Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

L106B. For loss to another world. .11.-.16.22.-.24.27.-.34.

A girl, girl, or (rarely) boy loses a household item, usually carried away by water or wind. In search of loss, she (he) finds herself in powerful characters, returns an item and/or gains valuables. Traditions taken into account only by Roberts 1994:103-110 are in italics.

Basa, Conde, Luguru, Maragoli, Kongo, Ronga, Suto, Mosi, Bobo, Gyula, Mano, Grebo, Nalu, Liberia, Temne, Bambara, Dogon, Tangale, Von, (Ife), Yoruba, Yambasa, Banen, Songhai, Hausa, Mukulu, Zande, Nzakara, (Nyanja), Shilluk, Dinka, Berbers of Tunis, Algeria (Arabs?) , Portuguese, Spanish, Catalan, Basque, Italians (Lombardy), Ladins, French, Germans (Grimms), Frisians, Karen, Burmese, Bengalis, Gujaratians, Sinhalese, Java, Bali, Pagu, Bulgarians, Bosnians, Greeks, Russians (Arkhangelsk, Olonetskaya, Karelia, Leningrad, Tula, Ryazan, Voronezh, Nizhny Novgorod), Ukrainians (Volyn, Podolia; Kievskaya, Chernigov), Belarusians, Karachays or Balkarians, Adygs, Lucks, Georgians, Armenians, Turks, Kurds of Iraq, Turkmens, Tajiks, Kazan Tatars, Estonians, Finns, Maris, Bashkirs, Komi, Kazakhs, Uighurs, Dungans, Tomsk Tatars.

Bantu-speaking Africa. Basa [stepdaughter broke a wooden spoon; stepmother tells her to go to her deceased mother to give her a new one; on the way, the pot asks for his soup (the girl eats), the tree for fruit (the same); the old woman gives seed and rice to cook, a lot of meat and rice appears; hides the girl under the bed; her children come to the night, wild animals; the old woman tells the girl to prick them at dawn; they think that fleas bite, run away; the old woman tells me to take the egg that will ask him not to take; it turns into a bird, sings, the old woman gives it to the girl; on the way back, the bird sings, the dead mother appears, gives a spoon and three pots, teaches when to break them; from the first, people come out, warriors, call the girl lady; from the second comes a village; from the third lions, warriors kill them; the girl gives her stepmother a spoon, stays in her own village; the stepmother sends her own daughter; she breaks the pot, burns the tree, cooks meat and lots of rice (they turn into bone, rice), takes an egg that asks for him take it; the bird is silent; the old woman herself gives a spoon and three pots; the girl first breaks the last one, the lions eat it]: Binam Bikoï 1977:100-115 (translated in Pozdnyakov 1990:205-212); Luguru [from her husband two wives, each with a child; the eldest went to the river, dropped the child, the husband demanded his return; the wife went through several backwaters, the old woman sent her to the backwater where the reeds, went down with her, asked lick the mucus from her eyes, she did it; sent it to another old woman, who also needed to clean her eyes; the old woman told her to open not a clean vessel, but a smoky vessel with a child in it; the woman returned home the child became incredibly obedient; then the youngest wife deliberately dropped her child into the river; both old women refused to lick the discharge from her eyes; she was asked to choose any vessel; she chose handsome, she has a baby in it, she brought it, but refuses to get off her back day or night; when she heated the water and poured it on it, the baby became a baboon and returned to the river]: Brain 1973, No. 2 : 120-125; (cf. bass [a woman and her children abuse an orphan; a woman cooked mushrooms, went to the site for vegetables, while the children ate mushrooms, oiled the mouth of a sleeping orphan; the woman kicked him out at night under rain, told me to bring mushrooms; the boy meets different animals, finally elephants; these are his dead parents and grandmother; they give baskets of mushrooms and yats; one thing must be broken right away - he ends up at home foster mother, gives her mushrooms, she does not recognize him; another breaks on the edge of the village, houses, people, women, wealth appear; he lives well]: Binam Bikoï 1977:55-60); conde [voice tells a woman throws her child into the water to wade across the river; the water diverges, she goes dry; her husband tells her not to return until she finds a child; she meets a lion, a leopard, a crocodile, and others animals, does what they ask; the old woman shows her lots of cute babies, the woman takes one; the rival does everything wrong, gets sick, maimed]: Werner 1933:96; maragoli [the woman has 8 daughters; she made a clay pot for each: whoever breaks his own will go to the cannibal Nasio; the eldest went to get water and broke it; went to N.; meets three others on the way cannibals, but everyone misses her when they find out that she is going to N.; the old woman asks to scrape her back; gave millet seeds; when N. asks him to take out and bite through his lice, let the grains click; the girl is all like that and she did it; N. left her to watch the boiling pot, but not to look into it; she did not look; N. took out a lot of jewelry from the cauldron, gave it to the girl and sent it home; the younger sister also wanted to get jewelry; broke the pot on purpose; refused to scratch the old woman's back; bit through lice; looked into the cauldron; N. took out dead frogs and cans from there and decorated the girl with it]: Kavaji 2005, No. 15:237-238; Congo: Struyf 1936:75-81 [Kinkenda's mother died long ago; when Nsansa's mother also died, she borrowed K. to dig a grave; the men who helped forgot a hoe in the grave; K. demanded she, refusing any compensation; N. was forced to dig the grave, returned her hoe; a few months later K. left her child with N.; she made it low out of beads, the child swallowed the bead; N. demanded it, the child was cut, the bead was taken out, K. cried bitterly], 223-229 [Nsamba's older sister, the youngest Nkenge; the mother sent the youngest to get water, she dropped the jug into the river; fearing her mother's anger, she rushed then; flocks of different fish send her to the village where the pitcher lives; three young men promise to get it, but first she must name them; she cannot, she is sent to work in the peanut field; the bird gives names, tells me not to drink, wading across the river; the girl drinks, forgets her names; the next day she does not drink, calls the young men, they return the jug, put it in a garbage pit near her house; the older sister does not want to throw garbage there, the mother insists, Nsamba throws, Nkende is indignant; goes out; the holiday]; luguru [the husband has two wives, each has a child; the eldest went to the river, dropped the child, the husband demanded that he be returned; the wife went through several backwaters, the old woman sent her to the backwater where the reeds, went down with her, asked her to lick the mucus from her eyes, she did it; sent her to another the old woman, she also needs to clean her eyes; the old woman ordered to open not a clean, but a smoky vessel, in which there was a child; the woman returned home, the child became incredibly obedient; then the youngest wife specially dropped her child into the river; both old women refused to lick her discharge from her eyes; she was asked to choose any vessel; she chose a beautiful one, there was a child in it, she brought it, but she refuses to get off from her back day or night; when she heated the water and poured it on it, the baby became a baboon and returned to the river]: Brain 1973, No. 2:120-125; (cf. nyanja [the father caught the pigeon, put it in a cage, told the children not to open it; the son heard the sad song of the pigeon, opened the cage, the dove flew away; everyone ran after him to the lake; just released the pigeon I noticed how the spider threw the thread to the other side; ran across the thread, the pigeon flew back, the boy returned along the same thread, caught the pigeon, returned it to his father along with the monstrous caught along the way grasshopper; father said that if the pigeon went missing, he would kill the culprit; missed the grasshopper; the son demanded his return; the father went to catch him, did not return]: Holland 1916:128); ronga: Junod s.a., No. 17 [While going to get water, the girl broke the jug; climbed into the sky on the rope that came down from there; she was polite to the old woman; she told her to obey the ant that would crawl into her ear; the girl came to the village, answered the old men in sparkling robes that she had come to get the baby (Werner: apparently at the beginning of the confusion, the girl may have lost her baby); she was asked to pick corn, and the ant told me to take it one cob, put it neatly in the basket; cook porridge in a certain way; the celestials are happy, they offered to choose a baby; the ant ordered to take the baby in white, not red clothes; she was given with them clothes and jewelry; her sister also decided to get wealth, did not listen to the old woman and the ant, picked up a red baby, there was an explosion, her bones fell to the ground]: 139-141 (=1924, No. 1:327-330; =Werner 1933: 62-65); Junod 1926, No. 2 [the older sister broke the jug; afraid to return to her parents, she marries Masingué; the old woman teaches how to make corn tortillas in M.'s house; M. entered at night through a hole at the top of the roof; he is a snake, but at night in the guise of a man; one day he changed his appearance and wondered why the girl married a snake, but she is loyal to her husband; when their daughter has grown up, his wife goes with her to her parents; M. tells her to put her legs and hands in a basket, they are covered with gold; they meet elephants, hide in a tree; a woman sings, elephants fall unconscious, she takes their fangs; the same with rhinos, takes their horns; the younger sister also goes to M.; does not listen to the old woman, does not grind the grain properly; screams when she sees a snake; collecting water, she calls M., he is silent; when M. feels her loyalty, replies that she has not contacted the snake in vain; when she puts her hands and feet in the basket, her fingers are cut off; she remains alone at home crippled]: 331-335; suto (Sesuto) [the girls went to get water, buried their beads in the sand; Kgolodikane came later, to her said they threw the beads into the river; she did so; the girls laughed, put on beads, took their jugs and went home; K. went downstream, asking the backwaters to return the beads; the first backwater told me to move on; the second opened up, K. came in, there was a half-eaten old woman in ulcers with one arm, one leg; offers to laugh at her; K. does not laugh; lick her ulcers, she does it; her old woman thanks, hides from the ogre (Dimo), who torments the old woman but does not kill because he needs a cook; the cannibal smells a person but falls asleep; leaves in the morning; the old woman wears luxurious jewelry on K. sends her home; let someone give K. water before she looks back; K. comes to the place where she threw her beads into the river, where her younger sister gave her water; Uncle K.'s daughters decided to go to that old woman too; began to laugh at her, refused to lick her ulcers; eaten by an ogre]: St. Lys 1916:83-85.

