky District of the Chita Region; the elder brother is going to learn the charms of seven wizards, has not learned; the younger one spies quietly, so he has learned; tells the eldest to sell the wizards a beautiful horse, but without a check, he turns into it; the elder sells to the wizards with a bridle; they intend to kill the horse, but first they lead to a watering hole; the horse turns into a fish, the wizards into pikes; the fish into a lark, the wizards into hawks; the lark falls to the llama's knees (turns into a rosary bead), the llama placed it in a rosary; seven wizards ask for their rosary, the llama tears them up; the wizards became chickens, began to peck balls; the young man became human, killed chickens with a stick; the llama says that the sin of murder must be atoned for, sends the young man should bring burkhan from the tree, but at the same time he must be silent; the young man does not restrain himself three times, comments on Burkhan's story, he disappears; but sin is redeemed; first story: a boy Tugal Masan was born with a veal head, went to wander, met, accompanied White, Black, Blue Tarba; they take turns cooking, each time an iron woman takes food; TM replaces her iron rope, pliers and a hammer wooden, hits, she hides in a hole; TM descends on a rope, finds the woman dead, sends her wealth upstairs, cannot get up by himself, because the Tarbes let go of the rope; falls asleep for 12 years, for this sandalwood grew from the bottom to the edge of the pit; TM climbed it, did not punish Tarbes], 18 [Jebzheney (originally "old man Jebzheney") is a poor orphan; came to Sharaldai Mergen to ask where looking for a betrothed; he was lying in his house in the guise of a serpent; replied that it was the daughter of Labandu Khan; J. finds a foal, which becomes a horse, on which J. comes to the old shepherd, asks him; he says that he drinks strips from washed buckets, licks the heels of the khan's daughter; J. puts on the shepherd's clothes, strokes the heels of the khan's daughter with his veal tongue; when he stroked the rough side, she jumped up; they agreed to get married; the girl has a fiance, Shazgai Mergen; J. turned his red horse into a black horse, warning his betrothed; Khan invited his daughter to choose a horse, she chose a black horse; her son flew away on it; SHM, Shagshaga Mergen Taizha took J.'s wife away when he was hunting; J. caught up with him; SMT became a lark, J. became a hawk, CMT with grains, J. a chicken or a rooster, pecked grains, returned his wife]: 191-201, 225-231; Mongols ( khalha) [the old man sends three sons to study; at a fork in the road, the eldest goes to learn to steal and run fast, the middle to reincarnate, the youngest to listen to what is being said in heaven and on earth; returning, the average offers the elder to sell him in the guise of a pacer, but remove the rent (bridle?) ; he forgets, the Chinese keep the horse in an iron cage; he turns into a bird, the Chinese into a falcon, he's a hermit's rosary seed, the Chinese into seven pigeons, they bite the rosary, they don't notice that the head is rosary remained with the hermit; the hermit says he will no longer become a burkhan; the young man promises to fulfill his assignment - to silently bring Shitythur-Burkhan; the hermit goes to heaven]: Potanin 1883, No. 158:531-534; The Oirats [episode in the epic story: hero Bum-Erdeni fights shaman Kerinkay-Zandan, the mother of malicious manguses; when he pierces his sword between her two breasts, a raven flies out of them; B.-E. turns into a golden eagle and goes in pursuit; the raven rushes to the area of the lower dragon kings and becomes a lake fish; B.-E. turns into a big black fish; when it catches up with the shaman, she jumps to land and becomes a groundhog; B.-E. turns into a ferret, catches and kills a marmot; the shaman dies]: Vladimirtsov 2003:385 (retelling in Popp 1937:61); (cf. Dagurs [a young man and a relative went on a journey; stayed at an inn, the young man fell ill; a relative returned home; a girl began to come to the young man at night; the owner found him the room is the hairpin of her deceased sister than the coffin is on the second floor; advises the young man to leave; the girl caught up with him, threatening to kill him, stayed with him; said that she would turn into a horse - let him sell it, but not a lama; he sells a lama, who almost tortured the horse, but the young llama accidentally released him; in the sheep, the one who bought it fell ill, came to order the sheep to be sacrificed, the sheep hardly ran away; they came to The young man's parents; his mother is happy with her daughter-in-law, but a relative says she is not human; she is taken to the temple, an old shaman (yadgan) defeats her, she runs away, hides in the grave; wanders around the village at night in the guise of a headless donkey, brings illness; a shaman finds a drunkard who is not afraid of anything; he must sit on the grave for three nights, keep his spirit out of her; he lasts two nights; the shaman orders the third heat the cauldron; the spirit climbs into the grave, but comes out in black haze; the shaman cuts it, throws it into the cauldron, closes it; when the cauldron is opened, there is a living girl; everyone is happy]: Stuart et al. 1994:86-87).

