Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

L112. Finding bodily fullness.


A physically disabled boy is born (tiny, one head, half a body, etc.). After a series of adventures, he regains his bodily fullness.

North Africa. "Moors" (Berbers of Morocco?) [The king has seven wives, all childless; someone gives him seven apples for his wives to eat; the last one is rotten, the king has cut off half; therefore, the seventh and beloved wife gave birth to a boy with only the left half bodies; his name is Neççebnâdem ("Half a Man"); he eventually becomes bodily fullness]: Despartmet 1914 in BlelMont 2005:16-17.

Western Europe. The French [4 versions in total, west in Nivernais, Landes, Queyras; retelling individual fragments]: Belmont 2005:15 (Landes) [(Arnaudin 1994, No. 27); an old man who meets him offers a poor man make him rich for promising half of what his wife wears; comes for a boy born, takes him half vertically); the rest grows up, his name is Moitié d'homme ); he cannot work, he is allowed to guard sheep], 15 (Landes) [1) (Joisten 1971, No. 43.1); a widow and two young sons came to the forest to harvest firewood; a fallen tree cut the youngest in half verticals; Half goes to herd king goats; 2) (Joisten 1971, No. 43.2); woodcutter with his 15-year-old son by the forest; fallen larch cut the boy vertically, leaving one half alive; A half said he would herd village goats], 16 (Nivernais) [MS; poor spouses have two normal sons and a third Half (vertically)].

South Asia. Mahabharata (Sabhā Parva 3:17) [(similar to the Javanese version of shadow theater: the childless king Wedarasanda is married to two sisters; a monk advises him to sit under a mango tree; the fruit falls; V.'s wives eat half by half, a half boy is born (each wife?) ; Rakshasi Jarā connects it, hence his name Jarāsamdha ("connected by Jara")]: Headley 2005b: 162-163.

