Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

L114. The youngest saves from the werewolf.


A group of boys or girls come to the demon's locus. A younger brother or sister or a sick, unfit character, who often goes with others against their will, saves them all. See motive L113.

Hottentots, Xhosa, Kikuyu (Sakata), Nyanja, Mbundu (Ambundu, Kimbundu), Shona (Zezuru), Ronga, Fulbe, Susu, Mende, Bambara, Soninke, Kono, Eve, Akposo, Dagari, Hausa, Tende, Temne, Devoin, Ashanti, Loma, Liela, Bachama, Senufo, Mukulu, Mofu-Gudur, Lango, Kalenjin (Marakvet), Dinka, Shilluk, Zaghawa, Sudanese Arabs, Malgashi, Berbers (Morocco?) , Tunisian Berbers, Arabs of Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Maltese, British, Scots, Palestinians, Gudinaf, Marshall Islands (Elonine), Nepalis, Sinhales, Baiga, Java, Croats, Greeks, Eastern Ukrainians ( Kherson), Adygs, Abkhazians, Abazans, Kumyks, Avars, Georgians, Azerbaijanis, Persians, (Turkmens), Lithuanians, Latvians, Finns, Karelians.

SW Africa. Hottentots: Bleek {Bleeck?)} 1864 [the girl found a place with wild bulbs, there were several people, one crooked, asked her to call the other girls; the youngest followed her sister, wondered why there were so many footprints; men they invite me to dance, only the little one realizes that the pipe of crooked is playing "Blood Will Shed Today"; tells her sister to run, other girls are killed; sisters hide in the anteater's grief, cover themselves with cobwebs, only the one-eyed man sees them, pierces the hole with an assegay, hits the older sister's heel, but the youngest has managed to erase the blood; other pursuers do not believe the one-eyed girl is in the hole; the sisters are running, turn into thorny trees, their beads turn into resin; pursuers fall asleep under trees, sisters smeared their eyes with resin, ran home]: 85f in Radin 1952, No. 43:168-170; in Koropchevsky 1974:27-31 ( briefly in Sicard 1952:97); Schmidt 2007, No. 6 [the cannibal gets married to the eldest of four sisters; eats; comes for the next one, saying that she has children, needs help; eats her; the fourth is still small, She secretly followed when the ogre led the third; returned, told her parents; when the ogre came for the fourth, he was offered a rest, pushed him into a hole with fire; when he died, he said that they were now will die], 20 [against their will, the Smart Girl goes to the veld with her older sister and her two friends; they come to the village of the Big Serpent; the old snake woman says that he will appear when the dung is in the corrale starts to move; the UD goes to milk the cow, stings its udder every time the dung starts to move, the snake does not come out; asks the old woman for strong skin, hangs it in the doorway for the night; when the Big Serpent rushes, UD shoots him with a bow through a hole in his skin, kills him; the girls carry the snake into his hole, run away; the old woman consistently tells her grandchildren (including Porcupine and some spirit) to see why the grandfather does not go out; everyone replies that he is looking motionless; the old woman walks by herself, sees a dead snake, sends a chase; the girls hide in a hole (burn), only the spirit sees them, the rest go for water, UD He also sends the spirit to drink, they run away; they turn into trees, the pursuers do not recognize them; at night, the girls smear their pursuers' eyes, nostrils, etc. with resin, run away; UD goes down to the well to drink companions; they drink and leave, leaving her; The elephant drinks, swallows the UD, a drop of blood falls on the reeds; the little brother UD makes a pipe, she sings about what happened; the father finds the guilty elephant, the UD screams out of him belly to be slaughtered on the left; comes out unharmed; the other three girls were executed], 43 [the big girls did not even take the Smart Girl with them, but she got involved; they came to the cannibals, they locked them up, releasing them only in toilet; UD picked up feathers every time, made wings for herself and the girls, they learned to fly; when they are ready to kill them at the party, the girls fly away, return home], 64 [the girls went to dig wild bulbs, one of them was contacted by a little brother; they came to some people, only the boy realized that they were cannibals; his sister treats him badly, does not give good bulbs, other girls give; he speaks that she wants to sleep, digs under the wall of the house, brings melons inside; tells me to run in the evening; the sister does not want to, but she is persuaded; cannibals set fire to the house; they suppress; the boy touched the girls with feathers big birds, they flew away with falcons; to her sister with small feathers, she takes off and falls; cannibals beat her; then the boy touches her with large feathers, she and he fly away; since then they have lived together]: 19-21, 59-64 , 103-105, 139-141.

Bantu-speaking Africa. Scythe: McCall Theal 1882 [the old man sees seven extraordinary birds, tells the chief; he says they will replace his seven sons who died in the war; tells his dumb son Sikulume and six others the young men catch them; they catch them, come to an empty house where the fire is burning; S. hears the ogre thinking out loud about who he will eat; S. is speechless, tells his comrades; wakes them up the next night, they run away; the cannibal brings other cannibals, they see that the prey has escaped, they eat the cannibal himself; S. forgot his bird, decides to return; if his assegay trembles, he is killed, if he falls, he dies; S. grabs a bird, runs; an old woman gives it fat; he throws it on a stone, cannibal pursuers begin to fight for this stone, one swallowed it, others killed it and ate it; the same again; S. abandoned his the cape, she ran the other way, the cannibals followed her, S. returned to his comrades; the old man turned the stone into a hut, the young men disappeared into it, and for the cannibals it was a stone; they ate gnawed, broke their teeth, came back; only an old woman at home; inabulele swallowed everyone; S. lets himself be swallowed, kills the monster from the inside, he goes out swallowed; S. tells his sister to make a cloak out of his skin; goes to marry his daughter Mangangezulu; no one returned from there; the mouse tells her to kill her, throw in the skin, the skin tells M. to enter the house from the wrong side, not to sit on a new mat, not to spend the night in an empty hut; M. tells herding cattle, a storm begins; S. pulls out her cape, it turns into a stone canopy, young men bring the cattle safe; M.'s wife turns S. into an antelope, but her daughter again into a human; they run; girl throws an egg (fog), a wineskin of milk (water), a pot (darkness), a smooth stone (rock); M. stops pursuing, S.'s houses are chosen as chief]: 74-83; St. Lys 1916 [a group of sisters went for aloe leaves; they Ukusanana's younger brother, they don't want to take him, he followed him; by the river they hit him, threw him into the water; he came to life and caught up with them again; the older sister wants to kill him again, the youngest asks not to do so ; it has begun to rain; W. created a hut, fire, food; at night only he does not sleep, hears how the monster wants to eat everyone; they run; W no. jumps across the river, the sisters cannot; W. carries them; they come home in here]: 15 -17; kikuyu [ten girls have left home, they are tired of being ridiculed by boys; a little brother got involved with one; unaware of this, they came to the cannibal's house; she sharpens a knife, the boy wakes up, complains about hunger, the cannibal roasts his goat {hereinafter referred to as the cannibal in a man's face}; a few months later, the cannibal decided to eat the girls, went to call other cannibals; the boy told his sister to let the fly bite her; She spoke about the plans of the cannibals, ordered them to disguise themselves in the forest with grass and branches; when she saw that the girls were gone, the cannibal dug a hole at home and hid; others found it, ate it; the girls and brother returned home]: Cagnolo 1952, No. 8:14-15; nyanja [two jackals turn into men, come to the village, two girls agree to go with them; their younger brother follows quietly; husbands in his village they turn into jackals, they're going to eat women; the boy asks for permission to make a toy boat, puts girls in it, the boat gets big, they fly away in it, land on top of a tree, then they fly home]: Holland 1916:154-155; (cf. sakata [the girl refuses the grooms; the inhabitant of a country where heads live without bodies went to marry, borrowed body members from friends on the way; the girl married him; did not tell his younger brother to accompany him her, but he followed her imperceptibly; her head handed out the borrowed arms and legs; in the village of heads, the brought girl was fried and pieces of meat cut off from her; the younger brother heard screams and began to beat her drum, the inhabitants began to dance and left; brother saved his sister, returned home with her]: Colldén 1979, No. 13:165-166); mbundu: Knappert 1977, No. 16 [four girls went to get water; handsome boys invite them to their place; the youngest notices the young men's second mouths on the back of their heads, realizes that they are quiches; tells them to run; the river has risen, the girls are climbing a tree; the quiches are trying to knock him down; the youngest asks for an eagle help, the eagle takes her across the river; drops the second girl into the water; the other two quiches are eaten]: 155-157; Nekrasova 1975 (kimbundu): 41-46 [(cf. kposo); two sisters go to the old woman for a tutorial, their youngest Sister Muyongo followed them; she does not drink wine, does not fall asleep, hears and sees the old woman turn into a double-headed monster at night; the old woman (obviously to check if those who come are sleeping) consistently asks for fire, a pipe, tobacco, water; each time the girl replies that she will not give her that she is still young; in the morning she tells her sisters everything; the next night the sisters fill the hut with brushwood, run away, they climb a tree above the river; an imaginary old woman and other monsters burn the hut, thinking that it has girls; they resort to a tree, gnaw it; a big bird takes the sisters to the other side for a promise of middle go out; turns into a human being; three years later she flies back to her native country in the form of a bird; his wife and children run after her, her husband decides to stay with them]; (cf. ambundu [=Serauky 1986:146-149; during famine, lions agree to send a young lioness in the form of a woman to the herd owner; she will marry him, kill him, and the lions will eat the herds; a man marries a werewolf woman, goes to bed with his new wife in a separate house; his little son cries from another wife, his father has to take him with him; at night, the son notices that the woman has become lion, wakes up his father; so several times; finally, the husband takes his wife himself; says he will go to take his son to another house, tells people to set fire to the house where the new wife is; The lioness burns]: Abrahams 1983, No. 94:338-342) ; shona (zezuru) [the chief's three daughters run away with their lovers, their younger brother is with them; sees young men turn into lions, their servant into hyena; sisters do not believe; thin old mother of young men asks wash her back; only the youngest girl washes; the old woman says that her lion sons are pulling pieces of meat from her; tells her to run, cooking pots of soup, porridge and rice, let flies into the soup, cockroaches into the porridge; lions chase, girls throw soup, porridge, rice, lions spend time licking flies, cockroaches, picking rice; by the river, a frog agrees to swallow girls, turns their brother into a piece of wood; lions do not they can grab her; in the chief's house, she belches girls, turns a piece of wood into a boy; the chief gives her a bull; at home she kills him, flies gather, the frog eats flies; the hyena asks for it; the frog wraps a hot stone in meat, throws a hyena into its mouth, it dies]: Frobenius in Sicard 1952, No. 42:79-85 (translated to Zhukov, Kotlyar 1976, No. 136:322-331); ronga: Junod s.a., No. 13 [girls got lost, came to the old woman's house; she hid them; her son Ngumba came, swallowed them all, let go of one with his eyes out; people went to kill him, he defeated them, swallowed them; there was only one woman left successively gave birth to three sons from the knee; they killed N. with arrows; their mother ripped his stomach apart, swallowed out; each brother received five wives; they began to argue who would be the chief; one driven into the forest, he's crazy]: 116-118; Klipple 1992 [three girls are lost, they come to an old woman, her son is an ogre; he swallowed two girls, blinded one in one eye; people are going to war against him, but he I swallowed them all; only one woman was left, gave birth to three children; they grew up, killed the monster; their mother cut his stomach, swallowed out]: 364.

