Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

L15D. Life is stored outside the body, E700, (ATU 302).

(.11.) .12.-.17.19.-.24.26.-.37.39.42.-.46.48.-.50.

The object where the character's life is concentrated is separate from the character. The character dies when this outer form is destroyed.


seems to be no motive in Bantu speaking Africa. The mbundu variant is a recent borrowing; the Sakata and King options do not fully meet the definition of motive.

(Mbundu, Sakata, Kinga), Devoin, Bambara, Hausa, Songhai (Zarma), Zaghawa, Nubians, Ancient Egypt, Berbers of Morocco, Arabs of Algeria, Tunisia, Egypt, Kabilas, Tuaregs, Italians (Liguria, Veneto, Umbria, Tuscany, Emilia Romagna, Campania, Lazio, Abruzzo, Basilicata, Calabria), Sicilians, Sardinians, Corsicans, Maltese, Basques, Aragon, Portuguese, Spaniards, Catalans, French (Dordogne, Poitou, Upper Brittany, Lorraine, French Swiss), Bretons, Irish, Scots, Flemish, Ladins, Friesians, Germans (Hessen, Schleswig-Holstein, Pomerania, Grimms, Austria) , Arab literary tradition, Arabs of Iraq, Kuwait, Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, Keva, Oz. Kutubu, Keva, Melpa, Tibetans, Tibetans (Amdo), Mustang, Limbu and/or Rai, Lepcha, Dafla, Chin, Meitei, Karen, Burmese, Mona, Shans, Thais, Kashmiris, Punjabi, Sindhi, Marathi, Northern India (Hindi), Kumaoni, Nepalis, Bengalis, Sinhalese, Maria, Muria, Gondas, Kondas, Santals, Birkhor, (Oriya), Baiga, Kannada, Tamils, Loda, Pagu, Namuzi, Chinese (Yuan Mei), (Koreans), Ancient Greece, Greeks (Lesbos), Hungarians , Romanians, Moldovans, Bulgarians, Serbs, Bosnians, Slovenes, Albanians, Gagauz people, Slovaks, Czechs, Poles, Luzhitans, Russians (Terek coast, Arkhangelskaya, Olonetskaya, Pskov, Vologda, Moscow, Tula, Ryazan, Nizhegorodskaya/Gorkovskaya, Voronezh, Oryol), Ukrainians (Volyn, Transcarpathia, Galicia, Ugric Russia, Podolia), Belarusians, Crimean Tatars, Kalmyks, Kabardian, Adygs, Abkhazians, Balkarians, Ossetians, Ingush, Nogais, Avars, Kumyks, Kurds, Tatas, Georgians, Megrelians, Armenians, Azerbaijanis, Talysh, Turks, Kurds, Persians (Isfahan, Fars, Hamadan, Khorasan), Tajiks, Tajiks Sistan, Baluchis, Yagnobes, Shugnans, Turkmens, Uzbeks, Kafirs (Prasun, Kati), Dards (Shina), Estonians, Latvians, Lithuanians, Western and Eastern Sami, Veps, Karelians, Danes, Swedes, Norwegians, Icelanders, Chuvash, Mordovians, Mari, Kazan Tatars, Bashkirs, Udmurts, Kazakhs, Karakalpaks, Kyrgyz, Uighurs, Dungans, Siberian Tatars, Chulym Turks, Altaians, Tubalars, Shors, Tuvans, South Altai Tuvans, Khakas, Darkhats, Baikal and Trans-Baikal Buryats, Oirats, Khalkha Mongols, Inner Mongolian Mongols (Chahars), Dagurs, Tundra Nenets, Northern and Southern Selkups, Evenks (Olekmin, Ilympic, Baikal, Far Eastern), Chinese Evenks, Evens, Central (?) Yakuts, Dolgans, Nanais, Ulchi, Udege, Nivhi, Wilta, Coastal Koryaks, Nootka, Makah, Chilkotin, Thompson, Skagit, Puget Sound, Upper Cowlitz, Clackamas, Tillamook, Western Sachaptin, Ne Perse, Klamath, Menominee, Western and Northern (Sandy Lake) Ojibwa, Eastern Marsh Cree, Naskapi, Seneca, Blackfoot, Iowa & Oto, Arapaho, Wichita, Karok, Hoopa, Southern Utah, Yawapai, Hicarilla, Navajo

(Wed. Bantu-speaking Africa. Mbundu {similar to a recent European borrowing} [parents pass off Luanda's eldest daughter as King of Birds, middle Mukaji as King of Antelopes, youngest Mbeji as King of Fish; wife gives birth to a boy; His peers tease him because his sisters are married to animals; the young man goes looking for them, is well received, his sons-in-law give him a feather, a bunch of wool, scales; the Serpent King kidnapped the daughter of the King of Angola; the young man must return her or will be executed; birds, antelopes, fish show the way; the kidnapped says that the death of the Serpent King is in a bird, that in a cage, in a stone, a stone at the bottom of the sea; fish take out a stone, antelopes break it, birds they kill a bird; a young man marries a rescued one]: Nikolaeva 1975:53-60; sakata [a young man in a dream receives advice that hunters give him their hearts for storage when they go to the forest; they do so; Mongoli ( evil spirit, Death) ate hearts and all hunters died]: Colldén 1979, #52:214-216; kinga [three girls went to the forest for fruit; two quickly picked up and went home, the third lingered; two came up to the river, asked them to let them pass, the water slept, they crossed the river; when the third one went, the water across the street rose; the girl froze, saw a fire in the distance, came, the jackal (anthropomorphic) lives there; he did not immediately hers let him in; offered to marry him; she does not want to; he asks to swaddle his baby; she goes to bed; sees the child in the morning, picks it up and goes home; the jackal screams that the baby has a louse in his hair if her kill, he dies; at the parents' house, warns younger siblings not to touch the louse in the baby's hair; they killed the louse, the child is dead; parents are in the field, a bird arrives, screams that the house is empty; father the girl tells the bird to be killed and fried, eats it, she reappears; when she finds out that the child is dead, the girl brought it to the jackal; he does not believe that she is innocent, chases her with his people; father the girls gathered their men and killed the jackal]: Wolff 1905, No. 2:132-135).

West Africa. Devoin {clearly European borrowing} [the fisherman can't catch anything; the mermaid promises a rich catch if the fisherman gives her whoever he sees first in the house; the fisherman thinks the puppy will run out, but A son ran out; his father sent him away from the sea and large rivers to the mountains; along the way he helped divide the animal's carcass between a lion, an eagle, an ant, who gave him the ability to take their form; a monster ruins the leader's possessions, he is forced to sacrifice his daughter to him every month; the last one was left; the young man in the form of an ant came to the monster, asked if it was true that he could not be killed; he replied that for This is to kill a lion on the mountain, then an eagle, take an egg, break it against the head of a monster; at night, the young man entered the leader's daughter; then flew to the mountain with an eagle, killed that lion in the form of a lion, killed him in the form of an eagle an eagle, took an egg out of it, smashed a monster on the head, married the chief's daughter, received wealth and land]: Pinney 1973:111-115; hausa [the witch doctor tells the beauty's parents to pass her off as an orphan; others girls envy her beauty; persuade her to eat collected nuts, do not eat their own; the girl stays alone in the field to pick nuts, she is carried away by gin; parents bury a pest in the grave; the old woman explains orphan, that the grave is false, the bride was taken away by a genie; the young man comes there, hides, tries in vain to kill the genie with a weapon at night; tells the girl to ask where his soul is; in the horns of a white antelope coming to watering hole; a young man kills an antelope, a genie dies, a young man brings his wife home]: Johnston 1966. No. 28:62-66; bambara [a snake takes newlywed women, eats it on the seventh day; cannot be killed: on the spot a new head grows up severed; Ntyi goes to look for his wife taken away; at the lair, the serpent N. hears his wife asking the snake what his life is; the snake: there is a wild bull in the forest, there is a roe deer in it, a guinea fowl in it, she has a dove, an egg in it; a fly will fly out of a crushed egg, sit on me; a lion, a panther, an eagle, a hawk, a fly, a stone are convinced of N.'s fearlessness and patience, join him; they consistently they kill a lion, etc., the serpent dies; N. returns his wife, the leader rewards him]: Klipple 1992:126; songhai (zarma) [a cat, dog, hawk, bull, vulture consistently come to marry the girl, a goat; she says to everyone that she loves him; the same thing says to the spirit who has descended from seventh heaven; he takes her away; animals search for the missing girl in vain; finally, the vulture rises to seventh heaven sky; overhears; the spirit asks the girl why she prays to God; she replies that her suitors are looking for her; the spirit says that life is in seven rivers, there is a rock, an antelope in it, a dove in the antelope, an egg in the dove; the bull drank the water of seven rivers, a rock appeared; the goat broke the rock with horns; the dog caught up, gutted the antelope, the dove flew out; the vulture caught up and killed her; he raised the egg to the sky, broke the spirit against the head, the spirit is dead, the vulture brought the girl back to earth; who should she belong to?] : Tersis 1979:43-55.

Sudan-East Africa. Zaghawa [the king is old and childless; marabu: a sword will hit you on the leg; take him and lie down with your wife, the son of Mahamat Sword Son will be born; the king ordered to bury treasures, kill those who buried them, only the faithful maid knows the place; after the king's death, his brother took the throne; M.'s mother agreed to poison her son for promising the new king to make her the main wife; the maid threw meat to the dog, which died; M. went on a journey; met and accompanied two older young men; the dragon surrounded the garden with his body where the spring is; the brothers are thirsty; M. killed the dragon; the king wants to give him his daughter, but he asks to give it to his older brother; elsewhere M. kills a lion, asks the king to give her daughter to his second brother; on an island in the sea there is a palace, in which a girl who gives youth to those who marry her; an elderly the king captured her and settled her on the island; the king sent an army of devils against M., M. killed him; the king sent an old woman to M., who supposedly had nothing to eat; she threw M.'s sword into the sea, the old king took the girl away; companions M. found out about this; they dived for a long time, finally found a fish with a sword stuck in her throat; M. came to life; all three, disguised as girls, came to the king; the king's bride recognized M., chose her as a servant; M. forced the king give the names of all his servants and subjects; killed him; went out to the people in the morning and said that he was the old king, but after a night with that girl he rejuvenated; made his brothers kings and drove his uncle himself with father's throne; settled in the village with his mother; married a faithful maid himself]: Tubiana, Tubiana 2004 (2), No. 28:35-52; Nubians [lying in a puddle, the woman gave birth to a donkey from the seed; Ahmed Son of Donkey (ASO) beats his wife twice a day, who confirms that he is daring; the old woman advises his wife to answer that there are better daredevils; ASO leaves, meets, takes Ushasty, Glazasty as companions, Angry, Inexhaustible (irrigates the beds with his urine); everyone first replies that if he met ASO, he would fraternize with him; the king sprinkles poison, the Eyed takes away the poisoned pieces; the king sets fire to the house, The inexhaustible floods; the angry almost killed everyone; the king is ready to give his daughter, the ASO only takes a receipt that they are daring; each one cooks in turn, the giant eats everything; when it is the ASO's turn, he throws him into the fire, the giant disappears into the well; the ASO goes down the rope, the beauty says that the giant's soul is in the chest, the ASO breaks it; the twins pick it up, share the beauty and the treasures, cut the rope; ASO falls into the fifth underworld; there the crocodile closed the river, provides water in exchange for the girls; ASO promises to cause ritual scars to the crocodile when he and the girl are eaten, kills; hides with the old woman, leaving a handprint on the princess's thigh; the king finds the hero, tells the eagle to take him upstairs; there is not enough meat, the ASO cuts a piece off the thigh, gives it to the eagle; he puts it back; the ASO forgives his brothers, returns to his wife]: Katznelson 1968:78-94.

North Africa. Ancient Egypt [(papyrus d'Orbigny, first published. Vicomte de Rougé d Revue archéologique 1862:385f; Anepu and Batau); Anubis's older brother is married, the younger Bata lives in his house and works for him; the brothers worked in the fields; A. sent B. to bring seeds; at home, A.'s wife offers B. to get along with her; B. refuses, but promises to remain silent; in the evening, A.'s wife pretends to be beaten, says that B. tried to rape her; B.'s cow warns him that A. is going to kill him; B. runs, A. pursues him; B. asks the Sun God, who creates a reservoir in the way A.; in the morning B., standing on the other side, screams, telling his brother how it was, shouts himself, throws his severed penis into the water, swallows the catfish; B. goes to the Valley of the Cedars (Pines), telling A. to come for him if he finds out that something has happened to B., in this case, the beer in the mug he has holds, starts wandering; A. returns home, kills his wife, throws the corpse to dogs, mourns his brother; B. comes to the Valley of the Cedar, places his heart on the top of a cedar flower (?) , hunts; god Hnum creates a woman for him; B. warns her not to leave the house, because the Sea can swallow her, and he, B., will not be able to save her, because he is "a woman himself like her"; a woman violates the ban The sea tries unsuccessfully to carry it away, tells Cedar (Pine) to detain her, but he only grabs her curl; the sea brings it to Egypt and leaves it where the laundresses wash the pharaoh's clothes; the aroma of the curl remains on underwear; scribes explain to Pharaoh that the curl belongs to the daughter of the Sun; Pharaoh sends people to the Valley of the Cedar to bring a woman; B. kills them; Pharaoh sends other warriors and a woman, giving her all kinds of things women's jewelry; this time B.'s wife comes to Egypt; she succumbs to Pharaoh's persuasion and advises to cut down the tree on which B.'s heart is located; the tree falls down, the flower with B.'s heart falls, B. dies; at home, A. sees that the beer in the mug has fermented; comes to the Valley of the Cedar, finds B. dead on his bed, unsuccessfully searches for his heart for three years; on the fourth, intending to return to Egypt, he finds fruit - B.'s heart; he puts it in a vessel of cold water, at night the heart absorbs water, B. comes to life, A. gives him water to drink, B. swallows his heart and it returns to its place in his body; deciding to take revenge to his wife, B. turns into a beautiful bull, whom A. brings to the Pharaoh's palace; he accepts the bull as a "miracle"; when he enters the kitchen, the bull finds his ex-wife there, reproaches her; the wife asks the pharaoh slaughter a bull and cook its liver for it, two drops of blood fall on the sides of the palace gate, from which two Persea Mimusops Schimperi trees grow); when the pharaoh and his wife sit under them, one of them tells the woman that it is B., reproaches again; the woman orders to make furniture out of wood; a sliver flies into the mouth of Pharaoh's wife, she becomes pregnant and gives birth to a son; he grows up (obviously in the form of B.) after death Pharaoh takes the throne, sues his former wife; after 30 years he dies, A. takes the throne]: Lichtheim 1997:85-89 (Russian per. Livshits 1975:87-102); the Arabs of Egypt [a woman takes off her clothes from her feathers, bathes in a spring, then flies away; the king sees it, steals clothes, asks his wife for an article; the woman agrees provided if the king blinds his former 40 wives; one of them is a princess, the rest are slaves; the blinded are kept in the basement under the kitchen; each has given birth, the children are eaten, the princess has kept her own; the boy steals food in the kitchen, feeds the blinded; the king meets a young man who calls himself Kitchen Bear, but his real name is Mohammed the Intelligent; the new wife has guessed who this young man is; pretended to be sick, asks the king to send M. for the medicine, the heart of a black valley bull; he fell to Guli's chest; she gave a ball to follow, and a dagger to slaughter the bull; if asked to hit again, do not hit; next time, the bull's heart red valley (same); the new wife decides to send M. to her sister to kill him; sends him to bring a heavy white valley grenade (weighing about 50 kg); Guli's son teaches him to find a grenade, he is from the king's wife's sister; throw the ring, follow it; throw bread of meat to dogs, then cannibals, they will miss it, grab a grenade and run without looking back; the wife tells you to bring a flying castle from Mount Kaf; the cannibal teaches you to give to the maid of incense, she will take it to her room; there is a bottle with the life of the king's wife and another with the eyes of blinded wives; and a wand that drives the castle; and a spear that hits orders to the left and to the right; when the maid fell asleep, M. killed the scarab in which her life was; M. ordered to kill everyone with a spear, carries the lock, opens to his father, breaks the bottle with the life of the witch wife, restores sight to the blinded women, receives the throne from his father]: Spitta bey 1883, No. 2:12-29 (summary in Nowak 1969, No. 177:182-183); Kabila (Blida) [Emhammed lives with his mother and brothers; began to steal treasures from the Sultan's treasury; Having discovered the hole, the Sultan ordered to put a pot of resin there; the thief would fall into it; on that day E.'s mother advised him to take his younger brother with him - let him also learn to steal; brother fell into the resin; E. cut him off and brought her head to her mother; said that if she left the house today crying, he would kill her; the next morning, the Sultan ordered the headless body to be crucified and all the inhabitants of the city brought there; E. ordered his mother to bring a jug of butter and drop it; everyone will believe that she is crying for the missing oil; the sultan tells the adviser to feed the ostrich with pearls and diamonds and bring it to the castle; someone who is used to stealing if he he will notice jewelry in the bird's feces, rush to collect them; E. dressed up as an old woman, went to the castle and woke up the grains; the ostrich began to peck at them, E. lured him, stabbed him and took the jewelry out of his stomach; the adviser suggested sending an old woman around the city to say that the Sultan would pay a lot of money to someone who has ostrich fat (considered a strong medicine); E.'s mother is ingenuous replied that she had fat; noticing this, E. killed the old woman and buried the corpse; adviser to the Sultan: arrange a holiday for the people, warning that the old, big and crippled should not come; give everyone wine, tongues would untie; E. began to talk about his exploits; the Sultan ordered him to shave half his beard to find him; E. took a knife and cut off half his beards to everyone he could; the Sultan ordered everyone to be imprisoned in prison; at this time, the Sultan's son brought the horse to drink, pushing the old woman away from the water; old woman: it would be better to get King Cefretmâge's daughter ("King in Yellow Boots"); the prince demanded that he be released in search princesses; E. admitted that he was stealing, asked the others to let go; the Sultan did not execute him, but ordered him to accompany his son; on the way, the prince fell asleep, and E. went to explore the surroundings and entered the castle of two guli; they warned that if the prince wanted to drink, he should ask them for water; the stream was poisoned by the venom of a seven-headed snake; when the prince woke up, E. brought him to the castle; they did not find the guley, and the cellars were full human and animal bones; when the prince fell asleep again, E. went to the stream and cut off six heads of the snake; snake: for the first time such a brave man came; bring the prince and receive a gift; E. and the prince came to the dungeon; there two naked beauties; one is a princess, the other is the daughter of his vizier; 7 days ago someone kidnapped them from the royal garden; leaving the girls, E. and the prince rode on horseback; the old man herds his camels; says that only guli live further; gives a razor, a comb and a mirror; if you get to the stove, pick it up, you will find yourself underground; there is an old man whose eyelashes cover his eyes; he asks him to shave - shave and only then ask; spears are always ready; this old man gave a mirror and sent him to his older brother; and so seven brothers who need to cut off their eyelashes are each sent to the elder; the seventh to the old woman, the mother of all seven; she will take the King in yellow boots to the gates of the city; but do not approach her if she pushes salt and a black dove flies around her; turn when the grain is pushing and a white dove flies; stick to her breasts; E. and the prince did everything, the old woman had a feast for them; says that 90 young men have already been beheaded for asking for the princess's hand; leave my horses and clothes, put on rags; for money, a woman in town agreed to show the house where the princess lives; when she entered the sleeping princess, E. put together the chandeliers in the corners and left; so three times; when the princess grabbed his finger, the hair that Gulya wrapped around him turned into a shining ring; the princess changed it to her magic ring; it fulfilled any wish that was not aimed at harming the princess; they came to to the Sultan; he offers difficult tasks; 1) find out what three items are in the bundle inside the chest; E. learned this from the princess: the princess's mother's comb, her marriage contract and "black black skin Ocean"; 2) holding a bowl of milk in his teeth, climb a palm tree without splashing it; E. ordered the ring to make the prince complete the task; 3) indicate which of the hundred closed palanquins was in the bride, grab her camel's reins and take her away; thanks to the ring, everything was successful; Gulya met them as a young girl; when they got out of the dungeon, a cloud carried away the princess; E. turned to the ring, but it's gone; E. went alone in search; the camel driver and then the shepherdess direct him to the Women's Kidnapper; overhears him succumbing to the princess's persuasion to tell him what his life is like; in a thread in an ostrich egg in the dungeon where the ghoul king lives; the shepherdess agreed to take him there; after driving the ostrich to the ground, E. stabbed it, broke the egg and burned the thread; the kidnapper burned down with it; hundreds The kidnapped women are happy; E. brought herds to the prince; the magic ring was found again, the women were sent home, the prince married the King's daughter in yellow boots]: Desparmet 1912:241-251; kabila: Frobenius 1921a, No. 22 [the huge Chtaphlaräith is invisible, people only feel his breath; if it blows on a person, he will turn into stone; the rabbit had hair behind her ear; when she lay down by the fire, he became smoldering, she threw him out of the hole, C. came out of it; flew with the wind, saw the wedding, turned the men into stones, took the bride to her rocks; the girl refused to live with him, he began to beat her in the morning and evening; the same with many girls; he placed his soul (that hair) in an egg, an egg in a wild chicken, a chicken in a camel (since the camels had a hump); the soul of C.'s daughter was in the rocks, people began to approach them, daughter fell ill; then C. placed her soul with his own in a stone at the bottom of the sea; to do this, he hit the water with a rod, the sea temporarily receded; the fairy tale says how the young man destroyed C.'s soul, but this is only a fairy tale C.'s breath is still felt]: 105-107; Grim 1983 [the prince came to the well to give the horse a drink; the old woman asks to wait for her jug to fill; they quarrel, the old woman tells the prince to bring him into the house Sunny Maiden (SD); the prince lost his peace; called the old woman to make peace; put her hand in the hot soup: tell me how to find SD; she says that SD is the wife of the king of black in the high mountains (but SD herself white); on the way, the prince sees a man who is being executed; the local king explains that he is a murderer, this is not the first time he has been tried, but the prince buys him, giving four times more gold than his weight; Ali Demmu (that's his name) promises to be a loyal servant; in the city of blacks, he breaks into the king's bedroom; he sleeps tied to SD (legs, belt and neck); Hell stabbed the king, SD advised him to wear his clothes, they went out from the palace, they came to the prince; Hell ordered to hide the SD in a box and not open it on the way; while he was going to fetch water, the prince opened the box, the spirit stole SD; they met a shepherd driving sheep to the sea; Hell asked him , the shepherd replies that he serves the one who steals brides, has recently brought a new one; he lives overseas, you can get there on the back of a black sheep; AD has changed clothes with the shepherd; the shepherd further explains what to do enter the courtyard and call a woman to milk the sheep; this time a new wife of the spirit will come out; when SD came out, AD put the sheep head to her; SD is surprised, AD says who he is (pretending) accuses her of he ran away, SD objects; they agreed to wait until night; the spirit tells SD that he is going to sleep with her that night; SD: then tell me what your life is; on a rock in the sea a dove is sitting on an egg, in it the life of the spirit; Hell sailed on a sheep to the rock, took out a dove with an egg, came back, broke the egg; but there was a second egg inside the dove, so that the spirit did not die, although it lost its strength; Hell brought SD to the prince; sent the shepherd to the island let him take all the treasures of the spirit; Hell, SD and the prince spend the night under a tree; Hell hears the conversation of two birds: a snake will crawl, turn hell into stone; to revive it, the prince must strangle it over a stone his son; when his son was born, the prince brought him to the statue and strangled him; Hell came to life; birds: if you rub the child with droppings from our nest, he will come to life; Hell took out the droppings, revived the boy; everyone is happy; Hell remained with the prince and he married him]: 99-119; Rivière 1882 [Sultan's son Mohamed kills the townspeople; the old woman promises to save the people; brings the jugs to the spring, begins to fill them with acorn shells; M. broke the jugs; the old woman tells him to marry Thithbirth - 70 suitors have already died; M. set off, met a fellow traveler; took off the ring from the cannibal's dead son, showed the ruler of the city that demanded the second one, M. took it out; on the way they hear a talking bird; when they arrive at T., M. sings the same song as the bird, says he invented it himself; T. demands a bird; M. brings (the bird itself flew into the cage ); Father T. will give her daughter if 1) M. finds her; the bird indicates to M. that she hid under her father's seat; 2) identify T. among 70 identical girls; T.: I will be on a lame horse; after receiving T., M. took her home , giving his companion another woman; the cannibal stole T.; M. came and asked the ogre where his life was; the cannibal: in an egg, in a throat, in a camel, in the sea; M. took out an egg, the cannibal died; M. brought T. to his father's city, that promises a herd to someone who will kill his son; a warrior came to M., blinded him and left him in the desert; the eagle showed leaves that restore sight; the elders denied the Sultan the right to take his son's wife; M. killed his father and reigned]: 187-192; the Berbers of Morocco [the motif of three wonderful objects; "in the same text, the motives of the returned Psyche and the outer soul of the demon who kidnapped the newlywed"]: V. Loubignac. Etude sur le dialecte berbere des Zaian et Ait Sgougou, 1924:341 in Dermenghem 1945:200; the Berbers of Morocco (Fez) [the Sultan finally had a son, Sidi Mohammed (SM); he imprisoned him in the underground palace, his servant to teach him; when his mother accidentally discovered SM, the sultan cut off her head in front of his eyes; after that, SM was able to go out into town; one day he came across an old woman; she yelled: so that you marry Aruaj bin Ilak! (AI); SM went in search; on the way he bought a young man named Sidi Mohammed Bu Rjilat (BR), whom the local sultan hung by the legs for not wanting to reveal the secrets of magic to him; he promised get AI - let the SM send his father's army back; get the guards drunk, they fell asleep; swapped the lamps at the AI's bedside; sent SM; AI gave him an earring, bracelets from his arm and leg; SM presented them her father; he agrees to marry if SM indicates which cocoon (the closed space where the bride is) - AI; BR suggested; on the way home, BR warns: until they reach his land own efreet, SM must not get off the horse, otherwise his wife will be kidnapped; but he got off his horse as needed, AI disappeared into the air; BR went to efreet, who kidnapped BM; asked the shepherd what does when she brings sheep; shepherd: I knock on the gate with a stick; the new wife, who was kidnapped by Ifrit, lets me in and lets me out in the morning; BR changed clothes with the shepherd, found AI, told her to find out what life was like efrita; in the middle of the sea, a dove on the tree, three eggs in its nest; break the first, the efrita will be engulfed by a red flame, the second will be blue, the third will remain only ash; with the help of his efreets, BR obtained eggs; when Ifrit died, the prisoners were sent home; SM, AI and BR go three; two girls cut off the heads of travelers at the bridge; SM cut the bridge with a sword, took one girl for himself, gave the other to BR; now each has two wives; weddings; AI gave birth, and BR's wives fell ill; only the blood of a newborn would cure them; SM sent him to slaughter his son; but it turned out that BR only wanted to test his friend, he had a son himself; but wrote that he needed more blood; SM sent a daughter born to a second wife; friends are happy and have married children]: El Fasi, Dermenghem 1928:151-164; Tuaregs: Casajus 1982:27-28 [there are enough scoops in the genie's well brothers, gives them for promising to give him their sister; one of the brothers follows her, the people they meet answer that she passed 10, 9, 8, etc.; hides under the genie's bed, stabs him with an awl, he thinks that ants bite; replies to his wife that his soul is in an antelope horn, there are 10 bags one in the other, in the last 10 boxes one in the other, in his last hair; the wife pulls out her hair, the genie dies], 28 [the girls go picking wild berries, leaving a friend alone, envious of her beauty; a genie marries her; a clever older brother visits his sister unnoticed; a stupid younger man meets a genie on the way back, killed by him; sister finds out where the genie's soul is, kills him], 28-29 [the girl is kidnapped by the genie, she runs away to her mother, he takes her away again; further as p. 28-29]; Tunisia [the sultan wanted to marry his son, but he wanted to marry his son only in Muhabbil; taking his closest friend, he went in search of the girl; they came to town, where they were told that M. was the king's daughter, but he hides her and her sister from everyone; then the prince dressed in the skin of the gazelle, and his friend pretended to be a clown, took the drum, so they entertained everyone; the king invited them and took them all night to the princesses he hid under the throne; the prince took off the ring from M.'s finger put his own on her instead; the next day, the prince and his friend changed into normal clothes, came to ask for M. and her sister's hand in marriage; the king made a condition to find brides; they pretended to be looking for On the seventh day, they said that princesses could only be under the royal throne; the king was distracted, friends grabbed the princesses, ran away; a friend distracted the pursuing warriors, took them away, and when he returned, he saw that the prince turned to the waist into stone; this was done to him by a genie who took the princesses; a friend found a genie, got a job as a shepherd for him, persuaded the princesses to agree to marry a genie, If he told me where his spirit was, he said that the prince's friend went in search, saved the eagle's eggs from the snake, the eagle carried him across the seven seas, and he gave him the meat of a snake, divided into seven pieces; found a camel took out his heart, a chest out of it, a sparrow from his chest; the prince's friend divided the camel's meat into seven pieces, crossed the seven seas again on an eagle; the genie disgraced the prince, but the prince's friend still his killed; they took the princesses, returned to the prince's father, the sultan called the princesses father to the festival; wedding]: Al-Aribi 2009, No. 87 in Korovkina MS; the Arabs of Eastern Algeria (Souf) [prince sees the princess; with With the help of the chief of the guard, he entered her; she was married to him; on the way to the prince's city, his wife is kidnapped by Khatafa el'araïs; the healer tells him to go to the sea, sit on a big eagle, he will carry him across the seven seas; on the way he must be fed meat; overseas there is a silver chest, there is a second chest in it, an egg in it, hair in it; if his hair is burned, H. dies; during the flight there is not enough meat, the prince cuts off a piece from his thigh; X. many abducted women, they are intoxicated by the smoke of incense burners; the prince extinguishes incense burners, burns her hair, takes his wife, sends other abducted women to where they were kidnapped from; the bird carries them back across the seas] : Scelles-Millie 1963:269-277

Southern Europe. Italians (Liguria): Kotrelev 1991:37-40 [Calvino 1984, No. 6:18-21; widow's son Juanine goes on a journey when he is strong enough to knock down a pine tree with his foot; tames the indomitable the horse, the king takes him into service; the queen was kidnapped by the sorcerer Body-Without Soul (TD); the servants tell the king that D. is ready to release her; D. leaves, divides the donkey's carcass between Leo, Eagle, Dog and Ant, they give he has the ability to turn into these animals; an eagle, an ant enters TD's castle, tells the Queen to know where TD's life is; she is in a black egg, a black eagle, a black dog, a black lion; turning into animals, D. killed black people, took out an egg, TD died, the king married D. to his daughter], 101-105 (Tuscany, Florence) [a pregnant woman steals parsley from the sorceress's garden; they catch her, let her go for promising to name it the child Petrushka, she gives it to them; the woman gave birth to a girl, called Petrushechka; when she grew up, the witches reminded her mother of the promise, she had to agree; 1) the witches brought P. into the dark the room, told to make it white, paint the walls with birds; the witch's cousin Meme suggests doing everything if P. lets herself be kissed; she refuses, M. is happy, does everything anyway (the same when each new act of help); 2) the witches are told to bring a Belle-Jullar box from the witch Morgana; M. gives two pots of lard; tells you to lubricate the hinges of Morgana's gate, throw bread to the dogs, give an awl and give the shoemaker (he pulls his hair out of his head and beard, sews Morgana's shoes), give the cook a panicle so she doesn't shovel the ash with his hands; P. takes the box, Morgana's guards refuse to detain her; along the way opens the box, little men and the orchestra jump out of it; Meme appears, puts them back; 3) the witches are going to cook P., tell them to boil the pot; M. advises to say that there is not enough firewood; P. and M . lights blow out in the barn are the souls of sorcerers, the last is Morgan; they take possession of all the sorcerers' property; got married, began to live in Morgana's Palace]; Calvino 1980, No. 52 (Emilia Romagna, Bologna) [without being able to endure her stepmother's nit-picking, Stellina leaves home; her fairy aunt gives her a do-do ring; she herds sheep; a man dressed as a prince takes her to his palace; appears every day at leaves for a minute and again, and invisible hands take care of S. and serve her; all kinds of animals in the palace park; one day S. asks his ring to show her invisible assistant; the girl is disgraced and helps S.; they see two columns - one must be asked, the other will answer; behind the park, girls meet a passing Indian prince; he explains that this is the palace of the Animal King, which S. will eat one day; S. s using a ring, he creates a special palace for the prince and transfers treasures there; in one place he sees heads and individual members lamenting their fate; after the column says that the King's life Animals in a chestnut under the chair cushion, it collapses; S. pulls out a chestnut; the Animal King appears and falls dead; animals become kings, queens, princes again; S. marries Indian prince]: 163-166; Italians (Liguria, Veneto, Umbria, Tuscany, Emilia Romagna, Campania, Lazio, Abruzzo, Basilicata, Calabria), Sardinians: Cirese, Serafini 1975, No. 302A: 53-54; Sicilians (Palermo) [one of the two merchants allows his son to go overseas with his childless friend; the young man's ship sank, but he escaped and ended up in an enchanted castle; his owner and everyone around him will be disgraced if a young man spends a year with her without seeing her or revealing her secret to anyone; one day he asks permission to visit his relatives; the owner of the castle gives a treasure ship and a wand that will instantly take him to the right place; at home, the father and his friend spent all their savings on the trial: the young man's father accused his friend of killing his son; everything was clarified; but the young man let his mother slip and she gave he has a candle to light a candle at night and look at his wife; a drop of wax has fallen, his wife woke up; now you can save her either by defeating the sorcerer: there is a rabbit in his stomach, a dove in the rabbit, three eggs in the dove , they must be brought; the young man was hired by shepherds; the owner warned not to let the cows into the forest: there is a sorcerer, he kills both cows and people; the young man drove them there on purpose; he fights with the sorcerer all day long; he says he would defeat him if he had bread and wine; the young man says he needs bread and milk to win; they leave for the night; the next day, the shepherds made bread and milk for the young man and he killed a sorcerer; brought three eggs to his wife; she placed the imperial crown on him; told him to throw three eggs from the balcony; after that, all the bewitched spoke, life was revived]: Calvino 1980, No. 171:611-616; Aragon [the soul of an ogre who kidnapped a girl in an egg on an island; the hero gets an egg with the help of a lion, an ant and a pigeon]: González Sanz 1996, No. 302:74; Basques: Barandiaran 1962a, No. 13 [fisherman Canillo caught a fish (the red first pagel), which asks to let it go, promises wealth; the fisherman lets go, gets rich, but is impoverished again; caught the same fish again; it promises wealth if the fisherman gives it something that he will be the first to meet him at home; he thinks that a dog will come out, and Canillo's youngest son has come out; we must send him to a house by the sea; there lives a devil who has taken the form of a fish; in the house, the devil makes a special noise , the devil throws him into the sea; he swims to the shore; the lion, the dove and the ant ask him to help them divide the dead horse; he gives the lion meat, the pigeon of giblets, the ant bones; they give him the ability turn into a lion, a dove, an ant; in the form of a dove, K. flies to the house; a beauty is nearby; asks where life is the devil; in Mount Iparrarre, his brother, he has a hare in his stomach, a dove in a hare, in a dove, in a dove egg; K. flies to that mountain, is hired as a shepherd; the owner tells us not to take the sheep to the mountain, the hell will kill them there; K. drives them to the mountain, fights the devil in the form of a lion, the sheep ate fresh grass; the maid spies, hears K. dreams of a piece of bread; on the third day he brings bread, K. wins the line; in the form of a dove he flies to the first line, enters his house like an ant, breaks an egg on his forehead; returns to his father; he became arrogant when he became rich, but when he recognized his son, he took him to him]: 62-68; Webster 1879 [the poor man agrees to take Malbrook's newborn son as godson; he gives money, disappears with a baby, also dubbed Malbrouk; young M. grew up, released to his parents for three days; returns with two brothers; they change hats for the night with their three daughters M.; the elder M. by mistake kills daughters, brothers run away; the king has three daughters missing; the elder, middle brothers are afraid to go down to the bottom of the well; M. goes down, kills two snakes, goes upstairs with two princesses who It is intended for brothers; goes to look for the third; divides the sheep between an ant (head), a hawk (giblets), a dog and a wolf (both half a carcass); they make it possible to turn into any of them; woodpecker reports that the princess overseas has a body without a soul; M. flies there like a hawk, hides on the princess's chest as an ant, she persuades the monster to tell where his life is (in the wolf there is a fox, a dove in the fox, in the fox blue egg); M. gets an egg in the form of animals, the monster dies, M. brings the princess to the king; says that he will first get a dowry; steals a cow from the elder M., from whose horns diamonds fall ( the shepherdess distracts), the moon (pours out water, you have to go get water at night, shine); when he goes for the violin, he is caught; asks M.'s wife to untie him, he will help cook firewood; cooks it for himself; M. gets a wife , then the throne]: 77-87; Portuguese [poor fisherman went to sea and hears a voice: if you give the one who looks you first at home, then there will be a rich catch; the fisherman decided it will be a dog, and there was a son; the young man went to the sea, the ship took off from the day, the young man sank to the bottom, there is a palace, everything is done in it by itself; at night someone lies down with him; one day a ship appeared and the young man went up to visit parents; asked for matches and a candle; when he returned and lit a candle, a beautiful girl was next to her; a drop of wax dripped on her; she told her to look for her in the Castle of Black Stones, wearing out 7 pairs of iron shoes; he went on a journey; an ant, an eagle and a lion are arguing over a dead sheep; the young man divided it, each gave him the ability to take his form, two legs, a feather, a fur; the young man became an eagle, flew in into an impregnable castle; allowed the girl to pull herself together and put her in a cage; at night he got out of her as an ant, found himself with a girl; she says that the giant's strength lies in the hair that grows on his navel and girds his waist twice; after that, a dove will fly out of the giant; the young man gnawed his hair with an ant, caught a dove with an eagle; there is an egg in it, he broke it in front of the giant, he died; wedding]: Dias Marques 2019, № 101:151-153; Portuguese: Braga 2002 (Algarve) [the woman has three daughters; the eldest went to the river, saw a carnation in the water, reached for it and disappeared; the same is the middle one (rose), the youngest (jasmine); the woman cried, she had a son; he grew up, began to ask why his mother cried every now and then; when he found out what was going on, he went in search; three guys are fighting over his father's inheritance: speeding boots, a hat- an invisible man who opens all doors with a key; the young man threw a stone, invited the three to race, the fastest would get items; he put on his boots himself, took the key and hat, told the boots to be where his older sister; she is happy in the castle; her husband arrives in the form of a bird, then becomes a man; gives her brother a pen to call for help from the king of birds; the same with her middle sister (the king of fish, gives scales); but the youngest at the mercy of an old monster, he starves her and keeps her in a dark cave, seeking consent to become his wife; her brother advised his sister to agree to the condition that the old man tell her what his life is like; she is in an egg in a dove, and a dove in an iron chest at the bottom of the sea; the king of fish called them together, the sardine was the last: it was crushed by an iron chest; the fish brought it, the young man opened it with his key; the dove flew out, the king of birds told the birds to find her; another dove said that a long-missing friend had flown to her; the young man got a dove, took an egg, told his boots to take it to the monster's cave, broke the egg on his head; at the same moment, a spell fell on the husbands of two older sisters, they became human; the younger one got the monster's treasures]: 117-121; Cardigos 2006, No. 203 [(many records); the hero divides food correctly between animals, they promise to help him; either brothers or animals married to his sisters help him; turning into animals (the ones that helped him), the hero enters the kidnapped cannibal princess, finds out where the ogre's life is (an egg in a dove in a chest in the sea)]: 59-60; Maltese: Mifsud-Chircop 1978, No. 302 (many options) [the sorcerer kidnaps the princess; the hero divides the fallen donkey between ants and other animals, they give him the ability to take their form, promise to help; thanks to transformations, he enters the sorcerer's palace; the kidnapped finds out where the sorcerer's soul is hidden (in two eggs, eggs in animals, etc.), the hero gets them, the sorcerer dies], 314 [the sorcerer promises childless spouses the birth of a son on condition that the boy be given to him after a certain time; prince gets to a sorcerer, who tells him to take care of horses, except for one; this horse is an enchanted prince; a prince runs on this horse; a magical escape (an abandoned blade, shards of glass, a comb turn into rain, fire, darkness, lots of iron combs, glass fragments, blades); the prince saves fish, ants, lions, is hired as a gardener to the king, hiding his golden hair under a lamb bubble; the younger princess sees his golden hair, chooses him as a husband; the prince wins competitions three times incognito; advisers suggest getting rid of the gardener by offering difficult tasks (sleeping with lions; sort the grain); in the guise of a gardener, marries a younger princess; incognito defeats enemies; prince and wife return to the sorcerer, destroy his outer soul, spell everyone's end with live water; gets medicine for the blind king; the horse turns into a king who has been bewitched]: 40-45, 68-74; Corsicans: Massignon 1984, No. 7 [the king does not allow his daughter to leave the house; one day she went out into the garden, a flower came down from the sky, she smelled it and disappeared; they are looking for her everywhere; one of the bereytors, Ghuanigula ("Jean-Nicolas"), takes two companions with him, goes in search; They cook the hut one by one; each dwarf comes, beats the cook, eats everything; when G. stays, he hits the dwarf, follows him to the stone under which the hole; G. goes down, the companions remain at the top ; G. finds himself in another world, there are many young men and women, including a princess; she says that the dwarf is injured and sleeping, first you have to break the glass in which his soul is in; G. does so, sends everyone upstairs; then sends a heavy stone; the companions think it's G., cut off the rope; G. finds an old lamp, rubs it, the spirit from the lamp, which fulfills wishes, carries it to the ground; disguised as the bastard G. remains to work in the royal stable; easily reassured his horse, which no one could approach; the king will give his daughter to someone who rides a wide ditch on horseback; G. asks the lamp three times for himself and the horse's metal armor - first bronze, then silver, then gold; the king prepares his daughter's wedding; G. tells the lamp to make sure that there is crap on the plates instead of food; he is summoned himself to be a cook, the dishes are great, he is guests dressed in bronze; then in silver and gold; the princess recognizes him; the king gives G. his daughter and crown; the companions who betrayed G. were smeared with resin and burned], 73 [the sorcerer gave the jeweler a diamond ring, ordered, if he did not come for him, to give it to someone who repeated the request three times; the young man overheard, received a ring, told him to create a better castle than the royal one; the king married him to his daughter; the sorcerer began to walk, offering new rings instead of the old ones; his wife, not knowing the value of the ring, gave it to the sorcerer; he moved her and the castle to Elba Island; the husband goes in search; the king of the Winds, he is 100 years old, refers to the king of animals, he is 200 years old, he is the king of birds, he is 300 years old; their subjects do not know where Elba Island is; finally, an old eagle flew in, he knew, brought a man, he told his wife to find out where the sorcerer's soul; a barrel in the sea, a dove in the barrel, an egg in the blue; when it is broken, the sorcerer died, the husband and wife took the ring, moved the castle back]: 14-18, 61-63, 325 [the usual beginning of the narratives in story 302 (" The life of an ogre in an egg"): Returning from war, a young soldier sees animals arguing over prey; he divides fairly and they give him parts of their body (fur, feather, leg), thanks to so he gets the ability to take their form at will; thanks to this, he infiltrates a princess kidnapped by a giant or cannibal; she learns what the kidnapper's life is; by resorting again to metamorphosis, a soldier gets an egg in which the life of an ogre]; ladins [someone gave the man money and he had to promise to give him a son; the father brought his son to the sea; that man brought the young man into the dark room; suddenly a window opened, behind it three girls with flowers; then once, they gave him a candle and a flint - let him know who else was in the room; the young man lit a candle - that man sleeps there; girls: his you can kill only if you get a heron egg in his head; after leaving the room and crossing the fence, the young man finds himself in the forest; a lion, a hare, a heron and an ant argue which of them people love more everyone; the young man praised everyone; they gave him the ability to take their form; the young man was hired to herd sheep; the owner forbade them to take them over the mountain; but they went there; the young man sees a bush, a girl under him; behind her the dragon appeared; the young man became a lion, fought, the dragon left; the same day, when the princess was waiting for the dragon with her sister; on the third day, all three princesses kidnapped by the dragon; this day once the young man ate not with bread and water, like the dragon and like himself for the first two times, but with meat and wine; he ripped the dragon's belly, from there a hare jumped out; the young man became a dog; a heron flew out of the ripped hare; the young man became a heron, caught up and killed the first heron; there was an egg in it; the sorcerer inside the castle; the young man became an ant, climbed into the crack; he broke the egg on the sorcerer's forehead, he died; in the garden there are three girls who were waiting for a dragon ; he married the youngest; they served me soup and was so hit in the ass that he flew here]: Decurtins, Brunold-Bigler 2002, No. 94:249-254; Sardinians: Uther 2004 (1), No. 302:180-181; Spaniards (Andalusia, Leon; also Basques, Catalans, Galicians) [caballero, in search of the kidnapped princess, met a lion, a greyhound dog, an eagle and an ant who could not share the animal's carcass; he shared, each gave he has a fur (feather, etc.) that gives him the ability to turn into an appropriate animal; the princess kidnapped by the giant tells the caballero that the life of a giant in an egg in a porcupine in the palace; becoming an ant, a caballero entered the palace, spent three nights with the princess; the giant smells a man; becoming a lion, the caballero attacked the porcupine; he ran away, turning into a hare, the lion became a dog, chased , the hare is a dove, the dog is an eagle, he grabbed the pigeon, the caballero became human, took out an egg, smashed the giant on the forehead, he died, the caballero married the princess]: Camarena, Chevalier 1995, No. 302:34-37; Catalans (incl. Mallorca and Menorca) [the hero gets an invisible hat, a ring that takes him to the right place, a stick that hits whoever he needs; an eagle, a wolf, an ant give him the ability to turn into these animals; he comes to the castle of the giant who kidnapped the princess; gets three eggs in which the ogre's life is, kills a giant, marries a princess]: Oriol, Pujol 2008, No. 302:64-65.

