L120B. A fighting hero wakes up his brothers .28.31.35.
The hero fights the snake and calls for help, but is not heard. Then he throws a piece of his shoes or clothes and his awakened brothers or his horse come running.
Russians (Ust-Tsilma Arkhangelskaya, Karelia, Vologda), Belarusians, Latvians, Eastern Sami, Mansi.
Central Europe. Russians (Belomorye, Karelia, Loukhsky district, s. Keret) [the old man advises the childless king to catch salmon with his own hands, feed his wife. The king orders the footman to cook salmon. The queen eats, the footman feeds his wife, the broth is given to the ox to drink. All three give birth to boys, all Ivans. Ivan Volovich (IV) is the strongest. Ivan Tsarevich (IC) and Ivan Lakeich (IL) are afraid of him and secretly leave. Eve takes the best horse that the king never gave to anyone, catches up. They put up a tent at the bridge, and they agree to watch by lot. The first night, IL asks IV to replace him. At midnight, a trembled kite rides, speaks in three voices: someone is under the bridge, but he is only afraid of EVE, and he is not here, and if he were, he would put him in the palm of his hand and swat the other, he would stay mud and water. Eve suggests measuring his strength, cutting off three heads in half. The brothers are sleeping. Eve promises to unfasten them, they swear not to sleep. Now the IC is asking to replace him. At midnight, a six-headed serpent rides, boasting 6 votes. Eve blows 6 heads away with two blows, the brothers are sleeping. Eve hits them on the shoulders, they cry. On the third night, the 9-headed serpent, the same. Eve cut down six heads with three blows, calls his brothers, they are sleeping, he threw his boot at them, they come running. The serpent laughs at them, at which point Eve cuts off his last three heads. The brothers are going to inspect snake dwellings. The first palace is empty, but there is plenty of food, the second is better, the prince's daughter is there, they promise to pick her up on the way back, the third house is the best, there is a royal daughter, carried away a year ago, the brothers put her on an IC horse, the second, on an IL horse, they go to their kingdom. The brothers get married, their fathers and mothers are happy, and Eve's wedding is watered. An unknown old woman brings him drunk to the underground king Semera Vilishchi. This is the mother of slaughtered snakes, and she asks for punishment for his three sons killed. The king of Semera Vilshcha says: "Well, bring my seven forks and stretch my eyebrows, I'll see what punishment I give him." They bring him seven forks and stretch his long eyebrows. He demands to go far away, far away seas, bring him Elena Krasa Golden Braid, otherwise death. On the way, Eve takes with him an old man walking around a herd of horses, an old man who can't eat bread, an old man who can't drink a river, an old man who's cold under seven fur coats, an old man the stargazer who needs to see all the stars in the sky, the old man from the garden who knows all the flowers, even the unborn ones; they all promise to show up when they are remembered. The king will give his daughter if EVE completes the tasks: eat all the bread in the city, drink water from the river, take a steam bath; the old people do everything; ride around the animal horse - the old man goes around, breaking three rods. The king marries Eve, sends her home when they reach the flower garden, Elena asks if he is taking her for himself or for King Semera Vilishchi. He says it's for himself. She catches him in a lie, turns into a flower. An old gardener finds it and restores its human appearance. They're going further. Elena asks if he is carrying her for himself or for Tsar Semera Vilishchi. Eve says what's for herself. She turns into a star and flies into the sky. The old stargazer sees her in the sky, flies to the sky, brings her back. This is the third time Eve confesses. Elena: Semyry-Vilshcha will ask if he had fun with his wife on the way, he will not believe the answer, but will prepare a test in the form of a pit with burning resin, snakes and reptiles, and a shaft will be laid above it, will offer to cross the shaft. Eve must say that he does not believe that the king did not ride the horse he left behind during this time. He will go, and Eve must turn the wheel at the end of the shaft. Seme-Vilshcha falls, burns in a pit with resin. Eve and Elena take the treasury and go to his kingdom. The brothers are happy. Yves builds a house better than the royal palace, a wedding feast]: Nechaev 1939:509-521; Russians (Arkhangelskaya, 1929, Ust-Tsilma, Vasily Sobol, a Nenets, went as a "leader" in front of herds of deer all his life, i.e. he was farmhand shepherd) [The queen cannot give birth to an heir, the king decides to buy a gold-head fish, goes to the fishermen, and catches it in the third tone. The fish is eaten by the queen, the maid and the bull (he gets the garbage), on the same day they have sons: Ivan Tsarevich, Ivan Devi and Ivan-Bykovich, grow up by months, do not feel their strength - they are maimed in games other kids. The children's parents are complaining. Three fellows go to the field, meet an old man, he says that going to the right will kill their horses, and to the left will kill them. They return to the king, asking for horses, Ivan Bykovich does not find a horse in the royal stable. He asks the blacksmith to tie a hundred pounds of club, throws it up so that he can hardly see it, catches it easily (his hand does not move), asks him to tie a club of two hundred, then three hundred pounds. He throws the last one, and she comes back quickly, he almost drops it when he catches it. At the crossroads, the fellows turn right, throw a tent at the Iron Bridge and agree to watch one by one. The first two fellows fall asleep on guard, instead of them with a 3-headed one, and the next night, Ivan Bykovich fights with 6-headed Pogany Idol. It invites Ivan to blow into the open field, but he gives way to Idolishch, it blows, and all living things burn three miles in the field. While she admires her work, Ivan cuts off her heads. In the morning, Ivan Tsarevich and Ivan Devi say that they did not sleep at night and did not see anyone. When it comes to Ivan Bykovich's turn, he leaves a knife to his comrades and warns that if he bleeds, they must run to the bridge. The beginning of the fight repeats, Ivan cuts down 8 heads from Idolishche, the latter remains, he asks for permission to take off his left boot, launches him into the tent, then the right one - the brothers wake up and see that the knife is covered in blood, they help to fight, go waist-deep into the ground and defeat Idolishche. Three fellows come to the big house, Ivan Bykovich turns into a "goosebumps", overhears how inside an old woman ("nose to ceiling") advises daughters-in-law, wives of three Idolishches, to take revenge on Ivan, turn around poisoned with spring water, berries, and a golden bed. Ivan Bykovich saves his brothers from death three times, water, berries and a bed turned into women when they began to cut them, their heads were cut off. They hear the chase, they hide in the forge. The old woman demands that the blacksmith give them away, he asks her to stick his tongue through the door, and hits him with a copper, tin and iron rod, only the tin rod does not tear. The old woman turns into a horse, Ivan Bykovich saddles it, the old man asks if Ivan will give up his horse if he manages to overtake him, Ivan agrees and loses. The old man hangs his horse on his horse, promises to return it if Ivan gets Elena the Beautiful for him. Ivan Bykovich agrees, he meets Yaryshek on the way ("a thin leg, a golden cap, his forehead is covered, his eyes are out"), one knows how to carry people across the sea, the other to marry, the third to wash in the bath, the 4th carry people in space ("from place to place"), eat the 5th bread, drink water on the 6th, meets a woman who can travel 3 miles in 3 hours. He takes everyone with her. He meets three more Yaryshki: one brags: "I'm buzzing with a foot", the second can shoot with a cream, and the third catches what falls to the ground. One Yaryshko takes a spoon out of his pocket and carries everyone across the sea. The other performs the king's task - washing in a very hot bath ("heat for five soots"), the third goes to marry. The king locks visitors in a ram and sets them on fire, Yaryshko takes them to a safe place. The king makes you eat all the bread in the city, Yaryshko eats everything. The other drinks all the water in her magpies in the city's shops. The Tsar promises to give his daughter if the visitors drink all the water in the well, Yaryshko drinks. Then she orders the princess to get a dress from the state far away in 3 hours, send the old woman, on the way back she falls asleep, Yaryshko "whipped with a foot", she woke up and arrived on time. The king gives his daughter. Yaryshko carried the first one across the sea, at night the princess flies to heaven and turns into a star. Yaryshko saw an extra star in the sky, another shot