Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

L107. Blanket ears.

(.28.) .

People have disproportionately large ears (rarely: lips): they cover them like a blanket, use them as an umbrella, they can step on them, etc.

Somalis, kabilas, Libyan Arabs, Palestinians, Badu Lake Kutubu, Kiwai, Bina, Trobrians, Ulawa, Gilbert Islands, Tuvalu, Lepcha, Garo, Ao, Angami, Ancient India (Mahabharata, Ramayana), Nepali, Binjwar, Kondas, Gadaba, Jhoria, Malays, Dayaks (Kayans?) , Moluccas, Lisu, Ancient China, Ancient Greece (Belarusians), Azerbaijanis, Persians, Mongols, Altaians, Chelkans, Khakas, South Altai Tuvans, Tillamuk, Zunyi.

Sudan - East Africa. Somalis (recorded in Arabic) [wife is dead, son and daughter ask father to marry; new wife takes an oath from him and it turns out that he has sworn to sacrifice a son and daughter; the son still heard told his sister to comb her hair, grabbed her comb, she seemed to run after the comb, they galloped away; the sister forgot the comb at the place of the night, the brother came back, the demon's comb, he gave it away; brother and sister came to demon's fortress; the young man agreed with the demon to stay in the room under lock and key; told his sister not to open the room; she opened it, asked the demon to lie down with her; he reluctantly agreed; sister asks demon, how can they kill her brother; he: he will be killed by a snake under a certain tree; the sister pretends to be sick, asks for a branch of this tree; there the brother begins to fall into the ground, but manages to hack a snake; brings a branch; the demon advises to ask for water from the source of life; the brother goes in search; asks the old woman for water, she gives only a little; the demon has closed the water, gives on Fridays for cattle and for the princess; the young man falls asleep on the girl's lap, wakes up from a fallen tear; cuts off the demon's head, refuses to hit him again; the young man sees a man with huge ears wrapped in; he sends to his Brother, his ears are even bigger; the young man took water while the guards were sleeping; hid in the ears of a big-eared man; he did not give him to his pursuers; the king will give his daughter to someone who jumps to the high mark; only a young man jumped, got a wife; half a month later he went to his sister, his wife warns that it was dangerous; he left 16 vessels of living water to his wife, took one with him; fell asleep with his sister, who told the demon to kill him, She threw the chest with the body into the sea; the chest sailed to the young man's wife, she found the body, revived it; the young man came to his sister, told the demon to kill her, killed the demon himself, burned the bodies, returned to his wife]: Reinish 1900, No. 2:277-287.

North Africa. Kabila [daughter asks her father to bring invisible pants from the market that dance themselves; he does not get it, his daughter is ill; he was advised to go to Wuarssen (devas); dev gives pants for promising to give his daughter; father: come when snow, rain, thunder and lightning are together; he came in a storm, took the girl; her three brothers went to look for her; sheep shepherd: Dev fights a ram every day, the strength is equal if you win ram, then win and deva; the ram picks up the brothers with horns, throws far; the same with the bull; the rooster refuses to fight such nonentities at all; black woman: the devil drinks a buryuk of water, eats melons floating in them; brothers can't; come to their sister; dev offers them a lot to eat, sister throws food into the basement; offers to fight, they choose sabers; dev throws the brothers into a dry well; parents go to look for sons, father seeks water, mother drinks mule urine, conceives son; they come back; M'hammed Asserdun is born, he has a mule head; incredibly strong; 99 horses are broken under him; father found him a horse born at the same time as him; the MA asks his mother for boiling water, tells him to get coal out of it, puts her hand in the boiling water; she has to tell him in which direction the brothers have gone; tells him to forge iron club (broke the first two); easily kills a ram, a bull, a rooster; drinks water, eats melons; swallows food in the deva's house; kills him, brings his sister and brothers home; MA leaves again, meets, He takes as his companions a man with giant lips; a man with ears in which he wraps; with a beard in which a herd of sheep; they find a home in the forest, take turns cooking; every time he comes Luash, eats everything; MA fights him, cuts off his head, hides him in the house under a pot of water; consistently sends satellites to take water, everyone is frightened, says he has stumbled; MA shows his head breaks up with his companions the next morning]: Frobenius 1922a, No. 6:52-66; the Arabs of Libya (Tripoli) [seven brothers ask their father's sister: if their mother now gives birth to a girl, hang a spindle on the fence and we'll come back and if the boy is a sickle and we leave home; a girl Udêa was born, but her aunt hung a sickle; 15 years later, W. once quarreled with her peers, they said that her 7 brothers left home because of her; mother gave her a camel, a black maid named Barka, and her black husband; a day later, the maid demanded that W. get off the camel and let her sit down; W. called out to her mother, who told B. to walk; but on the third the mother no longer heard her daughter's voice, B. forced her to switch places; the caravans sent them to the brothers' house; before approaching, the maid put W. on a camel, but smeared her with resin; the black man threatened to kill her if she told her; her tear fell on her hand, her elder brother erased the tar, W. admitted that he cut off the heads of a black man and a black woman; when leaving, the brothers tell her sister to always give the cat the same thing what she eats herself; once she found and ate a bean; the cat demanded half - this particular bean, not the other; but the bean was already eaten and then the cat put out the fire; W. came to the ogre for fire; he had one lip covered himself, put the other under him; for the coal, he demanded from W. a strip of skin from ear to thumb; W. went home, leaving a trail of blood; the raven flew behind and covered the drops of blood with earth; . scolded him: he frightened her; then the raven removed the ground, revealing blood; the ogre came and asked what W. saw; she replied that she saw him sleeping on silk and closing himself with silk; the cannibal laughed and left, breaking one of the six wooden doors; so every time; when the seventh iron door was left, W. sent a letter to the brothers with a dove; the brothers rode before midnight, the cannibal had not yet arrived; they dug up a hole with hot coals in it; W. replies to the ogre that he covers himself with his own lip and sleeps on his lip; he broke the door, but fell into a hole, burned down; one nail bounced; pricked W. in his arm and she lost consciousness; the brothers told the camel to take his mother's body home; three young men stopped him, found the body, one removed the ring from W.'s finger, the fingernail also fell out, W. woke up; returned to her brothers, with her together they went back to their parents; they stay with them]: Stumme 1898, No. 2:81-93.

