Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

L124A. The belt that cuts through the tree. .


belt (vein, intestine, skin strip, etc.) dissects or burns what it is applied to (a tree or a person).

Safwa, Irish, Germans (Swabia), Germans from Transylvania, Karachays, Balkarians, Abkhazians, Adygs, Ossetians, Avars, Udmurts, Altaians.

Bantu-speaking Africa. Safwa [a woman asks a lion to bring her firewood, promises a child for it; the son grows up, the lion comes for him, the young man manages to deceive him, so that the lion eats not the young man, but his mother; the young man makes a belt out of her skin; the chief demands that the young man show his magical abilities; does not let him go down from the tree, tells him to cut down a tree; the young man throws him a belt, the chief puts it on, cuts his belt it in half]: Arewa 1961, No. 3228:136-137).

Western Europe. The Irish [girl kicks a pregnant frog: so that you will not be born until I come to you as a midwife; soon the girl was brought to the lake, where she had to be a midwife during childbirth; it was that a frog, but in the form of a woman; she gave a red shawl; on her way home, a girl hung a shawl on a tree to admire; a tree flashed; if a girl wore a shawl for Sunday services, the whole church would burn]: Hartland 1891:53; Germans (Swabia) [a peasant woman sees a toad in the field and tells her farmhand to kill her; she refuses; soon the girl was invited to the lake for a christening {? to become a sponsor}, where she was met by the same toad in the form of a woman; gave her a bag of {bushel} of straw and a belt for her mistress; on her way home, the girl tied her belt to a tree to see what it looked like the tree was crushed to chips; the straw turned gold, but the girl had already thrown it away and only the straws that stuck to the dress were left]: Hartland 1891:52; the Germans of Transylvania [man by accident spilled hot broth on the toad; it was a witch; as a woman, she gave the man a sash for his young son; but the man first tied him to the dog; it was swollen and burst]: Hartland 1891:52.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Karachays, Balkarians [sledges used to light a fire by bringing a dry tree to the sun or knocking down a star from the sky; once the fire went out, the emegenes raised a snowstorm to prevent them from getting fire from the sky ; Sosuruk came to the cave of one-eyed emegen, grabbed a coal, emegen woke up; not recognizing S., asks what games S. is playing; easily hits the stones with his head; enters the lake, S. freezes him; emegen says that only his sword will cut off his head; S. does not take the sword with his hand, but touches it with a stick, he cuts off the pole; S. cuts off the head of emegen; stretching his spinal cord, puts it on a tree, the tree is cut; only then does he gird himself; brings fire to the sledge]: Aliyeva 1994, No. 35:367-369 (No. 36-42:369-378; about the same, but the loss of fire is either only briefly mentioned, or the text immediately begins with S. coming to emegen); Balkarians [the hunter refreshed the deer; he jumped up; running away, he replied that it was not a wonder, but Blind Aliyuk would tell about the wonder; the man went to look for him; in the house on the bed, a man with with a spit branched in two, stuck over his shoulder, stretched out over his heel, two women cry side by side; the man says that he is SA; he and his nine sons met Emegen, who invited him to the cave; when leaving, he closed the exit with a rock; ate horses and sons; plunged a spit into the SA; leaving for a while, did not close the exit; the SA rolled out, the travelers picked him up; his wife and daughter were by the bed; the hunter went to that cave; he shook hands with Emegen so much that he broke two phalanges of his fingers; began to fight; emegen drove the hunter to the ground from the waist and he drove him on the shoulders; made him explain how to revive horses and boys (whip the remains with a whip ); SA will recover if the spit came out is filled with red sheep fat; after my death, take my large intestine, tie it to my belt; the hunter revived the dead; opened the chest, the dagger jumped out of there, but the hunter dodged; tied his gut to a tree, she cut it; gave the sheep meat to the dog, which died; took the skewer out of the SA, cured it; the SA gave his sister to the hunter; gave the casket; the hunter does not know why it is, whipped, a herd of horses jumped out of there; wolf: I'll put it back, but