Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

L15B. Kill with a cane.

.31. (.33.34.36.) .43.-. (.68.)

A character can only be killed by a specific plant that is not usually used to make weapons.

Edda [mistletoe], snohomish [nettle], steppe ojibwa [cattail], abenaki [reed], mikmak [reed], malesit [reed], chumash [reed], warrau [reed], carijona [reed], chikuna [mold on fruits].

Baltoscandia. Edda [Baldra started having bad dreams. Frigg took an oath from fire and water, metals, rocks, animals, birds, diseases, poison, snakes that they would not touch him. The aces began to play by firing arrows at Baldra, throwing stones and other objects without harming him. Loki pretended to be a woman and asked Frigg if everyone had taken an oath. She replied that she hadn't taken the mistletoe oath, she was too young. Loki gave blind Hued a mistletoe rod: come on, respect Balder. Balder fell dead and this was the greatest misfortune for gods and humans]: Younger Edda 1970:48.

(Wed. Turkestan. Kazakhs: Malyuga 1970 [Aldar-Kose tells Shaitan that he is only afraid of fatty baursaks (lumps of dough in fat); Shaitan starts throwing baursaks at him, he hides in the bush, pretending that He is afraid, he eats baursaks himself; Shaitan has left, since then there have been no devils in the steppes]: 149-150; Sidelnikov 1962 [Damn says he is afraid of a blacksmith's furnace, Aldar-Kose, Kurtu, Kazy, butter and a Karaganda; suggests that one will take the other blindfolded while the other sings; sits on the line, brings him to the forge, the hell runs away; AK hides in a Karaganda man, devils throw kurt, kazy, butter there; leave; AK collects food, brings it home]: 309).

(Wed. Southern Siberia - Mongolia. The Altaians [Kurmösi take the soul of Tas Khan's daughter to the lower world; Argachi goes with them, pretending that he is also an inhabitant of the world of the dead; asks K. what they fear; Rosehips and hawthorn; A. lies as if he is afraid of oil in bubbles and kurut ligaments; hides with the girl's soul in rose hips and hawthorn bushes; K. throw oil at him in vain, leave; A. returns his soul to the ground, marries a girl; his wife died; he planted her to sew as if she were alive; told the Khan that she was selling goods; three khan's daughters went to watch; A. warned that his wife might die in fear; accuses the girls of her death, receives one of the khan's daughters in return]: Nikiforov 1915:235-236; the Buryats [a person meets three spirits following the soul of a rich man's son; they are surprised that he is wrinkling under him grass; he explains that he has only recently died; asks what they are more afraid of; hawthorn and rose hips; man says he is most afraid of fatty meat; perfume catches the soul; man suggests carry it, hides in boyar and rose hips bushes; perfume throws fatty meat into the bushes; the person screams, Oh, I'm afraid he eats meat himself; the perfume goes away, the person returns his soul to the patient]: Khangalov 1958a: 398 -399).

(Wed. Eastern Siberia. Yakuts (Onogoschutsky Nasleg) [the man came from abāsa; he asked what the person was afraid of; Fat, butter and meat; what are they afraid of ab ā? - Rosehip bushes; the abāsy wanted to eat a man, he hid in the rose hips; the abāsy began to throw fat, oil, mso at him; the man pretended to be afraid, ate himself; the abāsy left]: Popov 1949:266-267).

The coast is the Plateau. Snohomish [The fox throws up and catches his eyes; eventually the Raven takes them away; the Magpie suspects that the Fox is blind; he says he sees a star; Magpie peers, he pulls her eyes out, inserts herself; old woman Illness says that her granddaughters go to a party where everyone dances with Fox's eyes; claims that stone, club, water, fire, magic root cannot kill her; Fox excrement they advise her to beat her with nettles; she dies, he puts her skin on; the old woman's granddaughters carry him on her back, on the way he inserts his penis first into his older sister, then into his younger sister; he sings in uniform old women, grabs eyes, mist, pursuers can't catch up with him]: Haeberlin 1924, No. 20:407-411.

The Midwest. Steppe ojibwa [w íhtigo (ice giant) approaches; arrows bounce off his body; the shaman uses his power, does more than w., hits him with a cattail , which he can't stand; w. loses consciousness, people burned his body until it melts]: Howard 1965:95; (cf. Ojibwa [see motive K8A; Nenabojo goes to kill his evil brother, whose birth killed their mother; this is the North, aka Flint; asks what is fatal to him; Little pebbles ; he himself replies that arrows with cedar bark at the end are allegedly fatal for him; throwing stones, he breaks off pieces of flint from Flint; after defeating Keith (K8A motif), N. comes to his brother again; says cattail is dangerous for him; both shoot at each other without causing harm; Woodpecker tells N. to aim at the place where his brother's hair is tied in a bun; N. kills the enemy with the last arrow]: Josselin de Jong 1913, No. 7-8:5-12).

