Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

L15A. A vulnerable spot on the body, .11.17.-.

The character's vulnerable spot is on the surface of the body, but not in vital internal organs.

Pende, Arameans, Australia (probably Western or Kimberly), Guineans, San Cristobal, Mustang, Sinhales, Ancient Greece, Russians (Vyatka), Crimean Tatars, Karachays and Balkarians, Abkhazians, Kabardian people, Ossetians, Dagestan, Svans, Scandinavians, Swedes, Lithuanians, Bashkirs, Altaians, Mongols, Northeastern Evenks, Nanais, Udege, Markovo, Inupiat (Northern Alaska?) , igloolik, tagish, chipewayan, tlingit, eyak, bellacula, quarry, kowlitz, lower chinook, takelma, clackamas, modoc, clamate, ne perse, western sachaptin, tillamook, cous, western ojibwa, menominee, western marsh crees, steppe crees, nascapi, montagnier, seneca, penobscot, mikmak, sarsi, blacklegs, assiniboine, crowe, grovantre, santi, teton, iowa, arapaho, arikara, kiowa, caddo, chirokee, screams, koasati, alabama , biloxi, yurok, karok, shasta, chilula, kato, coastal yucca, yana, pomo, nomlaki, maidu, nomlaki, mountain miwok, chukchansi yokutz, serrano, western shoshones, northern payut, yavapai, hicarilla, mescalero, lipan, chiricahua, tiva, sikuani, warrau, aparai, trio, canelo, barasana, sipaya, nambikwara, iranshe, kayapo, chamakoco, chorote, nivacle, lengua, angaite, maka, toba, pilaga, southern tehuelche, yagans.

Bantu-speaking Africa. Pende [the giant scorpion ate everyone, the Pondo woman and her daughter Galula were left; the god Mawase told G., when the scorpion came, to stab him in the toe; she first hit him in the chest and neck - this did not help; when in the finger, the scorpion died; G. cut his belly, the swallowed ones came out]: Frobenius 1983:161-162.

Western Asia. The Arameans [someone steals a goose from Pasha's poultry house; Pasha, his brother, elder son are guarding, falling asleep; the youngest son scratches his hand, injures a flying giant, a blood trail leads to the well; only the youngest son did not suffocate from the stench, went down to the bottom; consistently meets three girls, the first tells the giant to hit the leg with a sword, not on the neck; the young man finishes off the wounded giant, sends him upstairs girls and treasures; the third, the most beautiful, knows that the young man's brother will cut the rope, give three rings and a bird; when he falls, the young man will fall even deeper, must pull the hairs out of the tails of three horses (he will be on earth), tell the bird to take itself to the right place; pulls a goat bubble over its head; participates in competitions on the occasion of the wedding of his older brother; calls his winged horses with hairs, wins by ripping off a turban from her uncle's head; the bride says she will marry Pasha's eldest son if he pulls out a golden chicken with silver chickens pecking pearls, a magic dress and a shoe; these items come out rings presented to the young man; they are brought by a jeweler; everything is explained; Pasha punishes his brother and eldest son]: Belov, Wilsker 1960:398-404.

Australia. The band is unknown {Daisie Bates worked in Western Australia and the Kimberley Plateau} [the cannibal carried two boys collecting honey into her hollow; fed the boys and ate them every day the fattest; the youngest made a hole in the trunk, the children ran away; the cannibal chased; the men's spears did not harm her until they hit her foot, where her heart was; she died]: Bates in Waterman 1987, No. 3680:94; Guinee [the cannibal Mulamula (plural for the bones of the dead) lived in water, she has only one leg (foot) vulnerable; caught two children, took off they scalps, put them in a pot; they ran away and returned to the camp; their mother found M. by smell; only when the boy stabbed her spear in her leg did she die; this category of white or red perfume colors]: Capell 1939:387.

Melanesia. San Cristobal [eight cannibal dwarfs entered the house, people quietly tied them by their hair; the blows did not harm them; then it turned out that the blow to the buttocks was fatal; one dwarf escaped , ran away]: Fox, Drew 1915:192-193.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Mustang [Nyawa Ngömba guards King Norsang's lake; once the people of another village decided to take the lake for themselves, their sorcerer threw corpses into the water; NN killed the sorcerer, returned the lake; they fly there three doves, shed their feathers, become girls, bathe; NN wants to get them for King N.; llama: they can only be caught with the mother-of-pearl force that underwater king Lu has; NN threatens to throw him again the lake with corpses, he gives a snare, NN catches the younger fairy Lhamo Yitok in him, leads the king; three years later he goes to kill three demons; demon wife: you need to shoot the younger little finger, the middle finger ring finger, middle finger; then demons fall dead; then demons fall dead; the king's eldest 2500 wives want to lime LI, persuade the king's sick mother to say that only LY's heart will heal her; before her husband leaves LY persuaded him to return her feather clothes; now she is flying away; when the yogurt she fermented is ready, her husband can go look for it; N. asks the river, she replies that she did not see LY, N. tells her to leak winding; a wild sheep is the same (let it live not on the plain, but only in the mountains); the tree says it has seen (let it be evergreen); N. comes to the country of LY; a maid comes to the stream, says she has come for Clean LY from the filth of being among people with water; N. throws a ring into her jug; LY recognizes him, her parents N. liked it, the couple happily return to earth]: Kretschmar 1985, No. 17:111-114.

South Asia. Sinhales [prince is afraid of getting married; god Shakra makes him a wife out of a piece of his flesh and blood; she has taken a naked prince as a lover, he asked him to know where the prince's life is; she is in her right thumb ; the naked prince in the guise of a cobra was going to bite him, but the servants accidentally killed the cobra; the wife put the cobra hood in her purse, hung it on her gold belt; if the prince guessed what "cobra ribbon meant - golden belt", he can kill her, and if not, his wife will kill him; the prince's older sister and husband spent the night under a tree; he lived on him; he brought his wife smoke from the lamp, which the prince extinguished on the 15th day; when the spirits were talking, the prince's sister managed to inform him that his wife was beheaded]: Volkhonsky, Solntseva 1985, No. 120:292-293.

The Balkans. Ancient Greece ["Argonautics" by Apollonius of Rhodes (3rd century BC): "His boundless sadness immediately struck him {Peleus}; never /He saw her {Thetis} since he left his bed/And his home Peleya, angry for the baby's Achilles. /For she burned her son's mortal flesh at midnight/She burned vigilantly in the flame of fire, and rubbed it/Ambrose's tender body, trying to make him immortal/And forever protect from old age vile. /But one day Peley noticed, getting up from his bed, how darling /His son was spinning in a bright flame. He could not hold back, /The husband was foolish, at the sight of a loud scream./Hearing his voice, she picked up the child/She threw her tears to the ground./Like the wind, /Like a dream, she immediately disappeared in anger from home./She sank into the depths of the sea and did not return" (trans. N.A. Chistyakova)]: Apoll. Rhod. IV. 866-879; ["Achilleid" by Publius Papinius Statius (1st century); Thetis about Achilles, addressing Chiron: "<... > and I often think about horror! - take the child to Tartar/Abyss, wash it again in the springs of Styx"; Thetis, addressing Achilles: "<... > If/I, a nymph, knew Susha and called my mortal husband/ For you, if my son was the harsh moisture of Styx/I protected it, it's a pity, not everything! - Accept it for a while /These clothes are reliable - they will not affect the soul" (translated under general editorship. A.V. Podosinova)]: Stat. Achill. I. 133-134, 267-271; [Vatican and Sabbaite epitomes to the Mythological Library of Pseudo-Apollodorus, the first of which may have been compiled by Tsetses (12th century): "Memnon, son of Typhon and Eos, with a large Ethiopian troops arrived near Troy to take part in the battle against the Hellenes. He killed many of the Hellenes, including Anteloch, but he died himself at the hands of Achilles. While chasing the Trojans, Achilles was hit in the ankle by Alexander and Apollo's arrow at the Skay Gate. A battle began because of Achilles's body: Eant killed Glavk and allowed Achilles's weapons to be carried to ships, picked up the body himself and carried it out of the Sich, while Odysseus repulsed the onslaught of enemies. The death of Achilles depressed the entire army" (trans. V.G. Borukhovich)]: Apollod. Epit. V. 3; [Myths attributed to Guy Julius Gigin, who lived at the turn of the era, but most likely date back to the 1st and 2nd centuries: "When, after Hector's funeral, Achilles wandered around the Trojan walls and said that he would take it alone Troy, angry Apollo, said to have taken the form of Alexander Paris, hit him with an arrow in his ankle, which was mortal, and killed him" (trans. D.O. Torshilova)]: Hyg. Fab. 107; ["The First Vatican Mythograph" (compiled at the turn of the I-II millennium by an unknown medieval compiler): "Achilles, immersed by his mother in the waters of the Styx Swamp, became invulnerable with his whole body, except the part he was being held for. When he decided to meet Polyxena, whom he fell in love, at the temple, he was killed by Paris, who was hiding behind the statue in ambush. That made it look like Paris had lowered an arrow directed by Apollo" (taken from Serv. Aen. VI. 57; per. V.N. Yarkho)]: I Myth. Vat. I. 36.