Western Europe. The Bretons [prince falls into a hole; in the lower world he is hired by the owner of the castle; he leaves for a year, tells him to take care of birds and horses, beat one skate, clean up pistols; prince accidentally pulls a needle out of the head of a sparrow, which turns into a princess, her brother's horse; she teaches what to do; the prince asks the owner of the castle for a sparrow, a skate, a bad gun, shoots, a lock collapses, the prince, birds and horses turn into people again, return to earth; someone kisses the prince, the soulless body immediately takes the bride away; the prince receives a magic tablecloth from the old man, feeds the ants, saves fish, a hermit who rules birds promises to help; ants help him rise in the form of an ant to a castle hanging in the air on chains; the princess finds out that the kidnapper's soul is in an egg, in a dove, a hare, a wolf, a chest at the bottom of the sea; fish take out a chest, a dove flies out, a bird chief sends a hawk, a prince curls an egg, a giant dies, a castle collapses; wedding]: Luzel 1995:78-92; the French (Haute-Brittany) [a soldier was returning from war; he saw a fire in the winter forest; a wolf, an ant, and a seabird roast a ram on a spit; they invited him to share a meal and he is so good shared the meat that they gave it the ability to turn into appropriate animals; the soldier took the opportunity to fly home as a bird; found out that the giant sorcerer who killed six wives was invulnerable for fire, neither for water nor for iron; now he took his seventh wife, a princess; a soldier entered her chambers like an ant, asked her to know what the sorcerer's life was like; he told his wife that he would die if he was on his stomach crush the egg; it's in the blue, the dove in the hare, the hare is in the wolf, and the wolf is in the belly of the sorcerer's brother, who lives 8,000 leagues away; the soldier went to get the egg, telling the princess to hang a red ribbon on the window every time when the sorcerer is not at home; he flew to the sorcerer's brother as a bird, hired a cow shepherd; accidentally found a peasant's sword with the inscription: my owner always wins; ripped open the sorcerer's stomach, caught up with a wolf and tore the wolf that jumped out, and then the hare, the bird caught up with the pigeon and took possession of the egg, handed it to the princess, who crushed it on the sorcerer's stomach; sent the message to his father king; he mistook the soldier for a deceiver and put him in prison, but he escaped as an ant; the princess arrived and the soldier married her]: Sébillot 1880, No. 9:61-65; the French: Cosquin 1886, No. 15 (Lorraine) [three wandering shoemakers were walking; the youngest went down the middle road, the two eldest took the side road; the youngest divided the dead lion between the lion, giving it three quarters, the eagle and the ant, which got a quarter; they gave a hair, a feather, a leg, so that the young man could turn into any of them; as an eagle, the young man flew to the shepherd's hut; he says that the king will give his daughter for someone who will free her from the seven-headed monster and giant; the young man as an ant entered the princess's room; she says that the others could not cut off the monster's seventh head, and if not cut it down, the other six grow back; it took the young man 2 hours to cut down one head; the next day, 4 to cut down 2; then 8 cut down 3; then 10 cut down the seventh; the princess taught me to get three eggs out of this head, throw two at the giant, he will die, and one against the wall, a luxurious one will appear crew; the princess gave the young man her handkerchief; they boarded the ship, sailed to the king; the princess's former admirer pushed the young man into the sea, was swallowed by a whale; the deceiver made the princess say it was her saved; the beggar began to play the violin, the whale swam to listen; the beggar promised to play more if the whale showed the prince's head; if to the hips; to the knees; whole; the prince became an eagle, flew away; under the guise of a beggar came to the princess's wedding; she recognized her handkerchief; the deceiver was thrown into the fire with fireworks crackers; the hero's wedding with the princess]: 166-169; Delarue 1957, No. 302 (Gironde; also Haute-Brittany, Lorraine, Poitou) [returning from service, the soldier sees a polar bear, a raven, and an ant arguing over a wild boar; the soldier gives giblets to a crow, his head to an ant, the rest to a bear; everyone is happy, they give fur, feather, leg, which allow you to take their image if desired; the guy was hired to work for the owner; he advises not to go to the black forest, because there is a terrible black bear; the giant took the princess to a castle in the middle of the sea; whoever saves her, the king will give her hand to him; the guy flew to the princess like a raven, negotiated with her; she put him in a cage so that he could hear her talking to the giant; the giant answers that his strength is in an egg, an egg in a dove, a dove in a black bear; he will die if you break an egg on his forehead; a guy deliberately drives a herd to the ground of a black bear; turned into a polar bear 10 times more stronger than black; black killed, a pigeon flew out, the guy caught up with him in the form of a crow; flew to the princess, smashed the egg on the giant's head; a ship sailed to the island, the guy and the princess sat on it, but the sailors threw the guy into the sea; but he became an ant, grabbed the ship's hull and sailed safely; the guy with the princess at the king, wedding]: 134-135; Wildhaber, Uffer 1971, No. 46 (Switzerland) [the stranger gave a man of money, for which he gave him his son; the young man is left in a dark room; then a window opens, there is a vegetable garden and three girls; they explain that the life of the giant owner is in a magpie egg; the young man leaves, meets and takes as assistants a lion, a dog, a magpie, an ant; they give him the strength to take the form of these animals; he sees a princess given to the dragon; in the form of a lion he fights him, the dragon promises to give the princess is still a day; the same with the second princess; with the third - this time the lion kills the dragon; by the hare, the young man turns into a hound, catches up with him; from a hare forty, catches up with a magpie, takes an egg; the house the giant is closed, the young man enters as an ant, breaks an egg, the giant dies, the young man marries the youngest girl]: 141-147; Irish: Curtin 1975 [the weaver and his daughter go for firewood; the rider asks to give him his daughter, offers as much gold as the girl weighs; the weaver agrees, tells his wife that the daughter is missing; the second, with the third daughter, is given silver and copper for them; the weaver buries treasures, tells the truth to his wife; a son is born; at school he learns about the fate of his sisters, goes to look for them; shares bread with a red-haired man; he gives a sword of sharpness, a fabric of abundance, a cape of darkness (i.e. invincible sword, magic tablecloth, invisible cape); the young man consistently comes to his sisters; their husbands, a ram, a salmon, an eagle, take the form of people at night; give the young man a piece of wool, a piece of fin, feather; a young man comes to a beauty kidnapped by an ogre giant, seriously injures him; a giant tells the beauty that his life is in a chest at the bottom of the sea, there is a duck in it, an egg in it; salmon take out the chest, his rams smash, eagles kill a duck; a beauty breaks an egg, a giant dies, a young man marries a kidnapped man, takes the giant's treasures, visits sisters, brings his wife home, returns magic objects red-haired; he says he is the brother of a ram, salmon and an eagle]: 26-36; McManus 1915 [a noble man forgets to lock the house where his daughters are when he leaves; the eldest says he will marry an officer, the middle one forgets to lock the house where his daughters are; the eldest says he will marry an officer, the average a soldier, the youngest for a white deer; a week later, the grooms pick up their wives; the youngest answers the Deer that she wants to see him as a man at night and a deer during the day, and not vice versa; a year later she goes to visit the house, the husband warns not to drop a tear; at home she gives birth to a boy, he is taken away; the same year later, she gives birth to a girl, drops a tear in her handkerchief; when she returns, the Deer's house is in ruins; she goes after her husband's cart, she consistently gets to his three sisters, who give her scissors that make clothes, a magic tablecloth, a comb that makes her hair beautiful; she finds her children's sisters in their homes, her daughter has lost an eye, she inserts a fallen tear into her eye socket, her eye recovers; her husband goes over a mountain of needles; the wife has been serving a blacksmith for a year, he forges iron shoes for her; she crosses a mountain; in that world her husband has another wife, she sends her husband's clothes to wash, on which the earthly wife sprayed blood before parting; blood is not washed off, laundresses are executed; earthly wife easily washes off stains; buys three nights with her ex-husband for magic items received from his sisters; the new wife gives her husband sleeping pills; on the third night, the servant tells him what happened, he does not drink sleeping pills; the husband explains to his earthly wife that life is new in a mole, an egg must be thrown at him, it's in a duck, a duck in a lamb that kills a lamb, an earthly wife throws an egg at a mole; a new wife dies, a family reunites]: 185-191; Scots [The siren asks the fisherman for his son in exchange for a rich catch; he says he is childless; she gives three seeds for his wife, a mare, a dog, and three seeds to plant; they will give birth to three sons, foals, puppies; three trees will grow, if one of the brothers dies, the tree will dry up; since then the catch is rich, but when the eldest son is 3 years old, the father must send him to a siren; she extends the sentence twice, but at the age of 14, the young man tells make a sword for him, goes by himself; helps the dog, falcon and otter divide the sheep's corpse fairly, they promise to come to the rescue; he hires to herd the king's cows, but the pasture is scarce, the cows are not milked , so the shepherd is not fed; the next time he came to the green pasture; the giant said it was his, wanted to eat it, but the dog ran, jumped on his back, the young man cut off the giant's head; the next once the same with the second giant; the princess must be given to the three-headed monster; the young man goes with her three times to the lake, cuts her off on the head; each time the general attributes victory to himself; before the battle, the young man every time he falls asleep, the princess wakes him up with one of her jewelry on him; the general is unable to raise his severed heads, the princess marries a young man; his monster drags him into the lake, princess he buys him back by giving his jewelry; the monster kidnaps the princess herself; the blacksmith replies that the monster's life is in an egg, in a trout, in a crow, in a white-footed fallow deer on the island; a dog, a falcon, an otter help them all catch, the monster returns the princess, dies; there is a castle nearby, from where they do not return; the young man goes, the old woman kills him; the tree has dried up at home; the same with the middle brother (the princess takes him for her husband, they look so similar); the youngest cuts off the old woman's head, but she picks her up, puts her back; the dog rushes at her, her younger brother kills her with her own sword (or rod? Slachdan druidhach), he also revives brothers; older brother receives his father-in-law's throne]: Campbell 1890 (1), No. 4:72-85; Germans (Hanover) [cannibal Body-without Soul (or just Soulless, DB) eats girls; the lot fell on the royal daughter; the king promises her savior as his wife; DB feeds her well; a simple soldier volunteered; a flea, an eagle, a bear and a lion cannot share the horse's carcass; the soldier divided; each gives his hair (feather, etc.), now the soldier can turn into any of them if he wants; the soldier flew to the castle like an eagle, entered the flea; the princess promises to ask the ogre what his soul is; DB: in the box on a cliff in the red sea; a soldier flew like an eagle to the Castle of the Four Winds; the winds took turns flying in, but none ate the soldiers; in the morning their mother gave him a hat that he wore at a speed winds; flew along with the winds to a cliff into the sea; the winds asked what the soldier would like; he wanted a box; the winds caused fish: who knows where the rock is in the red sea? only the crippled Weißling found and brought it in his mouth; a soldier in the form of an eagle brought the box to the ogre, took his soul out of it, BD died; wedding]: Wolf 1845, No. 20:87-93; Germans (Pomerania) [noble the man died, leaving his wife and 16-year-old son in poverty; they went on a journey; on the way, the young man, in the absence of his mother, found a vessel of strong water; after drinking it, he became a strong man; they came to the castle of 12 giants; the young man pulled back the heavy bolt, the table was set inside; when the giants arrived, they thought that the one who pushed the bolt was stronger than them; sent the youngest to scout; the young man was not there, and his mother took the giant as her husband; he offered to pretend to be sick and send his son for living water; on the way, the young man met a couple of lions and killed a lion with his fist; the lioness carried him to living water and the lion came to life; the young man took water, and the lions went with him; Now the giant invited his wife to send his son for partridges, and when he returned, give him wine and ask him what his strength was; on the way, the young man freed the princess, walled up by giants under the floor, telling her to wait came to his mother, intoxicated from wine and sleeping pills; admitted to his mother that his strength was in the hemp lace on his body; the giant took off his shoelace, took the young man into the forest and dazzled him; the lions brought him to the princess; she ordered he had glass eyes and brought him to his father; the general noticed that the young man had glass eyes, told the king that the young man had been thrown into prison; the princess took him out, along with the lions they had come to the forest; they saw how blind the bird plunged into the stream and saw the light; the young man washed his eyes, also saw the light; the princess brought him to the king and he was convinced that his son-in-law was sighted; now the general was thrown into prison for lying; the king ordered one to be ruined the castle of giants; came to where the young man's mother and her husband; when he saw the lions, he was frightened and returned his lace; the young man took the giant into the forest and blinded him as he blinded him; the giant starved; the young man's mother was executed; he married a princess and received the throne]: Jahn 1891, No. 36:194-202; Germans [the witch has three sons; she turned the eldest into an eagle, the middle one into a whale, she wanted to make the youngest a wolf or bear, but he ran away from home; the queen is languishing in captivity in the castle of the golden Sun; 23 young men have already died trying to rescue her; two giants are arguing over a hat that takes him anywhere; the young man offers to give it to him: he will go and give it to whoever reaches him first; wearing a hat, he is transferred to the Sun Castle; the queen is ugly, her true appearance is only visible in the mirror; to kill the wizard, you have to get it a crystal ball and show it to him; a ball in a fire egg, an egg in a bird, a bird in a bison; if an egg falls to the ground, everything will burn and melt; a young man kills a bison, an eagle brother catches up and kills a bird, the egg fell into a hut by the sea, the whale brother filled it with water and extinguished the fire; when he saw the balloon, the wizard said that his strength was gone, a young man would become the lord of the castle, his brothers were disgraced, he would marry the queen]: Grimm, Grimm 2002, No. 197:572-574 (=Grimm, Grimm 1987:440-441); Flemish, Friesians, Germans (Schleswig-Holstein, Austria): Uther 2004 (1), No. 302:180-181.

Western Asia. Arab literary tradition (One Thousand and One Nights) [episode from The Tale of Seif al-Muluk; Seif al-Muluk finds a black palace with a girl named Devlet Khatun; she was brought here by the son of the king of jinns, who spends three days a week with her; DH is the princess's dairy sister looking for C; she says that the genie's soul is in the goiter of a sparrow, and a sparrow is in a box, a box in a box, a box in seven caskets, they are in seven drawers, boxes in a marble chest that is drowned in the sea; S. uses a ring, a gift from the prophet, to pull out the genie's soul, kills it; the genie becomes ashes; DH and S. build a ship from the door palaces, sail to a city where the king is Uncle DH; a girl meets her father; S. lives with them in the city]: Salye 2010 (2), nights 768-770:568-573; Syrian Arabs [Prince Hassan grew up, asked his father for time off to go on a journey, he gives him a sword; at rest, a horseman drove up to H. and offered to fight; H. offered to eat first; then two more; one has an all-seeing mirror, the other has a flying carpet, and a third can stay underwater for a long time; H. says they shared bread and salt and now they can't fight; they come to a city where the sun is not visible: in the sea, a whale swallows it at sunrise; H. kills a whale with his own with a sword, he gets the princess, but gives her to her brother, who has a mirror; in the next city, the ghoul closes the water, gives the princess's turn in exchange for the girls; H. kills the gulya, gives the princess to his sister with a carpet- by plane; H. saw two men unsuccessfully trying to break the column with swords; they explained that the king of China hid his daughter from the king of Persia with her; whoever breaks the column would become the princess's husband; H. easily breaks the column, gets the princess, leaves her to live in a fortress on the island, she lowers his stairs when he comes; the king of Persia orders to dig an underground passage, sends the old woman, she stays with wife H., persuades her to find out what her husband's soul is; in a broom (the wife adorns the broom, the old woman does not believe); in the window frame (the same); H. admits that his life in a sword, which he puts between himself and his wife at night ; the old woman snatches out her sword at night, throws her sword into the sea, H. loses consciousness, the old woman calls the warriors, they bring his wife X. to the Persian king; if the sword is not returned in two weeks, H. will die; brother with a mirror saw everything , the other provided a flying carpet, the third took a sword out of the sea; H., who came to life, made his way to Persia through the same underground passage; agreed with the old woman, who handed a letter to his wife; the wife slipped the Persian king sleeping pills in wine; H. sneaked in unnoticed, killed the king, put on his clothes, said in the morning that he was younger after his wedding night with a Chinese princess; later confessed what was going on, but remained king]: Kuhr 1993:18-31 ; Iraqi Arabs: Stevens 2006, No. 8:30-35:30-35; Yaremenko 1990, No. 15 (southern Iraq) [the Sultan has a son from his unloved wife Hamdan, with his beloved two sons; the Sultan is blind and will be cured by the leaves of the Sind tree from Sindh ; the eldest son reaches the island, the old man invites him to the palace, drinks wine, calls two girls; when the young man became intoxicated, the old man left him naked against the city wall, he hired a job; the same with his middle brother; H. only pretends to drink; the old man falls asleep; the girls explain that it is the monster that kidnapped them, H. kills him; in Sindh he collects leaves; sees a sleeping beauty in a tree, changes rings with her; taking it those two girls find brothers; they let him down the well to get water, throw him there; but first H. stamps them with that beauty's ring; the caravans pick him up H.; at home he changes clothes with shepherd; at the wedding of brothers and girls, the Sultan (he saw the light from the leaves) offers to tell a fairy tale; H. tells his story, shows the stigma, the sultan promises him a throne; some big man turns into an eagle, takes H. away; that beauty is the sister of three eagles; the elder eagle forgives H. for the stolen ring, the sisters of eagles and X. are preparing the wedding; H. leaves the keys, not telling them to open one room; he opens, there is a pile of meat tied there; he beats her, she turns into a huge eagle, takes the bride H.; H. asks the eagles to take him to the kidnapper's palace; asks the bride to ask the kidnapper where his soul is; in a brush; they burn it; the kidnapper returns, the bride explains that she wanted to drain his soul from hers; in a bottle in the hoof a lame gazelle on the island; H. kills the gazelle; holds the bottle, makes the kidnapper takes him and his bride first to the eagles, then to the Sultan father, where he breaks the bottle; wedding and accession; H. forgives brothers, marries those girls]: 81-93; Palestinians [three princes they go to look for a cure for their sick father; the eldest goes to the princess, who asks a question about her maid (Ward) and the robbers; he cannot answer, the princess hands him over to the hangman, but he is his does not execute, but hides; the same with his middle brother; the youngest persuaded the hangman to let him go for two weeks to find out the answer; the sultan's daughter tells us where to go; the princess's maid hides him, turning him into hairpin; when the robbers arrive on a flying carpet, it provokes them to tell them how to kill them; the young man kills them, picks them up the princess and flies to her father on a flying carpet; orders them to be released brothers; the king rewards the hangman for not killing princes; the younger prince marries the princess's maid]: Nowak 1969, No. 110:124-125; Palestinians [the king has eldest sons Ahmed and Mohammed and the youngest is Khalil; the king wants them to marry; sons go; on the way, H. kills a monster and a seven-headed snake; H. sees a beautiful woman on the roof from a distance; comes to town; this is the youngest of the three the king's daughters; H. kills four guards, enters the princess's chambers and kisses her; confesses to the king that he killed the monsters and kissed his daughter; the vizier advises to agree to give daughters to the princes, but for the youngest, let H. get a crown of gems from the jeweler Mahmud; H. comes to the green plain, there is a tree, he kills a snake that is going to devour the eagle's chicks; the eagle brings him to M.; this is the brother of the monster and a seven-headed snake, but 40 times stronger than them; I agree to give a crown if H. gets Aika, the daughter of the sorceress Lahhuj; the eagle flew to A.; she turned her into stone, and H. bewitched her half; but she regretted her and disgraced both; asked to release her from L.; they flee, taking the castle with them, L. pursues; A. created the sea behind her, L. drank it; L. cut the glass mountain; L. cut the glass mountain; extinguished the mountain of fire; A. gave H. fiery sword, with which he killed L.; they flew to M., H. and killed him, took all the necklaces; now the king asks to cross the sea; the eagle turned into a horse and H. rode across the sea as if by land; received princess; after the wedding, everyone said goodbye to the king, but H. did not, because of this his wife cries; H. returned to say goodbye, while the Jew took his wife; H. went in search; the shepherd became his companion; they killed a camel, H. climbed into his skin and the Jew believed that a camel was with the shepherd; the shepherd lured the Jew out of his home; at that time H. learned from a girl kidnapped by a Jew {not his wife} that a Jew's life was outside his body; asked to find out where; first he said he was in a broom; the girl began to take care of her; Jew: no, his soul was in the lion's paw; H. killed a lion, there was a box in its paw, a bird in it; the girl asked to give her a bird ; began to vomit her, tearing off the Jew's arms first, then his legs and then his head; H. returned to his father {apparently with three wives} and he handed him the throne]: Littmann 2016:5-26; Lebanon, Kuwait: El-Shamy 2004, No. 302:105-107.

Melanesia. Keva [Kavaro and his sister Yokane come to dance; an ogre kidnaps J.; K. comes to a wide river; an old woman teaches him by curling; K. says it, two palm trees on opposite banks they bend to form a bridge; in the ogre's house, the sister hides K. under the roof; they put a wooden doll on the bed; at night the cannibal tries to eat it; in the morning K. and J. run; across the river, they cut down a palm tree, but the cannibal also crosses the river; they let down two cassowaries, then two dogs Kili and Wamily; they attack the ogre (since then cassowaries and dogs have been attacking people), but he fought them off; K. cuts the tarot, in it was the life of an ogre; the cannibal dies]: LeRoy 1985, No. 19:65-70; oz. Kutubu [girl Siserame (var: Kunumaka) started her period, she fell behind her own, saw Kikiwala sikiwala like s, she used her ears like wings; the night before, around the neck becomes noticeable, the red ring draws blood from the stones on which she was sitting; he took her to him, she gave birth to a son; his sister Ariame and brother Ganowei live in his house in the puppy box and at the top; he brings human blood in a bamboo vessel, calls them, they stick their heads out, he pours blood down their throats; when her son grew up, S. persuaded her to let her go to her village with him for a holiday; K. came after them; S. saw him fire an invisible arrow at her brother, who soon died; agreed with people how to kill K.; while not, she called A. and G., threw hot stones down their throats instead of blood; changed K.'s weapons with rotten fakes; people attacked, K.'s weapons did not harm them, but K. were also unharmed; S. broke Cordyline, which was growing near his house, K.'s life was in it, he died; people burned his house; his spirit is still harms people]: Williams 1941, No. 11:143-144; keva [brother and sister in Muli village near Ialibu; only brother worked in the garden and sister stayed at home weaving bracelets and handbags; brother decided to trace after her; saw her go to the river, sit on a rock and make a new handbag; a fish came out of the river and began to suck on her breasts; the next day, her brother asked his sister to go to the garden, and he stayed at home came to the river and sat on a rock; pretended to give the fish its breasts; when it rushed to him, he killed it; in the evening he served the cooked fish to his sister; when she saw her child, she cried; took the property and left; he found her; she warned that her husband was a masalai (spirit) and must be careful; Masalai came, pretended to be happy to see his wife's brother; at night, Masalai attacked the young man and they fought all night and all the next day; bird: cut down the escape that is growing nearby; the young man did so, the masalai fell dead; the brother went home, the sister gave him a tarot; when he tried to cook it, it fell to the ground; they fought for 4 months; the young man called a maternal relative, who came and cut the tarot in half; blood poured out, forming two lakes, and halves of the tarot two mountains]: Slone 2008:52-54; melpa [old man alone ; when Tengkerum goes west past his house, it is darker; when he goes east in the morning, it is lighter; the old man has set a trap, T. fell into it; he has long legs, his skin is covered with ash and clay; demanded it free; freed himself, he snatched out the old man's eyes, one hid in his house in calebas, the other in a cucumber; the old man cries, cannot go to the garden; one day women came to the garden, the old man cried out the women ran away, left their child alone; the old man raised him; he set a trap, T. got caught, the boy made him return the old man's eyes; the old man and the boy are trying to kill the evil spirit, but he does not die; finally they found a package on his head, crushed it with stones, then T. died]: Vicedom 1977, No. 10:10-11.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Tibetans: O'Connor 1906, No. 26 [llamas are powerless to help the king have a son; taking the form of a llama, the black giant gives him nine pills that his wife, horse, and dog must conceive on the same day king; in three years, all newborns will reach maturity and the king will have to give the giant one of his sons, one horse and one dog; the king sends his son to the giant, the young man is accompanied by a horse and dog; the giant tells him to put an armful of straw on the goat, pour grains on the chickens, not go into the castle; straw turns into three wolves, grain into three wild cats, they eat goats, chickens, run away; the young man goes to castle; the princess wakes up when a young man picks up a flower behind her ear; says that the giant feeds on people's hearts; he kills people only if they cannot fulfill his errands, which every day is more complicated; he puts the princess to sleep with a magic flower during his absence; the princess explains that you can't turn your back on a giant and can also be killed from behind; young man cuts off the giant's head; the life ("la") of a giant in a boy holding a goblet of liquid; every drop is a part of a giant's life; a young man spills liquid, and he also revives those whose hearts the giant has eaten ]: 103-115; Komissarov 1997 [poor Aghvan is afraid that a demon will carry him away; expresses a desire to burn all demons and bury the ashes; the demon has come, A. goes in front of him, he decides to keep him alive, but after 7 days he will return; A. decides to leave, taking his cow and dog, but comes to a house where the owner is the demon; pretends to come himself so as not to bother the demon; he agrees to take him as an employee; asks where his heart is; A.: in his chest; demon: and in my incense burner; when the demon is gone, A. burned the incense burner, the demon died, all the riches went to Aghvan]: 89-91; Ogneva 1982b [in one story the king dies, because turquoise breaks, its location is la; in Tibetan's Geser, la the choirs with whom G. fought lives in a piece of iron, white stone, wood, fish]: 506; Tibetans (Amdo) [ a mare gave birth to a boy, an old woman adopted him; with two friends he hides from the rain in a cave; they see three turtles fly in, become girls, pray, fly away again; the same day 15 August the following year; two years later, young men grabbed and destroyed pigeon bodies, married girls; wives wither away; young men watched a kite fly in, became a copper-beaked witch, she drank blood girls, flew away, the mare's son managed to injure her with an arrow; the young men are following a bloody trail, companions let the mare's son down, cut off the rope, the garuda picked him up; a local shepherd says that the witch wounded by an arrow; another shepherd herds many goats; this is the son of a witch; replies that in order to tie the goats, you must tell them to "Contact"; to transport them across the river, you have to tell the river to retreat up and down go dry; after bringing goats, he will lick the wound on the mother's back inflicted by the mare's son; the mare's son offers to remove his lice; witch's son: I have a black mole around my neck, my mother's strength is in him, be careful; the second part of the mother's life is at home wearing a needle in a salt bag; the mare's son crushed the mole {and apparently killed the shepherd}, put on his clothes, took his yak tongue with him; told the waters to part, goats contact; the witch takes him for a son, asks him to lick the wound; he explains that his tongue is hard because he did not drink water today; breaks the needle, the witch dies; after leaving the witch's house, the son of a mare killed a snake that was going to eat a garuda chick; the chick explains to its mother that the man saved him; the mare's son asks to be brought to the ground; the garuda asks to prepare 100 bird carcasses and 100 wineskins of water; carries the son mares across the sea; he forgives companions, reigns, everything is fine]: Kajihama 2004, No. 28:117-123; Mustang: Kretschmar 1985, No. 26 [the demon killed the father, took the boy's mother and uncle to him, who lives with old woman; having learned about the fate of her parents, she goes to take revenge; the old woman tells him to fall to the demoness's chest and call her mother; therefore, she did not eat the young man, sends him to her husband, tells him to have time to put it in her mouth the finger of his right hand; he did not eat the young man, says that the demon's mother is on one side of the river, the uncle is on the other; the demon ties his uncle for the night, plays a game with him during the day, goes to his mother at night; uncle, then mother they hide the young man under a cauldron, on top of a braid for scrubbing grain, there are three stones on it; the demon throws an amulet, which points to a hole under the plain, and there are three mountains on it; the demon thinks that the amulet is useless; the soul a demon in a staff and a partridge; the young man broke his staff, tore off the head of the partridge, the demon broke in half, lost his head; the young man freed his uncle by waving his mother's tail of a white yak; brought a demon to the palace, where is the mother; they have unlocked all the rooms, there is gold, silver, turquoise; one room could hardly find a rusty key; in it women, alive and dead, hungry, eat their own knees; the young man waved his tail yak, the old women are younger; he goes to visit the old woman with whom he lived; frees a snake tied to a tree, then a bird, other animals; rejuvenated the old woman; she says that his fiancée is in the house across the pass across the river; bamboo bent on both banks of the river, forming a bridge, the young man crossed it; saw a heavenly fairy through the window, 7 days later she opened the door; he needed a flower; the fairy told her to be killed, blood would grow out of blood flowers; he killed her, collected flowers, then revived her with a yak tail; the old men who received flowers were younger; everything is fine], 29 [the king has 2500 wives; every day he hunts, brings a wild goat; once stopped under a tree ; a girl with hair to toe came down from the tree, told him to leave so that he would not defile her - she was from a family of gods; in fact, she was a demoness; she agreed to become the king's wife on the condition that he would become Fulfill all her wishes; when he carries her, other wives see smoke and sparks coming from her mouth and nostrils; she pretended to be sick, ordered 2,500 wives to be blinded, her eyes hidden in a basket under the roof; wives were locked without food or clothes, all wives fed him; he immediately grew up, began to go out, bring game and then other food; the demoness found out; asks the young man to deliver Shamo Drönyungma cow and gold a mirror from her parents; attached a letter instructing him to eat the bearer; the monk read the letter to the young man, replaced it with instructions to benefit him; taught him magic words so as not to get fried the frying pan on which he would be put; told him to eat with pleasure the filth that he would be served first; he did everything, he was accepted royally; he points to the spinning rod and the golden needle, the old woman to him explains that her and her husband's lives are in them; fleas in a bamboo vessel, if thrown into the fire, the rest of the demons will die; if you tear off the head of a dove, their daughter Markland Gemo will die; who takes the golden mirror, for he will reach out to all houses, fields, cattle and property; the young man destroys the receptacles of demons; walking to the house, he tears off his head with a dove, the MC dies; carrying a mirror, brings all the property of demons with him; inserts blinded eyes, sprinkling them with milk from a SD cow; heals a dying father]: 154-157, 169-173; limbu and/or rai [Raja Oganhun defeats enemies; he has Rani Bengham and Selinma, he loves only B.; four princes promised S. power if she helped them kill O.; S.: he had a jewel on his head that made him invulnerable; she mixed O. sleeping pills, the princes broke the stone with axes, O. died; pregnant B. ran away, gave birth to a boy in a tree hollow, and told the princes who caught up with her that she had a girl; the boy grew up and got the princes to return his father's possessions to him]: Shrestha 2019:477-478; lepcha [(local version of Geser); after destroying mung (evil spirit) Ca Shang Shang, who covered the sun with his wings (see motif C19), gye bu (GB) flew his horse to Cong country, where the beautiful su mu ruled mung (SMM); on the way, two mountains that almost reach the sky, converging and diverging mountains, many animals and birds are crushed; the horse carries GB over the mountains; su mu ming makes GB become her husband, otherwise it will eat; sedated GB, sends his horse to fetch water, hanging buckets on nails hammered into the horse's shoulders; gave birth to a son from GB (GB himself continues to sleep); Sacung (S., GB's wife), who stayed at home, wrote in blood on a handkerchief that hor mu mung ( HMM) sent two birds to take it to him; sent a green bird to carry the handkerchief to her husband; SMM intercepted the letter, wrote on behalf of GB for S. to agree to HMM's request; the same second, third once; at this time, the HMM warriors killed everyone; the bird told S. who responded to the emails; S. ordered to give the new one only to GB; the bird defecated in GB's mouth, GB woke up, wrote S.; S. hid among the statues; them in the face was thrown in sand, the imaginary statue blinked; S. asked his two heavenly aunts to sew her vagina; HMM thinks his penis is too big, tells part to cut but still not to insert; S. years weaves; but GB is still gone; she fumigates the vulva with smoke from chicken and dog excrement, the threads diverge; becomes HMM's wife; since then she has washed only half of her body, weaves a cloth of black and white stripes; GB has replaced blood vessels with with a decoction, SMM drinks sleeping pills itself; the GB horse tells him to kill him, turns into the best, tells two SMM horses to cut the tendons; do not turn around when SMM calls; SMM follows on the drum; throws a knife, but he just hit the GB horse's leg above the hoof, since then the horses have a groove; SMM cut off her son's head, threw it into GB, carried the body back; GB cleared its palace of vines; the horse shook, the ground shook, S. realized that GB was back; the boy hides HMM; the GB arrow pierces not HMM, but the decoration on the wall; only S. can take it out; the arrow returns to GB, hides in shame; GB cuts out his knees cups to his paternal uncle who gave S. to take possession of the palace; makes him a slave; GB's heavenly aunt kills all HMM warriors; GB takes the form of a boy, HMM believes this is the incarnation of one of his warriors. almost adopts him; the boy tells S. to take HMM's brain, tongue, heart, and penis after he's killed; HMM has huge ears, one sleeps on, the other covers the other; one HMM tooth reaches the sky, the other to the ground; GB boy kills many HMM uncles with one arrow; burns another, setting fire to a bush; drowned another, pouring a lake on it; killed the latter with an arrow, aiming as if as a joke; every time he struck his own wounds, explains HMM that GB attacked; learns from HMM that the strength of that lies in two fish in water and milk lakes; in a bird (like a rhinoceros bird) on a tree; in beetles on the roof (wrap them in cloth, hold them over boiling water); GB killed a bird, threw hot rocks into lakes, water boiled, fish died; killed beetles; HMM went blind; GB says it chews its ears; lets HMM chew iron, he broke his teeth; promises the HMM sword put it on a gold shelf rather than an iron shelf, he does not rush at it; cuts off HMM's head, gives flesh to ants, crumbles bones; kills S.'s son from HMM, cooks, puts HMM's head on the edge of the cauldron; returns S. her divinity, she forgets what happened, they live well]: Siiger 1967, No. 1:203-214; duffle [Abo-Tani plugged his anus to make his stomach swell, covered with honey and sprinkled rice on himself grains seemed to be covered with fly larvae; the monkeys gathered around, and to see if he really died, they carried him over the mountains, pretended to throw him into the abyss; AT did not react; they brought him to into their house, went to buy firewood and supplies, leaving only an old monkey at home; AT got up, found a basket with monkey souls, made sure that the old woman had souls in the basket, threw it into the fire; the old woman immediately died; other monkeys died as they returned home; AT started bringing a monkey every day; Rob Pecha decided to repeat the trick, but when the monkeys pretended to throw him into the abyss, yelled not to be abandoned; they threw it; AT sent a bird to bring a piece of RP bone, revived it from a piece; rewarded the bird, now it has red legs; the duffle woman has been wearing red legs ever since jewelry]: Bora 1995, No. 11:12-15; ranks (Mizoram) [Kabui-Keioiba could turn into a tiger; an old woman came to eat; she offered him better to eat the girl Thabat, whose 7 brothers work to prepare her a dowry; told her what words to say; when she heard a rude voice, T. did not open the door; the old woman went with the KK, said in the voice of the brothers T., she opened it; K. decided not to eat it, but took it away so that marry; on the way, T. threw away pieces of her clothes; gave birth to a child, pretended to love K. to tell her the secret of his life; sent her for water, giving her a leaky bamboo vessel; burned home with the child; when T. ran, she killed him, knowing the secret of his life {what exactly is not mentioned, but it is obviously some object or creature}]: Borgohain, Roy Chaudhury 1975, No. 11:58-62; Meitei [a man has two wives, one of them is a cannibal; the other has a daughter; to get rid of his stepdaughter, a cannibal sends her a letter to her mother; it says that the giver must be eaten; the girl fell asleep; the man read the letter, replaced it with a request to pigeon, for this is the daughter of the one who sent them; on the cannibal's wall there is an empty pumpkin and an onion; the cannibal replies that if they are broken, she herself the head will break and the spine will break; there are magical plants in the garden; the leaf of one causes flooding, the other causes many leeches, the third causes fire; the girl secretly stocked up on these leaves; set off run; first threw leaves, creating obstacles in the way of the stalker, then broke the pumpkin and broke the onion; told her father everything and he killed his cannibal wife]: Singh 1985:271-274; Meitei [ the collected work Funga Wari, Vol. 3 by N. Bemni Singha; the king has two wives, the youngest is Rakshasi, she has a son Nabakumae, and the eldest has Surjakumar; when the king left, Rakshasi began to secretly eat people; N. S. spoke about this; the brothers went to study fencing; S.'s mother gave milk with her: if she turns red, she died; the milk turned red; N.'s mother appeared in the guise of Rakshasi; N. tells his brother to climb tree; when everyone has returned home, mother invites N. to eat his father; he pretends to ask what she will do when his mother eats everyone and dies on her own; rakshasi: my soul in onion, which is seventh layer land; brothers began to dig and found onions, broke their onions, Rakshasi died; the king returned, everything is fine]: Oinam et al. s.a.; meitei [Yatra is the son of a poor widow; went with his uncle on business; uncle left he was at the boat and he saw two girls playing with stones; when he saw me, the girls disappeared, leaving a golden mat; my uncle went home to take mother Y.'s mat, promising to return in a week; I picked up a stone , underneath him, goes down; Leinu Leima (daughter of the lower world) combs her hair at the pond; says that the witch ate her parents and everyone else; I chipped in with a golden fly; the witch who has arrived feels the spirit, but calms down; LL tells the witch that she is afraid to be alone if she dies; witch: my life in the tree: calebasa is the head, the arrow is the back, the 5 chicks in the nest are the soul; when the witch is gone, I climbed on a tree, smashed a calebass, broke an arrow, strangled the chicks; LL and I. went to the ground; LL is ready to marry Me only if he also takes her friend Menu Leima (daughter of heaven); when I hugged ML by the waist, she lost the opportunity to return to heaven; with her a diamond ring fulfilling wishes; my uncle brought Y. and his wives to his mother; all is well]: Oinam et al. s.a.

Burma - Indochina. Karen [six childless wives persuade astrologers to announce that the seventh will give birth to a child that will destroy the country; banished into the woods, the queen gives birth to a son, Charayakunta; he is friends with adopted children daughters of a lion and an elephant; wins competitions; the king is afraid of his strength, sends a lion and an elephant for milk, C. brings; the elephant gives milk after C. returns his daughter, kidnapped Bilu; daughter Bilu says that her father's life is in a pumpkin; an elephant's daughter cuts a pumpkin; C. marries the daughters of a tsar, a lion, an elephant and a bilu, inherits two kingdoms]: Kasevich, Osipov 1976, No. 168:438-445; Burmese [eldest the sister gives birth to a handsome man, the youngest to a turtle; he is given the name Golden Turtle (ZF); the turtle's brother becomes a merchant, ZK hides on his ship; on the island of women, sailors marry them without knowing what it is cannibals; ZC overheard plans to eat three sailors, found out where the casket, in which the lives of cannibals, a precious ruby, a wish-fulfilling drum; breaks the casket, cannibal pursuers drown; turtle's brother marries a princess, gets the throne; with the help of a drum, ZCH is transported home to her mother; wants to marry; ZCH builds gold and silver bridges, smashes enemies; the princess throws her shell into the fire, pours her husband water, he remains human]: Aoun 1957:74-77; monk [the mother of seven daughters died, the father took her stepmother, she tyrannizes the sisters, they leave, enter the country of the evil sorceress Biluma; they caught and fried fish; they gouged out two eyes each, and the youngest only one; B. invited them to her place, six sisters went blind in both eyes, the youngest with one; spills rice broth, her daughter B. licks it; grateful for this food, leads the youngest to the garden of magic trees; the girl secretly collects tree leaves that will turn into a mountain, forest, river, fire; plucks the fruit, if broken, B. dies; plucks leaves that return eyesight; sisters see the light, run, throw objects; B. overcomes obstacles, dies when girls break the fruit]: Zapadova 1977:159-166; shans [12 (or 7) sisters caught fishing; 11 not listened to the hermits who told them not to kill the living, put their fish on kukans, piercing both eyes; the youngest pierced only one, placed the fish in a vessel of water; after death, the sisters were reborn as daughters the village chief; he married them to the king; at this time the cannibals suffered without human beings, their fangs fell out; the wife of the cannibal king promised to help her husband; became a 17-year-old beauty, came to live with the head, he also gave her to the king; 12 wives are jealous; the cannibal (i.e. the imaginary beauty) took out both eyes for 11 sleeping wives, and the 12th one eye, told her husband that they were witches and ate their eyes themselves; the king expelled 12 wives; those began to live in a cave; each gave birth, they ate babies; the youngest kept her by giving others hidden pieces of meat; hermits turned the boy into a young man; the king of spirits Sakya gave him a magical bone Bob (for play), with him he beat other boys, demanding 12 servings of water and food in return; the king called him to him, fell in love; the cannibal guessed who he was, sent a letter to her father (i.e. husband) cannibals), supposedly to study; the hermit changed the letter: not to kill and eat the giver, but to greet and marry his daughter; the cannibal's daughter fell in love with the young man, showed a magical garden; in it a vessel with cannibal souls; onions, whose bowstring is also from their souls; a root whose infusion allows us to see the true appearance of creatures; flowers that turn into 3 mountains, 7 mountains, a sea of fire; a winged horse; a young man takes everything, runs away on a winged horse; the cannibal daughter in love pursues, the young man throws flowers; she overcomes mountains, burns in fire; the young man restores sight to his mother and aunts, sprinkles the king's eyes, he sees not his wife, but a cannibal giant, a young man pulls the string, breaks the vessel, all cannibals die; the king returns 12 wives]: Milne 1910:230-237; Thais [Thossakan is king of Ceylon; when he went to war, he left his soul at home in a vessel and was invulnerable; when he went to fight Rama, left the vessel to a hermit; Hanuman took the form of Th., asked the hermit for a vessel of soul, he gave it back; Th. died]: Bastian in Cosquin 1886:174.