Malaysia-Indonesia. Bataki [Raja Doli Martua asks god Mulojadi to give at least one son if his brother has seven sons; Raja's wife gives birth to a half-boy (vertically) Siaji Sambola; he grows up, goes to west to M.; M. sends a swallow for him, S. sits on her back, brings her to heaven; M. explains that S.'s soul asked for only half of its future fate; M. suggests that S. choose again; S. believes that possible fields are too difficult, he agrees to be half; but M. says he can melt it altogether and create it again; for the seventh time, M. managed to create a whole body for S., he sends back to earth]: Knappert 1999:294-296; coastal dayaks (ibans): Hose 1912 [people in the forest mistook the boa constrictor for a log, began to cut down the collected roots on it; when they understood what was going on, they cut it and cooked it boa constrictor; rain flooded the ground with a flood; a woman, a dog, a rat and other small animals escaped on the mountain; the vine rubbed against the trunk, heating it; the dog noticed this, the woman received fire; took a vine as her husband, gave birth to a half-half boy (vertically) Simpang Impang; he took grain from the rat, which promised that rats would eat grain from humans; The wind scattered the grains; SI went to look for the Wind; along the way Tree, the buds on who is constantly being eaten by birds, told the Wind to knock him down (so as not to suffer); the Lake asked the Wind to remove the piece of gold that covered the water runoff; sugarcane and bananas so that they could have there were branches like trees; The wind offers competition; 1) dive (the bubble immediately surfaced, the fish that dived instead of SI won); 2) jump (the swift took off instead of SI); 3) go through the wind gun (ant) ; The wind does not give up; then SI called his father Fire Drill, set fire to the Wind House; The Wind admits defeat, in compensation for the grain makes SI a fat man; as for other requests, the Wind promised fix the matter; but it won't give branches, because people violate customs]: 144-147; Sather 1994 at Platencamp 2005 [a Sanggau woman has sons Nyaring Angki; at night someone steals rice from the field; brothers guard, see how A serpent descends from the sky, kills it with a sarbakan; people cook pieces, women giggle when they hear a promise to flood the earth from the cauldron; only Dayang Racha, Angka's daughter, survived on the mountain; the first to receive friction fire, got pregnant with a spark, gave birth to Simpang-Inmpang (half boy); went down the mountain, found people; SI grew up, decided to commit suicide by swimming into the sea, but was taken by Indai Jabua (goddess- Rat); asked to look after her family with children; they were rats; SI scalded her children, said that they knocked over the cauldron themselves, but the children said he was lying; DR sent him angrily, but gave him three huge risks; The wind blew, the ricins split into many ordinary ones; SI gathered all the gods and people, complained about the Wind; they agreed that the Wind must pay, he said it was not his fault; XI gathered a military expedition, but Wind explained that he was a friend of Fire, Father XI; gave a ritual gong]: 143-154 (same myth in Jensen 1974:76-77, stating that these are the upper reaches of Lemanak); dusun (Tempassuk) [woman gave birth to a half boy; he walked for a long time, found his half and merged with her; it may have happened in the village of the supreme god Kenharingan]: Evans 1913:456-457; ngaju [Ranjung Mahatala Langit told a man and his wife to descend from heaven to earth ("to the banks of the river of peace" {common formula}); a man became a chief, their daughter was married by Djangga (Month, Chief of Men on the Moon), visits his wife every new moon ; she is pregnant, at this time sex is limited, he is offended, says there is a bad smell on the ground, leaves, leaving seven arrows for his son to be born; he will have to tie seven silver bamboos, climb them, release darts from the sarbakan into the sky, they form a chain, it will turn into a vine, and he will take it to the gates of heaven; D. himself rose in the same way; because his father left a pregnant wife (this is taboo), a half-son was born (vertically), his name is Silai; the mother tells us who his father is, advises him to go to his father's brother Sun first; S. comes to the orangutan leader, he sends to the chief of the ravens; he asks to bring a boa constrictor to eat on the way; S. sits on the crow, throws pieces into his beak, who brings him to the gates of heaven; on the way, S. saves the drowning ants left in a drying pond of fish, a deer entangled in vines, a monkey stuck between branches, a crocodile lost on land frees a firefly from the web; Uncle S., the sun chief (Djangkarau Matanandau) brings him to a lunar village; The month calls S. a geek, a liar; offers tests; 1) separate water, oil, ash, sand mixed in the vessel (ants, fish separate); 2) lay without scratching the path to the forest garden (S. goes back and forth on the back of a deer); 3) climb a tall tree (a monkey dressed as S. climbs); 4) win boat races (a crocodile pulls S.'s boat); 5) come to in a dark house to the bed, where he, the Month, sleeps (the firefly shows); The month recognizes S. as a son; cuts four times, cooks, sculpts again; the first time S. becomes a black dwarf, then red, then a rooster, then a strongman, a handsome man; he is the ancestor of those Ngaju with lighter skin]: Schärer 1966:124-135; Bali [(synopsis 6 versions); Lejat scolds the gods for being childless; god in guise the elder gives him half a biscuit, tells his wife L. to eat it; she gives birth to a half-boy (one arm, one leg, etc.); he goes to heaven to look for that god; the man asks God to ask why he the field does not grow rice; the hermit orders the old man to be grabbed from behind, who agrees to put the Half on his bull, the bull rises to heaven; in the heavenly temple, the Half finds a stone threshold in the form of half a person, applies to himself, becomes whole; God explains what sacrifice must be made for rice to degenerate; when he returns to his parents, the Half (now he is whole) tames the cannibal giant with the power of his word, tells him to break his head against a rock, gets Raja's daughter]: Hoikas-van Leeuwen Bomkamp 1983, No. 10:59-65; Java [childless king Wedarasanda is married to two sisters; a monk advises him to sit under a tree mango; fruit falls; V.'s wives eat half, half a boy is born (each wife?) ; he is left to be eaten by a cannibal, but the halves join together, the young man becomes king of Jarasanda; he can take over the whole world if he maintains his integrity; he is placed on a meteorite, Bima separates again him]: Headley 2005b: 162-163; Roti [the youngest of the two sisters is half (vertically); rushing rice, always touches her sister's pestle; she screams that she is terrible, sees nothing, know, beats; The half complains to the mother, but the mother confirms that she is really only half a man; the half went to look for her half; the old woman advises to follow a narrow path from the fork; then the buffalo, the horse, The ant shows the way again; the ant explains how to enter the Lord's house; he tells us to cut the Half into pieces, put it in a ball, cover it, three days later the girl is reborn as a full man; the Lord gives her wealth, sends her to her parents; her older sister also wants to get rich; she goes the same way, but responds not that her sister insulted her, but that she wants to get her share in heaven; The Lord turns it into a black dog, the current ones come from it]: Platencamp 2005:137-141; Tetum or Kamak (Austronesians of Timor) [the couple had Cabere - one head; the rest was a normal boy; during the absence of his parents, many people with goods asked permission to stay under the canopy of the house; K. allowed him; at night he rolled down with him, people fled in panic, leaving goods; parents did not find owners; K. realized his ugliness; the raven carried him to the top of the palm tree, which grew to heaven, K. asked God for a body and limbs; returned on the same palm tree as a normal young man; leader climbed the same palm tree, asked God to make him better; God turned him into a black dog, K. married the leader's wife]: Pascoal 1967:268-270; loda (Halmahera) [the first man and woman have a son; when the wife is pregnant second, the rain washed half of her garden into the river; she cursed the rain, she had a half son (vertically); he went up to the heavenly god, who ordered him to swim in the pond, the young man became handsome, came home; his older brother wanted to be just as handsome; God told him to swim with a white handkerchief around his neck; he became a dog with a white spot on his neck]: Baarda 1904, No. 13:444-446 (eng) . retelling in Dixon 1916:215-216; French translation in Platencamp 2005:129-134); vemale (Seram) [the girl works in the field, it starts to rain, she curses him; becoming pregnant, gives birth to a boy Taunala, he is only the right half of his body; T. comes to the upper world to the god Uniai for his other half; D. cooks both halves in a cauldron, sculpts a new T. from the boiled substance, revives; tells him to convey mother, so that she does not curse the rain anymore; after seeing his mother, T. comes to heaven again; chooses people's food, D. gives him a human leg; then animal food; hides rice in a wound on his leg, brings it to the ground; D. furiously lets mice eat rice on a rope, but T. cuts off the rope, the mice scatter around the world]: Jensen 1939:83-84 in Prager 2005:107; vemale (Seram) [woman curses the sun, gives birth to a boy Haumala, he has only half his body; he comes to the upper world with the Tuwale sun for his other half; T. shows him the tree on which she hangs, glues the halves together; shows the vegetable gardens planted human bones and hair; Tuniai (Tuwale?) shows bats hanging on a tree; these are people's souls; chooses people's food, D. gives him a human leg; when T. is angry, devours these mice, people die on earth; T. sends H. back to earth tell people not to question the actions of the gods]: DeVries 1927:182-183 in Prager 2005:107-108; Kay Islands: Barraud 2005:49-51 [the girl is given everything, and when she grows up, she always gives only half to others; gives birth to a half-son (right); goes over seven mountains to God to look for her left half; he turns him into a normal person; explains that you have to be generous] 51-53 [a woman dries beans and lentils; then it starts to rain and then the sun again; she tells God that he probably wants to split people in half; gives birth to a half-son; he asks his mother to give him a bow and arrows, he goes to God; people he meets ask for questions about their problems; 1) one goes to get water all the time, does not have time for anything else; 2) the second waits for palm wine to pour out, it still does not pour; half stays at the Raja, God comes there, makes it whole, tells his mother not to blaspheme anymore; wine must be poured through a pipe, water must be carried in a vessel]; Sangihe Islands, Numfoor, Nias [the main motive of a half-boy who becomes whole like a lod]: Dixon 1916:337 (note 20).