Central Europe. Russians (Vyatka Gubernia) [Zelenin, archive: Leshy can be killed with a needle in the heel]: Ayvazyan 1975, No. 22b: 169.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Crimean Tatars [lived a great sultan; and what did he not have in the palace? everything except bird's milk; but no children; the sultan went on a journey; the old man gave an apple: eat a third yourself, a third your wife, a third a mare; a son will be born, no one but me should know him name; after the birth of a son, the people are indignant: why is the boy not given a name; at the last moment, the dervish came, gave the name Shash-Smail; slapped the boy on the back: let your back not bow before the power of people"; The foal was called Hamer-tai; "let the bird of heaven not catch up with you"; the sultan kept his son locked up in the yard for 18 years; SHS fell ill, the reason is unclear; drunks offer to let him go to them - he will tell everything; SHS saw Guluzar-khanim in a dream; the messengers returned, but did not find G.; then the SHS sat on his G. and went to search himself; came to the palace of beautiful Gulberi; she is in grief: her 7 brothers went to war, not returned; the SS destroyed the enemies, the brothers gave him G., but the SS did not touch her; left, promising to return in a year; an arap in the desert: my master lacks only one human head to to complete the fortress; the SS defeated the enemy, who took off his clothes, the beautiful Guzel-Batyr was in front of him; the SS wanted to part with her too, but she went with him for Gulbery; the old woman says that she is getting married today ; Guluzar agrees, they are fleeing; at rest, the SS falls asleep on Gulberi's lap, and Guluzar fights with the army pursuing them; when Gulteri saw that her two brothers were killed, Gulteri shed a tear, and the SS woke up; At this time, the enemy has already been destroyed; on the way home, the SS also captured the sister of seven brothers and began to live at home with three wives; but SS's father fell in love with Guluzar himself; she has an all-seeing mirror: her father dug a hole for the SS fell into it; the next time the father offered poison, but the wife told the SHS to eat only what her dog would try; the third time the father invited his son to play chess; the loser would allow himself to be tied up; SHS tore the ropes easily; Father: Whose is your strength? SS: in the little finger of his right hand; the father bandaged his little finger, the SS became weaker than the child; the father ordered him to be blinded and thrown into a well in the desert; Guluzar destroys the soldiers sent for her; SS hears a conversation in the well birds: if you touch my eyes with my pen, the blind man will see the light; they drop his pen; SHS saw the light, untied his little finger, got out of the well, destroyed his father's army; his father was executed, the SS met his wives and ascended the throne]: Kondaraki 1875, No. 8:92-108 (-=1883a: 38-48); Karachays, Balkarians [sledges know that Sosruk's knees are vulnerable; offer him to stop the wheel rolling down the mountain; he stops him with his forehead, with his hands, his chest, but it shattered his knees; S. sends various birds to Satanai; the Eagle refuses (You left me no prey), the Hare is afraid that the wolf will catch up with him, the Dove is flying; Satanai heals Sosuruk]: Aliyev 1994, No. 48:387-388; Ossetians (southern) [Gumir raids, captures sledges; Sozyrko frees prisoners, smashes the village of G., cuts off his head; G. manages to send to Balsag with asking him to send his wheel; S. asks Oak, Hazel, Lipa, Hops to stop the wheel; Oak and Hazel refuse, because S. broke their branches into arrows; S. tells pigs to eat acorns, and Hazel to be crooked , fit for axes; Lipa says she is powerless, S. tells her to be barren; Hops holds the wheel, S. rewards him - he will be an intoxicated wander; after knocking down the wheel, S. tells him to cut off B.'s legs; Syrdon, taking the form of an old man, an old woman, a girl, advises only to cut off B.'s ring finger; then B. sends the wheel to harden again to Kurdalagon, and then cut off S.'s legs, because he has a steel body, but his knees remained unhardened; the wheel cuts off S.'s legs; Syrdon begs S. for the horse to report the incident to the sledge, chases the horse himself, mocking S.; the Raven refuses to peck S., for he always provided him with food; S. rewards the Raven, he will always be full; the same Wolf (will be brave), Fox (expensive skin), Hedgehog (gives his mustache for his stubble), Owl (will see at night); Swallow flies to sledges with lime, Syrdon interprets her words as if S. will return with the prey; says Sozyrko that sledges will bury him in a manure heap, cover him with snakes and frogs; sledges solemnly bury S., Batradz promises revenge]: Abayev et al. 1957:331-347; Ossetians (Digors): Liberdinsky 1978:143-150 [Soslan brings hungry cattle to the pastures of Tar's two sons; these are giants Mukara and Bibitz; S. pretends to be a simple shepherd, tells us what games S. plays; M. puts himself under the same tests; it is jumping on the edges of swords, crushing a cliff with his head; dies when frozen in the ice and not in able to stand up, S. cuts off his head with his razor; H. swallows hot stones without harm, raises the entire array of frozen water; S. Shatana greets H. as a guest, finds out where his soul is, puts sleeping pills; the bird brings a box with three pigeons, in which strength, hope, life H.; S. kills pigeons], 191-197 [little son the herd joins Soslan's army; turns out to be a hero; when Chelakhsartag wounds him with an arrow in the heel, S. must carry him across seven streams; Syrdon takes on a new look (old man, old woman), suggests S. to leave the corpse, or else C.'s daughter will be taken away. Leader; before the seventh stream, when the boy's heart has already beaten, S. puts him on the ground, hurries to the fortress, understands the deception, returns; the boy is dead; he pretends to be dead, covered with worms; C. believes, drives a red-hot spit into his heel; when he comes up again, S. cuts off half his head; C. asks the heavenly blacksmith to forge the copper cover of the skull; S. asks the sun to heat it, the brain melts, C. dies; V. kills himself with scissors in his father's crypt; S. cuts a snake; half crawls away, brings a bead, heals; S. kills a snake, revives V. with a bead, marries V.]; Libedinsky 1978 [on a sledge apple tree one golden apple ripened a day; rer healed people from diseases and healed wounds, although it did not save them from death; at night someone stole an apple; sledges took turns guarding, but to no avail; came Warhag's turn; he sent Ahsar and Ahsartag's sons to guard; if the apple is stolen, one of them will be beheaded by sledges, the other's hand will be put on stakes; Ahsartag guarded until midnight, but then told Akhsar that he could continue to sleep; at dawn a dove flew in; Akhsartag cut off half of her wing with an arrow, the apple fell to the ground; the brothers followed the bloody trail to the sea; Akhsartag goes down to sea; if the bloody foam immediately rises, he dies; if white, let Ahsar wait for him for a year; in the house at the bottom, 7 brothers say that they have 3 sisters; one of them Zerassa got used to in the appearance of a dove, steal sledge apples; if you put on a severed wing and let her eat an apple, she will recover; whoever cures her, she will marry; Ahsartag healed Dz.; a year later he remembered that we must go back to my brother; J. turned herself and her husband into fish and they surfaced; they came to Ahsar's tent, but he was just hunting; Ahsarsag went looking for him, they missed each other; J. mistook Ahsara for husband, they were so similar; Ahsar put his sword in bed for the night; Z. got up, was offended; Ahsarsag returned, thought that his wife had changed; Ahsar fired an arrow into the sky: let him hit me in the place with which touched Dz.; the arrow hit Ahsarsag in the little finger and he died; Ahsartag stabbed with a sword; Uastyrzhi descended from the sky with a three-legged horse, promised to bury his brothers if Z. went for him; when he did, Dz. said that she must wash herself first, went to the sea, went to her father; Uastyrji promised to find Dz. in the world of the dead; her mother sent Z. to give birth to sledges on earth, otherwise they would not recognize their children as their own; Dz. gave birth in the lower tier of the Warhaga ancestral tower; the twins Uryzmag and Khamyts were born; they grew up quickly; H. smashed the girl's jug out of mischief; she advised him to better find his grandfather Warhag, who herds sledges cattle; W. recognized them, brought them upstairs to the ancestral tower; married Dz.; died a year later, Dz died a year later; before her death she ordered her sons to guard her crypt for three nights; H. went to guard, but heard music and went to the wedding; at this time Uastyrji came in, revived Dz., got together with her, she gave birth to a girl, died again; Uryzmag heard crying, took out the girl, she was named Shatana; the same in Kaloev 1980:375; addition: On the third night, Uastyrji came to D.'s crypt, then let his horse and dog go. A year later, dead D. gave birth to Satan, the foal of Arfan, "the eldest of horses," and the puppy Silam, "the oldest of dogs." D. left offspring that formed the powerful Nart family of Akhsartagkat)]: 50-64; Abkhazians: Inal-ipa 1977:24-25 [Sasrakva took his sister from the sledges; they decided to escape from shame to a place where no one else had them knows; on the way they met the witch riding the rooster of the deity Shashva, her stirrups were thorns, the whip was a snake; she explained to the sledges that S. would die if his right, steel leg was broken; others they claim that his left leg (and arm) was iron, the right leg was steel; the sledges offered S. to break the stone with his knee; he broke the stone with his left foot, the pieces scattered across the sky like stars; when he put his right leg up, she broke, he died]; Kabardian people [sledges seek to destroy Sosruko's too strong; offer him to roll a wheel up the mountain; push him with his head; S. does everything; the old woman says that when S. removed from the stone womb that gave birth to him, the blacksmith grabbed his thigh with forceps, it became covered with bone and became vulnerable; sledges offer to roll the wheel with his thigh; the wheel crushed his thigh, S. died]: Lopatinsky 1891a: 46; Karachays, Balkarians [sledges offer Sosruk to stop and shove back a huge wheel rolling down the mountain; he does it with his forehead, hand, chest; on the way home he picks up gold ring; when S. was tempered, blacksmiths held him by the knees with ticks, they were not damask; his mother said that the wheel would cut off his legs; the ring disappeared, it was a witch, she overheard Satanai's words; the wheel cut off S.'s legs; the Eagle refused to fly called Satanay (S. did not leave him the dead game), the Hare is afraid; the Dove brought Satanay, she cured S.; later S. became a granite rock]: Lipkin 1973:77-80; Dagestan (group not specified) [Giant Uzh died from a staff blow to the heel inflicted on him by the prophet Musa at the behest of Allah]: Gamzatov, Dalgat 1991:288; Swana [father brought Sosrukv to Straw (=Solomon in the role of a divine blacksmith), he hardened his body, except for his knees; to kill Sosrukv, the sledges offered him to put his head, shoulder blade, side under the millstone; Sosrukv was unharmed, killed many sledges with a millstone; asked them to kneel, the millstone interrupted them; Sosrukv consistently asks coming animals to drink his blood; the Wolf refuses (My power will go into your neck!) , Crow silt; Sosrukv consistently asks coming animals to drink his blood; The Wolf refuses (My power will go into your neck! drinks (You'll take the chicks out with your back and run so they don't tear you to pieces!) , Quail refuses (You'll take off noisily to make everyone scared!)] : Jidziguri 1973, No. 9:84-85.

Baltoscandia. Scandinavians [Siegfried was a great warrior who accomplished many feats. One of his feats was defeating the dragon. Having been smeared with the monster's blood and fat, he became invulnerable, but a small part of his body on his back remained unprotected. Siegfried married beautiful Krimhilda, the sister of King Gunther of Burgundy, and in exchange for his consent helped him marry Queen Brunhilde of Iceland. During the matchmaking, Siegfried secretly replaced Gunther and successfully passed all the tests that Brunhilda subjected the groom to. After a while, Brunhilda found out about the substitution and persuaded Hagen, one of Gunter's vassals, to take revenge on Siegfried for the fraud. While hunting, Hagen kills Siegfried, hitting him with a spear in a vulnerable place on his back]:; Swedes [a man has to meet a forest woman; he asks if she can die; she says that no; when he learns that she has a small vulnerable spot in her left armpit, the man stabs it, the woman dies]: Klintberg 2010, No. 57:109; Lithuanians [after killing the dragon, the young man washed himself with blood and found it horn skin that no weapon can penetrate; it dies when it comes to the only vulnerable spot, under the arm, which has not been touched by blood]: Balys 1936, no.*650A: 63-64.

