Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

L105. Invisible hook, B5482.3.

(.12.13.) .

An animal, fish, or anthropomorphic character injured by the hero runs away or swims away - usually with a hook, harpoon, arrow, or other hunting or fishing gear stuck in the body; local healers are unable to heal the creature/character (usually because they do not see the injured object); the hero or his companion comes to the village of the wounded person and heals him successfully (usually by removing the wounded person subject). Cf. M60A motif.

(Von [elephant]), Scots [seal], Irish [lake owner], Walman [boar], Lake. Kutubu [fish], Palau [fish], (Hawaii [fish?]) , Khmer [dragon], bataki [boar], (dusun [crocodile]), galela [boar], minahasa [fish], tetum [fish], bunak [crow but hiding in a lake], roti [crocodile], Koreans [human], Adygs [ underwater dove maiden], Ossetians [water master's daughter], Mongols [deva-lan], Amur Evenks [elk], Orochi [girl], nivhi [seal], Ancient Japan (Kojiki) [fish], northern Ryukyu Islands [fish], Chukchi [mouse; seal], chugach [sea lion], koyukon [mink], tanaina [marmot], taltan [seal], helmet [seal], tagish [seal], eyak [seal], tlingit [seal], haida [aquatic creature], tsimshian [sea lions], bellacula [ woman from heaven], heiltsuk [forest spirit], quakiutl [forest woman], chickpea [shark], quarry [swan?] , comox [fish], quileut [water spirit], cous [forest spirit; pelican], (mikmak), macuna [miscellaneous animals].

(Wed. West Africa. Von [the hunter killed only elephants; the wounded elephant disappeared into the river; the hunter follows him under water; there is a village, there are people in it; the hunter explains to the leader that the chased beast is somewhere here; the leader says that he has forbidden his men to go ashore; tells him to open the doors of houses, invites the hunter to find the one he wounded; tells the wounded to go with the hunter; he put his hands on the shore and four calebasses legs, became an elephant, the hunter finished him off]: Herskovits, Herskovits 1958, No. 55:248-249).

(Wed. Sudan - East Africa. Shilluk [the crocodile kills people; the hunter ties the dog, the crocodile goes to its howl, the hunter throws a harpoon at him twice, but the crocodile sails away; the hunter sails in a boat to the village, He enters the house, sees both of his harpoons there; the owner explains that he is the same crocodile; he promises the man not to hunt crocodiles anymore]: Westermann 1912, No. 91:221-222).

Western Europe. Scots [a seal wounded by a hunter hides in the sea, carrying his knife; the hunter meets the rider, who promises to buy skins, take him to a place where there are many seals; throws the hunter into the sea; the stranger and the hunter himself turn into seals; the stranger leads the hunting seal to the seal palace; shows his knife; asks for the wounded seal to be bandaged; the hunter does it, the seal immediately recovers; the hunter promises not to hunt seals anymore; the seal that brought him back ashore, both regaining their human form; the hunter gets a purse full of gold, it's enough to live without hunting]: Kharitonov 2008:462-467; Irish [in the middle of the day, a young fisherman is fishing in a boat on a quiet lake; suddenly a huge wave rushes at him; he throws a jail into the wave and the water calms down; she feels tired at home, lies down; a young woman comes up, asks the fisherman's mother to let her see her son; explains that her mistress sent her; only the fisherman himself can remove the jail from her forehead; at the bottom of the lake, the queen on the throne; she fell in love with the fisherman and tried to drag him to the bottom, becoming a wave; the fisherman easily took out the prison; when asked what reward he wanted, the fisherman asked none of his descendants would not be able to drown in the lake]: Ross 1994:83.

Melanesia. Valman [in the forest, a man wounds a wild pig, goes to look for an arrow; two sisters (one of them was wounded in the guise of a pig) take him to their village; man sees pigs in human form; their father tells him not to kill pigs, gives a wife; the man returns home, abstains from hunting for a long time; one day he hunts, kills a wild boar, this is his father-in-law; the wife turns into a pig, kills him]: Becker 1971, № 34:435-436; oz. Kutubu [the woman's younger brother takes her husband's jail without asking, harpoons nafa fish, she goes into the water with a jail in her body; the sister's husband beats the young man; he swims with his sister in a boat, tells her to wait, himself he goes down a rope to the bottom; there is peace as on earth, but local people do not eat pork, but earthworms; the young man eats hunting cassowaries; he is received as a guest; during dances arranged for a purpose to heal the patient, the young man notices his prison in his body; slowly pulls it out, returns to the ground; after packing his things, goes back to the lake; his sister quarrels with her husband, accusing him of her brother is gone; turns into a snake, her husband into a palm tree from which jails are made; at the bottom a young man gets a wife; one day in the dark he takes food prepared by his wife in his mouth; it is worms, he turns into fish, sees others also in fish guise]: Williams 1941, No. 9:139-140.

Micronesia-Polynesia. Palau [Fraser, Boas, and Matsumoto (the last one is based on Frobenius and Eisenstedter) recount different parts of the same text]: Kubary, vol.1:60-65 in Frazer 1924 [Akapekemek left overnight vessels tied to palm trees, collecting juice in them; someone empties blood vessels; he guards, fish comes out of the water, leaves its tail, climbs a palm tree; A. takes its tail; the next day he sees under a palm tree a naked woman, she asks for a skirt; he gives, takes a woman as his wife; they have a beautiful daughter; her mother sends her to bring a pestle, she accidentally finds a fish tail, swims away; the grandson of a sea woman, Athmolokoth, grows up, catches fish, loses the hook, goes down to sea after him; his grandmother swallowed him, he returns it]: 263-264; Kubary in Boas 1895 [the young fisherman's fish bit off the forest, left with a hook; he dives, stops at the bottom on the shore of the pond, where the girl comes to collect water for her sick mother; he treats the patient by taking out his hook, the others do not see the hook]: 352; Matsumoto 1928 [the young man took his father's harpoon, the harpoon was carried away by the fish, the father was angry; the mother advised me to dive into the sea; in an underwater country, the young man met Tudalem fish; he saw a girl who came for water; she invited me into the house, said that women have a sore throat; the Tudalem fish began to dance ridiculously, the woman laughed, regurgitated her harpoon, the young man took it and returned to the ground]: 110-111; (cf. Hawaii [Bastian's text is confusing; it's clear that there's a motive for the lost hook; the hero descends to the bottom of the sea, there's a girl, the hero rises with her to the surface]: Bastian in Frobenius 1904:283-284).