West Africa. Fulbe: Anpetkova-Sharova 2010 [girl Wildly rejects suitors; snake marries in human form, D. agrees; younger sister goes with her; hears Serpent coming out of the water and singing about how he will eat them; tells his sister to run; leaves five pebbles in the house responsible for them, they ride a horse; the serpent chases; the sister throws a pebble, a mountain appears; the second is a river; they reach home, the Serpent has time hit his wife on the back; people have a dent on her back ever since]: 115-119; Arnott 2000 (Gambia) [the cannibal Debbo Engal has 10 daughters; every time grooms come, she leaves them to sleep, kills them; when 10 brothers go to marry, a woman gives birth to a tiny one named Fereyel; he runs after his brothers, they do not recognize him, they drive him away; he turns into a cloth, a ring, the brothers pick him up, then they wonder what's heavy, throw it away; finally agree to take F. with them; F. replies DE that she is awake; slowly changes the clothes of DE's brothers and daughters; she kills her own daughters; F. tells the brothers to run; DE pursues, F. throws an egg, it turns into a river (DE scoops up), the stone is a mountain (it cuts through the passage, but the brothers have time to run to their village); DE turns into a log, a plum tree, a donkey - F. every time identifies her; she is beautiful, takes F. with her, turns into a boa constrictor in the forest, but F. turns into fire, burns her]: 203-204; Devoin [the leader's daughter wants to marry only the one who has skin without the slightest flaws; all suitors are rejected; the sea monster took the skin of a sea goddess, was handsome, got the girl, took her to the bottom of the sea, where he presented it in his terrible form; his mother warns a girl that her husband would eat her; the girl's ugly younger brother secretly snuck into the boat with her; in the underwater world he stole a box with monster amulets, took her sister home; she married a warrior and had children]: Pinney 1973:118-124; Soninka [the witch has 7 daughters; everyone who comes to sleep with them dies; Marandénboné (Maran, Son of Misfortune) tells the older brothers not to be afraid and go to the girls; their mother leaves her daughters with her brothers, and M. stays with the sorceress; at night she gets up and is about to go out, but M. asks her to pour water on him, bringing water to the basket, as his mother does; the witch kisses the night tries to bring water with a basket; when the witch fell asleep the next night, M. told the brothers to switch seats with the girls and cover them with their clothes; at night, the witch cut the throat not for her brothers, but to her daughters; boiled blood, M. asked for it to be given to him; tells the brothers to run; in the morning she tells the witch that her daughters are still sleeping; in the village of M., the witch turned into a baobab; many boys climbed on him and the witch took them away, but M. felt deceived and did not climb; the same with the donkey (the children who climbed on him disappeared, M. remained); he moved into the white heifer given birth to by the witch's cow; ordered the kidnapped children to grab the tail, ears, etc., the heifers, she took them home; one day the witch caught M., brought them home, put them in three bovine skins, went to make a fire; M. promised the witch's little daughter to feed her, she released him, he put her inside a bag of skins, the witch burned it; when her daughter started screaming at her, she did not believe it; M. told the witch that she killed her last daughter, ran away]: Monteil 1905:115- 123; susu; mende; bambara; kono; eve; hausa; tende; temne; akposo [(cf. mbundu); three young women went to see an old woman make incisions on the body; the patient with frambesia followed them; hid the food offered, gave it to the Mouse, asked her to make a move to the tree; when the women fell asleep, messed up in the room, the old woman slipped, fell, women woke up; a frombesian patient took women through a mouse passage to a tree; an old woman hits a drum, one woman falls; so all three; the patient grabs the drum, hits, the old woman falls (she climbed behind him on a tree); he touches her with a stick, she dies; he revives women with a stick]: Wolf 1909, No. 3:650-651; dagari [9 girls went for baobab leaves; did not want to take the tenth scabies, but that followed; the witch came to the house to hide from the weather; everyone fell asleep, the scabies hears the witch sharpening the knife, asking what she was doing; so several times; when the witch went to get the stick kill the girls, the scabies woke them up, told them to run; they ran, climbed a tree; a witch came with her granddaughter, she noticed the girls, the witch hit them with a pole, only the scabies did not fall; the witch I climbed to get her, she went down from the other side of the tree, revived the witch's sisters with a stick, they ran home]: Métuolé Somba 1991:167-168; ashanti [eight sisters go to look for husbands, not they want to take their younger brother Kwasi Gyinamoa with them; he goes; hitting his cow's tail whip, tells the waters of a three-jet (white, red, black) river to part; in an empty city, an old woman took off she put her head on her knees, looks for insects in her hair; when she sees them come, she puts her head in place; gives the girls her eight sons as husbands; at night, KG sees how the old woman's teeth turn red to eat girls; promises to fall asleep if an old woman brings him water in a leaky calebass; outweighs the amulets from the old woman's sons to her sisters; at night, the old woman burns her sons' necks with her teeth; who come run away; an old woman in the form of a young girl comes to their village; promises to marry someone who pierces her calebass with an arrow; this is done by KG, but his uncle marries; at night, an imaginary girl takes his eyes out, takes him away ; knowing that the old woman's granddaughter is pregnant, GK comes under the guise of a pregnant woman, says that her husband has fallen, lost his eyes; the old woman gives Uncle GK's eyes to replace him, GK inserts them back to him; bathes together with the other children, the old woman takes him away; leaves him in a vessel at home to cook, goes for spices; KG knocks on pebbles, the old woman's granddaughter believes that these are nuts, she wants it too, opens the vessel, the KG kills her, puts on her skin, puts the meat to cook; KG and the old woman eat the brew; the old woman adorns her imaginary granddaughter with gold jewelry; KG runs away, gives jewelry to her relatives; the old woman pursues; still along the trail since you can hear a rustle, it's an old woman chasing KG]: Rattray 1930:221-227; scrap [two brothers stay in the woods with a woman inviting them to spend the night; their younger brother followed them, although they are his chased; usually a woman turned into a monster in the attic, ate guests; the boy does not sleep, first says he is hungry, then, like a hard bed, asks to sit next to him; finally, the woman gets up to the attic, turns into a monster, but the boy wakes up the brothers, they run away]: Schwab 1947:450; liela [seven older brothers go looking for brides; the youngest eighth goes after them; they cannibals come to the house; the youngest asks her to carry out impossible tasks, she does it, he realizes that there is a demon in front of him; at night, the brothers change places with the cannibal's daughters, she kills her own daughters; brothers run away, cannibal chases them]: Steinbrich 1996:211-216 in Goldberg 2003:346; bachama [the hero, usually the youngest of a group of brothers, accompanies them against their will; they come to the cannibal's house, the youngest is awake when the others fall asleep; the cannibal asks why he is awake, he comes up with reasons, asks for water in a leaky calebass, the brothers run away]: Paulme 1976:242-276 in Goldberg 2003:346; senufo [eight girls went to the bazaar, did not want to take the old woman, but still went; on the way back they hid from the rain in a cave, fell asleep; but the old woman is awake and hears how The hyena comes up; answers her several times that there are 8 girls in the cave and 9 women; the hyena starts dancing, the old woman wakes up and releases some of the girls; then leaves the rope responsible for herself and also escapes] : Diep, Bamba 2007, No. 36:120-123; mukulu [Geteye's 6 brothers went to have fun with Death's daughters; G. himself is still in his mother's womb; refuses to go out through his vagina and ass, went out through his thigh; immediately he got on his horse and caught up with his brothers; they threw stones at his forehead - they bounced; they threw coal - blood appeared; then they recognized his brother; G. warns not to water horses where they take water for his daughter Death; the brothers did not listen; in the morning, one of Death's daughters placed a jar of oil at the door of the room; G. ordered not to be touched, but the brothers rubbed their faces with oil; then their eyes fell out; G. took shape women, came and said that her 6 sons had lost their eyes; Death's daughter gave her eyes, G. inserted her brothers; one brother tried to insert himself, was left without an eye; G. put an antelope eye in him; they jumped away; Death told those horses that drank her water to stop; the brothers' horses got up; G. put the brothers on his own and brought them home; Death created a tree with fruits near their house; G. ordered them not to touch, but the brothers climbed the tree; Death stole them from there and carried them away; G. came there, first in the guise of a goat, began to overturn everything; Death told the brothers to drive the goat away; G. taught them to change clothes with their daughters Deaths; Death killed her own daughters; created brothers near the house with sesame seeds; the brothers came for sesame seeds; G. suggests Death to pick her own; cut off her breasts and she died, the brothers went to the sesame seeds ]: Jungraithmayr 1981, No. 17:78-83; mofu-gudur [seven brothers go to look for brides, leaving the mother pregnant; after two years of pregnancy, the baby from the womb asks how to get out; refuses go out like everyone else, the mother tells me to go out through her ass; the boy is born a young man, dressed; catches up with the brothers; they do not believe he is their brother; they stay in a house with eight sisters; the girls' mother asks for boys lie head against the wall, daughters head to the door; comes in playing the flute to make sure everyone is sleeping; younger brother answers; she goes out, he tells the brothers to lie head to the door, the girls turn to on the wall; the woman comes in, plays, no one responds, she cuts off the heads of her daughters, thinking she is cutting off the young men; the youngest tells the brothers to run; everyone runs away, but one cannot be woken up; the youngest stays asleep, turns into a bell; seeing that her daughters are dead anyway, a woman cooks and eats them; makes a sleeping young man a slave; leaves grain to guard from goats; the bell becomes a cow, pretends to butt a boy, takes him away on her back, turns into a young man, both run; a woman turns into a beauty, comes to people, promises to marry someone who takes a splinter out of her leg; no one can; against her will, Saday { Apparently, the name of the young man who was the bell} pulls out his knife, the splinter was immediately taken out with this knife; the woman is given to Sadai; she turns into fire, but the dogs do not tell her to eat their master; she is afraid of them, tells her husband's parents that she can make a good sauce by adding the bark of a tree that grows far away in the savannah, asks them to let their son go with her; the woman hides a cauldron under her clothes, says she is pregnant from Sadai, gives seven dogs food, locks them, goes with her husband; in the savannah he turns into a panther with 30 tails; gnaws on a tree on which S.; S. asks the vulture to bring his horn, he is in the trash, there is a chicken , the vulture is driven away; asks the hawk, there is a white chicken, the hawk brings a horn; if S. catches an abandoned horn, he caught it; S. caught, sounded, called dogs by name; dogs broke constipation, ran, tore the witch to pieces; one bone pierced S.'s leg, the dogs pulled her out; S. brings the witch's dishes and one of the panther's tails; reproaches the parents and chief for telling him to marry a witch; mother breaks her leg, father breaks his arm, chief breaks his neck; other people break something for themselves too; S. burns his tail]: Sorin-Barreteau 2001, No. 18:126-134.