Volga - Perm. Bashkirs: Kireev 1970 [(notes by V.I. Dahl); divas took the form of various animals, brought disaster; a batyr forced him to take human form and struck him with a spear in his left heel; on this Mount Yaman-Tau ("bad mountain") was formed]: 68; Sagitov 1987 [the saint predicts the birth of a son for noble and rich Karabakh; the youngest wife gives birth, Kuz-Kurpyach (KK) grows up; appears an invincible beast; the same saint says that the monster can only be hit at the right heel; the beast turns into a hero Due-Päri riding a tiger; KK kills him by cutting his heel]: 265-334 (in particular p. 278-281).

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Altaians: Anokhin 1924 [when attacking Altai, Kyrgyz Badi shaman was killed three times, but he came to life; finally, his eyes were gouged out and his stomach ripped open; his heart was found overgrown; inside the thumb also had a heart with hair; the finger, where the skin strips concentrate, according to the Altaians, has a heart]: 125; Plots 1986 (p. Ortolyk) [episode in the epic story: "after learning that Temir-Kaan's soul is kept in the sole in the form of a folding knife, Kan-Kuehler destroys his opponent and returns home"]: 321; Mongols ( Mongolian chronicle of the 17th century "Altan Tobchi", written in a middle-period literary language) [a captured Tangut intelligence officer told Genghis that Shidurgu-Hagan, the ruler of the Tangut Kingdom, is a werewolf: "In the morning he becomes a snake - poisonous, yellow-motley, crawling, and then it cannot be captured; at noon it becomes a red-mottled tiger, and then it cannot be captured; in the evening he becomes beautiful blond a young man and sits playing with his khatun. That's when you can grab it!" ; Genghis and his army attacked the Tanguts; when Shidurgu-hagan turned into a serpent, Genghis became a garuda; when Shidurgu-hagan turned into a tiger, Genghis became a lion; when Shidurgu-hagan became a lion As a young man, Genghis, becoming an old man, captured him; Shidurgu-hagan began to beg for mercy; Genghis ignored his words, shot and cut him, but could not put an end to him; Shidurgu-hagan said: "I have in my sole a motley cord rolled into a circle three times, wrap me around and kill me"; Genghis did so - Shidurgu-hagan died]: Lubsan Danzan 1973:237-238.

Eastern Siberia. Evens {"northeastern Evenks", but the Evenks don't live on the SV, only Evens there} [Morning Star girl lives with her younger brothers Mukha and Dragonfly; Irkunmul lives in the sky in guise an eagle, has ten wives; kills the UZ brothers; she sits on a spear, flies into the sky, dodges I.'s arrows, kills him; his head rolls into the Upper World Sea; the Knot pursues her; two iron They try to kill Cholor's man; she notices a speck of flesh on one finger, on the other's neck, kills both; a woman with iron claws puts I. in the cradle, he begins arms and legs grow; UZ kills I. and the woman, burns her bodies; returns home, her brothers come to life; she asks them to drag her into a hut, dies; they wrap her in deer skin, hang her over the fire; she comes alive, gets stronger than before]: Jochelson 1926:289-291.

Amur-Sakhalin. Nanais [returning home, brother sees that her sister has changed; sprinkles ash around, discovers tiger tracks; sister is pregnant; brother stabs her chest; she says she will only die if she cut off the little finger; he does so, burns the body; sparks turn into evil spirits in the form of secca burkhans, urach (insects? translation unknown) and gazaa birds]: Shimkevich 1896:126-127 (=Sem, Sem 2020, No. 26:127-128); the Udege [seven brothers come to the other seven, offer to fight; all are killed, and they are only wounded; the sister of the dead comes to the house of the murderers; the sister of the murderers says that her brothers' souls are in their fingers; the visitor advises that the brothers put their fingers on a log for the night, then the wounds will heal; cuts off their fingers with an ax, seven die; a sister heals her own brothers' wounds, reviving them]: Kormushin 1998, No. 42:176-179.

SV Asia. Markovo [Yagishna comes, a lazy husband shoots at her, arrows bounce off her body; his wife tells her to mark her anus, he kills Y. with the last arrow; husband and wife come to Y.'s house, kill her children; her husband has not been lazy since then]: Bogoras 1918, No. 9:133-135.

The Arctic. Inupiat (Northern Alaska?) [A young man named Misangna is carried by a storm in a boat to a distant land; gets married; a rival wants to kill him; M. and his wife's brother hit him with clubs without causing harm; they kill him by hitting his big toe]: Ostermann 1952:221; igloolik (the informant's origin is not specified, but it's about the Northwest Territories, almost certainly an igloolik; recorded at a youth camp in Devon or northwest Baffin Land) [ before the flood, a ferocious giant lived; a beautifully dressed young man came, went with onions to the giant's cave, hid under reindeer skins; a giant came, smelled a man, looked for a club; at this time a boy, the son of a giant, came; the young man aimed his bow at him, made him say that the giant could be killed by shooting him in the heel; after the shot, the giant fell, shrunk in size to an ordinary person; people came running and saw that the giant's body was burning; his son said that the fire made the Sun; the smoke from the burnt giant turned into mosquitoes]: Webster 1988:139-142; Laugrand, Oosten 2010 [a brief retelling of that same text, boy's name Inuk]: 12.

Subarctic. Tagish [Beaver defeats a giant in combat; he says he can be killed by hitting him in the middle of his hand; Beaver gives, cuts the corpse into pieces, they turn into rabbits]: Norman 1990:105- 106; Chipewayan [Crow's Head (trickster and transducer) kills two giants; cuts ice around the perimeter of the lake with a hammer; dies accidentally hitting his little finger; under his fingernail had a heart]: Lowie 1912:177.

NW Coast. The Tlingits: Swanton 1909, No. 31 [Wolverine's heart is in his foot; the Raven and his friend pierce her with a spear, but Wolverine dies only when burned in the fire; the ashes turn into mosquitoes], 97 [the evil shaman takes married to the sister of four brothers; his wife says his heart is in his hand; his brothers kill him]: 93, 297-298; Erdoes, Ortiz 1984 ["Retelling from an English source in 1883 "; the giant killed people; the man pretended to be dead, the giant brought him home; went to get firewood; the man grabbed a knife, demanded that the giant's son tell him where his father's heart was; In his left foot; a man cut the giant's foot, he died; the man burned his flesh, the scattered ash became mosquitoes]: 192-193; De Laguna 1972 [four brothers kill a two-headed human bear; his heart was between his heads]: 876; eyak [a two-headed bear gives the test bear a bad fish, takes a good one for himself; the father-in-law bear tells the two hunting brothers that his son-in-law's heart is between his eyes; brothers kill a young bear, marry his widow; bears kill younger brother in spring; the elder bear and the test bear revive him]: Birket-Smith, Laguna 1938:279-280; bellacula [girl picks berries, steps into bear droppings, swears; the Bear takes her away; she turns into a monstrous Bear, kills everyone in the village except her younger sister and brother; the brother brings a partridge, The bear demands to show how he got it, otherwise he promises to kill her; her brother shoots, hits the target; the younger sister finds out that the Bear's palm is vulnerable; her brother fires an arrow in her palm, kills the Bear; brother and younger sister got married, they are the ancestors of the Atapaskan quarry]: McIlwraith 1948 (1): 680-682.

The coast is the Plateau. Quarry: Jenness 1934, No. 6 [a girl scolds bears who have stained berries in the forest; two Black Bears in male guise lead her to the Grizzly; he is an animal leader; each dances and says what he will become feed his wife; only Grizzly's own food is suitable for a woman; he predicts that the youngest of her four brothers will kill him in the spring; on her way home, a woman carries her husband's skin and head; she turns into a Grizzly, kills everyone; the youngest brother and sister return from hunting; the girl runs between the legs of the Grizzly woman, who is no longer in danger; the girl asks where the Grizzly's heart is; in the palm of her hand; brother shoots palm, Grizzly dies; brother and sister marry; see motive L1], 44 [giant Kaigett takes a young woman; husband follows in the footsteps, sees K. frying her; K. can be killed with an arrow in the palm of his hand where is his heart; the deceased's little child turns into a monster; kills his father and others, takes out their tongues and eyes; two girls escape, push him into the fire; his ashes turn into mosquitoes]: 129-132, 220-222; cowitz [The cougar warns the Wild Cat not to go out; the fire goes out, the Cat follows him to the old woman, carries the fire on his tail (since then the cat's tail is short); the old woman and her terrible sons are looking for a thief; the cougar kills four by hitting them in the ankle, fights the fifth in the air; pieces of their flesh fall, the cat burns the demon's flesh, mistakenly burns the Puma's liver; inserts demon's liver revives him; therefore, the cougar's liver is inedible]: Adamson 1934:202-205; lower chinook [a man picks up an abandoned baby; the young man grows up, his named sister says he is not her brother; he kills her, she comes to life; he cuts off her finger; presses something round that has fallen out of the wound; she dies]: Boas 1894a, No. 17:190; takelma [The crane does not tell his son Eagle to go over the mountain; that she goes, marries a bear girl; she hides it in her hair from her cannibal relatives; they feed old bears penises and old bears vulvas to dead people; the Bear kills her own brothers and parents; The crane comes to her son, the Bear kills the Crane, pursues her husband; his arrows do not harm her; the mouse tells the Eagle to aim between his toes, his heart is there; the last arrow The Eagle kills the Bear]: Sapir 1909, No. 14:123-141; clackamas [a Grizzly woman's heart in her little finger; women dig roots; a Grizzly puts them to sleep, kills them with a spear; a swimmer girl puts them in front of her eyes shells, does not sleep; warns people, they are sailing away in boats; the chief hits the Grizzly in the little finger with the last arrow]: Jacobs 1958, No. 17:156-166; Western sachaptines [Coyote hears a noise like a duck is flying, something hits him in the eye, he hardly rips it off, throws it into the river (var.: the object consistently hits him in the jaw, face, forehead, mouth); for the fifth time he cooks it and eats it; the object turns out to be a female vulva, Coyote loses teeth; when going hunting, five Goose Brothers tell his sister to marry the first man who comes; Coyote turns handsome, forgets that he is toothless, cannot bite off meat; falls asleep, girl sees that he has no teeth, she inserts mountain sheep's teeth in him; Coyote says his teeth grow in his sleep; he marries; his brothers are reluctant to hunt him, tell him not to make noise, he flies, screams, everything fall; next time they throw it off; when he falls, he screams "I'm a feather!" , but at the last moment he accidentally shouts "Bitch!" , breaks; the wife puts her heart in her little fingers, kills the brothers with arrows, the youngest two remain; the youngest tells the eldest to shoot his sister in the little finger, who kills her; both came to the house of Cold, his daughter Winter, they're naked; went to Summer's house, married his daughters; Winter and her daughters came to war, but Summer ruined the blanket, everything melted]: Farrand, Meyer 1917, No. 3:144-148; modoc [The thunder killed everyone the boy's relatives, only the grandmother remains; the boy digs roots for her, the Thunder takes them away; shows his necklace from the bones of his relatives, promises to kill himself; the grandmother says that the heart of Thunder is in his index finger; boy shoots his finger, turns Thunder into thunder]: Curtin 1912:73-75; Klamath [see motive F2; old Kmukamch tells his son named Aishish to get birds; advises undress before that; makes a reed or pine tree grow; puts on his son's clothes, comes in his place, takes his wives; butterfly sisters save A., he comes back, marries Butterflies and others Insect women; tells his son from his bullfinch wife to throw five K. hearts into the fire, which are at his feet; K. dies]: Barker 1963, No. 4:37-45; ne perse [Coyote marries the sister of five brothers- Geese; asks him to be carried across the river; geese put him on their back, tell him to remain silent; he imitates their voices, they throw it into the water; their sister puts her heart in the little finger of her left hand, kills three older brothers with arrows; the youngest's arrow accidentally hits her little finger, she dies]: Phinney 1934:330-335; tillamook [a two-headed cannibal holds a girl like a slave; a young man comes three times, the girl replies to the cannibal that these are her traces; the young man fights the cannibal, is killed, she hangs his body to smoke among other bodies; the victim's younger brother comes; the girl tells him that vulnerabilities cannibals are her eyes, nipples and vagina; he kills a cannibal, burns, marries a girl; leaving her body in the house, goes in spirit to the land of the dead to return his brother; on the way he meets people who are parts funeral boat; a sparrow carries him across the river; his brother agrees to return, although he has two dead wives; the dead let the fog, but the Sparrow carries the brothers back; both return alive]: Jacobs, Jacobs 1959, No. 29:96-99; cous [seeing a man, the giantess always calls him husband and takes him home; people went to her, alone threatened with a knife, ordered to bring money (i.e. shell money), she she brought it, he grabbed what he had brought, ran, others replaced him on the way, ran to the village, the giantess followed her; she was beaten, the blows did no harm, she dragged everyone towards her; the blind old woman felt for her her leg was stabbed, it was the only vulnerable spot, the giantess died; and the arrows did no harm, because the body was all of bones]: Frachtenberg 1913, No. 13:77-83.

