L122. Riding a rooster .15.16.27.-.29.31.
The character is riding a rooster.
Portuguese, Bretons, Germans (Mecklenburg, Grimms), Greeks, Hungarians, Croats, Czechs, Slovaks, Poles, Adygs, Abazins, Abkhazians, Balkarians, Karachays, Ingush, Estonians.
Southern Europe. The Portuguese [father tells his son to become a shoe merchant, he does not want to; after the death of his father, he quarrels with his mother, leaves home, promising to return rich and marry the first woman who will meet; on the way he sits on a stone, a spider crawled out, the guy called her his wife, took her with him; stopped in an empty house; the spider climbed under the ceiling, began to weave a web; guy: I love hard-working women; There were no shoemakers in the village, the boy was overwhelmed with work; he hired a maid to help his wife; a spider tells her to go to the chicken coop to get chicken, open the closet - everything you need to clean the house and cook food; the guy is back, everything is cooked in the house; "What a good wife I took"; fabrics fall from the ceiling; the guy rides to the stone with the maid; the spider comes down from the ceiling - no one; in the chicken coop finds the only rooster and follows him; the stone turns into a palace, the spider becomes beautiful; the maid remains their maid]: Pedroso 1882, No. 28:111-113.
Western Europe. The Bretons [the queen gave birth to a daughter, the sorceress was not invited to the party, she turned the princess into a mouse; the spell will be removed if the sorceress's sister laughs; the king went to war, the mouse daughter asked to take her with her, sits in the horse's ear, sings; the Spaniards liked it, the son of the Spanish king married the mouse princess; the Spanish king will leave the crown to the one of the three sons who brings the best canvas ; the mouse wife gives a small box, it contains a lot of better canvas, the older brothers are shamed; they offer to leave the crown to the one whose wife is more beautiful; the mouse wife secretly rides after her husband on a rooster; stops at a puddle; the sorceress's sister sees it, laughs, the mouse becomes beautiful; the king gives the throne to her husband; at a feast she hides pieces of food behind the corsage, they turn into pearls and flowers; the elders daughters-in-law do the same, dogs and cats run after them, the king drives them away]: Lopyreva 1959, No. 15:42-47; Germans [a childless peasant dreams of having a son, even a hedgehog; a son is born, from head to waist - hedgehog; he was put behind the stove; after 8 years, the father goes to the fair, asks what to buy; the son asks for bagpipes; having received the bagpipes, Hans-Hedgehog asks to shove his rooster, leaves, taking him with him pigs and donkeys; raised a large herd in the forest; he sat with a rooster in a tree playing the bagpipes; the king is lost; G. promises to show the way if the king promises him that he will be the first to meet at home; A daughter ran out to meet him; the king gave a receipt, but wrote in it that he owed nothing; the same with another king, but he really promised and the king's daughter agreed; G. returned to his father, bringing many pigs , let people cut them; asked his father to shove the rooster again; G. came to the first king, who ordered to shoot whoever came on a rooster, but G. took the princess; pierced her with needles and drove her away infidelity; when he came to see the second king, he gave his daughter, and G. threw his hedgehog skin into the fire and became handsome; got a kingdom; took his father]: Grimm, Grimm 2002, No. 108:361-364 (=Grimm , Grimm 1987:289-294); Flemish, Germans (Mecklenburg): Uther 2004 (1), No. 441:263.