Burma - Indochina. Khmer [when a son is born, the poor man is not happy: the family is too poor; the boy is constantly crying, he was named Néac del Yom ("Crybaby"); but the predictor promised that he would become king; when N. grew up, his father kicked him out to be eaten by tigers, although the predictor repeated what was said; N. came to a neighboring kingdom; a local magician found out that N. was destined to be happy; taught him; married him a beauty found in a lotus flower in a sacred pond; her name is Chhouk ("Lotus"); the king sent a hunter to bring game, he did not get anything, went to the wizard and saw the beauty; when the king left the hunter in prison for returning without prey, the hunter said he had found something more valuable for the king; to get rid of her husband, the king sent N. to get him Luong-Srey-Phca ("Queen of Flowers"); the wife gave ring; the king sent warriors, but the wizard and C. disappeared into the forest; N. came to the kingdom from where everyone fled, fearing huge birds; only the queen remained, who hid in the drum; she wanted to go with N. but he promises to pick her up on the way back; in another kingdom, the dragon devours all the married members of the royal house, who will no longer marry; if N. defeats the dragon, the king will give him his daughter; N. wounded the dragon, split off the scales, and he ran; N. promised to pick up the princess on his way back; when he came to the dragon's land, N. volunteered to cure him, quietly put the scales back and he recovered; for this, the dragon put N. on his back and flew with him to the land of the Queen of Flowers (otherwise you can't get there); the CC lives in a balloon hanging above the ground; the servant agreed to lower N. the stairs; the CC saw C.'s ring on his finger; N. told her everything and she agreed to go with him; they flew in a balloon, after picking up those princesses whom N. married on the way to the CC; to the king who sent N., the CC said that she did not have a long staircase to lower from the ball - let the king build a tower; but no matter how much they build, not a few cubits are enough; then the king tried to jump into the ball, but fell and crashed; after that, the ball fell to the ground; N. became king, found his first wife, and began to live with all his wives]: Leclè re, Feer 1895, No. 3:99-111.