The Midwest. Western Ojibwa: Jones 1916, No. 25 [The hawk leaves his wife; she is offended, turns into a Bear, kills people; chases her husband, but he defeats her; in one settlement, Hawk revives her killed people by shooting in the air; returning to his settlement, he finds only her sister alive, in wounds and ulcers; she learns that the Bear's heart is in her little finger on her leg; he sticks an awl in front of her house, she steps on them, dies]: 377-378; Jones 1917, No. 1-3 [the old woman does not tell her daughter to sit on the street facing west; she sits down, gets pregnant; the youngest of the twins wants to be born first, the twins quarrel the mother is torn apart; the grandmother finds a blood clot, covers it with bark, it turns into Nanabusha; he freezes the sea, turns into a hare, runs across the ice where the owner of the fire lives with two daughters; the youngest picks up the bunny, puts it to the fire to dry; the father warns that this may be beckoning; the hare sets fire to his hair, brings fire to his grandmother; since then, the hares are dark in the summer; the grandmother confesses that N.'s mother was killed by his brother; brothers shoot at each other; Laska tells N. to mark the hair knot, N. kills the enemy, makes him the lord of the dead], 61-62 [Nyanabushu (N.) asks his grandmother if, other people besides them; she replies that they are all missing; see the K8A motif (N. swallowed by the Great Sturgeon); N. returns to her grandmother; she tells how various animals came to her, saying that her grandson was killed , or imitating the voice of his grandson; says that N.'s parents were killed by beating himself on his leg (B.); N. swims to a distant island, hears uniform blows; B. constantly cuts his leg's calves; he and N. let each other go another arrow; the bird tells you to aim at a bundle of hair on B.'s head; before death, he reports that the contents of the wooden bucket should be anointed with the trees in the grove, having previously ripped off the bark from such a place; N. smears trees, they turn into his parents, older brother and others]: 3-23, 467-495; Michelson 1911c, No. 2 [the grandmother replies Venabojo that his mother was killed by an enemy living on the island; tells me to take from fish oil; V. lubricates the boat and oars with it to avoid the resin that covers the water; various birds live on the island; Chickady tells us which onion is the best, for which V. paints it; V. and his the enemy shoots at each other for a long time; when V. hits the end of the pigtail, the enemy falls dead; V. frees animals; finds and brings home the mother's scalp]: 249-250; menominee [Woodpecker warns a young man that a red-haired cannibal wants to kill him, that her heart is under her hair; he bites the cannibal in the crown; the young man gives him her scalp; since then, the black-headed woodpecker has a red spot on his head]: Hoffman 1896: 228-230; Western Swamp Cree (Stone Cree) [two brothers are married to two sisters; the eldest eats the youngest's two sons half-baked; makes her a slave; eats her and her husband, her brothers, other people; her mother manages to hide the cannibal's younger brother under the fir branches; his name is Mistakayawāsis ("big penis"); the cannibal regrets what she did, tells M. to cut off her little finger, in which her heart; M. cuts off, she dies; M. grows up quickly, comes to another camp to his grandmother; kills the cannibal wolf (goes at him with a small knife, when hit, the knife becomes huge); pees in the same place where the girl is, she gets pregnant, gives birth; men agree to determine who the father is, the boy should write on it; Nothing is not suitable smears himself with saliva, as if he is wet, exposed; the boy pees on M. the woman does not want him, because he is small and fat; in the steam room M. becomes handsome, the woman marries him; grandfather M. and No-thing-worthless love him, migrate, leaving M., his wife and grandmother alone, giving they have only 12 beaver tongues; M. turns them into 12 beavers; the migrated are starving; M. brings dried meat, barely able to open the bundle; M. promises to bring the Caribou, he will be the leader himself, people should not shoot at him; Nothing good pierces him with an arrow, his wife takes it out of his body, M. takes her form, comes to life; No-thing-worthless decides to repeat the trick; M. shoots, his wife pulls out an arrow, but No-thing-worthwhile turns into a Canadian jay]: Brightman 1989:117-123; Steppe Cree [every day a woman wears her best outfit, comes back in the mud; husband watches her, kills her lover Bear; he previously tells her that after his death, she will be able to become a Bear herself wearing his skin; her twin sons are half bears, maiming other children; people they are killed; a woman puts on a skin, kills people; leaves her younger sister and parents alive, tortures them; a younger brother returns from hunting, kills rabbits for her younger sister; asks her to know the vulnerable The Bear's place; this is the sole of the foot; people dig sharp pegs into the ground; the bear steps on them, dies]: Bloomfield 1930, No. 12:63-65.

Northeast. Montagnier [one of the giant's daughters has teeth in her vagina; a young man puts in a stone lamp, his teeth break, a young man kills her; a giant kills him; the other daughter of a giant is a man who revives the young man; The crow says the giant's heart is in his thumb; the young man hits his finger with an arrow; the giant's daughter is happy]: Desbarats 1969:42-44; nascapi [Mistapeo (shaman?) marries a giant's two daughters; the youngest warns that the eldest can eat him with her vagina; he sees her eating willow shoots with her vagina; asked permission to look at her ass, sees teeth in her vagina, knocks out they are fat; she is dead; the youngest says his father will kill him; the young man tells her to kill him, cut off all the meat from his bones; the skeleton fights the giant; Jay screams that his heart is in his thumb; the skeleton cut off his finger with a knife, the giant died; the skeleton stuck its meat back, began to live with the giant's daughter]: Millman 1993:70-71; (cf. hurons [the boy catches the snake in the stream; builds a fence around, feeds the snake; it grows, he builds the fence more and more; the snake swallows it; the orphan's brother and sister shoot at two heart-shaped spots at on the sides of the snake, kill it; people find dead in the womb of a monster; burn a corpse, use charred bones as amulets]: Barbados 1960, No. 21:23-24); seneca [humans can't kill an ogre bear yet someone didn't shoot him in the sole of his front paw]: Curtin, Hewitt 1918, No. 31:169; penobscot [the girl's mother doesn't tell her to swim so much; the girl gets pregnant from the foam on the water; her father tells his Owls leave his daughter alone; Kingfisher brings her game; an old woman comes to help her raise her son Pena; Pena finds her mother's relatives; An old marmot tells how a huge Polar Bear enslaved them; Chickady says the Bear's heart is in his heel; Foam kills the Bear with an arrow; chosen chief]: Speck 1935b, No. 22:55-58; mikmaq [Spruce Partridge died of hunger in winter, The partridge (Birch Partridge) took his family; cannot find game, feeds homemade meat, cut first from her back and then from her feet; the wife is surprised that the meat has neither bones nor fat; spies on how he cuts off strips of his own flesh, makes them a lot of meat; sits in a teepee, falls into the lower world, comes to the house of Marten and his grandmother Bear; Marten sends a woman to the chief's house, goes beyond the chief's son; her son and daughter come down to her from the ground; her mother reluctantly gives them meat, they go to Kunitsa and his grandmother; her ex-husband Partridge comes to the woman, she tells him to let the dogs down on him, pull him skin on the door frame; the game goes missing, people believe that those two children are to blame, they are hung by the heels of a tree, left; Grandmother Bear hides a fire for them; Marten burns a tree trunk; when it falls, puts a bunch of moose hair, the children fall on it; The marten gnaws through the fetters, catches up with the departed; the boy hunts successfully, and the departed are starving; the boy on the arrow sends a moose to the Bear Grandmother the skin as a sign that he is alive; the crow flies to peck the corpses of the children, but they feed her; she brings meat to her children; people send a girl to the Raven, but she sees only the mushrooms she cooks; the brother asks A month to make him and his sister adults; when she goes hunting, she tells her sister to go out only when she hears his voice three times; his sister greases her hair every day, goes to the lake, where Big White (white, and not polar) The bear licks her fat; her brother wonders where the fat goes; sees her sister and the Bear from the mountain; she explains that otherwise the Bear will eat them both; brother pierces his heart with an arrow; Bear: shoot in the paw! brother pierces his paw, Bear dies; people come back; brother and sister greet grandmother and marten, do not want to see the mother; after eating Bear meat, both people die; brother and sister come to the sea; people believe that they have dispersed the game; they put the horn of the Horned Serpent on the young man's head, which grows through it and around the tree; the sister tries to saw off the horn with a shell; the Killer Whale takes her away, she gives birth to him son; Killer Whale's sister tells you to make a circle on the horn with red ocher; the killer whale is first sent for ocher, then for a piece of red cloud; the killer whale chases his wife, sister and son; pieces of clothing are thrown at him the boy, then his cradle, he picks them up, wasting time; the woman frees his brother, the Killer Whale's sister marries him; one day she returns to sea, taking her son and the woman's son from the Killer Whale]: Whitehead 1988:24-43.