The Balkans. The Greeks [a widow fisherman caught a turtle, brought it home; someone cooks and cleans; he sees a girl come out of the shell; breaks the shell, takes the girl as his wife; the king wants to marry the one who will sew a handkerchief better; the fisherman's wife embroiders the sea and ships; to get rid of the fisherman, the king demands 1) catch enough fish to feed the army; 2) grapes for the army; the wife sends to her the mother, who comes out of the sea, gives a pot with any fish dishes in it; a tray of grapes; 3) bring a man two tops tall, a beard three tops; this is the wife's brother, his name is Chickpea; he leaves seas riding a rooster; sister tells him to tear out the king's eyes, make her husband king; the rooster pecks out his eyes, the king dies, the fisherman reigns]: Megas 1970, No. 30:74-79; Hungarians [the merchant got lost in to the forest, promised the best of three daughters to the one who would take him out and three more bags of coins: gold, silver, copper; the hedgehog took out; and the king got lost, also promised a daughter and money, not bags, but carts; the hedgehog and him brought him out of the forest; the poor man promised to adopt a hedgehog; in the evening he knocked on his door; told him to feed him at the table, not somewhere under the bed; sent him to buy a black rooster and an old saddle; on a rooster I came for my merchant daughter, chose the middle one; took me to my place, she cries, does not want to; hedgehog: then come back, you are not worthy of me, I will only take the money; the hedgehog came on a rooster to the king; the eldest and the middle the princesses refused, the youngest and most beautiful agrees to do her father's will; on the way she asks to get into her carriage, and not to ride a rooster: she is not afraid of the hedgehog and he does not disgust her; after that, the hedgehog turned into prince, rooster - into a magnificent horse, the saddle turned gold; a marble palace appeared under a copper roof and on a cock's leg, all gold inside; learning about the happiness of the younger princess and the merchant's three daughters were desperate; one drowned in a well, the other in a pond, the third in the river, the fourth also committed suicide (it is not said how), but the merchant's second daughter decided to destroy the princess; taking the guise of an old woman, she was hired to the palace; when the king went to war, her wife gave birth to twins, a boy and a girl; the old woman left them in a basket in the forest, and told the Queen that she had given birth to monsters and had to be thrown into the river; the white deer picked up the basket on its horns, came to the river, called the forest nymph, and she raised children for 7 years; one day she sent a girl with a mug to bring water; she saw a golden bird, ran after her, and suddenly She had only the pen from the mug in her hands; the same happened to the boy; the bird explained that the nymph was not their mother and took her to her real parents; on the way they came across a pile of gold and dice; and collected gold; stayed at an inn, where three gentlemen were playing dice; the boy also began to play and won all the money; one of the gentlemen said that there is a marble palace in the blooming garden; if you touch it three times with his golden stick, it will become a golden apple and you can move it wherever you want; they played for this palace, the boy won and got a wand; when he reached the palace, he turned it into an apple; the bird led to to the palace of the king, the boy's father and his sister; ordered the apple to be turned into a palace again; gave a sign with the coat of arms and the names of the children; it can only be shown to his father; the king wanted to come immediately to see a new one palace, but the old woman gave him a potion and he fell ill; said that she was going off on his own; advised the boy to get a talking tree; the boy, whose name was Yanoshka, went in search; the hairy devil at the first castle asked, he Whether I sent it to my elder brother, he sent him to the eldest; he gave a golden stick to open the stone fence; you have to go around the tree three times and run, otherwise the fence will close and I will turn into stone; I am all did the right thing, ignoring the beautiful dancers, ran home, and the tree was already in the middle of the garden; the king wants to go see the miracle again, is poisoned again; the old woman offers to get a bird what would sing on this tree; I made the same journey (three devil brothers), went into the garden, reached the ninth room, but took not a sweet bird with simple feathers, but a golden one; immediately petrified; now Sister went, her name was Marishka; the same meetings; she took a rusty cage, revived her brother with a gold stick and they both returned; the bird sang in the tree; the king is poisoned again, the old woman offers to get it silver lake with goldfish; I went, the same meetings with the devil-brothers, the same rules (run around the lake three times); this time the king did not drink coffee with poison, came with his wife; the young man showed the king sign, the couple recognized the children; the old woman was burned at a sulfur stake]: Curtin 1890:517-545; Croats [in her old age, the wife gives birth to a frog daughter; cannot climb over the fence to take lunch to her father ; asks to plant her on cherries; sings wonderfully, the prince hears her, makes her a bride; the king gave the throne to the son whose wife would bring the best flower; The frog on the white rooster comes to the Sun, the rooster turns into a horse, the Frog turns into a beautiful woman; gives the king not a rose and a carnation, like older daughters-in-law, but a shiny ear; the king gives the throne to her husband]: Golenishchev-Kutuzov 1991:147-149.