Sudan-East Africa. Zaghawa [the wife gave birth to the seventh boy after her husband's death; at this time the older brothers went to steal camels; the newborn immediately went after them; dug a hole and looks out of it alone with the eye; people think that this is the eye of the earth, they sacrifice bulls and camels; the brothers are thirsty, the younger one is stomping, a spring appears; they came to the ogre's house; at night the younger one ordered to switch places with 7 cannibal sons; the cannibal killed his own children with a hot rod, ate them; the brothers are fleeing, the cannibal is chasing, the youngest himself became a giant and killed him; but the cannibal came, killed and ate the elders first brothers and then younger]: Tubiana, Tubiana 2004 (2), No. 34:73-76; lango [beautiful Awil wants to marry handsome; rejects the Swamp Goat; marries Colobus; against her will, Her lame sister goes with her; in her husband's house she hears him sharpening a knife to slaughter and eat his wife; sends him to pour water on her ulcer; her sister still sleeps; sends him again, because she was carried water in a basket at home; sisters run away; husband throws a grain grater after him, injuring A. in the leg; sisters run home; their father makes a trap pit, Fat Man fails, his father kills him]: Driberg 1923:454-456; Kalengin ( marakvet) [when returning from the dance, the guys left first; told the girls that they would put leaves at the fork on the path to take; the cannibal peeked and put the leaves on the path that led her; the girls came to the cannibal, she took the form of an ordinary woman, fed her; there were 5 adult girls and a girl named Tamining; her mother did not want to let her in, then gave her food; T. told the girls do not eat what the cannibal offered, gave her food; when the cannibal was going to eat the girls at night, T. jumped up; the cannibal again took on the human image, asked why the girl was awake; T.: before going to bed, my mother tied a leather rope to my hand; next time, until they brought me water from the savannah; the cannibal ran into the savannah, and T. woke the girls up and told me to run; T. fell behind, asked bow the tree to get there; the cannibal ran by and then returned to her place; when T. returned home, at the request of Gorlinka, T.'s father and brother sacrificed a goat, alcohol by the tree and honey]: Chesaina 1997:80-81; Dinka [Diirawig is more beautiful than other girls; her brother Teeng refuses all her suitors because he wants to marry her; mother doubts, sends her father to ask; so everything relatives; finally, the maternal aunt agrees; T. is preparing a wedding, stabbed his beloved ox; the kite grabbed and carried away the oxtail, threw D. on her knees; she recognized the tail of her brother's favorite ox, went to find out why he was stabbed to death; his younger sister, Nyanaguek, told her everything and gave her a knife: let her husband cut off his testicles in the morning, when T. is going to get together with his sister at night, a lizard warns not to do this, he lies down again; then grass; rafters; in the morning - walls, utensils, rats; T. fell asleep without getting along with D.; N. woke her up, D. cut off his brother's testicles and he died; sisters became especially to beat the drums; when they hear, the girls must get together and dance, and everyone else is not allowed to come; D. talked about what happened now she will go to the forest; girls: you and me, because she can also be with us this would happen; they did not take the little girls with them, but N. had to take it, otherwise she promised to raise the alarm; the girls settled on the border between the land of people and the land of lions; built a village; found an anthill, in who was an inexhaustible source of grain and meat; the lion saw the girls, did not dare to attack, returned in the form of a dog; only N. felt the danger; at night the lion knocked, asked D. to open; N. in response calls the names of the girls, about each one - that she sleeps; lion: why don't you sleep? G.: I want to drink, but I only drink water brought in a wicker vessel; the lion tried to bring water in the basket until dawn; so many nights; D. wonders why N. is losing weight (from lack of sleep), but she does not have anything says; finally confesses; D. stays with her for the night and tells her not to answer; in the morning he breaks, D. wants to kill him with a spear, but the lion promises to become a brother; brought cattle, ordered the bull to be slaughtered and feed him to tame him; saliva on his face, a puppy pops out of it, the puppy is killed, the lion is given boiled meat; so 4 times; then hot broth is poured into his mouth; he is fed milk for several months; the lion tells the girls return to the village, taking all the cattle; became a young man - D.'s new brother; D. was the first to know her younger brother, who was young when the girls left; he understood this by D.'s resemblance to his mother; everyone is happy; The chief's two sons, both named T., want D. to marry; D.: I will marry someone who will give my new brother four wives; after getting married, D. gave birth to 12 children; the 13th had the nature of a lion; as a baby, he got up, He put on clothes made of skins and sang; stabbed his claws at his brothers and drank their blood; the lion brother offered to kill this child, but D. refused; but when he grew up and continued to drink blood, he still killed him]: Deng 1984:78 -90; shilluk [woman gives birth to daughter Nyajak; people hear a drum, children go to the sound, think it's a holiday in a nearby village, don't know it's a lion village; N. insists he'll go with everyone; at night replies that she is awake, hungry, let the ram be slaughtered; the lion brings meat; the same ox, the goat; N. sends the lion to bring water in the basket, wakes the children up, tells them to run, stays alone; the lion rushes at her, but every time she disappears, returns home; the lion comes, takes the form of a sycamore; N. warns not to approach the tree, but the children climb for fruits, the lion takes them away; N. comes in the form of an old man, asks give water; then turns into a rat; while the lion is away, N. tells the children to run; the lion in the form of a girl comes to brother N.; he does not believe that it is a lion, at night the lion takes out his eye; N. comes disguised old woman, says that she is the sister of a lion who was once carried away by the wind; the lion gives her the eye of N., warns her not to be carried away by a crow - they will eat it during the meal; leaves; N. turns into a crow, grabs an eye, brings it to his brother; the lion has decided not to come again]: Westermann 1912, No. 88:213-217; Sudanese Arabs: Al-Shahi, Moore 1920, No. 19 [when a woman is pregnant with her fifth son, he speaks from her womb that his name is Ab Daba Daba; no need to slaughter a ram for his name; his mother hit the ram on the back, his back has turned into knives; the brothers do not want to take him on a hike; he rides a ram, helps them win; the night caught them on the way, they went out to the light, there was a cannibal with five daughters; only A. did not sleep, heard the cannibal sharpening a knife; replies that mosquitoes did not let them fall asleep; she drove the mosquitoes out with smoke; then a ram; she tied a ram; moon; while she was driving the moon, A. woke up the brothers, swapped them with the cannibal's daughters; she slaughtered her daughters, went to bed; in the morning the brothers rode horses, A. on a ram ; came back, shouted to the cannibal whom she had stabbed; she chased; tried to grab the ram by the tail, but there were knives, she cut herself; at home A. told the brothers not to bring anything from the market without showing him; but her brother bought the girl, brought her; A. says she was a transformed cannibal; at night she took her brother's eyes and ran away; A. came to her on a ram, wearing a woman's dress; said that he was her sister Halima, came to mourn her daughters; in the evening: I have an eyeless slave, if I have an eye in return; when he left, he shouted who he was, cured his brother; the second brother bought a mare, sat on it during the wedding; A. tried to stop her, but he was tied up; the mare carried the rider into the river and he did not return], 21 [Fatma's elder brother drove up to the river to give his horse a drink; the horse slipped on the curl of his hair, broke his leg; the young man swore to marry the one whose curl ; this is F.'s curl; on the night when the groom was supposed to enter her, she persuaded seven girls to run with her - they could also be married by her brothers; she left her wineskin with water in the yard, and told her brother at midnight that she would come out pee, pierced her wineskin to stream, ran away; the girls came to the cannibal; she gave them milk, but only drank one; at night, every time the cannibal comes to eat the girls, F. asks her to calm her down dogs are not allowed to sleep; the cannibal goes to the village to calm the dogs; in the morning the girls were asked to bake bread on that fire, pointing to the sun; she did not find fire, returned; ate a girl who tasted milk and could not escape; set off in pursuit; the girls told the tree to become small, climbed on top of it, told it to grow; they lowered the cannibal's rope, picked it up, let it go, she fell on the knives apart; so several times; she died; F. asked the old man how to kill him; stabbing a thorn; she stabbed and put on his skin; the girls began to live in a cave; the merchants found the cave, dismantled the girls; F., in the guise of an old man, was taken by his son sultan; put it on a camel; her jewelry is ringing, she replies that the bones are knocking; the imaginary old man refused to herd cows, pigeons, agreed - geese; by the river F. took off her skin; the dumb slave saw, tried to show with gestures, people thought that he was sick, began to burn to death with fire; so with almost all slaves; the Sultan's son spied for himself; at home he offered to play checkers, the winner would tear off the loser's clothes; the son of the Sultan won the third time, ripped off the old man's skin; married F., who asked him not to tell anyone about her; one day she went out, everyone fainted, she cut her finger, sprinkled them with her blood, brought them to feeling]: 108-110, 114-118; Sudanese Arabs (baggara) [the woman has 4 adult sons, she is pregnant again; she cannot raise firewood on her back in the forest; the son from the womb asks if she can help; how to get out? refuses to be born normally or through his mouth, wants through his little finger; his name is Abu Saraera, he was born fully armed; with him a white ram with razors on its tail; he came on a ram following mother; at home he tied his weapon around the neck of a ram and sent it to the savannah; the AU brothers do not like it: let the mother keep it with her, but he will not go hunting with them; the AU burned her hairs unnoticed by his mother a ram; a ram with weapons appeared, the AU rode on it, caught up with the brothers; they came to the drone, she has 4 daughters; the AU warns not to sleep with girls and not to drink or eat anything; brothers: you will still point out spend the night with the cattle; the AU let the sheep go; the gulya gave milk to the horses; when the brothers fell asleep with the girls, the AU gave the brothers girlish hairstyles and the girls men's hairstyles; answers the gula that she is awake: her cattle is too much voices loudly; gulya slaughtered the cattle; next time the AU answered as if through sleep; seeing men's hairstyles, Gulya cut off the heads of her daughters; the brothers rode horses, AU on a ram; gulya chases and shouts: those who drank my milk die; the brothers' horses have fallen; the AU put the brothers on his ram; the gulya caught up and grabbed the ram by the tail; but there are razors; she hurt herself and stopped the persecution; came to AU's mother's house as a beautiful girl; AU kicked her out, but her older brother accepted her happily; when she fell asleep, she pulled out one eye for him and returned to her; people begged AU to go get her eye back, elder the brother was guilty; the AU came to the drone under the guise of an old woman; ordered to tell the maid that he (i.e. the old woman) was Guli's sister; pretended to defecate with hair, bones, scraps of human and animal skin; gulya believed it was her sister; she complains that the manager of her cattle and slaves has lost an eye and now she has to do everything herself; gulya: I can give it; - How can I insert it? - Lubricate the eye socket with black goat milk; AU returned the eye to his brother; the gulya turned into a big tree in the middle of the village; the children climbed on it and began to play; the AU drove them away, but their parents were indignant; the AU became cutting roots is like iron; gulya has become a ghoul again and took away all the children; parents are willing to pay dearly for the AU to return the children; he went to the drone again; Guli has a pregnant cow with a bell, she is watching for the kidnapped children, and the gulya knows where the children are by the sound of the bell; the AU replaced the calf in the cow's womb; she calves; the calf kicks in the stall, wants to see his mother; when the cow and the children have gone away , AU took his form, killed a cow, hung her severed head with a bell on a tree; the wind shakes her, the bell jingles, the gulya thinks that the cow and children are in place; the AU returned all the children to their parents; when clouds rise, AU is not visible; and when lightning, he throws a razor out of his ram's tail and can split a tree or kill a person]: Frobenius 1923, No. 27:299-308; malgashi (carrying) [two sisters reject suitors; finally they marry two handsome men; Besurungula's younger brother goes with his sisters; notices one of the husbands's tail; in the evening they ask their wives if they are sleeping; they are silent, B. replies that mosquitoes, geese, cows interfere; they immediately eat geese and cows; sisters at first do not believe, then pretend to be sleeping, hear everything for themselves; brother and sisters leave wooden figures instead, they run away; they throw corn, werewolves come back for the basket; the sisters pray to God to create a river and a boat, they cross; they run home; parents say that no one came, they give werewolves drunk, are being killed]: Anpetkova-Sharova 2010:448-451.