West Africa. Mosi [a woman pampers her daughter, harasses an orphan; she accidentally broke a calebas, the woman tells her to go to Abaga (Leopard) to fix her; at the entrance to A.'s house lies his belongings, it starts to rain, the girl is all picks up; A. turns kalebass fragments into powder, molds them into a new-shaped vessel; offers a choice of cakes, a place to sleep; the girl agrees to everything, requires nothing; gets 3 white and 3 red eggs; she breaks houses, they turn into cattle, a farm; a woman tells her to dig a pot out of the floor to change it to a new one, clods of land turn into gold; a woman sends her own daughter, she does not pick up things A., arrogant, demanding; chooses 3 white eggs; a lion, a boa constrictor, a jackal jump out of them; people drive her away, she runs into the forest, since then lions, boas, jackals have lived far from people]: Frobenius 1986: 86-89; bobo (Burkina Faso) [the man asks his sister to sweep his yard; she sweeps, hit something, the fire hit the cow's tail, the tail is burned; the brother demanded a new one; the girl came to the old woman; she asks to rub her back with a stone, gravel, broom; the girl puts it in her left hand, gently rubs her back with her right hand; the old woman says where the cows graze, piling their tails; you must choose the right one; cows will chase; you have to throw sand, broom brushwood, stone, egg; gives these items; abandoned turns into 1) sandy space, 2) forest, 3) mountain, 4) river; cows drown; girl gives brother's cow tail; the neighbor herself asked her brother for permission to sweep, set fire to the cow's tail, against her brother's wishes, went to look for a new one; does not want to rub the old woman's back, then rubs her with a broom; then, as if good a girl, but she throws an egg in front of her; trampled by cows]: Sanon 1968:270-273; Liberia [Mummy Yamma calls the girls Santo and Duopoo to her place, tells cotton to spin; S. accidentally spits on the spinning wheel, MY sends her to wash the spinning wheel on the river; on the way she shares food with the Cat and the Rooster; they say that the Aquatic Men will offer a choice of baskets; you have to take the one the Cat will sit on, then the Rooster will shout; in the basket clothes, treasures; D. specially spits on the spinning wheel, does not feed the Cat and the Rooster, takes the largest basket, containing snakes, lizards, forest creatures; D. runs home]: Bundy 1919, No. 1:406-407; dark: Cronise, Ward 1903, No. 10 [stepdaughter stains a rice stick, stepmother sends it to wash it in Devil's River; along the way, the devil first drops off with a hoe, then a strange-looking man; the girl is invariably polite ; at home asks to look for lice on his bald head; he has a lot of eyes, they're watching the girl, but she's doing the right thing; Damn washed her stick, let him choose 4 eggs, break it on the way home; she chose small, eggs come out of cattle, people, wealth; stepmother sends her own daughter, she is rude to the Devil, chooses big eggs, bees come out of them (bite), snakes (bite), people (whip whips), fire (burns) her and her mother); stepdaughter revives her own mother]: 265-274; Turay 1989:28-33 [Yenken's youngest wife was washing dishes in the river, missed the calebas; the eldest demanded that she be brought back; J. went down the river, reached whirlpool, he pulled the calebas, followed by J.; the husband was walking behind, drowned in the same whirlpool, the elder wife was left with nothing], 72-77 [the first wife died, the second tyrannites the stepdaughter; she went to wash the dishes, the river took the calebas away, her stepmother demanded her back; the girl went under the water, where the old woman tells her ulcers to be washed, the girl does it, the old woman points the direction; the old man asks to cook for him, the girl cooked and washed the old man; he told me to take a dirty and dusty box, says it contains a calebas; it contains needles and an egg; she stuck needles in the ground, a garden has appeared; if she broke an egg, a house appeared, in the hallway on the table her calebas, she took it to her stepmother; stepmother sends her own daughter, who drops a silver spoon into the water, indignantly rejects the requests of the old woman and the old man, takes away the shining box without asking; she opened it, there snakes and devils, they ate stepmother and her daughter]; dyula [Mekok's wife is evil Manyanga; she harasses her youngest wife Edima to death, pushes her son Boto; sends dishes to a distant river; when B. returns, M. says that one plate is missing, tells them to look for it in the land of the dead, where B.'s mother is; B. goes down the river; shares sweet potatoes with a hedgehog, gives medicine to the old woman; he is led by a bird - his mother's soul; turns into a beauty; gives a spear - the leader's sign; gives white (break by the river for protection from spirits), gold (give to his stepmother), bronze (break in his room) plates; when B. breaks a bronze one, the house turns into a palace; M. is crazy]: Anpetkova-Sharova 2010:160-163; mano [two women, one loses calebas the other, she demands to return (eine geliehene Kalebasse kann nur bei Zerstörung enter Pflanzung zurückgegeben werden}; then you can only return the shell by cutting your stomach; the same motives for the rowing (Grebo; Pinney s.a.: 206); guro: Tououi Bi 2014:251-255 [stepmother tells Gbélékalou to cut rice; own daughter deliberately pushes the pest into chicken manure; stepmother tells G. to go wash the pestle in the Loningbé River; G. comes to the old woman; she gives a bowl of snot, tells her little daughter to feed it; tells her to pull out weeds around the house; G. does everything; the old woman teaches her to get to the place where two birds are fighting, they will fall, along the path, on which the male will fall; the L. River will be pitch black and infested with snakes, crocodiles and hippos, but you must safely enter it; G. does everything, meets his deceased parents at the bottom of the river, those (washed the pestle and) decorated it with low-value metal, and the daughters were given three horses loaded with gold and three slaves; when she saw P., her stepmother's own daughter ran to the L. River; refused to comply with the old woman's requests; she warned: a pestle you have to wash it in a black river with crocodiles, but the girl went to a quiet river; her head was cut off and returned home; in the dark, her sisters and mother hear a sound from the hut, frightened; her father lit a torch, I saw the head; told her to bury it], 257-260 [everyone is preparing for the holiday; the stepmother tells her stepdaughter to prepare firewood first, etc., she will not be able to do everything; she comes to the cannibal spirits; the wife of the spirit tells her to be brave, the cannibal adorns her; her own daughter went, scared, the cannibal ate her]; nalu [stepdaughter dropped calebas into the river, stepmother demanded that it be returned; the girl went down the river, all the people gave her rice, peanuts, she wrapped each handful in a separate sheet to remember who gave it; on the second day she found a calebas, filled it with the food she had collected, brought it to the swords; she put everything in a pile, said that The stepdaughter would already remember who to thank; the girl complained to her father; he told his wife to put everything on separate leaves again; the stepmother could not, she cried for a long time, and since then she had not offended the orphan]: Mendelssohn 1971:124-126; bambara [an orphan washes dishes, breaks her stepmother's calebasa; she demands her whole back, let her go to Tinimine; on the way, the girl sees food being cooked on fire, fighting pests, animals eating each other; not surprised, tells her story, they show the way; T. with three heads, two eyes, many hands makes the calebass whole, gives seven others with gold and treasures, servants to carry them; her own daughter deliberately breaks the calebas; is surprised at the creatures, refuses to work for T.; she gives seven calebas, tells her to open it only in a locked room; in they are bees and snakes, stepmother and daughter die]: Görög 1979:60-64; background [mother dies, father tells another wife to take care of her daughter; she adjoins her; girl breaks the vessel; stepmother sent her for with water to where animals will eat her; she sees two stones fighting; tells them she saw nothing; they hit her, she says it doesn't hurt; they let her through; the old woman takes off her head to clean it hair, the girl says she did not see anything; at the crossroads another old woman, the girl licks her ulcers with her tongue; passes between two butting buffaloes, they show the way; tohosu asks for a stroke his back, she is covered with tips and knives, the girl hurts his arm, but says that everything is fine; tohosu gives water to wash his hands, the wounds disappear; he lets one grain of millet be rubbed and cooked, this is enough for everyone; tohosu tells you not to take calebasses who will ask you to take them, take seven silent people, get water in them; these calebasses must be broken on the way back; they give rise to people, fields, wealth, and carry it to stretcher; stepmother sends her own son, he replies to everyone that he has seen their strange deeds, refuses to lick ulcers, hurt his hands, cook with one grain; tohosu puts the boy in a goat pen for the night; tells take calebasses who ask for it themselves; breaking them, the boy loses his way, the animals eat him]: Herskovits, Herskovits 1958, No. 69:293-298; catch-up [the girl forgot the comb while combing her hair beloved; returned for him; the young man's mother said that the son died in the war; the girl refuses to pay, demands the comb back; the boy's father sends the daughter (i.e. the older sister of the victim) for the crest; she goes to the land of the dead, sings at the grave; the brother goes out, tells her to follow the tornado, which leads to the crest; she takes him, returns to the grave, her brother gives her something else, tells her to leave without turning around; the owner of the comb brings the dead young man's gift to her lips, accidentally swallows it; the sister demands it back; the girl's stomach was cut]: Paulme 1968:191-192; tangale [man works in the field, bird He comes to peck at his head; he puts a sticky calebass on his head, catches a bird that promises to give him a grain cover; a razor to shave; we'll close the beans; we'll close the red grain; the man refuses every time takes a marking blade for ransom; with this blade he scars his daughter's stomach beautifully; told him not to go out until she heals; but she went to bed normally; Nanamudo and a woman with one leg, one hand, asked her who had painted it; she did not answer; but she answered the groom {did they hear it?} ; the next day, everyone began to come to have this man decorate them; a woman with one leg and one hand hid his blade under her arm; the father told his daughter that the blade was missing because of her; the daughter caught up women, told everyone to jump; when the thief jumped, the blade fell out, N. swallowed it {N. immediately swallows everything that has fallen, dropped}; the father demands a blade, the daughter went to N., daughter N. hid it When N. fell asleep, her daughter removed all the blades from her womb, the girl took hers, returned it to her father; gave him a vessel that had a crack in her throat; the vessel split, she demanded that her father be whole; he I tried to steal one from the craftswoman, he was caught; my daughter turned into a bird, distracted people's attention, my father ran away, came back]: Jungraithmayr 2002:104-127; (cf. ife [the boy's mother died, his father replaced her concubine (Mitweib); she sent the boy to the river to wash his scoop (Schöpfteller), he dropped it, she demanded to find it; the boy went down the river, came to the god Bukú; he showed him many scoops, the boy found his own; B. gave him three calebasses with him, told him to throw them on the ground at home; gold fell out of the broken calebas, people came out and cattle; the boy became rich]: Müller 1906:516-517); Yoruba [the older wife is unhappy that her husband took the youngest; left a bucket of water in the yard; when the youngest used water, the eldest said that It was water from the sky and demanded the same; the youngest went to look, left the child on the grass, was picked up by the bird Abiba; when she heard the mother's complaint, she returned the child, gave him gifts, and gave him special water; the eldest went, left the child, Abiba took him away and did not return; the husband expelled the eldest wife]: Anpetkova-Sharova 2010:53-54; yambasa [one wife has a son, the other has a daughter; the boy's mother died, stepmother harasses his stepson; sent him to wash dishes, he lost a spoon, he told him to get it out of the Bedeng sea; on the way, the boy sees a cauldron of rice that is brewed by himself, a tree that falls and gets up, two pests for cassava who work themselves (deux bâtons de manioc qui se battaient); he kneels reverently every time, receives a blessing; he comes to an old woman who owns animals by the sea; she hides it is given by animals at night, given by a grain of corn and eaten bone, they turn into corn porridge and meat; at night he tells them to quietly stab animals with a sharp stick; they think that fleas bite, leave; he catches a spoon from the sea, gets three eggs; they must be broken near cassava pests (warriors come out), at a falling tree (wild animals come out, warriors drive them away), at a boiling pot (wealth appears); stepmother sends her own daughter; she laughs at wonderful objects, they wish her failure; throws away seed and bone; stabs animals heavily, they are dissatisfied; first she breaks eggs with wild animals, they are hers they kill; the eagle picked up the heart, left the girl's mother, she died of grief]: Binam Bikoï 1977:127-131; banen [one wife has two children, the other has one son; she is dead, father and stepmother are tyrant boy; sent to the river to wash wooden bowls, one swam away, the boy was told to find her; the old woman shows the way, tells her to wait for her; a pot standing on fire asks to fill it with water, to tear off the tree fruits, under the weight of which branches bend; the boy does everything; an old woman comes, tells her not to respond to the young woman's proposals if she appears in her absence; the old woman leaves, turns into young, comes, invites the boy to play, he refuses; the old woman comes again, praises the boy; tells him to choose an egg that asks him not to take, break it at home in the square; at home, the boy gives a bowl stepmother, breaks an egg, women, slaves, elephant tusks appear at home; parents send another wife's son to intentionally miss the bowl, follow it; he does not pour water into the pot, does not collect fruit, begins playing with a young woman, at the same moment all the dishes in the house broke; takes an egg that asks him to take; red people came out of the broken egg, began to beat the man and his wife, and by evening they slaughtered them to death, their son also died, everything went to an orphan]: Dugast 1975:386-394; Songhai [stepmother joins Bouli's stepdaughter, the daughter of her husband's deceased wife; hit her, her nose dripped blood on the calebass ; her stepmother tells her to go to the "swamp of paradise" to wash it; she comes to an old woman who is looking for lice in her head, putting them on her knees; puts her head in place, asks B. what she saw, B. replies that's okay, the old woman blesses her; B. sees two bulls roaring terribly; answers them that she has not seen or heard anything; they bless her; B. comes to the old woman, she gives one grain of rice , she makes a lot of food out of it; the same canari sauce; the old woman teaches you to take only three crooked calebasses; break them only when she sees her native village (and the voices will always ask to break); from Calebas go out gold-sewn clothes, slaves, cattle; B. marries the king; stepmother wounds her daughter Ada's finger to drip a drop of blood, sends her to wash the calebas; she does everything wrong, takes calebasses straight-necked, all bad in them; she didn't come home]: Hama 1967:255-258; hausa [a woman sends her own daughter and daughter of her deceased sister to get water; her own daughter smashed a calebas, said that her stepdaughter is to blame; her stepmother told her to bring calebas; the girl meets goats, sheep, cows, they ask her; the old woman asks her to wash her back; tells her to take the calebasa who will be silent, not the one who asked her to take it; the girl brought the calebas; the old woman told her to break the jug, gold fell from there, various cattle came out; five days later, the rich girl returned home]: Lippert 1905, No. 3:230.