Western Asia. Palestinians [the man has two wives: his brother's daughter and an outside woman; both are childless; the sheikh advised him to go to a ghoul, who will give conception grenades; the man greeted the ghoul, otherwise he would eat him; The ghoul sent to his older brother; he sent him to their sister; the man venerated her long breasts and covered a handful of her torment; she told her to go to the garden; the ghoul sleeps there - put one care under him, covered himself with the other ; grab two grenades and run; on the way home, a man ate half a grenade intended for his wife, who is his brother's daughter; she gave birth to a half-boy, and the other wife Hassan and Hussein; they grew up ; the brothers went hunting on horseback, and Polovinka went on a lame goat; as soon as he caught the deer, gave it to the brothers, for which they allowed them to burn his seal on their backs; at home he told his mother and showed the seals; when they They went hunting again, then came to the drone; the brothers say that their horses eat barley with milk, and Polovinka said that his goat eats chaff; says that he will not fall asleep until the gulya brings him water in his wineskin; she brought it, he made a hole in it so that water would drip on him; then says he would not fall asleep without a stuffed rooster; then stuffed lamb; this is how the night passed; in the morning Half tells the brothers to run; gulya tells the milk in the bellies of the horses to thicken, the horses stopped; all three brothers flew home on the Halves goat; Half promises to bring the gulya herself; dressed up as a halva seller; gulya ate everything and climbed into the box finished eating the leftovers, and Half slammed the lid shut; it was burned in the drawer]: Muhawi, Kanaana 1989, No. 6:84-88.