Central Europe. Czechs, Slovaks: Uther 2004 (1), No. 441:263; Poles [a childless woman has a hedgehog son; he marries a princess and the youngest queen agrees to marry him or sends a hedgehog the army and the king have to give his daughter, or he performs difficult tasks; hedgehog skin is thrown into the fire and the hedgehog turns handsome]: Krzyżanowski 1962, No. 441:139; Poles [princess languishes in mountain castle, a witch is watching her; her lover, the prince, walks in vain under the walls of the castle; the visionary took pity on him; she flew to the princess with a dove, told her to take a comb, a brush, an apple with her, sheet and run; when the witch flew on a shovel to Bald Mountain on Thursday, the princess ran away; sees a witch on a rooster; throws a comb (river, witch swam across), brush (forest), apple (mountain), sheet (sea); the princess ran to her father's castle; the prince was already there, the wedding; the witch swam and drowned; the sea disappeared and the witch's corpse was in the field; they tried to bury him, but the earth rejected him; then the wind took him to her castle]: Woycicki 1920:79-81.
Caucasus - Asia Minor. Adygi: Aliyeva 1986:142 in Japua 2004 [the hero's opponent: "himself from the top, a seven-top beard" sits on a rooster, a snake sits on his reins, a lizard serves as a whip "]: 138; Kerashev 1957 [the children went for strawberries; baby Gulyatsu got out of the cradle and went with them; the children got lost; G. noticed smoke from the tree; there was an old goose (N.), G. fell to her breasts, after which she could not eat it; at night N. sharpens iron teeth; G. prevents other children from falling asleep; says that the cow is mooing; N. kills her; sheep bleat - strangles goats and sheep; wild roosters crow; N. runs into the forest to strangle roosters, children run home, G. stays by the road under an oak tree; N. comes there riding a rooster; G. pretends to be abandoned; N. brings him home, hangs him in his wineskin; he became a mouse, gnawed through a hole, hid, filled his wineskin with dishes; N. began to beat wineskin with dogwood splinters; G. shouts: I'm here; she puts it in another wineskin, runs for splinters again; the same: G. puts chickens and roosters in his wineskin, N. killed them; third time: puts a dog in his wineskin; kills N., throwing millstones at her from the attic; brings home bulls carrying treasure carts and daughter N., she becomes his sister]: 258-264; Maksimov 1937 (Shendzhiy village) [the bear stole the boy, he returned to parents, strongman Myshemyko Shao ("son of a bear"); went to the prince as a gatekeeper; bodyguards pinched his fingers with the gate, he tore off the gate; the prince wants to destroy him, tells 1) to bring firewood from the forest, gives bad ax; M. pulls trees, harnesses a wild boar instead of an ox, brings; 2) plow the field where the witch is; M. harnesses her seven sons, plows; leaves the prince, meets, takes 1) binder trees, 2) throwing up mounds; they take turns cooking, Tlimaf, riding a rooster, demands to feed him, ties him up, eats everything; when M. stays, he ties T. by the mustache; T. pulled out the tree, went into the hollow; only M. agreed to follow him; there one girl cries (T. will eat her today), two laugh (he will eat them tomorrow); M. cuts off T.'s head with his own sword; M. and his brothers kill the prince, marry on three girls]: 121-130; Huth 1987 (bzhedugi) [Kurjimuko Laursen removes a snake from a burning haystack, which wraps around his neck, does not get off; in a dream, a man tells him to walk through the forest for three months, two under earth, one on sand and stones; the old woman explains that she became a snake so that he could save her daughters, kidnapped by a man riding a rooster from the top, a seven-top beard; gives a horse and a magic shirt; KL kills him in the mound, brings the girls; the other wins, returns to his parents]: 200-208; Abazins: Tugov 1985, No. 27 [the giant (Ainizh) took the girl, the boy was born, the Son of an Ainizh (S.); after His father's death went on a journey; met and accompanied the Grinder with a grain, holding a millstone on his knees, holding a tree on his finger; they take turns cooking; a long-bearded dwarf ties a rooster on a rooster the cook eats everything with his hair from his beard; when S.'s turn, he split the tree, pinched the dwarf's beard; he uprooted the tree, went into the dungeon; S. went down on his belt, there's a girl, he sends it and the treasures in the