Plains. Sarsi [husband notices that when he returns from the forest with brushwood, his wife is covered in mud; she watches her, sees her copulating with the Bear, kills him, lets her skin off him; she keeps her; tells her the younger sister keeps the angriest dog with her; wearing the skin, becomes the Bear, kills everyone; only the dog protects the sister; six siblings return from the war; at the spring, the younger sister tells them what happened; they learn from her that the Bear's feet are vulnerable; they dig up pegs near the house; the bear steps on them, they try to burn her, she chases them; the younger brothers sister rises into the sky, becomes the seven stars of the Ursa Major; the star next to her is the sister's dog; the bear turns into stone]: Simms 1904:181-182; blacklegs (piegan) [every evening the older sister goes to the forest; the mother tells the younger sister to see how the sister copulates with the bear; the father and the men shot him; the older sister asks the younger sister to bring her paw and call the young people play bear; asks not to push her to the hips; girl pushes, older sister turns into Bear, devours everyone, turns her younger sister into a maid; she meets seven people who have returned from the campaign brothers; they ask her to know how to kill the Bear; she replies to her sister that she has injected her with an awl in her paw; the brothers give her sister a rabbit; the bear tells her to eat it herself, then wants to kill him for not leaving her half; runs out, attacks the awls; the brothers burn the corpse, a piece of finger flies off, the Bear revives, sets off; the older brother blows on the feather, it takes off, they follow him, become a family with the stars of the Ursa Major; sister runs to the old man, who hides her, cuts off the Bear's ears and tail]: Michelson 1911b, No. 2:244-246; assiniboine [The bear kills people; her brother hits her with an arrow in vulnerable place; pushes her heart or bones, sprinkles powder into her hearths; people revive]: Lowie 1909a, No. 23a [girl takes a bear as a lover; people kill him; she asks for a piece of his skin, puts it on, turns into a bear; kills everyone but her parents and younger sister; her older brother returns from hunting; younger sister tells him that the bear's right leg is vulnerable], 23b [girl warns children playing do not touch her anus; the ban is broken, she turns into a Bear, kills everyone; the younger sister becomes her maid; meets her four brothers; receives a rabbit from them, says The bear who killed him herself; the Bear's toes are vulnerable; var.: The bear chases her brothers; they play ball, turn into the Big Dipper]: 179; grovanter [girls play; the eldest asks bring them bison ribs; makes claws out of them, turns them into a Bear, kills everyone except his younger sister; their six brothers return; ask their sister to find out where the Bear's vulnerable place is; The little finger is on my left hand; they give my rabbit sister to throw hot fat at the Bear; they run, the Bear chases them, the youngest kills her by hitting her little finger with an arrow from a tendon (only her and you can kill); they burn the body, one spark flies to the side, the Bear revives from it, continues to prevail; at will, the brothers create a swamp, forest, gorge, river, fire, cacti behind; the sister hits them with her ball, taking them to heaven; they turn into the Big Dipper or the Pleiades; The bear stays on the ground]: Kroeber 1907b, No. 27:105-108; Crowe: Lowie 1918:126 [ A red woman tells her to shoot in the side, unharmed, kills seven brothers one by one; Sparrow tells the youngest boy that her heart and lungs are in a feather attached to her head; he kills her] 127 [a woman picks up a baby; he eats the hearts of the chiefs at night; people kill him by hitting his little finger with an arrow], 173-175 [a man receives strength from a dwarf; now his body is made of stone, only his collarbone is vulnerable and anus; takes away people's wives and property; a young man also gets strength from a dwarf, kills a rapist with arrows]; Santi: Riggs 1893 [Badger easily kills buffalo with his magic arrow; Gray Bear begins to take all his meat; after picking up a blood clot, Badger turns him into a young man in the steam room; he kills the Bear first with an arrow, then his wife, hitting his little finger; kills the Bear's children, except the youngest, who was kind to Badger; the Badger does not tell the Blood Clot to talk to old Ungtomi on the way; the young man breaks the ban, falls asleep; W. turns him into a black dog, puts it on clothes; in the village he is mistaken for a Blood Clot; the text breaks off]: 101-104; Wallis 1923, No. 16 [see motif K1; The bear makes Badger hunt bison, takes all the meat; The badger hides the clot He leaves blood in the steam room, he turns into a young man; the young man asks the bear where her husband's heart is; kills him and the rest of the bears by shooting them at the small claw on his right front leg]: 75-76; teton (oglala) [a woman with a hairy face comes to four brothers; stalks them, kills three; the crow advises the youngest to shoot the pen on the woman's head; a young man kills a woman, revives brothers in steam room]: Wissler 1907, No. 8:199-200; iowa [the giant sings that he can only be killed by injuring his penis with a blunt arrow; the man hears it, shoots, kills him]: Skinner 1925, No. 15:478); arpaho [The bear kills everyone, turns the girl into a slave; her seven brothers return, gives her a rabbit, explains how to show the Bear that she killed the animal herself; she tells the brothers that The Bear's vulnerable point is his little finger; the Bear chases them; his sister kicks the ball, throws herself and his brothers into the sky with it; they turn into stars (Pleiades?) , sister can be seen far from the brothers]: Dorsey, Kroeber 1903, No. 80:152-153; arikara [the older girl reluctantly agrees to play bear; tells her younger sister to hide; turns into a Bear, kills everyone; the sister secretly meets their four brothers returning from the war; reports that the Bear has vulnerable little fingers on her legs; the brothers let her scatter thorns in front of the house, they lure her out The bear, screaming that enemies are coming; the bear dies, the brothers burn her; a drop of blood falls on the ground, the Bear revives, pursues her sister and brothers; the older brother throws an awl, it turns into a thorny forest; the second is a knife, it cuts through gorges; the third is a crest, turns into thickets of cacti; the fourth is a whetstone, turning into a high rock (Devil's Tower in Wyoming), raising fugitives to the sky; they turn into the Pleiades, the Bear goes west]: Park, No. 7:146-152; Kiowa: Parsons 1929a, No. 3 [every day the husband paints his wife's face red; her bear lover licks the paint; husband watches over his wife, kills the Bear; sees the wife crying while scraping her skin; the wife plays a bear, turns into a Bear, kills all the people in the village, turns her younger sister into a slave; tells her get a rabbit, otherwise she will kill; the girl's six brothers come back, give her a rabbit, teach her how to show that she got it herself; run away with her, climb the rock; the sister tells the brothers that Bears have vulnerabilities between their toes; brothers shoot there to kill the Bear; they and her sister go up to heaven and become stars], 36 [walking past the buffalo skull, a woman thinks he is handsome; a young man takes her to fourth heaven; four brothers in an iron teep tell her husband where to look for a wife; the Spider tells her to cut off his wife's noisy bison hoof pendants from his wife's clothes; the husband returns his wife, they hide in a tree; a calf notices them; his wife tells Bison to shoot between his toes; her husband kills him with an arrow]: 9-11, 76-78.

Southeast USA. Caddo [people kill a travesty man who does not want to go to war; he comes to life, warns that people will fight each other if he is killed; they cut off his left finger, he dies; people fight each other]: Dorsey 1905, No. 9:19; chirokee: Duncan 1998 [a stone-clad cannibal kills people with her sharp finger; the bird explains to the person that her heart is at the tip of it finger; it hits the finger with an arrow, the cannibal dies]: 62-66; Ten Kate 1889 [cannibals are dressed in flint, have pointed steel arms; their hearts are in their hands; on the advice of a bird, people kill a cannibal by hitting her with arrows in her hands]: 54; Terrell 1892 [a monster with an iron finger takes the form of any person; waits for him to leave home, return instead of him, caresses the victim, piercing with his finger, he extracts and eats the liver and lungs without causing a visible wound; the victim dies; people surround the monster in his cave, their arrows do not harm him; the wren tells him to mark at the iron finger; monster killed]: 125-126; (cf. Howard 1959 (Altamaha) [Ocasta (Stonecoat) was sent from heaven by God to help the teal; when he saw a hunter kill a deer with a flint-tipped arrow, he made himself a flint cover to prevent him from being killed; created sorcerers, harmed people; they decided to kill him; seven menstruating women lay down naked; because of their appearance, O. lost his strength, fell; one tore off a piece of flint from his body and plunged him through this hole into the heart is a wooden point made of linden (basswood, Amur linden); the body was burned, his spirit returned to heaven; he gave strength to the first shamans]: 136); screams [The rabbit advises shooting in the ear of a stone man; he killed]: Swanton 1929, No. 32:38; Alabama: Martin 1977:46; Swanton 1929, No. 14 [an ogre kidnaps a girl; tells her to cut off pieces of her meat, fry for him; an ogre's old wife cuts off her meat tells the girl to run; she first runs in different directions to confuse her tracks; the old woman gives her berries, reeds, clay; the cannibal stops eating berries; the reeds turn into thick thickets, clay into the swamp; the girl's brothers shoot the ogre, he is unharmed; the bird tells you to shoot in the ankle, he dies; the corpse is burned; the ashes turn into rooks, bees], 15 [short version]: 131-133; koasati: Martin 1977:47; Swanton 1929, No. 17 [a cannibal kidnaps a girl; tells her to cut off her breasts, fry him; the old woman cuts off her own; advises her to run, gives her a reed and a lump of clay; the reed turns thick reeds, clay in the swamp; the girl comes running to her brothers; their arrows do no harm to the cannibal; the bird tells her to aim at the ankle; the cannibal dies; his corpse is burned; the ashes turn into rooks, bees, crows , insects of all kinds]: 182-183; biloxi [see motive K1; Uncle Tuche leaves him on the other side of the sea; T. falls into the cannibal trap; she asks where to strike; he replies that it's in the head; she doesn't believe it, she wants to hit her ankle; he hits her with an ax himself, cooks her body]: Dorsey, Swanton 1912, No. 28:105.