a cream, the latter caught a shooting star and gave it to Ivan Bykovich. The princess does not want to marry the old man, and persuades Ivan to deceive him when he asks him to walk on the boards above the hole and let him go first. He does so, loosens one of the boards, the old man falls into a hole on "iron sperm". Ivan takes the old man's good, burns a mare, marries Elena]: Karnaukhova 1934, No. 163:340-348; Russians (Vologda) [the tsar and queen are childless, both 80; the tsar tells fishermen to throw a net on him happiness; the pike looked like gold; the king tells the nanny to bake a cake; the middle part was eaten with the queen, the one where the head was eaten by the nanny, the tail by the dog; everyone gave birth to a boy, only the son of a dog dog ears; the priest gave the names: Ivan Tsarevich, Ivan Nyankin, Succhie-birth; brothers grew up; C. suggests considering the elder who will continue to throw the 4-pound club; he himself threw the furthest; went to hunting, lost their way, stopped in an empty house, near the bridge across the river; the brothers take turns guarding; the IC sees a three-headed monster riding, disappeared, did not tell the brothers; the same IN (6-headed); on the third night S. leaves a glass: if full of blood, hurry to help, and if the blood is over the edge, save yourself; the 12-headed monster prevails, S. threw his boot, the gate disappeared, the horse ran, helped kill the monster; S. put 12 heads under a heavy stove; the brothers apologize for hiding and not helping; when they went, S. asked to return - forgot his gloves; fell off the stove, under it 12 heads; brothers kept silent; three sisters of the sorceress gathered; one promises to become an apple tree, the other a feather bed, the third a well; brothers want to eat apples, lie on a feather bed, drink water, S. does not give; brothers they find a hut, hunt, cook in turn; a dwarf with a long beard came, ate everything, beat the IC; the same with IN; S. beat a dwarf, pinched his beard in a stump; he uprooted the stump, left, the bloody trail leads to pit; S. orders to kill a bear, make it out of belt skin, lower it on belts; the girl of the copper kingdom sends silver to the girl, she to the golden one; each asks to marry her; the girl of the golden kingdom orders to change wells with strong and weak water; the dwarf drank weak water, S. killed him; S. sends the girls upstairs, each turned her kingdom into a ball; when the brothers raised S., they were flattered girls, their belt was cut off; S. fell down, found the Firebird, she carried him upstairs, because he defeated her villain; IC took the maiden of the silver kingdom, IN the copper kingdom, and the maiden of the golden kingdom as his servants; when he found out , as was the case, the tsar executed the IC, drove the IN away, made S. an heir, he married the princess of the golden kingdom]: Gura 1965, No. 20:230-233; Belarusians: Romanov 1901, No. 29 (Bokhotskaya V., Mstislavsky y ., 1888-1891, from peasant Nikita Alekseev, 45 years old, illiterate) [The father has three sons: two smart and the third is a fool. The smart ones go to the woods, the fool stays at home. Two daughters-in-law ask a fool to bring water. A pike got stuck at the bridge, a fool helps her, she promises to do whatever he wants. The fool says buckets of water should go home by themselves. The next day, the brothers take him with them for firewood. A fool harnesses his father's horse, a horse kicks, a fool kills it. He says that the sleigh should go by themselves, then cut the firewood themselves and put them into the sleigh. They go home, drive past the lake. A fool sees one fish caught, says who will eat the fish, suck the bones and eat the bones, get pregnant and give birth to a son. All three sons will be heroes. The queen eats the fish, her daughter sucks her bones, and the little girl eats her bones. All three give birth to a son. At the age of 17, sons ask their father to make them three 15-pound swords. They want to go kill snakes with three, six and 12 heads. The father complies with their request. The brothers decide who will be their boss. They hit a stone the size of a house with swords. The female son is just planning, the Tsaritsyn cuts half, the girl's son splits in half. He's becoming the main one. They come to the thirtieth kingdom. The sparkle of sailboats The girl's son (I.) sends a branch son to the bridge to defeat Yuda with three heads. He falls asleep. I. flies an arrow to the bridge, fights a snake, cuts off one head. The serpent asks