L108C. White hand .15.-.
To prevent the victim from recognizing him and unlocking the door, the predator, the cannibal shows a piece of clothing, an arm, a paw, making the victim believe that a mother, a teacher, etc. have come.
Portuguese, Galicians, Catalans, French, Bretons, Walloons, Flemish, Saudia, Palestinians, Tibetans (Amdo), Kachin, Koreans, Lolo (bai), Lisu, Hungarians, Bulgarians, Kumyks, Dargins, Rutulans, Turks, Persians, Tajiks, Salars, Dongxians, Mongors, Cyrene and Katangan Evenks, Japanese (including North Ryukyu).
Southern Europe. The Portuguese [when leaving, the goat tells seven goats not to unlock strangers; the wolf tries to imitate the goat's head; the elder kid tells them to stick his paw under the door; the goats do not unlock; the wolf smeared his paw with flour; the youngest kid unlocked the door; the wolf ate everyone, only the eldest hid in the watch; the goat and the older kid found the wolf sleeping under a tree with his belly full; cut his belly, took the kids out alive, stoned their belly, woke up the wolf and drove them to the river; the wolf drowned]: Dias Marques 2019, No. 63:102-103; the Galicians [The Goat tells seven goats not to unlock someone else's door; The wolf says he is their mother, they say that the mother is white (the Wolf sprinkles flour on himself), she has a thin voice (swallows eggs); swallows the kids; the Goat finds him sleeping, the goats jump out, the Goat puts stones in their place, sews the Wolf belly, he drinks from a well, sinks]: O'Neille 1983:42-43; Catalans (incl. Mallorca) [When going to town, the Goat tells the goats to unlock only if they hear its song; the Wolf does not know the song at first, then sings in a rude voice, then the goats see that he has a black paw; the goats let in him when he whitewashed his paw with flour; one hid, the Wolf ate the rest; the Goat finds the Wolf, rips his belly open, there are live goats]: Oriol, Pujol 2008, No. 123:42-43.
Western Europe. The French (Auvergne) [The goat warns the kids to unlock the door only in front of her voice and when they see her white leg; the wolf smeared her leg with lime, the goats opened, the Wolf ate the eldest two, the youngest hid in his mother's shoe, but the Wolf bit off his tail; that's why the goats have a short tail]: Dähnhardt 1912:277; Bretons (West 1883) [when going to town to buy a pot to cook soup, the goat tells three goats not to unlock the door - the wolf will eat them; the wolf knocks, the goats ask them to show their paw, it is black; then he smeared his paw with flour, goats unlocked; seeing a wolf, one climbed onto the stove, the other on the closet, and the third in sauerkraut; then a goat came in, ripped the wolf's belly with its horns, dug a hole and buried the wolf in it; everything is fine]: Sébillot 1910, No. 63:224- 226; wallons [the goat tells three goats to unlock the door only if they see its white leg; the wolf sticks its paw, hits him with a stick; he sprinkled flour on his paw - the same; chalk; the goats are unlocked, but run away; one climbs into the barn, the wolf climbs there, but the goat that returns puts a pot of boiling water at the stepladder, the wolf falls and cooks]: Laport 1932, no.*123:29; Flemish [the goat does not tell the goats unlock strangers; the wolf changes his voice, sprinkles white flour on his paw, hides under a cloak; eats six kids, the seventh hides, tells the mother; she rips open the wolf's stomach, pulls the kids alive, puts them down stones instead; the wolf goes to drink, sinks]: Meyer 1968, No. 123:25-26.
Western Asia. Saudia [Hyena has children; Lisa imitates Hyena, asking them to open the door; the eldest asks the imaginary mother to put her tail in the crack, he turns out to be tough; the hyenyata replies that their mother smears her tail nightly egg white; The fox does the same, the hyenyata is opened, but they hide, the Fox does not find them; decides to leave, puts her grandmother on a donkey, she falls, dies; the fox lets the donkey with her dead grandmother on it into the field, the owner chases the donkey, Lisa says he killed her grandmother; Lisa receives a ransom, lives well]: Lebedev 1990, No. 1:23-26; Palestinians [Hyena sees the Goat talking to his three goats, those then they open the door; the Goat's tail is cut off, she warns the children to look at the tail if anyone asks for it to be opened; the Hyena asks the Ant to cut off its tail, who tells the Hyena to give him measure wheat from the threshing floor, the threshing floor tells you to bring a herd of oxen, the oxen tell the pond to drink them, the goats see the cropped tail, unlock them, the Hyena eats them; the Goat asks the blacksmith to forge iron horns for her, Hyena rips open her stomach, the goats come out]: Muhawi, Kanaana 1989, No. 38:281-283.