Malaysia-Indonesia. Minahasa (Houmbulusan boy borrowed a fishing hook from a friend, he was carried away by a fish; the friend refused to accept compensation, demanded his hook back; he went down to the underwater world, a sick fish turns out to be a girl; the young man promises to cure her by being alone with her, pulls the hook out of his throat, hides it in her clothes, receives gifts from the girl's parents; returning to the surface, does not finds his boat; a big fish agrees to take him ashore, for which he gives it a beautiful name]: Frobenius 1904:282-283 (Dixon 1916:214-215 in Matsumoto 1928:111); bataks [young man hurts the boar with a spear borrowed from his uncle, the boar carries the spear, the uncle demands his spear back, refuses to replace him; the young man descends to the lower world, where the leader's daughter is wounded in the leg; the young man pulls his wound a spear, marries a girl; wants to go home, is watched, he is not allowed in; he lies to the guards, returns to earth]: Matsumoto 1928:111-112; (cf. dusun (kadazan) [the son of the crocodile chief swallowed a woman, her hairpin is stuck in his throat; the chief asks the healer to come and heal his son; she goes down to the crocodiles, tells them to close their eyes easily takes out the hairpin, warns that all people have them and next time it will not save anyone; crocodiles have left people alone]: Villard 2013:145-149); galela (Halmahera) [ the man threw a spear at a wild pig that had destroyed the garden; followed a bloody trail, went down to a crevice, into a village; found his spear at the door of a house; the owner replied that he had wounded his daughter; in the house boar skins hung; he cured the girl, married her; remembered the house on earth; lived with wild boars in boar clothing for three months, went out with them to the ground to ruin the gardens; then he was told close his eyes, he opened them outside his house as a human being; boars told him not to kill them anymore, but to ask him to go to another site]: Van Dijken 1895:398 in Dixon 1916:213-214; Kai Islands [in heaven three brothers (the eldest is called Hian) and two sisters; the youngest Parpara lost the elder's hook, who ordered that particular hook to be returned; the fish said the other had something stuck in his throat; brought the hook; to take revenge, P. placed a vessel of palm wine over his brother's bed; when he got up, he could not help but touch him, the liquid spilled; P. demanded that H. return everything; H. began to dig, dug a hole; the brothers lowered into her dog was on a rope; when they picked her up, they found sand on her paws; three brothers and one sister began to descend the rope; when the second one began to descend, her brother looked at her from below; she was ashamed, pulled the rope, the people who remained at the top pulled it out; three brothers and sister became human ancestors]: Dixon 1916:156-157 (also starting in Frobenius 1904:283); tetum [the younger single brother asked for the eldest married fishing hook; Na'I Lou, the island's chief's only daughter, turned into loli, grabbed the hook, went with it into the water; the older brother demanded that the hook be returned; the youngest threw the net, she how a boat brought him to the island; the young man climbed a tree; there was a spring nearby, guarded by crocodiles; two maids came to the spring; the young man chewed the fruit, spat; they first thought they were birds, then saw the reflection, decided that they were their own, that they were very beautiful; when they saw the young man, they told them to go down without fear of crocodiles; they said that the princess was suffering from a sore throat; the young man took out and hid his hook , replaced it with a bamboo fake, then removed it, showed it; he was married to NL; he sailed home, gave the hook to his brother, returned to the island, the chief handed him the throne]: Sá 196:44-64; tetum or kemak (Austronesians of Timor): Hicks 2007, No. 3 [(=Pascoal 1967:132-137); parents learned that Bíli-Loba, the youngest of seven sons, does not work with the brothers on the site but hunts; his mother gave him a loan in a plate of sewage; he left home, started growing arek palms and betel trees, fishing; the fish bit off his hook; someone steals the crop; BL waited for the thief, who explained that betel and areca were needed for treating the wounded queen; asks to close her eyes, BL is next to the patient, sees his hook in her throat; takes out the hook, shows the thorn instead, as if he had pulled it out; he is given buffaloes, brothers they are taken away; as punishment, with the help of a sea chief, he floods the village, saves only one brother who was kind to him; for the help of water people, he is forced to marry his daughter for the queen's son (first tried to bring the maid instead of her)], 4 [the younger brother began to catch the hook from the elder, the crocodile took the hook; the eldest demanded the hook back; the younger one waited for a cockatoo woman stealing from bethel is in the garden; she explained that the betel needs to be treated by her crocodile grandfather, who has a sore throat; her younger brother goes with her to the underwater world, pulls his hook out of the Crocodile's throat, replaces with a palm thorn (he supposedly extracted it); asks for buffaloes as a reward; they appear in the corral; the crocodile asks for a woman in return; the young man tries to give a maid, but is forced to give his sister]: 47, 48; bunak (Papua Central Timor) [two brothers catch two pigs ruining the garden; they turn into two girls, the older brother takes both for himself; the youngest leaves, raises buffaloes; the crow sits on buffalo back, biting them to blood; younger brother asks his elder to give him his father's golden arrow; the crow is wounded, flies away with an arrow; the bird brings him to the lake, dives with him into the water; he sits on coconut palm, throws a coconut flower to those who come to the source; they explain that the Raja has an incomprehensible disease; the younger brother undertakes to cure him, takes out and hides the golden arrow in his clothes, shows a wooden fake, smeared with red betel juice; Raja recovers; locals hang oranges on a tree during the day, turn into people at night and dance; a young man asks for two ripe oranges as a gift; Raja also gives a cloth, a fan, a panicle, a horn with butter, tells you to put oranges only on the cloth; the bird carries the young man back; he bathes, leaving oranges on the cloth, hears laughter, oranges have turned into two girls; realizes that he saw these girls dancing with raja crows; the older brother asks one of them for himself in exchange for one of his two wives; the youngest does not agree, the eldest kills him; the girls revive him with a fan, a panicle, oil; together they kill their older brother, the youngest takes his widows]: Berthe 1972:57-59 (=Hicks 2007, No. 5:48-49); roti [an orphan dreams of a seven-headed horse, from under whose hooves are pouring gold; the spirit (this is the boy's grandfather) gives it to him; Raja's horse does not create gold (and apparently runs away), the Raja demands to bring him back; the orphan pulls the harpoon out of the wounded crocodile; a shark tells you to trust the crocodile, but go with him to cure his grandfather; an orphan pulls a fishing hook from his shark grandfather's throat; a shark leads him to Raja's daughter, who hides the young man from his evil father; young they run on horseback about seven heads; the earthly raja asks where to get a horse and a girl; a young man pushes him into a well, reigns]: Braginsky 1972:54-57.