Melanesia. Badu (Torres Strait Islands) [Gabakwoikai picked turtle eggs, saw a fruit tree, picked up fallen fruits, climbed a tree; the Dorgai cannibal knew about this tree, and also came for fruits; her ears were so big that she could use them as a mat; G. began to shed green fruits at her, throwing them farther and farther; as she picked them up, he cried, ran to the boat, brought the men; D. harpooned, she went to the ground, died; her arm was torn off, thrown into the sea, her hand became a rock]: Haddon 1890, No. 6:60-62; Papua East New Guinea [about people living high in the mountains, where it's cold, They say they use their huge ears as a pair of blankets]: James Chalmers 1887:335-336 in Kirtley 1963:123; oz. Kutubu [Tauruabu's wife died; he went to the place where her bones were exhibited, saw a hole in the ground, walked down the aisle; the nettle parted in front of him; the huge gateibu lizard asked if he ate lizards; he replied that he ate, she closed her mouth, he went over her head; if he said, No, she would swallow it, he would have come out from the other end; there was a log trap on the trap, he carefully freed the clamp, the log fell, there was a thunder; when she heard it, the beautiful Berome came up to free her soul (aminterare), saw T. alive; taught her to walk, without looking back at her, past her mother Makorebu, to whom All men go to her father Gaburiniki; M. copulates with all the dead men who have come, G. with women; passing, T. noticed that M.'s huge ears hang, and his breasts are like tapas; in G. souls dance, have fun; sing, Korere (East, Place of the Dead), Korere, Takore (West, Place of the Living), Takore; in the morning G. returns T. to his wife, tells her not to let her work for 37 days; closing their eyes, they find themselves at home; a woman sits for 37 days, inserting her bones back into her body; brought magifono sugarcane with her, ga-dioko bananas, eaten will become immortal; on the 36th day, it remains to put the little finger bone right hand; T. tells his wife to cut off a few palm leaves; she cuts off her boneless little finger, spreads, leaves a pile of bones; T. talks about all people, dies; his body is burned; magifono and ga-dioko disappear; if they waited for the 37th day, people would eat them, become immortal]: Williams 1941, No. 16:151-154; kiwai: Landtman in Kirtley 1963 [origoruso (oriogoruho): legs short, fingers have long claws, a large mouth with pork fangs, large ears; at night he puts one under himself, covers the other; suguma and poópoó spirits have about the same ears]: 123; Landman 1977, No. 43 [ the man was scolded by his wife, he felt ashamed, he went to live with oriogoruho; he puts one ear under himself in his hollow, covers himself with the other; eats raw fish dried in the sun; the person has also grown ears; he decided to return, ordered the houses to be put on piles; O. with other evil spirits came for him; did not take the dog, the child; people threw off that man's spirits, they tore him up and ate him]: 153-155; bina [oriogorúho - female night monsters with long fangs and ears like blankets]: Lyons 1921:436; Trobrians: Kirtley 1963 [(data from Malinovsky and Zeligman); Topileta - Lord of the Afterlife world Tuma; he has huge ears that he waves constantly]: 122; Malinovsky 1998 [Prof. Zeligman writes that Topileta looks like a human in everything, except that he has huge ears that he constantly waves; T. can cause earthquakes; when he gets old, he prepares a drug, restoring youth to him, his wife and children; by accepting the spirits that have arrived, he no longer affects their lives]: 153; Olawa (SE Solomon Islands) [the cannibal Siho i Salo sleeps wrapped in his own ears; descended to the ground; protects vegetable gardens; is associated with pigs, pig bones are donated to him]: Kirtley 1963:126 (same details from W.G. Ivens in Poignant 1967:109).

Micronesia-Polynesia. Gilbert Islands: Koch 1966 (Nonouti Atoll) [Nautonga's daughter Matanoko cries all the time; N. takes 7 people with her, takes M. to the moon; warns not to talk to the spirits that inhabit the islands ; each time one of the teams responds to the spirits and becomes one of them himself; these are people with huge ears; legs; noses; arms; heads; lips; breasts; N. wants to leave M. in the sun, she says that it's too hot; it's cold on the moon; but N. still threw his daughter on the moon and returned home]: 42; Maude, Maude 1994, No. 5 [Kirata's daughter climbed a tree, the branch broke, she fell from heaven to earth, became Nautonga's wife; they had Nei Matanoko; when she was five years old, her mother left, telling her father not to expose the child to the sun; but the girl cried, her father put her out in the sun, she calmed down, then became more scream more; her father takes her east, the octopus holds the boat, N. cuts off his tentacles; they pass the country of the big-eared Tabonoto; they swim to the sea wall; the sun says it's too hot, takes the girl The moon; now Nei Matanoko is visible there, weaving mats]: 75-78; Pateman 1942:119 in Luomala 1963 [Nautonga's little daughter screams she wants the moon and the sun; he takes her to the edge of the sky, wants to give it to the Sun, but she screams that it is hot; then to the Moon; the girl screams that it is cold, but her father leaves her on the moon; Mrs. Matanoko has been visible on the moon since then]: 224; Tuvalu (Niutao Atoll) [Nautoka loved his little daughter Matanoko; she looked at the moon and demanded that her father take her there and cry; N. took 6 people with him, told only one of the teams to answer questions when he sailed to the next island islanders, because the one who answered himself will become a spirit; on the first island, people with huge legs, the one who answered himself became the same, had to be thrown overboard; then people with huge ears; heads; hands; noses; Having sailed to the moon, N. left M. there, but she complained that it was cold; N. left her in the sun - hot; back to the moon; now M. wants to go home and they are back]: Koch 1966:97-99; Banaba: Luomala 1973:265-266 [When Nei Matonoko was five years old, her mother Nei Komake warned her husband Na Utonga not to leave her in the sun; NM cries continuously, calms down only when her father takes her out into the sun; then cries again; NC tells her husband to take his daughter to the Sun and Moon; NU's helper spirit tells him to take his daughter to Nabenabe, who lives on the remote island; N. in turn turns to Te-anti-ma-aomata; T . tells NU to make a boat with 17 sails, lists what to take with them; Well, T. and her daughter sail east; NU cuts off the tentacles of an octopus that has grabbed the boat; they sail to the island of big-eared people, to two more islands; to the land of Maiawa, on which there is a wall that borders the sea, and there is no end to the north and south; there is a rock in the sea, on which the Sun rests from the east; the Sun ordered to give its granddaughter to the Moon, for the heat of the Sun will burn it; they swam to the rock where the Moon is resting; the moon took it and since then it has been sitting on the moon weaving mats; Well, T. and I went to see the sky; there people want to kill strangers; WELL they told him to climb a tree; his assistant spirit advised him to take a Teslo; NU killed a centipede living in the trunk; people were frightened, NU quietly returned home], 267 [the fragment of the myth of creation lists 26 children born without a husband by a woman named Lord Thousand Heads; among them His ears, sails, boats and mat ears; they are not mentioned anymore; the former used his ears as sails?].