South Asia. Bengalis: Bradley-Birt 1920 [the king has a Rakshasi wife and a woman each son; Rakshasi ate a woman; a guest Rakshasi rakshasa swallowed her son and Rakshasi herself swallowed her own son; Rakshasi ate her own son; Rakshasa belched a golden ball and a Rakshasi an iron ball; buried them, bamboo grew up, the peasant cut it off, found a red and blue egg; the woman's son Neelkamal came out of the blue one, and the son of Rakshasi Lalkamal came out of the red one; they came to a city where demons were exterminating people; while L. was sleeping, the demons came to the house; N. replied that L. was with him, the demons were frightened because he was Rakshasa; suggested that L. show his nose; N. showed them a knife; to spit - N. threw burning fat from the lamp at them; showed his tongue - a sword; when the demons came for the second time, N. said that he was waiting for them alone; they rushed at him, but L. woke up and chopped them; the king gave brothers of two daughters; to destroy the brothers, Rakshasi sends news that their father is ill and will be cured by Rakshasi's brains; the brothers went in search; two birds Bangoma and Bangami hear a conversation under the tree: if L. touches their chicks, they will be cured of blindness; the birds will do a favor for this; L. healed the chicks; B. told the chicks to take the brothers to the Rakshasi country with peas; egonado will chew when Rakshasa will be asked to chew iron peas; old Rakshasi suspects that N. is human, but he successfully pretends to chew iron peas; L. took out a box with two hornets from the well; one contains the souls of all local Rakshasa, in the other the soul of mother L.; they immediately killed the first, brought the Rakshasi head to mother L., killed the second; inherited both kingdoms]: 168-173; Day 1914, No. 1 [Duo is the king's eldest, unloved wife , Suo is the youngest's favorite; both are childless; the fakir gives S. a drug to give birth to a beautiful boy; his life will be in a gold necklace, it's in a box, in the belly of a fish in the pond; D. finds out; when the pigeons are young men they fly into her room, she returns them for promising to find out what his life is like; when she finds out, pretends to be sick, asks her to eat that fish, puts on a gold necklace; the young man dies, but his body left in the garden; every night D. takes off his necklace, the young man comes to life and eats; the sister of the god of fate Bidhata-Purusha learns from him that her daughter will marry the dead; she enters the boy's garden at night; they are married; she learns his secret; she has two children; she pretends to be a hairdresser, comes to D.; tells her child to cry; he calms down only after receiving a necklace from D.; his mother promises to return it in the morning; the prince no longer dies; the king orders D. to be placed in a vertical hole, covered with thorns, then buried alive]: 1-16; Devi 1915 [The king's 7 wives finally gave birth to a son; they grew up and the king decided to marry them to 7 daughters of another king; 6 sons went to pick up the brides, and the youngest remained to look after business and sent his sword in his place; the king led his sons along a long but safe road to the kingdom of brides, but He chose a short path back; a sorcerer came out to meet him and turned everyone into stone; however, the youngest princess's palanquin was at the end of the caravan and the sorcerer did not notice him; the servants ran forward and petrified, The princess herself was saved; she ran to the house and started knocking, but the same sorcerer lived in the house; because she called him father, the sorcerer spared her; the younger prince went to look for her missing father and brothers and came to the same house; he promised that if a man opened it to him, he would become his brother, or if a woman, a sister; the princess opened it; although they had married, they now had to become a brother and sister; when the sorcerer came, the princess turned the prince into a fly; asked the sorcerer that it was possible to revive the petrified with living water from a well in his house; then asked what the sorcerer's life was like; he replied that an egg of a bird caged in a tree and a tree on a distant island; the prince went in search; while resting under a tree, he saw a snake crawling to the nest of big eagles; hacked it; the chicks told parents that the young man saved them; they flew to the island and brought the prince a bird cage; a sorcerer appeared, but the prince tore off the bird's legs, and the sorcerer was also left without legs; then crushed the egg and the sorcerer died; the birds They brought the prince to the princess; they revived the petrified ones; since the princess performed the ceremony with a sword, she stabbed it into her heart]: 117-126; Shulman 1980 [the beggar gave the king seven mangoes to make him seven They carried childless wives; the king hunted the beautiful Rakshasi and brought her to the palace; she demanded that he blind his former wives; the king did so, ordered the hangman to kill the wives, but he left them in the cave. each gives birth successively, gives the baby to be eaten; the youngest hides the baby, shares the hidden meat; the rest ask why the meat is dry; the woman admits that her son is alive, others are happy and they give him breasts; fed by his seven mothers, the boy gains strength; comes to his father; Rakshasi sends him a letter to his mother to eat him, but she likes the young man, she believes that he is her grandson; reports that Rakshasi lives in a bird in a cage; a young man takes a bird, kills it, Rakshasi dies, blinded wives regain their sight and are returned to the palace]: 263-264; Kashmiris [from a childless king 7 wives; he meets Rakshasi, mistakes her for a fairy, she promises to give birth to an heir if he marries her; 7 wives have become pregnant; Rakshasi eats cows, bulls, etc. every night; promises to find the culprits, smears with blood, the lips of seven sleeping wives; the king orders them to be blinded, thrown into a dry well outside the city; each gives birth, they eat the baby; the seventh feeds others with hidden remains, keeps the son; he has grown up; getting up At each other, the women pushed the boy out of the well; he brings them leftovers from the royal kitchen; the cook asks him to cook while he must leave; the king is happy; the boy is taken as a regular cook; accidentally tells the Rakshasi queen everything; she pretended to be sick and tells her to bring the tigress's milk; the fakir advises the young man to shoot the tigress's chest so that the milk flows better for the tiger cubs; the tigress gives the young man milk; now Rakshasi asks for medicine from his grandfather Rakshasa; the fakir teaches him to be called grandfather, to rub his back with all his might; Rakshasa believes that the young man is his daughter's grandson, gives medicine; Rakshasi asks for a comb from her mother; gives a letter asking her to kill the applicant; the fakir replaces the fakir with a letter asking her to caress her son; Rakshasi's mother gives 1) a jar of soap (will become a mountain), 2) with needles ( mountain of needles), 3) with water (sea); also 7 roosters (including the souls of 7 Rakshasi brothers), a spindle (the soul of mother Rakshasi), a dove (the soul of Father Rakshasi), a starling (the soul of Rakshasi herself), medicine (restores vision to the blind ); the young man destroys the tanks of Rakshasa souls, restores sight to his mother and aunts, explains to his father what is going on; thanks to magic objects, he defeats enemies]: Knowles 1888:42-50; Kashmir (translated from Hindi) [the fakir gives the childless queen to eat barley grains, a son Sherdil ("lion's heart") is born; he goes on a journey with a blacksmith, carpenter and grinder; they come to the enchanted city, each takes turns cooking; a dwarf rides up on a rat, demands food, turns into a giant, throws the cook at the tree; when it's S.'s turn, he kills the enemy, leaves the grinder king of the city; in In another city, S. kills a witch who appears to be a girl, puts a blacksmith king; in the third, a carpenter; each sister has a grain of barley, while the barley plant is green, S. is all right; flowers float along the river; Sh. finds a tree, a basket on it, the head of a beauty in it, drops of blood fall into the water, turn into flowers; finds the body on the bed; puts her head to her body, the princess comes to life; the genie who stole the princess decapitates her during his absence; S. asks to know where S.'s soul is; in the desert there is a tree, grass in front of the dog, bones in front of the horse; we must pass by them, remove the cage with the starling from the tree, in the starling a bee, her soul is a genie; to pass, you have to give the horse's grass, bones to the dog; S. did so, killed the bee, the genie died; the princess let a box with her hair along the river, the royal son found it; sends the old woman to his wife Sh.; she found out that S.'s life was in his saber; on the advice of the old woman, the wife changed her sword, the old woman threw it into the fire, S. died; the old woman brought her to her master, the princess asked her to wait six months; barley shoots withered, brothers found, repaired their sword, S. came to life; the carpenter made a flying palanquin, brought the princess, threw the old woman from a height; S. returns to his homeland]: Zograf 1964:327-339 (=1976: 71-80); Punjabi: King 1926, No. 7 [a woodcutter finds a ruby in a bird's egg, catches a bird, becomes rich, goes on the Hajj; the wife has a Hindu lover; he asks her to slaughter a bird; two the lumberjack's sons take her head, leave; the youngest is bitten by a snake, he dies; the elder goes to look for people, comes to the city where the king died; he is chosen king; the youngest is revived by ascetics, he goes with merchants, She sees a girl in the cave, goes down to the lower world for her; she hides him when the dragon arrives; pretends to be afraid if the dragon dies; he explains that his life is in a bird, a cage with a bird in a tree, a tree will grow when Solomon's sword is placed by the river; a young man kills a dragon; a merchant lifts a girl upstairs, leaves the young man at the bottom of the cave; he rubs the stain on his sword, two spirits appear, carry him to the city, where the older brother rules; there is the wedding of a merchant and a girl; the younger brother accidentally tells the king his story; the merchant is executed, the youngest marries a girl]: 81-84; Mehta 2011 (Seraiki, Multan) [childless king He adopted one of the four sons of the vizier; and then the king's wife gave birth; the vizier killed the king, drove out the queen and the child; she was sheltered by a potter; the grown boy began to feed his donkeys; the brahman realized that the king was in front of him, began to send another worker to the potter, and began to teach the prince; he became the best student; the vizier's son, who became king, began to look for an intelligent husband for his daughter, the brahmana offered the prince; the mother and son ran away to the forest, for the vizier could recognize it; the young man finds two rubies in the river, one sells to the merchant, who gives him a house and property for it, sells the ruby to the king; the king's son and daughter quarreled over a ruby, the king demanded a second the same; the young man went for the hidden second ruby, saw more in the river; came to the underwater palace; there the maiden was unconscious; the young man moved things around her, she came to life; her father Deh, who, when he left, leaves her motionless; when Deh comes, the girl turns the young man into a fly and then back into a young man; to find out what Deh's life is like, she pretends to be afraid to be alone, asks Deh where his soul is; Deh: in a parrot under a stone, and only a prince raised by a potter can lift a stone; the young man picked up a stone, killed a parrot, brought the girl to her mother; when the girl laughed, rubies fell from her lips, so they were in the river; the young man gave him a ruby, the merchant gave him his daughter in gratitude; the young man began to live in the city with his mother and two wives; the king, at the request of the queen, demanded that the silk fabric of the Dehi country be brought; the young man's wife: this the country under the river bottom where I lived; the young man found a girl there, also changed her rods next to her, she came to life, gave cloth; the king's daughter saw the cloth, was happy, the king gave it to the young man, who now has three wives; he killed The usurper, the son of a vizier, reigned on his father's throne]: 130-137; Steel, Temple 1984, No. 5 [the fakir lets the queen eat barley grains, she gave birth to a boy; he grows up, takes the Knife Grinder, the Blacksmith, as his companion, Carpenter; in a city devastated by a demon, the Grinder cooks, the dwarf on his mouse demands to give him food, turns into a giant, hangs the cook on the banyan tree, eats everything; the same with others, but the prince kills demon; people return, the prince makes the Grinder king, leaving the barley stalk: if it dries up, the prince is in trouble; the same in another city, the old woman devours the food, the prince kills her, the Blacksmith remains king; in The Carpenter became king of the third city; the prince walks alone, sees a ruby carried by the river; upstream a tree with a golden basket with a beautiful head in it, drops of blood fall in rubies; he puts his head to the body, the beauty comes to life; she is a kidnapped princess, the genie decapitates her when she leaves; she provokes the genie to tell him where his soul is; she is in the form of a bumblebee in a goiter, a lark in a cage on a tree, guarded by a dog and a horse; we must move the hay from dog to horse, bones on the contrary; the prince did everything, the genie died; the princess washed her golden hair in the river, put one on a leaf, let him go down the river; the king saw him, old woman promised to find a woman; she came beggar, persuaded the princess to find out what the prince's life was like; the prince: in my sword; the old woman first changed her sword, then put it on fire, the prince rushed to the palace, but fell decapitated; the old woman brought the princess to the king; the barley stalks dried up, the prince's friends came, the blacksmith fixed his sword, the prince came to life; the carpenter comes to the kidnapped, offers to sit in the palanquin, he flies away; sat down with the princess, the king's sister and that old woman are thrown down; everyone returns to the prince's father]: 47-58; Sindhi [the 70-year-old king of Egypt is childless; the astrologer orders the Yemeni princess to be married; she gives birth to a son Saif-ul-Mulk; he grows up, he has a vision: beautiful Badia-ul-Jamal from Peri country Gulistan Aran; father says she appeared to him in her youth, but he could not find her; SM with his friend son The vizier (his name is Sayad) at the head of the fleet sails in search, his father gives him King Solomon's ring; the storm sank the ships, the SM with several companions get to the cannibals; the ugly daughter of their leader wants him, he refuses; runs away with companions; a huge eagle takes him away, is going to eat him; a boa constrictor kills an eagle; SM comes to the palace; there Mulkan is BJ's sister kidnapped by a maiden; she finds out UK is a virgin that his life is in a box under a tree across the river needs King Solomon's ring to get it; in the box, a dove, SM kills her, sails with M. on a ship to Gulistan Aran; there they look for the missing M., M. and SM open; SM sees Sayyad, who also ran away from cannibals; SM marries BJ; he is kidnapped by virgins, but Peri's army frees him; Sayyid marries M.; they all return to Egypt]: Kincaid 1922, No. 4:37-50; Marathi: Frere 1868, No. 1 [rani died leaving seven daughters; the youngest Balna is smarter than others; the vizier's widow comes for fire every time, throws dirt into the food; the Raja watches, summons the culprit, she persuaded marry her; tyrannites stepdaughters; a tree has grown on their mother's grave, sisters feed on fruits; the stepmother pretends to be sick, tells them to uproot the tree and make a decoction; the pond at the grave is filled with bread; his stepmother tells him to fall asleep, kill his stepdaughters, bring their eyes; Raja takes her daughters to the forest, brings his wife deer eyes; seven princes see seven sisters, marry; first the youngest, then the rest disappear; B. gives birth to a son; the magician Punchkin comes to the palace, turns B. into a dog, takes him away; the boy grows up, goes looking for his father's parents and brothers; finds P.'s castle, where his mother has been locked up for 12 years; the father and uncles are turned into trees and stones; the gardener disguises the young man as his daughter; she is told to take water for B.; the son shows the ring, the mother recognizes it; he asks to know what P.'s soul is; B. pretends that almost ready to marry P., who says that his life in a parrot under clay vessels, demons are around; a young man kills a snake that regularly eagles; a grateful eagle gives them to him; they they bring the young man to the vessels, he grabs the parrot, flies away again, the demons did not have time to attack; the young man returns the eagles, comes to P., orders them to first revive those turned into trees and stones, then tears them off I parrot wings, legs and head; P. died, everything is fine], 20 [the king and queen died, leaving seven sons and a youngest daughter; the wives of six hate their daughter-in-law, seek her expulsion; the wife of the seventh good to her, gives food with her; the wives of six tell her to return if she marries Chundun Rajah, who has recently died; then let him put them on wooden benches and the seventh on an emerald-decorated one; the girl passes through the forest, sees the tomb, climbs into it from the rain, C. gets up, asks her; he is bewitched: Peri grabbed the necklace in which he lives, will give it back if he becomes her husband; the brahmana performs the wedding ceremony, C.'s wife gives birth to a boy; comes to her husband's parents; once a peri flew in, the boy accidentally tore off her necklace, it crumbled, C.'s wife collected it, put it on her husband, he finally came to life; wives The brothers were invited to a wedding, the seventh was seated in a precious chair; six brothers hanged their wives, took others], 21 [Princess Sodewa Bai was born with a gold necklace around her neck, her life in it; once lost a golden shoe, found by another prince, married the SB; his ex-wife decides to destroy it; in the absence of her husband, tells the black woman to tear off the necklace; the SB is placed in a crypt, but at night the black woman takes off necklace, SB comes to life; jewelry falls off her when she goes to the pond; the husband notices them, then hears a newborn scream from the crypt; everything opens, the necklace is taken away from the black woman, the first wife imprisoned for life]: 1-17, 249-261, 262-272; northern India: Crooke 1892-1893, No. 501 [the king has seven sons; he died, the eldest reigned; the younger has a gold-haired rani; the yogi came beg; refuses to take it from the servant, then from the princes and the king, agrees to take it from the younger wound; turns her into a dog, then a rider, takes her to him; when she leaves, separates her body from her head ; head under the ceiling, body sleeping on the bed; the king and brothers come in the absence of yoga; the old woman turns them into flies; the yogi is back, senses the person; leaves again; the old woman helps to connect body and head Rani, they run, but the yogi makes them come back and kills everyone, but Rani remains the same; the wife of one of the brothers gave birth to a son; the other boys laugh: he has neither a father nor an uncle; a mother about everything says; he comes to an old woman, who connects the body and head of the wound; the young man tells Rani to find out what yoga's life is; first the yogi replies that his life is on fire, then gives other answers; finally reports that There is a forest across 7 seas, guarded by a couple of tigers and 900 witches; there is a sandalwood in the forest with a golden cage with a diamond parrot; the young man called tigers and witches uncles and aunts, they missed it; he explained that the yogi sent him for a parrot and they gave it to him; the young man tore off the parrot's legs, the yoga's legs immediately came off; ordered his father, uncle and everyone else to be revived; the yogi revived, then the young man killed the parrot; united the body and aunt's head; all is well]: 135-136; 1895, No. 475 (Bijnor County) [the prince took care of the snake and let it go; she gave him an iron chain that fulfilled his wishes; he went to hunt for the Silent Princess; took out the splinter from the tigress's paws, she gave one of the cubs; saved Garuda's chicks from the snake, she gave one of the chicks; they all swam in the river and covered themselves with gold; the prince came to the princess's swayamvara in rags, but she threw a wreath at him; the prince became king; went again to get the Silent Princess; tasks: a bridge over the river; create an unprecedented garden; with the help of helper spirits from his chain, the prince laid a mountain across the river and lowered Indra's garden to the ground; made the princess speak; to do this, he begins to talk not to her, but to the objects next to her; they say that the princess does not wash or clean them; the princess is indignant; becomes his wife; while walking, the prince sees rubies in the river; goes upstream; there is another princess who is bewitched by the Rakshasa; the prince awakens her; peri reports that the heart of the Rakshasa in the parrot is on on the top of a tree beyond the seven seas; he is guarded by rakshasa, snakes and scorpions; the prince picks up the peri and two other wives on his way home; (animals do not play a role)]: 172-175 (a shorter recounting of this or more similar text in W.H.D.R.: 408-409); Rouse 1895, No. 234 [four young men wander and meet a goat; she eats two in two nights; on the third night she fails, she takes the form of a beauty; her buys raja; she arranges others to make others as if wives are accused of devouring royal horses; their eyes are pulled out, thrown into a hole; all ten take turns giving birth to sons; 9 eaten, the tenth grows up, receives an arrow from the hunter that always hits the target; joins the service of his father king, his mother warns him about the cannibal; she tells 1) to bring the tigress's milk (he takes it out the tigress is a splinter, she gives him milk); 2) get a demon cow; 3) bring "golden water"; the cannibal gives him a letter ordering him to kill the giver; Adam and Eve fly over the forest, replacing the letter with a request to cannibal to be kind to the giver; in the house of the cannibal mother, the young man finds boxes with a storm, with rain, a parrot in which the soul of the cannibal daughter; he takes away water, opens the boxes, interfering with the chase; slowly kills a parrot, a cannibal dies]: 210-211; kumaoni [the fakir carries the queen to the shore of the Seventh Sea; seven sons consistently come to look for their mother, the fakir turns everyone into a tree; the son of one one of them comes to look for his father and uncle; the merchant hides him; he steals the fakir's sandal, which contains his strength; an aunt (the wife of one of the kidnapped) learns from the fakir that his life in a parrot in an underground cage under the palace on the shore of the Sixth Sea; a young man pulls out a parrot, tells the fakir to turn trees into people, kills; the blind king and queen speckles with the Amrita brought, they see the light and get younger]: Minaev 1966, No. 10:43-48; Nepali [King Suttalsingh's son, if he shoots an arrow, it will return to him; the son of the vizier remembers what he saw forever; the son of a brahmana can throw any object far away and return it; the blacksmith's son can return Each thing is its original appearance; they go on a journey; the prince hears a noise, fires an arrow, it has not returned; it turns out that he killed his beloved elephant, he fell on an arrow; the prince falls asleep near his body elephant, companions leave in the morning; the prince comes to the city where the monster ate everyone, the princess remains; she hides him, takes him out from the monster, where his soul is; in a cave in the west, a fire-breathing snake, on his head gem; you have to pierce the snake's throat with an arrow so that it does not fall to the ground; the prince does everything, kills the monster, marries the princess; she drops her hair into the river, another prince finds him; his father sends an old woman in a magic boat to get the owner of the hair; the old woman persuaded the prince's wife to tell me what his death was; there is a tree in the west, you have to tear off its splinters, burn his sword and shield on them, they they will become small, he will die; this is what happened; the prince's wife manages, as he asked, to put his corpse in a golden vessel and fill it with oil; the prince's friends found out that the brahmana's son in antelope skin had carried them to his body, the blacksmith's son returned the shield and sword to their former appearance, the prince came to life, brought his wife back, everyone returned home]: Heunemann 1980, No. 4:53-67; buffalo maria: Elwin 1944, No. 1.9 [seven brothers are going to look for wives, the elder finds, we just have to wait for them; they return without getting married; The monkey says that Ghasia (a caste of tinkers) killed his older brother, took his wife away; brothers revive the victim with a potion received from the Bear; promise the Monkey a wife for his help; he finds G.'s house, tells the woman to know where his soul is; he lies twice (brothers kill fish, crab in vain); when a crane is killed, G. dies; instead The monkey's wives give money to buy her among the monkeys; they drive him away; the monkey begs for money from the brothers, they kill him], 1.13 [Raja's seven sons decide to go look for brides; the Raja asked the youngest son stay at home; six found a raja with seven daughters, took them for themselves and for their brother, who stayed at home; they spent the night by the pond; Raxa (i.e. Rakshas) came out of him and turned the young man into stone; the girls said they were on their period; the younger brother went in search, found the girls; became a fly when Rax came; told the girls to find out what Raxa's soul was in; in a golden bird on banyans across seven seas; on the way, a young man kills a snake that devours another bird's chicks; it brings it to the banyan, then back; the young man tells the Rakshasa to revive the brothers, then finishes off the bird; the brothers pull it out younger eyes; he is hired to guard the field from birds; maidens coming out of the water play with the young man at night, give him eyes for this time, take him away in the morning; the owner and fellow villagers help drive away the maidens, young man remains with his eyes; the young man's bride promises to marry the one who sent an arrow into the sky; the young man, disguised as a beggar, wins, takes his true form; the father expels six brothers, hands over the throne to the younger]: 36-38, 53-56; Muria [Raja's wife quarreled with his younger brother and he left; came to Rakshasi Jal Kaniya; said he wanted to marry her sister Bael Kaniya, who lived inside the Hungarian quince fruit ( Aegle marmelos); JK hid the young man from her husband, but he came, sniffed him out and promised not to harm him; but when he saw it, he decided to swallow it; the young man became small; when Rakshasa swallowed him, he cut him with a knife, liver, stomach, went outside; Rakshasi said that only her husband could help overcome the predatory guards around that tree; the young man revived Rakshasa; when they arrived in the forest, the Rakshasa gave the tiger a goat , the bear fruit, the snake's milk; when the fruit was picked, the Rakshasa ordered not to cut it on the way, but only at home; but the young man broke the ban; a girl came out of the fruit and began to cook; but the young man fell asleep and she could not wake him up; the underground inhabitants took her to Tarbhum Ghotul (lower world); the young man woke up six months later; heard a voice from an anthill, dug it up; ants built an anthill on his head a long-haired sadhu; he said he had been meditating for many years; explained that the only way to go down to TG was by weaving a rope from the bark of the twelve forests; when the rope was ready, the young man lowered the sadhu, promising to pick it up if he gave a signal; the young man killed the underground inhabitants, the sadhu picked up the girl and him; BK said that she had forgotten the necklace below, the young man jumped after it; he found the necklace, but could not rise to the ground; two vultures came down to peck at the dead bodies; the female agreed to put the young man on her back and carry him to the ground; he found Jogal Karo, the daughter of a sadhu; she said that her father locked BK; for promising to marry she said that her father's life was in a bird's nest in the middle of the sea; she gave a ring; the young man threw him into the sea, a frog came out, brought him to that nest, he took it; the sadhu forbade his daughter to marry a young man, took him to the temple to sacrifice Chandi Devi; offered to eat rice on the floor like roosters peck; the young man asked to show him, hacked down a sadha, but his blood gave rise to a thousand of them; then JK tore off that bird's legs and wings and then cut his throat; the sadhu died; the young man took BK, but JK shot him with a bow out of jealousy; the mongoose revived him; BK said: let JK also be the young man's wife; all three returned to the young man's brother, lived well]: Elwin 1944, No. I.5:24-38; gondas [Dano (cannibal) ate all the inhabitants of the village, married the girl; the young man comes to the village, asks the girl to find out where D. keeps his life; overseas in a golden cage on a tree; a young man finds a parrot in a cage; as he breaks his bones, D.'s legs and arms also break; a young man marries a girl]: Elwin 1944, No. 10:352- 353; condas [the tsar wants to marry his son to the most beautiful girl; she is nowhere to be found; the prince himself goes in search; meets and companions the son of a carpenter, the son of a blacksmith (all three when they meet they appear to be orphans); in one city, a monster has enough people at night; the prince kills him; the tsar gives a daughter and half a kingdom, but the prince leaves them to the carpenter; in another city, a tiger is rampant (same The blacksmith is left); each prince leaves a green branch - if it dries up, he is in trouble; he comes to the monster's home; there is a kidnapped princess; she is the most beautiful; for the time when the monster returns, the princess turns the prince into stone, his sword into a broom, his horse into bamboo; says that the life of a monster in two doves on the sea of milk; the prince caught the doves, killed them in front of the monster and he died; the prince and the princess began to live together; one day the princess was seen by hunters, told the king; he sent the old woman; she began to say that she would die soon; in response, the princess said that her husband was alive and well as long as His sword was his; at night an old woman stole it and threw it into the fire; the prince died; the prince's friends saw that the green branches had dried up; they made a new sword, came, put it on the prince's chest, he came to life; a carpenter and a blacksmith they made a flying ship; the princess told the king who sent the old woman to her that she was waiting for him with her entire entourage; they came and saw the ship; they boarded it, he flew away and disappeared in far ocean; the blacksmith and carpenter returned to their homes, and the prince and the princess arrived at the prince's father; everything is fine, and we are unhappy poor kuvi]: Schulze 1922, No. 2:27-33; Santals: Bodding 1927, No. 66 [ the cannibal in the form of a sheep's head devours the prince's servants; the prince hides in the tree trunk; the ogre turns into a girl, marries the king, the wife pretends to be sick, tells the tree to be cut down; the prince in the form of a fruit falls into the pond; the wife orders it to be drained; the servants find the fruit, cut it, the prince tells his story; comes to the girl's mother, pretends to be her grandson, gets a parrot in which the ogre's life is; tells The cannibal regurgitates the swallowed; then curls the parrot's neck]: 379-387; 1929, No. 72 [seven brothers live in the forest; the Bonga girl secretly cooks, leaves seven servings; for the first time only the younger brother takes risks eats (eats all seven servings), on the second - the youngest and the next, then three; on the fourth day, the older brother guards, does not notice the girl; the brothers guard by seniority, only the youngest sees her; timidly agrees to marry; she gets wives and his brothers; gives birth to a boy; the hermit Jhades asks for her cord to tie his hair; leaves, she follows him, leaving the child and husband; their seven brothers they catch up, J. turns them into stones; the boy grows up, others call him faultless; his aunts tell him the truth, he goes to J.'s country; asks for the way from various shepherds, from Yuyuba (Zizyphus Jujuba Lam.), the last instruction is given by a squirrel; a grateful young man runs his fingers over her body, leaving stripes; in the garden J., an old woman makes flower garlands for the new queen; a young man hides in a garland the ring left by the mother recognizes it; the son tells the mother to find out where J.'s soul is; J. replies that there are two types of pumpkins; the young man cuts the vine to no avail; in a sword (burning manure on a heap is the same); in two cranes on a poplar in the middle of the sea; a young man passes three women, one is stuck to a bench, another straw to his hair, and a rice mortar to the third; a young man promises to learn how to free themselves; a crocodile with a swollen stomach transports him across the sea to the poplar for promising to find out how to heal him; the cranes say that the first woman should invite the traveler to sit down (she did not do this), the second to clean the hair of others, the third to allow the poor to grind rice in her mortar; the young man broke the cranes's wings and legs, J.'s limbs also broke; the crocodile moved back, his stomach was opal; in J.'s house, the young man twisted the cranes's necks; freed mother; carried the heads of the cranes, J.'s head follows, fell into the blacksmith's horn when the young man threw crane heads there; revived his father and uncle]: 47-81; Birkhor [Lakshman and Hanuman killed them all Lankans, an old woman and Ravan were left alone; when R. was beheaded, 12 new ones grew up in her place; R. said that he could only be killed by someone who had been fasting for 12 years; then H. again took the form of a bird Suga t found out to R. the secret of his death; his life in a tiny room with golden walls in the back of his palace; H. and L. got in and got R.'s life]: Roy 1925:422-423; baiga [two gondi sisters went to the dried body of water; the eldest asked the youngest for her ring, threw it into the pond and it was full; when they were drunk, the youngest demanded her ring from the elder; she went into the water and went deeper and deeper ; found the ring, threw it to her sister, but drowned herself; the youngest climbed the tamarind; Tsarevich Baiga lay down under it to rest; the girl's tear fell on him; the prince ordered him to get the girl, brought him home, but he The king father took her away; then the prince burned the lock in which the axe, the father's soul, was kept; the king died, the prince took the girl for himself and reigned happily with her]: Elwin 1939, No. 4:494-495; kannada [ the cannibal began to devour the cattle of the two brothers, swallowed the eldest; the youngest went to run; she took the form of a beautiful woman, ran after her, shouting why her husband had left her; the king shamed the man, and when he began to talk about the cannibal, did not believe it, bought him, supposedly, his wife, brought him to him; at night she ate cattle in the city; then went to a ceremony marking the pregnancy of the king's youngest former wife; said that the eyes of young women should be covered with antimony; as a result, the youngest went blind in both eyes and the eldest one; the king drove the blind away; the youngest gave birth to a boy; the old man sheltered them; when the boy grew up and came to town, the cannibal immediately found out who he was; pretended to be sick, I should bring pills from her mother, who lives behind a three-headed mountain; the young man volunteered to go; the cannibal gave a letter ordering him to kill the giver; Shiva and Parvati were replaced by a request to take care of their grandson; gave three pebbles to summon and tame the demon, making him an assistant; the demon brought him to the cannibal's mother; the cannibal's mother said that she will not die for nothing, her life is in a parrot; as soon as the old woman was gone, he grabbed an ointment that restores vision and a parrot, returned to his mother and her co-wife, restored their sight; when he saw a parrot in the young man's hand, the cannibal regained its true appearance and died when the young man, hanging in the sky, tore off the parrot's leg and then its head; the king returned his son and former wives, the cannibal's corpse was burned on a pile of firewood and dung]: Ramanujan 1997, No. 43:125-131; Tamils [Uma asked Shiva about his essence; Shiva said that as long as she keeps her eyes open, worlds exist, and when closed, they fall into disasters; Uma came up behind, closed Shiva's eyes with his hands; the worlds collapsed; Shiva became angry because the peace of the hermits was disturbed; as punishment, gave Uma the dark appearance of Kali; she would be forgiven if she destroyed demons; the gods asked to save them from demon Kanda; Uma killed him, destroying the five snakes in which his life was enclosed]: Shulman 1980:268; Tamils [rakshasi fell in love with raja, took the form of a beautiful woman, and he married her; at night devoured elephants, horses and cows; once the guards noticed her; she took the form of Raja's first wife and smeared blood on her face and clothes; the wife was thrown into prison, pulling out her eyes and sending them to her older sister; in Her son was born and raised in prison; he was driven into the forest; he came to his mother's sister, who is also Rakshasi (the narrator was clearly mistaken: this is Rani Rakshasi's sister}; she kept the young man with her; captured by her the princess said that she was being fattened to be eaten; the young man persuaded the princess to find out what Rakshasi's life was; she pretended to be afraid that her "mother" would die; Rakshasi: across the 7 seas in a banyan in guise the bees are her own lives and rani rakshasi; the young man got there and brought both bees in a box; in the guise of a bee, he defeated and killed one of the bees; {taking his mother's eyes}, rode with the girl to the palace when his mother was about to hang; killed a second bee and showed his father who the Rakshasi was; restored his mother's sight]: Blackburn 2005, No. 93; Tamils [the rich man's wife is childless; sadhu: go to the garden where mangoes grow, guava and limes, pick 7 mangoes and have 7 daughters; but a woman picked 8, saw a cobra, she turned into a man with a snake crown on her head; this is Nagentiran; if you commit this offense, you will die at 56; it's me - sadhu, who sent you here and I am the eighth mango; the seventh girl will be called Nagammal, "snake girl"; all daughters grew up and married cousins, N. gave birth to a son; mantiravati lived in another kingdom ( sorcerer); he saw N. in the magic mirror and told bhuta to deliver her; the sorcerer and bhuta went to his wives; the sorcerer: who is more beautiful? bhuta: none of them, but N.; but it is protected by a snake; whoever touches it will burn; but it can be approached by changing its appearance; the sorcerer appeared in the form of a sadhu; turned N. into a dog and took it away in his underground chariot; the sisters' husbands rode, but the sorcerer turned them into stone; restored N.'s human appearance, but cannot touch it, she is like out of fire; N.'s son has grown up; threatens to kill himself if his aunts do not tell the truth about N. and about their husbands; they told; Nahentiran: the end of the sorcerer is near, let the young man go free his mother; gave the young man an invincible sword; the young man reached the city where the tiger is rampant; the king will give his daughter and half the kingdom to the one who would bring the tiger's tongue and the tip of its tail; the young man did it, but the laundress found out, cut off what was left, and brought it to the king; but the minister noticed that they were not the tips of his tail and tongue; then he appeared young man, received what he promised, but said that he would return for the princess and the kingdom on his way back; at the sorcerer's palace, he saw an old woman selling flowers; he lived with her and made garlands; under the guise of the flower seller studied the palace; handed the letter to his mother; she asked the sorcerer what his life was like; in a parrot in a distant cave; the young man brought it, tore it apart, as the sorcerer's dicks fell off bodies; a young man killed a bhutu with his sword; revived the petrified; took the wife promised in the kingdom where he killed the tiger; when N.'s mother was 56, the snake bit her]: Blackburn 2005, No. 95; Sinhalas: Volkhonsky, Solntseva 1985, No. 75 [the tsar has a strongman son, a giant; goes to travel; the old woman is afraid to go to the forest for fuel, to the river for water; the prince kills a leopard and a crocodile, cuts off their tongues; another a man brings bodies to the king, the prince shows his tongues, the liar is executed; the prince takes an arek palm nut merchant and a gunsmith as his companions; heals a girl, gives her husband to a merchant; leaves elsewhere the gunsmith takes care of orphans; plants lemons both times - if he is in trouble, they will wither; saves the nobleman's daughter by killing an ogre yaksha, marries her; the ex-fiancé asks the woman to get him a prince's wife; she is hired as a maid, finds out that the prince's life is in his sword, leaves the sword in a pile of burning nutshells, the prince loses consciousness, the woman takes his wife away; the prince's friends see dried lemons, peel the sword with lemon juice, the prince comes to life; friends catch up with the ship, kill everyone, return the prince's wife], 92 [the youngest of the seven giants (MB) does not work, lies on the ash; the brothers send him to the station, that grows a giant field of rice; brothers lie that there is no field, he leaves; he takes as companions a banyan picking his teeth, fishing with bait from an elephant that blocked the river's feet; satellites take turns killed by a woman they come to ask for coals; MB threatens to kill her, she revives her companions; they throw fish bones, blocking the river; the river dries up; they take out the bone themselves; someone brings a piece of bone to the king, receives the princess promised by the king; MB exposes the impostor, gives the princess to the first companion; similar episodes with other kings, each companion gets a wife; MB marries a daughter the cannibal king he killed; her hair is swallowed by fish, gets to the king; the old woman promises to bring a woman; asks MB's wife to find out where his life is; in a sword; the old woman puts her sword in the fire, takes the woman away; MB's companions they see that lemon trees and lotus flowers have withered; they find and clean the sword; the living MB finds his wife, kills the kidnapper, takes his kingdom]: 159-163, 222-225.

Malaysia-Indonesia. Loda [the woman ate the giant's mango and her dog the peel; the woman gave birth to seven sons, the dog seven puppies; the giant demanded that the seventh, Badabangisa, be given to him; in his absence, B. freed the prisoners in his house; taking the treasures, they all ran away; the ashes from the burning house fell on the giant, he understood everything; B.'s companions threw salt, it became the sea, the giant drank it; ash, it was temporary blinded him; forest fruits, the giant was entangled by thorny vines; millet, the giant stopped to pick him up; B. asked the giant, calling him father what it was on his body; he replied that his life was there; B. hit him in this place, the giant died; people made B. king]: Van Baarda, p.394 in Dixon 1916:236-237; pagu [the couple have a daughter Damura; the wife hid her soul in two bananas and made sure that parrots did not peck; the neighbor made a doll, promised to give it to D. if the girl brought these bananas; the mother at first refused to show where the bananas were, but then allowed them to be taken, and D. took the bananas to her neighbor; after that, the mother died, D. began to play with her neighbor's daughter; the neighbor asked D. to persuade her father to marry her; at first, the stepmother was affectionate, and then began to tyrant her stepdaughter; once sent her to the river to wash clothes; D. dropped the stepmother's stocking went with the flow; the stepmother told her not to return without a stocking; M. ran down the river; greeted the crocodile amicably; she asked her crocodile to be pampered, D. sings him a song, comparing to a flower; gets a stocking, and when she speaks, gold falls from her mouth; her stepmother's own daughter also went to the crocodile; still, but in the song she calls the crocodile smelly; when she returned, she was numb , and pebbles and earth fell from her lips; father, stepmother and her daughter went to the king's ball; the crocodile gave D. a silver dress; the next time a gold dress; when D. ran away from the ball, the prince managed to grab her a golden shoe; a crocodile: a lost shoe will make you a princess; stepmother, father and daughter who returned from the ball said that this time the princess wore a gold dress; the king told everyone trying on a shoe to pass the owner off as her son; only D. came up, she appeared in a gold dress; wedding; stepmother pushed D. into the sea and was swallowed by a crocodile; the prince found a crocodile, she told crocodiles confess who swallowed D.; one was guilty, regurgitated alive D.; and stepmother and daughter swallowed crocodiles]: Vries 1925, No. 23:110-118.

China - Korea. Namuzi [the hero is invincible, the Chinese cannot kill him; then they marry him off a girl; after the birth of his daughter, he, while drunk on New Year's Eve, says that his entities and souls are on different mountains, one soul next to her in the house; the wife bites off part of her little finger, writes a letter in blood, asks her husband if he can send a letter to her relatives on an arrow; he sends a letter, an arrow breaks through several doors without damaging the papers; soldiers dig when they decide to quit, one person returns for a forgotten pipe, hears a soul saying that it is almost nothing left; soldiers they dig up, blood splashes, whoever they hit, everyone dies; the hero is grabbed, he asks for a drink, leans towards the water, he was almost swallowed by two dragons; the hero is executed]: Lakhi 2009 (1): 166-194 (=2009 (2) [hero name Ahpee Rahngahn]: 168-169); the Chinese [execute the criminal many times, but he comes to life every time, does evil; his mother brings a jug, says that his son keeps his soul in him; the jug was broken, The offender was beaten with sticks and turned into a decayed corpse]: Yuan Mei 1977, No. 125:183-184; (cf. Koreans: Uther 2004 (1), No. 302:180-181; Uther refers to Choi 1979, No. 467, but it only talks about a girl whose soul was stolen by an evil spirit and died and the hero later revived her; that's not a motive." of the outer soul").

The Balkans. Ancient Greece. 1) Meleagra was the son of Oinea, king of Elis; his real father is Ares. The Moira told his mother Altea that the child would die when the log in the hearth burns out. Althea snatched and hid the smut. In autumn, Oinei sacrificed the beginnings of fruit to all the gods, forgetting Artemis. She sent a boar to the outskirts of Calidon. Oinei invited all the heroes of Hellas to hunt him down. A girl named Atalanta was the first to hurt the boar. Meleagr finished him off and handed the trophy skin to Atalanta. The Altea brothers are outraged that the trophy was given to a woman, not to them. (Since Meleagr himself refused it, they are his closest relatives). Meleagr killed them. Upon learning this, Althea burned the smut, and Meleagr died. 2) Thetis keeps little Achilles on fire by the heel to temper him. Her husband Peley sees this, gets scared, and his heel remains unhardened. During the siege of Troy, Paris fires an arrow that, driven by Apollo's desire, hits Achilles's heel. He dies; Greeks: Megas 2012, #302 [{many alternatives on every plot; the plot is completely fictitious}; A body without a soul holds a girl or boy captive; his life in various objects, birds or animals (not without the motive of successive investments such as a duck in a hare, a hare in a boar); a young man destroys this receptacle of life, the enemy dies]: 27-30; Paton 1900, No. 12 ( Lesbos) [a woman has a son and daughter, a daughter gives birth to a girl; at night a monster devours cattle; a young man shoots his little finger, in the morning a baby girl cries, her little finger is torn off; the young man demands that his sister kill the monster, she refuses; he takes his mother, leaves; they stop in the cannibal's cave; he agrees with the young man's mother to kill him; the mother pretends to be sick, asks for 1) cannibal milk, 2) the melon of life, 3) the water of life; each time the fairy helps to get what she is looking for, replaces horse urine, plain melon, plain water; the sister asks what her brother's life is like; he replies that she is in a broom, in a joint ( she adorns them); in golden hair on his head; she pulls out her hair, she and the cannibal eat the young man; the fairy sends two young doe cubs (they are described as dogs) brought in to bring all the bones eaten; first the little finger is missing, then it is found; revives with milk, melon, water of immortality; the young man kills the cannibal and mother; comes to his sister, she ate everyone, tells him to ring the bell until boils water; the mouse rings instead of him, he runs away; climbs three trees that grew from the nuts given by the fairy; the young deer come running, eating the monster; the young man marries a fairy]: 340-344; Romanians [in fairy tales The soul of an ogre or witch is in three worms, crickets, bugs, moths; they're in a box, the one in a partridge, she's in a hare, he's in a goat, she's in a pig]: Murgoci 1929:249; Romanians [the king leaves, leaving his son Ionese for himself, but forbiding him to take one key; he breaks the ban, enters the room, sees a portrait of a beauty and faints; goes in search; in an empty castle, food is served by itself; there the dragon lives; the girl advises to swap barrels of living and dead water; I. fights the dragon, she drinks dead water, I. kills her; then kills her daughter; gets to Ciudad de Obilă; his slave finds out what his life is in; first he says he is in the door jamb, then he is wearing a sword in the basement; I. enters the basement, there are hundreds of prisoners; he kills Ciudad de Obilă and returns the slave her friend is his wife; defeats hero Kazarkina, who ate everything; frees him for promising to obey him; {many details, not everything is clear}; Kazarkina tells Ionitsa what she learned from pigeons talk: the father wants to kill him; as the story is told, K. becomes stony; I. kills the father, frees the mother; I.'s wife dreams that if K. sprinkles blood on their baby, she will come to life; they cut off the baby's head, K., who came to life, puts her in her place and the child comes to life]: Bîrlea 1966:433-435; Romanians (Banat) [the emperor had a son and his friend the king has a daughter, but the girl was immediately kidnapped by a dragon; the young man grew up the nurse explained what kind of beauty he was dreaming of in his dream; he went in search, with him the hero Wilisch ("joyful") Witiásu (from Hungarian vitéz, knight); they went through a field of suffering, then a field of flowers; they cannot be torn, although they ask them to do so; one flower jumped on his hat himself; the queen of flowers wanted to cut off the prince's head, but the flowers confirmed that the prince was innocent; she sent knights to the old woman Saint Sereda; she does not know where the dragon is, sent for Holy Friday; she sent for Saint Old Woman Sunday; Sunday gathered animals and birds, the kite was the last to appear; explained that he was flying from the dragon and dislocated his wing; Sunday told him to show him the way to the dragon; they came to the princess; the dragon sensed them, rushed, BB threw them into the ground, the prince to the cloud; but BB is immortal, took out the prince; they ordered the princess will find out from the dragon what its power is; they hid themselves; the dragon: you have to hit the surface of the milk oler three times with your hand; a kite will emerge; if you defeat it, I will also die; BB defeated the kite, came to the dragon, tore it in half; when they were approaching the prince's city, the Empress sent a shirt to her son's bride; BB tore it: whoever wears it would petrify; the emperor sent two horses, BB them too chopped; at the wedding, BB drank a glass of wine and became petrified; the prince found out that the stone should be sprinkled with the blood of a newborn; the finger of one of the twins was cut off, BB came to life; the prince's parents stopped hating his wife and fell in love with her]: Schott, Schott 1975, No. 11:75-83; Moldovans [the royal couple had a son in their old age; adviser: old people are getting younger after swimming in Saturday water; the king and queen came for Saturday the water and younger, but the serpent took the queen as payment for her youth; the prince has grown up, extremely strong, the advisers whisper that this one would take the queen from the snake; the prince asks his father who his mother is; the king: white flower; the prince does not believe, he is ill; promises to recover by drinking water from under the base of the palace; raised the palace and lowered it into the king's arm; he had to tell the truth; the king teaches to ring a bridle by the sea; a thin horse came out with his side torn off; jumped so that the rider hit the ninth heaven; on the way to Saturday water he jumped over the abyss; the prince found his mother, told the snake to ask the snake where his strength was; the serpent: under the table; prince: clean it up; on the doorstep; prince: gild the threshold; snakes: across 9 seas and kingdoms, a dairy lake with blood Kabanikha with steel teeth, two rams butting in it, sparks are flying, quail in sparks, there is a box in it, three crickets in the box; on the way to the forest, three eagle chicks ask for help: they will be eaten by Leia Palea; a witch flew in, the prince defeated and killed her; the chicks hid the prince in the youngest's pen so that the mother, when she arrived, did not swallow it right away; the eagle brings it to the lake, leaves the pen to burn if necessary; the prince killed the wild boar, the sheep, summoned the eagle, flew to the snake, it is sick; when the prince tore it off the head of the second cricket, the serpent agreed to give him the whip of luck; the prince tore off the third's head; the whip of luck brought the prince and his mother home, his father gave him the kingdom]: Botezat 1981:265-275; Bulgarians : Daskalova-Perkovska et al. 1994, No. 302 [the hero, contrary to the ban, opens the fortieth room, frees the snake (black wind, arap) imprisoned in it; he takes the hero's wife; the hero finds her, his wife cunningly finds out from the kidnapper where his life is (in an egg; in a dove, that in a boar); the hero destroys the egg (pigeon) himself or with the help of grateful animals, the kidnapper dies], 302A [400 princes they wander; they violate the mother's prohibition to spend the night in a certain place (the edge of a well, a spring, a mountain); on the first two nights, while the brothers are sleeping, the youngest kills snakes (lamia, hal), goes down to the well, frees 400 girls, they change rings with 400 brothers; on the third night, an arap on a wonderful horse agrees to spare his brothers, if the youngest gets him a princess, takes the brothers hostage; the hero agrees, having received his horse from the arap; with the help of a horse and brothers with wonderful abilities, the hero performs the king's difficult tasks, gets the princess; the horse reports that the strength of the arap is in the eggs, they are in the pigeon, dove in a boar; the hero becomes a shepherd at the priest; fights the boar, wins with the help of his daughter's priest (she supplies water); the hero presses eggs, the arap dies; the hero marries the princess to his father, himself with 399 brothers marries 400 princesses]: 101, 104; Serbs: Dmitriev, Volkonsky 1956:23-29 [=Wratislaw 1890, No. 43:223-231; the dragon in the form of a hare lures, swallows an older, middle brother; the youngest asks An old captive woman living with a dragon to find out what his strength is; she kisses a stove, a tree, then the dragon says that his strength is in a sparrow, that in a dove, in a hare, in a boar, in a dragon in a lake in a kingdom far away; The prince is hired to herd sheep on the shore of that lake, fights every day against a dragon coming out of the waters; when a local king sends his daughter to kiss a young man, he kills a dragon, dogs, a falcon grab a boar, a hare, sparrow; before killing a sparrow, the hero learns from him where the prisoners are in the dungeon; frees people from all over the kingdom], 145-164 [(Karadzic 1856); when he dies, the father tells three sons to pass off three sisters as the first to come for them; the elders are against them, the youngest gives the sisters to the Unknown Force every time; the brothers go to look for them; every night the younger one kills the dragon coming out of the lake, cuts off, hides his ears; the youngest goes to look for fire, nine giants eat human meat by the fire; the young man pretends to eat too; pretends to help them enter the city, kills one at a time; nailed a snake crawling to bite the princess with a knife; marries her; the king does not order to unlock the ninth room, the young man unlocks, Bash-Celik, shackled there, promises three more life for water, breaks his chains, takes the prince's wife; he goes to look for her, comes to the sisters, they are married to Tsar Zmeev, Sokolov, Orlov; everyone gives a pen (if you burn it, he will come to the rescue); the Tsarevich takes his wife three times, the BC catches up with him each time, takes away the gift of three lives; for the fourth time, the sisters' husbands revive him; the kidnapped finds out where the life of the warhead (a bird in the heart of a fox, that in the mountain); snakes, eagles, falcons catch a bird, the warhead dies, the prince returns his wife]; Bosnians [ when the father dies, the father tells his three sons to give their three sisters to be the first to come for them; the elders do not go to give sisters to strangers, the younger Mula-Mustafa gives them away; the brothers go to look for them; spend the night at lakes, the first night his elder brother guards, a dragon crawls out of the lake, the young man cuts off his head, cuts off his ears, head and body into the lake; on the second night, the same middle brother, a two-headed dragon; on the third night, the same middle brother, a double-headed dragon; on the third night MM is three-headed; when he threw his body into the lake, a wave flooded the fire; MM sees fire in the distance, comes to the fire of giants; they will give fire if MM kills the sultan in Istanbul; the giant takes MM to the Sultan's chambers, but MM kills the giant himself, takes the Sultan's ring, leaves; the Sultan, who wakes up, tells him to find his savior, to arrange inns to ask visitors about their adventures; three The brothers meet in such a yard, tell them what happened to them, get to know each other; the Sultan gives his daughter to MM; after leaving, he tells them not to unlock the room where Atesch Perischa; MM unlocks, AP takes his wife (i.e. daughter of the Sultan); MM goes in search; comes to the tower, where the older sister is married to the king of ravens; the raven sends to his middle sister, she is for the king of dragons, the youngest to the king of eagles; the king of eagles summons eagles, only one old patient can deliver MM to the AP, but first he must swim in living water, it is between rocks that open once a year; MM feeds the eagle with rams, the eagle has time to rejuvenate before the rocks slam shut; AP arrives on a three-legged horse; in his absence, MM negotiates with his wife to find out what AP's life is like; he says he's in a broom, in a tube, in a mug; MM says decorate them every time his wife; AP admits that he is wearing a three-legged horse; whoever kills a mare that comes out of the lake once a year and takes its foal will defeat him; he did not kill a mare himself, but wounded a foal, so he is three-legged; MM killed, took a foal, his wife gave him cow milk, which became a powerful horse; MM killed AP, put his wife on a three-horse, returned with her to the Sultan]: Schütz 1960, No. 4:31-48; Albanians [three brothers have sisters married to the Sun, Month and South; they decide to visit them; they spend the night three times, each time one brother guards the others; the elder killed the lamia without telling the brothers about it; the same average; the youngest too, but the lamia managed to extinguish the fire with her tail; the young man sees the light in the distance, goes there; on the way he meets the mother of the night, asks her to prolong the darkness; she promises to do it, but he does not believe and connects it; when he goes to the light source, he sees a huge cauldron on the fire with 12 ears; picked it up, lit the torch, and put it in place; the 12 robbers are amazed by this force: they can only lift the cauldron all together; they led the young man to rob the king; breaking through the wall, they climbed into the stable; the young man stayed outside; raised the alarm, beheaded the robbers as they got out; left his knife there; On the way back, the mother of the night freed; the king found the dead robbers and a knife; ordered a tavern where food was free, but let everyone tell us what he had done; the older and middle brothers said as everyone killed a lamia, the youngest was also about robbers; the king gave his daughter for him; prisoners were released on the occasion of the royal wedding; half of them were made of iron; the young man persuaded the king to release him too; as soon as the king broke his shackles, the monster swallowed the princess and flew away; the young man asks the king for iron shoes and a staff, promises to return the princess in a year; comes to his sister, whose husband is the Sun; she hid her brother, The sun senses a man, but promises not to touch his brother-in-law; advises you to ask the Month; he sends him to the South; the South also does not know where the Iron Man is, directs him to the huge falcon, tells him to approach him from behind and threaten to slaughter if he does not tell us where the Iron Man is; the falcon tells us to prepare meat and fix its wings - he is too old; they are flying to a high mountain, the young man has cut off the last piece of meat from his thigh; When he reached, the falcon regurgitated this piece and grew it back; the wife hid the young man, but the iron man found him, drank blood, and spit out his skin and bones; the falcon saw, flew between the crushing mountains, took milk into its beak swallows, revived the young man with them; he taught his wife to pretend to be dead and ask her husband where his strength is; iron; in a broom; the wife burned the broom, but nothing happened; pretended to be sick again; iron: on the mountain a boar, he has a silver fang, a hare in his fang, there are three pigeons in the hare, they are strong; the young man came to the shepherd, asked about the boar, he heard, the young man began to fight him; boar: I would like to be racine de gouet sharpen his fangs; young man: I would like flour, fried fish and wine; the shepherd brought everything, the young man killed the boar, took out pigeons; turning two heads, the young man came to the Iron Man, killed the third, the iron died; the falcon brought a young man and princess to the king; everyone is happy]: Dozon 1991, No. 15:121-134; Albanians: Lambertz 1952 [two brothers decide to marry the wife of the giant Vampiri and a woman from overseas; meet V., that He swallowed them, then regurgitated them, brought them to him; they agree with his wife V. that she will find out where V. keeps her life; V.: in the garden; in the door; the wife covers the garden, the door with a handkerchief; V.: in the mountains in the heart of a bear; the twins cut off the bear's head, a fox jumped out, a hare in the fox, two doves in the hare, they brought them to V., killed them, one married his wife V., both went to pick up his wife for another; they eavesdrop on how the devil in the hole tells his son to throw 3 black and 3 white stones into the sea, a bridge will appear; forgets to say "whoever hears will petrify"; they returned with the woman Beauty of the World (Kleine Schöne der Erde); only the eldest went again to listen to the devil's conversation with his son; hell: the bride has 3 snakes in her stomach, they will kill the groom on the wedding night, and whoever hears and tells will petrify; during the wedding comes to listen again; hell : The bride has already killed 30 suitors; snakes must be killed when they begin to crawl out; whoever hears and gives will be petrified and blind; the brothers demanded that the groom not go to the bride the first night, and would leave him in the room; kill a snake; in the morning he told everything, petrified; a year later, after giving birth to a son, the wife sends her husband to listen to the devil; hell: if you kill the son, the brother will come to life; the wife killed the baby herself, blood dripped on the statue, her sister came to life and the baby too]: 21-29; Serkova 1989 [the rulers of fate give the young man the ability to be an ant, a falcon, a dragon; he gets the princess, the devil takes her away; hiding in in her hair, he hears Satan explaining where his death is; you have to take two dove eggs, one on the head of his father, Big Shaitan, and the other on his head; the young man does this, returns his wife]: 157-163 ; Gagauz people [the king has 40 sons, 39 want to marry; the youngest of the fortieth Bald takes the last horse left; each time he tells the brothers that the parking lot is dangerous, but they do not listen; came the giantess, gave wine, 39 fell asleep, Bald secretly followed the woman, who tells her 40 sons to kill those who came; Bald kills them one by one when they leave the house; marries the brothers 39 daughters of the giantess; then But the next night with another giantess; Bald hung her by the chest, negotiates with the beautiful woman; at the third night, the giant closes the door; releases the brothers on the condition that Bald stays with him; tells him to get the daughter of the Turkish king; Bald man meets three arguing over an invisible hat and a flying carpet, which is controlled with a whip; Bald shoots: the one who brought the arrow will receive a hat, the second a whip, the last is a carpet; he picks up objects himself and flies away; at night he eats the food left in the princess's bedroom, moves the candlesticks; on the third night, the hat accidentally slept; Bald brings the girl to the giant, telling her to say that she has 40 days of mourning for her father and telling her to know the rear {object what the soul is} of the giant; that: a pole; a broom; the girl decorates them every time; then the giant says that there is a lake in the Goose Forest, there three ducks and a drake, a stone in his stomach, three flies in the stone; the Bald man took out flies, killed one, then the second, the third, the giant fell ill and died; the Bald man married a girl, and the first one he kept for himself, married; 39 brothers married 39 daughters of a giantess]: Moshkov 1904, No. 63:113-120; Hungarians [when dying, the poor man tells his three sons that, according to the sorcerer, the stolen sun and moon will be returned by one of them, but he does not know who exactly; the king found out about this and called the brothers to his place; promises to make the heir to the one who will cope with this task, and make his assistant viceroy; younger brother Kiss Miklos (KM), the elders laugh at him; the king tells him to choose horses and weapons; the elders take the best horses and swords, the KM take a seedy and dirty skate, a rusty sword; the horse turned out to be a six-legged horse conceived by the wind a horse that eats hot coals, a sword by itself; brothers come to the country for 49 kingdoms, across the sea of Operentsia, behind a glass mountain to the silver bridge; KM tells you to hide under the bridge and wait for the 12-headed a dragon whose moon is tied to a saddle; the dragon's horse stumbled for the first time, the dragon realizes that it will fight with KM; KM ordered the sword to cut off his head, he cut off; the KM gave the horse with the moon to his middle brother; then But at the golden bridge, there is a 24-headed dragon; KM told the sword to cut off the dragon's heads, but they grew; KM began to fight on its own, but could not defeat it; dragon: I will become a blue flame, and the dragon will become red; when red rose above the blue one, the KM brothers threw a piece of sulfur at him, as the KM had asked them in advance, the red flame went out; sending the brothers with the moon and sun home, the KM took the form of a gray kitten and climbed into the house. where are the mother and wives of dragons eavesdrop on their conversation; the wife of the younger dragon: I will become a source, if the brothers take a sip of water, they will die; the elder's wife: will turn into a pear with poisoned fruits; mother asks the dragons to support her eyelids with an iron beam weighing 1200 pounds so that she can see; promises to turn into a mouth such as the upper jaw in the sky and the lower jaw on the ground;: swallowed KM and his brothers; the kitten rushed out, the dragon threw a beam at him and immediately went blind, as her eyelids closed her eyes again; KM reached his brothers in two jumps and went home together; KM cuts with a sword, a spring and a pear, bleeding from them; brothers see an open mouth approaching, hide in the house of the lead melter (Lead Friend, SD); they pour molten lead into the dragon's mouth, that exhaled; now SD offers the KM to fight; drove the KM into the lead floor with his little finger; lets go for the promise to get the Green Daughter of the Green King for him; he let the older brothers go; they attribute victory over dragons, marry princesses, the eldest becomes king; they let the moon and sun horses go to heaven, but they began to shine sadly; KM goes in search, meets, takes the Runner as companions, Drinking, Obedalu, Freezing in Fire, Seeing Far Away, Strongman Throwing an Iron Club; The Green King (ZK) demands Pluto to bring his daughter's wedding dress faster than a local runner; but ZK sent his old witch mother to run in the evening, and the Runner ran only in the morning; he overtook her, received a dress from Pluto, but on the way back the witch persuaded him to take his time and go together; sedated grabbed the dress box and ran; the Seer saw it, the Strongman threw his club, knocking out the horse skull from under the Runner's head, on which the witch had placed his head; the Runner again overtook the witch, took it the box and handed it to ZK; he demands to spend the night in an iron oven; the freezing oven cooled; ZK demands to eat and drink an incredible amount of meat and wine (Oat and Drank performed); KM received princess, but as soon as he admitted that he had got it for another, she disappeared; the seer saw her in a whale's belly, Vipivalo drank the sea, the Runner brought the whale, KM took the princess out of his belly; the princess again disappeared; The seer saw her in an apple hanging in the ZK's garden, the Runner brought it; for the third time, the princess in a cocoon hanging in the sky; the strongman knocked down the cocoon with a club, the Runner ran and caught the princess; KM let the companions go; told the princess that she should find out what the power of SD was; while he was talking to KM, the princess magically opened 7 iron doors to the basement, took gold from the lead kegs and told the jeweler gild the threshold; SD went mad, beat the princess, but she changed herself with a feature and lay down on the bed; promised not to gild anything else if SD said what his strength was; he refused; then she gilded three more thresholds; all the same; 7 rapids; after that, SD confessed: in a silk meadow under the seventh bush there is a hare, he has an egg under his tail, a hornet in the egg, its strength is in it; at night, the princess reported this KM; he became a hound, caught a hare, then a hornet flew out; SD died; KM and the princess arrived in the KM kingdom in a luxurious chariot; the sun and moon immediately shone brightly; the sage explained everything to the old to the king; KM said that as heir to the kingdom of SD and ZK, he leaves this kingdom to his brothers; the KM and his wife still rule two kingdoms if they did not die]: Curtin 1890:477-516; Hungarians: Shustova 1994 [the tree in the princess's garden has grown to heaven; a tornado took her to heaven; the pig tells swineherd Janosh to ask the king to sew 7 pairs of clothes and 7 pairs of buffalo shoes and climb the tree; when clothes and shoes will be worn out, he will reach the sky; I came to the kidnapped princess, she convinced the 9-headed dragon not to kill him; the dragon tells me to take care of the horse with five legs, but not to give hot coals; the horse asks for give, I. gives, the horse turns from a thin nag into a powerful horse; but the dragon immediately caught up with them; wanted to kill them, but got drunk and fell asleep; the horse explains that the dragon's power in 9 wasps in the pot in the hares in boar head; carries I. into the forest, kills the boar with his fifth leg, I. kills a hare and wasps; finishes off the dragon with a sword; the horse brings me and the princess to the ground; wedding]: 149-158; Klimo 1989 [in the princess's garden a tree with branches to the sky; the 9-headed dragon living at the top carried it away; the pig tells the swineherd about this, gives a magic handkerchief, teaches her to climb a tree, wearing out 7 pairs of shoes; there the dragon has a pig's brother : flying horse; the dragon took the young man as a groom, but ordered not to give the horse what he wanted; these are hot coals; having received them, the horse became flying, his coat was golden; the young man brought a bridle, saddle and spear, but in this time the dragon appeared; the young man persuaded him to drink wine first; the dragon became intoxicated; the young man on horseback galloped into the forest; there was a boar, a hare in his head, a bottle in the hare's head, it has 9 wasps in it; when the young man crushed them, the dacon lost his strength, the young man cut off his head; the horse brought him and the princess down; wedding]: 131-138; Slovenes: Uther 2004 (1), No. 302:180-181.