North Africa. Berbers (Morocco?) [Mqidech ("half man") is the youngest of seven (8, 10) brothers; his mother conceived him after eating half the fruit, so he is half a man or a dwarf; the brothers meet a cannibal who offers them or their horses food M. tells me not to take it; he does not sleep at night; in one way, the brothers change places with the daughters of the cannibal, who mistakenly kills their daughters; the brothers run away, the cannibal makes their horses stop, they are all ride a horse M.; M. returns to rob the cannibal or is caught by her, but kills her; options: a man gives his wives an apple, one eats half; brothers ride horses, M. on a goat; half a horse ( the mares were given bread, one apparently ate half); the children were abandoned by their parents]: Lacoste-Dujardin in Goldberg 2003:344-344; the Berbers of Tunisia [wife died leaving seven daughters; husband took a new wife, she demanded that the daughters be taken to the forest; the latter allegedly took them to herd their sheep, the youngest scattered ash along the way; the father left the daughters under the tree, promised to return; they themselves found their way home; the stepmother scolds her husband; he again took his daughters far from home; threw a fez into the well, asked them to get them; each went down, leaving her clothes and jewelry; the youngest managed to take off her sisters's clothes, told her father that he was a liar; father left, the sisters dug out; the crooked cannibal came to the house; the youngest tried to steal the flour, the witch left the rooster to guard, grabbed the girl; adopted; she gave half of the food to the cannibal and her every day to her husband and the other to her sisters who were hiding under the floor; the cannibal decided to slaughter the girl and have a feast for other cannibals; her husband took the girl to collect firewood; she asked him to climb a palm tree pick dates, piled brushwood around the trunk and set it on fire, the cannibal burned down; the cannibal asked to take her to her husband, the girl threw her into the well; the sisters took possession of the cannibal's wealth, married in the city]: Stumme 1900:43-44 (French translation in Basset 1903, No. 7:17-23; Algerian Arabs [retelling in Nowak 1969, No. 197:199-201; an angel advises the childless king to take a new wife; warns that sons will be born and the latter will destroy the rest and the king himself; when the wife is ready to give birth to the first, a white mare will come to the palace; that's what happened; five sons were born, and the sixth was Busetta ("six-toed"); at this time the white mare gave birth to the same female foal; B. takes this foal for himself; he is still a boy, but he is superior in everything to his brothers, who strive to destroy him; they decide to leave it in the forest where the gulya lives; but it turned out that they themselves also stayed in this forest in the evening; came to Guli's house; B. asks Gulya how to know when she is sleeping; gulya: when the voices of all animals can be heard from my womb; B.: and I sleep when my eyes wide open; at night B. changed the scarves on the heads of the guli's daughters and the hats on his brothers' heads; gulya kills his daughters, the brothers run away; the gulya pursues, but does not cross the river, because then she will stop being a ghoul; the brothers advise his father to tell B. to get 1) a chicken that lays golden eggs from the guli; B. has a talking horse, with his help he took out chicken; 2) a carpet (the horse tells you to pour lice and fleas onto the carpet , Gulya throws the carpet out the window); 3) the gulya herself is supposedly that beautiful; unrecognized B. brings Gula a chest that supposedly saves him from death; Gulya climbs into it, B. slammed the lid shut, delivered it to his father; crossing the river, gulya really turns into a beauty; makes marriage a condition for the king or someone in return to the lower world to take care of his deceased father, grandfather, great-grandfather; the king sends B .; he returns with three old men who have a huge cauldron; they offer to throw themselves into boiling water; B. is unharmed, the king is cooked, B. received the throne, married a beautiful drone, executed his brothers; gulya is gone, and the talking horse became a beautiful wife - B.'s wife]: Filleul de Pétigny 1951:64-85; Arabs of Morocco [same paraphrase as for Algerian Arabs]: Nowak 1969, No. 197:199-201; Algerian Arabs (plateau Tiaret) [Amar Zadam is the youngest of seven brothers, he is considered useless; sent to buy horses and guns; he puts a needle under the hoof the best horse, spoils the bolt of the best gun to get them to him; the brothers think to get rid of him, invite him to visit the cannibal Ouma Djidda; everyone takes her food, shares salt with her, AZ says he has enough ash bread (so he does not owe her anything); the brothers fell asleep, the cannibal asks AZ if he is sleeping; he replies that the rooster is interfering; she eats the rooster; the donkey is the donkey; so makes her eat all the living creatures; she falls asleep, he wakes up the brothers, they run; they ate cannibal salt, so she catches up with them, eats horses, AZ carries the brothers on his mare; the father tells AZ to bring the cannibal chicken; AZ quietly pokes the chicken with a cannibal, she rushes around the house, her cannibal He throws it out into the street, AZ takes it; the same is the carpet (AZ sprinkles thorns into it); the father tells me to bring the cannibal herself; unrecognized, AZ comes and says that his mother is dead, could the cannibal try on Is the chest tall; the cannibal lies down in it, AZ brings the chest to his father; he opens it, the cannibal eats it and the AZ brothers; he and his mother leave]: Aceval 2005, No. 108:123-128; Tunisia [man, married a cousin, she did not become pregnant; the same with the second, the third; the cemetery watchman gave three apples - let each wife eat an apple alone; the third wife ate only half an apple, and She gave half to her husband; the first gave birth to a child, and the third gave birth to half a child, but he was smart and good; when hot, all three brothers went to the forest; the eldest two were on donkeys, the youngest on a goat; he got it to the brothers of water from the well, and they threw it; he climbed a tree and got them some fruit; they reached the palace where Gulya and her children lived; she fed them and put them to bed, laid them alone a blanket, and a blanket of a different color for her children to eat at night; Half changed their blankets; at night, Gulya began to ask the children if they fell asleep or not; the half always answered: "Not yet"; gulya herself fell asleep, the children ran out of the palace, dug a hole, made a fire in it, ran home; Gulya woke up, ate her children, and when she realized what she had done, she followed her brothers, fell into a hole and died; Half invited parents to live in Guli Palace]: Al-Aribi 2009, No. 64 in Korovkina MS; Libya (Tripoli) [childless woman gets 12 apples; eats 11 and half of the last, gives birth to 11 normal sons and one half-boy; they go to marry their father's brother's 12 daughters; they get to the cannibal; thanks to the Half, she kills her daughters instead of brothers; the half gets the youngest and the most the beautiful of the brides; the brothers throw him into the well out of envy; the fish gives him scales to call her for help; the cannibal catches the Half, fattens him to eat; goes to invite other cannibals to a feast; A half lies to her daughter, kills her; runs away; kills a cannibal]: Nowak 1969, #179:184.