basket are upstairs; she warns that if the companions refuse to pick it up, let S. fall on the white ram, it will carry it to the ground, and the black sheep will lower it to the seventh bottom of the earth; the satellites did not lower belt; S. fell on a black ram; there the serpent does not provide water, S. killed him; he was shown where the eagle lives; every year the serpent kills its chicks; S. killed a snake, the chicks hid it from their mother, then showed it; that ordered to prepare meat and water, flies upstairs with S., there was not enough meat, S. cut off the last piece from his leg; the eagle put it back; S. tied the traitors to the tails of his horses, married a girl], 35 [ a bearded rider on a rooster gives the childless Prince Kalmurza three apples, his three wives eat them, give birth to sons named Mhamat, Mkhamatmyrza, Mhamatbi (Jr.); K. promises to give one to the rider; children almost indistinguishable, but the youngest is the strongest and most dexterous; the rider on the rooster picks him up; the old woman tells him not to drive under the iron gate (cut it), push him into the cauldron and cook; the horse tells him not to take gold and pull a wineskin over her head, go to the village; M. tells the old woman that his name is Old Burdyuk (SB); the khan's two eldest daughters laugh at him, the youngest brings apples, notices gold under her wineskin hair; sisters choose grooms by throwing a ball at them; the eldest marries the prince, the middle for the Agmyst, the youngest for the SB; they are placed in a chicken coop; in the evenings, the SB burns the horse's hair, he appears, people marvel horseman; the prince will cure yogurt from reindeer milk; SB milks all the deer, gives them the other two sons-in-law, stigmatizes them; the prince likes the youngest daughter's yogurt the most; the daughter explains that chicken manure in it because they live in a chicken coop; they are moved to a stable; the same with horse manure; the SB steals a princely herd; gives them to their sons-in-law, putting new stamps; at a feast, the Security Council talks its history, opens, shows stigmas on other sons-in-law; receives half of the prince's property, returns with his wife to his parents]: 46-51, 83-91; Abkhazians: Inal-ipa 1977:24-25 [Sasrikva took away from sledges to her sister; they decided to escape from shame to a place where no one knew them; on the way they met the witch riding the rooster of the deity Shashva, her stirrups were thorns, and the whip was a snake; she explained to the sledges that S. will die if his right, steel leg is broken; others claim that his left leg (and arm) was iron, his right leg was made of steel; sledges offered S. to break the stone with his knee; he broke pieces with his left leg stars scattered across the sky; when he put his right leg, it broke, he died]; Shakryl 1975, No. 78 [Adaui son finds out that his mother is a kidnapped girl; demands that his father allow them to see their relatives; in order not to quarrel with her son, the father rushes into the abyss; the mother is horrified: other adaus will take revenge; then the son leaves, hires a mullah, brings a pile of trees on his shoulders, drags an elephant by the ear; people they ask the mullah to calculate the employee, he gives money, the Adaui buys the prisoner for it; takes adaua, who has a mill on his big toe; another who turns on his thumb trough; they cook one by one; a bearded man arrives on a rooster, ties up the cook, eats everything; when Adaua's son remains, he pinched the dwarf's beard with a tree; but he pulled out the tree, went into the abyss; companions Adaua's son was let down there; three girls say the dwarf is dying; the Adaua's son sends them upstairs; the youngest warns that if his companions don't pick him up, he must jump on a white ram that he will take him to the ground, and the black woman will lower it even lower; the companions left the son of Adaua below; he accidentally jumped on a black ram; old woman: an elephant guards the water, once a week allows him to be taken for a girl; the son of Adaua has overcome the elephant, brought it by the ear; only a kite can carry it to the ground; an elephant attacks the chicks, the Adaua's son killed him, the grateful kite promises to take it upstairs, tells them to stock up on meat and water; meat It was over, the son of Adaua took the last piece out of his hand; on the ground, the kite healed the wound; the son of Adaua killed his companions and made their wives his