give my only son; the hunter told the wolf to come in a year; a year later the wolf agrees not to take the hunter's son, but let him deliver his girlfriend as his wife; the fox promised to help; turned into a fat ram (boulder), let the hunter change him to a gray horse; when he returns, the fox tells him to play the violin; the girls will gather, you have to grab one and to ride away, it is impossible to catch up with the gray horse; in order not to give it to the wolf, the fox herself became a girl; the wolf is chasing; the fox has become a mufti, tells the wolf to ask the mufti for advice; mufti: mine the stick knows whose head will break, he is to blame; killed a wolf with a stick; the guy brought home his wife and wealth]: Malkonduev 2017:358-362; Abkhazians: Inal-ipa et al. 1988, No. 21 [the Sasirkva brothers do not take he goes camping with him; S. asks Sataney Guasha to cook a hot island, puts her fingers in there, forcing her to say who his father is; she admits that S. was born a rock; rain and hail extinguish the fire of the brothers S., they they freeze; S. catches up with them, knocks a star down from the sky; its fire is cold; S. tries to carry away the fire of a sleeping giant, but the giant wakes up; S. pretends to be a servant, talks about S.'s exploits; the giant repeats them ; 1) gets under falling stones; 2) drinks hot iron; 3) freezes into ice; cannot get up; asks him to cut his head with a sword, get a vein out of his neck; S. cuts down; throws a vein on a linden tree, she cut; brings fire to brothers]: 122-130; Salakaya 1976, No. 5 [Sasirkva asks his mother to give him a hot chorek, clamps it in her hand; Satanay-Guasha is forced to say that his father is a sart shepherd; S. goes for the brothers who have gone camping; they do not have fire; S. comes to Adau the giant lying around the fire; tries to carry away the fire, the giant grabs it; without recognizing S., asks about his exploits; breaks his head stones, drinks a boiling broth; lets himself freeze into the ice, S. cuts off his head; a belt from the skin of the giant's back cuts a tree; S. brings fire to his brothers], 8 and 9 [about the same as in (5)]: 176-177, 186-188, 188-192; Adygs: Aliyeva 1974 (bzhedugi) [whores stole cattle; sledges went to beat them off; Sausyryko returned from the campaign, followed; the sledges have no fire, S. goes to get it, tries to get it to steal a gun from a frog, he stops him; S. introduces himself as another person; replies that S. beats a stone rolling down the mountain with his thigh, puts a hot stone in his mouth, bathes in boiling water; all this He does it easily; supposedly S. freezes into the ice, the other man cannot get up; says that his head can only be cut down with his own sword; then three intestines must be pulled out, one will have a good belt; horse S. warns that the sword should be taken with Tlepsh's ticks; S. encircles the maple with his gut, the trunk is cut; S. kills other frogs with the sword of the murdered willow, returns the cattle]: 206-210; Karashev 1957 [Esmuko The eshot herds the horses of the psha (prince); the bastard (the serpent) cordones off the herd with his body; lets HER come to him for his promise; gives him a daughter; tells him not to turn to the left road on the way to his father; turns HER; there his wife's two sisters died; Aliregu-Algoj (pshi devils) kidnapped the youngest, but he defeated him, nailed him to the ground with seven hooks; SHE is weakened by one hook, AA jumps up, takes his wife away; three men bridges tell HER that a giant will now come on a boar; wins by driving him into the ground; the giant advises to tie his gut around his waist; HER throws his gut on a tree, she cuts the trunk; SHE cuts off the giant head, she hides in failure; three men lower HER in the basket; SHE finishes off her head, sends three girls upstairs; the youngest warns that the rope will be cut off, tells her to sit on a white ram, he will take it out up; the rope is cut off, SHE sees sheep fighting, jumps on black, he lowers him down into the AA world; SHE throws his wife's ring into the maid's jug, meets his wife, tells him to find out where AA's soul is; in willow (wife decorates willow); in three flies in a box, she is in a hare, a hare in a fox, a fox in a boar in reeds; Tlepsh makes three arrows for HER; SHE kills a wild boar, a fox, a hare, presses one fly; AA asks to finish him off as soon as possible; SHE presses other flies after AA gives a flying carpet and a stone and towel that make