Tibet is the Northeast of India. Tibetans (Amdo) [mother digs wild tubers, tells her daughter not to unlock it; a demon comes, puts her paw under the door, the girl says that her mother's hand is hairless and oily; the demon asks for fire and oil , scorches her hair, rubs herself with oil; puts her paw again, the girl unlocks it, hides under the roof; the demon blows the wind, the girl giggles, the demon notices her; she says she has climbed on a pile of needles; pots; he can't; jugs; he climbs in and takes her away; the mother comes, goes looking for her, gives tsampas to the crow, the fox, the wolf, they go with her; first the wolf, then the fox distract the demon (he is afraid that the crow is afraid that the crow will spoil the skin of a supposedly dead fox), the girl's mother and the wolf take the girl out of the basket, put ice and thorns there; the demon puts the basket on the fire, the ice melts, he thinks that the girl pees; pricked; chases behind the fox; she appears to be another fox three times; the demon agrees to learn how to sift the sand (the fox covered his eyes), cook glue (filled his face), weave the basket (braided it in the basket, lowered it down the mountain, he drowned in the river); mother and daughter, fox, wolf and crow remained friends]: Kajihama 2004, No. 1:1-6; (obviously same text; recorded by refugees from Amdo? Tibetans (Sikkim) [mother goes to dig tubers, tells her daughter not to open strangers; Rakshasa knocks, shows her paw; the girl replies that mother's hands are smooth as oiled; Rakshas asks oil and fire, burns the hair on her hands, oils them, the girl opens them, hides under the ceiling; to find the girl, Rakshasa makes indecent sounds, she laughs; Rakshas asks how she got in; Putting needles on top of each other; Cups; finally admits that buckets; Rakshas takes the girl away; the mother goes to look, shares the zamba with the crow, the fox, the wolf; the wolf drove the Rakshasa sheep, that rushed after her; saw a dead fox, a raven above her; ran to the fox, she jumped up, Rakshasa followed her; the mother and the wolf in the Rakshasa house took the girl out of the bag above the fire, put ice and thorns inside; the rakshas returned , water has flowed, he thinks that the girl is peeing; hits her, scratches her against thorns; realizes that she has been deceived; looks for a fox; she pretends to be a different fox every time; throws sand in his face; smears glue; offers learn to climb into the basket, descends from the mountain, he dies]: Krapivina 2001:51-65); Kachin [mother went to buy firewood, told her daughters not to unlock the door; Tiger pretends to be a mother, says her the eyes are red with pepper, their hands are dirty from work; the girls open it, hide in the tree; the eldest advises to smear the tree trunk with oil, but the middle one advises to make notches on it; God lowers gold from the sky a vessel on a rope, picks up the girls; he raises a tiger in a clay vessel with a rotten rope, the Tiger falls, breaks; his older sister becomes the sun, the middle moon, the younger star]: Kasevich, Osipov 1976, No. 29:104-106.