Sudan - East Africa. Zande [the girl put on her mother's copper jewelry, admired herself, looking into the water, bent over, everything fell, could not be reached; the mother ordered not to return home without jewelry; the girl comes to the woman asks to sweep the yard, she does it diligently and carefully; the woman tells her to move on, not to pay attention to the river, which will say "River of Cuffs", but to enter the "river of copper beads"; the girl she did so, all the jewelry was on her again, she went back to her mother; another girl dropped her mother's garter into the water to carry the baby; this girl refused to sweep the yard, woman advised her to enter not the river of copper beads, but into the river of cuffs; her whole body was covered with bruises]: Evans-Pritchard 1965:75; nzakara [you can't fish downstream, the owner's property is there Ngbouon waters; the woman catches there, with her two daughters, the youngest is still in the cradle; the eldest says that the cradle has sailed away, the mother sends her for her; on the way, the girl meets an elephant, a lion, politely answers where she is going; N . kind, offers many cradles, but the girl only takes her own; comes back; the mother is happy; the next day she takes another, eldest daughter with her to watch the baby; the same; the girl scolds the elephant, lion; eats one meal offered by N.; N. tells his wife to cook the girl's liver; eats the rest; the remaining head rolls home; mourning]: Retel-Lautentin 1986, No. 18:121-125; shilluk [the younger sister broke the calebass; the elder tells me to bring the lion's hair to fix it; in the village of Lviv, they ask them to clean their dirty fan; she carries out errands, gets hair, brings it home; the elder sister is jealous, goes to the Lions herself, shows her bad temper, killed]: Hofmayr 1925:368-369; Dinka [Acienggaakthii (AK) is the daughter of his eldest wife, Acienggaagdit (AT) is the youngest; AK's mother is dead; at AT There is an older sister Ayan, she is married to a lion in the land of lions; AT and AK are pushing grain, AK pest rolled back and smashed the beautiful AT calebass; she tells her to be repaired with hairs from the lion's tail, otherwise she will kill; AK goes to land of lions; there Ayan tells her to take a spoonful of holes when she will eat with her lion husband and only pretend to eat, and leave all the food to the lion to leave, leaving him for food; at night AK sleeps in barn; Ayan cut off the hairs from her husband's tail, gave AK, making a bracelet out of them, AK runs away in the morning, and the lion believes she is still sleeping; the whetstone noticed her leaving, chased after her; they are talking songs; the lions understood they rushed after her, but AK ran home; AT thinks she is no worse than her; breaks her to the calebas on purpose, goes to the lions; eats with a large spoon, leaving the lion full of holes; cows trample it into the barn, but she does not praise them soft hooves, but scolds; running back, he loses time collecting fruits; Ayan's husband caught up with AT, tore his head off; his head came home; her father ordered her to be buried]: Deng 1984:143-151.