old people young; on the carpet SHE rises to the ground with his wife; forgives companions, gives out rescued women for them; makes the mother young; frees the father from the pads, kills the psha tyrant]: 131-141; Lipkin 1951 [after going on a campaign, the sledges find out that they have no fire; Sosruko knocks down a star from the sky , but it immediately goes out; then he jumps to the one-eyed giant (frost), he sleeps, S. takes the coal away; others wake up, puts S. in his mouth, but he cuts his gums with a sword; not knowing that S. is in front of him, another agrees to subject himself to the tests that S. supposedly undergoes himself; hits falling stones with his head, chews arrows, sits in molten lead, enters the sea, which is then frozen; the hoarder cannot free himself; asks S. to decapitate him with his own sword, and then gird himself living, stretched out of his neck; S. refuses; brings fire to the sledges]: 76-89; Ossetians [Soslan brings hungry cattle for the pastures of Tar's two sons; these are giants Mukara and Bibitz; S. pretends to be a simple shepherd, tells us what games S. plays; M. puts himself under the same tests; it's jumping at the tips of his swords, crush the cliff with his head; dies frozen in the ice and unable to stand up, S. cuts off his head with a razor; before that, M. advises to stretch his spinal cord and gird him, his the force will pass to S.; S. encircles M.'s brain with a thick beech, the brain cuts the trunk; so with eight trees, the ninth is only compressed; after that, S. girds himself; B. swallows hot stones without harm, raises the entire array of frozen water; wife S. Shatana greets B. as a guest, finds out where his soul is, puts sleeping pills; the bird brings a box with three pigeons, in which strength, hope, life H.; S. kills pigeons]: Libedinsky 1978:143-156; Avars [father and son took a frozen horse and hired a khan; the son was a groom, the horse was tired; enemies attacked, the young man defeated them on his horse, the khan gave him his daughter and appointed him successor; wife: while there is A man in the world is braver than you, you should not go to bed with me; a young man came to an eyeless man with a noseless wife; killed a sledge, brought his clothes; a noseless woman recognized the clothes of his son who was killed by a sledge ; another sledge drove the young man knee-deep into the ground, but decided not to kill the brave man; said he could go down into the frozen sea and break through the ice; hit the ice with his head, but froze into it; said he could be killed only with his own knife; the young man found the nose and eyes of old people next to the knife; the sledge tells him to eat a piece of bacon from his stomach after his death and gird himself with his gut; the hostess ran: throw fat to the dog, tie it with his gut tree; the gut clenched and broke the tree; the nose and eyes stuck to the old people; the sledge did not cut them off and tear them out; the wife nozzled, cut off her nose, and the husband blinded himself, not wanting to look at his noseless wife]: Khalilov 1965, No. 52:142-145.

Volga - Perm. The Udmurts [before his death, the hero suggests that his enemies take his intestines out of his body and gird them with them; they girded the pole, which rose to the sky; or wrap their intestines around the tree - the enemies moved away from the oak tree to the distance that you can walk until the cabbage soup is cooked, and we saw that there was only one thin branch left of the oak]: Napolskikh 2010:220-221.

Southern Siberia. Altaians [Olönbir quarrels with his brother, his people and property burn down, he commits suicide; brother and sister remain; sister offers to part, gives brother the name Madai-Kara ; heroes passing by beat him with a whip; he enters the house of the blind old man and old woman, steals meat from the cauldron; remains a servant; at the foot of the iron poplar fights with J am-j eak He, who has one eye in his forehead; he advises him to rip open his stomach, throw his guts over him; MK throws them on a stone, the stone burns; opens J.'s thumb, takes them out of there four eyes, inserts the elderly; they see the light, the old man turns out to be a khan, gives MK his wife Altyn-Tadi; MK hits Yerlik's blue bull in the only vulnerable place - a wart; lives for a hundred years E., marries his daughter Yerke-Kara; she rides a horse for a long time, he reproaches her for infidelity, beats her; returns to earth, becomes khan]: Nikiforov 1915:105-116.