China - Korea. Koreans: Choi 1979, No. 100 [The tiger ate the mother, puts on her clothes; her three children do not open the door because they do not recognize the mother's voice, they see the shaggy paw; when they open it, the Tiger eats the youngest; two others were asked to be allowed to go out of need, ran away, hid in a tree; two ropes came down from the sky, new and rotten; brother and sister took to heaven, brother became Sun, sister Moon; Tiger climbed along rotten, fell into a millet field; since then, the millet stalks have been red with his blood; options: The tiger tied ropes to the children when they came out, they tied them to a mortar; the Tiger fell into the well, drowned; sister it's scary to shine at night, asked to give her a day; embarrassed, became a bright Sun not to be looked at; three sisters are running, turning into Sun, Moon, Stars]: 27-28; Cho 2001, No. 78 [woman returns at dusk, bringing her children cakes; the Tiger meets her on every hill, consistently demanding that she give her cakes first and then her garments; on the last hill there is nothing more to give, the Tiger eats a woman (obviously taking her form); her three children do not open the door at first, because they do not recognize their mother's voice, they see a rough paw; the imaginary mother explains that she is hoarse, her hands are rough from work; asks for her younger; sister and brother peek, see her eat him; hide in a tree in the yard; Tiger first sees their reflection in the well, then looks up; brother explains that they climbed in with the trunk smeared sesame, castor oil; but the sister says what they did on the trunk of the notch; at the request of his brother, a strong rope descends from the sky, the children climb it; the Tiger asks God to lower his rotten rope, believing that he would do the opposite; she cut short, the Tiger fell into a millet field, since then the roots of the millet have been red; at first, the brother became the Sun, sister Moon; but the sister was afraid to walk at night, so they changed; To avoid staring at her, the Sun Sister dazzled those who looked at her]: 118-122; Park 1991 [a woman returns at dusk, bringing roasted beans to her children; the Tiger ate her, put on her clothes; her three children At first they do not open the door, because they do not recognize the mother's voice, they see a rough paw; the imaginary mother explains that she is hoarse, her hands are rough from work; the children unlock; while the sister and middle brother are eating beans, the Tiger climbs in under the blanket, eats the youngest; the children ask for more beans, the Tiger gives the boy's fingers; the sister asks for permission to go out of need; in the yard he climbs the willow with his brother; the Tiger first sees their reflection in the well; The brother calls out to him, he looks up; the brother explains that they climbed in with soyoil on the trunk; then he says what they did on the trunk of the notch; at the sister's plea, an iron chain descends from the sky, children climb it; the Tiger asks him to lower his rusty chain, she breaks, the Tiger fell into the stubble, since then the roots of the corn have been red; the sister has become the Sun, Brother Month; so as not to be stared at, the Sun Sister throws looking needles]: 46-51; lolo (buy) [the witch eats the woman; knocks on her children; they say that the voice is rude, the hand is hairy; the witch puts on the woman's clothes and shoes, the children let her in; at night she eats the boy; the girl asks to go to the yard, ties the rope to the dog's paw, climbs a peach tree; the witch asks to throw her a peach, the girl throws the knife; the witch dies, turns into nettles; merchants spread white and red carpets, girl jumps, misses, falls into nettles, turns into wormwood; wormwood treats nettle burns]: Cherkasova 1961:360-364; fox: Dessaint, Ngwâma 1994:167-179 [father did not return from hunting; mother goes after the roots, tells her daughters Amìma (eldest) and Alěma not to open the door; the cannibal (t'ishüma, evil spirit category) ate her, came, asking her to open; Amima talks to her; mother always brought a herd of cows; the cannibal brought her; show her ear; the cannibal picks up a mooing cow; the same herd of sheep; pigs; a basket of roosters; mother always a spinning wheel in her hands spinning hemp; show; slips; mother's hand is not shaggy; cannibal pulls off her hair; not bloody; licks blood; younger sister: if you are a mother, break constipation; cannibal rips off, comes in, sends sisters to fetch water; Amima brings dirty, Alema is clean; cannibal: the one who brought clean will sleep with me; at night, Amima hears the cannibal suck Alema's blood, eat it; she says she drinks water, gnaws hemp seeds; in the morning, Amima pretends to believe, calls the cannibal for breakfast, offers to wake Alema up; cannibal: let her sleep; cannibal wants to relieve her need; Amima tied a ball of thread to the fence: when you unwind, you can do your business; after a little reeling, the cannibal asks if it is possible; Amima replies that her mother is at this time (all episodes of processing hemp and making clothes), then the father at this time (episodes of preparing