California. Yurok: Curtis 1976 (13) [Pilukhu-Kerrek converter (P., "far downstream sharp buttock"; he has a really sharp ass) travels; ten brothers take turns offering pipes with increasingly strong tobacco; P. puts a flute through his throat and body, blows smoke through it, is not poisoned; in a hot steam room, tells an invisible assistant to pour water, does not burn; turns the brothers into ordinary people; the old man asks to install a wedge, knocks it out; P. slips through a log to the ground; asks the same old man, knocks out a wedge, the old man dies; the husband of two women kills everyone passing by; P. puts his heart between his toes; arrows do not harm him; P. removed a tip with deadly fiery poison from his body, told the bird to crush it; the fragments were grabbed by the Rattlesnake, the Hornet, Scorpion, the Spider, has become poisonous; two blind women are pushing seeds, handing each other flour; P. sprinkles ash on their palms; they close the door; he promises to make them eyes; they release it, he burns them together with his house; a man throws them to the forest with a hook, catches P., brings them home in a bag; his children can't find the eyelid; while the old man is looking for it himself, the children open the bag, P. runs away, hides on a dry tree in the middle of the lake; the old man sees the reflection, dives after it; goes to rest; P. catches him on his hook, kills him with a club, burns his two sons with the house; other episodes follow (not recorded by Curtis)]: Kroeber 1976 [expecting to be shot, the hero tries to place his heart in different fingers and toes; becomes invulnerable by placing his heart in the little finger], No. C1, F1, J3:215, 277-278 , 319; Karok: Kroeber, Gifford 1980, No. A8 [Loon woman's heart in her heel; see motif K42], III38 [the old man tries to kill the Laska Hero; he kills him himself by shooting him in the toes]: 15, 255; shasta [after finding his long hair, the sister finds out that she has a younger brother; makes him go with her; they sleep together; he runs away leaving a deck instead; the whole family goes up to heaven; someone of them looks down, everyone falls; a sister makes a fire below; nine brothers and a mother burn, the youngest is saved; marries two bird sisters; they have two sons or a son and a daughter; a lark reports that a demonic woman's heart is in the sole of her foot; her brother or nephews kill her with an arrow]: Dixon 1910a, No. 4 [to heaven on a rope; one of the brothers (?) looks down; Duck sisters; their sons kill their aunt]: 14-15; Farrand 1915, No. 5 [to heaven in a basket; mother looks down; Seagull sisters; brother kills sister himself]: 212-214; chilula [while Puma hunts , the old Bear comes and eats the meat supplies in his house; arrows do not harm the Bear; the Bear's wife advises to mark the foot; the Bear is killed]: Goddard 1914, No. 2 [the vulnerable spot between the toes], 17 [Bear's heart in its sole]: 352-353, 366-367; kato [an outsider comes from the coast; he is cut to pieces, he is alive; dies when beaten between his toes]: Goddard 1909, No. 24:225; coastal yuki [an old woman hides all the fish on the shore; people come to dance at her house; they stab and slaughter it; she dies only after they cut between her big and second toes; pick up the fish]: Gifford 1937, No. 31:153-154; Yana [the hero kills the ogre The Lizard and his dog by shooting them at the little toes]: Curtin 1898:318; oriental pomo [The hawk is not loyal to the Partridge Wife, she decides to leave him; weaves a basket with patterns symbolizing the water world; sends children with food to the cave; she sits in the basket herself, swims on the lake; seeing the patterns, water creatures do not touch her; she goes ashore, flying the monster Gilak takes her away; his sister is a ritual drum, she has teeth in her vagina, with which she devours women brought by her brother and thrown into a hole in the roof, spits out bones; in the aisle leading to the house on the side, there are two bears and two rattlesnakes; Gadfly is also guarding; once he fell asleep, G. pulled out one eye as punishment; G.'s brother forgot to trap him at the entrance, G. tore off one leg ; the hawk's wife G. did not throw to his sister to eat, but led him through the door for himself; Hawk flew to G.'s house, killed two bears and two snakes, but was trapped, broke his spine, brother G. threw it into the vagina Sister G., who ate it; Hawk's grandfather asked two Flint Brothers and two Bluebirds brothers to go with him; collected Hawk's bones in a bag, blinded bears and snakes with smoke, trapped a stone; Coyote and him four companions and two Brothers-G. began to play guessing (dice); G. shot Flint, the arrow bounced; Bluebird shot G.'s second toe, killed him; then they killed Brother G. fed them a toothy vagina; they started dancing on the drum, smashing it; the Coyote brought Hawk back to life; they wanted to burn down the house, but Bumble-Fly asked them to leave it to him; everyone comes back, but people smell dead The hawk decides to leave, his brother is with him; the Coyote goes to the fork, and then the Hawk's trail goes one path, his brother's trail goes another; the Coyote throws up his stick, it falls, divides him into two Coyotes; they follow two paths (text ends)]: Angulo, Freeland 1928:244-249; Pomo: Barrett 1933, No. 52 [giant Muyamuya robs people; he manages to kill him by shattering his heart, under the thumbnail], 53 [as in (52)]: 232-234; Williams 1954 [stone-ice giants led by Keb Muti always called birds to compete in the run around Clear Lake, let fog and won; Gray Squirrel made a path in the grass in advance, ran along it, was ahead of KM; climbed a tree from it, then another; when KM fell asleep, Gray Squirrel's grandfather ordered KM to shoot at big toe with an arrow with a hot stone at the end; water, fire, sand, clay splashed in all directions, so there are many stones between Clear Lake and the sea]: 76-79; pomo (porridge) [stone man kills Hawk; the victim's son hits the murderer with an arrow at the only vulnerable place - the collarbone; he explodes (the origin of stones for making stones and pests)]: Oswalt 1964, No. 7:71-75; nomlaki [Two Magpie girls are in love with the Wolf Brothers, reject Hawk; at his request, the Month turns him into a bear, puts his heart in the little finger of his leg; drives Magpie and their younger brother on tree; brother comes down, hits Bear in his little finger with an arrow, kills him]: Goldschmidt 1951:396-398; Maidu: Dixon 1902, No. 6 [Pitmilussi, the eldest of the two brothers, saw Thunder's daughter; fired an arrow, she fell in front of the girl; she picked it up, put it in the basket; whoever fails to remove his arrow from my basket will die; P. has managed to pull the arrow; Thunder's daughter continues to go east; forward thickets of prickly rose hips; the girl passed, the path closed behind her; P. laid flint, told him to cut the path; then rattlesnakes; P. walked, wearing red-hot stone moccasins; wished so that night would come sooner; the girl stopped for the night; she caused a storm, the fire went out, she climbed into the hollow of the tree, covering the hole with an ice basket; his younger brother came to P. and wanted to climb to the girl, but P. went; cut off her vaginal teeth, which are like a rattlesnake, with flint; in the morning the girl already has a child; crossed a river with slippery ice and a wide river; P. crossed the ice into his stone moccasins; when he became wide, the water was already up to his nose; he stuck a feather in his hair, the river became shallow; then the Valley of Old Age - you will grow old before you cross; P. began to grow old and weaken, but he stuck his feather in his hair again, became younger, passed the valley; in front of him was the Thunder steam room, made of ice; the girl came in through a hole in the roof, P. in her moccasins behind her; the thunder gave poisonous food, she did not caused P. harm; Thunder ordered firewood to be brought; there was a resinous log, next to the bones of those who could not chop off a piece; P. threw the log on the ground, it broke; the thunder ordered to get fish if it had ears suede pendants, but do not touch if made of beads; the fish has suede pendants, P. harpooned it, it begins to pull it into the water; oysters helped push it ashore; Thunder tells you to hunt deer, but towards a grizzly bear, chasing him; P.'s spirit created an ice tree with a slippery trunk; it leaned to pick up P., but the grizzly can't climb; a grizzly can only be killed in its left back leg; it's under with the body of a lying bear; P. tells the gophers to blow up the ground so that the leg can be seen; kills the grizzly with the last arrow; P. returned to his wife; if he hadn't defeated Thunder, he would still kill people], 10 [sister Coyote's wife is the Bear; she wants to kill him in anger; the life of the Coyote (and the Bear?) in her right little finger; he bites her first, she dies]: 67-71, 92; southern mountain miks: Barrett 1919, No. 1 [the stone giant kills people; the fly is one of the few left; climbs in in the mouth of a sleeping giant; bites in all places; finds out that only the heel is vulnerable; people place awls on the path; he dies], 3 [there is a vulnerable white speck on the lower surface of the wing of the flying monster; A coyote hits him with an arrow]: 2-3, 7-8; Curtis 1976 (14) [the cannibal Sachacha kidnaps a woman; her two brothers come and learn from her that S.'s vulnerable place is her left ankle; they hit this place with an arrow; his two sons are thrown into a cave, his sister is brought home]: 176-177; Gifford 1917, No. 3 [the giant kills the Chipmunk, takes his wife by force; she gives birth to him two sons; the brother of the murdered man frees hers; she reports that the giant's sons have hearts in their ankles; the Chipmunk's brother kills the giant's sons with a stick]: 297; Merriam 1993:75-87 [Falcon goes to play with a winged monster; this is his brother; playing queues throw hot stones at each other; Falcon is killed; his grandfather Coyote comes to play, hits a monster in his heart in a white spot at hand; Falcon comes to life], 169-172 [a stone giant lived on north; goes south, kills and eats people; people send Fly to bite him and find out a vulnerable place; this is the heel; people stick sharp chips and flints in his way, he dies; the healer tells him to burn the corpse; turns First Humans into animals and birds]; Chukchansi yokutz: Curtis 1976 (14) [The coyote comes to the ogre, whose vulnerable point is the soles of his feet; hides his shoes; kills his children in his absence, puts thorns around the house; the ogre steps on them, dies]: 178-179; Rogers, Gayton 1944 [The Coyote sees the Ogre's heart in the sole of his foot; pierces him with an arrow, burns the corpse; eyes fall out, the Ogre may respawn from them; the birds watch where they fall, bring them to the Coyote; he lets the wasp swallow them, because she is the only one who eats but does not defecate], No. 8, 9:196-199; serrano [Thakwich kidnaps children and souls; Coyote promises to kill him; asks his eyes and ears how to do it; they don't know; the penis answers to shoot his penis; Coyote kills T. with an arrow; spirit E. still flies as a meteor]: Benedict 1926, No. 11:13.

Big Pool. Western shoshones [Vatoavik is a stone man, but covered with resin, if lit, he will burn; his soles are made of vulnerable flesh; he walks in his arms; children except one girl follow him, he kills them; people kill him with arrows while aiming at the soft soles of their feet]: Smith 1993:165; northern payut [a man in stone clothes kills people, arrows don't harm him; Tobats (the eldest of two creators) tells younger Shinob to send a poisonous snake against Stone Clothing; she notices that when Stonewear sits down, he exposes part of his thigh; the snake has bitten, Stone Clothes has died; since then, people snake dancing; the victim still has children in the same clothes, but S. turned them into turtles]: Palmer 1946:76-79.