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Lepcha: Siiger 1967, No. 1 [(local version of "Geser"; see motif L15; hor mu mung (HMM) kidnapped his wife gye bu (GB) Sacung (S.); BG takes the form of a boy, HMM believes this is the embodiment of one of his warriors, almost adopts him; HMM has huge ears, one he sleeps on, the other covers; one HMM tooth reaches the sky, the other reaches the ground; GB kills HMM, returns his wife]: 203-214; Stocks 1925, No. XXVI [ people are constantly dying; the king turns to the fortuneteller; he predicts that in addition to six sons, the king will be the seventh; in heaven, the mother of Rum smells the smoke; her husband says that he is the king of Lyang-bad asks to send him a son; someone who can 1) throw a heavy stone, 2) hit the needle behind the mountain with an arrow, 3) cut horsehair along the ground before the steam from the cup of tea rises to heads, 4) bring a lot of firewood; two older brothers can't, the youngest baby does everything easily; falls like a hailstone next to Queen Tang-kung-ramit on the ground; she breaks off a piece, swallows; others the pieces are swallowed by a cow, a mare, a chicken, a goat; everyone gets pregnant and gives birth; T. gave birth to a bag, buried it; the king dug up, there is a copper vessel, there is a boy in it; the king gave him the name Ati-azyak-pono; he sends his own older brothers marry King Lung-da's seven daughters; along the way they must hoist flags of the same color on a black, green, red, white mountain; pass a plain with spruce and two suns around; there heat, you can't take off your hats; the king gives daughters, does not tell you to play the flute and harp on the plain; but the youngest three began to have fun with the brides, sat under the spruce tree, the others also had to; 4 flooded on four sides black, green, red, white seas; the Paril-bu snake came out of the sea, demanded that his younger brother's remaining home be given to him; disappeared, the waters subsided with him and the sun alone disappeared; the demon messenger came for A.; A. went to the snake, left the bride two rings, if they changed places, he died; first A. quietly went into P.'s mouth; he ordered to get the queens Zer-y-ong and Komyong-pandi; the girl gave A. rice to throw dogs, meat to tigers, a roll of cloth to the demon Shang-tang-krbu, he will become a friend; when leaving, A. sowed rice - if it dries, he died; the demon could not swallow A., recognized A. master; A. dropped the knife into the pond, asked the demon to drink water; came to Z., became her husband; there was no water, the demon drank everything; Z. showed where the knife was, the demon regurgitated the water; Z. took an oath from her 7 demon brothers that they would not eat A.; demons they offer to hide; turn into trees, partridges, streams; Z. each time tells A. where they are (gives a knife to cut trees, etc.); demon friend A. defeats seven in combat; they offer rooster fights, goats, horses; each time A. asks his heavenly parents to send animals (those who descend in the hailstone give birth to a cockerel, a goat, etc.); A.'s animals win; also a wild bull and a peacock; A. destroys an army of demons; the remaining ones are destroyed by a peacock by firing fire from under her tail; A. enters Z., her fang to the sky, the other to the ground, one chest hangs, the other is thrown behind her back; then she again beautiful; demon friend swallows a snake, A. with his wives Z. and Komiong returns to his brothers; allows a demon friend to swallow three younger ones; kills him, revives the young Dediong-pono swallowed by him, gives Eu-Ramit princess, leaves him to reign on earth, returns to heaven with three wives]: 406-420; ao [there is a tribe whose nostrils are facing upwards (they cover themselves in the rain so as not to drown) and huge ears that they cover and put under them; the angami have the same]: Mills 1926:308-309 in Kirtley 196:121.