North Africa. The Berbers of Tunisia, Algeria (apparently Arabs): El-Shamy 2004, No. 403:188-190, Roberts 1994:64, 103, 106

Southern Europe. The Portuguese [stepmother sends her stepdaughter to wash her giblets in the river, the giblets swim away, or stains the spindle with blood and drops it into the river when she wants to wash it; goes down the river; cleans up the untidy house; good with a tree, with buns of bread; rewarded; stepmother sends her own daughter, she does the opposite, comes back as a freak; the stepmother tries to pass her off as a king, but at the last moment he sees his stepdaughter, marries]: Cardigos 2008, No. 480:113-115; Catalans [a very brief paraphrase; some options are probably similar to some Portuguese ones: stepdaughter goes to the river to wash her giblets, they sail away, she follows]: Oriol, Pujol 2006, No. 480:104-105; Basques, Spaniards: Roberts 1994:103-105; Italians: Crane 1885, No. 26 (Milan) [stepdaughter dropped a bucket into the well, went down for him; knocked on three doors, for the first saint, for the second devil, for the third Madonna; Madonna said that she had the bucket; she left for a while, the girl cleaned everything up, fed the children; Madonna gives her a silk dress and a silver ring, although she chose simple gifts; tells her to look at the star at the entrance, the star is in the girl's forehead; her own daughter goes, does not feed the children, eats everything herself, receives a brass ring and simple dress, dirt falls on her face, she cannot be washed off]: 100-102; ladins [the mother loves a beautiful and angry daughter, but does not love an ugly good one; she sent an ugly spin to the well, she dropped the spindle, went down for him, walked along the stream; in the evening she came to the house; the Wild Man's wife hid her; he smelled a man, but did not harm the girl; in the morning he gave him a gold dress; when she saw the dress, the mother sent beloved daughter, but she kept asking at dinner if Wild Man would give her a dress, and he kicked her out]: Schneller 1867:4-5, 10-11.

Western Europe. Germans [Frau Holle; the widow loves an ugly lazy daughter, she is beautiful and hard-working; she rubbed her hands to blood, went to the well to wash the spindle, dropped it, the widow tells me to get it, girl jumps into a well, finds himself in a meadow; fulfills the request of bread to take it out of the oven, the apple tree to detach it, comes to Mrs. Metelitsa, works well, beats her feather bed, then it snows on the ground; Metelitsa showers her with gold, sends her home; the lazy daughter deliberately scratches her hands, drops the spindle, does not take out her bread, does not shake off the apple tree, is lazy to whip the feather bed, drenched in resin, could not wash it off for the rest of her life]: Grimm, Grimm 1987, No. 24:88-91 (Russian translation to Grimm, Grimm 1987:84-86; =Shustova 1994:326-329); friezes (western) [Little Ehike and Bolshaya Ehike were spinning at the well; the spindle fell into the well; BE asked ME to go down to pick him up; she went along the path; the apple tree asked her to take the apples; the cow to milk; the oven to take out her warm bread; the girl came to the old woman's house; she asked me to look for them in her head, do not go into the seventh room; under the stove there is a hen with chickens; the girl put the chicken on the head of an old woman who fell asleep, took a small purse of gold from the forbidden room, ran; the stove, the cow and the apple tree promised not to say that it was passing by them; when she saw that ME returned with the money, BE also went down to the well; did not respond to requests; took all the gold from the forbidden room; the stove, cow, apple tree: we must say; the old lady caught up with EB and tore it with hot mites]: Clement 1846:164, 320; French: Roberts 1994:103-105.

Burma - Indochina. Karen [the girl went to get water, the bamboo vessel slipped out, swam along the river; she came to the giant's dam for it; he brought her home; he and his wife took care of her, did not tell her open two baskets; the girl opened it, one had human skulls, the other was gold and silver; the giantess asked to clean her hair, there were snakes and centipedes; the girl killed them; she was allowed to go home, take any basket; she took an old one (with gold); she opened it, one had human skulls in one, told her to wash her hair in a black river, her lips in red, her body in white; a girl at home gave her neighbors treasures; one young man also arranged for the giants to adopt him; asked for an old basket, not knowing that it had skulls; opened it at home; a giant came and ate it]: Mason 1865:228-229; Burmese: Roberts 1994:108.

South Asia. Sinhala [the wind carried away the cotton of the younger sister's daughter, she tells her to follow him; at the well, the old woman asks for water, the girl pulls it out, bathes the old woman; takes the cow into the shade; finds her cotton, he entangled in bamboos; the king promises to help him get cotton, but tells him to go with him to the palace; she prepares a delicious dinner for the king, chooses the most modest box as a gift; she opens jewelry at home; the older sister sends her daughter for cotton, she does not help anyone, receives a box of snakes from the tsar]: Volkhonsky, Solntseva 1985, No. 105:260-261; Bengalis, Gujarats: Roberts 1994: 107-108.