Southern Europe. Maltese [parents decide to get rid of their children; the youngest takes pebbles with him, throws them along the way, takes others out of the forest; next time parents manage to prevent them from taking pebbles; brothers they come to the ogre; his wife tries to hide them, but the ogre finds them by smell; the youngest tells them to change clothes with the cannibal's daughters at night, who kills his own daughters; the brothers run away, taking them cannibal treasures]: Mifsud-Chircop 1978, No. 327A-327B: 76-80.

Western Europe. The British [parents cannot feed their children, leave their three daughters in the forest; they come to the ogre's house; his wife asks for mercy for the girls; in the evening, the cannibal ties straw girls around their necks shoelaces, and hangs gold chains for her daughters; Molly Whuppie's youngest girl changes shoelaces and necklaces; an ogre kills daughters, girls run away; the king promises to pass off his eldest son as the eldest girl, if MB brings an ogre's sword; she brings, running across a thin-like hair bridge that the cannibal is afraid to step on; the same is a purse (the middle prince marries his middle sister); the king will give MV for the youngest son, if she brings a giant ring; the giant grabs MB; she suggests placing it in a bag with a cat, a dog, scissors and a needle and thread, hanging it on the wall, going to get a club to beat her; says as if she sees something; the ogre's wife agrees to sit in the bag instead of her; the ogre kills his wife (her scream is not heard because of the dog's barking and the cat's meowing), MB marries the prince]: Jacobs 1890, No. 22:125-130 (translated into Kharitonov 2008:212-215); Scots [the widow's three daughters go on a journey; the elders choose big bread with a curse, the youngest Maol a Chliobain is small with a blessing; The elders tied M. to a stone, to a pile of peat, to a tree; each time her mother's blessing frees her; they came to the giant's house, who put them with his daughters; M. took off their amber necklaces, she wore it for herself and her sisters, put her horsehair necklaces on the giant's daughters; the giant's servant killed not those who came, but his daughters; M. told her sisters to run, took the giant's golden tablecloth; made a bridge from the hair across the river, the giant cannot cross; they have come to the peasant; he marries his eldest son to his older sister if M. brings the giant's gold and silver crests; the middle son to the middle one (glowing giant sword); the youngest on M. (giant bull); every time M. brings everything, the giant not to cross the river; the last time the giant caught M., hung it in a bag, went for batons; M. persuaded the giant's mother to climb instead of her, because she was in a bag golden city, the giant beat the bag, turning his mother into porridge; chased M., she offered him a drink of the river, it burst; M. married the youngest son of a peasant]: Campbell 1890, No. 17:259-264.

