Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

L118A. Imitation: with a knife up to the throat.

To get rid of a dangerous but stupid character, a person performs some actions that the character imitates without realizing that he is harming himself.

Mungaka, Portuguese, Lepcha, Ossetians, Eastern Sami, Tuvans.

West Africa. Mungaka [the merchant was carrying a bag of red hats for sale; sat down to rest, dozed off; the monkeys untied the bag, put their hats on their heads, climbed a tree; when the merchant woke up, threw own hat on the ground; the monkeys did the same; the merchant picked up the hats and moved on]: Meyer 1942, No. 7:158-159.

Southern Europe. The Portuguese [the merchant was carrying hats for sale; decided to relax under a tree, fell asleep, and when he woke up, he saw that the monkeys had stolen almost all his hats; he threw the hat on the ground, monkeys, imitating he was also thrown, he picked up his hats and moved on]: Dias Marques 2019, No. 75:118-119.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Lepcha [the farm owner hired a young man named Atek to watch the cattle; he loved to play the flute; a woolen yeti woman came up and listened; as soon as A. stopped playing, she popped he took the flute to his lips; she took it herself, but could not play; disappeared at dawn; this went on for many days, A. does not know what to do, does not get enough sleep; brought oil to the fire, began to rub in front of the yeti, and then he took the smut and pretended to fry himself; the yeti also rubbed her oil and took the smut; her hair flashed, she ran away and never came back]: The story of Jyamphy Moong 2016.

The story of Jyamphy Moong, a Yeti (a Lepcha folktale). https://www.nezine.com/info/SmNXT2FyM05YZG1XT0pXNzA4KzVhdz09/the-story-of-jyamphi-moong,-a-yeti-(-a-lepcha-folktale-).html . File loading time 16.07.2016.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Ossetians (Digors) [Sekina mowed the grass; a man came up, watched him, made a braid out of wood and also began to mow; S. realized that this was hell and that he repeated all human actions; S. weaved a grass rope, tied himself hand and foot with it, and then cut the rope with a scythe; the devil tied himself too, but could not cut anything with a wooden scythe; the devil's legs were twisted back with his feet; man drew the line to himself; he warned that the fire in the house should be extinguished and that no one should laugh at him, the hell stayed in the house and the man became rich (or he knew what actions would be profitable and happiness, and which ones would be useless); the devil could not shave his own head; the wolf took the child, everyone rushed after him; shaving time was running out, the rest of the house did not want to shave the line; a thunderstorm began, hell hid under a stone and ordered that the Seninov family should not be divided and had only one descendant]: Miller 1881:87-91.

Baltoscandia. The Eastern Sami [Chakhkli lived in the mountain cracks; the childless hunter decided to catch one instead of his son; gave them a kanga; they started fighting over it, took it one away and climbed inside, the hunter caught him ; whatever the hunter and his wife did, they chakhkli - one ruin; then the wife ran her throat with a knife; chakhkli took a knife and stabbed himself]: Yermolov 1959:100-101.

Southern Siberia. Tuvans [Toven-Tazha ("tazhy" - prince) are wives of Aldyn-Dangyn and Humush-dangyn ("golden" and "silver"); they leave him food but leave; the sage explains that HT is destined to live with Chechen-Nogaan, "born in a flower," she is in the east overseas; two geese are crying by the sea, now a water rat will come out and eat them; the rat swallows TX, he rips it open with a knife, goes out; the goose will carry TX across the sea; he He pulls out a golden flower in the clearing, the goose carries it back, where his horse was resting; at night, the albys (werewolf) stole a flower, threw it into the river, turned into a girl herself; he married her, but lost his luck The only thing left was Koge-Shagaan's horse; HE came to the old woman, she found a flower, he turned into a girl, she grew up quickly, TX took her; she gave birth; the elder wife killed the child, said that the mother killed him herself; ordered her to be taken in a bag to the ends of the earth; slandered CHN: let her head become taiga, her tears into streams, her bones with stone scree, her eyes two black crows, they will tell TX the truth; TH comes and eats grass and berries in the taiga; crows tell everything; under the rock there is a tent, in it CHN; she gives a gun; let the werewolf shoot at EX, you have to fall and laugh; the werewolf will also want a merry bullet; TH Kills a werewolf, ChN returns]: Hadahane 1984:66-71