China - Korea. Koreans [young Park is an orphan who cut and sold marsh grass for fuel; once a deer asked him to hide it from hunters; for this he said that 8 heavenly people go down to the lake to swim once a year virgins; you have to hide the skirt with the one you like best and not give it away until he has three children; Park hid the youngest's skirt; his wife created a tiled fanza, a barn, a bull; Park gave the skirt when it was just two children; everything is gone; the deer gave three pumpkin seeds: if planted, they will grow to the sky, but you can't look back; Park looked, fell; the deer gave again - the last one; in the sky, the children recognized Park; wife said that for her father's sake she had to ask for her skirt, but she wanted to live on earth; the old father of the virgins tells me to find him, becomes a rooster, a hog (the wife suggests); the elder son-in-law fired an arrow: Let Park not allow her to fall to the ground or to heaven; the wife turned to the gyrfalcon, picked up an arrow; her son-in-law into an eagle, set off for a gyrfalcon; he dropped the arrow, she fell on the son of the leader of the nobility; son-in-law demands an arrow to be delivered to him; Park's wife: ask for a horse and take a poor foal; he immediately brought Park to the house of the leader of the nobility; they cry for his deceased son; the arrow is so thin that people do not see her in the young man's body; Park pulled out an arrow unnoticed, the young man came to life; Park got a wife, but he was persuaded to stay with her in heaven in the service of Okonshante; they rode to him in a dragon, a wife made of marble the bottle was pouring rain; Park asked to pour more, snatched out the bottle, began to pour himself, dropped it; he fell into the mouth of a volcano that went out, and the Great Dragon Lake formed in the crater, from which Three rivers have flowed since then: Amnoka, Tumangang and Sungari; the great Okonshante was not angry with his wife Park, but he suspended her and did not give any service to her husband; they remained in heaven]: Garin- Mikhailovsky 1958:.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Adygi [every day the sledge apple tree brings an apple from which infertile women conceive, but someone takes the apples away; Pidgash and Pidja, the sons of Dad's sledge, take care of the guard; Pidgash sees a dove who carries apples, wounds him with an arrow, moistens his handkerchief with his blood; the brothers follow a bloody trail to the sea; Pidgash descends to the bottom, asking his brother to wait for him for a year; comes to the palace, two girls give him something the apple itself; they explain that by stealing apples, they were looking for worthy suitors; their third sister Migazesh is injured, only her own blood collected by a sledge will heal her; The jacket touches her wound with her bloody with a handkerchief; M. recovers, becomes his wife; a year later, Pijash goes out to look for his brother; they missed each other; Pidge goes down to look for him at sea, M. takes him for her husband; Pidshage sees it, ends by suicide, shooting an arrow up and letting her fall on her head; when she sees his brother dead, Pidge stabbed himself; pregnant M. wants to go back to sea, but her mother sends her to sledges, where she gives birth to sons Imys and Uazirmes]: Lipkin 1951:329-338; Libedinsky 1978 [one golden apple ripened on the sledge apple tree a day; rer healed people from diseases and healed wounds, although it did not save them from death; at night someone stole an apple; sledges took turns guarding, but to no avail; it was Warhag's turn; he sent Ahsar and Ahsartag's sons to guard; if the apple was stolen, one of them would be beheaded by sledges, the other hand, they will put the one cut off on the stakes; Ahsartag guarded until midnight, but then told Akhsar that he could continue to sleep; at dawn a dove flew in; Akhsartag cut off half of her wing with an arrow, the apple fell to the ground; the brothers followed the bloody trail to the sea; Ahsartag descends into the sea; if the bloody foam immediately rises, he died; if white, let Ahsar wait for him for a year; in a house at bottom 7 The brothers say that they have three sisters; one of them, Zerassa, is in the habit of stealing sledge apples in the guise of a dove; if you put on a severed wing and letting her eat an apple, she will recover; who will cure her, that's what she would marry; Ahsartag healed Dz.; a year later he remembered to return to his brother; Z. turned herself and her husband into fish and they surfaced; they came to Ahsar's tent, but he was just on hunting; Ahsarsag went to look for him, they missed each other; Dz. mistook Ahsar for her husband, they looked so similar; Ahsar put his sword in bed for the night; Z. got up, was offended; Ahsarsag returned, thought that his wife had changed; Ahsar fired an arrow into the sky: let him hit me at the place he touched Dz.; the arrow hit Ahsarsag in his little finger and he died; Ahsartag stabbed with a sword; Uastyrji descended from the sky with a three-legged horse, promised to bury the brothers if Z. went for him; when he did, Z. said she must wash herself first, went to the sea, went to her father; Uastyrji promised to find Dz. in the world of the dead; his mother sent Dz. give birth to sledges, otherwise they will not recognize children as their own; Dz. gave birth in the lower tier of the Warhaga ancestral tower; the twins Uryzmag and Khamyts were born; they grew up quickly; H. broke the girl's jug out of mischief; she advised him to find his grandfather Warhag, who grazes sledges; W. recognized them, brought them upstairs to the ancestral tower; married Z.; died a year later, Dz died a year later; ordered sons to guard her tomb for three nights; H. went to guard, but heard music and went to the wedding; at this time Uastyrji came in, revived Dz., got together with her, she gave birth to a girl, died again; Uryzmag heard crying, got a girl, she was named Shatana; the same in Kaloev 1980:375; addition: On the third night, Uastyrdzhi came to D.'s crypt, then let his horse and dog go. A year later, dead D. gave birth to Satan, the foal of Arfan, "the eldest of horses," and the puppy Silam, "the oldest of dogs." D. left offspring that formed the powerful Nart family Akhsartagkat)]: 50-64.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. The Mongols (the Mongolian version of Geser, published in Beijing in 1716; the text is folklore, not bookish) [the cannibal in the form of a llama comes to Heser; turns him into a donkey; G. Rogmo meets the cannibal; people seek help from Mrs. Aju Mergen; she takes the form of an ogre's sister, she has eyebrows to her chest, chest to her knees; lures R., she rides Osle-G; G. regains human appearance; G. and AM go hunting; AM tells you not to miss, shooting at the flame on the head of the fallow deer; the arrow pierced the entire body of the fallow deer, but it galloped away and disappeared into the fortress; G. broke the gate with an ax, turned into a boy, saw an old woman (this is the ogre's sister) with an arrow through her body; the boy agrees to pull out an arrow if the woman agrees to become his wife; she swears that G. pulls out an arrow, the old woman swallows G. and AM, later burps; G. lures the ogre, who has become a llama, into the hut, burns it in it]: Mátéffy 2014.

Eastern Siberia. Amur Evenks [when leaving, Khurukochon sticks a knife into a poplar, tells his three younger sisters that if the knife falls, he is in trouble; giant Sekakchan takes him away with one hand, one leg, one eye older sister; H. comes back, does not ask about her; the same with the middle sister, with the youngest; C. goes to look for them; the old teal woman throws three eggs into his mouth, he becomes a hero; indicates in which side of his sister; C. comes to the edge of the lower earth, tears off the shepherd's head, puts on his clothes; comes to his older, middle, younger sister; each has a half child in her arms, they themselves are halves; C. kills all devils from a bow; an old woman throws an egg at the women, they take on their former appearance; sisters marry three sons of the Month; H. goes to the sunset, shoots an elk in the stomach, follows her, but sees no traces of blood; flies in a fly into a house without holes when a woman comes out; becomes human again; the girl says that her sister is stuck against a tree if X. cures her, marries her; H. pulls out her arrow, heals a girl, takes a wife]: Bulatova 1987, No. 2:111-116.