Malaysia-Indonesia. Java [the stepmother sent Bawang Putih to wash on the river, one thing swam away, the stepmother told me to bring it back; the girl goes downstream, the man advises to ask his father, he to his mother old demoness woman Nini Buto Ijo says that her missing clothes lead to her house; tells her to cook rice first; the spoon is a human hand, the ladle is a skull, human bones are burning in the hearth; blood in a jug instead of water; in the morning an old woman gives the missing thing and a pumpkin, tells her not to open it on the way; BP opens houses, pumpkin contains gold and precious stones; stepmother sends her own daughter Bawang Merah; she does not can cook rice; the resulting pumpkin contained snakes, slopendra and other creatures]: Kratz 1973, No. 16:108-110; Bali [older sister is "Daughter", lazy, malicious, younger is "Sister", hardworking , kind; S. came to her mother exhausted by her work, and D. after bathing, said that she had done all the work; as punishment, her mother sent S. to wash plates of palm leaves (they are usually thrown away); leaves they sailed away, their mother ordered them back; S. went down the river; crustacean, crab, crab, river fish, sea fish answer that they did not see leaves; S. comes to the giantess; calls the skull a good pot, blood is key with water, human bones with dry wood, worms with white rice; cooks dinner for the giantess; agrees to take out lice the size of a fist; the giantess tells you to reward the pumpkin growing in the eastern corner of the garden ; because S. did not bring leaves, her mother, father, sister did not open the door for her, she came to her grandmother; she cut the pumpkin, jewelry and treasures in it; D. tells her mother to beat her in order to go to the giantess; she tells her take a pumpkin on the west side of the garden and cut it in a locked bedroom; scorpions crawled out of it, bit D. and her evil parents to death]: Hoikas-van Leeuwen Bomkamp 1983, No. 18:112-119; pagu [u the couple's daughter Damura; the wife hid her soul in two bananas and made sure that the parrots did not stick; the neighbor made a doll, promised to give it to D. if the girl brought these bananas; the mother at first refused show where the bananas were, but then let them be taken and D. took the bananas to her neighbor; after that, the mother died, D. began to play with the neighbor's daughter; the neighbor asked D. to persuade her father to marry her; at first the stepmother was affectionate, and then began to tyrant her stepdaughter; one day she sent her stepdaughter to the river to wash clothes; D. dropped her stepmother's stocking and it went with the flow; stepmother ordered not to return without a stocking; M. ran down along rivers; greeted the crocodile amicably; she asks her crocodile to sleep, D. sings him a song compared to a flower; gets a stocking, and when she speaks, gold falls from her mouth; stepmother's own daughter also went to the crocodile; still the same, but in the song she calls the crocodile smelly; when she returned, she was numb, and pebbles and earth fell from her lips; father, stepmother and her daughter went to the king's ball; crocodile gave D. a silver dress; next time a gold dress; when D. ran away from the ball, the prince managed to grab her golden shoe; crocodile: a lost shoe will make you a princess; stepmother who returned from the ball , the stepmother's father and daughter said that this time the princess wore a gold dress; the king told everyone to try on the shoe to marry their son; only D. came up, who appeared in gold dress; wedding; stepmother pushed D. into the sea and was swallowed by a crocodile; the prince found a crocodile, who told the crocodiles to confess who swallowed D.; one was guilty, regurgitated alive D.; and stepmother and her daughter crocodiles swallowed]: Vries 1925, No. 23:110-118.

The Balkans. Bulgarians [stepdaughter drops a spindle into the well, stepmother sends it to get it; stepdaughter goes down, on the way she asks the apple tree to pick apples, bread to take it out of the oven; she comes to the old man living in an ice house; the girl is polite, cleans the snow on which the old man lies; on the way back she falls under the golden shower, gilded; the stepmother sends her own daughter, she does not fulfill the requests of an apple tree, bread, does not clean snow, falls into tar rain, turns black]: Daskalova-Perkovska et al. 1994, no.*480 5:175; Bosnians [stepmother does not like stepdaughter; sends cows to herd and spin; spindle has fallen into the ravine, the stepdaughter went to look for him; meets a group of girls; boys; old men; old women; she is friendly with everyone, everyone says that she must go further; she comes to the old woman's house; she asks to look in her head; The stepdaughter says that her hair is clean; she receives a jewelry box, and a spindle there; when she sees the casket, the stepmother sends her own daughter; everything is with her too, but she replies to the old woman that she has lice and fleas in her hair And other nasty things; she puts two snakes in her casket and tells her to open it at home; snakes sucked the eyes of her stepmother and her daughter]: Eschker 1992, No. 21:114-115; Greeks: Roberts 1994:106.

Central Europe. Russians (Arkhangelsk, Karelia, Leningrad, Tula, Voronezh, Nizhny Novgorod), Ukrainians (Volyn, Podolia; Kiev, Chernigov), Belarusians [Stepmother and stepdaughter: The stepdaughter drops the spindle into the well (a skein of yarn into the river), must go after it; the road milks a cow, shakes an apple tree, serves the witch and receives a gift; the own daughter also wants to receive a gift, but does everything badly and gets a bad gift (she gets killed)]: SUS 1979, No. 480*=AA 480A: 141; Russians (Arkhangelskaya) [stepdaughter sent her stepdaughter to rinse a skein of yarn; she dropped it into the ice-hole and she went down by herself; cows, horses, goats, sheep ask them to plow and rake under them, she does everything; she comes to the hut on chicken legs about one window; asks about her ball, her grandmother tells me to take it; wants to heat the jar, carry water with a sieve and wash the kids; bird: cover the sieve with clay; children - mice, moles, rats; after the bath they tell their grandmother that she never washed them so well; she gave the girl a basket of gold; the girl again fulfills the requests of cows, etc.; the stepmother sends her own daughter Masha; she does not comply with the requests of cows, etc.; scolds the bird; washes the children, taking off their arms and legs; the grandmother gives a basket hot coals; Masha brought it, the house burned down and she and her stepmother too]: Ozorovskaya 2009, No. 38:324-326; Russians (Karelian Pomorie, Sumy Posad) [stepmother sent her stepdaughter to spin to the ice-hole; the spindle fell into the ice-hole; the stepdaughter asked for the pike, she did not answer; she went down herself; horse, cow, sheep shepherds in the service of Raven Voronovich, Grokhot Grokhotovich are asked to plow and rake; the girl does everything; asks the hut on chicken legs to turn her eyes to the forest, her gates; baba yaga, bone leg, tits spring across the bed, rows the coal nose, plows the stove with her tongue, asks for the stove with her tongue heat the bathhouse and wash it for seven children; carry water with a sieve, the bird teaches how to smear it with clay; every son of Baba Yaga praises the girl how well she washed it; Baba Yaga gave her a bag, shepherds - a mare with a foal, a cow with a calf, a sheep with a lamb; the father came to the ice-hole, a spindle swims in it, he pulled the rope, pulled out his daughter; the stepmother sent her own daughter; she is rude to the shepherds, the woman's children yagi does not wash well; bricks and rot in the bag, the shepherds beat the girl; the stepmother pulled the spindle, pulled out the bag with rot; the old man divorced his wife]: Razumova, Senkina 1974, No. 69:320-325; Russians ( Olonetskaya, Zaonezhye, d. Shunga-Bor, 1926) [The stepdaughter spun, dropped the spindle into the well, and returned home. Her stepmother scolds her, sends her for a spindle so she doesn't come home until she returns her. The girl rushed into the well and found herself in the meadow. He meets sheep shepherds, they ask them to plow under them, they promise sheep and sheep. The girl does everything. The shepherds promise to give their share when they return home. Then the girl meets cow shepherds. The shepherds ask for the same thing, they promise a cow. The girl does, the shepherds promise to give their share when they return home. The girl goes on and meets horse shepherds. The shepherds ask, the girl fulfills, promise not to offend when they return. A girl comes to an old man's house with an old woman, sees her spindle. The old woman sets the condition: to work for a year. The girl lived for 3 years, the old people fell in love with her, and decided to return home in her fourth year. She was released, presented with an estate, and sprinkled with gold. The shepherds paid back the debt. At home, the dog notifies parents. My stepmother doesn't believe it. A girl enters the house. They're starting to marry her. Ivan Tsarevich calls to marry. The stepmother is angry and sends her own daughter to get the spindle. The first shepherds ask for help, the girl refuses, is rude. So three times. She comes to the house of an old man with an old woman, demands a spindle. She is given a condition, the girl began to work, but badly. I worked for three days, and left for the fourth with a basket of goodness. He looks into the basket at home. The gadflies were stuck, the resin was filled. She enters the house, dies with her stepmother]: Karnaukhova 2008, No. 5:60-62; Russians (Ryazan) [stepdaughter dropped the spindle into the well, stepmother tells me to get it; stepdaughter went down, there is the kingdom, she has come to the icy old man; he tells him to work for three days in his snowy kingdom; beat the feather bed to green grass; the stepdaughter does not complain, says that she did not freeze her hands; cooked a good porridge; washed everything and she washed it; the old man gave a golden spindle, showered it with diamonds; the stepmother sent

her daughter; she refused to whip the feather bed, cooked a bad porridge, the old man poured resin on her]: Samodelova 2013, No. 105:115-116 (same No. 106:116-117).