Central Europe. Slovaks [the king has three sons, the youngest is Popolvár, sitting by the stove; the king invites them to see the world; the elder goes to the copper forest, brings a branch; the king: my mother and I have breakfast there went; the middle one brings a branch from the silver forest; king: my mother and I went there at noon; when P. was about to go, a plain horse tells me to take him and ask his father for a rusty sword; the horse turns into a beautiful horse; tells him to feed him oats and fire; the saber is magical, it will cut anyone; after passing the golden forest, they come to the castle, to Father P.'s friend; he tells how they fought together with the witch; tomorrow she will come with her army; P. killed the witch, her army instantly disappeared; P. returned to his father, who was happy; said that the witch's sons, dragons, kidnappers of his friend's three daughters; he showed the way to the elder princess; she gave P. a ring that increased strength a hundredfold; P. and the three-headed dragon began to drive each other into the ground; P. drove him up to the neck and cut off his heads; the same with his middle sister (ring increased his strength by 200 times, the dragon has 6 heads); from the youngest (the strength increased 300 times); leaving the princesses to their father, P. galloped home; the father wants to marry his sons to those princesses; but P. is not happy, wants find out if there is anyone stronger than him; father: Iron Monk; he knows other people's thoughts and can turn anyone into anything; the horse says he will take him to JM, but he won't go further; when we reach his father's friend, it turned out that JM had just stolen the younger princess; P. drove up to his castle, he shakes on his chicken leg; JM turned P. into millet seed, and the rooster pecked him; the princess asked if he could be returned turned into its former form; JM: there are two sabers fighting each other in the room; if you throw the one turned between them, the former shape will return; the princess killed the rooster, took out the grain, revived P., hid it in in the back room; persuaded JM to say what his strength is; every 7 years and just today, a duck flies over the sea; whoever eats her eggs will receive the strength that ZhM now has; after putting JM to sleep, she told P.; he a moment earlier, JM grabbed eggs and swallowed them, turned JM into a wild boar; P. married a princess and reigned]: Dobšinský 1970, No. 50:257-269 (=Nmcová 1970:164-185); Slovaks [=Wratislaw 1890, No. 11:75-82; There is a dark country with no sun shining in it. The king has a horse with the sun on his forehead, from which light emanates. So that people can live, he takes him from one side of the country to another. Suddenly, the sun horse disappears. People are desperate. The king and his army are going to look for him. They find a lonely hut in the forest. In it, a tall man reads a big book. He tells the king that he has read about him and that it is useless to find a horse with an army, let him rely on him and find it. He asks him to keep a brave warrior as a servant. The soothsayer and servant travel through six countries, staying in the seventh, where three siblings, married to their sisters, rule, and their mother, a striga (witch). The soothsayer turns into a green bird and asks the queens that their husbands will appear in the evening, tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. A visionary waits at the bridge and kills the elder and middle brother king. The youngest comes on a sunny horse. The visionary comes into battle with him, their swords break, then the visionary offers to turn into wheels and roll down the mountain. Whose wheel breaks will give in. The king wants to be a cart wheel, but invites the seer to be lighter. The seer wants the opposite, the king agrees. The cart wheel breaks the lung. Weven claims he won, and the king replies that he just broke his fingers. Then they turn into blue and red lights, trying to burn each other out. An old beggar walks by. The red fire promises him a kreutzar if he floods the enemy with water, and the blue fire promises him a penny. The beggar loves a penny more, floods the king's red fire. The blue fire turns into a visionary, thanks the beggar, calls the servant, and they leave on a sunny horse. The old haircut decides to take revenge, takes her three daughters in an armful, sits on the rake and flies. The seer, and especially the servant, is hungry; he sees an apple tree by the road. A seer cuts an apple tree with a sword - blood is shed. This is the elder queen. The seer forbids the servant to drink from the spring, cuts it - this is the middle queen; he does not let the rose pick, cuts the bush - this is the youngest. A little magician with a golden bridle selects a horse. The visionary becomes the boy's servant. The boy is eager to get a princess living in a poplar castle that grows out of the sea. The visionary takes the ship, buys ribbons and jewelry, and goes to the castle as a merchant. Kidnaps a princess who comes down to look at the merchandise. She tells her to ask what the magician's power is. He tells her that there is a tree, a deer grazes under it, a duck in a deer, a golden egg in a duck, and a magician's heart in the egg. A visionary kills a deer, a duck, drinks an egg. The princess gives the ship to return home, picks up a sun horse and flies it to his country. When they cross the border of a dark kingdom, the light from the horse's forehead illuminates the country, people rejoice. The seer renounces half of the kingdom, gives his horse to the king and returns to his home to rest]: Němcová 1857:215-229; Czechs [king sends three sons to see the world; elder reaches the copper forest (father: I walked there before breakfast), the middle one to the silver forest (I walked before lunch), the youngest Lezhebok on a thin nag, which turned into a flying horse, gets to gold; the local king complains about Baba Yaga and her dragon sons; L. cuts down an army of dragons with a rusty sword, but new warriors appear in place; when he kills Baba Yaga, her army disappeared; L. returns, tells his father everything; says that Baba Yaga's three sons stole the daughters of his friend, the owner of that castle; L. killed many-headed dragons, returned the daughters of the castle owner; the father tells L. that he is stronger his Iron Monk; he is in the castle on a chicken leg; JM turned L. into millet and told the rooster to peck him; the princess kidnapped by ZhM asks if L. can be revived, what is the soul of JM; JM: we must be between two with sabers hanging on the wall; life in an egg in a golden duck; the princess slaughtered the rooster, took out a millet seed, L. was reborn; L. caught a duck, took an egg in her mouth, turned JM into a wild boar, who ran away into the forest; wedding]: Nemtsova 1978:172-190; Poles: Shcherbakov 1980 [the guy served with a butcher, went on a journey; in the forest, a lion, a hound dog, a hawk and an ant drove an ox, asking him to kill and divide him; the guy gave meat to a lion, bones to an asu, tripe to a hawk, an ant to a head; everyone gave fur, a feather, a paw, they will allow them to turn into these animals if desired; the guy flew to the mountain as a hawk, entered the house as an ant , there is a captive queen; the guy teaches me to learn the cherished word from the dragon; dragon: only someone who can turn into a lion, a hawk and an ant will take you away from me; the guy flew to the royal's father; there they say that every evening a wolf comes, cuts a wild boar, takes a heart - probably for the royal; the guy was hired as a swineherd; in the form of a lion, a wild boar tore up, a hare jumped out of it; the hound caught up, tore hare - a duck flew out; the hawk caught up, tore a duck, an egg in it, a golden key in the egg; the guy flew to the queen, unlocked the door; the queen has a dragon in human form, but with hooves; the lion defeated him, he spread with resin; the guy with the royal collected gold and diamonds, returned to the royal's father; wedding]: 50-54; Krzyżanowski 1962, No. 302 [the young man goes on a journey; helps animals (shared with them food, saved them, helped them defeat opponents); they promise to help him themselves; deceived giants of wonderful objects; or he is helped by the husbands of his sisters, who married them in disguise animals; queen captured by a dragon (trait); she tells the young man where the dragon's soul is or how to kill it; a young man kills a dragon, frees the queen; episode: the flame in the egg is extinguished {apparently like the Brothers Grimm}; the sisters' husbands are back to their human form, the enchanted kingdom is divided, the young man marries the saved queen]: 86-87; Luzhitans: Uther 2004 (1), No. 302:180-181; Russians (Arkhangelsk, Olonetskaya, Pskov, Vologda, Tula, Nizhny Novgorod, Voronezh, Oryol, Ryazan), Ukrainians (Volyn, Transcarpathia, Galicia, Ugric Russia, Podolia), Belarusians: SUS, No. 302 [Kashchei's death in an egg: the hero, with the assistance of assistants (grateful animals), finds a bride; she is kidnapped by Kashchei; after getting Kashcheev to die in a hidden egg, the hero frees his name], 302C [invulnerable strongman without a heart: the enemy took out the heart of a strongman on a high mountain and crushed him during a quarrel; the strongman dies]: 107-108; Belarusians (Mogilevskaya, zap. 1888- 1891, d. Novaya Bych, Bykhov. u., from kr. Pavel Ivanova, 45 years old, illiterate) [The wife gets lost in the forest, she is carried away by a bear, after 3 years she gives birth to her son Ivashka a bear ear; after 3 years he grows up and leaves, meets Duba-Dubovik and Gora- Gorovik, three of them go; they find a house, leave Goro-Gorovik to cook dinner, go hunting themselves, Kashchei ("Koschey") appears, demands to bring him into the house, put him at the table and serve food, eats the ox, flies away, Gora-Gorovik cuts another ox, puts it to cook, comrades come, the meat is raw, Gora-Gorovka does not talk about Kashchei; the same is repeated with Dubo-Dubovik; Ivashka remains to cook dinner on the third day, Kashchei arrives, Ivashka refuses to obey his orders (does not bring him into the house or sit down at the table), drags Kashchei into the forest and pinches Kashcheev's beard in the oak crevice, his comrades return, Ivashka feeds they follow Kashchei, but he flew away; the three of them go after Kashchei, come to the forest, Dub-Dubovik clears the road, Gora-Gorovik digs up a mountain, find a huge stone and a hole under it, make cowhides belt, Ivashka goes down, agrees that in a year his comrades will be in the same place; Ivashka goes underground, finds a copper house, where the girl says that they have not seen a Russian person here, they live behind Kashchei the Immortal, the girl offers to marry, but Ivashka spends the night and goes to look for Kashchei; she reaches the silver house, there is also a girl sitting there, the story repeats; Ivashka reaches the golden house, there the girl warns Ivashka that Kashchei is stronger; Kashchei arrives, senses the Russian spirit, the girl calms him down and finds out where Kashcheev's death is hidden (there is a casket in the sea, a hare in the casket, a duck in a hare, an egg in the duck, Hit Kashchei on the forehead with that egg); Kashchei flies away, the girl tells Ivashka, he takes a gun, wants to kill a wolf and a kite (and eat it) on the way, but the animals ask for mercy and promise that they will be useful, Ivashka sees sea cancer on the shore, does not kill, but helps him sail into the sea; in gratitude, the cancer brings Ivashka a casket from the sea, Ivashka breaks the lid, the hare runs away, the wolf catches the hare and tears it, the duck flies away, a kite catches her, tears her apart, Ivashka carries an egg to wash it in the sea, but drops it, the cancer returns the egg; Ivashka comes to Kashchei, hits the forehead with an egg, Kashchei dies; Ivashka takes the girl, regrets leaving her a golden house, a girl takes an egg, rolls it around and the house gathers in an egg, Ivashka puts the egg in her pocket, the second girl collects a silver house into an egg in the same way, the third a copper house; they come to going upstairs (exactly a year has passed), comrades pick up the girl from the copper house, argue who will marry her, she assures that she is "more beautiful" than her, raise girls from silver and gold houses, decide marry them, and the first as servants, and Ivashka cut off his belt on the rise so that he breaks; Ivashka ties a stone instead of himself, his comrades cut off his belt, the stone falls back, Ivashka grieves and leaves; hides from the cloud under the oak tree, birds scream, he climbs an oak tree, covers the chicks from the rain, then gets off and hides, the bird Half-Gritsa arrives, promises to thank his chicks for saving his chicks deliver it upstairs, Ivashka must prepare 2 barrels of any meat; Ivashka collects 2 barrels of snakes, frogs, mice, ties the barrels under the wings, they fly, Ivashka throws meat from barrels, meat into the bird's mouth ends, Ivashka cuts off his caviar; the bird takes him out into this world, finds out what kind of meat was at the end, expectorates, caviar grows; Ivashka comes to town, is declared a shoemaker ("Ivanichka Drunkard"), She does not know how to sew, she lives with a Jew; a girl from the golden house promises to marry someone who sews the shoes she had in her golden house, Ivashka takes an order through a Jew, drinks for two days, on the third day, she rolls a golden house out of the egg, pulls out her skulls, the Jew takes her skulls; the girl asks for the same dress - the story repeats, the third condition is the same crown; Ivashka goes into service to to the blacksmith, pulls out a wreath in the same way; the girl comes to the blacksmith, finds out who made the wreath; they get married; Dub-Dubovik and Gora-Gorovik marry two other girls, each living in their own house]: Romanov 1901, No. 36:340-347; Belarusians [Vasily Pepelyshka (VP) asks his father to order him an iron club; threw him over the clouds, put his knee up, the club crumbled into pieces; VP tells him to make a club out of him iron, happy; leaves, meets Goryn the hero (throws mountains with a pitchfork), a heroic oak tree (pulls oaks), a hero boulder (throws boulders), takes him as companions; they live in a hut, opposite the bathhouse; there 4 doves arrive, throw off as girls; each of the heroes takes turns trying to prop up the door; the girls kill each easily; the VP found the dead in the corner of the bathhouse, blew, revived, beat the girls with a wire whip , they agreed to become wives; their father is born of Tsmok, is immortal; Tsmok expels an army, the heroes beat him three times, fell asleep; the VP fights with Tsmok himself, the severed grows, Tsmok killed everyone, daughters in He took him home in chains; the mare from above was golden, from below the silver one revived the VP, and he revived the companions; the VP came to his wife, told him to find out what her father's death was; first he replies that he was in a goat; in a pig; she was theirs decorates and dresses; Tsmok admits that there is a stupa in the mountain, a hare under it, a duck under a hare, an egg under a duck, there is death in it; the VP broke an egg, married that princess]: Vasilenok et al. 1958:154-162; Ukrainians (Transcarpathia; p. Zbui of the Zemplin Committee of Hungary) [the emperor has no children, he walks to sorcerers; one replies that the queen spat in the water, swallowed saliva by fish, brought offspring, and the queen has no children; it is necessary catch this fish in the lake under a stone slab and cook it, but so that no one else tries it; the maid tries the fish, the queen eats the fish, throws the bones to the dog; the maid, queen and dog get pregnant and through nine months give birth to a boy; the emperor is frightened; the advisers order to hire nurses; the boys have grown up and went to school; the son of the female Yanko has learned all the sciences and languages; the king is happy; I learn from books that Once there was a sun, a month and stars, but now there is nothing, the earth is covered in darkness; asks his father, the king says that three shufflers (dragons) have arrived; a 24-headed sun grabbed a sun with 12 heads - the month that had was a star; three royal sons saddle horses, went to look for the sun, the month and the star; the father told them that his brother, i.e. their uncle, studied to be a blacksmith in the Shedzmerice Region; the hell brought a letter: brother serves as a blacksmith for these three shufflers and their paternal uncle Laccibrade, who is elbow tall but has a long beard; the sons must go to Schedzmeritz, where their uncle is; there he is 100 meters Iron gates up, 24 comrades blacksmiths and 24 students; taking a letter to their uncle, the blacksmith, the brothers come to the Shedzmerice region, knock, the gate rings, the uncle leaves; making sure that their nephews are welcome accepts; knows where the lights are, because he is the blacksmith of kidnappers, whom he calls devils; one has a house made of gold, the other has silver, the third has copper; they are 24, 12, 6 miles away, respectively; their girlfriends - 48, 24, 12 miles away; at noon everyone leaves before midnight to see a friend - then you have to come; the princes will come to the copper house and the copper gate, where the weakest (with a star); he has a bridge from him to his home friends; his horse does not walk on the ground, only across the bridge; you have to take out one board in the evening to make a hole; I must sit under the bridge and listen to the shuffling go home; the shuffling sits on the horse the ground is shaking; his horse comes across the bridge to the hole, gets scared, rushes back; the shuffling calms down: there is no horse like him and no good man like him; only his mother-in-law Gynjibaba said she saw Suchiy Yanko, but if he met now, the shuffler would cut him to pieces; I.: I'll cut you down, blows all your heads off, sits on the shuffler's horse, takes his sword and star, throws a star into the sky, she rises to his seat, becomes lighter; the brothers go to the 12-headed shuffling; Y. breaks two silver plaques from the silver bridge; the shuffle promises to chop Suchiy Yanko, mentioned by G. throw meat away to magpies and crows; I blow 6 heads, then 6 more; each one cuts off the end of her tongue, hides it in her pocket, lets go of a month; tells my brother from the maid that he will have a 6-headed horse, brother from the queen - 12-headed, he himself will take the 24-headed shuffler's horse; invites the brothers to take the sun, they are afraid; leaves them the spoon given by the uncle for the matitsa: if it has blood, hurry to help; pulls it out bridges 4 gold plaques; the shuffler promises to chop the son of the dog mentioned by his mother-in-law, throw it away to magpies and crows; I.: I will do it with you; they fight for 24 hours; both ask crows for help, but I promise the more. meat; the shuffling breathes fire, the crows stuff weeds into his mouth, take away the sun, it rises to the sky; the shuffling throws fire even more, the crows in their beaks carry water, pour on I., others grab the shuffling legs, he fell, I killed him, cut off the tip of his tongue from each head; there is blood on a spoon behind the matitsa, the brothers take their horses out to flee; when I appear, they say that they were going to help him, he accuses him they lie, share horses; on the way home, their mother-in-law's hut of shufflers drive home; her daughters met there; I became a cat, climbed through the chimney, the youngest daughter, whose lover had 6 heads, recognizes Me by my eyes, the other two confirm; Gynjibaba: I would know if I saw it; the youngest looks up one century to her mother; G. sees Y., tells his daughters to put him in fur; they think that they did it and burned the fur from which, But I am a sorcerer and escaped; a mother tells one daughter to become a red handkerchief and lie on the road, strangle his two brothers and horses; the other with a silver pear, the fruits of which brothers and horses will choke; the third should become a meadow with silk grass and a well in the middle, people and horses will die from its water; I cut the handkerchief crosswise with a sword, it pours blood knee-deep to horses; the same with a pear, with a well; royal The brother, the chief blacksmith, orders the Iron Gate to be opened because her nephews will run away from G.; she chases with her mouth open, the young men rush to the uncle's yard, his students and comrades close the gate and G.'s eyelids are supported; G. demands to show her Y.; he tells the audience to take up one leaf, and he lets G.'s head into the yard and lock the gate with a key; G. is amazed that some worthless killed six (her daughters and shufflers); Y. replies that he will not let her go; let her become a horse that runs around the light in an hour, better than the Sharkani ones; G.: you can't wait; I ask my uncle for workers with with hammers; they hit G. on the head, she asks for mercy, but does not agree to be a mare; I tell you to hit harder; G. swears to serve faithfully; iron stirrups and a saddle are forged for her; I sit on horseback, take it in my hand a strand of flax lights him, linen does not have time to burn while the mare runs around the world; his uncle praises him, gives him a letter to his father and punishes him not to react, no matter what wonderful things he sees on the way; the brothers go home towards the ditch is old Laccibrad on a hare, followed by his casing and beard; he says that I am not a man; I dismount, L. is in the saddle and flies away on a horse; I tell my brothers to notify father that the sun, the month and the star are already in the sky, and he will go for the horse, which was made in his uncle's forge out of sharkanikha; he returns to his uncle, he reproaches him for his disobedience, tells him to take a hammer and go to the plain, where L. herds a mare and sleeps on iron saddles and stirrups; you have to crush his head, take a mare; when I find L., Y. decides that he is so small that he is not dangerous, grabs the mare, shouts at L.; he wakes up, hits Y. with stirrups and a saddle; I beg for mercy, L.: his sister will no longer wear I., for although Y. beat her, L. himself beat him, so we should honestly leave; I leave; my uncle sends him back; L. agrees to give the mare if Y. brings him a princess from the other side of the world; uncle: it's in the seventh land, it's easy to get there, any novelty you see must be taken with you, the royal daughter will be given for him ; on the way, Y. sees, takes with him hungry (he gets bread on carts), drank (drinks the river, but can't get drunk), cold (he can't warm up near the fire in 12 fur coats and 12 covers), throwing a hammer at the end of the world; crossing the whole world in two steps; having a huge eye and seeing everything; the king receives them, offers to eat a thousand oxen and bread out of three thousand measures of flour in one supper, drink a thousand barrels of wine and a thousand vodka; Y.'s companions eat and drink everything; the king puts him to bed in an iron house, sends blacksmiths to bring bags of coal, kindles a fire; the freezing one takes off one fur coat and one casing, the coals go out, everyone goes to bed; the craftsmen bring more fire; the freezing one sheds two coats and two covers, the coals go out, the craftsmen freeze to death; the king orders in three hours go to the end of the world and take leather and gold to the craftsman to cast a ring and sew shoes; companion Y. steps once and finds himself with the master; on the way back he enters the city, where Sister G. lets he sleeps, puts his horse head as a pillow, takes his ring and shoes; half an hour before the deadline; the seer sees the sleeper and sister G.; another companion throws a hammer, knocking his horse's head out from under the runner's heads; he catches up with sister G. in one step, takes away his ring and shoes, and the other steps he finds himself at the wedding; I. and the princess are married, given the wagon and the army to accompany him to the border; L. pretends to be married stuck in the swamp, Y. tries to help, L. pulls him knee-deep into the swamp, runs on his horse with his wife; I. rides a Sharkan horse to the Shedzmericki region to visit his uncle; uncle: go to the oak grove, where there is a hollow, through it you will get to a city 7 miles deep into the earth, in the city a three-story house on a duck leg is L.'s home; Y. finds a house, hides by a well, meets his wife: let him know where L. has power; L. to his wife: he is called to war, whoever he helps will win; in response to his wife's persuasion, he explains that a wooden deer drinks water near the well, a chamois in it, a hare in the chamois, a duck in a hare, two eggs in the duck; if you break one, he will lose half his strength and both will die; if you take a golden apple on a gold cord and put it in your pocket, you can take the house with you; L. goes to the seventh land for a month to war; I cut animals with a sword, breaks one egg; L. flies home on a mare - he is still stronger than I.; I break the second egg, L. falls, I kill him; turns the house into an apple, takes his wife home, stops by my uncle on the way, he advises him to return to his homeland and secretly build the house; his father's servants discover an unknown house; the princes are guarding a possible enemy, warmly greeting his brother, he says that he has obtained a mare and married the tsar's daughter from the seventh land]: Gnatyuk 1898, No. 8:39-54; Russians (Terek Bereg) [the queen gave birth to a son Evryukh, a stukolnik, and the nannies said that she was a calf; the tsar put her in the basement; E. broke through the wall, left his mother with the old woman, went on a journey, met, took two more with him; they came to the house, there were a lot of cattle inside, slaughtered a bull, took turns cooking meat; the old man beats the cook, hangs him by hair to the ceiling beam; when E.'s turn, he beat the old man, burned him in the fire; swans flew in, became girls, began to wash in the bathhouse; the first bro tries to close the door to the bathhouse, he is thrown out; the same with second; E. holds the door; the girl calls E. the groom, she is Kashchei's daughter, she will come by ship in the summer; E. waits, the old woman pierces a pin into his head, he falls asleep; so three times; E. found an old woman, burned it; found bride; she promises to find out where her father died; he replies that in a broom (gilded a broom); in an egg; she handed the egg to Evryukha, who broke it on Kashchei's forehead, he died; arrived with his wife home, killed the tsar and nannies]: Balashov 1970, 145:394-397; Russians (Arkhangelskaya, 1908; Lapinskaya volost, now Karelia, an 18-year-old girl A.S. Filatova, lived as an employee in different villages in Pomerania, composes ditties and songs/"folk poetess"/, illiterate) [The tsar and queen notice that someone in their garden steals turnips at night and sends their sons to watch. The two eldest sons didn't see anyone. The youngest Ivan sat on the fence, "sings songs, counts the stars", sees a man with a hump tearing his turnips, comes up and helps him pick up. The man invites Ivan to his dungeon, Ivan takes his brothers with him. They stay at the entrance, Ivan comes in, beats the man at cards, the man invites Ivan to guess which of the birds is a parrot, a bird, a white swan. Ivan goes out to think on the porch (smoke), the Mukhtotska dog suggests that it is a fly, a mosquito and a louse. The old man gives Mary Tsarevna for Ivan with a large dowry. Ivan's brothers lift Mary in their belts, as soon as they began to lift Ivan, cut off his belts, and he fell into the dungeon. She walks into her grandmother's backyard hut, asks how to get home, she shows the way past Jaitsna Babitsna's hut, warns that she will want to eat Ivan, put it in the oven and advises her to ask show how to sit in the heat properly. He gives Ivan a brush, a comb and a mirror to escape from Jaicna-Babica's chase. Ivan followed his grandmother's advice, put Yaitsna in the oven and ran away. She knocked out the stove flap with her feet and chased Ivan. He throws a comb, a forest grows, Yaytsna gnaws through it, throws a brush - a mountain appears, it gnaws through it, throws a mirror - a river of fire appears, it rushes into the river and burns down. Ivan comes to his city, goes to his grandmother's house, who says that Maria-Tsarevna visits her. The grandmother puts Ivan in the closet and asks where her longing is, the princess replies: "The ram has a horn", the grandmother has gilded her horn. She put it on the table, then Marya said that her longing was in the lake, in the stone chest, duck, egg, and longing in it. Grandma and Ivan caught a stone and took out an egg. Ivan drops it and can't find it, the hare brings the egg. My grandmother put Ivan in the closet, made scrambled eggs out of eggs, and treated Mary to her. Marya's longing passed, Ivan came out of the closet, they told the truth to the tsar, expelled the brothers from the kingdom and got married]: Tseitlin 1911, No. 10:5-7 (=Azadovsky 1947, No. 15:102-105); Russians (Arkhangelskaya) [ the tsar shakes his newborn son Ivan; if you grow up, I will marry you Beloved Beauty, three mothers, a daughter, three grandmothers, a granddaughter, nine brothers, a sister; after 9 days I. wakes up as an adult, goes to look for NK; the old man teaches you to choose a horse among the 30 that the king has in the stable (it will stir up the sea); the horse brings the hut where the old woman has a copper ring on the door; she sends it to the older sister with a silver ring; she sends it to the oldest sister (golden ring); this old woman convenes fish, reptiles, birds; only the Mogol bird knows: she "shook" the GK by lunchtime; carries I., he feeds and waters her, cuts off the last pieces from her calves; in the meadow, the bird regurgitated them, put it back; I. meets NC in the church; 6; 12; 24 heroic suitors sail on ships, speak contemptuously of I.; he waved his hand - the street became, waved the other - cleanly and smoothly around; I. guards NK's sleep, and when he lies down himself, Koschey the Immortal (KB) took her away; I. comes to NK, teaches her to find out where the death of KB is; KB: in a broom; I. gilded the broom; you are an oak tree; I. also gilded it; KB: in an egg, in a duck, in cocoore, coconut swims in the sea; I. spared the hawk, bear, pike; the sea carried the cocoor ashore, the bear broke it, the hawk caught up with the duck, the pike brought the egg that fell into the sea; I. crushed the egg, the KB died; the kings did not Brew beer, no wine; didn't get hit by the mustache]: Afanasiev 1958 (1), No. 157:362-369; Russians (Vologodskaya; from Afanasyev's collection, p. 84) [nannies cannot calm down newborn Ivan Tsarevich; the tsar himself shakes, promises to marry him Beloved Beauty - three mothers a daughter, three grandmothers, a granddaughter, nine brothers to his sister; so three times; on the ninth day after birth, the prince gets up and goes for the promised NC; old man: your father has 30 horses; they told the grooms to drink them in the sea; which horse will move forward, raise the waves to the sea, take it; the chosen horse tells them to lie down, he shoves; shoved twice, the third time not became - such a force that he would not hold the earth; I. comes to the old woman, she sends her to her older sister, she sends her to the oldest; she called fish and reptiles, then animals, birds; only the Mogol bird knows where she lives NG; ready to carry it, but I need a supply of meat and water; there was not enough meat, I. cut off a piece from the calves of both legs; when she reached, M. regurgitated and stuck back; I. spent the night with his grandmother's backyard; she hardly woke him up, he got up, beat the heroes who came to marry NK; so three times; I. took NK to his kingdom; when he fell asleep for 9 days, Koschey the Immortal took NK away; I. came when he was not, taught NK to find out from Koshchei what he was wearing death; he replies that in a broom; in an oak tree; NC gilded a broom; tyn; Koschey admitted that in an egg, an egg in a duck, a duck in a cocore (the bottom of a conifer with roots), a coconut swims in the sea; on the way I. began to kill a hawk, a bear, a pike; the sea threw the cocoor ashore, the bear broke it, the hawk caught up with the duck, the pike picked up an egg; I. put the egg from hand to hand, and then crushed it, Koschey died; wedding; and I was here, drinking honey wine, flowing down my mustache, not in my mouth]: Burtsev 1895, No. 41:177-195; Russians (Ryazan) [the queen was walking in the garden, she was carried away by a whirlwind; three sons went in search; the eldest two did not maybe the youngest Ivan Tsarevich picked up a stone that covered the hole in the ground; tells him to lower it on a rope; a girl in the garden, a serpent arrives, I. knocked down all three heads for him; the princess called her brothers, this is the Wind, Whirlwind, Storm; they answer that the kidnapped queen overseas from the Cat the Immortal; gave a horn to call her brothers, they carried them across the sea; cancer, wolf, kite ask not to eat them, promise to help; Ivan's mother turns him into a spider, hides him in cracks; says K. that he dreamed of his death; K.: my death in an oak tree in the forest, under it a chest, a hare in it, a duck in a hare, an egg in a duck, a needle in an egg, a needle in his eye death; I. found, opened the chest, the wolf caught up with the hare, the kite caught up with the duck, the cancer took out an egg that fell into the sea; K. died; I. and his mother flew to the exit to earth on winged horses, the princess in the same place; the brothers pulled out women, and I. was left; he blew into the horn, the Whirlwind carried him to the ground; he began to live with an old woman in the city; she says that the brothers brought her mother and girl; the girl demands a dress like she had; Whirlwind, The wind, the Storm are getting out; the same is the shoes; the girl came to the old woman, found out I.; the brothers were forgiven]: Samodelova 2013, No. 64:71-74; Russians (Gorkovskaya) [parents died, Dasha was called to her aunt, but began to torment her work and D. left; in the city she hired an evil merchant; when she went to rinse her clothes, Kashchei the Immortal took her away - count gold during the day, pour water at night; K. makes him beat him for hours 12 with twigs, otherwise he cannot fall asleep; finally snored; the mouse gave the key to the crypt in which the casket with the Kashcheev heart; she broke her heart, K. died; the eagles are happy; richly dressed D. and carried him to the ground; one tells you to put wealth in a bundle and walk in simple clothes; the old woman says that a three-headed serpent takes the royal daughter to eat; D. puts on a luxurious dress and asks the king to send her instead daughters; well done, killed a snake and took D.]: Eremina et al. 1979, No. 14:186-189; Russians (Voronezh) [The boy wants to kill the wolf, but in exchange for his life he tells us where to find the chest in which he is hidden the life of Snake Gorynych ("Immortal Kashshei"). The boy finds and kills a hare, shoots a duck, takes an egg. He meets two devils fighting over a samobic baton, the boy fires a bullet and says that the owner will be the one who catches it, the devils run away, the boy takes the magic weapon. The boy comes to Snake Gorynych to free his sister, puts a baton on the Snake, crashes the egg, and he dies. The boy brings his sister home. She says that the Serpent ate people every day, hung their heads on a wattle fence. The mother asks why she went there, and the daughter says that that's why her mother cursed her. The mother tells everyone how she suffered without her daughter and promises never to curse]: Baryshnikova 2007, No. 36:160-161; Russians (Voronezhskaya, Bogucharsky District, until 1938, Tonkov wrote down in peasant T.A. Safonov) [Poor peasant Ivan shoots a hawk that bites a white swan, she promises that she will not forget her savior. At home, Ivan discovers treats and new elegant clothes. The king is jealous of him, and they will find out where Ivan's wealth comes from. The Tsar demands that Ivan get the same clothes for him. A farmer comes to the blue lake, tells the white swan about his task, and she promises to complete it. She helps the king complete his second task: she pulls out bristles from the kingdom of far away from the kingdom of far away. For the third time, the Tsar demands that Ivan take out the white swan, Elena the Beautiful. The swan does not appear on the lake, a pike appears, tells Ivan that Elena ran away from the Idol King, turning into a swan, but dropped the ring. The fish gives Ivan a ring and orders him to follow him. He finds himself at the yard, walks into a beautiful garden (golden apples on trees, birds of paradise), a swan flies up, takes a ring and turns into a beautiful woman. Ivan recalls the king's order, grieves and does not want to give it to Elena. She reports that the king's death is in a duck (containing an egg) guarded by three snakes. She gives a self-propelled sword, kisses Ivan. He comes to royal lake, cuts off the heads of all three snakes; shoots a duck, hits the head the third time, the bird falls, drops the egg, it sinks. The pike carries an egg. He waves an egg and the royal palace falls apart, Ivan beats the tsar and his servants]: Novikova et al., 1940; Russians [promise nannies to the little prince Vasilisa Kirbityevna (V.) as his wife; he grows up goes for his wife; the debtor is beaten on the square, whoever buys it, the Immortal (K.) will take his wife from him; Ivan Tsarevich (I.) buys him, this is Bulat well done (B.); B. brings V. for I., returns twice, smashing the chase; at night, K. kidnaps V.; I. throws his ring into the milk with which V. washes, asks him to know where K.'s death is; he first replies that he is in a broom, in a goat (V. decorates them); on the island oak, a chest under the oak tree, a hare in it, a duck in a hare, an egg in a duck, there is the death of K.; I. spares the dog, eagle, cancer, they grab a hare, duck, egg, K. dies; B. hears the conversation of 12 cabbage rolls that have turned into girls; dog, horse, cow I. will attack him, kill him; whoever tells him will petrify; B. kills animals, I. orders him to be executed, he says he is stony; two years later, a voice made of stone asks I. to slaughter his son and a daughter; their blood makes B. come to life, children also come to life]: Afanasiev 1958, No. 158:369-375; Russians (Moscow) [Tsar has sons Vasily, Fedor, Ivan; orders to shoot; where the arrow falls, there is his wife; arrow I. in the clutches of a frog; the king tells me to bake a cake; the frog shed her skin, went out onto the porch: babysitters, bake the same as the priest had at the festival; the king tells the elder daughter-in-law to give the pie to the poor brethren, the middle one is hungry in prison, the youngest will eat himself; the carpet (the same); the frog goes to the feast as beautiful; I. burned the skin, the princess turned into a cuckoo, flew out the window; I. goes to look; in the forest a hut on the chicken leg is spinning; turn your back to the forest, in front of me; Baba Yaga: Koshchei's wife, his death in an egg, an egg in a duck, in a hare, in a bear, in a casket, an oak casket on an island in the sea in the thirtieth kingdom; gave a ball, we must follow it; I. did not kill the bear, the she-wolf, the falcon, the pike; everyone promises to come in handy; when I. got the chest, the bear killed that bear, the wolf caught up with the hare, the falcon caught up with the duck, the pike took an egg out of the sea; I. took a needle out of the egg and broke it; Koschey died, I. returned his wife]: Vedernikova, Samodelova 1998, No. 37:89-91; (cf. Russians (Arkhangelskaya, 1908, Lapinskaya volost, 18-year-old girl A.S. Filatova, lived as an employee in different villages of Pomorye, composes ditties and songs/"folk poetess"/, illiterate) [Tsar s the queen notices that someone steals turnips in their garden at night, sends their sons to watch. The two eldest sons didn't see anyone. The youngest Ivan sat on the fence, "sings songs, counts the stars", sees a man with a hump tearing his turnips, comes up and helps him pick up. The man invites Ivan to his dungeon, Ivan takes his brothers with him. They stay at the entrance, Ivan comes in, beats the man at cards, the man invites Ivan to guess which of the birds is a parrot, a bird, a white swan. Ivan goes out to think on the porch (smoke), the Mukhtotska dog suggests that it is a fly, a mosquito and a louse, respectively. The old man gives Mary Tsarevna for Ivan with a large dowry. Ivan's brothers lift Mary in their belts, as soon as they began to lift Ivan, cut off his belts, and he fell into the dungeon. She walks into her grandmother's backyard hut, asks how to get home, she shows the way past Jaitsna Babitsna's hut, warns that she will want to eat Ivan, put it in the oven and advises her to ask show how to sit in the heat properly. He gives Ivan a brush, a comb and a mirror to escape from Jaicna-Babica's chase. Ivan followed his grandmother's advice, put Yaitsna in the oven and ran away. She knocked out the stove flap with her feet and chased Ivan. He throws a comb, a forest grows, Yaytsna gnaws through it, throws a brush - a mountain appears, it gnaws through it, throws a mirror - a river of fire appears, it rushes into the river and burns down. Ivan comes to his city, goes to his grandmother's house, who says that Maria-Tsarevna visits her. The grandmother puts Ivan in the closet and asks where her longing is, the princess replies: "The ram has a horn", the grandmother has gilded her horn. She put it on the table, then Marya said that her longing was in the lake, in the stone chest, duck, egg, and longing in it. Grandma and Ivan caught a stone and took out an egg. Ivan drops it and can't find it, the hare brings the egg. My grandmother put Ivan in the closet, made scrambled eggs out of eggs, and treated Mary to her. Marya's longing passed, Ivan came out of the closet, they told the truth to the tsar, expelled the brothers from the kingdom and got married]: Tseitlin 1911, No. 10:5-7); Belarusians (western in Pogar, Bryansk Gubernia) [Fedor Tugarin has to give his sisters for Wind, Hail, Thunder; he finds three for the sake, beaten by Anastasia the Beautiful; he comes to her, their horses graze together, which means that they should not fight themselves, but marry; A. does not tell you to look into the closet, where the Serpent is hanged by the rib; F. lets him go, he takes A.; F. comes to his sons-in-law; takes A.; the horse tells the Snake that we will have time to squeeze the wheat, grind it, eat it; The serpent catches up, kills F., his sons-in-law revives him with live water; A. learns from the Serpent that his horse is from a herd of a woman who kills shepherds (gives them a sleepy potion, mares wander); learns that the Serpent's death in stone on the island, in which there is a hare, duck, egg, yolk, pebble; F. divides the prey of wolves, bees, crayfish; they bring mares, F. takes a royal stallion as payment, takes A. on it, kills the Snake with a stone in the forehead]: Afanasiev 1958 (1), No. 160:383-387; Belarusians [a matchmaker came for the elder, for the younger sister, they went out onto the porch, blown away by the wind; brother Ivan Krestyansky Son goes looking for them, enters the house, the hostess tells me to marry her; do not look through the door, which is tied with bast, covered with mud; he opened it, Kashchei is on chains; asked for three buckets of wine and three breads, three alder logs and three aspen logs; ate and drank, broke his chains with logs, took Mary Krasa; I. found M., took it; K. asks his three-legged horse if we will catch up; horse: go to bed and dinner, we'll catch up in the morning; the old man returned M. twice; I. came to sisters, one married to the Sun in a copper house, her son-in-law gave a falcon; the second, after Thunder in the silver house, gave a dog; I. took M. for the third time, K. caught up with him and killed him; Thunder and the Sun grabbed the crows, told to bring living and dead water to the crow, I. was revived; he tells M. to find out where K.'s soul is; K.: an island, an oak, a hollow, a hare, a duck, an egg; Baba Yaga must get a horse like K.'s; I. went for K.'s soul; let go of the queen of flies, she promised to help; the same is the king of crayfish; sparrow; Baba Yaga tells mares to herd; flies, crayfish bring mares; they order to choose a horse in the scab as a reward; Baba Yaga orders to collect the sown poppy; thieves collect; I. got a horse, he brought it to the island, I. got an egg with K.'s soul; I. took M. away, his horse told K.'s horse not to come; I. broke the egg, K. died]: Vasilenok et al. 1958:115-122.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Crimean Tatars [Akhmet-Achay Ozenbashsky came to the padishah of the devas; there Elmaz Khanum kidnapped by deva; AA tells her to find out what the deva's soul is in; in a fly, a bubble, in a pot, in a tin, in an iron a chest at the bottom of the sea; AA took out and killed a fly, did not show up again]: Mirer 1940:236-239; Kalmyks: Badmayev 1899 [eight brothers marry eight sisters; younger ninth brother is Iestir; the Serpent commands send him to him, otherwise he will kill everyone; demands to get the daughter of a rich khan; on the way, I. meets a man sucking grass and takes another, drinking two seas, with him; the khan orders to turn a fresh bone into the old one (the sucked grass sucks all the juices out of the bone); fires fire on his brothers, fills it with a drink; the fox looks like a girl, goes to the Snake instead of her; the Serpent gives the bride a chest with his soul; I. a snake kills his soul, marries a khan's daughter, keeps her brothers with him]: 6-9 (=Jimbinov 1962:54-56); Basangova 2002 [the girl is passed off as an unloved one, she agrees to run away with the shepherd; when secretly leaves the house, she is carried away by a bear; she gives birth to a son Alvat Khar; he pushes back the stone that blocked the entrance to the cave, kills a stalker bear, comes to her parents with his mother; the grandfather brings he has an iron staff on his cart, he goes on a journey; he wins and takes his son mountains (moves mountains), his son's ear (listens), the son of water; they take turns cooking, the old woman eats everything, ties everything up the cook with his hair; when AH remains, he ties the shulmusk with his hair by the bush, but she goes into the hole; his brothers lower him on a rope; there the daughter of the Khan of the Upper Earth Talvat explains that the eyes and soul old women in three chicks in a chest in a boar in a reed swamp; AH kills a wild boar, takes out a chest, knocks down chicks that have flown out with an arrow, kills one at a time, Shulmuska dies, AH sends three girls upstairs; when AH's turn, the companions cut off the rope, he injured his thigh; broke his mouse's thigh, the other brought leaves, cured; he cured his own; in three poplars, a yellow snake ruins Khan Garudi's nest; AH hacked the snake, the chicks told the mother, she orders to prepare meat and water, brings AH to the ground; he cuts off the last piece from his leg; the bird puts it back; AH comes to the country of Khan Talvat, where he the rescued daughter is given for one of the heroes; the rescued one recognizes him, he drives away his companions]: 81-94; Kalmyks (Orenburg merchants) [Zalta-Mergen-Baatr is vulnerable only in sleep, sleeps three days a month; a copper-billed witch on goat feet and Ak-Sakal have been guarding his sleep for 377 years; Alachi Khan persuaded them to let him go to Z.; horse Z. Zol-Tsookhor saved him by taking him to bed; Z. took the form of a 15-year-old boy, instead comes to Khan's daughter to lick her heels before going to bed, uses a severed dog tongue; while sleeping, accidentally time takes on its true form, the princess decides to marry Z.; the father settles them on the edge of the ulus; tells her sons-in-law to find out who is kidnapping foals; sons-in-law see how the born is carried away by a haruda bird, Z. (all in the guise of a shepherdess) cuts off the foal's tail with an arrow; the khan sends his sons-in-law to find the kidnapper; in the guise of a hero, Z. promises his older sons-in-law to get the foal from across the sea, for which he cuts off his hand from his pair thumb and forefinger, cuts off the belt from the back; Z.'s winged horse flies across the outer ocean; a white serpent eats Garuda's chicks, which she hatches every three years; Z. kills him, Garuda spits Z. in her mouth, making her mouth three times stronger; she kidnapped foals so that a hero would come to pick them up one day; carries Z. with his horse and foal back across the sea, the herd follows; sons-in-law throw Z. into a hole; the horse Zol-Tsookhor tells the dogs Khasyr and Basyr to drive animals into the pit, the owner's two talking parrots to drive fresh air into the pit; resorts to Nomin Khan, allows herself to be locked; the khan's daughter finds out about the horse, asks for permission it seems that the horse is taking her away; she has a braid of 99 fathoms, only it can be used to get out of the pit; Z. takes the girl as his second wife; for the holiday, when her sons-in-law with a herd return, Z. is in true form; at the feast, he tells what happened, shows the cut off tail of the foal, fingers and skin of his sons-in-law; tells them to shoot up, the arrows of his sons-in-law kill them; Z. returns home with his wives, it's empty; comes to Alachi- Khan, takes his stolen wife and property; persuades his wife (now A.'s wife) to cry, asks the father to tell him where his soul is; a deer goes to the spring, with three sparrows in it; Z. rips open a deer (he is grateful for relieving him of the burden), kills sparrows; unites uluses; finds his son who fled from A. in the steppe, he becomes a hero]: Vatagin 1964:39-60; Abkhazians: Inal- ipa 1977:38-40 [Wahsit defeated the giant, became friends with him; he said that the seven Ajvaeishaa brothers (hunting gods) have a sister; there are petrified suitors around their house; this is Kalaur suspended from chains between heaven and earth for molesting girls; he insults those who pass by, and when they swear back, they become stony; W. defeats the bride, wins and takes K., takes them back; K. kidnaps the bride; she finds out where his soul is, reports W.; W. kills a bull, a chamois in a bull, a hare in a chamois, three swallows in a hare, two of them = eyes, the third is the soul of K.; W. kills them]; Inal-ipa et al. 1988, No. 12 [in the Wahsit Steppe defeats the hero, he becomes his sister; his six brothers died striving for a distant fire in the east; W. goes, does as his brother told him; the giant is chained to the sky, he molested the sister of the hunting god Ajveipshaa; W. does not respond to his praise and swearing; sister A. cannot defeat W., marries him; her brothers again tell him not to respond to the hanging giant; W. hits the chain with a sword, giant takes his wife away; the swineherd lets W. put on his skin; W. comes to the kidnapped wife, who recognizes him by her eyes, finds out where the kidnapper's soul is; W. kills a bison, a chamois in it, a hare in the sulfur, a pot in the hare, in the hare three birds in a pot - the soul and two eyes of a giant; W. returns his wife]: 73-81; Khashba, Kukba 1935 (Western 1933) [=Shakryl 1975, No. 30:153-161; in winter, the princess sees two apples on the apple tree; she knocked down both, one was carried away by the river; the princess ate the first apple in half with her husband, the second by the mill and her husband, both women became pregnant and they gave birth to a boy; the prince's son cries all the time, the parents sent the children to throw him away; they were met by a miller, said that his baby was also crying; as soon as the children were near, they stopped crying and began to cry to play; the miller gave his prince; the young men asked them to make two iron balls; threw the balls up, they fell to their knees three days later, crashed; then asked them to make two golden balls; they fell over 10 days and only bent; the young men went on a journey; at the fork, the younger Pycha went to the left, and Pycha to the right; if blood drips from the tip of the sword, then the owner was in trouble; P. came to the dead city, the inhabitants were eaten by a giant, only the old woman hid in the stove; P. and the giant grabbed each other and put them in the ground; P. - waist-deep, jumped out, put the giant up to the neck, cut off his head; but in place of one head two grew up, then three; the old woman sprinkled ash on her necks, then the giant died; P. promised the giant's sister to marry her on the way back; defeated seven hero brothers and also promised to marry their sister; in the forest An old woman came to the fire, asked to tie her horse and dog, then swallowed both them and P.; it was an aroupap (witch); K. followed his brother's footsteps, both women mistook him for P., he asked them to wait; his the horse and dog began to beat and bite the aroupap, she had to spew the swallowed ones intact, then K. cut off her head; P. heard a voice, went looking; old man: this is the voice of a girl you can't do; but P. decided to achieve it; old man: an arap is tied at her iron gate, he cannot answer; P. and the girl fought checkers for 64 years; finally P. defeated her; she gave him a ring; P. answered the arap, he fell off from the chain, they began to fight; bird: tear out the gate, under it there is a chest, there is a bird in it, a piece of paper in it, the soul of an arapa in it; P. tore a piece of paper, the arap died; on the way home, P. captured two other women and a brother; K. I chose a sister of 7 brothers; she asked to bring her younger 6-year-old brother; he was stronger than P., but gave him his sister; they both came to three sisters, the 6-year-old fought them for 120 years, won, took younger; feast; whoever listens to a fairy tale will turn right - he will have wealth, turn to the left - there will be a lot of money]: 1-12; Kabardian people: Lopatinsky 1891a [sledges seek to destroy too strong Sosruko; they offer him to roll a wheel up the mountain; push him with his head; S. does everything; the old woman says that when S. was taken out of the stone womb that gave birth to him, the blacksmith grabbed his thigh with forceps, it covered with bone and became vulnerable; sledges offer to roll the wheel in with their thigh; the wheel crushed his thigh, S. died]: 46; Hut 1987 [wives Mysyr Pasha and Efendyko Ismela see an apple floating, eating, giving birth to sons named Safyl and Mylygu; both are brought up by EI; he gives M. a horse, S. a bundle with a portrait of a girl; S. and M. go to look for her, three old men consistently tell how their brothers died looking for Bartey Janos ; S. and M. with their companions sail across the sea, one S. swims out; comes to the beauty kidnapped by another, asks to know where the snow's life is; he lies twice (the wife decorates the door leaf, the peg with flowers); life in three flies, they are in bone gas in a brass box in a steel chest in black stone guarded by a lion; S. catches and presses flies, returns with a woman and treasures; in the village of a BJ woman in a golden chair descends from the sky; S. plays the reeds, BJ is fascinated, marries S.; she saved M. and her companions, M. marries the one S. brought from frost]: 143-154; Balkarians [dying, father orders four sons do not go behind the mound; the eldest goes, there is a garden, a ferocious stallion kills him; the same with the other two brothers; the youngest hides, decides to catch the stallion; the giantess sends to another, she to third; she teaches to hide by teasing the stallion; every time the princess will beat the stallion, thinking that he is laughing in vain; after that, the stallion has stopped laughing, we must enter, grab the princess by the hair; she will to cry is rain, to laugh is hot; then he will humble himself and become a wife, the stallion will also put up with it; the kurtha (healer) teaches the princess to find out where her husband's soul is; in a knife in her forehead; takes a knife, throws it into the river, together with the princess and goes to a distant land with gold on a stallion; the sister went in search, saw a frog scratching its back against a knife; throws the frog into the water, for which it gives a knife; the brother comes to life; comes to his wife and kurtha unrecognized , kills both, takes gold, stays with his sister]: Baranov 1897, No. 4:21-27; Karachays, Balkarians [sledges offer Sosruk to stop and shove back a huge one rolling down the mountain wheel; he does it with his forehead, hand, chest; on the way home he picks up a golden ring; when S. was hardened, the blacksmiths held him by the knees with ticks, they were not damask; his mother said that the wheel would cut off his legs; the ring disappeared, it was a witch, she overheard Satanai's words; the wheel cut off S.'s legs; the Eagle refused to fly to call Satanai (S. did not leave him the dead game), the Hare is afraid; the Dove brought Satanai, that cured S.; later S. became a granite rock]: Lipkin 1973:77-80; Adygi: Karashev 1957 [Esmuko Eskhot herds Psha (prince) horses; the bastard (snake) cordones off the herd with his body; lets HER go for his promise come to him; gives him a daughter; tells him not to turn to the left road on the way to his father; she turns; his wife's two sisters died there; Aliregu-Algoj (pshi devils) kidnapped the youngest, but he defeated him, nailed seven hooks to the ground; HER is weakened by one hook, AA jumps up, carries his wife; three men at the bridge tell HER that a giant will now come on a boar; wins by driving him into the ground; the giant advises tie his gut around his waist; HER throws her gut on a tree, she cuts the trunk; SHE cuts off the giant's head, she hides in a hole; three men lower HER in the basket; SHE finishes off her head, sends three girls upstairs; the youngest warns that the rope will be cut off, tells me to sit on a white ram, he will take it upstairs; the rope is cut off, SHE sees sheep fighting, jumps on the black one, he lowers it down into AA world; SHE throws his wife's ring into the maid's jug, meets his wife, tells her to find out where AA's soul is; in willow (wife decorates willow); in three flies in a box, she is in a hare, a hare in a fox, a fox in a boar in reeds; Tlepsh makes three unmissed arrows for HER; SHE kills a boar, a fox, a hare, presses one fly; AA asks to finish him off as soon as possible; SHE presses other flies after AA gives a flying carpet and a stone and a towel that makes old people young; on the carpet SHE and his wife rise to the ground; forgives her companions, gives them off rescued women; makes the mother young; frees her father from his pads, kills a tyrant psha]: 131-141; Lipkin 1951 [Thagoledge, the god of fertility, says he is old, gives millet to the sledges, one grain of which is enough to cook a pot of pasta; sledges hide the seeds in a copper barn; Yemynyzh s With the body of a dragon and the face of a giant, he broke the barn, took away the seeds; Satan tells us who the thief is and how to get to E. (from sunrise across the sky to sunset); Aryksha was the first to go, did not return; Sosruko was the next; Sataney explains that E. settled in the west to devour the sun; at the gate of the fortress E. huge swords converge and disperse; S. cuts them with the sword of sledge blacksmith Tlepsh; the girl kidnapped by E. says that E. went to plow to the top of the mountain, taking a bag of seeds with him; S. jumps up on the mountain, the bag grabs, but E. on a three-legged horse easily catches up with him and takes the bag away; the girl asks E. to tell him where his soul is; he replies that it is in the door frame; S. takes the bag again, E. takes it away again; the girl gilded the frame; E. says that the soul is in the tree; again the same episodes; E. admits that his soul is in a three-legged horse, the son of a mare Tozh, she is from an old woman's herd; S. goes to her, causing frost to during his absence, E. did not have time to finish plowing; on the way he helps the wolf, falcon, fish; broke through tigers, eagles and dogs that attacked him; fell to the old woman's chest; she tells her herd to herd for 3 days; wolf, falcon, fish collect scattered horses; S. receives as a reward a foal that the mare also gave birth at sea; the foal asks to let him go to his mother so that he can drink her milk and become stronger brother; S. takes the bag, E. cannot catch up with him, the foal S. tells his brother to throw E., he threw it into the abyss, E. crashed; S. returned the seeds to the sledges, gave the girl to the sledge]: 59-75; Ossetians [ voice from the source to the childless Aldar: slaughter a black chicken and let your wife eat boiled goiter; the crawler was eaten by a dog, she had a golden-haired boy, and Aldar's wife had an ordinary boy; they came to the Waigs marry their sister for Aldar's son; waigi: go up to the tree with a full bowl and go down without splashing; the son of the female did; get an apple from a tall apple tree (the son of a female cut a tree); Aldar's son was given a wife ; Suki's son and Waig's son hunt, and Aldar's son and his wife are at home; he was forbidden to unlock the eighth room, he unlocked, there is a seven-headed waig on hot iron chains; Aldar's son poured water on him; Waig broke his chains , took the wife of the son Aldar; the son of the female went in search; met and accompanied 1) a priest carrying a church on his head; 2) running after a hare with millstones on his legs; 3) drinking the sea; there is a hole in the ground, the companions ordered them to be brought back - it's hot; the son of the suki went down, there was the wife of Aldar's son; he teaches you to find out from the Waig where his soul is; waig: in the middle pole of the house; under the hearth; a woman decorates these places; in a vepra, for who is mowed hay by a hundred mowers; there is a roe deer in the boar, there is a hare in it, there are three swallows in it; the female's son killed a boar, tore off the heads of two swallows, and when he came to the Waig, he tore off the last; sent the woman up ; then he tied a block - the companions cut off the rope; in the corner of the house, the suki's son sees Waiga's mother, one fang above the sky, the other in the underworld; she tells him to grab hold of the right horn of a ram, which accidentally grabs for the left, does not rise to the ground, but falls into the seventh lower world; there the dragon locked the water, once a year he is given a girl, it is the turn of Aldar's daughter; the son of the female dresses as a girl, cuts down the dragon; refuses from Aldar's daughter, asks to show the way to earth; kills the Zaliaga snake, which regularly devoured eagle chicks; it rained (eagle's tear), the sizzling sun sparkled (mother saw that the chicks alive, light from her eyes), wind (from her wings); the eagle tells me to prepare the meat of bulls and wineskins with beer; the female's son cut off the last piece from his leg, the eagle put it back; the herds say that the one who wore the church priest marries; the son of the suki asked to give the bride the ring, she recognized it; the son of the suki cut down his companions, brought the Waig sister to his son Aldar; on the way home, the devils put a bed for the couple, petrified; Suki's son returned behind the Waig whip and revived the couple; he also rejuvenated Aldara and his wife with her]: Dzagurov 1973, No. 45:162-177; Ossetians (Digors) [Soslan drives hungry cattle to pastures Tar's two sons; these are giants Mukara and Bibitz; S. pretends to be a simple shepherd, tells us what games S. plays; M. puts himself under the same tests; it's jumping on the edges of swords, crushing his head rocks; dies when frozen in the ice and unable to stand up, S. cuts off his head with a razor; H. swallows hot stones without harm, raises the entire array of frozen water; wife S. Shatana greets H. as a guest, finds out where his soul is, puts sleeping pills; the bird brings a box with three pigeons, in which strength, hope, life H.; S. kills pigeons]: Libedinsky 1978:143-150; Ingush [the prince has a tree with golden leaves, someone steals them; three sons take turns guarding; only the youngest does not fall asleep, cuts off someone's finger and head; follows a bloody trail; takes companions pulling trees, drinking the sea, a sharpshooter; they lower the prince's son into the hole; the girl says that they are three daughters of a three-headed eagle, their father has been cut off one head and finger; she asks the father what he can kill him; he replies that there is a ram around the corner, there is a hare in him, a duck in a hare, there are three chicks in a duck; the prince's son kills them all, the companions raise the girls upstairs, the youngest leaves her son Prince ring; tells you to touch the white horse, he will take you to the upper world; red - stay here, black - you will be lower; companions cut off the rope; the prince's son touches the black one; the old woman says that the Sarmak (dragon) closed the water; the Sarmak gives water three times, then the prince's son kills him; the padishah sends him to the eagle on the black mountain; the young man kills the snake that devours chicks every year; the eagle takes him to the ground; there is not enough meat, he cuts off his flesh from his leg, with both hands; the eagle regurgitates the meat, puts it back; under the guise of a shepherd, the young man comes to the wedding of the rescued princesses; the youngest recognizes he is on the ring; a young man kills traitors, marries, marries two princesses to his brothers]: Malsagov 1983, No. 1:23-29; Kumyks: Ganiyeva 2011b, No. 21 [Askerkhan sees a portrait of a girl, khan gives him a father money, he goes to look for her; buys a slave named Karakul, who is incredibly strong; kills 40 devas with one blow, frees a beautiful woman, but she is not the same; the same again; the third time, 60 devas, A. recognizes the beauty from the portrait; A. takes away her key, opens the door, the devil is chained behind her, A. frees him, he takes the girl away; A. and K. come, hide, the girl asks the deva where his soul is; in three wineskins in a wild boar; A. and K. kill a wild boar, tear their wineskins, A. gets a wife]: 240-243; Kapiyeva 1974 [39 brothers leave with their father to marry 40 sisters; the youngest fortieth Malik-Mamed stays at home warns not to spend the night near the city of Palace; they married 40 of the poor man's daughters, they go back, spend the night by the river; in the morning it turns out that they mistook the Ashdag snake for the river, who surrounded them with a ring; lets them go for a promise give MA; demands that he bring him the daughter of the Shah Devas; the wolf tells him to find a good horse; MA finds, gives the old one to be eaten by the wolf; on the way he meets and comrades Fastfooted, the Climber, Water bread; Shah Devas 1) tries to burn them in an iron hut, Waterbread regurgitates the water, cools it down; 2) the Shah orders to bring water faster than the lame old woman; Speeddog overtakes her, but she gave him wine, he fell asleep; MA woke him up with an arrow, he caught up with the old woman, was the first to return with a jug; 3) A rock defeats a local strongman; MA gets a girl; the wolf says that the soul of a snake in an egg is in a huge partridge; MA breaks an egg, Ashdagha dies, MA marries Khan Deva's daughter]: 65-71; Mazaev, Kasumov 1997 (2) [wife gives birth to forty sons, writes a letter to her departed merchant husband; he replies that she will kill her if at least one child will return; she hides them in a hole; after 15 years, the merchant finds his sons, leads them home; leans over the spring, azhdaha grabs him, tells him to give the youngest; tells the young man 1) to bring Bermes, daughter of Almas Khan; on the way, a shepherd in the service of Azhdakh promises to help; the young man is joined by a sharpshooter, a deer milker, a speedboat, a sea drinker, a wolf; Almas Khan wins the competition (win the dog, win the run, spend the night in a hot room; a young man brings a woman; a shepherd tells her to break a millstone on the mound, there are eggs with the soul of Azhdakh; a young man kills him, takes his wife and wealth; 39 They envy the brothers, invite the father to send the youngest for a bull buried by the sea; he brings him with the herd; the same is the horse; the father orders to bring a golden pole from the dead father from the dead; he gives, teaches them to turn the young man's parents into wild boars (the origin of pigs), brothers into dogs]: 29-37; Dagestan (group not specified) [the giant Uzh died from a staff blow to the heel inflicted on him by the prophet Musa at the behest of Allah]: Gamzatov, Dalgat 1991:288; Nogais [every year someone takes the newborn foal of a Bayskaya mare; the eldest, middle sons fall asleep, the younger Kara-Batyr does not give a black cloud carry the foal, which becomes his heroic horse; helps the werewolves divide the bull's carcass, who ask him to kill the serpent padishah in order to get the khan's daughter; KB consistently cuts off the heads of everyone werewolves, and then a serpent padishah; kind to an old werewolf; she teaches him to let the young man's horse fight with another who comes out of the lake; when he is tired, he can swim across the sea, there is a tree, a casket on it, there is a sparrow in the casket, in which the soul of the Azdaa who carried the foals; after killing Azdaa, he brings foals, shows the head of the padishah of snakes and the ears of werewolves, gets the khan's daughter]: Nogai 1979, No. 17:83-86; Avars [to get married, the khan's 49 sons go to look for 49 sisters, disappear; Sulaiman is born, they hide from him that he had brothers; he offends other children, breaks the widow's jugs; the old man, the widow co-host it is better for him to look for his brothers; he meets them in the forest, guards them, then they recognize him by the ring; someone steals horses, S. remains guarded, kills seven sledge giants, finds them in their cave wealth and 50 girls; on the way back, the one-eyed father of sledges and girls grabs S.; the brothers are afraid and leave; the cyclops tells the white horse to feed flint, black wheat, S. does the opposite; the cyclops tells bring Khan's daughter; S. rides a white horse, takes people with different abilities as companions (1) runs fast, 2) sees well, 3) hears well, 4) drinks the sea, 5) splits and connects rocks) ; without recognizing S., everyone replies that the real strongman is S.; Khan promises to give his daughter for the winner of the competition, his companions help them win; 1) horse racing, 2) defeat the bull, 3) running (the runner is put to sleep, but they wake him up with an arrow); they try to burn the companions in the copper room, the drinking sea spews water; S. brings the Cyclops a girl, tells her to find out where the Cyclops's soul is; he first replies that he is in a stick (wife adorns it), then that three eggs in a chest under a pile of garbage in a desert hut, only a white horse knows the way; S. kills the Cyclops, brings his wife home]: Saidov, Dalgat 1965:184-197; Kyurins [ The childless queen suddenly gave birth to 40 sons; after that, the king left home; the wife hired nurses and raised sons; the younger Melik Mammad calls the brothers to find his father; they found him and threatened to kill him if he did not marries them to 40 sisters, daughters of one father and one mother; the king found; MM punishes the brothers not to stay in the Palace; but they spent the night there, and in the morning they are surrounded by a huge snake; he will let everyone go if MM comes to him; MM comes, the serpent tells him to get the daughter of the king of divas for him; the wolf tells MM to ask the snake for a horse; MM stabbed his horse for the wolf; MM meets, takes as companions the one who milks on the run deer; throwing stones; drinking the river; the king of divas orders to spend the night in an iron room, covered with firewood, regurgitated water, the room cooled down; run with a lame old woman for reindeer milk; the old woman gave wine to the deer milker, he fell asleep; MM saw it, shot, the milker woke up, killed the old woman, brought milk; overcame the hero (the stone-thrower overcame); MM received the daughter of the king of divas; came to wolf; the wolf tells him to kill a huge hare, there is an egg in his heart, a snake's soul in the egg; MM broke the egg, the snake died; MM married the king's daughter diva and the girl brought by his father; his father gave him the throne]: Lionidze, Sultanov 1892, No. 5:204-208; tatas [the tsar has five sons in one city and none in another; the second is visiting the first, the messenger brings the news that his wife is pregnant; gave birth to a daughter; then at the first Another son Kittschüv was born; they decided to marry them when they grew up; Azhdaha decided to steal the girl; her name is Altuntschatschä {Turkic. Altynchach}; the mother of the three-headed Azhdakhi turned him into a bird, he flew to A., then became Azhdaha and took it away; the brothers went in search; the elder brother divided the sea, everyone saw Azhdaha sleeping, one of the heads on on A.'s knees; A. tells K. to kill the fish first, containing a box with the soul of Azhdakhi; K. destroyed the soul of Azhdakhi and took A.; Azhdakhi's mother Enäj {Turkic. Ene} revived her son; the second brother asked God and created a tower, the brothers and A. took refuge in it; K. cut off the heads of Azhdaha; returning A., K. ordered him to wait 3 years, months, days, hours and minutes, and went on a journey; at the fork in three roads, it says: you will not return; either you will return or not; you will return; K. chose the first; the horse tells you to swim in the pool; lets you burn the hairs to cause it; gives the ability to turn into sand and grains; turned K. into a golden bird; two tsar brothers saw a bird; the eldest wanted to shoot, the youngest took it with him, gave it to his sister; the bird sat on her chest; girl: my chest is not for you, but for K .; immediately the bird became K.; summoning a horse and turning into sand {incomprehensible}, K. won 70 azhdakh, took the girl away; got the sister of three ajdakhs for a friend; everything is fine]: Dirr 1920, No. 27:131-136; Georgians: Kurdovanidze 1988 (1), No. 32 [the prince breaks an old woman's jug with an arrow; she tells him to fall in love with the sister of nine devas; his peer son of an old woman (SS) walks with him; the mother of the devas asks to raise the millstones, wants to crush the SS, he himself seems to accidentally knock out her millstone teeth; one of her fang has pierced the underworld, the other rests on the sky; the devas give her sister to the prince; he takes her key, finds the locked Flint Deva ; he grabs the prince's wife, flies away; the SS takes as companions a priest who carries a church, water bread (drinks the river), a rumor (listens to the war of ants), an eyed (a year watches the arrow fly), tearing mountains, running with turf on his feet; they find the Deva Flint, bring the SS underground to him; the kidnapped finds out where he keeps his soul (deer, roe deer, hare, casket, three chicks); the SS kills the deva, frees horses and women, devas feast at a wedding, the prince reigns], 63 [the prince buys a beautiful handkerchief, goes to look for a craftswoman; buys, feeds a shackled maiden, whom people mercilessly beat; he brings him to the craftswoman's castle, tames the devas who almost killed the prince; the craftswoman becomes the prince's wife; supplies water to the shackled maiden, who throws off his shackles, takes her away; she finds out that his life is in a deer, in a box, in three chicks; the prince's assistant deva catches chicks, kills them; the prince and his wife return to their father; a feast; dev sees that an army is coming at the prince, smashes him; leaves, but always promises help]: 83-94, 266-274; Chikovani 1963 [when the king's wife gave birth to her third son, she was carried away by a 12-headed deva; the boy grew up, went with his brothers to look for his mother; from the fork, the eldest went along the road "will go - easy will return", the middle one - "will go - maybe he will return", the youngest - "will go - not return"; with one city, an ogre boar comes out of the sea every day; a tower to the sky, it is beautiful, it refreshes the light all the sea; the young man came to her, this is his mother; he teaches her to know where the soul of the deva is; dev: under the hearth; the son teaches the mother to decorate the hearth; in the pole; decorate the pole; the soul in two pigeons under the tower, each with an egg; strength - in that boar; a sword hardened in the sweat of a deva can kill a boar; the mother slowly collected the sweat of the deva; the son cut the boar with a sword, then pigeons; the young man forced the deva to bring his treasures, pigeon testicles, to the king let the brothers crush, the devil died]: 153-157; the Megrelians [attacked the Turks, one daughter-in-law left the baby in the forest, ran away; the king's son, who loved to hunt, saw Ndemi, on whose chest his boy was playing age; asked the king for an army; ordered him to cover the clearing with straw, burn it; Ndemi ran away, the boy stayed; he was taught to live like a human being; he was smart and strong; the king forbade his son to enter the same room; Ndemi's pupil broke down the door, there was a portrait of the beautiful daughter of a black ndemi; the king had to let his son go, Demi's pupil went with him; black ndemi gave his daughter, but warned that the white ndemi was the lower world may kidnap her; the prince sent the Ndemi pupil to inform his father about the wedding; at this time, the white ndemi took the bride; the Ndemi pupil ordered him to be lowered through the hole into the lower world; swineherd said that the white ndemi was having a wedding feast; disguised as a beggar, Ndemi's pupil approached the bride; advised him to find out what the soul of black ndemi was; he first said that in the dog, his wife began to caress a dog; then: in a deer in the forest; a pupil of Ndemi shot a deer, a hare jumped out of it, a box in the hare, containing two flies; the pupil of Ndemi blinded them; he came to the black ndemi, tortured the flies, he died; Ndemi's pupil sent the princess and gold to the ground in a basket; when the servants picked him up, they cut the rope; he clung to the stones, climbed to the ground; he and the young went to the prince's kingdom; At night, Ndemi's pupil does not sleep; three angels in the tree: the young's father will give him a gun, it will shoot him; he will give him a young dress, it will burn it; whoever reveals the secret will petrify; Ndemi's pupil ordered to give it a gun and a dress to the servant and maid - both died; the young had a son; the pupil Ndemi exposed his sword and looked; the boy shouted that he wanted to kill him; he told everything and petrified; the old woman: cook a hundred ears of ndemi and a son, pour it on a stone; the Ndemi pupil came to life, and the king's son also recovered]: Petrov 1890, No. 2:279-291; Megrelia [the handsome and strong son of poor Geria ("little wolf") shot an old woman's jug and smashed it; old woman: you'd better get the only sister of 12 demi living beyond 12 mountains; G. went in search with the Mathikochi dog; when he drove 6 mountains, trees began to fall; voice: only G.; G.: this is me; rokapi (witch family): sorry for you, they did not return from there; G. drove 6 more mountains, followed by Rokapi's older sister; she gave her three-legged horse; Demi's horse tells me to turn the pot over; Demi's sister agreed to marry G.; horse: Demi will be surprised and frightened when they see the cauldron upside down, because they are all barely capable of it turn her over; Demi gave Sister G., but warned that the Black King would not want to give her up; G. easily exterminated the CC army, and then engaged in combat with his terrible assistant Qvamuritz Khami; he killed; G.'s wife demanded three months of delay; otherwise let the CC fight her herself; CC was frightened and agreed; G.'s parents went to look for him; saw how some snakes killed others, and then two snakes revived those killed by living water from the river; G.'s mother collected water, M.'s dog brought him to her son's body and she revived him; he met a huge boar, fought with it for a long time and cut it in half; a wild boar jumped out of the boar goat, G. killed her too; there is a box in the goat, with three swallows in it; G. killed two, grabbed the third; at this time QK was fighting in agony; G. killed the swallow, QK died; G. destroyed everyone in the royal palace and returned home with his wife] : Wardrobe 1894, No. 3:118-124; Armenians: Ganalanyan 1965 [Badikan comes to see the steel ogre Khan Boh; he makes him an assistant; asks for the daughter of the Eastern king to get; B. and the princess fall in love, B. takes her away, promises to save her; the princess asks where X. keeps her soul; an invincible white bull drinks from a spring every seven days; there is a white fox in the bull, a casket in the fox, seven birds in it; B. fills the stream with wine, the bull stings, B. cuts off his head, kills the fox and birds; takes the princess and the palace X.]: 158-161 (=Khachatryants 1933:78-84); Nazinyan 1969 [the prince let the top go, he broke the old woman's jug; she ordered the prince fell in love with the beautiful Pomegranate Seed; the prince went in search, chased the doe, she whizzed into the hut, it had no doors or windows, he cut the wall; on the bed, the prince cut a grenade pomegranate, the princess came out; she was kidnapped by a three-headed Khovt, his soul in three birds, birds in a box; the prince took the box, went first to kill three devas who fought hoft for the princess; the prince killed first the devas, then cut the box and killed the birds, the hoft died; the wedding; three apples fell from the sky]: 144-147; Azerbaijanis: Bagriy, Zeynally 1935 [returning late from the teahouse, fisherman Balkhudar met a dervish; he gave a golden knife, ordered him to give Ulker to the king's daughter; W. took it, brought the horses, told him to run; on the way, B. picked up a ruby in the stream; they bought a house; one day W. picked up a ruby the local king saw and fell in love; the vizier advised to accuse B. of stealing the ruby; he promised to bring the same stones; W. tells him to find her sister, kidnapped by divas; B. went up the stream, saw the girl motionless, a ruby hangs above her head; a diva came, hit the ruby, he soared into the sky, the girl woke up, but refused to deal with the diva; he put her to sleep again and left; B. hit the ruby himself, the girl woke up; said that the diva's soul is a bird in a glass vessel; if you put Solomon's ring into the water, you can catch the soul; W. just gave B. this ring; he lowered it into the stream, the vessel appeared, B. tore it off to the bird head, dead divas fell from the sky; they took the rubies, returned to W.; B. took 5 stones to the king; he demands gazelle milk; sister W. let the powder be scattered in the forest; gazelles will become insensitive, they can be milk; ordered B. to invite the tsar; threw up a ruby, the tsar and his retinue lost consciousness, their heads were cut off, the people made B. tsar]: 54-60; Bogoyavlensky 1899, No. 8 [Para-Bash finds a diva's home and so far he sleeps, takes away treasures; when he went again, the divas swallowed him; son Shamil grew up, went to look for a deva; killed a snake that crawled to eat the chicks of the Zumrrud gushi bird; Z. gives his pen; S. hit the rock with them, there was a passage to the diva's house, where he forced his daughter to tell him where her father's soul was; in the bank; S. broke the jar, the diva died, S. took his living father out of it; on the way home, the father pushed S. into the hole to take possession of everything ; S. got out, cut his father, came to his mother; the king will give his daughter to someone who will greet her on horseback; S. calls the horse with a pen, gets into his ear, becomes handsome, admits that he killed the terrible diva; wedding]: 65-71; Mazaev, Kasumov 1997 (2) [Shah's apple tree brings one rejuvenating apple every year, someone takes it away; the older, the middle fall asleep, the younger Meomk-Mamed injures the diva, the brothers are on the trail of blood ; the elders cannot go down into the well because of the heat, MM consistently meets three girls and three divas at the bottom; each indicates a bottle with a diva's soul, MM breaks it; sends the girls upstairs; the youngest says that if the brothers cut the rope, MM must jump on the white ram; cuts the rope, the white ram drops MM on the black one, he takes him to the realm of darkness; there the dragon every year devours Zumrud's chicks; MM kills him; the bird promises to carry MM upstairs if he gets forty oxen carcasses and forty wineskins of water; MM kills the dragon that covered the water that gave it for girls; the king gives him meat and wineskins filled with water; cuts off the last piece of MM from his thigh, the bird puts it back; MM is hired by a tailor; in his true form on horseback, cuts off the head of the older, middle brothers; opens, marries, two other girls are given for courtiers]: 463-474; Talyshi [to the west of Lankaran, the Kyz-Kalasi and Dev-Kalasi fortresses {"maiden's fortress" and "devya fortress"}; in Kyz- The princess is sleeping in Kalasi, she will have to be woken up by a prince; a seven-headed dev-Kalasi sleeps; he exterminated the beauty's family, took her as concubine, but fell asleep; his treasure of gold is guarded by horned snakes; their queen with they come to bow to her with a crown on her head on the day of Navruz; under the queen's tongue there is a white pebble in which the soul of a deva; until the pebble is intact, the deva dies; the prince will run the dragon, the princess will tell you how to get it white pebble (learn the prayer from Saint Sheikh Zaghid); crush the pebble, the devil dies]: Bayramalibekov 1899, No. 2:4-7; Turks: Walker, Uysal 1966, No. 3 [the old man tells the childless padishah of Egypt to eat an apple in half with his wife, feed the peel to the horse; he himself will come to give a name to the boy who will be born; when he is 12 years old, the old man comes and gives the name Hüsnügüzel (Beautiful Soul); H. dreams The most beautiful in the world (PM), goes in search; takes the son of Padishah Moray and the son of Padishah the Stars as companions; the Padishah Arabs marries them to his three daughters; H. puts a sword between his wife and himself, promises return; if there is blood on the sword, he is in trouble; H. marries PM; her golden hair flies away, sandal floats away, gets to Padishah Giants (PV); he sends a witch to steal PM; she persuades PM to find out in than life H.: he first calls a mirror, a broom, the witch breaks them, burns them; life in a sword, the witch throws it into the sea; the witch carries the PM in a leather-covered jug, drives the jug with a whip; the daughter of Padishah Arabs see blood on her sword; finds Padishah's son Stars by the stars, Padishah Moray's son pulls his sword out of the sea; H. comes to the PV garden in the guise of a shepherd; hides in the PM's room, kills PV a day weddings; on the way home, he comes to pick up his second wife, the daughter of Padishah Arabs], 7 [40 sons of the Sultan send the youngest to ask their father to marry them; they tell them to sit down only when the Sultan offers a green chair - then he will understand what the sons want; the brothers go in search of brides; spend the night in the ruins; the youngest sees the seven-headed giantess; drove her away, but she returned with 40 sons and 40 daughters; as they came in, the young man cut off everyone's head; the giantess disappeared into the water, the young man followed; the giantess gave the keys to 4 rooms, in each girl, these are brides for brothers; the giantess asks to take her with her; summons his father-in-law, the king of giants; young men and brides are surrounded by a stone wall; the giant lets go of everyone but his younger brother; to show his power, the giant tells him to burn, ashes disperse, jump off with water - revives; orders to get the daughter of a neighboring king for him; the king demands to plow and sow a huge field overnight, harvest (ants have fulfilled); eat 40 food boilers (blacks ate); to overcome the princess; she overcomes; the young man burned the Arab's hair again, who quietly helped bring down the princess; the young man took the princess and gave it to the giant; asked her to find out where he was keeping his life; giant: three deer will approach the watering hole, three boxes in the yellow belly; after killing the giant, the young man took his wife and found brothers; they are arguing over his fiancée - who will get it; the young man got it himself; a wedding with two wives]: 34-54, 77-83; Turks: Eberhard, Boratav 1953, No. 66 (9) [], 163 (5-7) [], 213 (6-9) [], 214 V [], 215 IV (3-4) [], 256 V []; Kurds: Jalil et al. 1989, No. 3 [Eastern and Western The padishahs agree to marry future children if they are of different sexes; after the death of the West, the son of Usub remains, but Vostochny's wife refused to marry him a daughter named Parizada; W. and P. leave; the 39 sons of the old woman who attacked her are exterminated, the fortieth is spared, he is a sorcerer, stabs a knife into W. in the bathhouse, takes P., but she kills him, cares for W.; the portrait of P. finds the Arab padishah, W. and P. wins him, he shows the portrait to others, the son of another padishah sends the old woman to find out what W. is strong; W. says that in a broom, the old woman burns her, W. is alive; in a sword; the old woman throws her at sea, W. dies; friend Wu . Ahmad saves the fish, which finds a sword in the whale's belly, W. comes to life; W. returns P., exterminates the pursuers; W. and P. return to father P.]: 59-71; Rudenko 1970, No. 54 [The tomb leaves his daughter to guard the house; she kills the robbers one by one, injures leader Ahmad; he marries her unrecognized, takes her to the forest to burn her; the driver hides her under brushwood, the merchant marries her son; A. takes her away, she promises Prophet Khydra to give his first child for deliverance; A. was torn to pieces by a leopard and a lion, Khydir comes for her born and raised daughter; gives Ima Golbarin, her laughter is roses, crying is rain, where she enters, there is a purse with gold, her soul in a bead in the heart of a hornless fallow deer; the son of the Emir of Arabs marries G.; on the way, Father G.'s sister pulls out her eyes, puts her in her pocket, replaces her daughter; the firewood collector finds G., who makes it rich; the false wife pretends to be sick, the mother-in-law tells the hornless doe to be shot; a bead fell out of the heart of the fallow deer; at this moment G. turns into a mountain; the son of the Emir of Arabs finds a hut there, in it blind and dumb G.; she gives birth to him a son; he finds a bead, G. sees the light, says that the dove took her eyes out of her pocket, put it back; the false wife and her mother are executed]: 192-197.