Amur - Sakhalin. Orochi [the ox tells the owner to go to the sea, 12 swans will arrive, take off their clothes, become girls; we must hide the youngest's plumage; she clapped her hands, created a rich house, fed her, put her to sleep; he woke up - neither at home nor girl; the ox reproaches that the young man did not make her wife; we must sow two sunflower seeds, they will grow to the sky; we must climb them; stars are the roots of trees in the upper world; ox also tells him to get into one ear, get out of the other, the young man is great and handsome; the young man hit his head against the sky, it parted, he saw houses, in one of them that beauty; her father gives difficult problems, the girl helps to solve; 1) recognize the bride among three chickens (she will raise her wing, there is a white feather); 2) find out among 12 girls with curtained faces in the same dresses (the bride is glued to clothes needle); 3) find and bring three arrows fired in different directions; the bride tells you to choose a frozen skate, his hair is in the opposite direction; gives a bottle of medicine to heal wounds; the first arrow in the side sturgeon; the young man took the arrow, cured the sturgeon; the second was brought by the mice to their queen; the young man ate the horse; the mouse returned the arrow and revived the horse; the young man helped the weaker army; after the victory he found out that in their city the princess was wounded by an arrow; took out an arrow, put medicine, the princess recovered; the young man returned to the bride, her father gave it to him; one day a man decided to visit the land; his wife warned not to eat chicken; his greeted, given cock meat; he ate and became a rooster, so the rooster meets the morning dawn]: Aurora, Lebedeva 1978, No. 82:133-135, 150 [a borrowed fairy tale, probably of Manchu origin, but the motives of swan girls and hidden clothes are "inherent in Oroch folklore"]; Sangi 1989 [=Medvedev 1992:85-92; sister and brother grow up alone; brother sees two seals taking off their clothes (scales) turn into girls, wash themselves; he hides their clothes, gives them alone only after she agrees to marry him; his sister tries to kill Nerpa with a jail, hurts her; she swims away, tells her to go out herself for her brother; she braids like a woman; brother goes to the sea, two girl seals tell him the words of their older sister (his wife) to make a loon bowl out of wood; they take him to sea in it; two long-haired women catch him, tickle him; he causes thunder, they kill them; a sea lion brings him to the island; a slave shows the way; a young man puts on a slave's clothes; turning into a water flea, jumps over two wolves closing the way, two bears; shamans are trying to heal the wounded Nerpa; a young man revives her, takes her home; his sister is barely alive there; he is a successful hunter]: 395-402; Ulita 2011 [when father returned from hunting, the little son said that the mother changed into her husband's clothes, came to the shore, a seal sailed there, her mother put a spear into her, the seal hardly escaped and swam away; the husband killed his wife, threw his head into a fire, turned into a crow himself, made his son a Moor bird (the size of a jay, screams at night and frightens people), flew to the house on a bloody trail, became human again, a wounded woman in the house , which turned into a seal (the wife found out about her mistress, tried to kill her); the man cured her, made her wife]: 36-37; nivhi [the older brother has a wife; he tells her to wash and comb her hair every morning the youngest, ventilate his clothes; the elder's wife thinks of making the youngest her husband; one day the youngest dressed himself, went to the sea, saw a seal, she took off her skin, became a woman, they got together; a seal woman promised to come again tomorrow, bringing tables and dishes to eat elks; the younger brother returned, the elder and his wife did not ask him; in the morning, the elder's wife put on her younger brother's clothes, went Junior ski track, hid herself, buried in the sand; the seal is afraid, the woman tells her to go out as agreed; throws a harpoon at it; they have been fighting for a long time, the tench is cut off, the wounded seal has gone to sea, ordered tell his husband's brother not to pursue her; at home, the young man understood everything, went ashore, overheard his seal wife's two younger sisters talking, who came to the house with chips; carved out a figure, swam to her, then fired an arrow, flew it, so he fired arrows and flew on each, reached another land; there his wife's sisters and other seals in the guise of people say that a man from the ground wounded the elder's daughter, they prepare spears and arrows, guard him; he asks the servant where his jews harp is (by the window behind his pillow), asks other questions; when he finds out everything, he shook him out of his skin, put it on, came to his nerpa wife; there are locals shamans are camlayat; the imaginary servant asked for a bang, pulled the prison out of the wounded woman's chest, now the seal will marry him; the young man returned, returned the servant's skin, he came to life; told his grandfather and grandmother seals that he was not he wounded her, and his brother's wife, and he cured her; the seal's uncles bear and walrus guard him on the shore, but he gave them a fish, they called him son-in-law; he flies back on an arrow; there whoever turned walrus growls, his lower lip is dragging along the ground, the upper lip reaches the sky, there is fire in his mouth; the young man jumped into his mouth, began to cut him from the inside, he released him; in disguise, the man went with him, brought him to that bear, the young man and him jumped into the mouth (still the same); those two seal girls go with him (the younger sisters of the first seal?) ; at home he forced his brother to take his wife by the leg, took him by the other, they tore her apart; he married one seal girl, gave his brother another]: Pevnov 2010, No. 2:16-25.

Japan. Ancient Japan [Hoderi no mikoto is a lucky fisherman, his younger brother Hoori no mikoto is a lucky hunter; offers to exchange fishing and hunting gear, caught nothing, missed the hook; does 1,000 hooks from his sword, but his older brother demands his back; Shio-tsuchi-no kami (God-Spirit of the Sea) takes him by boat to Wata-tsumi no kami (God Spirit of the Sea) palace, telling him to sit there on a katsura tree he will be noticed by the daughter of the sea god; her maid goes to fetch water, sees a shadow in the well, notices the young man; he asks for a drink, throws a pearl into the vessel; the daughter of the sea god Toyotam-bine (Virgin of the Abundant Zhemchuzhin) finds her, her father passes her off as a young man; he has been living with her for three years, remembers the reason why he got to sea; the sea god calls fish, who answer that the Tai fish (perch genus) complains about a thorn stuck in his throat; the sea god hands his son-in-law a hook, promises to ruin his brother; sends him home on a crocodile; with the help of a pearl, the young man drowns and then saves his older brother (floods his fields); the wife comes to give birth on land, does not tell me to spy; he spies, sees a crocodile, the wife returns to sea forever, leaving her son, the father gives him up to his younger sister]: Kojiki 1994, ch. 33-35:90-96; Ryukyu Islands (northern) [fisherman brother and hunter brother change their fishing and hunting gear; the hunter loses the hook, the fisherman demands that it be returned; the old man on the shore explains how to get to the palace king of the sea; at the gate, a young man hides in a tree above the well; the maid sees his reflection, tells the princess, she falls in love, the young man marries her; three years later he wants to return; the king collects subjects, the hook is stuck in the mouth of the fish (red snapper), she is sick from it; the young man with his wife and gifts (jewelry that controls the tide) returns to the ground; returns the hook to his brother and curses him; good luck leaves him, he obeys his brother; the husband violates his wife's ban on watching her give birth; she turns into a crocodile and swims away]: Ikeda 1971, No. 470C: 121-122.