Western Siberia. Northern Khanty (Kazim dialect) [Imi-Khily lives with her grandmother, asks her to make a bow and arrow; shot, the arrow fell on the bank of the river; on the other side, the City Prince Man's dog asks her transport; next time - the youngest daughter of the City Prince Man; both times the grandmother does not tell - these are Kir-Nulep-Im's tricks; for the third time an iron hawk flies from the other side; THEY fly away with an iron loon ; asks the Great God the Father to open the door; he closed; the loon rushes down through the years, turns into a pike; the hawk into a burbot; the pike falls into the net of an old man and an old woman; tells the old man not to kill her; old man: it's you, granddaughter; THEY tell him to give him a hammer, kills burbot; the old woman cut the belly of the burbot, from there the mouse; THEM: these are the tricks of the KNI; returns to his grandmother; now on the other side there is a golden chicken; grandmother: KNI one hundred tricks]: Steinitz 2014, No. 10:72-75; (cf. Northern Selkup marries his daughter; he sends soldiers to kill his son-in-law; the young run; when the damn old man turns into an eagle, the husband turns into an eagle an auker chick, his wife is a hawk; an eagle catches a chick, but it is pushed by a hawk, it falls into the lake; the young have come to the plague of the mother (husband?)] : Tuchkova 2004:203).

Western Siberia. Nentsy (Yamal) [Habi Vesako has three sons, a daughter, Yi's son-in-law; his son-in-law kills his eldest son while hunting; the middle brother meets Sudba Vesako; he tells him to get a red sable tree from the tree; he himself, the middle brother, Yi each takes out a sable, breaks it in half, but half grow together, the sable climbs back; when the younger brother grabs the sable, he turns into a bullfinch, a brother into a hawk, a bullfinch into a herring, a hawk in pike, again into a bullfinch and a hawk, into a sable and younger brother, he does not release a sable; the SV tears the sable, threw half into the sky, it became a month; the younger brother kills Yi]: Golovnev 2004:254-258; northern Mansi (west. A. Balandin, 1937, p. Vejacors on the river. Ob) [(clearly the same text in Rombandeev 2005, No. 1:33-61, a brief retelling in 1991:14); water is everywhere; an old man and an old woman are in the house; an iron loon flew in, dived, popped up, his neck burst, blood under his neck it seemed like a piece of earth in her beak, stuck between the logs of the house, flew up; the same second loon, dives three times, blood on his neck, a piece of earth stuck between the logs; the earth began to grow; the old man three times comes out every time after three days; the third time it is dry everywhere; the old man sends a white crow to fly around the ground three times; he returns after 3, 5, 7 days; the third time he is black, pecking a dead person; the old man told him not to catch a beast from now on, only fish or take blood for himself when a man killed the beast and took meat; a tree grew in the backyards; the old man brought it with roots and branches, and began to scold , cut his hand, the old woman sucked blood, ordered the tree to be carried back; at night the old woman was not there, in the morning the old man found her in a small house, she gave birth to a son there, called Taryg-Pesch-nimala owls; T. hunts; every time He sees a line in the ice-hole; then he sees his reflection, he has a beard, needs a wife; finds a house, took a horse out of the underground barn, washed it from the manure, his mother gave chain mail, a sword, a whip and a saddle; T. jumps to look for a wife, punched an aspen leaf with an arrow; an old woman in the house says that T. pierced a piece of her bed; that Num-Torum, his father let his wife down from the sky, and Paraparsekh stole; gave pike, hawk, mammoth, hare and scissors; T. meets people herding horses; people: we herd horses P.; T.: answer: we herd horses T., otherwise the Fire King following me will burn you with fire; the same is cow shepherds; T. comes to P.'s house, he is not there, a woman tells him to hide in moss; winged P. descends on larch; the woman assures that P. is dead, P. does not believe, flies away; T. pursues with the skin of a hawk; P. became an iron loon in the sea, T. became a pike ; P. - hare, T. - another hare; P. - teal duck, T. shot him with an arrow, burned him in the fire; the horse carried him across the sky through Torum's fire, ordered him to hide in his nostril for a while; Kul on his way, swallows everyone, the horse tells them to wear mammoth skin, cut off Kul's nose and ears with scissors; Kul: I'll die now; 30 aspens from one root go into the girth, strangle people with branches; the horse is gone, T. thinks about that old woman, she appears, breaks aspens, says that the eternal era of human life will come, and with these aspens this would be impossible; the horse tells you to wrap it with birch bark, grab Kirp-Nelp Equa's granddaughter; K. chases, enough the horse, but only rips off his birch bark, cuts his hands against his sword; T. comes to his wife, with him, clutching the horse's leg, daughter K.; T. now has two wives, all P.'s wealth; in heaven T. comes to the old man, in sledges Sun girl; T. volunteered to take her away; looks down, sees people quarreling, thought he would kill everyone, people die; the old man tells them to be resurrected; he resurrected; the same in another place where in the sledge Month-old girl (or are these girls daughters of the Sun and the Month?) ; with two wives, T. comes to a place where earth and sky meet; there is a hole, an old man is waiting for ducks, waiting for geese; T. tries to fly like a hawk, falls, dives into the lake with a pike, brings it to the old woman and the old man ducks; the old woman cooks them, does not tell them to break their bones, puts their bones in a lake with live water, the ducks fly out alive; T. sleeps with their daughter; T. returned to earth with all his wives, now there are 5 wives; then gets another wife]: Lukina 1990, No. 106.