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Balkarians or Karachays [stepmother tyrannites Fatima; sends a cow to herd and at the same time spun wool in the meadow; the wind blows away the ball, F. goes to search, enters the emeshenshi cave; tells you to pick up scattered silver, makes sure that F. has not hidden anything; goes to bed, tells me to wake up when white water flows through the cave; with this water F., who becomes beautiful in brocade clothes; stepmother sends her own daughter; she fills her pockets with silver, the Emegensha tells her to wake her up when black water flows, her girl's cheek turns dog cheek and the other monkey; Father F. drives his wife away with her ugly daughter ]: Aliyeva, Kholaev 1983:? ; Kabardian people [crows help stepdaughter sort out a bag of wheat; a cow swallows wool, spits out balls of thread; the last ball is carried away by the wind, the girl follows him to the witch's house with iron with her teeth, pulls her hair out, she has to accept her as a guest; she takes her ball from the chest, does not take gold; combs, not pulls out (as she asked) the old woman's hair; washes and washes, not breaks the dishes; gets a beautiful dress, comes back; stepmother's daughter does everything wrong, comes back ragged with donkey ears; stepmother tells the cow to be slaughtered, she asks her stepdaughter to bury her bones before she dies , do not eat meat; the girl finds a luxurious wagon, clothes in the stable, goes to the party, loses her golden dude; the dzhigit finds her on it, marries her; the cow comes to life]: Kapiyeva 1991:180-187; Adygi [ when she dies, the mother cuts off her breasts, gives it to her daughter; the stepmother is surprised that the stepdaughter is only working but full; finds breasts, throws them into the river; stepdaughter goes to look for breasts; helps a bird with a broken wing return to the nest; pulls the bull out of the quagmire; the stove asks to make a fire in it, the girl makes it; comes to the house, cleans, nurses the baby; the owner gives a chest, the stove feeds, the bird gives gold, the rooster shouts that the girl is returning with gold; the mother's outfits and breasts are in the chest; the stepmother cut off her chest, threw it into the river, sent her own daughter; she does not help the bird, the bull, does not heat the stove, puts it in the house mess, cuts off the baby's head; on the way back no one gives her anything, she is starving; the rooster screams that the stepmother's daughter is carrying a chest of evil spirits; worms, snakes and lizards gnawed machehina in the chest chest; snake bit stepmother and her daughter, they died]: Aliyeva 1978, No. 27:227-233; Lucky: Kapiyeva 1974 [stepmother tyrannites stepdaughter; red-headed cow Zaza gives her honey from the right horn, oil from left; stepmother gives stepdaughter wool spun, whirlwind takes away wool, Z. says where to find what has been carried away; greet people who harvest corals, gold, pearls, they will show the way to the mistress of the winds Chassages; take bones from horses, give dogs, horses hay; drink from the river, praise the sweetness of the water, the waters will part; C. will offer to shake up her house, you must clean it up; tear her dress, ruffle her dress hair - you need to rub, comb it; C. pours the girl from the jug, her hair turns gold; the girl pulls wool from under C.'s pillow, runs away; everyone lets her through, the river gives shoes with gold heels; stepmother sends her own daughter to herd a cow, she is rude to everyone, calls the water dirty, gives bones to cows, hay to dogs, turned everything in C.'s house upside down, she splashes water into her face, it is covered warts; stepmother orders Z. to be slaughtered, she tells me to bury her bones under an apple tree; buried bones give a beautiful outfit to go to the wedding; one slipper fell into the stream, the khan picked it up, ordered him to try it on, found it the owner, ordered her to be brought to the palace to marry her; on the way, her stepmother does not give her water, pushes her into a well, gives her shoes to her own daughter, the khan had to marry her; the merchants pulled the girl out she has become a turtle; the gardener hears her telling the trees in the khan's garden to dry out; the khan catches her, she turns into a true bride; the khan expels her stepmother and daughter]: 24-35; Khalilov 1976, No. 46 (village. Tabakhlu, 1836) [the same in a shorter translation in Khalilov, Osmanov 1989:54-62; the red cow tells the hungry stepdaughter to suck her horns, honey flows from the right, oil flows from the left; the wind blows away the wool, the stepmother tells her to find her and return; the cow teaches people who grind pearls, gold, corals to go to everyone, wish everyone the best, ask themselves, they will show the way to the wind Chassage; horses will have bones in front of them, hay in front of dogs, hay must change; call the muddy river oily, take a sip; Wind Chassage, Air Asiyat should ask for wool back; she will ask you to scrape the rooms, they must be whitewashed, cleaned; pull out your hair, tear them clothes - comb, wash; that's how it happened; the girl put her finger into the river, it turned silver, the river missed her {apparently parted}; the same was a bloody river, the girl called it honey, her finger became gold; C. poured golden water on her head, her hair turned golden; C. offered to sleep on a golden bed, wants to make the girl a daughter, hides her wool under her head; the girl pulled her out, ran; the old woman tells everyone to grab her, calls the river bloody, but they only give the girl even more; the stepmother plants her own daughter to spin hair next to the cow; the wind blows away the wool, but the cow teaches the wrong way ; the girl scolds the people she meets, gives bones to horses, hay to dogs, her fingers are covered with ulcers from the water of the muddy river; she tears her hair and clothes; she pours dirty liquid on her head, her face and body become covered with ulcers and boils; the cow was slaughtered, the stepdaughter buried her bones; asked them for beautiful shoes and clothes to go to the wedding; one shoe swam along the river; the prince found it, he was just right for his stepdaughter, the prince took her to his place wife; stepmother and daughter also went; the bride is thirsty, the stepmother gives her a drink, taking her eyes out; throws her into the well, dresses her daughter in her dress; the merchants pulled the girl out of the well, she turned into a canary; when she flew into the prince's garden, she asks the gardener to say hello to the prince and let the tree dry up; the prince sees that many trees have dried up; the canary was caught, the false wife told her slaughter, a tree has grown out of blood; dates fall on the prince, his wife is scratched by thorns; his wife orders to make a cradle for her child out of wood; the old woman's son picked up the chips, threw it behind the chest; they turned into a girl when she cries (?) , when she laughs, pearls, silver and gold horseshoes fall from under her feet; the cradle squeezed the child to death; the old woman's son fattens a lousy horse in the palace; the girl turns it into a painted horse; the king comes to see him, falls in love with a girl; girls are going to tell fairy tales, a true bride tells her own; stepmother and her daughter are tied to horses; wedding]: 109 -119); Georgians [stepmother tortures stepdaughter with work; the cow tells her stepdaughter that she has honey in one ear, oil in the other; stepmother watches, finds out, tells her husband to slaughter a cow; she tells her stepdaughter not to eat it meat, put the bones in her skin, bury it; the stepdaughter drops the spindle into the old woman's yard, she asks her to look for her hair, look at her pickles; the girl does everything, she is not surprised that there are snakes in the jars, frogs; the old woman tells her to walk past a white, black spring, dip her head in yellow; her hair has turned golden; her own daughter disgust the old woman, she tells her to put her head under a black spring, her head has grown a donkey tail; her stepmother tells her stepdaughter to sort out the millet by her return; neighbors give a sieve to sift the millet; in a hole where cow bones should be, the girl finds a horse, luxurious clothes; on the bridge loses his slipper; the king orders to find an owner, marries his son's stepdaughter; the stepmother asks his stepdaughter to take off her dress, pushes her into the pond, replaces the prince's wife with her daughter; the prince sits by the pond, admires the fish; the imaginary wife affects the sick, tells the fish to cook; poplar grows out of bones, the wife tells me to cut down; the old woman picks up chips; someone cooks in her house, the old woman finds the girl; comes in Tsarevich, a girl tells her story; stepmother and daughter tied to horse tails]: Kurdovanidze 1988 (1), No. 65:278-286; Armenians: Nazinyan 2014 [stepmother sends stepdaughter to herd a cow and spin wool; the spinning wheel fell into a hole in the ground, below the vishap mother chews a piece of lead and spins; the girl asks for the spindle, she invites her to go down, tells her to wash her hair and comb her hair; replies that her hair is clean and soft; the old woman gives dung instead of bread, lizards instead of sauerkraut, the girl does not eat, but praises the taste; the old woman tells her to dip her head in white water, her hair turns golden; says that the cow does not is gone, and oil will flow from one horn, honey from the other; the stepdaughter returns, the stepmother sends her own daughter; she drops the spindle, calls the old woman an old hag, refuses to touch her vile hair, calls dung dung and lizards lizards; the old woman tells her to dip her head in black water, a donkey tail grows on the back of her head; the old woman says that blood will flow from one cow's horn, and pus from the other; the stepmother tells the cow to be slaughtered; the mother of the vishap tells her stepdaughter not to eat meat, bury the bones; when leaving for a mantis, the stepmother tells her to collect the scattered millet and fill the pelvis with tears; the old woman advises to sweep away the millet with a broom, pour salt water into the basin; where the bones were buried, there was a horse and outfits; when leaving the holiday, the stepdaughter lost her shoe; she glitters in the river, the prince marries the one whose shoe; everyone tries on her fits only stepdaughter; stepmother hides stepdaughter in tonir, dresses up her own daughter; rooster shouts about it to those who arrived; wedding; stepmother and daughter were beaten and driven away]: 45-50; Khachatryants 1933 (Ararat Valley) [= Ganalanyan 1965:49-53; brief retelling in Russel 2004b: 633-634; the king sees a snake playing with snakes, wants a child for himself; his wife gives birth to a snake, the king raises him, he turns into a vishapa, he is fed girls; the girl Arevakhat greets him, he turns into a young man, marries A.; she tells her how her stepmother told her to knock her hair; the spinning wheel fell into a crack in the rock; the old woman asked whose canopy was cleaner whose head is cleaner, told to wake up when the yellow water flows, do not wake up until it is black, red; dips her golden hair in yellow; she hides it under the skin of a ram; the stepmother's daughter discovers golden hair curls; drops the spinning wheel; replies that her mother's head, not the old woman, is cleaner than the canopy; she tells her to wake her up when her black head flows; the girl turned black; the stepdaughter was kicked out, but then the king's servants found her]: 143- 149; Kurds (Iraq) [Askol is stepdaughter, Khursha is her own daughter; stepmother tells A. to herd the cow, hide all the wool in a day; the wind carried the yarn, A. followed her, saw a female diva with long breasts, that asks her to comb her head, A. lies that her hair is clean; she tells her not to wake her up while the blue, green, red, yellow, purple, black, brown water is cloudy, wake her up when the white one goes; the female diva dipped A.'s hand in white water, A. became beautiful, the yarn became threads; the stepmother sent H., who tells the female diva that her head is disgusting; the female diva tells her to wake her up when she goes cloudy water, H. is covered with warts; the padishah's son saw A. from the roof of the palace; the stepmother hides her in tandoor, sends H., but the rooster screams about it, the padishah's son marries A.; the stepmother comes and calls the pregnant A. walking, pushing into the river; she swims to the other side, gives birth to a son; the shepherd hears her story; the padishah's son returns his wife and son; stepmother and H. are tied by the legs to mules]: Yusupova 2004, No. 3:140-145; Turks: Roberts 1994:106.