SV Asia. Chukchi: Anonymous 1958 [written in 1956 in Uelen; a hunter harpooned a lahtak, who dragged the boat into the sea, the hunter cut off the tench; harpooned a walrus, who dragged the boat to the bottom; in the underwater world, Walrus tells the hunter to treat Lakhtak, who was wounded by him; the seal brings meat, but it is moldy, because during the "kayak launch" festival, the hunter donated stale meat; in spring, the Walrus turns the hunter into a walrus, sends home; there he becomes human again, donates fresh meat during the festival]: 69; Bogoras 1902, No. 40 [a person goes down to the lower world, enters the land of mice; he is asked to help a woman suffering from chills and sore throat; he sees a grass loop on her neck like the one that Chukchan children catch mice; removes the noose, the mouse recovers; the mice give him deer skin; when he returns to the ground, gifts turn out to be dry leaves and pieces of bark]: 660-661.

The Arctic. Chugach [hunters forget their friend on the island; Sea Lions invite him to their home; the old woman says that only drowned people used to come to them; a man heals the Sea Lion by taking it out He is harpoon out of his body; Sea Lions take him home; give him a boat, the stomach of a sea lion; when he reaches the ground, he throws his stomach back into the sea]: Birket-Smith 1953:155-156.

Subarctic. Koyukon [brothers disappear one by one; younger Betohoh (then his name is K'etaalkkaanee, "The one who rowed {on a boat} among humans and animals") goes in search (see motive F9); many meetings with people who turn out to be different animals; B. sees a store of dried fish, guarded by two dogs, actually bears; he throws a mitt to each of them, grabs a bunch of fish; down the river owners' camp; from there a mink scout comes running; B. shoots at her with a blunt arrow, she runs away crying; people say that the woman is wounded; shamans cannot heal her; B. comes, pulls out the end of her arrows, the woman immediately recovers; B. quickly swims away from this place]: Attla 1990:104-109; tanaina [one woman's snare is hit by large marmots and the other by small marmots; she throws away the person she comes across the cub along with the force; falls into the fog, comes to the underground dwelling of the marmots; there a woman lulls a child with a lace around his neck; an earthly woman realizes that this is her snare, takes it off, the child sighs free; the woman is allowed to leave; since then there are large marmots in her snare]: Tenenbaum 1976 (3): 10-12; taltan [tagish marries a tlingitka; his wife's brothers leave him on the island; alone against it; Seals call him to their lair; he takes the harpoon out of the wounded Seal; they send him in a bubble seal across the sea; tell him to think only about home; he remembers the Seals, finds himself back on the island; in next time he swims; makes a killer whale from different types of trees; a killer whale made of hard cedar comes to life; breaks his wife's brothers' boat, only a good brother saves]: Teit 1919, No. 13:235-237; helmet [ The Tlingits leave their helmet on an icy island; only one young man is against it; the Seals call him to their lair; he heals the Seal by removing the stuck harpoon; Seals send him in a bubble seal across the sea; they command think only about home; he remembers the Seals, finds himself on the island again; next time he swims; makes wooden killer whales; lightweight wood is not good; finally finds a suitable solid wood ( the origin of killer whales); killer whales sink a Tlingit boat, only a good young man escapes]: Teit 1917a, No. 10:451-452; tagish [four brothers of the seal hunter's wife leave him on a rock in the middle of the sea; he finds himself in the Seals home, asked to help the patient; he sees a harpoon invisible to the Seals, removes it unnoticed; grateful Seals send him home in a bubble (in the seal's stomach?) ; he makes the Killer Whale from different types of trees, but the figure does not come to life; two figures made of some other tree come to life; he tells them to swallow the brothers' boat, but stop being dangerous to people]: McClelland 2007, #49:253-254