Eastern Siberia. Yakuts: Ergis 1967b, No. 101 (summary of the archival text, place of recording not specified; central?) [the merchant promises to give the sea spirit what he does not know at home; this is a son; the old man advises the young man to go to three sterhs, one of which will give a black stone; the guy gives it to the sea spirit, comes out victorious from trials; Siberian is a pupil of the sea spirit, the guy runs with her, turning into birds or fish; the spirit swallows them; they rip off his stomach and go out], 106 (summary of several archival texts, places of recording are not specified; at least central ones?) [the old woman gives her son to the sorcerer; after 13 years she must recognize him among 13 identical ones; recognizes him among foals, birds, bees; the son turns into a bird in a cage, into a horse; the old woman sells him to a sorcerer; daughter the sorcerer frees; the sorcerer pursues the guy, who turns into a bear, a wolf, a fish; a ring on the finger of the younger princess; the sorcerer demands a ring, it crumbles in grains, the rooster sorcerer bites, one grain becomes a hawk, kills a sorcerer]: 181, 183; (cf. Baikal Evenks (many unclear places; the text is clearly borrowed and sometimes incomprehensible) [two guys learned to read and write, they ate that bird; their merchant husband The younger sister told them to be brought in; she admitted that he wanted to carve the duck out of their bellies; they ran away; three doves became girls on the shore; one of the boys hid the youngest's skirt; she showed the way; khan tells me to identify that girl among the three doves; she says she will be middle, she will wave her wing; the khan gives him the girl, tells him to bake bread; they run away; the swan is chasing, they have become fish, the swan has returned, Khan sent a bear, he sees a house, they pray in it; the Khan is chasing himself; they returned to their land with a broken wing]: Titov 1936, No. 60:205-207); Uchursky Evenks (Aldan District of Yakutia) [episode in a long epic story: the hero Hurkokchon chased the girl Unyaptuk; W. ran to the cliff, turned into a needle and entered the crevice; H. turned into a triangular iron peg and entered that but a crevice; he crushed the rock stronger than W. and began to catch up with W.; it turned into a white bird and flew up; H. turned into a falcon and flew after; W. descended into the clearing and became man; a battle began between her and Kh., in which Kh won]: Romanova, Myreeva 1971, No. 19:258-259.

Amur - Sakhalin. The Nanai [Fuding is surprised that her 6 older sisters are swimming in the cauldron; they say that they will go looking for grooms, force F. to go; they come to the house of seven bald men; they cut off their heads, throw them into a cauldron; F. turns into a needle; they sifted ash, the needle became F. then a wasp, flew away, then a duck; the younger bald man is also chased by a wasp, a duck; F. rushed into the river, turned into a hundred chebaks; the stalker does not know which fish to chase. No. F. came to Mergen's house, he marries her; when bald ones come, he turns her into a flea; the bald ones promise to come again; M. sends F. to the house where he 40 wives - let them tie themselves with a rope, sit quietly; you can hear the roar of battle; the younger bald man tears the ropes, enters the house; when he is ready to grab F., a bear (the same M.) enters the house, three days later wins, but badly injured, promises to return in 3 or 7 years; only the youngest F. and the older wife have decided to wait for M.; the eldest leaves to look for him, after 7 years F. is going to hang himself, at which time M. appears; but immediately leaves - he has a new wife who has cured him; F. turns into a duck, stops at a shaman tree, hears the conversation between the other two; M. at the sea mistress, overgrows hair, in 3 days he will be completely overgrown, will begin destroy people; F. flies in with a wasp, washes off the hair with her tears; M. revives F.'s older sisters, marries them all]: Chadaeva 1990:68-73; the Udege [seven bald people eat people; their mother hides a girl who comes; she finds the remains of girls eaten; finds wings, flies away; seven chase her in the form of kites; she descends, turns into seven worms; those too; she turns into lots of mosquitoes; bald ones turn into kites again, peck mosquitoes, can't peck a girl; she comes to a house where wooden idols make her faces; she is afraid, the owner enters, takes the girl as his wife, burns idols; they have two children; she tells her to put three pillars, one with an iron core; bald people eat one child, a woman with the other climbs a pole; they gnaw poles, remains iron; she asks the Raven to fly to call her husband; she refuses, it will be better to bite his eyes; the raven flies, the husband gives him the right to bite meat alone; kills bald arrows; prepares their meat, sends them to their mother; When she finds out what she ate, she hangs herself]: Nikolaeva et al. 2003, No. 10:69-72.

(Wed. Plains. Blackfooted {clearly Hebrew borrowing} [Napa ("Old Man") enters another man's house, sees a woman in a tree; the owner allows her to be taken; N. lives with her for four days, runs away, stealing property; leaves run their moccasins, turning into a dead moccasin; the owner pursues, finds moccasins by the sea, realizes that he has been deceived; N. arrives as a crow, the pursuer is chased in the form of an eagle; then they turn into wren and hawk; wren rushes to a young woman, turns into a bone ring on her finger; explains that he is an Old Man; the stalker says he is a Conscience, not from her run away]: Linderman 1995:40-43).