(Wed. Taiwan - Philippines. Visayas [childless spouses ask God Diva to send a son, let it be at least one head; The head was born, loved; asks the mother to marry the leader's daughter; she was refused, the Head fell into land, an orange tree grew on this site]: Maxfield, Millington 1906:106 (=Eugenio 1994, No. 262b: 426).

China - Korea. Koreans [a woman gives birth to a half-boy (but with two legs); he is very strong; takes a rich man's daughter; after tumbling over, she becomes normal, marries]: Choi 1979, No. 203:60-61.

The Balkans. The Greeks [a childless woman asks God to give her at least half a child; a half asks her mother to give him an ax and a mule, goes to the forest for firewood]: Hahn 1918, No. 8 in Belmont 2005:16.

(Wed. Central Europe. {A source is needed}. Russians [father rejects daughter's suitors; tells her to wait until next winter when the enemy comes for her; they have three children; while his wife is absent, the husband cuts one of his sons in half vertically, takes half to his world; the remaining half young man is called Polovnyak; he magically burns the princess, finds bodily fullness]: Afanasiev 1897 in Belmont 2005:17).

Japan. Japanese (Otogi-zoshi "Issumboshi", second half of the 16th century) [an old man and an old woman lived in Setsu Province; the old woman had no children until she was forty; she went to Sumiyoshi Shrine and begged for a child; a boy one sun (3 cm) was born, so he was named Issumboshi ( Baby in one sun); when he was twelve or fourteen years old, I. went to the capital, where he was taken to his home by one of the state advisers; the adviser had a daughter who I. liked; I. recruited rice, put it in a tea bag, and when the girl was sleeping, he poured rice into her mouth, and then accused her of stealing; the counselor got angry and kicked her daughter out; I. said he was taking it with him; when they sailed by boat, they were hit to the island; there were two lines, one of which held a hammer to fulfill his wishes; the devil put I. in his mouth, but he got out of his eye; this went on several times; the devils were frightened and, leaving everything behind, fled; I. grabbed the hammer of fulfillment, wished to be tall and became tall as an ordinary man; then I. and the girl returned to the capital, where the emperor granted I. a high rank]: Toropygin 2010:230-231.