NW Coast. Eyak [the hunter kills many seals, falls into the water, the seal brings it to his place; there is an injured seal, the seals do not see the harpoon, they think it is an abscess; the old seal quietly advises to promise heal the wounded for promising to bring the hunter home; the hunter quietly removes the harpoon; on the way home, the carrying seal hunter is attacked by an octopus, the man kills him, the seal eats him; on the shore the rescued person tells others not to harm the seal]: 34; the Tlingit [the wife's brothers envy Natsalane's hunting luck, leave it on the island; the youngest asks not to do so; the island floods tide, Loon leads N. to an underwater house; the chief of the Seals asks for the old man to be cured; in his body a harpoon invisible to the Seals; N. removes it, the old man recovers; the leader tells N. to swim to the shore, but not to think about the island; N. thinks he's back on the island; finally reaches the mainland; carves the Keet killer whale, whose image he saw in the Seal House, out of fir; he doesn't come to life; he carves out of cedar, the whale comes to life, kills The wife's brothers, except the youngest; N. tells the killer whale not to attack people anymore]: Smelcer 1993:19-22; Haida [1) an abandoned young man catches salmon for his younger brother; the catch disappears; the young man waits for Gaogila, shoots him, pursues him; he lives in the village of Master Carpenter, whose daughter the young man marries; shamans cannot cure sick G.; the young man takes out his arrow, inserts cedar bark into the wound, takes it out when he they promise a good salary; gets a daughter G. as his wife; 2) the young man and his grandmother are abandoned; they are helped by Skunk-Cabbage; they dry the fish; someone steals it, the young man shoots the thief; comes to the village of carpenters, finds out that wounded the chief's slave (he was Skunk-Cabbage); (without continuation)]: Swanton in Boas 1916:820; Tsimshian: Boas 1895, No. XXIII.7 [a woman's daughter married in another village, starving in both winter; mother and daughter went to meet each other; in the middle of winter they saw ripe rose hips; then a bird; at night there was a man next to the young woman; every day she finds the game he sent; gives birth to a son Asiwa; he grows up good a hunter, marries; chasing a bear, goes up the valley; the bear turns out to be the leader's servant, he gives A. a daughter; orders to get a mountain sheep; sends an avalanche, the wife warned to beware, he left for a scarecrow covered with his clothes, hid; caught many rams; lived with his wife, wanted to return, his father-in-law told him to fall asleep, he woke up at the foot of the mountain; married the sister of six brothers; went with them to the rocks to hunt sea lions; the brothers envied his skill, left him alone on the rock, but the youngest stayed nearby to save him; when the tide began to flood the rocks, A. turned into a bird he stuck a bow into the rock, an arrow in it, another one into it, etc., sat at the end of the arrow; the water was sleeping, the mouse invited him to visit their grandfather, he went into a hole in a pile of algae; there were patients in the house who did not know the causes of his illness; these were the sea lions he wounded, A. took out the arrows they could not see, the sick recovered; the leader ordered A. to be sent home by boat; the only good thing was the stomach of a sea lion; returning , A. sends his stomach back; makes alder the figure of a fin whal, it sinks; the same from cedar; the yellow cedar whale does not sink; made several of them, told them to turn over the brothers' boats in the morning, to spare the younger one; when A.'s son grew up, asked his father what sea lions fed him; answering, A. fell dead, his stomach was pierced by fish bones]: 285-289; Garfield, Forest 1961 [Natsihlane hunts sea lions better His wife's brothers; they throw him on an island; he tries to kill a sea lion, but the tip is broken; sea lions call him inside the cliff, asking for help; there the shaman heals a sick sea lion, but does not see causes of illness; N. sees his tip; thinks he won't take it out if sea lions don't send it ashore; the chief reads his mind, promises to send him home; he takes out the tip, sick recovers; he is put in the dried stomach of a sea lion, told to think only about home; he remembers sea lions three times, finds himself on the island again; gets home for the fourth time; N. does a killer whale made of different types of wood, only a yellow cedar killer whale came to life, swam into the sea; killer whales drowned his wife's brothers' boat, N. ordered them not to harm people anymore]: 81-82; bellacula [the husband drove his wife away, to get a new one, the sons went into the forest; found a top, built a house; the eldest caught salmon, the youngest dried them in the house; a woman came in the cape of an eagle covered in fluff; sucked all the fish with her mouth, left; the youngest nothing did not tell the elder; the next time he admitted that it was not he who ate, but the woman; on the third day, the eldest hid, shot the woman in the chest, followed her blood and eagle fluff to the sky; by the lake He sprinkled eagle fluff on his head, made sure that others could not see his arrows; two girls came out of the house to get water for her sick mother; Thunderbird, crane, black and brown bears could not cure her; the young man quietly took out his arrows, got one daughter as his wife; he returned with her, found his brother's bones, his ankle was carried away by birds; his wife revived him with living water; he remained lame; when he returned to his father, the brothers forced him bring their mother back, drive their new wife away; the heavenly wife told her husband not to smile at the sight of his former lovers; he went to get water, smiled, brought blood-colored water; the wife disappeared]: Boas 1895, No. 9:253-256 ; quakiutl [Yaqstatl boy ate a duck, it became a frog in his stomach; when his mother was cooking, the frog jumped out of Y.'s mouth and ate everything; his parents left him, swam away with all the good, but the little brother jumped out of the boat, stayed with the elder; cooked the salmon, let the frogs jump out, ran away; ate the fish, the frogs rushed after the brothers; I threw the clothes on the stump, the frogs mistook them for me. stayed there; the brothers sailed to the island; someone was stealing salmon from the top; brother guarded, fell asleep twice; on the third, I.; Zonokwa put her hand behind the fish, I shot her in the chest, she ran away; On a trail of fallen trees, Y. came to the lake; daughter J. came for water, mistook Y. for a shaman, asked her mother to be healed; the arrow Y. is invisible to others; I took out the arrow, received my daughter Z. as payment; at home found my brother dead; collected bones, not enough collarbone, he made it out of wood, revived his brother]: Boas 1895, No. 5a: 148-149; Heiltzuk [two brothers and sister catch salmon a day; dog howls, sister advises her to make the river big; she makes, now a lot of fish; someone steals fish hanged to dry; older brother stayed on guard; Masmasalaniq came at midnight, a headless man with eyes on breasts; firing four arrows, the young man chased him to his house by the lake; for M. and his people, people's arrows are invisible, everyone thinks that M. is sick; the man left the house, called the young man to heal the leader; he took it out arrows, got the chief's daughter as his wife; they have a son; four years later they decided to return to the young man's homeland; he made a boat, his wife wrote, a river appeared, he put a blanket over his head, the boat brought them home; the younger brother, sister and dog died during this time, the older brother's wife revived them; warned her husband not to scold his son; once he scolded the boy, the wife grabbed her son, got into the boat, disappeared]: Boas 1895, № XXI.4:237-238 (=2002:489-490); quaqiutl (tlatlasicoala) [the chief's daughter fell ill, her body was covered with boils, left alone in the village; a boy, Tlemae, a girl, was born from a tumor on her right ankle has recovered; someone is stealing salmon he had caught brought home; Dzonokva came in with a basket behind her back, T. shot her in the chest; followed the trail and drops of blood and fallen trees; stopped at the pond; the youngest daughter Z. came to get water for her mother who was suddenly ill; T. became a shaman, saw his four arrows invisible to others in the patient's chest; took out arrows, got his daughter as a wife and an object that hit to death; his mother's relatives came; T. ordered the man who was kind to her to go ashore, pointed weapons against the rest of the boats, the boats with people burned down and turned into stone; T. hid in finned, picked up by a girl in the land of Eagles; when she carried a log into the house, he frightened her, said he wanted to marry her; she threw a log into the fire, he broke light ash into her room, made by his wife]: Boas 1895, No. 7:189-191; chickpea [Kwotiath (i.e. mink) catches halibut and mollusks, the Shark swims the boat, disperses all the fish; next time he stabs a harpoon into the shark; goes looking wounded, sees an unfamiliar village on the shore, singing from the house; a slave asks if K. is a shaman to cure a woman; he sees his harpoon in the back of a sick person, others do not see him; he is promised one of two daughters are sick, he bargains both; takes out the harpoon, the woman recovers; he brings his wives home, but his penis has peeled off and fell off completely on their rough skin; he threw it ashore; now the place is called Prickly Coast]: Boas 1895, No. XIII.2:99-100 (=2002:247-248).