Western Asia. Palestinians [the sheikh tells the husband to give his three childless wives an apple; he gives his eldest wife half by eating the other himself; the wife gives birth to a boy with one ear, one eye, half mouth; when the brothers have grown up, the Half does not ask for a horse, but for a thin sheep, not a scourge, but a whistle, a toy gun; the brothers herd the sheep, the woman invites them to spend the night, only the Half realizes that she is a transformed Wolf; lies on a camel thorn so as not to fall asleep, tells his brothers to run at night; the witch lured their horses with oats, all three sat on the lamb Halves, got home; the half puts them in a big bag lamb, comes to the witch, she leans over to get what it has in the bag, Half shoves it into the bag, brings it, she dies along the way, he takes her gold, gets rich, gets married]: Spoer 1931:150-152; Palestinians [the man has two wives: his brother's daughter and an outside woman; both are childless; the sheikh advised him to go to a ghoul, who will give conception grenades; the man greeted the ghoul, otherwise he would eat him; ghoul sent it to his older brother; he to their sister; the man venerated her long breasts and covered a handful of her torment; she told her to go to the garden; there the ghoul sleeps - one care was under himself, the other covered himself; Grab two grenades and run; on the way home, a man ate half a grenade intended for his wife, who is his brother's daughter; she gave birth to a half-boy, and the other wife Hassan and Hussein; they grew up; the brothers went hunting on horseback, and Polovinka went hunting on a lame goat; only he caught the deer, gave it to the brothers, for which they allowed them to burn its seal on their backs; at home he told his mother and showed the seals; when they They went hunting again, then came to the drone; the brothers say that their horses eat barley with milk, and Polovinka said that his goat eats chaff; says that he will not fall asleep until the gulya brings him water in his wineskin; she brought it, he made a hole in it so that water would drip on him; then says he would not fall asleep without a stuffed rooster; then stuffed lamb; this is how the night passed; in the morning Half tells the brothers to run; gulya tells the milk in the bellies of the horses to thicken, the horses stopped; all three brothers flew home on the Halves goat; Half promises to bring the gulya herself; dressed up as a halva seller; gulya ate everything and climbed into the box finished eating the leftovers, and Half slammed the lid shut; it was burned in the drawer]: Muhawi, Kanaana 1989, No. 6:84-88.

Micronesia-Polynesia. Marshall Islands: Kelin 2003 (Maloelap) [woman gave birth to 12 sons, each with 1 leg, 1 arm, 1 eye; she does not tell them not to fish on the south side of the island; they did not find fish on the western side of the island side, went south, where the demon sent them his fish, they followed it, scratched themselves on the reef, went ashore to rest; the demon gave the leaf to heal the scratches, led them to him, they entered the hole, the demon fish closed it , the boys died, the demon ate them; the mother gave birth to 12 of the same half boys again; the same, the demon ate them; the mother gave birth to 12 again, but the last Lakkiñ was normal, not half; brothers do not consider him for a normal person, they don't take them with them; finally they took them; everyone jumped into a hole with them, but L. did not jump, killed the fish, took the brothers out; asks the leaf where to go - to the lagoon; hid the brothers under on the ceiling of the house, heated the stones; the demon came - throw me fish; L. threw him hot stones, he swallowed them, died; the brothers returned to their mother]: 92-99; Tobin 2002, No. 48 (Aeloninae Atoll) [woman gives birth to 10 sons, each with one arm, one leg, one eye, one ear; they go to catch lobster; the witch screams, Give me my food; eats them when they fall asleep; the woman gives birth again ten half sons, everything repeats itself; the third time he gives birth to nine halves, the youngest; others think he is crazy, they do not want to take him with them; when they fall asleep, he comes to the witch, they they bake and fry lobster together; he puts pebbles (shells?) over his eyes with an eye pattern, the witch thinks he is awake; he calls her a cannibal, promises to burn her, she leaves; according to one version, she throws a hot stone into her mouth, she dies], 49 [a woman has ten sons- halves, the eleventh is normal; the brothers think he is crazy, they do not want to take him with them; he hides at the bottom of the boat, they swim to the breadtree in the sea, he is guarded by an animal; they quietly take off one fruit, they swim back; they bake the fruit with the mother; when the beast appears, the youngest (full) throws hot stones into its mouth, the beast dies]: 207-209, 213-215.

Melanesia. Gudinaf (bwaydoka) [when she goes to the site, the mother tells her two teenage daughters to take care of her little brother and, if he cries, cook bananas for him; the girls cooked the youngest brother; when the mother returned, she drove them into the forest; says that from the fork, the left path leads to child-minder, and the right wide path leads to the razor-sharpening tesel (i.e. to the ogre); sisters argue, the eldest chooses a wide path and the youngest has to go with her; they come to the ogre; he is going to approach them several times sleeping and kill them; but the youngest is awake and asks each time what he wants it is necessary; every time he answers that he has come for the fire; the girl gives him a burning smut and he swallows it; the sisters run away; the cannibal follows the trail and comes to the child-minder; he gives the cannibal a comb with which The cannibal pierces his fontanel on his head, dies]: Young 1970, No. 15:96-102.

South Asia. Nepalese [three brothers are young men, the youngest is a rat; they all went to look for a wife for him; they came to a cannibal with a beautiful daughter; the ogre gently received them, put them to bed; the Rat hears how she sharpens knives; says she only falls asleep at home if she gets something sweet; the cannibal brings me; next time: bread like her mother's; then: in order for me to fall asleep, I must marry your daughter and beat me to the cymbals; everyone woke up, the wedding ceremony had to be completed; the brothers and Rat's wife ran home]: Sakya, Griffith 1980:160-162; baiga [five brothers come, marry five dano's daughters (cannibal); father-in-law tells them to plow; at night, the sixth sister, who is also dano, is going to eat them; the youngest does not sleep, frightens her, saying that "the mongoose boy sees you"; the next night brothers lie down on the floor, putting their wives in their place; father-in-law kills their own daughters (revives them in the morning); brothers run, escape in the tree, drive nails into the trunk; the cannibal and cannibal daughter fall, tear their own body; brothers go down, finish off cannibals, bring wives home]: Elwin 1944, No. 9:350-351; Sinhales: Volkhonsky, Solntseva 1985, No. 118 [the tsar and queen have 7 daughters and a son; the queen complains that daughters they sit back, the king is going to execute them; their mother sent them to the forest; they have come to Rakshasi; she covered her daughters with white sheets for the night; the younger princess covered her sisters with them; at night, Rakshas ate one of her daughters, and the princesses ran away; the king met them and married them; Rakshasi sent another daughter to the river bank, who told the king that she was also human; at night she pulled out the eyes of the seven queens; the king sent them from home; each gave birth, the sons of six died, the youngest son survived; began to live at the palace; Rakshasi guessed who they were, sent them to her mother with orders to kill the giver and eat the eyes of the seven queens; along the way the young man killed a yaksha, who was supposed to eat the princess; she replaced the letter with an order to greet the giver, give a means to restore vision; having received the remedy, the prince married the princess, restored sight to the queens, killed Rakshasi queen; the king returned his seven wives], 127 [the father asked his three sons what they had learned at school; only the youngest knew, the older father expelled, but the youngest also left with them; they stayed with Rakshava, who put them to sleep in the same room as his sons; at night, the younger brother changed the red blankets to white ones that the sons of Rakshasa had, the Rakshas ate the sons; the brothers were hired to herd goats; the elders told the owner that the youngest could bring the Rakshasa parrot; then the horse; the youngest stole the parrot and horse; the golden pillow; the Rakshasa grabbed him, went for firewood; the young man ran from the rakshasi and married her, although the herd owner offered him his daughter]: 287-290, 309-310.

Malaysia-Indonesia. Java [the poor firewood collector has 7 children; he decides to leave them in the forest; the younger Wuragil hears the parents' conversation, collects pebbles in advance, throws them along the way, brings the siblings back; in next time she throws corn kernels, pigeons pecked them; children come to the old woman; in the evening her cannibal husband appears; V. hears them agree to eat the visitors: their own children will be under tiger skins, and those who come under lamb skins; V. changes their skins, the cannibal eats his own children; V. takes his speeding boots, runs away with his brothers and sisters; thanks to boots, wins running competitions, gets a princess, reigns soon; visits his parents; his mother recognizes him by a bump on her head - she once hit him]: Kratz 1973, No. 17:111-114.

The Balkans. Croats (Dubrovnik) [the father died when his 13th son was born; the brothers grew up, went on a journey, stayed at the ogre's house for the night; the hostess warned that her husband would come in the evening; the youngest does not sleep, hears how the hostess teaches her husband to distinguish sleeping boys from his daughters: boys have red hats, girls have gold chains around their necks; younger brother puts hats on girls, chains on brothers; in the morning the brothers left, the youngest went alone, hired the king to make coffee; the brothers were jealous, told the king that his cook could steal the cannibal's blanket; the young man came to the ogre and advised him first to fatten him; he put him to sleep on the floor; at night the young man began to pull the veil; the cannibal decided that his wife was pulling the veil, threw the blanket on the floor, the young man brought it to the king; the brothers advise bring the youngest a golden talking cannibal parrot; the parrot flew with the young man because he gave him sugar; bring the ogre himself; the young man brings the chest, pretends to be looking for an ogre's enemy himself, so that fry alive; the ogre climbs into the chest to see if he is strong, the young man brings it to the king; the ogre is burned, the young man received the princess and then the throne]: Schütz 1960, No. 6:54-60; Greeks: Dawkins 1916 ( Asia Minor) [the old lady has a lazy boy; the neighbors sent their neighbors for firewood, the old woman asked them to take her boy with them; it was cold, the children went into the house, Markáltsa lives there; she {he?} wanted to eat them; one boy says that at this time his mother brings him grape jam; M. brought jam; another: mine brings grape jelly; M. brings him again; third: mine brings water with a sieve; while M. was trying to collect water with a sieve, the boys ran away; one forgot his knife and returned, M. ate it; the rest came home]: 557-559; Paton 1901, No. 17 (Kalymnos) [the elderly have seven sons, the six older ones are sloppy; decided to go to work in Asia Minor; the youngest named Thirteen secretly follows them; the brothers ask the ogre to hire them to squeeze the field; the cannibal: if you press faster, than I knit sheaves, I'll give my daughters for you, otherwise I'll eat it; T.: prepare thin bundles so that the cannibal knit more; at night T. shows that he is awake, the cannibal does not dare to kill his brothers; on the third night, T. wears the ogre's daughters hats on his brothers and vice versa; the cannibal stabbed his daughters; the brothers have time to cross the river; the youngest shouts that his name is T., and this is just the beginning; brothers are hired to the king; envious elders say that T. volunteered to steal an ogre blanket with 41 bells; on the way, T. divided the carcass between the mice and the cat, they offered help; filled the bells with cotton wool; T. quietly pulled off blanket, cannibal and wife each think that the other is pulling him towards him; brothers: bring an ogre talking horse; the horse calls the owner, the cannibal told his wife to fry T., went to invite his brother to visit; T. pretended that he does not know how to get into the oven, the ogre's wife shows that he fried it, put part of the body out of the window, the cannibal who returned ate it, not knowing that it was his wife; brothers: bring the ogre himself; T. cuts trees in the cannibal forest; says that T. is dead and he is making him a coffin; the cannibal volunteered to help; T. offers to climb into the chest to try it on, closes it; the king asks to open the chest and then fry the ogre; he swallowed envious brothers, fell into the oven himself; the king married T. to his daughter]: 93-97.