South Asia. Mahabharata, Ramayana [among other strange races, mentions people "Sleeping in their ears"]: Kirtley 1972:119; India [among other strange races, mentions people "Sleeping in their ears"; people with ears to elbows, etc. are reported by Greeks who have visited India or lived at the Persian court - Scylax, Ctesias, Megasthenes, Daimachus; the works of the latter two have not been preserved, but used by Strabo; later ancient and European authors mainly place people with ears in India; Ruthland (19th century): When the British landed in Orissa in 1802, Raja Parikuda hid, believing that monsters had come with pig snouts and ears to wrap themselves in; it was believed that they once attacked; Ishuree Dass (Benares 1867): local people believe that there are people, people who is wrapped in their own ears]: Elwin 1954:447 (note 1); Kirtley 1972:119-121; Nepali [the hermit tells the king's two wives he cannot accept alms from the childless; let the king will withstand art; the king has been fasting in the forest for 12 years, Vishnu gives him two apples, both wives ate and become pregnant; the second wife replaced her son with the first bar (chopping block), lowered him in the box along the river; the king ordered the first wife should retire to the forest; the boy was picked up by a fisherman who grew up to become a young man Chandra Mukhi; the son from his second wife is evil; the king promises to adopt whoever rides his horse on whom he can sit only a man fit for king; only World Cup succeeds; the king found out everything, expelled the midwife with his nose cut off, his first wife was returned, the second was sent to the forest; the king fell ill, he will be cured by medicine from the hands of a gold-haired Princess Sunkeshari, let the World Cup marry her; when she steps, gold falls; her father's difficult errands must be fulfilled; World Cup saved rats and snakes from the burning forest, sparrows from the birdsman's net; rats, snakes and sparrows promised to help; the World Cup meets, companions 1) a person with an arm stretched out to grab any food; 2) a person who puts one ear under him, covers the other, disperses clouds with ears; 3) the companions stopped in the house, take turns cooking; every time a dwarf comes with a huge mustache, sweeps the cook with it, eats everything; when it's the turn of the World Cup, he grabs the dwarf by the mustache, throws it at window; the rats made a move to the princess, she gave the World Cup grains of magic rice; Father S. tells 1) to sow the field, harvest tomorrow (the World Cup sows magic rice, it immediately ripens); 2) plant trees with all over the world (the long-armed reaches them, brings them); 3) divide the chaff, rice and millet (the long-eared pulls the chaff, the sparrows sort the grain); the king gives S., who cures the father of the World Cup; his evil brother poisoned him, kidnapped by S.; snakes extracted poison, World Cup came to life; the king executed his son from his second wife, handed over the throne to the World Cup]: Sakya, Griffith 1980:70-79; binjwar [Karwatti Raja's possessions were between heaven and earth; he slept 24 for years in a row, then he was awake for the same amount; covered with one ear, the other lay under him; one day Indra Raja's womb burst, the water poured out, the flood began; the KR put his ears in, took water in them; when shook out, it started raining (the origin of the rain); now when sleeping, there is hunger on earth]: Elwin 1954, No. 1:80; cond: Elwin 1954, No. 7 (kuttia) [the sky was a meter above the ground; Koira and his wife Paira lived in Nora; K. put his hand out and raised the sky, resting his other hand on the ground; Koira was 15 cubits tall and his ears were like an elephant; seeing how strong and terrible K. and P. were, Rani-aru stuffed them back into the hole. crushed the stove; earthquakes occur when they try to get out], 18 [people used to have ears the size of a threshing pad; water clogged the ground, a flood has begun; Bura Pinnu failed to close the hole trees and stones; told people to cut off their ears; people refused; then he gave them alcohol, cut them off from sleeping people, plugged the hole with ears, nailing their ears with pegs to the ground; the water stopped gushing]: 91-94, 450; jhoria: Elwin 1954, No. 13 [people used to have ears so big that they put one thing and covered the other; Mahaprabhu hunted, mistook man for a beast, killed; after making a mistake, cut off big ones ears, revived a man], 7 [two brothers live alone; went to look for women; found two in the forest by the cliff; one is normal, the other has pig teeth and ears like fans for a trend; the brothers began to play the flute and violin, women to dance without noticing the brothers; the elder put a rope in his ears with a big ear, brought him home; when the brothers stopped playing, the women understood what had happened; the elder knocked out the cannibal wife's teeth, cut off his ears; this couple comes from gadaba and parenga; from the younger and beautiful Raja Jaipur]: 447, 521-522; gadaba [12 brothers went to look for wives; saw asurin sleeping on the ground, she has huge teeth, ears, hairy tongue; tied to the ground with ropes in their ears; they did not feed for a long time, cut off their ears, pulled their hair out of their tongue, knocked out their teeth, the eldest married her, their sons and daughters are ancestors gadaba; children from another wife are the pareng's ancestors]: Elwin 1954, No. 3:516-518.