Iran - Central Asia. Persians (Isfahan, Fars, Hamadan, Khorasan) [the young man sees flowers and jewelry floating in the river; sells to the merchant, he asks for more, the young man goes in search; finds the captive diva, this is her blood; diva every day he kills and revives the princess; the young man asks her to find out what life is alive in; she finds out, the young man gets this item, kills the diva, sometimes forces him to carry it in advance and princess home]: Marzolph 1984, No. 467:100; Romaskevich 1934a, No. 34 [the king has 6 sons with 6 wives, but not his beloved; the dervish gave an apple to eat with his wife, a son was born; he is chrome, grew up quickly; all brothers they took a hundred mists each and went to trade, the youngest too, his name was "native of Iran" (TI); a servant with him; the fire went out in the morning; TI came to the old woman; his lower lip hung on his chest, the upper lip came under her eyes; she asks to get the princess, whom her 6 sons are in love with, then he will give all the wealth; TI went up to the castle, kissed the girl, bit off the prepared dishes, called out the divas, cut off everyone's head as far as as they went up to the wall; brought the head of one of the divas to the old woman, who also cut off her head; came to the princess's father, showed the heads of the divas; the king would give his daughter if TI caught a mare with 40 foals; the princess teaches you to take sugar and dates with you; give dates to ants that are the size of a goat; pour sugar into a bitter spring, the mare will come to drink; TI did so, saddled the mare, followed by 40 foals; the king gave his daughter; TI sees a man draining the river with a cauldron; won, became his branded slave; a man with millstones on his feet (same); eating trees and stones (same); in one place people hanged by the forelocks - they fell in love with the king's daughter; TI goes to ask the princess, the king orders; 1) eat a lot of pilaf and drink a pond of salt water (Opivalo and Obedalo fulfilled); 2) break the pole in two ( the man with the millstones made the pole thin and broke it); the king gave his daughter; on the way, the White Div took both wives and disappeared into the mountains; TI came when the divas were hunting, tells his wives to find out where his bubble of life is; divas: this is a bush (wives play around the bush); diva: at noon, a yellow bull comes to the spring, a bubble in his left thigh; TI got a bottle, told the diva to bring wives and all the riches, then broke the bottle; at night three pigeons say: with a stick made of this tree you will heal a madman and only a healthy mind; a leaf - make a blind person sighted and vice versa; sprinkle bark into the sea and it will dry out; sister TI came to the mosque, did not recognize him; he threw a ring on the plate, ordered him to give it to his parents, they recognized his son's ring; he made them sighted with leaves; wedding; no information about the brothers]: 255-266; Tajiks []: Amonov 1961:337- 355; Tajiks [Padishah Bahrom gives 40 sons to Padishah Diyor's 40 daughters; younger Bakhodur marries the youngest Zarina; the old man gives her seeds, tells her to throw it without looking back; they grew out of seeds fruit trees; but Z. looked back ahead of time, so figs and pomegranates grew few; on the way to the kingdom of Fringe, the divas stops the caravan, demands Z. for himself; otherwise he will stop the canal and fill everything up with sands; took Z. and Bachodur with her; at night, Z. noticed a box with the soul of a diva in the cave, B. cut it, the divas died; during this time, enemies attacked the kingdom of Fringe; Z. led a female detachment that helped win]: Amonov, Ulug-zade 1957:178-182; Sistan's Tajiks [the old man dreamed that the moon and two stars fell from the sky; he went to look for it; the pleshak shepherd Hasan bought this dream for a herd rams; only then did he remember that he had not asked about the content of the dream; fell asleep under the palace wall; that night the princess and the son of the vizier agreed to flee; the princess asked to wait for her to go to the bathhouse; the son of the vizier saw H. sleeping, woke him up, asked him to watch for the horses, and he himself went to hurry the princess; at this time, the princess threw X. off her bag, believing that her lover was next to the horses; she jumped off herself and they jumped; the vizier's son returned, found no one and stabbed himself; in the morning the princess decided that everything was God's will; the princess washed and dressed X, told him to buy a palace, bring a mullah and marry; the old woman saw H.'s wife and told the king; he told X. to bring the ivory throne; H. met an old diva woman, gave her a drink, she made him her son, hid him from the other 7 sons, turning them into a needle and sticking them into their collar; the divas felt the human spirit; swore that they would not harm the guest; the divas threw potions into the water that elephants drink; they began to fight and broke off their tusks; The divas made a throne and brought the king to the garden; the king rewarded H.; now the king orders to bring a laughing flower and a weeping flower; H. came to the former old woman; during this time one of the divas was captured by a two-headed divas ; the divas lowered H. into the well; the heads of the diva on the knees of two pari girls; one laughed, the other cried; flowers fell from the laughing mouth, roses fell from her mouth; one laughs when she saw H., and the other cries, regretting that the diva would kill him; H. noticed a vessel in the niche and realized that the soul of a diva was in it; ordered the diva to take all the prisoners and all the goods to the ground; H. broke the vessel and the divas died; the bets flew away with doves, told H. to come to their Green City and be their husband; in the city of Pari X. was recognized by the traces that the girls had left on his shoulders; when two days were left before the king's deadline, the bet's father gave X. a rug Suleiman; on it, H. and his wives flew to the divas and then home; the king received laughing and crying flowers; he ordered to visit his deceased parents; the pari wives wrote a letter on behalf of the king's father with with an invitation to heaven, they dressed H. in clothes as if he were lying in it in the grave; let the king build a fire, we, together with the old informer and vizier, will stand on him and get to the royal ancestors; H. flew to rug on the royal throne, and the tsar, vizier and old woman burned down]: Grunberg, Steblin-Kamensky 1981, No. 8:104-117; Baluchi: Zarubin 1932, No. 2 [sheep shepherd Asan takes a rich girl instead of her Beloved, she takes him as her husband; tells him to send a candle to the king, the king wants a woman for himself, tells A. 1) to bring the couple to the candle; the buzlanga prisoner asks him to keep his soul for her; he first gives a bottle, she wraps her, then a dove, A. kills him; A. now has two wives, a new one brings a candle; 2) bring leaves from the garden of a black diva; in that city A. unties the clothes of a sleeping beauty, leaves letter; the girl marries him, they bring leaves; 3) bring information about the dead; the new wife tells everyone to go on a pile of firewood, raises A. into the air, the king and others burn], 10 [the dervish gives the childless an apple to the king; the king's wife eats him, gives birth to a dead boy; Azrail takes him away, revives his name is Janteg; D. takes Stargazer, Water scholar, Buzlangi named Grandfather Gargashang (DG) as his sister brothers; the dragon has closed the water, the king's daughter is led to be eaten; D. lets himself be swallowed, immediately cuts the dragon in half with a sword; gives the girl to the Stargazer; DG destroys enemies, the princess gets a Water expert; DG brings D. to the girl Hair-in-Forty-Arshin, he marries; the other king sends an old woman; she encourages his wife to ask D. where his soul is; in a sword; the old woman takes the girl in a flying chest, throws her sword into the river; brothers they take out a sword, revive D., he returns his wife with the help of DG; finds his father], 12 []: 10-35, 121-133, 150-163; the Yagnobes [the bear stole the princess, she stuck a thread, threw a ball out of the cave, Grandfather- The thorn collector found him, told the king that the princess was returned, she gave birth to a strongman; people complain about him because he maims other children in games; he goes on a journey, his name is Hirs al-Dean ("hirs" is a bear); meets, wins, companions Chanor-ed-Din (wears plane trees), Sang-ed-din (rotates the millstones on her finger); they stole the girl, made her a maid, told her to always feed the cat, otherwise she would extinguish the fire; the cat was late for eating, filled the fire with urine, the girl saw smoke, came to the barzanga, she gave fire and a handful of grains; along the trail of the barzanga grains, she came, sucked the girl's blood; C., S. remained guarded, frightened, hid; H. cut off the head of the barzanga, but the head disappeared in failure, promised to harm; H. descends on a rope, there is a captured peri; she learns that the soul of every diva is in a locked room, in a pair of pigeons, in two worms; got the divas drunk, H. took the keys, H. unlocked the rooms, killed worms, the divas died; Peri warns that the companions will cut the rope; Peri agrees to marry the one who picks up the knife, gun and purse X. , no one can; in the lower world, H. tells tigers not to touch the peasant's bulls, kills a fox that strangled an old woman's chickens; an old woman advises killing a dragon that devoured Simurg's chicks; in flight, H. feeds Simurga with the eggs given by the old woman, the lambs given by the peasant; Simurg bites off the last piece from H.'s leg, regurgitates, puts it back; gives a white and black feather to become old or young; only H. picks up a knife, etc.; the brothers were tied to the tails of horses; a feast, the tsar awarded the Grandfather Collector of Thorns]: Andreev, Peshereva 1957, No. 27:131-138; Shugnans [poor shepherd Jumak fell asleep at the royal horseback riding; the king's daughter was going to flee with the son of a vizier with the same name, rode off with J.; gave him royal clothes, on the way he accidentally picked up rubies on the bank; serves the king, he wants his wife; leads hang, J. promises to bring a bag of rubies; collects them, this is blood dripping into the stream from the throat of a slaughtered peri; J. revives her; she is kidnapped by divas and killed during his absence; J. persuades peri ask the diva where his soul is (in a plane tree, in a chest, in a bottle, in a shirt); J. kills a diva, brings his second wife; the vizier advises the king to ask for the Laughing Flower; this is the Green Pari from Mount Kof when he laughs, Flowers fall from his mouth; pariah flies to the lake to swim, J. takes Green Paris's dress, brings her to his wives, this is the sister of his second wife; takes flowers to the king; he tells him to bring his late father's sword; wives they give a sword, hide J. with an imaginary letter in the ashes of the fire; the king and the vizier agree to be burned, J. becomes king]: Grunberg, Steblin-Kamensky 1976, No. 2:60-73; Turkmens: Annanurova 1980 [merchant promises to bring gifts to his three daughters; the youngest wants beads, he is nowhere, he is advised to pick up beads in the diva's house behind Black Hill; the diva puts beads in his hem, adds ash, she burns a hole; On this trail, the diva finds the merchant's house; demands his eldest daughter as his wife; tells her to eat the human nose to return; she gives it to the cat, the nose answers the diva from the cat's belly, the diva hangs his wife in the closet for braids; the same with the middle sister; the youngest asks where the soul of the diva is, he gives her a bottle for storage; the girl does not throw her nose to the cat, but does not eat it either; breaks the bottle, frees the sisters; the beads were tears all former wives]: 18-22; Erberg 1953 [Bahaveddin gives his son Mamed-Jan to herd camels, does not tell him to sell an old camel; M. sold, the whole herd went for the camel; M. finds a ruby necklace, gives Padishah, but he demands one more, otherwise he executes; M. comes to the gorge, where the blood of the dead beauty turned into rubies; divas arrive, revives the beauty with a potion from a bubble, kills again, flies away; M . revives her himself; teaches the diva to know where his soul is; the diva shows a stream under the stone, there is a fish; M. kills fish, divas dies; M. brings the padishah a second necklace; the old woman reports that M. has a beautiful wife; the vizier advises to send M. for the lioness's milk; the wife orders to remove the splinter from the lion's paw, who tells the lionesses to give milk, M. brings the lionesses, the padishah in horror; the vizier suggests sending M. for the talisman, from whom the apple cries, the pomegranate laughs; the wife gives a letter to her peri sister; she arranges that the "cruel peri" she serves gives a talisman; the padishah tells him to build a castle overnight; M. asks him not to shoot pigeons; peri arrive in the form of turtles, the castle is ready; the vizier advises sending M. to the next world to find out how the late parents of the padishah are doing; the wife advises asking the padishah to kindle a huge fire, a peri-dove turns M. into a straw, takes him away from the fire; Peri writes a letter on behalf of the late father of the padishah, who calls his son and his vizier; at night M. hides in ash, in the morning he is there they find; after reading the letter, the padishah and the vizier behave to burn themselves, M. was chosen as the new padishah; peri-doves bring his parents to M.]: 50-67; kafirs (prasun) [Mundschem Malik has two unloved wives; he rides a horse, meets a woman, marries, puts her on the golden throne, leaves her a bell; witch wives torment her, she rings the bell, MM comes back, tells her not to ring without reasons; she gives birth to a golden-haired boy and girl; witch wives ruin the bell, throw children into the bulls' barn, tell their mother that she did not give birth to anyone; in the morning, children sit on the horn of a bull, witch wives they throw them in a chest into the river; the river wants to carry them to the mythical Lake Sujum Sur in the upper reaches, the boy tells them to be carried down to the meadows of Mary; Mara picks up the children, his witch wife pretends to be sick, asks bring medicine from her mother, gives a letter; Amawal-Ra replaces the letter, the grandmother does not kill the boy, accepts it with honor; he demands to scoop up water with a barley sieve, pour it into a millet sieve, bring it to him; at this time he takes his mother's nose (MM cut it off because his wife did not give birth) and the bird from the shelf (this is the receptacle of the old woman and her daughter's soul); the boy is hereinafter referred to as Munj Malik; together with Mara goes up the river; sends Mara back, tells her to wait for him in the fall with six Prasun villages; comes to Kuschteki, asks her mother to bring a bucket of ploughing, throws a ring there, worn by his mother on his finger when he was born; his mother happily rushes to him, he pushes her away because she did not breastfeed him; attaches her nose; runs his finger over an empty bucket, it fills with colostrum, tells the mother to drink it, drinks it herself; turns into a baby, sucks milk splashing from his mother's breasts; becoming a young man again, she goes to take revenge on his father; kills, paves a valley above him; when he moves, earthquakes occur]: Snoy 1962:91-93 (=Yettmar 1986:74); kafirs (kati; west in 1968 in Kabul from a native of villages. Kulem) [the man had three daughters and a son; daughters married diva brothers; the man fell ill, gave his son all the keys to the house and did not give the key to one room alone; when the father fell asleep, the young man pulled out from the key to that room was out of his pocket and opened it; there was a millstone; the young man looked through his hole and saw a beautiful woman; she said: "At one time, your father missed [me], now you're in in turn, you will miss me"; the young man came to his father, who sent him in search; the young man met his sister's maid at the spring; threw a ring into her jug; when the maid poured water on her hands to the hostess, the ring fell into the pelvis; the sister, recognizing his brother's ring, sent him for him; fed him and hid him under the house; the divas returned in the evening; the children began to repeat that the mother's brother was in the basement; the mother was angry, pulled her brother by the hair; the divas stabbed a goat for him; the next day the young man left; met his second sister's maid at the spring; the situation repeated; the same: with the third sister; the young man met a witch who was the sister of the divas; gave her a note from one of her brothers; she recognized the handwriting, let the young man go; the situation repeated with the second and third witches; the young man met the shepherd and asked him where Paradise is the shadow of the sun {the name of the beauty}; the shepherd gave him a staff: "When you reach the river, raise your staff and point to the water; [water] will part and you will go to the other side. You'll get out of there and you'll be in front of the gate. Dice are thrown in front of the donkey and hay is placed in front of the wolf. You throw the hay to the donkey and the dice to the wolf. There are two poles there. Put the one on the right to the left, the one on the left to the right. When you enter the house, pick up the beds spread out, and spread out the collected beds. This house is the house of Paradise - the shadow of the sun"; the young man did as the shepherd told him; R. saw the young man, he asked her where the diva's soul was; R. replied that he did not know; in the evening the diva came and fell asleep; R., on the advice of the young man, took it children in the thicket of thorns; the divas asked why the children were crying; R. said they were asking where their father's soul was; unable to withstand crying, the diva said: "My soul is in one parrot, and the parrot is in one parrot, and the parrot - in a cage. This cage is in a large cauldron, and the cauldron is buried in a hut on the summer." In the morning, the divas flew away, and R. and the young man went to the summer and began to dig; they pulled out the cauldron, it had a cage, and the cage parrot; the young man tore off his legs, wings and head; the diva fell apart; the young man took R. to his home, his father had a feast]: Grunberg 1980, No. 4:141-145; tire: Haughton 1913 []: 184- 190; Leitner 1877, No. 2 [Azru secretly marries King Shiribadatt's daughter, taking an oath to help him in everything; persuades her to pretend to be sick, refusing to eat, to discover where his soul is kept, for she supposedly fears for him when he leaves for a long time; S. admits that his soul is "in the snow" and he can only die from fire; A. orders to dig a trap hole, people come up with smoky torches; when W . jumps over the wall on his magic horse, he falls into a hole, he is covered with burning branches; A. married his daughter Sh. and began to reign]: 6-12 (retelling in Cosquin 1886:154); Uzbeks: Rogov 1980 [The old woman's 7 daughters take turns locking 6 gates in the evening; youngest Namaki was frightened by the sound of a bucket turned upside down and did not lock the last gate properly; a diva came and carried her away; she woke up in palace, a cat next to her; N. caressed her, the cat was a diva; he forbade entering two of the 7 rooms; when he fell asleep, N. stole the keys, unlocked the sixth room - half-dead girls in it; one says that in the seventh in the room, a prince turned into a dog; we must remove the chain from it; N. unlocks the room, removes the chain, the dog becomes a prince, pulls out a vessel with a leech from the fountain; tells the diva to cure the girls and send them to at home, and then presses a leech; divas turns to ashes; N. married the prince]: 218-222; Afzalov et al. 1972 (2) [fisherman Hakim caught a goldfish, told the young man to take it to the vizier, he took it to the king; envious the vizier offered to tell the young man to bring 2) a second fish; 40 days later, his father and son caught her; 2) a golden house from the divas; H. tells the king to ask the king for an iron staff and shoes, rams, donkeys; the young man goes, then goes, falls asleep; in a dream, the old man gives a nut; when he returns, the young man throws it, a golden house appears; 4) the beautiful peri; the young man buys the giant thief they want to execute; he pulls out a peri, tells him not to touch the bridles of the horse, the young man touches, three divas in the form of pigeons carry the girl; the giant thief finds her, teaches her to ask the divas where their soul is; in a chest in a spring under the plane tree; taking possession of the souls of the divas, the giant thief makes them do what he wants; the young man returns from the peri; the king sends warriors to grab him, but the giant thief and divas have scattered the king's army; the young man reigns, marries Peri, the giant thief becomes him servant]: 42-51 (=Konovalov, Stepanov 1986:25-35); Uzbeks [the Shah ordered to throw the net, but not to pull out the fish; when everyone left, the vizier's son Kasym pulled out: the head was golden, and the body was silver; let go fish, put a millstone in the net; the Shah wants to execute him, the teacher begged him to expel K. into the desert; his mother teaches him to choose someone who will reach out for small pieces of cake and leave him large ones; K. rejected one man and the other took small pieces, his name is Kalandar, he is a released fish; a black diva kidnapped the Shah's daughter; brothers came to the witch, killed her, released the girl from the chest; she says wait under the bridge for a yellow diva; they drove him waist-deep into the ground, cut off his head, took his beak, unlocked the palace, and the yellow cat had the keys to 40 rooms; the girl killed her, they unlocked the rooms; in one chained women, the other children, the third is old, the fourth is a man; everyone was released; met a green diva, killed; waiting under the bridge for a black diva; he knows about them; they have been fighting for 40 days, his captive threw him millet fell under his feet, his brothers cut off his head, but the divas lived; they found the key from the black cat, opened a golden chest, with 40 boxes in it one in the other, blue and black pigeons in the last one, they were strangled, the divas died; The Shah married his daughter to Kasym; at night, the parrot sprayed the girl's face with poison: whoever tells will petrify; Kalandar began to wash the poison, Kasym decided that he wanted his wife, he said, petrified; the girl smeared a stone with blood from his little finger, Kalandar came to life, became that fish and went into the water]: Afzalov et al. 1972 (2): 65-71.

