Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

L108D. Stones sewn into the belly. .

A character who swallows his prey alive falls asleep. When his belly was ripped open, the swallowed ones were removed and stones were placed in their place, he did not notice anything.

Portuguese, Galicians, Walloons, Flemish, Germans (Grimms), Hungarians, Luzhitans, Kashubians, Russians (Vologda, Ryazan).

Southern Europe. Portuguese [The wolf pretends to be Mother Goat, enters the house, eats the kids; the Goat rips open the sleeping Wolf's belly, puts stones in the place of the goats; the wolf drowns when he comes to drink water]: Cardigos 2006, No. 123:39; the Portuguese [when leaving, the goat tells seven goats not to unlock strangers; the wolf tries to imitate the goat's head; the elder kid tells them to stick his paw under the door; the goats are not unlocked; the wolf smeared his paw with flour; the youngest kid unlocked the door; the wolf ate everyone, only the eldest hid in the watch; the goat and the older kid found the wolf sleeping under a tree with his belly full; cut belly, took out the kids alive, filled their belly with stones, woke up the wolf and drove him to the river; the wolf drowned]: Dias Marques 2019, No. 63:102-103; Galicians [The Goat tells seven goats not to unlock someone else's door; The wolf says he is their mother, they say that the mother is white (the Wolf sprinkles flour on himself), she has a thin voice (swallows eggs); swallows the kids; the Goat finds him sleeping, the goats jump out, the Goat puts him down stones instead of them, sews up the Wolf's stomach, he drinks from the well, drowns]: O'Neille 1983:42-43.

Western Europe. Walloons [while the goat is gone, the wolf opens the door to her house and eats the youngest of the seven kids; the goat finds the sleeping wolf, ripped his stomach, takes out the kid, puts stones there, sewed up his stomach; the wolf did not notice anything; went to drink, fell into the water and drowned]: Laport 1932, No. 123:29; Flemish [the goat does not tell the goats to unlock strangers; the wolf changes his voice, sprinkles white flour on his paw, hides under with a cape; eats six kids, the seventh hides, tells the mother; she rips open the wolf's stomach, pulls the kids alive, puts stones instead of them; the wolf goes to drink, drowns]: Meyer 1968, No. 123:25-26; Germans [mother told Little Red Riding Hood to take her sick grandmother a piece of cake and a bottle of wine; to meet the wolf; when he found out where the CS was going, he advised her to pick more flowers, and hurried to his grandmother's house. said he was CS, who brought cake and wine; she told me to press the latch; the wolf swallowed his grandmother, put her clothes on and went to bed; CS came; Why are your ears so big? - To hear you better. - Eyes? - It's better to see you. - Hands? - It's easier to grab you. - Roth? - It's easier to swallow you. After swallowing the KSH, the wolf fell asleep; when he heard snoring, the hunter came in, cut the wolf's belly with scissors, KSH and grandmother dried out, put stones in their belly and sewed them up again; when the wolf woke up, wanted to run away, but the stones were heavy, he fell and died; one day, KS carried wine and cake to her grandmother again, and another wolf met him; KSH no longer spoke, but told her grandmother everything; they locked themselves; the wolf began to knock, saying that he was CS ; then he climbed onto the roof; my grandmother ordered a large trough to be filled with water; smelling the smell of sausage (in the bucket with which KSH was pouring water, my grandmother had previously cooked sausage), the wolf rolled down from the roof and drowned in a trough]: Grimm, Grimm 2002, No. 26:93-96 (=Grimm, Grimm 1987:88-90.

The Balkans. Hungarians [a goat forbids its seven goats to unlock someone else's door; the wolf knocks, the goats don't unlock; he sprinkles flour on his paws; eats chalk or carrots to make his voice thin; finally, goats they unlocked them, the wolf ate them, except for the smallest one; after learning about what had happened, the goat found the wolf sleeping, cut his belly, released the living kids, put stones in his belly and sewed them up; the wolf woke up, went to drink on the river, drowned]: Kovács 1987, No. 123:272.

Central Europe. Luzhitans [grandmother gave her granddaughter a red hood; her mother sent Little Red Riding Hood to bring her grandmother pie and wine; KS met a wolf; he asked her, advised her to take a walk first, and then go to my grandmother; at that time he came to my grandmother, called himself a granddaughter, my grandmother told me how to open the door, the wolf came in, swallowed his grandmother, lay down in her bed; CS came in, asking why you, grandmother has such big ears, eyes, hands, mouth; wolf: to hear, see, hug, swallow you better; the hunter heard snoring from the house, came in, saw a wolf, cut his throat, took out KSH, then cut it stomach, took out his grandmother; sewed stones into the wolf; he jumped up, but the stones began to roll in his stomach and he died; the hunter got the skin, the grandmother ate pie and wine, the CS decided that no longer will walk around, but will go straight, as my mother ordered]: Wratislaw 1890, No. 15:97-100; Kashubians (in Poland, only Kashubians and Mazurians, where German influence have records) [pretending to be a mother or as the girl's grandmother, the wolf swallowed her; fell asleep; his belly was ripped open, the girl was taken out alive, and stones were placed instead of her]: Krzyżanowski 1962, No. 333:116; Russians (Vologda) [the wolf overheard how the goat causes when he returns home; began to sing the same song, but the voice was rude, the goats did not unlock them; then the wolf went to the blacksmith, who forged his tongue; the goats opened, the wolf ate them, only one was left; the goat ripped the belly of the sleeping wolf, the goats jumped out, put stones in her belly, sewed it up]: Kuzmina 2008, No. 9:49-50; Russians (Ryazanskaya) [the goat has 7 kids, she orders to open it only in response to her a song; the wolf sings, the goats: the mother has a thin voice; the wolf asked the blacksmith to reforge his tongue; the goats opened, one hid behind the stove; the goat goes looking for the wolf; the veal shepherd replies that he did not see; the cow is the same; the sheep indicates where the wolf sleeps; the goat cut the wolf's belly, released the kids, put stones instead of them, sewed them up; the wolf got up, went to drink, fell off the steep bank under the weight of the stones, drowned]: Samodelova 2013, No. 24:24-26.