Central Europe. Eastern Ukrainians (Kherson) [the girls went to a lonely hut for gatherings; one took her little sister; she noticed the tails of five sailboats that came; she specifically asked to go to the yard, let her sister go with her; they ran; the devil is catching up; the youngest stopped at a pile of flax and began to describe in detail how troublesome it is to plow, sow, etc. (all stages of work up to making the canvas); the rooster sang, the hell burst; and the other girls were tortured and hanged by the devils]: Hawks 1894, No. 10:135-136.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Adygi: Kardanov 1961 []: 69-72; Kerashev 1957 [the children went for strawberries; baby Gulyatsu got out of the cradle and went with them; the children got lost; G. noticed smoke from the tree; there was an old goose (N.), G. fell to her breasts, after that she cannot eat it; at night N. sharpens iron teeth; G. does not let other children fall asleep; says that the cow is mooing; N. kills her; sheep bleat - strangles goats and sheep; wild roosters crow; N. runs into the forest to strangle the roosters, the children run home, G. stays by the road under the oak tree; N. comes there riding a rooster; G. pretends to be abandoned; N. brings him home, hangs him in wineskin; he became a mouse, gnawed a hole, hid, filled his wineskin with dishes; N. began to beat his wineskin with dogwood splinters; G. shouts: I'm here; she puts him in another wineskin, runs for splinters again; same: G. puts chickens and roosters in her wineskin, N. killed them; third time: puts a dog in her wineskin; kills N., throwing millstones at her from the attic; brings home bulls pulling treasure carts and daughter N., she becomes his sister]: 258-264; Kabardian people [about as in Kerashev 1957]: Aliyeva, Kardangushev 197:75-78; Abkhazians [poor Samkyanyk asked the prince for a knife; he promised to kill him if he lost it; S. lost his knife, called the children, they tore the grass, found a knife, but night came, they came to the old cannibal woman; S.: I can only fall asleep if you take care of me, as my mother looked after me - she brought it in a sieve water, cooked and fed; the old woman went to get water, S. woke up the children, told them to run, stayed himself; the sieve swelled, the old woman brought some water, cooked them; the old woman found S., put them in a bag, went to get an iron stick; S. put a dog in his bag instead of himself, the old woman killed the dog, found S. again and went to get a stick (he put a rooster in his bag); ran away, promised the shepherd to cure his eye, smeared with lamb droppings, ordered him to sit until sunset, took the herd away; the old woman came, explained to the shepherd that he had been deceived; then S. tied oxtails to sticks and drove them into the ground: the ground caught the bulls; sent the owners behind shovels, at that time she hid the bulls among her sheep, said that the earth swallowed the bulls; the old woman said that S. was a deceiver; S. pretended to hold the cave vault, asked seven people hold it, he would bring seven stakes on their horses; the pursuers explained to people that S. was a deceiver; S. returned to his prince, mixed his herd with his own, taught the prince to forbid guests to go out at night into the yard; the pursuers came, they were fed, they fell asleep, S. stained them from behind with the contents of the lamb intestine, and put their intestines next to the old woman; at night everyone runs away in shame, the old woman thinks she is out of her the gut came out, all the wealth remained with the prince; envious people advised the prince to send S. to deliver the adaui; S. ordered to make a strong cart, came to Adaua covered in black, ordered him to climb into the cart, locked the door, brought the adaus to the prince; ordered him to open the cart, and he climbed onto the rock and jumped off it; the adaui jumped after it and crashed]: Shakryl 1975, No. 72:326-333; Abazins [Kabizhchikun is "little bald man", as tall as a fingernail; went with the other children to buy nuts, tired, asked him to carry it; night came, the children came to the cannibal's house; everyone lay down on the floor; K.: mother hangs me in a wineskin from the ceiling beam; in front She always fed khampals to sleep; the cannibal cooks khampals; fed chicken; cooked chicken; carried water in a sieve and watered me; it's already morning, the children ran away, the cannibal is still collecting water with a sieve]: Tugov 1985, No. 100:297-299; Kumyks [the old man has 12 sons, 11 are evil, the younger Baiburak is kind; the old man goes to look for brides for them; Kart-Enem offers to marry them his 12 daughters; brothers come and spend the night at their place CE; B. hears her sharpening a knife; says she does not sleep because 1) geese are screaming (CE slaughtered geese, leaving three magic ones); 2) cows are mooing; CE slaughtered cows, B. told the brothers to run; CE chases arbe without wheels, B. throws a stone (mountain), stomps (abyss), CE stops chasing; brothers want to destroy B., persuade Khan to send him to CE for 1) a magic blanket; B. comes secretly, stabs CE at night with a needle, she thinks fleas bite, throws away the blanket, B. takes it away, CE pursues (same episodes); 2) magic geese; B. hides behind CE's door; she asks each of the three geese where B. is now, They say that outside the door, CE does not believe, tears off two heads, then grabs B.; he advises calling his relatives to eat; tears the ropes, takes the goose away; 3) bring CE herself; B. pretends to be an old man, says that his iron chest protects against heat and cold, invites CE to try it out, brings it to the khan; he opens the chest, CE swallowed it; saw B. on the tower, stumbled, fell into a hole, crashed]: Kapieva 1974:87-92; Avars [three brothers got lost, came to a house where cards with three daughters; the younger Fool Chilbeek answers cards every time that he does not sleep, sends cards to cook dumplings (his mother was cooking at home at that time), halva, bring water with a sieve, puts cards in the place of her daughters' brothers; at night she cuts off the heads of her daughters; finds the head in the bundle not C., but her daughter; running away (the same every time), C. crosses the ash bridge, K. cannot catch up with C.; the ruler tells C. to bring the cards belonging to 1) tsach (blanket?) ; H. stabs sleeping cards from the roof, she thinks that there are fleas in the tsakh, throws it away; 2) the cauldron (C. throws stones at the roof, splashes of fat fly into the cards, she throws the cauldron away); 3) the golden goat (C. stabs it with a stick, the goat bleats, throws it away); 4) the cards themselves; H. meets cards in the form of a beggar, she asks to make a strong chest; climbs into it, it falls apart; the next strong, C. closes cards in it, brings; C. climbs the tree, the nucleers open the chest, swallows everyone's cards; C. throws bags of flour from the tree at it, the cards burst, the swallowed people and animals come out; there is no daughter of the ruler; C. cuts finger cards, a girl comes out from there, C. marries her]: Ganiyeva 2011b, No. 70:577-581 (=Saidov, Dalgat 1965:301-310, =Khalilov, Osmanov 1989:138-141); Georgians: Chikovani 1954 [seven brothers are coming marry, the youngest is Bototina; one, the second dev offers his 7 daughters, the brothers refuse, agree to the third's offer; at night B. answers the deva that he is awake, the roar of oxen interferes; dev killed everyone cows, left one that gave butter to one nipple, milk to the other, cream to the third, matsoni to the fourth; B.: your chickens were cackling; dev killed chickens; B. swapped sleeping deva brothers and daughters; dev killed daughters, the brothers ran away, managed to cross the hair bridge; B. hired the king as a laborer; he tells me to bring 1) the deva carpet (B. stabs the deva with a needle, hiding under the ottoman, he thinks that there are fleas in the carpet, hung up in the yard, B. took it away; 2) the deva cauldron; B. lets himself be caught, advises the deva to hang it over the cauldron for the night, the fat will flow; untied the rope, took the cauldron; 3) the deva himself; B. comes as a carpenter, dev measures the chests, B. stabbed him, brought it to the king, climbed the tower, opened the chest; dev ate the king and his entourage; asks B. how he climbed the tower; B.: set fire to the hay, jumped into the fire, the flame lifted me up; the devil burned down, B. received the kingdom]: 86-89; 1986 [nine poor brothers go to work as laborers; younger Khutkunchula asks the old woman for water; she sends brothers to a maiden who needs shepherds; he only lures workers to eat them; the brothers fell asleep, dev asks who is awake; H. replies that he is because the geese are screaming; dev swallowed the geese, asks again; the cows are mooing (the same); the horses are laughing; H. wakes up the brothers they run, he locks the door from the outside, the brothers and H. manage to cross the river, the devil is afraid to step on the shaky bridge; H. took the talking goat away from the deva; the king took her away, demands a flying carpet in return; H. returned to deva, stuck needles on the carpet, dev lay down, pricked, threw away the carpet, H. took it away; the king only awarded H. a hat; envious brothers persuade the king to send X. to bring all the deva's treasures; H. says to the deva that The king told him to make a flying chest, but H. pulled out all the nails; dev asks him to make a chest; H. offers to try it on, brings the chest to the king, hides in a tree with a piece of salt; the chest is open, dev eats the king and viziers; H. replies to the deva that he flew up a tree with a block of salt on his chest; dev agrees to lie under a tree, let H. shed his salt; killed by dropped salt]: 64-68; Azerbaijanis [One woman has a tiny son, his name is Dwarf; decided to go with the other children for firewood; the mother gave them a piece of bread and butter to take care of him; K. tells others to collect and bear his share firewood, and then himself; the children got lost; K.: where you can hear a dog barking, dogs will tear it up, you have to go where the light is; this is the diva's house; when he is going to eat the children, he asks if everyone is sleeping; K. says that does not sleep - his mother cooked scrambled eggs for him; the diva cooked; carried water from the river with a sieve; the divas went to the river, and the children ran away and crossed to the other side; divas: how did they cross? K.: tied a millstone to his neck; the diva drowned]: Bagriy, Zeynally 1935:474-477.