for a break, asks what the power of a sailboat is. They show each other strength (the sailboat has a pen, Yuda has a bean), I. catches Yuda's strength and swallows it. The snake wins. The next night, I. sends Tsaritsyn's son to the bridge to defeat Yuda with six heads. He falls asleep. I. flies an arrow to the bridge, fights with a snake, cuts off three heads. The serpent asks for a break, asks what the power of a sailboat is. They show each other strength (the sailboat has a feather, Yuda has a nut), I. catches Yuda's strength and swallows it. The snake wins. On the third night, I. goes to the bridge himself to defeat Yudu with 12 heads. He leaves an empty glass for the brothers: if they are filled with blood, they must run to help. The brothers are falling asleep. I. fights with a snake, cuts off two heads. The serpent asks for a break, asks what the power of a sailboat is. They show each other strength (the sailboat has a pen, Yuda has an apple), I. catches Yuda's strength and swallows it. The serpent is angry. I. throws his boot into the room where the brothers sleep. The brothers wake up and run to help. The snake wins. I. asks the brothers to rest for three days. On the first night, I. turns into a dove and flies to Yudina's wife with three heads, the second with six, and the third with 12 heads. He finds out how they are going to destroy it (turn into a well, an apple tree and a huge snake, 25 versts wide and 45 miles long). The brothers are going home and are thirsty. They see a well, I. cuts it with a sword, blood flows from it. They go on, see an apple tree, they want to eat apples, I. cuts it, it bleeds. They go on and see a mountain that shouldn't be there. This is a snake. I. jumps into her mouth and cuts through a passageway through which her brothers and horses pass. I. does not have time to pass, the snake pursues him. He hides in the forge, the snake sheds the roof, the blacksmith grabs the snake with forceps, I. cuts the snake from tail to head. They melt the snake into a mare. During this, I. served as a blacksmith for three years. The blacksmith lets him go and tells him not to stop. I. stops by and serves for another blacksmith for three years. He forbids going to Usiyanskaya Mountain and looking at your native side. I. violates the ban, lies to the blacksmith. The blacksmith lets him go, I. reaches the royal house. The king orders him to marry the girl, otherwise he will not let him go home. He orders to gather 12 fellows, I. collects (Obivala, Obivala, Gunka, Dovgoshost, Lysa Mukha and others). They come to the king to marry the girl. The king gives them 12 barrels of wine and 12 pounds of bread, and tells them to drink and eat overnight. Drinks everything, Oat - eats. The next night, the king tells me to sleep in a pit with burning coals. Gunka extinguishes everything with her body. The daughter walks in the garden with I., makes him sleep, tries to fly away as a dove. The Bald Fly bites him for the w... Dovgosost takes I. on his tail and catches up with his daughter. They take her on their own way without letting her go to their father. They come to see the king. The king surrounded his house with burning ditches. He tells I. to cross the fire on the bylinka to prove that he did not live with the girl on the way. The girl sticks a thick wire into the bylinka, I. goes over. He invites the king to cross the bylinka to prove that he did not ride his mare. The girl pulls out the wire, the king falls down. I. marries a girl, they go to their kingdom], 30 (Kozyanskaya vol., Gorodoksky district, 1888-1891, Western Moscow) Vasiliev from a local beggar). [Tsar Basil has no children. He is fishing and has 12 fishermen. They go to sea, catch 3 perches. They bring them to the king and say that if the queen eats them, she will give birth to a hero. The cook cooks perch, throws scales and giblets (awls and vantrobes) under the table, the female eats them and becomes pregnant. The cook tries a piece without the hostess noticing, and also becomes pregnant. The queen eats fish and becomes pregnant. After 3 years, the first female gives birth to a son, he is called Taraturok. Then an old cook gives birth to her son Ivan. Then the queen was Vasily Vasilyevich. After 2 weeks they start walking, T. is the strongest. When their sons are one month old, they ask their father to forge clubs for them. T. asks for a mace of 12 pounds, a cook's son at 8, and Tsaritsyn for 6 pounds. The king gives them maces, and sons go to the field and throw maces into the sky. Each falls