wife's slaves]: 353-361; Shinkuba 1990:33 (in abh.) in Japua 2004 [an old witch sitting on Shchashva's rooster, the thorns are her stirrups, the whip is a red snake]: 138; Balkarians [three brothers live in a hut; a long-bearded dwarf drives up on a rooster, binds the older, middle brothers, rips off the skin from his back; the swallow tells the younger Temir-Bolat that he will defeat the Long-Bearded; TB cuts off his head, his head hides in a hole on a rooster; TB goes there, Long-Bearded's daughter asks to revive her father with a look; TB orders to release prisoners, but does not revive the dwarf]: Kapiyeva 1991:105-108; Karachays [a long-bearded dwarf on a rooster arrives, binds the owner with beard hair, eats everything; this is how in every house; people call the strongman Sulemen; tells him to forge a sword that cuts the anvil in half; wants to hack a rooster, he asks him not to destroy, disappears, leaving the pen; S. grabbed the dwarf by the beard, but she knocked him down, the dwarf rolled into the hole, S. pulled out only one hair; S. jumped after him into the hole; the rooster: grab the white ram and sit on him, and black will carry him even deeper; S. accidentally grabbed black; below the garden and the lake, the dwarf disappeared into the water; woman: the dwarf gives clean water in exchange for the girls, they comb his beard; by the lake, a bird on a chain , warns to miss the chain - you'll stick; S. cut the chain with a sword; monsters are climbing out of the lake, S. threw them the dwarf's hair, they disappeared; cut off the dwarf's beard, he crumbled; the rescued bird became a girl; a rooster's voice tells us to throw a feather into the lake; a rooster appeared, became a horse; he carried S. and the girl to the ground]: Rumyantseva 1981:73-80; Karachays or Balkarians [Temir-Bolat with two elders they hunt and cook with brothers; a bearded dwarf riding a rooster, a saddle a frog, the reins were snakes, the whip ate the lizard eats everything every time; when TB remains, he ties it to a tree; that uprooted a tree, went into a hole; the brothers lowered TB; there are three beauties downstairs, one is crying (the monster will eat it today), the other laughs (will eat it tomorrow), the third song is singing (the day after tomorrow); TB hacked down a dwarf released prisoners from the fortress, married a younger beauty, gave the other two to his brothers]: Aliyeva, Kholaev 1983:21-24; the Ingush [the mother and father of the three brothers died, the stepmother left them in the forest; they found hut, they began to cook one by one; Biydolg drove up on a rooster, himself with a fist, a beard like a harrow, the strength of seven horses; eats everything, beats his older brother; the same with his middle brother; the youngest pinched his beard in tree; he uprooted it, left; on the trail of blood, the brothers came to the hole, B. was dead near it; lowered the youngest, picked up three girls, did not pick up the youngest; the youngest girl had time to tell touch the white ram, he will take it to the ground (the black one will lower it even lower, with the red one you will stay where it is); the young man has reached the black one; came to Zhera Baba's house; she has three daughters; a source of water the Sarmak blocked; the young man cut him down; the pacci gave his daughter to the young man; he wants to go to another, to the ground; the wife teaches: every day the falcon has three chicks, and the Sarmak devours them, crawling along the pole to the nest at the top , pillars supporting the nest in the middle of the sea; the young man killed the Sarmak, the chicks hid him so that his mother would not accidentally kill him; when he learned that he had saved the chicks, ordered him to store water and meat; the young man tore off the last piece from hands; the bird healed him, raised him to the ground; there the young man's brother wants to marry his fiancée by force; the young man changed clothes with the shepherdess; offered the bride a bowl of wine, throwing a ring in it; she recognized him; wedding; brothers were driven away]: Tankieva 2003:339-343.
Baltoscandia. Estonians [a childless couple has a hedgehog son; when they get into a bull's ear, they herd the herd; rooster comes to the father of three daughters, only the youngest agrees to marry him; tells his wife to hit him three times with a stick; turns into a young man, fallen needles into pieces of gold; now the older sisters regret not agreeing]: Normann, Lätt 1968:72-74.