Malaysia-Indonesia. Malays (Islamic legends) [version of the novel about Alexander; giants born of Gog and Magog swallowed all living things, tried to drink the sea; used their huge ears as mattresses and blankets]: Kirtley 1963:123; Dayaki (Tring, East Borneo, b. Mahakam; {there is no such group in Ethnologue, Mehakam apparently related to Kayans}) [on the way to the afterlife, the soul walks across shaky bridges, gives dangerous creatures tissues, pigs, sugar cane, bananas ; among the obstacles encountered are a huge bear, a monster with a steel net, a woman who breaks rice and calls for help, an unquenchable fire, a woman who uses her ears like an umbrella]: Kirtley 1963:123; Molucchi [Pigafetta's message: The navigator from Molucque revealed that Arucheto Island is inhabited by men and women half a meter tall (cubit); when they sleep, they lie in one ear, they cover themselves with the other; they don't wear clothes, they live in underground caves, they eat fish, bark]: Kirtley 1972:374.

China - Korea. The fox [the pig grew in the forest; people went looking for her and saw a child on the stump; they took it with them, he cried; pulling his ears, made a blanket out of one bed and a blanket out of the other; the mother was looking for the child he was also yelling; the child was thrown outside, his mother took him away; therefore, the children are told not to throw stones into the forest: you can get into the child of the spirit and there will be trouble]: Dessaint, Ngwâma 1994:572-573; Ancient China: Birrell 1999 [drawing from The Book of Mountains and Seas {there are no drawings in the Russian edition}: images of a headless man with a face on his chest and a man with huge hanging ears]: 54, fig. 21; Kirtley 1963 [The Book of Mountains and Seas: Among the mountains and caves of the west, there are people who support their ears with their hands so as not to step on them; long ears were considered a sign of wisdom; the immortal Wu Kuang had them 7 inches in length]: 121, 129.

The Balkans. Ancient Greece [Strab. II, 1, 9, p.70: But Deimah and Megasthenes in particular are not trustworthy; because they are again talking about people sitting on their ears, about mouthless, noseless, one-eyed and leggy and people with their fingers turned back; they again talked about the Homer Crane, calling them three-pronged.]: Stahl 1982:46.

(Check it out. Central Europe. Belarusians [Brown Baba hides herself with her big ears]: Shpilevsky 1845:?).

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Azerbaijanis [Para-Bash finds the diva's home and while he sleeps with his ears under him, takes away the treasures; when he went again, the diva swallowed him; his son Shamil grew up and went to look for a deva ; killed a snake that crawled to eat the chicks of the Zumrrud gushi bird; Z. gives his pen; S. hit the rock with them, formed a passage to the diva's house, where he forced his daughter to tell him where her father's soul was; in the bank; S. broke the jar, the divas died, S. took his living father out of him; on the way home, the father pushed S. into the hole to take possession of everything; S. got out, cut his father, came to his mother; the king will give the daughter to someone who would give her on horseback; W . calls the horse with a pen, fits into his ear, becomes handsome, admits that he killed the terrible diva; wedding]: Bogoyavlensky 1899, No. 8:65-71.

Iran - Central Asia. The Persians [Majlisi writes that the Yájúj and Májúj peoples live on the other side of Mount Kaf, which borders the world; their tongues are like saws or files; every night they shed a passage to mountain range, but every morning he is restored to the mountain; they would have broken through if Alexander the Great hadn't built a hundred walls to hold them; people who lived near the mountains asked him for protection; on his instructions they prepared a huge amount of hot iron and 7 other metals; from this he made a wall (separate or on top of the Kaf Mountains); Yájúj and Májúj cannot cut this wall, and she too slippery to climb; at the end of the world they will break through; among them are giants, there are people whose waist width is equal to their height, and there are big-eared ones with one ear under them, hiding for others]: Donaldson 1938:90-92; (cf. Zoroastrianism (Bundahya) [seven couples descended from Mashya and Mashyan, one of these couples, Fravak and Fravaka, and from those 15 couples, each of which became a race; of these 15, nine moved to other Kishvars , and six remained in Hwaniras; of the 25 races descended from Mashya and Mashyan, there are some that live in the ground; in water; those that have ears on their chest; have eyes on their chest; one-legged; have wings, like bats; forest; tailed; and those with hairy bodies; various people live in Hwaniras: span tall; chest eyed; dog-like heads and human-like eyebrows; who eat tree leaves and drink goat milk]: Chunakova 2004:156).