Iran - Central Asia. Turkmens: Annanurova 1980 [stepmother tells Aibibi to clean the cotton bag in a day; the girl's calf helps her; the wind carries the ball to the old woman's house; A. does not take jewelry; the old woman asks tear out her hair, break dishes, rip off blankets, etc.; A. washes her hair, cleans dishes, etc.: the old woman tells her to swim in a narrow ditch on her way home, not to look at the wide yap; A. returns dressed as a beauty; stepmother sends her daughter, she steals gold and silver, literally fulfills the old woman's requests; she tells her to swim in yapa, a donkey ear has grown on her forehead; stepmother decides to slaughter a calf, who tells A. to hide his bones in an old tamdir; the prince wants to marry A.; the stepmother sends her daughter instead; at night, the prince feels a donkey's ear; the prince demands a real bride, A. finds a precious dress in Tamdir, marries the prince]: 50-56; Lebedev 1954, No. 12 [stepmother tortures her stepdaughter with work, tells her to clean a pound of cotton by the evening; the wind carries the bag to the black hut; there is an old woman asks to look in the head; the girl kills all the lice, does not take the gold scattered at the entrance; the old woman tells me to walk past one water, swim in another; after swimming, the girl becomes prettier; the stepmother gives the same the task of her own daughter; she picks up gold; the old woman tells her to swim in the first water, pass by the second; she becomes speckled; the stepmother cuts the stepdaughter's sheep, the meat says to the one that it is poisoned; stepdaughter runs away, the padishah's son marries her]: 146-148; Tajiks [stepmother tortures her stepdaughter with work, tells her to strain the cotton; the cow eats it, releases yarn from her mouth; the wind carries cotton into the old woman's cave; she tells her to comb her hair, clean her house; promises that roses will fall from the mouth of a laughing girl, tears will turn into pearls, gold will fall from her right foot, if necessary, and from her left foot silver bricks; stepmother's daughter goes to herd a cow; carelessly combs the old woman, sweeps poorly; takes gold away from the pantry; she has a lump on her forehead, gold turns into stones; stepmother tells her to slaughter a cow, a cow tells a girl to bury her bones in a hole; stepmother and stepdaughter go to the wedding, tell them to separate rice from wheat; chicken does this, in place of cow bones - a luxurious dress, a horse; at a wedding the stepmother does not recognize her stepdaughter; she loses her kaush (boot), the padishah's son is looking for him, finds the girl in good shape, where her stepmother hid her; on the way, the stepmother lets the bride eat salty, she is thirsty, the stepmother gives water in exchange for torn eyes; throws his stepdaughter into a well, replaces her with his daughter; a poor old man finds a beauty and pearls; saves her, collects roses; changes them for the eyes of his stepmother's daughter, the current wife padishah; now pearls fall from her eyes, roses from her mouth; stepmother sends a witch to suck the girl's blood; the girl orders to bury herself in a crypt of gold and silver bricks; the stepmother takes her heart away, gives a bag with it to her daughter; when she takes it off her neck for the night, the stepdaughter comes to life; the padishah's son finds her, comes at night; she has a son and daughter; the boy has grown up, pulls out a bag with her heart ; stepmother and daughter are tied to horses, beautiful woman and son are brought to the palace]: Amonov, Ulug-zade 1960:175-182; Persians: Roberts 1994:106.

Baltoscandia. Estonians [stepmother puts daughter and stepdaughter at the ice-hole to wind balls of thread; daughter away, stepdaughter at the edge of the ice; if she drops, let her pull it out of the ice-hole; the ball fell, the girl rushed into the ice-hole , it's summer there; the cow asks her to milk, the sheep to cut her hair, the apple tree to peel off the apples, she does everything; in the house, the princess asks to clean the room and the barn; the girl does everything great; gets her ball, and as a reward, she chooses another, plain one; returns to his stepmother, the dog barks about it, the plain ball turns golden; the stepmother puts her own daughter in the ice-hole; she refuses to milk the cow, shear the sheep, a little shakes an apple tree, but eats a lot of apples; he does everything badly in the house, hits the cow; chooses the biggest and best ball, comes back, the dog barks that there will be trouble, there is resin in the ball, it lights up, the house burns down, only stepdaughter was in the yard; getting married successfully]: Normann, Lätt 1968:158-164; Finns [the mother of a beautiful and kind girl died, the man remarried, the stepmother also had a daughter, she is rude and ugly; the stepmother planted both spins at the edge of the ice-hole, gave her own daughter little yarn, her stepdaughter a lot; if the spindle falls into the ice-hole, let her pull it out; the stepdaughter's spindle fell, she dived into the water, found herself on on the way, she came to the big house; the old woman tells me to clean the barn; the cows praise the mistress's maid; she asks the lizards to be washed, they also answer that they have never been washed so well; the old woman gives the girl two boxes , she returns home; the dog barks: the girl brought boxes of gold and silver; the stepmother plants a spin at the ice-hole of her own daughter, who also drops the spindle, the mother pushes her into the water; she does not clean the stable well, beats the cows, they complain to the owner; the lizards complain that the maid cut off their tails, was rude; the dog barks: the girl carries boxes of fire and resin; when she and her mother open them, the fire blazed in their face, both burned down; the girl stayed with her father]: Goldberg 1953:91-100 (=Klein 1946:79-83).