The coast is the Plateau. Quarry [see H12 motive; young Kite kidnaps the wife of Great Sonya, who lives in the world of the dead; she has whales in her bag, she sometimes releases them; other hunters leave K. on the island where they went hunt wild goats; does he treat a local person (-Swan?) , pulling his arrows out of his wounds; he is sent home in a ball of swan fluff; his wife releases whales, they sink an envious boat; two are saved - crooked and lame]: Jenness 1934, No. 10:145-149; comox [Katemot swam in a stream in a ravine, heard trees falling in the forest, threw a piece of bark over his shoulder, injuring Aihos; he disappeared screaming; K. sailed by boat into the sea, descended the seaweed to the bottom on the roof of A.'s house; A.'s son hammered the tree with an algae chisel; all the fish gathered around A. to treat him, but did not see the bark pierced; A. promises K. for the treatment of harpoons on cats, seagulls, and other birds, reeds, he does not want; A. cuts off a person's head, connects and revives; for this art, K. takes out the bark; pops up, his brother brings him home; he teaches him how to sing, cuts off his head, people sing, head grows; he does the same with his brother himself]: Boas 1895, No. 11:94-95; (cf. Chalkomel: Boas 1894a: 455 in Codere 1948:14 [a young man accidentally spits in a lake, an underwater girl falls ill; he dives, heals her; her relatives give him a mask]: 455; Codere 1948 [three versions; a young man sick with leprosy jumps into the lake to commit suicide; everyone in the house of underwater inhabitants is sick because the young man's saliva or tears have fallen into the water; he heals underwater inhabitants, they treat him; he returns to people, sends his sister to throw a fishing line into the lake; underwater inhabitants give his sister (a rattle and) a mask; according to Smith, the young man makes a copy of the mask, returns the original to the lake; the origin of masked dancing]: 1-9 ; Duff 1952 [as in Codere]: 123-125); quileout [Katie asks her son to be bait; ties a sinker, pushes it overboard; when the Shark is about to swallow it, K. pulls his son back, stabs him into Shark jail; at home Shark is looking for a shaman; K. promises to cure her if she gives him her two daughters; gets wives, extracts a prison invisible to Sharks; comes to Woodpecker with his wives under the guise of an unknown chief; Woodpecker tells the boy to laugh; then first wives, then K. himself begin to laugh; Woodpecker sees that K. has no tooth, recognizes his slave; advises K.'s wives to go home to their father]: Farrand, Mayer 1919:259-260; cous [man throws away a burning head; rides in a boat, meets two women looking for a cure; bringing a man to his place, telling him to lie in their boat, close his eyes; a man sees his torch is in the patient's side, the shamans do not see it; the man tells him to cover it, takes out the torch, marries both daughters who have recovered; they bring salmon, everyone is amazed at his strength, for the locals it is a whale; (the title of the text is "pelican people", although these people are not called pelicans in the text itself); accompanied by both wives and two children, a man visits his village, gives money, says goodbye, and will not be seen again ]: Frachtenberg 1913, No. 19:127-131.

(Wed. Northeast. Mikmak [a harpoon ([projectile) thrown by a man is invisible to spirits]: Rand 1894:87 in Boas 1895:356 (=2002:665; {this motive is not here!}).

NW Amazon. Makuna [the younger brother is single, wants an older wife; creates a huge tree with a nest of parrots, invites his brother to climb in to make feather hats for the holiday; discards the thin tree that the brother climbed on goes to live with his wife; the eldest one upstairs is starving; asks the anaconda for help; the anaconda replies that he will climb to eat it, but he asks him to climb his tail forward, goes down along the anaconda, he escapes; then his younger brother pushes him into a hole, he falls into the lower world, taking the form of cotton wool, finds himself on a tree branch above the river; looks human again; ducks swim along the river different species; each replies that her boat is too small, the next one will take it; the last duck is the Sun, his boat is like fire; the sailors there are howler monkeys and squirrels; the sun lights the river, older brother turns into a spider, does not burn, the Sun recognizes its virtues; sailed to the wife of the Sun; while the Sun is gone, man does everything wrong (collects coca by leaves, cuts trees on the site, and does not give do it yourself with an ax, eats mojojoy from a palm tree - these are Sun workers); the Sun's wife considers it necessary to send him to earth; Tapiriha tells him to turn into a tick, carries, delivers animals to small; while sleeping, Tintin copulates with her; she checks all penises to find the culprit; on the advice of others, Tintin sprinkles ash on his penis, not found; man removes hunter arrows from animal bodies, which he can easily see; they also think he cures them for diseases; at the beginning of summer, everyone went for flying ants, the man realized that he was on a familiar land; children recognize him, they say that his mother is pregnant with uncles; a man creates a pond with fish, sends his younger brother and other people to collect poisoned fish, burns them in a pond with force received from the Sun]: Århem et al. 2004:521-528.