The Great Southwest. Yavapai: Gifford 1933a (SV yavapai): 349-364 [people lived underground at the bottom of a deep dip; there was a pine tree ("dog-tail tree") wrapped in a vine; people climbed it to the ground, theirs the chief is Hanyiko' (Frog); his shaman daughter made him sick; before he died, he ordered him to be burned and watched for the stars; when two stars appear in the east before sunrise, they will adorn him feather head; in 2 months 5 stars will appear - this is his right hand; in 3 months it will be cold, his whole body will be visible; the red star will celebrate 4 months; corn will grow on his grave; when the corpse they burn, everyone goes around the fire, but the Coyote jumps over the short Badger, grabs, carries, eats his heart; before that, people said that the deceased would be reborn in four days; Coyote: let him die forever; H. died forever; Coyote agreed; his daughter died, people refused to change their minds; it snowed; people: the mountains were covered with cornmeal; Coyote: snow; so the snow does not consist of corn torment; when it rained, the dry tree did not get wet; Coyote: let it get wet; because Coyote took possession of H.'s heart, water poured out of the hole from which people came to the ground; people placed all kinds of things the seeds and the girl into the hollowed out pine tree trunk were sealed; after the flood, the girl went out, the others died; she lay down so that water dripped into her vagina, the sun was shining on her; conceived and gave birth to a girl; she grew up, her mother put her in the same place, but the Water and Sun did not want to get along with her daughter; then the mother covered her with her body and the daughter became pregnant; her son Skatakaamcha; his mother took the eagle and fed her chicks; he interrupted the partridge's leg; when he repaired it, she told about the fate of his mother; S. decided to kill the monstrous bull (bison?) ; The badger dug an underground passage under him, S. stabbed the monster with a hot knife, killed him; put on a blood-filled stomach; the eagle brought it to the nest; the eagles say that the prey is alive, the eagle does not believe; the eagle flew away, the eagle flew in, S. killed her with a hatchet; told the eagles to remain silent; killed the eagle when it returned; threw the eagles out of the nest; made the rock half as low, but no more; The Bat lowered it in the basket ; he opened his eyes, the Bat fell and was injured, S. cured her; came to his grandmother, who cries; he threw eagle feathers at her, said he killed both eagles; married; Wind stole his wife; Spider warns that Wind offers to compete kills losers; S. beat him in a ball and ring game; won a competition whose hair is longer; Wind stabbed S. 4 times without causing harm; S. killed him with a knife; threw one hand to the east, the other to the south, one leg to the west, the other to the north: let the wind blow from different sides; S. brought his wife back; grandmother: there is a bad Chewasistesikkaamcha; S. came to his house, slowly throws away food for fear of being poisoned; killed C. with a knife; Bear's arrow reeds; S. invites him to marry his grandmother; he gave reeds; believes that the best tips are coal tips; S. killed him with flint; a tree for the ends of the Owl's arrows; S. and offered him his grandmother as his wife; she found the heart of the Owl, it was on the sole; S. shot there, killed the Owl; an bow tree in the canyon with converging and diverging walls; S. put a deer horn between them; went east to his father the Sun; the Sun's wife warns that the Sun will try to kill S. in the steam room; but S. is not afraid of the heat; the Sun recognized his son, let him choose a horse; a man at the cliff pushes passers-by with his foot; he grew up with his back to the rock; S. lets a chanterelle first, it dodges; then a rattlesnake, the man is afraid of it; S. disconnected him with an ax from the cliff, threw it into the abyss; below 6-7 women devour the fallen; S. threw that man's stomach into the fire, he burst into the eyes of the women, S. hacked them; there was a boy, he ran to the cave, S. did not I managed to get it, left the snakes to guard, but they fell asleep; the boy left, creating new ones like him; grandmother: you can't handle them], 402-412 (Western yavapai) [people live underground; younger brother invites the elder to illuminate the world; he makes a disc, smears ocher, hangs it, but the younger one makes a disc of white lime, smears ocher; it gets light but too hot; the younger brother asks the eldest to raise the sky with a reed pole, he did it; at night, the elder brother touches the genitals of his two daughters; they hide on the shore under the willow, where he relieves himself, and swallow his bowel movements; he begins to lose strength, tells him to be cremated after death; people sent the Coyote for fire, at which time they lit a fire, standing around; the Badger was lower than the others, the Coyote jumped over him, took his heart and ate it; the burnt heart had to lay the ground, cultivated plants would grow; and so only one corn stalk would grow; the best cobs went to the Hopi and Navajo, and the worst yavapai; people decided to get to the upper world; the hummingbird found a hole in the sky; under the guidance of their younger brother, they planted a pine tree and a vine that wrapped around it; they climbed up, but the old man and his two granddaughters stayed; when they got to the ground, from water poured in the holes; the flood was caused by those two daughters of the older brother who turned into frogs; people hollowed out a pine tree, put food inside the girl and sealed it; only the girl survived, the rest drowned; she lay down with her vagina under the rays of the sun and under drops of water, conceived, gave birth to a daughter; she grew up, tried to repeat everything, but the Sun and Water recognized their daughter, conception did not occur; then the mother covered her daughter's body with her body, the Sun and Water did not notice the substitution; the daughter gave birth to a son Matinyaupakaamcha; the eagle took her to its nest and ate it, M. stayed with her grandmother; interrupted the bird's leg with a stone; she: if you'll cure him, I'll say something; when he finds out that the old woman is not his mother, but his grandmother, killed the eagle, on the advice of his grandmother, by heating the tip of his spear; the grandmother sends him to kill the bison (ox); the badger and the gopher dug an underground passage under lying bison; the mouse plucked the hair from where the heart was, explaining that its children were cold; M. pierced the bison from below; he plunged his horn into the underground passage, but M. dodged; made a cape out of the skin, and under it bison blood; allowed the eagle to grab itself; blood gushed, the bison decided that M. was killed; the chicks see that the prey was alive, but the eagle did not believe; when it flew away, M. found out where the eagle would fly; becoming a lizard, smeared with resin the place where the male and female sit; killed the eagle; told the chicks to remain silent, otherwise they would kill; The Bat lowered M. in the basket, ordering them to close their eyes; he opened, they fell, M. broke the Bat's bones, but cured her; M. looked into the grandmother's house through a hole in the roof; called her; grandmother: the wind was whistling; when he saw her grandson, she began to dance with joy; the bald eagle took M. to an island on the lake; there were already many prisoners there; M . ordered the prisoners to eat crushed flint to the eagles and hide, digging an underground passage; the eagles died; the crane stretches its leg across the lake; people cross it like a bridge; children fall into the water, turn into ducks; M. decides to make a bow; the grandmother warns of dangers every time where to look for bow materials; onion wood where the canyon walls converge and diverge; M. shoved between they have a deer horn, took out the material; reeds for arrows owned by Owl; M.: I propose marriage to my grandmother; Owl is glad, he gave reeds himself; when Owl came, M. told his grandmother to find out where his heart was; in the sole legs; M. shot there, killed Owl; the grandmother straightened her vulva with an arrow; when M. looked, the arrow broke; where the flint for the tips, sparks fly out; M. covered himself with a turtle shell, took out flint; wood for the front of the arrows owned by the Bear; M. called him to marry his grandmother; said he was making charcoal tips; The bear believed, shot M. with a coal arrow with a tip, and M. killed him with an arrow with a flintlock tip; grandmother: cut the deer in a clearing, not under a tree; M. began to cut under a tree; a naked woman came down from the tree, chased M. to get along with him; the grandmother hid it under the hearth; but the woman began to write there, M. got out; M. made penises out of blue stone, quartz, lava and clay, used it every single night, breaking off women's vaginal teeth; she became his wife; she was actually a bear; offered to drive game at him; he hung his clothes on a pole; three or four bears rushed at her, M. killed them, pulled out their fangs and claws; Spider told M. that the Wind took his wife away; let M. compete with him outside, not in his cave; who would chase the ball faster; M. won all the prisoners and the life of the Wind; who has longer hair, M. won again, killed The winds were a club; they spent the night in the Wind Cave; the wife became snakes in front of the entrance, M. jumped over them; M. went to look for his father, the Sun; spent the night with people who wanted to kill him; closed him for the night eyes with pebbles ("glass eyes"), the owners think that he is awake; the Sun's wife to her husband: your son has come; he wants to test the visitor, invites him to the steam room; M. all gives up a couple and says it's cold, The sun believes he is his son; M. tamed the horse, went home; the Sun and the Cloud began to argue over him; each painted one half of his body; M. returned east to the Sun, and the grandmother went west to the Sun, and the grandmother went west to ocean]; hicarilla: Goddard 1911, No. 9 [one of the children playing makes claws out of skin scrapers, muscles from hide fleshers, climbed into a hole for fun; when he went out, he became A bear (more precisely covered with hair to the elbows and knees); kills people, keeps the heart under an oak tree in the Navajo country; invulnerable to arrows; Naiyeuesgani runs there, hits the heart four times with a club; Bear follows, falls dead]: 203-204; Russel 1898 [playing with others, the boy depicts a bear; when he comes out of a hole on a hillside, his arms and legs turn into paws; for the fourth time he becomes A bear, devours everyone; the fox pretends to be an ogre; invites the Bear to make his paws thinner so that he can run better; breaks them, the Bear dies; the Fox comes to two other Bears; people can't kill them because their hearts are kept in their homes; the fox cuts hearts, monsters die]: 262-263; Mooney 1898a [bear's heart in the sole of the right front leg; the son of the Sun kills him; the Sun itself strikes with lightning bear]: 208; mescalero [an ogre giant exterminates people; two boys, two girls and an old woman remain; the lizard reports that the giant's heart is in his soles; shoots and kills him; blood turns into red minerals]: Opler 1946:273-280; lipan [birds beat the Big Owl, who hides his heart in his leg, the Lizard hits him there with an arrow; his body turns into flints, An ordinary owl flies out of it, asks for a little darkness, lives in caves]: Opler 1940:87-95; chiricahua: Hoijer 1938, No. 7 [dark at first; birds and small animals want a day, large predators want night; they play (predators lose); the Giant has a heart in his foot, the Gray Lizard hits him in the foot with an arrow, he dies; the Bear runs into the grove, there are many bears now]: 14-16; Opler 1942, No. 1a [birds they gamble against four-legged animals (moccassin game: under which moccasin there is a short stick, pebble, etc.); if birds win, there will be daylight in the world; the winners will kill the losers; the birds almost lost, but the turkey, who fell asleep, had 3 more sticks in stock and the birds won back what they had lost; when the animals had 2 sticks, the day dawned; the Coyote decided to go over to the side of the birds; the wren began to sing: day, day; the giant told him to be silent and poked his head, since then the wren has a black speck on his head; the wren flew up the rock and light poured through the crevice; animals they lost their last stick and the birds began to kill them; the giant went away; the arrows of the birds did not harm him; the lizard, although among the animals, reported that the giant's heart was under the sole; shot her, the giant fell dead; now there are white stones - his bones; the snake hid in a crack in the rock, it was not reached; the bear ran into the forest, where he now lives; he was in such a hurry that he put moccasins on the wrong one leg, now clubfoot], 1b [the world is dark; birds decide to play against four-legged animals in moccasin game; winners will kill losers; insects on the birds' side; Coyote supports those who win; gopher from -threw a wand under another moccasin underground if the birds guessed correctly; at first the birds lost, but then the plantain cuckoo began to guess, the birds played everything; someone hit him with smut, now he has red peppers on his face; then the four-legged ones began to win again; the turkey hid a few sticks, now they are in his paw; after that, the birds finally began to win; giant: me it's time to go, I'm walking slowly; he went, hung (on a tree) his testicles and sat in their shade; when the four-legged lost their last stick, the day shone for the first time; there were more birds killed by birds no; the coyote went over to the side of the birds; the giant's arrows did not harm; the lizard decided to help, shot the giant in the sole where he had a heart; he died; the snake went into the crevice, the birds let him into the crevice she has arrows; there are now many bears in the thickets where the bear disappeared]: 23-25, 25-27; tiva (Taos) [to go further into the water, the Apaches laid a bison skull at the edge of the lake; the chief's wife regrets the beautiful bison, who is now being treated this way; the skull turns into a bison, says he is the Chief of the Bison, tells the woman to sit between his horns, takes her away; the chief comes to the Old Spider Woman, she gives him a witchcraft, sends to Old Gopher, who says that the bison tied an elk's teeth to the woman's dress to ring if she moves; the chief puts the buffalo to sleep, the old Gopher digs a hole to women, she puts her clothes in a ball so as not to ring; the chief and his wife resort to three poplars; the first two say they are old and decrepit, the third invites them to climb; the woman urinated, the calf the bison smelled it; the bison butt the tree, the chief kills them with arrows, their chief is unharmed; the crow tells him to shoot in the anus, the buffalo leader is killed; when the Apache chief cuts him, the woman cries; says it's because of the smoke, but the chief doesn't believe he kills her]: Parsons 1940a, No. 22:61-64.