Iran - Central Asia. Persians: Aliev et al. 1958 [husband and wife ask God to send a baby; one pea flew out of the pot, became a girl; she and the other girls go to the field to collect spikelets; divas comes, calls them to her place; at night asks who is awake; Pea says that before going to bed, her mother gives her scrambled eggs and halva; divas brings it, G. wakes up the girls, everyone has eaten, falls asleep; the divas asks again, Pea replies that after dinner, mom always brings water from the Crystal Mountain from the river of light in a sieve; when the diva reached the river of light, morning came, the girls took the diva's things and left; G. remembered that she had forgotten the gold a spoon; a diva entered the house, who put it in a bag, went to get brushwood to carve G.; she made a hole in the bag, put a goat in the bag, hid in the corner; the diva beat the kid to death, opened the bag, I saw my favorite kid; found G., asked how to eat it; she says to bake a cake, wrap it in it; G. pushed the diva into tone, he fried, she took a spoon, returned to her mother]: 223- 225; Osmanov 1987 []: 221-222; Marzolph 1984, type 327, No. 7 in Goldberg 2003 [in the ogre's house, the older sister consistently asks him for horses, jewelry, salt, needles, awls, syrup; running away, girls they leave wineskins with syrup in bed; the cannibal pierces them, drinks syrup, thinks it's girls' blood]: 343; (cf. Turkmens [Kelzhe-batyr is incredibly strong; eats half a pound of wheat at home; goes with other boys for brushwood, but only sleeps in the forest; replies that he does not want to waste his energy on trifles; divas invites boys to himself; only K. does not sleep; replies that he is used to having his mother give him water from a sieve before going to bed; the diva cannot collect a sieve of water; then K. asks to make scrambled eggs from the eggshell to the shell has melted in oil; the divas cannot again, the boys are leaving in the meantime; the khan is ready to shelter them on the condition that K. brings a gold carpet from the diva; K. asks for a bag of needles; K. sticks quietly a diva throws them away in a golden carpet; he thinks that the carpet is full of fleas, throws them away; K. takes the carpet away; Khan demands a golden cauldron, K. asks for a poker; K. quietly taps on the cauldron, the diva thinks that the cauldron he teases him, throws him away; the khan demands the golden chicken diva, K. asks for the poultry's net; disturbs the chicken, it cackles, the diva throws it away (all this time he tried to melt the shell unsuccessfully); the khan tells bring the diva himself; K. puts on a goatskin with bells tied, replies to the diva that he is a lion, has come to eat him; allows him to hide in the chest he brought; brings a chest with the diva to the khan; the diva went out , tore the khan to pieces; K. advises the diva to first wash him from chicken manure, then eat; in the bathhouse offers to dive into cauldrons; he jumps into a cold water pot, the diva jumps into boiling water, dies; K. brings home golden carpet, cauldron and chicken]: Erberg 1953:93-100).

Baltoscandia. Lithuanians [199 options; after the death of their father, 7 sons drank the estate, were hired as laborers; someone steals mowed hay; only the youngest Jonas manages to catch a mare with seven stallions; J. got the most inconspicuous; they decide to marry the 7 daughters of the Bone Woman, who is on the island; the horse teaches Y. to wave a handkerchief, the waters have parted; tells them to exchange blankets with the girls at night; the saber cuts off that heads; the skate tells you to run; the sea has parted and closed behind, the bone woman does not cross; the skate does not tell you to pick up the pen, J. picked it up; the brothers, out of envy, tell the king that 1) J. can also get a bird; Bone Woman's bird; J. became a cat, the bone woman brought him into the house, he took the bird's cage; 2) a sword that cuts and defeats the attacking enemies; J. became a bird, the Bone woman brought it into the house, that took her sword away; 3) the sea maiden (while she was at the ball, I could not see the moon and sun for three days); the horse teaches me to put a table of wine on the shore, the maiden came out of the water, became intoxicated, fell; maiden to the king: I'll go out when you become handsome, you have to bathe in boiling milk; J. jumped and became handsome, the king disappeared into milk; J. married a virgin, became king]: Kerbelite 2014, No. 154:401-408; Latvians [Father takes children in the woods. They get to the witch. She puts other people's children to sleep with her own. A younger boy ties headscarves (wreaths, hats) of sorceress children for himself and his brothers. At night, hell shows up and kills his own children instead of strangers. The children run away, the hell chases them, but tired, they lie down and fall asleep. The boy pulls his boots off the line and all the brothers get home quickly]: Aris, Medne 1977, No. 327B: 277; the Finns [an ogre lives with his wife on one side, Helli and his two brothers on the other side and father; says that he will kill the ogre, the brothers laugh at him; all three came to the ogre, who offered them his three daughters as his wife; for the night he laid red sheets for the girls, and the boys white; H. them changed, the cannibal cut off the heads of his daughters, the brothers returned home; Z. came alone to pick up two cannibal horses with gold and silver hair; only his wife was at home; H. volunteered to give the horses a drink, took them away; the cannibal shouts from the shore: did you steal it? X. - me! (so after each episode); H. came to pick up the ogre's money; he was not at home again, H. volunteered to bake bread, found a chest of money and took it away; a gold and silver blanket; drilled a hole in the ceiling, became to drip yeast, the cannibal thought that the blanket was raw because the roof was leaking, took another one; H. pulled the first blanket upstairs and carried it away; the golden bell; when H. tried to take it, it rang; the cannibal went to invite guests, told his wife to fry H.; he pretends not to know how to sit on a shovel; the cannibal began to show her, he shoved her into the oven; filled her clothes with straw, put her to bed; the cannibal with the guests they ate the cannibal; when he came to the shore, the cannibal looked at the sun, went blind and disappeared]: Salmelainen 1947:80-84; Karelians (Kalevalsky District) [the youngest of the three brothers is Tuhkimus ("Zamarashka"); brothers decided to go to the haymaking without him; he took the crackers out of one bag, climbed there himself; the brothers are surprised that the bag is heavy; when they want to get bread, T. asks not to beat it, it will come in handy; the brothers are lost, there is a house in the forest, there is food on the table; they ate and hid in the underground; a girl comes in, opens the underground: go out, elder ram, for a roast for my mother; brothers push T.; the girl wants to put him on a shovel, T. asks to show, pushes the girl into the oven, hid himself again in the underground; an old woman came, ate her daughter; the same with the middle woman, with the eldest daughters of the old woman; the old woman tells all the rams to go out; T. went out, came bast shoes into porridge and split the old woman in two; took half with them; they climbed onto the oak tree, the heroes stopped under the oak tree, took out the money, began to play cards; T. wrote ("rain"), pumped ("the wind is bumps throws"), threw the corpse; the heroes rushed to run; T. cut off one's tongue, he could not say anything; the brothers took the money and returned home]: Onegin 2010, No. 18:212-214.