Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

L16A. Eyes on legs. (.

The creature's eyes are located on his feet.

SW Africa. The Bushmen [Kauha always lost to Gongochi Dasi when playing war with him because he did not know where his eyes were; found what was on his ankles; threw him into the fire, burned his eyes]: Kotlyar 1983, No. 122:250-251 ; Hottentots [used to be people who had eyes not on their faces, but on their feet; they walked on bare ground because they saw nothing in the grass; they were not cannibals, they ran fast]: Schmidt 2007, No. 37:96- 97.

West Africa. Yoruba [when people's eyes were on their feet and not on their faces as they are now, the sky was low, people were talking to God; he was so tired that he brought down a downpour on the ground that turned all people into lepers {and obviously pushed the sky away}]: Walker, Walker 1980:25.

Taiwan - Philippines. Payvan: Egli 1989 [The sun laid an egg, the first man hatched from it; only brother and sister survived the flood, got married, they have two children with eyes on their feet; the children got married, theirs children eyes on their knees; they also got married, their children have eyes where they are now]: 31; Whitehorn, Earle 2003, No. 63 [Padain and Kapayuanan villages are located nearby; when their residents are fighting each other At night, Padain wins, and when during the day, Kapayuanan; this is because the first have eyes on their knees and the latter have their eyes on their faces]: 291.

Japan. Japanese [in Kumamoto City, near Hommyoji Temple, there is a deserted meadow; a person walking at night with a lantern asks to shine to tie his legs; a person sees live eyes on his calves ; runs in fear; tells the owner of the tavern about what happened; he shows his leg, and his eyes are also on it (=Japanese tales 1991, No. 163:347-348)]: Markova 2000, No. 163:436-438.

Mesoamerica The Aztecs [Codex Magliabechiano 76r: an image of tsitsimitl with clawed legs, a snake hanging from a vagina, a skeleton's skull and neck, mouths and eyes on elbows and knees - a characteristic feature Aztec demonic creatures]: Boone 1999, fig. 18:198.

Eastern Brazil. Kayapo [outsiders kill a girl; men kill strangers, they come to life every time; they have eyes on their feet; they get hit on their feet, they die]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1984a, No. 125, 126:392-394.