apart, hitting T.'s forehead, the knees of the cook's and queen's son. Then the sons ask their father for a mace of 24, 12 and 10 pounds. With these clubs, they set off and come to the land of Yuda-Antiyuda, the lawless head. They have food and drink, but they don't have people. Lots are drawn to who should be in charge: the youngest is Ivan Kukharkin, the middle is Vasily Vasilyevich, the eldest is T. On the first night, Ivan guards at the viburnum bridge, gets scared, runs away and falls asleep. T. goes to the bridge, meets Yudu-Antiyuda with 9 heads. Strength is measured: Yuda orders to make a current of 50 versts, T. does 65 versts, Yuda only 60 versts. They fight, T. wins. On the second night, Vasily Vasilyevich guards at the Kalinovy Bridge, gets frightened, runs away, says that the tsar's son should not be on guard, and falls asleep. T. goes to the bridge, meets Yudu-Antiyuda with 12 heads. Strength is measured: Yuda orders to make a current of 75 versts, T. does 125, Yuda only 100 versts. They fight, T. wins. On the third night, T. is going to watch, gives the brothers a glass of vodka, a glass of water, a wax candle and a greasy candle, and what happens to T. (if he is made of wax, he is killed). T. goes to the bridge, meets Yudu-Antiyuda with 15 heads. Strength is measured: Yuda orders to make a current of 250 versts, Taraturok does 225 versts, Yuda says 275. They fight, T. cuts down five heads, asks for a break, throws his boot at the house where the brothers fell asleep, the brothers do not wake up. They fight on, T. cuts down three heads, asks for a break, throws his boot at the house where the brothers fell asleep, the brothers wake up and run to help. Yudu wins. Yuda turns to her sisters, father and mother before her death, and her mother responds. T.'s brothers go to bed, and he overhears how Yuda's sisters and mother want to kill them (turn into a bed, a stream with a scoop, an apple tree with apples and a pig to eat them). The brothers are going home. They want to sleep, they see the bed, T. hits the bed, all that's left is a pool of blood. They go on, they are thirsty, they see a stream, T. hits him, all that remains is a pool of blood. They go on, they want to eat, they see an apple tree, T. hits it, all that remains is a pool of blood. They resort to Volovnik, give him money, and he promises not to give it to the pig. They resort to the groom, give him money, and he promises not to give it to the pig. They resort to blacksmith Solomon, give him money, and he promises to defeat the pig. The pig spills through the gate, and the blacksmith and his 12 students grab it with tongs and forge it into a horse. T. gives them money for a horse, sends their brothers home to their father and goes to the forest. On a pine tree sits a grandfather with a fingernail, a beard from an elbow, Father Yud, shoots T. with a tar whistle gun, interrupts the mare in half. T. kills him. He goes on, meets heroes (Korob-Korobanovich, Syavbit, Gorovik, Glutton and Moroz) who join him. They come to the tent where Elephant Ivanovich sits with his head severed off, asks T. to fix his head and return his wife Symiikhlida Mikhailovna from Vyriyon Antienovich, gives him his horse, sword and spear -Good, tells us what needs to be done. T. kills dogs, enters the fortress, jumps up to the 12th floor on horseback, breaks the door with a spear, cuts off Vyriyon Antienovich's 12 heads with a sword, pierces his heart with a spear, brings two bottles of water and his wife to the Elephant Ivanovich. The wife takes root in Elephant Ivanovich's head, he goes with T. They come to Baba Yaga's house, and 12 daughters of Baba Yaga, beautiful women, are sitting near the house. T. ties his horse to seven rings. Baba Yaga returns home, intends to kill whoever comes, sends her daughter to heat the iron bath. T. sends Frost there, which covers everything with frost. T. beats Baba Yaga for being cold in the bath. Baba Yaga sends her other daughter to heat an iron bath. Same thing. Baba Yaga heats the iron bath herself. T. sends Frost there, he can't do anything, then the Glutton helps him, fills everything with water, and covers Frost with ice. T. beats Baba Yaga for being cold in the bath. Baba Yaga feeds well done, everyone eats up except Glutton. T. kills Baba Yaga and marries her daughter. Comrades T. disperse, T. returns to his father. His father is dead, Vasily Vasilyevich rules, and Ivan Kukharkin is a janitor. T. kills Vasily Vasilyevich, rules himself, takes Ivan to his chambers]: 254-262, 262-276.