a bow and arrow, a knife); finally, the ball unwound; Amima ran into the house, found her sister's bones, told all objects in the house to answer for her; then sticks and wooden balls on the road; runs away; the cannibal consistently devours all the objects that answer her; chases; notices Amima's shadow under the apricot tree; how did she climb? throwing her left breast to the left and right; the cannibal ripped her breasts off the bark, cannot climb; Amima promises her apricots if she brings her father's gold-silver spear, burning it in the fire; tells her open your mouth, close your eyes; misses for the first time, tells her to heat her again; pierces the cannibal, her blood floods the valley; Amima asks Grandpa Month to pick her up, then Grandma Sun; everyone says that busy; blood rises; at the last moment the Sun picks up Amima; when the bloody flood has passed, the Sun wants to bring Amima back; she is afraid of cannibals; the Sun gives four dogs to protect Amima from her head , from the feet, on the sides; three times a night it is necessary to change the place of sleep; when dogs killed almost all cannibals, the Sun decided to take them away; Amima begged to leave the male and female to defend themselves from the remaining cannibals; these couples happen today's dogs], 409-426 [an orphan girl and her younger brother live with her grandmother; went to chase birds to the site; someone mimics their words; grandmother does not believe, she goes by herself; she does not mimic; children: tease so that the grandmother believes; now someone repeats the grandmother's words; the cannibal t'ishüma appears; invites the grandmother to look in her head; she takes ticks out ticks from the cannibal's head; the cannibal is the brain, ate the grandmother; the children saw it, ran home, locked themselves; the cannibal comes disguised as a grandmother; the girl repeatedly says that everything looks different for her grandmother; the cannibal consistently cuts off her shaggy, breasts, changes her complexion and tooth shape, dresses; girl: grandmother came carrying hemp yarn; trough; cannibal with yarn, then with a trough; this time the boy said the formula allowing her to open the door; pretending to be a grandmother, the cannibal sends the children to get water, then for fuel; the girl brings dirty water, raw branches, the boy brings clean, dry; at night, the cannibal takes him to herself; ate, crunches her bones, supposedly a crunch of magic beans that give immortality, which she chews; first the cannibal gives the girl beans, then her brother's finger; in the morning asks where to relieve her need; girl rejects all places (her mother or father did something there); you have to go to the mountain, she will let the ball down the mountain, where the thread runs out, relieve herself; and then wind the ball back; the girl tied the thread to a tree, ran home, found her brother's guts, wrapped it in cloth, took it with her, hid under the bridge; then climbed a tree; peed herself; the cannibal thought it was raining; the girl laughed; the cannibal: how climbed? legs forward; the cannibal climbs; not so: throw your legs around your neck; then: bring my father's spear, hot in the fire, knock down the fruits for you, throw it in your mouth, open it wider; throw the spear, missed; bring a spear my grandfather with two points; the same; great-grandfather: with three points; the spear fell into the mouth of the cannibal, she died; the flood began; the girl consistently asks for deer, dogs, hunters, bushes, knife, leaves, people who carry meat, flies to drink water; everyone refuses, is busy with each other (cumulative story); a frog drinks for a promise to give her a needle; the girl pierced her stomach with this needle, the water spilled out again; the same is another frog, but the girl pierced her back; since then, the frogs have a stain behind them; the girl got off the tree, picked up the remnants of yarn that the women had thrown, began to weave them; the moon came down She does not know how to drink from the stream; girl: sideways; the grateful moon took her along with the tree under which she was sitting; you can see her weaving on the moon; if only half of the moon is visible, the moon drinks; people are mortal, for can't eat magic beans anymore].
The Balkans. Hungarians [a goat forbids its seven goats to unlock someone else's door; the wolf knocks, the goats don't unlock; he sprinkles flour on his paws; eats chalk or carrots to make his voice thin; finally, goats they unlocked them, the wolf ate them, except for the smallest one; after learning about what had happened, the goat found the wolf sleeping, cut his belly, released the living kids, put stones in his belly and sewed them up; the wolf woke up, went to drink on the river, drowned]: Kovács 1987, № 123:272; Bulgarians [The wolf imitates the voice of the Goat, calls the goats; they say that the voice, the paw, is rude, not the mother; the wolf makes them thin at the blacksmith, the goats to him they open them, he swallows them; the Goat offers to jump over the hole, there is a stake in it; the wolf attacks the stake, the goats come out of his belly alive]: Daskalova-Perkovska 1994, No. 123:63.