Baltoscandia. Estonians: Järv et al. 2009, No. 12 (Halliste) [a beggar came, put the princess on his lap, flew with her into the forest to an underground castle; said that his heart was in a pillow; dog: decorate her flowers; next time: in a chest of clothes (same); in an underground castle; dog: open the hatch, which the sorcerer did not allow opening; the heart fell out of there, the dog swallowed it, the castle collapsed, in its place the other, in which a prince, previously turned into a dog by a sorcerer], 18 (Viru-Jaagupi) [six brothers go to look for seven sisters to marry for themselves and for their seventh younger brother who remains at home; the old man tells bring him a wife, the brothers laugh; they find seven sisters for marriage, lead them to themselves, the old man turns six brothers and their brides into stones, takes the seventh sister for himself; answers her that his heart is in pillow, then in the doorway; the wife decorates the pillow, the door with flowers; the old man admits that his heart is in a bird in a distant church; the woman tells the youngest brother who has come about this; he walks along the forest, feeds a wild bull, a wild boar, an owl; they promise to help; a bull transports a river, a boar breaks a wall, an owl grabs a bird flying in the church; kills a bird, the old man dies, the young man revives it with a rod petrified; all marry their brides (=J.Parijõgi in Raud 2004:301-305; translated to Yakubinskaya, Turkina 1965:245-250), =Mälk et al. 1967, No. 48:97-102], 19 (Lääne-Nigula) [seven the brothers went to look for brides, the youngest stayed at home; the old man asks to bring him a wife, the brothers promise; they return with their brides, answer the old man that they did not find him; he is the bride of his younger brother He takes everyone else into stones; the younger brother comes to the cave; there is a woman taken by the old man; shows the bird in which the old man's soul is; the younger brother tortures and kills her, the old man dies; a woman shows how to revive those turned into stones with his wand; everyone marries their brides]: 75, 96-97, 98; Juhan Kunder in Talvet 1991 [three daughters of a rich peasant reject suitors; eldest She sees a golden egg in the barn, it turns into a well-dressed man, who invites her to his place, leads her to a rich house in the forest, gives her keys, does not tell her to open the last closet with silver; she opens there are severed heads and decapitated bodies of young women, she drops the key, the blood stain cannot be erased, the owner cuts off her head; the same with her middle sister; the youngest hears the mice talking, one advises tie the key to the belt; the second says that if the golden egg is beaten for a long time, it confesses how to revive the dead; they do not see blood on the key, the owner believes that the wife did not go into the closet, lets them go to parents; men come, the owner turns into a golden egg, they beat him, he admits that it is necessary to connect heads with bodies, smoke herbs; women have come to life, throw the egg into the oven, the house has been burned, the property is burned dismantled]: 91-99; (cf. Järv et al. 2009, No. 11 (Kolga-Jaani) [the butcher wanders; divides the carcass between a lion, a dog, a kite, an ant; they thank him with fur, a feather, a leg, which will make him three times stronger than a lion, faster than a dog and a kite, will give the ability to crawl into the hole three times narrower than the ant crawls into; the butcher was hired to guard the princess, the hell took her away; the butcher was locked, wanted to be executed; he climbed into keyhole, crow flew, agreed with the princess; the lion broke the line, the hare jumped out, he caught up with him as a dog, a pigeon flew out, he tore it with a kite, an egg fell out, it had all the keys in it, the butcher and the princess went out, reached home; the butcher received the princess and the throne]: 73-74); Estonians (Yuri; recorded in Sukhum-Kala) [the king of the north (KS) saved the crows, the raven helps him; says that the King of the South (KYU) has a beautiful daughter, but refuses everyone; the COP went to marry her, and his three sisters were kidnapped by a lion (he is the king of animals), an eagle (king of birds) and a whale (king of fish); CS's mother decided that her son would rather die in front of her than disappear in a distant country, she took out poisonous drops from the witch and dripped on the COP during the farewell; but the drops fell on the horse; the COP made 12 pies with this horse meat, sat on another horse and left; 12 robbers attacked, everyone ate a pie and died; the COP came to the older sister, she feeds the baby; her husband is a lion for 3 days and a man for 3 days; gives his hairs: if burned, he will come to the rescue; his handkerchief will also show if with the CS the trouble is that it will turn red; the sister herself gives a magic tablecloth; the middle sister has the same (the eagle gives feathers); for the youngest (the whale gives scales); near the Sea of Fire, a tree with a hawk's nest, chicks squeak there; the raven teaches: their mother will return in 3 days, they will starve to death and hail; they must be slaughtered, the chicks must be slaughtered, fed with meat and covered with skin; let their mother carry them across the sea as a reward; the mother bird tells them to prepare 12 barrels of poultry meat and 12 barrels of water; Kyu's daughter put CS in prison, where other contenders are on her hand; he feeds them all thanks to a magic tablecloth; sells a tablecloth to Kyu's daughter for the opportunity look at her bare neck; says there is nothing to see; pulls out a tablecloth received from her middle sister; the same (KYU's daughter shows her breasts); same; KYU's daughter agrees to spend the night with the COP; first that turns away, then agrees to hug her; wedding; wife gives keys, does not tell her to unlock the seventh room; once he unlocked; the sorcerer locked there asked for water three times, promised to forgive three times CS; flew away and took his wife away; the raven said that the sorcerer has a flying horse that sees and guards far away; the COP took his wife, but the sorcerer easily caught up and took it away, said that one forgiveness was less; so three times, and the fourth time, the sorcerer tore the CS to pieces; the lion, the eagle and the whale collected the remains, brought living water; they tried it on the crow: they tore it and revived it; then they revived the CS; he did no harm to the flies and horseflies, cancers, they promised to help; the COP met an old woman, who offered to herd her 12 horses; these are her 12 daughters; horses were brought by flies on the first evening, horseflies on the second; on the third day, horses climbed into the water, but theirs crayfish have been driven out; the witch agrees to reward one horse; the raven: if you sit on it, you will die; demands the son of a toad; this toad is the mother of the sorcerer's flying horse, and the toad is his brother; the toad horse tells wait three days for him to gain strength, three more to learn from his mother, the last three to take an invincible weapon; the COP cut off the witch's head, but she grew back and he hardly rode away from her; the wife found out that the sorcerer's soul is in the egg, the egg is in the duck, the duck is flying over the sea; the COP summoned an eagle, he grabbed the duck, the whale took out an egg that fell into the sea, the COP crushed it, the sorcerer died; the COP began to rule the north and south]: Mälk et al 1967, No. 79:246-264; Latvians [Fish, Eagle, Bear tell the old man to give each daughter, leave scales, feathers, wool; come to the rescue if they are rubbed; father visits daughters, every son-in-law gives gold; together father-in-law and sons-in-law extract, destroy life, a trait stored in fish, duck, egg; the spell dissipates, animal sons-in-law becomes kings]: Aris 1971:129-132; Lithuanians: Kerbelite 2001 [when a baby is born, a person hears a voice that the newborn will live until the wood burns; puts out the fire, hides the head, but the mother-in-law /daughter-in-law /mother of the daughter-in-law finds and burns it; son/daughter dies]: 389; 2014, No. 132 [the soldier divided the cow's carcass between a lion, a dog, a hawk and an ant; each gave a fur, a feather, etc., giving it the ability to turn into these animals; becoming an ant, he penetrated into the ground, where the girl was looking for a snake in her head; an ant soldier quietly asked her how to return the estate to the ground; the girl asked the snake; he replied that the prince was nine-headed in the lake serpent, if you cut down the ninth head, a hare will run out, there is a dove in it, a blazing stone in the blue, you must break it; the soldier returned to earth, became a shepherd to the prince; drove the herd to the lake; fights the snake in the image a lion, an assistant gives him a drink of wine, his strength increases; on the third day, the soldier tore off his last head, becoming a hound, caught a hare, becoming a hawk - a dove, crushed a stone; the estate rose to the ground, the girl is grateful, she married the prince's son]: 322-328; Vėlius 1998 [after giving birth, the mother and midwife lit a fire in the bathhouse, heard a voice, "Until the firewood burns out"; the mother put out the fire, put the burnt ones branches in their chest; son grew up, got married, mother died; mother-in-law and wife found branches in the chest, threw them into the fire; when they were burning out, the husband came in, told his secret, died]: 31; Western Sami [giant kidnapped a woman and killed her husband; their son grew up, found a mother, told her to find out what a giant's life was like; a giant: in an egg, it's in a chicken, a chicken in a ram, a ram in a barrel on an island in the middle of the burning sea; a young man took a bear, a wolf, a hawk, a loon into the boat, swam; a hawk and a loon crossed the burning sea through the air or under water; an iron boat, an ox with a bear on oars; since then, the bear's skin has been brown, and the wolf has tan skin; the bear broke the barrel, the wolf stabbed the ram, the hawk tore the chicken, the egg fell into the sea, but on the third attempt it was taken out by a loon; the egg was broken, the giant died]: Poestion 1886, No. 20:81-83; Eastern Sami: Volkov 1995 [Taly (bear) marries sister Kichushka and Kochushka; the brothers advise her to marry T. to find out where his death is; she finds out, tells her brothers; saying the password, those bears and wolves pass the barriers, ride a wonderful boat to the island, where the eagle gives them three eggs; in them the death of T.; after killing the Bear and his two workers, the brothers take his reindeer herd and give them sister gets married; Kochushka gets married, Kichushka goes to heaven, promises to go down if necessary when they see the northern lights]: 65; Yermolov 1959 [Talla (bear) came to marry a girl; she has brothers Kichkushka and Kochkushka; they told their mother to put them in the cradle as if they were still babies; agreed with her sister that she would find out from T. where his death was; there were three paths under the big stone, we must follow the middle path; bears, then wolves will not miss, I must say "Talushka ordered"; say the same to a boat that has neither oars nor planks - it will sail to the island by itself; there is a tree, an eagle on it, let it give three eggs; Kichkushka He did everything; broke one egg, T. fell ill; Kichkushka tied the deer with horns, they began to fight; worker T. came out of the vezha to see, Kichkushka hacked him with an ax; the same with the second worker; broke the second egg; the third one broke on T.'s forehead, he died; the brothers took his herd]: 54-56; the Norwegians [the king loves his seven sons so much that he always keeps at least one with him; six are leaving, they marry six sisters, on the way home a giant turns them into stones; the seventh brother leaves on a nag; feeds a crow, saves salmon, gives the wolf his horse to eat; for this he takes him instead horse; in the giant's castle, a young man meets the kidnapped princess, hides; the princess asks where the giant's heart is; decorates the threshold, the closet with flowers; the third time the giant says that the soul is in the egg, in the duck, in a well, in a church on an island in the middle of a lake; a wolf brings it there; the keys to the church hang high, the raven pulls them out, the young man grabs the duck, the egg falls into the water, the salmon pulls it out; the young man tells the giant to revive petrified, then breaks an egg, the giant bursts; wedding]: Dasent 1970:59-68; Icelanders [while hunting in the fog, the retinue lost Hlini, the royal son; the king promised half the kingdom to whoever his will find; the daughter of the poor Signy; came to the cave, there are beds under a silver canopy and under a golden canopy; H. sleeps under the gold; S. hid and waited for two giantesses; they say "Sing, sing, swan, let H. will wake up!" ; they ask if he wants to eat, if he wants a woman; he says no; he is put to sleep; everything repeats himself in the morning; when the giantesses are gone, S. woke H. up with the same spell; advised him to agree to the offer women, but let them tell us for this what the runes say on the beds and what the giantesses do in the forest; he did it; the inscription: a spell that makes the bed move the person on it to where he needs to go; giantesses play with a golden egg in which their lives; H. and S. sat on the bed, flew to the oak tree, H. broke the egg with a spear, the giantesses died; taking wealth, H. and S. flew to the king; wedding]: Poestion 1994 , No. 7:48-54; Danes: Cramer 1919 [=Grundtvig 1878:28-45; the young man was hired by the owner of the castle in the woods on condition to receive 1 bushel of money for the first year of service, 2 for the second, 3 for the third; service - feed wild animals; then the owner turned the young man into a hare for a year; the second year he is a raven; the third is a fish; he enters an underwater palace, where the sorcerer's daughter is hidden; turns into a young man, and then again into a fish; the girl teaches him what to do; the other king owes the sorcerer money, the sorcerer wants to kill him; the king must lend the 6 bushels earned from the sorcerer (just the amount of debt), provided that when he comes to the sorcerer, the king will take him with him as a jester; the sorcerer will be ugly, and for this the sorcerer orders the king to be executed, even if he has done a duty; the only salvation is if the king answers questions sorcerer; here are the questions (tasks) and answers: 1) Where is the sorcerer's daughter? (at the bottom of the sea), 2) which of the same girls is the sorcerer's daughter (she will touch him with her hand), 3) where is the sorcerer's heart? (in such a fish; the sorcerer will bring out the fish, it will be on the right, the girl will also tell you); the young man immediately gutted the fish and the sorcerer died; at the same time, all the enchanted animals and birds became human again; the young man married the sorcerer's daughter, they began to live in the castle]: 89-99; Grundtvig 1920 [the shoemaker's son goes on a journey; he divides an elk carcass between a bear, a dog, a falcon, an ant; for this they give him a gift the ability to transform into these animals; as a falcon, he lets himself be caught by a princess; in her bedroom he becomes a young man; flies away and returns as a prince, gets a princess; if rays fall on her before she reaches the age of 30, she will be kidnapped by a demon; this happens, the young man becomes a dog, follows the trail, finds his wife; she persuades the kidnapper to tell what his life is; she is in the lake, in a dragon, in a hare, in a duck, in an egg; a young man in the form of an ant hears all this, flies with a falcon to the lake; there the dragon requires 12 pigs a day; a young man in the form of a bear fights the dragon three times; kills when he during the battle, they gave wine and bread; when he returns, he breaks the egg on the demon's forehead; the cave turns into a palace, the young man and the princess remarry]: 148-165; the Swedes [the enemy's life is inside a creature, which in turn is inside another, etc.; most often it is an egg, a griffin, a boar, a bull; when an egg is broken, the enemy dies, everyone is disgraced; in Swedish versions, the hero is usually The princess and grateful animals help: a lion, a dog, a falcon, an ant; the giant's soul is in an egg, it falls into the sea, where fish finds it]: Liungman 1961, No. 302:47-49; Karelians [merchant meets priest, who goes to baptize a child; he says that the child will become the merchant's son-in-law; the merchant buys the child from his parents, descends the river in a trough; the miller picks him up; after 17 years, the merchant visits the miller; realizes that this is the same boy; buys him, sends him to his home with a letter to his wife to kill the applicant; halfway through, the old man asks the young man to show the letter, replaces him with another with orders to marry the giver with the merchant's daughter; the merchant decides to lime his son-in-law; sends him to a distant city to ask if he has a lot of money; on the way, the young man is asked to know why the oak tree dries; where the keys to the barn have gone; when the carrier will be free from her job; a woman hides the guy in a chest, asks her damn husband questions; he says that the merchant has only half of the money on earth; the oak dries because the girl gave birth and buried there is a child under him, a prayer service must be served, land must be sketched out; the keys in his pocket are at the very line (which gives answers); let the carrier say "In the name of the father and son and the holy spirit," push the boat away, that man will become a carrier instead; the soul is a feature in the egg, in the bird, in the box, in the chest, in the stone; the guy gets an egg, the hell dies; the carrier says that the guy is the first to return, learns from him how get rid of his duties; the guy gives the keys, tells how to revive an oak tree, returns rich; the merchant goes for his money, remains a carrier]: Evseev 1981:287-291; Veps []: Vlassiev 1941:125 -140; Western Sami, Livonian: Kecskeméti, Paunonen 1974, No. 302:223-224; Finns, Icelanders: Uther 2004 (1), No. 302:180-181.

Volga - Perm. Udmurts [a soldier's son offends other boys as a child; when he is 12 years old, he tells blacksmiths to forge a 300-pound club, carries the whole street with it, leaves; meets and takes Ivan as a companion Berezkina and Ivan Dubovkin; they are sons of a soldier whom she gave birth when her husband was on duty and threw them into the water; that is, they are his brothers; one carried a thick birch tree, the other an oak tree; people are digging a mountain looking for copper; the heroes turned the mountain upside down, two blue pigeons, the mother of copper, flew out from under it; the same with a silver mountain (white pigeons are the mother of silver); with a golden one (three red); came to the house where there was a bull in the oven; ate; three the sisters are surprised who they were; they went to the bathhouse; Berezkin, Dubovnik tried to prop up the door, the sisters easily knocked her out; when the younger brother supported her, they did not knock it out; three heroes married three heroes; wife the youngest was gone; he came to the rescue, there were old women - their girls were carried away by a wind demon; his soul was under 20 oak barks, a chest in the oak, a hare in the chest, a duck in a hare, there are 3 eggs in the duck, in which the soul of a wind demon; the hero came to his wife, told him to hang brushes on the shoals and play as if she thought that the soul was a demon in the jambs; he said that there was a kid inside; the wife adorns the kid; the demon tells me where the soul really is; the hero spares foxes, hawk chicks, cancer along the way; the fox caught up with the hare, the hawk grabbed the duck, the cancer took out eggs that fell into the water; the hero broke three eggs on the floor, three demon heads fell; the hero burned the body demon, began to live in his house with his wife]: Aldan 1936:35-44 (=Kralina 1976:149-154); the Udmurts [the soldier gave birth to two sons without her husband, threw them into the river; 25 years later the soldier returned, they were born boy; he is very strong, tears off his peers; asks his father to order a club for blacksmiths; complains that he is light, blows her down half the village; the king puts him in an iron cellar; he raises the roof, leaves; meets Ivan Berezkin (drags a birch tree) and Ivan Dubovkin (drags an oak tree), his half-brothers thrown into the river; brothers walk together; consistently come to three mountains, where people mine copper, silver, gold; they turn them up, two blue pigeons, white and gray, fly out from under the mountains; these are mothers of copper, silver, gold; in the meadow there is a hut, a roasted bull in the oven, the heroes ate it; three come sisters, put another bull to fry, go to the bathhouse; information security, then ID try to close the door from the outside, the sisters easily knock it out; when the soldier's son holds the door, the sisters cannot open; they marry the heroes; information security and Eid leaves with their wives, the soldier's son remains with his wife; the wife is kidnapped by the Wind Demon; the hero comes to rescue, in which old women are formerly kidnapped women; they say that the WB has a soul in a chest under twelve with oak bark, in a hare, in a duck, in three eggs; the hero comes to his wife; she first decorates the door jamb, then the kid, the Sun laughs both times, then says where the soul is really in three eggs; along the way the hero spares foxes, hawks, crayfish; finds an oak tree, a hare runs out of the chest, a fox catches him; a duck is a hawk; eggs dropped into the water are pulled out by cancer; a hero comes to the World Bank, presses eggs; lives with his wife in his palace ]: Aldan 1936:35-44; Marie [the son of a mare, son of a wolf and son of a bear came to the house where three girls cook pancakes; the skull will eat them when he comes; but the pancakes were eaten by the young men who came; the skull is furious, went to bring 300 warriors; the young men prepared 300 arrows; all three were killed; the girls were taken underground by the skull; the mare has three souls; she found a son, gave him a soul, he came to life; asked two comrades to be revived; a mare and She gave them souls, died herself; her son wrapped her in birch bark, buried her; the comrades lowered the mare's son on a rope into a hole in the ground; below the house, in which the old woman, hid the mare's son under her hollow; three of her came son, each brought three deer; they feel a man, promise not to harm him; in the morning they showed the way to the skull; the mare's son came to another woman; she has no water, a snake has been lying on the way to the river for three years ; the young man killed him with a club, brought water; the woman shows the way to the house of the skull; do not enter, wait for his wife to leave; the wife says that she goes to fetch water and she has a baby; the wife of the wolf's son is herding cows, and the bear's son's wife sleeps with a skull; promises to ask the skull where his soul is; the woman quietly stabs the baby with a needle, he cries, she explains that the baby wants to know where the soul of his skull father is; skull: in a duck on a pond in the middle of the forest; the woman stopped stabbing with a needle, the baby died; the mare's son went to the skull and killed the duck, he died; the mare's son led the women to the rope; his comrades picked up the women, and he was only half the height, the rope was dropped; he fell on his feathers; came to the sons of the first old woman; two say they could not carry him to the ground; the third tells him to prepare meat and feed him when he flies upstairs; the mare's son cut off the last piece from his leg; the old woman's son blew on the wound, healed his leg; married his wife; confesses (alive?) mothers, that his comrades were worse than he thought]: Beke 1938, No. 36:311-324; Mordovians (moksha): Kecskeméti, Paunonen 1974, No. 302:223-224; Chuvash: Salmin 1989 [someone takes the queen; two eldest sons go looking, because of their squeamish attitude towards the old man they turn into stones; the youngest finds the mother, she says that the soul of her kidnapper is in the egg, the egg is a duck, a duck in a chest, a chest under an oak tree, oak behind a milk lake]: 89; Chuvash tales 1937:160-166 [=Eysin 1993:97-101; =Shurtakov 1984:87-92; Mamaldyk passes off his eldest daughter Soroka as a Wolf, the middle Swallow for Fish, the youngest named Last for Hawk; Arsyuri (Leshy) tells M. to marry his daughter; M. goes to look for her, goes to his sons-in-law on the way, everyone promises to help; M. marries daughter A., he dies, does not tell her to unlock twelfth basement; M. unlocks, there is a dragon; he takes his wife and palace; the wife finds out where the dragon's soul is (there is an oak in the sea, there is a bull in it, a duck in a bull, three eggs in a duck); wolf, fish, hawk help catch animals, M. kills a dragon], 255-264 [while hunting, the king wanted to shoot a fox, but saw that it was pregnant; he thought of his pregnant wife and decided to spare the fox; on the other side of the mountain, the same fox When the king met a close associate, he also did not shoot, thinking about his pregnant wife; when they met, the king and his entourage agreed that if they had children of different sexes, they would marry them, and if one, then let them be friends; both had sons; the young men grew up; the prince saw a portrait of the princess in the book, fell in love; the tsar says that 40 years ago he tried unsuccessfully to achieve this princess; gives An army to the prince; it murmurs, the prince sends him home; sees 40 people hitting one, and he laughs, redeems someone lying for 40 camels loaded with gold; that man, Garambur, promises to get princess; he will pour out all night to burn fires so that he, G., taking out the princess, finds the prince; in the morning the prince sleeps, the last fire goes out; G. scolds him, but continues to serve; the princess in the chest; G. orders that The prince tied himself to her hair and kicked him until she went down to the ground, promised to become a wife and gave up hair from her right armpit; the same from her left armpit; from her pubis ("from her chest"); they came to the house; The prince came in, 12 robbers were feasting there, the prince was thrown into the cellar; G. slowly took 12 swords out of the house, put the point up, rolled the millstones over them; 11 swords bent, and the 12th cut the millstones in half ; G. took this sword, killed the robbers; the prince and his wife and G. began to live in the house; they forbade the prince's wife to unlock the barn; she unlocked it, two wolves, white and gray, came out, took her away; G. became a fly, flew to wolves, who made the prince's wife a maid; G. tells her to find out where the souls of the wolves are; they first say that there is a jamb under the window; the princess decorated the joint; in the broom the same; white wolf: there is a red bull in the sky, in a ram in a bull, a hare in a ram, a duck in a hare, there are two eggs in a duck; to get eggs, you have to whistle through the royal ring; G. prince: you have a ring on your finger; G. whistled into the ring, a bull has descended from the sky; wolves they ask them not to destroy them; G. tells them to create a palace next to the royal one and take the prince and his wife there to the bed so that they wake up in their bed; the wolves did everything; the feast]; Kazan Tatars [Akhmeta they say that he is more cheerful and bolder than his brothers; his mother is forced to say that his 10 brothers are gone and gone; A. comes to his mother 10 genies, promises her sons to get 11 padishah's daughters for them, which 10 batyrs interfere; they turn out to be brothers A.; A. enters the girls' room, tells the genies to go up there one by one, cuts off everyone's head, takes off their name rings from sleeping girls, one keeps it for himself, gives them 10 to his brothers; 5 batyrs claim that they defeated the genies; the padishah gives them daughters, but during the wedding, the warriors cannot raise the heads of the genies, and A. does it easily; daughters The padishah recognizes their rings, marries brothers; the father of the genies wants to get the daughter of the padishah of the Sun, who will give her only for Padishah Almazov's horse; the genie's father kidnapped A., ordered that horse to be obtained; the old man tells you to take the horse away, but not touch the bridle; A. grabs it, the bells are ringing, he is captured, Padishah Almazov demands the nightingale Padishah of the Month; the old man tells not to take the cage, A. did not take it, gave the nightingale in exchange for the horse, but the nightingale returned to him; gave the horse in exchange for the daughter of the Sun, the horse also returned; the old man told me to go from the fork to the right, A. forgot and went to the left; A. fell asleep, woke up - there is no girl, no horse, no nightingale; the old man gives a handkerchief, a comb and a mirror; putting his handkerchief on the water, A. crosses the river, takes the girl, the horse, the nightingale out of the diva's palace; he chases, A. threw the comb (forest), the mirror (the sea); the diva swam, drowned; A. gives the girl to the padishah genies, remains an employee, tells her to find out what the genie's soul is; genie: in a broom (the girl adorns the broom); four eggs under a duck in a nest on an island under the protection of four wild boars; A. fights wild boars, the main boar wants to eat a reed sprout, A. wants to eat roasted lamb; the shepherd gave him a lamb, he killed wild boars, brought eggs, broke two, the genie agreed to take it with the girl home, where A. broke the rest of the eggs; 11 brothers with wives, nightingale and horse return to their parents]: Yarmukhametov 1957:14-31 (=Zamaletdinov 2008a, No. 48:204-216); Bashkirs [Khan Bulkar has a son Yehangiz; he grew up, went to the world; an old woman with eyes on her forehead sleeps by the golden tent; there is a girl next to him: one cheek is like the moon, the other is like the sun; the girl: the old woman is the queen of mountain spirits, her mother, sleeps for 6 days and 6 nights; the old woman will give her daughter if E. kills all her warriors; he kills them, and new ones come in the morning; E.'s mother gave birth to a second son; he clicked the boy on the forehead, broke his skull; the boy's mother: it would be better to look his missing brother; the guy asked his mother to fry peas and held hot peas in her hand; she admitted that the eldest son had gone to learn life; eget {hero} went in search; to meet a person: if you can pull out a golden pole, you will see your brother; under a pole at a depth of 80 fathoms, Accola's heroic horse; eget put his hand on his back, the horse could not stand it; tells him to let him get caught and gain strength; enet comes to his brother, he notices a resemblance to his father, but he did not have a brother; he: I grew up in 13 days; he chased the old woman, cut off the tail of her horse, she disappeared underground; he tells the horse to wait for him three years, three months and three days; 6 mountain spirits forge iron underground; every blow gives rise to a new spirit; eget asks the spirits to stand in a row, blows everyone's heads away, no more warriors arise; more girl: rings a needle into the canvas - a new spirit arises; takes the huntsman for his brother; says that her mother is resting in a golden tower; vessels with strong and weak water must be swapped; mother's soul in an egg, an egg in the chest, the chest is hidden somewhere; eget cuts down the old woman's head, a new one grows up, he cuts it down again; the old woman is tired, showed where the chest was, eget crushed the egg; brought the bride to her older brother, they returned home]: Barag 1988, No. 17:126-130; Bashkirs: Barag 1988, No. 12 [poor elderly spouses cut down a birch tree in the courtyard of the mosque; for this they were exiled to Siberia; they were born Akyal-batyr; he meets He takes Tau Batyr, who is turning the mountains, transplanting trees in Urman Batyr; the satellites take turns cooking, the old long-bearded dwarf defeats the cook, eats meat; A. hangs the old man for beard; he breaks off, goes into a hole; only A. decides to go down; the former old man owns water in the lower world, gives it away sparingly; A. cuts off his head; hits the target with an arrow, gets the daughter of one khan, then the daughter of another; having defeated the hero, makes her the third wife; sends them upstairs; when he climbs himself, the companions cut off the rope; kills Azhdaha, who devoured the chicks of the Samrug bird; she takes him to the ground; he feeds her sparrows and starlings, cuts off the last two pieces from her legs, the bird puts the pieces back; A. forgives his companions, gives them a wife, keeps the hero for herself; the old mother of the devas persuades wife to find out where A. has a second heart; takes out the second heart of stone from under his arm, A. falls asleep, the devas take his wife away; T. and W. find a heart of stone in the stream, revive A.; all three go to war against the devas ; A. puts the ring in the porridge that is prepared for his kidnapped wife; frees his wife, kills devas], 23 [a childless old woman makes her son out of dough, this is Kamyr batyr; he is strong, maims other children, father He drives him away; he meets him, takes Namyan Batyr and Tau-batyr as companions; they sleep in a hut, three girls cook, leave; on the third day, the warriors catch them; in their absence, Uvirly-karsyk comes to their wives, tells search in her hair, sucks their bone marrow; I., T. guard, everyone sees, but is afraid to say; K. cuts off the old woman's head; she promises that there will be a thousand heads; every day there are more demon troops, batyrs defeated, their wives kidnapped; K. descends to the lower world on a rope; women pinched a baby deva, they say he cries to be at his father's soul; dev: she is in a pigeon, that in a chest, a chest in a mare; K. the deva kills, the companions pick up the women, cut off the rope; Azhdaha closes the water, K. kills him; kills a snake crawling to eat the chicks of the Samrigush bird; she agrees to bring K. to the ground; on the way he feeds her starlings, the last piece is cut off from the leg, the bird puts it back; K. offers I. and T. to shoot up, fallen arrows kill them, K. gets three wives], 30 [the evil king Takyanus is brought a swan ; it says that whoever eats her head will remain king forever; his sons Husain (the youngest), Hasan and Suleiman (the elder) accidentally eat their heads, wings, legs; the king tells the vizier to take them to the forest and kill, the sight lets the boys go; at the fork there is an inscription: whoever goes to the right will find good luck, to the left will find death, in the middle he will remain with what he has; S. goes to the right, Hasan straight, Husain to the left; hits with an arrow in a ring made by the royal son-in-law, but as a minor, he postpones the wedding and moves on; kills Azhdaha, who has closed the water, gets the daughter of another king, goes on; catches a wonderful ant, that takes him across the sea to the island, takes possession of a local beauty; a witch persuades her to find out where her husband's soul is; these are tweezers in a skullcap, the witch throws them into the sea, takes his wife H. to the khan; she manages to give a letter for her husband's brothers to the dove; they take out tweezers, revive their brother, drown the old woman in the sea, give the Khan and wife Husain's possessions; he gives the first two wives to his brothers; explains to the impoverished father who he is], 56 [ the whirlwind consistently takes away King Garif's three daughters; his son Ahmet dreams of a beautiful woman, goes to look for her, consistently stays with the devas, the husbands of the sisters; one of them is the owner of the birds, the other animals, the third water creatures; everyone gives a magic handkerchief; Lena Prekrasnaya (LP) sends A. to prison, where those who came to marry her are sitting; agrees with A. what will marry him if four batyrs do not they will be able to hold him and he will kiss her; A. loses twice, each time gives LP one of the headscarves; the third time he kisses, marries; finds the devil Kasim Batyr behind the locked door, gives him a drink, he twice gives A. 150 years of life, flies away, takes LP; A. takes LP three times, K. catches up each time, first takes away his gifts, then kills A.; dev-son-in-law learn about this when they see blood in the pipe left by A.; they are looking for a doctor, only a lame frog pulls out living and dead water, revives A.; LP hides A., stabs the girl, tells Kasim that she is crying, wanting to know where he got the six-winged stallion, where the soul is hidden K.; K. answers, A. listens; first K. says that his soul in a ram, in a broom, LP adorns them; A. spares a wolf, a hawk, an anthill, a pike, a cat; the cat distracts the dogs of an old woman who owns mares; K. got it she has her own 6-winged horse; the old woman tells the mares to herd, they run away, turning into foxes, pigeons, fish; wolf, hawk, pike bring them back; the old woman throws them away and tells them to collect poppy seeds ants collect, the cat pulls out what was swallowed with a mouse; A. chooses a thin foal as payment, this is a 12-winged horse; he carries A. to the island; on the way A. takes a saw from the devils; cuts down a poplar on the island, pulls out a saw from the devils; cuts down a poplar on the island, pulls out from under it a chest, kills a duck that has flown out of it, takes three eggs from it, K.'s soul in them; kills K., returns home with LP]: 81-99, 154-158, 188-197, 389-402; Barag 1989, No. 42 [the young man is hired in workers to the girl; she forbids unlocking one of the rooms; there is a dev asking for bread, water; the young man gives, the girl returns when the devil breaks the last chains, goes to bed; first replies that his soul is in in a pole, in a broom in the bathhouse; the girl tells them to be brought; Dev admits that in two pigeon eggs in a box at the bottom of the lake, the spider weaved a web over them; the young man goes to search, saves a bear, a wolf, and bees along the way; the sorcerer's horses are hired; horses run away, the bear, the wolf, the bees collect them every time; the poor horse tells you to ask for him as a reward; the horse dives, the lake is covered in blood, the young man pulls him out; the next once the water turns white, the horse takes the box from the bottom; the young man breaks eggs on the deva's body, takes the girl as his wife], 44 [the old man bequeaths his two sons to marry his sisters; this is the Bear, the Eagle, the bird Karagush; the eldest marries himself, the youngest leaves; does not kill the duck, she rewards, in the morning he is in the palace with his wife; they have a son Salim; the hero unlocks the door, behind her is a bird Eztyrnak with copper claws; her hero frees for the gift of three extra lives; E. takes his wife; the hero comes to his sons-in-law, they all fly together on Karagush, he takes his wife, E. catches up, takes one life; so three times; the wife finds out that the soul E. in an egg, in chests, in a copper palace; her sons-in-law get her, break an egg, the hero takes his wife]: 194-198, 202-209.