Baltoscandia. Latvians [eating fish gives birth to sons from a mistress, maid and mare (dog, cat), the latter is the strongest; he fights the devil on the bridge for three nights, telling his brothers to help when the water in the glass will turn into blood; on the third, most difficult night, the hero throws his boot (mitten) to wake up the brothers; they rush to the rescue and kill the devil; the hero overhears the daughters' conversation about how they are going to take revenge on the winners: one will turn into an apple tree, the other in a stream (well, lake), the third in a bed (meadow, house); the hero cuts an apple tree, stream, bed with a sword, kills his daughters]: Aris, Medne 1977, No. 300A: 271; Eastern Sami [three sons, the youngest Vanyusha; the brothers went on a journey; the hut revolves on one pole; V. tells him to stop at the door; in the hut there is a table, V. tells them to serve dinner; they ate, went to bed; the hut began to fill with water; Chaj-Yelle (water master) came out of the water, V. defeated him in the morning, ripped his chest open; next time CHY with two heads; V. did not maybe defeat him, threw off his boot, the brothers woke up, killed a water woman; for the third time a beautiful woman in the hut; an old man came, the father of the water men, whom V. killed, offered to cross the cloth with boiling with milk; V. passed, and when the old man went, the woman pulled the cloth, it fell and cooked; he thought it was boiling water, which he was not afraid of, and could not cope with milk]: Yermolov 1959:87-90; setu [the queen is childless, the tsar brings fish, tells the cook to cook, not to eat herself; the queen ate the fish, the cook ate the broth, the dog has bones, each gave birth to a son: Ivan Tsarevich (IC), Ivan Povarov (IP), Stary Sukin Son (S.); brothers come to the bridge; IP is the first to guard, the devil goes (vanasitt), IP hits, he did not notice, S. kills the Devil; the same the next night when the IC guards; on the third - a 12-headed devil; S. leaves knife - drips blood, let the brothers come to the rescue; S. gathered his strength, killed the devil; S. throws a shoe at the brothers, another, but they hid under the stove; S. gathered his strength, killed the devil; at the first two the devils were wives, one became an apple tree, the other a well; S. destroyed an apple tree, a well; a 12-headed wife had one lip half the world and the other half the world (ühe huule ühe ilmaveere peale, teise huule teise ilmaveere peale), opened her mouth; S. poured flour into it; S. and IC slipped through, IP swallowed; S. ordered the blacksmith to cook ticks; the 12-headed wife opened her mouth, the blacksmith grabbed her tongue with ticks, she regurgitated IP, the one in agony, S. killed her]: Järv et al. 2009, No. 4:47-50.
Western Siberia. {Recent Russian borrowing}. Mansi: Kumaeva 2015, No. 1 [Ekva-Pygris and her two older brothers go to fight the menquas; they live in a hut, take turns guarding the bridge; the elder, middle brother falls asleep, E. kills 6- head, second with 9-headed menqua; the brothers are ashamed that they all overslept; when E. fights with the 12-headed, he puts his severed heads back with his fiery finger, drives E. into the ground up to his shoulders; E. throws one mitten or the other - the brothers do not wake up; he threw down his hat, they woke up, released the horse E., he rode, E. killed the menqua; the brothers went on, E. returned to pick up the handkerchief; hears the conversation Menkwa wives; one will turn into a puddle, the second into berries, the third into a deerskin bed; E. does not allow brothers to drink, eat, lie down, cuts a puddle, berries, bed with a sword, blood flows; the mother of the menkvas chases with with their mouths open; brothers hide in the house of 12 blacksmiths; Menkwa's mother licked 11 iron doors; E. went out and killed her; brothers returned home]: 7-23; Kannisto 1956, No. 18 [fish were cooked in the merchant's house; dog licked her ear, the maid tried it with a spoon, the daughter ate the rest, all three became pregnant, each gave birth to a boy, everyone's name is Vanka, all three look the same; playing with their peers, their brothers maim them; they made bows for themselves, shot and went; little V.'s arrow fell the closest, the big arrow fell farthest, beyond 9 seas, 9 mountains, to the crimson bridge; they came there, by the bridge, a house with three locks; little V. tore off the smaller, middle - middle, big - the largest castle; food and decks of cards in the hut; began to play; younger V. should have gone to guard, but the eldest (he is the son of a dog) went; a 6-headed man is driving across the bridge hell, asks his horse why he stumbles; the horse predicts the death of the devil; V. killed him, returned to the hut; the next day, the 9-headed devil; the third time V. left his mittens in the hut: if one falls and the other gets blood, we must hurry to help; the 12-headed devil overcomes, the brothers are sleeping, V. throws his boot, the brothers wake up, come running, 6 heads are cut off; the same again (throws the second boot, the remaining 6 heads were cut off); the brothers set off, but V. returned for the boots, became a mouse, overheard the hells talking; one promises to cause heat and become a well, a bed, the second to catch up with the cold and become a hut, the third is to become a pig and kill the brothers; V. cuts a well, a hut, instead of them - dissected corpses; the brothers went on three roads; the pig caught up and killed the younger, middle brothers; elder V. hid in Kuzma Demyan's forge; the pig licked the door with his tongue, Kuzma Demyan is told to grab the devil by the tongue with ticks, V. did it, crushed the skull with a hammer]: 182-189.