Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

L119. The battle is in the air. .26.43.

The hero and antagonist fight in the air, tearing each other's dicks off. Usually, their allies on the ground try to keep their leader's members and destroy enemy members.

Koreans, Cowlitz, Clackamas, Catlamet, Cous.

China - Korea. Koreans [=Pack 1991:164-166; childless spouses find a baby in the forest; he grows up quickly, is extremely strong, he is called Jangsoi ("iron giant"); he goes to war, meets, takes comrades of the Snoring so much that a tree swayed, the Mountain Mover, the Pee as a river; they easily defeat enemies; cannibals lock them in a closet, they run away, they are put in an iron closet, under it fire; Snoring causes an icy wind; in the morning, the twins kill the servants of the main winged cannibal, play gonoo with their bones; J. and the Winged fight high in the sky; J.'s hand falls; the twins sprinkle it with wheat flour, they throw it back, she grows; they do not allow the Winged's wife to sprinkle ash on her hand; they do not let the Winged's hand sprinkle with flour, sprinkle with ash; the same happens to his head; J. beats the Winged's wife, she turns into nine-tailed fox; sister cities share treasures and supplies, go home]: Cho 2001, No. 102:188-192.

The coast is the Plateau. Colitz [The cougar warns the Wild Cat not to go out; the fire goes out, the Cat follows him to the old woman, carries the fire on his tail (since then the cat has a short tail); the old woman and her scary sons are looking for a thief; the cougar kills four by hitting them in the ankle, the fifth fights in the air; pieces of their flesh fall, the cat burns the demon's flesh, mistakenly burns the Puma's liver; inserts the demon's liver into him, revives; so the cougar's liver is inedible]: Adamson 1934:202-205; clackamas [The cougar goes hunting, tells the Raccoon not to let the fire go out; the fire goes out, the raccoon steals it from the old woman; her five sons- Grizzlies come for fire one after another; four are killed by the Puma with an ax on the ankle; the fifth is as strong as iron; they fight in the air, pieces of flesh fall down; the Raccoon burns Grizzly flesh and by mistake Pumas lungs; reviving the Puma, forced to replace them with rotten wood]: Jacobs 1958, No. 6:60-67; katlamet [like clackamas; Lynx lets the fire go out five times; the old woman first accuses her vulva of she ate fire; Lynx hits Grizzly's leg with an ax every time, helping Puma win]: Boas 1901a, No. 12:90-97; cous [the hero makes himself a dog by filling the animal's skin with flint; dogs rise up when fighting into the air; flintlock dog wins]: Jacobs 1940, No. 25 [an ogre dog kills four brothers one by one; the fifth makes a flint dog (taking a seal skin); dogs rise into the air while fighting; their paw falls , then the giblets of an ordinary dog; the flint descends; the young man tells him to take the paw of the defeated in his mouth, go to the moon; he is visible on the moon, holding the paw of another dog in his teeth], 3 [otter skin; both dogs are visible on the moon]: 175-181, 241; Saint Clair 1909a, No. 12 [a dog made of graveled cat skin is visible on the moon; it tears another dog apart, throws them down to the ground]: 40.