Caucasus - Asia Minor. Kumyks [returning, the Goat asks the kids Engelik and Sengelik to open the door; replies to the Wolf that the children are named Zasov and Big Hook; warns the children that she will put her white leg under the door herself with golden fingers; The wolf calls the children by name, but they say that the mother has a white leg with golden fingers; The wolf rolled his paw in flour, made finger rings out of straw, the goats opened them, the Wolf opened them swallowed; The Goat says that one of its horns plows the sky, the other the earth; the Wolf says that the children were eaten by the Bear, the Bear by the Wolf; the Goat ripped the Wolf's stomach with its horns, the goats jumped out alive]: Ganiyeva 2011a, No. 61 : 177-178; Dargin [Khamis the goat tells three goats not to unlock the door; the wolf says he brought milk, shows his hand, the goats answer that the mother's hand was wearing a bracelet; the wolf asks H. where does the bracelet come from, she calls the master from Kubachi, the Wolf orders the same from him; the same goes for slippers (from a master obstetrician); the goats are unlocked, the Wolf swallowed them; the Goat put on wolfskin, went to dance with wolves, pushed him into the fire, his belly burst, the goats jumped out, left with his mother]: Ganiyeva 2011a, No. 47:155; Rutultsy: Bulatova 2003 [Adiday has 7 daughters; she tells them not to open the door; Wolf knocks, asks him to show his hand, they say that his mother had a silver bracelet; The wolf burns wool on his paw, bandages his wrist with silver; eats 6 sisters, the seventh hid in the chest; told everything mother; Lisa advises A. to pour sorbet on the ice; The wolf sticks to the ice, A. and the Fox beat him, freeing six girls]: 267-268; Ganieva 2011a, No. 59 [Bykbiche goats have Heleliy and Balaly, she does not tell unlock the door; The wolf asks to open, they say that the mother has a gentle voice, then that her hands are tender; the wolf returns, changing his voice, tearing off her hair; the goats say that the mother had a ring on finger, Wolf makes a ring and bracelet out of rose hips, the goats unlock; Grandpa Fox promises B. to return the kids; weave the basket, climb into it one by one, the Wolf wants it too; B. invited him to his place, Fox ripped open his belly with a knife, the goats jumped out]: 173; the Turks [the sheep have Ayshe and Fatma; every evening the mother comes back, sings about what she brought milk for them in the udder; the wolf sings, he has a rude voice, puts his paw under his feet, it is black, not white, the lights do not unlock; The wolf sings in a thin voice, shows his paw, putting it in a bag of flour before; he was unlocked, he ate the yarochek; the Sheep calls the Wolf to a wake, that falls into a hole prepared by her with burning brushwood; the Wolf burned down, the Sheep gave birth to new yarochki]: Stebleva 1986, No. 7:27-28.