Turkestan. Kazakhs: Potanin 1916, No. 30 [The crane gets a girl, lives in the house of killed enemies; does not tell his wife to unlock the fortieth room; she unlocks, there are two shackled horses, she frees them; this is dhow, they they take her away; K. comes to his wife in the absence of a dhow; the wife says that there are two fish in the stream under the bai terek tree, these are dhow souls; K. sews fish into his thigh, dhow fulfill all his wishes]: 118-119; Sidelnikov 1952 [Ashken, Moshken and younger Zhumageldy leave their father's house; he does not tell them to spend the night in the forest, on a lonely grave, in a cemetery; they spend the night; every night the brothers sleep, J. kills the seven-headed a bird, a seven-headed dragon; goes underground, eats more than 60 giants, kills each one at a time, cuts off their ears; all three brothers go down to that country; the local khan is grateful that the bird, the dragon and giants are killed; J. renounces the khan's daughter and the throne, leaves A., moves on with M.; M. says he can drink the sea, J. says that his heart is in his dagger; the snake eats every day girl and ram, it's the turn of the khan's daughter; J. lets herself be swallowed, rips the snake open from the inside with a dagger; runs away, the edge of the robe remains in the girl's hands; everyone is called to a feast, J. is identified, gives the girl and throne M.; kills three giants, marries their sister; Khan is jealous; the old woman asks his wife to ask J. where his soul is, throws a dagger into the sea, takes the widow to the khan; A. and M. see blood dripping from the star, M. drinks the sea, they take out a dagger, revive J., he destroys the khan and his people, returns his wife]: 213-228; Sidelnikov 1971 (1) [=1958 (1): 3-35; =Daurenbekov 1979:15-39; starving horse toast, the old woman gave birth to a son Er-Tostik; he injures a sizhik, who confused the old woman's yarn, the old woman tells ET to better look for his missing 8 brothers, who starved the cattle south; ET clamps a handful of hot in her mother's hand wheat, she admits that he has brothers; ET goes to look for them, finds them, brings them; their father Ernazar marries them to 9 sisters, ET to younger Kenzhekay; Peri Bector wants ET for himself; tells baba yaga to grab E., he promises her a son; leaves the sharpener at the old camp, ET goes after him on a six-legged horse, takes the seventh on the lead; K.'s wife gives him her father's horse as a dowry; ET, grabbing a sharpener, runs away from Baba Yaga, falls into the lower world of the snake Khan Bana; he promises him a daughter if ET gets Temir Khan's daughter; ET meets, takes Thief, Windropog, Sensitive Ear as his companions , Gorokata, Lake Swallower, All-Seeing Eye, thanks to them, wins competitions (1) The Lake Swallower drinks everything, eats everything, Sensitive Ear hears about the intention to poison guests, the Thief replaces dishes; 2) ET horse wins the races: 3) The windbreaker overtakes the old woman Mystan-Kempir, who tried to put him to sleep; 4) the horse pulls the cauldron from the bottom of the lake; first, there is white foam on the surface, which means he grabbed it; then the red one does not lift it; in finally gets it), gets a woman; grateful Bany Khan shows the way up; on the way, the wife dies, ET goes with her slave Kunkei; kills a boa constrictor crawling to the chicks; a double-headed eagle (one head human, second bird) takes him and K. to the ground; peri throws him into the well, the double-headed eagle saves him; ET saves Kunkei, married to Shoin-Kulak (the son of Baba Yaga), overhears where the soul of the ShK is; in the black goat has 9 boxes, the smallest has 9 chickens; ET turned the head of eight, began to fight against HK, but its strength increases; it turns out that the remaining ninth chicken bred 7 more; Kunkei turned them heads; and if he brought out 8, ShK would win; after killing the ShK, ET returns to Kenzhukei, both immediately younger]: 7-33; Tursunov 1983:189-191 [Asan is superior to his brothers in everything, receives wives from the khan for himself and for them ; brothers are jealous; the wife says that A.'s soul is not in his body, but far away; the brothers leave the sword at the doorstep, shout that enemies have attacked, the sword cuts off the legs of A. who has run out; comes to him to live armless; leads cooking girl; the fire went out, the girl came to the old woman Mystan for the fire, she began to come every day to suck her blood; A. watched, grabbed the old woman, let him go when she returned his legs, and to the armless woman - hand; A. returned to his wife and son, who were tyranted by his brothers; forgave his brothers], 203-205 [Auez Khan wants to marry 40 sons to 40 daughters of another khan; he asks to build a road with gardens and fountains in a year, nightingales; the youngest son meets the old man, he creates everything; tells the youngest to stay at home, and the older brothers do not enter the palace during the blizzard on the way; they enter, the dragon lets them go because they are deliver the youngest; tells the youngest to get the girl; he heals the wounds of a fox, an ant on the way; the girl demands to catch two foxes, collect wheat scattered on the sand; fox, ants perform; orders to kill two pigeons, opening the dragon's chest; the dragon dies, the younger brother marries a girl]; the Karakalpaks [the king has sons from his eldest wife Yesen and Usen, the youngest is Asan; he wants to find a king with three daughters; visits the old woman, meets the tsar there, who is going to give her daughters, but manages to give her youngest A. to the old woman; the old woman asks A. to bring the daughter of King Myskal of Rum ("spool", this is her weight; if she will meet a man, it will become heavier, so her father weighs her regularly); along the way, A. helps the queen of mice, ants, the tiger, they promise to help in return; A. lives with another old woman, falls off his hair gold, the old woman is getting rich; there are two suns in the sky: the second light comes from M.; the mouse makes an underground passage, the king weighs M., the weight has increased, he executes the guards; M. gives A. a magic ring, it will help complete father's tasks; 1) make gold and silver melt in two holes (the ring melts); 2) collect scattered millet to a grain (ants collect); 3) kill a dragon (tigers killed); A. married M., y they are a son; they go to the old woman who sent A. for M., on the way thieves kidnap M. and the boy; A. returns to the city, his father-in-law is dead, the bird sits on the head A, he is elected king; he promises thieves reward them if they talk about their crimes; through them he learns about the cave where M. and her son return them; M. says that old woman is Baba Yaga, you need to tear off the head of a pigeon sitting on the side stairs, otherwise she will eat them; she avenges her giant sons, who married M., but were executed (they did not complete their tasks); A. did so, brought his wife and son to his father]: Volkov, Mayorov 1959:177-186 ; Kyrgyz [Khan named Garshas has only son; returning from hunting, he saw a roe deer at the entrance to the cave; she ran into the cave; the young man looked - the cave was beautiful; she became a roe deer again and jumped, jumped over the fortress wall; Khan G. orders to surround the fortress, promises to execute the one whose head the roe deer will jump over; she jumped over the head of a deva named Ethirmat and ran away; E. he chased her, followed by the Khan's warriors; towards the caravan of another khan's son; he gives the caravan to the warrior leader and asks him to say that E. was killed; he took E. for himself; said that he was looking for a beautiful woman from Chungmagun city (apparently Chin-Machin); E. asks to leave him to sleep for 40 days, and then promises to get a girl; tells him to wait 40 days; on the way to Cinmagun, each bridge was guarded by 5 guards; on the bridge bells; E. turned into a child, took water in his mouth, began to pour water into bells; then turned into a fly and flew across the bridge; then 40 elders; E. pretended to be a dervish named Majurup; one elder did not believed it; by evening he fell ill, he was taken to the mountains and left; then 40 girls; E. pretended to be an orphan girl; she was taken to watch the fire in the hearth; the girls got used to her; she taught them how to play with tying eye and tied to each other; E. went on, 40 horsemen on the road; E. pretended to be an orphan boy; he was taken to look after horses; E. developed timidity in his horses, they carried away the riders unknown where; 40 dogs, E. threw them bones; sycamore tree branches into the sky, at the foot there is a seven-headed dragon, at the top in a golden cage a girl, guards the golden cage of Dev Semuruk {from the Simurg bird}; E. turned into a dragon with 15 heads; when he saw him, the 7-headed dragon left; E. flew to the sycamore tree as a bird, persuaded Deva Semuruk to take the girl to the khan's son; then Dev Semuruk left, and dev E. fell asleep for 40 days, telling the khan's son and girlfriend to follow the dog; but they fell behind and got to the deva brothers; the girl hid in the thickets, and the khan's son was thrown into a bucket of salt water; but the dog realized that the Khan's son in trouble, E. woke up, he went to the house of the devas, called, they went out one by one, he tore off their heads; E. fought with the seventh deva for a long time, the girl helped E. win by throwing a lasso over another deva; E. asks the girl not to open one door in the caravanserai; she opened, there are two calves tied there: black and red, black asks him to untie; became a black maiden and does not tell you to untie the redhead; she untied, both The deva took her away; she gave birth to a boy out of fear; E. broke into her, teaches her to tell the deva that her teeth hurt, let her bring a dental remedy; then the girl must pinch her son to cry; say what she wants know where the soul of a deva is; dev: go all over the land 7 times to get to a place where there are two mountains; at their foot there is a lake, a capricorn grazes by the lake, a heavy key to the cave in Capricorn's stomach, it has two pigeons: black and red; these are the souls of two devas; E. overheard this, killed a black dove, brought a redhead, tells the deva to let the prisoners go; dev let go, E. brought him to his home in Kuykap (Mount Kaf); put a yurt to the khan's son and his wife; but E.'s elder daughter-in-law harbored envy of people; threw the scorpion into the pond where Khan's son and wife were swimming; E. saw and hit the scorpion with a click, but at the bottom a drop of scorpion blood fell on the girl's face; . began to suck blood; Semuruk descended from heaven and showed a scorpion hidden by Edirmat's elder daughter-in-law; E. drove her away; Semuruk took the khan's son and wife to him; when he was flying, some stars collided and fell down; so we see shooting stars]: Sabyr uulu 2008:331-335; Uighurs [a girl is kidnapped by a bear, she gives birth to a hero's son, he kills a bear, returns with her mother to people; his name is Tugluk-Batur; the khan is afraid of his strength, the vizier offers to give difficult tasks; 1) kill the dragon; T. rushes with a sword into the dragon's mouth, cuts it from the inside; 2) kill the diva; on the way T. consistently wins and companions heroes named Er (earth), Chol (desert), Su (water), Tag (mountain), Ashlyanpu (cold noodles), Muz (ice), (Uighur name not given) (millstone), Tomir (iron) -Batur; without recognizing T., A. brags that he will run easily, he is defeated himself; in the house, the diva remains guarded while others hunt; the diva ties him with snake hair, sucks his blood; next time to guard T. remains, injures the diva, follows a bloody trail to the well, descends on his belt; frees the two daughters of the diva, whom he was ready to kill for pity for his victims; they explain where their father's soul is ( kill two roosters with green beans; go down to the basement, a fish swims in the chest, an egg in it, a box in it); T. burns the box, the diva dies; T. sends treasures, diva daughters, four more women; A. cuts off his belt, T. falls, divas treat him; T. kills a snake that devours Simurg's chicks; she brings it to the surface, cuts off the last piece of meat for Simurg T. from her leg; daughters are diva turned four women into cats, they scratched A.; T. married diva's daughters]: Kabirov 1963:125-153; Dungans: Riftin et al. 1977, No. 9 [Jong Tianyu, son of a commander, finds out that his stepmother has llama's lover; his foal exposes their intrigues (stepmother gives a shirt that would burn the young man, poisoned pilaf; pretending to be sick, demands the heart of a foal; the young man flies away on a foal; lives with an old gardener, hiding her golden hair under his lamb's stomach; the youngest of the emperor's three daughters notices this; Th explains to the emperor that the watermelon given to the eldest daughter was rotten because she was overripe , the middle one is half, the youngest has a fresh one; the emperor tells his daughters to choose husbands, the youngest throws the ball at Thu, who has come in the form of a lousy beggar; Thu catches animals while hunting, gives it to his older sons-in-law, stigmatizes them; destroys enemies led by a 9-headed werewolf; his soul is in jade, in stone, in a box, in wood; THU breaks jade, cuts the chicken stomach in it; kills the emperor, elder sons-in-law, llama, stepmother, reigns; having extracted life-giving grass and water, he restores sight to the blind father]: 79-96.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Siberian Tatars (Tyumen) [was bai Tokpay-bai, he has 9 sons; they drove herds, at which time his mother became pregnant; wanted horse sternum (tyustyuk); gave birth to a son Ir-Tyustyuk; playing with money , he hurt the lousy guy; he: you'd better find your brothers; IT gave him all the money, including gold, asked his mother to cook wheat, pressed her hands against the cauldron, she had to tell him; IT found the brothers , the follower became unrecognized, living with everyone, eating everything; they got to know each other, the brothers agreed to return to their parents; IT tamed the foal and the mare, began to ride them; the older brother asked the father marry him to 10 sisters; he stayed in a fisherman's yurt; when he saw 5 hats, he cried, the other 5 laughed (at first he thought there were only 5 brides in the house, and then realized that there were 10); the fisherman gave his daughters to bay; the youngest Kunjakei tells him to spend the night on a waterless hill; bai got angry, stopped by the water, his lung swims there; bai hit him, it became an old woman (kempir) with seven heads, began to strangle him; refused take horses, 9 sons, IT demanded; Bai promised to leave her a goldgrandmother and send IT to pick her up; after the wedding, IT asked about her grandmother, IT was going to follow her; K. told Shal to sit on a white horse guiruk, take Ak-Polat's white sword, Ak-syrmal white chain mail; S. says IT that Kempir-jalmouth is sitting in place of the yurt; she replied that she could not get up; S. became huge, then small, IT grabbed grandmother, galloped; they began to fight with the old woman, both fell into the ground; S. left IT one hair to call her; IT meets, companions 1) hitting one mountain against another, 2) drinking the lake, 3) a runner who catches animals easily, 4) hears from any distance; they came to Ulmis Khan (it was his daughter who sent those comrades to IT to marry her); they said that a fugitive had allegedly fled to the village of UH, demanded daughter UH; he orders 1) to overcome the strongman (the thief overcame the mountains), 2) overtake the old woman (the runner overtook); the khan put IT and his companions in an iron house, put firewood, set fire (water bread flooded the fire) ; the listener said where the daughter UH was hidden (on the ground); IT went home with the girl he took; Choyun-gulak came out to him, invited him to his place, joined the fight; IT defeated him, but the saber did not take him, CHG defeated him; Sh. ran to his comrades, who saved IT; IT asked ChG's wife to find out where his soul was; she made their child cry, explained to CHG that the child wanted to add his soul to his father's soul; CHG: on top of the mountain There is an iron box at the bottom of the well, it contains 4 quails; IT killed them; everything is fine]: Radloff, Proven, IV, 443 in Potanin 1916:89-93; Siberian Tatars (Tarsky District, Omsk Region, Irtysh) [Seyfulmulyuk found in Father's pantry is a portrait of a beautiful woman, went to look for her; the father gave a ring - he would help; he came to an empty city, opened the doors of the palace with the help of a ring, where the beautiful Malika kidnapped by the diva; S. hides, and M. asks the returning diva where he keeps his soul; in the middle of the river there is a chest, in which there is another, in which two pigeons; S. killed them, the divas died; M. recognized the portrait: this is Peri Fatheljemal's daughter; S. and M. found her; she agrees to become S.'s wife, but sets three conditions {not named}; S. brought his wife to his father's house; a son was born; once he was bitten by a dog, but F. did not even pay attention; S. was angry; F.: broke the first condition; a daughter was born, grew up, F. pushed her into a flaming oven; S. scolds his wife again, and her daughter plays with hot coals; F.: broke the second condition, I will not wait for the third mistake; he descended from the sky trough, F. took her daughter and flew away to spin among the stars]: Prelovsky 2003:43-54; Chulym Turks [three swan maidens (aka ducks) fly in, clean the house three brothers; elder, middle brothers They see nothing, the younger one hides the girls' clothes, the brothers get married; the devil comes out of the pipe under the hearth to drink women's blood; the younger brother shoots, the hell, taking the youngest's wife, falls into the ground; the brothers let down the youngest on a rope; a woman gives the devil, the iron king, vodka, who says that his soul is seven eggs in a box, a box in the stomachs of seven deer; the hero pulls out, breaks eggs, kills a woman born the son is a devil, the brothers raise the woman, the elder cuts off the rope, lifting the youngest; he falls; sees how the mouse has recovered, gnawing grass, heals himself; the kite cooks meat, raises the hero to the upper world, the meat runs out, the hero cuts off the flesh from his leg; the kite regurgitates this piece, puts it to his leg; the hero marries; shoots into the air, the arrow pierces his older brother]: Porotova 1980:76-80 (=Lukina 2004, No. 5.12: 117-122); Altaians: Garf, Kuchiyak 1978 [wolves carried Juskuzek's cow and goat; it is carried by the Kaan-Kerede bird, pulls him out of the abyss; Wolves invite him into the mountain; there are cows with milk their mother feeds on the goat, a peeled puppy plays a goat; Wolves reluctantly give it to him; someone cooks at his house; Yu watches, hides a dog skin, marries Altyn-Chach (Golden Braids); she says that her the brothers became wolves, she is a puppy, hiding from Karata-Kaan a; K. requires 1) to hide three times (A. helps Yu, he finds K., who has become an onion, stallion, birch, K. does not find him); 2) get an egg Kaan-Kerede; its nest is on an iron poplar with nine branches; its roots rest on the lower world, its branches touch the third heaven, a seven-headed serpent crawls along the trunk; one chick is crying, its snake will eat it now; the other laughs, he will be eaten tomorrow; Yu cut off the snake's head with an ax, the blood formed the sea; the chick held out its wing, Yu crossed into the nest; Kaan-Kerede flew in, her tears fell in warm rain; finds out Yu traces his claws; says that K.'s soul is in the golden egg, but she does not know where it is; brings Yu to his poor old parents; K. takes A.; Yu has been fighting him for seven years; wolves killed K.'s horse, Kaak- Kerede took him to heaven; A. found a golden egg in K.'s palace, threw it into the fire, K. died; A. and Yu began to rule Altai]: 215-239; Surazakov 1979 [the old hero Maadai-Kara has no children; giant- the cannibal Kara-Kula goes to destroy the people; MK Altyn-Targa's wife gives birth to Kogyudey-Mergen (KM); a magical black stone is clamped in his hand; MK leaves him in a cradle far on the mountain, hangs his gut over him with milk and a cane gutter through which birch sap flows; when the KK takes the CM parents, the people and the cattle, the mare runs, the KK guards cannot detain it; it turns into a cow, gives birth to a calf; from the sky an old woman descends; they take care of the boy, he grows up quickly; the old woman tells him about the fate of his parents; he rides a heroic horse through the cliffs, jumps over the burning sea; taking the appearance of a miserable Tastarkai, eavesdropping on the conversation of the llamas; the soul of KK and his horse are in two quail chicks, those in a box in the belly of one of the three maraluchs (Orion Belt); for the maralukhs to go down, he will call them; the calf agrees to scream, the KM pierces the womb of one of the maralukhas with an arrow, pulls out the chicks, kills the KK; he forcibly married Erlik's daughter; she knew everything in advance, she wanted to become a wife KM, but he rejects it; returns parents and people]: Surazakov 1979:15-153 (songs 1 and 2); 1982 [Kara-Kula's soul in the form of two quails is in a golden box hidden in the belly of one of the three maralukhas in heaven (Orion); Kogyudey-Mergen gets the souls of Kara-Kula (Kara-Kula is married to Taadi, Erlik's daughter)]: 120; tubals (black Tatars) [Karatti khan star, Kara Gula threatens war; Karatta Khan's wife gave birth, he hid the child under the roots of a birch tree; KG takes everyone to the full, an old man and an old woman remain, they find a child, he grew up, went to look for his father, his name is Tastarakai, he took the form of a bald shepherdess; blue the bull said that the soul of KG is in three quails, in a golden box, in the stomach of a maral; the maral rose to heaven, the bull with T. too (the bull became a star, T. cut his stomach, opened the box, brought quail; KG is sick, T. said that he was a doctor, he was let in, he looked heroic, killed KG; T. came to his father and mother, the people gave him the name Kan-Uletey]: Potanin 1883, No. 109:371-373; Shors: Chudoyakov 2002 [the youngest of three sons - Alyg Ool, a stupid boy, lay by the hearth until the age of 40; father tells us to watch wheat from birds; on the edge of the field there is a lush birch tree; the elder brother fell asleep when he woke up, the top of the birch tree is pecked; the same with middle son; AO is awake, a goldbird arrived at noon, began to bite the leaves like hazel grouse; AO is afraid of damaging the feathers by shooting, grabbed the bird by the tail, it escaped, the tail remained in his hand; the father sold the pen is expensive to the merchant; after that, AO is fed fatty food, he got stronger; AO grabbed the bird by the tail again, the father sold the pen again; gave AO money to buy a horse; he sat on a twig, galloped, met a man with as a lousy foal, bought it, went out; rode to the hero's palace, where his father did not tell him to go; around the bones of the heroes; that hero killed them with a whistle; AO dragged him out and killed him; jumped over the river on horseback, He came to the city at night, began to take a bird, but also took a bell, they rang; Kaan let him go for promising to help him marry Altyn Tarak; the horse carried him across the sea to her city; AO became dry grass, the horse ran up to the girls, AT sat on him, he took her away, pulled dry grass into his nostrils on the way, then he went out; the horse made the same girl out of clay, gave him a caan, and took the real AT; at night, clay the girl broke up, the kaan went to shepherds out of grief; the horse warns that the brothers would want to take away AT, sleep with her one by one, told her not to drink; the brothers still persuaded her, pushed her into a hole they dug; all night they argued who AT would sleep with; went hunting; the horse pulled out AO; says that the brothers left AT the key to the coffin, their souls were in it; AO took it out, began rubbing their souls against the edge of the coffin, the brothers died; wedding; AO with AT led the nation]: 77-85; Funk 2010 (1) [(epic story episode); Chabys-Olak and Myungus-Olak find out where the soul of their enemy Ches-Oreken is kept; find a chest with seven otter cubs in the Black Sea , five are killed at once by their ally Kara-Adaya with C.]: 174; Tuvans: Orus-ool 1997:23 [in the Tuvan epic, the enemy's soul is usually outside the body - in the bow string, in the sole layer, or looks like seven wasps in a golden casket hidden in the belly of three maralukhas], 287-289 [Hunan Kara shot through the belly of the middle of the three maralukhas, a casket fell out of it, 7 wasps flew out of the casket, he killed them, so all the souls of Kara-Kogel- He killed Khan]; South Altai Tuvans [Bai Nasar's 8 sons drove 800 horses and did not return; when BN and his wife ate horse breast, his wife gave birth, a son was named Er Töstük ("man- brisket"); he grew up; one old woman was weaving, he stepped on the thread and tore it; the old woman told him to look for brothers better; the father said that he had no brothers, he was deceived; the grandson of another old woman began to pull ET bow, ET hit him, the boy died; and this old woman told him to find better brothers; ET found brothers first and then horses, they returned home; BN went to look for 9 sisters for his wife; found; their father did not told me to spend the night at the Chushurlug Chuduk on the way back, but BN did not heed the warning of his younger sister destined for ET and spent the night there; she sent a man to her father with asking her to give her a hemp shirt and the best mare and camel for ET; he did not want to, but gave it away; there was no mare in the morning; BN went to the Saltwell: the mare is there, and next to the jelbag, with one ear covered herself, put the other under herself; BN asks to give him the camel; jelbege says she can't get up, let BN come up, she grabbed it, threatens to eat it, refuses to let him go in exchange for he agrees to let his 8 sons, for 800 horses, let him go if he gives ET; BN promises to leave his son's triangular file with which he sharpens arrows; says he forgot and sends ET for him; the bride ET talks about everything; he asks his father which horse to ride; BN: sit on a six-legged and take an eight-legged with you; bride: no, sit on the horse my father gave me, wear that hemp shirt; 8- and 6-legged horses won't last 6 and 8 years; when ET sits on a horse, he tells you to shout to Jelbig: What kind of children do you have behind your back? she will look around, grab the file and jump away; they run away and find themselves in the underworld of the serpent Bobbuk Khan; the horse tells you not to be afraid of snakes that crawl inside ET and go out; because ET was not afraid, two snakes turned into khans; ET says he came to get Temir Khan's daughter for Bobbuk Khan; he is happy and lets him go; ET meets people, everyone answers (at first not understanding who is in front of him) that he would like to become ET's companion; the first knows how to catch birds on the fly; the second hears everything; the third eats a lot; the fourth drinks and pours the sea back; T. will give his daughter to the winner; ET the mare wins the run; the mountain carrier wins the fight; eats the most; drinks three sips, but the sea level has fallen by only three fingers; the ET horse dives: if black blood flows, he died, and if colorless, he took out a cauldron; first colorless blood rises, then black blood rises, but then the horse swam out, brought a cauldron; the listener heard that T. was going to burn the heroes in the house; a mountain raiser turned the house upside down, they went out unharmed; T. ordered to serve the poisoned meat, the heroes changed their portions and portions of the khan's subjects, they died; ET brought daughter T. Bobbuk Khan; he gave a girl to Chünkee and five men in return; on the way, the men died; ET and her girl spent the night under the larch; it rained, and Khan Gärdi birds in a tree A snake crawled; ET shot the snake with a bow; in the morning hail began and Khan Gerdi flew in; when she found out what had happened, she carried ET with girl S. and the horse to the ground; but Jeelbege's son Schojun Gulak (SG) was already waiting there; he took C. and the horse and pushed ET into the hole; the horse managed to throw a flint into the pit; ET cut out the fire, burned the pen given to him by Han-Gerdy, who appeared, lowered its wing into the hole, and ET got out of it; ET and C. agreed that ET will hide under the cradle in which C.'s son is from SG; she will stab the baby, he will cry, SG will begin to ask why; C.: the baby says he is ET's son, not SG, since SG does not want to leave him around with him his soul (the receptacle of life); SG whispers to the baby (and ET hears) where his soul is; 70 moose will come to the Saltwell, inside the brown box, in the shower box; ET is waiting (moose are afraid to approach, but SG reassures: he killed ET), ripped open the brown belly, 9 birds in the box; he killed 8, left one, came to the SG, began to fight him, ordered C. to kill the ninth; there were 9 birds in the box again, but C. killed everyone and SG died; his son jumped up, but ET threw him into a 70-planted hole; when ET returned home, making a camel, as predicted, gave birth to a camel; the bride waiting for ET became 15 years old again; holiday]: Taube 1978, No. 37:192-206; Khakas: Balter 1958 [=1986:11-14; seven-year-old sister and three-year-old brother live alone; two heroes come and tell the boy to go fight the devil Ai-kyun {" Moon Sun"}, gods and kings cannot defeat him, they need a person with a pure heart; the sister is trying in vain to keep her brother away; Ai-kyun and the boy have been fighting for a year, more and more black blood is pouring, red (this is blood boy) is getting smaller; the sea poured into the steppe, people and cattle went to the mountains; the boy brought the weakened Ai-kyun to the mountain, but cannot kill; the boy's horse says that Ai-kyun is a 12-headed snake in his bag, in she is the soul of the devil; the boy kills the snake, Ai-kyun dies, the seven devils who watched the battle hid underground; the old man gives the boy the name Altyn Batur, his sister Abakay ("beautiful", although at first she was ugly)]: 47-50; Butanayev 2003 [inside the mountain is the soul of Chik-Cheekei in the form of a yellow frog in a black box that lies inside a black chest]: 104-105; Radlov 1989 []: 244-246; darhats: Potanin 1883, No. 147 [Dzaluta Mergen sleeps for three years and has been awake for three years, his dogs Khasyr and Basyr are evil in three years, horses in three months, and a camel in three days; they all raise the alarm; Ebögun Mangys ("old mangys", SM) comes, the shepherd tells him where the DM weapon is; his wife wakes DM up, he jumps into the steppe; horses tell him to return; on the ashes he finds his wife's note; she writes where it is buried weapon, promises to help kill EM; DM meets a hero, fights him, turns out to be his son; DM comes to EM, meets his wife, she has seven sharp-headed children with EM, she promises to persuade them find out where their father died; it's a red-pieked tiger, a golden bogshiro, etc. (seven, according to the number of children); EM destroys all the receptacles of EM's soul, he dies, he takes EM's wife and property; goes to marry Narsyn Guali, daughter of Lusay Khan; under the guise of a poor man, he competes the winner will get NG; only DM pulled out his bow; shaking out bags of ash, sand and snow, caused a blizzard and dust storm, won the race, won the fight; L. does not want to give his daughter to the poor man, demands to tame stallion (tamed), then bring foam from Hangai-talay (informant: Lamaists sacrifice sea foam when worshiping Lusai Khan); this foam is poisonous; DM sees a Dzandyn Modo tree along the way, with a nest Khan Garidi, Abaga's snake is wrapped around the trunk, is going to eat the chicks; DM killed the snake with an arrow; the chicks say that only their mother can get the foam; she arrives with wind and rain; the bird brings, DM comes back alive; Lusai Khan invited food to sit down, he fell into a hole; horses found him, brought a girl with a scythe in 90 fathoms, she lowered them into a hole, DM got out, killed Lusai Khan, Narsyn Guali married his son], 148 (recorded from a Tuvan who understands only Darhat) [Tangyl Mergen wins, makes the hero Khaeran-Hara-Beho a friend; they kill the 23-headed Athar Shar Mangys; in this while 30-headed Mangys swallowed TM's house and sister; then swallowed them themselves; TM cut it from the inside, freed his sister and people; goes to get the betrothed Dagina, the daughter of Lusay Khan; shoots an arrow at the fox, the fox entangled in the plumage of an arrow, asks not to kill, talks about obstacles on the way; a red rock to the sky; two crows pecking out their eyes; two cannibal camels; two Khasyr-Basyr dogs; vast sea; TM they pierce the rock with an arrow, throw bags of eyes to crows, solonets to camels, bones to dogs, horses have jumped the sea; they meet Lusay Khan's shepherds, one of them says that L.'s death in a white stone in a mouse hole under the ridge; to get L.'s daughter, you have to win the competition between her fiancé Kuruldey-Mergen; horses were allowed to run around Mount Sumbur, but KM people shot TM; KM married D., but she wants to revive his betrothed, flies to Erlik, takes a bottle of potion, tells HCB to kill the tiger TM was reborn into, pours a potion into the nostril of the killed man, he is reborn by Tangyl Mergen; TM kills L., destroying the receptacle of his soul kills KM (his death was in a needle stuck in a bow); they returned home, TM gave his sister XXB]: 507-512, 512-517; Khalha-Mongols [Eryn-Sain-Borny-Hoo Khan (Borny-Hu, B.) - giant and strongman; hears from flying crows that the ruler of the eastern land, Typka-Hara Khan, is bigger and more beautiful than him; asks his four horses how long each of them will be able to carry him, they answer; bay, savras are carried every one day, then the stirrups are worn off; the salt tree shows ribs on the third day; the brown one drove to the goal; B. changed his appearance: he and the horse became small and inconspicuous; reached coral, then to a silver yurt, then to a golden yurt; first he was served the insides of sheep at the table, but when he threw them away, he was served the best meat on a golden platter; B. said he had come to measure strength; overtook all horses and a camel at the races; a man with a saw runs ahead, this is a chutkur; B.'s horse killed him with a stone and came first; B. won shooting at the target; began to fight T.; realized that he had no soul; found a golden box on Mount Sumbur-Ula, containing a golden hare, swallowed it, T. died; B. took his people home]: Benningsen 1912:91-94; Inner Mongolia's Mongols (Chahars) [T&'s older brother #252; rgen arγatu (TA) tyranite younger Tegüs jayaγatu (TD); demon fox with 8 souls (mule, snake, spider, frog, boar, pheasant, ax; {the eighth is not mentioned; further when destroying souls it is said of partly different incarnations} kidnapped Princess Najid (N.) and took her away on his mule; she lost her shoe, TD found it; the king promises his daughter's hand to her savior; TA and 500 warriors go with TD; Seeing a hole in the ground, TD went down; TA took the warriors away; N. told what room the demon's souls were in; the main one was in the golden turtle; TD killed a yellow dog, a snake, a spider, a wild boar; returning, N. got angry at the mule, hacked it with an ax; then got angry with the ax, smashed it against stones; only one soul was left; the demon and TD fought for a long time, N. helped to finish off the demon; N. went upstairs with treasures to the soldiers; TA bribed them, ordered them to fill up the way out of the ground; the heavenly messenger brought TD to the ground; the warriors confirmed TA's words and the king wants to marry N. for him; N. objects; TD returned, married N., TA expelled]: Heissig 1985, No. 7:127-136; Baikal and Trans-Baikal Buryats: Barannikova et al. 1993, No. 8 (Bayandaevsky District, Irkutsk Region) [Mangadhai won and killed Borhon Tulay; his wife ran to give birth in talnik, gave birth to twins, left them with breast milk shangi; mangadhai took her away; the boys grew up, the horse told them who they; one of the brothers went to the mangadhai; the horse shows where the father's bones are, the young man placed them inside the mountain; the horse says that the soul of a mangadhai is in 13 quails; young man 10 killed at once, three when he sees a mangadhai, that died; in the mangadhaya house, the young man's mother holds a mangadhai's wife in her arms to urinate; the young man tells her to be abandoned; she has fallen down, promises that the mangadhai will tear out the woman's eye and break her arm; the mother recognizes her son's horse; they return home with mangadhai goods], 9 (informant unknown) [parents want to get rid of Tyshae Bishe, send him for a black bull; this is a bear, TB bring him, leaves him in the barn, he lifted him up all cows; sent to bring a pot supposedly given to the forest owner; TB brings the boiler and the associated owner; lets go, leaves; meets, companions a person raising stones, raising mountains, stepping across the sea (he beards fish); everyone first replies that he is not strong, but TB is powerful; they take turns cooking, a bearded dwarf hits the cook, eats everything; TB hits him himself, pinches his beard , he cut off his beard, left; friends come to the crevice, TB descends on a rope; there is a beauty in the copper hut, the other in silver, the third in gold; TB tells the beauty from gold to find out what life is mangadhaya; in ram horns; TB breaks horns, presses wasps in them, except two; beauty changed barrels of strong and weak water; TB kills mangadhai, sends women upstairs; when she gets up , his companions throw him; he falls, breaks his leg; sees how the speaker broke the leg of an ermine, he ate the root, recovered; TB also ate, recovered; by the sea, Khan Garudi's chicks, alone crying (coming out of the sea the serpent will eat it today), another sings (eats it tomorrow), the third laughs (the day after tomorrow); the serpent tells the chicks to fly into his mouth; TB kills the snake with a stone; Khan Garudi arrives, shelters TB from poison; brings him to the ground; eats and drinks food in flight, cuts off the last piece of TB from its leg, the bird belches a piece, puts it back; TB kills satellites, lives with three wives]: 143-147, 147-167; Zabanov 1929 [old man Irensei kills 77-headed Mangadhai, who took his herd away; returns home, his wife Untan-Durai gives birth to a boy Hanhan Sokto and a girl Agu-Nogon; I. hunts, his horse tells him that during this time his the wife met with Mangadhay; during the martial arts, UD throws black millet under M.'s feet, and I. fell and killed, he was thrown in an iron barrel to the bottom of the Black Sea; the horse saves children; the owner of the forest Orjol Bogdo Khan takes them home; HS kills M. and his betraying mother; Becoming a fish, Abarga Shara Zagahan, pulls the remains of his father from the bottom, revives them with living water; goes to marry the king's granddaughter Ghazar Khan Nalkhin; fights with Mangadhai, his soul in the nest of the Khan Hirdeg bird on an aspen on the mountain; the bird sends it to HS in the form of a pebble with an arrow, HS breaks a pebble; the soul of another M. in the yellow sea from his one-eyed, one-toothed mother-in-law, HS comes to his mother-in-law under the guise of M., the soul takes on various forms (animals, birds), HS chases in the guise of other animals, kills M.; marries Ghazar-Bayan Khan's daughter; performs difficult tasks; 1) win hero; 2) bring a puppy (for this purpose she gets iron fetters from heavenly blacksmiths); 3) bring the feather of the Khan Hirdeg bird; in the palace one girl cries, the second plays, the third sings; these are the daughters of a bird, the serpent Abarga Sharga must come out of the Black Sea, eat them; HS kills a snake with an arrow, XX gives a feather, marries]: 14-19; Potanin 1916 [in the fairy tale of the northern Buryats at Ashura-Shara-Mangythaya, one soul is hidden in a gold-breasted magpie, the second in 13 quails, the third in a hare in a stone at the bottom; the southern Buryats have the soul of Shidurgu in three goldfish and three bee stings; Khasar (Genghis-an's brother) gets them from the sea]: 118 (note); Sanzheev 1936 (Bulagat-Ekhirite aimag, uliger episodes) [On the advice of a horse, Alamji Mergen curses his arrow, she pierces the heads of six geese in which the life of a mangadhai, with 600 heads and 60 poly horns; with another arrow, AM pierces the entire interior of the mangadhai, and then cuts off the head; herds came out of the back wound, Russians and Buryats came out of the front wound, they went to the mill with flour, mothers and children went out, the whole valley was filled with people]: 93-99; Oirats [episode in the epic story: hero Bum-Erdeni fights unsuccessfully with a twenty-five-headed humpback black mangus; horse Lysko tells Bum-Erdeni that the cherished soul of the mangus is in the heads of two colorful snakes that stick out of his horse's nostrils; Bum-Erdeni cuts these snakes, the mangus dies]: Vladimirtsov 2003: 383-385; Dagurs [after learning about the king who exterminates people, Dehong Mergen goes there past a river of blood flowing from a cave where prisoners; the king's warriors mistake DM's arrows for trees, he easily destroys warriors; the horse says that the king's life is in a red egg in an eagle's nest, and his son's life is in white hair at the horse's tail; DM presses an egg, cuts off his hair, whips the king's wife with a whip, hits his commander with an arrow; villains killed, captives released]: Bender, Su Huana 1984:21-30.

Western Siberia. The Nenets [in the epic "The Younger Son of Naloy", the hero defeats an evil giant by finding his heart and crushing it]: Tereshchenko 1990:149 in Kazakevich 1998:210; the northern Selkups [ A rock-eater kills men and boys, leaves women; a woman asks to leave the cradle with her baby under a tree; animals raise a boy, show where his mother lives; he asks his mother to find out where she is the husband hides his heart and liver; he names a place; the young man presses his heart, the Stone Eater regurgitates stones before his death, the earth becomes bumpy]: Kazakevich 1998, No. 1:209-210 (retelling in Tuchkova 2004: 247-248); Southern Selkups: Pelikh 1972 [(Western 1963); Kybay Ide grows up quickly, goes looking for her missing brothers; comes to an old woman, she gives a horse, refers her to her sister; the old man on the mountain says that 9 pegs with heads, the tenth for KI; the horse raises the KI up the mountain; the woman in the house tells you to turn the horse into a bump, hides KI from the owner Chwochen Keda ("the master of the land"); tells you to pour resin on the horse, hemp , help out a pike, an otter; CI finds an oak, an otter gnaws, knocks it down; a drake flies out, drops an egg; KI breaks the egg on the head of the Cheka, it dies; CI revives brothers with live water, passes them off former old women ( they were younger); the heroes turned into rocks on the river; two brothers had one ax, threw it over Ket]: 345-347; Gemuev 1984 [same; oak is knocking down a beaver; KI ripped the pike's belly, took out an egg]: 145- 147 in Tuchkova 2004:261.