Llanos. Sicuani [Munuani (Munuane, Munuanë) catches fish, notices the reflection or shadow of a fisherman who has climbed a tree, hits him with an arrow, takes him home by raft or boat to eat; on the way, a person slips into the water unnoticed and runs away; arrows do no harm to M.; when he learns that M.'s eyes are on his lap, a person kills M. by hitting the knee with an arrow]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1992, No. 115, 116 [M. turns into a rotten tree; the nearby lake dries up], 117 [M. turns into a rotten tree], 118 [M. turns into a rotten tree]: 404-406, 407-408, 409-411, 412.

Guiana. Varrau [the forest spirit kills a man, pursues his two wives; the frog hides the fugitives in his house; asks the spirit to show his body parts; they are all iron; the anus is soft, it kills the spirit with a spear] : Wilbert 1970, No. 139:280; (cf. Wilbert 1970, No. 182 {see M56 motif, African borrowing} [The rabbit tells the Crocodile his name is elders; at night he hides by the trail, hits him on the back with a stick; in the morning, the Crocodile reports that if that tree fell on his eyes, he would die; next time the Rabbit kills him]: 280); aparai [one man's heart was under his left fingernail; others hit there with an arrow, man died]: Rauschert 1967, No. 19:191; trio: Magaña 1987, No. 35 [=1988b]: 138; 1988b, No. 1 [a person makes holes in the garden, plants cassava; Vulip (forest spirit) does not understand what he is doing, what means eating, defecating; he does not have an anus; a person shows how to defecate; V. asks him to have an anus; a person pierces him with a digging stick, he dies; after three months the body is still without signs of decay; a person wants to cut off V.'s leg and make a flute out of bone; V. comes to life, thanks, wants to marry a person's relative; V.'s soul is in his knee; he comes to an old woman doing red paint from uruku; wants to eat paint; she offers him boiled fruits, he swallows them hot, dies again; the man revives him again; V. takes him to his village, gives him something like manioc soup; thanks the person for now having an anus and penis; the person comes home]: 574-576.

Western Amazon. Canelo [two brothers swim across the river in a boat; one opens his eyes, sees that the boat is a caiman; he bites off his right leg; his soul is in his right leg; the caiman is found, killed, his leg is killed return; crippled comes to life]: Whitten 1976:53.

NW Amazon. Barasana [a woman comes to the Thunder Jaguars; against warning, she first dances with the youngest of them; her toenail was cut off with a dance baton; through this place her soul is sucked out of her bodies]: S.Hugh-Jones 1979, No. 4D: 276.

Eastern Amazon. Spiking: Nimuendaju 1922 [first Akakani put people's heart in the sole, they died when they stepped on a thorn; then they died in the ankle from a stingray; in the knee from a blow; then put them in the chest ]: 385; (cf. 1920 [a forest ogre can be killed by shooting him in the navel or in his open mouth]: 1039).

(Wed. Bolivia - Guaporé. Chiriguano [the back of the head is vulnerable, the forehead is made of iron]: Nordenskiöld 1912:288).

Southern Amazon. Nambikwara: Pereira 1983, No. 29 [Sivityahlusu is the most important evil spirit; can only be killed with an arrow in the knee or with a wooden sword in the chest], 48 [Tapir kidnaps a woman; she gives birth to him son; asks him to climb a tree for fruit, runs away; tells people that his vulnerable place is on his shoulder blade, that he can only be killed with a special arrow; people kill Tapir and his son]: 48 (note 29:2), 78-80; Iranche [Pamuu's forest spirit can only be hit in the knee]: Pereira 1985:126, note 321; Rickbacz [see motive F34; mother turns her son into a tapir, makes his body invulnerable, except armpits]: Pereira 1994, No. 1:20.

Eastern Brazil. Kayapo [strangers kill a girl; men kill strangers, they come to life every time; they have eyes on their feet; they get hit on their feet, they die]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1984a, No. 125 (pau d'arco), 126 (shikrin) ): 392-394.

Chaco. Chamacoko [mouth on ankle, character breathes it]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1987a, No. 79-81, 82 [heel], 86, 92:279, 298-299, 311, 317, 341-342, 360; tereno [the forest spirit dies when removed from it his jewelry]: Baldus 1950:218; chorote [a woman becomes a cannibal, kills her husband; she is caught but cannot be killed until a vulnerable spot is discovered]; Wilbert, Simoneau 1985, No. 113 [heart in ankle], 114 [heart in foot; her sons kill her]: 220, 223; nivacle: Wilbert, Simoneau 1987b, No. 177 [heart in ankle], 178 [heart in foot]: 438, 444; lenghua [boy lost his way in the forest; Yatafapkie puts it in a bag of snakes, brings it to his wife; that boy likes it, she sends him to his native village; I throw a branch in different directions, finds out where the boy has run, comes for him; people catch him; he admits that he can only be killed by hitting him in the legs; he is killed]: Loewen 1969:119-120; angaite [father did not wait for his son in the forest, he got lost; forest the man broke his bones, put him in a bag of snakes, hung him on a tree, left; the women found the boy, brought him home, healed him; the forest man came to look for him; they beat him, but he was alive; said that You can only kill him by hitting his heel; he got hit, he died, the first night came; it lasted a long time, finally the sun rose]: Cordeu 1973, No. 12:211-212; maca [toe]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1991a, No. 15 [the wife warns that she is on her period, but her husband still asks her to cook an anteater; the steam from the brew changes her nature, she now eats only raw meat; her husband leads her to the parrot's nest, sheds her chicks, she swallows them whole; he throws an ax at her forehead, she licks blood from the wound but is unharmed; her husband comes down, she kills him by tearing off her testicles; at home she approaches women cooking from the fruit, begins chew her husband's testicles; women, then all people run; she tries to pull the tongues out of horses; she grows wings, one with a hook; she flies, picks up men, does not touch women; her three young sons recognize the bodies she has brought; they send her mother to get water, bend down the tree, making a trap; the mother falls into it; unharmed under the blows of clubs; tells her to hit her little finger with sticks made of special wood (bola verde) keep its tail that has grown (like a dog's); they burn a corpse, tobacco and palm trees grow; the tail leads them to people, people return to the village], 16:58-66, 67-69; toba: Wilbert, Simoneau 1989a, No. 140, 141, 142, 143, 144 (Western Tobas) [Nohógoi (Nogónaik)'s claws began to grow; ate chicken as raw material, began to eat people; people fled, her children and husband remained; the children set a trap, the mother hung upside down; she was beaten but not killed; died when her claws were cut off; the corpse was burned, tobacco grew], 145 (pilaga) [Nesówe ate people; Hawk's son told him so; people hid inside the bottle wood; N. stabbed her claw, Hawk cut it off, N. fell dead; the corpse was burned, tobacco grew], 146 (eastern toba) [if a woman eats meat during her period, eats raw, then people; went with husband to the parrot's chicks, began to eat them raw, killed her husband with long claws; the Hawk told people to hide in a bottle tree; the woman could not be killed because her heart moved to her finger with a claw; Hawk he was cut off; the corpse was thrown into the hills; the next day tobacco (from a woman's hair), oranges and other fruits grew there], 148 (oriental toba) [the woman turned into Nsogoy; went with her husband to pick up the chicks the parrot began to eat raw, its teeth and claws grew; the last chick flew off, the husband got off the tree, ran, caught up with him and ate him, brought the rest of the meat home; her two children identified a human being; some people hid in a bottle tree; N. cut off her claws, her heart was there, she died; people celebrated a party], 334 [old cannibal's heel]: 204, 207, 209-210, 212, 214-215, 218-219, 430; pilaga [Kakadelachii warns that menstruating women should not eat fish; she eats alone, goes with her husband to pick up the parrot's chicks; the husband dumps them when he climbs a tree, she eats them raw; he she goes down, runs, she catches up and devours him; hides her head in a bag, brings him home; her two sons find their father's head, tell her mother (their grandmother) that their mother has become a carry; people they run, hide inside a tree trunk; N. puts his long nail inside to grab someone; K. cuts it off, she dies; the corpse is burned, tobacco and pumpkin grow in this place, which are used by shamans]: Idoyago Molina 1985:2-3.

The Southern Cone. South Tehuelches [an ogre kills and eats his wife; their son kills his father; only a father or son's heel is vulnerable]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1984b, No. 27 [former Heller (distorted. Elal) was afraid that his son (with the same name), vulnerable only to the heel, would deprive him of power; chased him, he rode away on a magic horse; threw arrows behind him, creating obstacles - mountains, rivers, valleys; father fell exhausted, died; mother advised her son to marry the daughter of the Sun; turned into a swan, brought him to the Sun; 1) he changed his daughter and maid's clothes, but Heller found out who the bride was; 2 ) kill a guanaco who killed people with a glance (crept up quietly, hit an arrow in the heart); 3) get a ring from a nandu egg, the contents of which are deadly poisonous (wearing guanaco skin, broke the egg, splashes skinned); father-in-law grew old, died, Heller inherited the world, lives in the sun], 39-52 and 106 [father]: 45-46, 61, 63-65, 151; yagans [girl finds a stone that resembles a baby; he comes to life, bites off his chest; kills so few women; turns into a stone man; makes many women his wives; they pierce his soft soles, he can't stand up, people burn it]: Gusinde 1937:1209-1210; Wilbert 1977, No. 33:93-94.