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. The Mongols (northern Mongolia, river valley) Delgir-Murin) [(Izv.Vost.Sib.Otd.Geogr.General , vol.15, No. 1-2:11); this country was formerly inhabited by the Kerges people, who were rich in silver; they are credited with ancient graves; people came from the north of small stature, but with ears to the ground, drove the Kerges, captured them silver; these long-eared people were previously trapped between the rocks of Altan-Mundurga by either Genghis Khan or Delgir Khan and littered with stones, but they licked the stones, went out of the mountain and attacked the Kerges; some Gaser Khan's descendant imprisoned them again; someday the long-eared people will again shed the walls of the prison and attack people]: Potanin 1899:422; the Altaians [Brother Boroldoy-Mergen tells his sister In his absence, Bababosh-Aaru does not fry maral liver, hide behind a sable blanket, or go to a wooded mountain; she roasts, her liver is flooded with fire, the girl comes to an old woman whose ears serve her with a blanket and a blanket; searches for spiders and centipedes in her head; gets fire; at home she notices that a thread is attached to the hem of her fur coat, cuts it off, hides in the rock; the old woman comes along the thread asks objects if the BA is alive; the cauldron, the fire, the bed answer that no, otherwise the cauldron would not be cold, the fire would blaze; the skin warmups under the bed give BA, because if the BA returns, it will force you again they work; the old woman is ready to get her out of the cliff, but her brother kills her with an arrow; swallowed people come out of the womb - some are happy, others are not (the old woman's stomach was warm)]: Garf, Kuciyak 1978:164-168; Chelkan residents [Ak-Kaan believes that Kystyyak-Mergen has taken all the wealth of the taiga for himself, goes to fight him, he easily kills him; buries him with honor; AK's wife gives birth to a son; he plays with other children, breaks him they have onions, they say that his father was killed by KM; he asks his mother to give him a handful of hot wheat, clamps her hand, she has to tell how her father died; AM meets a skinny horse, she turns into a good horse, heroic clothes are tied to him, a note that the name of the rider will be Alatay-Mergen; AM meets and kills Ai-Kaan's servant, several of his heroes, AK offers to shoot through a handkerchief hanging, where seven heavens converge, and his daughter will get into the eye of the clamp needle; others do not reach the arrows, the boy at Ai-Kaan's court pierced his handkerchief, but not the needle's eye, Alatay-Mergen shoots, gets a girl, a boy and he becomes twin brothers; in search of KM, AM descends underground; the horse warns not to pay attention to the monsters playing, not to touch the old woman who has one ear puts it under her head, takes refuge in others, colonizes the man on a big stone, crossing the river; turning the horse into manure, herself into a water rat, then runs to the old woman in the AM column, tickles her nose, she sneezes 7 rings, he breaks one, 6 turn into heroes; the one sitting on a stone comes to the rescue, the arrow sent by Kara-Nutkul {is this the boy?} pierces the hearts of AM opponents; sitting on a stone explains that KM is his nephew and cannot be killed, otherwise all evil spirits will rise; as soon as AM decides not to pursue, the red star on the sky (this is KM) goes out; N.'s sister, who sent his arrow to help, explains that two heroes (the owners of the Blue and White Seas) took his eyes away, they will kill him in 6 days; AM finds KM's eyes in the stomach of a pike, KN returns, they kill the owners of the Blue and White Seas together; AM got KN's sister, KN got his daughter Ai-Kaan; she was engaged to him before, so he sent his arrow to help AM]: Kandarakova 2005:132-158; Khakas [fishermen catch a keg, the old man asks for it, finds a boy in it; the king takes it to him; the sun and moon disappear, the king orders to bring it; comes running foal, tells the young man to go to the hut by the lake; there the old woman (mother of the sun) has one ear under her head, the other is covered; she tells him to spread red cloth (the foal warned me to take it with her), on her geese with golden feathers will sit down, you have to pull one thing out, make a ring; when he returns, the young man throws the ring to the ground, the sun and the moon return; the king orders to bring the beauty; the foal takes the young man to the former an old woman (the same, a girl appears from the ring at home); the beauty tells her to bring her golden comb; the stallion tells me to take blue-white threads with him; tied with them, the young man climbs to the sky on the larch; white the goose flies into the nest, says that they took his daughter, they would also take the comb; lets himself pull out the feather, promises good luck; at home, a comb appears from the ring feather; the beauty tells me to bring living and dead water; her 40 wolves guard; the stallion lets in frost, then the heat, the wolves fall asleep, he orders to take one bottle at a time; the beauty pours living water on the young man dead on the king; he dies; wedding]: Dachshund 1988:210-214; South Altai Tuvans: Taube 1994, No. 48 [The fox tells the Mountain Goat that he wants to eat what is between his legs; he replies that the Fox is stupid; the Fox offers to crush him against the rock, dodges, asks the Goat to close his eyes, otherwise it's scary, the Goat breaks, the Fox eats his scrotum; belches in front of seven wolves; they are amazed, they have not seen anything like this; the fox teaches him to sit with his tails lowered into an ice-hole will fall from the sky; the wolfs' tails are frozen, the fox sends an old man to them; Wolves tell the old man that they will die if hit between the tail and the ice; fall, he puts them in a bag; seven times along the way rests; each time one wolf gets out of the bag, puts a stone in his place; the old man's wife hurries to his response, swallows a needle and thimble, says that there are stones in the bag; the old man accuses his wife of being ate wolves, rips open her stomach, there is only a needle and a thimble; The fox sees an old jelbega woman, she lies on one ear, covers herself with the other; asks to light a fire, lies down by the cliff; at night the Fox asks move, or the fire will burn his fur; the jelbege falls off a cliff, breaks]: 268-269.