Eastern Siberia. Western Evenks (Ilympic) [The damage learned that Ungkovul was stronger than him, came to fight, overcame when Unkovul's hair accidentally caught on a tree; the shaman said that it was possible to defeat Damage, killing the bird in which his soul is; Damage has two hearts, his bone marrow is liquid; the old father hid his son Uron; he grows up, asks his grandfather about his mother and father; finds murderers by tags in the trees father, takes revenge; returns to grandfather]: Kombagir 1980a: 55; Baikal Evenks (Barguzin) [Karatkakan Neuen in the guise of a bird carried Dolodai's seven daughters with his foot; the youngest Suvudangina became an eagle, flew back; says that the hero Kuludai from the south will not be able to defeat KN, only Arsalan Bakshi will win in the east; flies there, becomes his wife, gives his two eagle feathers for his arrows; KN comes Scolds AB, he leaves the yurt, while KN kidnaps S.; AB pursues, they fight as deer and saiga, moose and wild boar, then people; their horses go to where the items in which the life of heroes; KN has an arrow in a box in his sister's hand, AB has a saw; the AB horse manages to swallow the saw so that the enemy does not take possession of it, AB breaks the arrow, kills KN, takes his wives]: Georgi 1936 (Zap. 1772): 233-235 (translated from the German original to Voskoboynikov 1958:172-177); Baikal Evenks (northern Transbaikalia, 1948) [Siktan's wife tells him to throw his plague into the hole upon his return mittens, then he will open; he forgets the mittens in the forest, they are picked up by Gadar and Jalon, who are flying across the sky; they throw them off to his wife S., she unlocks them, they take her away; S. shoots at them, arrows break off pieces from their bodies stone; deer brings S. to a country where G. and D.; S.'s wife burns a red squirrel in which their strength is; S. kills them, returns his wife]: Pinegina et al. 1952:67-69 (=Pinegina 2019:105-107); Far Eastern Evenki (Olekminsky District of Yakutia) [against his wife's wishes, Hickteney goes hunting; sees the Eagle carry his wife west; H. follows, comes to his blind mother, who has lost him for 20 years back; she says that the eagle is Chadanai, his soul is in a red squirrel; gives a horse; the old father tells us to go without stopping with those who will ask them to come in; they are not people, but dogs, snakes; Kh. kills a squirrel, returns his wife]: Voskoboynikov 1960b, No. 7:33-38; Far Eastern Evenks (probably Uchursky) [in the depths of bygone years at the mouth of five deep-water rivers with thundering valleys and blazing capes, under a sprawling tree, a young man Tyvgunai appeared; he does not know where he came from; he made a bow, saw two ducks, but did not shoot (maybe they belong to people, it will be bad, if I kill); they fly away, sing: grateful that they did not kill; one says, left a thimble on the bump, tells them to take it - it will help; T. came to the camp, there is a rich leader; promises a daughter to the one who pulls it out a pierced bow; no one can; T. did not try it, returned under his tree; a man sits there, saying that he is his older brother (his name is Cholbon Chokuldai), looking for him for several years; T. talks about the leader, his daughter and bow; CH: enter my horse's left ear, there's food; go into the right ear - there are clothes; T. gained strength, dressed in armor, both arrived on a huge heroic horse; HCH pulled out his bow, the shaft broke, the arrow flew to the sky; the brothers flew on horseback to the upper world to find out where the arrow had hit; there were people like mosquitoes, cattle like spiders; smoke from the ground, there was a half-charred old man with an old woman; old man: liver disease, give me some liver; old woman: they gave it to me to make my skins, if I give it to you, I will be hit on the head with a gold poker; then the same about the brain (they will hit me with a poker on head); then the old woman to the old man: when you were young and you were defeated by heroes, they flew to the upper world, taking us with them, I left a two-year-old boy HCH on larch, and under a branched tree six-month-old T.; when they heard the brothers break into the plague, the parents were happy; mother: there are invincible heroes in this country; they are now lying because some kind of death came from the middle world tore half of their bodies off them; they fry us on fire and ask us who we left in our homeland; gathered shamans to find out if those who could not predict are being killed; the brothers fed their parents, came unnoticed in the plague of heroes; the shaman began to spin: the young men who released death are here; the heroes do not believe, they want to cut off the shaman's head; she asks the young men to show up so as not to be killed; two heroes Singkeltuken Eden (SE) and Begaltukan Eden (BE) ask the brothers to return their full bodies, because it is shameful to kill cripples; they did; during the battle, HC sees nothing, begins to weaken; his horse tells him to hit him with a silver hatchet, then he will see a raft with a smoke smoke attached to SE's horse; he was divorced by an old woman, she must be killed; HC did it; SE offers to take a break, leads to him, offers sit down; HF fails and flies down; SE turns to someone below: I let you down the strongest hero; in response: if he drives cattle in front, they would keep them alive for several days; HF throws lumps clays, they turn into cattle; HH leads to plague, where people are smoked and eaten; the old woman says to HC: if you smell this country, you won't return to the ground; HC and the local leader look at each other for 30 days without closing his eyes; then the leader closed his eye, three days later the second; HC saw a bell above him and a hole in the upper world far above; became a spider, then crawled, flew; jumped into the hole, I became human again, then the bell rang; the monster leaned out: continue to let the people of the middle world come to me with cattle, then sometimes they will be able to return; so shamans pay for cattle; HC led SE fight against a rock where heaven and earth come into contact; there the sky is like scissors; HF was the first to jump, the sky cut off the tip of the horse's tail; when SE jumped, he was cut in half; HC found T.; he is barely alive, his enemy BE - too; BE fired an arrow, telling him to hit a fish in the sea and bring it to him; the arrow did it, the fish is the soul of HH; T. sends an arrow to the larch for a little swallow; it is about to slip into the hole upper world; T. remembered the thimble, threw it, he plugged the hole, the arrow brought the swallow; BE: none of us can win, we will not fight anymore, we will exchange souls; T. and HC took our parents and came back to the ground; T. married a girl who gave a thimble, and HC married the daughter of a hero whose bow he pulled out]: Myreeva 2009b: 128-145; Far Eastern (?) Evenks [while Torganay and his brother are hunting, three-headed Kadanay carries his wife by air; the mare gives birth to a heroic horse for T.; he drives T. to a river dotted with human teeth and bones, teaches say that the river is good, the water is decreasing; the horse slips through the cliffs, crushed; T. takes not black, but white foam, lubricates the bones, the horse comes to life; brings him to the rock, turns into a berry meadow ; girls come down, T. sticks a needle to one of them's headscarf; T. cuts down K.'s two heads; his wife orders to burn three squirrels, K. and his rock house disappear, T. returns his wife home]: Varlamova 2004, No. 5:164- 174; Evenks of China [when Altyn Buto was born, his parents were taken away by Dalai-lama-takan with a horn on their heads; his father was tied at the main gate, his mother at the side doors, they must open and close them; parents managed to put AB in a pot of broth; he ate broth, grew up, got out of the cauldron; learned to hunt himself with onions and arrows, made clothes for himself from his skins; chased half a doe (two legs and half body); she said that AB should not shoot at her, but save her parents; we should ask the fir growing near the house, she saw everything; AB knelt in front of the fir, called her father; fir replied that AB's parents were taken prisoner 17 years ago by D.; indicated where the cattle, horses, clothes, weapons hidden for AB; the mare gave birth to a foal with him, he immediately allowed himself to ride; surpassed the rest of the horses; carries AB , stops at the stream; AB hits him; the horse replies that he has not drunk milk since birth, asks for permission to drink water; drinks and grows; next time stops: there is a gate with sickles in front; let AB three times He will whip him and close his eyes; they flew through the gate; in front of the sea, in the middle of the palace; D. noticed those who had arrived at the shore, sent servants; the horse barely woke up to AB, ordered to throw manure at the attackers, AB threw it, After killing the majority, one returned to D.; D. ordered AB to be called to him; AB refused to go in the boat, fired an arrow across the sea, the horse and rider flew over the arrow; D. released AB's parents; they warned his son about AB cunning; AB had a feast, gave AB his daughter to lull his vigilance to lull his vigilance; pretended to be sick; to supposedly cure him, the shamans ordered AB to get the hearts and heads of wild animals; but he easily killed tigers, leopards, bears and snakes; then D. asked to make a coffin for him the size of AB's body; his wife warned him to lie face up in the coffin, not down; AB he lay face down, the servants threw toads and snakes there, they boarded up the lid, threw the coffin into the sea; the wife rides along the shore on horseback, asks if AB hears her, if toads and snakes have harmed him; he first replies that they are eating his legs; then his body; there is a cliff in front, the wife can no longer follow the coffin along the shore, remains on the cliff with her horse and dog; the coffin brought Mangiä to the top; when he discovered it, she saw toads, snakes and a human skeleton; daughter M. wants bones for herself, the father says he will donate them to the spirit; the daughter hid behind the figure of the spirit, said on his behalf that the father should give the bones to his daughter; she let the dog lick them, revived them with an amulet, AB was reborn; first she hid it from her father in a chest; said that man's smell came from bones; then she opened herself to her father, who recognized AB as his son-in-law, gave him an amulet; the wife and AB arrived at the cliff, the second wife revived first, her horse and dog; AB's horse ran himself - he escaped from the stable and hid; AB came to D., began to fight him, but to no avail; the horse explained that D.'s life in three iron files in a helmet in more often than the forest, they are guarded by a hawk; the hawk drove the wind towards him with his wings, but AB hit him in his beak; came to D., broke the files, D. died; AB freed his parents and other prisoners, became ruler]: Bä cker 1988, No. 24:169-182; Okhotsk Evens [the epic says that there is a hare inside an octagonal stone, a teal duck in the hare's belly, and a teal's stomach has two rock crystals in which it is enclosed antagonist soul]: Lebedev 1982:47; Yakuts (place of recording not specified; central?) [Kyun Tunalyksa ("not shown to the sun") lives with her parents in a silver yurt; the monstrous Abaas hero Khoro-Dybyrdan comes to marry her; K. throws a bridle, catches a plain skate, runs it; H. turns into a thunderstorm, burns down her camp; throws his jaw in different directions of the world; when to the east, it falls vertically, he goes there; old man Seerkeen turns K. into a ring, hides it on with his finger, ties H. to a tree; K. marries Juro-Bøgë, who kindly frees H., they fight for a long time; K. gives birth to a son from DB, he grows up quickly; his name is Basymnilan; abaasa heroes steals a stallion and a bull from him, roasts and eats them; B. kills him, pours the remains of his bones into the sea, frogs, lizards, beetles and other reptiles and insects appear; this was H.; tired DB arrives, his wife treats him ; B. wants to marry, his father sends him to the lower world, where Baba Yaga has a daughter, a girl she has long kidnapped; B. goes to the ground with molten lead; marries; cut short by a one-legged devil's daughter, takes living water; rips off the belly of a deer, pulls out a nine-headed snake, roasts; this is the soul of Baba Yaga, she dies; from Baba Yaga's burned bones, her daughter creates a boy; B. becomes thunder, destroys the remains of bones, a daughter, a boy; B. and his wife visit her parents; when they leave, all their property follows; the young one turns around, half of the property is returned; since then, the young one has been banned look back]: Sivtsev, Efremov 1990:181-199; Dolgans [devil's ambassador kidnapped Eridak-Buruidak's sister; E.-B. went to free her together with a white angel, whose sister was also taken away; E.-B. turned into a bee, flew through the chimney of the devils' iron house and penetrated the main feature through its top of his head; inside, E.-B. began to tear his heart vein; hell fell ill, called the shaman, that began to play; E.-B. killed the main feature and other devils; the camla shaman said that there was a barn with a chest inside; inside this chest is a second, inside the second is a third; in it The soul is the main feature; if the soul gets to the water, it and all its people will come to life; E.-B. found the chest, the ball jumped out of the third and rolled to the bloody sea; E.-B. managed to split it, the main feature died]: Porotova 1980:113-119.

Amur - Sakhalin. Nanais: Kile 1996, No. 15 [a wild pig became pregnant and gave birth to a boy; made a bow and arrows for him with her teeth and fangs; when he killed a wild boar while hunting, his mother stopped coming to him; he went wander, meets three madchiks in sequence, they are children of the moon, star, sun; they come to people, four women raise them, named brothers stay, get married, the son of a pig comes to another a woman; when she goes hunting, she tells his wife not to give his bow and arrows to anyone; an old woman with a thin neck and a big head tickles a woman until she tells her where the bow and arrow are, she takes them away; the husband comes, all broken, dies when he can tell him where his brothers are; the son of the sun can renew what is broken, the son of the moon can read traces, the son of the star can swim in the lake of fire; the son of the moon leads to the lake, the son of the star old woman Senge takes out fragments of bow and arrows from there, the star's son makes them whole; the old woman was burned, the mergen was revived, he married the youngest Pudin, who could not hold him, everyone came to live in their homeland Mergen]: 183-191; Medvedev 1992 [Susu-Na slept for 15 years in the ruins of a camp; he was a baby when the immortal Malym-Mafa stole everyone in full; the old woman gives SN his grandfather's clothes, he becomes a hero goes to horned people; on the way he saves the wader's nest that has fallen into the water, he promises to help; stays in the witch's house, who tries to kill him at night, but he puts a cauldron instead of himself; does not enter to the barn, where the crossbow calls the witch, the arrow pierces her; the bird Cory carries the beauty, SN hits Cory with an arrow, calls the rescued bride, leaves her with the old woman; comes to Cory; he is already in the form men, dies after saying that MM's soul is Saika's iron man, he's in a tiger's skull, a skull under one of the hummocks in a distant swamp; the sandpiper flies after MM's soul and throws the little man's SN when SN fights with MM; SN tears off the little man's arms and legs, MM is immobilized and left to die; prisoners are released; SN learns that five suitors are competing - who will get the bride SN; SN comes, easily wins the shooting (hits a bee, while others can't hit a crow and a sparrow), throws grooms into the river; returns with his wife to their native places]: 248-262; Sunik 1958, No. 2 [Baksu-Batur's wife is Simfuni beautiful; he goes to hunting, she tries in vain to detain him; the underground old man Tundurhan hero defeated and took her away; she gave birth to three boys in a boat, T. throws each into the river; the last is a Larenchu hero, promises return; older brother sucks catfish caviar, middle brother sucks pike, L. - Kaluga milk; all three live inside Kaluga; the beauty saw them run out of the mouth of dead Kaluga, brought them home, breastfed them; L. put her hands in hot buckwheat porridge; she admitted that they are S.-beautiful's children, went to her copper mountain, asked Gagdanchu Mólodets (= Tundurhan) to kill the boys; G. and L. fights for a long time; the bird threw a silver ball, a gold ball; inside a child; L. tore off his arms, legs, head - G.'s limbs and head came off; the brothers are going to look for his father, the bird says that he is fighting Sankau the hero; on the hill, the sky is covered by a poplar, the sun covers a talnik with three processes, a snake between them, in it the spirit of her father's life is gray and white eggs; two girls killed the snake, gave the eggs to L.; he threw gray eggs at the old man's forehead, he died, took white with him; returned home; three brothers - three houses, all married; father - one house; lived richly]: 122-126; Sem, Sem 2020, No. 50 []: 241-246; Shimkevich 1896:75-81 [wife wins three people (one of them with a boar's head) who come to work; but a fly (a man from the underworld) overcomes her, drags her away; the husband comes to the cannibals, pretends to eat a man, hides her in the chimney himself; at night he lies down with a woman, but her skin is covered with needles; the husband comes to the house of a fly, finds his thin wife and daughter a fly; she says that her souls parents are in a ball that hangs in the sky; the husband knocks him down with an arrow, pulls out two black eggs, breaks a fly on his forehead, which dies; the husband returns with four wives (former daughter is a fly, cannibal and her sister)]; Lopatin 1933, No. 1 [Margo enters a forest hut with a baby in its cradle; he screams, scratches; M. tells him to come to him; M.'s house on a rock above the blood river; after M. the baby gets up, comes to M.'s house; M.'s wife tells me to go to her giant mother Maiza-mama, there is a fairly large bed; M.-M. waited for him to lie in the cradle for 30 years; after sucking her chest, the baby becomes hero Alhoo; M.'s wife tells A. that M. fell into the net of the giant Moohan, who roasts him over the fire; she sends A. to the giant in the iron bird; tells him not to sit on the tops of trees; A. tears the iron net, which is hit by two ducks; these are two shamans; A. decides to spend the night on the top of a tree, falls into the giant's net; he wants to hack him, but misses, cutting the net; A. splits his head with his with an iron beak; a protector spirit (Juli) comes out of the fire, reproaches A. that he did not listen to M.'s wife, lost time; he himself flies in an iron bird to save M.; A. swims under the ice to the giant's village with salmon, frees the aged M., kills the inhabitants; with a gadfly to a tree with bones under it; Dergeri arrives, carrying the kidnapped sister Ker-Alda; A. saves her, but D. flies away; A. arrives at the old woman's house, lies down with her, in the morning she is a young beauty; A. arrives at D.'s house, kills him and one of his three daughters; kills the giant Gochenda, who fought the smaller giant Nandada and would soon kill him; marries daughter N.; flies to the girl Dienda rescued from Dergeri's clutches, marries her; with her brother Kichalda kills two of the three giants who killed his father; the soul of the third in a special subject, the first A.'s wife in the form of a duck finds him, brings him, A. kills the giant; A. and K. marries his daughters; kills several more giants, takes more wives; he is now a great shaman], 4 [Mergo wins many enemies, kills the father's murderer; an assistant bird brings two eggs in which the enemy's soul, M. breaks them; raises the father from the grave, revives him; takes the wives and property of the defeated]: 202-210, 215-221; Ulchi [an old man and an old woman live by the river; their daughters Laga and Dyya learn to hunt and fish; the old man makes bows and arrows and gear for them; the old man and the old woman die, the sisters are left alone; the eldest L. shoots better, goes to the taiga to get meat, put loops on a fur animal; youngest D. stays at home - cooks food, makes skins, wears firewood; one day she sews clothes, hears a creak near the hut, looks out; sees an old woman, skinny as a pole, legs like sticks, a bird's head with a huge beak, fingers like bird bones; every time she moves, she creaks; asks if the girl is alone at home, asks to let her go relax; having warmed up by the fire, asks who D. lives with, if there is no one else and where his sister is; offers to comb her hair and braid it; quietly pulls out a needle, stabs the girl in the neck, D. closes eyes, falls asleep; the old woman cuts off her braid with a knife, hides it in a bag, goes to the taiga; L. returns in the evening, sees other people's traces, her sister lies in the house with her eyes closed, it is unclear whether she is dead or sleeping; L. with a spear and runs with a bow on skis; the tracks lead to a forest hut; L. knocks, a pale girl comes out, L. asks to spend the night; the girl replies that you can't spend the night here, this is the house of an evil old woman, she is her she serves, and that's why she is alive; an old woman with a bird's head does not like young girls; cutting off their braids, she takes away their strength, lives by this force, prolongs her life; L. says she is not afraid of anyone, now she knows who cut off her sister's braid; asks how to revive her sister and how to deal with the old woman; the girl says that the old woman's anger is in a carved bone casket; if she is ground to powder, anger will disappear; The old woman carries the casket with her when she sleeps - she hides it under her head, sleeps with one eye, watches the other; L. goes to the taiga, finds sleep-grass under the snow, the maid hides the grass in the old woman's bed under headboard; the old woman comes back, says she smells like someone else's spirit; the maid girl: it smells like the new braid that the old woman brought yesterday; the old woman agrees, says that the braid is good, the girl is young, She could live for many years, now she will live these years, and the girl has fallen asleep and will not wake up again; to wake her up, you have to put her braid back, and there is no one to stand up for the girl, there is no man in her house; the old woman falls asleep with both eyes closed; the girls pull out the casket from under her head; they take a mortar, a pestle, go away, begin to grind the casket in a mortar; it must be crushed finely, but not into powder; they they scatter small pieces on all four sides, they turn into gadflies, mosquitoes, midges; girls take a severed braid, put it on D., it comes to life; girls live three, they no longer hear about the old woman ]: Vatagin 1987:39-45; Udege people: Bereznitsky 2005, No. 58 [giant Seumo ("black") married Egda's sister, she gave birth to a daughter; E. and his sister decided to kill him; sister teaches E. to scratch the girl to make her cry; asks S. to tell about himself why he will die, saying that the girl will calm down; at the end of the trail there were spruce, then a swamp, a yurt across the river, there are two frozen blacksmiths, six white eggs in a copper box and one green, his life is in it; E. went, smashed everything, broke an egg, S. died; E. threw his eyes into the sky, they became a constellation of Khudact; his teeth were white quartz on pebble banks, also the Suemo constellation ikteni - "Constellation of Human Eggs"; threw his head into the swamp, it turned out weinik hummocks (hair)]: 481-482; Lebedeva et al. 1998, No. 12 [Djolomcho stole Egdyga's sister; he comes tells his sister to scratch the baby's navel, tell D. that he is crying because he wants to know the way to his assistant spirit; he sings, explaining that his soul is seven eggs in the box, has a tambourine on it, and others shamanic accessories (the one who takes them will become a great shaman), a tiger guards, sail there by boat with snake spacers, etc.; the young man breaks all this, breaks eggs, D. dies, the young man kills his son- baby, picks up sister]: 107-111; Lebedeva et al. 1998, No. 114 [(Arsenyev 1995 (2): 166-168); about like (12); dirty, terrible Suemo marries a man's sister; sister scratches the child's navel, asks S. to rock him and tell him where his death is; his brother listens, pulls out a green egg; when his sister and brother broke him, S.'s eyes became Huahta's stars, his teeth became white flints, his head became a hummock, hair with grass], 115 [(Arsenyev 1995 (2): 168-169); approximately like in (114); eyes in two red stars]: 480-482, 482-483; Podmaskin 1991, No. 25 [=Podmaskin, Kireeva 2010:98-100; the horse turns into a girl, Marries Agha, they are descended from the Namunka family; the old woman tells his wife A. that he is immortal, asks her to know the secret; My heart lies on a fish dryer behind seven hills and swamps, consists of a bow, arrow, spear, skis, snorkel, needle; an old woman breaks them, A. dies, she takes his wife to the ends of the earth; two brothers A. glue objects together, A. comes to life, kills old woman and her son, returns his wife]: 135-136; nivkhi: Bereznitsky 2005, No. 34 [the werewolf killer whale Tun comes from the sea, kills people; the shaman tells you to find a birch bark ball at the fork in the birch tree, inside a ball , pierce him with a knife, there is the soul of a killer whale; the guy did so, Tun died]: 472-473; Medvedev 1992 [The owner of Taiga ruined the camp, put the eldest and his wife in a cage, took it away; did not notice the baby in the cradle; he grew up, became Mergen; the hunter tells him about the fate of the camp; M. goes to take revenge; M. easily fought off the wolves, entered the old woman's house; at night she tries to slaughter him, M. is on the alert; in the morning she promises to do invulnerable, offers to plunge into the cauldron; he ties a belt to her belt, jumps over the cauldron, the old woman falls into the cauldron, from there the flame; M. burned down her house; sees a giant dragging the girl, shot him him; promises to marry the girl, puts him on an arrow, sends him on an arrow to her parents; enters a poor hut in which an old man and a boy; the old man says that HT's death is overseas; M.'s father is chained to under the sea, he is guarded by guards on 12 boats, and his mother M. is in the dungeon; the rescued girl and her mother arrive as ducks; promise to find the death of the Master of Taiga; M. fights HT, gets tired; at this time, ducks they throw off a birch bark box, in which Erdeni is a freak; M. tears off his arms, legs, and head - members of the HT also fall off; kills HT's wife, opens the dungeon and carries out his mother, frees other prisoners; kills the chief of the guard at sea, frees his father; feast]: 132-141; Pevnov 2010, No. 4 [the poor young man was lying motionless in the mud in the house; the woman called him; he got up, went breaking trees; went downstream , fell into the trap of an evil spirit, made to the size of a human figure; cilantro flew, began to argue whose trap and whose prey; a cilantro woman took him to a house with cilantro; he was chained in iron, put two dogs to guard; next to him, in shackles, an elderly man, the son of the mountain owner, and a young man and sister are the children of the master of heaven; the man put cilantro to sleep with a song, ordered the iron mouse to gnaw through the shackles, ripped open his stomach with a huge old women, there is a chest in it, in a chest of snakes and lizards, a man trampled on them, there are seven eggs there; he breaks these eggs against the bridge of cilantro, they die; far in the sea, a hanging barn, in which the daughter of the master of the sea, will come out for whoever gets to her; a man fires an arrow, she pierces the wall of the barn; then others, they pierce each other's tail; he runs across them like a bridge, taking them off with him; the woman let them in he had a hundred needles, then something else, then disappeared; he beat everything off, slashed it with a knife, the woman appeared, he married her, returned to her people he saved, took his second wife, the daughter of the master of heaven (he bit off She swallowed her little finger, and now he belched her); he has one wife from heaven, the other from the sea, both sons are still mighty than their father]: 105-114; Panfilov 1965 [the older shaman sister tells her brother that she is sick, sends to the iron larch to learn from the cuckoo how to recover; on the way, the tit, the kuksha warn the young man that his sister has trapped him into the line to marry the son of the master of heaven; he does not believe, sticks to a stone at the butt of a larch; a devil with two heads and a devil with three heads bring him inside the rock; he is teased like a bear; an iron rat gnaws through his fetters, he comes out of the cliff, kills a pig, pulls it out of it a box with eggs in it, presses them, killing the devils; frees the daughter of the water owner captured by them; flies to heaven, kills her sister and her husband; when she returns, she shoots a cuckoo, she turns into a woman, he is on it marries]: 230-240; wilta [two younger women went for firewood, the eldest is at home; an old woman is coming: belly - blacksmith's fur, hands - forceps, head - hammer, eyes the size of a cup; the woman hid under bunk beds; the old woman began to dance, dropping a lizard, a frog; farted; the woman laughed; old woman: come out, I'll look for lice from you; found one: where to crush? put it in my bag; old woman: does not fit; then the same thing: on my hand; on the hearth board; on the bed; on my back; on my head; into the fire; on the tongue; old woman: then stick out your tongue; the old woman pulled it out and left, woman fell dead; the sisters returned: the eldest died long ago; the middle sister stayed at home (all the same); when the youngest was left and the old woman farted, she attacked her with a dagger, cut off her arms and legs, drove her away, chopping; a lot of worms have come out of her, they cry; she caught up to the house in which the girl; says that the old woman killed her parents and raised her at home; there is a box in the house with the soul of an old woman in it; the woman found in a box of lizards and frogs, suppressed everyone, then the old woman died; she saw two tongues hanging, blood was dripping from them; she inserted her tongues into her sisters, they came to life; all four (three sisters and that girl) came to another old woman with a hammerhead; old woman: yesterday my sister was killed, one worm came to cry; she curses, and her husband pacifies her, tells the women to leave as soon as possible; they came to a house where shamanic idols or people (more the informant does not remember)]: Ikegami 2007, No. 15:54-62.

SV Asia. Coastal Koryaks [Triton takes his wife Ememkut a; he comes for her three times, is killed by Triton, revived by his father Big Raven; Spider explains that Triton keeps his heart in box; E. takes the box, throws his heart into the fire, Triton dies]: Jochelson 1908, No. 67:227-230.

NW Coast. Nootka [the cannibal seals the children's eyes with resin, takes the children in the basket; some run away along the way, the cannibal smokes the rest; women cry; one blows her nose, a boy emerges from the snot; hides in a tree above the water; the Resin Woman sees his reflection, thinks it's her; he drops a leaf; she asks him to go down, make her beautiful; he breaks her head between stones; comes to into her house; the pot screams, calls the mistress; the cannibal comes to life, comes; her heart hangs on the wall; the young man pierces him with an arrow; the woman dies; he revives the children, they return to their parents]: Boas 1895, No. 9 [ A young man goes to save children]: 114; 1916, No. 6 [Forest Woman; three boys run away; a cannibal asks Snot to be her husband]: 903-907; Sapir, Swadesh 1939, No. 21 [Resin Woman; one girl runs away]: 89-97; poppies [like a noodle; the cannibal herself reports that her heart is hanging at home; leads Snot there, he pierces her heart with an arrow; without a watchdog pot; see motif J58, motif K27]: Densmore 1939:211-213 .

The coast is the Plateau. Chilcotin [a girl marries a man who turns out to be a Bear; her younger brother finds her, kills a Bear; she makes her fangs first from roots, then from bone needles, and turns herself to the Bear; kills everyone in the village except her younger sister; his younger brother returns from hunting, his sister tells him that the Bear keeps her life in a basket under the roof; he pierces the basket with an arrow, The bear dies; the sister marries her brother, gives birth to a son; the bear comes to life, kills her sister, puts her skin on; the boy informs his father about this; he burns the basket with the Bear's life, revives his wife; runs with her and her son; Loon and Dirok transport them across the river; the Bear comes to life again, chases the fugitives; transporting her, Loon and Dirok break the boat, the fish eat the Bear]: Farrand 1900, No. 8:19-23; thompson [baby cries, parents: Owl, come pick him up; Owl takes the boy in his basket, makes him grow up quickly, hunt himself; Owl's heart hangs on the wall in his house; young man throws him into the fire, the Owl dies; the raven shows the young man's relatives where to find him; his sister and mother take him home; he swims in the lake, turns into a loon; goes out to his sister, bringing her shells dentarium; one girl rejects the grooms; follows that young man's sister, asks him to be grabbed when he goes ashore, pours a potion on him, restoring his human appearance; he enters the Nttsaaz house ( a small smelly creature), puts on the skin of n; parents mockingly tell that girl to marry n.; everyone laughs at her; the husband comes out of his skin at night, carries out her father-in-law's errands (chop a lot firewood, hunt at night); wife burns his skin, he stays handsome]: Teit 1917b, No. 16:26-30; skagit [cannibal sisters killed; fox comes to their house; the hearts of the last younger sister hang on the walls and her children; he smashes them with a stick, cannibals die]: Haeberlin 1924, No. 11:386-388; Puget Sound: Ballard 1929:68-80 [two sisters dig the roots of the fern, stay overnight on the prairie; alone wants a white, another red star as her husband; when they wake up, they are in the sky; the white star is an old man, the red star is young; husbands do not tell me to dig deep roots; the older sister is pregnant, the youngest she sits by the smoke hole so as not to be seen crying because she had an old husband; when the boy grew up, he dug a hole, from there the wind, the husbands immediately felt it, but the women managed to close hole; weave a rope and go down with the baby; while everyone is swinging on a rope and an old toad is watching the baby, the salmon stole the boy (this is the next Month); the mother found a rotten tree in the cradle, moistened the diaper, squeezed out five times, a second boy appeared (the future Sun); the yellow woodpecker goes to look for the Month, cannot pass between the crushing rocks; the same another woodpecker, raven, osprey; the blue jay flew by; A month promised to come later; put a stick between the rocks so that the blue jay could slip back; Married for a month to a woman who is one of the salmon; his son does not want to let him go; Month: New things are coming generation, and you (i.e. salmon) will be food; The month first made a mistake, told the salmon to go down, only then told them to go up; meets people fighting; What are you doing? - We fight; he turned them into birds and stones; turned little slaves into snipes; fishermen and people in the swamp into two types of ducks; people on the beach into oysters; people know that the Month changes the nature of people they meet, they want it kill; others argue about day and night, some want light and darkness every day, bear wants day and night to last for a year; now the bear sleeps all winter; the deer makes the tip of a spear; Month: what are you doing? - I want to kill the Transformer; Month: If you're a deer, they'll eat you; Norka argues with the Month who is who; Norka could not change the Month, and he turned it into a stick; he's Mink again; The Month cut him - the current minks turned out; four women drag each other by the hair; - We train to pull onions; The month turned them into 4 types of edible plants; made a man on the lake a beaver; carrying salmon - otter; Wild Cat roasts salmon, fell asleep; He ate everything for a month, the leftovers are in his face, now it has stripes, he has become a cat; 5 brothers are playing: fire, fire! It's all on fire; the trail: here, my grandson! but the quiver of the Month is burnt; across the river, old man Echo; only repeats: bring a boat! The month has passed by itself, began to fight Echo; bird: take the Echo giblets that hang on the wall of the dugout; the Echo echoed; the blue heron uses its head as a hammer, because stones and sticks alive; The Month made them with stones and sticks, made the Heron of Herons; The month gathered everyone to determine who should shine during the day and who should shine at night; tried the yellow hammer, but there is little light; the raven, the coyote, woodpecker is dark; hummingbirds are better, but the day is very short; younger brother The sun offered to be the sun for the Month, but it is too hot, the water is boiling; the Sun has begun to shine during the day, the Month at night; the old toad woman is now visible at night on the disc of the Month; the rope on which they swayed was up to the sky; Month: you can climb; but the Rat gnawed it, the Month turned it into a rat; the rocks on the mountain were transformed people; the Indians were relatives Months], 107-108 [Coyote kills snail cannibals; comes to their house; their children eat meat from the Coyote; he kills them by smashing their hearts hanging on their walls]; Cowlitz: Adamson 1934, No. 26 [The Chipmunk Grandma Olenikha raised; he climbed a tree, ate berries; a dangerous woman came, pretended to be his grandmother, promised to give roots to the camas; he threw her branches, jumped away, but she managed to scratch it back (stripes since then), licked the blood from her fingers, she liked it; grandmother hid it under the basket; grandmother promised to make the dangerous woman white and beautiful; you have to cover yourself with resin, jump on white stone, then tear off old skin; tried with one finger - it all happened; grandmother cut her neck with a sharp stone, covered her with stones; 5 sisters of a dangerous woman came, each tasted the meat given by her grandmother and died; Coyote found out that the children of dangerous women were still alive; asked his "sisters" what to do; they: then you'll say you knew everything yourself; Coyote: start, rain! they were frightened: the souls of dangerous women's children hang on the walls; the Coyote cut them; when people come now, they will populate the whole world, there will be no dangerous creatures]: 218-220; Jacobs 1934, No. 5 [Soft Basket woman lures men, bites off their penises with her vaginal teeth, feeds meat for her five children; Coyote asks her to close her eyes, inserts one long stone into her vagina first, then another; she turns into a rock, a waterfall flows from her vagina; Coyote beats her children, but they come to life; his excrement sisters explain that children's hearts hang separately; he pierces them, the woman's children die]: 188-189; clackamas [Grizzly marries a woman, she gives birth to a son and daughter; father and son eat a woman's brother; daughter and mother burn them in the house; a daughter kills a mother several times, she revives; a mother tells people that her daughter is dangerous; daughter steps on a lark; he reports that her mother's heart is in her hat; daughter burns her hat; marries the chief; turns into a grizzly, devours all people]: Jacobs 1958, No. 14:130-141; tillamook [The Wild Woman sends her two grandchildren to her husband Crane to tell them a story; he tells the same thing every night; the girl does not remember, the boy retells them mothers: On the river I saw a boat (= vagina) with a crooked paddler (clitoris); a woman is offended by the word curve); in the sky I saw a bunch of grass (pubic hair); a woman every time returns from her husband, scratching her hands so that the children think she was fighting him; the children spied on her grandmother, ran away; the Crane creates hills so that the Wild Woman does not catch up with them; she finds granddaughters dolls; conjures them, forcing a girl to incest with her brother; a boy is born; a Wild Woman kills his father by pointing her staff at him; a mother jumps into the fire, the child is saved by an Eagle; hides from his angry daughter; pretends to be a newborn; in the fire, the Eagle finds the boy's mother's ankle and his father's rib, lets him play with them; Eagle's daughter tells him that he plays with his parents' bones; turns into a mole; foster parents talk about the death of the real ones; a young man learns to fly from Thunderbird, a mole sister goes underground; Blue Jay says that the heart of the Wild Woman is in her wicker headdress, hangs on the wall; he is torn, the Wild Woman dies; more about the young man's matchmaking to the daughter of Thunderbird, giving difficult assignments; see motive K27]: Jacobs, Jacobs 1959, No. 14:46-54; Western sachaptines [1) two hummingbird brothers killed the Coyote, threw him into the river; when Magpie flew to peck at him, he came to life (and in future); said that the Hummingbird's hearts were white feathers on the hill; the Coyote ran, broke his feathers, told the Hummingbird to be a hummingbird; 2) the girl on the cliff invited Coyote to look down at the mountain ram, threw it down with a horn stick; Magpie advised her to kill; Coyote pushed her, told her to be a mountain sheep; 3) the girl offered to lie down with her, bit off Coyote's penis, threw the corpse into the river; Magpie ordered a bone to be inserted into the girl's bosom; having broken her vaginal teeth, Coyote turned the girl into an oyster; 4) girl asked her to be carried across the river, refused to get down; when she realized it was a Coyote, she threw it into the water; Magpie told me if it was cold to throw her into the fire; she became a leech]: Farrand, Meyer 1917, No. 5 : 151-153; ne perse: Phinney 1934 [two brothers kill people; their hearts in feathers attached to a tree at the top of the mountain; Coyote destroys feathers; brothers die, turn into hummingbirds]: 60-62; Klamath: Barker 1963, No. 4 [red-haired woman married; after going through the mountains, tells only his youngest brother to accompany her; sleeps with him; he leaves a branch instead of himself, runs away; redhead sets fire to the world; only the mother of the sibling is saved; finds a boy and a girl in the charred body of his daughter-in-law; knowing that the girl will repeat the crime of a redhead, glues them together into one two-headed creature; he sees his double shadow, fires an arrow, she falls, separates her sister from him; children make the Sun say who killed their parents; the redhead lives in the lake, the girl cuts off her head, brings it to her grandmother; brother and the sister goes down through the hearth; the brother's arrow gets stuck in the tree; the sister agrees to get it after her brother calls her not sister, niece, etc., but wife; gets pregnant with her brother; grandma finds puts on the skin of a bear killed by her grandson, turns into a Bear, catches up with and kills her grandson; letting the Bear drink, the sister wife throws a hot stone in her ass; she dies; the sister-wife takes the child, rushes into the fire; Kmúkamch snatches the boy; decides not to put him on his forehead, but to place him under his knee; his daughter brings the boy out of the abscess; the baby cries; K. says various names; the boy stops crying when the name Aishísh is named; he grows up; K. tells him to get the birds; advises him to undress before that; makes the reeds or pine trees grow; puts on his son's clothes, comes instead of him, takes his wives; butterfly sisters save A., he returns; larks in reeds; A. marries Butterflies and other insect women; tells his son to throw at his bullfinch wife fire five hearts of K., which are at his feet; K. dies]: 25-29, 47; Gatschet 1890 [Kmúkamch created everything alive and inanimate, in particular fish; made a dam so that people could fish when southern the wind dried the riverbed; fell in love with one of his son's wives Aishísh; said that eagles had nestled on horse sorrel; sent A. to get them and pick up his clothes himself; A. found it there ordinary birds, but sorrel grew and A. could not get off; K. took his form, put on his clothes, came to his wives; the one he was in love believed, the others did not; A. was thin; two butterfly girls found him, washed, lowered down in the basket; A. went to look for wives; found Chaffinch and Crane, who were digging up the roots; Chaffinch's child was the first to recognize him; two wives, and then the third, Water Hen, gladly accepted; he gave them porcupine needle necklaces; A. asked his son to take possession of his grandfather's smoking pipe; as soon as A. threw it into the fire; as soon as the pipe burned down, K. died; then came to life, smeared the sky with resin and set fire; burning resin covered the ground, but A. and his family dug into the shelter; his third wife looked out, a drop of resin hit her forehead; since then, the water chicken has a mark on this place]: xxxv-xxxvi.

The Midwest. Menominee: Bloomfield 1928, No. 101 [the old man invites a young hunter into his boat, which rushes across the lake by herself, the hunter loses strength; on the shore, the ogre's wife pierces him with her digging stick; this is how all brothers die; the youngest becomes a feather, flies to a tree on which the hearts of cannibals lie, pierces them with arrows, both die; their daughter is good, also tells them to kill their dog, their bodies to be burned; the young man on she marries, revives her brothers by throwing arrows over them; one brother remains lame, the girl accidentally changed her bones; at home, the young men's sister does not believe that they have returned; all this time the foxes mocked her, they said that her brother came, urinated in her eyes, she was blind; the young man's wife heals her eyes; he himself kills all but one foxes that come in with a club; therefore, there are few silver foxes]: 395-409; Skinner, Satterlee 1915, No. 39 [the leader's daughter refuses everyone; the young man plays the flute, the girl agrees to marry him; a year later they move in with his parents; he has a mistress; spreads a rumor that he was killed in the war, marries mistress; the first wife recognizes the voice of his flute; wants to kill the mouse; she says that her husband's death is in a bundle of dry bones; the wife opens the package, killing her husband, his new wife and her relatives; turns into a fishing marten (fisher); rises to the sky, becomes Big Bear = Mustess Star]: 471-474; Western Ojibwa: Blackwood 1929, No. 3 [giant killed everyone, grandmother Manabazoo hid in a hole from the teepee pole; M. made all the animals out of the ground, revived them, released them into the forest; greased the boat to swim across the resin near the giant's house; bribed the guards - made the whale the greatest he gave fish, poison to rattlesnakes, painted them; gave tobacco to bears (like a whale); fed parrots, they did not raise the alarm; they reported that the giant's vulnerable place was under a scythe at the back of his head; M. hit this place with an arrow, took out the paints from there, released the birds from captivity, painted; the woodpecker made it beautiful for help, left the crow and the crow black for ridicule; the squirrel showed where the bag with the hearts of the dead people was; on the way back M. and the squirrel was swallowed by a whale; M. pierced his heart with an arrow, released black paint; the grandmother saw it on the water; M. told the birds to hammer a hole outside the whale, M. and the squirrel came out; M. painted the seagull white, He gave claws to the crowd, made him the leader of birds; on the feast, M. gave votes to the birds; the squirrel carried their hearts to the graves, M. revived people; the squirrel gave the right to all nuts; people named M. Hiawatha, "All the Father"]: 329-332; Radin 1914, No. 13 [an old minito man killed everyone but a boy and their uncle; an uncle hides a young man from a minito; the boy says he is stronger; together with a young man comes to an old man; he sends them to kill a bear, a raccoon, a cougar; the boy promises Puma not to kill him if he tells him where the hearts of the old man, his wife and dog are; Puma: at Loon on the lake; Loon gives his hearts a boy kills an old man, his wife and dog; revives people by throwing a ball and shouting that he is falling], 25 [as in (13); grandmother instead of uncle; boy fasting, finds out that the hearts of enemies are kept by a jackdaw (blackbird) on the island], 32 [minito chases two girls; tells the young man that his and his dogs have the hearts of a bird on the line; a young man gets hearts, kills a minito, takes girls as wives]: 25-27, 49-51, 63-64; the northern Ojibwa (Sandy Lake) [giants are invulnerable, killing people; the fat man dreamed that the hearts of giants lie on a platform in their village; people pierced hearts with arrows, giants died ]: Ray, Stevens 1971:76-77; Eastern Swamp Cree (Winisk River) [some wihtigo cannibals leave their hearts on the platform in a safe place and are therefore difficult to kill]: Bird 2007:114.

Northeast. Naskapi [Manich and his son ate people; in one village they waited for them to get fat; when they fell asleep, people ran to the forest, where they had spears; M. and son started fighting, people stabbing them; Mistapeo (shaman?) said cannibal hearts on an old birch tree; they were pierced, cannibals died]: Millman 1993:77-78; Seneca: Curtin, Hewitt 1918, No. 4 [see motive I4; girl rejects suitors; marries handsome a stranger; this is a water serpent; a ball of snake hearts is hidden under a bed; the Thunders ask her to help them; the hearts of the Snakes that she has carried away are struck, they die], 23 [two old men chase a man; he beats them in vain with a hammer; they take him away in their boat; someone tells him that their hearts are hung aft by a rope; a man presses hearts, old people die], 114 [a witch's daughter comes to marry the youngest of seven brothers; mistakenly sits on the elder's bed; the youngest rejects her love; she scratches her legs with thorns, accuses the young man of attempting violence; the brothers want to cut off his head, their knives do no harm; The young man tells his sister to cut off his head, put it back around his neck; tells him to leave him and his sister in a house made of solid logs; the witch sends a storm; the brothers disappear, the younger and sister are saved, but the wind blows his eyes away; his sister marries the witch's son, gives birth to twin sons; the grandmother gives them a ball to play; following the ball, they come to their blind uncle; they put in the eyes of owls, eagles, they don't they are suitable; each give one to their own eyes; they come to their aunts (the daughters of the witch); they turn into fleas, bite their feet; each aunt thinks that the other is stinging her; they fight, they kill each other; twins find a baby girl decorated with human eyes; send eyes to owners; a girl has a witch's life; twins kill a girl, a witch dies]: 86-90, 144-147, 543-555.

Plains. Blacklegged [the buffalo chief promises the hunter chief's wife not to lead her herd from under the arrows if she becomes his wife; she agrees; Bluebird talks about the incident to her human husband; reports that a buffalo leader can only be killed with a blunt yellow arrow at a red spot on his head; then rip open his belly, a bird will fly out of there, kill it, then the bison will die; an ant, a partridge is endowed the man takes their form; he flies to the buffalo to scout; at this time, the bison tells his wife to embroider his moccasins with porcupine needles, otherwise he will kill him; worms do it for a woman; the bison gives a horn for water; that reports that the woman met someone; she denies, the birds confirm her words; the spouses fly away in the guise of ants, then partridges; flee in their true form; the woman consistently takes pictures, throws one, the second moccasins to the buffalo, then legs, stockings (garters), dress, belt, shirt; each time the bison stops, wasting time; the spouses climb a tree, the bison run by; the last the lame stops, the woman spits on him, the bison returns; the man kills them, the chief is the last; the wife cries; the husband cuts off his wife's breasts and genitals, puts the bison's genitals in her throat]: Wissler, Duvall 1908, No. 27:112-116; iowa, oto [Muskrat rules people, does not give them commercial animals; summons Rabbit to compete (gambling, running); Rabbit wins; sends instead of competing his own skin, he comes to Muskrat's wife himself, deceives her to find out where he hides his heart; gives Beaver an ax (i.e. sharp teeth), for which he gets his heart for a while, replaces the heart of the Muskrat when the Guardian Loon pulls it out; burns the heart, Muskrat and his wife turn into a muskrat]: Dorsey 1892:294; arpaho [cannibal dwarf hearts hang on the wall in theirs at home; a person comes there when the house is empty or there is only one blind dwarf; pierces hearts with a sharp stick or awl; dwarfs die]: Dorsey, Kroeber 1903, No. 64-65:122-123; wichita: Dorsey 1904a, No. 8 [an ogre kidnaps a woman; she runs away, gets to an old man who lives in a rock; he kills an ogre; she marries the old man's seven sons - Fat Dog and his brothers; two-faced monsters Six brothers are killed, the old man revives them; the lungs of monsters hang on the walls of the cave; the Fat Man pierces them with an arrow, the monsters die; when children offend Fat's child, the whole family goes to heaven; brothers turn into a Big Dipper, an old man into a North Star, a woman into a star next to him], 11 [see J4B motif; a two-faced monster takes a man away; his son eats flints; comes to monsters; their hearts hang on the walls of the cave; he pierces them, monsters die; he finds his father, rises to heaven with him, they turn into stars], 12 [see J19 motif; a two-faced monster kills a woman, her sons kill monsters]: 63-69, 81-87, 88-95

California. Karok [the hearts of the giant's children hang on the wall in their home; the Coyote throws hearts into the fire, the children die]: Kroeber, Gifford 1980, No. A4:8; chupa [Coyote cuts to death with a two-headed sedge monster; kills his wife Frog; his children's hearts hang on the wall of their home; Coyote kills children by throwing hearts into the fire]: Goddard 1904, No. 5:167-168.

Big Pool. Southern Utah [an ogre bear's life is in his lungs; he hides them in bushes; humans or Wolf pierces his lungs with an arrow]: Lowie 1924, No. 43, 43a: 71-72.

The Great Southwest. Yavapai [Coyote's wife's older brothers kill him; she turns into a bear, kills them; her heart is hidden at home under a pile of leaves; Blue Jay reports this to her younger brother; he cuts the heart, the sister dies; he brings the brothers back to life]: Gifford 1933a: 377-381; hicarilla: Russel 1898 [playing with others, the boy depicts a bear; when he comes out of a hole on the hillside, his hands and his legs turn into paws; for the fourth time he becomes a Bear, devours everyone; the fox pretends to be an ogre; invites the Bear to make his paws thinner to run better; breaks them, Bear dies; a fox comes to two other Bears; humans can't kill them because their hearts are kept in their homes; Fox hurts hearts, monsters die]: 262-263; Navajo: Haile 1984, No. 17:86-87; Matthews 1994:102-103; O'Bryan 1956:40-44 [12 hunting brothers have sister Ataed'diy ini; she promises to marry only the one who kills the giant; the giant walks slowly, rarely manages to catch a person and put him in his basket; the Coyote tells the giant that he will make him as fast as he is; in the steam room, both drink vomit, each regurgles into his vessel; Coyote has grasshoppers, the giant has meat; the Coyote replaces blood vessels, explains to the giant that because of these grasshoppers, he walks slowly; quietly puts a deer on his leg, cuts it in half; lets the giant feel his severed leg first, then his whole leg, the giant believes that by cutting and coalescing his leg, the Coyote gained strength; allows his leg to be cut off, Coyote takes it away, says A., who killed the giant; she sets a new condition: first she kills the Coyote, then he must come to life ; The coyote hides his heart and lungs in a hole under the hill, wrapped in a black wind; she kills him, he comes to life; so 4 times (his heart and lungs are wrapped in blue, yellow, white wind, holes lead east, south, west, north); Coyote marries A., teaches all his tricks; A. hides the Coyote under the blanket, the brothers smell it; the brothers leave the house to sister and Coyote, build a hut for themselves; the brothers cross the canyon is on the rainbow, and the Coyote was forced to move; the mountain sheep had horns full of bone marrow; one of the brothers killed a ram, the Coyote wanted horns for himself (the one who killed them gets them); when the brother began to cut off the horns, The coyote made the horns bony; the traces of trying to cut them off are circular rings on the outer surface; (option: Coyote tries to cut off the horns himself, hits them furiously on the ground, and forms the canyons of the Mesa Verde district); the brothers turn the meat into a small ball, tell them to take it to their sister, not put it on the ground; the Coyote puts it, the ball turns into a pile of meat, the Coyote does not know what to do; insults swallow people; two spiders quietly weave the wall behind the Coyote, he can't jump over it, the swallows kill him, make his forehead bandages out of stripes, and since then the swallows have a stripe on their foreheads], 44-47 [ against the wishes of her brothers, the girl marries Coyote; he dies because of his stupidity, she accuses her brothers of killing him; makes her teeth out of bone awls, turns into a Bear; arrows they bounce off her, she keeps her heart under a pile of leaves; her brothers hide the youngest under the hearth, run away themselves; she catches up and kills them, finds the youngest; he runs to the place where her heart is hidden, hits him with an arrow; cuts her body into pieces, throws them, they turn into pignons, yuca fruits, bears, porcupines, etc.]; zunyi [the heart of a woman in a calebasa rattle; twins kill woman]: Parsons 1923a: 142-144; Stevenson 1904:38.