Northeast. Mikmak [in his mother's womb, Gluscap's evil younger brother does not want to wait for the due time to be born, goes out through her side, her mother dies; asks the good elder how to kill him; G. lies, that he will be killed by a ball or a handful of feathers; the youngest admits that he can be killed with canes (cat-tail); brothers beat each other with matching objects; the older one kills the youngest; their mother - Turtle]: Leland 1968:106-107; Abenaki [Glooskap and his younger brother Malsumsis ("wolf") argue in the womb about how to be born; G. wants to go out the usual way, M. goes out through his side (var: armpit), killing his mother; G. replies to Malsumsis that he would be killed only by a blow with an owl feather; he admits that a fern root blow is fatal for him; M. hit sleeping G. with a pen, he woke up and said that he will kill the pine root; the same; G. says to himself that it is actually a blooming reed; the Great Beaver hears this, reports M., asks for wings as a reward; M. laughs refuses; Beaver reports everything to G.; he kills M. with a fern root; M. turns into mountains on the Gaspé Peninsula]: Leland 1968:15-17; Malesite [Gluscap and his evil younger brother came out of his mother's womb through her side, she died; G. lied to his brother, saying that he could be killed with bird's hair, and her brother admitted that reeds were fatal to him; G. was only slightly stunned by peace, and his brother was killed cane]: Jack 1895:196-197.

(Wed. Plains. Omaha, ponka [Winter is an ogre; the rabbit comes to him, does not eat human beings; learns from his wife Winter that her husband is only afraid of the head of a mountain sheep; throws this head at him, Winter is dying; his wife remains, it causes less severe winters]: Dorsey 1890:11-12; iowa [The hare comes to the Master of the North, calls himself his relative; pretends not to believe that he is not immortal; the Master of the North replies that touching his testicles with an elk's kneecap will take his life; The hare does this, killing the entire family of the Master of the North; one child hides into the gap; that's why it gets cold now]: Skinner 1925, No. 47:502).

California. Chumash [Grandma Momoides (Datura meteloides) has two grandchildren, does not tell them to go far; the youngest comes to the cave of Mons 'a (Lasky), is killed; Momoy advises the eldest Beat Monsov with a cane; the elder cuts Monsov and his mother, who has knives protruding from her knees]: Blackburn 1975, No. 17:116-117.

Guiana. Varrau [two brothers go to a palm grove; the eldest, contrary to his father's warning, drinks with Toads (these are their uncles); at night he puts his foot in the fire, sharpens it with a knife; chases the youngest, by mistake kills a deer; people cannot kill a monster with ordinary spears; they kill with spears made of wax, Ischnosiphon reeds (used for weaving), palm shoots; they cut the victim into pieces, they turn into gadflies, blood-sucking flies, bats]: Wilbert 1970, No. 157:335-337.

NW Amazon. Carijona [several brothers went hunting; their two sisters followed; saw giblets floating along the stream, thought that their brothers were upstream; came to the Itutarï Forest Spirit House; with him big frog; I. tickled his older sister to death, the youngest ran away; people came to kill him; he sings that he could not be killed with an ax, for his shoulder blades were axes, his club was his club arms, his legs with a sarbakan sarbacans; can only be killed with warumaimï reeds; while I. was away, people smashed the frog's mouth, left a dish with peppered larvae; I. ate, rushed to the river to drink, hiding on the roof a man killed him with cane w.]: Schindler 1977, No. 1:67-68; chikuna [Baia (also known as Dioi, Diay) went hunting; his wife saw a ba'ë demon bearing fruit; wished for fruit; Baë promised give if she lay down with him; the woman saw that Baë did not have a penis, agreed; a huge penis grew, the woman died from copulation; Baë put her skin on his sister; the eldest son saw this, said to his father; Diay asks B. how to kill him; mold on the fruits of asahi; D. smeared a dart with mold, hit B. in the leg; he began to drain like melting rubber; he says himself, Here my foot is falling! Here's a leg! And so on, his head finally melted; D. asked his false wife to invite relatives to drink their favorite wild chocolate drink, sent him to the station, telling him to pull out one hair on her head at a time his eldest son; brought suncoals from sunrise; burned the audience in the house with them, then restored the house, his two sons in the house jumped out through the holes, making them sarbacans; false wife notices a charred hand, D. says it is a monkey's paw; tells him to bring water in a vessel, says that his wife wrapped a rope around not her forehead, but his neck; the rope cuts off the demoness's head, she chases D. ; he runs, becoming a deer, pushes a termite mound off a cliff, his head rushes after a termite mound; demons feed his head, its body begins to grow; D. wraps his penis with palm fibers; his body feels him, believes that it was her relative who came to feed her; D. sprinkles suncoals into her body and head, burning them; revives his wife from bones]: Nimuendaju 1952:132-133.

(Wed. Southern Amazon. Rickbacz [tapir can only be slaughtered with a certain type of reed blade]: Pereira 1994, No. 17:149).