Volga - Perm. The Tatars [father, new wife, son and daughters decide to lime their stepdaughter; her brother takes her to the forest for berries, hangs a club that the wind hits the tree; the girl thinks that her brother is cutting wood; in the evening he does not find him; asks everyone she meets if they have seen her ball rolling; the herd, cow, sheep, goat shepherds each answers what they saw, ask to get the herd for a day, for this they give a horse, a cow, etc.; comes to the witch's house on the edge of the village; she asks her to push, pull her hair, etc.; the girl does otherwise, affectionately; does not take the gold she sees in the witch's hair; in the bathhouse ; she gives her a chest, at home the girl finds jewelry in it; dogs bark that she goes to death returns rich; her own daughter does not herd the herd, says that she does not need a horse, etc.; literally does what the witch asks; takes gold, it falls to the floor when the witch asks her to dance; gets a black chest; dogs bark that the rich woman returns to death; a snake from a chest strangles a girl]: Nasyrov, Polyakov 1900, No. 3:24-29; marie (meadow) [stepdaughter spins, stepmother throws away a ball, stepdaughter follows him; consistently helps three with the housework old women; the third tells them to climb a pine tree; seven goats with gold and silver horns come to butt; some fall dead, the girl takes them to the old lady on a hauler; so three times; returns home; the dog barks, the rich sister goes; the stepmother asks why she does not speak, she goes dead; sends her daughter, she does not help the old women, the goats cut down the pine tree, kill her; the dog: Goes dead sister]: Sabitova 1992:186-189; Bashkirs [stepmother tells me to spin, stepdaughter spins better than her own daughter, stepmother throws stepdaughter's ball out the window, she follows him; helps the old woman gather geese without taking one as a reward (will take it on the way back); the shepherd collect sheep (the same); cows (the same); horses (the same); the ball rolls to the old woman; the girl replies that the old woman has the food tastier than at home, the house is more beautiful; the old woman tells her to kick, tear off her clothes, pour boiling water in the bath, the girl does everything gently, carefully, washes the old woman with warm water; the old woman's hair is not lice, but gold; she tells her to wake her up when not black, but yellow water flows out of her; the girl's hair turns golden, her teeth are silver; she chooses the smallest old chest; on the way back she receives cattle with with offspring, rides in a tarantas, the puppy barks about it; in the chest there is a magic tablecloth; the stepmother throws the ball of her own daughter; she does everything wrong, the puppy barks that her own daughter has found her death; she brings in a chest, in which snakes, her own daughter and stepmother died of bites]: Barag 1989, No. 34:174-177; Komi [stepmother sends stepdaughter to rinse out the yarn, the skein drowned in the river, stepmother tells me to jump after him; The stepdaughter finds herself in the meadow; combed and braided the manes of the horses; the mare teaches you to go to Yoma's hut, complete all tasks, choose a red basket; milks cows, the cow tells you not to try honey from the honey river, sour cream from a stream of sour cream, step on a needle in Yoma's hut; stepdaughter tells the spinning hut to stop, stepped on a needle, came in; Y. tells me to chop firewood so that the knock cannot be heard, heat the bathhouse so that There was no smoke; wash the children - frogs, lizards and beetles; stepdaughter does everything; Yoma gives yarn, stepdaughter chooses a red basket; Y. tells me not to open it on the way; stepdaughter opens houses, appears hut with kindness; stepdaughter gets married; stepmother sends her own daughter; she scolds horses, they tell them to take blue; she eats honey, sticks with a scythe, eats sour cream, sticks to her sundress, had to cut off the braid and hem ; firewood stabs loudly, smokily heats the bathhouse, beats frogs, etc., chooses a blue basket, a fire came out of it at home, burned down the hut; the father went to live with his daughter]: Plesovsky 1975:34-37.

Turkestan. Kazakhs [bai has a daughter with his eldest wife, son and daughter from his youngest; the youngest is dead; the stepmother tyrannites her children; the black lamb koshkar tells them to pull out a piece of hair from him, every time there is food; the stepmother peeked, decided to slaughter the lamb, pretended to be sick, only her meat would cure her; the lamb advised the children to bury its bones; the stepmother let the stepdaughter hide the bag of wool; the cow began to chew wool to hide it; the wind carried away the wool; the girl came to the old woman; she asked her to comb her hair; there were delicious things, the girl did not touch her; the old woman made her beautiful, returned her hair, the cow chewed, the wool became threads; the stepmother sends her own daughter, she ate the food, the old woman ordered her to grow horns on her head; the healers hardly cured her; the padishah promised to marry her son to that one, give her daughter for someone whose leather boots would suit him; stepmother and daughter carried their boots, told the children to separate rice from millet; white chicken ordered to dig a hole with bones, horses, clothes, shoes; padishah married his son to a girl, married his daughter to her brother]: Kanbak-Shal 1985:58-60; Uighurs [stepmother torments Khajyarkhan's stepdaughter with work; H. spins, grazing cows, cotton blows away the wind, she comes to the cave for him old woman; she tells me to cook thick noodles, pour the garbage into a hole in the roof, pull out her hair; H. does everything wrong (thin noodles, gently takes out rubbish and garbage, washes and combs the old woman's head); gets a ball of ready-made threads, her hair turned golden, gets an old woman's hair to burn it if help is needed; stepmother sends daughter Patyamkhan. she does everything wrong, steals gold, covers her head dandruff; when leaving for the holiday, the stepmother tells me to sort out the millet; X. burns her hair, turns out to be an old woman, she gives expensive clothes, sends her to the party; returning, H. loses her slipper; at home, chickens sort out millet, peri-doves weave; Adil, the son of the padishah, finds a slipper, looks for an owner; the dog tells the servants that she was put in tono (tandoor); after becoming the wife of A., H. visits the house, P. and his stepmother pour boiling water over her, bury her ; P. attaches her braids, puts on her clothes, comes to her husband; a drop of H.'s blood fell, turned into a bird; she flies into A.'s garden, screams that there is a secret in the house; A.'s wife pretends to be sick, will recover if he eats a bird; bones and feathers have been buried, two roses have grown; the wife pulls them out of A.'s hands; poplar grows in the same place, the wife demands that it be cut down; the sliver sticks to the gardener's beard, falls to the floor in his house, turns into H.; she talks about everything to A., her tears became a river, her stepmother and P. drowned in her]: Kabirov 1963:320-331; Dungans [Yunhua's mother died, stepmother has a daughter Guandongyur; her stepmother takes her to the prince's screenings, dressed in clothes left by her mother for Yu; the wind carried away Yu's spindle, she comes to the immortal old woman for him; she orders him to pour garbage on the floor, ash throw it into the oven; Y. doesn't do that; the old woman gives her treasures, a golden flower grows to her forehead; G. sprinkles garbage on the floor, greedy, a gallbladder grows to her forehead; stepmother tears it off, puts gold the flower received by Yu; Yu comes back to the old woman, she gives her outfits, she loses her shoe, the prince finds her to marry; Yu wants to feed widows and orphans, the prince is angry; then the melons in his bag turn into severed heads; he is taken to court; he repents, his heads turn into melons again]; Riftin et al. 1977, No. 11:100-104.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Tomsk Tatars [stepmother throws her stepdaughter Fatima's ball out the window; she follows him, helps guard cows, geese, sheep, horses, and gets one animal from the herd each time; old woman promises to return the ball if she heats the bathhouse and washes it; the old woman replies that it should be washed with manure, soared in stakes; she makes flower soap, hovers with a birch broom, does not take money from the chest; receives a chest of gold; at home, the dog barks that F. goes with cattle and wealth; his own daughter does not help the shepherds, literally fulfills the old woman's request, secretly takes valuables from the chest; the dog barks that the girl is lucky reptiles; snakes from the chest bite stepmother and her daughter, they run away from home]: Tomilov 1995:160-163.