The coast is the Plateau. Tillamook: Boas 1916 [six travelers sail to the house of the Shadows; a basket of fish falls, they first shove it back, then they eat fish; when they start dragging provisions to the boat, someone grabs them by the hair, hits them, takes away baskets]: 703; Jacobs, Jacobs 1959, No. 1 [Ice lives with its people in the village of Nehalem; they sail to hunt sea otters; they can't catch up with a sea otter with a white face; They come to the village, there is a woman, she was a sea otter, their arrows in her house; she agrees to get on their boat, takes her purse with her; Ice thinks it has food, but there are living creatures; he throws her away board; the woman says that if she brought her to Nehalem, people would not die; jumps into the sea; they sail to the village of Lososey, eat one; to people with tails; to naked people covering themselves at night with their ears like blankets (their ears are normal in size during the day); they throw baskets at invisible spirits; into a house whose door opens and closes as fast as the person in the house speaks woman; Ice runs in, grabs meat, has time to jump out; the door only cuts off a little flesh from his buttocks; to people without a mouth, eating the smell of food; Ice cuts through the boy's mouth, he can speak; looks how Ice copulates with a mouthless girl; Ice cuts through everyone's mouths, tells them not to copulate in public; the mouthless used conceived children differently than we did (it's not said how exactly); they come to cannibals, Ice turns the boat into a feather, escapes the chase; to people with tiny mouths, they feed on dental mollusks; they return home]: 3-9.

The Great Southwest. Yaki [Earth Shaman (Chamán de la Tierra) poured water into the bowl, it froze, he threw this piece of ice into the sky, the sun appeared; he also created the moon; he threw both first to the west, then to the south , but they went too fast; when I threw to the east, they swam across the sky like now; I sprayed water from my mouth - stars appeared; broke my magic crystal, threw fragments, they turned into bright stars; took his staff, sprinkled it with ash (colocando cenizas en la orilla), drew the Milky Way in the sky; made people out of clay; they did not die, they multiplied, began to kill each other; the Shaman of the Earth decided to unite the Sky with Earth, like husband and wife, so did the Sun and the Moon; picked up the sky with his rod, pulled up; everyone on earth died, he created a new race Rsasanatc; the Moon gave birth to the Coyote, the Earth to the Big Brother (SB); people again multiplied, the SB promised to destroy everyone; created a young man who began to be consistently combined with all women; the first child was born in 4 months, the last child immediately; came to the wise Shaman South; the flood began, SHU made a hole to the other side of the earth with a rod, after which some people left; others and SHU climbed the mountain; the dog brought people to the top; after the flood they began to make people and animals; the Coyote has snakes and birds (the SB told him to throw them into the water); the SZ sculpted people with one leg, huge ears, holes in the body, boils on their knees; diseases spread on the ground]: Olmos Aguilera 2005:172-180.

The Great Southwest. Zunyi [the first people to come out of the lower world are Áshiwi; they have membranes on their fingers, bare tails, moss covers their bodies, one ear underneath them, covers the other; the gods cut them off tails and ears, told them to swim, they became normal people; other peoples came out after the Zunya, the last Apache and Navajo; people do not want the sorcerer and witch to come out; they say that it will not be otherwise rain; they are allowed to kill a young man and a girl; after a man's rain, a young man rises alive from the grave, after a woman's grave; sorcerers sow corn, it ripens in the evening; bitter as pepper; it was eaten by a crow, An owl, a coyote, it became sweet; but these animals and birds have been stealing crops ever since]: Marriott, Rachlin 1968:96-99.