Iran - Central Asia. Persians: Rosenfeld 1958 [The Goat has Shangul, Mangul, Happeye-Angur goats; tells them not to unlock, look through the keyhole first; the goats do not unlock the Wolf, he has a rude voice; he speaks in a thin voice, he puts his paw under the door - it is black; the goats say that the mother's hands are white; he puts his paws in flour; the mother's legs are red; he smears her hind legs with henna; the goats unlock, the Wolf ate S. and M., X . ran away; The Jackal denies that he ate the kids; the Wolf agrees to fight the Goat; she took the butter and cream to the grinder, who sharpened her horns; the wolf brought the barber a bag of air, who did not sharpen his teeth, but replaced with cotton wool; The Goat ripped open the Wolf's belly, the goats jumped out whole]: 52-55; Lorimer, Lorimer 1919, No. 1 (Kerman) [the goat has children Alil, Balil, Ginger Stick and Black-eyed; she goes for grass, tells not to open the door to the wolf; let him put his hand into the crack; if the hand is black, do not open it, if the red one is really me; the wolf overheard; paints his hand with henna; when the goats ask to stick his hand, he sticks a red one; the goats open the door; the wolf takes three, the Black-eyed hides; tells the mother everything; from the roof a goat throws a handful of earth to the wolf into ash (āsh; thick soup); the wolf asks who dares to do it; the goat offers the wolf a fight; takes cottage cheese and butter to the grinder; the wolf fills the bag with air, takes the zuboder, tells him to sharpen his teeth; the zuboder detects deception, replaces all the wolf's teeth with woolen ones lumps; before the fight, the goat offers to drink water; he does not drink itself, jumps over the stream; the wolf, having drunk, fell into the stream; the goat ripped his belly with a sharpened horn; the wolf died, swallowed goats jumped out alive]: 3-5; Tajiks [the goat with a porcelain nose has Halulak and Balulak goats; the fox tells us to open the door, says he is their mother; goats: our mother is blue; the fox was lying in ash, goats: our mother is blue; the fox was lying in ash, goats they still did not open it; the wolf came, the goats said that their mother was green; then that it was black; the wolf was wearing makeup, the goats did not open; the wolf broke the door, ate the kids; the goat comes to the fox, he assures that he did not eat goats; comes to the wolf, they go to the judge, the goat brings a bag of cakes, the wolf brings a bag of manure; the judge ordered the master to sharpen the goat's horns and the wolf to replace his teeth with cotton grains; the goat ripped the wolf's belly, the goats came out]: Levin et al. 1981, No. 47:148-150.
Turkestan. Salary: Tenishev 1964, No. 7 (Ujirem, Xunhua-Salar Autonomous County; "According to the narrator, this is a Tibetan fairy tale he heard from the Salars") [the old woman went to mow the grass; her daughter Tutyrja stayed at home; Mungiskarjah took the image of an old woman, came to the door and began singing: "Tutyrzha-ah, open the door! Ma-ah-at came, mowed the grass with a sickle, collected the grass with a rake, waded across the river, the ditch crossed"; T. replied: "You are not my mother. My mom is white, [and] you're black!" ; M. rolled in the whitish dust and came back to the door; T. looked into the crack, mistook him for his mother, let him inside, and then hid under the grain measure; M. found her and ate it; promised the old woman who returned that she would eat her in the evening; the old woman went out on the road, met a needle, an awl, scissors, an egg, a frog, a couple of rams, a liquid dung and a stone roller for threshing wheat; they promised to help her; a needle hid on the old woman's head, an awl on her stomach, scissors at her feet; an egg in the hearth, a frog in a water tank; a couple of rams stood outside the door, the dung was at the doorstep, and the roller was above the door; in the evening he came M. and said that he would start eating the old woman from his head; a needle and an awl pricked his mouth, scissors pierced his lips, a pitchfork fell on his head in the hayloft, an egg burst and covered his eyes with dust, the frog hit him him on the cheek; M. ran, slipped on the dung, but got up; the rams knocked him down, the roller fell off the door and killed him]; No. 26 (Altiyuli) [the old woman had three daughters; before going to the mountains, she told them: "Don't open the door [to anyone] until your mother comes back! When your mother calls [you] at the door, then open it!" ; Mungiskarchi ate it in the mountains; when he came to the house, he began to sing: "Tuttyrja, open the door! The mother came, stung the grass with a sickle, cleaned the grass with a rake, swam across the Morin River, the ditch crossed [through] the waters, open the door!" ; T. asked: "Why is the face yellow and why is the face white?" ; M. was lying in the dust and singing again at the door; T.: "Why is his face yellow and why is his face red?" ; M. was lying in the reddish dust and singing again; T.: "Why is his face yellow and why is his face blue?" ; M.: "Will you open the door or not? If you don't open it, I'll break the hook!" ; T. opened the door; the youngest sister pressed against M.'s chest; in the evening he ate it; the older sisters heard a crunch of bones, saw the younger sister's head and decided to run; going out into the yard, they sang loudly: "The girl Luna, hold out the rope! Sun Maiden, help me!" ; after that, the savior came; he took two girls with him; M. also went out and sang: "Maiden Luna, hold out the rope! Sun Maiden, help me!" ; the one who took the girls appeared, attacked M. and shredded him with a sword]: 19-21, 65-66.
Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Dongxiang [the old woman has four daughters, the eldest has a daughter, the old woman went to her with gifts; on the way she is swallowed by a monster, takes her form; the youngest daughters do not open the door, they say that the mother had sleeves of a different color; the eldest opens; at night the monster eats her, the second and third daughters run away (the fourth is not mentioned); the girls tell the river to become narrow, cross; the tree is low , climb on it; they answer that they got up, holding a stone slab on their heads, leaning on a stick; then they lift the pursuer to half, cut off the rope: the monster turns into a dog, a peddler goods kill her; one girl marries a peddler, the other marries another person]: Todayeva 1961, No. 2:80-83; the Mongors [the old woman has four daughters, the eldest is married, she has a grandson; the old woman goes to visit him, tells the youngest daughters not to open it to anyone; a mangus in the form of a woman meets an old woman, invites her to her place, takes her true form, eats it; taking the form of an old woman, comes to the house where girls; the older three do not unlock, they say that the clothes are the wrong color; the mangus changes the colors of the clothes; the youngest hesitates, sticks her finger, the mangus grabs it, has to open it; when going to bed, mangus tells the youngest girl to lie down with her; at night, sisters hear sounds - mangus eats a girl, drinks her blood, her head rolls to the floor; sisters ask to go to the toilet, mangus ties a rope to them; they they tie her to the kettle and to the chicken, run away; ask the mountain to become low, behind them high again; the river is narrow, wide again; so 9 mountains and 9 rivers; ask the tree to become low, then raise them; answer mangus that you can get up by eating pig, human, dog crap; they lower the rope, let go; the mangus breaks; a young woodcutter walks by, finishes off the mangus, cuts, buries]: Stuart, Limusishiden 1994:112-116.
Eastern Siberia. Kiren Evenks: Vasilevich 1966, No. 35 [the house was like a storage shed on stilts; when her husband left, his wife raised a ladder; chingit picked up the dropped mittens, her husband's hat, came to the house, began to sing the usual a song; the wife replies that the voice is a stranger; chingit shows the mittens first, then the hat, the wife lowers the ladder, the chingit takes the woman away; the husband asks the pine tree, she refers to larch, larch replies that his wife was taken away by Chingit; the husband breaks into Genghit before he kills his wife, kills him with an arrow, returns his wife]: 322-324; Pinegin et al. 1952 [Sictan's wife tells him to throw in The plague will then open his mittens; he forgets the mittens in the forest, they are picked up by Gadar and Jalon, who are flying across the sky; they throw them to his wife S., she unlocks them, they take her away; S. shoots them, break off the arrows pieces of stone from their bodies; deer brings S. to a country where G. and D.; S.'s wife burns a red squirrel in which their strength is; S. kills them, returns his wife]: 67-69; Evenks in Kachug and Katanga districts Irkutsk Oblast [a giant finds a hat, mittens, and sash thrown off during a moose chase; an old man comes to an old woman; she does not believe that the monster's voice is her husband's voice; tells me to throw a hat into the smoke hole , mittens, a sash; when he sees them, he lets a giant in; the old man kills him, saves the old woman]: Voskoboynikov 1980:35 (full text in Voskoboynikov 1967:360).
Japan. The Japanese (including the northern Ryukyu) [a cannibal comes to a woman, eats all her food, then herself; disguised as a mother, she comes to her house, asks the children to open it; they tell her to slip in hand, they feel that the hand is stiff, not maternal; next time they recognize a rough voice; the cannibal returns, wiping her hand with a tarot leaf, softening her throat with oil (sugar, honey); she is let in, at night she eats a baby, one of the children hears that the imaginary mother is eating something, asks for it, and this is the baby's finger; the children say they need to go to the yard, they are tied by ropes, they tie them up, climb on tree; the cannibal climbs as the children tell her, falls, breaks, tries to drink the pond, seeing their reflection; the children ask the sky for help, climb the rope that has descended from the sky; the cannibal is lowered rotten, she It falls, breaks, her blood stains the roots of the millet; or the children descend from the tree, rip open the cannibal's belly, take out her living mother]: Ikeda 1971, No. 333A: 91-92.